UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ENVIRONMENTAL APPEALS BOARD (11 03M) 1200 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 (202) 233-0122 1 (202) 233-0121 FAX # FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: See Below Nivea Berrios FAX#: David Heckler Kathie Stein Mildred Johnson Michelle Wenisch Eurika Durr Suzanne Krolikowski Stephanie Yu Leslye Fraser Catherine McCabe Jonathan Fleuchaus Ammie Roseman-Orr X Annette Duncan Susan Gardinier I DATE: 5/2812013 NUMBER OF PAGESIINCLUDING COVER SHEET 48 This facsimile is intended for the use of the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this facsimile, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this facsimile is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal prosecution and/or civil liability. If you have received this facsimile in error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return the original facsimile to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. Thank you. REMARKS: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - Final Order Kenneth C. Schefski 202-564-0022 Raymond B. Ludwiszewski 202~530-9562 Job number -If-------t-.:....::..c:--' *** 270 SEND SUCCESSFUL *** UNITED STATES ENVl:RO~ENTAL PR.OTECTION AGENCY ENVl:RO~ENTAL APPEALS BOARD (1103lVl) 1200 PENNSVLVAN"J.A AVEN'UE. NVV VVASFIlN"GTON. D.C. 20460 (202) 233-0122 I (202) 233-0121 FAX # FACSTMILE COVER SHEET ~ER. OF PAGESIIN"CLtJDIN"G COVER. SHEET ' 48 rac~l.xoile i5 i:n.to:u..ded ::Cor the use 0' •. t-he a.ddl["'e~see(3il> n8.D:1cd hel["'ein aDd IDay con:t.a.i.a. le~a.1ly privileged and confidential lnforn::aftrtoD_ Ir you a.re not the intended recipien:t O'r t-hls Cac:siDa.ile. you. are hereby notified 'that any d.isseD1ioation.. distribu.tion or copyinC 0'1" 'this f'"a..csiD1ile Is s'EriC't"ly prohibl'ted and n::a.ay su.bjeC't" you to' crina.inal. prc:niecutiop and/or civil liabilit-y_ If you b.Q.ve recelved th..i.s "a.csa:nUl~ in error.. pl.ease in:all'D.cdiately nodry us by telephune and re'C'Uro. '£he ori&-i-nal 1'ac:sio:J.ile 'to u.s a't. 'the address abo'Ve 'Via. 't.he Uni-ced Sta.es Pos't"al Service.. Thank. Tla.is, R.ElVl.AR.KS: VVal-lVl~ Stores. Inc. - Final Order Kenneth C. Schefslci 202-564-0022 R.aymond B. Ludvviszcvvski 202-530-9562 I I Group Send Report Time Tel line Name Job number 270 Date 05-28 10 :24 Document pages 048 Start time 05-28 10:24 End time 05-28 10:50 05-28-2013 2022330121 10:50 USEPA ENVIRONMENTAL APPEALS BOARD Successful Fax number 8912025640022 8912025309563 Unsuccessful Pages sent
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