TrueFiling and all supports solution for Circuit, The types and case District courts Probate and TrueFiling Web-based solution 7x24 service is a TrueFil eFile for court, sses law based ing solutio eFileis a 7x24 Webn for and court,service It exped justic handl e ites by travel ing reduc the timeand ing paper court and throu ’s impro inter gh ves electnal proce ronic wor flow. through electronic court s internal processes and travel time and improves the justice by reducing paper handling for court, law firm and individual filers. It expedites service solution a 7x24 Web-based eFile and TrueFiling is TrueFil ing is a 7x2 and 4 We service b-base solution d eFil firm e for cou and individ rt, law ual file rs. It justice expedi by red tes ucing travel paper time handlin and imp g and interna roves l proces the cou rt s ses thro wor ugh elec low f . tronic What Is TrueFiling? • Submit a case-initiating document • File into an existing case • Serve parties without filing TrueFiling is a 7x24 Web-based eFile and service solution for court, law firm and individual filers. It expedites justice by reducing paper handling and travel time and improves the court’s internal processes through electronic workflow. The solution supports all case types for Circuit, District and Probate courts and integrates with the court’s Case Management System (CMS) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system to create a true Paper-on-Demand court environment. TrueFiling is based on industry standards and is Oasis ECF conformant. For case initiation, the system provides the necessary forms for the user to complete online. The user enters party and complaint information according to the case type selected and can then attach any number of supporting documents to the filing. When filing into an existing case, the user first searches by party or docket number and then attaches the required documents. Parties can be added for optional electronic service, which delivers an electronic link to courtstamped documents via email. Users may perform electronic service on documents that are filed with the court or on unfiled documents. How Does It Work? First-time users follow a simple registration process, providing contact information, email address and a secure password. After logging in, the user selects from a list of participating courts and then elects one of three options: TrueFiling offers a modern Web interface that is intuitive and fully integrated with multiple courts. A single user account can file to multiple courts. Communication with the court and filing status are readily available to the user through the eFiling portal. Event notifications and status changes are delivered to the user through email. The eFiling portal manages all billing transactions and account reconciliation with the court. ImageSoft provides first-level support, minimizing resource commitment from the court. Why Use It? TrueFiling improves overall efficiency for the court and filer. The most immediate benefit is a reduction in the volume of paper documents handled. This results in less need for and better use of court, clerk and law firm resources and greater confidence in the completeness of the case file due to fewer lost or misplaced documents. For the filer, TrueFiling saves considerable time and expense by eliminating travel. Past filing can be searched, and electronic service reduces postage and paper handling costs. Users of the 7x24 solution find it both convenient and transparent resulting in more efficient handling by the court. TrueFiling also offers an optional Electronic Commerce module to allow filers using TrueFiling EFSP access to electronic case files as determined by the court. The Electronic Commerce module enables courts to let filers view and/or purchase the entire list of filings associated with a case. ImageSoft reduces administrative overhead associated with eFiling by providing centralized support, account administration, billing and payment, electronic service, and online training. JusticeTech TM by ImageSoft 25900 W. 11 Mile Rd., Suite 100 ▪ Southfield, MI 48034 ▪ phone: (248) 948-8100 ▪ fax: (248) 948-8146
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