DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH DBFZ The 3rd International Cooperation Conference on Biogas Industrialization in China (Organizers: CAAA, DLG, CBS) 19.05.2012 Nanjing, China The administration and performance evaluation of biogas plants in Germany Jan Postel, Dr. Britt Schumacher, Dr. Jan Liebetrau DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Torgauer Str. 116, D-04347 Leipzig, www.dbfz.de DBFZ Performance evaluation of biogas plants Efficiency: Ratio of actual power output and power input What is required to evaluate a biogas plant? 1. Mass balance of in- and output 2. Energy balance of the biogas plant, including in- and output 3. Data of the reliability of the equipment (hours/year) What is needed for the mass/energy balances and the reliability data? 1. Characterization of substrates 2. Main state of the art technologies (data acquisition) 3. Losses/Emissions 4. Evaluation of the overall biogas plant concept 2 DBFZ Performance evaluation of biogas plants (process chain) Excrements Preliminary tank What is required to evaluate a biogas plant? • Mass balance of in- and output • Energy balance of the biogas plant, including in- and output • Data of the reliability of the equipment (hours/year) Biogas Energy crops Digester Silo Substratestorage SubstrateFeed in Digestate Gasstorage Biogasutilization e.g. combined heat and power plant (CHP) Distribution/Application digestate Storage tank (digestate) 3 DBFZ Requirements for energy balances as basis for efficiency evaluation Efficiency: Ratio of actual power output and power input What is necessary for a qualified evaluation? 1. Definition of theoretical energy output 2. Evaluation, documentation, quantification of mass and energy streams, Evaluation of operational hours, (documentation of down times, flaring events, maintenance periods etc. ) 3. Calculation of capacity utilization 4. Actual – theoretical comparison 5. Identification of bottlenecks 6. Optimization 4 DBFZ Mass balance Grass silage Digester Cattle Manure Digestate Inorganic matter Organic matter Water Water vapour Carbondioxid Documentation and quantification of all relevant mass streams Methane 5 DBFZ Mass balances evaluation Does the quality and amount of input masses realized in practice meet the design assumptions? Is the Biogas production according to the theoretical value? (consider the conversion efficiency within the CHP as important factor if no direct quantification of the biogas mass flow is available!!) • If not check: - Substrate quality (is the assumed biogas potential correct?) - Infeed amount correct? - Quantification of degree of degradation by means of a gas potential test of the digestate - Stability of biological process (acid concentration?) - Temperature - Inhibition effects - Leackage of biogas within the gas collection system 6 DBFZ Energy balance A high degree of utilization of waste heat from the CHP is of enormous relevance for the overall efficiency DBFZ Energy balance evaluation Is the energy output as expected? Electrical: If not check: • Biogas production as assumed? • CHP unit – conversion efficiency as assumed? • Consumption of devices on site to large? • Downtime - what are bottlenecks of the process? Thermal: If not check: • Losses due to poor insulation? • Are there other options for heat utilization? 8 DBFZ 1. CHARACTERIZATION OF SUBSTRATES DBFZ Biomass / Substrates Energy crops By-products & Residues Organic waste 10 DBFZ Substrate characteristics Gas potential (maximum biogas yield obtainable) measured or calculated (digestion tests, animal nutrition test, elementary analysis) Degradation rate (reduction of the concentration of organic substance) Content of micro (trace) and macro elements Content of potential inhibitory substances as nitrogen, sulphur, antibiotics etc. Material handling: pumpability, content of disturbing material (e.g. sand, stones) 11 DBFZ Characterization of Substrates Composition Dry matter content (DM): waterless (anhydrous) share of a mixture after drying at 105 °C. Organic dry matter content (oDM): Mixture free of water (anhydrous) and free of inorganic substances generally per drying at 105 °C and annealing at 550 °C Fractions of fat, protein and carbohydrate analyzed by “Weender” – Animal nutrition analysis Representative samples of the biomass are essential for meaningful results! 12 DBFZ Methods of substrate´s characterization Animal nutrition analysis Continuous anaerobic digestion Discontinuous anaerobic digestion 13 DBFZ Methods of substrate´s characterization Effort Informative value Digestion tests Medium (approx. 35 days) High (months) Medium (general degradability) High (degradability under real conditions, inhibition, deficiencies) Elementary analysis Medium (approx. 1 week) Medium (approx. 1 week) Medium (fat, protein, various carbohydrates, ash) Low (all elements, but carbon as lignin is not degradable) Data from literature low Depended on the quality of source Batch Continuous Tests to calculate the biogas yield Animal nutrition Representative samples of the biomass are essential for meaningful results! 14 DBFZ Biogas potential Substrate TS, VS %, %TS biogas potential m3/t substrate biogas potential m3/t VS cow manure 8-11, 75-82 20-30 200-500 pig manure 7, 75-86 20-35 300-700 cow manure 25, 68-76 40-50 210-300 Chicken manure 32, 63-80 70-90 250-450 Corn silage 20-35, 85-95 170-200 450-700 Rye silage 30-35, 92-98 170-220 550-680 molasses 80-90, 85-90 290-340 360-490 Separately collected biowaste 40-75,50-70 80-120 150-600 Lipids from grease separator 2-70, 75-93 11-450 700 Glycerin (SEEG) 47, 70 425 1295 15 DBFZ Characterization of Substrates Conclusion Substrates differ in energy density, composition and degradability Mostly pre-treatment enhances the degradability of substrates, except for lignin, which is only aerobic degradable High amounts of extreme easy degradable substrates can lead to process failure, due to a excessive acid production Mono-fermentation can lead to an unbalanced nutrient supply, therefore a suitable mixture of substrates or a supply with lacking nutrients are recommendable High concentrations of ammonia can lead to difficulties in the biological process High concentrations of sulphur can cause damage e.g. CHP Sand and stones can lead to technical difficulties 16 DBFZ 2. MAIN STATE OF THE ART TECHNOLOGIES DBFZ General technical requirements • high reliability/durability and short maintenance interruptions of all plant components are essential for high operating and full load hours – the overall process has to be reliable! • Technology has to match the substrate/biomass, sufficient flexibility for change in substrate • Capacity of the plant as a whole and the plant components have to match the actual substrate and mass flows • Low energy consumption • Easy to monitor and control 18 DBFZ Biomass and reactor type • Digester type is selected according to the substrate characteristics • Agricultural application TS between 3 – 12 % continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), manure and energy crops • plug flow digesters mostly for higher total solid concentrations • Box/garage type digestion only for biomass, which is stackable and can be easily saturated by percolate (landscape management material, separately collected biowaste), highly insensitive to sand, rocks, disturbing material 19 DBFZ Continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) 20 DBFZ Plug Flow Tank Reactor (PFTR) vertical horizontal Gas Intake Eintrag Discharge Austrag M 21 DBFZ Batch Reactor Garage type digester discontinuous Prozeßschema Boxenfermenter (Abbildung: BEKON GmbH Co. KG); Fotos: Bekon GmbH (oben), DBFZ (unten) 22 DBFZ Process evaluation Laboratory tests Online measurement Degradation of VS, TS, TOC, COD Input Content of organic acids (sum parameter) Gas production rate Content of organic acids (portion of each acid) Methane content pH-value Carbondioxid content Hydrogen content Temperature not permanent available Permanent available, need of sampling easy integration to automated process time consuming, difficult to automate, information content??? high information content 23 DBFZ Technologies - Conclusion Energy output depended on many factors (substrate qualities, stability of biological process, efficiencies and availabilities technical devices) Primary target should be: process stability, reliability of technology Secondary target: gas production rate and energy output The energy consumption of all devices should be kept by a minimum A high degree of utilization of waste heat from the CHP is of enormous relevance for the overall efficiency 24 DBFZ 3. LOSSES/EMISSIONS DBFZ Losses / Emissions Losses reduce the energy output and lead to emissions (gaseous, liquid, solid) Need to minimize losses to • prevent environmental pollution • avoid the release of greenhouse gases • prevent the release of toxic substances • ensure high energy efficiency • ensure economical operation 26 Sources of emissions within the process chain DBFZ Elevated N2O und NH3-Emissions due to crop growing ? Humus balance? Nutrition balance? No data available preliminary tank Excrements methane losses of the plant? Leakages? Methane losses – Biogas upgrading? Coverage? Silage losses 5-20% ? Preliminary tank Relief pressure valve? Emissions- from the Co generation unit ? Biogas Energy crops Digester Silo Substratestorage SubstrateFeed in Gasstorage Biogasutilization Digestate Distribution/Application digestate Emissions not extensively investigated yet dependend on substrates, moisture content of the soil, climate, time and period of application Storage tank (digestate) Large variations in N2O emissions e.g. Methane emissions from open storage tanks; Dependend on processing + substrates Emissions influenced by distribution techniques 27 DBFZ Possible losses I • Silage storage facilities Respiration and decomposition of organic matter • Hopper/ preliminary tank/ open hydolysis - Hopper used for mixing of substrate with digestate Methane (CH4), Hydrogen (H2) - Solid material feed in device Respiration and decomposition of organic matter • Digester - Permeability of rubber membrane, leakages and pressure relief valves Mainly Methane (CH4) 28 DBFZ Possible losses II • Storage tank (digestate) Methane (CH4), nutrients (fertilizer value) (NH3,(N2O)) • Gas utilization - Co generation unit Mainly Methane (CH4) and unburnt hydrocarbon (CnHm) - Upgrading facilities (Feed in with natural gas quality) Methane slip (CH4) 29 DBFZ Gas potential of digestates Specific biogas yield (l*kgVS-1) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (d) Low retention times lead to incomplete substrate utilization For comparison: 18-70 m³/t digestate 30 DBFZ 3. Losses / Emissions - Conclusion due to environmental and economic reasons losses should be avoided Plant design, substrate and operation of the plant affect the amount of losses Frequent check of the plant and operational management should be self-evident Actual – theoretical comparison is needed for precise identification of losses! 31 DBFZ 4. EVALUATION OF THE OVERALL BIOGAS PLANT CONCEPT DBFZ Evaluation for Optimization Aim: Achieving of a defined target state (optimum) by well-directed modification of current situation Procedure Process control Greenhouse gas emissions Odour emissions Noise emissions Availability Capacity utilization Efficiency Investment costs Operational costs Income No independent optimization of isolated items possible, due to mutual dependency Source: Leitfaden Biogas; www.fnr.de 33 DBFZ 4. Evaluation of the overall biogas plant concept - Conclusion Are technology and substrates (texture/amount) a good match? Which ratio of energy production to energy consumption is achievable? (electricity and heat) Fits the plant to operational needs, infrastructure and consumers - gas, electricity and/or heat grid? Are collection and documentation of data appropriate to avoid malfunction? Are the losses reduced to a minimum? Which climatic conditions are to consider? Are insulation or cooling needed? Are the distances between biogas plant and substrates source respectively between biogas plant and residues application short enough? (logistics, costs) Are aspects of environmental protection to consider? 34 DBFZ Thank you very much for your attention! Research for the Energy of the Future Deutsches BiomasseForschungsZentrum German Biomass Research Centre Torgauer Straße 116 D-04347 Leipzig www.dbfz.de Tel./Fax. +49(0)341 – 2434 – 112 / – 133 Contact: Dr.-Ing. Jan Liebetrau Jan Postel Dr. Britt Schumacher
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