Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Yellow fever vaccine — how does it work and why do rare cases of serious adverse events take place? Alan DT Barrett1 and Dirk E Teuwen2 Yellow fever 17D vaccine is one of the most successful vaccines ever developed and over 540 million doses have been used. Nevertheless there has been very little known about the mechanism of protection induced by the vaccine. The last couple of years have seen important advances made in understanding how the vaccine works involving studies of the innate and adaptive immune responses plus a systems biology approach. Like all vaccines, the 17D vaccine causes rare serious adverse events (SAEs) following immunization. At present, the mechanism(s) of SAEs is(are) poorly understood but our advances in understanding the immune response induced by the vaccine have promise to help elucidate the mechanism of SAEs. Addresses 1 Sealy Center for Vaccine Development and Department of Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch, 301 University Blvd, Galveston, TX 77555-0436, United States 2 UCB Group, Brussels, Belgium Corresponding author: Barrett, Alan DT (abarrett@utmb.edu) and Teuwen, Dirk E (dirk.teuwen@ucb.com) Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:308–313 This review comes from a themed issue on Vaccines Edited by Greg Poland and Alan Barrett Available online 10th June 2009 0952-7915/$ – see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. DOI 10.1016/j.coi.2009.05.018 Introduction The yellow fever (YF) disease is caused by yellow fever virus (YFV) and is found in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical regions of South America. Wild-type YFV causes a pansystemic viral disease with viremia (up to 109 plaqueforming units (pfu)/ml), fever, hepatic, renal and myocardial injury, hemorrhage, shock, and up to 50% mortality (Figure 1). The liver is the target organ in vertebrate hosts and liver dysfunction results in patient’s skin turning yellow in color. Hence the name of the disease is ‘yellow fever’. There is no antiviral therapy to treat the disease and the disease is prevented by the use of a live attenuated vaccine, strain 17D. The 17D vaccine was developed in 1937 and has proved highly efficacious and one dose appears to give immunity for life. Despite its success, it is only in recent years that an understanding of how the vaccine works has been documented. Here, we review Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:308–313 what is known about the mechanism of immunity and rare adverse events following immunization, and where we have gaps in our knowledge. 17D vaccine The current status of 17D vaccine as of 2005 has been reviewed recently [1]. YFV is the prototype member of the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. It is a small icosahedral virus, approximately 50 nM in diameter. The virus has three structural proteins: core (C), membrane (M), and envelope (E), and seven nonstructural proteins (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5). The genome is a single strand of positive-sense RNA, approximately 10 800 nucleotides in length, including 50 and 30 untranslated (UTR) regions. The virus particle consists of the C protein that surrounds the genome and the M and E proteins on the outside of the virion. The E protein is the major immunogen. The nonstructural proteins are the replicating machinery of the virus and are found only in virus-infected cells. The original 17D strain was developed following 176 passages of wild-type strain Asibi in mouse and chicken tissue. Two substrains are used as the vaccine today, substrains 17D-204 and 17DD, which are at passages 235-240 and 287-289, respectively, from wild-type Asibi virus. Over 500 million doses have been administered since the vaccine was derived in 1937. The genomes of Asibi, 17D-204 and 17DD viruses have been determined and the wild-type Asibi differs from the vaccine viruses by 48 nucleotides encoding 20 amino acid substitutions. There are no nucleotide differences in the 50 UTR and no amino acid substitutions in the C protein while the 30 UTR has four nucleotide changes and the other nine proteins each have amino acid substitutions. The molecular basis of attenuation of 17D has not been determined. There are currently six manufacturers of 17D vaccine producing a combination of approximately 30–60 million doses per year and all 17D vaccine is produced in embryonated chicken eggs using technology that has changed little since 1945. One dose of vaccine contains between 104 and 106 pfu of virus. Although limited studies indicate that immunity lasts for at least 45 years, the World Health Organization requires booster immunizations every 10 years to maintain protective immunity. Host immune response following 17D immunization Until recently, the mechanism of protective immunity induced by the vaccine was poorly understood. The last www.sciencedirect.com Yellow fever vaccine Barrett and Teuwen 309 Figure 1 Yellow fever virus infection. couple of years have seen a number of publications that have investigated innate and adaptive immune responses to either 17D-204 or 17DD vaccine strains. Although a low viremia (<200 pfu/ml) is detected in approximately half of vaccinees following immunization, 17D-mediated immunity occurs within 10 days in 95% of vaccinees and induces protective immunity against all known wild-type strains. Interestingly, the 17D vaccine is effective against all 7 genotypes of wild-type YFV, which differ up to 25.1% at nucleotide level and 7.9% at amino acid level. 17D vaccines induce rapid and specific humoral immune response. IgM antibodies are detected between three to seven days post-vaccination, reach a peak by two weeks postvaccination, and then decline over several months. The neutralizing antibody response is rapid, detected by 7 days postvaccination, and may persist for at least 45 years. All studies to date indicate that neutralizing antibody is the correlate of protection with over 98% of vaccinees being fully protected for at least 10 years and it is considered the primary mechanism of protection against re-exposure. A low neutralization titer of 1:10 has been shown to be protective. Complement fixation (antiNS1) antibodies are detected by two weeks post wildtype YF infection and their levels increase rapidly but, interestingly, they are not seen post-vaccination. The 17D vaccine strain is a potent inducer of CD4+ and CD8+ cytotoxic T-cell responses against the nonstructural proteins NS1, NS2B, NS3, and the E structural protein. CD8+ T cells contribute to the protective immune response by mediating viral clearance. The CD8+ T-cell response to 17D YF reaches its peak 1–2 weeks post-vaccination [2], is detectable up to 19 months, and is thought to contribute to vaccine efficacy. One recent study examining the activation events and modulatory pathways in T cells after vaccination found that CD4+ T cells were activated early (day 7), CD19+ T cells were activated by day 15, and CD8+ T cells were activated late (day 30). This upregulation of modulatory features on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells at day 15 caused a lower level of CD38+ T cells by day 30 postvaccination [3]. www.sciencedirect.com In addition, recent studies have shown that the innate immune system also plays an important role in determining the strength and quality of adaptive immune responses. The 17D vaccine strain replicates minimally (maybe abortively?) in dendritic cells without causing substantial apoptotic cell death [4,5] and stimulates Toll-like receptors (TLR)s 2, 7, 8, and 9 [6]. This results in the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1b and TNF-a, and markers of the type I interferon (IFN-a/b) response are expressed by peripheral blood cells, plus dendritic cell activation, and maturation. These activated dendritic cells most likely migrate to regional lymph nodes and stimulate both cell-mediated and humoral adaptive immune responses [4,5,7]. Viral interaction with alternate TLRs modifies the Th1 and Th2 cytokine balance produced by activated immune cells, and it is possible that nonviral vaccine components could also influence this balance in 17D-204 immunization [6,7], while ELISpot has been used to show that IFN-g and IL-4 were significantly increased on day 15 post-17DD immunization [8]. The interferoninduced peripheral lymphocyte response by vaccinees may be mediated in part through the action of 20 –50 oligoadenylate synthetase. Levels of this enzyme are increased in lymphocytes by day 4 postvaccination and reach a maximum at day 7. Natural killer cells have also been shown to play a role early in virus infection [9] plus upregulation of FcgR and IL-10R following 17DD immunization. Systems biology is now being applied to the study of the 17D immune response and is providing an opportunity to understand how the various arms of the immune response are integrated to give a protective immune response. It is clear that 17D-204 vaccine-mediated immunity involves both the innate and adaptive immune responses, which are orchestrated by major transcription factors, including STAT1, IRF7, and ETS2 [10,11]. Importantly, Querec et al. [11] have identified C1qB and ETIF2ak4 as a 90% predictor of CD8+ T-cell responses and TNFRSF17 (which encodes a receptor for growth factor BLyS-BAFF) as a 100% predictor of the neutralizing antibody response induced by the vaccine. These studies have great potential to help elucidate the mechanism of protective immunity. Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:308–313 310 Vaccines Table 1 Precautions and contraindications for the administration of YF 17D vaccine. Age Risk for adverse reactions appears to be age related Infants younger than six months of age should not be vaccinated because they are more susceptible to neurological adverse event Analysis of passively reported adverse events indicate that persons older than 60 years of age may be at increased risk for systemic adverse events following vaccination compared with younger persons Risk of any serious adverse event following vaccination has been estimated at about 4 per 100 000 doses for people aged 60–69 years old and 7.5 per 100 000 doses for people 70 years and older Thymus disease (history of) Thymus disease, including thymectomy, has been identified as a contraindication to YF vaccine as compromised thymic function is an independent risk factor for YEL-AVD Pregnancy Safety of YF vaccination during pregnancy has not been well established Pregnant women should be immunized only if travel to an area with risk of YF is unavoidable or when during an outbreak immunization campaign Immunosuppression Infection with YF vaccine virus poses a theoretical risk for travelers with, first, leukemia, lymphoma or generalized malignancy; second, history of thymus disease or thymectomy; or third, treatment with corticosteroids, alkylating drugs, antimetabolites, or radiation Immunosuppressed patients who are unable to effectively resist viral infections should not be vaccinated Immunosuppression in association with HIV Infection with YF vaccine virus also poses a theoretical risk for travelers with immunosuppression in association with HIV infection Persons who are HIV-infected, but do not have AIDS or other symptomatic manifestations of HIV infection, and have established laboratory verification of immune system function (e.g., CD4 >200/mm3), and who cannot avoid potential exposure to YF disease should be offered the vaccination and monitored closely for possible adverse effects Seroconversion rates after YF vaccination among asymptomatic HIV-infected persons are limited, but indicate that the seroconversion rate among such persons may be reduced. Because vaccination of asymptomatic HIV-infected persons might be less effective than that of persons not infected with HIV, measurement of the neutralizing antibody response to vaccination should be considered post-vaccination Hypersensitivity YF vaccine is produced in embryonated chicken eggs and should not be given to persons hypersensitive to eggs Vaccine-associated adverse events The 17D vaccine has an excellent safety record with only rare cases of serious adverse events (SAEs) following immunization. It is well tolerated with recipients reporting injection site pain, inflammation, mild headaches, myalgia, low-grade fever, backache, or other minor symptoms that occur 2–11 days post-vaccination. There are a number of precautions and contraindications (Table 1). Two types of SAEs have been reported: first, vaccineassociated neurotropic disease (YEL-AND) caused by Figure 2 Clinical summary of YEL-AND and YEL-AVD. Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:308–313 www.sciencedirect.com Yellow fever vaccine Barrett and Teuwen 311 neuroinvasion of the 17D virus and second, vaccineassociated viscerotropic disease (YEL-AVD), a pansystemic infection starting often with hepatic involvement, a condition very similar to wild-type YF infection (Figure 1). Vaccine-associated neurotropic disease (YEL-AND) Cases of YEL-AND (previously named postvaccine encephalitis) have similar profiles, irrespective of the manufacturing source of the 17D YF vaccine. Typically they occur in first-time vaccinees only, with an onset of illness 2–30 days post-vaccination. The case fatality rate (CFR) is <5% [12] (Figure 2). Vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease (YEL-AVD) Cases of YEL-AVD (previously named febrile multiple organ system failure or post-vaccination multiple organ system failure) have been described among recipients of vaccines produced by all 17D-204 and 17DD vaccine manufacturers and, as with YEL-AND (Figure 2). All cases have occurred in first-time vaccinees. The vaccine virus has been cultured from blood, serum, heart, liver, spleen, skin, brain, spinal cord, kidney, lungs and skeletal muscle. Liver biopsy of a fatal case before death showed minimal periportal inflammation, mild microvesicular fatty change, and focal degeneration of parenchymal tissue without hepatocellular necrosis. Significantly, no nucleotide mutations have been identified in the vaccine viruses isolated from vaccinees of YEL-AVD. YF antigen can be detected in the liver and spleen and YF viral particles have been identified by electron microscopy in spleen and lung. Microscopic examination of liver tissue showed midzonal necrosis, steatosis, eosinophilic degeneration of hepatocytes, apoptosis with Councilman bodies, microvesicular fatty changes, and minimal inflammation. Myocarditis and tubular necrosis have also been observed and the neutralizing antibody titers against the virus were higher than expected in some patients (reviewed by [13]). YEL-AVD was first reported in the literature in 2001 and was initially considered to be a recent phenomenon until Engel et al. [14] reported that a case had occurred in a Brazilian woman, vaccinated in 1975. Following the initial 12 reports in 2001, an additional 39 cases have been identified worldwide as of May 2009, yielding a total of 51 cases thus far [13,15]. The most recent cases are a cluster of 4 fatal cases in the Ica Department of Peru out of 42 000 persons given the same lot of 17D vaccine. At the time of writing this review, the cause of this cluster is currently under investigation and no cause has been identified [16]. Three potential risk factors for the development of SAEs, and of YEL-AND have been identified: first, advanced www.sciencedirect.com age (60 years or older); second, males [15]; and third, history of thymus disease with a thymectomy. The estimated frequency of YEL-AVD in USA is calculated between 0.3 and 0.5 cases per 100 000 doses distributed, while rates are higher among people 60–69 years old (1.1 case per 100 000 doses), and higher again among those who are over 70 years (3.2 per 100 000 doses). The estimated incidence in the UK and in France is similar at 0.25 case per 100 000 doses. An Australian review of adverse events following YF immunization revealed a similar increasing frequency of SAEs with increasing age, and a Brazilian study revealed a similar estimated risk of YEL-AVD ranging from 0.06 to 1.32 case per 100 000 doses [17]. The CFR of YEL-AVD is around 60% with a higher CFR in women when compared to men. Although there is increasing incidence of YEL-AVD with age, there is no evidence that the neutralizing antibody response is reduced in senior citizens compared to younger adults [18]. Mechanism of YEL-AVD A major obstacle of studying YEL-AVD is the limited number of cases and availability of limited samples at early times following immunization. The latter is not surprising as the initial clinical symptoms of YEL-AVD are not recognized because prodromal signs and symptoms are aspecific and not suggestive of a potential wildtype YF like disease. In addition, other than the Ica cluster, there has never been more than one case associated with a particular lot of 17D vaccine. Overall, those limited samples have greatly hindered research on YELAVD and the mechanism of YEL-AVD remains to be elucidated. Nevertheless there have been some important studies during the last few years. Significantly, in several YEL-AVD cases, there are large and prolonged viremias and elevation of liver enzymes, characteristic of that seen in wild-type YF infection [19,20]. Antigenspecific B-cell and T-cell responses indicating no apparent impairment to the host immune response have been documented [19]. On the other hand, YEL-AVD cases have shown reduced platelet counts and the role of the complement needs to be further studied. Anomalies in the innate immune response, including increased IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, monokine induced by IFN-g, and GRO have also been identified. A comprehensive study of a fatal YEL-AVD in a young female patient in the United States identified heterozygous genetic polymorphisms in chemokine receptor CCR5 and its ligand RANTES, but OAS1, OAS2, TLR3, and DC-SIGN were wild-type [21,22]. A potential hypothesis centers around a disconnection between the signaling of innate immune response and the timely activation of the adaptive immune response. In contrast to the above studies, two recent studies have found few affects in immunization related to immune suppression. A study of 102 HIVinfected patients who received 17D vaccine revealed that Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:308–313 312 Vaccines HIV-infected patients responded to 17D vaccine less than non-HIV-infected individuals in terms of numbers of individuals who had generated neutralizing antibodies and the neutralizing antibody titer was generally lower. Nonetheless, there was no evidence (of increased incidence) of either YEL-AVD or YEL-AND [20]. A study of 70 rheumatological patients using immunosuppressors and vaccinated with 17DD vaccine, revealed that 16 patients (22.5%) reported some minor adverse effect, only one presented a mild adverse effect, and adverse events were no more frequent than those exist among immunocompetent individuals [23]. Conclusions Recent years have seen great strides in our understanding of the immune response induced by 17D vaccine. These advances have important implications as a proof-of-principle to understand how one dose of vaccine can give apparent life-long protective immunity. Despite intensive multidisciplinary efforts to understand the potential mechanisms of YEL-AVD and YEL-AND our understanding is still poor. There is an urgent need for further research on the interaction of the virus, host genetics, and the host immune response following immunization to understand why YEL-AND and YEL-AVD develop in certain cases. To this end an International Laboratory Network has been established for YF vaccineassociated adverse events ([24]). An important part of the investigation process is the collection of appropriate samples to study YF adverse events and dos Santos et al. [25] have developed a protocol to analyze blood samples from cases of severe adverse events. Overall, 17D vaccine is the only approach to the prevention of the YF disease. Despite the occurrence of rare YEL-AND and YEL-AVD cases, the benefit–risk ratio of YF immunization is very positive for travelers and for persons during YF outbreak control campaigns. As with all vaccines, it is necessary to carefully consider whether or not the individual should receive the vaccine. 17D immunization should be given only to individuals who are going to a location at a time when there is a risk of YF. Furthermore, contraindications to administration of the vaccine should be carefully evaluated (see Table 1). Clearly, only those who have a demonstrable risk of acquiring YF should be immunized. References and recommended reading Papers of particular interest, published within the period of the review, have been highlighted as: of special interest of outstanding interest 1. Barrett AD, Monath TP, Barban V, Niedrig M, Teuwen DE: 17D yellow fever vaccines: new insights. A report of a workshop held during the World Congress on medicine and health in the Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:308–313 tropics, Marseille, France, Monday 12 September 2005. Vaccine 2007, 25(15):2758-2765. 2. Miller JD, van der Most RG, Akondy RS, Glidewell JT, Albott S, Masopust D, Murali-Krishna K, Mahar PL, Edupuganti S, Lalor S et al.: Human effector and memory CD8+ T cell responses to smallpox and yellow fever vaccines. Immunity 2008, 28(5):710722. Demonstration of early CD8+ T-cell response following immunization is much larger than previously recognized. Martins MA, Silva ML, Marciano AP, Peruhype-Magalha˜es V, EloiSantos SM, Ribeiro GL, Correa-Oliveira R, Homma A, Kroon EG, Teixeira-Carvalho A et al.: Activation/modulation of adaptive immunity emerges simultaneously after 17DD yellow fever first-time vaccination: is this the key to prevent severe adverse reactions following immunization? Clin Exp Immunol 2007, 148(1):90-100. A study of upregulation and downregulation of various T-cell markers and hypothesis that a ‘controlled microenvironment’ may be key for preventing YEL-AVD. 3. 4. Barba-Spaeth G, Longman RS, Albert ML, Rice CM: Live attenuated yellow fever 17D infects human DCs and allows for presentation of endogenous and recombinant T cell epitopes. J Exp Med 2005, 202(9):1179-1184. 5. Palmer DR, Fernandez S, Bisbing J, Peachman KK, Rao M, Barvir D, Gunther V, Burgess T, Kohno Y, Padmanabhan R et al.: Restricted replication and lysosomal trafficking of yellow fever 17D vaccine virus in human dendritic cells. J Gen Virol 2007, 88(Pt 1):148-156. 6. Querec T, Bennouna S, Alkan S, Laouar Y, Gorden K, Flavell R, Akira S, Ahmed R, Pulendran B: Yellow fever vaccine YF-17D activates multiple dendritic cell subsets via TLR2, 7, 8, and 9 to stimulate polyvalent immunity. J Exp Med 2006, 203(2):413-424. 7. 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Immune response to vaccination is preceded by coordinated induction of transcription factors. 11. Querec TD, Akondy RS, Lee EK, Cao W, Nakaya HI, Teuwen D, Pirani A, Gernert K, Deng J, Marzolf B et al.: Systems biology approach predicts immunogenicity of the yellow fever vaccine in humans. Nat Immunol 2009, 10(1):116-125. Use of systems biology to investigate the immune response following 17D vaccination and identification of molecules that predict the CD8+ an antibody response of vaccinees. 12. McMahon AW, Eidex RB, Marfin AA, Russell M, Sejvar JJ, Markoff L, Hayes EB, Chen RT, Ball R, Braun MM et al.: Neurologic disease associated with 17D-204 yellow fever vaccination: a report of 15 cases. Yellow Fever Working Group. Vaccine 2007, 25(10):1727-1734. 13. Hayes EB: Acute viscerotropic disease following vaccination against yellow fever. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2007, 101(10):967-971. Overview of YEL-AVD cases. 14. Engel AR, Vasconcleos PFC, McArthur MA, Barrett ADT: Characterization of a viscerotropic yellow fever vaccine variant from a patient in Brazil. Vaccine 2006, 24(15):2803-2809. www.sciencedirect.com Yellow fever vaccine Barrett and Teuwen 313 15. Lindsey NP, Schroeder BA, Miller ER, Braun MM, Hinckley AF, Marano N, Slade BA, Barnett ED, Brunette GW, Horan K et al.: Adverse event reports following yellow fever vaccination. Vaccine 2008, 26(48):6077-6082. 16. World Health Organization: Wkly Epidemiol Rec2008, 83:285 289. Review of YEL-AVD cases that took place in Ica, Peru cluster and the identification of gaps in our knowledge of the adverse events. 17. Fernandes GC, Camacho LA, Sa´ Carvalho M, Batista M, de Almeida SM: Neurological adverse events temporally associated to mass vaccination against yellow fever in Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 1999–2005. Vaccine 2007, 25(16):3124-3128. 18. Monath TP, Cetron MS, McCarthy K, Nichols R, Archambault WT, Weld L, Bedford P: Yellow fever 17D vaccine safety and immunogenicity in the elderly. Hum Vaccine 2005, 1(5):207-214. 19. Bae HG, Domingo C, Tenorio A, de Ory F, Mun˜oz J, Weber P, Teuwen DE, Niedrig M: Immune response during adverse events after 17D-derived yellow fever vaccination in Europe. J Infect Dis 2008, 197(11):1577-1584. Elevation in cytokines and reduction in platelet counts may be surrogate markers for and early warning of the development of YEL-AVD. 20. Veit O, Niedrig M, Chapuis-Taillard C, Cavassini M, Mossdorf E, Schmid P, Bae HG, Litzba N, Staub T, Hatz C et al.: Immunogenicity and safety of yellow fever vaccination for 102 HIV-infected patients. Clin Infect Dis 2009, 48(5):659-666. www.sciencedirect.com 21. Belsher JL, Gay P, Brinton M, DellaValla J, Ridenour R, Lanciotti R, Perelygin A, Zaki S, Paddock C, Querec T et al.: Fatal multiorgan failure due to yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease. Vaccine 2007, 25(50):8480-8485. The best description to date of a case of YEL-AVD, which also demonstrates the gaps in our knowledge. 22. Pulendran B, Miller J, Querec TD, Akondy R, Moseley N, Laur O, Glidewell J, Monson N, Zhu T, Zhu H et al.: Case of yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease with prolonged viremia, robust adaptive immune responses, and polymorphisms in CCR5 and RANTES genes. J Infect Dis 2008, 198(4):500-507. Follow-up to Belsher et al. [21] study that undertakes a detailed study of the immune response in the case of YEL-AVD. 23. da Mota LM, Oliveira AC, Lima RA, dos Santos-Neto LL, Tauil PL: Vaccination against yellow fever among patients on immunosuppressors with diagnoses of rheumatic diseases. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 2009, 42(1):23-27. 24. Barrett AD, Niedrig M, Teuwen DE: International laboratory network for yellow fever vaccine-associated adverse events. Vaccine 2008, 26(43):5441-5442. 25. dos Santos AP, Bertho AL, Martins Rde M, Marcovistz R: The sample processing time interval as an influential factor in flow cytometry analysis of lymphocyte subsets. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2007, 102(1):117-120. Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:308–313
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