Why do we care about Pb-free Electronics? Presented to: 2009 SW&AEH Conference By: Gary Horan, ANE-111 Date: August 20, 2009 Federal Aviation Administration History of Tin-Lead Solder 63% Tin / 37% Lead solder alloy Utilized in the electronics industry for over 60 years Mature technology Used to inhibit growth of “Tin Whiskers” Proven industry standard Well documented engineering characteristics Excellent history of reliable use Low cost Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 2 What is Changing? The electronics industry is eliminating Lead from the world-wide market. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 3 The Transition • On our way to the transition from leaded solder and finishes to lead-free • Neither our desire ….nor our plan ……….but events have overtaken us Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 4 Why are we going there? • EU RoHS initiative (Restrictions on Hazardous Substances) started it all • Increasing numbers of similar initiatives in other countries and states • These have driven the semiconductor industry to alternate materials. • This would all be good if the alternatives were – Clear, – Well Understood and – Uniform • However none of these characteristics are the case Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 5 What is the Impact? Because of Lead-Free, Aerospace is in the middle of an uncontrolled transition for which we are currently unprepared. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 6 How are we getting drawn into this? The Supply Chain Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 7 Electronics Market Share The Military and Aerospace sectors have little influence on the global transition to Lead-Free. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 8 The Global Electronics Supply Chain Doing nothing maximizes the risk Aerospace Electronics • Dependent on materials and components developed for other industries Using components targeted for other markets To build products that must meet MIL-Aero requirements (what we cannot control) (what we must control) 1. Parts & Materials Suppliers 2. Board Assemblers • Vastly different lifecycle applications Parts Requirements flow-down vs. products flow-up process is disrupted here 3. Avionics 4. Platform 5. Operators Integrators & Regulators OEMs, Logistics, Maintenance and Repair Contract Mfg. 15 - 40 yr Lifecycle 3 - 6 yr Lifecycle Aerospace Boards Captive Solder etc. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Suppliers Majority of procurement costs incurred here Customers Majority of lifecycle costs incurred here Federal Aviation Administration 9 A Number of Broad Technical Challenges are Rooted in Our Dependence on the Electronics Supply Chain The Lead-free Initiative is Currently the most Prominent Component finishes switching to pure Sn or other Pb-free • Tin whiskers • Parts identification Interface voids • System level failure events in space applications Solder alloys changing to various Pbfree types • Different microstructure & failure mechanisms • Non-converging alloy set • High melting temps - all new assembly processes and equipment • Metallurgically incompatible with SnPb – no mixed solder assembly • Less Reparable Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 10 Lead-Free Parts Involves multiple electronic components: Capacitors Flat Packs DIPS Transistors BGA’s etc Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 11 Think you can avoid it? A recent random sampling identified 90% of 2N2222A transistors are Lead-Free Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 12 Tin Whiskers Tin Whiskers are electrically conductive, crystalline structures that grow from tin surfaces. Numerous electronic system failures have been attributed to short circuits caused by Tin Whiskers. Tin Whiskers have been successfully suppressed for decades by the addition of at least 3% lead to the tin plating used in high reliability applications. Tin Whiskers pose a serious reliability risk to electronic assemblies. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 13 The Situation Elements, i.e., the way it is: • The Pb-free materials solution space will remain unstable (nonconverging) for several years to come. • All programs that look, will find lead-free components, and possibly lead-free subassemblies - Costs to build tin-lead are quantifiably up - Reliability is down, but that is not quantifiable now • There is a level of consensus from several perspectives that as an industry we are at a decision point: - Continue in a defensive risk management mode. - Initiate a proactive solution development and implementation mode. • Still a remarkable lack of awareness/acceptance at program management and policy levels of the demonstrated disruptive impact - Customers may choose to specify a lead-free design approach At some point, an “event” of some form may dramatically alter tacit acceptance of the situation Each Element has Risk & Opportunity Implications Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 14 So, what’s the impact? Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 15 Reliability & Maintainability Lead-Free parts have entered the supply chain Repair Technicians lack knowledge and have not received guidance Lead-Free outside of current regulations No standard Lead-Free alloy Over 300 different Lead-Free alloys (but realistically about 12 active players) Little or No reliability/engineering data Tests prove some alloys are not compatible Tin Whiskers have been found on components Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 16 …and There is high reliability risk for Aerospace when we don't know for sure what solder we are using in the repair process. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 17 MIL-Aero Response to Pb-free Severity of the Problem: • Scope • Complexity • Pervasiveness • Cost Our response is falling behind the curve. JG-PP JCAA Mil-Aero R&D NASA ELF IPT LEAP WG R I S K Consumer electronics conversion to Pb-free <1% RoHS proposed 90% Mil-Aero conversion to Pb-free ?% Mil/Aero Response: RoHS takes effect RoHS revised 1995 2000 Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference 2005 2010 2015 • Recognition • Investment R E S P O N S E 2020 Federal Aviation Administration 18 LEAP • Since 2004 an ad hoc committee, Lead-free Electronics for Aerospace Projects (LEAP) Working Group has been operating under the umbrella of AIA-GEIA-AMC. • In this time the working group has produced three standards and four handbooks that together form the basis for the aerospace industry to move into the transition. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 19 GEIA-STD-0005-1 Performance Standard for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead- free Solder Used by aerospace electronic system “customers” to communicate requirements to aerospace electronic system “suppliers” GEIA-STD-0005-2 Standard for Mitigating the Effects of Tin Whiskers in Aerospace In High Performance Electronic Systems GEIA-STD-0005-3 Performance Testing for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Interconnects Containing Lead-Free Solder and Finishes Used by aerospace electronic system “suppliers” to develop reliability test methods and interpret results for input to analyses GEIA-HB-0005-1 Program Management / Systems Engineering Guidelines For Managing The Transition To Lead-Free Electronics Used by program managers to address all issues related to lead-free electronics, e.g., logistics, warranty, design, production, contracts, procurement, etc. GEIA-HB-0005-2 Technical Guidelines for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead-Free Solder and Finishes Used by aerospace electronic system “suppliers” to select and use lead-free solder alloys, other materials, and processes. It may include specific solutions, lessons learned, test results and data, etc. GEIA-HB-0005-3 Rework and Repair Handbook for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Heritage SnPb and Lead-Free Solder and Finishes GEIA-HB-0005-4 Impact of Lead Free Solder on Aerospace Electronic System Reliability and Safety Analysis Used to determine, quantitatively if possible, impact of lead-free electronics on system safety and certification analyses, using results from tests performed per GEIA-STD-0005-3 Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 20 Where has the LEAP WG been? • The LEAP WG has exceeded initial expectations – – • More work needed – – • Problem is growing and morphing Additional needs have been identified The deliverables will require a significant amount of time and work – – – • Longer time More work By AIA member organizations Exceeds work done to date Need advice of AIA management The LEAP WG is the only major forum for information exchange in the aerospace and high performance electronics industries – – Forum is needed for the foreseeable future LEAP WG has concentrated on actionable deliverables Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 21 AIA Lead-free Strategy Group • Formed to address issues raised on previous slide – Led by Ed Morris and Vance Anderson • Recommendations made to AIA TOC in December 2008 – Pb-free Electronics Risk Management Council – Pb-free Manhattan Project Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 22 Aerospace & Defense Pb-Free Electronics Risk Management (PERM) Consortium Framework Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 23 Pb-free Electronics Risk Management (PERM) Consortium Framework PERM Beneficiaries Advisory Council DoD1 AIA EMC PERM Consortium Steering Committee DoE Executive Committee FAA - Industry Chairman - Industry Vice-chair - U.S. Government Vice-chair - DoD LSA4 for Soldering Technologies - AIA Liaison/Executive Secretary NASA Industry2 Research Coordination Task Team Task Team Leads International Advisory Group Lead Supply Chain Risk Mgmt Task Team Standards & Handbooks Task Team Communications Task Team Members-at-large3 International Advisory Group Training Task Team Advocacy Task Team 1. Membership of Senior Stakeholders determined by OSD and DoD Lead-free Electronics Research Manhattan Project (Gov’t Contract) 2. Including representatives of Industry Associations such as AIA, TechAmerica, AMC, IPC, etc. Beneficiaries Sponsor 3. Any individual participant (Government, industry and academia) in PERM meetings and consensus process; Integrated Membership from prior LEAP WG and ELF IPT 4. LSA = Lead Standardization Activity Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Working Teams Federal Aviation Administration International 24 Consortium Steering Committee Charter: – The PERM Consortium provides overarching leadership and coordination of Pb-free electronics risk management activities for the government and industry, aerospace and defense community – The Steering Committee is responsible for overall strategic direction and execution of the PERM Consortium’s activities Scope/Expected Result: – Responsible for the long-term overall aerospace and defense strategy and tactics to effectively deal with the Pb-free electronics issues – Expected result: A coordinated risk management approach for the industry transition to Pb-free electronics – Desired end state: As a minimum, lead-free technology must maintain the performance, reliability, and safety characteristics required in aerospace-defense electronics. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 25 Tasks/Business Plan Sponsorship: – The PERM Consortium Steering Committee’s oversight is provided by the AIA EMC, reporting to the AIA TOC • Leadership: – The Steering Committee is led by an Executive Committee that is responsible for: • Leadership of the Steering Committee • Planning and coordinating PERM Consortium face-to-face meetings and teleconferences • Maintaining and coordinating with the PERM Beneficiaries Advisory Council, chaired by the Executive Committee Chair • Interfacing with the AIA EMC Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 26 PERM Deliverables – Develop, maintain and execute a strategic and tactical plan to effectively deal with the Pb-free electronics risks, addressing: 1. Overarching Executive Leadership and Organizational Framework 2. Communications (both good and bad news) 3. Research Coordination 4. Standards and Handbooks with Timely Updates 5. Training Materials and Courses 6. Advocacy (promote good legislation and block the bad) 7. International Coordination 8. Supply Chain Risk Management – All-encompassing national and international coordination network to share plans and progress between the numerous working groups, teams, and associations working the issues – Quarterly Progress Reports Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 27 PERM External Interfaces – AIA Engineering Management Committee and Technical Operations Council – DoD Stakeholders – FAA – NASA – ESA, EASA, & Other International Governmental Organizations – Major Electronics Industry Members and Associations Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 28 PERM Beneficiaries – US Government Stakeholders (DoD (including Program Offices & Depots/Repair Centers), FAA, NASA, DHS) – International Government Stakeholders (NATO, Ministries of Defense (MODs), European Space Agency (ESA), European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), JAXA, Civil Aviation Authority (EU), etc.) – Aerospace & Defense Primes and Suppliers – Avionics & Defense OEMs and their Suppliers – Aircraft and Airline Operators (Includes Commercial Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) Community) – National Labs, Universities and DoD Labs (AFRL, ARL, etc.) engaged in Pb-free electronics research Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 29 And the Manhattan Project… Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 30 So what about the FAA’s Position relative to Pb-free? Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 31 GEIA-STD-0005-1 • GEIA-STD-0005-1 Performance Standard for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead-free Solder – Defines requirements for documenting processes in a Plan that assures customers that aerospace / high performance electronic systems containing lead-free solder will satisfy the applicable requirements for performance, reliability, airworthiness, safety, and certifiability throughout the life of the system. – Lists the high-level requirements for such processes and areas of concern to the aerospace / high performance industry that must be addressed by the processes. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 32 What is GEIA-STD-0005-1? "This document specifies that users develop and implement written Lead Free Control Plans (LFCP). The purpose of the plan is to document processes that assure the Plan owners, their customers, and all other stakeholders that aerospace and high performance high-reliability electronics systems will continue to be reliable, safe, producible, affordable, and supportable." LEAP WG White Paper, 12/2/2006 Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 33 What is a Lead-free Control Plan (LFCP)? • An LFCP Is not (necessarily) – A Plan to introduce lead-free solder into the Plan owner's products. – A Plan to prohibit the use of lead-free solder – A Plan to do anything the Plan Owner wants • An LFCP is: – A set of documented processes to assure that the objectives of GEIA-STD-0005-1 are met by the Plan Owner Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 34 GEIA-STD-0005-1 Objectives • 5.1 Reliability • The processes and materials related to the use of Pb-free solder are capable of producing reliable products. • 5.2 Configuration control and product identification • The configurations of all systems, equipment, assemblies, subassemblies, and piece parts are identified and controlled. • 5.3 Risks and limitations of use • Risks and limitation of use of the Plan owner's products, due to the use of Pb-free solders, are identified, and information is provided to control them. • 5.4 Deleterious effects of tin whiskers • The deleterious effects of tin whiskers are mitigated. • 5.5 Repair, rework, maintenance, and support • Repair, rework, maintenance, and support activities are controlled in a manner that controls effects of Pb-free solder materials and processes. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 35 FAA Recommendations are: • State what you are going to do (documented processes) This no more that the ISO9000 Philosophy: “Say what you do, Do what you say” • Please refer to document GEIA STD-0005-1, If you intend to create a LFCP. This may help the FAA reduce evaluation time. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 36 What the FAA is doing • Developing a Policy Memorandum to increase awareness on the potential hazards to migration to Lead Free Electronic Components and/or Systems. • Briefing DER’s and ASE’s via the DER Recurrent Seminars Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 37 What the Policy will require • Memorandum to communicate an awareness of reliability concerns and certification procedures for electrical and electronic equipment and systems using lead free solder and/or lead-free finishes on components • Each certification applicant should ensure that their systems and programs minimize the safety impacts as they transition their products and processes to lead free • Each applicant should assess and mitigate the applicable risks in order to meet their safety/reliability requirements to comply with ALL applicable airworthiness regulations Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 38 Lead-Free Assessment or Analysis • The assessment may be accomplished by the development of a LFCP for each applicant organization or for each affected program • GEIA-STD-0005-1 and -2, along with the supporting references, provides a basis by which the plan and mitigation strategy may be developed • Any equivalent assessment/analysis agreed upon by the applicant and cognizant ACO. Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 39 Stay alert Watch for Policy publication Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 40 Questions Photo courtesy of Peter Bush, SUNY at Buffalo Why do we care about Pb-free? 2009 SW&AEH Conference Federal Aviation Administration 41
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