JournaloJ Animal Ecology 2007 76,881-887 Why do femalelizards lay their eggsin communalnests? RAJKUMAR S . R A D D E R a n dR I C H A R D S H I N E Schoolof Biological SciencesA08, Universityof Sydney,NSW 2006, Australia Summary l. In many reptile species,femalesoviposit communally (i.e.many clutchesare laid within the samenest).This behaviourmight resultfrom constraint(scarcityof nest-sites offeringsuitableincubationconditions)or adaptation(directfitnessbenefitsaccruing from the proximity of other eggs). 2. To testbetweenthesealternatives, we gatheredfield and laboratorydataon montane scincidlizardsBassianaduperreyifrom south-eastern Australia.Our data supportthe adaptationist hypothesis. 3. In the field, communalvs.solitaryclutcheswerelaid in similar sites,and the relative frequencyof communalnestingwasnot predictablef,romnest-siteavailability.Thermal regimesfor incubationdid not differ betweencommunalvs.solitarynests,nor between eggsat the corevs.peripheryof a communalnest.In the laboratory,femalesselectively ovipositedbesideexistingeggsratherthan in otherwiseidenticalpotentialnestingsites. 4. From cycling-temperature incubation in the laboratory,eggsincubatedwithin a clusterof other eggstook up lesswater,but producedhatchlingsthat werelargerand faster-runningthan werehatchlingsfrom eggsincubatedalone. 5. Hydric modificationsof incubationconditionswithin a clusterof tightly packedeggs thus may providea direct fitnessbenefltto communaloviposition. Key-words:aggregation,Bassianaduperreyi,reproduction,Scincidae,sociality. Journalof Animal Ecology(2001)76, 881 887 doi: 10.I | 1| I i.1365-2656.2007 .01219.x Introduction Attempts to explain the causalmechanismsresponsible for generatinglile-history diversitygenerallyfall into one of two main categories:adaptationor constraint (Williams 1966; Uller 2003; Wilkinson & Gibbons 2005).The former typeof explanationinvokesselective advantages, and infersthat the current distribution of a trait largelyreflectsfitnessbenefits.In contrast,the 'constraint' approachinfers that phenotypicdiversity is restrictedby factorssuchasinflexibiedevelopmental trajectories,physical laws (e.g. allometry of surlace area-volumerelationships),or environmentalconditions (e.g. small size due to lood scarcity).Clarifying the rolesof constraintvs.adaptationin the elaborationof specifictraits remainsa major challengefor evolutionary biology (Williams 1966;Congdon & Gibbons 1987; Amold 1992;Leimar,Van Dooren& Hammerstein2004). Life-historyvariableshaveattractedparticular ilterest in this respect,because of their tight linkagewith reproO 2007 The Authors, Journalcompilation O 2007British EcologicalSociety Correspondence: RichardShine,Schoolof Biological Sciences A08, Universityof Sydney, NSW 2006,Australia. Tel.:+61293513772.Fax:+61293515609. ductivesuccessand thus,organismalfitness(Roff 2002). That linkagefacilitatesempiricalmeasurementof the fitnessconsequences of the trait in question(Endler1986). In many cases,interspecificand/or intraspecificvariation in life-historytraits is bestexplainedby a combination of adaptationistand constrainthypotheses. For example, the upper limit lor total reproductiveoutput of a femalereptile may be set by the maternal abdominal volume availableto hold the clutch (a constraint),but adaptationmay regulatereproductiveinvestmentbelow this upper boundary becauseof selectivelorcesrelating to aquaticor arboreallocomotion (Vitt & Congdon 1978; Shine 1992;Pizzattq Almeida-Santos& Shine 2007). Within the overall reproductiveallocation, a trade-off betweenclutch sizeand offspring sizemakes it impossibleto simultaneouslyoptimize both variables; and thus,adaptationmay optimizeone(suchasoffspring size)suchthat variationin the other (in this case,clutch size)is driven largely by constraint (i.e. finite energy resourcesor maternal abdominal volume: Sinervo& Licht 1991;Brown & Shine 2007). Similarly, lessthan-annualreproductionby femalereptilesplausibly reflects a combination of adaptation (to delay reproduction until a large clutch can be produced)and environmentalconstraints(short summer seasonsin 882 R. S. Radder& R. Shine O 2007 The Authors. Joumal compilation O 2007British EcologicalSociety, Journal of Animal Ecology,76, 88r-887 cold climates:Bull & Shine1979;Bonnet,Naulleau& Mauget 1992;Naulleau & Bonnet 1996). The challengesof disentanglingthe rolesof adaptation vs. constraintare evengreaterlor simplebehavioural variables.Functional correlatesof complexmorphological or physiologicaltraits imply a fitness-driven processlor their acquisition(Gans 1988;Blackburn 1992;Rose& Lauder 1996).In contrast,it is more difficult to support an adaptationistinterpretationfor behaviouraltraits that areflexiblewithin the lifetimeof a single individual. The obvious alternativeis that organismsrespondflexibly to local conditions for example,to lood availabilityor predatorthreat - and hence,observedpatternsof dietsor activity levelsare driven by a mixture of adaptive (geneticallycoded, fitness-enhancing) factors and,/ortemporallyor spatially variablelocal conditions(constraints). In this paper,we explorethe rolesof adaptationand constraint with respectto a widespreadbut poorly understoodbehaviouraltrait: the tendencyof female reptilesto aggregatefor oviposition,such that a high proportion of eggswithin a singlepopulation are laid within a few communalnestsrather than many single ones (Graves& Duvall 1995;Bonfiglio, Balestrin& Cappellari2004;Oda 2004;Doody 2006).The phylogenetic distribution of this trait suggestsmultiple evolutionary shifts both in the occurrenceand the relativelrequency of communal oviposition (Graves& Duvall 1995).Clearly, there are two different (but potentialreasonsfor femalesto oviposit nonexclusive) communally:'constraint'[nestsproviding optimal incubation(thermal, hydric, antipredator)conditions lor eggsare scarce,so many femalesare forced to use the samesite]or 'adaptation'(thereis a fitnessbenefit to eggslaid within suchlargeclusters,or to femalesthat aggregatefor this purpose:Blouin-Demers,Weatherhead & Row 2004;James& Henderson2004). We can testbetweenthesetwo hypotheses in several ways.For example,the 'constraint'hypothesis predicts that the lrequencyof communalovipositiondepends upon nest-siteavailability;thus communal nestsare expectedto be more common in placesand at times where potential nest-sitesare scarce.In contrast,the 'adaptation'hypothesispredicts that (1) femaleswill activelyselectoviposition sitescontaining previously laid eggsevenil many empty sitesare available,and (2) offspringsomehowbenefitfrom communalincubation (e.g. by metabolic heating from other eggs:Godley et al. 2001;Ewert & Nelson 2003;Zbinden, Margaritoulis & Arlettaz 2006). We have gathered extensive field and laboratory data on communally nesting montanelizardsto test suchpredictions. Methods that is widely distributedthroughcool-climatehabitats in south-easternAustralia (Cogger 2000). In the Brindabella Range 40 km west of Canberra, in the AustralianCapitalTerritory (148"50'E,35'21' S),fanales of this speciesproducea singleclutch of threeto nine eggseach year during early summer (Shine,Elphick & Harlow 1997;Shine1999;Shine& Elphick 2001). Oviposition is concentrated in sun-exposedsites, typically clearingswithin the eucalypt lorest (Shine, Barrott & Elphick2002).Both the developmental rates and phenotypictraits of hatchlingsare influencedby incubation temperatues but are insensitiveto substrate moisture content (Flatt et al. 2001). Eggs are laid beneath rocks and logs, facilitating the search for natural nests(Shineet a|.2002). FIELDMETHODS Eachyear since1994,we havesearchedclearingsin the Brindabella Range for Bassiananests,and recorded the numberof eggsper nest,the depth of eggsbeneath the soil surface,and the sizesof rocksand logscovering those nests.Miniature data-loggers(iButtons,Dallas Semiconductor,Dallas, TX, USA) within each nest haverecordedthermal profilesof nestsat CoreeFlats (1050m a.s.l.),Picadilly Circus (1240m), and Mount Ginini (16 15 m) (Shine2002).For the presentstudy,we alsoquantifiedthermalregimesat the top, bottom and middle section of each communal egg cluster, to explorethe possibilityof metabolicheatingby eggsin clusters.For analysis,we classifyall nestswith lessthan 10 eggsas 'solitary'(i.e. representinga singleclutch), althoughsomeof thesepresumablyrepresenttwo small clutches.All nestswith 10 or more eggsare definitely communal, becausefield-capturedlemalesnever lay more than nine eggs. C O L L E C T I O NA N D I N C U B A T I O NO F E G G S We collected eggsof Bussiqnadupeteyi from communal nests in the Brindabella Range (see above) in early December,when all nestswere < 1 week postlaying. The eggswerepackedin moist vermiculite( 200 kPa) and transportedto the University of Sydneywherethey wereweighed,marked with pencil on the shell and randomly distributedto experimentalgroupsfor incubation. Eggswereincubatedin vermiculite (-200 kPa). To keep water availability constant acrosstreatment groups, we used7 g of vermiculiteper egg for all incubations ( e . g .5, e g g s x T= 3 5 g o f v e r m i c u l i t el 0; e g g s x i = 7 0 g of vermiculite. E X P E R I M E N T AP L R O C E D U R ETSO E X A M I N E EFFECTS O F C O M M U N A LO V I P O S I T I O N ON EGG HYDRIC EXCHANGE AND HATCHLING S T U D YS P E C I E S AND AREA TRAITS Bassianaduperreyi (Dumeril & Bibron 1839) is a medium-sized(to 175mm total length) scincidlizard Eggs were obtained as described above, and randomly divided into five treatment groups (1, 5, 10, 15 or 25 883 Advantagesof communal oviposition eggsper group), each with at least two replicates.All treatment groups wereplaced in a cycling-temperature incubator with a mean temperat\re of 22 'C and a diel cycle+ 7 5 'C. We weighedeggsat 10-dayintervals.As soonashatchlingsemerged,wemeasuredand weighed them [snout-ventlength (SVL), tail length, and body massl.Each hatchlingwas then kept in an individual plastic box (22x13 x 7 cm) with a 12 h light : 12 h dark photoperiod. An underfloor heating element provided a thermal gradientfrom 20 to 35 "C within eachcagelor 8 h per day; ambienttemperaturefell to 20 "C overnight(seeShine& Harlow 1996for details). Each box contained a sheltersite and a water dish. The hatchlings were fed on live crickets three times a week. At 7 days post-hatching, we measured the young lizards'running speedsat 24 "C on a I -m raceway containing infrared sensorsto quantify elapsed times(seeShine& Harlow 1996lor details).Following thesetrials,the hatchlingswerereturnedto the field lor release. E X P E R I M E N T APL R O C E D U R ETSO E X A M I N E MATERNAL NEST-SITE SELECTION To determinewhether communal oviposition reflects an active preferenceby ovipositing femaleslor sites alreadycontainingeggs(vs.a consequence of nest-site scarcity), we collected 26 gravid B. duperreyifrom the Brindabellapopulation in November,a few weeksprior to ovipositionin the wild. Theseanimalsweretransported to Sydney within 24 h of capture,and maintained thereafter in individual plastic bins (60 x 40 x 20 cm) containingmoistsand(100mm deep)and lourpotential nestingsites.Each suchnestingsiteconsistedof moist vermiculite120mm deepunderan upside-downplastic box (12 x72x2.5 cm), with a small doorwayto allow ingress.We placed25 dummy eggs(empty egg-shells from the previousyear'segg incubation, cleanedand then filled with moist cotton-wool to resemblelive eggs) in one of thesefour nestingsites(randomly selected); the otherswereempty.Ambient temperaturewaskept at20'C, but an underfloorheatingelementprovided a substratethermal gradientfrom 20 to 35'C within the bin for 8 h per day. Gravid femaleswere fed live cricketsthrice weeklyand waterwasprovidedad libitum. Following oviposition, femaleswere returned to the BrindabellaRangeand released. Results F I E L D D A T AO N F R E Q U E N C Y OF COMMUNAL NESTING O 2007 The Authors. Joumal compilation O 2007British EcologicalSociety, Journal of Animal Ecology,76, 881 887 We obtaineddetaileddata on 367 natural nestsof B duperreyiin the BrindabellaRangeover I I years,containing a total of 5407eggs(about 900 clutches).Of these367 nests,at least234 (64ok)werecommunal (i.e. contained more than nine eggs; see Fig. 1). Mean number of eggswas6.04 in solitary nests(range 1 9) 30 a Z J @ o -d 1s E Z <a 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 Totalnumber ol eggsin nest Fig, l. Frequencydistributionof numbersof eggsfoundin natural nestsof scincidlizards Bassianaduperreyiin the Brindabella Range.Individualclutches nevercontainmore thannineeggs(andrarelymorethansix),sothatallnests with morethannineeggsmustrepresent communalclutches. vs. 18 06 (range10-200) in communalnests;and thus, more than 80%of all eggswerelound in communalnests. The 'constraint'hypothesispredictsthat changesin nest-siteavailability should generatechangesin the frequency of communal nesting. Thus, we predict significantyear-to-yearvariationif nest-siteavailabilityat a given site changes through time; and significant spatial heterogeneityif nesting areas dilfer in the numbersof suitablecoveritems.Our study sitesin the BrindabellaRange fulfil theseconditions:some sites havemany more exposedrocksthan do others,and the number of such rocks has changedthrough time as a result of anthropogenicdisturbance(e.9.vegetation clearing by hydroelectricity contractors removed > 90%o of surfacerocksat onesitein 200I ) and wildfireinducedshifts in vegetationcover and thus,degreeof shadingof rocks (critical for nesttemperatures: Shine et a\.2002). Despite this variation, contingency-table testsrevealno significantspatialor temporal(annual) variation in the frequencyof communal nestingfor testsacrossyearswithin eachof our threemain sites,all P > 0'05;for comparisonsamongthesesitesin eachof I 1 years(1995-2005),all P > 0.051.Detailedinspection ol the data revealedno patternfor increasedfrequency of communal nestingfollowing reductionin nest-site availability (e.g.decreasefrom 90% to 8070communal after anthropogenic rock removal at Coree Flats study area in 2001), nor for major decreasefollowing increasednest-siteavailability (from 50% to 42o/ocommunal after reduction of shadingdue to wildfires at the Picadillystudy site in 2003). Another reason for nest-siteavailability to vary might be the numbers of other femaleslaying eggs within a site, a parameter that varied over a 20-fold rangeacrossyearswithin our studysites.However,the number of nestsfound within a siteeachyear did not correlatewith the proportion of thoseneststhat were communal(r = 28 sitex year samples,r = 0.06,P = 0.75). In summary the proportion of neststhat werecommunal was relativelystabledespitetemporaland spatialvariation in factors that modifv nest-siteavailabilitv. 884 R. S. Radder & R. Shine F I E L D D A T A O N P H Y S I C A LA T T R I B U T E SO F NESTS All nests were located beneathcover items (usually rocks, but sometimeslogs) and we measured the dimensionsof all suchitems.If nest-sites arescarce(as predicted by the 'constraint' hypothesis),we would expect femalesto utilize all opportunities and thus, larger cover items should attract more clutches(and thus,eggs).In practice,we found no significantcorrelation betweenthe sizeof a cover item and the number of eggsbeneathit [overall,n= 284coveritems,multiple logisticregressionwith singlevs. communalclutch as the dependent variable, and independentvariables cover-itemlength : likelihood ralio X2= I .84,d.f. = 1, P = 0'11(means63.5vs.42.2cm, respectively,); width, X2= 1'05,P = 0'31 (means18.3vs. 19.1cm); depth, X'1= 0'17,P = 0'69 (means10'0vs. 9 9 cm)1.Instead, communal clutcheswere fitted under evensmall rocks by extendingdeeper undergroundthan did solitary nests(overall,comparingsolitaryvs.communal:mean depthsbelowsoil surlaceof uppermoste gg,X2= 0.96, P = 0 33;of lowestegg,X2=26'2, P < 0 0001). 450 € 4oo '6 o JCU 6 E o U 300 250 200 (b) Egg massat hatching 1000 900 E 3 aoo U 700 F I E L D D A T A O N T H E R M A L A T T R I B U T E SO F NESTS Thermal regimesmeasuredinside 110 natural nests were examinedusing mean nest temperaturesas the independentvariable,and 'communal vs. solitary' as the dependentvariable.There was no significant differencein mean temperaturebetweensinglevs.communal nestsoverall(20.31vs.20.09'C; likelihoodratio from logisticregression X2= 0'03,d.f. = 1, P = 0'87)or separatelywithin each of our three main sites (all x2<o.80,P>0.39). Simultaneousmeasurements of temperaturesat the top, middle and bottom of the eggclusterinsidenine communal field nests were unaffected by probe placement (repeated-measuresANovA with probe positionasthe factor and trimesterof incubationasthe repeatedmeasure:probe position, Fr.rr=0.29,P = 0 76; interactionprobe position vs. time, Fo,,=0.43, P= 0 79).In summary we lound no consistentthermaldifferencesamong or within nestsrelatedto the number of eggspresent. EFFECTS O F C O M M U N A LO V I P O S I T I O N ON E G G H Y D R I C E X C H A N G EA N D H A T C H L I N G TRAITS @ 2007 The Authors. Journalcompilation @ 2007British EcologicalSociety, kturnul oJ Animul Ecology,76, 8 8I - 8 8 7 Eggsincubatedin largergroupstook up lesswaterper (Fig. 2a; Fo.,= 18.16, eggduringincubation P < 0.001) and thus weighedlessimmediatelyprior to hatching than did their singly incubatedconspecifics(Fig.2b; nestedANovA,Ft.t= 4'60, P < 0.04).The communally incubatedeggsnone the lessproducedlarger hatchlings (Fig. 2c; nestedlNovl for SVL, Fr.t= 6.03,P < 0.02; for mass, Ft,t= 4'07, P < 0'05) with significantly F 2 6 c c o c j zs.s o z E r u 24.5 1 5 t 0 1 5 Number of eggspernest 2 5 Fig.2. Effectsof communalincubationon wateruptake by eggsand phenotypic traitsof hatchlingscincidlizards Bassianaduperreyi.Eggs were incubatedeither singly or withingroupsof five,I 0, I 5 or 25eggs.Thefigureshowsmean valuesandassociated standard errors. shortertails relativeto SVL (nestedeNcovewith SVL as covariate,Fn.,= 4'26, P < 0'05) that tendedto run more rapidlyalonga 1 m racewaythan did conspecifics from solitary incubation (nested.lNovr., Fr:=4'07, P < 0.05). MATERNAL NEST-SITE SELECTION Captivefemaleslaid 20 of 26 clutchesin the nest-box containingdummy eggs,out ol four nest-boxes available per cage(three of which did not contain such eggs). Thus,femalesovipositedbesidedummy eggslar more often than would be expectedbasedon the null hypothesisof equal probabilitiesof utilization of eachbox ( x ' z =3 7 ' 3 ,d . f .= 1 , P < 0 ' 0 0 0 1 ) . 885 Advantagesof communal oviposition @ 2007 The Authors Journalcompilation @ 2007 British EcologicalSociety, Journal of Animal Ecology,16, 8 8I - 8 8 7 Discussion More than 80%of eggslaid by .Rassianaduperreyiinthe Brindabella Range are depositedwithin communal clutches (probably more, becauseour criterion for recognizingcommunal nestswas conservative).This high incidence reflects active maternal preference:in the laboratory,nestinglemalesovipositedin sitesthat alreadycontainedcuesfrom previouslylaid eggs.The alternativehypothesis- that communal oviposition resultslrom a scarcity of suitablenest-sites- is not supportedby our field data, becausethe lrequencyof communal oviposition was unaffectedby spatialand temporalvariationin nest-siteavailability.Our laboratory incubationstudiessuggestthat ovipositionbeside an already-laidclutchmay enhancematernalfitnessby affectingthe phenotypictraits of hatchlings,possibly mediatedvia effectsof communalovipositionon water uptakeby eggs. Communal egg-layingoccursin a diversearray of reptile species,takesmany forms, and has evolvedand/ or been lost many times within reptile phylogeny (Graves& Duvall 1995).Thus, no singlehypothesisis likely to explain the functional significanceof such a diverseand labiletrait. For example,metabolicheating by late-stageembryosmay play a major role in species that producelargeclutchesof largeeggs(e.g.somespeciesof turtles: Ewert & Nelson 2003; Zbinden et al. 2006)but betrivial for themajority ol squamates which (llke B. duperueyl)produce such small eggsthat metabolic heat production is insignificant.Similarly, the selectiveforces operating on communal oviposition may differ substantially betweenB duperreyi(mt:Jliple clutchesintermingled beneathexisting cover items) comparedwith taxa in whichmany lemalesnestwithin a small area,but in speciallydug burrowsrather than under an existingcoveritem, and with no direct physical contactbetweenclutches(Graves& Duvall 1995). Given this diversity, the relative importance ol constraintsvs. adaptiveadvantagesmust differ also. There are many situationsin which suitablenest sites are limiting in spaceor time; for example,iguanas migratelong distancesto areasthat providethermally (Rand 1972;Bock, optimal and predator-lreenest-sites Rand & Burghardt 1985);and suitablehydric conditions may be scarcein arid or seasonallyinundated habitats(Muth 1980;Brown& Shine2004).Under such conditions,femalesof some squamatespeciesdelay ovipositionuntil conditionsaresuitable(Andrews1997)and hence,limited nest-siteavailability may enlorce communal oviposition in time and spacein reptiles(BlouinDemerset a1.2004;Brown & Shine 2004) as well as in othertypesof animals(e.g.moorhens,McRae 1996). However,simplenest-sitescarcitycannotexplainall casesof communal oviposition:nestingB duperreyi seekout siteswhereeggshavebeendepositedpreviously. The same behaviour occurs in snakeslTropidonophis mairii (Gray, 1841)land may be widespreadin com(Brown& Shine2005).The munailyovipositingspecies selective lorces lor such maternal behaviour have attracted considerablespeculation,involving putative fitnessbenefitssuchaseasiernestexcavationfor mothers, predator satiationat the time of hatching,identification of suitableincubation conditionsbasedon nest choice by more experiencedconspecifics,and social facilitationof offspringdevelopment(Graves& Duvall 1995;Hayes2000;Marco, Diaz-Paniagua& HidalgoY1la2004;Branchi & Alleva 2006).Our data suggesta simpler alternative:communal incubation enhances the body sizeand locomotor speedol offspring that hatch from thoseeggs. At first sight, the most likely reason for eggs to benefit from communal incubation would appearto be heatingthrough the metabolicoutput of neighbouring eggs,because( 1) somereptileeggsgeneratesubstantial (Godley et al. 2001; heat during late embryogenesis Ewert & Nelson 2003;Zbinden et a\.2006),and (2) in B. duperreyi,higher incubation temperaturesaccelerate embryonic development and produce larger faster hatchlings(Shine,Elphick & Harlow 1995).Heating due to the presenceof conspecificsalso has been identified as a probable lorce for communal nesting in frogs (Waldman 1982)and mammals (Rhind 2003). Our data militate against this explanation. First, measurements of nesttemperatures failedto revealthe predicted shifts in thermal regimes(either in comparisonsbetweencommunallyincubatedvs. solitary eggs, or between eggs in central vs. peripheral positions within the communalcluster).Although the proximity of other eggs increasedmean temperature,the effect was trivial (< 0 25 'C). Also, hatchingoccurredat the same time in eggs from each of the incubation treatments(Radderand Shine,unpubl. data),a result inconsistent with thermal differentials (given the strongthermaldependence of incubationperiod:Shine et al. 1995). Why, then, did communal incubation generate larger, faster hatchlings? Our data on water uptake show that close apposition to other eggs modifies hydric exchangebetweenthe egg and its environment, and thus the effectson hatchlingtraits might well be mediatedby suchhydric factors.Previousresearchhas shown that dry incubation substratesreduce water intakeby embryos,and reducehatchlingsizeasa result (e.g.Brown & Shine2004;Deeming2004).Remarkably, however,we lound the opposite relationship between water uptake and offspring size:communallyincubated eggstook up lesswater,but thesesmallereggsyielded larger not smaller hatchlings.Phenotypic traits of hatchling B. duperreyi are relatively unaffected by hydricpotentialof the incubationsubstrate(Flatt et al. 2001),so the mechanismsby which proximity of other eggsinfluenceswateruptakeand hatchlingphenotypes warrantsmore detailedinvestigation.In the oviparous lacertidlizard Lacerto schreiberi(Bedriaga,1878),eggs incubatedwithin a cluster of other eggstake up less waterthan do solitarilyincubatedeggs,in somehydric conditionsbut not others(Marco et a|.2004).As in our 886 R. S. Radder& R. Shine own study, the magnitude of this effect was great enough to affect hatchling phenotypes (Marco et al. 2004). In combination, communal oviposition these results suggest that often may affect hatchling viability, and hence impose selection on maternal nest-site preferences.The sensitivity of developmental processesto relatively minor modifications ol incubation conditions thus may help to explain an otherwise puzzling phenomenon: the widespread occurrence of communal oviposition in squamate reptiles. Acknowledgements We thank M. Elphick for assistance in fieldwork, laboratory studies and manuscript preparation. J. Thomas helped with animal collection and husbandry. The study was funded by the Australian Research Council, and all procedures were approved by the University of Sydney Animal Care and Ethics Committee. References O 2007 The Authors. Joumal compilation @ 2007 British EcologicalSociety, kturnal of Animal Ecology,76, 881 887 Andrews, R.M. 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