WHY DO THE UNTVERSITIES NOT FUNCTION? by Johan Galtung Universit6 Nouvelle 154 rue de Tolbiac F-75O13 PARrS January t9B5 Transnationale r. Some historical T he h i s to ry ' l I7 C )P ar iq p the LL r of they for date social students from the in structure particul-ar. social So, structure ( t his sor-ie fv de-centralised, '-:!L'i'^ WJLrlrll ^--!^ LJ IJOr but not not of with ^! ^ ^ ! LqLU J entire autonomous under ministries, significance of of yielded territory ministers the the head rrn inn uvlJ rrsqu penetrate vll down to order, certainly independent sqgmentaLlg_n_of state exercising into relatively of a piece over ttre over their piece importance power the Gradually power overwhelrning the powerful agencies. and more a autonomous atiVelV to western from a fiorrre !ryu!E naturq but relations from not first between at the inter-personal through peopl e the cabinet of sweeping lateral Of taken course, same time to personal refations very standardised, of a more associated rel-ations essentially be vafiu. hiqhly also modotlese one was at thls necessarily relationship Grosso terms particularismrzdiffuseness from specificiLy, to to more sociological transi tion of gentry is t a ref particul-ar. in adminis- territorv. In of of departmenls, fanded exercising trative in the of an increasrngly yielded the purview / segmented I'rI: noultl mgptatlOn gradually e rrq u the structure departure that)- could centralised, on top, but power relatively that short , by structure with WILIr r and towns domain of ULU=I - toa * j SdLrull. - i1- i nn Udllf provinces society power of to UItr a- coloured transformation vrLEIl order-often ICUUOI parts power limited is exercising the the structural from In and the a point the feudal ihe Lllg and were o ne: for Europe. as and in of l ong peopl-e the emerged, they general a figurehead Ur Ages fragmented realIy bottom Middle nr es enf ef ion ur r r v \ parts me t ake Iet in point A basic alI a very uni versi ti es u rrr Romans, which not rhe t the from fate is R nl nan= - L2O9 Tuscans, the E urope in u n i v e rs i ti e s C a mb ri d q e I Lombards, I4ontana, in v notes there the second Max Weber is a very to more encompassing abstract - nature generalisations, ( and expressed from of the type bureaucratisation. sociological level, universaLrsm/ specified with the still the at the micro in parsonian and Sorokin) de-centrafisation/ levelterms seem and particularismrzdiffuseness fragmentation perhaps than more among families, relati-ve Global reta i to space, ns m anv : rD ^ 'tr - ^^* ^* ' - iion rIqYlttErrLqLfvlI of the Let t he Of this then sFrrmentaf power the a.risto-cgagy, the th c of r . nr ^r FT- nf the t he the f vnes of "J r " Their n n we r Politics is rleepnearrL n d rrlr g u i na as usual (nn Jlr disciplines 2n r r ndar n f ho n^r ^7ar to these Lhree layers i nn nf clergy, case of the aristocracy mil-itary scj-ence, exercise of science could then connected with raw courd serve rate' ra Lv 1 '-^ uE its l- tv r yJ addition to inside exercise outside give rise to rneede, r gsu r vof! thc and orlu also rqt,t,ur r nnar at tLrrs he n r r w Fr yvwsr those i nnc al - n \ sL9.,/ proportions systern kind country, fo ( for rF.ntIale - u Yr and the internat ional Military empiricai instance disciplines ballistics reasoning. universities l aqqac vc a'.v vvv, the obvious: country. of the For relatively * :" of needed For . law- that early two "utilitarian", j_s what deductive the kinds normative; the OO L W S1. a number in of the around social the and mechanics components various ( C nrnnrrf \u vr u v!q L r vl l Jt here the the C IfC U m StanC eS. nf is of women. +!a^^r ^-.' obviou- s:' jlpteg_y. is answer as an exercise thr Lr r.c i qa power geometry some basic ^t'r dlJc:u - ^^r >r in of irza built n1- l - - ,l ef the ex er r - answer the and punitive regulate the r bottom three, be developed 1 - hai the nrrnif IJurlf,Lavc the on top, 6tat) , was essentially r nrr u l qr of the C vvrommorr-o r r r r L L !u u of that tff-*i[rs on exchange, and a1-er vi r rnnc l, say clergy power were mixture theme of to Mi I i arv r ol us popufation, the based structural j ews/moros, exercised clergy the "wc:dJ\1Ie:5b ^-r--^^^ aspect, with at !!psies, of the i nn and e s s e n t i e lL!qtrJ lv the case raw of - Let order institutions Ch v r r s r vrlrl tr r - h . However, aq majority essentially "remunerative". second merchants/burghers ar is t oc r a c v merchants the then The power Lhe bottom. to came a social overwhelming lLrlg - hc be made about ages t h er e ^^eS: qY! so on. structure. then the peasants/arLisans/workers, q\7el-am f ha groups, ^"*J -arginalised Of course, the three on the top over o 'i r z e n yrvgrr to turn stilI mi rld l a i on - and point first states, 1-ha Of families, countries. nation JeYrrrErluqLtvrr, W e then in of machinery, be the middle the a set tLllGrr han Nations transformation of as but and between inside Cha r a C t e r i S t i C S transformatiort out units rlqLrlE! at her United both wj-thin territorial considered around, a.i y, At would -"r,,,J i -. f l Se ); any have tO the two as classicar relatively It f acul-ties conservative should also and the sub]ectg nF a^A 1 ^, (rr ^- n buLl d,rrLr backed raw authorities to the order to interest run rn supposed to to f or establish no doubt other. a basic stimul us considerably for natural establishing their definitely the equivarence for instance caprtal that various capital here carry of as in now as against their the of t_rado u ! qus Inna avr rV as people had in in their emerged group c@f. been to words, to the limeright of they seem to the could science of s u- LeItU e OI the rt _gliversiU B ut for rooks their rike chanqe once economics emergence problems and exchanqe. faw the to die emeroed: the engage 3 U St theorogians they were started doing, Scientif ic disciplines corresponding theme, but once function can in the they i-s laqqinq.F_ehind a discipline has been as have group society assume - and the after to , oy of on long one future be to indeed it. be lingering responsible would dq and go about said money interest eC On( - - ..^_'- social the and what the only clergy people be country; of God before to should other theory f or estabrishing not in economics they explain after that whole worsh:pping long significance. principle the Lile how they particularly into before slowly, in settfed course, uE!ulc manner partrcularly other the the needed perhaps can a systern capital in be equivarence: capital, against same as theorogy aristocrats. of capital wake In burghers forms to some system and psychology need were sciences, human beings, And one would than raw materials, classifying enter. distribution more other, a_rso need education in Eq_tgng_qg were systems where - might and products each the setting wanted one would is of production, chemist ry . probably pov/er deathr, of particularly this ultimate cycles the principles. normative even Consequentry for are children mundane power against classification the the factors be traded each up by on They want a stable cycresproduction law as God's and pain, economic to and based more but they also flow, substituted the construction. universal/specific backed burghers. expanding those to suf f ering of people a soci_ety up by inf lict and consumption, that. even such 6s theology disciplines- theoloqv seeing al_so known any university that according However, and 1aw, of be noted and specific, King's theology pillars universalising be in of has waned a general social establrshed it will of course aF th :t nar ]. serve i nr r l:r mu1tiplier as the for the importance dr ^r r n i /q!L This leads two other of gave rise to narlr:nc ic P er ha n s 'i t can to also layers but same vein, the of g*psres/1ews,/moros, in so many countrieSr narf L! U u I q I icrrlar Pq! maybe it other to of national d i sr: i nl i nar v by women. perspectives future us forward in transform their even of midst the the that a by free the free way: access from to King, the that the that the successors be f ound can carriers brought of any the much closer n :rlPcrr be seen, the And because a transt e arri uqIMu LIUuLa!rJ these a bearing -,;;; only are on the of ages: reality by to e cl some of divine, social working detached construction in factors made by who skilfully ministers. the secufar, @o.. power, their This not but these In th. individual classes emerges and products, mobility. from challenges increasingly contesting individuals: us move State cabinet challenged production the the aristocrats landowners are 1et Aristocracy separated, decreasingly fl-owof are perspectives, two are bourgeoisie by individuals have carried mobility, tl-rrn, challenged said n crhenq IJErrlo.PJ to middle State society flow geographical the Both vulgarised. not these and themselves franeaise for from Church pillar as the in time transparent. and - only to develocment. now combine Church, the may or universitv Let remains not production annroar-h rel ati on even being qyy!vqu11, this all thaL making workers are knowledge lrvlrJLru EVsrl But countries holis t i c ev en - y t be economrcs. somc VU L of urDvrp!!r1q! also had Y dfld the women, are not l-"! of transnationalism |JMlg, heart visible, can and national- a way of all- thre f oreign dis^;"^r';^^ UIJUf their as a science, economics soci ol oov as society perspectives the that sai d of in in peasants/arLisans,/workers economics parties, all was exercised? as carrying seen social- of busrness be socialist the about whom power be the that emergence the what way up? say ^^Dosed "_ vt socialism, top could they can ofl the Maybe one over those disciplines baggage, question: an important groups, sociaf What kind social to including human rights, construction in classes other f ightlng three. a very isthery in basic and given AII of this, then, essentialty century, effectively revolution that rn run by a man's will process this aristocrats and clergy and the national universities and on the in single a given of universities. +ha rarl.if mirroring the Thirdly, the the one end whole natronal sciences !r'-^"^r^ L l rru u vrr has structure they by by of one the corresponding to to knowledge the q- lu l^ rs other; 5 c1y perf ect university emerges, tend become to f it cf be more and qllu holistic perspectives and *^-:.ss long r Llu!( of hindrances omovement has for for on the entered the the system only sense that each of ten faculties of aiming whole whole l ad at country, regr_on, :nrl pfecl S e. sta-te wj-th exception that in Orzerq,l UVE!-LqyrIIY, ar,ri nc- having to social number specific, natio,-t social (rector, the the do1_ai af ter rmprint the sections. conservative Iaru rqW in with increasingry the of a limited sense valid v,rit-h the +LllgvIvYy t- ^ ^ r ^..V l;^ ^ .i^ l;- ^ - !tr>UIPIIIIg>r the \/A vclr\/ y serve. disciptines and even J(rrttsLrrrrrY -.-rmFfhi n.r A n almosL might is possibly And they +L^U or segments, ministries that sense to unlversity system in take authority discipline, become universalistic, of the segm.ented cabinet they supposed the into construction, gradually a single become divided in become so doing are of the segmented, a centraf sense is of they i sed , both the this process, dominated concern made an indelible feminist in of And in which dominated being world. universities rLIIU l-'^ that Further, they irnr rcvrLesaqsD i nar o lrr Yr r y (JI ^E being development from of (with centralised, dialectical capitalists Universities interests of a soc iety turned complex away ) . structures. senate ) and institutes the become central the BCI 2oth stage: merchants far building rr +o be studied being and the an obvious country segment too the time. a certain the servrng university of at of an on-going a lonq bureaucrats, specific they academic today not characteristics '1rlu!t , the for last we are in end still police l-harz l-ronnmo foofs the by woman in intellectuals; military themselves, at challenged turned turned universalist society, the lL-he labour formatiory sraqe. the proportion the fight the their S OC i aI way movement and the _S.omepr9.b1ems, ".some c.4gf lelg.g.g Let us now make use aq annl ied n rn l .rl om c to nf this little in order universities r -ontemporary From what rather of has been exercise universities . above, the said In obvious: first order problern to serve division production a segmented system, a'rr -qmentatiojl. into disciplines and specialisations and will take knowledge q,1- r r r UIlur ^homr.ir fr L!_y CttlU - h^ ^hIryS r'--il^P U- geochemistry. and but is this with the not mother philosophy, such, there for to to more I1f9rI holistic of far when at o1d, wise person if that among the of to disciplines next different it there is not to the all fact, one yearning the does period there is universities :m :tanr r i the demand is ch ah a not have -..-dP, in academic would be that be a natural philosopher difficult find to the same as even person that engaged picture are next not sitting in work in saying all kinds the that are almost much more almost no real parts scattered Universitiit q fh i L rrrr each I r++ardtt€I sitting important workrng in in different other, of city for in the urban mav serve .; IS- h^+ not- on top of each It as one .i *ImpOftanL rl -,-+ t-nat. other geogr:aphical- contact. floors, the pofnt' ^^..i -r than noL working different around Berlin has segmentation institutes, different no campus, that engaged to different even llr .r r ^ vu r a r!,r e r lr vwu are is People I Freie borders which In broilers ffaqmentation. archi- tecture they is young the belongs with if It in it sub-conscious sciences fact in think as there. universities Even natural title. buildings, o\ world, encounter to who would T hey door a:temnl of today, not However, led time been knowledge I fact, of has above: just hor-or16 lJcuur As a matter his explicitly mainly caqi l r; EqJrry w ill wrrr technocrats, demand is afso sr n n lv DuytJr)/ not engineering perhaps \j E\:y r r zl ,J ^oanhr qirrur -q r associated may derive. the geology, tri-laterally knowfedge, over place take what approach and approaches. a faculty were in all but bacJ< in Iife even mentioned not today a dilettant. go that bilatera11y, deliqht views 'Lrrs he LIrAL together specialisations that say !L ^ ! to same as a holistic a conscious is L i ^L that which only nham i c +r r r Lr r C l ttI:'L!y apart rich not nhr r c .i a- l LT IIy J ILC II discipline that from correct the to may be built: weave its with has '!r l r 1. v uL pl ufJ v c a rs increasing Linkages One may try and held subdivided JU place. q.rmF crf the exnlore to macro-history in is disciplinary separation: the theory of the carrying meet. as colleagues, by is This in well -known: they of in separated hours, different course not does people outside :-+^--ational ^+-^i^ adco ar rrhd at least f hor u f ha mentally the to associate side on the other Thlrdly, earth than of side the problem a major so big to organic their speak, thinos not flo w 6 > F F a a r ' ir r a - lr r af their Cambridge, a little each student left there picks is them it in the bigness for those to But by it. that the outside deep of unper sonal and inside C an to scientific tolerated in the everybody is relating, - at universities. not I think it an organisation harmful positive hence to rs does aspects. of how to behaviour station or peol:re, vlork" Bigness pride to for in and cling with univer salrsm is even not God and not at vrhat handrthere rnay be a source menber may be church to each bigness and ho"r excessive one alI where other essential. descri-be On the the inside a niche an enormous is door, no chairs impersonal, which to Dialoque icult the Such relaticnships presumably, to of at by be found comes together an atmosphere ysvl Jtc did are build neonl e fi nd chairs can helping rllrq JL r r r folding so structure Wi-ttgenstein Smallness discourse. diff acadernic a source like bigness railway a different aspects S ti l l vq r r and when there anti-personal in on structure the chair conducive but the up a and creates /specificity same field universities of large O1. be easier bureaucratic col trqp-.)no vvq l JL t who understand and nr ni eC tS I/r v - J u\ a colleaque a set room. nnl I a:ar r oq v v r r LqYuur would room, no more women never i nn contemporary activity academic m aoJ i rle -,,'.'t:, who run whatever. corridor. orl the something of with of They are :.2u. become only Loo visible, is or time o Eyr L L g r l L ^^^nF r Af a colleague with Jq r l r u ri r rn r most in can weave even qame qF.rment- of L l tE r nr l tea their to they on the vl t next men or academic i rzo sit of could luggage tables, cup anr r ac ed For the of ar F ^^m nr r a1- conferences. their uqDgu r z eq. i n to different based mafias in other field nl.r a tend own j-nstitute: i ( L q!!q D f ham qel n- l by people different mental their mean that their IllLg!lLeL.|lqt kn n r^ r'l space enjoying meet > LM r Y where disciplines different Bub place the cafeteria/restaurant, of the of of sLZe rnay are also f arne ancl universicy, !-^ iJg nr of e s s o rs to .i r S- and d i rre rs i tv ., ^.i lp Sflr -^1r y the one IO n l =n y I AI l. l..1nr n I 'r V L g j-nto themselves, to to nrd er UEI i_o LV oet YC rjxn an q ion creativity i AJ ^ ctIlltUJ -'rn,^r+L to - everybody big university an d t hev and f ho extends har z e +Lrru r'^ s om ehow I -Laf -': nachine which purpose of Erru he the dissemination complain: end f is of an I not would should usually tal<e that be perfectly this is A i:roblem organisations. a little spur so much ea-sier conversation of the or mornent; can do it The inembers naar"z\g6|g. i nIry rr r r rUII n I the production to end h pyr z fLllE: ha avowed and so rnany people rather in than addition) . A good seriously. three. But they and my ov/n experience ln smaller bc solved a meeting the its f of, for do all to done, this tends fael ds too able well to rgEf teacher complaint individual harze to uv I ilza administrator, a bad may it fit , rrJ ! 9 9 v Y t v I t short, administrator, be meaningfuJ-\zand that the In thelz ar ; 6 'c r r r l chaos". mal<e use organisation: l<nov ,'Iedge. f rom anarchy, rlrqurMlg in cOntraction- a f ar the- they v,rriting, rrqvL machine- e n o r m orrrvu> us to in researcher gllvr manner oht we WE llrf ni L yrr with contract periods routines creative supposed he becomes (and rnost elr whole researcher. academic of u! is in lock to orEanisat.ions administrative to the even rcsul-t havc organisation Iarger rz Ir r VU q U !y rS U to :r r nhaF r l other so that uV do VVg this LlllS we and the f icult they ^re a small In dif or TI hIIE! ero schedules a predictabl-e an unnediated I anrrl- hq In presupposes like is In . rvarze rearrange efse As a result, the , size rIso aqaAr c hor c !q !vIIL !D orally Ii uLUIAlvY^ l o c r t t e UOUN qr ^v , in others, r ^- ^r - not some periods and afirong universities. acLivity i on m l tl qAnt/ l ty nev/ insights. rhythms better. j-^?ssible: f lttl/UJJf Uf E, " 1!if for is in a) vI r at ^^r f CEU be possible should that f rom predictabl-e. f ar ^+ m l i l v-nql u _ and touch r hv i- hr n i rnr i q i r avtl r fr J rn !qur o l rz funds increarsing is meditate I L n: there may attract Creative almost arrive expand Uf qL r -lhqrar ri, ul e>rperience order in. be a key refations: supremacy Creativity V V l l U l s Lr gaf r], ^nn/- the f or race sets i nn LJfvuu9Lr vlr Bigness . ho'""rever, with rigidity have uy the hand, * - ^. lr r r ' t q- tr l and IrQIl -^r l flexibility. .:^ have f .mgy also symbiotic more to ^.i ^lP.r c]Ji in other a certain in a indicator bureaucratic rJtt^-r- { Brgness al i ke. hence and more On the 'I .: s tu d e n ts problen that is than in immediately bigger Lhrough can lce convened noL transforrned, on even perverted, fragmented for centre and segmented del-iberation endless or with appropriated d.elayed As a result one passes time in none at all. '-^^! ; *^^ -r i ^^r'rssi no nroirl erfls of other institut,es L rlrY has uf, J DU uJ t he thaf a fornrula the The likelihood is problem the the Europe, interaction between teacher l- r r z pJ nhallonnor ] ur r qr r Lr r YUu there budget universities d-uties even l o:r na!uqr r r ul been administrators because perforined And the bi-gger tend come out rnore and rnore spe cialised a conp-le;'< or at the institutions smallest iase ' li-o^ .1 s p e c r all_ assistants a big clever least can adm inrstration what to .Ic,..,,,,- d m in .iq ]_ and alI quv! e !r efnrq l r.arzi nrr of even +-ho the bottcm, tut the more needed Of pursuits can a niche in the the to is run only in arnateur-ish highly 1-a nrnfoc course, do, niargirraliss everything It f >q'l :q i + .' rrorf vL r L fu Aa fU y. i .-l eliminating together. academic firding lcut this, adnrinistrative of are no time away f rorn the at size, he ltnowing i nr-rrreq.i nct on top his that- is rnore artisan-1il<e, that J, reason and only units, rul r ni r r nrLc i fi ac J I L ! g J l IVU ul I ma.chinery. operate, students, units university, complicated in that fIr U Iu q Jr r r y skills e)<ccssive cxtent running the a conveying Prof essors, not only symbiosis there teachinq are st-udents vrill teacher: fu l l s!sU hcrol r.,,z ) - and smafl nr nr l r r nl - i an tJ !uuuuLf as possible, watches. r,vas a basic in simple possible. ba1l, f rom lnany parts Lo the r ttqJ J case group, teacher the mininiurn of the The further. for per as quiclily af ter have . mal<e it is The obvious T Il In with. for scholars procesq live at their generale stuCents with tO .gq*.re.e_l, a srnaller studiun to impossible would Lo escape In =h I e a rubber size one l<icked vrhich condition vri+-h the the in down like tight. rnany learners too that Lend low. in fhp absolutely are and learner- and and gror,ving is a ri€Cessary be very can become too rvhere the been msnbers lookirg not v;hich l-ra conflict although Lhem together could insights to have cannot, by faculty restriction tying in university university r,vithout open this hiqh betv;een cla.ssical form, the cerLainly sufficient, of minh+ r - r a r i ruzi up and tend that }/s! party a third solved ):igger third nartieq universities so the distance a bouncing than Fourthly, more that continues rather watched problems insight; hone wit h ^nm^ rrn,,il_h 'i q ro ro mal<ing faculty vr a u l l tJI no knowledger rrn sfa ir s of llIY o the dccision or I t t gg by even l;lega-machine, -i sors, this rs inside calling it an institute, ( a h o u se) maybe wit h runni-ng it a m i nimum umbilical ca n b e come very p r o d u ctivity as if cord with h e lp them build i nter n a tional with to less funding the ma c h in e . but they proc e s s . internation a l u n iversities s u c h in s t it u t es But then, on the other a g a in in t e rn a t io n a r s e c u re a t t e n t io n , t h e m u n c le r u N o rg a n is a t io n s T ra n s n a t j-o n a lis a t io n , are segme n t e d a n d f ra g me n t e d not above, b ig a comp b in a t io n o t h e rwis e re f e rre d p re s u ma b ly b e c a u s e t h e y I'fh y ? a n d verticar structure". "alp h a im p o r tant bui-Iding a d d it io n blo c k s fu n d s. Their othe r co r p o r a tions ( pr iva te at in or state ad m in istration in alty hope To e xten t call p e rrn it t . in g la rg e , tune or at the le a s t p ip e wj-ll teII the On the somewhat na lv e , by having a h u n d re d more or sand-box, less at occasiona lly and amenab le . o wn and for not T h e y e < p e c t lo y - know that criticism. a ls o p ip e r other f lo we rs to s o me v rh ic h t u n e s h a n d , wis e they b lo o m, get the I e a v in g o wn g a me s , wa t c h in g t h e ir p ic k in g That engage Sonethirrg useful much cutslnken ard not to crisis, to t h e ir b u re a u c ra c ie s . be st se e m p r omising at by the bure a u c ra c ie s the often and control and wise in in t e lle c t u a ls v e ry cor p o r a tions i ntelle ctuals at taxes c o rp o ra t io n , the r esults i t wo p a y in g by the to playr is no t for he who plays that ra t t e r and profit of times re c ip ie n t s t h e ir tJrey o<pect scrnething in return. pr o duction even t h a n p u b lic t h e p u b ric the p a y in g citize n s purs u it s , intellectual discretion, fo r wit h ones o n t h e b a s is o f n o n e y re c e iv e d f ro m t h e ds corpora t io n c u s t o me rs p a y ln g f o r g o o d s I n return the ir s a me f ie ld ; a re c o n s t ru c t io n . ra t h e r has four a s an to public) larger a n d ser vices in the and bureaucrac ie s , versus pu b lic p riv a t e wit h ro t o b e c o me state t h e mo re imp o rt a n t knowledge pro d u c t io n interlectuals, tend t h e n a t io n in The y a re !$igggl, at leas t if the y may be run basicarly they ) , e v en i n a t io n a l" i s a t 1 o r . a c c o rd in g w ha t h as been said in their a n d p a rt ic u la rl y in s t a n c e possibilities. Often wit h o n t h e ma c h in e , n e t wo rk s , ( for a u t o n o mo u s , ma y h a v e t o p a y f o r ma y a t t ra c t umbrerras s e p a ra re n e s s we re t o t a rry lev e ra g e productivity their it productive, on the budget-making ha n d , g e o g ra p h ic a l out one or them a f e w wh o a p p ro a c h ma y n o t y ie ld the 11 sam e quantrty to move in as can the sane yield considerably often under more being sciences in exercised the the disposal of sport f s not for their own; supposed country. in i-nternational are not may be since they naLion miEht perhaps even are efforts in are often referred then in Dubrovnik, efforts, inherent hampering to come, are rather and the less in the l- r ar do thcy e><pression and resist the enough, such ' ' r i + l- r t - hem is terin this tLh IT!Eg ree cause universities gg!r_e-n_A] universalActually, ("uni";, in The transnational and holistic to to There be made. in is rnain the these are and transdisciplinary university" p o rnt in they number continue g€rrerdtions or incorporate six, in them. spite univcrsities LIere they of f icial vlill yearsr socicty, U IIIU Iq fTJ only The contradicLion and bureaucracies, l IIq Tl I Centre Tokyo, But Paris. for but multiversity" "national University production marginariscd. tLhe IIL are together stilr "national corporations other the however receive..... position a central tsglatqci, they but mention that "academicg.lerrj-llas", and in discipline any "university". transnational funds is gIobal Transnationale more any such as trelnter-university irlations human J"nowledge l<novrledge for rna nf United the Strangely having direction, i\ouvelle becorne the of that t.erms, team to are, producing constituting I v ). are many disciplines. than university, institutions national not to, the ), adecluate pretentious the disciJrlines ("multi" be more for global; coverrng these ailart not neans as they control count::ies in for of bring the universities coiltpetition, of of to team own country, usually (an academies other national lVhat this sense a freedom teaching for sense more UniversitS cornpete may struck, The national the the be teaching the be mobilisabre and trans-disciplinary use its that but can as opposecl state. international- do not keep the in in rather of is the conf lict. r-u.r-ycrsr-!ls€ they means supposed. to universal for r predominantly this should of than freedom Lo worl< for f ield any research intellectuals a plan, freedom", ultirnately They to "academic countries, the alf Bargains relative what forcing according universities any is for by quality. of sociari st over Ultimately the better obtained example at direction banner the easily be obtained recrlcrn r e U vYIIr D g * ieccl n i T. I I ars L2 modern, of Iess ^^^-1-.;--f llY hrr i rug^^ l d i nnq from hustle that only is above society sides of or the tribal students are a n faurirrv ruq Jvu r t' rl.anr qlr :JUaYCJ, ^:- rng ":- .a S S OCI- atl- t the intellectuals is Viord, the producers the in a certain sense of servants in status a posit.ion for of the classical t6 Lv tha Lf l9 !fir qf aI hol-ders althru indeed. r of together gh the u IJvIIIL, the liord. latter also f roril feeling of - the roots of twin easily focus of V'/hat is at the the of ic IJ due and still to second to tlso important in are have the nore suf fered successful estates much related L IJg U perr,ritted produce is of also and third nr :nrqi cU ^^ yr only also carriers orders, They and very not but been nev,/ are ].1 nc o']l v ..\'l r .r r vr r Ys! ItI omen are the intel-lectuals thc Secondly, probably are ultinately nrentioned, top in 1:racticc. monastic centuries, r -s IcIvq , elJi har - r z u has the society, tv.zo pillars over to acadenics on verbal formsi including of And Lhis, monl<s as as written Obviously, enter. isol-ation mediaeval on top s^\r v di r 'l f amily a talk t^- Li +IIOU ILJ T ^ sub-tribe. In this hovr to an* :r 3l r r c luLuor r,c i nl - al \,Vith the r,.,rith intellectuals, the that, perf ormed, learn pndr s Ir uU- YOl i l uU J :m ^n,r -"y do not o::der. nnint_ idea arc they isolation. clergy, were v;ithdrawal academia ril-es der Zc pl uLv Iv nn I, nev,z l<nowleCAe. of whereas a decline the as \^rell oral aspects: fiqht w i thdraw al than the above same disciplinary' m onasteries, the the f Or and campus may the a detachr,rent with ancl oral- r ds opposed Historically, seer: is rituals, frrrr r-rlmnaf ihle rJrittcn acLivity, paid feeling +ha17 U IIs J experiences onlv LJ easily lawns isolation sectariary into ) to price , cven m ar r r ;i nn the in norracademic I cultivatron the rel-ation. Ol l ul - nz contributes ]-rrrn- the (although Iife much more society initiated 4:].vLLLJt ina C- city cornpatible too tovrn-qolvn On canpu-s, th-is of shape latter and signs the course, freedOm of and bustle i \7i + r presupposes --"--l But the f ror n cof leagues). society Of er-ademi qLts c ou | ^r ^) on the cl-ear being -s the Far - soil grow . ^ l-n to f.)r ! vr L (] !rry -^ + Lri n YUvLa the than s-'1^h^a^^ upposeq Ara ^^^^ - q rather mind for police the are may take an encIosure JPson I and there it Physically marginalisation. 1-i+^,^II.' ^ LCi CrrrJ udILIPLl> IA the military And yet, as PilJarst. applauded of of (Lhe society western am ^nn AIttU TIY to +LIIE ha reproducc J<nowledge a slovr pLocess l3 And yet in the They the sense have that nore institutions in In together that rnatter. the al:e lil<e shops they or customers railway and leave tr-r uS! universities that by from a conmon large 1I I i ., ^rr^ nr r- gone character time end users or control- university, , or or lcnowledge? nature of be knowledge, Can one the ^- eCiSe decades, say its m an n e r --J bv tension tensions all derrve not clearly do with to a product ( for which even about we all of profit enjoyrnent), will and produce lfhat kind of thinl< Of the one can, theSe to more of Lhe g!:g!Sl9]ggy, a consequence 5se natronal and distribution production users. rnalcincJ the rnarginalisation. therasel-ves I structure: localit.y, production its other mentioned? rlay fabour: and detached, to the something as are and consumpi,ien, l-rnorvlcdge, just Iast society to staff aL large, their the f or it public thc tremendous in disiribute leaving There the fow ) who presumably characteristics ra lafir r o' lr r to be i sed . of content to rnernbers of for and yet the simply us ! through sLze to and from sonething have the high to fhe And they and rlarginal- above only insiitutl-ons of detachable are f ragrnentation, (stucients knowledge, they staf f there possibly universities the the for The permanent say: resolved. and assume in through denominator: now turn to setting been have yoints of the the i solated segmentation users have - us! institution the is anywhere, c>rtent us voices there no means Let and muted support So, integratcd r,vilI in while mainrifv students, the be solne revolt us! to The overwhelnincr institution, who ultimately say: two a service To r,vhorndo these who pay will even on and on, diploma wi1I even is up their Those could Universittes a short return. iilord, the other togethcr. for in of congregatiory each - There staying stations the the of grow al-so churches generation, be tired might of ) coming belong? the liord, and professors some fees sav: the one service the ( students picl< behi nd with only explored urg of sender time, might adminisLraLors serv iced, to a long not problems the of places kinds than churcires, ?hey but all general in strange strange very cornmon with for process, are are rnrr +he receivers live of often today yesteryear. ,rri acf universities thc structural and S i >< in a S t r U C tU r a l those I4 c har a c te ri s ti c s , /\ ! / I ) one Q a n ma n + a ti o n Sne u! J s u! qIci I J LJalis t s netivorks, on top. n arcrr aniir z o HU! JYU V U: the leaSt having have aS i r: annroa.che q - yl :,_ s. ;Llrr F/U >>a JJ- f even the specialist nOt i st r r vr r r u r u r L L vr u ru !JU 1 irsI/!!rr -r giJtn 1 i - ^ - within decisions at W U of hol nore u tLhr r v!!o i r sense that top On the in !r ! nevertheless guarantee would counteract Fr r^re C r L t ir s ! YFr s in l:ut one. w o ul d wor WV U r Ur ld universalising by discipline. will to world-encompassing Thrs renain on tap, be r.rade frorn narfo1/ aS not a more holistic mOnOChrOmatiC a ' universiLy nrrhl i c af I ara^ a decision rwlM ^ zOh n iq f han a The fra rrm enf net f L/quue!:r aIl, and not n rr'F i n, r I r li trusted: the universitl',with (3) Given wi I I l-re on f"-LoD of rarel y structure the such and of in the law: sub-fields they until God and JusLice IaiC the out by that lrrrd, -^n\7 .,r except the the for into very be in sorted organogram Surprise-free. etc. forced would to the com pete administrationr will tilt also apply sub-f ields a Iove in Can been as philosophy, into aL ---JCt means that \,./ill This rvanes and disappears wi 11 be ;rrof essors problens disciplines point they . r r n mi f+aur .e LULJ, vvr !r r r r r )/ administrators professors institutional be subdiviclecl inarv into and This as f fath e1. tuhr r rrvuoYrr r o h institutes, administration Same direction. wilI built administration. irolistic cfassical have /teac.hors: of weight. already the but .i researehers the ob/n fields their anr-i rzifrz , will baS i S l abour. UniverSitieS faculties, be maintained, can sheer its size the be on top within boxes f i r =d activiLy thiS, production knowledge of l r vu hrrrinol*q teaching the the L^'r'i ^+i ^ ITU IIJL I\ di vi si on Solidi by The expert n i u l - t i - d i s r - i n 'lo u r l Jr r l r q t rinn or damncrA -\7 on campus, GiVen predictable in be elite u sl l r vu L a v) :, -.f Jp g 9 !q fIJL t is groulrs nSt it Ut iO nS. the qnpr-i ar'i ^F A q often with di f L L r r L vL thi s ( - ) n s^L.\oqf rlc- integraLed the advance research by be l:roader. + h-eaten will ^!i'^) g snrrl.r^l uos f s r _Lr rila rgr - na- L, IeS S q. o . r m F n f - a t i o n of Tr l€r € even nlr^ihal ,.rn rr' r ^ t Fr n ef ion, seriinars, of r-^ LLU tal<en luro than Urrqlr fa thef ! q U rr g I YgllErqIfJU f ra qo Y r im !urr e n f ! Of -^.:e def initely v/ill d a n o fa liSt ! ( 2 \ \L I f h r n ,r ^ h ! L {! Y V for q IrJhether discipline. both and the to theology and sub- Knowledge, insignificance. t5 (4) The verticality of labour those : those lower people they of here. Totalry the of to that capable breal<ing But regardless remafn: holders of carriers of nothing no truth at all. conservatism And, own paradigrns, them. and the part, rn for solid a nev,/ type The whole by thinking. reality of tendency Theor:iq=; than approacir, (5) The national the iLs national in in for hard to character that tsy that language the I to the scene is in of knowledge only of tied to forms of usefulness is arrival so dramatic. indeed than reinforced both,/and prurai, rnaicing supplementing seems a rnuch more at natronal of the and why the rather other as survival of dir:ections, the after towards their arrive do not has - which cosrnology as f har,eref erred each and modes and insights different young as car::iers and either/or plurarrand but lcut consequence product. tor,vards are thern. ine><tricably foster, may reLationship because beyond yet. tv;o observati-ons in l-n socrety, to are regaidless there tendency l-he academic tend substitu.ting valid as woufd have seelr:gr themsel-ves others are a people all. conr'IicLuaf interest on long on at this, why certain group thinl<ing of reasons that linger transparent rather vested explains power pattern a general the arflong other this production any of young and aLl a Eeneral techniques l<nov;ledge of and the then, is indeed. surrounding paradrgrns truth there breal<throughs combaLrve, but them wafls intellectual new theories, a9€, affordecl, truth dif ferent because lcnowredge of the the numerous, a later social general in new paradigms are in theories, theories with rule theoretical an unnecessarily betlr een one's are the of develop themselves the if then with drvision producing paradigm, to original r.raking the those to they throuEh pyramid tr,ventieg entitled nothing of to their set; mal<e for Fiowever, rTlay corne at wha-t opportunities people in exceptions vrith the stick launch new insights l:e imitators to already will data. Those entitled course, structure up in deverop paradigms quite not hi gher a tendency contradiction their the down collecting have f rameworl<s of in this idiorn considerable it elsewhere of criraate. production is mean the is type has ref lecte<r im1:act the - but "deep rn an essav in language", on or l6 styles, mention to so penetrating, tall< gallic teutonic, saxonic, four but fraceo aced national- idiom one because simply nations), f h arr r.l I probably that a cfoali hide the heavy been and is net saying that it of cultural exposed to - - colonialism because it is transnational operations organisations rather Yv ! anr l nr i I i t ar " er ] nnl om _ is good or r! | ! v r: l ' of i na \ 6f .)nF although than is in concealed there the to has world process, than beforc niuch s l-ro nger people: bureaucracies by n:rt a n Oth e f \ 4 u rL \ symbiotically after colonisation "inter- retained. This stronoer the i .Uf and bureacracy natiOn af of because bad, rather oUIUIIYeI by group i c. crrri f g !J is international and other idi triest. carrieC than the ir:rperialism .ltruurl rrrr:h PTUUAUTy (or essentially f rom the * - ^^1- ^ 'h r " itself to styles, course, on others diversity which of honogeneous, be made use becomes itself Salne Lhis intellectual in r-idc nt allr u \ the good: is hypocrisy r^ IJ v;orl-d any i eq, - oISCr_r* discrenanr- lool<s the dose lllUausllLArlJ, (wi th result that are rnelhocrology superinposes should of stronE, may superimpose in between such sucn wftrr with end of say so scientific t r ai n e d diversity a dialogue under been am not I would But one intelfecLual The dif ferences idion nation the from h: r z a matter. I that so that subjective" them. unj-versal, mero I v rhef or ]car ical that of Lhe national a general, of and nipponic State alone. (6) The castrated Above character ^^- i nt s empirical, hv deal critical ino te a c h i n g most ( note \r r vLe - , the for two wiLh teaching with in have been fragmentation lamented. th(1 nade: tv,lo tri re s e arch closely and anq bel ong thi !i r__ s f h r= s .nara1-.i on ul r v some benefits and practice for is is connection between . l _e a r - h the buL by tw o and done in i n cr . beLween we i n +- a n r 2 l i 6 n ! recogni sed :+ i ' .^ posl _Lfve in the Iarge But ). Obviously is a L Sq U TIIIIYt separaLion f r:r a' l readv of this research. crrzinc in U sL Vvg g II related together rcsearch mainly In q enaration o L u q r q u IvII anoleq soraewhat 1<nowledge product. the and and the v lit h and h o u z e rre r - found and constructive her e a peculiar, a consequence discipline be rrn i rre rs:s i titrre es s countries, both c an and practice, research T hat in and nations n+ l- r nr Are as often segmentation institutes rr.zn has isolation the schools ^j s].gn soci al i st trernendous costs integraLion of of engineering L] and schoors fr:inin n of nredicine. frrfrrr,. f nac ha- q pedagogy . only sam e applies schools the the nore smuggre is al'"rays bad, doctrines of LrrEJ qrE fhorz are strange e Y r r l i r -it- necessariry f ho' reigns, values) varues can recede into front. the ro:q^nq in criticar it on e is left with rrn UIJ s ix a feelin g of medicine, health; of of maki_ng them c a r n c|/E i uqr any deductively; of theories ) Lo cone as they up in are in ( integrating and practice and constructive ; from enpirical approaches); a refatively high 'o _L5llt on how certain Lo struggle architecture r i ^IUi l-litljII . point the one t-nni - L and,/or certain accorclcd al .rianfc eULS ULJJ withour thern or from of a l aai ]-i mrfa !eyf uf TLLOLc: interconnected. s t ru c t u ra l only because rrridst (speculating Ontta1.tS tt niost p e o p re aq qJ furru he' affairs teaching only their rnstead and technical b OfdefS summing up these for are approaches universities irr inductively light lil<e enough h o n :r r Se e p istemology, three research, characteristically position the discipline beginning approaches, in science, H encq, for uqIluUI nder of ree" as values sone Lhe bacl<ground, and have ol:viously very a state Under construction and constructivism a full-fredged the and theory be rearised seen or etc. then, data (evaluating of not ]-horn ullslit b v! r u s urrrsq hed activity) practice false. "varue-f val-ues. s om e h o w rvrtrLlrvvv or harbour of no such some kincl of practice is good true of a scientific alr who expresslon, But consensus. l i ni ncl arrrllrY to connecting criticism view ar e are to fh om urrurtt, adhering l- har n' ls of alvrays engineering, relative ard as parts enquiry what universities r r .z;r ln r in cr is mcst students system. opt,imise. h^- for that virginity the Dy a- neavy efficiency neans is that 1-.' nrnfan{_nA This there view The theology, ancr for Lerribfe "objective", accepted yruuecteo. ara technical aF 'heutral", of (a or of school-s activity" of of schools. adventurous and therc a question only attached humanities into maximlse n rar-tir-p yrquLIUg for point sorrrc prac Licc those values of holistic essent ially n trvo almost qrrrrvru even or except goal-directed, not the sciencesr one wanLs to is law, of - f aculties have "extra-curricurar to varue schools sclences rxanage as t.here universities sociar natural from few to of Eveir in schools, marginal among other . in f lu e n c e s id e n t ic a f o n u n iv e rs it y wi1 -h e p is t c n o lo g y , s o rn e t h in g u n re le a s e d , t 9 g . ! .g _ - o } I [ t , s o mc t hi n g IB tied up by partly very often philosophical ly high gone has energy into principles results of the wounded by huniliating school, work n Fr o lilat ur r t y ,Rrrf - hr ^r r nr er z er f haf into the use I trap industry quaint 611 F vrrs in possi.ble agree r r ne:- :l- r r Y vyE!qL.r with l-rc- whaf ;r nd qr r !! - iS f inal .arr1' us as to hr Li Lm . . ./har / qol f nOt in word it asii faIl tO m.ode the that will nat'Ler. aII look themsel-ves under airnl Lqr r r r) r/ rn^f rvu which f knowledge constraints rv^l i I I v a!r author l-rl rz r.-- proouction, r,vill the an expressron university the of unreleased some l<ind nal qqi , childhood, via as irlnorl-6nl peoplc see a human being as a generation, lur - hor r s Jr present e xcep1^1'^^nf in only Then this means of sense to of is the any not inc the t prociucts and outnocled. rwqr r Aq lnnl r ( J.rrndr J Oz u y perhaps hence, was ever ]-ng rcgarding as all defend ve and the today A century r lav of production of to can be denived frqn infancy shape much unreflected lil<e frorn into whipped they is expericnces, c onv r nc , It unreflect ed, although partly the history. f anrily, ano j f r zr r of whims show that merely not often untenabfe to efforts having r r n:l- r r r rathcr and are personality, constraints, self-imposed horv it vrhich .' i 'l / rnar LUaquJ J=rq!II) these constraints are. 1?\ \ , Irinr'l'lrr L / have LILuLLJ l-fhinl< I much too oeneral: above all- producLion or the labour is perhaps The input maliing scene the up to equi pment The for of for into inputs work the input of jump in thc data vrhole in to J:ecause general is, and othcr product the and sense impressions ds fresh inputs articfes and The and process analysis: thc input of and analysiq and data presurnbably, the arrival processing the input so input data of by a sinple feed. enormous proc€ssing upvrards researchers known also steps is boolcs, who collect those first laboratories, of appreciated, r i€searchers, are universities students .l_hen am thinl<incr any nature form the are collectionr computers f for the staff using cdpital from thc in of capital fabour, inputs brought a quanturn of J<nor,vlecige as nature, on whj-ch researchers forth l:e Lrue. l<nor,vledge production, The as processed hardly and university of specimens be rnade that a point is rnav nerzortheless adm inistrators. and it il- fron should L particular in funcLion inputs with ooj-nt much money. vice-chancellors in fhe of them, assist-ants. research recently on the in particular. of tl'ie L9 creative or "rnal<ing the mind imposing it. is adr.rinistration ^t Ur r 1 ^ ..: ^ LrrIJ frora transition a An a research; + hn but him. of between the forms, nnra nrn'i ;- the rrre the -i a lS 1- :l c i+ f jnn nn vrl tLvI' on if goods, Lhen Lhe background and activity. Thus, rna dv m ade ls qu] and the in adninistercd :hlo nexl to can be brought nf t he intensive y- n vramiflq LrJrqr{r!LrD There Lhese each is creative other, r Ji _nno r r , nrnr:lrra{- -ciuc The in. only Then, a---is 5 - Ls. t - a n t s researcher n rnrjrir-ino }Jrvuu9!r1Y i n Si g h tS tLrrsvrsL henrc,J__iCal pyrami os . has long produclion in and r r - tf into of amounts way by the inn data a u r r'l I - t of and this professional becone increasingly ( \r d: l - ho capital of creativity-intensive i n 1 _e i - n r e l - a f r;iIl form this, Iike been wane in be enormous f hei the gradually wil-l- predictable 1:nnr .zlodc a to manu-facture. than The conclusions fr nm where be a decline a highly adninistrators. creativity- philosophy. to injected, f or l/!vY! only e r n n l a f _-^rg i r conf r,ri tht mada will there i ntenS i V e production. mode of tIt- wilf there not of disLinguish i-ha researchers nr r r . r r ^r . r nr eq firclllg rra l i n f is aLOf a perhaps soeial nioiie capital even is methocls ad,f1i ni S tf knowleoge K nowlcdge there r,lode onc )-'nowledge of top the of the of thern in rather data nore alI putting same house, pU1- , ti _nfn t on sake be that researcher researcne- closer nrr.l_ of some drsciples i-s cerebral-facture JaLUf,rrv f or was coning in be hired, can automated this the artisanal the manufacturing put are it fJ of the intensive latter period that I,Jithiu labour Lhe brains f her c , message organising intensive anC i from to input for lvould a^,ri tal v *L- frdy be having impressions, the even 1- \ ^^i n^ i no f ront f a And the do in constant and research a transition indus+-rial rh i an the . hypothesis Ialcour n r a r lr r a f both. getting adrnnistrators factor general the sing", or fuvYs ooethef urls u first the argument, L n n r ^ r "l J L-ILIY Keeping data, v,rhat the .i + L - - i- t the upon data r 'i qal - i nn nr nr l ttr - i nc r f he ! v ! Luluuqu r u ' c n n r nz' 1 :\lIUf/asuYs a r lca ' F h r .r !r aqL-^-- because the ^+ \JI the l dr "- ; - - -IAfyJAJ. net fr^ rct nil' lar s l /!!f l.-J rru Qi nnn Jllr ue result J of is nnl v Lr r J r: an even r nor ior nr r tv Lr u! l---lvvv!lrY :nouri ncr are conclusions - q! ilr a n rr t ]-he !lls already R D itY a vJeqtl-rn built |lr'.i v lnnnr rUJ z higher i nr..'r^ TITPULJ, U ql r - an into n:\7 tJ qJ dependence sor-iefv: !L-^ ,i -!- ^i m^1t' S-LrttPry Lllg uqLqt the prograrames far rvr than lrrt-oat:cracv R LY i a D I{nr r rr^r l sa, r-l rrr. :\r r v-w s uY before and on the but 20 l4uch c apital corporations. data and quantities cnormous done is f i s in other nr nn,r n+ ^^ F nr odr r r - od LJrvuuvuu In short, little be the will in thc fields of i na z 6. anr r i q9vv! {_ n production modern social is life, end for instanc e Nobel prizes , i nqn.i tLhr fqar r n the much I j-l<e what quality, accorded !u L r r L r much substituting f or rathef an -r approaching a system creativity, result, The worl< that i 1n. t,!vuuvuaL fo brain IittIe and raf r r r JIr Jr q L r vl t. its of i on viability. Some conclusions According reactions, in that good, even 'fhese in I lvith Iight the are eor - iet al of lev eI approach the Lwo liinds: macro-processes rqrrYVVsrrrqvlg ncrcl\/c.rnal^rle IlMru!!qOarrY!! more, once processes. historicaf of to trying, incroasinolv in AsVs! JVU!gUCL! t;:y project to raLher, be possible would not efforLs lil<ely actr-ra1ly what shall l:ut university, processes lr ic r - thin)<ing, of manner a nornative it line alternativcs? alLernativc Lo see fh e LrrE i:o this at - ^ ^ i ^ r ';^ ^ JUUIgLIgJ, --Yt and micro-proccsscs r;lor e or less forner the r^ras the hypothesis: reached their integratiorr and u^sr !l^^! LIr aL I.' - - ^ LYIJg devolution afso in in That 6f u! some cor.rntries process he'lonos to a sense hi storv, woul-d be the it is rather been f6 LV to regional That on the of Iatter fifth history is like corresponding obvious, using decentral-isati"qn as the carriers ^- .dU al 9Ld more that centralisation, goes ultirnately quickly other t hat without that saying, - yet there are trerds. processes the - levels goes others, rnarginalised of +hn Ll Iti l-ocal process thar- seqmentation historical rW .rILr i fh I in a tautology. Iayer seen road- towards all of the and slovrly - and r r w i - eni LAus r r L, this decentralisation rather In -just isation ccntraf processes q1.1m J v r .r u F may l:e reversed Bu't- what In have and more stiIl the =i]J. above, the affairs. foreign are back f or sej to state nr n1.- AqqUIUUSJJ, power of countries the nation f ormer. coneomitant l-irniLs, have thernselves, centralisation Qgth cxpounded j-n the paid fact, upper will nini-perspective groups the obvaous an empirical- The general have with vras Lhe price f ragmentation as univcrsities the svnchronised Segmentation - inside list in of universities? structural 2\ factors in the !^:^^.i^1.;---i+., { r r u 1 1 ,r lr r q r r L y f or r r vr r r L a e necessarily understood integration at the of Greek and regional subdivision in r:ecent othcr l:ig of rwd5 ,t=^ Too".nuence r L^ Lr r E - r -wclyS - ^"^ dr of aIl C as e that, cf popular universities sLaying for As youtl-'- in their of nr nr lr r niinn but m nr or s r LLU / :hl qv laE neool ersJ iJsuruie countries dr€ ;eaching (but and in ^-h^^r - SviiuuiJ usually has f Or t only have n n lrr vrrrJ in flr rvith the exception intoxicated The (l:ut only y, forr,r !v!lLL modes of lvith al-lure in timq in both of and pracLice). corporations In nrcrdtrr-f urvLruv at exarnples or short, rlo practrce, no no teaching), iuuuvrrrrrYt oer- h' i i on- , is integrating no ttv (alluded And frna1ly, p-roctuction, the practice missing bad such and engineering. t;OrdrC ilo practice, of v! on. universitiesaregood only, still of build and research. onlyr we are aIl rnore artlsanal cornbining a long lLrru -ho what as nedicine at (Lcaching schools But people, th - ^.eoi l ihe practice ) . to i nJ - onr r r o in for existed no research alcove) not nevJ modes this, inSLance (research /n r r r "t- ico (iJtquLrvg three, possibly 25 years, much to rcseai:ch and institutes rwvlr: ^ tn r 1 , of traditlons ls research). bureaucraciesrbetrveen rescarch), a AS between t,here good quiLe in missing a link we c'lo not rnrl ottu rar ^h tfi-9ii teaching ar, conbining And then fLU l. practice. And here T ir= h. of and happened i nn tres of al I nationaf the;yTna.s.ir]m, come and go, of the has can a pcriod over it on the a consequence lr nnr ^zlor i no ^r and teachirq years four stronger increasingly municipality the fr r c :f v r r ,/ saruuuqLl - Lr y the this, building people where in than eciucation, forging life, and non-acadenic academic down to p;l p6r r r _ fOf a concor':itant rnaiting of all rather secondary and distance, i:he samc r./ay as for a drastic As ones . of level woros cities generations ( a' nr 1 \qr r u local this acac-remies, a concomr-tanL the in levcls, the 'l rrn 6 a :l l u cc to lil<e level, universities vert-icaf nore a correspond-ing of big two the no't- anri qrlecialisations rrrdn! smal-I of A5 sense. rrnirzersities z + lr Y of emergence f atter inter-pcrsonal inclinations sub-dividing more coIIegial, classical (the sense ) i and various trans- rena]S S ancc a iheology r,vestern the a reduct'-icn universities u of by the again fwincr and inter-institute size f acilitating that w i t-h as an obrzi-ous concomitant r:loseliooe'ther: of iir researchers reduction a move towards approaches - as philosophy f iclds hrincrino above: h^t.i--,^ r such given order to a transition regression cal-culators, nc r- as niight sor':le say. 22 I t provincialisn. presupposes more universities was Lnorc of mosL nunicipal with at the the a nost is f ruitfuf rather stil-f human brains with than all say their networlis teaching, rcsearch and construct.ivisn). ne'rtertheless f acilitating f or by Latin institutions transnational Lrairsdisciplinary , nol- to with their conputers wdy, i sation - even at the similar the the transnational spreading where probably carried become criticism in the s ame time, this many of new unrversities empiricisn, en'ter think cxtent integrating course, communication, j-t j-es were of of of Transnational a large connecting (and nothing .hges than - might easily the And this, I today. capability and practice which are Thus, worlo., sane and l,iiddle to fevel univ ersities around the a reality, a common tongue. tirat Univers in internaticnal national as be emphasised should interpretation, eve r, is rescrved tremendous strenqth bacli to f or and ,,^ l^ WEOr\IIgJJgD. Tjl:_gp_lgfgsj_o.n., a transrtron inLensity, capital. saving l-he ocjective one less nonev, countrj-es has sone is l-here that "defence"and"justice"and including But us hunan, is cven some need satisfaction m ^ n a \7 advent the of of t b Ut ps the used same direction: for identify to or need a lSO be vriIl in the all t-he rainistries other the of budgets, not can to sornething perhaps r,V i th the of garbage democratisation identify cer:tainly l <i l l ed producers, be quenched not humair need, bool<, dispense aIl is tttge_Jffl_,?9. the interpretation, that pocl<et it: l<nor,'"'lccl.ge,as possibilities fantastic nerely a basic for Among \,ve1f are . f or thrrst linow whetherto cnr,a culture, this monev less budget the and consumers clisseminators l'lay!:e this nuch creativilty- be needed. above, about decrease education, peoplc's to certainty alreadv increase money wilI referred conditions that only Less again 169 with that cas ily. tha,r malies l-n ordcr what universities 1 rl nnau r r r vr r vj . of all these The the of ]<novtledge, points at The with aLr, mass meclia when they - is. be facilitated mrrnh to are in leas't not the of 23 knowledge consumption. new rnodes of And all production, Jinowledge hence more d.ecentralised, s,i z.c L ' -, o r a m lLror vr e L nr - a rIvuqr one thought the slogan tine thinl<ing with do it rn osf terns has been in the new. This so why not old will one of A1l - . J ut but that vrave will happen facilitate participatory, per per is be sure necessarily t rhree per needed fI OoIrm :m is i onq It ago is high IOO,OOO, a new way of universities do not that somebody else thc v;ay they woulci o If in pecenlly nation million. univcrsity to smallcr .rcnprFf S omm- c >O I f ri nr r more university one Lhents elves also .. one university Lhern, and not i * _eat e *annr r - 1, -ec __* vrhere of poinLs that distributed, universities. about for bette:: a c r - S!5l eSS le uuuC - Di -bLe te;:ns IO,OCO. new models d ialoque? or F u rm ir vr , in we thinl< rnaybc per I of r,vill j n , - , n r n a l -, i_ _ tI -o n g n_ n .a. s tl r. _ have to yield for the j-n al-I probability case gradually in any rather than impede, in c ome up an artificial
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