Why did Jesus Die? 1. Because we are all sinners! Marcos 2:17 Yi tbital Jesús chiyol, nintzun ben tlol scyetz: —Yi e' yi qui'c chiyab, qui tajwe'n jun ajtz'ac scyetz. Poro yi e' yabi'ẍ, tajwe'n scyetz. Cha'stzun wutane'n wetz, na quinin nnu'l tan chimoxe'n yi e' balaj, ma na i e' juchul il bantz je'n chitx'ixpul yi cyajtza'kl. Yi ẍchusu'n Jesús te yi muc'le'n we'j Romanos 3:10 Na tz'iba'nt cyen tan jun elsanl stzi' Ryos tentz: “Tzone'j wuxtx'otx', qui'c jun balaj at. Siquierk jun. Mateo 18:11 Ej nin yi in wetz, yi in Bajx Cy'ajol, ya'stzun wetz inxac yi wule'n tzone'j tan chiclaxe'n yi e' yi tx'akxnake' tk'ab yi quil. 2. Because there is a cost for that sin! Mateo 15:18-20 Poro yi e'chk yol yi na el tzaj le stzi', cho'n na saj le xtxumu'n, te talma'. Ya'stzun na jale't til. Nin yi e'chk yab ajtza'kl yi na saj te talma', ya'stzun yi na piton nin tan biyolnaki'n, nin tan jopol wutzaji'n. Ya'stzun na piton nin tan yaji'n, nka xna'ni'n. Ya'stzun na piton nin tan alak', nin tan talche'n e'chk la'jil, nka tan ẍchaq'ue'n yol. Tan yi e'chk ajtza'kla'tz, ya'stzun na jale't til jun yaj. Qui na jal til jun yaj tan tu' yi qui na xansaj yi k'ab yi ntaxk oc tan wa'a'n, —chij Jesús scyetz. Yi tocsal jun xna'n awer nak Romanos 6:23 Na yi chichojo'n yi e' juchul il i'tz yi quimichil. Poro yi oy yi na tzan Ryos tan toye'n sketz tan Cristo Jesús, yi Kajcaw, i'tz jun itz'ajbil yi quinin bajsbe'n tetz. Yi ok'be'n ib na ẍchaj jun chusu'n sketz Marcos 16:16 Cyakil yi e' yil chincyocsaj, nin yil je' a' ẍchiwi' ẍchiclaxok cyera'tz. Ma yi e' yi quil chincyocsaj tz'ak'lok cyetz chicawsa'tz. There is a cost for sin! 3. Because Jesus died and paid for our sins on the cross! Mateo 1:21 Yil tz'ul itz'ok yi jun ni'a'tz, ba'n tz'oc yi bi' awa'n tetz Jesús. Ya'stzun bi' sbne'-tz, na tan i' ẍchicolpok yi e' tetz tanum tk'ab yi quil,” stzun yi ángel bantz tetz Ẍep. Romanos 5:8 Poro yi Kataj Ryos el k'ajab ske'j. Wech o' len cu'n juchul il, nin qui'c mu'ẍ tal kaxac yi quime'n Cristo ta'n tetz kaxel. Juan 3:16 “Ya'stzun sbajok na wi'nin na pek' Ryos scye'j cyakil yi e' wunak yi ate' wi munt. Cha'stzun te saje'n ẍchakol yi jun tal ẍutuj Cy'ajl tzone'j. Nin alchok scyetz yil k'uke' c'u'l te yi jun tal ẍutuj Cy'ajl Ryosa'tz, nk'e'tz sotzel wutz sbne', ma na scambaje' yi itz'ajbil yi qui bajsbe'n tetz. Mateo 18:11 Ej nin yi in wetz, yi in Bajx Cy'ajol, ya'stzun wetz inxac yi wule'n tzone'j tan chiclaxe'n yi e' yi tx'akxnake' tk'ab yi quil. 4. Salvation is a free gift, not by good works. You must take God’s word for it, and trust Jesus alone! Hechos 4:12 Ej nin cya'l nin junt yi nink xcye' tan kacolpe'n tk'ab e'chk kil, na qui'c nin junt yi ak'ijt tan Ryos yi nink xcye' tan kacolpe'n, —chij Lu' bantz scyetz. Efesios 2:8-9 Tan tu' banl talma' Ryos nkaclaxe't yi k'ukewe'n kac'u'l te'j. Poro quinin kaclax tan tu' yi ketz kabalajil, ma na cotzi'n nkulej tetz Ryos. 9 Na qui na kaclax tan yi e'chk takle'n balaj yi na kaban. Na qui na taj Ryos yi nink kocsaj kib nim. Tito 3:5 Quinin nkacolpij tan e'chk takle'n balaj yi nkaban cyen. Ma na jalen cu'n yi mme'l k'ajab Ryos ske'j, ja tx'ajxij yi kil nin ja cuy kapaj. Nin tan yi porer yi Espíritu Sant ja ko' xansaj, nin ja ko'c tetz ac'aj wunak. 5. We must put our faith and trust in Christ alone! Marcos 9:23 —¿Nxac na awal ‘kol xcye'u' te'j’? Na qui'c jun xtxolbil yi qui'k bnix ko nternin k'uklij kac'u'l, —chij Jesús bantz tetz yaj. Marcos 1:15 Itzun taltz: “Ja opon yi tiempil. Txant tan tule'n Ryos tan cawu'n. Chitx'ixpe'n binu' cyajtza'klu', nin cyocsaju' yi balaj stziblal,” chij Jesús ban scyetz. Yi toque'n Jesús tan chimoxe'n tzaj yi cyaj caywil Marcos 10:15 Jun cu'n yol na wal tzitetz, alchok scyetz yi quil tz'oc c'ulutxum jak' ca'wl Ryos chi tane'n c'ulutxumil jun nitxa', quil tz'oc tera'tz tk'ab Ryos, —chij Jesús ban scyetz. Romanos 10:9-10,13 Na kol kal len scyetz wunak: “Jesús, ya'stzun yi wetz Wajcaw,” nin kol kocsaj cunin yi Ryos je'san tzaj ẍchixo'l alma', skaclaxok tzuntz. 10 Poro tajwe'n yi tetz cu'n kalma' yil kocsaj yi yol i', bantz jale'n kabalajil swutz Ryos. Ej nin ko na kaj kaclax, tajwe'n yil kal yi Jesucristo i' Kajcaw. Na je junt xtxolbil yi tz'iba'nt cyen: “Ẍchiclaxok cyakil yi e' yil cho'c tan na'wse'n bi' i'.” Put your faith in Christ alone! If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and receive forgiveness from God, here is prayer you can pray. Saying this prayer or any other prayer will not save you. It is only trusting in Jesus Christ that can provide forgiveness of sins. This prayer is simply a way to express to God your faith in Him and thank Him for providing for your forgiveness. "Lord, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I deserve the consequences of my sin which is death and hell. However, I am trusting in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believe that His death and resurrection provided for my forgiveness. I trust in Jesus and Jesus alone as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you Lord, for saving me and forgiving me! Amen!" Amazing Grace Publishing * PO Box 1963 * Joshua TX 76058 * 817-426-1828 * E-Mail JamesAV@aol.com
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