Nonlinear Semidefinite Optimization —why and how— Michal Koˇcvara School of Mathematics, The University of Birmingham Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 1 / 45 Semidefinite programming (SDP) “generalized” mathematical optimization problem min f (x) subject to g(x) ≥ 0 A(x) 0 A(x) — (non)linear matrix operator Rn → Sm P (A(x) = A0 + xi Ai ) ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 2 / 45 SDP notations Sn . . . symmetric matrices of order n × n A 0 . . . A positive semidefinite hA, Bi := Tr(AB). . . inner product on Sn A[Rn → Sm ]. . . linear matrix operator defined by A(y) := n X yi Ai with Ai ∈ Sm i=1 A∗ [Sm → Rn ]. . . adjoint operator defined by A∗ (X ) := [hA1 , X i, . . . , hAn , X i]T and satisfying hA∗ (X ), yi = hA(y), X i ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) for all y ∈ Rn Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 3 / 45 Linear SDP: primal-dual pair infhC, X i := Tr(CX ) X ∗ s.t. A (X ) = b (P) [hAi , X i = bi , i = 1, . . . , n] X 0 suphb, yi := y ,S X bi yi s.t. A(y) + S = C (D) X [ yi Ai + S = C] S0 Weak duality: Feasible X , y, S satisfy hC, X i − hb, yi = hA(y) + S, X i − X yi hAi , X i = hS, X i ≥ 0 duality gap nonnegative for feasible points ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 4 / 45 Linear Semidefinite Programming Vast area of applications. . . LP and CQP is SDP eigenvalue optimization robust programming control theory relaxations of integer optimization problems approximations to combinatorial optimization problems structural optimization chemical engineering machine learning many many others. . . ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 5 / 45 Why nonlinear SDP? Problems from Structural optimization Control theory Examples below There are more but the researchers just don’t know about. . . ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 6 / 45 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 7 / 45 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 8 / 45 Free Material Optimization Aim: Given an amount of material, boundary conditions and external load f , find the material (distribution) so that the body is as stiff as possible under f . The design variables are the material properties at each point of the structure. M. P. Bendsøe, J.M. Guades, R.B. Haber, P. Pedersen and J. E. Taylor: An analytical model to predict optimal material properties in the context of optimal structural design. J. Applied Mechanics, 61 (1994) 930–937 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 9 / 45 Free Material Optimization 2 2 1 1 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 9 / 45 FMO primal formulation FMO problem with vibration/buckling constraint min u∈Rn ,E1 ,...,Em m X TrEi i=1 subject to Ei 0, ρ ≤ TrEi ≤ ρ, i = 1, . . . , m ⊤ f u≤C A(E )u = f A(E ) + G(E , u) 0 . . . nonlinear, non-convex semidefinite problem ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 10 / 45 Why nonlinear SDP? Problems from Structural optimization Control theory Examples below There are more but the researchers just don’t know about. . . ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 11 / 45 Conic Geometric Programming Venkat Chandrasekaran’s slides ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 12 / 45 Nonlinear SDP: algorithms, software? Interior point methods (log det barrier, Jarre ’98), Leibfritz ’02,. . . Sequential SDP methods (Correa-Ramirez ’04, Jarre-Diehl) None of these work (well) for practical problems (Generalized) Augmented Lagrangian methods (Apkarian-Noll ’02–’05, D. Sun, J. Sun ’08, MK-Stingl ’02–) ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 13 / 45 Nonlinear SDP: algorithms, software? Interior point methods (log det barrier, Jarre ’98), Leibfritz ’02,. . . Sequential SDP methods (Correa-Ramirez ’04, Jarre-Diehl) None of these work (well) for practical problems (Generalized) Augmented Lagrangian methods (Apkarian-Noll ’02–’05, D. Sun, J. Sun ’08, MK-Stingl ’02–) ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 13 / 45 Nonlinear SDP: algorithms, software? Interior point methods (log det barrier, Jarre ’98), Leibfritz ’02,. . . Sequential SDP methods (Correa-Ramirez ’04, Jarre-Diehl) None of these work (well) for practical problems (Generalized) Augmented Lagrangian methods (Apkarian-Noll ’02–’05, D. Sun, J. Sun ’08, MK-Stingl ’02–) ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 13 / 45 PENNON collection PENNON (PENalty methods for NONlinear optimization) a collection of codes for NLP, (linear) SDP and BMI – one algorithm to rule them all – READY PENNLP AMPL, MATLAB, C/Fortran PENSDP MATLAB/YALMIP, SDPA, C/Fortran PENBMI MATLAB/YALMIP, C/Fortran PENNON (NLP + SDP) extended AMPL, MATLAB, C/FORTRAN NEW PENLAB (NLP + SDP) open source MATLAB implementation IN PROGRESS PENSOC (nonlinear SOCP) ( + NLP + SDP) ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 14 / 45 PENSDP with an iterative solver min hC, X i (P) X ∈Sm s.t. hAi , X i = bi , i = 1, . . . , n X 0 Large n, small m (Kim Toh) problem theta12 theta162 n 17979 127600 m 600 800 PENSDP CPU 27565 mem PEN-PCG CPU CG/it 254 8 13197 13 Large m, small/medium n (robust QCQP, Martin Andersen) problem rqcqp1 rqcqp2 n 101 101 m 806 3206 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) PENSDP CPU 324 6313 PEN-PCG CPU CG/it 20 4 364 4 Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 15 / 45 PENNON: the problem Optimization problems with nonlinear objective subject to nonlinear inequality and equality constraints and semidefinite bound constraints: min x∈Rn ,Y1 ∈Sp1 ,...,Yk ∈Spk subject to f (x, Y ) gi (x, Y ) ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . , mg hi (x, Y ) = 0, i = 1, . . . , mh λi I Yi λi I, i = 1, . . . , k ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) (NLP-SDP) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 16 / 45 The problem Any nonlinear SDP problem can be formulated as NLP-SDP, using slack variables and (NLP) equality constraints: G(X ) 0 write as G(X ) = S element-wise S0 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 17 / 45 The algorithm Based on penalty/barrier functions ϕg : R → R and ΦP : Sp → Sp : gi (x) ≤ 0 ⇐⇒ pi ϕg (gi (x)/pi ) ≤ 0, Z 0 ⇐⇒ ΦP (Z ) 0, i = 1, . . . , m p Z ∈S . Augmented Lagrangian of (NLP-SDP): F (x,Y ,u,U,U,p)=f (x,Y )+ P mg i=1 ui pi ϕg (gi (x,Y )/pi ) P P + ki=1 hU i ,ΦP (λi I−Yi )i+ ki=1 hU i ,ΦP (Yi −λi I)i ; here u ∈ Rmg and U i , U i are Lagrange multipliers. ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 18 / 45 The algorithm A generalized Augmented Lagrangian algorithm (based on R. Polyak ’92, Ben-Tal–Zibulevsky ’94, Stingl ’05): 1 Given x 1 , Y 1 , u 1 , U 1 , U ; pi1 > 0, i = 1, . . . , mg and P > 0. For k = 1, 2, . . . repeat till a stopping criterium is reached: k (i) Find x k +1 and Y k +1 s.t. k∇x F (x k +1 , Y k +1 , u k , U k , U , p k )k ≤ K (ii) uik +1 = uik ϕ′g (gi (x k +1 )/pik ), U ki +1 k +1 Ui (iii) = = i = 1, . . . , mg DA ΦP ((λi I − Yi ); U ki ), k DA ΦP ((Yi − λi I); U i ), i = 1, . . . , k i = 1, . . . , k pik +1 < pik , i = 1, . . . , mg P k +1 < P k . ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 19 / 45 Interfaces How to enter the data – the functions and their derivatives? Matlab interface AMPL interface C/C++ interface ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 20 / 45 Matlab interface User provides six M ATLAB functions: f . . . evaluates the objective function df . . . evaluates the gradient of objective function hf . . . evaluates the Hessian of objective function g . . . evaluates the constraints dg . . . evaluates the gradient of constraints hg . . . evaluates the Hessian of constraints ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 21 / 45 Matlab interface Matrix variables are treated as vectors, using the function svec : Sm → R(m+1)m/2 defined by a11 svec sym a12 . . . a22 . . . .. . a1m a2m .. . amm = (a11 , a12 , a22 , . . . , a1m , a2m , amm )T ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 22 / 45 Matlab interface Matrix variables are treated as vectors, using the function svec : Sm → R(m+1)m/2 defined by a11 svec sym a12 . . . a22 . . . .. . a1m a2m .. . amm = (a11 , a12 , a22 , . . . , a1m , a2m , amm )T Keep a specific order of variables, to recognize which are matrices and which vectors. Add lower/upper bounds on matrix eigenvalues. Sparse matrices available, sparsity maintained in the user defined functions. ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 23 / 45 AMPL interface AMPL does not support SDP variables and constraints. Use the same trick: Matrix variables are treated as vectors, using the function svec : Sm → R(m+1)m/2 defined by a11 svec sym a12 . . . a22 . . . .. . a1m a2m .. . amm = (a11 , a12 , a22 , . . . , a1m , a2m , amm )T Need additional input file specifying the matrix sizes and lower/upper eigenvalue bounds. ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 24 / 45 What’s new PENNON being implemented in NAG (The Numerical Algorithms Group) library The first routines should appear in the NAG Fortran Library, Mark 24 (Autumn 2013) By-product: PENLAB — free, open, fully functional version of PENNON coded in MATLAB ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 25 / 45 PENLAB PENLAB — free, open source, fully functional version of PENNON coded in Matlab Designed and coded by Jan Fiala (NAG) Open source, all in MATLAB (one MEX function) The basic algorithm is identical Some data handling routines not (yet?) implemented PENLAB runs just as PENNON but is slower Pre-programmed procedures for standard NLP (with AMPL input!) linear SDP (reading SDPA input files) bilinear SDP (=BMI) SDP with polynomial MI (PMI) easy to add more (QP, robust QP, SOF, TTO. . . ) ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 26 / 45 PENLAB The problem min x∈Rn ,Y1 ∈Sp1 ,...,Yk ∈Spk subject to f (x, Y ) gi (x, Y ) ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . , mg hi (x, Y ) = 0, i = 1, . . . , mh Ai (x, Y ) 0, i = 1, . . . , mA λi I Yi λi I, i = 1, . . . , k (NLP-SDP) Ai (x, Y ). . . nonlinear matrix operators ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 27 / 45 PENLAB Solving a problem: prepare a structure penm containing basic problem data >> prob = penlab(penm); MATLAB class containing all data >> solve(prob); results in class prob The user has to provide MATLAB functions for function values gradients Hessians (for nonlinear functions) of all f , g, A. ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 28 / 45 Structure penm and f/g/h functions Example: min x1 + x2 s.t. x12 + x22 ≤ 1, x1 ≥ −0.5 penm = []; penm.Nx = 2; penm.lbx = [-0.5 ; -Inf]; penm.NgNLN = 1; penm.ubg = [1]; penm.objfun = @(x,Y) deal(x(1) + x(2)); penm.objgrad = @(x,Y) deal([1 ; 1]); penm.confun = @(x,Y) deal([x(1)ˆ2 + x(2)ˆ2]); penm.congrad = @(x,Y) deal([2*x(1) ; 2*x(2)]); penm.conhess = @(x,Y) deal([2 0 ; 0 2]); % set starting point penm.xinit = [2,1]; ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 29 / 45 PENLAB gives you a free MATLAB solver for large scale NLP! ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 30 / 45 Toy NLP-SDP example 1 min x∈R2 1 2 (x + x22 ) 2 1 subject to 1 x1 − 1 0 x1 − 1 1 x2 0 0 x2 1 D. Noll, 2007 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 31 / 45 Toy NLP-SDP example 2 min x1 x4 (x1 + x2 + x3 ) + x3 x∈R6 subject to x1 x2 x3 x4 − x5 − 25 = 0 x12 + x22 + x32 + x42 − x6 − 40 = 0 x1 x2 0 0 x2 x4 x2 + x3 0 0 0x2 + x3 x4 x3 0 0 x3 x1 1 ≤ xi ≤ 5, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, xi ≥ 0, i = 5, 6 Yamashita, Yabe, Harada, 2007 (“augmented” Hock-Schittkowski) ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 32 / 45 Example: nearest correlation matrix Find a nearest correlation matrix: min X n X (Xij − Hij )2 (1) i,j=1 subject to Xii = 1, i = 1, . . . , n X 0 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 33 / 45 Example: nearest correlation matrix The condition number of the nearest correlation matrix must be bounded by κ. Using the transformation of the variable X : e =X zX The new problem: min n X eij − Hij )2 (z X (2) e z,X i,j=1 subject to eii = 1, zX i = 1, . . . , n e κI IX ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 34 / 45 Example: nearest correlation matrix For X = 1.0000 -0.3775 -0.2230 0.7098 -0.4272 -0.3775 1.0000 0.6930 -0.3155 0.5998 -0.2230 0.6930 1.0000 -0.1546 0.5523 0.7098 -0.3155 -0.1546 1.0000 -0.3857 -0.4272 0.5998 0.5523 -0.3857 1.0000 -0.0704 -0.4218 -0.4914 -0.1294 -0.0576 -0.0704 -0.4218 -0.4914 -0.1294 -0.0576 1.0000 the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix are eigen = 0.2866 0.2866 0.2867 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) 0.6717 1.6019 2.8664 Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 35 / 45 Example: nearest correlation matrix Cooperation with Allianz SE, Munich: Matrices of size up to 3500 × 3500 Code PENCOR: C code, data in xml format feasibility analysis sensitivity analysis w.r.t. bounds on matrix elements ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 36 / 45 NLP with AMPL input Pre-programmed. All you need to do: >> penm=nlp_define(’datafiles/’); >> prob=penlab(penm); >> prob.solve(); ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 37 / 45 NLP with AMPL input problem vars constr. chain800 pinene400 channel800 torsion100 lane emd10 dirichlet10 henon10 minsurf100 gasoil400 duct15 marine400 steering800 methanol400 3199 8000 6398 5000 4811 4491 2701 5000 4001 2895 6415 3999 4802 2400 7995 6398 10000 21 21 21 5000 3998 8601 6392 3200 4797 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) constr. type = = = ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ box =&b =&≤ ≤&b ≤&b ≤&b PENNON sec iter. 1 14/23 1 7/7 3 3/3 1 17/17 217 30/86 151 33/71 57 49/128 1 20/20 3 34/34 6 19/19 2 39/39 1 9/9 2 24/24 PENLAB sec iter. 6 24/56 11 17/17 1 3/3 17 26/26 64 25/49 73 32/68 63 76/158 97 203/203 13 59/71 9 11/11 22 35/35 7 19/40 16 47/67 Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 38 / 45 Linear SDP with SDPA input Pre-programmed. All you need to do: >> >> >> >> sdpdata=readsdpa(’datafiles/arch0.dat-s’); penm=sdp_define(sdpdata); prob=penlab(penm); prob.solve(); ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 39 / 45 Bilinear matrix inequalities (BMI) Pre-programmed. All you need to do: >> >> >> >> bmidata=define_my_problem; %matrices A, K, ... penm=bmi_define(bmidata); prob=penlab(penm); prob.solve(); min c T x x∈Rn s.t. Ai0 + n X k =1 xk Aik + n X n X xk xℓ Kki ℓ < 0, i = 1, . . . , m k =1 ℓ=1 ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 40 / 45 Polynomial matrix inequalities (PMI) Pre-programmed. All you need to do: >> >> >> >> load datafiles/example_pmidata; penm = pmi_define(pmidata); problem = penlab(penm); problem.solve(); 1 T x Hx + c T x x∈R 2 subject to blow ≤ Bx ≤ bup minn Ai (x) < 0, with A(x) = X i = 1, . . . , m xκ(i) Qi i where κ(i) is a multi-index with possibly repeated entries and xκ(i) is a product of elements with indices in κ(i). ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 41 / 45 Other pre-programmed modules Nearest correlation matrix Truss topology optimization (stability constraints) Static output feedback (input from COMPlib, formulated as PMI) Robust QP ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 42 / 45 Example: Robust quadratic programming on unit simplex with constrained uncertainty set Nominal QP minn [x T Ax − b T x] s.t. x∈R X x ≤ 1, x ≥ 0 Assume A uncertain: A ∈ U := {A0 + εU, σ(U) ≤ 1} Robust QP minn max [x T Ax − b T x] s.t. x∈R A∈U X x ≤ 1, x ≥ 0 equivalent to minn [x T (A0 ± εI)x − b T x] s.t. x∈R ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) X x ≤ 1, x ≥ 0 Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 43 / 45 Example: Robust QP Optimal solution: x ∗ , A∗ = A0 + εU ∗ (non-unique) Constraint: A∗ should share some properties with A0 For instance: A∗ 0 and (A0 )ii = A∗ii = 1, i.e., Uii∗ = 0 for all i =⇒ then the above equivalence no longer holds b to the maximization Remedy: for a given x ∗ find a feasible solution A problem. This is a linear SDP: max [x ∗T (A0 + εU)x ∗ − b T x ∗ ] U∈Sm s.t. −I 4U 4I A0 + εU 0 Uii = 0, i = 1, . . . , m ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 44 / 45 Example: Robust QP b nearest to A∗ → nonlinear SDP Alternatively: find feasible A b Finally, we need to solve the original QP with the feasible worst-case A to get a feasible robust solution xrob : X b − b T x] s.t. x ≤ 1, x ≥ 0 minn [x T Ax x∈R The whole procedure solve QP with A = A0 (nominal) solve QP with A = A0 + εI (robust) b solve (non-)linear SDP to get A b (robust feasible) solve QP with A ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 45 / 45 NL-SDP, Other Applications, Availability polynomial matrix inequalities (with Didier Henrion) nearest correlation matrix sensor network localization approximation by nonnegative splines financial mathematics (with Ralf Werner) Mathematical Programming with Equilibrium Constraints (with Danny Ralph) structural optimization with matrix variables and nonlinear matrix constraints (PLATO-N EU FP6 project) approximation of arrival rate function of a non-homogeneous Poisson process (F. Alizadeh, J. Eckstein) Many other applications. . . . . . any hint welcome Free academic version of the code PENNON available PENLAB available for download from NAG website ˇ Michal Kocvara (University of Birmingham) Isaac Newton Institute, 2013 46 / 45
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