Cover Sheet for Proposals (All sections must be completed) Name of Initiative: Enhancing Digital Resources Name of Lead Institution: Name of Proposed Project: e-Content Capital Programme JISC e-Content Programme 2008-11, Strand A: Institutional Skills and Strategies The John Rylands University Library, The University of Manchester, U.K. Centre of Competence for Heritage Digitisation in the North of England Name(s) of Project Partner(s): Full Contact Details for Primary Contact: Name: Carol Burrows Position: Assistant Librarian (Special Collections – Imaging) Email: Address: The John Rylands University Library, The University of Manchester, 150 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3EH, UK Tel: +44 (0)161 275 3778 Fax: +44 (0)161 834 5574 Length of Project: 18 months Project Start Date: August 2009 Project End Date: Total Funding Requested from JISC: £ 156,472.00 Total Institutional Contributions: £ 162,739.00 January 2011 Total Funding Broken Down over Financial Years (April-March): Sept 09 – March 10 April 10 – Feb 11 £ 129,607.00 £ 189,604.00 Outline Project Description: The John Rylands University Library, The University of Manchester has developed considerable skills and expertise within its staff of creating and managing digital surrogates of material that requires sensitive handling, typically historical or cultural materials with great research potential. We propose to investigate the feasibility of establishing a Centre of Competence for Heritage Digitisation, based within the University of Manchester, promoting best practice in object-centred digitisation. Our main objective is to explore and test various business models with external partners, thereby allowing those institutions which do not have the necessary resources to embark on digitisation activity to benefit from our expertise and facilities. The feasibility study will examine demand, assess staffing and skills required, address any issues that may arise and provide solutions to problems, and balance the logistics of the service against the expenditure in order to determine whether the Centre could operate as a self-financing initiative. We also propose to provide an internship programme to contribute to the skills base in the heritage digitisation sector. Our initial focus will be in the north of England, where no organisation currently operates such a specialist service. I have looked at the example FOI form at Appendix A and included an FOI form in the attached bid (Indicate in relevant Box) I have read the Circular and associated Terms and Conditions of Grant at Appendix B (Indicate in relevant Box) YES NO YES NO FOI Withheld Information Form We would like JISC to consider withholding the following sections or paragraphs from disclosure, should the contents of this proposal be requested under the Freedom of Information Act, or if we are successful in our bid for funding and our project proposal is made available on JISC’s website. We acknowledge that the FOI Withheld Information Form is of indicative value only and that JISC may nevertheless be obliged to disclose this information in accordance with the requirements of the Act. We acknowledge that the final decision on disclosure rests with JISC. Section / Paragraph No. None for withholding Relevant exemption from disclosure under FOI Justification CENTRE OF COMPETENCE FOR HERITAGE DIGITISATION IN THE NORTH OF ENGLAND 1 PROPOSAL AND WORKPLAN 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 The John Rylands University Library (JRUL), The University of Manchester, has world-renowned research collections. It was recently designated by HEFCE as one of only five National Research Libraries – the only one located in the north of England. The Library’s Special Collections are of exceptional importance in a wide range of disciplines, and were one of the first library collections to be designated by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council in 2005. Recently the Library has undertaken two major digitisation projects: the JISC-sponsored Middle English manuscript project, In the bigynnyng, and the AHRC-funded Genizah project (see Appendix 3 for further details). We have also been awarded funding for several smaller digitisation projects for summer 2009, including a Dante project funded by the British Academy and a Shahnama project funded by The Islamic Manuscript Association. All projects are scheduled for completion this autumn. 1.1.2 Library staff have considerable skills and expertise in creating and managing digital surrogates of materials that require sensitive handling. We have two fully-equipped imaging studios with high-specification cameras and digital backs, two conservation-friendly Copibook scanners (, two fixed copy-stands and a Traveller’s Conservation Copy-stand. Whereas some institutions excel in mass digitisation, no other organisation in the north of England specialises in the digitisation of heritage materials; the nearest facility is located in the East Midlands (a private company). Indeed, the set-up costs of such facilities are prohibitive for many institutions. We are therefore applying to JISC for funding under the e-Content Programme, ‘Strand A: Institutional Skills and Strategies’ to test the feasibility of establishing a regional Centre of Competence for Heritage Digitisation, based within the University of Manchester. By locating the Centre within the University we are able to draw on an exceptional body of skills and expertise ranging from IT to Islamic art. 1.1.3 Manchester’s geographical position, with good road, rail and air links, makes it an ideal centre for such an initiative. Whilst retaining the facilities to digitise at two Manchester sites (Deansgate and Oxford Road), we can also offer a peripatetic service, travelling to stakeholder sites and digitising in situ, thus saving the costs of transportation, storage and insurance and reducing the risk of loss or damage to unique and often extremely valuable materials. Should demand be identified we are happy to extend the service beyond the region. 1.2 Aims and Objectives 1.2.1 Our aim is to establish whether there is demand for a regional Centre of Competence for Heritage Digitisation, embedded within the University of Manchester. We will establish partnerships with museums, libraries and archive repositories throughout the region, and beyond, to develop and test collaborative models for digitisation. 1.2.2 • • • • • • • Our objectives are to: Explore and test various business models and practices with external partnerships and alliances; Achieve economies of scale by competitively marketing our services and expertise; Develop a strategy for continuation and long-term sustainability of digitisation activities; Embed digitisation into our institutional strategies and practices; Define best-practice for object-centred digitisation; Expand our existing on-line content by hosting related materials held by other institutions; Fulfil JISC, Library and University strategic goals (see Appendix 4). 1.3 Project Deliverables 1.3.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Outputs A report on the feasibility of a heritage digitisation service and advisory centre; Recommendations for effective business models and methodologies; Publicity and promotional material, including a dedicated website where all reports and studies will be published; Additional digitised content, freely available on-line; Recommendations for best, good and basic levels of practice for object-centred digitisation. 1 1.3.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Outcomes New and improved regional and national partnerships and alliances, including with JISC Digital Media; Acquisition of business acumen; Retention and best use of resources; Cost-saving benefits of sharing equipment and expertise; Enhanced access to and preservation of unique cultural materials for academic and public engagement; Graduate training opportunities, increasing the skills base in the heritage digitisation sector; Role model and / or service for other regions; Fulfilment of JISC, Library and University strategic goals. 1.4 Methodology 1.4.1 Secondment Key staff will be directly seconded to the project. Carol Burrows, Assistant Librarian: Imaging, will be appointed as Project Manager (0.5 FTE), supported by the Head of Special Collections (a member of the JRUL’s Leadership Team reporting directly to the University Librarian and Director). Caroline Checkley-Scott, Collection Care Manager, will oversee issues relating to collection care (0.2 FTE), whilst technical assistance will be provided by the Digitisation Support Assistant (0.25 FTE) under the supervision of Jennifer Curtis, Digitisation Manager (0.2 FTE). 1.4.2 Recruitment Four new posts will be created as a result of the project: • 1 Senior Photographic Technician (1.0 FTE); • 1 Photographic Technician (Internship 1.0 FTE); • 1 Conservator (Internship 1.0 FTE); • 1 Cataloguer / Administrator (1.0 FTE). Following submission of the bid, role descriptions and advertisements will be prepared and internal approvals obtained, so that recruitment can begin immediately after the award of the grant. We would expect the Cataloguer and the Senior Photographic Technician to be in post by 1 October 2009. The internships will each be contracted for a 12 month period between 1 October 2009 and 31 January 2011; these posts will be advertised externally on University and professional websites. In the unlikely event that recruitment is unsuccessful, existing members of staff will be seconded to the project and their posts back-filled. New staff will be based within the Special Collections Division at the Deansgate site. 1.4.3 Internships To achieve best practice, the heritage sector needs access to well-trained professionals. We are proposing to offer two project internships: a photographer and a conservator. An internship provides a unique period of intensive work experience under the supervision of a qualified and skilled conservator or photographer. It acts as a stepping-stone on an individual’s career path, giving the Intern impetus to move to the next stage, whether academic training, further practical experience, a first job or a head-start towards professional accreditation. It offers the individual an opportunity to gain additional knowledge and develop practical skills without the usual constraints and responsibilities of everyday employment. Interns will be acknowledged as having a special training status, supported by professional staff within the JRUL. 1.4.4 Consultancy Robert Taylor will be appointed as external consultant for the project. Further information regarding Robert’s credentials is given in Section 5.9. For ten weeks during the summer of 2010 we will offer an internship to a student enrolled on the MBA at the prestigious Manchester Business School. This can be extended part-time to the end of October 2010. The intern will continue to benefit from faculty supervision, and as a current member of The University of Manchester there will be no issues regarding immigration or work permits. A Steering Group will offer strategic direction and will include the consultant, the supervisor of the MBA intern, and representatives from the North West Regional Archives Council, heritage libraries in the north-west region and the University of Manchester’s Faculty of Humanities. 1.4.5 Partnerships and test models / methodologies Some potential partnerships have already been identified (see Section 3); others will be established during the project. In each case, the Project Manager and relevant team members will meet with stakeholders to clarify the terms and conditions of their role as test model, identify any content to be digitised where applicable, and confirm the nature of the partnership. Benchmarks and specifications will be agreed. Processes and standards will be documented and included in a Service Level Agreement to be devised as a part of the project. A work plan will be established for each project model. Some examples of project models we wish to test and cost include: • Digitising external collections at the JRUL; 2 • Digitising external collections in situ; • Digitising small numbers of images (e.g. one manuscript codex); • Self-service scanning (Copibooks at Deansgate and Oxford Road sites); • Metadata production; • Hosting external collections in our image management system (Luna Insight); • Training partners to produce their own metadata; • Pre- and post-digitisation treatment assessments and services; • Options for preservation, including archive storage solutions for images; • Knowledge / service exchange with partners; • Funding bid collaboration: • Advisory service. The Project Manager will keep logistical records, including time-sheets, expenses and records of equipment used. For each case study the MBA Intern will prepare a detailed Cost Benefit Analysis to determine the viability of offering the model as a commercial service. 1.4.6 Market and user needs analysis In association with the Project Manager and the Consultant, the MBA Intern will undertake a comprehensive survey of the potential heritage sector market in the north-west region. A representative section of institutions will be targeted and asked to take part in an analysis of customer needs. This scoping exercise will help us formulate the strategy for the Centre, ensuring we pitch our services to maximum effect, whilst simultaneously advertising the service and enlisting external institutions as stakeholders in the project and beyond. 1.4.7 Feasibility study The aim of the feasibility study will be to explore the financial and logistical practicalities of the test models in relation to the potential market to determine whether a Centre of Competence in Heritage Digitisation could be self-financing. It should address the appropriate staffing levels and skill sets required, highlight problems and identify solutions. It should also address alternative business models and make recommendations for improving planning and budgeting, leading to more effective financial decision making. The feasibility study will be written by the MBA Intern as the final paper of their internship, and be quality assessed by both their supervisor at the Manchester Business School and the external consultant. 1.4.8 Pre- and post-digitisation treatment The JRUL is working towards best practice in object-centred digitisation. All of the processes related to the care of the collections that precede and follow the actual image capture are described as “pre- and post-digitisation treatment”. The condition of the object prior to image capture will be fully documented, as is current practice on all similar projects at the JRUL. This can be a lengthy process in cases where the object is of high intrinsic, reputational or monetary value, or has complicated features, e.g. fold out plates, pigments etc. Additional requirements for preservation following image capture will be identified and costed. It is a commonly known fact that digitisation increases interest in the original object. In order to take a responsible approach to digitisation and to ensure long-term preservation of objects, pre and post treatment must form part of that process. The Conservator Intern will write a report on the impact of digitisation on original objects with reference to current projects. 1.4.9 Image capture An inventory of existing equipment is outlined in Section 1.1.2. Image specifications, file-naming arrangements and standards will be agreed with the customer and documented in the Service Level Agreement. Progress will be recorded on spreadsheets. Options for archiving images may include raw 48-bit files archived on tape and 24-bit processed TIFF files archived on hard drives and / or transferred to University servers. Data backup services managed by central University IT Services will be used. Raw files will routinely include a Kodak colour strip and scale rule, but these can be cropped from processed files if the partner wishes. 1.4.10 Image management and delivery JRUL already has the capacity to build image collections using the Luna Insight suite, our proprietary image management system supplied by Luna Imaging Inc.. We currently have four digital collections: The Rylands Collection (a general collection highlighting some of our treasures), a Medieval Collection, a Genizah Collection and a Papyri Collection. All are publicly available via our website ( We also host a collection accessible only by the School of Arts, Histories and Cultures, due to copyright restrictions on some of the images. We propose to extend our content by hosting external collections which interface well with our own. Depending on the model chosen, metadata creation can be undertaken in-house by the JRUL cataloguer or externally by partners, for whom training can be provided if required. Licence and hosting fees would be payable annually to Luna Imaging Inc (for 3 partners undertaking their own metadata creation, covering use of their Inscribe software during the collection building phase) and to the JRUL (to include storage costs). JRUL photographers would load a copy of each processed image into the system via Luna Insight Studio software, which creates a JPEG 2000 file for viewing purposes. Images will be displayed via the new LUNA viewer provided as part of Insight 6.0 software. LUNA is a web-based front end to Luna Insight, offering Web 2.0 concepts such as embedding and linking. All images placed in this system will be copyright cleared and freely available on-line. The Technical Support role will provide support to all stakeholders with regard to the Insight components. 1.4.11 Data capture For collections to be hosted in Luna Insight, the JRUL Cataloguing Assistant or a designated member of the partner’s team will create a record for each image using Luna’s Inscribe software. Progress will be recorded on spreadsheets and crosschecked with capture data to ensure consistency. The image-level metadata will include any significant details about the original folio, plus image capture information. Metadata is held in the Oracle 10 database which underlies the Luna Insight image management suite. Both metadata and images can be downloaded or printed directly from the viewer software, or links embedded into web-based materials. Full training on use of the suite will be delivered by Carol Burrows. 1.4.12 Website Initially we will set up a project website, adhering to JISC guidelines. The home page will describe the project, outline the objectives and include sponsors’ logos. Tabbed links will be provided to further pages, to include all project documentation and reports, details of services provided, on-line image collections created under project auspices, related sites and services (including JISC Digital Media) and partners homepages. A dedicated service website will be developed towards the end of the project. 1.4.13 Work plan A detailed work plan is included in Appendix 1. 1.5 Project Governance and Management The Project Manager will oversee the progress of the project, liaising with team members, the Steering Group and JISC. The Project Manager will monitor workflows and have responsibility for service agreements, quality assessment and delivery. The project team will meet bi-monthly. Project governance at a higher level will be overseen by a Project Steering Group which will meet every four months (see Section 1.4.4). Project reports will be submitted to JISC at a frequency to be agreed with the Programme Manager. 1.6 IPR 1.6.1 Copyright in unpublished manuscripts and archives is perpetual under current UK legislation. However, any material digitised as a result of this proposal will be physically owned by the partner organisation, or must have the owner‘s permission if collections have deposit status. In cases where copyright ownership cannot be identified (e.g. 16th century manuscripts) we regard the potential for a claim for rights infringement to be infinitesimally small. Partners will retain copyright in their images. As employees of the University of Manchester the photographers have no claim to copyright. Authentication configured within the Luna Insight display system controls the available resolution of images, so that they can be made available for direct download only at a smaller size/lower resolution than can be viewed online, thus protecting intellectual property. Requests for larger images or publication rights will be directed to the partner institutions or, by agreement, can be handled by JRUL’s Imaging Services. 1.7 Standards 1.7.1 Our basic standard for image capture follows JISC Digital Media’s ‘Guidelines for Image Capture and Optimisation’. Images will be catalogued to a locally developed application profile, based on and compliant with VRA 3.0 metadata standards. It is also UK-LOM Core and Dublin Core compliant and mapped to the Getty Crosswalk. Library of Congress Subject Headings and the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names are used for authority control. We adhere to JISC Digital Media’s guidelines for the preservation of images. The project website will conform to JISC guidelines. Quality benchmarks and specifications will be established with all stakeholders during the planning stage of each project model, based on needs analysis and workflow feasibility. Processes and standards will be documented and included in a Service Level Agreement. The pre- and post-digitisation treatment complies with and is guided by the national and international standards of the profession: The Institute of Conservation (ICON), The European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers’ Organisation (ECCO), and the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Members of the JRUL belong to the following additional professional organisations: Museums Association (MA), The Society of Bookbinders, and ICOM. 4 1.8 Risk Risk analysis and mitigation strategy Category Likeli- Impact hood (1-5) (1-5) Slippage in Managerial 3 5 project timetable Score (1-5) Risk Management Approach / Mitigating Actions Early Warning Signs 15 Project plan informed by previous experience of projects management. Rigorous management and monitoring procedures provide early warning of problems. Review imaging and metadata procedures to obtain efficiencies. As last resort provide additional Library resource. Motivation via contractual terms, good job design, good working environment and personal development opportunities. Relatively short duration of project reduces likelihood of permanent staff leaving Establish clear aims and objectives at outset. Regular communication between project partners via email and telephone. Frequent progress reporting by both partners. Ensure remuneration is appropriate to skills level. Second in-house staff in the event of recruitment problems. Workflow fails to meet targets in early stages of project. Loss of key project personnel Staffing 3 4 12 Disagreements between JRUL & partners Managerial 3 4 12 Inability to recruit Staffing 2 5 10 Lack of heritage sector support User interaction 2 5 10 Lack of academic support for project Conservation issues prevent adequate image capture Loss of metadata or image files Luna Imaging ceases trading or no longer supports Luna software User interaction 2 4 8 Technical 2 4 8 Technical/ Managerial 2 4 8 Suppliers 2 4 8 Failure of equipment IPR problems Technical 3 2 6 Legal 1 3 3 Rigorous targeting of community during user needs analysis. Make proposals attractive. Regular meetings of steering group. Clever marketing to attract partners Regular meetings of steering group. Consultation with academics. Win support of senior figures in Universities. Assessment of condition of materials, prior to agreements. Remedial conservation work done in-house to make materials fit for imaging. Rigorous storage and back-up procedures, in line with University protocols. Regular liaison with Luna Imaging; active involvement in Luna User Group. Luna supplies many major museums and libraries, so low risk of leaving this market. Metadata and images are in generic formats which can be migrated. Obtain warranties from suppliers. Rapid replacement. Low risk of surviving copyright holders. Withhold images until agreement reached for display online. 5 Low morale, absenteeism, poor quality of work, low output. Identified through regular meetings and PDR process. Deviation from agreed outputs. Irregular or inadequate communication. Low numbers of poorly-qualified applicants. Repeated advertisements. Poor take-up on survey. Lack of response. Negativity. Non-attendance at meetings. Failure to respond to communications. Photographer has difficulty in handling materials. Accidental loss individual files. of Poor communications with Luna Imaging; failure to respond to queries and requests; rumours of financial/managerial problems. Poor reliability of equipment. Complaints from copyright holders. 1.9 Exit Plans 1.9.1 Exit plans and sustainability are addressed in 2.2 Sustainability, below. 2 IMPACT 2.1 Benefits 2.1.1 The John Rylands Library has an international reputation for excellence and is committed to continuation of digitisation activity to support teaching, learning and research in the University and beyond. The Centre of Competence in Heritage Digitisation would enable the JRUL to share its expertise with smaller organisations which have little opportunity to develop such facilities and knowledge. All documentation, studies and recommendations created as part of the project will be made publicly available on the project website. These can assist other institutions to formulate their own digitisation strategies or business plans. The Centre will also act as a role model for other collaborations. 2.1.2 We are keen to develop regional and national partnerships and alliances. This will facilitate the development of a critical mass of digital collections for researchers. In the first instance we have targeted local project partners who have collections of immense research value, but who lack essential skills, equipment or funding to digitise. Physical access to the libraries of some of these institutions is limited. New digitised content will be created and will provide ingress to previously unexploited resources and unique cultural materials with rich research potential. The models we wish to test will all be mutually beneficial. For example, the service / knowledge exchange, whereby the JRUL could undertake digitisation or host material in return for a service or skill which fulfils a vital function to JRUL operations, would eliminate the necessity (and expense) of fund-raising, create a valuable research resource and be of mutual advantage of both partners. The Centre would also present opportunities to foster alliances with complimentary services, for example Salford University, which operates a Centre of Competence for OCR. 2.1.3 The skills and expertise in the JRUL would be enhanced; in particular we would acquire business acumen. Internships will offer graduate training opportunities, increasing the skills base in the heritage digitisation sector. There is also potential to ally with Manchester Metropolitan University to offer student placements, lectures or visits to students of Librarianship in the Department of Information and Communications. This complies with the JRUL’s strategic goal to nurture talent and encourage career progression. In addition, the Centre would fulfil several of the University’s strategic goals, in particular Goal 3: Exemplary knowledge and technology transfer, and Goal 9: More effective community service. 2.2 Benefits Analysis and Sustainability 2.2.1 Outputs Outputs 1.Feasibility study for heritage digitisation service and advisory centre 2. Recommendations for business models and methodologies 3. Promotional materials Benefits A regional centre proving a niche service. Raises the profile of the Rylands. Sharing of expertise and resource with a wider community. Aid to strategic planning. Aids to strategic planning. Dissemination of findings with wider community. Sustaining the benefits Generates income to sustain digitisation activity. Knowledge / service exchange reduces need to raise capital. Customer evaluation and feedback. Annual reports and budgets made public. Publicity and promotion of project and service. Dedicated website. 4. Extended digital content Raises profile and increases accessibility to research material. Opens collections to international academic community. Blueprint for internal digitisation activities. Advice to external operators. Develop marketing strategy. Promote project and service at workshops, conferences, etc. Website to be maintained by service manager. Integration into Rylands image library or partners’ repositories. Images and metadata in non-proprietary format. Regularly updated by service manager and associated staff. Staff remain abreast of technological developments. 5. Recommendations for best practice 6 2.2.2 Outcomes Outcomes New partnerships Benefits Collaboration with other cultural assets centres; knowledge transfer; reduced costs; greater likelihood of success in future funding applications. Acquisition of business acumen Experience of this project will inform and direct both libraries’ future plans for digitisation; knowledge transfer will benefit wider HE community. Retaining key staff and expertise in institution; exploiting potential use of resources to best advantage. Retention and best use of resources Shared use of equipment and expertise Enhanced access to research materials Graduate training opportunities Prestige Role model Fulfilment of strategic goals Sharing of expertise and equipment streamlines practices and promotes costefficiency by achieving increased usage. Increased use of heritage materials in teaching, learning and research. New opportunities for comparative research. Opportunities for graduates to gain experience in the heritage sector; widens skills base. Raising of the Library’s profile in association with digitisation activity. Institutions in other regions will be able to profit from our experiences. Project will help the Library to deliver the University’s 2015 strategic agenda. Raises profile of our digitisation activities and helps embed them into University infrastructure. Sustaining the benefits Ongoing liaison between JRUL, partners, and other practitioners, through direct contact, marketing, papers, etc.; ongoing liaison with JISC and other funders to exploit funding opportunities. Internal knowledge transfer through project workbook, briefing meetings; develop protocols for service management, digitisation and project management. Self-sustaining Centre of Competence for Heritage Digitisation, generating enough income to enable resource to continue; adherence to recommendations of business plan. Continue to operate services; papers and workshops; website maintained Continual liaison between institutions, library staff, and academics; images and metadata incorporated into digital library. Continue to offer placements and training. Continue to offer excellent service, while remaining financially competitive. Papers; workshops; documentation on website. Promote the project within the University and the region; build it into the operational plan. 2.2.3 The JRUL is committed to making its collections widely accessible, through innovative yet sustainable methods of delivering digital surrogates and metadata, as well as via direct access. We regard this project as the opportunity to trial various business models and services that will enable us to do this. The recommendations of the feasibility study will inform further development. We therefore have a strong interest in the sustainability of the project and its outputs and outcomes. 2.2.4 The JRUL is a member of the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) Associates Network and DCC Forum and we are in touch with their advice on best practice in the preservation of digital assets. We have taken account of the JISC Digital Media guidelines on digital resource preservation. Advice on working and long-term storage has been sought from specialists in the University’s IT Services Division. Different storage costing models will be investigated, e.g. annual fee, one-off charge. Images integrated into the JRUL digital collections, will be accessible to all via Luna. Luna is in widespread use internationally, with an active users group. Should Luna no longer be supported or be superseded by better delivery mechanisms, migration should be straightforward since the metadata is exportable in XML format and Dublin-core complaint. Use of non-proprietary formats will help to ensure the longevity of image and metadata files. 3 PARTNERSHIP AND DISSEMINATION 3.1 We have identified a number of stakeholders in the project, including the heritage sector, Higher Education researchers, students and fellow practitioners. These are detailed with an engagement strategy in Appendix 2. Initially we will work with the National Trust and Chetham’s Library to trial certain scenarios. A partnership with Chetham’s, who are close physical neighbours in Manchester city centre, will enable us to trial on-site imaging at a city-centre institution and subsequent hosting of content. In particular we are proposing to digitise twelve Middle English manuscripts in order to 7 extend the collection created by the JRUL’s JISC-sponsored In the bigynnyng project. Metadata creation will be undertaken by staff at Chetham’s. There are a number of specific projects under discussion with the National Trust, which dovetail with existing JRUL priorities. We will travel to the Library at Tatton Park to photograph a seventeenth-century Persian manuscript and the original architectural plans for the Mansion. Individual items from the collections at Townend and Lyme Park will be used to trial the transportation of material for digitisation at the JRUL. These ventures will help to assess travel costs and methodology. The famous 1487 Missal from Lyme Park has already been digitised, but is not currently available on-line. There is potential to host these images in Luna Insight. All of these projects would build on existing partnership ventures with the Trust, including a major jointly-curated exhibition on 2011. Detailed engagement is further outlined in Section 1.4: Methodology. A full survey of potential heritage-sector customers in the north-west will be undertaken as part of this project. 3.2 Within the University there is potential for working with other cultural assets, including the Whitworth Art Gallery (WAG) and Manchester Museum. We currently offer a free transparency-scanning service to WAG and have co-operated with them previously on the purchase and subsequent conservation and digitisation of the Walter Crane Archive. The Museum has already expressed its intent to participate in the project (see letter of support). An alliance with the JRUL’s Collection Care Department will enable us to offer a broader range of related services to the heritage sector, whilst ensuring the preservation of vulnerable materials. We have a strong relationship with the University’s Communications, Media and Public Relations Department and will exploit this to market the service. We already work closely with central University IT Services in developing provision of suitable working and archive storage solutions. 3.3 In addition to Chetham’s Library, Manchester Public Libraries hold important archives, manuscript and rare book material, as does the Greater Manchester County Record Office. The Portico Library also has important heritage collections. Salford University are a Competency Centre for OCR; for example, an alliance with Salford would broaden the range of related services whilst reducing the need to duplicate specialism. Regionally, the north of England is home to many academic institutions, historic houses, public and private libraries, museums, archive centres and repositories, all with important cultural material; York Minster have already expressed an interest in an alliance. The user and needs analysis will enable us to scope potential areas of partnership, whilst targeting the service at the customer and user requirements. 3.4 The JRUL already has experience of working with JISC on collaborative projects, and project staff are familiar with the reporting and dissemination procedures. We will work collaboratively with the JISC programme manager, attend programme meetings, and share our experiences on the project with other JISC projects and programmes. All documentation will be available on our website and we are willing to host workshops and other events in order to make our outputs available beyond the funding life of project. We would not endeavour to offer general consultancy services; JISC Digital Media already offers an excellent advisory service. However, we would offer assistance with funding bids where it is envisaged that we would provide digitisation services, and review collections / individual items to advise on methodology. We would also advise on treatment, digitisation or metadata issues relating directly to the specialist materials with which we are associated. 3.5 We are committed to creating digital content to support our academic community. We already work closely with academics in our Faculty of Humanities and external institutions (e.g. MMU, Salford, Bolton) to deliver a programme of academic engagement using our Special Collections. These relationships are vital to our Digitisation Strategy and will ensure we are targeting for digitisation those resources that will be of prime importance in the support of research, teaching and learning. We are also investigating an intern programme for post-graduates in the fields of conservation and photography. 3.6 We will work closely with the JRUL’s and the University’s marketing teams to promote and evaluate the service. The MBA Intern will be tasked with evaluating the success and viability of each test model. Factors to be considered will be customer satisfaction, cost-effectiveness and demand. Their feasibility study will direct the future operation of the service. 4 BUDGET 4.1 Our studios are equipped with digitisation equipment, worth over £150,000, which will be made available for project use. For peripatetic digitisation we need to purchase an Apple Macintosh laptop, to allow image quality to be checked at site of capture, together with an additional camera, digital back and lens, so that work can continue in the studios. In addition we will acquire a laptop for the conservator intern. The major directly-incurred costs of the project are aligned to the additional staff required to provide external digitisation services and programmes, and for consultancy fees. 8 4.2 Budget statement Directly Incurred Staff Senior Photographic Technician, Grade 4, 1.0 FTE Sept 09- March 10 April 10-Feb 11 TOTAL £ £ 13,478.00 £ 20,217.00 £ 33,695.00 Cataloguer / Administrator, Grade 4, 1.0 FTE £ 14,325.00 £ 21,488.00 £ 35,813.00 Photographic Technician (Intern), Grade 2, 1.0 FTE (12 months only) Conservator (Intern), Grade 2, 1.0 FTE (12 months only) Consultant, 15 days over the project £ 8,509.00 £ 11,912.00 £ 20,421.00 £ 8,509.00 £ 11,912.00 £ 20,421.00 £ 2,820.00 £ 4,230.00 £ 7,050.00 MBA Intern, 10 weeks 1.0 FTE and 7 weeks 0.5 FTE Total Directly Incurred Staff (A) £ £ 11,985.00 £ 11,985.00 £ 47,641.00 £ 81,744.00 £ 129,385.00 Non-Staff Sept 09 – March 10 April 10 –Feb 11 TOTAL £ Travel and expenses £ 2,000.00 £ 2,500.00 £ 4,500.00 Hardware/software / equipment £ 14,754.00 £ 208.00 £ 14,962.00 Dissemination & Consultancy £ 1,400.00 £ 2,667.00 £ 4,067.00 Evaluation £ £ 2,033.00 £2,000.00 Other (Consumables, and training) £525.00 £1,000.00 £1,525.00 Total Directly Incurred Non-Staff (B) £ 18,679.00 £ 8,408.00 £ 27,087.00 Directly Incurred Total (C) (A+B=C) Directly Allocated £ 66,320.00 £ 90,152.00 £ 156,472.00 Sept 09 – March 10 April 10 –Feb 11 TOTAL £ Staff £ 32,028.00 £ 50,330.00 £ 82,358.00 Estates £ 6,160.00 £ 9,680.00 £ 15,840.00 Other £ £ £ Directly Allocated Total (D) £ 38,188.00 £ 60,010.00 £ 98,198.00 Indirect Costs (E) £ 25,099.00 £ 39,442.00 £ 64,541.00 Total Project Cost (C+D+E) £ 129,607.00 £ 189,604.00 £ 319,211.00 Amount Requested from JISC £ 66,320.00 £ 90,152.00 £ 156,472.00 Institutional Contributions £ 63,287.00 £ 99,452.00 £ 162,739.00 Percentage Contributions over the life of the project No. FTEs used to calculate indirect and estates charges, and staff included JISC 49 % No FTEs: 1.15 9 Partners Total 51 % 100% Carol Burrows (0.5), Jenny Curtis (0.2), Caroline Checkley-Scott (0.2), Digitisation Support Assistant (0.25) 4.3 Quantitative and qualitative benefits to the institution, partners, the academic community and the heritage sector are tabled in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. Any income generated as a result of the project will be declared for full transparency and accredited to the project account. This will offset the Indirect and Directly Allocated Costs of the project. The University of Manchester is also submitting a bid to the JISC e-Content programme under Strand B. As Britain’s largest single-site University, the institution is capable of supporting both projects. 5 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE OF PROJECT TEAM 5.1 Carol Burrows (Project Manager). MA European Languages & Cultures, PG Diploma Librarianship. 25 years total experience in libraries, 10 years in Special Collections. Assistant Librarian (Imaging), manages JRUL Imaging Service, Special Collections on-line image collections and associated staff. Devised the application profile and standards for Luna; member of national and international Luna user groups and the Digitisation Group of The Islamic Manuscript Association. Currently Project Manager on the JISC-funded In the Bigynnyng project, as well as the Dante and Shahnama projects; recently managed the digitisation of the JRUL’s Gutenberg Bible in association with Keio University, Japan. 5.2 Jennifer Curtis (Technical Support). Digitisation Manager at the JRUL, coordinating the development of the University of Manchester Digital Library. Has over 25 years experience of development, administration, delivery, support of electronic information services in university libraries. 5.3 Caroline Checkley-Scott (Collection Care). Collection Care Manager at the JRUL. Developing and implementing the Collection Care Strategy for the JRUL. With nearly 20 years experience in the field at the British Library and Wellcome Library she has been responsible for collection care issues associated with both mass and specialist digitisation projects. She is Chair of the ICON Book and Paper Group. She is a consultant in Preservation for the Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation at the National Library in Cairo, Egypt. 5.4 Digitisation Support Assistant (Technical Support). This post is currently vacant but will be filled internally by an assistant with experience of digitisation and IT support as part of the current staff restructuring exercise at the JRUL. 5.5 Robert Taylor BSc FMA FRSA (Consultant) Robert Taylor is a scientist by training and during his museum career has worked in a wide range of organisations, including the Science Museum in London. Robert led the development of Amberley Working Museum into a major visitor attraction, before moving to the Royal Gunpowder Mills, Essex, to complete the opening of this important heritage site. More recently he has been a consultant working in the UK and oversees, as well as the Director of an IT services company. Robert specialises in collections management, information technology and organisational development issues. He is currently conducting a review of the Designation Scheme processes for the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council. Robert worked on the implementation of MICHAEL, the multi-lingual inventory of cultural heritage in Europe, developing training material and assisting museums, libraries and archives to add their digital material. His recent work includes supporting organisations to improve their information technology and digitise their collections. He is a member of the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council’s Accreditation Committee, an assessor for the Museum Standards Programme for Ireland and an advisor to the Heritage Lottery Fund. 10 Appendix 1 Work Plan Work Packages Au 09 Se 09 Oc 09 No 09 De 09 Ja 10 Fe 10 Ma 10 Ap 10 Steering group meet Posts advertised Requisition of equipment Project plan developed Interviews & appointments Equipment installed Agreements with initial partners Project website Project team in place Project plan submitted Project team meet Training Treatment models Digitisation models Cataloguing models Luna hosting models Records go live MBA Intern Survey New partners identified Feasibility study Service website Evaluation Continuation strategy Best practice papers Final & completion reports to JISC/NEH Promotion Academic engagement 11 My 10 Ju 10 Jul 10 Au 10 Se 10 Oc 10 No 10 De 10 Ja 11 Fe 11 Ma 11 Appendix 2 Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder Partners Interest / stake Opportunity to digitise materials; benefit from JRUL experience and equipment; financial savings; long-term partnerships Interns Acquisition of key skills and expertise; testing of expertise in workplace. Cost-effective digitisation service; role model for partnerships. Continued commitment to creation of digital content; enhanced access to research material; high definition images with metadata, ability to compare documents online. Continued commitment to creation of digital content; remote access to heritage materials; integration into VLEs. Continued commitment to creation of digital content; ability to view high-quality images with interpretation, easy access to previously inaccessible resources. Successful project management, key goals achieved, dissemination of experience to other projects and repositories, benefits to HE community, and pilot for collaborative digitisation services. Adoption of best practices and standards, knowledge transfer, links to other relevant online resources. Heritage sector Academics, FE and HE teachers U’grad & P’grad students General public, lifelong learners JISC Other JISC projects or programmes Appendix 3 How we engage Project planning meetings; email contacts; digitisation; metadata services; image-hosting services; self-service digitisation opportunities; knowledge exchange. Training; work-experience; support. Importance High Service; papers on-line and at conferences; workshops; marketing. Emails contacts; website; on-line image collections; papers in academic journals. High Emails contacts; website; on-line image collections; papers in academic journals; VLE. Press releases and publicity for project; marketing; website. High Project plan; progress reports; direct contact with Programme Manager; attending meetings, conferences; publicity on websites. Medium Attending meetings, conferences; email contacts; papers in professional journals; website. Medium High High Medium Previous Projects AHRC Rylands Cairo Genizah Project: The Arts and Humanities Research Council awarded the Library a grant of over £360,000 in 2006 to digitise and catalogue the Rylands Genizah collection. The two main objectives of the project were to photograph both recto and verso of more than 11,000 fragments and to display them with catalogue descriptions. This will result in the creation of an on-line image collection of at least 22,000 images, accessible via the JRUL website as part of a searchable catalogue. The digitisation will be completed ahead of schedule, so as added value we will digitise related Gaster manuscripts and Hebrew codices. In the bigynnyng: In 2008 the JRUL received a grant from JISC to digitise our internationally important collection of over 40 Middle English manuscripts. The manuscripts include key works of medieval literature, numerous copies of the New Testament translated into English by John Wycliffe, the fourteenth-century radical and church reformer, and copies of the Brut, the medieval chronicle of the history of Britain. The manuscripts are published on-line as they are digitised. The complete collection will be launched at a conference on accessing Middle English manuscripts, to be hosted by the JRUL in September 2009. Shahnama: The Islamic Manuscript Association (TIMA) recently awarded £4,500 to the JRUL to digitise and publish online a complete, illustrated Shahnama manuscript, dating from the Safawid period. The text of this particular manuscript is of great importance to Persian scholars as it was one of the copies used by Macan when collating the first European edition of the Shahnama. TIMA described the project as ‘a model of best practice in digitising manuscripts’. Digital Dante: In 2009 Dr Guyda Armstrong of the University of Manchester’s School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures was awarded £7,500 to collaborate with the JRUL to digitise three editions of the poem, printed in Venice, Milan and Florence between 1477 and 1481. The primary objective of this project is to focus on a specific moment in Dante’s reception history and the way in which it intersects with late-fifteenth-century print culture. 12 Gutenberg: In 2008 the JRUL collaborated with Keio University of Japan in the digitisation of our 42-line Gutenberg Bible. Digitisation was undertaken at the Rylands by an eight-strong team of specialists from Keio using specially-developed equipment. The exercise was an important lesson for JRUL staff of best practice in digitising heritage material. Appendix 4 Strategic Goals The University of Manchester: Towards Manchester 2015 • • • Goal Three: Exemplary Knowledge and Technology Transfer. To contribute to economic development regionally, nationally and internationally, and greatly to increase opportunities for the University and its staff and students to benefit from the commercialisation and application of the knowledge, expertise and intellectual property (IP) that they develop in the University. Goal Four: Excellent Teaching and Learning. To provide students with teachers, learning environments, teaching and learning infrastructure and support services equal to the best in the world. 4.1 Enhancing the Manchester student experience: “…the John Rylands Library, which offers seamless use of a superb array of electronic, print and manuscript resources”. 4.3 Enriching teaching and learning through the provision of highly interactive on-line learning environments drawing on international best practice in e-learning. Goal Nine: More Effective Service to the Community. To contribute to the development of a secure, humane, prosperous and sustainable future for human society and, beginning in its local communities in Greater Manchester, to explore opportunities to enrich the social, cultural and economic development of the communities, regions and countries in which the University works. 9.2 Collaborating, as appropriate, with other institutions in Manchester and the North West to advance the interests of the region. 9.4 Maintaining the quality and raising the public profile of cultural agencies and programmes associated with the University. The John Rylands University Library: New Directions: Library Strategy for 2008-2012 • • • • • • • 1.1 The Library will play a significant role in enhancing the reputation of the University by strengthening its position as one of the world’s leading academic libraries. 2.2.3 Every Library Service will have a Marketing Plan [September 2010]. 3.0 The Library will provide a supportive working environment for staff, nurturing all talent and encouraging high performance and career progression. 3.2 We will attract, support and retain talented and committed people. 4.0 We will be innovative and customer-led in our management and development of the Library’s extensive range of resources and services. 4.1.4 We will produce a Digitisation Strategy, based on dialogue between Library staff and Schools, to clarify our priorities for digitisation and external funding [December 2009]. 4.4 Our portfolio of services will be customer-led and our service standards will be exemplary. 13 JISC Northavon House Coldharbour Lane Bristol BS16 1QD 28 May, 2009 Dear JISC I confirm that The Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester expresses its intent to participate in the JISC funded Centre of Competence in Heritage Digitisation in partnership with the John Rylands University Library, The University of Manchester. The Museum has a long background in the digitisation of its collection and archives, as well as a reputation for support and advice both regionally and nationally. Participation in this programme will enable the Museum to contribute its experience and continue to develop this practice. Yours sincerely Malcolm Chapman Head of Collections Development Malcolm Chapman Head of Collections Development Tel: +44(0)161 275 2652 Fax: +44(0)161 275 2646 JISC Northavon House Coldharbour Lane Bristol BS16 1QD 28 May, 2009 Dear JISC I would like to add my support to the John Rylands Library bid to establish a Centre of Competence for Heritage digitisation in the north-west. There is a huge amount of digital data being accumulated within the heritage sector and to have a centre that develops a long-term strategic view and service regionally would be a great asset to the field. As a conservator who runs a cross-discipline conservation department in a museum, I would be happy to be involved in defining best practice for object-centred digitisation and I feel this would also be of significant interest to the public at large by expanding and upgrading the online content available. Yours faithfully, Sam Sportun Senior Conservator Manchester Museum Oxford Road Manchester M139PL 01612752677
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