Breakthrough in cancer therapy: Encapsulation of drugs and viruses

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Breakthrough in cancer therapy: Encapsulation
of drugs and viruses
Kenneth Lundstrom & Teni Boulikas
Regulon Inc, Switzerland & USA
Cancer suffering and deaths still have devastating sociological dimensions
despite multitudes of approaches and decades of research. However, a
major breakthrough in cancer treatment is at hand. Novel liposome-based
encapsulation technologies offer the potential for safe, efficient delivery of
drugs, genes or even entire virus particles, specifically to tumors and
Successful treatment of cancer has been
one of the primary goals of medicine for
the last two decades, but results have
been fairly modest due to several factors.
There are various forms of cancers that can
affect most of the organs in the body, while
several cancer types can co-occur and the
disease can progress with variable aggressiveness. The spread of the cancerous
tissue is also highly dependent on tissue
origin and the time of diagnosis. Moreover,
various cancer types can show completely
different responses to treatment. Major
obstacles for achieving high efficacy of
cancer treatment include the limitations of
surgical procedures, the inefficent and
non-specific action of drugs and the strong
side effects observed in patients after
chemotherapy. These problems are caused
by inefficient targeting of tumor tissue, particularly related to secondary tumors or
Liposome formulations
Liposome formulations and devise methods
have been developed, which could be used
for encapsulation of drugs or plasmid DNA.
A variety of drug-loading methods are available. Lipophilic drug entrapment (passive
loading) can be achieved by preparing a
mixture of vesicle-forming lipids and the
drug in a dried film, and hydrating the
mixture to form liposomes; the drugs
become trapped predominantly in the lipid
bilayer of the vesicles. It is possible to
capture hydrophilic drugs by passive
loading, where the drug is dissolved in the
aqueous medium used to hydrate a lipid
film; however, encapsulation efficiencies
are in the range of 5 to 20%. An alternative
for capturing hydrophilic drugs involves
reverse evaporation from an organic
solvent. Amphipathic or ionizable
hydrophilic drugs can also be loaded into
liposomes against a transmembrane pH
gradient, achieving even greater drugloading efficiencies.
In general, two major problems are
associated with drug encapsulation. First,
encapsulation efficacy can be extremely
low (<20%), severely limiting the use of
this approach for large-scale production
and clinical trials. Second, the gene delivery capacity and especially the potential of
cell membrane penetration is limited for
many of the liposomes developed. In an
effort to improve the efficacy of gene
Renewed hope
The development of molecular biology
technologies, and more recently, the birth
of gene therapy has opened up new
avenues, not only for fundamental research
on cancer, but also for development of
improved therapeutics. Although gene
therapy is still in its infancy, massive work
has been carried out on various viral and
non-viral gene delivery systems and a
variety of transfection reagents with potentially high delivery capacity have been
developed. Unfortunately, transfection efficacy has been disappointingly low in most
cases when administered in vivo.
November 2002
In vitro transcriptions
BHK cell
SFV particles
Figure 1. Alphavirus expression system. Recombinant SFV particles are generated from DNA
plasmids by in vitro RNA transcription followed by co-transfection of BHK cells.
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delivery, and furthermore to achieve
cell/tissue-specific targeting, tumor-specific sequences have been introduced into
the liposome structures as plasmid carriers, which has resulted in some success.
such as cancer gene therapy, favor a highlevel but short-term expression pattern and
in these cases, adenovirus or alphavirus
vectors might be more appropriate.
Viral vectors
Alphaviruses are well characterized,
single-stranded RNA viruses with an envelope structure. Three alphavirus species,
Semliki Forest virus (SFV), Sindbis virus
and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
(VEE), have been developed as expression
vectors and used for gene delivery both in
vitro and in vivo. In particular, engineering
of replication-deficient vectors has permitted high-level and short-term heterologous
gene expression. This has been achieved
by splitting the genome on two plasmids.
The expression vector carries the nonstructural viral genes and a strong viral promoter, downstream of which the foreign
gene of interest is inserted. The helper
vector contains the structural genes, ie, the
capsid and envelope protein genes.
Packaging of recombinant particles takes
place in mammalian host cells, for
example baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells
(Figure 1). Recently, a split helper system
Viral vectors possess a natural ability to
efficiently infect host cells. Another attractive feature is their capacity to promote
high levels of transgene expression in
infected cells or tissues. A variety of viral
vectors have been engineered for gene
delivery and recombinant purposes, including adenovirus, adeno-associated virus
(AAV), alphaviruses, herpes simplex virus
(HSV), lentivirus and retrovirus. As different
vectors possess specific features and properties, their potential applications are therefore specifically defined. For instance,
retroviruses, lentiviruses (a subfamily of
retroviruses) and AAV all have the capacity
to integrate into the host genome and HSV
can establish a latent infection and persist
for life in the host organism. For this
reason, these vectors are useful when longterm expression of the therapeutic gene is
required. However, many applications,
Semliki Forest virus vectors
Figure 2. Neuron-specific heterologous gene expression. A. Stereotactic injection of SFV-LacZ virus
into rat brain resulted in high-level local expression of β-galactosidase. B. Larger magnification of
A. C. SFV-GFP infection of rat hippocampal slice cultures demonstrated that >90% of the GFPpositive cells were of neuronal origin. D. Larger magnification of C. so, Stratum oriens; sp, Stratum
was developed, which has further reduced
the possible recombination frequency to
less than 4 x 10-17. SFV particles can also
be generated in packaging cell lines harboring the viral structural genes. The titers
of produced particles are reasonably high,
approximately 109 to 1010 infectious particles per ml. For gene therapy applications, a further step of purification and
concentration performed on a matrix affinity column is mandatory.
Infection of neuronal cells
Stereotactic injection of recombinant SFV
carrying the LacZ gene into rat brain has
shown that SFV can efficiently infect neuronal cells (Figure 2A to B). Similar observations were made for SFV-based green
florescent protein (GFP) expression in hippocampal slice cultures (Figure 2C to D),
SFV therefore has a great potential in the
gene therapy of astrocytomas. Other SFV
strains have revealed the potential of
primary transduction of glial cells with
implications in therapy of glioblastomas.
SFV vectors are also able to infect a variety
of cell types and may find applications in a
variety of human malignancies.
Generally, SFV vectors have shown high
cytotoxicity to host cells and because of
this, a very limited time of transgene
expression. Obviously, for cancer therapy
the capability to kill host cells should be
considered as an advantage, but rapid cell
death - within 2 to 3 days - will limit the
full potential of the therapeutic gene.
Therefore, it is beneficial to obtain vectors
with lower cytotoxicity resulting in prolonged heterologous gene expression. For
these purposes, novel, less cytotoxic SFV
vectors have been developed. For instance,
the SFV-PD vector has demonstrated substantially prolonged transgene expression in
cell lines and hippocampal slice cultures.
Due to their broad host range, SFV particles are potentially very interesting as
gene delivery vectors, but their strong preference for neuronal expression can be a
concern. Animal studies have indicated
that although no spread of β-galactosidase
is observed after stereotactic injection into
rat striatum and amygdala, strong transgene expression is detectable in neurons at
the injection site. In case of brain tumor
therapy, this could cause a significant
problem because of the non-selective
November 2002
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expression in normal tissue as well as in
tumors. Moreover, because alphavirus
vectors are RNA-based there is no possibility of restricting expression by using
tissue-specific promoters. Targeting of
alphavirus-based expression has therefore
relied almost completely on modifications
of the viral envelope structure. It has previously been shown for Sindbis virus that
the introduction of IgG binding domains of
protein A into the E2 spike protein can
alter the host range and result in antibodyspecific infection of host cells. In a similar
way, the feasibility of the introduction of
foreign sequences into the SFV envelope
has been demonstrated. Although this type
of targeting can contribute to improved
efficacy of gene expression specifically in
cancer tissue, modified methods will be
required to maximize the therapeutic
effect. One approach in this direction has
been to develop technologies for liposomemediated drug or gene delivery.
Encapsulation technology
Many attempts have been made to encapsulate various drugs or small molecules
into liposome structures. The advantages
of this approach are numerous, as liposomes:
• can slowly release drugs, encapsulated
into the lumen of their lipid bilayer, into the
blood stream of animals including humans
• can evade the immune system and minimize allergic and other untoward reactions
caused by drugs and proteins
• change the pharmacokinetics of encapsulated drugs, often retaining the drug in
circulation into body fluids for prolonged
• usually reduce substantially the toxicity
of the drug
• taken up by cells warrant entrance of
chemicals and other molecules into otherwise inaccessible cells
• can be targeted to tumors and preferentially accumulate in tumor tissues and
their metastases by extravasation through
their leaky neovasculature.
Ideally, this would allow systemic drug
delivery, extend the time of drug circulation
and because of the targeting, less damage
will be caused to the normal tissue and
patients will suffer from fewer side effects.
Two major obstacles have so far prevented
a major breakthrough in tumor therapy
November 2002
Figure 3. Systemic delivery of encapsulated plasmid DNA. A liposomally-encapsulated plasmid
carrying the LacZ gene was systemically administered into SCID mice implanted with human
tumors. X-gal staining revealed efficient targeting of β-galactosidase expression.
using this approach. First, encapsulation
efficacy has been disappointingly low,
making the manufacturing process timeconsuming and expensive, and second, the
generated liposomes have not been able to
efficiently target tumors and/or penetrate
into the cancerous tissue.
Drug encapsulation
Regulon has developed a new, patented
method for liposome encapsulation that
has demonstrated substantially improved
efficacy (>90%). These liposomes are
capable of both passive targeting of
primary tumors and metastases, and have
the ability to penetrate cell membranes.
To demonstrate the efficacy of gene delivery, a mammalian expression vector carrying the LacZ gene was encapsulated and
injected either intraperitoneally or intravenously into SCID mice implanted with
human tumors. Whole animal carcass
staining visualized the efficient targeting
of β-galactosidase expression to tumors as
well as their vasculature (Figure 3), while
normal tissue showed hardly any β-galactosidase staining. Histological analysis
also suggested that no damage related to
the treatment occurred in non-cancerous
tissues. Using a similar approach, cisplatin, commonly used in cancer therapy,
was encapsulated into liposomes. The
product called Lipoplatin™ has entered
phase I and phase II trials as described
Cisplatin is one of the most widely
used and most effective cytotoxic agents in
the treatment of epithelial malignancies
such as lung, head and neck, ovarian,
bladder and testicular cancer. However, its
continued clinical use is impeded by its
severe adverse reactions including renal
toxicity, gastrointestinal toxicity, peripheral
neuropathy, asthenia, and ototoxicity.
Lipoplatin was developed in order to
reduce the systemic toxicity of cisplatin
while simultaneously improving the targeting of the drug to the primary tumor and its
metastases and enhancing the time of circulation in body fluids and tissues. The
therapy shows zero nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, cardiotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, neuropathy, and no hair loss; the only adverse
reactions are mild myelotoxicity and mild
nausea. Phase II studies show that combination of Lipoplatin with radiation therapy,
Gemzar or Taxol can considerably shrink
lung, pancreatic and head and neck cancer
as well as most other human malignancies, even in stage III or IV cancer patients,
and as a second- or third-line treatment
after failure of other chemotherapies.
Viral encapsulation
The efficient encapsulation of drugs, small
molecules and DNA plasmids led to the
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Naked recombinant
SFV particles
Encapsulated SFV
Figure 4. Systemic delivery of recombinant SFV particles. Intravenous or intraperitoneal administration of SFV-LacZ results in widespread infection, whereas encapsulated SFV-LacZ particles are
targeted to tumors.
idea of encapsulation of viral particles as a
way of targeting the gene delivery and also
protecting the normal tissue from damage
as well as the generation of antibody
responses against the viral vehicle (Figure
4). The feasibility of this approach was
tested by administration of liposomeencapsulated recombinant SFV particles
expressing β-galactosidase into SCID mice.
X-gal staining revealed massive β-galactosidase expression in implanted tumors while
only a minor signal was found around the
injection site. Further administration of high
concentrations of encapsulated SFV particles showed no toxicity in normal tissue.
Based on the animal studies, it was possible to initiate a phase I/II trial on recombinantly expressed interleukin-12 (IL-12).
The p40 and p35 subunits of IL-12 were
introduced into the same SFV vector downstream of individual SFV 26S promoters,
which resulted in secretion of high yields of
enzymatically active recombinant IL-12 in
various mammalian cell lines. Application
of the SFV-PD vector resulted in elevated
levels and prolonged duration of IL-12
expression. The encapsulated SFV-PD-IL12 has been named LipoVIL12™.
Lipoplatin trial
A combined phase I and II study was conducted with Lipoplatin, which was administered as an 8-hour intravenous infusion.
The treatment caused no renal toxicity
(even of Grade 1), neuropathy, ototoxicity,
hepatotoxicity, cardiotoxicity or allergic
reactions in any patient. The patients
showed only mild nausea and vomiting,
and Grade 1-3 bone marrow toxicity. The
long circulation properties of Lipoplatin
were confirmed by measured platinum
levels in sera and urine excretion.
Combination treatment (Lipoplatin +
Gemzar) of patients with histologically confirmed advanced pancreatic, non-small
lung-cell, head and neck and bladder
cancers, showed significant clinical benefits in patients previously diagnosed as
resistant to first- and second-line
patients indeed display higher levels of IL12 than sera from placebo-treated patients.
ELISA tests on patients also revealed an
increase in tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interferon-γ levels. The immunostimulation was clearly transient and the
IL-12 activity returned to base levels after
approximately 4 days. The encapsulation
procedure substantially helped to overcome the major obstacles of systemic virus
delivery. The liposome-coated SFV particles were targeted to tumors, stayed for an
extended time in circulation and most
importantly, were protected from clearance
by immune cells and generation of antibodies against SFV particles. Because of
the absence of immune responses,
repeated administration of encapsulated
SFV particles was feasible.
Capturing the future
Encapsulation technology has substantially
improved the success rate in cancer
therapy. The major obstacles characterized
by inefficient drug or gene delivery and the
severe side effects related to chemotherapy
can be eliminated to a large extent. The
encouraging results obtained from phase I
and phase II trials indicate that the lipo-
LipoVIL12 trial
Phase I trials were conducted with
LipoVIL12 against advanced melanoma
and renal cancer, refractory to other treatments. Treatment caused no toxicity to
kidney, liver, bone marrow, neuronal, cardiovascular or any other organ. However,
allergies including mild fever, chills, skin
rush and tachycardia were observed due to
the overexpression of the therapeutic
cytokine IL-12. Previous studies on infection of cell lines with these SFV-IL-12 particles had demonstrated that infected cells
produce extremely large amounts of SFVdriven human IL-12, representing the
major synthesized protein (Figure 5).
Therefore, intravenous infusion of
LipoVIL12 was expected to sustain high
levels of IL-12 protein that is also anticipated to be secreted into the bloodstream.
Consistent with this, sera of treated
Figure 5. Metabolic labeling of BHK cells
infected with SFV-PD-IL-12. BHK cells
infected with SFV-PD vector expressing the
p40 and p35 subunits of IL-12 were labeled
with [35S]methionine at 18 hours postinfection and the expression verified by SDSPAGE and autoradiography.
November 2002
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somes are applicable against various forms
of cancer. Preliminary studies demonstrated that in addition to the cancer types
mentioned above, efficacy was also
obtained for breast, kidney, lung and
prostate cancers. Another attractive feature
of the liposomes is their capacity to target
not only primary tumors but also metastases. This will substantially improve the
therapeutic efficacy.
The versatility of the encapsulation
technology should also be acknowledged.
Here, examples of a liposomally-coated
drug, cisplatin, and a recombinant
alphavirus expressing an immunostimulatory cytokine gene were presented. The
application range is obviously almost
unlimited as small molecules, oligonucleotides, DNA plasmids, peptides and
proteins can be encapsulated. The technology should also be applicable to viruses
other than alphaviruses such as AAV or
lentivirus. Moreover, any foreign gene
could in theory be introduced into the viral
vectors, ranging from immunostimulatory
genes to toxic genes as well as genes
coding for enzymes necessary for normal
cellular functions. Furthermore, various
combination therapies including surgery,
radiation or chemotherapy can be tested.
With these possibilities in mind, it looks
like a major breakthrough in cancer treatment is at hand, and it is likely that the
technology could be used in the therapy of
other diseases.
Kenneth Lundstrom
Regulon Inc
Chemin des Croisettes 22
CH-1066 Epalinges
Teni Boulikas
Regulon Inc
715 North Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View
CA 94043
Lundstrom K (2002) Alphavirus-based vaccines. Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics 4(1):28-34.
Martin F, Boulikas T (1998) The challenge of liposomes in gene therapy. Gene Therapy & Molecular Biology 1:173-214.
Ohno K et al (1997) Cell-specific targeting of Sindbis virus vectors displaying IgG-binding domains of protein A. Nature
Biotechnology 15:763-767.
Polo JM et al (1999) Stable aplhavirus packaging cell lines for Sindbis virus- and Semliki Forest virus-derived vectors.
Proceedings of National Academy of Science USA 96:4598-4603.
Smerdou C, Liljeström P (1999) Two-helper RNA system for production of recombinant Semliki Forest virus particles. Journal
of Virology 73:1499-1504.
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