Reduce Early Graft Failure Following CABG Surgery Improve patient outcomes Verify graft patency

Cardiac Surgery
Reduce Early Graft Failure
Following CABG Surgery
Improve patient outcomes
Verify graft patency
Reduce bring-backs
Cardiac Surgery
Coronary Flowprobes take the guesswork
out of knowing bypass flow
Transonic® Cardiovascular Flowprobes
work with the Transonic® Optima
Flowmeter to measure volume flow
in vessels or grafts from 1.3 - 36
mm diameter. The non-constrictive
perivascular Flowprobes use transittime ultrasound technology to measure
volume blood flow directly, quickly and
easily, even in the low-flow range.
The surgeon now has a quantitative
tool with which to objectively assess
the quality of the anastomosis. Unseen
blood flow obstructions can be detected
intraoperatively and repaired before
closing the patient. This ability to correct
otherwise undetectable flow restrictions
gives the surgeon with a unique
opportunity to improve patient outcomes.
European Revascularization Guidelines
“Graft flow measurement, related to
graft type, vessel size, degree of stenosis,
quality of anastomosis, and outflow
area, is useful at the end of surgery.
Flow <20 mL/min and pulsatility index
>5 predict technically inadequate grafts,
mandating graft revision before leaving
the operating theatre.”1
1 The Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society
of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic
Surgery (EACTS) “Guidelines on Myocardial Revascularization,” Eur J
CardiothoracSurg 2010; 38, S1 S52
“…TTFM predicts graft failure within six months after CABG.”
Jokinen et al,“Clinical value of intra-operative transit-time flow
measurement for coronary artery bypass grafting: a prospective
angiography-controlled study”, Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2011;39(6):918-23.
“TTFM is a reliable method to verify intraoperative graft patency.”
Di Giammarco et al, “Can transit-time flow measurement improve graft
patency and clinical outcome in patients undergoing coronary artery
bypass grafting?” Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2010; 11(5): 635-40.
“Routinely, the use of TTFD significantly reduced the incidence
of post operative VFib, post-operative CK/CK-MB fraction and
angiographically detected bypass malfunction.” Bauer SF et al,
“Intraoperative bypass flow measurement reduces the incidence of
postoperative ventricular fibrillation and myocardial markers after
coronary revascularisation,” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005; 53(4): 217-22.
“The intraoperative use of flow measurements provide invaluable
information in a timely, accurate, cost-effective manner allowing
for the surgical correction of a surgical problem. This has
signficantly reduced the complication related to early technically
induced graft failure.” Mindich B, MD
Two transducers pass ultrasonic signals, alternately intersecting
the vessel in upstream and downstream directions. The difference
between the two transit times yields a measure of volume flow.
Transonic Systems Inc. is a global manufacturer of innovative biomedical measurement
equipment. Founded in 1983, Transonic sells “gold standard” transit-time ultrasound
flowmeters and monitors for surgical, hemodialysis, pediatric critical care, perfusion,
interventional radiology and research applications. In addition, Transonic provides
pressure and pressure volume systems, laser Doppler flowmeters and telemetry systems.
Transonic Systems Inc.
34 Dutch Mill Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: +1 607-257-5300
Fax: +1 607-257-7256
Transonic Europe B.V.
Business Park Stein 205
6181 MB Elsloo
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 43-407-7200
Fax: +31 43-407-7201
Transonic Asia Inc.
6F-3 No 5 Hangsiang Rd
Dayuan, Taoyuan County
33747 Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886 3399-5806
Fax: +886 3399-5805
Transonic Japan Inc.
KS Bldg 201, 735-4 Kita-Akitsu
Tokorozawa Saitama
359-0038 Japan
Tel: +81 04-2946-8541
Fax: +81 04-2946-8542
CABG Cover sheet (CV-200-fly) Rev. A 6-13
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgery Flowprobes
Transonic® Cardiac Surgery Flowprobes work with HT300-Series-FT Flowmeters to measure volume flow in
blood vessels or grafts from 0.5 to 36.0 mm in diameter. Measurements offer the surgeon an opportunity
to correct otherwise undetectable flow restrictions and guide surgical decisions to ensure the best surgical
outcome for the patient.
Fig. 1: Pictured, from left to right, are 1.5
mm, 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm coronary
Flowprobes showing their blue Probe
bodies, J-style reflectors and ultrasonic
sensing windows.
Fig. 3: Coronary Flowprobe Series: from bottom to top: 1.5 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm diameter.
The vessel should fill between 60% and 100% of the probe sensing window.
Fig. 2: COnfidence Flowprobes® provide highly
accurate measurements in vessels with
fluctuating flows such as the ascending
aorta. The Probes may be left in place
for extended measurements and then
easily removed via a ring attached to the
pliable liner that cushions and protects
the vessel.
Fig. 4: The Coronary Flowprobe’s elongated handle allows positioning of the Probe around
coronary artery bypass grafts that reach around the back of the heart. As shown above,
the Flowprobe’s flexible neck can be bent so that the Flowprobe can easily encircle a
coronary graft or vessel.
1.5 mm
1.3 - 2.3
2.0 mm
1.8 - 3.0
3.0 mm
2.4 - 4.0
4.0 mm
3.2 - 5.3
CardiacFlowmetersFlowprobes (CV-201-ds) Rev A 6-13
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgery Flowmeters
Transonic’s new Optima Flowmeter takes transit-time
ultrasound flow measurement resolution to the highest
level. The Optima’s unprecedented resolution accompanies
lower offsets, and doubles the accuracy for low flows.
The Optima Flowmeter enables use of our full line of
Cardiovascular Flowprobes for vessels from 0.5 mm to 36
mm in diameter. The Flowprobe’s flexible neck permits
optimal probe positioning and easy measurement.
• Provides unsurpassed accuracy and resolution
• Ensures vessel and graft patency
• Immediate, quantitative flow measurements
HT353 Single-channel Optima Flowmeter
The AureFlo system continuously measures,
displays, records and documents absolute volume
flow and other derived parameters. Shown
here with the new HT363 dual-channel Optima
Flowmeter, it can be used with Transonic’s new
Microsurgical Flowprobes.
HT364 Dual-channel Optima Flowmeter permits
simultaneous measurements with two Flowprobes.
Transonic Systems Inc. is a global manufacturer of innovative biomedical measurement
equipment. Founded in 1983, Transonic sells “gold standard” transit-time ultrasound
flowmeters and monitors for surgical, hemodialysis, pediatric critical care, perfusion,
interventional radiology and research applications. In addition, Transonic provides
pressure and pressure volume systems, laser Doppler flowmeters and telemetry systems.
Transonic Systems Inc.
34 Dutch Mill Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: +1 607-257-5300
Fax: +1 607-257-7256
Transonic Europe B.V.
Punterweg 31
6222 NW Maastricht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 43-407-7200
Fax: +31 43-407-7201
Transonic Asia Inc.
6F-3 No 5 Hangsiang Rd
Dayuan, Taoyuan County
33747 Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886 3399-5806
Fax: +886 3399-5805
Transonic Japan Inc.
KS Bldg 201, 735-4 Kita-Akitsu
Tokorozawa Saitama
359-0038 Japan
Tel: +81 04-2946-8541
Fax: +81 04-2946-8542
CABG Surgery
CABG Medical Protocol
Intraoperative Graft Patency
Assessment during CABG Surgery
Measuring Graft Flow
Diastolic-Dominant Pattern cont.
Accurate measurements are technique dependent.
• Select a Flowprobe sized so that the graft will fill at least 75%
of the lumen of the Probe without compressing the graft.
• Fill Probe window with ultrasound gel.
• Position Probe on graft (not over metal clips or fascia).
• Occlude native coronary artery and measure graft flow to
establish maximum flow for the graft.
• When flow reading is stable (10-15 seconds), press PRINT,
take snapshot or record on AureFlo®.
Does Mean Flow Confirm Graft Patency?
Acceptable Mean Flow > 30 mL/min
Medium Range Mean Flows (5 - 30mL/min)
Does flow exhibit the expected pattern?
Evaluate other factors that may lower flow such as
vasospasm of arterial grafts; small target vessel or small
patient; small graft capacity, poor runoff, or low mean arterial
Is Pulsatility Index (PI) between 1 & 5?
A PI greater than 5 is generally associated with low mean flow
and systolic-dominant flow pattern indicating that the graft
should be reexamined.
Examine Graft
• With Probe on the graft, turn on FlowSound® and listen for
pitch increases as adjustments are made to the graft (1 octave
pitch ‘K‘ = 4 ‘xK‘ in flow).
• Look for kinks/twists in the graft, low MAP, dampened
• Redo anastomosis if technical error is indicated.
Fig. 1: LIMA-LAD: mean = 147 mL/min; diastolic dominant; PI =2.
Balanced Systolic/Diastolic Pattern
In grafts to the right ventricle, flow is more equally distributed
between the systolic and diastolic phases. This produces a flow
waveform where the systolic peak may dominate but is followed by
a proportionally strong diastolic flow producing a systolic/diastolic
balanced waveform (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2: RIMA - RCA: mean is 19 mL/min. systolic/diastolic balanced; PI=2
Questionable Flows
For questionable mean graft flows (5 - 30 mL/min), the graft is
evaluated through systolic/diastolic waveform properties, using
FlowSound®, a printout or snapshot to examine the graft. A
rule of thumb is that systole lasts one-third of a heart beat and
diastole lasts two-thirds.
Stenotic Pattern
In stenotic grafts, the systolic peak dominates the flow profile and
is associated with low or zero-mean flow. Often, systolic charge
flow flows backwards as a negative flow during diastole (Fig. 3).
Flow Waveform Analysis
Diastolic-Dominant Pattern
For grafts to the left ventricle, the shorter waveform peak is
usually systolic, and the higher, broader peak is diastolic (Fig. 1)
except in the presence of severe tachycardia where diastole is
shortened. An acceptable left ventricular waveform is “diastolic
dominant” where the delivered diastolic blood volume (i.e., area
under diastolic curve) exceeds delivered systolic blood volume.
Fig. 3: The RIMA - RCA graft exemplifies a graft with a stenotic flow profile. The flow waveform dips below zero and indicates the presence of competitive flow.
Coronary Graft Patency Assessment Protocol Cont.
Measure Graft Flow
Evaluate Mean Flow Reading
or Poor Flow
< 15 mL/min
(per mean flow chart)
Examine Graft
(spasm/kinks/twists/soft BP)
Good Flow
> 20 mL/min or > 30 mL/min
(depending on a patient’s
size and physiology)
Remeasure Graft Flow
with native coronary artery occluded
(mean flow reading & waveform printout)
Good Flow
Reevaluate Mean Flow Reading
(per mean flow chart)
Acceptable Flow
Poor Flow
< 5 mL/min
Questionable Flow
Flow Waveform Analysis
• Acceptable Flow Profile:
• Diastolic Dominant (left ventricle)
• Systolic/Diastolic balanced (right ventricle)
• Acceptable Pulsatility Index (1 - 5)
Questionable Flow Profile
Analyze Other Factors
• Small patient/small target vessel?
• Physiologic factors (MI, vasospasm, low MAP)?
• Poor runoff?
• Quality of myocardium?
Suspect Graft
Patent Graft
Examine Graft for Anastomotic Error
Proceed to measure flow in next graft
Revise graft
The objective of vascular procedures is to re-establish
adequate blood flow. But without definitive
measurements, one doesn’t really know exact flow.
Why rely on guesswork and intuition, and wait until
postoperative conditions determine surgical success?
Measure flow intraoperatively and generate flow
waveforms for the operative record. Elevate your
professional reputation with referring physicians, and
protect your practice.
Make intraoperative flow measurement with the
AureFlo® System part of your routine. Verify adequate
blood flow before closing your patient.
“Not a day goes by that these flow measurements don’t solve a problem for me.”
B. Mindich, MD
“ the Medical Center here, we use the flowprobe as part of our routine monitoring the post-bypass
patient. It gives us intraoperatively information about what’s transpiring with each individual graft. It’s not
information that you could get any other way.”
E. Grossi, MD
“Transonic Flow-QC provides a measurable improvement in the quality of care you can extend to your
patients. You can: improve patient outcomes; reduce or delay the need for future interventions and
document surgical results.”
T.Wolvos, MD, FACS
Transonic Systems Inc. is a global manufacturer of innovative biomedical measurement
equipment. Founded in 1983, Transonic sells “gold standard” transit-time ultrasound
flowmeters and monitors for surgical, hemodialysis, pediatric critical care, perfusion,
interventional radiology and research applications. In addition, Transonic provides
pressure and pressure volume systems, laser Doppler flowmeters and telemetry systems.
Transonic Systems Inc.
34 Dutch Mill Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: +1 607-257-5300
Fax: +1 607-257-7256
Transonic Europe B.V.
Punterweg 31
6222 NW Maastricht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 43-407-7200
Fax: +31 43-407-7201
Transonic Asia Inc.
6F-3 No 5 Hangsiang Rd
Dayuan, Taoyuan County
33747 Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886 3399-5806
Fax: +886 3399-5805
Transonic Japan Inc.
KS Bldg 201, 735-4 Kita-Akitsu
Tokorozawa Saitama
359-0038 Japan
Tel: +81 04-2946-8541
Fax: +81 04-2946-8542
Eliminate Guesswork...
Replace intuition & optimism
with volume flow measurements
CV-53-fly Rev. E 8/13
AureFlo : Flow-Assisted Surgery to Optimize Outcomes
C a r d i a c
T h o r a c i c
N e u r o s u r g e r y
V a s c u l a r
•• Enhance operative notes
and referral feedback
Verify blood flow and graft quality with
AureFlo®, a portable, integrated flow
measurement system to continuously measure,
display, and capture absolute volume flow and
other derived parameters. Real-time feedback
allows for quick assessment and immediate,
intraoperative action.
•• Review case recordings
•• Print selected waveforms
for reference, analyzing,
teaching or documenting
into the patient record
Save and review recordings to enhance operative notes.
Photo ©Odua/
Intuitive Operation
Largest selection of non-constrictive
application-specific Flowprobes
•• Quick patient, procedure and vessel data entry
•• Measure, capture, store and retrieve flow information
Versatile Display
•• Touch-screen PC uploaded with FlowTrace® software
•• Easy to read, high contrast display
AureFlo® display of recorded LIMA-LAD volume flow waveform (systolic
flow volume in red; diastolic in blue). Also displayed are mean flow in
mL/min, pulsatility index (PI), D/S Ratio, ECG tracing and heart rate.
Convenient & Portable
•• Small footprint, with large wheels for easy mobility
•• Stable cart that securely holds Meter, Monitor & printer
•• Includes a convenient writing surface and storage drawer
Record, Display & Create Case Portfolios
•• Recordings and snapshots can be labeled for identification
before and after the procedure
•• Select 8-second snapshots from recorded measurements for
review or documentation
•• Generous memory space allows storage of many cases
Portfolio screen can display up to four snapshots at a time
M i c r o s u r g e r y
Archive & Retrieve
•• Display can be connected to an OR monitor
Tr a n s p l a n t
Perivascular Flowprobes
The widest selection of Flowprobes available
Transonic’s application-customized Flowprobes measure volume
flow in blood vessels and grafts from 0.5 mm to 36 mm to:
•Quantify blood flow
Identify technical problems early
Improve patient outcomes
FlowprobeFlyer(CV-500-fly)RevB 2014
Microvascular Flowprobes
Flaps • Reattachments
Transonic® Microvascular Flowprobes measure volume flow in blood vessels or grafts from 0.5 to 4.0 mm diameter.
Flow measurement in these vessels during microvascular procedures quantify flows in the smallest vessels in order
to objectively assess the quality of the reconstruction or replantation, guide better surgical decisions and give the
surgeon the opportunity to correct otherwise undetectable flow restrictions before closing the patient. Due to
extreme accuracy requirements, this Microvascular Flowprobe Series is only available with the Optima Flowmeter.
Microvascular Flowprobe (2 mm) showing handle and flexible probe neck for easy positioning of the Flowprobe around a vessel.
0.7 mm
1.0 mm
1.5 mm
2.0 mm
3.0 mm
Ultrasonic sensing windows of Microvascular
Flowprobe (MU) Series.
Side-by-side comparison of a 0.7 mm
Flowprobe with a tip of a 25g. needle.
Microvascular Flowprobe (-MU) Series including 0.7 mm, 1 mm, 1.5 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm Flowprobes.
Cardiac Flowprobes
Coronary Artery Grafts • Ascending Aorta
Transonic® Cardiac Flowprobes include FMC-Series Flowprobes for coronary artery bypass grafting surgery and
COnfidence Flowprobes® for continuous measurement on great vessels with turbulent flows.
Coronary Flowprobes
Elongated curved neck
Probe body
Probe handle
Flexible neck segment
FMC-Series Coronary Handle Flowprobes are available in sizes 1.5 mm to 4 mm. They feature a
J-style reflector, designed for spot flow checks of coronary artery bypass grafts and an extended neck
with a flexible end to reach coronary grafts even behind the heart.
COnfidence Flowprobes®
Probe shell
COnfidence Flowprobes consist of a Flowprobe
shell and a single-use soft, flexible Ultrafit liner.
This novel concept for ultrasonic signal coupling
enables immediate, accurate beat-to-beat flow
measurements with a minimum of ultrasonic
coupling gel. The form-fitting Ultrafit Liner
slips into the transducer shell to encircle the
vessel and keep the vessel in place. The liner
cushions and protects the vessel during a flow
measurement. Liners are incrementally sized for
optimal fit on the target vessel.
Pictured, from left to right, are 1.5 mm,
2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm coronary
Flowprobes showing their blue Probe
bodies, J reflectors and ultrasonic
sensing windows.
28 mm
20 mm
16 mm
14 mm
10 mm
8 mm
24 mm
COnfidence Flowprobes® (-AU-Series), designed with four transducers, provide highly accurate measurements in vessels with highly turbulent
flows such as the ascending aorta. The Flowprobe’s slim, ergonomic profile creates a minimal footprint that fits in tight anatomical sites. The
soft, pliable liner cushions and protects the vessel. Available in 15 sizes from 8 mm to 36 mm.
Port-Access Flowprobes
Port-Access Flowprobes, a customer-driven innovation, feature a long endoscopic handle to extend through robotic ports and measure flows
on coronary grafts. They are available in three sizes: 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm.
Vascular Flowprobes
Peripheral Vascular • Carotid Endarterectomy
Transonic’s spectrum of Vascular Flowprobes measure volume flows intraoperatively in vessels and grafts from
0.5 mm to 20 mm to detect blood flow obstructions before leaving the operating room. This ability to correct
otherwise undetectable flow restrictions provides the surgeon with a unique opportunity to improve the
outcome for his or her patient.
Handle Vascular Flowprobes
Probe body
J Reflector
Flexible neck
Short Handle Vascular Flowprobes: The FMV-Series features a short handle and a J reflector designed for spot flow checks. Available
in a wide range of sizes from 1.5 mm to 14 mm.
Carotid Flowprobes
Non-handle Flowprobes
Sliding cover
Probe body
L reflector
L reflector
Flexible neck
FME-Series Flowprobes feature an L-shaped reflector to protect against dislodging of
plaque (such as during carotid endarterectomy) as the Flowprobe is applied. The L reflector
design allows the probe to be slipped on and off a carotid artery easily, facilitating quick
pre- and post-procedure measurements. Available in 1.5 mm to 10 mm sizes.
Non-Handle Flowprobes (FSB-Series) feature an
ultrasonic flowsensing window defined by an L
reflector with a sliding cover so that the Flowprobe
can remain positioned around the vessel for
extended measurements. FSB-Series Flowprobes
are available in sizes from 2 mm to 14 mm.
OptiMax® Flowprobes
The OptiMax® family with J reflectors (shown) and L reflectors (not shown) are available in 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm. OptiMax Flowprobes’ two
reflector shapes and multiple probe sizes accommodate different surgical preferences and patient anatomies. The skin tabs secure the Flowprobe
so that continuous measurements can guide vascular constructions, banding or revisions until a target flow is achieved.
Cerebrovascular Flowprobes
Aneurysm Clipping • EC-IC Bypass • AVMs • Fistulas
Transonic® Cerebrovascular (Charbel) Flowprobes measure volume flow in intracranial and extracranial vessels
during cerebrovascular flow preservation or flow augmentation surgeries. Intraoperative measurements
of volume flow assure the integrity of flow in cerebral vessels or they alert the surgeon to dangerous flow
deficits at a time when every minute counts.
Intracranial Flowprobes
Long bayonet neck
Probe head
Long bayonet neck
Long bayonet neck intracranial Charbel Micro-Flowprobes® are available in three sizes, 1.5 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm, for aneurysm
clipping, AVM and dural fistula obliteration surgeries. -MB & -MR-Series Charbel Micro-Flowprobes® are designed to measure flow
in major intracranial vessels of the Circle of Willis. Their long bayonet neck permits use under a surgical microscope and a flexible
neck segment permits bending the Flowprobe as needed to most easily position the probe around the vessel.
Extracranial Flowprobes
Short bayonet neck
Short bayonet neck extracranial Charbel Probes® are available in three sizes, 3 mm, 4 mm and 6 mm,
for extracranial vessels such as the superior temporal artery during extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC)
bypass surgeries. Their short bayonet neck permits use under a surgical microscope
and a flexible neck segment permits bending the Flowprobe as needed to most
easily position the probe around the vessel.
Side-by-side comparison between intracranial Charbel Micro-Flowprobes® and shorter neck extracranial Charbel
Flowprobes® used during EC-IC bypass surgery.
Transplant Flowprobes
Liver • Renal • Heart/Lung • Pancreas
Transonic® Flowprobes work with HT300-Series Flowmeters to measure volume flow in blood vessels and grafts
from 0.5 to 36.0 mm. In critical transplant surgeries, intraoperative measurement of flow in vessels can guide
surgical decisions to ensure vessel patency prior to closing.
Probe body
Flexible neck
FMV-Series 4 and 6 mm Vascular Flowprobes recommended for measuring hepatic arterial flow. Picture shows Flowprobe handle with size of Probe
in mm, the Probe’s flexible neck for optimal positioning of the Probe around the vessel, the Probe body that houses the ultrasonic transducers, and
the Probe reflector. Vessel is positioned within the Probe sensing window that is defined by the Probe body and its stationary reflector.
Vascular Flowprobes (FMV-Series) in sizes 8 mm to 14 mm are used for spot portal venous flow measurements.
COnfidence Flowprobes® (-AU-Series) can also be used for continuous portal venous flow measurements.
Transonic Systems Inc. is a global manufacturer of innovative biomedical measurement
equipment. Founded in 1983, Transonic sells “gold standard” transit-time ultrasound
flowmeters and monitors for surgical, hemodialysis, pediatric critical care, perfusion,
interventional radiology and research applications. In addition, Transonic provides
pressure and pressure volume systems, laser Doppler flowmeters and telemetry systems.
Transonic Systems Inc.
34 Dutch Mill Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: +1 607-257-5300
Fax: +1 607-257-7256
Transonic Europe B.V.
Business Park Stein 205
6181 MB Elsloo
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 43-407-7200
Fax: +31 43-407-7201
Transonic Asia Inc.
6F-3 No 5 Hangsiang Rd
Dayuan, Taoyuan County
33747 Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886 3399-5806
Fax: +886 3399-5805
Transonic Japan Inc.
KS Bldg 201, 735-4 Kita-Akitsu
Tokorozawa Saitama
359-0038 Japan
Tel: +81 04-2946-8541
Fax: +81 04-2946-8542
Flowprobe Selection Guide
SIZES (mm)
1.5, 2, 3, 4
1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
Carotid (L-reflector for carotid endarterectomy)
1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10
OptiMax (hands-free, J-reflector)
4, 6, 8, 10, 12
OptiMax (hands-free, L-reflector carotid endarterectomy)
4, 6, 8, 10, 12
Microvascular (handle)
0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 3
Cardiac Output COnfidence Flowprobe
8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36
Intracranial Charbel Micro-Flowprobe® (long bayonet handle)
1.5, 2, 3
Extracranial EC-IC Bypass: Micro-Flowprobe (short bayonet handle)
3, 4, 6
Basic (no handle, L-reflector, sliding cover)
1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
Recommended Sizes and/or Flowprobe Series for Specific Vessels or Applications
Probe Size
Probe Series
Arterial conduits
1.5, 2, 3, 4
Saphenous vein
2, 3, 4
Ascending aorta
28, 32, 36
Pulmonary artery
24, 28, 32
Pediatric heart
8, 10, 12,
14, 16, 20
Probe Size
Probe Series
Size (mm)
Common carotid artery
8, 10
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Radial artery
2, 3
Brachial artery
3, 4, 6
Graft venous outflow
4, 6
4, 6
Renal bypass
4, 6, 8
Portal vein
10, 12, 14
Renal artery
4, 6
Renal vein
External iliac artery
6, 8
Hypogastric artery
4, 6
Common iliac artery
Cerebral arteries
Probe Size
Probe Series
1.5, 2, 3
3, 4, 6
1.5, 2, 3
Hepatic artery
Probe Series
Aortoiliac shunt
16, 20
common iliac
10, 12
Portocaval shunt
10, 12, 14
Splenorenal shunt
10, 12, 14
Profunda femoris
Common femoral
8, 10
4, 6
3, 4
Probe Size (mm)
Probe Series
Microvessels in hand, wrist
0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 3
FlowprobeSelectionGuide(CV-66-tn)RevE 2014