Transfer Switches: Understanding Why UL 1008 Is a Critical Requirement Jointly published by Executive Summary There is a growing need for emergency backup power systems in data centers, hospitals and many other facilities. A critical component of many of those systems is the transfer switch. Transfer switches should be certified to UL 1008 requirements. UL 1008 requires rigorous testing of transfer switches. It is designed to ensure reliability and durability. Despite the importance of UL 1008, most facility executives are not aware of what UL standard their transfer switches are certified to. It’s easy to take transfer switches for granted... But it’s also risky. With the growing emphasis on emergency and standby power, facility executives are taking a closer look at the elements of the backup power system. One critical element of that system is the transfer switch. Facility executives count on their transfer switches to perform when they need to switch from the utility’s electricity supply to backup generators. Mostly, transfer switches perform. But there have been notable failures. At an Amazon Web Services data center in Virginia, an automatic transfer switch didn’t work properly in May 2010, when the data center needed to shift from utility power to its generators after a vehicle hit a utility pole nearby. As a result, some Amazon customers lost cloud computing service for an hour. In 2010, Codero’s Phoenix data center experienced a power outage. The generators started as expected, 2 but an automatic transfer switch failed. In January 2010, a NaviSite data center lost power when a transfer switch failed during a utility outage caused by a thunderstorm. of switching devices do not have to meet UL 1008 and thus do not offer the assurance of having met the strict testing requirements needed for qualification to that standard. To ensure that transfer switches perform as expected, it’s important that they comply with UL 1008. That standard sets out a series of rigorous requirements that include “withstand & closing ratings or WCR” (which cover severe fault currents, bolted faults and short circuits within the electrical distribution system); tests to ensure that the device can carry rated currents; and endurance tests specifying the number of cycles that the transfer switch must achieve and still perform its intended function. Most transfer switch failures don’t make the news the way the ones cited above did. But failures do occur. In a survey cosponsored by Building Operating Management magazine and ASCO Power Technologies, 20 percent of respondents whose facilities have transfer switches reported at least one failure of a switch in the past five years. (See Figure 1 on page 3.) In one case, “both sides of the switch closed at the same time during a test. The switch exploded,” a respondent reported. Another respondent indicated the transfer switch failure “caused elevators to lock out.” A third commented that the transfer switch “failed to energize a critical Intensive Care Unit circuit.” But transfer switches are not the only devices that are used to transfer power. And other types Figure 1. Have you had any failure of a transfer switch in the past 5 years? R=647 Figure 4. Did any of the transfer switch failures leave your facility without power? R=125 Yes No Yes No Not applicable 20% 80% Transfer switch failures happen in a variety of ways. But a third of respondents who experienced failures reported that the switch completely failed and became totally inoperational. (See Figure 2.) Figure 2. Which of the following accurately describes the transfer switch failure(s)? R=123 Controls failed but mechanical switch continued to operate Switch completely failed and became totally inoperational Switch mechanically locked up with controls working Failure of switch caused damage to other equipment Others 49% 33% 20% 5% 7% (Responses add to more than 100 percent because multiple answers were allowed.) The transfer switches that failed were not necessarily old units. (See Figure 3.) The same number of failures was reported in the survey for units less than five years old and units 15 or more years old. Figure 3. How long was the transfer switch(es) in service when the first failure(s) occurred? R=107 Less than 1 year 1 year to less than 5 years 5 years to less than 10 years 10 years to less than 15 years 15 years to less than 20 years 20 years or more 7% 18% 29% 21% 9% 16% (Responses add to more than 100 percent because multiple answers were allowed.) And transfer switch failures left a significant number of facilities without power, the survey shows. Of respondents who experienced failures, 42 percent reported that their facilities lost power. (See Figure 4.) And more than half who lost power said that facility loads were without power for an hour or more. (See Figure 5.) 42% 56% 2% Figure 5. How long were your facility loads without power? R=53 A minute or less More than a minute to 30 minutes More than 30 minutes to 1 hour More than 1 hour to 2 hours More than 2 hours to 6 hours More than 6 hours to 1 day Greater than 1 day 11% 26% 13% 13% 21% 11% 6% (Responses add to more than 100 percent because multiple answers were allowed.) According to the survey, failures can be traced to a variety of issues, including power surges, lack of maintenance, age of equipment and poor design. (See Figure 6.) Figure 6. What were the major reasons for transfer switch failure(s)? R=125 Power surge Lack of maintenance Age Poor design Poor application Operator error Other 22% 21% 18% 14% 7% 3% 31% (Responses add to more than 100 percent because multiple answers were allowed.) Jacob L. Huske, PE, vice president of Environmental Systems Design, says that the most common causes of failures of contactor-based transfer switches that he has heard about were poor maintenance, or a misapplication of the transfer switch that resulted in power outages due to nuisance tripping of a circuit breaker external to the transfer switch during a transfer. “I have found that many transfer switch failures are the result of shorted-out rectifiers,” observes Christopher A. Wade, principal consultant for Resilient Mission Critical Solutions. Previously, Wade oversaw the global strategy, planning, engineering and facilities operations for mission critical data centers for a Fortune 100 company. Another potential problem Wade mentions is human error. In one case, he says, the transfer switch was left in manual mode for a couple of months following completion of maintenance work. So, when needed, the transfer switch did not operate. “Needless to say, that was a career limiting situation,” notes Wade. 3 Ensuring Transfer Switch Reliability Despite failures, transfer switches can be extremely reliable, provided that they are properly selected and maintained. The starting point is to ensure that the switch is qualified and certified to the correct UL standard. For transfer switches, that’s UL 1008. “Transfer switch equipment tends to be very reliable when properly applied and maintained, so failures of UL 1008 transfer switches are rare,” says Huske. UL 1008 was established in 1970 by Underwriters Laboratories to guard against transfer switch failures and resultant potential fires. A performance standard as well as a design and construction standard, UL 1008 requires transfer switches to undergo rigorous testing by an independent testing and certification agency. According to the Seventh Edition of UL 1008, published in July 2012, the standard applies to automatic transfer switches (ATS), manual transfer switches, closed transition transfer switches, and hybrid transfer switches. UL 1008 also covers fire pump transfer switches, bypass/ isolation switches, softload transfer switches and transfer switches used as service equipment. 4 To meet UL 1008 listing requirements, a transfer switch must meet the construction requirements specified in the standard and pass a series of stringent tests. From the facility executive’s perspective, UL 1008 transfer switches offer safe and dependable transfer of electrical power from the utility main to backup emergency power generators during mandatory compliance testing and when emergency power is actually needed. “UL 1008 is almost always the standard used for enclosed, contactortype transfer switch equipment applied in the United States, including equipment installed in mission critical facilities,” explains Huske. “Where transfer switch equipment is used for transferring critical load in legally required emergency power applications or healthcare facilities, UL 1008 is generally the only standard that the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) will accept.” The dependability and safety of UL 1008 transfer switches are “very important,” says John Ferguson, director of facilities for Regional West Medical Center in Nebraska. “As a hospital, we have to keep our operations safely going, even in power outage situations, to protect the lives of our patients and our staff who are caring for them.” Ferguson isn’t alone in seeing the importance of UL 1008 listed transfer switches. Harris of Cushman & Wakefield calls the UL 1008 automatic open transition transfer switches his client uses for its life safety generator “very important.” And Ken Cooper, chief engineer at Sands Regency Casino Hotel, says that UL 1008 transfer switches perform “very well, as long as they have proper maintenance” and are tested periodically. From Wade’s point of view, there are two major benefits of using UL 1008. One is that it simplifies the inspection process on code-required emergency power systems. “The reliability of backup power systems is impacted by switchgear design,” says Wade. “The UL 1008 standard has typically been specified for legally required standby and emergency power systems (e.g., systems used for critical loads in hospitals). It is applicable for equipment up to 600 V (it does not address medium voltage), and is written for the simple standalone transfer switches. The basic UL 1008 standard does not address the reliability requirements as the system becomes more complex with multiple sources of power (utility and generators) and with the introduction of tie circuit breakers.” Figure 7. Which of the following UL Standards is your transfer switch(es) certified to? R=633 UL 67 UL 98 UL891 UL1008 Not sure Others 1% 2% 2% 5% 92% 1% (Responses add to more than 100 percent because multiple answers were allowed.) The other major benefit of UL 1008 revolves around the device testing requirements of the standard. “UL 1008 really relates to testing devices to validate that they will operate safely and reliably as intended,” says Wade. “UL 1008 is designed to be a self-contained standard for a switch assembly and has very stringent requirements for endurance testing. It contains overload, endurance and interruption testing criteria in addition to all mechanical construction requirements to ensure safe operation of the switch.” Wade points out that the mechanical interlocking requirements of UL 1008 are significant. Mechanical interlocking is a useful safety feature for the open transition transfer of two sources. “Some modern circuit breakers surpass the endurance requirements in the industry standards,” Wade says. “Therefore, the key specification item is the circuit breaker endurance. Mechanical interlocking can be specified for open transition transfer on simple systems where the switchgear arrangement makes it physically possible. However, mechanical interlocking is not possible in many switchgear arrangements, and electrical interlocks have successfully been employed for many years. Either method of interlocking (mechanical or electrical) prevents the accidental paralleling of the two sources, thus increasing safety.” Despite the importance of UL 1008, the results of the survey suggests that most facility executives are unfamiliar with it. Among respondents with transfer switches, only 5 percent said that their switches were certified to UL 1008. (See Figure 7.) The overwhelming majority — 92 percent — said that they weren’t sure about the standard to which their devices were certified. This is eye opening information when the transfer switch is considered by most people knowledgeable on power distribution systems to be the “heart” of power systems. As noted earlier, 20 percent of survey respondents experienced transfer switch failures in the past five years. In those cases, 97 percent of survey respondents were not sure what certification those failed switches had, if any. One reason that some facility executives may not know which standard their devices are certified to is that transfer switches can last a very long time. For example, Dave Lopes, chief engineer for ABM Engineering, has some experience with failed transfer switches and is replacing them with UL 1008 listed units. He’s unsure whether the replaced units were UL listed “because they were vintage units.” He guesses the original switches were installed around 1970 to protect power transfer to the commercial high-rise’s elevators, the main building emergency riser, and the emergency generator. 5 Importance of UL 1008 Testing UL 1008 Testing Requirements that a UL 1008 listed transfer switch can operate after withstanding and closing-on a severe fault current, bolted fault, or short circuit within the electrical distribution system. Why is UL 1008 so important? UL 1008 listing helps assures facility executives that transfer switches will operate effectively and safely, as proven by stringent independent third-party testing. UL itself may conduct and monitor the tests, or another third-party laboratory may do so under UL supervision. Optionally, to achieve a short-time rating, the transfer switch must withstand a fault current of up to 100,000 amperes for 0.05 seconds, or 3 cycles. A series of tests assures The two primary tests to assure that a UL-1008 transfer switch’s contact will remain closed during a fault current until the downstream protective device clears the fault are called a “withstand and closing tests.” The transfer switch’s ability to handle these crucial functions is specified by its “withstand and closing rating (WCR)” currents, which is the maximum current that can be carried by that transfer switch for a specific period of time. This testing meets National Electrical Code (NEC) Articles 517, 700, 701 and 708. NEC Article 708 is particularly important because it focuses on systems designated as “critical operations power systems.” Other standards that automatic transfer switches may be required to meet are National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Life Safety Code and other applicable NFPA standards such as NFPA 99 & 110. Transfer switches installed internationally are qualified to IEC60947-61, which has similar requirements as UL1008 “Temperature rise testing” is performed on UL 1008 transfer switches after short time tests. This testing confirms the contacts carrying the rated current are doing so without overheating. Following this testing, the UL-certifying official visually inspects the transfer switch, looking for any signs of damage. To achieve a short-time rating under UL 1008, contacts must be practically “like new”in order to pass the temperature rise test. The withstand and close-on tests and temperature rise tests are conducted on the same set of contacts. Parts cannot be switched out during any phase of testing. Endurance performance Endurance testing is a key element of UL 1008, according to electrical engineer John Drengenberg, consumer safety director at UL. The standard has tables specifying the number of cycles transfer switches at each ampere level must achieve in order to meet the standard and receive UL 1008 certification, notes Drengenberg. Any UL 1008 transfer switch can transfer at least 3,000 times, with at least 1,000 of those operations under at least 100 percent of rated End Side Bar 6 load. UL 1008 transfer switches rated at lower amperes must be able to complete 6,000 transfers under 100 percent load or greater. A UL 1008 transfer switch undergoing monthly and annual testing may be operated roughly 15 times a year, according to Drengenberg. “In 100 years, that UL 1008 transfer switch will have been through just 1,500 cycles, so they are designed, built and tested to last when they are tested and certified by UL 1008.” Drengenberg says that UL inspectors make unannounced visits to factories producing UL 1008 transfer switches and pull a sample off the line. Drengenberg says UL also wants to hear about operational failures. “We like to get as much information as possible,” he says. Figure 8. Who ensured that your transfer switch(es) was certified to its appropriate standard? R = 649 You Design Engineer who designed your facility Installing Contractor Authorities who approved occupancy certificate No one Not sure 10% 49% 47% 26% 1% 15% (Responses add to more than 100 percent because multiple answers were allowed.) Finding Expertise Scott Blackman, facilities management and commissioning regional manager at Syska Hennessy, recommends that facilities executives consider tapping the resources of a reputable engineering firm to help them select the proper transfer switches for their business’ needs. “The facility manager has tremendous experience across a broad range of operations for his or her building,” says Blackman. “The advantage an engineering firm offers is that it has multiple clients with various business needs using transfer switches in many different buildings. That expertise allows the engineer to refine the transfer switch selection process, based on his or her experience with what works and what doesn’t for numerous buildings and situations.” Huske agrees: “There are many application-specific considerations that must be addressed for any type of transfer equipment that will be used, and the best way to avoid problems is to have someone with extensive experience assist.” The survey shows that most facility executives rely on outside parties to ensure that transfer switches are certified to the appropriate UL standard. (See Figure 8.) No matter who is involved in helping select transfer equipment, it’s important for the facility executive to take steps to ensure that the correct UL standard has been followed. It’s a red flag if transfer switch literature says the device merely “meets UL standards,” Drengenberg says. “(The device) may even have undergone independent testing but it might not be UL at all. They may not have tested under load conditions,” he points out. Similarly, facility executives should be wary of “per UL 1008 standards” and similar terms that suggest a product complies with UL 1008 but does not say that outright. He recommends looking for the UL inside a circle logo and the word “listed” as well as the exact transfer switch words cited in the standard. UL 1008 transfer switches are specifically labeled as “non-automatic transfer switch,” “automatic transfer switch” or “transfer and bypassisolation switch.” These labeling requirements are spelled out in UL’s Electrical Construction Equipment Directory, commonly referred to as the “Green Book.” UL also places a code on the switch that identifies the manufacturer, according to Drengenberg. And literature or specifications should say something like “UL1008 Listed” or “tested and certified by UL 1008.” 7 Figure 9. How are your transfer Figure 9. How are your transfer switch(es) maintained? R=631 switch(es) maintained? R=631 Using thirdthird party service providers 66%66% Using party service providers Using in-house expertise 36%36% Using in-house expertise Using original manufacturer’s service organization 22%22% Using original manufacturer’s service organization Other 1% 1% Other (Responses add to more thanthan 100 100 percent because (Responses add to more percent because multiple answers werewere allowed.) multiple answers allowed.) Put UL 1008 in writing To avoid any misunderstanding, facilities executives who are purchasing transfer switches on their own are spelling out UL 1008 in their master construction specifications. The Unified Facilities Guide Specification on automatic transfer switches cites UL 1008 (2012 edition) in its specifications for the Army Corps of Engineers, Naval Facilities Engineer- ing Command (NAVFAC), Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA) and NASA projects. It is also referenced in the MIL-PRF17773C(SH), which is the Navy standard for automatic bus transfer switches installed on Navy combat vessels. Proactive Steps Although proper UL certification for transfer switches is essential, it’s not the whole story. Maintenance and testing are also crucial to ensure that the transfer switch will respond when needed. “All transfer switch equipment manufacturers publish recommended schedules for maintenance and testing, so obtaining and understanding these recommendations is the best place to start,” suggests Huske. “Facility executives also should engage a qualified service company to regularly perform inspections and maintenance on transfer switch equipment in their buildings.” 88 Regional West Medical Center in Nebraska relies on a third party to do load-bank testing, as well as any repair needs uncovered, when the emergency backup system must be operated for four hours to meet Joint Commission requirements, according to Ferguson. Harris has his transfer equipment maintained under a thirdparty contract. Monthly testing is performed in-house, but it is witnessed under the third-party agreement at least once a year. Cooper, of the Sands Regency Casino Hotel, also relies on a thirdparty electrical contractor to make sure his transfer switches and circuit breakers perform as expected for data center/call center operations. The majority of survey respondents use third-party service providers to maintain their transfer switches, though many also rely on in-house expertise. (See Figure 9.) Figure 10. How often do you test transfer switches? R=630 Monthly Quarterly Semiannually Annually Less often than once a year Not sure Figure 11. What are the steps taken when maintaining your transfer switch(es)? R=632 46% 16% 12% 26% 5% 8% (Responses add to more than 100 percent because multiple answers were allowed.) Contact inspection Infrared scans of live electrical components Lubrication of joints Testing of sub-systems Removal of dirt/debris from electrical path Not sure 69% 53% 48% 47% 47% 23% (Responses add to more than 100 percent because multiple answers were allowed.) On-site Testing Automatic transfer switches are electromechanical devices that have moving parts. Those moving parts can seize if they’re left in the same position for months or years. Operating those moving parts regularly helps to ensure they will continue to move smoothly. The survey shows that monthly is the most common frequency for testing transfer switches. (See Figure 10.) That’s the case at Regional West Medical Center, where the emergency backup power system and its transfer switches are put through an hour of performance testing monthly, as well as periodic load-bank testing for four-hour runs per Joint Commission requirements, according to Ferguson. Two licensed electricians are on hand and, although he’s had some problems with the emergency power system, “there have been no problems with transfer switches,” says Ferguson. The National Fire Protection Association Standard 110 for emergency and standby power systems says, “the monthly test of a transfer switch shall consist of electrically operating the transfer switch from the standard position to the alternate position and then a return to the standard position.” NFPA 110 also requires the entire emergency power supply system to be exercised at least monthly. As many emergency generators are diesel, running under light or no load conditions can cause wet stacking, which is carbon buildup in the cylinders and exhaust system, a potential fire hazard. Generator loads of 30 percent or more often are required by NFPA for monthly testing, which means the transfer switches also are being tested. Experts suggest the best way to test the automatic transfer switch and the emergency generator to meet NFPA 110 requirements is to operate the transfer switch’s test toggle and confirm that it is properly signaling the generator to start and run. Once proper signaling is verified, the building load is transferred. Load banks offer a valuable tool for improving the reliability of an emergency power system. They are used to test the system without interrupting the critical loads. In the survey, however, only 28 percent of respondents reported using load banks for testing transfer switches. Facility executives who aren’t now using load banks should evaluate whether to incorporate them into a planned maintenance strategy. Maintenance is another key to ensuring that the transfer switch will function reliably. Asked how their transfer switches were maintained, 23 percent of survey respondents said they were unsure, raising the question of whether they understand the importance of regular maintenance. (See Figure 11.) “We know maintenance is paramount. Building managers need to inspect UL 1008 transfer switches monthly,” Drengenberg says. 9 Methodology The ASCO Transfer Switches Survey was sent via email to a random sample of 15,000 Building Operating Management subscribers on Feb. 14, 2013. Reminders were sent to nonrespondents on Feb. 20, and Feb. 22, 2013. A total of 147 subscribers chose to opt out of the survey or failed to respond due to an invalid email address, yielding a final sample of 14,853. The survey was closed for responses on March 1, 2013. With 1,134 qualified responses returned and with a net sample of 14,853, the rate of response for the email survey was computed to be 7.6 percent. The overall estimated margin of error for this study is +/- 2.89 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. What type of facilities are you responsible for? R = 1,133 Educational (K-12, Colleges/Universities) Commercial Office Medical/Healthcare Data Centers Government Industrial Retail Hospitality Other 34% 33% 21% 13% 13% 10% 8% 6% 5% Remember the business model The type of UL 1008 transfer switch to use depends on many factors, but possibly the most critical one is the organization’s business model. To that end, Blackman recommends regularly commissioning and evaluating transfer switches to see if they still satisfy the business model. “Today’s business is constantly changing and the infrastructure, including transfer switches, often is overlooked,” he notes. He recalls a client with open-transition transfer switches that were performing as designed to an older business model. However, lights flickering and other interrupting factors of regular testing were problematic under the new business model. As a result, the organization opted to retrofit with closed-transition switches. For new construction or renovation projects, facility executives have an important role to play in making sure the organization gets what it needs. “Facility executives must know what the actual function of the facility is going to be – data center, hospital, office building – and work with the design engineers to determine what is needed,” says Wade. 10 And, when automatic transfer switches are needed in the United States, facilities executives must be sure they are UL 1008 listed. Otherwise, they probably will not pass inspections by the authorities having jurisdiction over the facility. UL 1008 and UL 891 Different Standards for Different Devices Some facility executives may believe that UL 1008 and UL 891 can be used interchangeably. That isn’t the case, say experts. “From my perspective they’re totally different standards,” says Steve Eich, vice president, Environmental Systems Design. UL 1008 is specific to transfer switches, which are designed for a specific function: to transfer power from one source to another “flawlessly and quickly,” says John Drengenberg, consumer safety director for UL. UL 1008 contains rigorous requirements for testing the functionality of transfer switches. Applications that involve emergency power for institutional buildings must have a UL 1008 transfer switch per the National Electrical Code (NEC). “UL 1008 is the cover-all standard for automatic transfer switches (ATS) — especially in life safety applications,” says John Yoon, P.E., McGuire Engineers. “Chances are if you are getting an off the shelf automatic transfer switch, it is in the vast majority of instances a UL 1008 listed ATS. Most AHJs are looking for that UL 1008 label when they review electrical installations for code compliance. It’s simple onestop shopping for people (AHJs, end users, engineers) who need a simple code compliant solution for 99 percent of situations.” UL 891 covers switchboards. Switchboards, by contrast with transfer switches, can perform a variety of functions, depending on their intended use. “A switchboard is a collection of components that is used to distribute energy,” says Drengenberg. The components that are used in a particular switchboard — which might include circuit breakers, transformers or motor controls — should comply with the relevant UL standard for that type of device. (See “Other Switching Devices” on Page 13.) One function that a switchboard can perform is to transfer power from one source to another. One way to accomplish that function is by including an actual transfer switch within the switchboard, says Drengenberg. In that case, the transfer switch should comply with UL 1008. Switchboards can also be designed so that an operator could disconnect the utility power and turn on the feed from the emergency generator. But that’s a more time-consuming way to handle transfers from one power source to another. “UL 1008 is very, very specific,” says Yoon. “UL 1008 is for standalone transfer switches, where you’re trying to connect a crucial load to two power sources, a primary source and an alternate source. UL 1008 doesn’t deal with how you protect that device from abnormal conditions elsewhere in an electrical distribution system.” It is expected that there are overcurrent protection devices elsewhere (for example, fuses or circuit breakers) that will interrupt power before the automatic transfer switch (ATS) fails catastrophically. UL 1008 also doesn’t give guidance on how to transfer power between more than two sources with the same device. “These situations are the exception,” says Yoon. “Most end users who need an ATS have no need for anything other than a UL 1008 listed device.” In cases where UL 1008 doesn’t provide adequate functionality, UL 891 comes into play. UL 891 doesn’t cover how you transfer from one source of power to another, but rather covers how individual components are put together into an assembly (switchboard). 11 Common UL 1008 Switches Understanding UL 1008 Switch Options The simplest and least expensive option, a manual transfer switch, requires facility personnel to hand-change their state from the utility power source to the backup generator. Although manual transfer switches are used, automatic transfer switches are far more common, according to Scott Blackman, facilities management and commissioning regional manager at Syska Hennessy. Christopher A. Wade, principal consultant for Resilient Mission Critical Solutions, explains that transfer switches can be put into four general groups. Open-transition transfer switches are “break-before-make” devices. The connection to one source is opened before connection to the second source is closed. “This causes a total power interruption for a short period of time,” explains Wade. “During re-transfer from the emergency generator to the utility power, the switch needs to keep the contacts open for onehalf to three seconds to allow time for the residual voltage in inductive load devices (motors, transformers, etc.) to decay. This is called ‘delayed transfer.’” According to Wade, open-transition transfer switches are the least expensive; most designs have a mechanical interlock to prevent utility paralleling. Fast closed-transition transfer switches provide a “make-beforebreak” switching action and feature a very short timeframe (less than 100 milliseconds) in which utility and generator are paralleling elec- 12 tricity during the transfer period. “Closed transition transfer switches utilize a control system and are connected to the generator set similar to that of open-transition transfer switches,” explains Wade. “Some fast closed-transition transfer switches have an active synchronizing function in the control so that failures to synchronize can be avoided.” These switches prevent momentary breaks in power during generator set testing and when closing back to a restored utility source. Soft closed-transition transfer switches have an automatic synchronizer that provides control signals to the generator set so it can synchronize with the utility service. The switch closes the generator to the utility and then gradually ramps the facility loads. The primary advantage of this transfer switch is that the on-site power system “is actively synchronized to the utility service, therefore voltage and frequency disruptions during the transfer process are kept to an absolute minimum,” points out Wade. “Transfer time is adjustable and can vary from a few seconds to several minutes,” explains Wade. This transfer switch typically is used for large businesses, resort complexes, data centers, governmental centers or facilities participating in interruptible or load-shedding programs, according to Wade. Soft closed-transition transfer switches are costly, as they require more equipment. Bypass/isolation transfer switches allow power in a transfer switch to be isolated without interrupting power to the facility. “This allows the automatic transfer switch to be conveniently maintained,” explains Wade. Bypass/ isolation transfer switches are frequently specified in mission critical facilities serving UPS equipment in data centers and healthcare facilities. John Ferguson, director of facilities at Regional West Medical Center in Nebraska, has about 20 open transition automatic transfer switches installed to make sure the hospital’s essential services are not compromised. “We’ve upgraded our switches since they were installed in the 1980s and 1990s,” says Ferguson. “I would love to have closed transition units, but so far have not gotten funding for them.” Other Switching Devices Facility Executives Should Know Requirements When medium voltage transfers are necessary, electrically-operated circuit breakers may be used provided the complete product is qualified and certified to UL1008A, which is the standard for medium voltage transfer switches. “In optional standby applications, including data centers, power transfer between utility and standby generator sources is often accomplished using electrically operated circuit breakers in customized switchboard and switchgear systems, which are typically constructed to the applicable switchboard and switchgear standards, rather than UL 1008,” explains Jacob L. Huske, PE, vice president of Environmental Systems Design. “The transfer equipment will still be required to be listed and labeled per the National Electrical Code (NEC) to be accepted by the AHJ. However, other standards, such as UL 891 and UL 1558, are typically used in those cases.” While switchboards and switchgear can be used to transfer power, it is important to note that they are not covered by UL 1008. Facility executives should be aware of the requirements for those devices. UL 891 dead-front switchboards are rated at 600V or less and intended for use under NEC and ANSI/NFPA 70 for use where short-circuit currents are not more than 200,000 amperes. Electrical characteristics of assemblies under this standard address rated voltages, continuous current and short-circuit current ratings. They also must meet rated peak withstand current, conditional short-circuit current, fused shortcircuit current, diversity factor and frequency. UL 891 also has test specifications and routine tests. UL 1558 addresses metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit breaker switchgear assemblies that contain such devices as low-voltage power circuit breakers, other interrupting devices, switches, control, instrumentation and metering as well as protective and regulating equipment. UL 1558 low-voltage circuit breakers are not transfer switches, though some literature may incorrectly call them something such as “circuit breaker transfer switches.” These are addressed in the National Electrical Code and must also meet ANSI C37.20.1 (Standard for MetalEnclosed Low Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear) and ANSI C37.51 (Standard for Conformance Testing of Metal-Enclosed LowVoltage AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear Assemblies) to comply with UL 1558. Enclosed and deadfront switches mounted in enclosed panelboard or deadfront switchboards are manually operated by external handles. These transfer devices are designed for use in optional standby systems. They are sometimes referred to as double-throw transfer switches and are specifically excluded by UL 1008. However, they are covered extensively under UL 98. Panelboards for control and protection of electrical lighting and appliance branch circuits, as well as power circuits, including feeder distribution panelboards, are covered by UL 67. End Side Bars 13
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