Rev. 6/2011 FACTS Why? FACTS Why? FACTS What? WHAT DOES METABANK™ DO WITH YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION? Rev. 6/2011 Financial choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives WHATcompanies DOES METABANK™ consumers the YOUR right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how DO WITH PERSONAL INFORMATION? we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to Rev. 6/2011 understand what we choose do. Financial companies how they share your personal information. Federal law gives WHAT DOES METABANK™ consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how The DO typesWITH of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have PERSONAL INFORMATION? we collect, share,YOUR and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to with us. The information can include: understand what we do. Financial Social companies Security number and income choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives Why? consumers Account balances and history the right to limittransaction somewe butcollect not alland sharing. alsoproduct requires to tellyou youhave how The types of personal information share Federal depend law on the or us service What? we us. collect, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to with Theshare, information can include: understand what we do. All Social Security number and financial companies need to income share customers’ personal information to run their everyday How? business. Account balances and transaction history In the section below, we reasons financial companies share customers’ The types of personal information list we the collect and share depend on the can product or their service you have What? personal information; the reasons MetaBank chooses to share; and whether you can limit this. with us. The information can include: sharing. companies need to share customers’ information to you run their financial Social Security number and income How? we canAll Reasons share your personal information Does personal MetaBank Can limiteveryday this sharing? business. In the section and below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ Account balances transaction history share? personal information; the reasons MetaBank chooses to share; and whether you can limit this. For our everyday business sharing. purposes – such as we to process transactions, maintain your customers’ Reasons can share your personal Does MetaBank Can you this sharing? All your financial companiesinformation need to share personal information to runlimit their everyday YES NO How? account(s), respond to court orders below, and we legal business. In the section list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ share? investigations, or report to credit bureaus personal information; For our everyday business purposes – the reasons MetaBank chooses to share; and whether you can limit this. For our marketing purposes – sharing. such as to process your transactions, maintain your YES NOthis sharing? NO we can and share your DoesYES MetaBank Can you limit toReasons offer our products topersonal you account(s), respond toservice court orders information and legal share? For joint marketing with other bureaus financial companies YES NO investigations, or report to credit Forour ourmarketing everydayeveryday businessbusiness purposespurposes – For our affiliates’ – For purposes – NO We doNO not share YES such as products to process your transactions, maintain your information about your and experiences to offer our andtransactions service to you YES NO account(s), respond to court orders and legal Forjoint our affiliates’ business purposes – For marketingeveryday with other financial companies YES NO NO We do not share investigations, or your report to credit bureaus information about creditworthiness For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes – NO We do not share Forour ouraffiliates marketing For to purposes market to –youand experiences NO We do not information about your transactions YES NO share to offer our products and service to you youpurposes – For ouraffiliates’ nonaffiliates to market to YES YES For our everyday business NO We do not For joint marketing other financial companies YES NOshare information about your with creditworthiness Call toll-free 1-866-387-7363 - Our menu will prompt you through your choice(s), or To limit For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes – For our affiliates to market to you NO We NO Wedodonot notshare share Mail theand form below. information about your experiences our sharing For our nonaffiliates totransactions market to you YES YES For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes – NO We do not share Please note: information creditworthiness Call toll-free 1-866-387-7363 - Our menu will prompt you through your choice(s), or To limit about your you are new customer, from we sent For sharing our affiliates to Ifmarket toayou NO information 30 daysWe dothe notdate share Mail the form below.we can begin sharing your our we continue to share your information as For our nonaffiliatesthis to notice. market When to youyou are no longer our customer, YES YES described in this notice. However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing. Please note: Call toll-free 1-866-387-7363 - Our menu will prompt you through your choice(s), or To limit If you are a new customer, we can begin sharing your information 30 days from the date we sent Mail the form below. Callnotice. 1-866-387-7363. our sharing Questions? this When are no continue to share your information as However, you canyou contact us longer at any our timecustomer, to limit ourwe sharing. described in this notice. However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing. Please note: If you are a new customer, we can begin sharing your information 30 days from the date we sent Call 1-866-387-7363. Questions? However, youWhen can contact atlonger any time limit our sharing. Mail-in Form this notice. you areusno ourtocustomer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice. However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing. Questions? Mail-in Form Mail-in Form Mail To: Mail To: Mail To: Call 1-866-387-7363. Mark if you to limit:us at any time to limit our sharing. However, youwant can contact Do not share my personal information with nonaffiliates to market their products and services to me. Mark if you want to limit: Name Do not share my personal information with nonaffiliates to market their products and services to me. Address Mark if you want to limit: Name City, State, Zip Do not share my personal information with nonaffiliates to market their products and Address services to me. NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card Program City, State, Zip Name P.O. Box 2136 Austin, TX 78768-2136 Address NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card Program P.O. Box 2136Zip City, State, Austin, TX 78768-2136 NetSpend Prepaid Debit Card Program P.O. Box 2136 Austin, TX 78768-2136 Page 2 Page 2we are Who Who is providing this notice? Who we are Rev. 6/2011 Rev. 6/2011 This privacy policy is provided by MetaBank and applies to the NetSpend prepaid debit cards and their related products and services. Who providing this notice? This privacy policy is provided by MetaBank and applies to the Page 2is What we do Rev. 6/2011 NetSpend prepaid debit cards and their related products and services. How does MetaBank protect my personal To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and Who we What we are do information? use, we use security measures that comply with and federal law. to These Who is providing this notice? This privacy policy is provided by MetaBank applies the How does MetaBank protect my personal To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and Page 2 measures include computer safeguards and secured filesand andservices. buildings. Rev. 6/2011 NetSpend prepaid debit cards andthat theircomply related products information? use, we use security measures with federal law. These How does collect include your personal information, forand example, when measures computer safeguards secured filesyou and buildings. Whatwe weare do MetaBank collect my personal We Who information? Open an account or use your prepaid debit card How is does collect my We collect your personal information, example, when youaccess MetaBank protect my personal This To protect your personal information from unauthorized Who providing this notice? privacy policy is provided byforMetaBank and applies to and the Give us your contact information or pay your bills information? use, Open an security account use your prepaid debitwith cardfederal we use measures These NetSpend prepaid debitor cards andthat theircomply related products andlaw. services. Provide employment information measures Give us your contact information or and pay secured your billsfiles and buildings. include computer safeguards What we do We protect Provide employment information How does does MetaBank MetaBank protect collect my personal personal To collect your personal information, forfrom example, when youaccess and your personal information unauthorized We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit Open an security account measures or use yourthat prepaid debit card information? use, we use comply with federal law. These bureaus, affiliates, or other companies. We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit Give us your contact information or pay your bills measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings. bureaus, affiliates, or other companies. Why can’t all sharing? Federal law gives you to right to limit only collect Provide employment information How doesI limit MetaBank collect my personal We your personal information, for example, when you Sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information information? Federal Open account or right use your prepaid Why can’t I limit all sharing? lawan gives you to to limit only debit card aboutcollect your creditworthiness your personal information others, such as credit We also Give us your contact information or payfrom your bills Sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information Affiliates from or using your information to market to you affiliates, other companies. bureaus, Provide employment information about your creditworthiness Sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you Federal Affiliates fromyou using your to information Why can’t I limit all sharing? law gives to right limit only to market to you State laws and companies may give you additional rights to We collect your personal frompurposes others, such as credit also Sharing for nonaffiliates to information marketbusiness to you forindividual affiliates’ everyday – information limit sharing. See below from more on your rights under state law. bureaus, affiliates, or other companies. creditworthiness Stateabout laws your and individual companies may give you additional rights to What happens when I limit sharing for an Your choices will apply tofrom everyone on your Affiliates from using your information toaccount. market to you limit sharing. See below more your rights under state law. Why can’t I limit all sharing? Federal law gives you to right to limiton only account I hold jointly with someone else? to market to you for nonaffiliates affiliates’ everyday purposes – information What happens when I limit sharing for an Your Sharing choices for will apply to everyone onbusiness your account. Definitions account I hold jointly with someone else? Stateabout laws your and creditworthiness individual companies may give you additional rights to Affiliates by common or control. Theylaw. can be Companies Affiliatesrelated from using your to rights market to you limit sharing. See below from information moreownership on your under state Definitions financial and nonfinancial companies. Sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you What happens when I limit sharing for an Companies Your choicesrelated will apply everyoneownership on your account. Affiliates by tocommon or control. They can be MetaBank has no affiliates with which it shares your personal account I hold jointly with someone else? financial and nonfinancial State laws and individual companies. companies may give you additional rights to information. MetaBank has no affiliates with which it under sharesstate yourlaw. personal Definitions limit sharing. See below from more on your rights Nonaffiliates Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be information. Affiliates Companies related bytocommon or control. They can be What happens when I limit sharing for an Your choices will apply everyoneownership on your account. financial and nonfinancial companies. Nonaffiliates Companies related bycompanies. common ownership or control. They can be financial andnot nonfinancial account I hold jointly with someone else? MetaBank does share with nonaffiliates so they can market to financial and nonfinancial MetaBank has nocompanies. affiliates with which it shares your personal Definitions you. You may opt-out of this sharing. MetaBank does share withownership nonaffiliates they can to information. Affiliates Companies related by common or so control. Theymarket can that be Joint marketing A formalyou. agreement betweenof nonaffiliated companies You may opt-out this ownership sharing. financial Nonaffiliates Companies not related bycompanies. common or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial together market financial products or services to you. Joint marketing A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial that financial and nonfinancial MetaBank nocompanies. affiliates with which it sharescompanies your personal Our joint has marketing partners may include other financial information. MetaBank does share withornonaffiliates so they can market to together market financial products services to you. services companies, such as NetSpend. Our joint marketing may or include you.not You may opt-out ofpartners thisownership sharing. Nonaffiliates Companies related by common control.other Theyfinancial can be Other important information companies, such as NetSpend. Joint marketing A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that financialservices and nonfinancial companies. CA & VT Residents: We will not share your information nonaffiliates without your consenttoexcept forcan our market everyday together market financial products ornonaffiliates services you. with MetaBank does share with so they to Other important information business purposes and as required or permitted by law. other financial Our joint marketing partners may include you. You may opt-out of this sharing. CA & VT Residents: We will not share your information with nonaffiliates without your consent except for our everyday companies, such as NetSpend. Joint marketing formalservices agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that business purposes and as required or permitted byAlaw. NV Residents: To be placed on our internal Do Not Call list, 1-866-387-7363. For more information together market financial products or services to you.on this Nevada law, Other important information contact Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Nevada Attorney General, partners 555 E. Washington St., Suite 3900, Las Our1-866-387-7363. joint marketing may include other financial NV To be We placed internal Not Call list, For your moreconsent information on this Nevada law, CA Residents: & VT Residents: will on notour share yourDo information with nonaffiliates without except for our everyday Vegas, NV 89101; Phone number 702-486-3132; Email services companies, such as NetSpend. contact of Consumer Protection, Office of businessBureau purposes and as required or permitted bythe law.Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington St., Suite 3900, Las Vegas,important NV 89101; Phone number 702-486-3132; Email Other information NV & Residents: To be We placed internal Not Call list, For your moreconsent information on for thisour Nevada law, CA VT Residents: will on notour share your Do information with 1-866-387-7363. nonaffiliates without except everyday contact Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of business purposes and as required or permitted by the law.Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington St., Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101; Phone number 702-486-3132; Email NV Residents: To be placed on our internal Do Not Call list, 1-866-387-7363. For more information on this Nevada law, contact Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington St., Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101; Phone number 702-486-3132; Email
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