SUBMISSION COVER SHEET Registered Entity Identifier Code: SR-NFX-2012-26 Date: September 28, 2012 I M P O R T A N T : CHECK BOX IF CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT IS REQUESTED. ORGANIZATION FILING AS A: NASDAQ OMX Futures Exchange, Inc. DCM SEF DCO SDR ECM/SPDC TYPE OF FILING Rules and Rule Amendments Certification under § 40.6 (a) or § 41.24 (a) “Non-Material Agricultural Rule Change” under § 40.4 (b)(5) Notification under § 40.6 (d) Request for Approval under § 40.4 (a) or § 40.5 (a) Advance Notice of SIDCO Rule Change under § 40.10 (a) Products Certification under § 39.5(b), § 40.2 (a), or § 41.23 (a) Swap Class Certification under § 40.2 (d) Request for Approval under § 40.3 (a) Novel Derivative Product Notification under § 40.12 (a) RULE NUMBERS NFX Rule E29 DESCRIPTION Amending NFX Rule E29 to add Large Trader Reporting procedures in Interpretation and Policies .01 Rule Self-Certification September 28, 2012 Office of the Secretary Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Center 1155 21st Street, NW Washington, DC 20581 Re: Amendments to Rule E29 (Reportable Positions). Reference File SR-NFX-2012-26 Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (“Act”) and Sections 40.6 or 41.24 of the regulations promulgated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission under the Act, and issuance of final rules for Designated Contract Markets under Core Principle 4 (Prevention of Market Disruption) and adoption of regulation §38.254 (Ability to Obtain Information ) under the Act, the NASDAQ OMX Futures Exchange, Inc. (“NFX” or “Exchange”) is amending Rule E29 (Reportable Positions). The amendments will be effective on October 16, 2012. The text of the amendments is attached. The Exchange has determined to expand its general reporting rule Rule E29 to add new Interpretation and Policies .01 that incorporates specific Large Trader Reporting (“LTR”) procedures. The proposed LTR in new Commentary .01 has several features: 1) The reportable level in a particular expiration month of a futures contract trigger reportable status. Thus, a person in reportable status in a particular contract has the duty to report all positions, regardless of size, in any futures contract month. 2) The daily Large Trader Reporting submission to the Exchange must include for each reportable account the Exchange for Related Position (“EFRP”) volume bought and sold in the reportable instrument, by contract month. 3) Failure by an omnibus account or foreign broker to submit required information may result in a disciplinary proceeding – which may result in limitations, conditions or denial of access of such omnibus account or foreign broker to any Exchange market. However, clearing members carrying such accounts remain responsible for obtaining and providing to the Exchange information regarding the ownership and control of positions in SR-NFX-2012-26 September 28, 2012 Page 2 circumstances where an omnibus account or foreign broker has failed to provide the information to the Exchange. 4) All large trader reports shall be submitted in a form acceptable to the Exchange (which may require that more than one large trader report be submitted daily). Moreover, clearing members, omnibus accounts and foreign brokers must provide the Exchange with the required CFTC Form 102 (“Identification of Special Accounts”) accurately identifying the owners, controllers, controlled accounts and any additional information required for each reportable account within three Business Days of the first day that the account in question becomes reportable. However, notwithstanding the three Business Day requirement, on the first day that an account becomes reportable, clearing members, omnibus accounts and foreign brokers must, at the direction of the Exchange, submit the following information: account type, reportable account number and names and addresses of the owners and controllers of the account. 5) And, any material changes to the information previously provided to the Exchange will require the submission of a revised form within three Business Days of such changes becoming effective. Additionally, in the absence of any material changes, the Exchange may require the submission of a new form on a biennial basis for the maintenance of accurate records. The Exchange believes that the revised amended language to Rule E29 should enable it to further be in conformance with Core Principle 4 regarding LTRs. There were no opposing views among the NFX’s Board of Directors, members or market participants. NFX hereby certifies that the amendment complies with the Commodity Exchange Act and regulations thereunder. The Exchange also certifies that notice of pending certification and a copy of this submission have been concurrently posted on the Exchange’s website at Regards, Daniel R. Carrigan President Attachment: cc: Proposed changes to NFX Rule E29. Mr. Glenn Spann, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Mr. J. Goodwin, National Futures Association SR-NFX-2012-26 September 28, 2012 Page 3 Exhibit A New text is underlined; deleted text is in [brackets]. NASDAQ OMX Futures Exchange Rules ***** Rule E29. Reportable Positions Each Member or Member Organization required to file any report, statement, form, or other information with the Commission pursuant to Commission regulations Part 15, 17, or 18 concerning any Contract(s) must simultaneously file a copy thereof with the Exchange. Each Member or Member Organization must submit the report, statement, form, or other information to the Exchange in the form and manner designated by the Exchange. •••Interpretation and Policies: -----------------.01 Large Trader Reports. Each Member or Member Organization shall submit to the Exchange a daily report of all Large Trader Reporting Levels as set forth by the Exchange. Positions at or above the reportable level in a particular expiration month of a futures contract trigger reportable status. For a person in reportable status in a particular contract, all positions, regardless of size, in any futures contract month must be reported. Additionally, the daily Large Trader Reporting submission to the Exchange must include for each reportable account the EFRP volume bought and sold in the reportable instrument, by contract month. Failure by an omnibus account or foreign broker to submit required information may result in a disciplinary proceeding and result in limitations, conditions or denial of access of such omnibus account or foreign broker to any Exchange market. Notwithstanding the above, clearing members carrying such accounts remain responsible for obtaining and providing to the Exchange information regarding the ownership and control of positions in circumstances where an omnibus account or foreign broker has failed to provide the information to the Exchange. All large trader reports shall be submitted in a form acceptable to the Exchange, which may require that more than one large trader report be submitted daily. Clearing members, omnibus accounts and foreign brokers must provide the Exchange with the required CFTC Form 102 (“Identification of Special Accounts”) accurately identifying the owners, controllers, controlled accounts and any additional information required for each reportable account within three Business Days of the first day that the account in question becomes reportable. Notwithstanding the three Business Day requirement, on the first day that an account becomes reportable, clearing members, omnibus accounts and foreign brokers must, at the direction of the Exchange, submit the following information: account type, reportable account number and names and addresses of the owners and controllers of the account. SR-NFX-2012-26 September 28, 2012 Page 4 Any material changes to the information previously provided to the Exchange will require the submission of a revised form within three Business Days of such changes becoming effective. Additionally, in the absence of any material changes, the Exchange may require the submission of a new form on a biennial basis for the maintenance of accurate records. *****
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