membernews CEO message Why don’t I have choice in electric providers? You may know a board made the decision to enter the deregulated marcoworker or friend who ket, it’s important to understand the decision is irrevolives in a neighborhood cable. We must be absolutely sure the decision will that offers them a choice result in low rates and reliable service long-term. of electric providers. And, I also believe there may be confusion over what you may have asked the “choice” really means to a consumer. Because CoServ question, “Would my bill owns, operates and maintains the infrastructure servbe lower if I had choice?” ing your homes and businesses, it’s important to underYour member-elected stand that we serve as your “wires company” as well as board of directors disyour power provider. If CoServ were to offer choice by cusses this topic regularly opting in to the deregulated Texas market, you would and since they live in the indeed be able to decide who “sells” you electricity, but CoServ service area (in CoServ would continue to “deliver” your power. As a your neighborhoods) they result, a portion of your monthly bill would be paid to ask themselves the very CoServ to cover delivery costs. With separate compaMike Dreyspring, same question. The nies charging for delivery of electricity and for electricPresident/CEO answer, however, is very ity itself, it’s tough to determine if offering choice complex ….and may surprise you. would actually lower your rates in the long-term. Our surveys consistently show that the majority of Again, if you had choice in your neighborhood, you members would choose CoServ if choice of providers would be able to select the provider who “sells” you was offered in their service area. Members also tell us electricity. However, these Retail Electric Providers that stable, low rates are their primary concern.We constantly moniIn fact, CoServ Electric’s scores with the American Customer tor market conditions and the competition to ensure that our busiSatisfaction Index show that a large majority of our members ness decisions support rate consiswould still choose and trust CoServ as their power provider if tency. When considering the idea of they had a choice in REPs. providing choice (that means “opting in” to deregulation), your board and senior management have a responsibility to do so (called REPs) buy their power from a small handful of only if it is in our members’ best interest. wholesale power generators who hold market and pricIf, through the careful decision-making process, the ing dominance in Texas. This control over power generCoServ board were to decide to opt in, the move would ation causes pricing to be non-competitive, and we require a large financial outlay. Meeting regulatory See “Why don’t I have choice?” on page 19 requirements could cost millions of dollars, and if the CoServ Electric 18 TEXAS CO-OP POWER COSERV ELECTRIC March 2008 Built to Serve. Energizing Life. SM “Why don’t I have choice?” from page 18 believe it is one reason that deregulation has not shown positive results. Between 2002 and 2006, electricity rates increased 57 percent in the deregulated Texas market (per the Energy Information Administration) compared to 23 percent in regulated states. And, a number of states that deregulated their electricity markets have actually suspended the practice. Given this uncertainty and dysfunction in the deregulated market, we are hesitant to change the structure of our business and devote significant resources to an idea that doesn’t appear to effectively control costs and rates for the long run. One thing is certain - being a member of CoServ Electric entitles you to receive power as close to cost as possible. We are owned by those we serve, and we’ve been earning our members’ trust for more than 70 years. Today and for years to come, CoServ will focus on delivering reliable power at a low cost. Rest assured, your elected board of directors will continue to explore our options in the changing electric utility industry. To learn more about CoServ Electric, visit, click on CoServ Electric Service and select the “About CoServ” tab. WATCH YOUR OPERATION ROUNDUP® DOLLARS IN ACTION Supporting the cooperative principle of community involvement, the CoServ Charitable Foundation used your Operation Roundup dollars to invest in public safety and healthcare. Since inception, the Foundation has donated $1,166,575 to 60 different projects in 27 communities. Here are the most recent Charitable Foundation donations: • Oak Point Department of Public Safety - $26,820 to purchase bunker gear • Southwestern Diabetic Foundation - $10,000 for facility and equipment upgrades and repairs at Camp Sweeney Operation Roundup began in November 2005 as a way for members, customers and employees to partner with CoServ to enrich the community. Many employees elect to have donations payroll deducted, and participating members’ and customers’ monthly bills are rounded up to the nearest dollar. The extra change is donated to worthy charitable causes. On average, the donations add up to $6 a year, but the pennies generated are making a big difference. If you are not currently enrolled in Operation Roundup and would like to participate, please call Customer Service at 940-321-7800. Or, if you’d prefer to make an individual donation, please forward your check to the CoServ Charitable Foundation (Attn. Connie Seymour) at 7701 S. Stemmons, Corinth, Texas 76210. CoServ Electric sponsors trip to nation’s capitol for juniors and seniors Each year, CoServ Electric sponsors the Government-in-Action Youth Tour Contest. High school juniors and seniors whose residences CoServ Electric serves have a chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington D.C. The education-study program allows our state’s future leaders in government, business and communities to join other teens from across the nation in open discussions with federal government and professional association officials regarding current events. Students will learn how a cooperatively-structured business is distinguished from other forms of business enterprises, and how co-ops impact our lives on a daily basis. The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) hosts the Youth Tour activities. The trip includes a visit to the student’s Congressman’s office as well as tours of historic monuments, memorials and the Smithsonian Institution. The tour group travels to Arlington National Cemetery, Washington National Cathedral and to Mount Vernon, home of George Washington. The students will witness a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Students are asked to submit an application which contains five short essay questions: • In terms of personal development, what is your greatest strength and how has it enhanced your life? • What issue interests you most about our government process and why? • Of all the political leaders in our nation, past or present, who has influenced you most and why? CoServ Electric • Explain the difference between an electric cooperative and an investor-owned electric utility. • Provide a brief explanation of why you would like to be chosen as CoServ Electric’s representative on the 2008 Government-in-Action Youth Tour. Applications are judged on creSee “CoServ Electric Sponsors Trip” on page 21 Built to Serve. Energizing Life. March 2008 COSERV ELECTRIC TEXAS CO-OP POWER SM 19 COSERV MEASURES UP: HIGH SATISFACTION, LOW RATES Texas. And, we’re lower than Direct Energy, Cirro, Commerce, First Choice and Green Mountain. In our view, the significant difference reflects that CoServ members trust us to provide low-cost, reliable electric service with outstanding Customer Service. Our mission is to continue to earn our members’ confidence for years to come. For more information directly from our CEO/President, Mike Dreyspring, about choice and the cooperative perspective on the deregulated Texas utility market, please visit, click on “Conversations with the CEO” and select the corresponding video. * Satisfaction scores are measured by the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Established in 1994, this index provides a uniform, independent measure of consumer experience with 190 of the leading corporations in America. CoServ Electric’s customer satisfaction scores consistently beat the two largest electric retail providers in Texas - TXU Energy and Reliant Energy. In 2007, CoServ earned a score of 74 from the American Consumer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), while TXU and Reliant received scores of only 63 and 65, respectively. Since CoServ began participating in the ACSI four years ago, we have maintained a solid average lead over both TXU and Reliant. Over the last 2 years, our rates have been consistently lower than the two largest electric providers in CoServ Gas Safe, secure and dependable CoServ Gas is a young company, our system is modern, and we designed it with safety as first, second, and third priorities. The number of customers in the CoServ Gas system continues to grow, as does the gas distribution industry nationwide. Though more and more people are using natural gas in their homes and business, the occurrence of serious incidents pertaining to natural gas safety have fallen dramatically. Still, it is critical to be aware of hazards and take precautions. CoServ’s gas distribution system adheres to the highest standards of safety to protect you CoServ Electric 20 and your family. To prevent potential problems, CoServ Gas conducts regular leakage surveys to patrol the pipeline systems and observe surface conditions. However, damage by outside forces and changes in soil conditions could cause a pipeline to leak and allow gas to escape. Remember, gas leaks are hazardous and should be reported right away. CoServ Gas has a “zero tolerance” policy when it comes to gas leaks. We give top priority to all reported leaks and repair them immediately. Here’s how to recognize a possible gas leak: One of many signs of a natural TEXAS CO-OP POWER COSERV ELECTRIC March 2008 Built to Serve. Energizing Life. SM gas leak is dead vegetation around a gas meter or other infrastructure which is caused by the displacement of oxygen. Because natural gas is lighter than air, as it rises into the atmosphere it will again displace oxygen, which may cause a mirage-like movement that can be seen with the naked eye. Another possible sign of a gas leak can be bubbles upon the ground during (or soon thereafter) a rain event. The most likely warning is the “rotten egg” smell that is added to otherwise odorless natural gas. If you suspect a gas leak, contact us See “Safe, secure and dependable” on page 21 “Safe, secure and dependable” from page 20 immediately at our 24-Hour Emergency Number: 940-321-7800 or 1-800-2744014. Since a vast majority of pipelines are buried underground, we use curb markers to show their approximate location. These markers are an important warning of the presence of pipelines in the area. Federal law mandates the protection of these markers and forbid the removal of them. Also, if you or your contractor plans to dig deeper than 16 inches, state law requires you to call a notification center (1-800-DIG-TESS or dial 811 on your cell) at least two business days before your dig. When you call, a representative will notify companies who have facilities in the area. An exception to this would be municipal lines. You will need to contact municipalities directly. Once the companies are notified of your intent to excavate, they will send a representative to the excavation location to mark the approximate location of the underground facilities using paint and flags. Adding another margin of safety, CoServ installs “excess flow valves” on all service lines to residential meters. These devices are designed to limit gas flow if the service line is damaged. We are one of the few gas companies in the country to voluntarily install excess flow valves. Federal regulations will soon require all companies to use the devices on new installations or when repairing existing facilities. Rest assured, CoServ Gas stays on top of all regulatory requirements and meets and often exceeds compliance standards. For additional natural gas safety information, visit us at, select CoServ Gas Service, and click on “Safety.” Sign up for E-Notice “CoServ Electric Sponsors Trip” from page 19 ativity, knowledge of the topic and writing skills. Finalists selected from the entries may be asked to participate in an interview about their application. The deadline for applications is March 28, 2008. For more information on the program, visit, select CoServ Electric Service and click on Community and “Government-InAction Youth Tour.” The essay questions are listed in this section, along with the history of the program and details about the trip. Download the application from the “GovernmentIn-Action Youth Tour Contest Entry Form” link at the bottom of the page. If you would like to learn more about entering the CoServ Government-in-Action Youth Tour Contest, please call Dennis Engelke at (940) 321-7828 or e-mail him at To sign up for E-Notice, visit On the front page of the Web site, there is a blue box labeled “Account Information,” select “Enter My Account” (if you already have a CoServ online account) or “First Time User” (to establish a new online account). The next screen to appear offers the option of subscribing to E-Notice. Click the check box next to the account(s), and a monthly E-Notice will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your account’s login. E-Notice is the first in a series of online enhancements for Thank you for your patience as we improve your online options. Built to Serve. Energizing Life. Contact Information 940-321-7800 1-800-274-4014 Open Monday Through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telephones answered 24 hours a day Board of Directors Jerry Cobb Leon Pelzel Chairman Frisco, District 4 Pilot Point, District 2 Mark Glover Vice Chairman Flower Mound, District 6 CoServ’s online account users can now sign up for E-Notice – an advanced monthly e-mail alert that your account balance has been updated. The update allows you to view/pay your account balance online in advance of receiving your paper bill in the mail. Vaughn Andrus Advantages of E-Notice: Secretary/Treasurer Krum, District 1 • Enjoy convenient, automated billing notification • Learn about bill payment options • Prevent late payments • Access past bills CoServ Electric Clyde Geer McKinney, District 3 Anne Vaden Copper Canyon, District 5 Curtis Tally Justin, District 7 CoServ Vision Statement To be trusted to consistently exceed members' and customers’ expectations for safety, reliability, service, value and community support. Built to Serve. Energizing Life. March 2008 COSERV ELECTRIC TEXAS CO-OP POWER SM 21
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