“Why is it necessary to do notes?”: att ifrågasätta och göra motstånd mot lärarens instruktioner i projektarbete i engelskundervisningen Nigel Musk (nigel.musk@liu.se), IKK, Linköpings universitet Hemsida: http://www.liu.se/ikk/medarbetare/nigel-musk OFTI 29 (Områdesgruppen för forskning om tal och interaktion) Mälardalens högskola, Eskilstuna, 1617 september 2011: http://www.mdh.se/ukk/forskning/ofti29 1. Holy Crap! Albin 1 Participants: Jakob (J) = teacher, Albin (A), Hassan (H), etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Jakob: Pause: ?: Jakob: Pause: Jakob: Pause: Hassan: Jakob: Pause: ?: ((to another pair)) hör ni (1) ja¿ vet ni va: (.8) öh i >instruktionen så står de att ni ska samla material först< (.2) å börja skriva dokumentet (.2) ((H turns towards J)) holy crap i ett s- senare steg. ((A also turns towards J)) (1.9) måste man (xx) 2. Why is it necessary to do notes? Participants: Jakob (J) = teacher, Albin (A), Hassan (H) 1 Albin: 2 3 Pause: Hassan: 4 5 6 Pause: Albin: Pause: Hassan: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Hassan: Pause: Jakob: Pause: Albin: Pause: Hassan: Jakob: Pause: Albin: 17 18 19 Albin: Jakob: Pause: 11:13- Albin 1 13:26-14:58 °e e vi ska ba samla källorna° uh uh we should just gather the sources ((H & A read the instruction sheet)) (2.9) tell us: about somef- (of th-) fings that this person has done¿ ((H reads aloud from instruction sheet)) (.3) no it’s: pretty much: (.5) right (2.2) ((switches from Word document to Wikipedia: Marco Polo & then scrolls through entry)) he travelled a lot¿ (7) ((J approaches)) how’s it going for you boys? (.8) okay¿ (.2) it’s ┌good¿ └oo:h ((J loses his balance as he bends down)) (.9) but u:h w:hy i- i- is it is it n:ecessary to do notes when we: (.2) ((A picks up instruction sheet and points at relevant instructions)) wh┌en (xx) when we can just uh └yes:: (.7) 20 21 Albin: Jakob: 22 23 Pause: Jakob: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pause: Hassan: Hassan: Jakob: 31 32 33 34 Pause: Hassan: Jakob: Pause: 35 Hassan: 36 Hassan: 37 38 39 Jakob: Pause: Jakob: 40 Hassan: 41 42 43 44 45 Jakob: Hassan: Pause: Jakob: Hassan: 46 47 48 Pause: Jakob: 49 50 51 52 53 54 Pause: Hassan: Albin?: Jakob: Pause: Jakob: 55 56 57 58 59 Pause: Jakob: Albin: Pause: Jakob: 60 Albin: copy the text an’ then write em:: (.6) (you ┌can) └the first thing ((reaches across & points at instruction sheet)) (.4) if you: give me the paper? (.4) the first thing (.4) >I want you to ((J wiggles fingers on outstretched hand & A hands J the sheet)) do< is (.7) collect good materials about the person (.) copy (.4) ((J points at relevant instructions; A & H look at sheet)) this material this text and uh (.6) audio an’ video (.4) into a document and save it (1.2) because I want to see (.2) what sources you have been using. (.7) okay¿ ((H removes the instructions from the keyboard)) (.6) ((grabs mouse and starts scrolling again in Wikipedia)) ┌yes:┐ (we can just ┌xx) ┐ └which┘ texts you have using in the └orig┘inal ((J points whole hand at screen)) (.2) we ┌can just┐ write a lit- above └an’ then┘ (.4) ((H switches to Word & indicates with cursor the space below the over here and then we can copy de link an’ (.3) Word text & then switches back to Wikipedia)) paste ┌in┐ ((H returns to Word and indicates the same space again with cursor)) └no┘: not a link. (.6) if you’re using YES I want? (.) I if ┌you ((J points whole hand at screen)) └you (really) want the whole text d’ you want the ((H rolls hand in front of screen)) yes ┐ whole text al┘right. (1.2) ┐ if you’re (.) using ┌wikipedia └we can just write┘ we can just write out this p ((H points at screen & rolls hand)) uh this: uh s:ide¿ ((H starts scrolling down again)) (.4) yes (.8) a:h you can uh copy it all into a word document. ((J sweeps hand across screen & flicks hand towards screen & H then scrolls up the Wikipedia page again)) (.2) okay °ye┌s::°┐ └but ┘ (.5) then again think (.2) think also about other sources. ((H returns to Google search engine)) (.2) I ┌mean┐ └yes ┘ (.) vikpedia is not the ┌only place where┐ you can find good information. ((H scrolls down Google page and up again)) └yes we know ┘ ((J gets up and leaves)) 3. I think it’s quite unnecessary to write it out again Participants: Jakob (J) = teacher, Albin (A), Hassan (H) 1 4 5 Jakob: Hassan: Pause: Hassan: Hassan: Jakob: Pause: 6 7 8 9 10 11 Albin: Hassan: Jakob: Pause: Jakob: Pause: 2 3 Hassan: 12 13 14 Hassan: Pause: Hassan: Hassan: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Pause: Albin: Pause: Albin: Jakob: Pause: Albin: Hassan: 23 24 25 Jakob: Pause: Jakob: 26 27 28 Pause: Jakob: 29 30 Pause: Albin: 31 Hassan: 32 Albin: 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Pause: Jakob: Pause: Albin: Pause: 40 41 42 43 Pause: Jakob: Hassan: Albin 4 00:55-03:46 so have you done your notes boys¿ ((carries on writing from “Marco Polo worked for the king”:)) of (.2) yes:: (.7) I fink ┌so ((H erases:)) [o]f └can I see them? $huhuh$ (.8) ((A looks for their “notes”)) we made j- just a little notes but um,= ┌=not that┐ much¿ ┘ └=’kay (.7) okay (13.6) ((H hands the right sheet to J & J reads them)) ((H erases:))king o king offf the mongols em┌pire ((red wavy line appears under “mongols”)) (°how do°) (.9) ((H returns to word “mongols”)) °how do(es) mongols spell° ((H looks over A’s photocopy & then checks another one)) (2.2) mongol (.3) ┌I think┐ it’s so ┘ └okay (.4) I =big= ((H moves cursor to beginning of “mongols” & corrects:)) mM[ongols] =but (.8) now that you’re writing your document you’re not using the notes¿ ((J holds out printed notes)) (.2) or? (1.4) you’re using that material. ((J points at the photocopies)) (.5) -i –i –i ┐ (.2) –i (.2) it’s (.7) p:retty mu and the no┌tes ((A points at notes)) └we’re using the both¿┘ ((H points at notes)) the (.) much the same information. ((J props up notes behind the keyboard)) (.6) °okay° (.5) yeah (.5) my ┐ ┌my └we’ve got every┘fing we got here °from here° ((H points at notes and up at screen)) (.3) yeah okay (.9) a::h (.) because my idee (.5) was: (.7) to you for you to (.3) first gather a lot of material¿ (.7) then read through that material (.6) make some notes >as you have done< ((J points at notes; H checks other sheets)) 44 45 46 Pause: Hassan: Jakob: 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Pause: Hassan: Pause: Jakob: Albin: Pause: Albin: Jakob: 56 57 58 59 Pause: Albin: 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Pause: Hassan: Pause: Albin: Hassan: Jakob: Jakob: Pause: Hassan: Pause: Jakob: Albin: Pause: Albin: Jakob: Pause: Jakob: Albin: Jakob: Hassan: Jakob: Pause: 89 90 Jakob: 91 92 93 94 Pause: Hassan: Albin: Pause: 95 Hassan: (.7) ┌mm ┐ └an’┘ from these notes: (.8) I wanted you to write your own document ((J taps the notes; H continues to check other sheets)) (.2) m h↓m (.3) ┌so↓┐ └but┘ I mean i(.4) ┌ i- i- i- ┐ └in this sta┘ge that you are now (.4) I wouldn’t (.3) I would like you not to look at those papers. (.7) but only those papers. (.3) so ((H puts photocopy aside; J points at photocopies & then notes; H nods)) (.5) that makes these notes quite important ((J points at notes)) (.8) but I mean uh (.8) if (.7) i- i- i- if if if we sh- if we should summon up all this into th- that paper then it’s (.4) I I think it’s ((A lifts one photocopy & points at notes)) quite unnecessary to (.3) write it write it out again (.2) because ((A points towards screen)) (.3) it would be just (.) ((A picks up photocopy)) (.) ┐ i- i- ┌i- it would b- it would be l:ike um │the same └well then you haven’t really understood the point of notes┘ I think because notes should be really short stuff. (.4) short stuff that: makes you remember. (.4) the original stuff. (1.2) so it shouldn’t it shouldn’t necessarily be whole (.3) whole sentences ((J points at notes)) even. (.5) yea:h we can make a mind map. (.2) yeah (.2) mind ┌map or anything┐ └but u:m ┘ (1) w- ┌we ┐ └just┘ (.4) ┌short┐ words that will remind you of (.5) things to write, .h an’ └(°m°)┘ then of course it’s okay (.5) to go back into the original material ((J points with whole hand to photocopies)) look¿ ┐ an’ ┌an’ └you can’t remem┘ber everyfing.= =exactly you can’t remember everything (.7) but it’s a good way to start off? (2.7) ((H looks down at photocopies)) well (.7) having said that? (.5) keep working. (.3) because (we’re) we don’t have (.8) very much time. ((H puts his hands on keyboard & looks at screen)) (.4) ┌yes: └yeah (1.7) ((J gets up and goes off)) °k-° 96 Pause: Hassan: 97 98 99 100 Jakob: Pause: Hassan: Jakob: (26.5) ((H moves cursor to the end of the text “Marco Polo worked for the king of the Mongols empire” & writes:)) Kubl Kubl for for He served him in 17 years. ((H moves cursor back to end of previous sentence and adds:)) Kublai ┌Khan └uh: does anyone have a question before I leave¿ (.7) no (.) sir.= =okay (.) ↑good Transcription conventions ((slaps desk)) lis- Pauses in speech of tenths of a second Pause in speech of less than 0.2 seconds Equal sign: latching between utterances Opening square brackets between adjacent lines: overlapping talk or other activity (between different participants) Closing square brackets between adjacent lines: closure of overlapping talk or other activity Dash: cut-off word sh::: Colon: prolonged previous sound $hi$ (swap) Words in single brackets: uncertain words Crosses in single brackets: unclear fragment; each cross corresponds to one syllable Words in grey bold: translation of line above >dä ha vi lite< , Comma: ‘continuing’ intonation .nhhä .t . ? Fullstop: a stopping fall in tone Question mark: rising intonation ¿ Upside-down question mark: partially rising inflection (.5) (.) yeah= =yeah ┌yeah └mm yeah┐ mm ┘ (xx) dä ju så that’s how it is [katy] AND Double brackets: comments on contextual or other features, e.g. non-verbal activities Names in square brackets: changed for reasons of confidentiality Capitals: noticeably louder than surrounding speech really Underlining: speaker emphasis °crap° Encompassing degree signs: noticeably quieter than surrounding speech Encompassing dollar signs: smiley or chuckling voice Encompassing more than/less than signs: faster speech Encompassing asterisks: other distinguishing voice quality *no* ((*croaky voice)) Double brackets + asterisk: description of feature encompassed by asterisks Initial fullstop: inbreath or click (e.g. tutting) Talking head: speech Computer icon: involving the computer screen Paper icon: involving the question & answer sheet
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