Mechanisms of Signal Transduction: A Novel interaction between AIP4 and β PIX is mediated by an SH3 domain Jay M. Janz, Thomas P. Sakmar and K. Christopher Min J. Biol. Chem. published online July 25, 2007 Find articles, minireviews, Reflections and Classics on similar topics on the JBC Affinity Sites. Alerts: • When this article is cited • When a correction for this article is posted Click here to choose from all of JBC's e-mail alerts This article cites 0 references, 0 of which can be accessed free at Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 Access the most updated version of this article at doi: 10.1074/jbc.M702678200 JBC Papers in Press. Published on July 25, 2007 as Manuscript M702678200 The latest version is at A NOVEL INTERACTION BETWEEN AIP4 AND βPIX IS MEDIATED BY AN SH3 DOMAIN Jay M. Janz1,*, Thomas P. Sakmar1, and K. Christopher Min2 1 Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY, 10021. 2Department of Neurology, Columbia University, 710 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032. RUNNING TITLE: Structural insight into the βPIX/AIP4 complex *To whom correspondence should be addressed: The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, Box 187, New York, NY, 10021. Tel: 212-327-8283 Fax: 212-327-7904 Email: Two prominent transmembrane receptor families facilitate cellular communication with the extracellular environment – G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). A wide array of ligands bind to these receptors to orchestrate signaling networks integral to many cellular functions. Internalization and degradation of receptor molecules from both families regulate signal duration and termination(1,2). E3 ubiquitin ligases, which catalyze the ubiquitination of receptors, control intracellular sorting, recycling and degradation (3- 1 Copyright 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 5). Representative E3 ligases include AIP4 (Atrophin-Interacting Protein 4), which ubiquitinates the GPCR chemokine receptor CXCR4 (6), and Cbl (Casitas B-Lymphoma protein), which ubiquitinates the RTK epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (7-9). The importance of signal termination control is exemplified by recent work implicating prolonged signaling as a cause of cellular transformation (10,11). In addition to mediating the ubiquitination and sorting of CXCR4, a number of recent studies detail the regulatory role AIP4 plays in developmental, immunological and oncogenic signaling pathways (12-18). The AIP4/Itch protein is composed of an N-terminal C2 domain, followed by a proline-rich region, four WW domains and a C-terminal catalytic HECT domain (3,4,12,13). AIP4 is abundantly expressed in most human tissues and displays tissue specificity similar to that of Cbl (19). βPIX (β-PAK-interactive exchange factor, also referred to as Cool-1) is comprised of modular domains including an N-terminal SH3 domain followed by DH (Dbl, diffuse B-cell lymphoma homology) domain, PH (pleckstrin homology) domain, and a leucine zipper (20,21). Functionally, βPIX acts as a GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor) for Rac/Cdc42 and was first identified as an exchange factor for PAK (20,22,23). Recent studies illustrate a role for βPIX in breast cancer pathogenesis as well as aspects of CXCR4 induced cellular chemotaxis (24-27). Like other SH3 domains, βPIX–SH3 binds to proline-rich sequences with a polyproline II helix (PPII) conformation. Although most SH3 domain ligands contain a PxxP motif, βPIX–SH3 binds ligands with a noncanonical PxxxPR sequence and serves as a scaffolding point for a number of protein-protein interactions as Cross-talk between GPCR and RTK signaling pathways are crucial to the efficient relay and integration of cellular information. Here we identify and define the novel binding interaction of the E3 ubiquitin ligase AIP4 with the GTP exchange factor βPIX. We demonstrate that this interaction is mediated in part by the βPIX–SH3 domain binding to a proline-rich stretch of AIP4. Analysis of the interaction by isothermal calorimtery is consistent with a heterotrimeric complex with one AIP4 derived peptide binding to two βPIX– SH3 domains. We determined the crystal structure of the βPIX–SH3/AIP4 complex to 2.0 Å resolution. In contrast to the calorimetry results, the crystal structure shows a monomeric complex in which AIP4 peptide binds the βPIX–SH3 domain as a canonical Class I ligand with an additional type II polyproline helix that makes extensive contacts with another face of βPIX. Taken together, the novel interaction between AIP4 and βPIX represents a new regulatory node for GPCR and RTK signal integration. Our structure of the βPIX–SH3/AIP4 complex provides important insight into the mechanistic basis for βPIX scaffolding of signaling components, especially those involved in cross-talk. demonstrated by the direct coupling of βPIX to p21-activated kinase (PAK) family members (20). The βPIX–SH3 domain also binds to the PxxxPR motif of Cbl family members to facilitate the clustering of proteins involved in the downregulation of EGFR signaling (26,28). Interestingly, the βPIX–SH3 domain also binds proteins including Rac1 and SAP (Signaling Lymphocyte Activation Molecule Associated Protein) (29,30) that possess neither the PxxxPR, nor the canonical PxxP motifs. The structural basis for these interactions as well as the functional ramifications of competition among multiple ligands for overlapping binding sites on βPIX remains to be elucidated. Here we identify the E3 ubiquitin ligase AIP4 as a binding partner for the βPIX scaffolding protein. We demonstrate an endogenous βPIX/AIP4 complex in breast cancer cell lines and show that complex formation is mediated in part by βPIX–SH3 domain binding to a proline-rich stretch of AIP4. We show using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) that the interaction is heterotrimeric in solution, with one AIP4 derived peptide binding to two βPIX–SH3 domains. Fluorescence assays suggest that the mode of interaction for the βPIX–SH3/AIP4 complex is unique compared to known βPIX–SH3 interactions. We determined the crystal structure of the βPIX–SH3/AIP4 complex to 2.0 Å resolution. AIP4 binds the βPIX–SH3 domain as a canonical Class I ligand with an additional PPII helix that makes extensive contacts with another face of βPIX. Our structure of the βPIX– SH3/AIP4 complex provides important insight into the mechanistic basis for βPIX scaffolding of signal components. The novel interaction between βPIX and AIP4 represents a new regulatory node for GPCR and RTK signal integration. was purchased from Sigma. Monoclonal anti-Itch antibody was purchased from BD Biosciences. Goat anti-Mouse IgG and goat anti-Rabbit IgG, HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies were from Upstate Biotechnology. SDF1α was purchased from R&D Systems and EGF was purchased from Calbiochem. Immunoblotting, Co-immunoprecipitation and Pull-down Assays – Harvested cells were lysed in lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-HCL, pH 8, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, 0.5% sodium deoxycholate (w/v), 1% Nonident P-40 (v/v), 0.1% SDS (w/v)), plus protease inhibitor tablets (Roche). Cell lysates were subsequently cleared by centrifugation and the supernatant incubated with the appropriate antibody at 4 °C for 1h to overnight followed by incubation with protein A or G argarose for 2 h at 4 °C. Immunoprecipitates were then washed 3 - 5 times with cold lysis buffer, eluted by boiling in SDS-buffer and separated by SDS-PAGE. Proteins were subsequently transferred to nitrocellulose membranes and probed with the appropriate antibody of interest. To probe for endogenous AIP4 levels a monoclonal antibody to mouse Itch EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Reagents and Antibodies – Except where noted, all buffers and chemicals were purchased from either Fisher or Sigma. Monoclonal Anti-myc, monoclonal Anti-AIP4 were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. Polyclonal anti-βPIX antibody was from Chemicon International. Polyclonal anti-HA antibody was purchased from Covance. Monoclonal anti-FLAG M2 antibody 2 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 Cell Culture, Plasmids and Transfection – HEK293T, MCF7, MDA-MB-231 and NIH 3T3 cells were all cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. The pcDNA3FLAG-CIN85 mammalian expression construct was a kind gift from Dr. Sachiko Kajigaya (NIH; Bethesda, MD). The pEBB-βPIX-HA mammalian expression construct was a kind gift from Dr. Bruce Mayer (University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT). The pRK5-myc-AIP4 mammalian expression construct was a kind gift from Dr. Tony Pawson (University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada). The pGEX-6P1-βPIX– SH3 domain expression construct was a kind gift from Dr. André Hoelz (Rockefeller University, New York, NY). All truncation and mutant constructs were generated by site-directed mutagenesis using high fidelity thermostable DNA polymerase Pfu (Stratagene). All transfection studies were performed using DNA-Lipofectamine (Gibco/Invitrogen) and cells were assayed or harvested approximately 48 h after transfection. Harvested cells were either used immediately or snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at -80 °C. Fluorescence Spectroscopy – Fluorescence measurements were performed essentially as described previously (31). All experiments were carried out in 50 mM Hepes, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.3, at 20°C in a 4 mm × 4 mm quartz cuvette. Intrinsic Trp fluorescence was measured by exciting samples at 295 nm (1 nm bandpass) and monitoring emission from 315 to 450 nm (10 – 15 nm bandpass). The EC50 values were determined by titrating βPIX–SH3 domain samples with increasing amounts of WT AIP4(206 – 229) peptide and monitoring both the shift in Trp emission wavelength and overall fluorescence intensity. Competition experiments were performed in a similar manner using the PAK2(176 – 199) and Cblb(899-914) peptides. The PAK2(176 – 199) peptide sequence contains a tyrosine residue, and it is possible that some energy transfer to this residue from the Trps in the SH3 domain takes place upon binding, thereby reducing the fluorescence emission intensity. However, a PAK2 peptide in which this Tyr residue is converted to a Phe does not significantly increase the fluorescence emission intensity (data not shown). Data was analyzed in SigmaPlot using nonlinear regression and fitted to a sigmoidal dose-response (variable slope) equation four-parameter logistic equation; Y = minimum + (maximum – minimum)/1 + 10(logEC50-x)*Hillslope. Protein Expression and Purification – The SH3 domain βPIX was expressed and purified essentially as described previously (31). Peptide Synthesis and Preparation – All peptides were synthesized by the Proteomics Resource Center at the Rockefeller University (New York, NY), purified by HPLC and verified by mass spectrometry. Peptides that correspond to regions of AIP4 are as follows: AIP4(206–229), Y206GFKPSRPPRPSRPPPPTPRRPASV229; AIP4(211 – 226), 211RPPRPSRPPPPTPRRP226; AIP4(201 – 216), 201SLSNGGFKPSRPPRPS216; AIP4(216 – 232), 216SRPPPPTPRRPASVNGS232; AIP4(216 – 226), 216SRPPPPTPRRP226; AIP4-R217A, Y206GFKPSRPPRPSAPPPPTPRRPASV229. The following peptide corresponds to the βPIX–SH3 binding domain of human PAK2; PAK2(176 – 199), 176EETAPPVIAPRPDHTKSIYTRSVI199 and that of human Cbl-b; Cbl-b(899-914), Note that a 899SQAPARPPKPRPRRTA914Y. tyrosine residue was added on to the N-terminus of peptides AIP4(206-229) and AIP4-R217A or the Cterminus of Cbl-b(899-914) to aid in concentration determination. All protein and peptide concentrations were determined by UV spectroscopy and/or amino acid analysis. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) – All ITC measurements were performed at 20 °C using a MicroCal (Northampton, MA) VP-ITC calorimeter essentially as described previously (31). Typically, the sample cell contained 50 µM solution of the βPIX–SH3 domain and was titrated at equal intervals with 10-µl aliquots 500 µM of AIP4 peptide solution for a total of approximately 290 µL. The heat generated due to dilution of the titrants (peptide) was subtracted for baseline correction. Baseline corrected data were analyzed with MicroCal ORIGIN Ver 6.0 software. All experiments were performed at least twice Crystallography, Data Collection and Structure Determination – The SH3 domain (3 mM in 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM DTT) was mixed at a 1:2 molar ratio with AIP4(206-229) peptide dissolved in the same buffer and crystallized at 20ºC by the vapor diffusion method. 3 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 was used. This antibody readily detects AIP4, as Itch and AIP4 are highly homologous. In overexpression studies, all AIP4 constructs encode an N-terminal myc-tag, βPIX constructs encode a Cterminal HA-tag and CIN85 constructs encode a N-terminal FLAG-tag to aid in immunoblot detection. For GST pull-down assays, lysates of transformed E. coli BL21(DE3) cells expressing either GST-βPIX–SH3 or GST alone were bound to glutathione-Sepharose beads (GE Amersham Biosciences) in a Tris buffer (50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM DTT, pH 7.3) for one hour at 4 ºC. The beads were subsequently washed in the same buffer and incubated with HEK 293T cellular lysate expressing either myc-tagged AIP4 or an empty vector. The complexes were pulleddown, washed extensively and resolved via SDSPAGE. Proteins were subsequently transferred to nitrocellulose and probed for AIP4 binding using an anti-myc antibody. hypothesized that AIP4 interacts directly with βPIX through binding of the proline-rich region of AIP4 to the SH3 domain of βPIX. First we found that βPIX–SH3 alone was sufficient to pull down AIP4 in a GST pull-down assay with HEK293T lysate expressing myc-tagged AIP4 (Figure 1B). We further confirmed the importance of the proline-rich region of AIP4 using coimmunoprecipitation assays in HEK293T cells. HA-tagged βPIX was co-expressed with fulllength or truncated forms of myc-tagged AIP4; immunoprecipitation was performed with anti-myc antibody and immunoblots were performed to test for the association of βPIX. We found that deletion of the proline-rich region of AIP4 abolished the interaction with βPIX in this assay (Figure 1C). AIP4 binds to the CIN85 scaffolding protein – The βPIX–SH3 domain is phylogenetically similar to the three SH3 domains of CIN85, an adaptor protein involved in Cblmediated down-regulation of RTKs (9,26). Like βPIX, the SH3 domains of CIN85 recognize and bind the non-canonical PxxxPR motifs in Cbl and PAK proteins (26,28,39). When both FLAGtagged CIN85 and myc-tagged AIP4 are coexpressed in HEK293T cells we find that CIN85 pulls down AIP4, albeit to a lesser extent than βPIX (Figure 1D). Notably, this interaction dissipates as cells co-express increasing amounts of βPIX (Figure 1D). AIP4 forms a heterotrimeric complex with βPIX–SH3 domains in solution – Guided by our cellular binding assays we designed a series of peptides corresponding to the proline-rich region of AIP4 shown to bind the βPIX–SH3 domain. We synthesized two WT peptides AIP4(206-229) and AIP4(211-226) that contain the proline-rich stretch, but vary in the number of residues flanking these regions, and three peptides AIP4(201-216), AIP4(216232) and AIP4(216-226) that contain only the N- or Cterminal PxxxPR motif (Figure 2B). Our ITC studies reveal that both peptides AIP4(206-229) and AIP4(211-226) bind to the SH3 domain of βPIX with high affinity, 7.38 ± 0.9 µM and 10.1 ± 0.6 µM, respectively (Figure 2C). The C-terminal portion of the sequence is required in the binding interaction since peptide AIP4(216-232) bound to the SH3 domain with a Kd of 72.2 ± 5.0 µM, while peptide AIP4(201-216) did not show any detectable Accession codes – Structural coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the PDB and have been assigned the ID code 2P4R. RESULTS The proline-rich region of AIP4 binds to the SH3 domain of βPIX – AIP4 regulates the stability and degradation of p73 and p63 oncogenic transcription factors and both AIP4 and βPIX have been shown independently to be involved in breast cancer metastasis (15-18,26,37,38). With this in mind we first assayed for the endogenous association of βPIX and AIP4 in two breast cancer cell lines as well as a fibroblast line also known to express both proteins (11,13). Our coimmunoprecipitation experiments reveal that endogenous βPIX forms a stable complex with endogenous AIP4 in MDA-MB-231 and NIH3T3 cell lines (Figure 1A). Interestingly, we could not detect an endogenous interaction between these proteins in the MCF7 line (Figure 1A). In order to test whether AIP4 and βPIX interact directly to form a complex, we conducted a series of pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation experiments using affinity-tagged constructs. We 4 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 Drops containing 1 µl of the complex were mixed with 1 µl of the well solution (0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.1-7.9, 0.2 M ammonium sulfate, 32-38% (w/v) PEG-MME 5000). The crystals were allowed to grow at 20ºC and appeared as long rectangular rods, with typical dimensions of 40 µm x 30 µm x 600 µm. The crystals were snap-frozen in a stream of liquid nitrogen in the mother liquor supplemented by 10% glycerol. Data was collected using an Raxis IV (Rigaku) with 1o oscillations. Data was integrated and scaled using the program HKL2000 (32). The phases were determined by molecular replacement, using the model from 2AK5 from the Protein Data Bank and the program Phaser (33). The model was manually modified with the correct peptide residues with iterative building and refinement using the programs COOT, REFMAC5 and ARP/warp (34). Superposition of the Cα positions were calculated using Lsqman (35). Electrostatic surfaces were calculated using Grasp (36). All molecular graphics in the figures were made using the program PyMOL ( 5 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 fluorescence emission λmax generates an EC50 of 6.3 µM, which is similar to the binding affinity observed for the same AIP4(206-229) peptide in our ITC studies (Figure 2E). Fitting the increase in fluorescence emission intensity also yields similar values, (data not shown). We used this assay to test the preferential binding specificity for the βPIX–SH3 domain and find that the binding of the AIP4(206-229) peptide can be displaced by a PAK derived peptide (Figure 2G). Taken together, the observations that the emission spectra for the βPIX–SH3 domain differ significantly for the binding of AIP4(206-229) than either the PAK or Cblb derived peptides suggests that these peptides may be interacting differently with the SH3 domain, possibly exhibiting alternate modes of binding. We decided to pursue the crystal structure of AIP4/βPIX–SH3 to better understand the molecular basis for these differences. Structure determination – Purified recombinant βPIX–SH3 was mixed with AIP4(206229) and crystallized using PEGMME 5000 by the vapor diffusion method. The phases were solved by molecular replacement. The crystals were of space group P6122, with one SH3 domain per asymmetric unit. The final model contained all of the residues of βPIX–SH3; there was an additional residue at the N-terminus arising from the remnant of the GST fusion after cleavage by PreScission protease. In addition, the model contained residues 209-224 of the AIP4 synthetic peptide; the C-terminal residue was modeled as Ala where density supporting the side chain was missing. There was one sulfate molecule and one glycerol molecule, as well as 69 solvent molecules in the model after multiple rounds of refinement to a final resolution of 2.0 Å (Rfree = 23.5%). Refinement statistics are presented in Table 2. Overall structure of βPIX–SH3/AIP4 peptide complex – The structure of βPIX–SH3 with the AIP4 peptide showed a 1:1 complex of peptide ligand to protein. The structure of the SH3 domain itself is mainly composed of a 5-stranded antiparallel β-sheet consistent with previous reports. The root mean squared deviation of the Cα positions compared with previous βPIX–SH3 structures is ~0.55 Å. The model clearly shows the core residues that constitute the binding site in AIP4 are residues 217-223 (Figure 3A), which are in a left-handed PPII helix configuration in the binding (Figure 2C). The significant decrease in affinity observed between peptide AIP4(216-232) relative to AIP4(206-229) and AIP4(211-226) further indicates that residues adjacent to the C-terminal proline-rich region are necessary to impart high affinity binding. Importantly, a binding stoichiometry for AIP4 peptide to βPIX–SH3 domain of 1:2 is consistently observed for all of these peptides (Table 1). This suggests that binding the proline-rich region of AIP4 by βPIX may induce the formation of heterotrimeric complexes in solution, similar to what has been previously reported for CIN85–SH3/Cbl-b and βPIX–SH3/Cbl-b (28). Alternate mode of binding for the AIP4/βPIX–SH3 complex in solution – We next investigated the role that residue R217 of AIP4 plays in formation of βPIX–SH3/AIP4 heterotrimeric complexes. The analogous Arg in Cbl-b (R904) is necessary for the formation of heterotrimeric complexes of βPIX–SH3/Cbl-b (28). We find that the R217A mutant of AIP4 associates with βPIX when each are co-expressed in HEK 293T cells and subjected to immunoprecipitation (Figure 2A). As expected, our ITC tests on an AIP4-R217A peptide indicate that this mutation reduces the affinity of the βPIX– SH3/AIP4 interaction with an apparent Kd of 43.4 ± 3.5 µM (Figure 2C). To our surprise, this mutation did not alter the binding stoichiometry for the βPIXSH3/AIP4 complex, n = 0.452 ± 0.04, in contrast with the effect of an analogous Arg mutation on the stoichiometry observed for both the CIN85/Cbl-b and βPIX/Cbl-b complexes (28). The observation that the AIP4-R217A mutation does not alter the binding stoichiometry to a 1:1 complex suggests that AIP4 may bind differently to the βPIX–SH3 domain than either PAK or Cbl proteins. To test this hypothesis we employed a fluorescence assay that monitors βPIX–SH3 domain intrinsic Trp fluorescence emission during ligand binding. Similar to our previously reported results for PAK peptides (31), titration of βPIX–SH3 with increasing amounts of peptide AIP4(206-229) results in a blue-shift in the fluorescence emission λmax (Figure 2D and 2E). However, unlike the binding of PAK or Cbl-b peptides, binding of AIP4(206-229) also results in a large increase in fluorescence emission intensity (Figure 2F). This effect is titratable and fitting the packing site of this PPII helix and would be uniquely favored for binding (41). Furthermore, two potential hydrogen bonds, between the backbone carbonyl atom of P212 of AIP4 and W54 of βPIX–SH3, and between the guanido group of R211 of AIP4 and the carboxylate group of E45 of βPIX-SH3, may help stabilize the ligand interactions. The total buried surface area of 1042 Å2 is ~30% larger than is typical for other ligand/SH3 complexes (28). The extent of the interactions between the N-terminal PPII helix of AIP4 and βPIX–SH3 may contribute to the higher affinity observed for peptides AIP4(206-229) and AIP4(211-226), in the ITC experiments (Figure 2B and 2C). Comparison to βPIX-SH3/Cbl-b and βPIX-SH3/PAK2 complex structures – The structure of βPIX-SH3 has previously been determined in a complex with two other peptide ligands; however, unlike AIP4, neither ligand contained a canonical PxxP motif, resulting in a kink in the PPII helix for these ligands. The structure of βPIX–SH3 with a peptide derived from Cbl-b is a heterotrimeric complex formed like a sandwich with the peptide in-between two βPIX–SH3 domains in opposite orientations (28). We shall limit our comparison to the Class I configuration. The Cbl-b peptide does not contain a PxxP motif, and one of the external packing sites, P0, has a Lys residue instead of Pro (Figure 4A and 4C). Consequently, the PPII secondary structure, which ideally contains φ and ψ angles of -78º and 149º respectively, is perturbed at this position resulting in the Cα and Cβ atoms of this Lys residue occupying positions similar to the backbone nitrogen and Cα of the proline found in the AIP4 complex (Figure 4C) (42). A further difference is found at the specificity pocket P-3 site, which for Cbl-b is occupied by R904 on another face of a local surface protrusion, partly to accommodate the positive charge of the lysine at P0 (Figure 4A). In comparing the present structure to that of the βPIX-SH3/PAK2 complex, the PAK2 peptide was in the opposite (Class II) orientation in the binding groove (Figure 4B and 4C) (31). In this orientation, the external packing sites are at P-1 and P2 (41). Like the Cbl-b b motif, PAK2 lacks the expected PxxP motif, with an Ala in the P-1 position instead of Pro. In spite of this, PAK2 was 6 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 binding groove of βPIX–SH3 in a Class I orientation. The binding surface of SH3 domains is characterized by several shallow pockets, which have been referred to as P-3, P-1, P0, P+2 and P+3 (40). SH3 ligands adopt the secondary structure of a PPII helix, which has a triangular cross-section arising from the perfect helical repeat every three residues: residues along two of the edges interact with the surface of SH3 domains. Non-proline side chains on the first interacting edge point away from the surface, resulting in a poorer fit to the SH3 domain surface and are referred to as external packing sites: the unique substitution of the backbone nitrogen with the delta carbon favors Pro at these positions (41). Residues on the second edge point toward the surface so many residues can fit into the shallow pockets of the SH3 domain, and positions on the second edge are referred to as internal packing sites. The third edge points away from the SH3 domain and thus can normally accommodate any residue, although Pro residues are often found at these positions, likely stabilizing the PPII secondary structure. Thus the characteristic PxxP motif of SH3 ligands arises from the presence of Pro residues at two subsequent external packing sites along the PPII helix. The P0 and P+3 positions of Class I ligands are external packing sites and strongly favor Pro residues (41) as shown in our model of AIP4 bound to βPIX–SH3 (Figure 3A and 4C). In addition there are three hydrogen bonds characteristic of SH3–ligand interactions observed between βPIX–SH3 side chains and three backbone carbonyl atoms from AIP4: at positions P1 with Y59, at P-3 with W43, and a watermediated bond at P0 with N58 (Figure 3A and D). The B factor of that water molecule is 11.4, comparable to the main chain atoms of βPIX– SH3. An Arg residue (R217) interacts with a negatively charged “specificity pocket” at P-3 (Figure 3B and 3D). The N-terminal region of the AIP4 peptide contains a second PPII helix encompassing residues 209-215 immediately adjacent to core SH3 ligand (Figure 3A). The two helices are joined by a turn of 107º through S216. One anchor of this second PPII helix is P215 of AIP4, which binds a hydrophobic cleft between W43 and W54 of βPIX–SH3. P215 is on an external found to have an affinity to βPIX–SH3 similar to that of AIP4 (31). Once again there is a perturbation of the PPII helix at P0 that appears to allow the isoleucine residue at that position to interact more fully with the surface of βPIX–SH3 (Figure 4B and 4C). In this case the high affinity may also be attributed to interactions of an additional 11 residues of PAK2 that appear to be loosely coiled on the adjacent surface of βPIX– SH3 (31). DISCUSSION A growing body of evidence indicates that signaling cascades initiated by either GPCRs or RTKs are not mutually exclusive of one another. Cross-talk between receptor classes via downstream adaptors and effectors allows the cell to fine-tune and integrate signals (43). Modular protein domains mediate transient protein-protein interactions that are crucial to relaying and regulating signaling cascades (44). The βPIX– SH3 domain exemplifies a protein module at the nexus of many cellular processes. These include the downregulation of EGFR through binding and sequestering Cbl as well as regulation of GPCRs through formation of βPIX–SH3/PAK complexes during leukocyte chemotaxis in response to CXCR4 activation (27). In the present study, we have identified the E3 ubiquitin ligase AIP4 as a binding partner of βPIX. As AIP4 regulates CXCR4 signaling and βPIX is involved in EGFR down-regulation, their association represents a potential new regulatory node for GPCR and RTK signal integration. Our cellular binding assays demonstrate that βPIX can indeed interact with AIP4 and further show that this interaction is mediated by binding of the βPIX–SH3 domain to a proline-rich stretch of AIP4. Interestingly, while this interaction is readily detectable in MDA-MB-231 and NIH3T3 cells, it was undetectable in MCF7 cells under our assayed conditions. This raises the possibility that the localization and regulation of AIP4 and βPIX might be cell-type specific as has been shown for PAK and PIX in different breast cancer cell lines (38). We found that AIP4 could also interact with CIN85 and that this interaction is abrogated upon increasing the cellular concentration of βPIX. While we attribute this 7 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 interaction to CIN85 SH3 domains, we cannot rule out the possibility that other parts of the proteins are involved in recognition and binding. Thus the βPIX–SH3 serves as a scaffold for numerous signal transduction proteins including PAK, Cbl, Rac, SAP and as the present report now shows, AIP4. How ligands may compete among themselves for the same SH3 domain as well as how all of these processes are regulated in the context of the full-length proteins merits further investigation. Our ITC experiments demonstrate that AIP4 residues 206–229, which encompass the proline-rich region, bind to βPIX with micromolar affinity and furthermore form heterotrimeric complexes, with one AIP4 derived peptide binding to two βPIX–SH3 domains. These experiments also reveal that residues outside the core PxxP motif are important for high affinity, and the crystal structure of the complex shows that an additional PPII helix outside the core wrapped around another face of βPIX–SH3. This additional PPII helix is a novel feature for an SH3 ligand and to our knowledge has never been described by any of the SH3/ligand complex structures in the Protein Data Bank. Previous studies on βPIX–SH3/Cbl-b complexes showed that mutation of an Arg residue, (analogous to R217 on AIP4), reduced the complex to a monomeric interaction with a dramatically lower affinity. In contrast, our ITC results indicate that the AIP4-R217A mutant peptide does not alter complex stoichiometry. We speculate that additional interactions provided by the secondary PPII helix (including specific hydrophobic as well as salt-bridge interactions) with βPIX-SH3 are sufficient to overcome this substitution. Although we have no direct structural evidence for the configuration of a heterotrimeric complex, we would propose that it might be similar to that observed for the Cbl-b/βPIX–SH3 complex (28). In the case of Cbl-b, the peptide is the center of pseudosymmetry with the matching βPIX–SH3 laying on top of the Class I complex in the opposite orientation. Thus the same peptide becomes a Class II oriented ligand with respect to the pseudosymmetry mate. The interactions between the two SH3 domains in that case were minimal. In our case, R224 hypothetically would occupy the P-3 specificity pocket of another βPIX– 8 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 CXCR4 signaling is attenuated in part by AIP4, which mediates the ubiquitination and lysosomal sorting of the activated receptor (6). Notably, AIP4 itself contains four modular WW domains, and these domains often serve as platforms for assembly of multi protein networks (45). AIP4 is capable of binding Cbl family members via these WW domains, and importantly, this interaction facilitates AIP4 catalyzed ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of Cbl (19,46). In doing so, AIP4 can impede Cbl mediated ubiquitination of activated EGFRs (19). In addition, it is also possible that AIP4 may, like Cbl, directly ubiquitinate βPIX or exert a cooperative effect on βPIX ubiquitination by regulating Cbl ligase activity. Indeed, others have shown that E3 ligases of the RING and HECT families may interact cooperatively with a shared common substrate to regulate signaling cascades (47,48). This process is exemplified by regulation of the NOTCH protein that can be ubiquitinated and regulated by both AIP4 and Cbl (49,50). The association of AIP4 with βPIX may also regulate GPCR signaling. Following activation of C5a receptors, released Gβγ proteins bind to PAK which in turn forms a complex with αPIX that further initiates cascades resulting in cellular chemotaxis (51). We speculate that a similar process may occur following activation of CXCR4, with AIP4 being displaced from βPIX by Gβγ/PAK complexes. Liberated AIP4 could in turn regulate CXCR4 ubiquitination and endocytotic sorting. Our fluorescence experiments demonstrate competition between PAK and AIP4derived peptides for the βPIX–SH3 domain and would support such a mechanism; however, further work is needed to examine this potential regulatory loop. Finally, we note that PIX is a binding partner for GITs (GPCR-kinase interacting proteins). GIT proteins serve as signaling scaffolds and regulate numerous cellular processes including cytoskeletal dynamics, membrane trafficking and clathrin-dependent endocytosis of GPCRs (52). GIT and PIX form large multi-protein complexes within the cell, and this raises the possibility that a GIT-PIX-AIP4 complex may transiently exist in the cell perhaps regulating CXCR4 endocytosis and trafficking. In conclusion, we have identified and defined the binding interaction between the E3 SH3 molecule similarly arranged to SH3B of the Cbl-b complex (28). As in the case the Cbl-b, one of the pockets normally occupied by Pro would instead accommodate another residue: for our hypothetical heterotrimer, the P1 pocket would be occupied by T222 (Figure 5) whereas P2 would be occupied by Pro. In such an arrangement, Arg residues would occupy both specificity pockets, and Pro residues would occupy three of four Profavoring pockets. In examining the AIP4 and Cblb peptide sequence, we would propose a new heterotrimeric motif for βPIX–SH3 and other closely related SH3 domains such as those from CIN85. Given the inherent symmetry of PPII helices that allow for the Class I and II orientations, what appears to be distinct about the two peptides are the arginine residues anchoring the ends: the motif could thus be considered R— X—P—P/Z—X—P/Y—P—R. In order to prove this model, future experiments will be needed to further characterize the complex of AIP4 peptide and βPIX-SH3 and to resolve the discrepancy in the stoichiometry of the complex between the crystal structure and that which is consistent with the ITC results. One possible reason for this discrepancy might be due to the inherent asymmetry of the proposed complex. The proposed partner βPIX-SH3 domain of the heterotrimer would be limited to interactions with the core ligand whereas the βPIX-SH3 domain observed in the crystal structure has additional contacts with the Nterminal PPII helix resulting in higher affinity to the peptide. Under our crystallization conditions with excess AIP4 peptide, it may be that the observed monomeric complex formed to a significant degree, and that due to favorable crystal packing interactions (Figure 3C) led to the formation of a lattice of the monomeric complex to the exclusion of the heterotrimeric complex. 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(C) The proline-rich region of AIP4 is required to co-immunoprecipitate βPIX in HEK293T cells. (Top) Schematic domain representations of the C-terminally HA-tagged βPIX, βPIX–SH3 GST fusion and N-terminally myc-tagged AIP4 constructs used in the pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays. For βPIX, the SH3 domain, Dbl-homology domain (DH), pleckstrin-homology domain (PH), G proteincoupled receptor kinase interactor binding domain (GBD) and leucine zipper (LZ) region are shown. For AIP4, the calcium binding C2 domain, the four WW domains and the ubiquitin ligase HECT domain are shown. The deletion mutant myc-∆PolyPro-AIP4 lacks the proline-rich stretch of residues from 206 to 229. (Bottom) HEK 293T cells were transfected with HA-tagged βPIX and myc-tagged AIP4 or mutants as indicated, and the cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-myc antibody and subjected to SDSPAGE followed by IB analysis. The filter was probed with anti-HA or anti-myc antibodies to detect βPIX and AIP4, respectively (upper panels). TCL was subjected to direct IB analysis to check for expression levels and control for gel loading (lower panels). (D) AIP4 binds to CIN85 possibly in competition with βPIX. HEK 293T cells were transfected with HA-tagged βPIX, myc-tagged AIP4 and FLAG-tagged CIN85 as indicated and the cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-FLAG antibody and subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by IB analysis. The filter was probed with anti-myc or anti-FLAG antibodies to detect AIP4 and CIN85, respectively (upper panels). TCL was subjected to direct IB analysis to check for expression levels and control for gel loading (lower panels). In cells transiently coexpressing AIP4 and CIN85, increasing amounts of βPIX expression abrogates the ability of CIN85 to coimmunoprecipitate AIP4. 11 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 The authors wish to thank Wayne A. Hendrickson for his generous support and valuable discussions, and for use of the X-ray facility at Columbia University. We thank Joseph P. Lidestri for help in the maintenance of the X-ray facility and with data collection. We also thank Christoph Seibert, Pallavi Sachdev, Paul Lee, and members of the Sakmar and Hendrickson labs for insightful discussions. We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Sachiko Kajigaya, Dr. Bruce Mayer, Dr. Tony Pawson and Dr. André Hoelz for providing plamids. J.M.J. was supported in part by NIH grant T3ZEY007138, K.C.M. was supported in part by NIH grant K08-EY015540, T.P.S. was formerly an Ellison Medical Foundation Senior Scholar. Additional funding was provided by the Allene Reuss Memorial Trust and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Figure 3. AIP4 binds to βPIX–SH3 as a Class I ligand. (A) AIP4 peptide binds to a largely hydrophobic surface of βPIX between the RT (depicted in magenta) and n-src (depicted in cyan) loops. In the left-hand view the SH3 ligand-binding surface is seen from above with the peptide lying on the surface. In the right-hand view, the model has been rotated at on oblique angle to give a better view of the second PPII helix. Electron density for the peptide was seen for residues 209 to 224, although an Ala was placed for the C-terminal Arg, as the side chain density was not observed. There are two left-handed PPII helices, from residues 209-215 and from 217-223. The second helix represents the core SH3 ligand with R217 occupying the P-3 specificity pocket, and P220 and P223 occupying the obligate Pro-preferring P0 and P3 pockets. A better view of the first PPII helix is seen in the right-hand view. One Arg residue, R214, lies near a negatively charged surface, R211 appears to form a salt bridge with βPIX–SH3, and again two Pro residues, P212 and P215, are buried in shallow pockets on this surface of βPIX–SH3. In the asymmetric unit the N-terminus of the peptide appears to point into empty space, but panel D shows that this end of the peptide interacts closely with a symmetry mate. The surface is colored to show the electrostatic potential as calculated in GRASP, with positive charge represented in blue and negative charge shaded in red. Underlying the surface is a cartoon representation of the SH3 backbone. (B) A representative section of the calculated electron 2fo-fc density map is shown at 1.2 σ in a stereo view. AIP4 peptide residues are represented with yellow carbons while those from βPIX–SH3 are shown in green. R217 of AIP4 is shown in this view in close proximity to E24 of βPIX–SH3. (C) The N-terminal region of the AIP4 peptide is shown in grey in this view with the symmetry mates as packed in the crystal. The corresponding βPIX–SH3 is shown as molecular surface also in grey with the protein atoms shown also in stick representation. The various symmetry mates are colored so that the corresponding peptide carbon atoms correspond to the color of the molecular surface. Several of the crystal contacts 12 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 Figure 2. The βPIX–SH3/AIP4 complex is trimeric in solution. (A) The AIP4-R217A mutant immunoprecipitates βPIX in HEK293T cells. HEK 293T cells were transfected with HA-tagged βPIX, and myc-tagged AIP4 or AIP4-R217A as indicated and the cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-myc antibody and subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by IB analysis with anti-HA to probe for βPIX binding as well as anti-myc (upper panels). TCL was subjected to direct IB analysis to check for expression levels and control for gel loading (lower panels). (B) AIP4 derived peptides used in ITC binding studies. Note that a Tyr residue has been added to the N-terminus of the WT and R217A peptides to aid in concentration determination. The symbols preceding each peptide name are the same as those used on the ITC graph and amino acid numbers are given as subscripts. (C) ITC analysis of the prolinerich region of AIP4 binding to the βPIX–SH3 domain. (Upper left panel) Buffer subtracted ITC data for binding of the WT AIP4(206-229) peptide to the βPIX–SH3 domain. (Lower left panel) Representative fitted binding isotherms of AIP4 derived peptides, colors and symbols correspond to peptides depicted in (B). (Upper right panel) Buffer subtracted raw ITC data for the binding of the AIP4-R217A peptide to the βPIX–SH3 domain. (Lower right panel) Representative fitted binding isotherms for the AIP4-R217A peptide (blue) in comparison with the peptide AIP4(206-229) (grey), illustrating that the R217A mutation decreases the binding affinity for βPIX but does not alter the binding stoichiometry. All thermodynamic binding parameters are compiled in Table I. (D) The titration of 1 µM βPIX–SH3 domain (black) with increasing amounts of peptide AIP4(206-229) results in an increase in fluorescence emission intensity and a blue-shift in emission λmax. (E) Sigmoidal dose-response fit for the emission data from (A), EC50 = 6.3 µM. The color of the individual data points corresponds to the spectra depicted in (A). (F) The binding of AIP4(206-229) (red), but not that of PAK (blue) or Cbl-b (green) derived peptides results in a large increase in βPIX–SH3 domain intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. (G) The binding of peptide AIP4(206-229) to the βPIX–SH3 domain can be competed off by a PAK derived peptide, PAK2(176-199). Steady-state emission spectra of 1 µM βPIX–SH3 domain alone (black) and in the presence of either 10 µM AIP4(206229), (red) or 10 µM of PAK2(176-199), (blue) and in the presence of both 10 µM AIP4(206-229) and 100 µM PAK2(176-199), (orange). between βPIX–SH3 domains appear to be mediated by electrostatic interactions, whereas this region of AIP4 peptide appears to lie across a hydrophobic surface of a βPIX–SH3 symmetry mate. (D) A schematic representation of ligand binding as generated by LIGPLOT. Hydrogen bonds with three AIP4 backbone carbonyl atoms, one of them water-mediated, are shown in the core SH3 ligand (residues 217223). In addition, the second PPII helix also has one hydrogen bond with a backbone carbonyl and R211 forms a charge-stabilized hydrogen bond with βPIX–SH3. The peptide is shown with bonds in purple. βPIX–SH3 residues which form hydrogen bonds with the peptide are shown with yellow bonds, whereas Van der Waals interactions are depicted by half circles. There is one water-mediated hydrogen bond shown with a cyan sphere representing the water molecule. Figure 5. Proposed schematic arrangement of dimer interface of βPIX with AIP4 peptide. An alignment of the core binding regions of the AIP4 and Cbl-b peptides is shown relative to the shallow hydrophobic binding pockets as sites P-3 to P+3 as defined previously in two orientations. Below the peptide sequences are the positions of the residues with respect to the structure reported in this paper for the AIP4/βPIX complex and for the Class I orientation for the Cbl-b/βPIX complex. Above the peptide sequences are the same positions in the Class II orientation as described in the Cbl-b/βPIX complex, and the proposed Class II orientation of an additional βPIX–SH3 domain based on the ITC data and an analysis of the sequence for AIP4. The proposed interaction of AIP4 in a class II orientation would result in T222 occupying the P-1 site, which normally favors the presence of a Pro residue. The core sequences are residues 217-224 for AIP4 and 904-911 for Cbl-b, respectively. Underneath each residue are the respective φ/ψ angles which show how the PPII helix in the case of Cbl-b and PAK2 are distorted. The pockets which favor the presence of Pro residues are indicated by grey squares drawn around the residues. 13 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 Figure 4. The canonical binding of AIP4 to βPIX compared to PAK2 and Cbl-b. (A) The binding of Cbl-b peptide (in magenta) in the Class I orientation is shown in comparison to AIP4 peptide (in yellow) after a least squares fit of βPIX–SH3 domains from the two models. Residues from βPIX that appear to form hydrogen bonds are shown under the molecular surface. The alignment of the respective core binding sequences from the peptides is shown in panel C. A Pro residue usually occupies the P0 and P3 positions in canonical Class I SH3 ligands. There is a distortion in the PPII helix at the K907 of Cbl-b, shown in the center of the figure, resulting in a displacement of the backbone so that the Cα and Cβ atoms of that residue occupy similar positions to the backbone N and Cδ positions of P220 of AIP4. (B) PAK2 peptide (in cyan) binds to βPIX in the opposite Class II orientation, but again contains a perturbation from a PPII helix in a similar position to the Cbl-b peptide. Unlike typical Class II ligands, the PAK2 peptide contains an Ala residue in the P-1 position. In contrast to the Cbl-b peptide, this perturbation does not result in a residue making up for the lack of a Pro, but rather appears to allow extensive contacts between I183 and the surface of βPIX. The high affinity observed for PAK2 by ITC may be due to the residues in the peptide lying outside of the SH3 ligand-binding surface. (C) An alignment of the core binding regions of the three peptides is shown relative to the shallow hydrophobic binding pockets as sites P-3 to P+3 as defined previously. The core sequences are residues 217-223, 904910, 180-186 for AIP4, Cbl-b, and PAK2, respectively. The sequences are color coded to match panels A and B, with AIP4 in yellow, Cbl-b in magenta, and PAK2 in cyan. Underneath each residue are the respective φ/ψ angles, with numbers in red where the PPII helix in the case of Cbl-b and PAK2 are distorted. The pockets, which favor the presence of Pro residues, are indicated by grey squares drawn around the residues. Table 1. Thermodynamic parameters for βPIX–SH3 domain binding AIP4 peptidesa ∆Ha (kcal/mol) ∆Sa(cal/mol/deg) Stoichiometry AIP4(206-229) 7.38 ± 0.9 -21.2 ± 0.2 -48.9 ± 0.3 0.442 ± 0.07 AIP4(211-226) 10.1 ± 0.6 -14.2 ± 0.6 -25.6 ± 1.1 0.601 ± 0.08 AIP4(201-216) No Bindingb - - - AIP4(216-232) 72.2 ± 5.0 -18.9 ± 0.4 -45.5 ± 0.5 0.536 ± 0.05 AIP4(216-226) 64.5 ± 4.2 -16.4 ± 0.4 -34.1 ± 0.4 0.508 ± 0.05 AIP4-R217A(206-229) 43.4 ± 3.5 -16.5 ± 2.0 -36.1 ± 2.2 0.452 ± 0.04 a Each peptide was titrated at least three times and the average and standard error are reported. b Peptide AIP4(201-216) did not display a significant change in heat capacity when titrated, and did not appear to bind using fluorescence emission shift assays (data not shown). 14 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 Kd (µM) Peptide Table 2. Crystallographic data Data Collection Space group P61 2 2 Unit Cell Parameters a=b=41.75 Å, c=149.3 Å α=β=90º, γ=120º 36.15-2.01 (2.05-2.01) Total observations 78,603 Unique observations 5612 Completenessa,% 96.3 (94.2) <I/σ(I)>a 36.7 (17.2) Rsyma,% 8.3 (18.7) Refinement Data Statistics (20.87-2.001Å) Work/Test 5,349 Completenessa 97.3 (94.4) Atoms, total 670 Protein 470 Ligand 120 Sulfate Ion 5 Glycerol 6 Water 69 R/Rfree,% 21.7 Mean B Value 15.5 r.m.s.d. bond length 0.006 r.m.s.d. bonds angles 1.026 a 254 24.6 Numbers in parentheses refer to the values for the highest resolution shell. 15 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 Bragg Spacing (Å) Figure 1 B GSTβPIX-SH3 GST Ve ct or AI P4 Ve ct or AI P4 MD AM MC B-2 31 F7 NI H3 T3 A 115 115 IB: anti-myc IB: anti-Itch/AIP4 GST-βPIX-SH3 IB: anti-βPIX 82 Coomasie GST IP: βPIX 115 IB: anti-βPIX 82 TCL βPIX-HA: HA GST-βPIX-SH3: myc-AIP4: myc myc-∆PolyPro-AIP4: myc TCL D Vector myc-AIP4 CIN85-FLAG βPIX-HA + - + - + + - + + + + - + + + + 115 ∆GGFKPSRPPRPSRPPRPSRPPPPTPRRPASV myc-AIP4-Nterm: IB: anti-myc + + IB: anti-myc IB: anti-FLAG 82 myc IP: FLAG (CIN85) Vector βPIX-HA myc-AIP4 myc-AIP4-Nterm myc-∆PolyPro-AIP4 + - - - - - - + + + + - + - + - - - - - + - - - - - + IB: anti-HA 82 115 IB: anti-myc IP: myc (AIP4) 82 IB: anti-HA 60 IB: anti-Tubulin TCL IB: anti-myc 115 82 IB: anti-FLAG 82 IB: anti-HA 60 IB: anti-Tubulin TCL Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 C GST Pull-down IB: anti-Itch/AIP4 115 Figure 2 A Vector myc-AIP4 myc-R217A βPIX-HA + - + + - + + B + + AIP4 Peptides: 115 Y206 GFKPSRPPRPSRPPPPTPRRPASV AIP4 (206-229) IB: anti-HA 82 RPPRPSRPPPPTPRRP AIP4 (211-226) AIP4 (201-216) SLSNGGFKPSRPPRPS IB: anti-myc SRPPPPTPRRPASVNGS AIP4 (216-232) IP: myc (AIP4) AIP4 (216-226) IB: anti-HA 82 115 SRPPPPTPRRP Y206 GFKPSRPPRPSAPPPPTPRRPASV AIP4-R217A IB: anti-myc 60 IB: anti-Tubulin TCL C 0 50 Time (min) 100 150 200 0 50 Time (min) 100 150 200 0.0 -0.8 -1.2 -1.2 0 0 R217A -4 -4 -8 WT WT: K d = 7.38 µM n = 0.44 -12 -8 R217A: K d = 43.4 µM n = 0.45 -12 -16 -16 + 10 µM AIP4 4 + 10 µM Cbl-b + 10 µM PAK 2 βPIX SH3 44 0 42 0 40 0 38 0 36 0 32 0 34 0 0 Wavelength (nm) G 335 9 7 8 6 5 4 Log [Peptide] (M) 6 3 + 10 µM AIP4 + 10 µM AIP4, 100 µM PAK 4 + 10 µM PAK 2 βPIX SH3 0 44 0 6 340 0 Wavelength (nm) 345 42 0 44 0 42 0 38 0 40 0 36 0 32 0 34 0 0 2.0 350 0 2 1.5 40 4 1.0 Molar Ratio 38 6 E 0.5 36 0 8 0.0 2.0 34 0 1.5 32 0 1.0 Molar Ratio Emission λ (nm) 0.5 Fluorescence -5 Intensity (c.p.s.) X10 kcal/mole of injectant Fluorescence Intensity (c.p.s.) X10 -5 Fluorescence Intensity (c.p.s.) X10-5 F -0.4 -0.8 0.0 D R217A WT -0.4 Wavelength (nm) Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 µcal/sec 0.0 Figure 3 A n-src Loop P219 R214 R214 T222 P221 P218 n-src Loop R211 P209 R224 S210 P213 R217 P220 P215 S216 S216 P219 P213 P212 P223 P218 P215 P221 R217 P220 R224 P223 P209 RT Loop RT Loop C B Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 D Glu 45 Pro 56 Phe 15 Asn 58 Ala 224 Trp 54 Gly 42 2.67 Glu 24 Arg 211 Pro 223 3.00 3.04 Arg 214 Pro 209 Lys 208 Ser 210 2.74 2.45 Tyr 59 Thr 222 Ser 216 Arg 217 2.74 2.60 HOH Pro 215 3.05 Pro 218 Pro 219 Pro 212 Ala 207 Ala 206 Pro 220 Pro 221 Asp 23 Pro 213 Trp 43 Figure 4 A P220 K907 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 B P220 I183 C P P P P P P P -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 N R P P P P T P C R P P K P R P C R P A N -72/152 -68/152 -64/142 -72/151 -69/155 -66/145 -63/139 N --/93.9 -63/150 -59/156 -92/125 -68/147 -76/157 -61/155 C I V P P -57/122 -65/148 -65/151 -95/117 -73/130 -60/160 --/163 Figure 5 AIP4 N Cbl-b N Class I R P P P P T P R C R P P K P R P R C -72/152 -68/152 -64/142 -72/151 -69/155 -66/145 -63/139 -94/- --/93.9 -63/150 -59/156 -92/125 -68/147 -76/157 -61/155 -87/- P-3 P-2 P-1 P0 P1 P2 P3 Downloaded from by guest on October 1, 2014 P3 P2 P1 P0 P-1 P-2 P-3 Class II
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