DYCOEC Days, Besançon, November 8- 10, 2010 Luis Aguirre How and why t he analysis of a dynamics can depend on t he choice of t he observable Christophe Letellier Space reconst ruct ion wit h derivat ive coordinat es Equivalence ? Original space Reconstructed space Measurement function z x f x x m R s hx s R Z y x X Projection h: Rm Differential embedding X1 s X2 s Xm s(m 1) X F X X Rm Y R A model in a canonical form X1 X 2 X2 X3 Xm F X 1 , X 2 ,..., X m Takens t heorem Physicists do not take care (enough) this assumption If h is generic then defines a diffeomorphism between t he original phase space and t he reconstructed phase space, provided that m is greater than or equal to 2d+1. Floris Takens A safe reconstruction is thus always assumed to be obtained This implicitely means «does not depend on the chosen observable » In practice, nobody takes care about the variable Nearly impossible t o get a global model from variable z of the Rössler system Estimating correlation dimension is not always easy We invoked the observability concept from the control theory Condit ions f or a f ull observabilit y Original phase space Reconstructed space Change of variables x z y z y x ay z b z x c x y X Y y y x ay Z y ax a2 1 y z y X Y Y Z Z F X ,Y , Z X Diffeormophic equivalence if Det J Det J y 0 1 Det 0 0 a a2 1 0 1 1 Y 0 a That is the case for the Rössler system when observed through variable y(t) The system is fully observable Observabilit y mat rix Original phase space - f(x) : Rm Rm is the dynamical system x f x st h x where - h(x) : Rm R is the measurement function Between the original and the reconstructed spaces, change of variables X L0f h x st 1 f Y L h x st Z L2f h x st where L jf h x L jf 1 h x x f x are Lie derivatives Observability matrix = Jacobian matrix of the change of variables L0f h x x Os x m 1 f L J h x x System f(x) is said observable if all init ial condit ions xi and xj are distinguishable with r espect to measured variable s(t), that is, h(xi) h(xj) iff xi xj Observabilit y coef f icient s For a nonlinear system, observability depends on - the location in phase space - the chosen variable Quantification using observability coefficients computed along a trajectory s x 1 T T t 0 T O s Os , x t min max OsT Os , x t where max[OsTOs, x(t)] designates the eigenvalue max of matrix OsTOs estimated at point x(t) end ep d ! y e a l b m Observability coefficients a ysis en var i l a n s A Non observable h0e chos(x) 1 Observable t n o x=0.88 y=1.0 z=0.44 The best The poorest ! Est imat ing correlat ion dimension Log I ved o r p im n le! o b i t a i a r Est im nge of va ha c a by Slope Slope Measurements: I nt ensit y I Case of a CO2 laser with modulated losses Observabilit y f or a CO2 laser wit h modulat ed losses A two- level laser model forced by a sinusoidal signal where D is the inversion population the cavity damping rate the pump parameter the modulation amplitude, and the modulation frequency the population inversion relaxation rate It becomes a 4D autonomous model with observability coefficients I3 0.31 and D3 0.29 Observabilit y t rough a change of variable Applying the change of variable I with x3 log I = x 0.79 observability improved from 0.31 to 0.79 Quality of t he correlation dimension est imat ion depends on the choice of the observable Synchronizat ion & observabilit y Complete synchronization is possible using variable y of the Rössler system variable x of the Lorenz system es c i o l ch a c i w ir Emp know ho = Used variable y of the Rössler system for phase synchronization Our assumption Synchronizability depends (at least partly) on the observability of t he or iginal dynamics through the coupling variable Synchronizat ion bet ween non- ident ical syst ems Coupling two non-identical Rössler systems where 1,2 s used for detuning the two systems: coupling term = 2- 1=0.04 = 0 for a coupling variable j (i=j) = 0 otherwise i Phase coherence of the Rössler system Phase coherent (a=0.42) Phase non- coherent (a=0.556) Complet e synchronizat ion: variable y Phase coherent Phase non- coherent complete synchronization is obtained at lower cost for COHERENT attractors than for NON- COHERENT attractors Complet e synchronizat ion: variable x coherent non- coherent only obtained in the neighborhood of a homoclinic situation = the neighborhood of the inner fixed point is visited Complet e synchronizat ion: variable x Neighborhood of t he inner fixed point = long phases during which the dynamics remains observable interrupted by bursts during which the dynamics is non observable Enough to obtain complete synchronization a=0.455 Complet e synchronizat ion: variable z Complete synchronization never obtained Hyperchaotic behavior Complet e synchronizat ion: variable z Phase coherent Phase non- coherent measures the distance between the attractor and t he boundary of the attraction basin Phase synchronizat ion easy to check for coherent attractors But har d in non coherent cases due t o t he difficulty to define accurately a phase Attractor organized around two foci, each one defining a phase proposed to use the curvature, implying that both foci are taken into account although a single revolution is described! Phase synchronizat ion The non-coherent Rössler attractor is bounded by a genus- one torus the phase should be defined according to this torus 2 k a cr oss-section can serve as a reference where ( Tk)=2 k (rad), that is, 2 around the inner fixed point when = 2- 1 per revolution 0, then « cross- section synchronized » Phase synchronizat ion Phase coherent (a=0.398) Phase non- coherent (a=0.556) Variable x Variable x The best Variable y Variable y Variable z The poorest! Coupling strength Coupling strength in agreement with the observability coefficients good, then it depends on the dynamics When observability is poor, then synchronization is never obtained Conclusion The measurement function determines the observability and so the quality of the reconstructed phase portrait Many techniques depend on observabilty Global modelling Synchronization Estimating correlation dimensions Estimating Shannon entropy (from continuous time series) An open question Is it possible t o have a t echnique not depending on t he observability coefficients, that is, on t he measurement function ? Reference Ce document à été crée avec Win2pdf disponible à http://www.win2pdf.com/fr La version non enregistrée de Win2pdf est uniquement pour évaluation ou à usage non commercial.
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