COVER SHEET Fax: 1-866-768-0681

Date submitted:
Fax: 1-866-768-0681
# Pages, including cover:
Please Select one:
NEW DynAgra Applicant
Attach the completed DynAgra Account Application
Applicant Name:
NEW/EXISTING DynAgra customer requesting DynAgra Finance Exceptional Account Terms
DynAgra Account Number:
Customer Name:
For ALL requests, please indicate your credit needs:
1. DynAgra Account Limit (Average 30day terms).
DynAgra credit limit requested $
2. DynAgra Finance Exceptional Account Terms Limit for extended terms on purchases like VRT, FlexiScout,
Fertilizer, Chemical, Seed and Custom Ap.
DynAgra Finance Exceptional Account Terms Credit Limit $
Please submit finacial statements for DynAgra Finance Exceptional Account Terms Credit Limits over $100, 000. Additional information may be requested at any time based on your needs.
Please tell us what information is being submitted with the application (check all that apply):
Balance Sheet(s)
Income Statement(s)
Tax Return(s)
DynAgra Regular Account (average 30 day terms)
To Apply or to increase your DynAgra Account credit limit you will need to mail or fax us
fully completed Account Application form and the fax cover sheet.
1. Complete the Account Application and review attached credit agreement
Account Application (PDF)
Fax Cover Sheet (PDF)
DynAgra Finance Exceptional Terms Accounts (extended terms)
To Apply or to increase your DynAgra Finance Exceptional Terms Account credit limit you
will need to mail or fax us the required Financial Information Form and the appropriate
supporting documents as specified below.
This is a one time application to setup the account and doesn’t need to be done every year!!!!
1. Complete the Financial Information Form to print and mail or fax.
Account Application (only if you have not already filled out)
Financial Information Update Form (PDF)
Fax Cover Sheet (PDF)
2. Gather the supporting documents needed to submit:
For $50,001 and above
Include the following:
All Corporations, partnerships & Co-operatives must fill out and have a lawyer or notary of
public review and sign the Corporate Personal Guarantee
All Individual applicants (sole proprietorships) must fill out and have a lawyer or notary of public
review and sign the Certificate of Independent Legal Advise.
For $100,001 and above
Same as above plus: Include lender prepared (or equivalent) balance sheets and supporting
schedules from the past two consecutive years and the most recent two years income
statements/tax returns. If a Partnership, Corporation or LLC, also include the most recent two
years of lender prepared (or equivalent) personal balance sheets with supporting schedules of the
general partners, president, owner or managing member.
3. Fax or mail the documents to:
Fax: 1-866-768-0681
Mail: DynAgra Finance
Box 621
Beiseker, Alberta
T0M 0G0
Application must be complete. If you have any questions about how to complete this application call 1-800-941-4811
Tell us how your business is structured: (Check one - then complete sections indicated in parentheses)
Sole Proprietorship (A,C,E)
Corporation (B,C,D,E)
General Partnership (B,C,D,E)
Limited Liability Company (B,C,D,E)
Requesting Credit Amount of:
Limited Partnership (B,C,D,E)
Section B (For Sole Corporations, Partnerships, Other Organizations)
Section A (For Sole Proprietorships)
Business Name:
Please print above how you would like your account to appear
Contact Person
First Name:
Date of Birth:
Business Phone: (
Soc. Ins. Number:
Business Phone: (
Contact Person
First Name:
Postal Code:
Postal Code:
Section C (For all accounts)
Trade References:
1. Name:
Contact Phone:
Contact Person:
2. Name:
Contact Phone:
Contact Person:
3. Name:
Contact Phone:
Contact Person:
Chequing Account Number
Financial Institution
Finacial Institution Phone (
Check all that apply:
American Express/Optima
Section D Primary Owner Information (For Corporations & Partnerships)
First Name
Last Name
Soc. Ins. Number
Postal Code
Section E (For all Accounts)
Acres Owned
Acres Rented
Acres Shared
Source of Operating Loan:
Contact Phone (
Notice: a. Do not sign this credit agreement before you read it or if any spaces intended for the agreed terms are left blank.
b. You are entitled to a copy of this credit agreement at the time you sign it. Keep it to protect your legal rights. c. You
may at any time pay off the full unpaid balance under this credit agreement.
You authorize Cropland Credit Corp. and DynAgra Corp. and its affiliates to collect, use and disclose any of your personal
information (“Information”) from time to time for the following purposes (“Purposes”) to: (a) assess your creditworthiness,
(b) extend credit to you, (c) service and collect your DynAgra and/or DynAgra Finance Account, (d) comply with applicable
law, (e) establish your eligibility for special offers and discounts, (f) identify your preferences for goods and services, and
(g) promote and market additional goods and services that we, our affiliates or other well-established companies offer,
including by means of direct marketing. Check here if you do not consent to items (e), (f), (g).
Your ability to receive
credit from us will not be affected if you do not so consent. You understand that Cropland Credit Corp. and DynAgra Corp.
and its affiliates: (1) may disclose certain of the information to dealers, merchants, credit reporting agencies, credit bureaus,
Primary Owner Signature X
MUST Sign Both
Please print
Please do not print
Print Name
Account Number
affiliates does or proposes to do business, whose goods or services we beleive you may find interesting or useful, (2) will make
these diclosures for the Purposes above and to maintain the integrity of the credit-granting process, and (3) may collect
personal information about you from your finacial institution, credit reporting agencies or credit bureaus, and other whom
you do business from time to time for the Purposes above. You authorize these persons to provide such information to us. You
are not required to provide your social insurance number to us but if you do it will be used to match credit bureau information.
You can withdraw your consent to our collection, use or disclosure of Information for the purposes above by writing to us or
calling us at 1-800-941-4811. If you do, we may no longer be able to offer you the credit you request. We may use information
in our recoeds for so long as it is needed for the Purposes and your consent remains valid after termination of our relationship
with you.
You represent that the information given in this application is complete and accurate. Married applicants may apply for an
individual account. You acknowledge that you have received a true copy of this credit agreement and you agree to its terms.
, Indivudally
Please do not print
Comapny Legal Name
By X
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Co-Applicant’s Signature X
Soc. Ins. Number
Postal Code
Annual Income $
(please do not print)
D ynA gra Finance C R ED IT A GR EEM EN T
A ugust 2007
In this Agreem ent the words you, your, and yours m ean each
person and/or business entity w ho applies for and is granted a
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Exceptional Term s
Account (herein D ynAgra and D ynAgra Finance Account
respectively), as well as any person perm itted to use the
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account. The words we,
us and our m ean Cropland Credit Corp. carrying on business
as D ynAgra Finance.
D ynA gra and /or D ynA gra Finance A ccount. Y ou request
a DynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account from us by
applying for a DynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account
when m aking a purchase from a m erchant who requests us to
open one for you. If your account resulted from our approval
of an account application, your account will be classified as a
D ynAgra A ccount.
If your Account resulted from our
approval of your com pleted account application and financial
inform ation form requesting establishm ent of a D ynAgra
Finance Account, your Account will be classified as a
D ynA gra Finance Account. Certain special features or
prom otions we m ay offer from tim e to tim e m ay be m ade
available only to D ynAgra Finance Accounts. W hen w e open
your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance A ccount, and on
each m onthly statem ent, we will indicate whether such
account is either a DynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance
Account Y ou agree that this Agreem ent w ill apply to all
purchases m ade through your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra
Finance Account by you or any person you authorize. Y ou
authorize us to honor any purchases you m ake by telephone,
m ail, facsim ile transm ission (fax) or other electronic m eans
on your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account. You
agree that your signature is not necessary as identification in
such cases. Y ou agree that any authorized use of your
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account constitutes your
acceptance of all the term s and conditions of this Agreem ent,
as it m ay be am ended from tim e to tim e. If you subm it your
account application to us by fax, you agree that the faxed
copy of that application will have the sam e effect as a signed
original. Y ou will prom ptly notify us of any suspected loss,
theft or unauthorized use of your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra
Finance Account. If that notice is given orally you will
confirm it in writing. Y ou m ay be liable for the unauthorized
use of your D ynA gra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account
before you notify us orally or in writing at D ynAgra Finance
B ox 621 Beiseker, Alberta T0M 0G0 (or by fax to 1-866768-0681) of the unauthorized use. You consent and agree
that your telephone conversations with us m ay be recorded
for educational purposes to further im prove our custom er
service. Y ou agree that we m ay place phone calls to you.
Y ou agree to give us prom pt notice of any change in your
nam e, m ailing address, or place of em ploym ent. Until we
receive notice of your new address, we m ay continue to send
statem ents and other notices to the address you provided to
us on the application for your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra
Finance Account. For the purposes of this Agreem ent you
will be deem ed to reside in the province of your billing
address as shown on our records. If m ore than one person or
entity signed the credit application each is jointly and
severally responsible for all obligations and am ounts due
under this Agreem ent. Y ou acknow ledge that no one acted as
a broker for the D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account.
This A greem ent is not binding on us until we have approved
your credit and given you notice of approval.
A C C O U N T U SE. By applying for or accepting a D ynAgra
and/or D ynAgra Finance A ccount you agree to use your
a c count prim arily
m ake
agricultural/com m ercial purposes. Y ou can m ake purchases
up to the full am ount of your credit lim it(s), and you agree to
pay us all am ounts charged by the use of your D ynAgra
and/or D ynAgra Finance Account, plus Finance Charges and
the other charges as provided in this Agreem ent. W e are not
responsible for the refusal of anyone to allow a purchase to
be m ade through your DynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance
Account. W e are not responsible for the goods and services
acquired or provided through the use of your D ynAgra and/or
D ynAgra Finance account. Any such claim s and all disputes
respecting any transaction m ust be settled between you and
the m erchant at the location at which the charge was m ade
and shall have no effect on your obligations to us.
C R E D IT LIM ITS. W e will establish and advise you of your
credit lim it(s). W e m ay change your credit lim it(s) as
specified under the heading “Changing this Agreem ent”. Y ou
m ay request a change to your credit lim it(s) by w riting to us
at the above address.
F IN A N C E C H A R G E R A TES. Finance Charges will accrue
on your DynA gra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account Balance
based upon the applicable Annual Percentage Rate (“APR”)
charged by us. The A P R currently applicable to regular
purchases on your DynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance
Account is 19.75% per annum , which is a m onthly rate of
1.5% , calculated m onthly and com pounded m onthly.
Sam ples of interest charged:
O utstanding Balance
Statem ent Period
Interest Charged
$ 1,500
$ 22.50
$ 3,000
$ 45.00
The A P R is subject to variation from tim e to tim e as
specified under the heading “Changing This Agreem ent.”
The A P R applicable at any tim e hereafter will be disclosed
on your m onthly statem ent or in such other form of notice as
we m ay determ ine. Changes in your A PR will apply to your
existing Account B alance(s) as well as to future purchases.
An increase in your rate will increase the total Finance
Charges accruing on your Account Balance and the balance
on which your M inim um Required Paym ent is calculated.
D ynAgra Finance Accounts m ay charge Finance C harges at a
different rate/form ula to be set forth in a special term s
disclosure, as well as non-interest finance charges as also
stated in that disclosure.
FIN A N C E C H A R G E C A LC U LA TIO N . Finance Charges
will accrue on your A ccount Balance(s) as follows:
Subject to the “Grace Period” noted below, on purchases
within your credit lim it(s) we will add a FINAN CE
CH ARGE on each purchase transaction, which accrues from
the date of purchase (unless w e elect a later day) and is
calculated as shown herein.
G race Period. W e will not charge interest on purchases
which appear on your m onthly statem ent for the first tim e, if
you pay the N ew Balance in full by the Paym ent D ue D ate
shown on your m onthly statem ent. The Paym ent D ue D ate is
the 15 th of the m onth following the purchase date subject to a
m inim um of 20 days from that date. (In respect of a D ynAgra
Finance Account the Paym ent D ue Date is set forth in a
special term s disclosure). If you do not pay the N ew B alance
in full by the Paym ent D ue D ate, we charge interest for that
statem ent period (1.5% per m onthly statem ent period) on
each transaction shown in that statem ent until we receive full
paym ent. If you m ake a partial paym ent, the balance will be
reduced to reflect the am ount of your paym ent (applied in
accordance with the heading “Paym ent Application”), and we
will continue to charge interest until full paym ent is received.
Y ou m ay avoid or reduce Finance Charges by paym ent of the
full Account B alance on or before the Paym ent D ue D ate.
U npaid Finance Charges are included in the calculation of the
balances upon which Finance Charges are payable in the next
billing cycle.
This could result in you paying Finance
Charges on unpaid Finance Charges which m ay increase your
actual cost of borrowing on an annualized basis to an
effective rate in excess of the APR used to calculate the
Finance Charges payable on your D ynAgra and/or D ynA gra
Finance Account, depending on your paym ent record.
Paym ent in full of your entire balance on or before the
Paym ent D ue D ate m ay decrease your effective cost of
borrowing on an annualized basis to a rate below such APR.
PAYM ENT. The Paym ent D ue Date is the date the
M inim um Required Paym ent is due at the address shown on
the front of your m onthly statem ent. If the M inim um
Required Paym ent is not stated in that m onthly statem ent
then it shall be deem ed to be the full Account Balance. Y ou
m ay at any tim e pay your entire N ew Balance or pay m ore
than the M inim um Required Paym ent. Paym ent of m ore than
the M inim um Required Paym ent while reducing your
balance will not prepay or be applied against future
M inim um Required Paym ents. If your Paym ent D ue D ate
falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the Paym ent D ue
D ate will not be extended. All paym ents m ust be in C anadian
dollars and drawn on funds on deposit in C anada. You can
pay your D ynA gra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account at all
D ynAgra Corp locations, by m ail to the above address or by
phone to 1 800 941 4811.
P A YM E N T A P P LIC A T IO N . Subject to applicable law
your paym ent will be allocated in a m anner we determ ine
and m ay change from tim e to tim e. Y our m onthly paym ents
will be applied first to interest next to fees (if any), next to
your Previous Balance, then to new purchases. Paym ents will
be credited as of the date of receipt at the address on the
statem ent if received by 9:00 a.m . M ountain Tim e M onday
through Friday (otherwise next business day).
A C CEPTIN G PA YM EN T. W e can accept late or partial
paym ents as well as paym ents m arked “paid in full” or w ith
other restrictive endorsem ents without losing any of our
rights under the A greem ent.
SPEC IA L PR O M O TIO N S. From tim e to tim e special
financing term s, such as extended interest free periods,
incentive interest rates on certain purchases or for lim ited
tim e periods, or other prom otions m ay be available for the
purchase of certain item s from participating m erchants.
These special term s will be disclosed by the m erchant at the
tim e of purchase. Purchases you m ake during these special
prom otions will be transferred from your D ynAgra Account
to your D ynAgra Finance Account on the 15 of the m onth
following and will becom e part of the balance on which your
Finance Charge is calculated at the tim e provided in a special
term s disclosure.
(“N P /N I”)
T R A N SA C TIO N S. U nless otherwise disclosed, during the
N P/N I period described on your m onthly statem ent Finance
Charges will not accrue on NP/N I purchases and such
purchases will not form part of the balance on which your
M inim um Required Paym ent is calculated. A fter the N P/N I
period described on your m onthly statem ent, Finance
Charges w ill begin to accrue on N P/N I purchases at the A P R
applicable to regular purchases on your D ynAgra Account.
N o Finance C harges will be due until the end of the next
statem ent due date which is the 15 th of the m onth following
that statem ent period.
TR A N SA C TIO N S. U nless otherwise disclosed, Finance
Charges will accrue on Exceptional Term s transaction
balances from the date the purchase(s) were posted to the
D ynAgra Finance A ccount to the date such balances are paid
in full. U nless you are in default under this Agreem ent, no
Finance Charge or paym ent in respect of seasonal term s
transactions will be due until the end of the seasonal term s
period. However, you m ust pay accrued Finance C harges on
seasonal term s transactions even if the balance is paid in full
on or before the end of the seasonal term s period. If a special
seasonal term s Finance Charge rate applies to a seasonal
term s transaction, that rate will be disclosed to you. The
entire balance of a seasonal term s transaction, plus accrued
Finance Charges will be due in full at the end of the seasonal
term s period or, at our option, upon your default under this
Agreem ent, whichever is earlier.
D EFA U LT FIN A N C E C H A R G E R A TE. If you are in
default, you m ay no longer qualify for any reduced interest
rate special promotions and subject to applicable law and at
our option, the A PR applicable to such special prom otion
m ay be increased to 19.75% per annum and you agree to pay
interest at such rate on the am ount outstanding in respect of
purchases under such special prom otion.
SEC U R ITY IN TER EST. Y ou grant us a purchase m oney
security interest (as that term is defined under the applicable
personal property security legislation) in all m erchandise
purchased through your DynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance
Account, and its proceeds, including insurance proceeds, and
this agreem ent is a security agreem ent under said legislation
and we are entitled to all rem edies that it provides upon your
default. O ur security interest or charge continues until such
m erchandise is paid for in full by application of your
paym ent in the m anner described in this Agreem ent. Y ou
m ay be required to provide us with additional security and/or
to cause another existing security holder to postpone the
priority of that security to us.
P R O PERTY INSUR AN CE. W hile our security interest in
the m erchandise continues, you m ust m aintain all-risk
physical dam age insurance on each m erchandise item of
which $5,000 or m ore is financed through your D ynAgra
and/or D ynAgra Finance Account. Y ou m ay obtain such
coverage from any source and it is not available from or
through us. Y ou will nam e D ynAgra Finance as a loss payee
of the insurance which is entitled to at least ten (10) days
advance notice of its cancellation, and at our request you w ill
provide evidence thereof. Y ou assign and direct the insurer to
pay us the proceeds of such insurance. Y ou authorize us to
m ake and settle claim s, and to endorse in your nam e(s) and
apply any instrum ent for such proceeds to the unpaid
purchase price of the item , at our option, to its restoration,
returning any excess to you
DEFA ULT. Y ou will be in default if: (a) you fail to pay the
M inim um Required Paym ent within 10 days after the
Paym ent D ue D ate; (b) the value of our security interest in
any collateral is m aterially im paired; (c) in our opinion, your
ability to repay is m aterially reduced by you exceeding your
credit lim it(s), by a change in your em ploym ent, by an
increase in your obligations, by bankruptcy or insolvency
proceedings involving you, by the institution of garnishm ent,
attachm ent or execution proceedings against you or your
property, by your death or incapacity or (for com m unity
property province resident only) by a change in your m arital
status or dom icile;(d) you provided us false or m isleading
inform ation relating to your credit application or your
D ynAgra and/or D ynA gra Finance Account; or (e) you fail to
perform any other of your obligations under the term s of this
Agreem ent as it m ay be am ended or any other agreem ent
between you and us. U pon default, we m ay im m ediately
close your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account to
future purchases and to the extent not prohibited by law,
dem and im m ediate paym ent of your entire D ynAgra and/or
D ynAgra Finance Account B alance(s), after giving you any
notice and opportunity to cure the default required by
applicable law. In addition we shall have all the rights of a
secured creditor under applicable law , and shall be entitled to
collect a default charge (presently $500.00) where allowed by
DELA Y IN EN FOR CEM ENT. W e can delay enforcing our
rights under this Agreem ent without losing them .
R ETU R NED PA YM EN T FE E . If you send us a cheque that
is dishonored, we will add to your D ynA gra and/or D ynAgra
Finance Account a fee of $50.
CO LLECTION CO STS. If we have to refer collection of
your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account Balance to
a law yer, you will be required to pay to us the lawyer’s fees
(on a solicitor and client basis) plus court costs and related
fees including any bankruptcy fees and costs, to the extent
not lim ited or prohibited by applicable law.
U nless otherwise required by law, we w ill send you a
m onthly statem ent whenever there is activity on your
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account. W e will bill you
on the m onthly statem ent for all am ounts you owe. Y our
m onthly statem ent will show your statem ent period, N ew
Balance, any Finance Charges, the M inim um Required
Paym ent, the Paym ent D ue D ate, your available credit
lim it(s), paym ents and credits, and any charges applied in
accordance with this Agreem ent, as well as other inform ation
concerning your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account
as required by law. Subject to applicable law, we will send
your m onthly statem ent on dates and in intervals determ ined
by us. Such statem ent shall be deem ed correct and accepted
by you unless we are notified to the contrary in writing
within 60 days of our m ailing such statem ent.You are
responsible for notifying us of any change in your billing
address. If you think your m onthly statem ent is incorrect
write to us on a separate sheet at the address shown on the
back of your m onthly statem ent no later than 60 days after
we sent you the first statem ent on which the error or problem
appeared. Please describe the error as best you can and
include your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account
num ber in all correspondence. Each m onthly statem ent will
otherwise be deem ed to be conclusively accepted by you as
correct except as to the am ount im properly credited
M ER C H A N T C H A RG E B A C K S. W e m ay charge back to a
m erchant who sold goods or services to you on your
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance A ccount, any part of your
Account Balance related to those purchases. In that event,
our right(s) under this A greem ent will he deem ed assigned to
the m erchant to the extent of the chargeback. Y ou agree to
such an assignm ent and further agree to pay the m erchant the
am ount of such chargeback in accordance with the term s of
this Agreem ent.
C H AN GING THIS AGR EEM ENT. W e m ay change this
Agreem ent, including the Finance Charge Calculation and
the APR, at any tim e upon notice to you at your last address
shown in our records. This notice m ay be contained in your
m onthly statem ent or such other form as we m ay determ ine.
To the extent that the law perm its, the changes will apply to
your existing D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account
balance as well as to future transactions.
SERVICE FEES. W e m ay add to your D ynAgra and/or
D ynAgra Finan ce A ccount a reasonable charge for
photocopies and reprints of account and transaction
docum ents which you m ay request and for other special
services. W e m ay assess a charge not to exceed $25 per hour,
or for any portion thereof, for research perform ed on your
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account at your request,
whether perform ed by us or our service provider. Any such
charges will be subject to Finance Charges in accordance
with this Agreem ent.
C LO SIN G YO UR A CC OU N T. You m ay close your
D ynAgra and/or D ynA gra Finance Account at any tim e by
notifying us in writing. W e m ay close or suspend your
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance A ccount to future
purchases at any tim e w ithout prior notice. W e m ay close or
suspend your D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance A ccount to
future purchases if your account has no activity for 2 or m ore
m onths. Regardless of the closing or suspension of your
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account, you rem ain
responsible for paying the am ount you owe us according to
the term s of this Agreem ent.
CR EDIT REP OR TS. W e m ay report your perform ance
under this Agreem ent to credit reporting agencies and others
w ho request a credit reference from us; you are hereby
notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your C redit
Report m ay be subm itted to a credit reporting Agency if you
fail to fulfill your credit obligations to us. W e m ay ask credit
reporting agencies or others you list as a credit reference for
consum er reports or inform ation regarding your credit history
at any tim e for all legitim ate purposes, including credit
decisions and the review and collection of your D ynAgra
and/or D ynAgra Finance Account. You authorize D ynAgra
Finance and Cropland C redit Corp. and its affiliates to
collect, use and disclose, any of your personal inform ation
("Inform ation") from tim e to tim e for the following purposes
("Purposes"): to (a) assess your credit worthiness, (b) extend
credit to you, (c) service and collect your D ynAgra and/or
DynAgra Finance account, (d) com ply with applicable law,
(e) establish your eligibility for special offers and discounts,
(f) identity your preferences for goods and services, and (g)
prom ote and m arket additional goods and services that we,
our affiliates or other well established com panies offer,
including by m eans of direct m arketing. Please call us at 1800-941-4811 if you do not consent to item s (e) (f) or (g).
Y our ability to receive credit from us will not be affected if
you do not so consent.
Y ou understand that D ynAgra Finance and Cropland Credit
Corp. and its affiliates: (1) m ay disclose certain of the
Inform ation to dealer m erchants, credit-reporting agencies,
credit bureaus, Third Party service providers, assigns and
other, with whom D ynAgra Finance and Cropland Credit
Corp. or any of, its affiliates does or proposes to do business,
whose goods or services we believe you m ay find interesting
or useful, (2) will m ake these disclosures for the Purposes
above and to m aintain the integrity of the credit-granting
process, and (3) m ay collect personal inform ation about you
from your financial institution, credit reporting agencies or
credit bureaus and others with whom you do business from
tim e to tim e for the Purposes above. Y ou authorize these
persons to provide such inform ation to us.
Y ou can withdraw your consent to our collection, use or
disclosure of Inform ation for the Purposes above by writing
to us at D ynAgra Finance Box 621 Beiseker, Alberta T0M
0G0 or by calling us at 1.800-941-4811. If you do, we m ay
no longer be able to offer you the credit you request. W e m ay
use inform ation in our records for so long as it is needed for
the Purposes and your consent rem ain until after term ination
of our relationship with you.
O TH ER SER V IC E S. Third parties m ay offer additional
features, services and enhancem ents related to your D ynAgra
and/or DynAgra Finance Account. Y ou acknowledge that we
are not liable for those features, services or enhancem ents
and that they are the sole responsibility of such third parties.
ELECTRO NIC D ISCLOSURES. Y ou agree that any
notices, statem ents and/or disclosures related to your
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account m ay be delivered
to you in printed form or by electronic m eans if you provide
an electronic m ail address to us when you apply for your
D ynAgra and/or D ynAgra Finance Account or at a later date.
Until we receive notice of a new electronic m ail address, we
m ay continue to send such notice statem ents and/or
disclosures to the electronic m ail address you m ost recently
provided to us.
G O V E R N IN G LA W . The interpretation of this Agreem ent
will be governed by Alberta law. This is the entire
Agreem ent betw een you and us and no oral changes can be
m ade. Invalidity of any provision of this Agreem ent shall not
affect the validity and enforceability of the rem ainder of its
term s. This Agreem ent m ay not be assigned by you.
Check the on that applies:
Apply for DynAgra Finance Exceptional Terms Increase my DynAgra Finance Exceptional Terms Credit Limit
Required General Information (Please print)
Account Name:
Postal Code:
DynAgra Account #:
Social Insurance # (optional):
Business Structure:
$50,001 to 100,000
$100,001 and above
Sole Proprietor
Limited Partnership
General Partnership
Limited Liability Company
Complete and sign this form.
Complete and sign this form and send it along with your two most recent years of lender-prepared
(or equivilant) balance sheets and income statements/tax returns.
Balance Sheet Date
Annual Gross Sales
Net Income (last full year)
(-) Liabilities
Net Worth
Have you ever filed for Bankrupcy?
Date Dicharged:
Y/N Are you involved in (or part of) any partnership,
corporation or other business entity?
Y/N Do you lease any machinery or equipment? Y/N
Are you co-maker, co-signore or guarantor on any loans? Y/N Do you sell or do business under another name?
Are there any unsatisfied judgements against you? Y/N
Are your accounts past due, in default or dispute?
Y/N Are you a defendant in any pending lawsuit?
If any above questions are answered YES, please attach a seperate sheet explaining.
Crop Production Information
1. Owned Acres:
2. Owned Tillable Acres:
3. Total Share Rent Acres:
4. Your Share Rent Acres:
5. Total Cash Rent, Dollars Paid Per Year: $
6. Total Cash Rent Tillable Acres: +
Your Share of Total Crop Production (2+4+6): =
Crop Type (Your Share of Tillable Acres)
Soybean Acres:
Canola Acres:
Total Grain Storage(Mt):___________+ Total Fertilizer Storage(Mt):__________ = Total Farm Storage(Mt):___________
Corn Acres:
Wheat Acres:
Barley Acres:
Livestock Production Information
Number of Breeding Stock Owned: Sows
Beef Cows
Annual numbers: Market Hogs/Year
Feed Pigs/Year
Feeder Cattle/Year
Other (specify)/Year
Dairy Cows
Market Cattle/Year
Littres of Milk/Year
Other (specify)/Year
Current Finacial Information
Primary Operating Lender:
Contact Name:
Applicant’s Signature (required) - By signing here you represent that the information provided is accurate and complete, to the best of your knowledge. You acknowledge that you have received a true copy of the Credit Agreement and you have read agree to its terms.
Please fax to DynAgra Finance at 1-866-768-0681
Corporate Personal Guarantee
AGREEMENT DATED THIS _____________ day of ___________________ , 20 ________.
In witness whereof the Producer has caused its’ seal to be affixed (if applicable) and attested to by the hands of its duly
authorized officers or partners, who have authority to bind the Producer.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of:
Witness X _________________________ X _________________________
(Must not be a relative)
(Signature of Authorized Officer/Partner)
Witness X _________________________ X _________________________
(Must not be a relative)
(Signature of Authorized Officer/Partner)
The undersigned, being shareholders or members, as the case may be, of the Producer and the spouses of such persons or
of the Producer, if any, in consideration of the Account being made to the Producer by Cropland Credit Corp., do hereby
guarantee the due performance and observation of the obligations of the Producer under this Application and Related
Documents including, payment of the Account and any other amounts that may be due pursuant to the Application and
Related Documents. The liability of the undersigned shall not be affected by any settlement or variation of the terms of the
Application, the Related Documents or the Account, or with or by the discharge or release of the obligation of the Producer
or any other person interested by operation of law or otherwise. Notice of acceptance of this guarantee, notices of nonpayment and non-performance, notices of amount of indebtedness outstanding at any time, protest presentment, demand
and prosecution of collection, foreclosure and possessory remedies and the right to remove any legal action from the court
originally acquiring jurisdiction are hereby expressly waived to the extent permitted by law. The obligation of the
guarantor(s) survive the bankruptcy or insolvency of the producer the undersigned’s liability hereunder shall be in priority
to any liability to the Lieutenant Governor in Council of the Province of Alberta. If more than one person has signed this
guarantee then the obligation of the undersigned shall be joint and several.
In witness whereof, I/we have, hereunto set my/our hand(s) and seal(s).
Dated this___________________ day of _______________________________ , 20 _______.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of:
Witness X _________________________ X _________________________
(Must not be a relative)
(Signature of Shareholder/Member/Spouse)
Witness X _________________________ X _________________________
(Must not be a relative)
(Signature of Shareholder/Member/Spouse)
This document must be signed by a lawyer or Notary Public in the Province of Alberta whenever
an individual is guaranteeing the debt obligation of a Corporation and/or other individual.
[Guarantor] of the City of
, in the Province of
Alberta, the guarantor in the guarantee dated the
day of
, 20___, made between
______________________[guarantor] and CropLand Credit Corp., which this certificate is attached to
or noted upon, appeared in person before me and acknowledged that he/she had executed the guarantee;
I satisfied myself by examination of him/her that he/she is aware of the contents of the guarantee
and understands it.
Given at
, Alberta, this
day of
, 20____ under my hand and seal of
A Notary Public in and for the Province
of Alberta
I am the person named in this certificate.
Signature of Guarantor
*ALL INDIVIDUAL APPLICANTS MUST SIGN (Do Not sign if you are applying as
business, partnership or co-operative)
I, _____________________________, of the City/Town of __________________________,
in the Province of __________________________, Barrister and Solicitor, DO HEREBY
I was this day consulted in my professional capacity by ______________________________
(hereinafter the Debtor) named in attached documents, being a loan, credit and security agreements
(collectively referred to as the Credit Agreement) between the Debtor and Cropland Credit Corp.
dated the _____ day of ______________, 20___.
I acknowledge that I have carefully reviewed the attached Agreement with the Debtor and explained
to the Debtor his/her legal rights, obligations and liabilities resulting therefrom. I acted solely for
the Debtor and the Debtor has acknowledged to me that he/she executed the agreement and
understands the nature of the Agreement and is entering into it freely and voluntarily and without
duress, compulsion, or intimidation. Having reviewed the matters relating to the Agreement with the
Debtor I hereby verify that, in my opinion, the Debtor fully understands the nature and effect
Dated at the City/Town of __________________, in the Province of ______________________,
this _____ day of ____________________, 20_____.
Barrister & Solicitor & Notary Public in and
for the Province of ______________
Box 621
Beiseker AB
T0M 0G0
1 800 941 4811
Exceptional Terms Statement of Disclosure
August, 2007
Customer Name:__________________________Company:__________________ Customer #:______
Customer Ph:_______________________________Email:_____________________ Fax:___________
Finance Program Name(check one): AFP___ Farm Fill___ Fall Terms___ Chem & VRT Fall Terms__
Other (specify):______________________________________
Product Prices (if applicable):
Reduced Interest Rate(pick one that applies): Upfront fee of ____%, No Interest___
Other (specify):_________________
Standard Interest Rate:
1.5% per month calculated daily, compounded monthly which is
equal to 19.75% annually.
Timing of Periodic Statement:
Monthly. Statement cut off is the 25th of the month
Dishonored Payment Fee (NSF): $50
Annual Fee:
Due Date (Maturity):
_____________________, 15th 20___
Credit Limit (Amount requested): $____________________________
Minimum Monthly Payment:
Interest Free Grace Period:
A minimum of 20 days without finance charges being
assessed on new purchases if that purchase is paid by its
due date. If not paid by its due date, interest will accrue
from the date the transaction was posted to the account, on
any remaining portion until it is paid for in full.
Interest Calculation Method: Interest is calculated and compounded monthly. Example:
a $10,000 balance x 1.5%/mths = $10,150.00 total.
$150.00 in interest charges for an average 30 day period.
Terms and Conditions
1. The Borrower agrees to comply with the terms of the Credit Agreement and to
repay the Credit provided by the Creditor plus all interest and other charges as set
out in the Credit Agreement.
2. The Standard Interest Rate will be charged to the account monthly until the
Account is paid in full. When the account has been paid in Full on or before the
Maturity date the Standard Interest Rate charges will be removed from the
3. The Reduced Interest Rate will only apply to the Account after the Account is
paid in Full including interest and annual fees on or before the date of maturity.
4. No payments are required until the Maturity Date however the Borrower may
prepay all sums due and owing under the Credit Agreement, at any time without
penalty or bonus.
5. Each payment will be applied first to accrued interest and second to the Account
principal. Overdue interest shall bear interest at the same rate set out above and is
compounded (i.e. added to principal and accruing interest) and shall be calculated
and payable: in the same manner as interest on the principal amount.
6. Default charges: Where the Account is not repaid at maturity, or the borrower is
otherwise in default of the Credit Agreement, the following charges may be
imposed: Interest on overdue principal and interest at the interest rate as stipulated
herein; reasonable costs to collect payments that we incur or that someone incurs
on our behalf, including legal fees on a solicitor and client basis, and fees to
replace returned cheques.
7. The following non-interest finance charges will be incurred on this Account:
i. $50.00 charged on each cheque/payment returned for any reason
ii. $500.00 transfer out fee if the Account is transferred to another
financial institution.
8. The Borrower will receive a Statement of Account at the end of the month
following any month in which Credit is granted.
9. The Borrower may cancel an optional service contract of a continuing nature (if
applicable) pursuant to section 67 of the Act.
I/We acknowledge receipt of this Statement of Disclosure for Fixed Credit Financing this
_____ day of ____________, 20__ (the “Effective Date” for the Statement of
Borrower Name
Borrower Name
Borrower Signature
Borrower Signature