Why Is Reaction Time Correlated with Psychometric g? Author(s): Arthur R. Jensen Source: Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Apr., 1993), pp. 53-56 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of Association for Psychological Science Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20182199 . Accessed: 26/06/2014 03:35 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Sage Publications, Inc. and Association for Psychological Science are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Current Directions in Psychological Science. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:35:46 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SCIENCE 53 CURRENT DIRECTIONS INPSYCHOLOGICAL in the brain's reflect differences more features specialized design in specific that may be involved are usually types of ability, which at identified the level of first-order factors, such as verbal, spatial, and Is Reaction Time Correlated With Why Psychometric g? Arthur R. Jensen Itseems almost incredible that in in reaction time dividual differences (RT) in simple tasks that involve no intellectual content and are so easy as to be performed by most persons in less than 1 s should be correlated com scores on nonspeeded, with reasoning ability, vo and cabulary, general knowledge? the kinds of content that compose IQ in recent years, tests. Nevertheless, tests of plex RT and IQ between an has become empirically well es tablished fact, based on thousands in scores of studies con of subjects the correlation inmany laboratories around ducted all these the world.1 What might studies tell us about the nature of hu man Before trying to intelligence? it is necessary this question, some concepts to summarize and answer empirical generalizations about the CONCEPTUAL ISSUESAND EMPIRICAL GENERALIZATIONS should not use the overex in the word intelligence present context because correlations between RT and scores on psycho metric tests reflect only the tests' g 1.We tended Arthur R. Jensen is Professor of Ed in the Uni ucational Psychology at Berkeley. versity of California His best known books are Educa Differences and Group bility Bias in 1973), (Harper & Row, Mental Testing (Free Press, 1980), and Straight Talk About Mental 1981). Address to Arthur R. correspondence Jensen, School of Education, Uni versity of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. (Free Press, The most performance.3 tests show the high highly g-loaded est correlations with RT, and when g is statistically removed from the cor RT and a psycho relation between cognitive metric test, the partial correlation is close to zero. So we coefficient are really talking about RT-g corre lation. 2. The g factor per se is a product in a wide of individual differences Itscon variety of cognitive abilities. status and empirical ceptual reality do not depend on any knowledge of features of brain structure Even though we physiology. little about these know exceedingly design features, we can investigate about the basis of indi hypotheses the design and vidual differences in g. to assume It ismost key phenomena.2 Tests factor factor, that is, the general common to all measures of complex parsimonious a given the that, within species, as main structural and functional are same of the brain the for all pects normal and individuals, biologically in cogni that individual differences tive abilities reflect differences in the in long-term stored information (LTM) and how that infor memory is represented and organized mation in LTM. The efficiency of informa tion processing is probably a quan or ty not qualitative titative, its whatever variable, pological, or experiential biological origins. to Because the g factor is common all kinds of cognitive performance, it cannot be attrib however diverse, or utable to any specific knowledge skill components of performance, but must essentially reflect variance in the speed and efficiency of infor mation The g factor is processing. such a distillate from a wide variety activities as scarcely to of cognitive Copyright ? 1993 American Psychological numerical factors. A source of individual differences with such broad generality could some be conceivably simple, even unitary, aspect of brain function, or it could be determined by a number of different properties of the brain that all enter into every kind of com plex cognitive activity. At present, we no knowledge have virtually even of the probable number of brain mechanisms alone their precise involved in g, let nature. Studies of the RT-g relationship may be able to throw some light on this question. a 3. Simple RT (i.e., following preparatory signal, the time to react to the onset of a single stimulus nature and location are al whose ready known to the subject) has a quite small negative correlation (typ with -.10) g. The ically about amount of information processing for simple RT is very small. More of in simple RT is attribut the variance able to noncognitive sensorimotor factors than to central information Under conditions of dis processing. in crimination and choice, which volve the speed of retrieval of infor mation from short-term memory (STM)or LTM, RT (though seldom more than 1 s) is very significantly is also greater than simple RT?and more highly correlated with g. 4. In normal young adults, the RT-g correlation begins to diminish a level of task complexity beyond that makes for RTs greater than 1 s. There seem to be two about main reasons for this U-shaped rela tion between the RT-g correlation and the degree of task complexity: First, beyond some optimal point, an in task complexity increase invites the development of special strategies for performing the task. The various strategies adopted by subjects are less correlated Society This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:35:46 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions with g than is the 54 VOLUME 2, NUMBER 2, APRIL 1993 information processing is either using no everyone strategy or using the same strategy speed when of throughout all trials. Second, when diffi task complexity (and hence a certain point, the culty) exceeds subject makes response errors. At or this "threshold of break beyond in RT individual differences down," are transformed into individual dif in error rates. Hence, there ferences is a reciprocal between relationship the RT-g correlation and the error-g as a function of task correlation, complexity. 5. RT decreases in a regular way to maturity, from childhood age as one would just predict from men rate of brain tal growth curves, in increase the myelina and growth, tion of axons from early childhood ve to maturity. (Nerve conduction with in the factor analysis sense, that is, to variance which is not common or tests other tasks all any among into the factor analy those entered tests. And RT is less cor "power/' related with scores on speeded than on nonspeeded a test tests. When speed factor, independent of g, is ex relatively large amount of non-g variance peculiar to RT tasks is related to sensorimotor, rather tracted sis. This it im factors. Hence, ceiling on the corre RT lation between any particular task and a g-loaded psychometric than cognitive, poses a severe test. This correlation ferent in NCV. Moreover, the information RT is more re of aspect processing than the sen lated to age differences RT and sorimotor Choice aspect. forms of RT show a other complex has tasks, however, correlations with g approaching than of RT of dif shown .70, the average cor approaches relation among different IQ tests. which locity, NCV, is related to the degree RT slows with age of myelination.) in later maturity, mirroring the de tests cline in scores on psychometric in of fluid g, the gradual decrease the demy brain weight and volume, elination of axons, and the decrease is gen .50 for ceiling erally in the range of .30 to RT tasks of greater complexity simple RT. A combination measures based on a number "SPEED" VERSUS "NOISE" THEORIES OF THE RT-g CORRELATION are the fewest independent to ex needed of variance plain the RT-g correlation? Because the RT-g relationship will have to be in neurological explained ultimately seems most to it terms, productive neu that involve suggest hypotheses Some of these rological variables. are testable hypotheses neurological means. available by presently tests and Chronometrie are factor analyzed to measures RT the show all up gether, only on the g factor and not on the various group factors (verbal, spa bat tial, etc.) of the psychometric a RT But the of tery. large proportion on variance factors also shows up is The most obvious hypothesis that speed of information processing is the essential basis of g, and one only on Chronometrie fac tasks; that is, there is a common tor among various Chronometrie tests that is not shared by psycho metric tests. Every Chronometrie task also has a good deal of uniqueness, that load the test-speed zero correlation Speed basis of speed possible neurological is the speed of trans of processing mission through nerve pathways, which comprises both NCV and speed of synaptic transmission. Itmust be emphasized that infor mation processing speed should not be confused with overt test-taking is plenty of evidence speed. There tests are generally that speeded less or than nonspeeded, g loaded Published by Cambridge University battery tests, has virtually with RT. to the speed-of According processing theory of the RT-g corre lation, speed is important because of the brain's limited capacity for pro factor information. Although cessing be may multiple independent when resources, cessing one's there pro atten tion is highly focused, as in solving a and novel problem that complex cannot be handled by automatized in chan skills, there is a bottleneck nel capacity. Also, information com unit ing into the central processing or called (often memory, working or from external stimuli from WM) LTM is lost rapidly. If all the infor mation needed for problem solution is not processed it is lost, it before must What sources much greater age gradient than sim ple RT. 6. All RT tasks have a great deal that is, a relatively of specificity; is small proportion of their variance common to conventional psycho a number of psy metric tests. When chometric (RT) tests of from a psychometric and nonspeeded speeded in again by repetition or repeated retrieval a cor from LTM. Hence, achieving rect or adequate is a race solution be taken of the stimulus between two processing loss, of the variables: speed of or rate of decay, information needed. and faster speed of persons with have RTs on ele faster processing tasks than persons mentary cognitive with slower processing speed, and can also acquire and knowledge skills faster, retrieve information reason from LTM more efficiently, more and solve better, complex tests. problems on mental Thus, The crucial question, then, is this: Does speed of information process ing reflect NCV in the brain? If so, we be should find a correlation and scores on g-loaded tests. Vernon and psychometric a found Mori4 correlation (about + .40) between peripheral NCV (in tween NCV nerve of the forearm) sam IQ, in two independent Reed and I,5 in a ples. However, very similar study based on a larger did not find a significant sample, the median and Press This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:35:46 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CURRENTDIRECTIONS IN PSYCHOLOGICALSCIENCE 55 The reason for the discorrelation. cr?pant results has not yet been dis covered. Reed and I6did find a significant = + correlation (r .27, corrected for restriction of range in IQ = +.37) between IQ and NCV in the visual tract going from the retina to the vi sual cortex in 147 college males. is a part of the central This pathway nervous unlike peripheral system, of and the characteristics nerves, nerve fibers in the visual tract are much more brain centers like those involved in the higher in complex information processes. are The fact that the correlations in nerve tracts that register found evoked responses some 200 to 300 ms before the neural impulses have is reached the higher brain centers that the correlation be evidence tween NCV and g is a bottom-up and not a top-down relationship. is, the higher mental processes do not reflected in test performance in the visual tract, influence NCV but nerve fibers in the visual tract That similar to those in properties NCV in the higher centers. Hence, tract and NCV in the the visual are centers association posi higher have studies tively correlated. Replication of these findings are now under way. If the results hold up, then variance a in NCV will have to be considered basic component "Noise" of psychometric in Neural g. trials, is generally more highly cor related (negatively) with g than is the mean or median RT over n trials. In traindividualvariability inRT (RTSD) is highly correlated with median but has much lower split-half test-retest reliability. Eysenck7 argued than NCV, or noise, in neural errors, transmis sion of information in the brain. This I have idea seems highly plausible. a "neural construct, hypothesized to explain RTSD.9 Ihy oscillation," a longer period of os that pothesize cillation (i.e., slower oscillation) for larger RTSD and lower g. Noise and oscillation could be caus or they related phenomena, ally could even be one and the same makes thing. The is whether critical question RT and RTSD are simply different in dices of the same basic process. to this Much evidence pertinent question has now been analyzed. RT and RTSD are correlated only about .75 after correction for attenuation error), indicating (i.e., measurement that they do not reflect one and the same process. when Moreover, one the two variables is statistically seen it is that RT and controlled, RTSD are independently correlated of with g, and the (partial) correlation is RTSD for than for There RT.10 larger fore, there seem to be at least two of g: vari independent components ance in NCV and variance in neural oscillation underlies (or whatever mechanism RT, and has in RTSD, rather is the primary or most Also, the concept of capacity of WM to account is needed for the is the active part RT-g relation. WM of STM. There is now evidence that RT tasks become more g loaded as they tend to strain the capacity of the WM, yet not strain it beyond threshold of breakdown and loss of information. Tasks at the level of at which complexity breakdown (hence tion or inadequate the threshold of incorrect solu Copyright ? Psychological 1993 American are the best measures of an level of g. relationship can be demon individual's This strated with Chronometrie tasks by means of a dual-task paradigm. For the subject may be asked example, a series of five digits to memorize shown for 3 s on a computer moni tor. Immediately after the digits van ish, two letters appear. The subject responds as quickly as possible by labeled pressing one of two keys "YES" or "NO" to indicate if the let ters are the same. a Immediately, single probe digit appears, and subject must respond as quickly the "YES" possible by pressing "NO" key to indicate whether the as or the probe digit was or was not included in the set of five digits previously RT on each of these dual presented. tasks is longer than when each task is presented Even more separately. the of g with correlation interesting, RT on each task is slightly but con sistently greater in the dual-task than in the single-task condition. The oc cupation of WM by the digit series causes a longer RT in the interposed discrimination task, and individual in this increment differences in RT in g. Thus, we an that of may conclude explanation the RT-g correlation also requires a inWM capac concept of variance reflect differences notion of capacity is more to handle in neurological difficult terms than is either speed or oscilla tion. Speed may be equated with NCV and oscillation with the peri in the synchronized action odicity CAPACITYOF WORKING MEMORY response) reached ity. The RTSD). Transmission in informa The idea of "noise" tion processing was suggested by the finding that intraindividual variabil as the individu ity in RT, measured al's standard deviation of RT over n that variance and that the I basic phenomenon, in RT ismerely a correlated variance of individual differ consequence ences in RTSD.8 Theoretically, Ey senck views RTSD as an index of is of large groups of neu potentials rons. Psychologists of the Erlangen in Germany, school have however, formulated the notion of capacity of WM in terms of neurological mech that can be measured inde that argue capac They pendently.11 as bits of ity (C), measured anisms is the product of speed information, transmission (S) of information (or in measured bits NCV), per second, and the duration (D) of the neural traces of information, measured in Society This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:35:46 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 56 VOLUME 2, NUMBER 2, APRIL 1993 the capacity seconds.12 Thus, as WM can be expressed C bits = of S bits/s x D s. adds yet another basic D, to the theory of the component, of g. Because causal underpinnings two somewhat ele independent ments, S and D, are involved in ca This formula pacity, we should expect C to be more highly correlated with g than of speed (or RT) alone. Correlations .67 and .88 have been reported be measure tween the experimental of C and on a highly g-loaded test in two large samples scores vocabulary of adults.10 of the The proposed hypothesis of psy underpinnings neurological es chometric g and its empirically tablished correlation with RT com sources three of basic prises (a) speed of information related to nerve con transmission, or duction velocity; (b) oscillation, variance: processing, working memory, reflecting the rate of decay of neural traces that origi nated from external stimuli or from encoded neurally brought term information up momentarily from long memory. This working theory is consistent on present empirical evidence RT and g, the correlation between as the neurological and although with the pects are still largely speculative, seem mechanisms hypothesized in of continued worthy empirical It seems very improba vestigation. ble that the proposed hypothesis will turn out to be wholly correct. The correct theory, however, when fi established evi nally by empirical dence, will probably not be very dif SUMMARY intraindividual of activation thresholds periodicity of groups of neurons; and (c) dura tion of neurally encoded information or in immediate consciousness, in speed of variability related to synchronous ferent. Notes 1. P.A. Vernon, Ed., Speed of Information Pro (Ablex, Norwood, NJ, cessing and Intelligence 1987). 2. For a more detailed explication and citations of specific studies, see A.R. Jensen, Understanding g in terms of information processing, Educational Psy (1992). chology Review, 4, 271-308 3. A.R. Jensen, Commentary: Vehicles of g, Psy (1992). chological Science, 3, 275-278 4. P.A. Vernon and M. Mori, Intelligence, reac tion times, and peripheral nerve conduction veloc (1992). ity, Intelligence, 16, 273-288 5. T.E. Reed and A.R. Jensen, Arm nerve con duction velocity (NCV), brain NCV, reaction time, and intelligence, Intelligence, (1991). 15, 33-47 ve 6. T.E. Reed and A.R. Jensen, Conduction a in nerve brain locity pathway of normal adults correlates with intelligence, 16, 259 Intelligence, 272 (1992). 7. H.J. Eysenck, Intelligence and reaction time: The contribution of Arthur Jensen, inArthur Jensen: Consensus and Controversy, S. Modgil and C. Modgil, Eds. (Falmer, New York, 1987). 8. There ismuch less variance among persons in their fastest RTs than their slowest RTs. The distri bution of any person's RTs is skewed to the right (i.e., toward longer RT). Those persons whose RTs have the most skewed distributions consequently show the largest RTSDs and the longest mean (or median) RTs, and they also have relatively lower IQs, on average. Thus, it is easier to explain RT differences in terms of differences in RTSD than the other way around. In any case, the phenomenon of in RTSD and its correlation individual differences with g is firmly established. See note 10. 9. A.R. Jensen, Reaction time and psychometric g, in A Model for Intelligence, H.J. Eysenck, Ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1982). 10. A.R. Jensen, The importance of intraindivid ual variability in reaction time, Personality and In dividual Differences, 13, 869-882 (1992). 11. S. Lehrl and B. Fischer, The basic parame ters of human information processing: Their role in the determination of intelligence, Personality and Individual Differences, 9, 883-896 (1988); S. Lehrl and B. Fischer, A basic information psychological parameter (BIP) for the reconstruction of concepts of 4, European Journal of Personality, intelligence, 259-286(1990). 12. D was measured by forward digit span and letter span, but Iwould prefer that D be measured chronometrically, by the increase in RT in dual as compared with single RT tasks; that is, as the strength of a stimulus trace diminishes over time, the RT for scanning the trace increases, and its rate of increase can index D. Filling in Gaps in Perception: Part II. Scotomas and Phantom Limbs suai field. When they look at a col ored wall or a regular pattern of any kind (e.g., a carpet or a tile floor), V.S. surrounding they gaze In this article, Ipresent some find ings that suggest we need to radi cally revise two of the basic con the concept cepts in neuroscience: of the receptive field as a set of re in information ceptors funneling onto single sensory neurons and the fixed topography, in the adult brain. "maps," in this area interest My idea the scotoma Ramachandran of or began over 15 years ago when, as a student I encountered in neurology clinics, in the with focal lesions patients usu visual cortex. Such patients as a is have what described ally scotoma1?a field within in the visual region which nothing can be consciously perceived. Remarkably, the patients themselves are often un aware of this gaping hole in the vi Published by Cambridge University V.S. in" by the gets "filled color or pattern. Or if seen at a companion Ramachandran, M.D., Ph.D., is Professor with the Neuroscience of Program and the Department of Califor Psychology, University corre Address nia, San Diego. to V.S. Ramachandran, spondence Brain & Perception Lab, Psychol 0109, University ogy Department San Diego, of California, La Jolla, CA 92093. Press This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:35:46 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
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