Dyscalculia: Why do numbers make no sense to some people? Dr. Anna J. Wilson Research Fellow Department of Psychology University of Auckland My background • BSc, The University of Auckland (Psychology) – Exchange to University of California, Berkeley • PhD, University of Oregon (Psychology) – Dissertation: Numerical & spatial cognition – Supporting area: Math learning disabilities • Postdoctoral fellowship, INSERM U562, Paris – Development & testing of remediation software for dyscalculia (with Stanislas Dehaene) • Research fellow, University of Auckland – Neural correlates of dyscalculia & relationship between dyscalculia & dyslexia (with Karen Waldie) www.aboutdyscalculia.org • PhD, University of Oregon – Dissertation: Numerical & spatial cognition – Supporting area: Math learning disabilities • Postdoctoral fellowship, INSERM U562, Paris – Development & testing of remediation software for dyscalculia (with Stanislas Dehaene) • Research fellow, University of Auckland – Neural correlates of dyscalculia & relationship between dyscalculia & dyslexia (with Karen Waldie) www.aboutdyscalculia.org Talk outline • • • • • • • What is dyscalculia? Numerical cognition Causes of dyscalculia Auckland comorbidity project Identification Remediation The future Developmental dyscalculia • Severe difficulty in mathematics presumed to be due to a specific impairment in brain function • Also called “Mathematics Disorder” (DSM-IV), or “mathematical learning disabilities” • Prevalence: around 6% (same as dyslexia!) • Has genetic component (runs in families) • Understudied compared to dyslexia Kosc, 1974; Shalev & Gross-Tsur, 2001; Geary, 1993, 2004; Badian, 1983; Lewis, Hitch, & Walker, 1994 Surface symptoms Delay in acquisition of: 3x2= 3x3= 3x4= – Counting – Addition strategies (counting on vs. counting all) – Memorization of number facts (e.g. times tables) Geary (1993, 2004) - review 2+5=? Difficulties with story problems? (e.g. Nancy Jordan’s research) - esp. when dyslexia present! Counting all “1..2... 1...2...3...4..5.. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7” Counting on “2...3...4...5...6...7” Counting on (max) “5...6...7” Core cognitive symptoms • Difficulty representing quantity (“number sense”). – Slow to compare numbers (Llanderl et al., 2004) – Slow to enumerate 1-3 objects (“subitizing”) (Reeve et al., in press) • Number symbols processed less automatically – Number stroop task (Rouselle & Nöel, 2007; Rubinsten & Henik 2005) 7 9 7 • Mental number line slow to develop 9 Some examples… Llanderl, Bevan & Butterworth, 2004. Note that the impairment is in response time as well as accuracy 7 Llanderl, Bevan & Butterworth, 2004. 9 Mental number line development 0 "Put a mark where 64 goes" Siegler & Booth, 2004 100 Individual differences on this task correlate with maths achievement scores. Mental number line in dyscalculia "Put a mark where 64 goes" 0 a) Number placement at T1: 0-100 number line 100 b) Number placement at T1: 0-1000 number line 100 1000 Mean estimated magnitude Mean estimated magnitude 900 80 60 40 20 Dyscalculic Control 0 0 20 40 60 Actual magnitude 80 100 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 Dyscalculic 100 Control 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Actual magnitude Wilson, Krinzinger, Nuerk, Dehaene & Willmes, in prep Likely other symptoms Difficulty with: • Subtraction • Using finger counting (slow, inaccurate, trouble recognising finger configurations) • Decomposing numbers (e.g. recognizing that 10 is made up of 4 and 6) • Understanding place value • Learning/understanding multi-step calculation procedures and problem solving Anxiety about or negative attitude towards maths Consequences in adults • Blocked from certain professions (lower salary) • Difficulty managing money • Difficulty understanding statistics/numbers (influence on decision making) • Low self-esteem, anxiety, avoidance “I have always had difficulty with simple addition and subtraction since young, always still have to ‘count on my fingers quickly’ e.g. 5+7 without anyone knowing. Sometimes I feel very embarrassed! Especially under pressure I just panic.” Consequences in adults “I struggled through school with maths to the point the teachers gave up on me. I can only count on my fingers or with a calculator. I can't count out change, no matter how small and often get flustered with any tasks involving numbers. Despite trying hard I could never remember my 'times tables'. Division etc just bewildered me totally. English was one of my best subjects at school.” “I have no trouble whatsoever reading or writing, understanding literary concepts and theories etc., but spend an hour sitting in the bank trying to work out how much money is in my cheque account! Last year I returned to University, attempting to avoid any papers containing mathematics, but hidden in nearly everything are formulas and calculations.” Co-morbid difficulties Both verbal and non-verbal: • Dyslexia (50%) • ADHD (30%) • Dyspraxia • Spatial difficulties Why is there such a high association between these disorders?? What is the implication for remediation? The big questions What causes dyscalculia? How can it be indentified early? Can it be “prevented”? What is the best type of remediation? Why does it co-occur so often with other learning disabilities? Are there subtypes; if so do they need different remediation approaches? In order to answer these we need to know about how maths works in the brain. Talk outline • • • • • • • What is dyscalculia? Numerical cognition Causes of dyscalculia Auckland comorbidity project Identification Remediation The future Numerical cognition • Study of representation of number in the brain • Methods: Animals, infants, cross-cultural linguistics, brain imaging, cognitive psychology • Good introductory books: Stanislas Dehaene Mathematics is componential • Non-verbal – number, approximation, comparison • Verbal – number facts (multiplication, addition) • Logical – problem solving, higher maths • Spatial – geometry? Number line? Non-verbal bases of number • Number is not “constructed” or dependent on logic/language as Piaget thought • Animals can add, subtract, compare quantities! • As can pre-verbal human infants... Platt & Johnson (1971). Rats taught to press button a certain number of times for reward. Mode at the right value, but responses approximate. Approximate number: Demonstration Which side has more dots? + + + Ratio = 0.5 Ratio = 0.79 Faster, more accurate Slower, less accurate Approximate number Ability to discriminate depends on ratio of the two numbers. This "distance effect" is found in animals, and human adults and children. e.g. see Brannon (2003) for review + 12 24 + 19 24 + 12 24 24 19 Ratio = 0.5 Ratio = 0.79 Dots: faster, more accurate Digits: the same!! Dots: slower, less accurate Digits: the same!! Approximate number Ability to discriminate depends on ratio of the two numbers. This "distance effect" is found in animals, and human adults and children. e.g. see Brannon (2003) for review Approximate arithmetic Barth (2005) – Five year old children Approximate number What have we learned about it so far? • • • • • Non-verbal Non-symbolic Present in animals / human infants Still accessed in skilled adults Used for representation and operations Next: Has a specific brain basis Number sense “ Number sense ” is a short-hand term for our ability to quickly understand, approximate, and manipulate numerical quantities. (Dehaene, 2001) Caution: term used in different ways in education (vs. in numerical cognition) see Berch, 2005 review Number sense in adults Using number sense activates the intraparietal sulcus (IPS): (This same area is involved in thinking about space.) Axial slice Left hemisphere x = - 48 z = 44 Right hemisphere z = 49 x = 39 50 % HIPS 22 % Dehaene, Piazza, Pinel, & Cohen (2003) Tasks that activate this region: • Comparison of numbers • Subtraction • Approximation • Estimation e.g. comparison • Non-symbolic tasks Automatically activated by viewing numbers Neurons & approximate number The “distance effect shows up in responses of neurons Areas that respond to a change of numerosity Nieder & Miller, 2004 % of activation to a number of dots after a adaptation period % d’activation 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 Weber fraction 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 0.5 1 2 Ratio / target -0.4 Weber fraction 0.5 1 2 Ratio / target Piazza, 2004 Number sense in children Neural correlates the same as in adults. Non symbolic tasks Cantlon, Brannon, Carter & Pelphrey 2006 fMRI in 4 year olds Mathematics is componential • Non-verbal Intraparietal sulcus (IPS) – number, approximation, comparison • Verbal Perisylvian language network – number facts (multiplication, addition) • Logical Frontal lobes? – problem solving, higher maths • Spatial – geometry? Number line? Parietal lobes? Superior Frontal Gyrus Intraparietal Supramarginal sulcus gyrus Angular gyrus Middle Frontal Gyrus Inferior Frontal Gyrus Middle Temporal Gyrus Inferior temporal Gyrus Talk outline • • • • • • • What is dyscalculia? Numerical cognition Causes of dyscalculia Auckland comorbidity project Identification Remediation The future Causes of dyscalculia "Core deficit" hypothesis: hypothesis: Deficit in number sense (Butterworth, 1999; Gersten & Chard, 1999; Wilson & Dehaene, 2007) left hemisphere quantity right hemisphere quantity verbal "six" visual 6 visual 6 Dehaene, S. (1992). Cognition, 44, 1-42. Dehaene, S., & Cohen, L. (1995). Mathematical Cognition, 1, 83-120. Brain bases of dyscalculia Dyscalculic children - less grey matter in IPS (Rotzer et al., 2008) Dyscalculic adults born pre-term – less gray matter in IPS (Isaacs, Edmonds & Lucas, 2001) Superimposed images of sulci Controls Turner subjects Dyscalculic children – less activation in IPS during magnitude tasks (Kucian et al., 2006) Molko, Cachia and Riviere (2004) Turners subjects structural and functional alternations in IPS. Causes of dyscalculia "Access" hypothesis : Deficit in link between number sense and symbols (Rouselle & Nöel, 2007) left hemisphere quantity verbal "six" visual 6 "Core deficit" hypothesis: hypothesis: Deficit in number sense (Butterworth, 1999; Gersten & Chard, 1999; Wilson & Dehaene, 2007) right hemisphere quantity visual 6 Dehaene, S. (1992). Cognition, 44, 1-42. Dehaene, S., & Cohen, L. (1995). Mathematical Cognition, 1, 83-120. One subtype proposal • Number sense / number sense access – Everything affected except counting, fact retrieval – May have difficulty with non-symbolic tasks • Verbal – Difficulty with counting, fact retrieval, word problems – Associated with dyslexia? • Executive – Difficulty with fact retrieval, use of strategy/procedure – Associated with ADHD?? • Spatial – Difficulty with subitizing, apprehension of non-symbolic quantity… mental number line? Wilson & Dehaene (2007) Talk outline • • • • • • • What is dyscalculia? Numerical cognition Causes of dyscalculia Auckland comorbidity project Identification Remediation The future The big questions What causes dyscalculia? How can it be indentified early? Can it be “prevented”? What is the best type of remediation? Why does it co-occur so often with other learning disabilities? Are there subtypes; if so do they need different remediation approaches? Auckland comorbidity project Postdoctoral fellowship with Karen Waldie, funded by Univ. of Auckland. Phase I: 80 adults with dyscalculia, dyslexia, both or neither (20 per group) • Cognitive testing (symptoms, subtypes) • Brain imaging (fMRI; neural markers) Phase II (if funded!): similar study in children An aside... Many people mistakenly think that “if it’s in the brain it can’t be changed” Nothing could be more wrong! • The brain is the basis of all learning • Brain function and even structure is highly “plastic”, especially at a young age • The mild impairments associated with learning disabilities are nothing like the brain damage caused by stroke/lesion An example from reading... Fast ForWord (Merzenich et al., 2006; Tallal et al., 2006; Scientific Learning Corporation) • Adaptive game software for reading • Specific Language Impairment, Dyslexia • Intensive individual intervention (1h/day for 12 wks) Temple et al. 2003 Talk outline • • • • • • • What is dyscalculia? Numerical cognition Causes of dyscalculia Auckland comorbidity project Identification Remediation The future Identification Test for: • Mathematics level (standardised test) – e.g. PAT, Woodcock Johnson, WRAT, KeyMath • Profile of performance in different components • IQ (rule out general difficulties) • Dyslexia, ADHD, spatial difficulties, dyspraxia if suspected Important to rule out: educational experiences, motivation Profiling tests Ideally: Measurements of response time as well as accuracy. Separate breakdowns for different operations and components • KeyMath (5-22 yrs) • TEMA-3 (3-8 yrs) • CMAT (7-19 yrs) • Diagnostic mathematics profiles (AUS) • Booker Profiles? (AUS) Dyscalculia Screener (nferNelson) Brian Butterworth, University College London www.mathematicalbrain.com Computerised, for use in schools – Number stroop – Subitizing / Counting – Mental arithmetic Administration time: 30 minutes Advantages: Precise measures including reaction time, standardised, fast Disadvantages: Assumes dyscalculia caused by core deficit in number sense Talk outline • • • • • • • What is dyscalculia? Numerical cognition Causes of dyscalculia Auckland comorbidity project Identification Remediation The future Individual remediation • • • • • • • Focus on understanding (esp. quantity) Drilling of facts only useful up to a point Use concrete materials Start at an easy level (success important!) Provide lots of practice Reduce need for memorisation Ask a lot of questions to get the child engaged and thinking • Make learning active and fun How to help in the classroom • Give children their own set of work, at their level • Allow extra time • Use written and verbal instructions and questions • Extra scaffolding, especially for multi-step procedures • Reduce opportunity for comparison with peers What about subtypes? In the absence of a verdict from research a good way to approach subtypes is by using a componential analysis to plan remediation. e.g. If child is good at multiplication but has trouble with number sense, focus on number sense! If child has dyslexia and trouble with word problems, focus on reading/interpreting. Note that this necessitates a componential assessment Remediation workbooks Dyscalculia Guidance by Brian Butterworth & Dorian Yeo. (2004). The Dyscalculia Toolkit: Supporting Learning Difficulties in Maths by Ronit Bird (2007). Dyscalculia: Action Plans for Successful Learning in Mathematics by Glynis Hannell. (2005). Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Mathematics by Dorian Yeo. (2003). Mathematics for dyslexics including dyscalculia by Steve Chinn and Richard Ashcroft. (2007, 3rd Edn). The Trouble with Maths: A Practical Guide to Helping Learners with Numeracy Difficulties by Steve Chinn. (2004). Software Bubble Reef by ICDC Number Shark by White Space To Market, To Market by Learning in Motion The Number Race by myself and Stan Dehaene Knowsley Woods by ICDC The Number Race http://www.unicog.org/main/pages.php?page=NumberRace Adaptive game to remediate/teach early number sense • Non-profit model ("open source" = free to obtain, copy, distribute, modify) • Programmed by myself Wilson et al. 2007a,b Languages: Research based instructional principles • Enhance number sense – intensive number comparison (e.g. largest of 3, 9?) – speed deadline – link between number and space • Cement non-symbolic symbolic links – repeated association of non-symbolic & symbolic numbers – encourage increasing reliance on symbols • Conceptualise and automatise arithmetic – concrete representations of operations – speed deadline • Maximize motivation – positive reinforcement – difficulty adaptation – entertaining format (game!) Adaptive algorithm • AI (artificial intelligence) module builds a model of children's "knowledge space" • Presents problems on borders of knowledge (not too easy, not too hard) • Tries to push these borders • General: can be used for any task if learning dimensions known 1 notation 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 distance 0 0 0.2 0.4 speed 0.6 0.8 1 Talk outline • • • • • • • What is dyscalculia? Numerical cognition Causes of dyscalculia Auckland comorbidity project Identification Remediation The future Future goals Identify children as young as possible and provide preventative intervention Why? • Brain more "plastic" at young age • Maths is highly cumulative • Avoid negative experiences associated with failure • Quicker and cheaper Early identification • Currently can do behavioural screening, either – Non-symbolic in infancy – Symbolic in kindergarten • Can predict future performance from behavioural measures in kindergarten (e.g. Mazzocco & Thompson, 2005) • But still have many false positives • More work needed to develop measures Future goals Identify genetic markers so we know which kids are at risk. Need to: find genes Need dyscalculic families! Identify neural markers. Need to: develop inexpensive and quick brain imaging techniques. A copy of this presentation ...Can be found on: My website: www.aboutdyscalculia.org (look under “news”) Contact information: anna.wilson@auckland.ac.nz References Badian, N. A. (1983). Dyscalculia and nonverbal disorders of learning. In H. R. Myklebust (Ed.), Progress in Learning Disabilities (Vol. 5, pp. 235-264). New York: Stratton. Barth, H., La Mont, K., Lipton, J., & Spelke, E. S. (2005). Abstract number and arithmetic in preschool children. PNAS, 102(39), 14116-14121. Berch, D. B. (2005). Making sense of number sense: Implications for children with mathematical disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38(4), 333-339. Brannon, E. M. (2003). Number knows no bounds. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7(7), 279-281. Butterworth, B. (1999). The mathematical brain. London: Macmillan. Cantlon, J. F., Brannon, E. M., Carter, E. J., & Pelphrey, K. A. (2006). Functional imaging of numerical processing in adults and 4-y-old children. PLoS Biology, 4(5), e125. Dehaene, S. (1992). 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Neural deficits in children with dyslexia ameliorated by behavioral remediation: Evidence from functional mri. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 100(5), 2860-2865. Wilson, A. J., & Dehaene, S. (2007). Number sense and developmental dyscalculia. In D. Coch, G. Dawson & K. Fischer (Eds.), Human behavior, learning and the developing brain: Atypical development. New York: Guilford Press. Wilson, A. J., Dehaene, S., Pinel, P., Revkin, S. K., Cohen, L., & Cohen, D. (2006a). Principles underlying the design of “the number race”, an adaptive computer game for remediation of dyscalculia. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2(19). Wilson, A. J., Revkin, S. K., Cohen, D., Cohen, L., & Dehaene, S. (2006b). An open trial assessment of “the number race”, an adaptive computer game for remediation of dyscalculia. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2(20).
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