Peace Pipe Chatter e d n i t s i e a r l? P February 11, 2008 Vol. 93, Edition 7 Teachers’ facial hair raises one question. Why? Pg 5 Illinois Primary Results Cover Page Democratic Barrack Obama 65% In an attempt to make President’s Day more exciting at MCHS, six members of the MCHS teaching staff are competing to grow beards representing some of our past and forgotten presidents. From left to right Phil Harding, Kevin Gummerson, Matt Marino, Matt Thomas, Louis Kanolis, and Kevin Murphy display their beards for the PPC. Cover by Brittany Pendry. Peace Pipe Chatter Minooka Community High School 301 S. Wabena Avenue Minooka, IL 60447 (815) 467-2140 Voicemail: ext. 264 Editors-in-Chief: Brittany Pendry Jeff Beguin School News: D.J. Valera Front Page Editors: Brittany Pendry Advertising Manager: Eric Reynolds 2 Designed by Jeff Beguin Arts & Entertainment Editors: Kristi Lawrence Iman Bradley Zach Nabor Photo Editors: Sam Menne Jacki Kaluzny Amanda Alexander Lauren Keers Angela Mateo Ryan Miller Features: Christa Jenkins Sarah Silverman Sam Kelley Sports Editors: Tommy Stokke Mike Noe News Editors: Jacki Kaluzny Hillary Clinton 33% Republican John McCain 47% Mitt Romney 29% Mike Huckabee 16% Ron Paul 5% PPC Chatter Room Managing Editors: Sam Kelley Lauren Keers Opinions: Megan McEvilly News: Amanda Alexander School News: Sam Menne Features: Ryan Miller Arts & Entertainment: Ryan Kelley Sports: Carissa Weyer Advisors: Mr. Matt Thomas, Ms. Laura Erion Copy Editors: Eric Reynolds Megan McEvilly Sarah Silverman Carissa Weyer Journalism 1: Susan Bahret Kaitlynn Barker Sarah Delaney Breanne Downey Michael Horath Amanda James Eric Klank Morgan McMurtry Cassie O’Malley Chris Rolnicki Taylor Roop Jackie Schmidt Sarah Stropus David Tibble Sydney Trepel Submission Policy: The Peace Pipe Chatter strongly encourages suggestions and/ or responses to material printed on its pages. Letters to the Editor should be submitted to Mr. Thomas’s mailbox or to a Peace Pipe Chatter editor. While submission does not guarantee publication, PPC staff members will do their best to respond to all admissions. Submissions will not be returned. All submissions are subject to editing and will not be printed if they are considered to be inappropriate. They must be signed but may be printed anonymously upon request. 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 The Answer Really is in Black and Sarah Silverman / PPC Copy Editor by As we all know, Minooka does not host a dance, other than Homecoming, that all students can attend. How much fun is that? Students only have two dances a year, Homecoming and Prom. That means that from September to the end of April there are no dances for them to attend. The problem is even more severe for the underclassmen that have only one dance a year. Homecoming is in the very beginning of the school year and then there are no other dances for the year. After Homecoming the first month of school, they have nothing else to look forward to. Sophomore Matt Bechard said, “I really wish they had another dance. I have a lot of friends that are upperclassmen and they’re all talking about how they can’t wait until prom from like the day after homecoming until the day of prom. I wish that I had something to look forward to.” My freshmen year of high school, student council hosted the Winter Formal in January. formal! I wish they had kept it. It was nice to have a dance to look forward to once homecoming was over. It was a small dance but that I had so much fun at the winter formal! I wish they had kept it. It was nice to have a dance to look forward to once homecoming was over. This was a nice dance, what happened to it? Even though there was not as big of a turnout as there was at Homecoming, students attending still had a lot of fun. And, at least students were given the option of attending another dance. “I had so much fun at the winter made it more fun because it was crammed in there and all of the classes were dancing and blending together,” said Justin Senffner, junior. Joliet West High School is hosting a mid-winter dance on Feb. 16. This Save the Schedule! Angela Mateo / PPC Photo Editor by At seven in the morning on B days, my math class and I look out the window and watch the sunrise. Most of the freshmen and sophomores are probably still snug in their beds dreaming away while we learn. But, on the other hand, when the underclassmen are sitting and learning, the upperclassmen are already out with friends, doing homework, taking a nap, or at work. Sammy Wachowiak, freshman, said, “I like the current time schedule because I like sleeping in late.” Wachowiak is going to be a sophomore next year, and I’m sure she would love to sleep in once again She isn’t the only one who enjoys the extra time to sleep. “I like the schedule we have now because we’re able to sleep in.” said sophomore Marykate Sadowsky. Frankly, I enjoy waking 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 up and getting out of school early. For the rest of the day I am still free to do as I please. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. Junior Adrain Corral said, “Personally, I like the schedule I like getting out at 12:21 p.m. and next year it will be better cause I’ll have less classes.” As a junior, going back to the schedule we had freshman year just sounds awful. I take eight classes now and get out at 12:21 p.m.; next year, I’ll be taking fewer classes and if the schedule goes back to the way it was I’d be getting out later. “The schedule we have now is so much better! We’re going to be seniors next year and if you have to take a full schedule, you wouldn’t get out until almost three, and keeping a job would be way harder. Plus I don’t want to have lunch again in school,” said junior Cassie Smith. Not eating lunch saves both time and money. There is no need to waste time in the morning to pack a lunch and absolutely no need to spend money in the cafeteria. Having lunch again as seniors would just be ridiculous. We’ve already spent a year without it, why go back now? Holly Blaskey, junior, said, “I only like the schedule from a couple years ago because school started later. I still haven’t gotten used to waking up so early for school this year. But getting out at 12:21 gives me the rest of the day to do whatever I want so I guess we could keep the schedule we’ve had the past couple years now.” Going from starting at 9:45 to 7:00 is a big difference. But after a while, I began to realize that the benefit of getting out early outweighed the disadvantage of having to get up so early. I understand the verdict has not yet been finalized, but I would appreciate some consideration as to next year’s seniors who are already looking forward to getting out early. White Editorials dance, open to all age groups, is called The Black and White Dance. All attendees must wear dresses or suits that are a combination of black and white. “How simple is that? Why can’t Minooka do the same as west? I think that it would be really fun. And it wouldn’t be as formal as prom so it would be nice. It could be a way for our school to be more spirited and have some fun. They could theme the dance and it would be a blast,” said Brooke Gramm, senior. MCHS should look into the option of hosting a midwinter dance. The students want it and it would be nice to have something for the underclassmen to attend other than Homecoming. P PC Justin Senffner journey START YOUR AT USF O n your journey at the St. Francis you will discover many new things about yourself and the world around you-about who you are and the person you want to become. USF offers: • A values based education- with more than 60 undergraduate areas of study • A strong sense of family • Completely renovated residence hall with wireless access, study lounges, private courtyard and more • Connections between the classroom and the real world • Nearly 97% of undergraduate students were awarded $6.3 million in institutional funds FOR MORE INFORMATION... CALL US TODAY AT (800) 735-7500 Engaging mind and spirit ™ 500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, IL 60435 (800) 735-7500 • ® Designed by Angela Mateo 3 PP C News So Long, Heath Ledger By Angela Mateo PPC Photo Editor On Tuesday, Jan. 22, Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York apartment by his masseuse, Diane Lee Wolozin. The cause of death is unknown but because of the pills found near his body there is the possibility of an accidental overdose. There is still speculation as to why Wolozin called Mary-Kate Olsen before alerting the authorites. Ledger was 28 years old. Ledger starred in numerous popular movies such as: 10 Things I Hate About You, A Knight’s Tale, The Order, Lords of Dogtown, The Brothers Grimm, Brokeback Mountain, and is due to appear as “The Joker” in the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight. Because of Ledger’s role in Brokeback Mountain, the religious group of the West- boro Church felt it necessary to pickett his private memorial service held on Saturday, Jan. 26 in Los Angeles. They held up signs such as “Heath is in Hell.” Junior Kelsey McGuire said, “Just because Heath was in Brokeback Mountain doesn’t mean he was gay. And even if he was, he wouldn’t deserve to have his memorial trampled upon by strangers who only want to be in the paper. If the people of the Westboro Church want to promote ‘morals’ or whatever, they should know that nobody deserves to be disrespected during their own memorial.” Luckily for Ledger’s friends and family, the Westboro Chuch will not attend the funeral. He is to be buried in his hometown Perth, Australia. Bin Laden Makes Peace By DJ Valera PPC School News Editor Like father, like son. Well, not exactly the case for the father-son relationship of Omar Osama Bin Laden and his father Osama Bin Laden. In Jan. 2008, 26-year-old Omar Osama Bin Laden spoke out saying he wanted to be an ambassador for peace between Muslims and the West. Of course, this brought on mixed reactions as some looked at it positively while some couldn’t look past his background. “I guess it’s good,” said sophomore Erin Williams. “He’s trying to show that he isn’t like his father.” Other people have reacted at this on both ends, positively and negatively, mainly because they want to hear it from someone else. “That’s a step in the right direction,” said John Bond, sophomore. “But I know 4 Designed by Jacki Kaluzny that I would like to hear that from Osama himself.” The main reason why Omar wants to become an ambassador of peace is to break the stereotype of Muslims in the West. In an article found on, he stated that this [the stereotype] is not true and that the truth should be known instead. “I think he’s doing a good thing by breaking stereotypes, but I don’t think people will take him seriously,” said sophomore Matt Surges. Omar Osama Bin Laden is the fourth eldest of 19 children and was born in Saudi Arabia. He lived with his father in Sudan and when he was forced to move to Afghanistan in 1996. He trained in an alQaida camp but left the camp and went to Sudan in 2000. New study: Caffeine may affect pregnancies By Carissa Weyer PPC Copy Edior New research was released on Jan. 21, which made mothers everywhere re-consider their daily drinking habits. This newly recent study shows that pregnant women who consume more then 200 milligrams (which is equal to two cups of coffee) of caffeine a day will have up to two times the risk of having a miscarriage then women who consume no caffeine at all. There have been studies done in the past that came out with similar results to this recent study, but Dr. De-Kun Li helps point out the importance in this study. According to, Dr. De-Kun Li stated, “We were able to address the issue of if the increase is really due to caffeine or due to women changing their drinking patterns. Other studies have reported the same results but had some biases in the research.” Dr. De-Kun Li is a lead author and investigator with the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research. This study focused on 1,063 women in the earlier stages of pregnancy. The miscarriage rate for women who consumed no caffeine was 12.5 percent, compared to the women who consumed more Special Education teacher Katie then 200 milligrams of caffeine a day was Clower supports not drinking 25.5 percent, and had caffinated beverages during her a miscarriage. Researchers say that the risk for women pregnency and instead drinks wawho consumed less then 200 mg of caffeine ter. Photo taken by PPC Features a day was not as significant, but they are Editor Sarah Silverman. still at great risk. This 200 mg can come from coffee, soda, tea, or hot chocolate, it makes no difference. According to, caffeine is very dangerous during pregnancy because it can cross through the placenta to the fetus and can be difficult for the fetus to metabolize caffeine. It can also influence cell development and decrease blood flow to the placenta. If arteries are constricted it may restrict blood flow which can result in miscarriage. 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 School News PPC Honoring the Presidents.... with our Facial Hair? Lauren Keers / PPC Photographer To most students Presidents Day is just another average day to them. They don’t take time out of their day to think about the previous presidents of the United States. To liven up the school, a group of teachers decided to start up a contest to create excitement about U.S. History and the presidents. “Purpose of this contest is to bring a little entertainment and novelty to a traditionally boring and drab time of the year. It also helps that it is a presidential election year,” said Mr. Matt Marino, psychology. At the end of 2007, the department began their quest to grow their facial hair in honor of our nation’s forgotten leaders. The teachers that started off in the beginning were; Mr. Kevin Murphy, Mr. Matt Thomas, Mr. Phil Harding, Marino, Mr. Mark Brown, Mr. Ben Swierz, Mr. Kevin Gummerson, and Mr. Louis Kanolis. “I am still in the contest despite numerous attempts by my wife, family, and random people trying to encourage “I am honoring Benjamin Harrison even though I have only been growing mine for two weeks the rest cheated.” said Harding me to remove the beard,” said Gummerson. Although, now the only teachers that are still going strong are Gummerson, Murphy, Thomas, Kanolis, Hard- Scholarships the escape from tuition by Sam Menne / Chatter Room School News Editor Senior year heralds the coming of freedom and the coming of debt a student will earn due to the high cost of college. An easy solution to the problem of ridiculous tuition fees is to apply for scholarships. However, with senioritis inflicting most of the senior population, who really wants to sit online and look up scholarships, let alone fill out the applications. S e nior Leah Davisson said, “I have looked into a few scholarships, but it’s my mom who mostly pushes me to do it.” In the Career Center there is an easier way to find scholarships called Prep HQ. Prep HQ is a website that allows students to search scholarships and find ones that they can apply for. This website holds scholarships that are both local and inter- national so students have a wide variety of scholarships to choose from. “With scholarships it is all about if you apply of not. There are a lot of scholarships you may not be able to apply for because they have limited requirements, but Prep HQ lets you search for particular scholarships,” said Mr. Casey Carrino. Senior Megan Rodriguez said, “There are insane scholarships out there, like mine for being left-handed.” Another wonderful thing the Career Center has done is group all local scholarships together. To make things easier on students the forms are all the same to make filling them out less painful. Every freshman has to go to the Career Center and get a Prep HQ account, if you do not have one, go to the Career Center, and they will be able to give you one. The web site is and students can access it any time from any computer. “There are insane scholarships out there, like mine for being left-handed.” said Rodriguez 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Children’s Theatre is Buggin’ Out by ing, and Marino. “I am honoring Benjamin Harrison even though I have only been growing mine for two weeks the rest cheated. I am still in the contest and I might keep it till June when my son is born!” said Harding, Health. Along with Benjamin Harrison being recognized, Marino is going for the friendly mutton chops of Chester A. Arthur, U.S. Grant is taken by Thomas, Murphy is taking on the president James Garfield, Gummerson is emulating Abe Lincoln, and Kanolis was thrown into this competition and given the president Rutherford B. Hayes. “I am to look like Rutherford B. Hayes. I had no choice in this. Marino saw that I was growing a beard and put me in the contest,” said Kanolis. This fun, unique way to spread some fun will be going on until President’s Day, although according to Marino, this is an exhibition and all wagering will be discouraged. They might even add to the contest who can last the longest even long after President’s Day. by Ryan Miller / Chatter Room Features Editor Currently at MCHS, some students are participating in a play called “Bedbugs”, a play for the younger kind. It is about a bed bug village (that live on the bed) being terrorized by two “wicked witches” jumping on the bed causing earthquakes and havoc on the peaceful town. “I think there is a strong message of no resorting to violence when you have a problem. It shows fairy tales from a different point of view,” said Juli Puoci, Junior. The play is performing at the school’s P.A.C. center on Feb. 5 for parents and Feb. 6 for surrounding elementary schools. Directing the play is counselor Ms. Patricia Grawey-Beeler. The “two witches” are being played by Amanda Dobrowski, senior, and Emily Kratz, sophomore. “I play R, one of the two bug paramedics,” said Jake Breunig, sophomore. T h e parts of the bedbugs are b e i n g played by juniors M i t c h Pursell, Paula Bernhand, Connor Sewing, Juli Puocci, Lacey Bersano; sophomores Carla Kundert, John Bond, D.J. Valera, Jake Bruenig; and freshman Brent Barnes, Stephanie Engel, April Zmudka, and Nathan Zarazinski. “I think there is a strong message of no resorting to violence when you have a problem. It shows fairy tales from a different point of view,” said Puocci Designed by D.J. Valera 5 PP C Features Christa Jenkins/ Features Editor by Now it is the month of February, which seems to be the month full of chocolate kisses, stuffed animals, and heart shaped balloons. But what many fail to realize is that since 1926 the celebration of Black History had been given recognition in February, too. It is also the time to realize that Black culture has affected and given many contribution to the American culture. Most suburban schools sometimes put little or no actions towards the recognition to Black History Month, but that does not mean everyone. Ms. Sharon Sanford, social studies, said, “I think it is very important to study different cultures than your own. Talking about something different than your own can be a very positive experience.” In some schools, history classes may not focus on all the contributions that AfricanAmericans have made to this country. Sanford tells her class and others about her own history in relation to Black History. As a Caucasian woman, she found in her own family that a great grandfather of hers, a few generations back was actually half African American. He was from South Carolina and escaped in the 1900s through the “underground railroad” to Mississauga; a suburb of Toronto, Canada. “And that is only one side of the family and it is really interesting,” said Sanford. There are also other ways that the school district has taken little part in Black History. A Black History assembly was started in the Minooka Junior High and was successful for some amount of time, and later hosted by student council. Although it did not last, it was a big step to take, started by Brittany Heath, who graduated Minooka Junior High in 2002. It’s the little steps that can 6 Designed by Iman bradley Have a Heart for Black History make a difference. Most suburban schools, including Minooka could do a little something to take acknowledgement to Black History Month. For example the announcements every morning for at least February could dedicate each day to a famous African-American, contribution, or movement that took place in Black History. Even more, by adding a week to invite guest speakers to come to the school and speak on the subject of Black History. Student Council member, Vannesia Darby said, “I feel it would be a good idea to have some type of Black History recognition, and to acknowledge the parents who were former slaves, he spent his childhood working in the Kentucky coal mines and enrolled in high school at age twenty. He graduated within two years and later went on to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard. The scholar was disturbed to find in his studies that history books largely ignored the black American population-and when blacks did figure into the picture; it was generally in ways that reflected the inferior social position they were assigned at the time. He established the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (now called the Association for the Study of Harriet Tubman, Barack Obama, Aretha Franklin, and Willie Mays are few among many who have affected black history. Photo by PPC Sports Editor Tommy Stokke. contributions African Americans have made; with the growing diversity in the school and community, it makes it even more important.” Some still may not know what Black History Month is or why it is important to celebrate. We owe the celebration of Black History Month, and more importantly, the study of black history, to Dr. Carter G. Woodson. Born to Afro-American Life and History) in 1915, and a year later founded the widely respected Journal of Negro History. In 1926, he launched Negro History Week as an initiative to bring national attention to the contributions of black people throughout American history. Woodson chose the second week of February for Negro History Week because it marks the birthdays of two men who greatly influenced the black American population, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. Not only the birthdays of these two great men were in February but also a lot of important dates to Black History including: February 1, 1960: In what would become a civil-rights movement milestone, a group of black Greensboro, N.C., college students began a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth’s lunch counter. February 3, 1870: The 15th Amendmen was passed, granting blacks the right to vote. February 12, 1909: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded by a group of concerned black and white citizens in New York City. February 21, 1965: Malcolm X, the militant leader who promoted Black Nationalism, was shot to death by three Black Muslims. February 23, 1868: W. E. B. Dubois, important civil rights leader and co-founde of the NAACP, was born. February 25, 1870: The first black U.S. senator, Hiram R. Revels (1822-1901), took his oath of office February is not just about the candy sweethearts, but to be in part of the national celebration in why it is called Black History month. Take a little time to learn about the contributions African Americans have made to the nation and world. 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Meet the Students by Samantha Kelley / PPC Features Editor Name: Olyvia Phillips Year: Freshman Hometown: Chicago Favorite Movie: Monster-in-Law Favorite Food: Macaroni & Cheese Favorite Music: R&B Favorite Class: English Jr. High: Minooka Junior High School Interesting Fact: I like to dance. Plans after High School: College This is the third of a continuing series of student profiles. The students were chosen at random in an effort to showcase the entire student body. Name: Steven Kosicek Year: Sophomore Hometown: Channahon Favorite Movie: Superbad Favorite Food: Mexican Food Favorite Music: Country Favorite Class: Lunch Jr. High: Troy/Minooka Junior High School Interesting Fact: I’m a really hard worker. Plans after High School: To have a good job and maybe go to college. Name: Brittany Perczynski Year: Junior Hometown: Channahon Favorite Movie: Too many to choose Favorite Food: Hamburgers and Fries Favorite Music: Hip-Hop/Rap Favorite Class: Criminal Justice Jr. High: Channahon Junior High School Interesting Fact: None Plans after High School: College P Features PC Name: Teresa Abbonato Year: Senior Hometown: Bolingbrook Favorite Movie: She’s the Man Favorite Food: Lasagna Favorite Music: Anything Favorite Class: Math Jr. High: St. Dominic’s Junior High School Interesting Fact: I was born in New Jersey. Plans after High School: Going to Eastern to be a buisness major. Valentine’s Day: Gifts & Ideas Megan McEvilly / PPC Copy Editor by Whether you like Valentine’s Day or not, it is a day for people to show their affection, and better yet, receive cute, thoughtful gifts. “I think a cute place is at the house because your parents might go out for dinner. You could make dinner for the girlfriend and have a nice comfortable romantic evening at your house and exchange gifts there. Even taking her to Chicago to the Cheesecake Factory would be nice. Anything from the heart is a perfect gift for a guy or a girl,” said senior Joey Schuett. Surprises are always amusing and show that you can be thoughtful. Remember, it’s the little things that count. “A typical present for Valentine’s Day would be the usual: flowers, some heart shaped box of chocolates, and maybe a teddy bear. But, what I think would be 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 the sweetest thing a guy could ever do is take you on a little adventure and have a special thing waiting for you at each destination surprising you with things you never would’ve expected, something sentimental and from the heart,” said sophomore Carabeth Cavins. “I just think it’s really cute when guys surprise girls, like the guys know that what they plan on doing is going to make the girl like him even more, and the girl has absolutely no idea,” said sophomore Alex Ramsay. Teddy Bears are a good idea for Valentine’s Day. Although they’re not so original, every girl loves a teddy bear. “Well me and my boyfriend have talked about Build-A-Bear. I think it’d be so cute if he actually got me one,” said junior Trish Chudy. “I think a cute teddy bear and flowers would be cute for a gift. And for places to go, I think a good idea is to take her to a place where the girl loves, like her favorite restaurant,” said sophomore Chrissy Bateman. Jewelry also is a popular gift for girls. Jewelry doesn’t have to be expensive though. Even making someone a gift can be meaningful. “I think it’d be really cute to get a little necklace for Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t even have to be expensive or anything,” said freshman Madi Bahr. “Jewelry would be cute for Valentine’s Day,” said junior Courntey Horvat. Also, cooking or making dinner for your special someone is one of the sweetest things you can do to show you care. “I think a cute date would if your boyfriend cooked for you. It’s cute to know that they at least tried. A cute gift would be a teddy bear and chocolates or a dozen roses. It’s original, but then again you know they mean it,” said junior Megan Bersano. “Flowers and nice dinner is a good idea,” said senior Ryan Pittman. “My idea of a perfect Valentine’s date would have to first start off with a long walk on the beach, followed by a long stare at the humpback whales exhibit at the local zoo. And to top off the night, a long candlelit dinner at the nearest KFC,” said sophomore Jeremy Perez. “I think for Valentine’s Day there should be gifts, flowers, and a date somewhere cute that shows you care, even if it’s for pizza. And a card is everything. Don’t forget the card,” said sophomore Zach Weyer. Yet, it’s really the little things that count. You don’t have to go out of your way and buy extremely expensive things. “I think that what girls want for Valentine’s Day is for a guy to be thoughtful and creative. It’s really not about the gift but the thought behind it,” said junior Maggie Null. Designed by Sarah Silverman 7 PP C Features Brittany Pendry / PPC Editor-in-Chief by It’s time to trade in those sappy romance movies about love stories that don’t really exist in real life, as well as those comedies about events that are never actually going to be that funny. Instead, it is the perfect time to sit back and watch the ultimate classic action/ drama movies that have to be relived over and over again. And, if you have to “live” with these movies at all, then I suggest you take an entire Friday night out of your life and watch all 10 of these classic movies. 10. GoodFellas Gangsters. Deceit. Burglaries. Betrayal. Murder. What more you can ask for in a movie? Three of Hollywood’s biggest hotshot--Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, and Joe Pesci--all star in this movie about Henry Hill (Liotta) a local boy in New York turned gangster. Soon, Hill is paired up with his intimidating gangster best friend, Tommy Devito (Pesci), by none other than Jimmy Conway (De Niro). The movie explores the daily life of these three who are trying to make their way up the criminal ladder and into the true world of the Italian Mafia. With as many clever tricks as downfalls, the question always remains: who’s going to be bumped off next, and who will sell out just to save himself? 9. First Blood, a.k.a Rambo It is evident that Sylvester Stallone only made two movies that cannot only be called classics, but actually considered good. First Blood is one of them. Stallone plays John Rambo, an ex-Green Beret who has just returned from the Vietnam War with a very unusual welcome home. That is, he didn’t get one. Instead, when refusing to leave a town because the people did not want a Vietnam veteran there, the sheriff (Brian Dennehy) arrested him and locked him in jail. Here, a few police officers proceeded to abuse him. Enter a scene of extreme stunts, tricks, and pure beat downs by Rambo. As a matter of fact, from here on out the rest of the movie contains those three factors. Rambo escapes and the officers of the town miserably fail at their attempts to capture him. Rambo is a pure action movie filled with scenes that you cannot even being to wrap your head around (knocking a man out of a helicopter with a rock anyone?). It’s an edge-of-the-seat 8 Designed by Sam Kelley Top 10 Must-See thriller that brings about the true feelings of that era, and has an ending that is so moving, you can’t picture it any other way. 8. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark Admit it. You ran around the house with your fedora hat on and the loosened button down-shirt while diving out of the way from the imaginary boulder that was booby-trapped to stop you from stealing an ancient artifact. In this world, you were Indiana Jones, and hey, why wouldn’t you want to be? Sexy archaeologist with muscles perfected to a T, Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) is in for the adventure of his life, and he takes us along with him. Jones is hired by the U.S. government to find the Ark of the Covenant, which is believed to still hold the 10 Commandments. It’s never that simple though is it? Jones is hunted down by Nazis, and comes face to face with snakes, weapons, multiple near death experiences. It’s okay though, he has his whip. 7. Terminator It’s safe to say when people still use lines from a movie that made its debut more than 20 years ago, it’s almost blasphemy if it wasn’t considered a classic. The Terminator was way ahead of its time, with technology no one from that era had ever seen before. Today, anyone can put together a movie with better special effects, but no one can put together another movie with such substance or storyline like the Terminator. No one. The terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is sent back in time from the year 2029 to 1984 to kill a woman, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), because she is someday going to give birth to boy who will grow up to lead the last humans in existence. Unfortunately, this terminator is a cyborg who is virtually unstoppable, which is why John Connor (Sarah’s son) sends back Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) to protect her and stop the terminator. This legendary film with its non-stop action and edge of the seat thrills will stand the test of time. 6. The Usual Suspects Never before have I seen a movie with such shocking twists that I am left completely speechless at the final scene. Never. After an explosion on a boat that N O I T C A leaves 27 men dead, Verbal Kint (Kevin Spacey) is taken into questioning as he is one of two eye-witnesses. Here Kint begins telling the story of five criminals brought into custody in New York for an ordinary line-up six weeks earlier. However, this usual line-up eventually turns into the ultimate question: who is Keyser Söze? An entire movie filled with deception and double-crosses, it will leave you guessing until the very end. 5. Rocky Overrated? Not in the slightest because any true Rocky fan never hesitates to watch it for the millionth time and never misses a chance to read about it. Sylvester Stallone, in his greatest movie role of all time (yes, even better than Rambo), plays Rocky Balboa a.k.a the “Italian Stallion,” a struggling boxer in Philadelphia waiting for his ultimate dream: to become a professional boxer. And, when heavyweight champion Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) comes to Philadelphia, he chooses Balboa as his opponent in his newest experiment: the chance for a “nobody” to become a “somebody.” Viewers watch as Balboa transforms himself into a true opponent who won’t go down without a fight. And, in the final scene, all viewers are on edge for the moment that they’ve all been waiting for. Rocky is truly far from overrated. It’s inspirational and phenomenal in every aspect, including the acting, which is where Stallone usually fails in most of his other movies. But, it’s safe to say, even Stallone’s acting can be called phenomenal. 4. The Goonies Okay, so it’s more of an action/ comedy, but c’mon, it’s the Goonies! I think we can make an exception because it is one of the best classic movies ever. In a small town lies a very big legend about the hidden treasure of “One-Eyed Willy,” and with developers wanting to build a golf course in the place of the neighborhood where the Goonies live, finding treasure to out buy the developers sounds like a great plan. So, with the treasure map found in Mikey Walsh’s S M FIL (Sean Astin) attic, the gang sets out an adventure without any idea of what lies ahead. Secret passages, booby traps, and disastrous inventions will keep the legend of the Goonies alive til the end of time. 3. Lethal Weapon Sergeant Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover) has just turned 50 and is just a few short years away from retiring, but when he gets paired up with a suicidally sarcastic Sergeant Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson), it’s evident that the stuff is going to hit the fan. Riggs has no rules, no boundaries, and has every intention on driving Murtaugh crazy. Now, they have to set aside their differences and work together to discover all about a drug-smuggling operation. Unlike any other cop movie out there, Lethal Weapon serves up the action, the drama, and the comedy in unbelievable doses that after 20 years people are still in love with. 2. Boondock Saints Even though the Boondock Saints was only released 9 years ago, it is quite evident that it will soon become an epic movie. Two extremely religious fraternal Irish brothers (Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus) are living in Boston and believe they have received a message from God: “destroy all that which is evil so that which is good may flourish.” Now the two brothers are going to carry out this message by trying to take out all the evil men living in and around their neighborhood. Not just members of the mafia, but drug dealers and rapists too, and they’re doing it in style (incorporate scene where they take out a group of mafia members by accidentally falling through the ceiling while being suspended by a rope). Bad guys all over the area are being murdered and one FBI investigator (Willem Dafoe) is trying to figure out who is behind taking the law into their own hands. However, the deeper Dafoe delves into the case, the more he struggles with his secret thoughts that these men are doing everything that he wishes he could do. They are killing the corrupt and are doing so in a highly entertaining way that makes you ask yourself why don’t we have guys like this around here? Worship the movie. Worship “the saints.” Guaranteed you won’t regret it. “Movies” continued on pg. 13. 02.11.08 The Anticipation... ...of the Kristi Lawrence / PPC A&E Editor by The 2007 Oscars are on its way. Celebrities and fans from all over the world are excited to find out the outcome of this years well-known awards show. The nominations were released Jan. 23. This year’s Oscar awards show is scheduled for Feb. 24. The writer’s strike that has been ongoing since November, that is threatening whether or not the show will go on, or even be a success. The nominations for Best Picture are Into the Wild, Juno, Michael Clayton, No Country for old Men, and There Will Be Blood. “The Oscars are like a train wreck, you can’t stop… watching,” said junior Mikey Caesar. David Carr, from The Carpetbagger, predicted Tom Hanks would receive the nomination for best actor in Charlie Wilson’s War. “I love the Oscars because you never know what’s going to happen,” said junior Nicki VanMeter. Best Actor nominations are George Clooney in Michael Clayton, Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood, Johnny Depp in Sweeney Todd, Tommy Lee Jones in In the Velley of Elah, and Viggo Mortensen in Eastern Promises. Arts & Entertainment PPC Oscars Best actress nominations are Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth: The Golden Age, Julie Christie in Away From Her, Marion Cotillard in La Vie En Rose, Laura Linney in The Savages, and Ellen Page in Juno. “I’m hoping that Juno will win Best Picture because it was very good, ” said junior Stephanie Muirhead. With all the anxious anticipation from hundreds of thousands of people, the outcome of the awards will be exciting. There have been many phenomenal movies that have been well-directed and put together, it will be a hard choice to determine the ultimate winners. Movie Review: 27 Dresses by Jacki Kaluzny / PPC News Editor We’ve all seen our fair share of cliché romance movies such as The Notebook and A Cinderella Story. When choosing to see 27 Dresses, some may have been a little apprehensive thinking it will be the same as all the rest, but it’s far from it. This witty, laugh-out-loud romantic comedy hooks you from the beginning. “I went into the theater thinking it would be a typical 2.11.08 love movie,” said sophomore Carla Kundert, “but the plotline was great. I really liked it.” Grey’s Anatomy’s Katherine Heigl stars as Jane, a wedding fanatic. Although she has never been in a wedding of her own, she takes pride in participating in 27 of her friends’ weddings. But not only does she partake in the weddings, but also organizes them. From the cake to the seating arrangements, she does it all. Besides being in love with weddings, Jane’s also secretly in love with her boss George (Edward Burns). When Jane’s sister Tess (Malin Akerman) moves back into town, she falls in love with George. Jane now has to put aside her undying love and painstakingly plan the wedding for the two of them. All the while she is unknowingly falling in love with Kevin (James Marsden) the newspaper journalist writing about Tess’s wedding. “I loved it,” said junior Alex Hill. “It’s definitely a date movie.” 27 Dresses is definitely a five star film. This unpredictable Oscar Nominations Best Animated Feature Film Persepolis Ratatouille Surf’s up Best Picture Atonement Michael Clayton No Country for Old Men There Will Be Blood Best Director Julian Schnabel The Diving Bell and the Butterfly Jason Reitman Juno Tony Gilroy Michael Clayton Joel Coen and Ethan Coen No Country for Old Men Paul Thomas Anderson There Will Be Blood Best Actor George Clooney Michael Clayton Daniel Day-Lewis There Will Be Blood Johnny Depp Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Tommy Lee Jones In the Valley of Elah Viggo Mortensen Eastern Promises Best Actress Cate Blanchett Elizabeth: The Golden Age Julie Christie Away From Her Marion Cotillard La Vie en Rose Ellen Page Juno Laura Linney The Savages Best Original Song “Falling Slowly” Once “Happy Working Song” Enchanted “Raise It Up” August Rush “So Close” Enchanted “That’s How You Know” Enchanted Designed by Kristi Lawrence 9 PP C Arts & Entertainment By Eric Reynolds / PPC Advertising Editor It’s kind of sad what happened to “The Apprentice.” Once, it was one of the more captivating hours of reality TV, a show that turned Donald Trump’s hair into a weird sort of national treasure. But like its star, it quickly overleveraged First came an ill-advised foray into the Martha Stewart franchise, followed by the ill-fated Los Angeles season, and soon enough, relevance was lost. Now, Trump and producer Mark Burnett are trying to restore old glory with the help of some low-wattage star power. In the new opening of “Celebrity Apprentice,” which premiered Thurs., Jan. 3 on NBC, Trump announced that he had assembled “14 of the world’s most successful celebrities” - people hungry enough for attention, at least, that they’re willing to divide into men-versus-women teams and take on business challenges for charity. Some of them you might have heard of. The contestants included Playboy playmate Tiffany Fallon, boxer Lennox Lewis, and actor Vinnie Pastore, who starred in “The Sopranos.” But the main thing you needed to have known is that they’d brought back Omarosa, the first-season “Apprentice” contestant who won fame by virtue of her superhuman abrasiveness. Of course, fame born from reality TV only spreads so far. Some of her “Apprentice” competitors claimed that they’d never heard of her, so Omarosa carried herself with the fervor of someone who wanted to prove she’s legitimate. like you to show up and buy a $5,000 hot dog. All the money goes to charity. Will you do that for me?” Of course, “the pot calling the kettle black” is not a racist comment. This season, Trump asked Omarosa if she knew fellow celebrity Stephen Baldwin, and Omarosa responded with a cold “unfortunately, I do.” After Piers Morgan (the judge from “America’s Got Talent”) took a stab at her, she told him to tuck his shirt in and told the rest of the celebrities that he was an alcoholic. “The alcohol coming from your breath is just...embarrassing,” Omarosa said. On the Feb. 7 show, after a disgruntled Piers returned from the Board Room, Omarosa said: “We know how much you like alcohol, Piers. Help yourself to the liquor.” By contrast, most of these so-called stars fade so easily into the background that it’s hard to remember they’re here. (Couldn’t Olympic gymnast Nadia Comaneci have done a back flip or two to sell hot dogs? Apparently not.) No one seems especially engaged, since there’s so little at stake, and getting “fired” doesn’t carry much sting. Omarosa is hungry, at least; she’s a vestige of the old “Apprentice” spirit, and a reminder of what’s been lost. “The Celebrity Apprentice” airs every Thursday on NBC at 8 p.m. y t Apprentice i r b e l e C Quite honestly, that’s just how she is; she entered in a silver snakeskin dress, trash-talking and demanding to be in charge. On the men’s side, her attentiongrabbing counterpart was KISS front man Gene Simmons, a marketing mogul in his own right, who seemed to know he’d be better off giving business tutorials to Trump. Unfortunately, he became the third celebrity fired by “the Don” after failing to admit his own loss to the opposing team. At the very least, Simmons knew enough about business to understand that this show has practically nothing to do with it. The first task was no different. The stars were charged with setting up a hot dog stand on a Manhattan street corner, and the team that made the most money would win. Simmons, sneering behind his sunglasses, casually picked up his black address book and started to call his friends. “Could you do me a favor?” he said as his teammates looked on admiringly. “I’d Ah, so this is how it’s going to go: Celebrities showing off their rich contacts and begging for money. Even mostlyforgotten “Taxi” star Marilu Henner, it turns out, knows some people rich enough to buy bottles of water for $5,000 apiece. However, at the end of the day, it was the men who came out on top. In the Board Room, the men watched with amusement as the women got grilled. “Omarosa’s a survivor,” Simmons declared, as the show’s loudest contestant made a case for herself. “Like a cockroach.” He’s right, on several levels. Omarosa’s resident-evil act has already worn thin, but she has the advantage of a distinctive personality, and the producers clearly need to keep her around. During her initial Apprentice runthrough, Ereka, a fellow contestant, told Omarosa that something she was saying was like “the pot calling the kettle black.” Omarosa responded with “There you go again, Ereka, with your racist comments.” A’won Made It To HOLLYWOOD By Iman Bradley / PPC A&E Editor Dallas, for It’s not about the fame for her. Angela Martin auditioned in Texas, American Idol. This 26-yearold woman from Chicago, IL is a single mom fighting for her daughter, Jessica, with Rett’s Syndrome. Her daughter was diagnosed with Rett’s Syndrome when she was two years old. She auditioned in Dallas for her daughter; she is doing this for her. The contestant told the cameras, “It’s not about fame for me, it’s about getting her the best care and the best therapies, because the doctors told me my baby was never gonna walk or talk, and I’m gonna get that for her.” Martin’s supported her at the audition, which talked about how they all pitched in to help raise Jessica and considered her like a daughter. When she was at the auditions, Simon Cawell asked her to tell him something interesting about herself. Angela told him that she is in a band that performs at weddings and bars. She is also an artist in Music Nation. She calls herself A’wun. She has a song out called “Man Like That,” which has a R&B feel to it. Recently, she performed at Open Mic at INCLUSIVES in Berwyn, where she performs “It’s not about the fame for me”..... family sometimes. She shined in the audition singing Stevie Wonder’s “Singed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours).” The judges didn’t like the performance, but enough for her to go on to Hollywood. Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cawell all said yes and she ran out of the room with that golden ticket to Hollywood with only the warning that she needed to “de-wedding-ize” her voice. Angela would like to fulfill her dreams; she is on American Idol for her little daughter. 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 P Arts & Entertainment PC Obtaining music legally 3 of the best ways to acquire music without illegally downloading By Zach Nabor / A&E Editor With all of the news stories about people getting caught by the government and receiving large fines for downloading music illegally, is it worth the risk? If you are not willing to take the risk of illegally downloading music or think it is wrong, here are some of the best ways to obtain music legally. 1. T h e internet is a great way to get music, you can you many websites including or amazon. com, or you can go to the band website and buy it from there. The internet has the best selection, but you will then have to pay a shipping fee and wait for a shipping time. 2. iTunes is a good way to get music. You can buy single songs if you don’t want a whole album, or you can buy the whole album. This is great unless you want the actual CD including the case and the liner notes, sadly iTunes is only a file that does not stores. Freshmen Colin Otis says “I can’t find Mountain Heart or any good bluegrass at those stores.” Stores usually share the average price. “I buy most of my music at Best Buy.” says DJ Valera, sophomore. But if you want obscure, unpopular, or independent music many major stores may not stock them. These are three of the major ways to buy music legally. The internet is probably the most convenient and useful way to buy music, because you can find almost anything on it. But it also has shipping fee and the purchaser may wait a while to receive their purchased item. If that is not a big problem the internet is the recommended way to buy music. “I can’t find Mountain Heart or any good bluegrass at those stores.” says Colin Otis, freshman. 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 come with the case or booklet. iTunes isn’t the only site for downloading, this can also be done on Rhapsody. com or 3. Stores are a good way to buy music; music can be bought at most stores including Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and many other smaller Guitar Hero vs. Rock Band by Ryan Kelley / Chatter Room A&E Editor Rock Band or Guitar Hero? Two games that both rock, but the big question is, which one is better? Harmonix and Red Octane released Guitar Hero in November 2005. It became our decades biggest rock phenomenon as it sparked about $360 million as it came out with Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero II, and Guitar Hero III. Guitar Hero includes many of rock’s biggest bands from Nirvana to Guns n’ Roses. It has four difficulties in which you can choose from easy, medium, hard, or expert. If you play in career mode, you can name your band, and then you start playing a five song set list. After each set list is beaten, you move onto “Rock Band is very similar to Guitar Hero except for the fact that it not only allows you to play guitar, but it enables users to play vocals, bass, and drums. “ a new, and bigger venue, where you get the chance to play five new songs. Also, starting on Guitar Hero II, you have to play an encore song at the end as the crowd is roaring. Harmonix drifted away from Red Octane, and created Rock Band in November 2007. Rock Band is very similar to Guitar Hero except for the fact that it not only allows you to play guitar, but it enables users to play vocals, bass, and drums. It can be played on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The factor separating the two games are price. Guitar Hero III is $80, and comes with a wireless guitar controller. Rock Band is $165, and it comes with a wireless guitar controller, microphone, and a five piece drum kit. The good thing about Rock Band is that the guitar controllers from Guitar Hero will work on Rock Band if you plug them in. Overall, both games have a lot of potential, but I would have to go with Rock Band since it has a lot more features than Guitar Hero. The drums and microphone top it all off, and make Rock Band very impressive. Its price is very high, but it has a good reason for it since it comes with the game, guitar, microphone and drums. Clearly, Rock Band dominates Guitar Hero, but if Guitar Hero was never created, Rock Band wouldn’t exist. Both games are a success, and if you really want to rock out and play some air guitar, pick up Rock Band or Guitar Hero. Designed by Zach Nabor 11 PP C Interactive Valentines Word Search Valentine’s Day jokes to enjoy! What did the boy light bulb say to the girl light bulb on Valentine’s Day? I wuv you watts and watts. What type of flowers should you never give on Valentine’s Day? Cauliflowers What did the valentine card say to the stamp? Stick with me and we’ll go places. What did frankentstein say to his girlfriend? Be my Valenstein! What did the painter say to her boyfriend? I love you with all my art! Dates Hearts Love Red Valentine 12 Designed by Lauren Keers Candy Chocolate Cupid What do you call a very small valentine? What did the paper clip said to the magent? February Flowers Hugs Kisses Jokes from Pink Poetry Romance Sweetheart Word Of The Week: Dour- severe; gloomy; stern. I find you very attractive. Card Arrow A valentiny! Admirer 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 “Movies” Continued from page 8 1. Die Hard The end is here, and with it comes the No. 1 action/drama movie. Not only is Bruce Willis phenomenal in one of his best performances ever, but it is non-stop action from beginning to end. Not to mention one of the most memorable moves lines ever beginning with ìYippiekay-yay.î John McClane (Willis) is a New York City cop that is visiting his wife in Los Angeles. However, the visit takes a nasty turn when terrorists take over the building that she is working in and holds everyone hostage. Willis, however, escapes unnoticed and decides that he needs to take matters into his own hands instead of waiting around for help that may or may not come. In a series of witty remarks and shoot-em-up scenes, this movie is responsible for creating a true human hero that is rarely seen in any film, even nowadays. These top 10 movies make us believe in hidden treasure and time travel, and allow us to escape from our everyday lives once in a while. So, if youíre home on a Friday night, forget about crying to some of the famous predictable lines in the Notebook, and instead pop in one of these movies that will keep you on the edge of your seat and guessing until the final scene. P Jump PC “Top 10 Freshmen” Continued from Page 15 1. Michael Beasley, Kansas State The most complete player in college basketball has to be Beasley. Standing at 6’10, he has the ability to score from anywhere on the court. He is too quick to put a post player on him. He is too tall and athletic for a guard to play him. If he are a step off of him, he will shoot it in your eye. If you guard him close, he will take on dribble around you and dunk over your teammate. This is probably why many feel Beasley is the unanimous number one pick if he makes himself eligible. He has Kansas State competing in the Big 12 as well. He makes the most of the players around him and realizes his role. Together with fellow freshman Bill Walker, Kansas State could be an upset special come March. Honorable Mention: Bill Walker,KSU, Johnny Flynn, ‘Cuse, JJ Hickson, NCST, DeAndre Jordan, T A&M, Nick Calathes,FLA. This is definetly the year of the freshman. With talent like Beasley, Gordon, Love, or Mayo next years draft class could eb exceptionally talented. Don’t be surprised to see multiple freshman on the All-American team for the first time. Come March, the pressure will build and we will be able to see who can step up and lead their team to the promised land. And in the long run get to be the first person called to the podium by Commisioner Stern. MENU OF SERVICES Starting At 335 Vertin Blvd ~ Shorewood, IL 60404 w w w. Ts p a S h o r e w o o d . c o m CLASSES STARTING NOVEMBER JANUARY MARCH MAY JULY SEPTEMBER Scholarships and financial assistance available for those who qualify ENROLL TODAY! 815-609-6880 Haircut (includes shampoo and dry) . . . $9 Child’s Cut (Ages 12 and under) . . . . . . . . . .$5 Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 Special Occasion Style . . . . . . . . . . . $19 Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19 Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29 Manicure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9 Pedicure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19 Facial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19 Perm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29 Relaxer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29 All services performed by supervised students. PP C Sports Some things better left unsaid The Worst Quotes by Sports Commentators by Jeff Beguin / PPC Editor-in Chief As sports fans, we all love and hate our fair share of sports broadcasters. At times some analysts are articulate and extremely eloquent with their knowledge of sports, and then in other times they’re better off with a foot in their mouth. The most frequent on-air chaos involved Kelly Tilghman of the Golf Channel. Tilghman was recently suspended for, in an attempt at humor, poorly wording advice to the other golfers that they should “lynch Tiger Woods in a back alley” so he will stop winning. Lucky for Tilghman she works for the Golf Channel and no one was watching. Someone needs to consider matching Tilghman up with Don Imus. Together, they can formulate the ultimate dream team of sports talk, and as an audience the viewers can go ahead and not respect either of them at the same time. Taking this most recent mishap into consideration, there have been plenty of other brainless blunders to be blurted out in front of the American sports’ fan base. As far as baseball commentary goes, there are plenty of greats out there. Peter Gammons, Tim Kurkjian, or Steve Stone make up a few. On the other hand, when it comes to slip-ups, or just flat out nonsense statements, no one compares to Tim McCarver. Just take a look at these stellar lines of analysis: “Roy Oswalt is a drop and drive pitcher. What is a drop and drive pitcher? He is a guy who drops and drives. Very simple.” Truly Emmy winning material, but if you think that last statement is obvious you haven’t heard enough “McCarverisms.” Check out McCarver’s in-depth report on New York Yankee pitching. “Yankee pitchers have had great success this year against Miguel Cabrera when they get him out.” How this guy got his own show is a mystery. For those of you who know Shannon Sharpe, you know that in his playing days as a tight end for the Denver Broncos, he had big stats, big talent, and a big mouth. The big mouth he carried into his career as an NFL analyst. Sharpe’s most outrageous statement comes when referring to the tenacity of Baltimore Raven’s linebacker Ray Lewis. “Ray Lewis is the type of guy, if he were in a fight with a bear, I wouldn’t help him, I’d pour honey on him because he likes to fight. That’s the type of guy Ray Lewis is.” Though extremely impressive to incorporate the dangers of wilderness into his commentary, Sharpe’s annotations are almost always outlandish and completely useless. In the continuation of a football theme, there is one man, one legend who has made himself the king of all stupid on-air “Yankee pitchers have had great success against Cabrera when they get him out,” said Tim McCarver. comments. That man: the notorious John Madden. While Madden has for years been making a fool of himself via “Tough acting Tinactin” commercials, excessive use of the phrase, “Boom,” or his unorthodox drawings with the onscreen yellow marker, some of his worst commentary falls under one word, obvious. “Here’s a guy, who when he runs, he moves faster.” “See the goal of football is to score more points than your opponent.” Though the obvious statements are Madden’s bread and butter, he still has a knack for the obscure and gibberish comments as well. “Yes, turns out yellow and red make green, I found this out when I spilled yellow mustard on my red tie and it turned lime green, not orange.” Madden has always been one for deep thoughts. “From the waist down, Earl Campbell has the biggest legs I have ever seen on a running back.” As long as there is sports talk there will be bad broadcasters saying unintelligent things, just leave it to ESPN to go out there and sign them. IHSA Starts Random Drug Tests Next School Year by Mike Noe / PPC Sports Editor On Jan. 14, the Illinois High School Association board approved the proposal that random drug tests should be conducted on IHSA athletes during state series. This will go in effect starting in the 20082009 school year in hopes of eliminating performance enhancing drugs from high school athletes. Illinois now joins Florida, New Jersey, and Texas as the fourth state to approve the proposal. Athletic Director, Mr. Robert Tyrell, 14 Designed by Mike Noe said, “I think it’s a positive thing. We’re all for the testing process. I hope it serves as a deterrent for kids not to do it.” Random drug testing was suggested to the board of directors after a survey was taken by 750 of its school’s principals. Out of the 750 principals, 525 of them said “yes” to the drug testing. Many coaches approved the random drug testing. “I think that the steroid issues is serious enough that anything that could address the issue is a positive thing,” said Coach Ray Liberatore. Athletes will be tested on anabolic steroids and other “I think it’s a positive thing. We’re all for the testing process. I hope it serves as a deterrent for kids not to do it,” said Mr. Robert Tyrell. banned substances. The list of IHSA banned substances is the same as NCAA’s list. Cocain, methamphetamine, marijuana will all be tested under the banned substances list. The tests will be performed once the athletes reach the Regional round of the state series. When asked what he thought about using performance enhancing drugs sophomore Mac Simotes, said, “I think it gives you an unfair advantage.” Penalties for being caught with performance enhancing drugs have not yet been decided and will be discussed next month. 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Top 10 Freshman By Tommy Stokke / PPC Sports Editor Following a freshman class loaded with talent such as Greg Oden, Kevin Durant, and Brandon Wright is a tough act to follow after having successful years. This year’s NCAA men’s basketball freshman class is doing all that and then some. The class of 2008’s freshman class is the best freshman class in history. Any top ten list could contain 20 different names. With the talent so deep and the skill so good, every ranking is debatable. Before I begin the list I would like to thank David Stern, NBA commissioner. Without him, many of these players would be starting in the NBA today. Possibly all of them could start for the Bulls. 10. James Harden, Arizona State Harden is a 6 foot 4 forward whose efficiency has been his biggest key. He is averaging close to 19 points a game while grabbing 5 boards a game. His play against rival Arizona proved what kind of player he is. He led his team to an overtime victory while pouring in 26 points. Oh, not to mention he played all but one minute of the game. 9. P a t r i c k Patterson, Kentucky Kentucky’s stand out power forward has been a big reason for the Wildcat’s successes this year. Although the season has been a disappointment by Kentucky standards, Patterson has impressed many. He played 50 minutes in the double overtime upset versus Vanderbilt and played a key role in the comeback upset against number 5 Tennessee. He could be a one and done player so Kentucky coach Billy Gillespie should enjoy him while he can. 8. Kyle Singler, Duke Singler is the signature “love him or hate him” Duke player. He has the tools to be a JJ Redick type of big time player. He keeps himself on the floor with his hustle and production. He seems to show up when it matters most. He scored a season high 25 points against ranked Marquette on the road in a victory. Donte Greene, 7. Syracuse This 6’9 forward is averaging 18 points a game along with 8 rebounds. He is the centerpiece of a young Syracuse team. Along side fellow freshman Johnny Flynn, Syracuse seems to have a bright future, depending on if they stay or not. The Orange might not be getting the scoreboard results they would like, but with a player like Greene, a win is possible on any night against anyone. 6.J e r r y d B a y l e s s , Arizona Bayless has remained somewhat under the radar due to an injury during the year. Arizona was pleased to greet him when he got back. Bayless started and scored a career high 33 points in his first game back against Houston, including an impressive 18-20 from the free throw line. He seems to be back on track and that is good news from Arizona fans and bad news for the Pac-10. Before I begin the list I would like to thank David Stern, NBA commissioner. Without him, many of these players would be starting in the NBA today. Possibly all of them could start for the Bulls. Singler is the signature “love him or hate him” Duke player 2 , 1 1 . 0 8 5. Kevin Love, UCLA The High School Gatorade Athlete of the Year has performed well during his freshman campaign. Of the top 10 freshman, he is most likely to stay. He dropped a career high 27 points against then undefeated Washington State to go along with 14 boards. The freshman from Oregon is averaging a double-double, 17 points and 10 rebounds. If UCLA wants to get back Sports to the Final Four, they will depend heavily on Love’s inside game. 4. Derrick Rose, Memphis A Chicago native, Rose has been a big factor in Memphis’ undefeated run. Rose runs the point for the undefeated Tigers. He doesn’t have to do as much as the people ahead of him on this list due to the players around him. Anytime you have players like Chris Douglas-Roberts and Joey Dorsey on your team, you know you like your chances. The pressure on Rose is far less than those ahead of him which is why he isn’t higher. He is average 14 points and 4 assists a game. 3. O.J. Mayo, USC No one will question Mayo’s athletic ability. However, it is his off the court issues that shy teams away. He can be found on YouTube, not just for his dunks, but for him hitting a referee in a high school game. He is averaging 19 points a game however and is considered one of the top talents in the draft, assuming that he goes. He might be the most likely to go. He led USC to a win over powerhouse UCLA, playing all 40 minutes. 2. Eric Gordon, Jr., Indiana Eric Gordon came into the season under a lot of scrutiny already. After the Illini realized their team had no chance of competing this year, they turned their focus to almost-teammate Gordon. Gordon, out of North Central High in Indianapolis, had verbally committed to Illinois. When Indiana coach Kelvin Sampson was hired, he changed his mind and sign a letter to commit to Indiana. Right away more bad blood was added to the rivalry. Gordon started out his college career with a bang, scoring 30 plus in 3 of his first 4 games. He has stepped into the role of being the face of the Hoosiers and accepted it well. His ability to take the ball to the rim and finish and his unlimited range makes him virtually unguardable. He led the Hoosiers up to a 7th ranking before falling at home to UConn. His 24 points a game are 4th in the nation. “Top Ten Freshmen” Coninued on Page 13 P PC Wrestling Tops Conference Again Individuals advance to sectionals By Amanda Alexander / CR News Editor MCHS gave Lincoln Way Central, who is currently ranked 6th in state, a run for their money taking a lead of 30-18, that is until Nequea Valley came in a won with a score of 31-30 on Jan 3, at the Minooka was worried of the outcome going up against Plainfield Central. “It felt good to beat Plainfield Central, because they thought had had us even before the game had begun. We wrested really good, we got many of our bonus points for the team from pins,” stated wrestler Brian Bokoski. Conference Team Standings are 1. Minooka 216.5, 2. Plainfield Central 193.5, 3. Plainfield North 149, 4. Morris 112, 5. Romeoville 83.5, 6. Oswego East 61, 7. Oswego 55, 8. Plainfield South 52.1. N o w that conference is over, with MCHS will go up against some tough teams in regional including Providence and Marian High School. “We are looking forward to reginals and practicing a lot, our main competition is Providence,” stated wrestler Marcus Rangel. We wish them the best of luck. We wrestled very well and definitely upset LincolnWay Central,” stated Coach Ruettiger. Rudy Cup. “ We wrestled very well and definitely upset Lincoln Way Central,” stated coach Ruettiger. With a lot of practice, hard work, and ambition it has lead to a phenomenal season and the sixth Conference championship for Minooka. Before the Conference match, Designed by Tommy Stokke 15 PP C Sports State Bound Girls bowling sets hopes high by Jessica Pieszchala When it comes to bowling, sophomore bowler Jessica Balsamo defines success as “doing your best, picking up your spares, and having a good time no matter how you’re doing.” If one were to use this definition as success, it would seem that every bowler on Minooka’s girls’ bowling team has been successful this year. “I’ve definitely improved a lot on my spares,” said Kelly Schneider, sophomore. “I’d like to be more consistent.” Schneider’s high score is 234. However, some of the bowlers choose to focus on their team rather than their own personal success, which embodies the true definition of teamwork. “We started off rocky, but we ended up being really good in the end,” said freshman K a i t l i n Condon. S e n i o r D a n i e l l e Drummond focuses on herself and also the team at the same time. “We’ve come together and really worked together. The last few years we’ve been really separated,” said Drummond. Drummond recently earned a personal achievement of seven strikes in a row, and a high score of 263. B r e a n n e D o w n e y realizes that everyone is improving at their own rate. “This year I got my new high score of 229. I knew some other girls got new high scores as well.” “We’ve been making improvements as the year goes along,” said coach Mickey Resner. Some of the girls choose to set even “I love my team. I love going to practices and to meets,” said Kelly Schneider. higher goals for themselves. “I just want to have a 200 game,” said Balsamo. Freshman Alyssa Rak has a high score of 236, but has a personal goal of “getting a 300 before [she] graduates high school.” Schneider also looks at bowling as a lot of fun. “I love my team. I love going to practices and to meets,” said Schneider. At press time, the most recent meet was SPC, in which they placed fifth out of eight teams. “We have sectionals this weekend, and if we make that, we go to state next weekend,” said Resner. Balsamo looks at everything lightheartedly and laughs, “Yay! Bowling!” Boys bowling nets 5th place Tommy Stokke / Sports Editor by The boys’ varsity bowling team made history this year being the first team to go to state. However, they weren’t done there. The Indians went on to finish fifth in state. The Indians advanced to state following a 10-1 regular season. Bowling in one of the top sectionals in the state, the team 16 Designed by Tommy Stokke leaned on the arm of sophomore Tyler Heintzelman. Heintzelman, who was bowling on the JV team just two weeks prior to the secional, placed second place overall in the sectional. “I just wanted to do my best to help the team, I wasn’t really nervous,” said Heintzelman. The Indians had a promising first day. The team was in third following day one at the state finals, just 147 pins behind first place. Led by Heintzelman’s 1,314 series, the team felt they were in good position to win. Sam Biesack, junior, helped out with a 1,304 and sophomore Ryan Lakota added a 1,295. Day two didn’t start out like the team had hoped. Nerves may have started to play a factor. Coach Derrick Rapsky agreed. “The guys were definitely nervous coming out on day two. But we felt we were still in position to have a chance.” Minooka dropped down to seventh, but they rebounded well and finished in fifth place. There were 24 teams competing. The strength of the team was their depth. With only five spots to fill, Rapsky had the luxury of choosing out of a big talent pool. There were nine to 10 individuals he had to choose from. However, this wasn’t always a good thing. It put more pressure on him to make the right choice. “It is hard to get everyone in when we have eight of nine guys fully capable of being on varsity and only five spots,” said Rapsky. The Indians seem to have an even brighter future. The team is returning six of the eight individuals that went with the team to state. This year is a sign of greater things to come. 2 . 1 1 . 0 8
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