Document 249533

 Why the IDSC For Film & TV If you are a film or television company, distributor, producer or services provider, then these are the reasons why you should be located in the IDSC: -­‐ Access to financial, legal and production partnerships that will help you maximise the financial benefit of your IP internationally. #IDSC_filmandTV Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO FILM AND TV IN THE DIGITAL ERA ................................3 CHAPTER 2: THE INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL SERVICES CENTRE .........................................8 CHAPTER 3: CASE STUDIES.............................................................................................9 CHAPTER 4: IDSC TEAM ...............................................................................................10 2 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO FILM AND TV IN THE DIGITAL ERA “Broadcast TV is like the landline of 20 years ago. -­‐ Reed Hastings As the Digital Natives grow up -­‐ media-­‐saturated, tech-­‐savvy and perpetually online -­‐ the individuation of devices with screens becomes irrelevant. The television set on the wall, the cinema screen, the mobile screen, the handheld console, the tablet, the PC, the laptop etc. are all just screens that enable the exhibition and “consumption” of content. The most important attribute to them will be that these screens are “networked”, that content can be called on demand from anywhere, at anytime and that there is a level of interactivity available. The concept of “ownership” is even under threat, with Digital Natives increasingly preferring “rental” to ownership, be it through Netflix or Amazon’s Love Film which give them instant access to vast catalogues on a subscription basis. But what isn’t under threat from digital is the insatiable demand for “stories”. For film and television programme-­‐makers, digital is either an opportunity or a challenge. On the one hand, never before can so many people be reached with their “stories” so easily. Never before has the means of production and distribution been so cheap and available. But on the other hand, with broadcasters and film studios under pressure, funding has become increasingly difficult to obtain. And how do you successfully market to a fragmented global market and ensure you make your money back? The current flux of the global economy and the impact of digital has seen an increase in the number of international co-­‐productions as producers look to spread the risk and ensure a global audience from the get-­‐go. Producers have also had to look to new platforms to fund and distribute their content and companies like Netflix, YouTube and Amazon are now entering the fray as content creators . In certain cases, producers have even started to distribute to the consumer directly themselves. Ireland’s awarding winning talent base, business acumen and government incentives has traditionally made it an attractive place for international producers to do business. But now as the digital transformation takes shape, Ireland also holds other attractions such as being the international location of some of the major new platform players in the content field – Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Intel, Facebook, Apple etc. The IDSC provides international producers with the ideal environment to both create and distribute their content as well as protect and monetise their IP in an efficient way. 3 So what are the CHALLENGES facing the Film and Television industry? Funding – As local funding sources come under pressure, film and television production companies need to look to new sources of funding from other broadcasters and film funds as well as other platforms and media. Legal Framework – Is your intellectual property protected in the jurisdictions you operate in? Are you aware of the remedies available to you in these jurisdictions? Access to Europe, Middle-­‐East & Africa – Europe alone comprises 27 different territories with multiple languages and legal frameworks. Are you managing your brand effectively in these territories? Do you have the multi-­‐lingual capacity to engage with your customer? Are you able to access the opportunities at MIPCOM, MIPTV, Cannes, Annecy etc. Partners – Do you have the right partners to help you produce and develop your content on a global basis? This encompasses accounting & taxation advice, production services, insurance, recruitment, multi-­‐lingual support and localisation, technology services, IP management, facilities and infrastructure. Are you sure that you have the best? Expertise – Growing a content business on a global basis requires a range of skillsets. These may include corporate governance, compliance, international coordination, government liaison, financing, performance reporting and revenue recognition. The transition to the digital age and how your brand can maximize its potential in this ever changing landscape Are you confident that you have these skillsets internally? Digital Transformation – Are you maximising the potential of new digital distribution platforms? Tax optimization – With globalization, comes challenges and opportunities. Is there flexibility to locate your IP on a tax efficient basis? How are you optimizing your tax position in terms of international royalties on your brand trademark and your copyright? Have you optimised your tax position in terms of other intellectual property, R&D tax credits, VAT, withholding tax and corporation tax liabilities? The answer is the International Digital Services Centre and we can provide you with the necessary services and operational environment to help you meet these challenges and flourish. 4 KEY REASONS FOR LOCATING YOUR CONTENT COMPANY IN THE IDSC The IDSC offers a bespoke, customized environment which allows your company benefit from the following: PRECEDENCE The IDSC is built on the back of Ireland’s globally recognised film and television sector. Ireland’s awarding winning talent base, the business acumen of its producers and various incentives made available by the Irish government, make it an attractive place for international producers to do business. Having an Irish co-­‐
producer attached to your project provides EU status for the purposes of accessing additional finance in Europe. This in turn means that your content helps EU broadcasters fulfil their European content quotas. The IDSC can help you develop and implement your strategy working with our film and television partners. And you will be joining an exemplary list; These companies already have set up significant international operations in Ireland. 5 VALUE CHAIN OF SERVICES The IDSC offers a unique location with the full value chain of services for Film & Television Companies working in the digital age. From world-­‐class production talent to a host of digital services that will allow Global Brands get the most value from their IP globally. TAX OPTIMISATION FOR CONTENT COMPANIES The IDSC has experienced global service providers who can help you optimize your tax efficiency in terms of corporation, VAT, withholding tax liabilities as well as structuring of international Intellectual Property and R&D tax credits. The model is based on how global software companies structure themselves to take premium advantage of their intangible assets. LEGAL FRAMEWORK Common law, English speaking legal system, with EU access. Robust legal structure for the exploitation and protection of intellectual property rights. Ireland has an excellent statutory framework in relation to Intellectual Property, including trademarks, patents, copyright, databases and related rights. Fast track processing of IP cases through the Commercial Court with speedy and reliable decision making. Few licensing requirements. Company registration in 5 working days ECONOMIES OF SCALE The IDSC offers the perfect environment to centralise service activity for Film & Television Companies on a pan-­‐European, EMEA or international basis. Availability of multi-­‐lingual talent, expertise, infrastructure and a competitive cost base are some of the reasons that the major ICT global firms have located their shared service operations in Ireland. These include the likes of Microsoft, Oracle, Google, Facebook, PayPal, Symantec, Apple, McAfee, Accenture & Arvato to name a few. INFRASTRUCTURE: • Data Centre-­‐ready sites with access to power. • European Hub for Cloud Computing for major ICT players (Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM & HP) • Multiple telecoms routes connecting US and Europe. • Co-­‐location data centre capacity availability • IDSC connected directly to Dublin Multi-­‐duct Fibre Backbone ring 6 OTHER BENEFITS ● Stability and Regulation: Stable political environment and regulatory regime; ● Pro-­‐business culture with a 12.5% corporate taxation rate, tax credits for Research Development & Innovation activities and an extensive double taxation treaty network with 64 countries; ● Europe on the Doorstep: Proximity to EU customer and revenue base -­‐ Foreign owned software companies have already made Ireland a centre for their Cloud Computing strategies Many leading ICT companies have mega data centres already and/or are hosting significant data; ● Time zone allows coverage of US and Asia in the same working day ● Government: Access to decision makers to enable quick resolution on specific industry issues through the IDSC Implementation Group. ● Neutrality: Ireland increasingly considered a ‘neutral’ environment and territory at a macro-­‐economic and political level. ● Favourable environment for fundraising needs through the Irish Stock Exchange; ● Excellent research environment with highly productive alliances between industry and academia; ● The only native English Speaking country in the Eurozone ● High-­‐skilled, knowledge based economy delivering highly productive employees with excellent technical, language, managerial and customer service capabilities; ● Experienced and innovative leaders focused on proactively identifying and solving business challenges, with a proven ability to build close working relationships with global senior management; ● Strong cultural integration with US multinational management practices; ● Reputation for flexibility, responsiveness and innovation; ● A centre for content localisation. Many ICT and content multinationals such as Oracle, Symantec, Microsoft and Yahoo! already operate localisation functions from Ireland. ● Ireland has attracted 25% of all new US investment in the EU 7 CHAPTER 2: THE INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL SERVICES CENTRE The International Digital Services Centre (IDSC) helps enterprises grow their business internationally through Digital Transformation. According to MIT Sloan School of Management, Digital Transformation refers “to a broad strategic initiative in which an organization uses new digital technologies to enable critical business improvements.” We enable Digital Transformation through a process-­‐driven range of services that will help data-­‐intensive enterprises get to their customer seamlessly and efficiently and impact their bottom line positively. These services include: • Content Creation • Payment & Fulfillment • Cloud & Analytics Services • Distribution & Delivery. • Technologies & Platforms • Professional Services The major enterprise sectors we serve are: • Intellectual Property • Green Energy • Content • Retail • Healthcare • Financial Services. • International Start-­‐ups Our partners include these leading multi-­‐nationals companies who have substantial international operations here: 8 CHAPTER 3: CASE STUDIES Beyond is a leading international media and
content business which is listed on the Australian
Stock Exchange (ASX) and has located its
headquarters in Ireland .
Since its establishment in 1984 the company has produced over five thousand hours of television programs for broadcast internationally including Mythbusters, Beyond Tomorrow, Hot Property, Lab Rats, Behind Mansion Walls, Selling Houses Australia and Toy Box. The international distribution division markets an extensive program catalogue sourced from third party producers and internal production. This business is headquartered in Dublin, with sales offices in London and Sydney. The Home Entertainment division, established in 2005, focuses on digital and DVD distribution and is the second largest independent distributor of audiovisual home entertainment product in Australia and New Zealand. Established in 2012, BeyondD the digital marketing division, consists of Digital Marketing Services, Digital Media Sales, and Digital Assets including websites, marketing databases and bespoke technology. 9 CHAPTER 4: IDSC TEAM The International Digital Services Team can help Film & Television Companies leverage the IDSC environment effectively. It is comprised of a range of expertise encompassing all the requirements companies may have in terms of globalising their business effectively. For Film & Television companies, we can offer global experience in the following areas: • Set up of International Operations, Shared Services Operations, Business Process Outsourcing etc. for international distribution of content. • Consultancy services in areas of digital transformation, governance, accounting and auditing, sales and sales management, management to board reporting, compliance, project management, international property coordination, etc • Intellectual Property auditing, structuring and management for patents, copyright, trademarks and designs of animation IP. • Digital Supply chain development and infrastructure provision. • Global sales, marketing and promotional activity across EMEA • Rapid Prototype Development • Production and Post-­‐production service co-­‐ordination and project management. 10 International Digital Services Centre, Innovation House, Eastpoint Office Park, Dublin 3 , Ireland . Phone: +353 1 4853505 email: 11