OF 4 5 Theory of mind finds its Piagetian perspective: why alternative naming comes with understanding belief Josef Perner a,∗ , Sandra Stummer a , Manuel Sprung a , Martin Doherty b 5 6 a 7 8 9 TE 3 DP RO Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 Department of Psychology, University of Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria b University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UK Abstract 11 26 In the last of a series of experiments 48 3–5-year old children were tested on an alternative naming game with “synonyms,” e.g., if puppet calls the depicted item a “rabbit” the child has to call it a “bunny,” or the child has to judge puppet’s performance when roles are reversed. The game was also played with categories (rabbit–animal), name/colour (rabbit–black), colour/colour (black–white), and part/part (head–tail). The younger children (≤3.5 years) had severe problems with “synonyms” and categories (alternative names for the items, <10% correct), but not with names and colours, only colours, or only parts (>80% correct). Children’s increasing success with age on the alternative names tasks was closely paralleled (.53 ≤ r ≤ .72) by their mastery of the false belief task in which they had to predict that a mistaken story character would look for a desired object in the wrong location. For explaining the synchrony between alternative naming and understanding false belief we draw on the Piagetian idea that children come to represent perspective at some point in their development. To apply this idea to the alternative naming game we draw on the philosophical discussion about sortals (terms that specify what sort of object something is) creating perspective differences. © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. 27 Keywords: Perspective; Preamble; Egocentrism 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RR 13 ∗ CO 12 EC 10 1 2 UN Corresponding author. Tel.: +43-662-8044-5124; fax: +43-662-6389-5124. E-mail address: josef.perner@sbg.ac.at (J. Perner). 0885-2014/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. PII: S 0 8 8 5 - 2 0 1 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 2 7 - 2 J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 OF 2 1. A Piagetian preamble 29 55 Perspective played a central role for Piaget. Intellectual development consisted for him of overcoming one’s egocentrism by progressively decentering from how the world appears within ones point of view (perspective) to an objective, perspective-independent understanding. For instance, the young infant has to learn that objects do not go out of existence as they disappear from one’s view. Piaget and Inhelder (1948/1956) also investigated the child’s ability to represent (understand) visual perspective. We make use of the notion of representing (understanding) perspective to explain an otherwise mysterious developmental relation between children’s understanding of false belief and their appreciation of alternative labels for objects in a naming game. Young children’s problems appear to stem from a mutual exclusivity (that each thing can only have one name) or single identity constraint (Flavell, 1988; Markman, 1989). In order to find a common denominator for understanding multiple identities and understanding false belief we propose that both rest on an understanding of perspective. This proposal is in the spirit of Carey (1985) as a compromise between Piaget’s formulations of domain general logical constraints defining developmental stages and modularism, where each domain of knowledge has its own developmental schedule (e.g., Leslie, 1994, for theory of mind). The difficult step is to show why application of alternative labels to objects creates a perspective difference. We achieve a workable definition of “perspective” with a constructivist conceptual analysis in Piaget’s spirit of decentering. Philosophical analyses of alternative object individuation with different labels suggest the involvement of different perspectives. This allows us to show that both the false belief task and the alternative naming game require an understanding of perspective. At the end we discuss how understanding perspective relates to children’s mutual exclusivity bias and to classic Piagetian tasks like the class inclusion problem. We start with the empirical part. 56 2. Alternative naming and false belief 57 2.1. The original “synonyms” and false belief finding 58 Doherty (1994) and Doherty and Perner (1998) reported a surprisingly strong and robust developmental synchrony between children’s understanding of false belief and their ability to master a “synonyms” task. In the false belief task children are told about Max, who puts his chocolate bar into one location (A) and leaves. In his absence the chocolate is unexpectedly transferred to another location (B). He returns hungry for his chocolate. Children are asked where he will look for the chocolate. Typically young 3-year-olds answer incorrectly that he will look in location B where the chocolate bar actually is. After 4 years most children give the correct answer that he will look in A (which is empty but where he 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 TE 34 EC 33 RR 32 CO 31 UN 30 DP RO 28 OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 3 98 2.2. Competing explanations 99 Doherty (1994) had designed the “synonyms” task as test of the theory that children’s mastery of the false belief test reflects a deeper understanding of mental states as representations (Doherty, 1994; Flavell, 1988; Forguson & Gopnik, 1988; Perner, 1988, 1991, dubbed it RUM “Representational Understanding of Mind”). It implies that children apply their newly gained understanding to beliefs but also to other, non-mental representations. Zaitchik (1990) had explored this expectation in the realm of pictorial representations. The “synonyms” task was designed to check this implication for understanding linguistic expressions as representations. It uses the fact that language as a representational medium can have different representational forms (words) to represent the same content (meaning). To succeed 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 TE 72 EC 71 RR 70 CO 69 UN 68 DP RO 97 thinks it is). This happens at the same age at which they pass the “synonyms” task. In the “synonyms” task children were first tested for their knowledge of word pairs that come close to being synonyms, e.g., bunny–rabbit, lady–woman, television–TV, etc. On different occasions children were shown the same object among three distractors and asked, “Which one is the bunny?” and later, “Which one is the rabbit?” In the task proper a speaking puppet named an object, e.g., rabbit, and children had to “help” the puppet provide an alternative name, bunny. The task was first demonstrated with feedback on three modelling pairs. The experimenter provided the answers if the child could not, and explained that the answer, e.g., bunny, was correct because the object had two names, bunny and rabbit. Then five test pairs were presented. The pairs were presented twice, once with the puppet providing one of the synonyms, then the other synonym. This was to ensure that children could not succeed by using their habitual term. Younger children tended to repeat puppet’s expression, while most of the older children correctly used the alternative word on both trials. Performance on the “synonyms” task and the false belief task correlated strongly (r =≥ .65) even with children’s age and verbal intelligence partialled out (pr ≥ .60). Because children had to produce a suitable alternative expression, this was called the production version of the “synonyms” task. The paradigm was also played with reversed roles. The child named the item first (e.g., “a rabbit”) and the puppet then had to produce the alternative expression. The child was to judge whether the puppet had conformed to the instructions in each of three trial types in a random sequence (judgement version). The puppet either (1) correctly used the alternative description (“a bunny,” correct judgement: “yes, puppet said the right thing”), or (2) repeated the child’s label (“a rabbit,” correct judgement: “no”), or (3) said something wrong (“an elephant,” correct judgement: “no”). Again correctness of judgements was strongly correlated with passing the false belief task (r ≥ .82, pr ≥ .70). These correlations between the false belief task and the judgement version of the synonyms task have since been replicated by Doherty (1998), Clements, Heider, Brooks, and Garnham (1998), and Garnham, Brooks, Garnham, and Ostenfeld (2000). 67 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 DP RO 114 TE 113 EC 112 RR 111 on the task children have to pay attention to the sameness of meaning of synonyms (they can’t allow a name that is not a synonym) and at the same time ensure that the second label does not have the same form as the first one, i.e., be a synonym and not a repetition of the first label. The data bore out strongly the expectation that the “synonyms” task and the false belief task are mastered at the same age as predicted by the theory that they both require an understanding of representation. An alternative explanation for the data by Doherty and Perner (1998) can be derived from a speculation by Flavell (1988, pp. 245–246) and Markman (1989, p. 212). They suggested that children’s tendency to assume that each object only has one ‘name’ may have the same origins as children’s inability to understand the appearance–reality distinction (Flavell, Flavell, & Green, 1983) and false belief (Wimmer & Perner, 1983). Mutual exclusivity has been introduced as a principle that helps infants and children map new words to objects (Carey & Bartlett, 1978; Dockrell, 1981; Dockrell & Campbell, 1986; Markman & Wachtel, 1988; Merriman & Bowman, 1989). Although, in the “synonyms” tasks children are not learning new words but have to operate with ostensively familiar words, a kind of conscious mutual exclusivity constraint could be evoked when children are directly faced with the fact that more than one label exists for an object. An obvious implication of this “ME hypothesis” is that children should not only have problems with “synonyms” but with any two alternative labels for the same object, e.g., basic and superordinate category labels: rabbit–animal. In contrast, the representational-understanding-of-mind (RUM) hypothesis would predict that this task should be substantially easier than the synonyms task, because “this is a rabbit” and “this is an animal” have clearly different meanings and the task can be mastered without understanding “rabbit” and “animal” as pure variations of word forms (representational vehicle) with constant meaning (representational content). In a series of experiments these differential predictions were put to a test. We briefly summarise the results of the first three experiments and then report with proper details the last, most encompassing study. Stummer (1997, Experiment 2) developed the production version of the “synonyms” task into two different versions of say-something-different (SSD) tasks. In the categories task the alternative labels are a basic and a superordinate category, i.e., if the puppet calls it “a dog” the child should call it “an animal” and vice versa in response to the prompt “Now, say the other thing!” Stummer (2001, Experiment 1) also used a subordinate and basic categories task (e.g., “poodle” vs. “dog”). The “synonyms” and the categories tasks are both name/name (NN) tasks, i.e., if puppet uses one name for the object, the child has to use the other name for it. The colour/name (CN) task was designed as a control condition of similar structure and complexity as the NN tasks but without the use of alternative names (categories or synonyms). The child is instructed to say the object’s colour if the puppet had said its name, and vice versa. For instance, if the puppet had said, “it’s black,” then the child should say, “it’s a dog.” This task should be easier than the other SSD tasks according to both theories. It should be easy according to ME since the colour of an object does not specify what kind it is, hence there is no dual CO 110 UN 109 J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 OF 4 OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 5 Tasks Stummer (1997) (3.0–6.1, n = 36) Stummer (2001) (3.4–4.9, n = 40) % Children correct on all items False belief 61 Say-something-different Synonyms 67 Categories 64 Colour/name 94 Part/name – Colour/colour – Part/part – 73 – 73a 95 – – – Present experiment (2.8–4.9, n = 2 × 24) Production Judgement 19 19 38 42 92 96 87 92 33 21 87 92 87 92 .66∗∗ [.62∗∗ ] .53∗∗ [.25] .13 [−.10] .11 [.27] .17 [.19] .15 [.18] .72∗∗ [.72∗∗ ] .60∗∗ [.32] .17 [−.22] .15 [.24] .17 [−.08] .15 [.32] TE Correlations [with age and verbal intelligence partialled out] FB × synonyms .64∗∗ [.45∗∗ ] – FB × categories .59∗∗ [.42∗ ] .77∗∗ [.65∗∗ ] .37∗ [.20] FB × colour/name .38∗ [.32] FB × part/name – – FB × colour/colour – – FB × part/part – – DP RO Table 1 Results from experiments by Stummer and from the experiment reported here 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 RR 155 identity involved. It should be easy according to RUM since being a dog and being black are two different states of affairs. The critical difference between theories is that according to RUM the categories task should be as easy as the CN task while according to ME it should be as difficult as the “synonyms” task. The first 2 data columns in Table 1 present the results. The upper panel shows the relative difficulty of the tasks in terms of the percentage of children who passed each task, which clearly supports the expectations of the ME thesis: the categories task and the synonyms task (both alternative naming NN tasks) were of equal difficulty. The lower panel shows the correlations between tasks confirming the results of Doherty (1994) and Doherty and Perner (1998) that the false belief task relates strongly to the synonyms (and the categories task) even after differences in age and verbal intelligence have been taken into account. Stummer (2001, see Perner, Stummer, & Lang, 1999, Table 8.2) also found that children had a general tendency to answer with the basic term (e.g., “dog”) regardless of whether the correct alternative was a superordinate (animal) or a subordinate category (poodle). This cannot be interpreted by RUM, which would expect greater difficulty switching from the specific to the more general (e.g., poodle → dog) since there is no gain in meaning than from the general to the more specific (dog → poodle) which can be more easily understood in terms of a CO 154 UN 153 EC a Average of number of children passing all superordinate/basic tasks and of number passing subordinate/basic tasks. ∗ P ≤ .05. ∗∗ P ≤ .01. 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 DP RO 177 TE 176 EC 175 RR 174 difference in meaning. It does fit, however, the ME hypothesis that children prefer a particular term for any one object. Unfortunately for ME, Stummer’s data with the production paradigm also fit another plausible explanation that the NN-tasks pose stronger executive demands on children than the NC-task. It has been reported that mastery of the FB-task relates to improvements in inhibiting prepotent wrong responses (Russell, Mauthner, Sharpe, & Tidswell, 1991) and several other executive tasks (Carlson & Moses, 2001; Hughes, Dunn, & White, 1998; for review see Perner & Lang, 1999). Hence, a difference in executive demands provides an explanation for why the NN-tasks are more difficult than the NC-task as well as for why the NN-tasks are mastered at the same time as the FB-task. In particular, the NN tasks have a strong similarity with the Stroop task, a prototypical executive function task. It is characterised by the requirement to suppress the more automatised response (e.g., name the colour designated by a colour word) to a request (name the colour of a colour word) in order to respond with the desired alternative response (name the colour in which the colour word is written). The NN-tasks pose the same executive demands. There are two (or more) possible responses to the question, “What is this?” and the child has to suppress the option that comes to mind first, when this option is the wrong one. This is particularly strong when puppet has used the basic term and the child has to use the super- or subordinate term (as observed by Stummer, 2001). It is also a problem in the synonyms task because the name just highlighted by puppet (e.g., “rabbit”) is more likely to come to mind first and needs to be suppressed in order to respond with the other option (bunny). In contrast, these executive demands are not present in the NC-task where the child is instructed to switch between different questions. For instance, if puppet answers the question about what the item is, then the child has to answer the question about its colour (this task is comparable to the Stroop control condition of naming the colour in which non-colour words are written). We put this hypothesis to test by introducing a colour/colour (CC) and a part/part task (PP). For instance, in the CC task puppet names one of the two colours of the item and the child has to refrain from repeating the same colour and name the other colour. The executive demand hypothesis predicts that these tasks should be as difficult as the NN-tasks because they create the same Stroop-like executive demands, i.e., the same request, e.g., “name its colour!” or “name a part of it!” has to be answered with an alternative possible answer, like in the NN-task. In contrast, the ME hypothesis predicts that these new tasks should be as easy as the NC-task, since colour or having a part are not alternative names for the object. To strengthen the test we also included a judgement version as in the original study by Doherty and Perner (1998). This also allows us to detect the possibility that executive demands determine children’s performance in conjunction with representational understanding. In that case we expect the NN, CC and PP tasks to be difficult in the production version because they all pose the presumed executive demands, but only the synonyms task should pose difficulties in the judgement version since the judgement version should not pose the Stroop type of execu- CO 173 UN 172 J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 OF 6 OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 7 219 3. Method 220 3.1. Participants 221 223 Forty-eight children (29 boys, 19 girls) from four nursery schools in Salzburg, Austria participated in this study. Their ages ranged from 2.8 (2 years and 8 months) to 4.9 (mean age of 3.11, S.D. = 7 months). 224 3.2. Design 225 240 Each child was tested in two sessions lasting roughly 15–20 min about 1 week apart. Each session consisted of four tasks, one standard false belief (FB) task and three SSD tasks. In one session the FB-task was administered before the SSD tasks and in the other session it was administered after them. Also, in one session the SSD tasks were administered in their production version, and in the other session in their judgement version. These factors were fully counter-balanced. For half of the children in each age group the three SSD tasks were a superordinate/basic categories task (NN-categories), a name/colour task (NC) and a colour/colour task (CC). For the other half the three tasks were a synonyms task (NN-synonyms), a name/part task (NP) and a part/part task (PP). The order of the three SSD tasks was fully counter-balanced. The orders of the three trial types of the judgement tasks (puppet responds with same, different or wrong label) were also counter-balanced. A child received a “pass” score for a particular condition if all three trial types were answered correctly. For the production versions there were two tasks in each condition (e.g., superordinate-basic, and basic-superordinate) and a child was scored as passing if answers for both tasks were correct. 241 3.3. Materials 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 242 243 244 245 246 247 TE 228 EC 227 RR 226 The materials for the two false belief tasks were several Playmobile® figures. In the dog story a dog puts his bone in one location and in his absence another story character moves the bone unexpectedly to a new location. The book story follows the same plot except that a boy Max puts his book in one location and in his absence his mother moves the book unexpectedly to a new location. Moreover, an extensive battery of memory questions was used at the end: CO 222 Memory question 1: Reality question: Memory question 2: Where did he put the bone in the beginning? Where is the bone now? Who put it there? UN 217 DP RO 218 tive demand. Whereas under the ME hypothesis, only the NN-tasks — but both of them — should pose difficulties in the production as well as the judgement version. 216 J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 OF 8 251 3.4. Procedure 252 Each child was tested individually in a small room near the nursery school classrooms. The procedures for the FB-task and the SSD-tasks were modelled after the study by Doherty and Perner (1998). We only outline the procedure for the judgement version. 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 3.4.1. Say-something-different (SSD) tasks — judgement version For the vocabulary check 3 A4 sheets were used with four pictures on each. Two of the pictures were experimental items used later (e.g., train/railway, stool/chair). Children were asked to point to, e.g., a “train” (Zug), and then later to a “railway” (Eisenbahn). The subsequent modelling phase differed for each kind of task. In the NN tasks two labels were introduced, either two synonyms (“bunny” and “rabbit”) or a basic and a superordinate category (rabbit and animal). Then the child was asked what the item was called, and the child used one of the terms, e.g., “rabbit.” It was then explained that the puppet, too, had to say what the item was called but use a different name, i.e., “bunny.” The puppet shouldn’t say “rabbit,” because that is what the child had called it. Puppet needs to use a different name, but one that is right. Puppet couldn’t say “elephant” because this is not an elephant. Puppet needs to say “bunny” because this is a bunny, and the child had not used “bunny.” Then this game was practised on three trials. On the first trial puppet repeated the same label the child had used, on the second trial the correct alternative was used and on the third trial an incorrect term was applied (e.g., “elephant”). Each time the child was asked: “Did Puppet say what he was supposed to say?1 ” Each time the child gave a wrong answer, this was pointed out and the reason for why it was wrong was repeated. In the NC-task it was explained that the child can either name the item or say what colour it has and that the puppet then had to say the other thing but not something that was wrong. In the CC-task each object had two colours; children could name one of them and puppet was supposed to name the other colour but not one the object didn’t have. In the NP-task it was pointed out that the item was a rabbit and that it had a head as a part. Then the child was supposed to either name the item or the part and puppet had to provide the other label, but not one that didn’t apply. In the PP-task two parts of the item were pointed out (head, tail), the child had to name one of them and puppet the other one but not one the item didn’t have. Each task was demonstrated in its three response versions, i.e., the TE 256 EC 255 RR 254 CO 253 1 German original: “Hat Rex das gesagt, was er hätte sagen sollen?” NB: We avoided asking whether it was right what puppet had said, because “right” might lead children to say “yes” when puppet repeated the child’s correct label. UN 249 DP RO 250 The materials for the six SSD-tasks consisted of several A4 sheets with a single object depicted on it. A list of all items used for the test-phases in the production and judgement version of the SSD-tasks is given in the Appendix A. 248 OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 9 puppet wrongly repeating what the child had said, correctly mentioning the other option, or incorrectly applying a wrong label. 287 3.5. Results 288 3.5.1. False belief Children’s answers to the reality control question (Where is the object now?) were almost perfect (90% were correct in both tasks). They were a little less reliable in their answers to the two memory control questions: only 65% gave correct answers in both tasks. Nevertheless, 30 of the 48 children (62%) answered all three control questions in both stories correctly, but only 9 of the 48 children (19%) answered both test questions correctly. Since only two children answered one of the test questions correctly and the other incorrectly, the retest reliability (κ = .874, P < .001) of test question answers was very good. 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 TE 293 3.5.2. Say-something-different Children were almost perfect in the vocabulary check (96% correct). The percentage of children who passed both tasks of the test phase is shown in Table 1 (upper panel fourth and fifth column). Children’s problems are restricted to the two NN-tasks with either synonyms or super-basic categories. There was no difference between the group with synonyms and the group with categories, neither in the production version: χ 2 (1, N = 48) = .09, P > .76, nor in the judgement version: χ 2 (1, N = 48) = .95, P > .33. Although the higher percentages in column 4 than in column 5 indicate, in particular for the synonyms task, that more children passed the production task than the judgement version; the difference is, however, not statistically significant (binomial test: n = 8, k = 1, P > .05). The remaining percentages in Table 1 show that children did exceedingly well on all the other SSD-tasks (NC, NP, CC, and PP). There was no significant difference in difficulty between them. There was no difference between the group being tested on colour and the group being tested with parts: 2 (1, N = 48) = .36, P > .55, for NC versus NP in the production version, and χ 2 (1, N = 48) = .22, P > .63, in the judgement version, and χ 2 (1, N = 48) = .22, P > .63, for CC versus PP in the production version, and χ 2 (1, N = 48) = .22, P > .63, in the judgement version. Also, children did no better on the tasks with names (NC or NP) than on tasks without names (CC or PP): McNemar χ 2 (1, N = 48) = 1.0, P > .62, for the production version and McNemar χ 2 (1, N = 48) = .00, P > .99, in the judgement version. Fig. 1 shows the developmental trend on these groups of SSD-tasks and the FB-tasks by splitting the group of children in three age groups. It makes clear that even the youngest children performed close to ceiling on all SSD-tasks except on the ones that involved dual naming (NN-tasks). On these tasks a strong developmental improvement was apparent that paralleled the usual improvement found on EC 292 RR 291 CO 290 UN 289 DP RO 286 285 OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 TE DP RO 10 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 RR 328 the FB-task in this age range (Wellman, Cross, & Watson, 2001). There was significant improvement with age on all three tasks: χ 2 (2, N = 48) = 9.76, P < .005, for NN-production, χ 2 (2, N = 48) = 6.85, P < .01, for NN-judgement, and χ 2 (2, N = 48) = 11, P < .01, for FB. The correlation coefficients in the lower panel of Table 1 (columns 4 and 5) show the NN-tasks and the FB-task also correlate very strongly with each other. These correlations remain robust for synonyms even when age and verbal intelligence (K-ABC) are partialled out (numbers in square brackets). The essence of the results stays the same when the analysis is reduced to those children who answered all control questions correctly. Of these children 20% passed the FB-task, 23% the NN-judgement and 37% the NN-production task and 97% all of the other SSD-tasks in the judgement version and 100% all of the other SSD-tasks in the production version. The difference between NN-tasks and other SSD-tasks was significant for both production (McNemar’s χ 2 (1, N = 30) = 19, P < .001) and judgement versions (McNemar’s χ 2 (1, N = 30) = 22, P < .001). The correlation between FB- and the NN-judgement task is then r = .71, P < .001, [pr = .67, P < .001, with age and verbal intelligence partialled out], and between FB and the NN-production task r = .66, P < .001, [pr = .58, P < .005]. CO 327 UN 326 EC Fig. 1. Percentage of children in the three age groups passing each experimental condition. OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 11 3.6. Discussion 346 371 The results are exactly as predicted from the ME hypothesis: both NN-tasks, synonyms as well as categories (both involve alternative labels for an object), are as difficult as the false belief task in their production as well as the judgement version. All other SSD-tasks are equally easy. The massive difference between children’s performance on the NN-tasks and the other SSD-tasks speaks clearly against the executive demand hypothesis. It also makes our results difficult to explain by other potential alternatives, for instance, the CCC theory (cognitive complexity and control theory, Zelazo & Frye, 1997). The core claim is that children around 4 years old come to master embedded conditionals, and the false belief task has this logical structure (Frye, Zelazo, & Palfai, 1995; though see Perner, Stummer, & Lang, 1999, for reservations about how this analysis applies to the FB-task). The same analysis could be brought to bear on the SSD tasks (Perner et al., 1999). This could explain why the NN-tasks are mastered at the same time as the FB-task. However, it is difficult to see how it could account for the fact that the other SSD tasks are substantially easier, since their logical structure seems identical. Similar problems arise for so-called “neo-Piagetian” theories (Case, 1985; Pascual-Leone, 1970) or other theories that argue with developmental changes in working-memory limitations, because it is difficult to see how the different SSD tasks could pose different working-memory loads. In sum, the data from this experiment confirm the problems for RUM theory, and they also speak against the executive demands hypothesis and other potential alternatives. This leaves the ME hypothesis as the only viable alternative for explaining children’s difficulty with the NN-tasks. However, we need to look again at the reasons, why the ME constraint — the reluctance to accept more than one label for an object — should be related to the inability to understand belief. 372 4. Problems with Flavell’s and Markman’s “single identity” hypothesis 373 Although the data on the SSD-tasks clearly speak for the ME hypothesis, the question remains why ME should be developmentally related to failure of understanding visual perspective, the appearance–reality distinction and — in our case — false belief. Markman (1989) suggested that ME operates not at the level of linguistic labels but results from deeper principles of categorisation, namely that “children may believe that an object has one and only one identity — that it can be only one kind of thing . . . .” (Markman, 1989, p. 212). Flavell suggested that the “single identity hypothesis” might also explain children’s problems with appearance–reality problems where, e.g., a piece of sponge appears to be a rock. “Children of this age also believe . . . that each object or event in the world has only one nature — one ‘way that it is’ — at any given point in time. It cannot be two or more very different, mutually contradictory, and incompatible things at the 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 TE 351 EC 350 RR 349 CO 348 UN 347 DP RO 345 J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 OF 12 411 5. What is a perspective? 412 The Concise Oxford English Dictionary (Thompson, 1995) gives three relevant definitions: 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 TE 390 EC 389 RR 388 (1) the art of drawing solid objects . . . so as to give the right impression of relative positions, size, etc.; (2) the apparent relation between visible objects as to position, distance, etc.; (3) a mental view of the relative importance of things (keep the right perspective). CO 387 Generalising these definitions in representational terms we might say that a difference in perspective occurs whenever there is a difference in content between different representations of a particular thing (an object, a scene or an event). Three aspects are critical for a difference in perspective. (1) There must be some difference and incompatibility (e.g., different apparent relations). (2) The difference has to do with how the target is represented (representational reference). (3) Despite their difference the representations must pertain, in some sense, to the UN 386 DP RO 410 same time; rather, it can only be one thing. Consequently, it makes no sense to them to hear something described as being radically different than the single way it ‘is’ (with ‘is’ not differentiated from ‘seems to them at that moment’)” (Flavell, 1988, p. 245). It remains far from clear how the “single identity” hypothesis is to be applied to the false belief task. It raises the question about which object or event has only one nature. One might suggest the object’s location as a candidate event. Indeed, this event is given two different labels, e.g., “drawer” (in the false belief) and “cupboard” (in reality). However, there are several problems with this analysis. One is children’s surprisingly early competence in pretence (e.g., Harris & Kavanaugh, 1993) where children as young as 2.5 years have little problems pretending that a block (in reality) is a soap bar (in pretence). So why can they understand dual identity (block–soap) in this case but not in the belief task? Another problem regards Flavell’s characterisation of what children fail to understand: “It cannot be two or more very different, mutually contradictory, and incompatible things at the same time.” This doesn’t apply as an explanation to the false belief task (or the appearance–reality distinction), because children are not required to understand that the object’s location can be the drawer and the cupboard at the same time. And it doesn’t apply to the NN-tasks because being a rabbit and being an animal are not mutually contradictory. Rather, the question to be answered about ME is not how children manage to understand that a thing (object or event) can be two incompatible things but why children treat compatible (e.g., rabbit, animal) as incompatible. To answer this question we look at children’s understanding of perspective as a common denominator for their problems with false belief and their tendency to show ME. Before we can achieve this we need to get clear on what we mean by “perspective.” 385 OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 13 460 5.1. Multiple identity 461 By using different words to say what something is, we do not primarily predicate different properties to something but we apply alternative sortals (words that determine what sort of thing something is) and thereby individuate the very thing we are talking about in different ways (e.g., Hirsch, 1982). A classical example that brings out the problems created by the use of different sortals is the case of the statue made of clay (e.g., Perry, 1970). Let’s say you gave me a piece of clay 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 462 463 464 465 466 TE 430 EC 429 RR 428 CO 427 UN 426 DP RO 459 same target (one and the same ‘thing’ that is represented). We only face a difference in visual perspective if we are looking at the same group of objects from different vantage points, not if we were looking at totally different objects. Or the word chosen for it only gives a different perspective from another word chosen for it, if the “it” refers to the same ‘thing’ in both cases (conceptual perspective taking, Clark, 1997; Tomasello, 1999). It seems clear how this applies to visual perspective differences and to false beliefs. If we face each other and between us on a line are a tree and a rock then I see the tree in front of the rock while you see it behind the rock. Our two corresponding statements “tree in front of rock,” and “tree behind the rock” are incompatible in the sense that one of us could not sincerely utter both of them. Our two statements are apparently about the same target, i.e., the same two objects and their relative spatial relation between them. Finally, to make sense of what is going on we need to refer to our different points of view (representational reference). Similarly for false belief, our knowledge of where the chocolate really is (chocolate in location B) and Max’s claim that it is still in A are clearly incompatible, they are about the same target (the real location of the chocolate), and to make sense of them we have to identify Max’s claim as one of a false belief (representational reference). Now for an example that we would not call a perspective difference. We are looking at a Dalmation. I say, “It is beautifully spotted” and you say, “It is a dog.” Does this involve a perspective difference? It involves alternative representations (descriptions) but there is no incompatibility, as I can immediately take your statement on board and say, “It is a dog and it is beautifully spotted.” It also brings out a problem in deciding sameness of target. If we consider the dog as the target, then we are speaking about the same target, but if we define the target in a more fine grained way then you are speaking about its nature, and I about its colouring. But now to the critical issue: What if you call it a dog and I a Dalmatian? Several authors assume that this creates a difference in perspective: in each conversation, it is said, we develop a particular conceptual perspective on the world, one of the central aspects of language acquisition (Tomasello, 1999). The most typical examples involve “multiple identity,” e.g., describing a dog as a Dalmatian, dog, or animal (Clark, 1997). Does such alternative naming create different perspectives according to our criteria? To see that it does we need to go more deeply into what we do when we label objects. 425 J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 OF 14 488 6. Two types of perspective and the “same thing” problem 489 6.1. Truth-incompatible perspectives 490 501 False beliefs (the chocolate is in location A) vis-à-vis reality (the chocolate is in B) are clear cases of a difference between truth-incompatible perspectives. That’s why these beliefs are called false. Similarly, that is why deceptive appearances, e.g., the piece of sponge appears to be a rock, are called deceptive, because the appearance misspecifies reality. In these cases it is clear that, e.g., Max’s mistaken statement, “the chocolate is in A,” and the child’s knowledge, “the chocolate is in B,” have the same target, namely the actual location of the chocolate, although Max’s belief misrepresents that target. In case of doubt about what the target precisely is, one can define it as that against which the truth of the propositions, “the chocolate is in A,” and, “the chocolate is in B,” have to be evaluated, i.e., where the chocolate really is. No such clear criterion for determining the target is available for truth-compatible perspectives. 502 6.2. Truth-compatible perspectives 503 Visual perspectives and conceptual perspectives are prime examples of this class. They share the feature that alternative perspectives are true. For instance, 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 504 TE 472 EC 471 RR 470 CO 469 UN 468 DP RO 487 last week, which an artist friend of mine turned into a lovely statue yesterday. Now when faced with the statue I can individuate it as a piece of clay (the piece I got from you last week) or as a statue (the one made yesterday by my friend). On first blush and by normal intuition it seems that we have a single object that is a piece of clay as well as a statue — just like it is lengthy and brownish. However, this is not so straightforward. When asked since when I have been in possession of it, the answer depends on what sortal I used to individuate it. If I used “piece of clay” the answer is “last week,” if I used “statue” the answer is “yesterday.” So, here we have our incompatibility resulting from alternative individuation by different labels (sortals). One attempt at explaining what is going on is to assume that there are actually two different things in existence, a piece of clay and a statue that temporally overlap, i.e., a part of the temporal ‘stage’ of the piece of clay and the ‘stage’ of existence of the statue are identical (e.g., Perry, 1970). In that case, there would not be a difference in perspective involved, since the seemingly incompatible answers about ‘its’ existence are not incompatible after all, because “it” refers to different things. However, the question remains, is that just a philosopher’s way out of a quandary or do we actually think that way (despite our conscious denial of it)? We see, the question whether two representations have the same target or different targets and also the question whether their contents are incompatible or not, are sometimes difficult to answer. To see where the difficulty lies we need to distinguish two different types of perspective difference. 467 OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 15 524 7. A constructivist definition of perspective 525 At the starting point we use a technical trick and assume all representations are representations of the same ‘thing:’ the logical universe (the set of all possible worlds). That means that any two representations with different content are different perspectives on the universe. For instance, both of us look at the same Dalmatian and one of us forms the thought, “it is a dog,” and the other, “it is perfectly spotted.” But there is no need, yet, to speak of different perspectives, if we can give the universe more structure (construct parts). That this is easily possible shows in the fact that our two thoughts can be easily integrated within a single thought, “it is a dog AND it is perfectly spotted,” or even, “it is a perfectly spotted dog.” In other cases this integration requires more construction. The two statements, “It is cold and raining” (spoken in Salzburg) and, “it is hot and sunny,” (spoken in Philadelphia) seem incompatible until we realise that they refer to different parts of the world. One describes the weather in Salzburg, the other the weather in Philadelphia. Consequently, they can be uttered by a single person making the difference in target explicit: “It is cold and raining in Salzburg and it is hot and sunny in Philadelphia.” Similar cases with a hidden difference in target are often found when people refer to different times or different worlds. If you say, “Santa Claus doesn’t exist” and I, “Santa Claus lives near the North Pole,” we do not need to construe this as different perspectives on a single universe, but we can understand it as talk about different worlds, the real world in which Santa Claus does not exist and a fictional 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 TE 510 EC 509 RR 508 CO 507 UN 506 DP RO 523 spatial descriptions given from different vantage points like, “A is in front of B,” and “A is behind B,” cannot both be uttered by the same person, “A is in front of B and A is behind B,” hence there is some incompatibility, but if uttered from different vantage points neither speaker can be excused of being wrong, i.e., both statements are true. Similarly in the case of applying alternative sortals to one and the same entity: if the statements, “This is a statue,” and “this is a piece of clay,” create different perspectives, as some would argue (e.g., Clark, 1997; Tomasello, 1999), then they are truth-compatible perspectives, since statements conforming to either perspective, e.g., “I have it since yesterday,” and “I have it since last week,” are both true. The problem with a single target is now the following. Although at face value, “A is in front of B” and “A is behind B” are incompatible, they cannot be incompatible in some absolute sense, or else they could not both be true. Two solutions to this puzzle are possible. Either there is a hidden difference in target, and they are only superficially incompatible, or they have the same target (the spatial relation between A and B) but their descriptors are applicable only within different frames of reference (Kutschera, 1999, suggested that solution for the dual identity problem) and are incompatible within a particular frame of reference. We adopt a constructivist approach to deciding which option to take. 505 J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 OF 16 563 8. Children’s mastery of perspective taking 564 We need to make an important distinction between different levels of “perspective taking:” switching perspectives (taking different perspectives at different times) and confronting perspectives (representing two perspectives simultaneously; understanding that there are different perspectives). In line with Clark’s (1997) many-perspectives view, which she contrasts with the one-perspective view ascribed to defenders of ME, children can switch conceptual perspectives more or less from the time they start building up a larger vocabulary in the second year of life. Once children know that a rabbit is an animal, they can look at it as a rabbit and switch to considering it an animal. But they need not confront the fact that it can be considered an animal as well as a rabbit. Our claim (compatible with Clark’s) is that the ability to confront different perspectives emerges around 4 years and underlies the co-emergence of success on the FB and the NN-tasks (and, of course, other perspective tasks: Level 2 visual perspective taking and appearance–reality, Flavell, 1988; Perner, 1991). This locates the acquisition a few years earlier than Piaget and Inhelder (1948/1956). However, if one strips their methods of unnecessary complexities (Light & Nix, 1983) then the age of acquisition comes closer to the age that we are dealing with here. The characteristic feature of the NN-tasks is that one needs to keep both descriptions in mind in order to judge whether the other person (puppet) has used the alternative description. If alternative descriptions create different perspectives then children must be able to confront different perspectives in order to make these judgements. The same ability is needed in the false belief task in order to represent that the object is in location 2, but is believed to be in location 1. These 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 TE 551 EC 550 RR 549 CO 548 UN 547 DP RO 562 world in which he is known to live near the North Pole. Evidently, our constructive powers to integrate different mental contents as stemming from a coherent logical universe with different parts (different worlds) are considerable. Adopting Piaget and Inhelder’s (1941/1974, p. 87) language for describing intellectual development: we progress beyond a flow of independent perspectives (egocentric phenomenalism) by discovering properties of the logical universe (world) as objective co-ordinations among these perspectives. But there comes a point where we do not have the conceptual structures to find such a solution for integrating seemingly incompatible contents. Spatial perspectives are the classic case. “A is in front of B” and “A is behind B” cannot be simply integrated by making a hidden difference in target explicit, e.g., “A is in front of B and A is behind B ” The only common sense way of filling in the missing parts is with a representational reference to different frames of reference or points of view, e.g., from my/your point of view, from where I am/you are, etc. That is, our only natural way of understanding the relationship between the two statements is to interpret them as pertaining to different perspectives (points of view, frames of reference). 546 OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 17 two propositions can be integrated in a single representation only by marking them as different perspectives. 589 9. Mutual exclusivity — a problem of dual identity or perspective? 590 It is now tempting to conclude that the ability to represent differences in perspective frees children from the ME bias. This is not necessarily the case. For, from realising that I can conceive of a ‘thing’ under different sortals within different perspectives it does not follow that the ‘thing’ can have both identities. If this did follow, we would have to conclude from the fact that an object in the cupboard can be (mistakenly) conceived of as being in the drawer, that it must be possible that an object can be in the cupboard and in the drawer at the same time. Clearly, we need to take into account the difference between truth-compatible and truth-incompatible perspectives. The NN-task requires the ability to represent two perspectives simultaneously, but does not require them to evaluate the truth of both claims. In a new rejection task Doherty (2001) asked children between 3 and 8 years to do exactly that. Children were first asked what something (e.g., a rabbit) is called. If they answered “rabbit” then a doll named Sally also called it a “rabbit” but Tony called it a “bunny.” Children then had to remember what Tony had said (bunny) and they were asked: “Is it a bunny?” The same procedure was repeated for what Sally had said it was. Children had few problems remembering what each character had said, but many children rejected one of the two labels (they didn’t think it could be a bunny and a rabbit) which is indicative of the classical ME effect. Not all children who failed the NN-task tended to reject (as one might have thought). This can be expected if some children were induced to switch perspectives with each switch to the other sortal. More interestingly, rejection didn’t stop altogether with success on the NN-task around 4 or 5 years. Only around 7.5 years did the rejection rate get close to zero. This considerable lag between success on the NN-task and subsidence of ME can be explained by fact that the NN-task requires the ability to confront a difference in perspective while ME can only be overcome if the truth-compatibility of two perspectives can be assessed in addition. The data, therefore, suggest that truth-compatibility is not understood before the age of 7–8 years. This gives us two interesting testable predictions. The first prediction is that a similar lag should be observed for other truth-compatible perspectives, e.g., visual perspective. Extrapolating from existing research (Kuczaj & Maratsos, 1975; Tanz, 1980) we assume that by 4 years of age children might be able to understand that when A is in front of B for them, that another person viewing the scene from the opposite direction will say, “A is behind B.” However, when asked, “Is that right what other said?” children until 8 years will reject it. 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 TE 595 EC 594 RR 593 CO 592 UN 591 DP RO 588 587 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 DP RO 633 TE 632 EC 631 RR 630 Another interesting prediction can be derived from the consideration that understanding truth-compatibility requires a kind of higher-order, perspective-relative truth evaluation. The easiest way of deciding whether another person, who is claiming something different, may be right or wrong is to simply judge the truth of other’s statement from within one’s own perspective. This works nicely for the false belief task. When Max on his return exclaims, “the chocolate is in the drawer,” a check within my own perspective, where the chocolate is in the cupboard, leads to the correct conclusion that his statement is false. The same strategy, however, does not work for visual perspectives. If we face each other over objects A and B, and I evaluate your statement, “A is in front of B,” within my perspective then I come to the wrong conclusion that your statement is false, because for me B is in front of A. And, it does not work for conceptual perspective changes arising from alternative naming, because when one is taking the perspective where it is being individuated as a statue then it is not a piece of clay (with ‘is’ in the sense of individuation). A higher-order strategy of evaluating truth within your perspective is needed here. Data from a belief task used by Perner and Howes (1992) and Perner (1994) point to a later age of acquisition. Children had to predict what Max would answer to the question, “Where is your chocolate?” As one would expect from previous data, practically all 4–6-year olds predicted correctly his mistake. However, children also were asked to predict what Max would say to the question, “Do you know where your chocolate is?” Now many of these children responded wrongly that he would answer “No, I don’t know.” The main explanation for the difficulty of this question is that the answer requires the second-order understanding that Max will reflect (from within his perspective) approvingly on the truth of his belief, in other words, he thinks he knows. On the basis of these results we can venture the following predictions. Children will misjudge the truth of truth-compatible statements as false until they are able to master the second-order strategy at about 6 years. Until that age, many children are expected to misjudge another person’s true spatial statement phrased within an egocentric reference frame (e.g., “A is in front of B”) when spoken from a different vantage point as false, and will reject the application of one of two alternative sortals in Doherty’s rejection task. This, however, cannot be the end of the developmental story. The child must also learn when the truth needs to be evaluated within her own perspective and when it needs to be evaluated within the other’s perspective. If every statement is evaluated within the other’s perspective then false beliefs will be misjudged as true. Plausibly this distinction is acquired with the ability to evaluate truth relative to other perspectives. However, the possibility exists that this acquisition may take additional years leading to a period of children’s regression in their ability to judge the falseness of false beliefs, and a stage of uncertainty about rejecting synonyms. Such uncertainty could be the reason for Doherty’s finding that some children keep occasionally rejecting synonyms up to the age of 7 or even 8 years. But these speculations are in need of systematic and, preferably, longitudinal investigation. CO 629 UN 628 J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 OF 18 OF J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 19 10. A new perspective including class inclusion 673 10.1. Back to Piaget 674 690 The ability required in the alternative naming tasks to acknowledge that something can be a rabbit and an animal at the same time should be a critical prerequisite for passing Inhelder and Piaget’s (1964) classic class inclusion test. For, asked about a group of three rabbits and two cats, whether there are more rabbits or more animals, one has to count the rabbits as rabbits and as animals. Our analysis claims that two perspectives are involved. Independent counts (How many rabbits? How many animals?) can be provided by switching perspectives. Children (provided they can count) should be able to do this before they master alternative naming and the false belief task. However, the class inclusion question asks for comparison of both sets and so both perspectives need to be confronted. Moreover, children need to be aware that the numbers they attain within each perspective are both accurate (true), which suggests that children solve the class inclusion problem at the same time as they can answer the know-question by Perner and Howes (1992) and when they stop rejecting on Doherty’s rejection task. To settle this issue we would need more information of how children approach the class inclusion task. The variability found with different task procedures (Winer, 1980) might be due to how these procedures influence children’s approach to the task. 691 11. A Piagetian epilogue 692 700 In our attempt to explain why alternative naming and understanding false belief are developmentally related we made use of several Piagetian ideas. (1) We used Piaget’s constructivist view of intellectual development for our definition of perspective. (2) We used Piaget’s and Inhelder’s notion that an understanding of perspective is acquired in early-to-middle childhood as a powerful tool to integrate different developments at the age of 4 years. (3) By differentiating between truth-compatible and truth-incompatible perspectives we were able to give a new — and hopefully productive — perspective on mutual exclusivity and how it relates to Inhelder and Piaget’s class inclusion task. 701 Acknowledgments 702 We would like to thank the staff and children of the Magistrat Kindergärten in Auwiesenstrasse 22-24 and 60, Neutorstrasse, Maxglan, the Pfarrkindergärten Herrnau, Nonntal, Parsch and the Gemeindekindergärten Radstadt and Ramsau for their participation in these studies. The project was financially supported by the Austrian Science Fund (Project P14495-SPR) and by a research grant from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Salzburg, to Manuel Sprung. 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 703 704 705 706 707 TE 679 EC 678 RR 677 CO 676 UN 675 DP RO 672 J. Perner et al. / Cognitive Development 103 (2002) 1–22 Appendix A 709 Items for the test phase of the say-something-different tasks. DP RO 708 OF 20 Production version Judgement version Synonyms Woman/lady [Frau/Dame] Aircraft/plane [Flugzeug/Flieger] Train/railway [Zug/Eisenbahn] Matches/machsticks [Zünd-/Streichholz] Stool/chair [Sessel/Stuhl] Categories Pear/fruit [Birne/Obst] Rabbit/animal [Hase/Tier] Pliers/tool [Zange/Werkzeug] Apple/fruit [Apfel/Obst] Cat/animal [Katze/Tier] Colour/name Blue/cup [Blau/Tasse] Green/snail [Grün/Schnecke] Red/car [Rot/Auto] Blue/flower [Blau/Blume] Red/ball [Rot/Ball] Part/name Donkey/ears [Esel/Ohren] Snowman/nose [Schneemann/Nase] TE Tasks Elephant/snout [Elefant/Rüssel] Monkey/tail [Affe/Schwanz] Dragon/head [Drache/Kopf] 710 Yellow/blue bee [Gelb/Blau] EC Part/part Yellow/green tree [Gelb/Grün] Yellow/blue fish [Gelb/Blau] Head/tail [Kopf/Schwanz] Wing/head [Flügel/Kopf] Green/red present [Grün/Rot] Blue/red tricycle [Blau/Rot] Nose/mouth [Nase/Mund] Head/tail [Kopf/Schwanz] Head/belly [Kopf/Bauch] RR Colour/colour 714 References 715 Carey, S. (1985). 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