CODY/ROUGE NEIGHBORHOOD DETROIT, MICHIGAN Why An Accurate Census Count Matters City of Detroit Harper Woods oo W dw ar Hoover d Southfield ison dR 8 n Gra n to ns Da v Van Dyke Town of Highland Park John C Lodge Town of Hamtramck iver Central Brightmoor Grosse Pointe oo W Gr at i ot 96 dw hn d ar Jo C d Lo ge Cody/Rouge Fish er 75 37 W ei 5 94 Fis Michigan he r rs effe Larned J r Chadsey/Condon on Vernor/Boynton De tro it Ri ve r Dearborn Fo rt Melvindale River Rouge Allen Park Ecorse Cody Rouge Neighborhood Fullerton Southfield Fit z pa tric k W ea v Westfield Fi tzp at ric k Southfield Belton Woodmont Rutla n Longacre Archdale Southfield Ashton Longacre Stahelin Brace Southfield Fielding Heyden Southfield Whitlock Grandmont Abington 153 V U Abington Kirkwood Kirkwood Majestic Memorial Rutland Warwick Minock Mercury Paul Dayton Clayburn Penrod Whitlock Paul Rutland Longacre Warren Faust Artesian r bo a le rend War Warren Plainview Ar Lamphere n Chatham An Majestic Warren Rosemont Sawyer Greenview Rockdale Sawyer Diversey Southfield n Patton so Pier Dolphin Dacosta Bramell Beaverland Tireman This map prepared 1-15-10 by Southern Echo, Inc. 1350 Livingston Lane, Jackson, MS 39213 phone: 601-982-6400; fax: 601-982-2636 email: website: Memorial Tireman d u re n Van B nt mo d 39 V U n Tirema Southfield nd oo W Belton Archdale Pierson Belton Constance Burt way West Park Pa rk la Ab ing ton Westwood Ru tla nd Van Buren Ou ter Constance Woodmont Archdale Stout Service Joy Ellis Memorial Dover Southfield Dover Memorial Cathedral Service Yard r Dove 60 - 128 er Westfield Rutland Braile Trinity Cathedral r Longacre Chicago Faust Westfield ck 37 - 59 Orangelawn Rosemont Piedmont tri W ea ve Grandmont Rosemont Faust Penrod Auburn Evergreen Grandville tric Fit k zp a Abington Brace Patton Orangelawn Penrod Vaughan Greenview pa 0 - 36 Elmira Rutland Fit z Census Hard to Count Block Group Scores Elmira n a oz n i Sp Wadsworth Longacre Elmira Chicago elto Wadsworth Plymouth Southfield Capitol Greenview Orangelawn Capitol Glastonbury Stout Fitz pat rick Ashton rk ool Pa Chatham West Parkway Borman Archdale e 96 Wadsworth Elmira P nan Elmira n Bre Bramell Ro ug I- 96 Service I-96 Ashton Patton Burt Beaverland son Pier Wadsworth Wadsworth Heyden Capitol Fullerton Stahelin Outer Evergreen Servi ce Fullerton Westwood Stout Fullerton Bentler ale Chapel Dolson Hazelton Grayfield Riverdale Glen d Haz ALLOCATION OF FEDERAL GRANTS: Every year the US Government provides to states, counties and municipalities grant funds that are allocated on the basis of the census count. These grants are sensitive to the census count. When there is an undercount low-wealth communities of color lose substantial federal funds to which they are entitled. In 2008 all of the counties in the State of MICHIGAN received in federal grants sensitive to the census count a total of $19.2 billion. In 2008 WAYNE COUNTY, MI received 5.2 Billion and DETROIT, MI received in federal grants sensitive to the census count a total of $456 MILLION. These grants are itemized on the website of the Consolidated Federal Funds Report at: Osborne Gu Telegraph HARD TO COUNT" BLOCK GROUPS: The Census Bureau counts the people every 10 years. The next Census count is 2010. In some counties it is harder to count the people because some people are afraid to provide information to census workers, some census workers are afraid to talk with people in their neighborhoods, and some people live in hard to find locations. The Census Bureau has provided data to show in which areas people have been hard to count. This data is shown by BLOCK GROUPS within each county. The Census Bureau ranks each Census BLOCK GROUP on a scale from 0 to 128. The Census Bureau uses 12 factors to set a score for each BLOCK GROUP. The MEAN number for BLOCK GROUPS in the US is 36.6. The MEAN is the AVERAGE score for all BLOCK GROUPS in the US. BLOCK GROUPS that score from 37 to 59 are above the average and are HARDER TO COUNT. The Census Bureau regards all Census BLOCK GROUPS that score from 60 to 128 as the HARDEST TO COUNT Census Block Groups with the greatest risk of an undercount. HOW THIS MAP WORKS: The map uses 3 color codes to identify the scoring range for each Census BLOCK GROUP. CREAM color represents the lowest range, below the MEAN, and EASIER TO COUNT. GREEN color represents the mid-range, above the MEAN, and HARDER TO COUNT . RED color is the highest range above the MEAN and represents the HARDEST TO COUNT Block Groups. Neighborhood boundaries are depicted with a thick black dashed line. 8 Mile with technical assistance from Brian Lipsett, PhD Movementech, Inc., Naples, ME phone: 207-749-1606; email:
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