Why adult neuropsychological models don’t work for neurodevelopmental disorders Annette Karmiloff-Smith Birkbeck Centre for Brain & Cognitive Development University of London BPS Stratford talk, January 2012 1 Plan of talk 1. Are NDDs caused by domain-general or domain-specific deficits? A third alternative: domain-relevant deficits that become domain-specific over developmental time 2. Example of neuroconstructivist approach: Domain-specific vs domain-relevant approaches to cross-syndrome comparisons: the case of infant sensitivity to number: DS/WS 3. Differentiate static vs dynamic approaches to neurodevelopmental disorders Domain-general approaches e.g. Piaget’s 3 domain-general processes: assimilation/accommodation/equilibration e.g. Production systems: single domain-general Problem Solver (e.g. SOAR) Domain-general approaches have difficulty explaining uneven cognitive profiles 3 Domain-specific approaches Neuropsychological patients (e.g. dyscalculia, agrammatism) Developed brains damaged in their mature endstate Children with genetic disorders and seemingly pure dissociations (e.g. developmental dyscalculia/G-SLI) number social MotceVocabul Social processingary Face cognitio processing n Grammar Number Vocabulary Cognition Face Processing number Face processing Social cognition Number Developing brains…. Motion processing Grammar Face Processing 4 Problem with adult neuropsychology approaches: ignore developmental history of the organism “Williams syndrome can be explained in terms of selective deficits to an otherwise normal modular system”(Clahsen & Temple, 2003, p.26) Adult neuropsychological model of juxtaposition of impaired/intact modules = inappropriate for developmental syndromes Domain-specificity: may be outcome of development, not necessarily its starting point Not built-in modules, but gradual process of modularization (progressive neural specialisation and localisation) over developmental time 5 If not built-in domain-specific modules, only alternative = domain-general processes? 3rd alternative = domain-relevant processes: -include biological constraints (small differences in neuronal type, neuronal density, firing thresholds etc.) - take account of cross-domain interactions over time - more dynamic developmental view than d-s accounts Initially both hemispheres compete to compute inputs. Circuits most domain-relevant win out and become specialised over developmental time 6 Seek domain-relevant deficits early in developmental trajectory Example of domain-specific versus domain-relevant approach from cross-syndrome comparison of Down and Williams syndromes 7 Down syndrome/Williams syndrome Down syndrome: trisomy on chromosome 21 all genes normal, but 3 instead of 2 copies of each gene > too much gene expression Williams syndrome: 28 genes missing on one copy of chomosome 7 < too little gene expression 8 Down syndrome/Williams syndrome The cognitive end state DS > WS Adolescents and adults: Butterworth Battery: TD > DS > WS Far = faster SDE, addition/subtraction, number facts etc. Children: Close = slower WS = DS = TD Counting: but 1,2,3……4….5,6,7,8,9,10 Understanding cardinality: TD > WS (very poor) DS = study in progress Spatial MA predicts cardinality in TD Verbal MA predicts cardinality in WS -> different developmental trajectories Ansari & KK-S, 2002; Paterson Girelli, Butterworth & KK-S, 2003 Down syndrome/Williams syndrome The cognitive start state Infant sensitivity to number in Down syndrome and Williams syndrome both with deficits in visual attention 10 Interpreting data in terms of domain-specificity or domain-relevance Infant sensitivity to number Under the domain-specific interpretation: a double dissociation between Down syndrome & Williams syndrome Double dissociation: one group: fine on A, impaired on B other group: fine on B, impaired on A -> based on adult neuropsychological findings and implies separate neural and cognitive processes 11 Small number discrimination in WS & DS infants Exact small number (2 vs 3): TD infants OK @ 3-4 months WS/DS tested @ 10-40 months WS=OK DS=very impaired Replicated with second set of infants with dot arrays DS < WS = TD (Paterson, Girelli, Butterworth & Karmiloff-Smith, 2003; Van Herwegen, Ansari, Xu & Karmiloff-Smith, 2008) 23 Large number discrimination in WS & DS infants Approximate large number (magnitude) TD infants OK @ 6-7 months ratio 1:2 WS/DS tested @ 10-40 months 8 vs 16 (ratio 1:2) DS=OK; WS=impaired WS < DS = TD (Paterson, Brown, Johnson & Karmiloff-Smith, 1998; Van Herwegen, Ansari, Xu & Karmiloff-Smith, 2008; Karmiloff-Smith, d’Souza, Dekker, van Herwegen, Radic, Xu & Ansari, submitted) 24 Double dissociation: WS/DS infants Williams syndrome: Small exact number: intact Large approx number: impaired Down syndrome: Small exact number: impaired Large approx number: intact 25 Everything seems very clear… Double dissociation across syndromes Two separable numerical sub-systems Innately specified Genetically determined WS: One or more of the 28 deleted genes on chromosome 7 contribute to domain-specific deficit in approximate number system and spare exact number system DS: One or more of the extra genes on chromosome 21 contribute to domain-specific deficit in exact number system and spare approximate number system 26 Everything seems very clear… But…. “double dissociation/spared/intact” => adult neuropsychological models of mature brain: static Not appropriate for neurodevelopmental syndromes: dynamic Infant brain: specialisation and localisation of function = progressive. In early development, not dissociated modules, but cross-domain interactions Must trace domain-specific, cognitive-level number deficits back to origins in basic-level, domain-relevant processes 27 How do WS and DS infants scan the numerical arrays? Maybe DS/WS differences for number = not specific to number but due to differences in visual attention/visual scanning patterns several experiments on visual saccade planning WS = very impaired – serious visual disengagement problems DS = proficient like TD - but serious sustained attention problems Hypothesis: Scanning large arrays-> brain focuses on global quantities = DS Scanning small arrays-> brain fixates on individual objects = WS 28 DS infant: WS infant: focus on quantities focus on individual objects 29 WS infants very impaired in planning basic eye-movement saccades Basic-level deficit in visual saccade planning early in WS trajectory deficits in discriminating large number Next important question: Is this deficit domain-relevant to other developing domains? 30 Single dissociation between number and face processing within WS Different labs worldwide: WS face processing: ‘in the normal range’ on standardised tasks (Benton, Rivermead) number: impaired face processing: proficient face processing on standstandardised tasks number 31 Domain-specific “intact” face processing module in WS? Could visual saccade planning deficit be domain-relevant to both number and face processing, i.e. deficit explains both impaired and proficient performance? Numerous experiments: WS: featural analysis of faces (fixated) TD: configural analysis of faces (rapid) What about WS brain? 32 WS neural signatures for face and car processing WS adolescent in Geodesic HD-ERP net Grice, deHaan, Halit, Johnson, Csibra, & Karmiloff-Smith, 2003 33 WS: no progressive modularization despite good behavioural scores Controls Healthy controls: Progressive processing restriction of input type WS WS: failure to localise WS Healthy controls: Controls Progressive restriction brain circuit 34 Proficient face processing in WS Good behavioural scores sustained by: different cognitive processes (featural) different neural processes (lack of specialisation) How to explain WS proficient face processing? Due to enlarged Fusiform Face Area?? 35 Vital to distinguish: “developed” brain vs “developing” brain FFA in WS adult brain is unusually large (in proportion to other regions): 2 interpretations (requiring developmental approach): - large FFA causes unusual face processing proficiences in WS brain behaviour - unusual focus on faces influences enlargement of FFA over developmental time : brain behaviour Heightened auditory processing in utero => Focus on mother’s speech => Speech contingent with mother’s face at birth + Problems with visual disengagement => WS fascination with faces >> FFA 36 WS: early basic-level deficits in saccade planning domain-relevant to several cognitive-level outcomes attentional disengagement problems (DS sustained) focus on local spatial features (DS on global) featural processing of faces (DS global) poor triadic attention -> delayed vocabulary poor large number (DS opposite pattern) good small number (DS opposite pattern) Cascading developmental effects over time across several emerging higher-level cognitive systems 37 Implications for intervention of domain-relevant approach - Should be syndrome-specific from basic research - Should start in early infancy e.g. WS: before e.g. number or face processing strategies emerge - Not necessarily in domain of deficit e.g. don’t train number: WS: train infant saccadic eye movements DS: train infant sustained attention - Possible cascading effects over developmental time on several domain-specific outcomes 38 Static versus dynamic, developmental questions Static questions Which modules are impaired and which are intact? Where located in brain? How are syndromes dissociated? Dynamic questions Is there a developmental explanation? How do neural circuits change over time? Which domains interact across their developmental trajectories? How are syndromes dissociated and associated? 39 Static, non-developmental approach Static focus on end-product (adult neuropsychology models: “Williams syndrome can be explained in terms of selective deficits to an otherwise normal modular system” (Clahsen & Temple, 2003) “Autism is due to a deficit in an innately-specified module that handles theory-of-mind computations only” (Leslie, 1992) 40 Dynamic, developmental approach Dynamic focus on process of development: “…brain volume, brain anatomy, brain chemistry, hemispheric asymmetry, and the temporal patterns of brain activity are all atypical in people with WS. How could the resulting system be described as a normal brain with parts intact and parts impaired, as the popular view holds? Rather, the brains of infants with WS develop differently from the outset, with subtle, widespread repercussions…” (Karmiloff-Smith, 1998) “... examine the crucial role of unbalanced excitatory-inhibitory networks… leading to ASD through altered neuronal morphology, synaptogenesis and cell migration” (Persico & Bourgeron, 2006) “ASD may involve premature pruning of synaptic connections early in development” (Thomas, Knowland, and Karmiloff-Smith, 2011) 41 Domain-relevant, Neuroconstructivist approach causes researcher: - ask different kinds of questions - predict less obvious deficits elsewhere in system - investigate cross-domain interactions over time - trace cognitive-level deficits in childhood back to basic-level deficits in infancy - think more dynamically / developmentally Dr Emily Farran, Institute of Education 43 Dr Emily Farran, Institute of Education Niamh Willoughby-Farran 31st December, 2011 @ 6.26 a.m. Weighing 8lbs.4oz Farran & K-S 20th December, 2011 @ 9.00 a.m. Weighing 1lbs.15oz 44 Gaia Scerif Thierry Nazzi Dagmara Jo van Herwegen Annaz Daniel DanielAnsari Ansari Kate Humphries Emily Farran Thank you! Joint work mentioned in talk with past and current Collaborators/Postdocs/Students Julia Grant Rick Gilmore Sarah Paterson Sarah Grice Funding Mayada Francesca Elsabbagh Happé Michael Thomas Mark Mark Johnson Johnson Rhonda Booth Janice Brown Fei Xu Michelle de Haan Tessa Dekker Dean D’Souza & Monica Connolly Kim Cornish Maja Radic
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