Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Aquaculture j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a q u a - o n l i n e Why is cannibalism so rare among cultured larvae and juveniles of Pangasius djambal? Morphological, behavioural and energetic answers E. Baras a,⁎, R. Hafsaridewi b, J. Slembrouck c, A. Priyadi d, Y. Moreau a,c, L. Pouyaud a,c, M. Legendre a a IRD, UR 175, BP 5095, Rue J.F. Breton 361, F-34196 Montpellier Cedex 05, France Loka Riset Pemuliaan dan Teknologi Budidaya Perikanan Air Tawar (LRPTBPAT), Jl. Raya Sukamandi No. 2, Subang 41256, Indonesia IRD, UR 175, c/o Loka Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar (LRBIHAT), Jl. Perikanan-PO Box 06, Depok 41152, Indonesia d Loka Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar (LRBIHAT), Jl. Perikanan-PO Box 06, Depok 41152, Indonesia b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 6 July 2009 Received in revised form 3 April 2010 Accepted 6 April 2010 Keywords: Aquaculture Ontogeny Teeth Prey-size selectivity Growth Conversion a b s t r a c t The ontogenetic trajectory of Pangasius djambal resembles that of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. At the start of exogenous feeding (48 h after hatching), larvae of P. djambal (8.5 mm TL, 4.5 mg WM) exhibit a large gape (17.5% TL), they possess long oral spines (100 µm) but no pectoral fins. However, the spines do not overhang from the mouth, and gape height never exceeds body depth, contrary to the situation in P. hypophthalmus. These differences account for why encounters between larvae of P. djambal never lead to the deadly clashes observed in P. hypophthalmus. The rarity of cannibalism in older larvae and juveniles of P. djambal originates from the combination of morphological, behavioural and energetic factors (studied during predation experiments with cannibals from 20 to 70 mm TL): (1) the negative allometry of mouth parts and positive allometry of body depth restrict the logistics of cannibalism from 84.9% TL at 10 mm TL to 56.5% TL at 40 mm TL; (2) cannibals of increasing size prefer prey that are increasingly smaller relative to the logistics of cannibalism (pref:max TL ratios of 99 and 48.5% at 10 and 40 mm TL, respectively); and (3) cannibals need high maintenance food rations (14.9% DM at 6–10 mg DM), they exhibit a rather low gross conversion efficiency (0.36 DM:DM at 6 mg DM), and gain no growth advantage over siblings fed brine shrimp nauplii ad libitum. No single factor suffices to account for the rarity of cannibalism in P. djambal, but their combination almost makes it impossible, even among fish fed submaximally. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Intracohort cannibalism can cause heavy losses during the early life stages of cultured fish. The mechanisms that govern the dynamics of cannibalism are shared by a vast number of fish species, and closely related to the factors that govern growth heterogeneity (DeAngelis et al., 1979; Hecht and Appelbaum, 1988; Smith and Reay, 1991; Hecht and Pienaar, 1993; Folkvord, 1997; Baras, 1998; Baras and Jobling, 2002; Kestemont et al., 2003). Cannibalism is governed by morphological, behavioural and physiological factors. The heaviest losses among cultured larvae and juveniles have been reported in species that grow a large gape and long oral teeth at the start of exogenous feeding (Scomberomorus niphonius, Shoji et al., 1997; Shoji and Tanaka, 2001; Brycon moorei, Baras et al., 2000; Sarda orientalis, Kaji et al., 2002). Early cannibalism is generally incomplete but nevertheless facilitated by size dispersal ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 33 4 67 04 63 61; fax: +33 4 67 16 64 40. E-mail address: (E. Baras). 0044-8486/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2010.04.004 (Folkvord and Otterå, 1993; Baras and d'Almeida, 2001). In turn, incomplete (type I) cannibalism generally provides cannibals with some growth advantage, increases size dispersal and facilitates the transition to complete (type II) cannibalism (Hecht and Appelbaum, 1988; Kestemont et al., 2003; Babiak et al., 2004). The occurrence of complete cannibalism intimately depends on whether cannibals are capable of swallowing large prey relative to their size (logistics of cannibalism e.g. Braband, 1995; Hseu et al., 2003), but also on whether they are keen or reluctant to do so (prey-size selectivity; e.g. Baras, 1999). The risk of cannibalism also depends on how fast the cannibals grow relative to their potential victims. The answer to this question is not straightforward, as growth depends not only on food type and availability (Folkvord and Otterå, 1993; Fermin and Seronay, 1997; Kubitza and Lovshin, 1999; Kestemont et al., 2007), but also on fish size. Whether the growth advantage provided by cannibalism is decisive and enables the continuation of cannibalism, thus also depends on the logistics of cannibalism and on prey-size selectivity, and on how these factors vary during the ontogeny. These functional mechanisms and the roles of influencing factors are well admitted, but their interactions are generally subtle, and make it difficult to forecast the actual impact of cannibalism in a particular rearing environment. Similarly, the risk of cannibalism in E. Baras et al. / Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 species that have been domesticated recently, or that are candidates for the diversification of aquaculture can hardly be predicted, except possibly from the analysis of morphological factors, which are generally good indicators of the risk of cannibalism (e.g. mouth size, Shirota, 1970). Until now, research on cannibalism among cultured fish has largely been finalistic in that it focused essentially on species with frequent or intense cannibalistic habits. However, the study of species that rarely exercise cannibalism under culture conditions can be equally informative, especially in a comparative context with other close taxa that exhibit frequent or intense cannibalism. Such comparison is of particular interest among the family Pangasiidae (Siluriformes), which comprises 28 species (Gustiano, 2003), but the bulk of the production (over 1 million tons in Southeast Asia since 2007; Lazard et al., 2009) originates so far from the culture of three species: Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, Pangasius bocourti and Pangasius djambal. Several other pangasiids are potential candidates to the diversification of pangasiid culture (Pangasianodon gigas, Pangasius conchophilus, P. kremfi and P. nasutus), but criteria are needed to select wisely between these. In P. hypophthalmus, by far the main cultivated pangasiid, episodes of intense mortality and cannibalism are almost systematic during the early life stages (Hardjamulia et al., 1981; Subagja et al., 1999; Slembrouck et al., 2009), whereas they are very rare in P. bocourti (Hung et al., 1999, 2002) and P. djambal (Legendre et al., 2000; Slembrouck et al., 2004). The functional mechanisms behind the early mortality of P. hypophthalmus have been elucidated recently (Baras et al., 2010). The present study aimed at investigating why cannibalism is so rare among larvae and juveniles of P. djambal. It examined the ontogenetic variations of morphological traits, but also of prey-size selectivity and bioenergetics, which intimately govern the dynamics of cannibalism in cultured fish. 2. Methods 2.1. Fish and rearing conditions The fish used in this study were half siblings that were produced from the artificial reproduction of captive broodfish at the research station of LRPTBPAT Sukamandi (Java, Indonesia) (see Slembrouck et al., 2004 for details on the hormonal induction and egg incubation techniques). Fish were transported during the egg incubation stage to the experimental facilities of LRBIHAT Depok (Java, Indonesia), where all experiments were conducted. Hatching took place 36 h after fertilization. From 44 h after hatching (hah) onwards, brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) nauplii were supplied during the hours of light. Fish larger than 50 mg (wet body mass, hereafter WM) were fed commercial formulated feed (PS-P, Pt Central Panganpertiwi, Indonesia, 40% crude protein). Rearing took place in indoor 170-L aquaria at ambient temperature (mean of 28.3 °C, daily means from 27.3 to 29.4 °C, total range of 25.8–30.2 °C). A group of fish was fed in excess at least 5 times per day, and another one only twice per day, in order to produce rapidly a size differential for the predation experiments (see below). The third tank was spared for morphological samples (3 or 4 meals per day). Faeces, excess food and dead fish were removed every day with a siphon. 2.2. Morphology Fish were sampled for morphological examination at least twice per day during the first 5 days after hatching (dah), at daily intervals until 16 dah, and occasionally thereafter until they attained 50 mm in total length (TL). At every sampling time, at least five fish were anaesthetised (2-phenoxy-ethanol, 0.40 mL L−1) and placed under the stereomicroscope (Wild M3, × 6–50) and under the microscope (Leica Biomed) for examining the jaws and oral teeth at greater magnification (x100). The variables under study were limited to those governing the logistics of complete cannibalism in fish (mouth 43 width, gape height, body depth and width), and to those identified as the keys to the episodes of early mortality among larvae of P. hypophthalmus (fin development sequence, oral teeth; Baras et al., 2010). All variables were measured with a graduated eyepiece, and expressed by reference to the fish TL. Gape height was calculated from jaw length and gape opening angle, which was assumed to attain no more than 120°, by analogy with the study in P. hypophthalmus (Baras et al., op. cit.). Thereafter fish were weighed (nearest 0.1 mg), either individually for fish N 5 mg or in groups of 5– 10 individuals for smaller fish, so as to document the relationship between WM and TL. 2.3. Design of predation experiments All experiments had the same canvas, inspired by Baras (1999) and Baras et al. (2000). A single cannibal was placed in a floating cage together with smaller siblings (potential prey) of known dimensions. No food was provided. Every 24 h, fish were collected and cages were cleaned to remove faeces. The cannibal was anaesthetised, weighed, revived and returned to the same cage as on the previous day, together with a new set of prey fish. In the meanwhile, surviving prey fish were anaesthetised and measured, in order to determine which prey had been eaten. Cannibals were studied for several days in a row whereas prey fish were changed every day. It mattered that survivors were not pooled with other prey, because the weight loss on the first, second or third day of food deprivation differ substantially, and because small fish might be exhausted by prolonged starvation. Conversely, survivors might have gained experience in evading the cannibal's attacks, and this might also bias the analysis of prey-size selectivity. Hence surviving prey were never re-used in a subsequent experiment. No more than seven cages were examined each day in order to reduce the monitoring period to 30 min. As regards the size of prey fish, three criteria had to be fulfilled: (1) all (or most) prey had to be small enough to be eaten whole by the cannibals; (2) the size distribution of prey fish had to be broad enough to give the cannibal the opportunity of selecting between prey of different sizes, and (3) prey fish should be incapable of eating each other, otherwise the food intake of the cannibal would be overestimated. The size ratio between the cannibals and their prey, and the acceptable limits to prey-size heterogeneity were calculated from the data produced during the morphological part of this study. In order to ascertain that prey fish did not consume each other, a control group, consisting of prey fish with a similar size distribution but without any large cannibal, was examined each day. Prey fish were distributed in excess of the presumed cannibal's needs, for three reasons: (1) prey density affects the propensity to feed (Houde and Schekter, 1980); (2) it was important to avoid cannibals selecting prey outside of their preferred range, simply because they had already consumed all those of adequate size, and (3) numerous prey were needed in case the cannibals aggress and kill some prey fish without eating them. Up to 25 prey fish were offered to each cannibal during the first days of the study, and at least 15 thereafter. This design prevailed throughout the study. However, on some occasions, no prey was offered for 24 h or the number of prey fish was deliberately well below the presumed needs of the cannibal, so as to document the relationships between fish growth and food ration for a broad range of food rations. Situations where the cannibals were not offered prey in excess were excluded from the database for studying prey-size selectivity. All prey fish were large enough (N9 mm TL) to be weighed individually without damage. Their TL was back-calculated for the study of prey-size selectivity, using a model that was constructed with an independent sample of fish with empty guts (but having incurred no period of food deprivation longer than a few hours). 44 E. Baras et al. / Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 2.4. Experimental infrastructure for predation experiments The predation cages were installed in an indoor 720-L tank (300 × 60 × 40 (h) cm) tank equipped with a recirculating pump (Resun SP, 2800 L h−1) that was connected a long plastic pipe set along the long axis of the tank. Water temperature was maintained with two 300-W submersible heaters coupled to a Biotherm 2000 thermostat set at 28 °C. The water delivery pipe was sealed and water was forced through small (b2 mm in diameter) holes drilled at 25-cm intervals, which contributed to cool water temperature and to buffer the variations of temperature between different days or periods of the day (from 27.5 to 28.5 °C here versus 25.8–30.2 °C in non-regulated systems). Supplemental oxygenation was provided by an air turbine that was connected to four air stones spread along the long axis of the tank. Predation cages were set on the margins of the tank. Each cage was a 2.0-L cylindrical plastic container (20 cm in diameter, 20 cm in height), in which three large (15 × 12 cm) windows had been pierced and covered with fine plastic mesh (mesh size of 0.2 mm) affixed with silicone. The bottom plate and the lowest part of the cages were left intact, in order to maintain a minimum water volume when the cages were removed for examinations. During the predation experiments, the cages were covered with a translucent plastic top and fully immersed into the experimental tank to minimise external influences on fish behaviour. 2.5. Identification of consumed prey For each cage and day of experiment, the WM of eaten prey were estimated with a two-step back-calculation protocol relying on the primacy of early size differences, which is a valid assumption among starved fish (Baras et al., 2000). First, the WM of prey fish after 24 h of food deprivation was estimated from the negative growth rate that was measured in the control group. Thereafter, missing cases in the final distribution were moved by successive iterations in order to test for all possible combinations and determine the best fit with simple linear regression tests (i.e. the combination with the highest r2 and a slope of 1.00). 2.6. Data analysis: bioenergetics For the analysis of bioenergetics, all data were expressed in terms of dry body mass (DM), as the water content (WC) of fish varies substantially during the ontogeny (Fig. 1). On each day of experiment, WC was measured in an additional group of prey fish of similar size as in the predation cages. The fish were anaesthetised, weighed (WM), euthanized (2-phenoxy-ethanol, 2.0 mL L−1), placed at 105 °C overnight, and then weighed again for the measure of DM. The same protocol was used for measuring WC in the control group after 24 h of food deprivation, so as to determine the loss of wet body mass over this period. The exact moments of cannibalism were unknown, so it was assumed that prey fish were on average eaten at mid of each 24-h period. The daily food ration of the cannibal (R, mg DM) was thus calculated as R = ∑0.01(1 − 0.5WCf − 0.5WCi)(0.5WMf + 0.5WMi), where WC is the water content (%), WM is the wet mass (mg) of eaten prey fish, and suffixes f and i stand for final and initial, respectively. WMf was calculated as WMf = WMi(1 − WML), where WML is the proportion of wet mass lost during 24 h of starvation (data from the control group). The food ration was expressed as a proportion of the cannibal's dry mass at the start of the 24-h period (DMci). Cannibals were weighed (WM) every day, but their WC could not be determined on a daily basis, as they were studied several days in a row. It was deduced from an independent data set, using fish fed in slight excess with brine shrimp nauplii, weighed after gut emptying, and processed as above. The measurements were done on groups of fish producing at least Fig. 1. Ontogenetic variation of the dry matter content in P. djambal. Each symbol on the graph refers to a group of fish producing at least 30 mg of DM. The curve is restricted to fish having fully absorbed their yolk, and comes from a fifth order polynomial model, i.e. DM (% WM) = 27.489− 52.015(log WM)+ 61.277(log WM)2 − 34.296(log WM)3 + 9.158(log WM)4 − 0.921(log WM)5(R2 = 0.994, F = 633.0, df = 25, P b 0.0001). 30 mg of DM (tens of fish for larvae, at least three fish for large juveniles). The daily growth rate of cannibals (G, % DMci day−1) was calculated as G = 100(DMcf − DMci)DMci−1, where DMcf and DMci are the dry masses of cannibals at 1-day intervals. The gross conversion efficiency (GCE, DM:DM) was calculated as GCE = GR−1, where G is the daily growth rate and R is the daily food ration (both in % DMci). The values of GCE, R and G were equated to fish size. Simple power regression models were constructed from the highest values in fish of different sizes, with the objective of tracking the top performances of cannibals that determine the maximum risk of cannibalism. In parallel, G was equated with R (simple regression analyses) for calculating the (negative) growth during 24-h starvation (GS) and the maintenance food ration (Rmaint) producing zero growth. These calculations were made on a discrete basis, using five classes of cannibal size. Thereafter, the five values of Gs and Rmaint were equated with fish size, using the mean size of cannibals within each class. 2.7. Calculation of prey-size preference indices Normalized preference indices (Bovee, 1986) were preferred to electivity indices, which are still debated (Baras, 1999). For each size class of cannibals, two indices were calculated. For the first index, prey size was expressed as a proportion of the cannibal TL. For the second index, it was expressed as a proportion of the largest prey that could be eaten whole by the cannibal (logistics of complete cannibalism), with the objective of testing whether cannibals of different sizes showed similar prey-size selectivity in respect to their predation capacities. For both ways of calculations, prey sizes were categorized into classes (2% cannibal TL and 4% logistics, respectively). The preference index Ip of cannibals for each class of prey size was calculated as Ip = NcNa−1, where Nc and Na are the numbers of consumed and available prey in this size class. In order to enable direct comparisons between cannibals of different sizes, the Ip values were normalized, with the highest value fixed at 1.00. 2.8. Statistical analyses Contingency tables analyses were used to test for random prey selection for each size class of cannibals, and whether cannibals of different sizes exhibited different preferences with respect to their logistics of cannibalism. Simple and power regression analyses were used for the study of bioenergetics (see above) and to model the E. Baras et al. / Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 relationships between morphological factors. Null hypotheses were rejected at P b 0.05. 45 20 mm TL but they did not attain their maximum size (8.5% TL) before the end of the larval period (i.e. when the finfold had vanished, at 26 mm TL). 3. Results 3.1. General The yolk of P. djambal averaged 3.5 mm3 at the time of fertilization, and 2.6 mm3 at hatching, 36 h later. Hatchlings averaged 5.1 ± 0.2 mm TL (mean ± SD). Fish commenced feeding between 48 and 54 hah, at 8.5 ± 0.5 mm TL. The yolk was not fully exhausted before 84 hah (9.9 ± 0.4 mm TL). Fish fed 3–4 meals per day grew at an average 1.1 mm day−1, and attained 44.2 ± 5.5 mm TL at 35 dah. The relationship between WM and TL in fish having completely absorbed their yolk (8.9–71.2 mm TL, and 5–2853 mg WM) was: log WM = −2:154½0:020 + 3:020½0:013 log TL Where values between brackets are the standard errors of coefficients (r2 = 0.996, F = 52,097, df = 192, P b 0.0001 for intercepts and slopes). 3.2. Morphology 3.2.1. Fin development sequence At hatching, no fins were developed but the finfold was already structured in a series of lobes in the abdominal, anal, caudal and “adipose” regions. The flexure of the notochord occurred at 12–18 hah and was accompanied by a rapid development of the upper lobe of the caudal fin. The caudal fin remained strongly asymmetric throughout the larval stage, until fish were 25 mm TL (Fig. 2). The adipose fin had already attained its longest dimension relative to body length (5% TL) before the start of exogenous feeding, and exhibited a marked negative allometric growth after the dorsal fin started elongating (at about 8 mm TL). The dorsal fin continued growing allometrically up to 15–16% TL until fish attain 40 mm TL. This pattern strongly contrasted with that of the anal fin, which had already attained its longest dimension (10% TL) when fish were about 13 mm TL. The pectoral fins did not start growing before fish were 7.5– 8.0 mm TL. Their growth was parallel to that of the dorsal fin, and they did not attain their longest dimension (13% TL) before fish were 40– 45 mm TL. Pelvic fins grew last. Their anlagen were not conspicuous before larvae were 12 mm TL. Thereafter, they grew rapidly until Fig. 2. Fin development sequence in P. djambal (observations in 191 fish). Symbols refer to measurements in individual fish. 3.2.2. Mouth width, gape and body depth Body depth (BD) at hatching was 35% TL, but declined rapidly as the yolk was absorbed. It attained its minimal dimension (16% TL) at 84 hah, when the yolk was fully absorbed (fish of 9.9 mm TL; Fig. 3A). Thereafter, BD increased slowly up to 19–20% TL at 40–50 mm TL. The mouth opened between 14 and 20 hah, when fish were about 6.5 mm TL. Both jaws exhibited a rapid positive allometric growth and attained their largest dimension relative to fish size soon at the start of exogenous feeding (fish of 8.5 mm TL). With a gape opening angle as large as 120°, gape height (GH) amounted to slightly less than 18% TL at this moment (Fig. 3A). Thereafter, both jaws exhibited a negative allometric growth, GH decreased in a curvilinear way and amounted to no more than 10% TL at 40–50 mm TL. By contrast, mouth width (MW) did not exhibit such a marked allometry during this interval: it peaked at 14.5% TL at 10 mm TL, but was still as large as 13.0–12.5% TL at 40–50 mm TL. The ontogenetic variations of MW paralleled those of head width (the largest transversal body dimension until 50 mm TL; 16.5 and 14.0–13.5% TL at 8.5 and 40–50 mm TL, respectively). The models between HW, MW, GH, BD and TL are given in Table 1. They indicate that mouth dimensions (GH or MW) of P. djambal were Fig. 3. A. Ontogenetic variation of gape height (GH, grey squares, n = 164) and body depth (BD, open circles, n = 141) in P. djambal. Symbols refer to measurements in individual fish. Curves were produced by interpolation. B. Ontogenetic variation of the logistics of cannibalism (i.e. the largest prey that can be ingested whole by the cannibal). The curve is constructed from the ratio between GH and BD, except in fish ranging from 7.5 to 11 mm TL (grey area with dashed borders), for which the ratio between mouth width and head width is lower (see text and Table 1). 46 E. Baras et al. / Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 Table 1 Morphological relationships (simple linear regression analyses) between head width (HW), mouth width (MW), gape height (GH), body depth (BD) and total body length (TL) in Pangasius djambal greater than 10 mm TL. All variables are expressed in mm. GH is calculated from the lengths of the maxillar (Mj) and mandibular jaw (mj) and a gape opening angle of 120°, i.e. GH = 0.866(Mj + mj). Values between brackets in the equations are the standard errors of coefficients. P b 0.0001 for intercept and slope in all four models. Equation r2 F df HW = 0.417[0.004] + 0.123[0.001]TL MW = 0.085[0.016] + 0.126[0.001]TL GH = 0.568[0.017] + 0.093[0.001]TL BD = −0.495[0.029] + 0.205[0.001]TL 0.999 0.996 0.992 0.995 214,899 27,423 13,390 20,801 115 114 105 105 never larger than the body sectional dimensions (HW or BD) at any developmental stage. Based on the comparisons between transversal (MW versus HW) and vertical dimensions (GH versus BD), the size ratio that rules the exercise of complete cannibalism in P. djambal is governed by a transversal limitation until 11–12 mm TL and by a vertical limitation thereafter. The resulting logistics of cannibalism (Fig. 3B) was used to select prey for the predation experiments. 3.2.3. Oral teeth and spines As in P. hypophthalmus, the two jaws of P. djambal embryos and larvae bear massive conical oral teeth and peripheral slender spines. Both types of structures were conspicuous at 24 hah. Spines were originally embedded into a gangue of tissues. At 36 hah, their tip had pierced the gangue. The longest spines, located in the front part of the mouth and on the sides, just anterior to the eyes, were as long as 100 µm, exceeded the cumulated height of the true teeth and gums (about 90 µm), and slightly overhung from the mouth. Twelve hours later, when the fish started feeding exogenously, the spines had grown by less than 5 µm, whereas oral teeth and gums had gained 10– 15 µm in height, so spines were not overhanging any longer. Spines were visible until 7.5 dah (14 mm TL), but their size was almost identical as at the start of exogenous feeding, whereas teeth and gums had grown at an average 20 µm day− 1. As in the study on larvae of P. hypophthalmus (Baras et al., 2010), it was tested whether young P. djambal were capable of re-opening their mouth after forced closure. This was evaluated in anaesthetised fish Fig. 4. Variation of prey-size selectivity in cannibalistic P. djambal of different sizes (size classes 1–5, see Table 2). In graph A, prey size is expressed as a proportion of the cannibal's total length (TL), and in graph B as a proportion of the TL of the largest prey that can be ingested by the cannibal (calculated from the abacus shown in Fig. 3B). Table 2 Characteristics of the experiments used for the study of bioenergetics and prey-size selectivity in larvae and juveniles of P. djambal. WM is the fish wet body mass, DM is the dry body mass and TL is the total body length. The lower part of the table gives results of the contingency table analyses testing for random prey selection in each of the five size classes. Two types of tests are given, the first one for prey size relative to cannibal size, and the second one for prey size relative to the logistics of cannibalism (i.e. the largest prey that can be eaten whole by the cannibal; see Fig. 3B). 1 2 3 4 5 Cannibal WM (mg) Cannibal size class Mean Range 76 56–90 115 91–152 398 318–494 594 525–694 2074 1702–2630 Cannibal DM (mg) Mean Range 8.2 6.0–9.5 13.0 10.0–17.5 52.9 40.0–66.1 80.6 70.0–95.9 326.7 262.0–424.8 Cannibal TL (mm) Mean Range 21.9 20.0–23.3 25.2 23.4–27.6 37.9 35.1–40.1 43.2 41.4–45.4 65.0 60.9–70.2 24 436 46 15 474 136 11 151 62 13 141 53 29 805 134 n observations (day × fish) n prey offered n prey consumed Prey TL (mm) Prey-size selectivity (2% TL classes) Range χ2 (df) P 9.3–12.5 18.7 (9) 0.0281 9.3–13.2 95.2 (11) b 0.0001 11.0–18.8 25.3 (11) 0.0083 11.1–21.6 37.0 (13) 0.0004 15.3–24.9 118.8 (7) b 0.0001 Prey size (% logistics) Prey-size selectivity (4% logistics classes) Range χ2 (df) P 62.9–91.6 15.7 (7) 0.0280 53.8–88.8 95.59 (9) b 0.0001 42.7–84.2 18.3 (9) 0.0323 41.2–84.0 37.6 (11) b0.0001 34.3–66.3 148.9 (7) b 0.0001 E. Baras et al. / Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 47 Fig. 5. Relationships between growth (G) and daily food ration (R) in cannibalistic P. djambal of different sizes (1–5, see Table 2). DMci is the dry body mass (mg) of cannibals at the start of the 24-h cycle over which growth and food intake are measured (calculated from the model in Fig. 1). Data points refer to individual measurements. The vertical dotted lines show the food ration that produces zero growth (Rmaint). The equations and statistics of the simple regression models are given in Table 3. 48 E. Baras et al. / Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 Table 3 Energetics of cannibalism in P. djambal. The first five equations in the upper part of the table refer to the models between growth (G, % DMci day−1) and daily food ration (R, % DMCi) illustrated in Fig. 5 (see Table 2 for further information on size classes). DMci is the dry body mass (mg) of the cannibal at the start of a 24-h period over which the food intake and growth of cannibals are measured (see Methods). The lower part of the table gives the equations that model the ontogenetic variations (against DMci) of maximum daily food ration (Rmax), maximum growth (Gmax), maximum gross conversion efficiency (GCEmax, DM:DM), maintenance food ration (Rmaint,% DMci) and negative growth during 24 h of food deprivation (GS, % DMci day−1). The models for Rmax, Gmax and GCEmax are deduced from the highest scores observed in cannibals of different sizes (Fig. 6). The models for Rmaint and GS are obtained from the five models given in the upper part of the table. Values between brackets in the equations are the standard errors of coefficients. Equation Size class Size class Size class Size class Size class 1: G = −6.710[0.531] + 0.450[0.013]R 2: G = −5.246[0.536] + 0.490[0.012]R 3: G = −4.678[0.377] + 0.530[0.012]R 4: G = −3.785[0.350] + 0.557[0.019]R 5: G = −2.151[0.138] + 0.591[0.014]R log Rmax = 2.181[0.016] − 0.320[0.010] log DMci log Gmax = 1.704[0.018] − 0.252[0.012] log DMci log GCEmax = −0.469[0.012] + 0.064[0.008] log DMci log Rmaint = 1.481[0.080] − 0.351[0.046] log DMci log (−Gs) = 1.083[0.080] − 0.280[0.046] log DMci r2 F df P intercept P slope 0.982 0.992 0.996 0.989 0.985 1230.9 1690.1 1926.0 870.1 1727.0 23 14 10 12 28 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 0.987 0.972 0.841 0.951 0.925 985.8 456.0 68.6 57.8 37.0 14 14 14 4 4 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 0.0003 0.0009 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 b 0.0001 0.0047 0.0089 from the start of exogenous feeding (2 dah) until 7 dah (i.e. closure was induced by pumping with dry paper the anaesthetic solution around the fish, and opening, was induced by pouring the anaesthetic solution over the fish). On all occasions, the fish that were forced to close their mouth could open it again, thereby supporting the view that spines were not overhanging from the mouth during the larval period. 3.3. Predation experiments Cannibals ranging from 20.0 to 70.2 mm TL (corresponding WM of 56 and 2630 mg, respectively) were studied over 92 days × fish (Table 2). All fish recovered quickly (b1 min) from anaesthesia and measurement, and cannibalism generally resumed within the first 30 min following measurement. This suggests that the monitoring procedure had little impact on the food intake of cannibals. No cannibal died during the experiments, and no fish from the control groups was consumed in part or totality. Hence, it was assumed that all missing prey fish in the predation cages had been eaten by the cannibals. A total of 2007 prey (9.3–24.9 mm TL, 4–125 mg) were offered, 431 of which were consumed. This high ratio supports the hypothesis that cannibals were never underfed during the experiments. 3.3.1. Prey-size selectivity In all five size classes, the hypothesis of random prey selection was rejected at the 0.05 level (Table 2). Cannibals of increasing sizes preferred prey of relatively decreasing sizes. The preferred TL ratios for prey passed from 43 to 23% TL in cannibals of 21.9 and 65 mm TL, respectively (Fig. 4A). This was expected because of the increasing constraints on cannibalism that result from the allometric growth of mouth parts and body depth (Fig. 3B). Nevertheless, when prey size was expressed by reference to the logistics of cannibalism (i.e. the largest prey size that could be eaten whole by the cannibal), the preferred prey size still decreased significantly in cannibals of increasing size (contingency table analyses, P b 0.0001 for all comparisons between size classes; Fig. 4B). The preferred size of prey relative to the logistics of cannibalism (Sp, % logistics) was equated to the TL of cannibals. The model stood as: log Sp = 2.512[0.017] − 0.515[0.011] log TL, where values between brackets are the standard errors of coefficients (R2 = 0.990, F = 2139.4, df = 4, P b 0.0001 for both the intercept and slope). This model predicts that at the start of exogenous feeding, cannibals would prefer prey as large as the logistics of cannibalism, whereas 100-mm juveniles would prefer prey of about 30% of their logistics. 3.3.2. Bioenergetics For each of the five size classes of cannibals (see Table 2), the relationship between G and R was best described by a simple linear regression model (Fig. 5). All five models were highly significant (P b 0.0001, Table 3). They indicated that young P. djambal had a high daily maintenance food ration (Rmaint) and incurred substantial negative growth during 24-h starvation (Gs) (respectively 14.9%DM and 6.7% DM day−1 at 6–10 mg DM). Both variables decreased in fish of increasing size and attained no more than 3.6% DM and 2.2% DM day−1 respectively in the largest fish examined in this study (260– 425 mg DM). The linear nature of the models between G and R implied that the gross food conversion efficiency (GCE) was proportional to R, so the highest food ration consumed by the cannibal (Rmax) also corresponded to Ropt in these circumstances. Rmax decreased significantly (P b 0.0001) in fish of increasing size (log–log relationship, Table 3), from 88% DM at 6 mg DM to 22% at 400 mg DM (Fig. 6). Cannibals of increasing size consumed lower food rations, but their GCEmax was higher (about 0.50 at 400 mg DM versus 0.36 at 6 mg DM; Fig. 6). The increase of GCE in fish of increasing size (log–log relationship, Table 3) was not restricted to fish feeding maximally, as indicated by the slopes of the G-to-R relationships in the five classes of cannibal size (from 0.45 to 0.59 in classes 1 and 5, respectively; Fig. 5, Table 3). This increase in GCE buffered the decrease of Gmax in fish of increasing size, as indicated by the comparison between the slopes of the log–log models between Gmax and DMci (−0.252), and between Rmax and DMci (−0.320) (Table 3). Nevertheless, Gmax decreased substantially between the smallest and largest fish under study (from 34.5 to 11.5% DM day−1, at 6 and 400 mg DM, respectively; Fig. 6). 4. Discussion 4.1. Why are episodes of early mortality so rare in P. djambal? The present study revealed that the ontogenetic trajectory of P. djambal closely resembles that of P. hypophthalmus, with a large gape (peaking at 18% TL in both species), an early development of long (100 µm) oral spines and a very late development of pectoral fins. However, these traits obviously do not suffice to trigger the episodes of mass mortality that are so frequent among cultured larvae of P. hypophthalmus. The major difference between the two species refers to their sizes at the start of exogenous feeding (5.6 versus 8.5 mm TL, in P. hypophthalmus and P. djambal, respectively). At 6.5– 7.0 mm TL, the oral spines of both species overhang from the mouth, whereas at 8.5 mm TL, they have already stopped growing and do no longer overhang from the mouth. Similarly, gape height systematically exceeds body depth when larvae of P. hypophthalmus start feeding exogenously at 5.6 mm TL (Baras et al., 2010), whereas it never exceeds body depth in any of the two species at 8.5 mm TL. The combination of these two factors might suffice to account for why no mass mortality due to cannibalism has ever been reported among E. Baras et al. / Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 49 No other detailed morphological study has ever been conducted on any other pangasiid catfish, so these traits cannot be generalised without proper validation. However, there is striking evidence that episodes of mass mortality due to cannibalism do not occur either among larvae of P. bocourti, which also produce large eggs (Hung et al., 1999, 2002). If this tendency were shared by other taxa, it would foster the idea that the risk of early mortality and cannibalism among cultured fish species with similar ontogenetic trajectories might be largely dictated by egg size. This comparison between close taxa in a cannibalistic perspective adds to the general statement that the viability of fish larvae is positively affected by egg size (review in Kamler, 2005), for reasons other than those pertaining to cannibalism, and it strengthens the idea that egg size could be a valid and easy criterion for evaluating the adequacy of taxonomically related species that are candidates to domestication. 4.2. Functional mechanisms behind the rarity of cannibalism in young P. djambal Fig. 6. Variation of daily food ration (R), growth (G) and gross conversion efficiency (GCE, DM:DM) in cannibalistic P. djambal of different sizes. DMci is the dry body mass (mg) of cannibals at the start of the 24-h cycle over which growth and food intake are measured. Data points refer to individual measurements. The log–log models (plain lines) are constructed from the highest points only (equations and statistics in Table 3). young larvae of P. djambal (Legendre et al., 2000; Slembrouck et al., 2004): because of their abundant yolk, young P. djambal start feeding exogenously at a developmental stage that is beyond the risk period depicted for P. hypophthalmus, which originate from much smaller ova (0.6 versus 3.5 mg in P. djambal). 4.2.1. Morphology This study provided several reasons for why cannibalism among older larvae and juveniles of P. djambal is rare and never triggers the cascading pattern that was expounded in the introduction of this article. In particular, the rapid positive allometric growth of body depth, combined with the equally rapid negative allometric growth of jaw length during the early ontogeny of P. djambal contributes to complicate the exercise of cannibalism. Based on gape height and fish body depth, the size (TL) ratios that enable the exercise of complete cannibalism at 10, 20 and 40 mm TL are 84.9, 68.5 and 56.5%, respectively (Fig. 3B). These morphological constraints force potential cannibals of P. djambal to select victims that are increasingly smaller relative to their own body length, and this might impact on the risk of cannibalism among cultured fish. However, these traits are not exceptional at all. In the vast majority of fish species, except for those that produce very small larvae, the predation capacities are maximal at the start of exogenous feeding and decrease thereafter, for the same reasons as those expounded above (synthesis in Baras and Jobling, 2002). The logistics of cannibalism in juveniles of P. djambal might look restrictive, especially by reference to piscivorous species. The size (TL) ratios that enable the exercise of cannibalism by a 40-mm TL juvenile can be as high as 66% in Gadus morhua (Folkvord and Otterå, 1993), 69% in Esox lucius (Bry et al., 1992) and 76% in Epinephelus coioides (Hseu et al., 2003), whereas it does not exceed 56.5% in P. djambal. However, this ratio is not exceptionally low either in comparison to other species that frequently exhibit cannibalism under culture conditions. Still for a 40-mm TL cannibal, the TL ratios are 47% in Clarias gariepinus (Hecht and Appelbaum, 1988), 48% in Seriola lalandi (Ebisu and Tachihara, 1993), 50% in Seriola quinqueradiata (Sakakura and Tsukamoto, 1996), 51% in Engraulis capensis (Brownell, 1985) and Perca fluviatilis (Brabrand, 1995), 53% in Dicentrarchus labrax (Katavic et al., 1989), 58% in Heterobranchus longifilis (Baras, 1999) and 59% in Lates calcarifer (Parazo et al., 1991). This comparison clearly emphasizes that morphometric factors can be used to predict the risk of cannibalism in populations of a particular species with contrasting levels of size heterogeneity (see also Baras and d'Almeida, 2001; Babiak et al., 2004; Mandiki et al., 2007), but their predictive value can hardly be transposed between species. 4.2.2. Behavioural factors: prey-size selectivity This study provided evidence that cannibals of P. djambal never consumed prey as large as the logistics of cannibalism, and that the size of preferred prey relative to the logistics of cannibalism decreased in cannibals of increasing sizes (Fig. 4). The size (TL) ratio between the preferred prey and the largest prey that can be ingested by P. djambal (hereafter pref:max TL ratio) was modelled as 99% at 10 mm TL, and 50 E. Baras et al. / Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 no more than 48.6% at 40 mm TL. This study was not designed to examine the factors behind this ontogenetic variation as all predation experiments were run with a black box design, without any insight into the behaviour of cannibals. By analogy with other fish species and food types, it can be postulated that large prey possess greater escape capacities and are more difficult to handle than smaller prey (e.g. Anguilla anguilla; Knights, 1983). Detailed studies on prey-size selectivity are scarcer than those on the logistics of cannibalism, and these studies rarely investigated whether size selectivity varied between fish of different sizes, so the scope for between-species comparisons is more restricted than for morphological factors (synthesis in Baras, 1998). Nevertheless, some general trends can be drawn from existing studies. On the one hand, it is frequent that highly cannibalistic species exhibit a high pref:max TL ratio: N90% in juvenile H. longifilis (Baras, 1999), 88% in juvenile E. lucius (Bry et al., 1992), 78% in larvae of C. gariepinus (Hecht and Appelbaum, 1988), and 75% in juvenile G. morhua (Folkvord and Otterå, 1993). On the other hand, species that are much less cannibalistic can also exhibit very high pref:max TL ratios (86% in koi carp Cyprinus carpio, Van Damme et al., 1989). Conversely, B. moorei, which exhibits intense cannibalism and can engulf large prey (Vandewalle et al., 2005), prefers consuming the smallest prey available (Baras et al., 2000). This brief comparison emphasizes the idea that prey-size selectivity alone cannot be used as a reliable predictor of the risk of cannibalism among cultured fish. Yet, the combination of morphological and behaviour factors makes cannibalism less likely in cultured P. djambal than on the exclusive basis of morphological factors. However similar combinations were reported in species that exhibit frequent cannibalism under culture conditions. In young E. capensis, which frequently exhibits cannibalism, the logistics is 51% TL, and the pref:max TL ratio is 58%, thereby giving a preferred prey size of 29.6% TL (Brownell, 1985). This is similar to the situation in P. djambal (corresponding values of 56.5% TL, 48.6% and 27.5% TL at 40 mm TL), but cannibalism is rare in this species. 4.2.3. Bioenergetics Cannibals frequently enjoy some growth advantage over siblings, for reasons pertaining to food availability, but also to digestibility, as fish are generally more digestible than planktonic prey. However, the fastest growth of cannibalistic P. djambal in this study was slightly slower than in fish fed in excess 7 times per day with brine shrimp nauplii then with formulated feed (Legendre et al., 2000). Using the model produced in this study for Gmax (Table 3) together with the models between DM and WM, and between WM and TL, cannibals feeding maximally would attain 32 and 60 mm TL after two and four weeks of exogenous feeding, respectively. The corresponding values for the top growers in the study by Legendre et al. (op. cit.) were 40 and 69 mm TL, respectively (recalculated from WM; Fig. 7). The reasons for why the growth of cannibalistic P. djambal is rather slow can be deduced from their bioenergetics, in particular from their high Rmaint (Fig. 5) and rather low GCE during the larval stage (Fig. 6). As a matter of fact, the GCE of P. djambal larvae or juveniles is not particularly low in comparison to other cultured fish species. The GCEmax observed in the smallest fish under study was 0.36 at 6 mg DM. Data for comparisons with larvae of this size are scarce. Using the model in Table 3, the GCEmax of P. djambal for a standard body mass of 0.5 mg DM was modelled as 0.33 versus 0.06–0.07 in Sparus aurata (Parra and Yúfera, 2001), 0.21–0.26 in C. carpio (recalculated from Bryant and Matty, 1980 and Kamler et al., 1987), 0.26 in Solea senegalensis (Parra and Yúfera, 2001) and 0.33 in S. niphonius (Shoji et al., 1997). Many other marine species fall within this range (Houde, 1989). However, the GCE of a 0.5-mg DM larva can be much higher (over 0.70) in several other species that frequently exhibit cannibalism (C. gariepinus, Conceição et al., 1998; Appelbaum and Kamler, 2000; B. moorei, recalculated after Baras et al., 2000 and Baras and Jobling, 2002). As for morphological factors or prey-size Fig. 7. Integration of the morphological, behavioural and energetic factors for determining why cannibalism is rare among young P. djambal. a. Growth of cannibals feeding maximally (based on the Gmax model in Table 3), b. Size of the largest prey that can be ingested by cannibals (calculated from the abacus in Fig. 3B). c. Size of prey preferred by cannibals (calculated from the model on prey-size selectivity, see text and Fig. 4B). d. Growth of fish fed submaximally (3–4 times per day) for the morphological study. e. Supposed maximum growth of fish fed 7 times per day (recalculated from the data of Legendre et al., 2000). selectivity, young P. djambal are just average as regards bioenergetics, but the combination of three average scores leads to an overall low performance for cannibalism. An additional factor that might contribute to make cannibalism in P. djambal less profitable than in many other fish species lies in the rather low proportion of dry matter in larvae of P. djambal (≤11% in fish b 5 mg DM; Fig. 1), in comparison to brine shrimp nauplii (16– 17%, Sorgeloos et al., 1986). The degree of stomach fullness, which intimately conditions the propensity to feed, is conditioned by the prey's volume, and thus by its wet mass, rather than by its dry mass. Henceforth, the low DM content of larvae of P. djambal might be a reason for why cannibalism brings no growth advantage over siblings feeding on brine shrimp nauplii. Larvae of P. djambal are large at the start of exogenous feeding (8.5 mm TL and 4.5 mg WM), and have no problem with swallowing and digesting nauplii. 4.3. Conclusions The absence of marked growth advantage from the exercise of cannibalism together with the increasing morphological constraints upon predation and the increasing preference for small prey during the ontogeny of P. djambal, tend to make cannibalism extremely rare among their larvae and juveniles, at least when fed maximally. However, there is no need feeding maximally larvae and juveniles of P. djambal to get rid of cannibalism in this species. The fish raised for the characterization of morphology during this study were fed no more than 3 or 4 times per day, but they grew fast enough to put them beyond the reach of cannibals, even if cannibals had consumed prey as large as physically possible (Fig. 7). This substantial security margin makes the culture of P. djambal very permissive with respect to the feeding strategy, and accounts for why reports over cannibalism in this species have been so rare (Legendre et al., 2000; Slembrouck et al., 2004), even when their larvae and juveniles were not fed maximally or with performing feeds. From a methodological viewpoint, this study emphasized that morphological, behavioural and energetic criteria taken separately did not suffice to account for the rarity or frequent occurrence of cannibalism in larvae and juveniles of P. djambal, whereas their use in combination was much more informative. Similar protocols could be implemented in any species that is considered as a potential candidate to the diversification of aquaculture, as they would provide E. Baras et al. / Aquaculture 305 (2010) 42–51 a rapid estimate of the risk of cannibalism and flexibility or constraints when culturing their larvae and juveniles. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank five anonymous referees for useful comments on previous versions of this article. We are indebted to Retna Utami, Sularto and Kamlawi (LRPTBPAT Sukamandi) for providing the biological material. Special thanks the technical staff of LRBIHAT Depok (Slamet Sugito, Made Agus Widjana, Mertayasa, Moch Hasan, Marjono) for their assistance during the rearing and measurement protocols. Mrs. Dominique Caseau-Baras contributed to improve the English style of the manuscript. Etienne Baras is an honorary research associate of the Belgian FNRS. References Appelbaum, S., Kamler, E., 2000. 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