Fundraising Guide

Fundraising Guide
Thank you for offering to raise funds for Karma Nirvana Forced Marriages Helpline. Your support
is greatly appreciated and will help us to continue providing a national helpline for victims of forced
marriages and so-called “Honour” violence.
Inside your guide you will find tips, ideas and information on how to organise an effective
fundraising event - whatever it may be. We can also provide Karma Nirvana fundraising materials
and literature, and please remember we are always available to answer any concerns or questions
you may have.
Good Luck and Happy Fundraising
1. Why Karma Nirvana needs your support
2. How you can help & how we can help you
3. Fundraising Ideas
4. Please remember
5. Top tips
Additional Inserts
 Sponsorship Form
 Standard text about Karma Nirvana and quotes from survivors
 Sample „begging‟ letter
 A-Z of Fundraising ideas
 How to set up a Virgin Money giving Page
 Feedback Form
 Gift Aid Form
 Karma Nirvana Support Materials
 Event Registration Form and Fundraising Agreement
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Why Karma Nirvana Needs YOUR Support
What is a Forced Marriage?
A forced marriage is where one or both people do not (or in cases of people with learning or physical
disabilities, cannot) consent to the marriage and pressure or abuse is used. This can mean emotional
blackmail or physical pressure.
What is Honour Based Abuse?
Is a violent crime or incident which may have been committed to protect or defend the honour of the
family or community. „Honour' based abuse is a form of domestic abuse which is perpetrated in the
name of so called „honour'. The honour code which it refers to is set at the discretion of a family and
women and men who do not abide by the „rules' are then punished for bringing shame on the family.
The Need for Karma Nirvana
The Honour Network is a National helpline aimed at victims and survivors of forced marriages and
honour based abuse. Everyone that answers the helpline from staff to volunteers has undertaken our
thorough training to understand and support these victims.
Our call handling team also consists of survivors who provide their real life experiences to victims
calling on the helpline. Survivors are individuals who were victims of forced marriage or honour based
abuse, have the courage to leave their circumstance and rebuild their lives.
The helpline provides emotional and practical support, crisis intervention, guidance and choices of next
steps in the process, information about refuge, emergency accommodation and safety planning and risk
The helpline is also a critical resource for many professional organisations such as the Police or
Schools, who use Karma Nirvana, has a specialist service to assist victims who are in fear of being
forced into marriage or suffering honour based abuse.
This is the only helpline that offers support to men, women and young people experiencing forced
marriage or honour based abuse. All calls are dealt with in complete confidence and we are open
during the week and can offer help in 10 different languages.
Receiving 600 calls a month we are the only helpline to engage with victims of forced marriages
including those who are at risk or repatriated. We need your help as without it we have to close the
helpline, we had to cut our services in January 2010 due to lack of funding.
** Our service is free of charge **
What it Costs:
£10 would cover the weekly cost of travel for one volunteer
£20 would pay for at least two victims to access the helpline for support
£500 would support our phone lines for one month
£1000 would allow us to provide a day‟s in-depth training to Police or Social Workers
£18,000 per annum would provide the salary for another a full-time call handler
See ‘Help Me’ Brochure for more details
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Why we need YOUR Support
Karma Nirvana is in receipt of Ministry of Justice funding until March 2014, but with no guarantee of
further funding, this remains an on-going concern for the victims and professionals who access it for
Every penny makes a difference to a charity of our size so we are enormously grateful for any
donation however small.
We have many fundraising ideas by our dedicated team of staff to support any fundraising efforts – for
more information please call Anup Manota.
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
How you can help Karma Nirvana
There are many different ways to raise money for Karma Nirvana however, the most important
thing is that it is something you want to do and you feel you can persuade your friends and
colleagues to support. For example, you could:
 Organise a special themed event - an A-Z of different ideas is enclosed
 Organise or take part in a sponsored event – e.g.: swim, slim or silence
 Have a collection
If you choose to hold an event, questions you might like to ask yourself:
 What sort of event do I want to organise?
 Do I have time, or do I need help?
 When and where should it take place?
 Will the local press be interested?
 And most importantly – will it make money? Your income should be at least three times
more than your costs. Please call us if you need help in estimating this.
Whatever your fundraising idea is preparation and careful planning will always pay off. We hope
this pack will help you in the organisation of your event and ensure you raise as much money as
possible for Karma Nirvana.
How We Can Help You
Karma Nirvana would like to support and help you with the organisation of your event by providing:
Karma Nirvana support materials
The Karma Nirvana logo
A comprehensive Volunteer Fundraising Guide
Support and guidance from the KN Events Team (Mon–Fri 9.30am - 5pm)
Your allocated contact will be: Anup Manota
Call or email:
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Fundraising Ideas
With friends and family
Karaoke Night – Ask a local karaoke bar to lend you the venue for a night and charge friends to
come along. Try and persuade the bar to donate a percentage of their takings.
Sponsored Silence – Challenge friends and family to stay silent for 24 hours. Set a sponsorship
target for each person and charge a penalty if they fail.
Dinner Party – Cook a pink themed dinner for 10 or maybe even 20 friends, and charge say £10
At work
Dress up or Dress down day – Ask your company if staff could have a dress up day, maybe
everyone wears a special colour and pays £2 to do so with a £5 penalty for those who don‟t.
Alternatively ask if you can hold a dress down day where staff may wear jeans or casual clothes,
but pay for the privilege.
Company Matching – Some companies have a matching policy whereby they will „match‟ the
amount raised by their employees and donate this to the charity. If they are not keen on this why
not ask them to simply make a donation to the charity.
Best dressed pet competition – Get staff to bring in photographs of their pets dressed up and
pay £1 to enter a competition. Ask staff to vote on the best dressed pet and give the winner a bottle
of champagne (hopefully donated by your local off licence).
In the community
Car boot/Online sale – Now‟s the time to sell all those unwanted gifts or fashion mistakes - either
online or at a local car boot sale.
Quiz Night – Ask for the loan of your village hall or local pub and invite friends and the locals to a
quiz night. Charge an entry fee and perhaps hold a raffle.
At School, College or University
Mufti Day – Why not ask if you can have a dress down or a dressing up day and ask that students
pay to dress up (and pay a forfeit if they don‟t).
Themed Party – Having a themed party and charging an entry fee is a great way to raise money.
Halloween,Valentines or even an alphabet letter party - where everyone has to come dressed up
as something beginning with a certain letter of the alphabet.
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Please remember
There are a few regulations, both charity and legal, which we would ask you to abide. If you have
any queries please don‟t hesitate to call the Karma Nirvana Fundraising Team for advice:
 Use of charity name and logo
You are very welcome to use our charity name and logo on your fundraising material and
we would be happy to send this to you by email. We ask however that you always include
the registered charity number 1089477 and for describing what we do use our standard
text. Please show any fundraising materials to Karma Nirvana before going to print. (Logo
is at top of this document).
 Insurance
Please make sure your venue has public liability insurance and if you are hiring equipment
or employing any third parties for your event, ensure they have their own insurance.
Unfortunately the Karma Nirvana insurance does not cover events run by our volunteer
 Sale of Alcohol
If you are intending to sell alcohol at your event and you are on an unlicensed premises you
may need a liquor licence.
 Raffles
If you wish to hold a raffle and only sell tickets at the event, you do not need a licence. If
however you wish to sell tickets prior to the event you will require a licence.
 Collections
It is perfectly legal to collect money from friends and colleagues as long as you remain on
private property and you have the owner‟s permission. However, it is not legal to collect
from house to house or on the street without obtaining a licence from the Local Authority.
 Approaching companies or celebrities
Karma Nirvana likes to keep a record of which companies and celebrities are being
approached in the name of Karma Nirvana. Please can we ask you to contact the office
before any approaches are made.
 Fundraising Agreement
We also ask that you read the Fundraising Agreement on the back and if you are happy
with this sign the form at the bottom and return it to us.
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Top Tips
Choosing your Event
 Organise something you enjoy, as this will make the whole experience more fun.
 The simplest events are often the most successful.
 Stick with what you know – if you are particularly good at a sport or have a special skill like
cooking then try and make the most of this by focusing your event around this.
 Ask friends and family to help you both with the preparation and on the day - they may
have ideas you hadn‟t thought of and additional people to invite.
 Do a timeline for your event: when you will send invitations, obtain auction prizes, book
suppliers and any other important things to remember. For the day make a note of any
deliveries you are expecting.
 Make sure your guests know to bring cash or a cheque book to your event so they can‟t
escape your fundraising!
Raising the most from your Event
 Hold a raffle, tombola or auction – ask local shops and restaurants to donate prizes
 Keep costs to a minimum - ask local suppliers to donate (or at least sell at cost) food, drink,
decorations etc.
 Ask local companies to sponsor your event and underwrite your costs, in return you could
include their name on event material and offer them marketing opportunities at the event.
 Ask your guests to buy tickets or make donations online
 Ask those making donations to complete a Gift Aid form so Karma Nirvana can claim the
tax back from the Inland Revenue – this will increase their donation by 28%.
 Advertise on our Facebook page „Karma Nirvana‟ or on Twitter @Jas_Sanghera_KN
On the Day
Try to get as much as possible prepared before the big day, to save any last minute panics.
Don‟t forget to have a float of small change if you are selling raffle tickets or KN items.
Allocate one person to be responsible for all the money on the day.
Delegate tasks to your volunteers and make sure they are clear of what they are expected
to do before the day.
 Understand that you will be working hard on the day and may not have a chance to
 Have Fun!!
Sponsored Events
If you are organising a sponsored event – eg a sponsored swim, slim, silence: produce a
Sponsorship form for each participant and suggest they:
 Set up a Virgin Money Giving page to email to their friends and family asking for
 Get in touch with old friends and invite them to support them.
 Add to their funds by holding a raffle and selling tickets to friends or by keeping a collection.
box on their desk or work reception. The public are often happy to help.
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Sponsorship Form
Fundraising Activity
The above person has agreed to raise money for Karma Nirvana (Registered Charity No 1089477) by
being sponsored to complete the above challenge. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Name and Address
(Please provide your full address and
post code so we can claim Gift Aid)
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
details of
Name and Address
(Please provide your full address and
post code so we can claim Gift Aid)
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
details of
Name and Address
(Please provide your full address and
post code so we can claim Gift Aid)
details of
TOTAL: (£)
If you are a UK Tax payer you can Gift Aid your donation and make it worth more.
For every pound you give, Karma Nirvana can claim an extra 28p from The Inland
Revenue at no extra cost to you. So just tick the box. It‟s that simple.
You must pay an amount of Income or Capital Gains Tax in the year at least equal to the tax we reclaim.
Karma Nirvana
Karma Nirvana runs the only national help-line that offers support to men, women
and young people experiencing issues around forced marriage and/or honour based
abuse. This helpline offers victims access to support from a survivor of these issues
and this support can often be delivered in the victim‟s first language e.g. Urdu and
Punjabi. This is done in strict confidentiality to protect the victims welfare
Please make cheques payable to: Karma Nirvana
Please return this form with all cheques to Karma Nirvana, PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Standard text about Karma Nirvana
To ensure that the correct message is always given about the work of Karma Nirvana we ask our
volunteer fundraisers to use our standard text when describing the charity.
Quotes from Survivors
You may want to incorporate one of these quotes from survivors:
“Now I live a life that I want to live, I make my own decisions, I say what I want to say, do what I
want to do and wear what I want to wear. This means a lot to me. I am living the life you should be
living and will live….” Gita, Female survivor of a Forced marriage
“As a man, I didn‟t know where to turn... I felt it wasn‟t macho for me to come forward. Now I know
there are many men in similar situations and I am trying to use my experience to help them.”
Mo, male survivor of a forced marriage.
“We did not where to turn…our parents wouldn‟t allow us to marry as they already had other plans
for us. Since leaving home, it has been difficult, but knowing that we can talk to people that
understand what were going through makes it a bit easier...”
Couple, survivors of honour based abuse
“It was a relief to know that I wasn‟t the only one going through the situation. What has kept me
going was that I knew that there are people out there who want to help me and people who care for
Rihana, female survivor of a forced marriage
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Sample ‘Ask’ Letter
Address of Recipient
I am holding a fundraising event in aid of Karma Nirvana and writing to ask if you might be in a
position to help us raise funds to support the important work they are doing for people and their
families affected by forced marriages and honour abuse.
I am organising a ………………… which I hope will be attended by approximately …………people.
To swell the funds, I am holding a raffle / auction and wonder if you would consider donating a
…………. as one of our top prizes. I have no doubt that a good raffle / auction would significantly
increase the amount raised which in turn would make such a difference to Karma Nirvana and
those they support. Donors of prizes will be acknowledged at the event and their names will be
included in any information about the event.
I do hope that you might like to support this event by donating a prize/some goods and look
forward to hearing from you soon.
With kind regards,
Your Name
This letter can be revised to ask for a donation, sponsorship, the loan of a venue , food or drink etc.
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
A-Z of Fundraising Ideas
Antique Fair
Arm Wrestling Competition
Art Exhibition
Assault Course
Athletics Event
Auction of Promises
Badminton Tournament
Baked Bean Bath
Balloon Race
Barn Dance
Beard Shave
Bed Race
Beetle Drive
Bike Ride
Blind Date Party
Book Stall
Bowls Competition
Bridge Tournament
Bring and Buy Sale
Car Treasure Hunt
Car Boot Sale
Carol Singing
Celebrity Auction
Chess Tournament
Children‟s Party
Clay Pigeon Shoot
Coffee Morning
Craft Fair
Crafty Raft Race
Crazy Golf
Cricket Match
Croquet Tournament
Dance Marathon
Darts Competition
Disco Night
Dog Show
Dog Walk
Donkey Derby
Dress Down Day
Duck Race
Easter Egg Hunt
Elephant Polo!
Family Fun Day
Fancy Dress Party
Fancy Dress Pub Crawl
Fancy Dress Football
Fashion Show
Five-a-side Football
Flower Show
Flower Arranging
Football Match
Funny Face Competition
Fun Race
Garage Sake
Garden Party
Go Karting
Golfing Competition
Good as New Sale
Hair Shave
Halloween Party
Horseshow Throwing
Indoor Games Evening
It‟s a Knockout
Jazz Evening
Jog – sponsored
Jumble sale
Karaoke Evening
Knobbly Knee Contest
Ladies Night
Line Dancing
Man-powered Flight
Masquerade Ball
Medieval Fair
Mile of Pennies
Murder Mystery Evening
Musical Tour
One Day Fast
Onion Peeling Competition
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Painting Competition
Pancake Party
Pavement Painting
Pet Show
Photographic Competition
Plant Stall
Plucking Competition
Pool Contest
Progressive Supper / Lunch
Pub Games night
Quiz Night
Race Night
Reel Party
Relay Race
Rock and Roll Evening
Roll a Dice
Sandcastle Competition
Scavenger Hunt
Second Hand Market
Silent Auction
Silly Specs Evening
Shoe Shine Service
Slave Auction
Sponsored Walk, Swim,
Run, Bike ride, Dog walk,
Swear Box
Swimming Gala
Talent Competition
Teddy Bears Picnic
Tennis Tournament
Trampoline Marathon
Treasure Hunt
Tug of War
Valentine‟s Day Party
Volley Ball
Wellie Throwing Competition
Western Party
Wheelbarrow Race
Whist Drive
Wine Tasting
Wine & Cheese Party
A personal fundraising page saves you time and effort collecting sponsorship from friends and
family. This page can be used for a sponsored event or for a party or simply just to gather
donations from friends and family. Instead of sending you cash and cheques, they can donate
securely and tax-efficiently on your page by credit or debit card. The money is sent directly to bank
account, benefiting the charity earlier and saving you time spent collecting after the event.
Just Giving will cut down costs and ensure more of your money gets to the cause. In addition, they
will reclaim 20 per cent tax on every pound donated by UK taxpayers, so your gift will go further.
Once you have set up your page you will be able to spend more time organising the rest of your
fundraising and less collecting money. You can then email your friends with your page address and
your fundraising is as good as done.
How to set up a fundraising page:
Click on this link or go to Karma Nirvana‟s homepage and click on the „Donate Now‟ button
Click on Start Fundraising link section.
Select which fundraising event you are doing: Organising event, Personal challenge, Special
Occasion and Someone special.
Complete the requested details e.g. date of event or type of occasion.
When prompted to choose your charity, type Karma Nirvana
You will then be able to add a description of the charity. Click select.
When prompted enter your email address and click continue.
Complete the form with your details and click on continue (unless you are a returning user
and you will then be taken straight to create your page).
You now need to create an address for your page, checking that it is available by clicking
check availability.
You can then personalise your page and even add a photograph. When you have finished
click on continue at the bottom of the page.
You will be shown the page as it will look online and asked to confirm you are happy with it.
And finally all that is left to do is email the link to your page to all your friends, families and
Good Luck!!
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Feedback Form
I held an event in aid of Karma Nirvana and have pleasure in enclosing the proceeds.
Name of Event
Date of Event
The total amount raised:
My Costs were:
Paying your costs:
Hopefully some of the funds you raised will have been in cash. Please pay any costs from this,
bank the remainder in your own bank account and write a personal cheque to Karma Nirvana.
I have pleasure in enclosing:
X cheques from my guests / supporters
X personal cheque(s) for the cash
NB: Please remember to attach a Gift Aid forms to any donation cheques.
Comments about your Karma Nirvana Event
Did you enjoy holding a KN Event?
Did you find your Fundraising guide helpful?
What other help would you have liked?
Additional Comments
Would you hold another KN Event
I am attaching photos of my Karma Nirvana Event.
Signed by: ………………………………………… Name : …………..…….…………………………
Please return to Anup Manota within 30 days of your event.
Karma Nirvana, PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Registered Charity No 1089477
Order form for Karma Nirvana Support Materials &
Please can I borrow the following:
Boxes (max. 2)
Please can I have the following for my event
KN „Help Me‟
(max 50)
KN Posters
(max 20)
Shame Books
Daughters of
Shame Travels
If you would like Books, please enclose payment
of £10 for each, payable to Karma Nirvana.
Please look after any Karma Nirvana property
you borrow for your event and ensure that it is
returned to a KN within one week of the event.
We have to ask the organiser to be liable for KN
property and may need to ask for replacement of
any damaged or lost goods.
Delivery Address:
Please send to the following address by ……………………………… (date)
Post Code
Telephone No
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477
Karma Nirvana Agreement and Gift Aid Declaration
In order to legally raise funds in the name of Karma Nirvana you must have a written agreement with the
charity. We also ask that when organising a KN event you follow the guidelines set out below. Please
indicate that you are happy to comply with these by signing and returning this agreement to Karma Nirvana.
Re: ………………….………………….……………….. (Name of your event)
I confirm that I am holding the above event on ………….... (date) in aid of Karma Nirvana and will:
Use my best endeavours to raise money for Karma Nirvana
Not do anything to bring Karma Nirvana, its staff or Trustees into disrepute;
Obtain prior approval from Karma Nirvana before approaching any companies, press or celebrities
to support my event;
Show the charity any material bearing the Karma Nirvana name or logo, or that mentions the work
of the charity, prior to printing and distribution;
Ensure that all materials include the text „Registered Charity No 108‟;
Not carry out house-to-house collections or collect in any public place;
Contact Karma Nirvana for a licence if holding a raffle over more than one day;
Make sure my event, and any third parties involved are fully insured;
Return all KN support materials and unsold merchandise to Karma Nirvana within one week of the
Not resell or offer for auction any item donated to the event or any KN property without Karma
Nirvana permission;
Pay 100% of all proceeds from my event solely to Karma Nirvana and within one month of my
fundraising activity (unless agreed otherwise);
Acknowledge that Karma Nirvana cannot take responsibility for any losses made through my
I have read, understood and agree to follow the above guidelines
Signed ………………………………………………………………..
Date ………………………………….
Name............................................................ Email..................................................................................
On behalf of Karma Nirvana
Signed ………………………………………………………………..
Date ………………………………….
Donating via Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, Karma Nirvana will receive an extra 25 pence from the
Inland Revenue. If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the box below and enable your donation to go further.
I am a UK Tax payer and would like Karma Nirvana to treat this, and any future donations I make to the charity, as Gift Aid
Registered Charity No. 1089477
Karma Nirvana
Registered Office: PO Box 148, Leeds, LS13 9DB
TEL: 0113 218 0114, FAX: 0113 218 0113
Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5999247
Registered Company No: 7363952, Registered Charity No 1089477