Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 379–384 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Aquatic Botany journal homepage: Why the free floating macrophyte Stratiotes aloides mainly grows in highly CO2-supersaturated waters Lasse Tor Nielsen, Jens Borum * Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Helsingørsgade 51, DK-3400 Hillerød, Denmark A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Article history: Received 11 December 2007 Received in revised form 31 March 2008 Accepted 7 April 2008 Available online 23 April 2008 We examined how the freely floating macrophyte, Stratiotes aloides L., sampled from a CO2supersaturated pond, changes leaf morphology, photosynthesis and inorganic carbon acquisition during its different submerged and emerged life stages in order to evaluate whether S. aloides requires consistently supersaturated CO2 conditions to grow and complete its life cycle. Submerged rosettes formed from over-wintering turions had typical traits of submerged plants with high specific leaf area and low chlorophyll a concentrations. Emergent leaf parts of mature, floating specimens had typical terrestrial traits with stomata, low specific leaf area and high chlorophyll a content, while offsets formed vegetatively and basal, submerged parts of mature plants showed traits in between. All submerged leaf types exhibited some ability to use HCO3 but only rosettes formed from turions had efficient HCO3 use. Rosettes also had the highest CO2 affinity and maximum CO2-saturated photosynthesis in water. Halfsaturation constants for CO2 (21–74 mM CO2) were for all submerged leaf parts 5–140 times lower than the concentrations of free CO2 in the pond (350–2800 mM CO2). Emergent leaves were less efficient in water but had significantly higher photosynthesis than submerged, mature leaf parts in air, and rates of photosynthesis of emergent leaves in air were three to five times higher than rates of CO2-saturated photosynthesis of the three submerged leaf types in water. Underwater photosynthetic rates estimated at CO2 concentrations corresponding to air equilibrium were not sufficiently high to support any noticeable growth except for rosettes, in which bicarbonate utilization combined with high CO2 affinity resulted in photosynthetic rates corresponding to almost 34% of maximum rates at high free CO2. We conclude that S. aloides requires consistently high CO2-supersaturation to support high growth and to complete its life cycle, and we infer that this requirement explains why S. aloides mainly grows in ponds, ditches and reed zones that are characterized by strong CO2-supersaturation. ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Stratiotes aloides Photosynthesis Inorganic carbon acquisition Bicarbonate utilization CO2-supersaturation 1. Introduction The free floating amphibious plant Stratiotes aloides L. (Water Soldier) grows in ponds and ditches and in reed zones of rivers and larger lakes in temperate areas (Sculthorpe, 1967; Cook and UrmiKo¨nig, 1983). When present in small water bodies, the species is often dominant and completely covers the water surface with a dense and highly productive stand of up to 50 cm high floating rosettes (Sculthorpe, 1967). However – and maybe luckily – the species seems less able to establish and spread on open surfaces of larger lakes. Free floating plants are traditionally thought to occur in small, sheltered water bodies because they are vulnerable to high physical exposure and require relatively high nutrient richness due to lack of sediment nutrient access (Sculthorpe, * Corresponding author. Tel.: +453 532 1904. E-mail address: (J. Borum). 0304-3770/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2008.04.008 1967). However, in addition to shelter, the typical growth locality of S. aloides is water of high total alkalinity but with relatively low pH, and therefore consistent CO2-supersaturation (Prins and Deguia, 1986). Here we wished to evaluate whether the distribution of this species could also be determined by its need for a richer CO2-supply than normally offered in large alkaline lakes with high pH and low free CO2 availability. S. aloides L. is a dioecious, perennial species with a life cycle of alternating submerged and emergent stages. In northern temperate areas, including Denmark, mostly female specimens of S. aloides occur, and the plant only reproduces vegetatively (Cook and Urmi-Ko¨nig, 1983; Moeslund et al., 1990). Populations in nutrient poor, transparent waters have been reported to consist only of submerged individuals that never rise to the surface (Erixon, 1979; Renman, 1989), but most populations shift from a completely submerged life form during winter to a predominantly free floating form from spring through autumn. In late autumn S. aloides sinks to the bottom where it resides during winter, all the time carrying 380 L.T. Nielsen, J. Borum / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 379–384 green leaves but no roots (Erixon, 1979). In spring, plants rise to the surface and again form vigorously growing, floating rosettes of partly emergent leaves with stomata for efficient atmospheric CO2 uptake (Diannalidis, 1950). New plants are produced from overwintering turions formed by mature plants in the fall. Initially, leaves of the turions are thin, flaccid and fully submerged. Later, emergent leaves are produced. During summer, offsets connected by a stolon to the mother plant are produced by mature plants. At first, the offsets may rely on resource allocation from mother plants, but later they must build up their own capacity for underwater photosynthesis. Accordingly, S. aloides has different life cycle stages exposed to very different CO2-availabilities. S. aloides may partly meet the challenge of inorganic carbon acquisition in different life stages by acclimating leaf morphology and physiology, but we also hypothesized that either the species must have efficient bicarbonate use or it requires consistently high availability of free CO2 to complete its life cycle. Submerged leaves of amphibious rooted macrophytes are most often restricted to uptake of free CO2, and they have low photosynthetic rates at free CO2 concentrations in equilibrium with the atmosphere (Maberly and Spence, 1989; Sand-Jensen et al., 1992). The CO2 extraction capacity is somewhat higher in heterophyllous amphibious plants than in homophyllous due to thinner or finely dissected leaves, but maximum photosynthetic rates are still relatively low at equilibrium CO2 (Beer et al., 1991), and dense stands of amphibious macrophytes are primarily found in environments rich in free CO2, such as in streams and rivers (SandJensen et al., 1992). A bit surprising, submerged leaves of S. aloides seem able to utilize bicarbonate in contrast to other amphibious macrophytes (Prins and Deguia, 1986). Although the bicarbonate utilization efficiency was relatively low compared to that of an efficient bicarbonate user, Myriophyllum spicatum, and although Prins and Deguia (1986) assumed that the relative contribution from bicarbonate utilization in S. aloides was low in CO2-supersaturated ponds, bicarbonate utilization in submerged life stages may be sufficient to ensure life cycle completion in S. aloides. The main purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis, that S. aloides requires consistently CO2-supersaturated water to complete its life cycle. We assumed that if submerged leaves of S. aloides are efficient bicarbonate users or are able to obtain high photosynthetic rates at concentrations of free CO2 close to air equilibrium, other factors than inorganic carbon availability would be responsible for its preference for ponds, ditches and reed zones. We, therefore, examined the efficiency of bicarbonate utilization of the different submerged leaf types and the photosynthetic rates as functions of manipulated concentrations of free CO2. Finally, we compared rates of photosynthesis in air of emergent leaves with underwater photosynthesis. 2. Materials and methods Plants were collected from a small (0.5 ha), 5 m deep pond, Lyngsø (558580 N, 128250 E), in Northern Sealand, Denmark, during mid-summer 2006. The plants were brought submerged or semisubmerged to the laboratory and kept in aerated water at ambient temperature and dim light for no longer than 48 h before being used in experiments. The plants were divided into four morphologically distinct leaf types following the developmental stages and life forms outlined earlier: (1) underwater rosettes originating from turions, (2) offsets still attached by a stolon to the mother plant, (3) basal, submerged parts of leaves of mature, emergent individuals and (4) emerged parts of leaves of emergent individuals identified by the presence of stomata. Water samples (n = 3) were collected from the pond several times during summer and on one occasion in winter. The water was kept cold in completely filled glass bottles with airtight closing and analysed for pH, conductivity and alkalinity immediately after return to the laboratory. The pH was measured with a combination electrode connected to a pH-M82 standard pHmeter (Radiometer, Denmark) and conductivity with a YSI 30M/ 10FT multimeter (YSI Incorporated, Yellow Springs, OH 45387, USA). Alkalinity was determined by end-point titration with HCl, and the concentration of free CO2 was calculated based on alkalinity, pH, conductivity and temperature according to Mackereth et al. (1978). pH-drift experiments were conducted in order to evaluate whether each of the four leaf types were able to utilize HCO3 as an inorganic carbon source. Experiments were carried out in 50 ml glass bottles using a 1:1 mixture of water from the sampling site and demineralised water to reduce the buffer capacity. All four leaf types were examined along with control bottles without plant material. Each leaf type was represented by five replicate bottles. Three to four 3 cm long leaf sections of S. aloides were placed in each bottle. Initial pH was 7.80 0.01 (mean S.D.), initial alkalinity 0.98 0.08 meq l1 and initial conductivity 119 1 mS cm1. All bottles were mounted on a rotating wheel placed in a water-filled chamber cooled to 15 8C. The light source was a 500 W mercury lamp delivering 300– 400 mmol photons m2 s1 (PAR) inside the bottles. The bottles were incubated for 24 h after which pH, conductivity and alkalinity in the bottles were recorded and applied in calculations of terminal CO2-concentrations. Submerged photosynthesis at varying pH corresponding to different concentrations of free CO2 was measured with the purpose of determining (1) the rate of maximum photosynthesis (Pmax), (2) the CO2 compensation point (CO2comp), (3) the half-saturation constant for CO2 uptake (K0.5) and (4) the initial slope (a) of photosynthesis versus free CO2 concentration relationships for the four leaf types. The experiments were carried out by mounting two to four 7 cm long leaf sections of S. aloides in a closed, water filled Plexiglas chamber (167 ml) cooled to 15 8C. Before mounting, the leaves were gently wiped with paper cloth under water to remove epiphytes. The water was from the sampling site, and a magnetic stirrer homogenised the water. Irradiance was supplied by a halogen spot light (600 mmol photons m2 s1). The oxygen concentration in the chamber was continuously recorded with an oxygen minielectrode (OX500, Unisense, Denmark) connected to a Unisense PA2000 picoameter and data were logged through an AD-converter (ADC16, PicoLog, UK) connected to a computer. A pH-electrode was also mounted in the chamber and connected to a pH-M82 pH-meter. Initially pH was reduced to 6.5 by adding HCl and the chamber was closed. After an acclimation period of 30 min, changes in oxygen concentrations were recorded. The availability of free CO2 was gradually reduced by raising pH with NaOH to 10 in steps of 0.5 0.1 pH units (mean S.D.; n = 4). Rate of change in oxygen concentration was measured at each pH-level and associated to CO2 concentration. Recording periods of 3–5 min with linear increase in oxygen concentration were required to calculate photosynthetic rates but without raising pH by more than 0.01 unit during the incubation. The free CO2 concentrations were calculated from pH assuming constant DIC in the chamber (Mackereth et al., 1978). For each experiment, leaf area was measured with a LI-COR LI3000 (Lambda Instruments Corporation, USA). Emergent leaves were cut longitudinally in advance to allow correct area measurements. Leaves were freeze-dried and weighed to determine dry mass. For determination of chlorophyll a content, ca. 5 mg dry material was ground and extracted in 96% ethanol for 24 h in darkness. After filtration, absorbance was measured on a spectrophotometer and chlorophyll a content was calculated according to Wintermans and DeMots (1965). L.T. Nielsen, J. Borum / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 379–384 Aerial photosynthesis was measured in a 4.9 l Plexiglas chamber containing atmospheric air and placed in a 14 8C thermostatically controlled room. Two to four leaves were mounted on a net in the middle of the chamber. A small pump and water-soaked tissue paper was placed in the bottom to ensure well-mixed, humid air. The chamber was closed by a Plexiglas lid and sealed with vaseline. Irradiance was 250 mmol photons m2 s1 and full light saturation may not have been achieved. Hence, differences in photosynthetic rates might have been conservatively estimated. The experiments were initiated by taking out two 2 ml samples with syringes through a serum stopper placed in the lid. Samples were analysed in an ADC225 MK3 infrared gas analyzer (Analytical Development Co., UK), and the CO2 concentrations were determined using 100 ml aliquots of an acidified 1.00 mM HCO3 solution as standard. Sets of two samples were taken from the chamber at 6–10 min intervals and the photosynthetic rate was calculated from the linear decrease in CO2 observed over periods of 20–50 min. A photosynthetic quotient of 1.0 (mol/mol) was used to convert photosynthetic rates measured as CO2 to O2. Aerial photosynthesis was determined only for the submerged and emerged part of emergent leaves, each of which was represented by three replicates. Leaf area, dry weight and chlorophyll content were determined as described above. 2.1. Calculations and statistical methods Final pH and CO2 concentration of the four leaf types in the pHdrift experiment were compared by analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and a Tukey test for all pairwise multiple comparisons. Rates of aerial photosynthesis were compared by Student t-test. Rates of carbon uptake of submerged leaves were for each replicate series fitted by non-linear regression to a Hill–Whittingham equation (Hill and Whittingham, 1955), modified by adding a parameter (P CO2 ¼0 ) representing carbon uptake at ‘‘zero’’ free CO2: 1 P ¼ 0:5ðð½CO2 R 1 þ K 0:5 R þ Pmax Þ 2 0:5 ðð½CO2 R1 þ K 0:5 R1 þ P max Þ 4½CO2 R1 P max Þ Þ þ PCO2 ¼0 where P is the net photosynthesis, [CO2] is the concentration of free CO2 and R is the CO2 transport resistance. The P CO2 ¼0 , the maximum net photosynthesis (Pmax), the half-saturation constant (K0.5) and the CO2 compensation point (CO2comp) were extracted or calculated from the individual fits, while initial slopes of the photosynthesis versus CO2 curves (a) were determined by linear regression using the 9–12 data points with the lowest CO2 concentration. Photosynthetic parameters of the four leaf types were compared by one-way ANOVA and a Tukey test for all pairwise multiple comparisons. K0.5 values were log transformed before statistical analysis in order to meet the requirement of normality. The significance level of all statistical analyses was set at 0.05. 3. Results 3.1. Inorganic carbon availability in the pond With a relatively constant alkalinity of around 2.2 meq l1 in the pond, equilibrium pH should be approximately 8.3 but varied between a minimum of 6.2 in August and 7.3 in December reflecting that the pond was consistently supersaturated with free CO2. Total dissolved inorganic carbon varied between 2.5 and 5.0 mM and free CO2 ranged from 350 in December to 2800 mM in summer versus the less than 20 mM at equilibrium with atmospheric air. 381 Table 1 End pH and CO2 concentration of the pH-drift experiments with four Stratiotes aloides leaf types (mean S.D.; n = 4–5) CO2 (mM) pH Rosettes Offsets Submerged Emergent a 10.05 0.05 9.56 0.21b 9.35 0.24b 9.59 0.33b 0.11 0.02 a 0.59 0.28b 0.99 0.56b 0.45 0.32b Initial pH was 7.80 and the concentration of free CO2 was 41 mM. Letters (a and b) indicate statistical differences (Tukey test). 3.2. Chlorophyll content and specific leaf area Rosettes, offsets and submerged leaf parts had chlorophyll a contents ranging from 22.6 to 45.7 mg chl. a m2, respectively (Table 2). Emerged leaf parts had significantly more chlorophyll per area with a mean chlorophyll content of 125 mg chl. a m2. For comparison, 14 species of submerged macrophytes had a mean chlorophyll content of 70 mg chl. a m2 (Nielsen and Sand-Jensen, 1989), and 22 terrestrial species had a mean chlorophyll content of 228 mg chl. a m2 (Murchie and Horton, 1997, values for both sun and shade leaves). Specific leaf area decreased in the order rosettes > offsets > submerged > emerged from 0.13 to 0.04 m2 g1 DW, showing that rosette leaves were the thinnest of the four and emerged leaves the thickest. The specific leaf area of the 14 submerged macrophyte species from the reference above ranged from 0.05 to 0.35 m2 g1 DW (average 0.17). The range of specific leaf area in 2548 terrestrial species was 0.000667–0.0714 m2 g1 DW (Wright et al., 2004). 3.3. HCO3 use examined by pH-drift experiments All four S. aloides leaf types raised pH and reduced the concentration of free CO2 significantly from the initial values of 7.80 and 41 mM. Final pH ranged from 10.05 for rosettes to 9.35 for submerged leaf parts with offsets and emergent leaves lying in between (Table 1). Correspondingly, rosettes had the lowest mean CO2 compensation point of 0.11 mM and submerged the highest of 0.99 mM, while offsets and emergent depleted CO2 concentrations to 0.59 and 0.45 mM. End pH was significantly higher and CO2 compensation point significantly lower for rosettes than for the other three leaf groups, which did not have significantly different end pH or compensation point. 3.4. Rates of photosynthesis versus free CO2 availability Rates of net photosynthesis varied substantially with changing concentrations of free CO2 for all four leaf types (Fig. 1). For three of the four, the Hill–Whittingham fit described data satisfactorily (r2 > 0.84), while high variability in the photosynthetic capacity of emergent leaves made the fit poor (r2 = 0.69). There were systematic differences in the photosynthetic parameters derived from the Hill–Whittingham fit for the four leaf types (Table 2). Rates of maximum under-water photosynthesis at high free CO2 varied from 59 mg O2 m2 h1 for offsets to 207 mg O2 m2 h1 for rosettes, while K0.5 ranged from 20.6 mM CO2 for offsets to 326 mM for emerged leaf parts. The estimated photosynthetic rate of rosettes at zero free CO2 was significantly above zero and higher than for the other leaf types. Rates at zero CO2 were positive for offsets and submerged leaves but not significantly different from zero, while the rate for emergent leaves was negative, and emergent leaves had a CO2 compensation point of 28.7 mM (Table 2). Initial slopes of the photosynthesis versus CO2 curves decreased in the order rosettes > offsets > submerged > emergent L.T. Nielsen, J. Borum / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 379–384 382 Fig. 1. Net photosynthesis of the four Stratiotes aloides leaf types in water as a function of the free CO2 concentration. The combined data set for each leaf type was fitted to a modified Hill–Whittingham equation by non-linear regression. Table 2 Photosynthetic parameters and leaf characteristics of different Stratiotes aloides leaf types K0.5a Rosettes Offsets Submerged Emergent ac Pmax b b 68.7 21.8 20.6 5.3a 74.4 19.3b 326 209c c 207 32 59 14a 150 11b 113 73b PCO2 ¼0 d c 13.0 3.4 7.1 1.6b 4.6 3.8ab 0.47 0.14a CO2compe c 31.9 6.4 2.2 2.5b 3.3 3.6b 13.5 7.8a – – – 28.7 Chl. af Areasg ab 28.5 3.4 45.7 6.7b 22.6 10.7 a 125 27c 0.129 0.011a 0.104 0.007ab 0.075 0.031b 0.038 0.006c Photosynthetic parameters attained from the photosynthesis experiments in water (mean S.D.; n = 4). Letters (a–c) indicate statistical differences (Tukey test). a Half-saturation constant (K0.5) in mM CO2. b Maximum net photosynthesis (Pmax) in mg O2 m2 h1. c Initial slope at free CO2 light (a) in mg O2 m2 h1 mM1 CO2. d Net photosynthesis at zero CO2 (P CO2 ¼0 ) in mg O2 m2 h1. e CO2 compensation point (CO2comp) in mM CO2. f Chlorophyll a content (Chl. a) in mg chl. a m2 leaf surface. g Specific leaf area (Areas) in m2 g1 DW. from 13.0 to 0.47 mg O2 m2 h1 mM1 CO2 reflecting that rosettes had the most efficient CO2 extraction and emergent leaves the least efficient. Photosynthetic rates at free CO2 concentrations in equilibrium with air (16 mM at 15 8C) were estimated from Hill–Whittingham fits for the individual leaf types. Rates were relatively high for rosettes (71 mg O2 m2 h1) but low for offsets and submerged leaf parts (28 and 30 mg O2 m2 h1, respectively) and negative for emergent leaves (8.2 mg O2 m2 h1). On a dry weight basis, rates were 9.1, 2.9, 2.0 and 0.30 mg O2 g1 DW h1 for rosettes, offsets, submerged and emergent, respectively. Rates of aerial photosynthesis were determined only for submerged and emerged leaf parts of emergent mature leaves Table 3 Rates of net photosynthesis in air of submerged and emerged leaf parts of mature, floating Stratiotes aloides plants (mean S.D.; n = 3) Photosynthetic rates (mg O2 m2 h1) Submerged Emerged 75 35 711 118 Means were significantly different (Student t-test, p < 0.05). (Table 3). Emergent leaves had a mean photosynthetic rate in air of 711 mg O2 m2 h1, which was significantly higher than the rate of 75 mg O2 m2 h1 displayed by the submerged leaf parts and about five times higher than the maximum photosynthetic rate in water (Table 2). 4. Discussion Our results showed that S. aloides copes with the different environments experienced during its life stages by exhibiting variable morphology and physiology towards that of submerged or emergent characteristics. Emergent leaf parts of mature rosettes had clear traits of terrestrial leaves characterized by well developed stomata, higher chlorophyll content than submerged leaves and a low specific leaf area. These traits allowed emergent leaves in air to obtain three to five times higher photosynthetic rates on a leaf area basis than submerged leaf parts. Submerged leaf parts of mature leaves and offsets had characteristics in between terrestrial and submerged leaves, but closest to the latter, while the rosettes originating from over-wintering turions had typical submerged traits with the high specific leaf area and low chlorophyll content that allow efficient light harvesting at low L.T. Nielsen, J. Borum / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 379–384 light intensities and extraction of inorganic carbon via liquid phase diffusion (Nielsen and Sand-Jensen, 1989). Many amphibious rooted macrophytes are heterophyllous with ‘‘terrestrial’’ leaves above water and thinner and more dissected leaves below water resulting in a much higher relative surface area (Maberly and Spence, 1989; Sand-Jensen et al., 1992). S. aloides does not have dissected, submerged leaves but the different leaf stages exhibit distinct morphological and functional adaptations to the ambient growth conditions with respect to both light and inorganic carbon. The pH-drift experiment and the measurement of photosynthetic rates at low concentrations of free CO2 confirmed the results reported by Prins and Deguia (1986), that at least rosettes formed from turions are able to use bicarbonate. As a general trend, amphibious plants seem, in contrast to consistently submerged rooted macrophytes, not able to use bicarbonate for photosynthesis (Spence and Maberly, 1985; Madsen and Sand-Jensen, 1991), but, clearly, S. aloides rosettes exhibited substantial capacity for bicarbonate utilization. In the pH-drift experiment, leaves formed from turions raised pH to above 10, and when manipulating the availability of free CO2, photosynthesis was significantly positive when extrapolating to zero free CO2. The bicarbonate extraction was not as efficient and prominent as in many truly submerged, primary water plants (Sand-Jensen et al., 1992) but sufficiently high to support rates of around 15% of maximum net photosynthesis at CO2 saturation. The finding of relatively efficient bicarbonate utilization was also surprising considering the very high concentrations of free CO2 (350–2800 mM) measured in Lyngsø, because at least some water plants reduce investment in enzyme capacity for bicarbonate utilization when living in a CO2-rich environment (Maberly and Spence, 1983; Madsen and SandJensen, 1987). While the capacity of bicarbonate utilization was relatively high in leaves from over-wintering turions, the other three leaf types had reduced or lost the capacity, and the bicarbonate utilization found in the present investigation would not be sufficient to allow successful completion of the S. aloides life cycle and reproduction in alkaline lakes with low concentrations of free CO2. The estimated photosynthetic rates of the different S. aloides leaf types obtained at CO2 concentrations corresponding to air equilibrium (16 mM at 15 8C) was only substantial for rosettes formed from over-wintering turions. The rate for rosettes was 71 mg O2 m2 h1 and corresponded to as much as 34% of the maximum photosynthetic rate at high free CO2 concentrations. This high rate was due to both more efficient bicarbonate use and higher CO2 affinity than for the other leaf types. Accordingly, rosettes would likely be able to grow also under conditions prevailing in lakes with low availability of free CO2. We speculate that the good performance of rosettes in CO2 poor waters may explain the occurrence of only submerged S. aloides populations in a shallow lake characterized by isoetids (Erixon, 1979; Renman, 1989). The phenomenon was attributed to low nutrient availability (Renman, 1989), but low CO2 availability might have allowed rosettes to survive and grow but not form emergent rosettes. In contrast to rosettes (9.1 mg O2 g1 DW h1), the other leaf types were estimated to obtain rates of net photosynthesis in light of less than 2.9 mg O2 g1 DW h1, which is close to the dark respiration rates of 0.4–1.5 mg O2 g1 DW h1 measured for whole shoots of different aquatic plants by Nielsen and Sand-Jensen (1989). When taking root respiration in light into account, these low photosynthetic rates most likely would not be sufficient to support substantial growth and successful completion of the S. aloides life cycle in larger lakes despite the fact that larger lakes in general also seem to be at least slightly over-saturated with free CO2 (Cole et al., 1994). 383 Even without bicarbonate utilization, all submerged leaf types seemed potentially able to saturate photosynthesis under the CO2-supersaturated conditions in Lyngsø. Values of K0.5 (CO2) for submerged leaves were between 21 and 74 mM or 5–140 times lower than the actual concentrations of CO2 found in the pond. Even in winter, when CO2 concentrations were the lowest (350 mM), there seemed to be sufficient free CO2 to saturate photosynthesis. Strong supersaturation with CO2 is known from other aquatic systems, with lowland streams as suitable sites for growth of submerged and amphibious rooted macrophytes under CO2-rich conditions (Sand-Jensen and Frost-Christensen, 1999). Some of these streams may be permanently supersaturated (Kelly et al., 1983) while others exhibit marked diel CO2 fluctuations with photosynthetic carbon limitation occurring during part of the day (Sand-Jensen and Frost-Christensen, 1999). Although we did not measure changes in pH or CO2 in Lyngsø over diel cycles, we assume that such changes were small because of the very high concentrations of free CO2, and, hence, photosynthesis and growth of submerged parts of S. aloides should not be limited by inorganic carbon availability in spite of the likely lower stirring in dense stands of S. aloides than that used in the experimental setup. Hence, competition for space, light and perhaps nutrients among individuals of S. aloides in Lyngsø should be much more severe than competition for inorganic carbon. As expected, the aerial leaf parts of S. aloides tended to have lower photosynthetic rates and significantly higher K0.5 (CO2) when submerged than the submerged parts of the same leaves. This may be due to the cuticle or wax layers on leaf surfaces exposed to air to prevent desiccation (Frost-Christensen and Floto, 2007). On the other hand, the formation of stomata on aerial leaf parts resulted in three to five times higher photosynthetic rates at ambient atmospheric CO2 than maximum rates obtained for any submerged leaf type. While formation of aerial leaves may not inevitably lead to higher productivity of amphibious plants due to restrictions in growth season and increasing costs to produce supportive tissues (Madsen and Sand-Jensen, 1991), we infer that S. aloides greatly benefits from the presence of aerial leaves because the photosynthetic rates of these leaves were markedly higher than that of any other leaf type. It should also be noted, that actual aerial rates may be even higher than estimated here, because the CO2 availability immediately above the water surface should be elevated compared to the atmosphere in general due to the outflux of CO2 from the supersaturated pond. In addition light availability is also much higher for emergent than for submerged leaves in the rather turbid water of Lyngsø. Finally, the S. aloides population benefits further from the emergent leaves, because carbon fixed in air contributes to maintain high CO2-supersaturation in the water column, when floating rosettes sink to the bottom and decompose. We conclude that S. aloides exhibits marked acclimations in leaf morphology and inorganic carbon uptake that allow the species to efficiently cope with the challenges experienced as an amphibious plant with both submerged and emergent leaves and life stages. The flexible and efficient ability to utilize inorganic carbon from different sources allows this species to form dense stands in CO2supersaturated, temperate ponds, ditches and shallow reed zones of larger lakes, while the species seems much less well adapted to complete its life cycle in open waters of larger lakes with free CO2 concentrations closer to air equilibrium. Although physical shelter and high nutrient availability may still be important factors for the success of S. aloides (Sculthorpe, 1967), consistent CO2-supersaturation is likely as important for completion of the S. aloides life cycle as it is for the growth of amphibious plants in streams (SandJensen et al., 1992). 384 L.T. Nielsen, J. Borum / Aquatic Botany 89 (2008) 379–384 Acknowledgements This work was partly supported by the CLEAR-project. We thank the Lyngsø family for allowing access to the pond and for pleasant company. We also thank the students Anders Winkel, Helle Wilken-Jensen and Lasse Bust Hansen for their efforts with a pilot project and Elmir Maric for technical assistance. Finally, we thank Kaj Sand-Jensen and two anonymous reviewers for thorough comments and constructive suggestions. References Beer, S., Sand-Jensen, K., Madsen, T.V., Nielsen, S.L., 1991. The carboxylase activity of rubisco and the photosynthetic performance in aquatic plants. 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