COVER SHEET FOR PROPOSAL TO THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT/SOLICITATION NO./CLOSING DATE/if not in response to a program announcement/solicitation enter NSF 09-1 NSF 09-517 FOR NSF USE ONLY NSF PROPOSAL NUMBER 02/23/09 FOR CONSIDERATION BY NSF ORGANIZATION UNIT(S) 0930055 (Indicate the most specific unit known, i.e. program, division, etc.) EAR - INSTRUMENTATION & FACILITIES DATE RECEIVED NUMBER OF COPIES DIVISION ASSIGNED FUND CODE DUNS# 02/23/2009 3 06030000 EAR EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) OR TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (TIN) 1580 FILE LOCATION (Data Universal Numbering System) 078341468 02/23/2009 10:34pm IS THIS PROPOSAL BEING SUBMITTED TO ANOTHER FEDERAL AGENCY? YES NO IF YES, LIST ACRONYM(S) SHOW PREVIOUS AWARD NO. IF THIS IS A RENEWAL AN ACCOMPLISHMENT-BASED RENEWAL 826000924 NAME OF ORGANIZATION TO WHICH AWARD SHOULD BE MADE ADDRESS OF AWARDEE ORGANIZATION, INCLUDING 9 DIGIT ZIP CODE Idaho State University 921 South 8th Ave., Stop 8046 Pocatello, ID. 832098046 Idaho State University AWARDEE ORGANIZATION CODE (IF KNOWN) 0016204000 NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION, IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE ADDRESS OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION, IF DIFFERENT, INCLUDING 9 DIGIT ZIP CODE PERFORMING ORGANIZATION CODE (IF KNOWN) IS AWARDEE ORGANIZATION (Check All That Apply) (See GPG II.C For Definitions) TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT MINORITY BUSINESS IF THIS IS A PRELIMINARY PROPOSAL WOMAN-OWNED BUSINESS THEN CHECK HERE Upgrade of Computing Equipment in the Digital Mapping Laboratory, Idaho State University REQUESTED AMOUNT PROPOSED DURATION (1-60 MONTHS) 75,000 $ SMALL BUSINESS FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 12 REQUESTED STARTING DATE 07/01/09 months SHOW RELATED PRELIMINARY PROPOSAL NO. IF APPLICABLE CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES) IF THIS PROPOSAL INCLUDES ANY OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW BEGINNING INVESTIGATOR (GPG I.G.2) HUMAN SUBJECTS (GPG II.D.7) Human Subjects Assurance Number DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (GPG II.C) Exemption Subsection PROPRIETARY & PRIVILEGED INFORMATION (GPG I.D, II.C.1.d) INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE ACTIVITIES: COUNTRY/COUNTRIES INVOLVED HISTORIC PLACES (GPG II.C.2.j) (GPG II.C.2.j) EAGER* (GPG II.D.2) RAPID** (GPG II.D.1) VERTEBRATE ANIMALS (GPG II.D.6) IACUC App. Date HIGH RESOLUTION GRAPHICS/OTHER GRAPHICS WHERE EXACT COLOR REPRESENTATION IS REQUIRED FOR PROPER INTERPRETATION (GPG I.G.1) PHS Animal Welfare Assurance Number PI/PD DEPARTMENT PI/PD POSTAL ADDRESS 921 South 8th Ave., Stop 8046 309 Fine Arts Building Pocatello, ID 832098046 United States Department of Geosciences PI/PD FAX NUMBER 208-282-4414 NAMES (TYPED) or IRB App. Date High Degree Yr of Degree Telephone Number Electronic Mail Address PhD 2006 208-282-2592 PhD 2002 208-282-7851 PhD 2000 208-345-1994 PhD 1981 208-282-4254 PI/PD NAME Benjamin T Crosby CO-PI/PD Daniel P Ames CO-PI/PD Nancy Glenn CO-PI/PD John A Welhan CO-PI/PD Page 1 of 2 Electronic Signature CERTIFICATION PAGE Certification for Authorized Organizational Representative or Individual Applicant: By signing and submitting this proposal, the Authorized Organizational Representative or Individual Applicant is: (1) certifying that statements made herein are true and complete to the best of his/her knowledge; and (2) agreeing to accept the obligation to comply with NSF award terms and conditions if an award is made as a result of this application. Further, the applicant is hereby providing certifications regarding debarment and suspension, drug-free workplace, and lobbying activities (see below), nondiscrimination, and flood hazard insurance (when applicable) as set forth in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide, Part I: the Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) (NSF 09-1). Willful provision of false information in this application and its supporting documents or in reports required under an ensuing award is a criminal offense (U. S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001). 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(2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, ‘‘Disclosure of Lobbying Activities,’’ in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. 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By electronically signing the NSF Proposal Cover Sheet, the Authorized Organizational Representative or Individual Applicant located in FEMA-designated special flood hazard areas is certifying that adequate flood insurance has been or will be obtained in the following situations: (1) (2) for NSF grants for the construction of a building or facility, regardless of the dollar amount of the grant; and for other NSF Grants when more than $25,000 has been budgeted in the proposal for repair, alteration or improvement (construction) of a building or facility. AUTHORIZED ORGANIZATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE NAME Dianne K Horrocks TELEPHONE NUMBER 208-282-2592 Electronic Signature ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS Feb 23 2009 6:53PM FAX NUMBER 208-282-4723 fm1207rrs-07 * EAGER - EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research ** RAPID - Grants for Rapid Response Research Page 2 of 2 UPGRADE OF COMPUTING EQUIPMENT IN THE DIGITAL MAPPING LABORATORY, IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY Intellectual Merit: Quantitative computational tools dominate the skill set of modern earth scientists. At the core of these tools are the workstations and networked servers that allow the scientists to perform essential tasks: to model, to analyze, to collaborate, to archive and to publish. The core research computing facilities in the Digital Mapping Laboratory at ISU are currently outdated by ~5 years and severely limit the productivity of four surface processes research groups. The 23 workstations, two servers, and associated gigabit network connections described in this proposal will enable these research teams to better service existing and future research projects. Currently the PIs are focused on 4 interdisciplinary research themes: (1) field characterization and modeling of landscape response to contemporary and ancient changes in climate or tectonics, (2) short-term landscape, soil, and vegetation change as documented by hyperspectral and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) techniques, (3) geospatially distributed, GIS-based hydrologic and water quality modeling at the watershed scale in mountain environments, and (4) simulation of ground-water flow based on statistical analysis and threedimensional spatial modeling of changes in volcanic-sedimentary facies. Each of these research groups pair innovative datasets and techniques against applied and theoretical questions that advance our understanding of water resources, climate change and remote sensing capabilities. To answer these fundamental and timely questions, the four research groups require an advanced computational facility to develop, test and distribute computational tools in-house. Broader Impacts: The proposed facility upgrade will promote teaching and training of a core group of graduate students involved in four research groups. Other departmental students will benefit as they use remote sensing and GIS data to complement their primary analyses in structure, stratigraphy, geomorphology, and petrology. As research is completed and results published, the PIs will incorporate these projects into the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, thereby exposing a broad spectrum of student geoscientists. Over the 5‐year lifespan of these computers, this adds up to ~375 geoscience majors and graduate students who will benefit. With regard to underrepresented groups, this proposal involves one female PI and, over a five year period, will impact approximately 40% of ISU geoscience students who are female (~150 students total). By its very nature, this proposal will enhance infrastructure for research and education. It will allow Crosby to share his curriculum for digital courses with other universities, and Crosby, Ames, and Glenn to transfer newly developed research tools to existing NSF‐funded projects (CUAHSI, HIS, WATERS network, CSDMS). In addition, this project will leverage connectivity activities proposed in a pending NSF Cyberinfrastructure Grant, in which network upgrades are proposed for student and faculty computer ports at Pocatello and Boise campuses of ISU. Finally, the research projects described in this proposal will have a strong impact on societal decisions regarding land use, water resources, and urban expansion. All projects concern environmental aspects of surface or near‐surface geologic processes, and all projects will yield results that can be delivered immediately to stakeholders and policy makers. Landslide potential, post‐wildfire erosion, fracture‐dominated aquifer flow, and watershed management are critical issues in the American West and other mountainous, semi‐arid regions throughout the world, making these research results pertinent to a diverse audience. TABLE OF CONTENTS For font size and page formatting specifications, see GPG section II.C. Total No. of Pages Page No.* (Optional)* Cover Sheet for Proposal to the National Science Foundation Project Summary (not to exceed 1 page) 1 Table of Contents 1 Project Description (Including Results from Prior NSF Support) (not to exceed 15 pages) (Exceed only if allowed by a specific program announcement/solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) 14 References Cited 5 Biographical Sketches (Not to exceed 2 pages each) Budget 8 3 (Plus up to 3 pages of budget justification) Current and Pending Support 6 Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources 2 Special Information/Supplementary Documentation 0 Appendix (List below. ) (Include only if allowed by a specific program announcement/ solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) Appendix Items: *Proposers may select any numbering mechanism for the proposal. The entire proposal however, must be paginated. Complete both columns only if the proposal is numbered consecutively. RESULTS FROM PRIOR NSF SUPPORT Benjamin Crosby EAR-0208312; $121,500; 09/01/00 - 09/01/05, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship • • • This fellowship supported Crosby’s graduate work at MIT studying the communication of incision signals through fluvial networks. We examined the distribution of knickpoints (waterfalls) within the Waipaoa River catchment, NZ (Crosby and Whipple, 2006). 6 peer reviewed publications and one Ph.D. thesis were created. We determined that in weak lithologies, knickpoints diffuse as they propagate up large discharge trunk streams. They only develop where substrate erodibility decreases or at tributary junctions where trunk stream fluvial incision outpaces the lesser tributary's response (Crosby et al., 2007). The tributary junction can become so steep that fluvial incision is diminished and a semi-permanent waterfall is created (Wobus et al., 2006a). We established these findings through extensive field and theoretical studies, employing landscape evolution models, GIS analysis, field monitoring of bedrock incision and stream profile analysis (Wobus et al., 2006b). EPS‐0814387; $ 539,174; 09/01/08 - 08/31/13, NSF Idaho EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Grant – Water Resources in a Changing Climate • • This recently awarded 5 year grant supports undergraduate, graduate and post-doc personnel as well as the purchase of LiDAR data and surveying equipment. In the months since its initiation, I have hired 2 female undergraduates, one graduate student and one female post-doc. Work has begun analyzing existing climate, stream ecology and hydrology data (Olson and Crosby, 2008; Carlson et al., 2008). Topographic analyses of the Salmon River watershed reveal that, due to relict topography, large portions of the basin are near the modern snowline (Crosby and Baxter, 2008). Increases in the elevation of this snowline due to changing climate could dramatically alter precipitation phase and thus the timing and magnitude of stream runoff. EPS‐0814387; $ 251,570; 09/01/08 - 08/31/12, Spatial and Temporal Influenced of Thermokarst Features on Surface Processes in Arctic Landscapes • • This recently awarded 4 year grant supports graduate personnel, field travel as well as the purchase of topographic and hydrologic surveying equipment. In the months since its initiation, I have hired one graduate student and have begun logistics planning for this summer’s field season. Topographic and climatic data as well as remotely sensed imagery have been collected (Crosby and Olson, 2007) from perspective field sites and analyzed for research suitability. Daniel Ames EPS-0814387; $641,209; 9/1/08 - 8/31/13, NSF Idaho EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Grant • This multi-year, multi-researcher project has just begun. Dr. Ames component of the project begins in years 3-5 and will include substantial research into the socioeconomic impacts of reduced water availability in the state of Idaho as project under climate change scenarios. EPS-0447689; $ 170,000; 09/01/05 - 05/01/08, NSF Idaho EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Grant – The Idaho Grand Challenge • • This 3 year grant supported several graduate and undergraduate students studying watershed modeling and development of geospatial modeling tools. Specific outcomes include Ames et al (2008), Rafn et al (2008), Michaelis and Ames (2007) , Michaelis and Ames (2008). GEO-0808112; $84,095; 6/15/08 - 5/31/09, FossilPlot: Data-Driven Web-Based Software and Teaching Modules for undergraduate Education On the History of Life • This recently awarded grant supports two graduate students and a technician developing a web based educational tool for studying fossil records. The tool, is well underway and includes innovative database and web charting methodologies on a massive database. UPGRADE OF COMPUTING EQUIPMENT IN THE DIGITAL MAPPING LABORATORY, IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION Quantitative analysis of surface and near-surface geologic processes has evolved from laborious, time-intensive measurement of localized features to accumulation and analysis of vast digital data sets. Desktop workstations are available to process these data, but the rapid increase in both size of data sets and in complexity of algorithms means that desktop workstations become underpowered every 5 years. To create a cutting-edge analytical facility for use in documenting surficial and near-surface processes, this proposal requests funds to upgrade the Idaho State University Digital Mapping Laboratory with 23 workstations, two servers, and associated high-speed connections. The ISU Digital Mapping Lab (DML) is operated by the Department of Geosciences and used by its faculty and graduate students. Primary usage of the DML is by four research groups whose main themes are (1) field characterization and modeling of landscape response to contemporary and ancient changes in climate or tectonics, (2) short-term landscape, soil, and vegetation change as documented by hyperspectral and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) techniques, (3) geospatially distributed, GIS-based hydrologic and water quality modeling at the watershed scale in mountain environments, and (4) simulation of ground-water flow based on statistical analysis and three-dimensional spatial modeling of changes in volcanic-sedimentary facies. With advanced computational hardware, these research themes are enabled to development of new algorithms for software packages such as MATLAB, ArcGIS, ENVI and IDL. These algorithms lead to synergistic collaborations within and beyond the department. Each of the research themes is described in the following sections, followed by a specific listing of the existing and proposed equipment. SPECIFIC PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS (1) BEN CROSBY – LANDSCAPE MODELING Now in his third year at ISU, Crosby is a geomorphologist who relies on numerical analysis of landscape processes to characterize the interaction between physical and ecological systems. Beyond his research, Crosby has also introduced new, computationally-intense courses to the curriculum (e.g. Quantitative Tools for Earth Scientists) as well as new laboratory exercises for existing courses (e.g. Modeling Scarp and Hillslope Diffusion, Assessing Correlations Between and Instrumental and Proxy Climate Data, etc.). Crosby has also developed a curriculum and hardware suite for field-based Digital Mapping and Data Collection at ISU. These GPS-enabled PDAs and tablet PCs are used during the semester in undergraduate and graduate courses as well as in ISU’s Field Geology summer course, a program that educates undergraduate and graduate students from universities across the nation. These field computers and a host of other digital topographic and hydrologic surveying tools (Robotic Total Station, Survey-Grade DGPS Rovers and Base Station, Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters/Profiler etc.) are fundamental to Crosby’s research program. These tools and the data they produce explicitly require a computational facility capable of processing, transferring, archiving and publishing large, complex data sets. To reach their highest potential, two of Crosby’s current research themes (which are currently supported by NSF) require improvements in ISU’s computational infrastructure. ECOHYDRAULIC CONSEQUENCES OF CONTEMPORARY CLIMATE CHANGE, SALMON RIVER BASIN, ID In the intermountain west, contemporary changes in climate have resulted in increased wildfire frequency and magnitude (Westerling et al., 2006), more extensive insect outbreaks (Hicke et al., 2006), declining mountain snowpack (Mote et al., 2005) and earlier spring runoff (Stewart et al., 2004). These changes result in consequences for physical and biological systems that cascade from upland hillslopes, down through headwater streams and ultimately impact mainstem rivers. In the Salmon River watershed in central Idaho (36,000 km2), an extensive record of climatic, hydrologic, geomorphic and stream ecological data collected in a wilderness setting provide the foundation for an ideal field site to explore the consequences of the changes listed above. Over the next 5 years Crosby’s research group will work in partnership with stream ecologist Dr. Colden Baxter (ISU Biosciences) and a team of other scientists at Idaho universities to tackle questions regarding the connection between contemporary and future changes in climate and physical and biological systems. This NSF EPSCoR funded program ( will support graduate, undergraduate and Post-Doctoral researchers in Crosby’s lab but in order to make the most of these personnel, we must overcome a deficiency in our computational facilities. Current facilities in the Digital Mapping Laboratory are outdated, poorly networked and cannot handle both the computational and storage requirements of this project. Students and researchers within Crosby’s group will work together to synthesize and analyze existing records of river discharge, climate, stream ecology and geomorphic observations from over 600 different sources within the Salmon River basin. In particular, Crosby’s group will evaluate through topographic modeling and field analysis how predicted changes in snowline elevation will impact the timing and magnitude of water and sediment fluxes from different regions within the Salmon River basin. Crosby’s group will also use historic geomorphic datasets (Emmett, 1975) collected at long term biological monitoring sites (Minshall et al., 1992) to evaluate the sensitivity of stream ecosystems to changes in physical habitat. This extensive GIS-based dataset will be used to assess (via time series analysis in MATLAB and remote sensing analysis in IDL/ENVI) changes that have occurred in the past as well as to provide calibration datasets for predictive hydrologic and geomorphic models developed at ISU (both in MATLAB and in other programming languages). At present, current computers cannot extract stream profiles from Salmon River Digital Elevation Maps (DEMs) or complete topographic calculations necessary for this study. These datasets and models require large capacity storage, gigabit network throughput and fast computational workstations in order to accomplish this goal. The support requested in this proposal will enable Crosby’s group to not only do the necessary analyses at ISU, but also to share model outputs and GIS maps via our server with collaborators at ISU and other Idaho universities. The same server will also support the dissemination of data and results to other stakeholders in the Salmon River basin, including federal and state agencies, our collaborators at the ShoshoneBannock and Nez-Pierce Tribes and residents and businesses that depend on the river for their livelihood. SENSITIVITY OF THE ARCTIC LANDSCAPE TO CONTEMPORARY CLIMATE CHANGE Recent summaries of international research clearly document the past and future extent of climate warming in the Arctic (ACIA, 2004). These summaries suggest that in the future, rising temperatures will be accompanied by increased precipitation, mostly as rain: 20% more over the Arctic as a whole and up to 30% more in coastal areas during the winter and autumn. These climate changes will have important impacts on Arctic systems because of the likelihood that warming will promote permafrost degradation and thawing (Osterkamp and Romanovsky 1999; Jorgenson et al., 2006). Formerly frozen soils may be further destabilized by increased precipitation, leading to hillslope thermokarst failures (Jorgenson et al. 2005, 2008). It is hypothesized that a widespread and long-term increase in the incidence of thermokarst failures will have important impacts on the structure and function of arctic headwater landscapes. In the fall of 2008 Crosby and an interdisciplinary, international team of scientists were awarded a 4 year NSF-ARCSS research grant ( to pursue the topics outlined above. This group recognizes that thermokarst failures are abundant and appear to have become more numerous throughout the arctic (Gooseff et al., 2009; Lamoureux and Lafreniere, 2009). In particular, Crosby and ARCSS team will focus their efforts around Toolik Lake on the eastern North Slope and in the western Noatak River basin in Alaska. The project provides support at ISU for one graduate student and the purchase of digital surveying and water quality monitoring equipment but not improvements in the computational resources available in the Digital Mapping Laboratory. Crosby’s portion of the project will require the synthesis and analysis of climatic and hydrologic data from field monitoring sites as well as regional sources. Crosby and his student will focus on the downstream geomorphic impacts of the hillslope failures. These failures produce massive volumes of sediment that can sometimes persist for decades and alter the form and function of nearby rivers. Crosby’s team will use site-specific observations of failure triggering mechanisms and hillslope hydrological response in order to calibrate numerical models of the landscape- scale consequences of increasing failure frequency. At present, ISU Geosciences lacks the computational power to run, record and visualize these models and the datasets they produce. The proposed improvements to our infrastructure will enable students and faculty to perform these analyses without having to travel to other computing facilities. Though only one project is described above, Crosby also has current funding to study similar questions in the arctic through the US Fish and Wildlife Service as well as the Department of Energy’s INRA program. Each of these three projects provide support for personnel, travel and field equipment, but none support the core computational infrastructure at the home institution. (2) NANCY GLENN – REMOTE SENSING AND IMAGE PROCESSING Glenn’s research focuses on image processing, interpretation of remote sensing imagery, and understanding spatial, spectral, and temporal scales of landscape processes. Her interdisciplinary focus is on terrain characterization (soil and vegetation) using light detection and ranging (LiDAR, a.k.a. laser altimetry) and hyperspectral (visible, near and shortwave infrared) imagery to study post-fire soil and vegetation processes (wind erosion prediction, burn severity, and soil water repellency), invasive species, and landslides. Glenn directs the Boise Center Aerospace Laboratory (BCAL) while her collaborators (faculty and students) use both BCAL and the DML. Specific research programs are listed below. HYPERSPECTRAL UNMIXING FOR TARGET DETECTION Imaging spectrometry data or hyperspectral imagery (HSI) from the 0.4-2.5 mm spectral range provide a rich amount of information describing the properties of the earth’s surface (Goetz et al, 1985). HSI can help describe the distribution of minerals and rocks across the earth (as well as planetary surfaces) (Kruse et al 2003) and the abundance of particular vegetation species (Settle and Drake, 1993; Ustin et al 2004). This information in turn leads to an improved understanding of earth processes and climate forcing. HSI also provides ample opportunity for interdisciplinary graduate and undergraduate research. Spectral mixture analysis, specifically pixel unmixing (determining the materials represented within an individual pixel) from HSI allows one to identify specific subpixel abundances (i.e. targets of interest within a mixed pixel) (Harsayni and Chang, 1994; Heinz and Chang, 2001). Glenn’s current research focuses on improving spectral unmixing methods and sampling techniques for studying vegetation and vegetation change (Mitchell and Glenn, in press; Mitchell and Glenn 2009; Glenn et al 2005). Significantly, this work has recently been utilized in applied research on soils mapping (Moore et al 2007; Finley and Glenn, in review), and Glenn and her students are now pursuing methods to increase the accuracy of abundance measurements with spectral matching. One of the major limitations to these studies is that HSI analysis is hampered by the computationally intense unmixing algorithms necessary to identify and quantify the abundance of land cover in large and heterogeneous datasets. LIDAR ANALYSIS FOR VEGETATION AND GEOLOGIC CHARACTERIZATION LiDAR data are transforming diverse facets of earth surface studies, including geomorphology, geology, rangeland ecology, and forestry. The increase in availability of the data, coupled with the improvements in vertical accuracy and horizontal spacing, enables users to quantitatively characterize landscapes providing new insights to age-old problems. For example, LiDAR analysis has increased the understanding of the morphology and motion of landslides (e.g. Glenn et al 2006; McKean and Roering, 2004), landscapes (e.g. Perron et al., 2008) and analysis of surface processes over time. LiDAR analysis also provides an opportunity to characterize the roughness of the earth’s surface for understanding geomorphic and vegetation change over time and for vegetation height (Wang and Glenn, 2008; Streutker and Glenn, 2006). Similar to HSI data, LiDAR data are computationally intense and sophisticated algorithms and computing platforms are essential for state-of-the art analyses. Glenn’s lab has developed LiDAR analysis tools (see:; and Streutker and Glenn, 2006) for the earth sciences. These tools have provided users with desktop solutions to analyze point cloud data based on the Interactive Data Language (IDL). The point clouds comprise a set of measured point locations on a scanned surface (e.g., bare ground, trees, roads, buildings, etc.) represented in a three-dimensional space. Points are typically attributed with return intensity, time, and number, in the case of multiple returns for a single shot. Current topographic analysis tools that are affordable to university researchers are limited in their ability to work with such scattered data, although some software tools (most commonly used with terrestrial laser scanning data) perform 3D tessellation and texture mapping on the point cloud (see Arrowsmith et al. 2008 for more detail). Glenn’s research team is expanding their current analysis tools to include more sophisticated opportunities for correlating surface and height characteristics with geomorphic change (e.g. surface matching), meteorological observations (e.g. aerodynamic roughness), and characterization of low-height vegetation (e.g. shrubs). The LiDAR point cloud datasets in these studies begin at sizes of about 200MB for one 1km x 1km tile – or about 40 GB for a typical 200 sq km study area. With vegetation height filtering of the point clouds, the file sizes can easily triple before any processing takes place specific to our research objectives. The size of the hyperspectral datasets is about 25% compared to LiDAR data for the same study area, but they often require higher processing power than the LiDAR algorithms to solve the matrices associated with matched filtering. In order to process these point cloud and hyperspectral datasets, a desktop computer with a minimum dual core processor and 4Gb RAM is necessary. The remote sensing data is analyzed in IDL that takes advantage of multi-core processing. In comparison to a 2GHz Pentium with 1Gb RAM, a 3GHz dual core with 4Gb RAM will allow a ten-fold increase in the processing speed of the HSI unmixing and LiDAR algorithms for geographically large and heterogeneous datasets. For the HSI, processing these large datasets simultaneously instead of as individual flightlines allows us to estimate our background noise with a more statistically robust method that in turn will help us identify our target pixels with higher accuracies. For the LiDAR processing, analyzing the data as a single dataset instead of individual flightlines will free up our analyst’s processing time, as well take advantage of a more statistically-robust vegetation filter and surface matching algorithm that we have designed. (3) DAN AMES – WATERSHED SCALE HYDROLOGIC MODELING Leading the ISU Department of Geosciences geotechnologies programs, Ames has helped develop a nationally recognized graduate program in geographic information sciences that includes both the theoretical underpinnings of geospatial data analysis and modeling as well as the practical application of new and existing analytical tools to real world science and environmental management problems. He has been instrumental in developing and enhancing several undergraduate and graduate level courses in this program which require access to high-end software and workstations with capabilities that far exceed those regularly found in traditional university managed computer laboratories. Powerful computing resources are particularly demanded by the geospatial modeling courses including Advanced GIS, Watershed Modeling, and Spatial Analysis. The proposed enhancements to the DML will directly benefit students in these courses by providing a Geosciences-managed computer laboratory that meets the required hardware and software specifications for these courses. In addition to coordinating and helping develop the geotechnologies academic programs at ISU, Ames also manages an extensive research program in the development and application of geospatial software and modeling tools. This research is largely centered on the free MapWindow GIS project ( and Ames et al., 2008) that has attained international recognition as the preeminent Windows-based open source geographic information system with thousands of active users and over 6,000 downloads per month from the project web site. This software tool is unique in the GIS domain because of its completely modular and extensive architecture that allows third party researchers and software engineers to reconstruct the software to meet particular modeling and data analysis needs. In recent years this software has become the modeling platform for several watershed scale modeling systems including EPS’s BASINS system (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2006), FRAMES/3MRA, Soil Water Assessment Tool (Devele and Srinivasan, 2005), and others. Recently, the NSF sponsored Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences (CUAHSI – has adopted MapWindow GIS as the GIS platform for its desktop hydrologic information system project ( and integration with tools and standards developed by the the European OpenMI modeling consortium ( and the Open Geospatial Consortium ( continues. Considering the massive computational resources needed to effectively conduct extensive geospatial data analysis and modeling research, one can appreciate the even greater computational demand associated with the development of the core spatio‐temporal data visualization and modeling software itself. The following sections outline two projects related to such research software development that will be specifically facilitated by the proposed DML upgrades. TOOLS FOR LIDAR BASED WATERSHED MODELING AND TERRAIN ANALYSIS The accurate extraction of hydrologically important datasets from terrain data (e.g. slope, flow direction, cumulative area, and watershed boundaries) is required as a primary data processing function to facilitate most spatially distributed hydrologic data modeling research and application (Tarboton and Ames 2001; Garbrecht and Martz 1997). Historically the algorithms and tools developed to support such analyses were often based on the presumption of limited computational resources and relatively small (i.e. 2000 x 2000 cells) datasets. However in recent years with the widespread use of LiDAR for terrain characterization, datasets available for terrain and watershed analysis have grown in size by orders of magnitude. This has created a demand for new algorithms and tools that can operate efficiently and effectively on such datasets to produce needed derivative data, and it has also opened opportunities for research into new analytical techniques to address entirely new scientific questions in ways which were not previously possible. Ames and Glenn are particularly interested in the extraction of stream channel networks, flow paths, and watershed boundaries directly from LiDAR data – without first the converting the LiDAR point clouds into discrete regular grids (as is presently done). Indeed, the conversion of LiDAR data into a regular grid removes significant amounts of potentially hydrologically important information from the data. In doing so, areas of high terrain variability can become “smoothed over,” interesting and unique flow paths can be lost, and information that could be critical to understanding how water is entrapped for evoptranspiration and infiltration processes is destroyed. Given the proposed computational upgrades in the DML, Ames and Glenn are expected to make significant new contributions in the area of extraction of hydrologic variables directly from LiDAR data sets. The effort will focus on developing new core algorithms necessary to convert high resolution LiDAR data into a fine-grained triangular mesh (called a TIN) that maintains significantly more detailed information in the data than does a regularly spaced grid data model; and algorithms to extract watershed boundaries, streamflow networks, potential flood zones, and flow paths directly from the resulting mesh. The proposed algorithms and tools represent a significant scientific contribution to the ability to convert LiDAR data into usable derivative datasets for environmental applications nationally and globally, as such data continues to become more available. INTEGRATED FRAMEWORKS FOR SPATIO‐TEMPORAL MODELING The NSF sponsored CUAHSI Hydrologic Information Systems (HIS) project ( has produced a standard for communication of hydrologic data across computer networks. This standard (WaterML) is an XML based protocol that is currently being adopted by the USGS NWIS system, EPA’s STORET system and a large number of environmental data observatory programs nationally. As a CUAHSI HIS project team member, Ames has been instrumental in helping design and develop a new set of tools that extend HIS and WaterML data sharing to the desktop for use by individual researchers. As the network of HIS and WaterML based data storage and retrieval systems for water resources and climate data continues to grow, research opportunities arise for integrating this data into modeling and decision support systems. Toward this end, we have begun the development of protocols and tools for the integration of data from HIS servers into a computational framework for modeling and decision support systems. The framework builds largely on the European Union sponsored Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI) project which is a specification for data sharing and communication between hydrologic model components and anticipates the need for solutions that support investigation of spatio-temporal process such as landscape evolution, stream network migration, and watershed dynamics. We envision using the proposed enhanced DML facility to become more competitive for research funding that will allow combining the strengths of the standards-based WaterML data communication language developed by CUAHSI together with the OpenMI standard for communication of inputs, outputs, and parameters between multiple climate-water models or sub-models using open source software libraries, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards, and commercial off the shelf (COTS) software as appropriate. The results of such research will be a protocol and several test cases that extend cyberinfrastructure from distributed server-based data storage and sharing through standards based web services systems, and finally to operational modeling systems in a fully linked, modular, extensible and reproducible system. This will involve implementing and extending specific existing watershed modeling and monitoring software packages such that they can interact with each other through the OpenMI communication standard; deployment of existing and new algorithms and sub-models as libraries developed in multiple languages and platforms which can interact at run-time through OpenMI compliance; creation of a “webmodel” concept using both OpenMI and the OGC Web Processing Service standard; and protocols and prototype software for integration of HIS web services directly into a model (web-based or standalone) using these existing standards. In short, this project serves as a model for developing and deploying desktop and web-based, highly networked, integrated modeling systems using distributed web processing services and a number of well established protocols (WaterML, WPS, OpenMI, etc.). Indeed the proposed computational resources of the DML will be critical for the successful undertaking of this effort. (4) JOHN WELHAN – GEOSTATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF AQUIFER HOST‐ROCKS SUBSURFACE MODELING: STOCHASTIC SIMULATION OF AQUIFER HETEROGENEITY Describing and modeling the relevant hydraulic architecture of fractured and other strongly heterogeneous porous media like the Floridan aquifer or the Columbia Plateau basaltic aquifer poses challenges that have yet to be resolved at the spatial scales necessary for small- and intermediate-scale flow and transport analysis. Dense well spacing is impractical in most cases whereas geophysical imaging methods such as crosshole tomography do not yet have sufficient resolution at the meter scale to map fast-path flow zones over practically useful distances (Barrash and Clemo, 2002; Tronicke et al., 2004). In the areas of arrival-time prediction, contaminant dispersion, and risk assessment, conventional equivalent porous medium modeling approaches are unsuitable for all but the largest regional model scales (Ackerman et al., 2006). This is especially so in the eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP) aquifer, a layered basalt and sedimentary system, owing to the extreme range of spatial scales over which porosity and permeability vary (decimeter to kilometer), the complex spatial arrangement of its mixed fracturevesicular-intergranular porosity, and the prominent role that inter-lava flow rubble zones and other primary porosity play in focusing preferential ground water flow over scales of tens to thousands of meters. For example, conventional intermediate-scale transport modeling in the ESRP aquifer has used dispersivity coefficients of the order of 100 meters to explain the migration of radioactive contaminants. In contrast, we have shown that a 1-D system-response model requires only a 5-meter longitudinal dispersivity to reproduce 36Cl tracer response over 20 km travel distances (Cecil et al, 2000), reflecting the influence of preferential flow within this aquifer. The ESRP aquifer offers tremendous opportunities for understanding fundamental flow and transport phenomena in heterogeneous porous media at a range of field scales. The proximity of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), the DOE and USGS scientists with whom we collaborate, and the availability of instrumented wells, geological and geochemical databases, and decades of tracer transport and modeling studies make this an ideal location for investigating these types of problems. Welhan and coworkers have pioneered research into geostatistical and stochastic methods for quantifying subsurface heterogeneity in the ESRP and developed a practical, field-based method for modeling heterogeneity in complex layered aquifers (Welhan et al., 2002a, 2004a, 2006; Gego et al., 2002; Stroup et al., 2008). Welhan et al. (2002a) showed that the 3D spatial architecture of inter-flow zones and sedimentary aquitards can be modeled at the local scale (100s of meters) with a Monte Carlo simulator coded for sequential indicator variables and conditioned on core data and borehole geophysical information, as well as on soft geometric constraints obtained from outcrop analogs of the subsurface (Welhan et al., 2002b). To effectively incorporate more soft information from large-scale aquifer stratigraphy and larger-scale aerial photographic and outcrop measurements, Clemo and Welhan (2000) proposed the use of more flexible techniques such as simulated annealing and structure imitation using a state-of-the-art genetic algorithm. Such methods are computationally intensive, however, typically tying up a 2 GHz desktop processor overnight or longer for even modest 3-D model grids, so we have been unable to pursue this line of research because of practical limitations on computing resources. Relative to a 2GHz Pentium with 1Gb RAM, we estimate a ten- to twenty-fold increase in our ability to run such simulations on a 3+ GHz Core 2 duo or better processor with 4 Gb RAM. GEOCOMPUTATION: SIMULATION‐BASED SPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS Monte Carlo simulation approaches to statistical testing and modeling are gaining importance in the Geographic Information sciences as software sophistication takes advantage of increased desktop computing power. For example, ESRI's ArcMap platform now contains applications that offer Monte Carlo simulation options for estimating confidence limits in hypothesis testing as well as an implementation of a sequential Gaussian simulator to perform predictive modeling and risk analysis. However, relatively small gridded data sets can take five minutes or more to execute on a 2 GHz desktop processor, and moderate- to large-size grids can be unwieldy or prohibitive to process and analyze. A new research project just underway, funded by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, is designed to evaluate the relative errors and sensitivity of multi-raster GIS models, using permutation analysis as a technique to evaluate sensitivity to misclassification errors. This research is part of a broader goal of developing practical, more accurate GIS-based tools for planners and decision makers (e.g., Rupert, 2001). For this project, we are developing the permutation and statistical analysis tools within ArcMap to run on existing hardware, but once the tools are debugged, they will be running hundreds of permutations with numerous input rasters and hundreds of intermediate calculations, so we expect to encounter the same hardware performance ceiling unless we realize a 5-fold increase in computing power. GEOCOMPUTATION: OPTIMIZATION OF SAMPLING NETWORKS Stochastic simulation has also become an important tool in optimizing sample network coverage and performance. Whether in ground-water monitoring, site remediation, or regional snow pack modeling, optimal sample placement reduces overall project cost and increases the reliability of information that is collected. This is achieved by eliminating spatial redundancy that arises from strongly autocorrelated sample locations, identifying under-sampled areas, and maximizing the benefit/cost ratio of future sampling (Englund and Heravi, 1992; van Groenigen et al., 2004). The same concept can be extended into the temporal reference frame and has become an area of cutting-edge research in the GIS and geostatistical fields (e.g., Christakos, 2000). During analysis of Idaho statewide ground-water quality data, a database that spans twelve years and thousands of well locations across Idaho, we discovered strong temporal autocorrelation and temporal data redundancy in nitrate and other analytes. Spatio-temporal kriging of the data set revealed that spatial and temporal variations in ground-water quality could be identified just as reliably and at far less sampling cost by exploiting spatio-temporal autocorrelation in the historical data to identify optimal sample collection frequency and locations (Welhan et al., 2004b, 2004c). Lacking the computational power to pursue this line of research, however, we have not investigated the feasibility of applying a spatio-temporal Monte Carlo simulator to demonstrate the statewide cost savings if the network and sampling plan were optimized. With a substantial upgrade in desktop-scale computing power, this line of research will become an immediate priority. PROPOSED EXPENDITURES AND JUSTIFICATION In support of the research described previously, this proposal requests funds to upgrade the Geosciences Digital Mapping Laboratory with 23 workstations, two servers, and associated high-speed connections. Four workstations will be Dell T5400s. These computers are best suited for high-speed processing of large raster data sets, especially IDL and other software that can take advantage of large RAM and multi-threading capabilities on multi-core processors. Nineteen workstations will be Dell Optiplex 960s. These are best suited for GIS analysis, specialized MATLAB and other purpose-specific software requiring higher processor speeds, RAM and storage capacity than are currently available on DML workstations. All workstations will have high-speed (1 Gbit per second, bps) intranet connectivity to allow rapid transfer of large data sets to and from the servers, and will be equipped with 4 Gb RAM, 320 Mb storage capacity, and dual monitors to permit high resolution visualization of large data sets and geographically extensive study areas. Two identical servers, each with 4 Tb storage capacity, are requested. One will be the primary server to the 23 research workstations and will hold most of the raw and processed data sets being analyzed in the DML. Processed data will be stored on individual workstations but also will be backed up regularly and automatically to the second server, providing redundancy in the event of equipment failure. Both servers will be located in a ventilated, air-conditioned room one floor above the DML, and both will be connected to an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) to accommodate power outages which occur 1-3 times per year, on average. High-speed network connections between workstations and servers are critical to the efficient transfer of information. We propose to upgrade the existing DML network from 10 Mbps to 1 Gb/s. Wiring to accomplish this is mostly in place within the Physical Sciences building, where the DML resides, and merely requires the installation of 3 switches – one for the servers and two for the DML. The ISU Computer Center will install and permanently maintain the switches and wiring. The ISU Physical Science building is currently linked to other computing facilities on the ISU campus via 45 Mbps cable, but this will be replaced with 1 Gb/s fiber optic cable using state-appropriated funds leveraged from this grant, thereby permitting rapid file sharing with the ISU GIS Training and Research Center and the ISU Library. It will also allow us to take advantage of 155 Mb/s transfer speeds on the Internet-II line that connects ISU to the outside digital world, and will prepare us for forthcoming upgrades to that Internet II line. The requested upgrade represents a critically important improvement to the DML computer facility because our departmental research groups are spread over three campuses that are 50 to 250 miles apart. The proposed 100x increase in on-campus transfer rates, and the 15x increase off-campus, would significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of departmental research. EQUIPMENT INVENTORY, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION ISU Geosciences operates three research computing labs, including the DML at the Pocatello campus which supports 9 faculty and 30 graduate students, the Geospatial Software Lab at the Idaho Falls campus (1 faculty, 10 graduate students), and the Boise Center Aerospace Lab (BCAL) (2 faculty, 10 graduate students). Although individual faculty and students reside at one campus, our research groups commonly span two or even three campuses. Collaboration and advising is accomplished via bi-weekly visits to the Pocatello campus and more frequently via digital means (including shared servers, ftp exchange, email, web-conferencing and compressed video). The DML serves the greatest number of researchers but is the least capable of the three computer labs: as shown in the listing of Facilities and Equipment, the DML currently has only four workstations that are less than 4 years old. Maintenance of the DML is overseen by a team of three faculty and staff members. Professor and PI Crosby provides academic leadership and determines the overall configuration and use of equipment. IT Specialist Ben Nickell is a full-time ISU staff member who oversees all computer hardware for three ISU departments (Physics, Geosciences, Mathematics) on the Pocatello campus including the DML. IT Specialist Diana Boyack is a full-time ISU Geosciences staff member who is the department’s (1) day-today supervisor of the DML and adjacent teaching lab, (2) sole occupant of the department’s help-desk, (3) Web and Geosciences intranet manager, and (4) scientific illustrator. Resumes for all three are appended to this proposal. This support team has kept the facility operating efficiently for nearly a decade. The DML is supported by funds from several sources (Table 1). Indirect costs recovered from external grants support expenditures on staff support, peripherals, and software in the DML. Another source of funding is directly from external research grants – every project that involves DML time is requested to pay $25/hour for use of all equipment and expendable supplies. Typically only a fraction (10-20%) of the actual usage time is recouped from each grant. A third source is state-appropriated capital outlay funds, which have been sufficient to purchase one to two computers (department-wide) annually during the past 9 years. Finally, graduate students are assessed a class fee of $60 per semester when they enroll in Thesis or Dissertation credits (usually during their last 2-4 semesters of residence). These funds are used for supplies including printer paper, toner cartridges, and basic software packages. Except for the replacement of old or obsolete hardware, the DML operates with a balanced budget. Table 1 – Funding for the ISU Digital Mapping Laboratory - 2008 Income Annual Amount Indirect Costs from external research grants Direct charges to external research grants Student Fees State-appropriated salary State-appropriated capital outlay Total 30,000 18,000 10,000 8,000 5,000 $73,000 Expenditures Annual Amount IT Specialist salary/fringe (100% of Diana Boyack) IT Specialist salary/fringe (15% of Ben Nickell time) Capital Outlay - computers & peripherals Materials & Supplies Total 45,000 8,000 5,000 15,000 $73,000 BROADER IMPACTS The proposed facility upgrade will promote teaching and training of a core group of graduate students (~15/year) involved in the four research groups. Other geoscience graduate students (another 15/year) will also benefit from access to the facility and its high-speed connections as they use remote sensing and GIS data to complement their primary analyses in structure, stratigraphy, geomorphology, and petrology. Advanced undergraduate students (~5/year) who become involved in research projects will use the facility, introducing them to high-speed visualization and mapping capabilities at a critical time in their education and thus enticing them to follow this path in their graduate education. As research is completed and results published, the PIs will incorporate these projects into the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, thereby exposing a broad spectrum of student geoscientists (~40/year) to high-speed computing. Over the 5-year lifespan of these computers, this adds up to 375 geoscience majors and graduate students who will benefit. With regard to underrepresented groups, this proposal involves one female PI and, over a five year period, will impact approximately 40% of ISU geoscience students who are female (~150 students total). Some will be direct participants in the research, others will use the facility, and others will learn about the results in their courses. Explicit collaborative ties with Tribal communities exist in both of Crosby’s projects and students from the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes have taken classes that utilize data and models developed in the DML. The facility will allow Crosby to share his curriculum for digital courses with other universities, and Crosby, Ames, and Glenn to transfer newly developed research tools to existing NSF‐funded projects (, CUAHSI, HIS, WATERS network, CSDMS, GeoPads). By its very nature, this proposal will enhance infrastructure for research and education. Providing advanced computing resources will lead to the development of new information tools, large databases, and digital libraries that can be accessed by a wide spectrum of geoscientists both within and beyond the department. In addition, this project will leverage connectivity activities proposed in a pending NSF Cyberinfrastructure Grant (Collaborative Research: Cyberinfrastructure Development for the Western Consortium of Idaho, Nevada, and New Mexico). These activities include improved connectivity for BCAL in the Idaho Water Center from approximately 4.5Mbps to 20Mbps (minimum) and 1Gb/s LAN connectivity for 23 ports for other researchers in Geosciences Pocatello. This improved connectivity will allow faster connection to the DML for researchers not targeted in this EAR/IF grant. Finally, the research projects described in this proposal will have a strong impact on societal decisions regarding land use, water resources, and urban expansion. All projects concern environmental aspects of surface or near-surface geologic processes and all projects will yield results that can be delivered immediately to stakeholders and policy makers. Landslide potential, post-wildfire erosion, fracturedominated aquifer flow, and watershed management are critical issues in the American West and other mountainous, semi-arid regions throughout the world, making these research results pertinent to a diverse audience. REFERENCES CITED ACIA Team. 2004. Impacts of a Warming Climate: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge University Press. Available at Ackerman, D.J., G.W. Rattray, J.P. Rousseau, L.C. Davis and B.R. Orr, 2006, A conceptual model of ground-water flow in the eastern Snake River Plain aquifer with implications for contaminant transport: U.S. Geological Survey Sci. Investigations Rept. 2006-5122, 62 pp. Ames, D.P., Rafn, E., Van Kirk, R., and Crosby, B., 2008. 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Barrash and M.D. Knoll, 2004, Multivariate analysis of crosshole georadar velocity and attenuation tomograms for aquifer zonation: Water Resources Research v. 40, no. 1, 1519-1529. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2006, BASINS, Accessed May 30, 2006 at the EPA Website: Ustin, S. L., Roberts, D. A., Gamon, J. A., Asner, G. P., & Green, R. O.(2004). Using imaging spectroscopy to study ecosystem processes and properties. Bioscience, 54(6), 523– 534. van Groenigen, J.W., Siderius, W., Stein, A., 2004, Constrained optimisation of soil sampling for minimisation of the kriging variance: Geoderma, v.123, 239–259. Wang, C., and Glenn, N.F., 2008, A linear regression method for tree canopy height estimation using airborne LiDAR data, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 34:217-227. Welhan, J.A., C.M. Johannesen, K. Reeves, T. Clemo, J.A. Glover and K. Bosworth, 2002b, Morphology of inflated pahoehoe lavas and spatial architecture of their porous and permeable zones, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, in Link, P.K., Mink, R. and Ralston, D., eds., Geology, hydrogeology and environmental remediation, Idaho National engineering and Environmental Laboratory, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho; Geological Society of America, Special Paper 353, p. 135-150. Welhan, J.A., C.M. Johannesen, L.L. Davis, K. Reeves, and J.A. Glover, 2004a, Overview and synthesis of lithologic controls on aquifer heterogeneity in the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho; in Bill Bonnichsen, C.M. White, and Michael McCurry, eds., Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Snake River Plain Volcanic Province: Idaho Geological Survey Bulletin 30, p. 435-460. Welhan, J.A., M. Merrick, K. Neeley and E. Hagan, 2004b, The use of 2- and 3-D kriging to prioritize spatial and temporal water quality trends; 14th Nonpoint Source Water Quality Monitoring Workshop, Boise, January, Abstracts with Programs, p.9-10. Welhan, J.A., M. Merrick, K. Neeley, and E. Hagan, 2004c. Spatial-temporal analysis of ground water quality data: the use of multidimensional kriging; Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain-Cordilleran Sections, Boise, May; Abstracts with Programs, Paper 24-14. Welhan, J.A., R.L. Farabaugh, Merrick, M.J. and S.R. Anderson, 2006, Geostatistical Modeling of Sediment Abundance in a Heterogeneous Basalt Aquifer at the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho; U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report, 2006-5316. Welhan, J.A., T. Clemo and E. Gego, 2002a, Stochastic simulation of aquifer heterogeneity in a layered basalt aquifer system, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, in Link, P.K., Mink, R. and Ralston, D., eds., Geology, hydrogeology and environmental remediation, Idaho National engineering and Environmental Laboratory, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho; Geological Society of America, Special Paper 353, p. 225-247. Wobus, C.W., Crosby, B.T., Whipple, K.X., 2006a, Hanging valleys in fluvial systems: Controls on occurrence and implications for landscape evolution, Journal of Geophysical ResearchEarth Surface, v. 111, no. F2, F02017, 10.1029/2005JF000406. Wobus, C.W., Whipple, K.X., Kirby, E., Snyder, N.P., Johnson, J., Spyropolou, K., Crosby, B.T., Sheehan, D., 2006b, Tectonics from topography: Procedures, promise and pitfalls. in Willett, S.D., Hovius, N., Brandon, M.T., and Fisher, D. M., eds., Tectonics, Climate and Landscape Evolution: Geological Society of America Special Paper 398, Penrose Conference Series, p. 55-74. Dr. Benjamin T. Crosby 208-282-2949 Idaho State University Department of Geosciences Campus Box 8072 Pocatello, ID 83209-8072 Professional preparation University of California at Berkeley Massachusetts Institute of Technology Geology (with honors) Geology/Geomorphology B.A. Ph.D. 1999 2006 Appointments Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geosciences, Idaho State University Research Assistant, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT Teaching Assistant, Dept of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT Teaching Assistant, Dept of Earth Sciences, Harvard University Exploration Geologist: Cominco Alaska, Red Dog Pb/Zn Mine Geologic Curriculum Developer: National Parks Service, Kotzebue, Alaska Geologic Curriculum Developer: FOSS Science, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs (2006 ) (2003-2006) (2000-2003) (2003 ) (1999-2000) (1999-2000) (1997-1999) Related Publications Related to Proposed Project: Mackey, B.H., Roering, J.J., McKean, J.A., Crosby, B.T., Dietrich, W.E., in review, Long-term landslide response to channel network dynamics: Spatial analysis using airborne laser swath mapping, SF Eel River, CA, Geophysical Research Letters. Ames, D.P., E. Rafn, R. Van Kirk, and B. Crosby, 2009. Estimation of Stream Channel Geometry in Idaho using GIS-Derived Watershed Characteristics. Environmental Modeling and Software, vol. 24, no. 3, p. 444-448 Ouimet, W.B., Whipple, K.X., Crosby, B.T. Johnson, J.P. Schildgen, T.F., 2008, Epigenetic Gorges in Fluvial Landscapes, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 33, no. 13, p. 1993-2009 Crosby, B. T., and N. F. Olson, 2007, Quantifying River Morphology in Arctic Streams: Remote Sensing and Field Based Measurement of Fluvial Response to Climate Change in Northern Alaska, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41D-0769. Crosby, B. T., Whipple, K. X, Gasparini, N. M. and Wobus, C. W., (2007), Formation of Fluvial Hanging Valleys: Theory and Simulation, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, vo1. 112, F03S10, doi:10.1029/2006JF000566 Other Significant Publications Crosby, B. T., and C. V. Baxter, 2008, Scaling the Geomorphic and Ecological Consequences of Contemporary Climate Change Within the Salmon River Watershed, Central Idaho: A View From Taylor Ranch Field Station, Eos Trans. AGU, 89 (53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H13C-0947. Whitehead, K., B. T. Crosby, and J. Mahar, 2008, Variation in Geologic and Topographic Setting Cause Spatial Correlations Between Hillslope Failure Mechanisms in the Ridge Basin, California, Eos Trans. AGU, 89 (53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H51F-0905. Crosby, B.T., Whipple, K.X., 2006, Knickpoint initiation and distribution within fluvial networks: 236 waterfalls in the Waipaoa River, North Island, New Zealand, Geomorphology, v. 82, no. 1-2. Wobus, C.W., Crosby, B.T., Whipple, K.X., 2006, Hanging valleys in fluvial systems: Hanging valleys in fluvial systems: Controls on occurrence and implications for landscape evolution, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, v. 111, no. F2, F02017, 10.1029/2005JF000406. 1 Wobus, C.W., Whipple, K.X., Kirby, E., Snyder, N.P., Johnson, J., Spyropolou, K., Crosby, B.T., Sheehan, D., 2006, Tectonics from topography: Procedures, promise and pitfalls. in Willett, S.D., Hovius, N., Brandon, M.T., and Fisher, D. M., eds., Tectonics, Climate and Landscape Evolution: Geological Society of America Special Paper 398, Penrose Conference Series, p. 55-74. Synergistic activities Innovation and publication of a new curriculum for digital field geology. (2005-present) Developing classroom and field exercises to train undergraduate and graduate students from numerous institutions on the best methods of doing data collection and analysis using modern mobile GIS tools. This curriculum has been utilized at numerous other schools and presented at conferences and shortcourses. It is currently in use at MIT’s and ISU’s field geology camp. Courses have also been taught at the Univ. of Idaho. Materials created are available at: ( and ( Author of website and computational tools for topographic analysis (2003-present) Tools were developed to allow users to extract topographic data from digital elevation maps using the combined computational efficiency of ArcGIS and MATLAB. These tools are currently in use at numerous institutions by research groups in Geology, Biology and Engineering departments. The tools are now freely available ( and an oversubscribed short course (#506) was taught at the 2007 GSA Meeting in Denver. Discussion forum added to website in Jan, 2009. Open to public Feb, 2009. Management of Digital Mapping Laboratory, ISU (2006-present) I oversee the operation of this facility and the maintenance of the hardware and software therein. Though my students are the most intensive users of the facility, I am responsible for assuring that all researchers in the department have the optimum equipment to complete the geospatial or computational components of their work. Collaborators and Other Affiliations Collaborators Dr. Colden Baxter, Assistant Professor, Idaho State University Dr. Nicole Gasparini, Assistant Prof., Tulane University Dr. Jane Willenbring, Post-Doctoral Student, Leibniz Universität Hannover Dr. Cameron Wobus, Post-Doctoral Student, University of Colorado Boulder Dr. Breck Bowden, Professor, University of Vermont Dr. Mike Gooseff, Professor, Penn State University Graduate Advisors Dr. Kelin Whipple, Professor of Geology, Thesis advisor, MIT Dr. Rafael Bras, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT Dr. David Mohrig, Associate Professor of Geology, MIT Dr. Leigh Royden, Professor of Geophysics, MIT Dr. Thomas Dunne, Professor, University of California at Santa Barbara Advisor to: Neil F Olson, M.S. candidate in Geology Kelly Whitehead, M.S. candidate in Geology Brad J. Gamett, M.S. candidate in Geographic Information Science Linda Tedrow, M.S. candidate in Geographic Information Science Chris Tennant, M.S. candidate in Geology Kacy Kreiger; B.S. Thesis, Reconstruction of relict topographic surface, Waipaoa, NZ Eric Carlson; B.S. Thesis, Sediment Delivery Following Wildfire, Big Creek, ID 2 Daniel P. Ames Department of Geosciences Phone: 208-282-7851 Idaho State University Fax: 208-282-4414 Pocatello, Idaho 83209-8072 Email: Professional Preparation: Utah State University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, B.S. 1996 Utah State University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, M.S. 1998 Utah State University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D. 2002 Appointments: 2004-present: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geosciences, Idaho State University 2002-04: Research Assistant Professor, Utah Water Research Lab, Logan, Utah 1998-02: Research Engineer, Utah Water Research Lab, Logan, Utah. Publications related to this project: Ames, D.P., Michaelis, C., Anselmo, A., Chen, L., and Dunsford, H. (2008). “MapWindow GIS.” Encyclopedia of GIS. Springer, pp. 633-634. Michaelis, C. and Ames, D.P., 2008. Evaluation and Implementation of OGC Web Processing Service for use in Client-Side GIS. Geoinformatica, DOI: 10.1007/s10707-008-0048-1. Ames, D. P. “Going Open Source: Migrating EPA’s BASINS Watershed Modeling System into the Open Source MapWindow GIS Platform.” Proceedings of the 2005 Intermountain GIS Conference, Pocatello, ID. Jolma, A., Ames, D.P., Horning, N., Mitasova, H., Neteler, M., Racicot, A., and Sutton, T., 2008. Environmental Modeling and Management Using Free and Open Source Geospatial Tools. Encyclopedia of GIS. Sashi Shekhar and Hui Xiong (Editors). Springer, New York, pp. 275-279. Ames, D.P., Rafn, E., Van Kirk, R., and Crosby, B., 2008. Estimation of Stream Channel Geometry in Idaho using GIS-Derived Watershed Characteristics. Environmental Modeling and Software (in press). Other Significant Publications: Rafn, E., Contor, B. and Ames, D.P. (2008). “Evaluation of a Method for Estimating Irrigated Crop-Evapotranspiration Coefficients from Remotely Sensed Data in Idaho.” ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (in press). Michaelis, Christopher and Ames, Daniel P., (2007). Evaluation of the OGC Web Processing Service for Use in a Client-Side GIS: OSGeo Journal, Volume 1, pp. 5055. Ames, D. P., (2006). “Estimating 7Q10 Confidence Limits from Data: A Bootstrap Approach,” J. Water Resour. Plng. and Mgmt., Volume 132, Issue 3, pp. 204-208. Ames, D. P., Neilson, B. T., Stevens, D. K. and Lall, U. (2005) "Using Bayesian networks to model watershed management decisions: an East Canyon Creek case study." Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol 7, issue 4. pp 267-282. Synergistic Activities (last five years) 1. Partnership with the Pacific Northwest Regional Collaboratory to develop methods for managing and deploying environmental sensing data for researchers in a three state region. 2. Collaboration with USEPA Office of Water and Office of Research and Development to create open source hydrologic and environmental modeling and spatial analysis tools. 3. Partnership with Inland Northwest Research Alliance and participation on Water Resources Steering Committee. 4. Collaboration with Boise Center Aerospace Laboratory. Membership in AWRA and ASCE. Development of Idaho Geospatial Software Lab in Idaho Falls. 5. ISU representative for the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences Inc. 6. Journal reviewer for JAWRA, Computers and Geosciences, Hydrology, and Environmental Modeling and Software. Collaborators and Other Affiliations (i) Collaborators (last 48 months) Nancy F. Glenn, Idaho State University Paul Link, Idaho State University Scott Hughes, Idaho State University Leif Tapanilla, Idaho State University Benjamin Crosby, Idaho State University Keith Weber, Idaho State University Scott Hughes, Idaho State University Thomas Windholz, Idaho State University Jack Kittle, Aqua Terra Consultants Gerry Laniak, EPA, Athens Upmanu Lall, Columbia University Randy Lee, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Lab Nancy Mesner, Utah State University Ron Rope, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Lab David Stevens, Utah State University David Tarboton, Utah State University Luke White, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Lab Ari Jolma, Helsinki University of Technology (ii) Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors (current affiliations) M.S: Upmanu Lall (Columbia Univ.). Ph.D: Upmanu Lall (Columbia Univ.); David Stevens (Utah State Univ.). (iii) Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor M.S. Students (finished): Primary Advisor: Christopher Michaelis, Lailin (Forest) Chen, Eric Rafn, Kit Na Goh, Co-Advisor: Jessica Mitchell, Kelli Taylor, Desi Staires M.S. Students (in progress): Primary Advisor: Allen Anselmo, Danny Anderson, Guowen Hu, Ted Dunsford, Ahmad Aburizaiza, Brian Marchionni, Jeyakanthan Veluppillai, Nathan Arave. Biographical Sketch for Nancy F. Glenn Research Associate Professor Idaho State University Professional Preparation University of Nevada, Reno Geological Engineering, B.S. 1994, University of California, Berkeley Geotechnical/Civil Engineering, M.S. 1996, University of Nevada, Reno Geo-Engineering PhD, 2000 Appointments (academic/professional, beginning w/ most recent) Research Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, Idaho State University (ISU), August 2005 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences, ISU, July 2000 - 2005 Research Assistant, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno, 1997 - 2000 Teaching Assistant, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno, 1997- 1998 Staff Geotechnical Engineer, GeoEngineers Inc., Redmond, WA, 1996-1997 Five Related Publications Mitchell, J., and Glenn, N.F., Matched filtering subpixel abundance estimates in mixturetuned matched filtering classifications of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.), International Journal of Remote Sensing, in press Streutker, D. and Glenn, N., 2006. LiDAR measurement of sagebrush steppe vegetation heights. Remote Sensing of Environment, 102, 135-145. Mundt, J., Streutker, D., Glenn, N., 2006. Mapping sagebrush distribution via fusion of hyperspectral and LiDAR classifications. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 72 (1): 47-54. Glenn, N.F., Streutker, D., Chadwick, J., Thackray, G., Dorsch, S., 2006. LiDAR derived topographic analyses for studying landslide morphology, material type, and activity. Geomorphology, 73 (1-2) 131-148. Glenn, N.F., Mundt, J.T., Weber, K.T., Prather, T.S., Lass, L.W., Pettingill, J., 2005. Hyperspectral data processing for repeat detection of small infestations of leafy spurge. Remote Sensing of Environment, 95: 399–412. Five Additional Publications Mitchell, J., and Glenn, N.F., 2009, Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) Classification Performance Using Hyperspectral and Multispectral Sensors, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 62. Singh, N., and Glenn, N.F., Multitemporal spectral analysis for cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) classification, International Journal of Remote Sensing, in press Chadwick, J., Glenn, N., Thackray, G., Dorsch, S., 2005. Landslide Surveillance: New Tools for an Old Problem. EOS, 86(11): 109, 114. Wang, C., and Glenn, N.F., A Gaussian-fitting model for DTM generation from airborne LiDAR data in a forested mountain area, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, accepted Biographical Sketch: 1 Wang, C., and Glenn, N.F., 2008, A linear regression method for tree canopy height estimation using airborne LiDAR data, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 34:217227. Synergistic Activities Relevant to Proposed Project (i) Established remote sensing research program at ISU in 2000, leading to development and funding for the ISU Boise Center Aerospace Laboratory for research, teaching, and outreach in remote sensing for the Intermountain West; research funding as PI of more than $3M over 8 years; (ii) Established framework and support for pioneering LiDAR processing tools, improving vegetation removal for better bare earth accuracy and novel shrub ecosystem modeling; free download to public (; (iv) Established tri-campus network for distance learning and visualization for remote sensing research and geospatial technology courses; (v) Serve as a research mentor to several female graduate students and returning female undergraduate students each year; (vi) Catalyst for ISU’s new PhD program in Geosciences thru co-development of program and advising 2 of 4 new PhD students in department Collaborators & Other Affiliations Stuart Hardegree, Mark Seyfried, USDA-ARS Shuhab Khan, University of Houston Jim McKean, USFS RMRS Jim McNamara, Boise State University Teki Sankey, Glenn Thackray, Matt Germino, Dan Ames, Idaho State University Lee Vierling, Paul Gessler, University of Idaho Graduate and Post Doctoral Advisors Jim Carr, University of Nevada-Reno Nicholas Sitar, University of California-Berkeley Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor Thesis Advisor (Total of 9 graduate students) Diane Sprague-Wheeler, Portneuf Environmental, Idaho Falls, ID Jacob Mundt, Ada County Weed and Pest, Boise, ID Nagendra Singh, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN Charles Finley, Newmont Mining, Elko, NV Jill Norton, Blaine County, Hailey, ID. Jacob Tibbits, Bureau of Land Management, Eureka, NV Joel Sankey, Idaho State University Jessica Mitchell, Idaho State University Sara Ehinger, Idaho State University Post-doctoral Sponsor (Total of 4 post-doctoral students) John Chadwick, University of North Carolina-Charlotte David Streutker, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency Mohamed Aly, University of California, Riverside Cheng Wang, Idaho State University Biographical Sketch: 2 Biographical Sketch - John Andrew Welhan Contact Information: Research Geologist, Idaho Geological Survey and Graduate Affiliate Faculty, Idaho State University Dept. of Geosciences, Pocatello, ID, 83209-8072 Telephone: 208-282-4254 Fax: 208-282-4414 Email: Professional Preparation: B.S., Geology, 1972, University of Manitoba M.S., Earth Sciences, 1974, University of Waterloo Ph.D., Earth Sciences, 1981, University of California, San Diego Academic and Professional Appointments: Full Research Professor, 1995-present, Idaho Geological Survey Research Geologist, 1990-1995, Idaho Geological Survey Affiliate Graduate Faculty, 1990-present, Department of Geosciences, Idaho State University Associate Professor of Geochemistry, 1988-90; Assistant Professor of Geochemistry, 1984-88; Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland Assistant Research Geologist, 1981-84, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Selected Publications Related to the Proposed Project: Stroupe, C.N., J.A. Welhan and L,C, Davis, 2008, Statistical stationarity of sediment interbed thicknesses in a basalt aquifer, Idaho National Laboratory, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho; U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report, 2008-5167. Welhan, J.A., R.L. Farabaugh, Merrick, M.J. and S.R. Anderson, 2006, Geostatistical modeling of sediment abundance in a heterogeneous basalt aquifer at the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho; U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report, 2006-5316. Welhan, J.A., C.M. Johannesen, L.L. Davis, K. Reeves, and J.A. Glover, 2004, Overview and synthesis of lithologic controls on aquifer heterogeneity in the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho; in Bill Bonnichsen, C.M. White, and Michael McCurry, eds., Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Snake River Plain Volcanic Province: Idaho Geological Survey Bulletin 30, p. 435-460. Welhan, J.A., T. Clemo and E. Gego, 2002, Stochastic simulation of aquifer heterogeneity in a layered basalt aquifer system, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, in Link, P.K., Mink, R. and Ralston, D., eds., Geology, hydrogeology and environmental remediation, Idaho National engineering and Environmental Laboratory, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho; Geological Society of America, Special Paper 353, p. 225-247. Welhan, J.A., C.M. Johannesen, K. Reeves, T. Clemo, J.A. Glover and K. Bosworth, 2002, Morphology of inflated pahoehoe lavas and spatial architecture of their porous and permeable zones, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, in Link, P.K., Mink, R. and Ralston, D., eds., Geology, hydrogeology and environmental remediation, Idaho National engineering and Environmental Laboratory, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho; Geological Society of America, Special Paper 353, p. 135-150. Other Selected Publications: Basagaoglu, H., P. Meakin, S. Succi and J. Welhan, Boundary effects on the onset of nonlinear flow in porous domains; Europhysics Letters, vol. 73(6), pp. 1-6, 2005. Gego, E.L., G.S. Johnson, M.R. Hankin, J.A. Welhan, Modeling ground water flow and transport in the Snake River Plain aquifer: a stochastic approach; in Link, P.K., Mink, R. and Ralston, D., eds., Geology, hydrogeology and environmental remediation, Idaho National engineering and Environmental Laboratory, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho; Geological Society of America, Special Paper 353, p. 249-261, 2002. Cecil, L.D., J.A. Welhan, J.R. Green, S.K. Frape, and E.R. Sudicky, 2000, Use of chlorine-36 to determine regional-scale aquifer dispersivity, eastern Snake River Plain aquifer, Idaho; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 172, p. 679-687. Welhan, J.A. and M. Reed, 1997, Geostatistical analysis of regional hydraulic conductivity variations in the Snake River Plain aquifer, eastern Idaho; Bull. Geol. Soc. America, v.109, pp. 855-868. Synergistic Activities Member, Idaho Governor’s Carbon Sequestration Advisory Committee Member, Idaho Ground Water Monitoring Technical Committee, technical guidance and policy review body for state drinking water quality monitoring. Advisor to Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality, developing statistical methods guidance for statewide ground-water quality monitoring. Invited presenter at workshop on geostatistical methods in spatio-temporal modeling of water quality variations, Darling Marine Center, Maine, July, 2003. Field Trip co-leader for interdisciplinary program in Subsurface Science for the Inland Northwest Research Alliance, annually during Spring Break 2004-2008. Recent Collaborators (past 48 months) Hakan Basagaoglu, Southwest Research Inst., now at Oregon State Univ. Mel Kuntz, U.S. Geological Survey Ed Hagan, Idaho Dept. of Environmental Quality Elese Teton, Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Water Resources Dept. Joe Rousseau, U.S. Geological Survey Graduate Advisor: Harmon Craig (deceased; University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution) Recent and Ongoing Graduate Advisees Ph.D.: R. Farabaugh, C. Jenkins (Idaho State Univ.); S. Schillereff, M. Harrigan (Memorial University of Newfoundland); D. Van Everdingen, B. Sherwood (Univ. of Toronto) M.S.: Idaho State University, total of 12 M.S. students and advisees since 1990;.Memorial University of Newfoundland, total of 5 M.S. students and advisees, 1984-1990 SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET YEAR 1 FOR NSF USE ONLY PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (months) Proposed Granted AWARD NO. ORGANIZATION Idaho State University PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR / PROJECT DIRECTOR Benjamin T Crosby A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PI’s, Faculty and Other Senior Associates (List each separately with title, A.7. show number in brackets) NSF Funded Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. Benjamin T Crosby - PI 0.00 0.00 2. Daniel P Ames - Co-PI 0.00 0.00 3. Nancy Glenn - Co-PI 0.00 0.00 4. John A Welhan - Co-PI 0.00 0.00 5. 6. ( 0 ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET JUSTIFICATION PAGE) 0.00 0.00 7. ( 4 ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1 - 6) 0.00 0.00 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. ( 0 ) POST DOCTORAL SCHOLARS 0.00 0.00 2. ( 0 ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 0.00 0.00 3. ( 0 ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. ( 0 ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. ( 0 ) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( 0 ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Computer System Servers $ Funds granted by NSF (if different) 0.00 $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 $ 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,624 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 0 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ( 0) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A)(SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Funds Requested By proposer 13,624 0 0 0 TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 61,376 0 0 0 0 0 61,376 75,000 (Rate: , Base: ) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) M. COST SHARING PROPOSED LEVEL $ Not Shown PI/PD NAME Benjamin T Crosby ORG. REP. NAME* 0 75,000 0 75,000 $ $ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT $ FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date Of Rate Sheet fm1030rs-07 Initials - ORG Dianne horrocks 1 *ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES REQUIRED FOR REVISED BUDGET SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Cumulative FOR NSF USE ONLY PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (months) Proposed Granted AWARD NO. ORGANIZATION Idaho State University PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR / PROJECT DIRECTOR Benjamin T Crosby A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PI’s, Faculty and Other Senior Associates (List each separately with title, A.7. show number in brackets) NSF Funded Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. Benjamin T Crosby - PI 0.00 0.00 2. Daniel P Ames - Co-PI 0.00 0.00 3. Nancy Glenn - Co-PI 0.00 0.00 4. John A Welhan - Co-PI 0.00 0.00 5. 6. ( ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET JUSTIFICATION PAGE) 0.00 0.00 7. ( 4 ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1 - 6) 0.00 0.00 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. ( 0 ) POST DOCTORAL SCHOLARS 0.00 0.00 2. ( 0 ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 0.00 0.00 3. ( 0 ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. ( 0 ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. ( 0 ) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( 0 ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) $ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) M. COST SHARING PROPOSED LEVEL $ Not Shown PI/PD NAME Benjamin T Crosby ORG. REP. NAME* Funds granted by NSF (if different) 0.00 $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 $ 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,624 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 0 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ( 0) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A)(SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Funds Requested By proposer 13,624 0 0 0 TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 61,376 0 0 0 0 0 61,376 75,000 0 75,000 0 75,000 $ $ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT $ FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date Of Rate Sheet fm1030rs-07 Initials - ORG Dianne horrocks C *ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES REQUIRED FOR REVISED BUDGET Budget Justification NSF EARIF: Upgrade of Digital Mapping Laboratory, Department of Geosciences, Idaho State University A) Senior Personnel – None B) Other Personnel – None C) Fringe – None D) Equipment ‐ $13,624 Two Dell Xenon X5450 Servers @ $6,812 each. Servers store, distribute and back up data for Digital Mapping Laboratory and affiliated faculty. Full justification is provided in the project description. Detailed specifications for these servers are provided in official bid ‐ see Supplementary Documents. E) Travel – None F) Participant Support Costs – None G) Other Direct Costs (Materials & Supplies) ‐ $61,376 Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Dell PWD T5400 Workstation Dell Optiplex 960 Workstation Uninterruptable Power Supply Catalyst 3750 Distribution Switch GE uplink transceivers & GBIC Miscellaneous M&S # Units 4 19 1 3 6 Unit Cost 3,549.88 1,595.68 719 4,534.48 Total Cost 14,199.52 30,317.92 719 13,603.43 2,413.96 122.67 Explanation for ‘Other Direct Costs’: (1,2) 4 Dell PWD T5400 Workstations and 19 Dell Optiplex 960 Workstations are requested to upgrade the Digital Mapping Lab capabilities. These research machines are networked to the server and to faculty machines. Full justification is provided in the project description. Detailed specifications for these workstations are provided in official bid ‐ see Supplementary Documents (3) Uninterruptable Power Supply ‐ This will support the continuity of the two servers and is a standard protection for high‐end computing equipment. (4) Three Catalyst distribution switches. ‐ These switches are required to upgrade the network to 1 Gb/s speed. One switch will connect the two servers and the other two switches will connect the workstations in the Digital Mapping Lab. (5) Six transceivers ‐ These items are required at each end of the 1Gb/s cable where it connects with the switches. Three switches that emanate from the buildings backbone cable thus require six transceivers. (6) Miscellaneous M&S – funds to cover extraneous costs associated with workstations and network upgrades. Current and Pending Support (See GPG Section II.C.2.h for guidance on information to include on this form.) The following information should be provided for each investigator and other senior personnel. Failure to provide this information may delay consideration of this proposal. Other agencies (including NSF) to which this proposal has been/will be submitted. Investigator: Benjamin Crosby Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Hydrology of Big Creek DeVlieg Foundation Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 40,000 Total Award Period Covered: 01/01/08 - 12/31/09 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Spatial and Temporal Influenced of Themokarst Features on Surface Processes in Arctic Landscapes National Science Foundation Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 251,570 Total Award Period Covered: 09/01/08 - 08/31/12 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 1.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: NSF Idaho EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Grant - Water Resources in a Changing Climate NSF EPSCoR RII EPS-0814387 Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 539,174 Total Award Period Covered: 09/01/08 - 08/31/13 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:1.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 1.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: INRA Water Resources Steering Committee Inland Northwest Research Alliance (INRA) Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 25,000 Total Award Period Covered: 09/01/08 - 12/31/09 Location of Project: Idaho State University Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.50 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Upgrade of Computing Equipment in the Digital Mapping Laboratory, Idaho State University National Science Foundation Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 75,000 Total Award Period Covered: 07/01/09 - 06/30/10 Location of Project: Idaho State University Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Summ: 0.00 *If this project has previously been funded by another agency, please list and furnish information for immediately preceding funding period. Page G-1 USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY Current and Pending Support (See GPG Section II.C.2.h for guidance on information to include on this form.) The following information should be provided for each investigator and other senior personnel. Failure to provide this information may delay consideration of this proposal. Other agencies (including NSF) to which this proposal has been/will be submitted. Investigator: Benjamin Crosby Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Tools for Monitoring Arctic River Processes and Fluxes Inland Northwest Research Alliance (INRA) Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 40,000 Total Award Period Covered: 01/01/09 - 05/03/10 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.50 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: The Causes and Consequences of the Selawik Retrogressive Thaw Slump, Northwest Alaska US Fish and Wildlife Service Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 150,000 Total Award Period Covered: 05/01/09 - 04/30/12 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Summ: *If this project has previously been funded by another agency, please list and furnish information for immediately preceding funding period. Page G-2 USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY Current and Pending Support (See GPG Section II.C.2.h for guidance on information to include on this form.) The following information should be provided for each investigator and other senior personnel. Failure to provide this information may delay consideration of this proposal. Other agencies (including NSF) to which this proposal has been/will be submitted. Investigator: Daniel Ames Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Technical Support for BASINS and the Water Quality Standards Program Aqua Terra Consultants Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 84,866 Total Award Period Covered: 03/05/08 - 03/31/11 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.50 Sumr: 1.50 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: GIS Software Technical Support for DFIRM Dewberry/FEMA Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 80,111 Total Award Period Covered: 06/01/08 - 05/31/09 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.50 Sumr: 1.50 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Development of a GIS Based Fishing Support System Strategic Fishing Systems Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 20,000 Total Award Period Covered: 06/01/08 - 05/31/09 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: NSF Idaho EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Grant NSF EPSCoR RII EPS-0814387 Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 1,500 Total Award Period Covered: 09/01/08 - 08/31/09 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Idaho Water Resources Steering Committee Inland Northwest Research Alliance (INRA) Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 25,000 Total Award Period Covered: 09/01/08 - 12/31/09 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.75 Summ: 0.00 *If this project has previously been funded by another agency, please list and furnish information for immediately preceding funding period. Page G-3 USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY Current and Pending Support (See GPG Section II.C.2.h for guidance on information to include on this form.) The following information should be provided for each investigator and other senior personnel. Failure to provide this information may delay consideration of this proposal. Other agencies (including NSF) to which this proposal has been/will be submitted. Investigator: Daniel Ames Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Upgrade of Computing Equipment in the Digital Mapping Laboratory, Idaho State University National Science Foundation Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 75,000 Total Award Period Covered: 07/01/09 - 06/30/10 Location of Project: Idaho State University Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Summ: *If this project has previously been funded by another agency, please list and furnish information for immediately preceding funding period. Page G-4 USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY Current and Pending Support (See GPG Section II.C.2.h for guidance on information to include on this form.) The following information should be provided for each investigator and other senior personnel. Failure to provide this information may delay consideration of this proposal. Other agencies (including NSF) to which this proposal has been/will be submitted. Investigator: Nancy Glenn Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Upgrade of Computing Equipment in the Digital Mapping Laboratory, Idaho State University National Science Foundation Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 75,000 Total Award Period Covered: 07/01/09 - 06/30/10 Location of Project: Idaho State University Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Summ: *If this project has previously been funded by another agency, please list and furnish information for immediately preceding funding period. Page G-5 USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY Current and Pending Support (See GPG Section II.C.2.h for guidance on information to include on this form.) The following information should be provided for each investigator and other senior personnel. Failure to provide this information may delay consideration of this proposal. Other agencies (including NSF) to which this proposal has been/will be submitted. Investigator: John Welhan Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Evaluation of Septic Suitability With an Objective Index-Based GIS Ranking Methodology Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 28,631 Total Award Period Covered: 01/01/09 - 02/28/10 Location of Project: Idaho State University and surrounding areas Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Upgrade of the Computing Equipment in the Digital Mapping Laboratory, Idaho State University National Science Foundation Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 75,000 Total Award Period Covered: 07/01/09 - 06/30/10 Location of Project: Idaho State University Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 0.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Summ: *If this project has previously been funded by another agency, please list and furnish information for immediately preceding funding period. Page G-6 USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY # &) &+++'%%*# # !"('$"" # 4;B<BAB B>?D= 4;B>?D> C;?B= 4ABAA= 4BD?A= ,"#*"$-)56 $") $'++) '$')*)+ )"&+) *)+)"&+) $$>;;;!)"&+) "*"'&)CD=;&&) "*"'&)B<;;&&) "*"'&)BA;;&&) &&)<>@; &+B?;; "#'&$"&&) $'%(" "+"0"& $>A.?C &,)/4;? &,)/4;? 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Crosby, Glenn, Ames, and Welhan, I write to indicate my strong support for the NSF EAR-IF proposal in which you request new workstations, servers, and network upgrades for the ISU Department of Geosciences. The department’s Digital Mapping Lab is the sole research computer facility on the Pocatello campus. Keeping this lab equipped with state-of-the-art computing equipment is a critical step in maintaining productivity amongst our faculty and graduate students. Currently, students and faculty have access to only a handful of adequate workstations and sometimes stagger their work schedules to gain access to them. Filling the DML with sufficient number of workstations will eliminate the developing backlog. In addition, upgrading network connections to allow instantaneous transfer between computers and server will markedly increase efficiency and productivity. The DML capabilities that would result if this proposal succeeds will significantly impact the type and amount of computationally intensive research we accomplish as a department. It will help in retaining young faculty and help us to attract new faculty in the near future. Given the impact this upgrade will have on our research faculty, graduate students, and (through classroom instruction of research results) undergraduate students, I consider this upgrade the most significant infrastructure improvement that could be made in the department. I also write to say that the department is committed to doing its share to assist in the upgrade. If this proposal is successful, we will commit to financing the ~$5,000 upgrade of the fiber optic backbone cable to the Physical Sciences building, using funds from other sources than this grant. This will benefit not only other network users in the Department of Geosciences but also two other resident departments (Physics, Mathematics). Sincerely, David Rodgers Professor and Chair Department of Geosciences Ben Nickell 1267 Fern Place, Pocatello, ID 83201; 208-317-4259 Email: Objective: IT management position in which I can obtain personal growth, build a quality team, make a valuable contribution to a dynamic organization. Education: Bachelors of Business Administration, Marketing, Idaho State University, May 1997. Concentrations in Internet Marketing. Post Graduate Certificate in Computer Information Systems, Idaho State University, May 2002. Concentrations in information assurance and networking. Extensive coursework on the implementation of information security concepts. Completed coursework for the Post Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems, December 2005. Concentrations in enterprise GIS systems, Remote Sensing, and databases. Highlights: • • Able to manage multiple large scale projects and balance them with daily tasks. • • • • Specialize in aligning IT infrastructure with departmental goals to create competitive advantage. Strong ability to manage technical staff due to the combination of technical background and education and experience in business and finance. Achieve consistent success in finishing projects on time and under budget. Have instructed both groups and individuals on technical issues. Skilled at advising executives on technical topics and their business impact. Work Experience: 8/1998 – Present • • • • • • • • Systems Administrator Idaho State University Served as Technical Services Director and Systems and Security Architect. Responsible for managing large scale IT projects and day to day operations for multiple departments within the Physical Sciences at Idaho State University. 8+ years experience with systems administration on Linux and Windows. Managed a team of 3-4 people to provide quality IT services with high uptimes on a limited budget. Designed, built and maintain a heterogeneous network of 15 Unix/Linux servers and 300 client PC's using Windows, UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh operating systems. Responsible for email, web and file servers, remote access, and backups. Familiar with all aspects of TCP/IP networking including firewalls and many security and forensics tools. Attended and participated in many IT conferences, workshops, and competitions in the fields of IT in education and security. 1996-1998 • Web Developer Idaho State University Department of Physics Developed Interactive web sites and distance learning solutions for the Physics Department and the Idaho Virtual Campus. 1992-Present Winter Sports School Supervisor • • • • Pebble Creek Ski Area AASI Certified Level II Ski and Snowboard Instructor. Lead trainer for snowboard instructors, taught weekly clinics. Managed a staff of 25 instructors to provide quality lesson programs for up to 200 guests per day. Worked with management to build clientele and increase guest satisfaction. Independent Work Experience: 1997-Present • • • Owner Lighthouse Consulting, Pocatello, Idaho Provide hardware and software support services on servers and Macintosh, OS2, Unix, Linux, and Windows platforms for individuals and businesses in Pocatello and surrounding communities. Provided support for servers for local banks and businesses. Clients include the United States Senate, Key Bank, Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo, US Bank, and Piper Jaffrey as well as individuals and small businesses. Volunteer Service: 2002-2004 • • • • • Pocatello Community Charter School Served a two-year term on the Governing Board, including 15 months as chair and the legal representative of 200 student K-8 Charter School. Started process of financing and real estate development that led to building of a new school that opened in December 2005. Developed and implemented training and evaluation programs for governing board. Organized and led strategic planning sessions to determine organizational priorities and goals. Formalized many processes and policies to ensure legal compliance. 1999-2006 • • • • Chair, Governing Board Chair, Technology Committee Pocatello Community Charter School Led a team of volunteers and coordinated volunteer activities. Served as testing coordinator. Maintained all servers and Client PC's for K-8 charter School. Designed and implemented networks, email services, and webpage. Hobbies and Interests: • • Enjoy outdoor activities particularly skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and cycling. Participate in the NASA RISE high altitude ballooning programs. Part of a team that engineers power, communications, hardware, software systems, sensors, and scientific experiments for extreme environments in near space. Provide outreach to K-12 and higher education. Diana Lynn Boyack Research Associate, Computer/Technology Specialist, Department of Geosciences, Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho 83209-8072, 208-282-3137 EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Geology with High Honors, IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY, 1990-1999. Graduate Credits, IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY, 2000-2007. EMPLOYMENT Computer Laboratory Specialist, Department of Geosciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, 1998-present. – GIS/computer specialist: digitize geologic maps (Kuntz 50k, Lava Hot Springs, Bonneville Peak, Inkom, Howe Point, Circular Butte, etc.), web design and maintenance (Digital Geology of Idaho, BCAL, Digital Atlas of Idaho, Planetary Geology, etc.), support faculty, students, staff with computer software and hardware, teaching assistant for Remote Sensing and Earth in Space and Time, knowledge of UNIX . GIS Internship, Bureau of Land Management, Pocatello, ID 1999. – Reviewed maps in paper and Mylar to create database catalog for management, and to create a GIS for visual query of said maps for southeast Idaho. PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Straub, Kristen M., Link, Paul K., and Boyack, Diana, 2007, Combining Lecture, Lab, and Webcourse Class Formats in a Regional Geology Course: The Digital Geology of Idaho. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol 40. Tapanila, Lori, Link, Paul K., and Boyack, Diana. 2006, Digital Geology of Idaho: Documenting successful Student Learning in Freshman Geology Labs, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 38, No. 7, p. 498. Boyack, D., Link, P. K., DeGrey, L., Ames, D., Khan, S. D., 2005. Teaching Idaho Geology on the web with GIS visualizations. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 37, No. 77. Boyack, Diana, Link, Paul, DeGrey, Laura, Ames, D.P., 2005, Digital Geology of Idaho: Web-Based Teaching using GIS Software for Visualizations. North West Section Meeting, National Association of Geoscience Teachers. Link, Paul K., Khan, Shuhab D., De Grey, Laura D., Boyack, Diana L., and Ames, D., P. 2005, Digital Geology of Idaho: New web-based teaching tool. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 37, No. 4. Singh, Nagendra, Khan, Shuhab, Link, Paul, Boyack, Diana, and Glenn, Nancy F., 2004. Visualizing and Teaching the Geology of the Boise Area Using the Digital Atlas of Idaho. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 4., p. 88. Kuntz, Mel A., Geslin, J.K., Mark, L.E., Hodges, M.K.., Kauffman, M.E, Champion, D.E., Lanphere, M.R., Rodgers, D.W., Anders, M.H., Link, P.K., and Boyack, D.L., 2003. Geoogic Map of the Northern and Central Parts of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Eastern Idaho, Idaho Geological Survey, Map #35. Link, P.K., Winston, D. and Boyack, D., 2003. Stratigraphy of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup, Salmon River Mountains, Lemhi County, Idaho; in Northwest Geology, v.32: 2003 Tobacco Root Geological Society Field Conference at the Belt SymposiumIV, Missoula, MT and Salmon, ID, August 7 – 12, 2003, pages 107 – 118, Lageson, D.R. and Christner, R.B., Editors, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. Harvey, Jacqueline, Boyack, Diana, Taube, Vita, and Hughes, Scott S., 2000, Idaho Virtual Campus Using the internet to discover new techniques in science education: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32.
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