Take a moment to find out why you should join the Vandenberg Village Association. Mr. Joe Barget, General Manager, Vandenberg Village Community Services District (VVCSD), gave a very informative talk about our water and sewer service. 2013 in Review The VVA became more active in the Fire Safety Council. More than a dozen residents completed the CERT training. Now that VVA has a certified Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), which is officially affiliated with VVA and our local SBCO Fire Station 51, we will soon be coordinating with Station 51 to receive basic medic training. VV CERT, comprised of Vandenberg Village residents, conducts an annual emergency training drill which prepares us to respond to natural disasters by better relying on ourselves and each other until professional responders arrive. CERT members work within their own neighborhoods as well as coordinate to form a unified response in cases of search & rescue or damage in a particular section of the village. VV CERT hopes to obtain team communication gear soon and improve radio communications for the entire village. VV CERT has applied for registration with Sacramento, which interconnects various CERT coordinators for special events. The Village appreciates the work of VVA board member Tam Taaffe for setting up this program. The V.V. Park & Playground Coalition was formed under the leadership of VVA members Steven Heuring and Robert Bumpass. They have received a grant from the Fund for Santa Barbara which will support membership building. Two of our board-members and a small team of volunteers in conjunction with the LVIB added many more barrels of flowers and plants along Constellation. The team continued their weekly maintenance of barrels and trees along Burton Mesa and Constellation. The VVA worked with S. B. County Public Works/ Roads Division to address several road issues and re-surfacing with positive results. Street tree maintenance program is also urged. The VVA continued to report street parking violations to the CHP. This is the #1 complaint we receive from Village residents. Our efforts were significantly helped when our S. B. County Board of Supervisors passed a new county wide ordinance reducing the amount of time for all vehicles to 72 hours. They also passed an ordinance to prohibit overnight parking of large commercial vehicles. Signs will soon be posted along Burton Mesa Blvd. near the apartments and condos. As a reminder, non-motorized detached trailers must be moved after 24 hours. VVA continues to contact Caltrans to request maintenance, especially litter and weed control in the medians and maintenance of the underpass area. VVA was successful in our effort to motivate the Village Shopping Center owner to improve the landscaping around the Village Shopping Center. The VVA also organized a clean up along the Alexander property that is between the Shopping Center parking lot and CoastHills Credit Union. The VVA provided monetary donations to support LVIB Hay-bales & Cocktails annual fundraising event. Besides the VVA giving a monetary donation, many of our VVA members actively supported the annual Village Library’s Support Campaign. Visit our website at www.vandenberg-village-association.org or send us an email at Contactus@vandenberg-village-association.org Our VVA meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the White Oaks Hotel in the upstairs meeting room. .......................................................... Our web site contains information vital to Village residents such as emergency numbers and web links to schools and government departments. Businesses wishing to be included on our Business Directory page should send in their yearly dues along with their business card. We will also link to either your email address or website address. 2 0 1 4 Me mb e r s hip For m & B allot Each December, we initiate our membership drive seeking new members and it is also the time that we elect our Board Members. Our Board Members serve a two-year term. Roughly half of the positions are selected each year to allow for continuity. Name(s) _____________________________ To become a member (or if it is time for you to renew your membership) - please fill out this form and mail it along with a check for $15.00 to VVA, 3745 Constellation Road, Lompoc CA 93436 or you can place it in the Drop Box located in the lobby of the Village RaboBank. Email: ___________________________________ Address: ________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone #: _________________________________ (Please consider providing your email address. Doing so will allow us to keep you informed in a timely manner. Your address will not be shared - not even with other members without your approval.) ....................................................... Important Phone Numbers: Supervisor Doreen Farr: (805) 568-2192 • Sheriff 737-7737 • CHP 688-5551 - (street parking violations) • Zoning: 934-6250 - (signs, unscreened storage) • Village Library: 733-3323 Please consider a donation to our Village Library The Village Library needs to raise $25,000 to maintain our hours. The Village Library only gets partial funding from S.B. County. The rest is up to us! Please consider becoming a VVA member A common misperception of the VVA is that we are a Home Owners Association. This is not the case and it is stated in our By-Laws that we are not. We do encourage Village Residents to maintain their property in a neat and orderly manner and to improve common areas, but it is not within our perview to enforce this desire. We help residents resolve complaints with neighbors by referring them to the appropriate County office or agency. The VVA is solely funded through our annual membership dues of only $15.00 per household or business. We depend on the volunteer spirit of our fellow residents to accomplish many of the beautification and fund raising projects we engage in. We actively support our library and local schools just to name a few. With your help we can do more - please consider becoming an active member of the Vandenberg Village Association. Ten Good Neighbor Policies 1. Homes are for residential purposes: nothing should become an annoyance or nuisance (such as loud noises and heavy traffic) to the neighborhood. County has further restrictions on in-home businesses. 2. Tents, trailers, RVs or garages: cannot be used as a residence (temporary or permanent). 3. Yard Maintenance: grass, weeds, and vegetation shall be kept mowed at regular intervals as to maintain the same in a neat and attractive manner. Control of gophers and moles should be attended to as needed. Pampas grass should be removed as it is a highly invasive weed. 4. Garbage Cans: must be screened from public view except for weekly pick up and then they should be promptly put away. 5. Trailers, boats, campers, motor homes, vehicles under repair, buses, or commercial trucks larger than a pickup truck shall not be stored on any part of said property, except in a garage or in a yard enclosed by a lattice, fence, wall or other enclosure approved by S.B. County. Enclosure shall be of a nature to effectively conceal its contents from outside view. 6. Front lawns, Parkways and Sidewalks: Front lawns shall not be used for storage or for parking. Parkways need to be kept up by the property owner. The county has an easement but does not maintain parkways. Do not block, crowd or encroach upon sidewalks with cars, electrical cords, water hoses or otherwise impede pedestrians traffic 7. Signage: An approved “For sale” or “for rent” sign can be no more than 4 sq. ft. and only one per parcel. Business signs need County permits; temporary plastic banners are not permitted. Garage/Estate sale signs shall not be placed on utility poles or along the public roadways. Lost pet signs should be removed in a timely fashion. provide appropriate off street parking for all vehicles. To report violations for the above please call CHP - Buellton 805-688-5551. A word about why these rules are important and why we as a community should actively enforce these rules. We know that some residents feel that it is no one’s business what they do with their property. However, violations of the rules previously listed can impose a significant health, safety and economic impact upon each of us. We should keep in mind why we chose to make Vandenberg Village our home in the first place. Probably one of the reasons is because we felt it was a nice community. Maintaining a community that is inviting and pleasing takes work, especially in these trying economic times. Coming together as a community and working with one another, we can ensure 8. On Site Storage: More than 100 sq. ft. of storage in public view is considered a ‘junk yard’ and violates county zoning. Storage Vandenberg Village remains an enjoyable must be behind an approved solid fence. Cor- place to live. ner lots have further restrictions. To report violations for all the above, please call the S.B. County Zoning Enforcement 805-934-6250. In order to have good neighbors 9. No Parking Areas: In the Country Club area where there are no curbs and no sidewalks, street parking is not permitted to allow safe pedestrian passage and width for emergency vehicles. Longer driveways allow for off street parking. 10. On-street parking limits: there is a limit of 24 hours for non-motorized trailers/ campers and 72 hours for all vehicles. Please you must be a good neighbor.
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