COVER SHEET FOR PROPOSAL TO THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT/SOLICITATION NO./CLOSING DATE/If not in response to a program announcement/solicitation enter NSF 00-2 FOR NSF USE ONLY NSF PROPOSAL NUMBER NSF 00-2 FOR CONSIDERATION BY NSF ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT(S) (Indicate the most specific unit known, i.e., program, division, etc.) CHE – Analytical and Surface Chemistry DATE RECEIVED NUMBER OF COPIES DIVISION ASSIGNED EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) OR TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (TIN) FUND CODE DUNS # (Data Universal Numbering System) SHOW PREVIOUS AWARD NO. IF THIS IS FILE LOCATION IS THIS PROPOSAL BEING SUBMITTED TO ANOTHER FEDERAL A RENEWAL AGENCY? YES NO IF YES, LIST ACRONYM(S) AN ACCOMPLISHMENT-BASED RENEWAL NAME OF ORGANIZATION TO WHICH AWARD SHOULD BE MADE ADDRESS OF AWARDEE ORGANIZATION, INCLUDING 9 DIGIT ZIP CODE Tufts University Tufts University Medford MA 02155-5813 AWARDEE ORGANIZATION CODE (IF KNOWN) NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION, IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE ADDRESS OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION, IF DIFFERENT, INCLUDING 9 DIGIT ZIP CODE PERFORMING ORGANIZATION CODE (IF KNOWN) IS AWARDEE ORGANIZATION (Check All That Apply) (See GPG II.D.1 For Definitions) TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION SMALL BUSINESS MINORITY BUSINESS WOMAN-OWNED BUSINESS Broadband Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer Applied to Explosives Detection (revised as of 9/24/02) REQUESTED AMOUNT $ 483,542 PROPOSED DURATION (1-60 MONTHS) 24 REQUESTED STARTING DATE st SHOW RELATED PREPROPOSAL NO., IF APPLICABLE January 1 2003 months CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES) IF THIS PROPOSAL INCLUDES ANY OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW BEGINNING INVESTIGATOR (GPG I.A.3) VERTEBRATE ANIMALS (GPG II.D.12) IACUC App. Date DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (GPG II.D.1) PROPRIETARY & PRIVILEGED INFORMATION (GPG I.B, II.D.7) HUMAN SUBJECTS (GPG II.D.12) Exemption Subsection or IRB App. Date NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (GPG II.D.10) INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE ACTIVITIES: COUNTRY/COUNTRIES HISTORIC PLACES (GPG II.D.10) SMALL GRANT FOR EXPLOR. RESEARCH (SGER) (GPG II.D.12) FACILITATION FOR SCIENTISTS/ENGINEERS WITH DISABILITIES (GPG V.G.) RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY AWARD (GPG V.H) PI/PD DEPARTMENT PI/PD POSTAL ADDRESS Chemistry Department (617) 627-3443 62 Talbot Ave. Medford, MA 02155 United States NAMES (TYPED) High Degree Yr of Degree Telephone Number Electronic Mail Address M.S 2000 617 627 5308 PI/PD FAX NUMBER PI/PD NAME Stefan Lukow CO-PI/PD CO-PI/PD Section C NSF Form 1207 (10/99) 0 Section A - Project Summary Cavity ringdown spectroscopy, or CRDS, is a highly sensitive absorption technique that can be operated from ultra violet to infrared wavelengths depending on optical components. With this technique, monochromatic laser light enters a cavity enclosed by two highly reflective mirrors. Light reflecting between these mirrors creates an effective path length kilometers in length resulting in high sensitivity. Because of this phenomenon, ultra low absorption losses have been recorded allowing low parts per trillion (ppt) concentrations of trace gases to be determined. However, current CRDS systems only operate in a narrow wavelength window. The narrow range is a result of common laser sources, such as the Nd-YAG, which only offers a window of operation of roughly 20nm. Also, the current applications of CRDS often only require the analysis of a single peak with no tests of interfering molecules or mixtures of components; therefore a 20nm range is not problematic. These limitations have stemmed from the technique’s inception in 1988 and extend to the present day. From an analytical standpoint, CRDS in this format offers considerable sensitivity, but little selectivity over possible interfering compounds. If this methodology were applied to a situation where an interferent strongly absorbed at the monitored wavelength, or if mixtures of several weaker absorbing interferents were present, it would be rendered useless. This proposal argues that CRDS has not yet been used to its fullest capacity. The next logical step for the technique is to move out of the sheltered environment of the laboratory toward simulated real world sampling conditions. Therefore a CRDS system that encompasses the already attained sensitivity and additional selectivity would maximize the potential of the CRDS technique considerably. Through this proposal, CRDS will be combined with infrared spectroscopy, a technique with a high degree of selectivity. This improved system will use lead salt (Pbsalt) tunable laser diodes for source radiation in the mid-IR region of the spectrum. These lasers are capable of operating over a wavelength range of 200cm-1, which in the mid-IR is equivalent to 1µm. Initially, one laser diode will be used. For later experiments, the simultaneous use of two diodes allowing for significantly wider spectral range will be attempted. Once constructed, this CRDS system will be thoroughly characterized prior to use for its intended application. In order to demonstrate the capabilities of the CRDS system, explosive compounds will be used in a variety of tests. This class of compounds was chosen since they are traditionally difficult to detect at trace levels in the vapor phase and would pose a significant challenge. Also, due to recent world events, there is an urgent need for a reliable and accurate explosive detector, an application for which this device is well suited. While the immediate application of this system is toward the detection of explosive vapors, other applications such as atmospheric and trace gas detection will benefit from such a system. The aims of this proposal will be two-fold: Firstly, a CRDS system will be constructed that will allow for greater selectivity and sensitivity than currently published instrumentation. Secondly, the system proposed will result in an explosive vapor detection device offering detection limits likely to surpass those found with current methodologies. 1 Section B - TABLE OF CONTENTS For font-size and page-formatting specifications, see GPG Section II.C. Total No. of Pages in Section Section Page No.* (Optional)* Cover Sheet (NSF Form 1207) (Submit Page 2 with original proposal only) A Project Summary (not to exceed 1 page) 1 1 B Table of Contents (NSF Form 1359) 1 2 C Project Description (including Results from Prior NSF Support) (not to exceed 15 pages) (Exceed only if allowed by a specific program announcement/solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) 18 3 D References Cited 5 21 E Biographical Sketches (Not to exceed 2 pages each) N/A N/A F Budget (NSF Form 1030, plus up to 3 pages of budget justification) 4 23 G Current and Pending Support (NSF Form 1239) N/A N/A H Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources (NSF Form 1363) N/A N/A I Special Information/Supplementary Documentation 1 30 J Appendix (List below) Include only if allowed by a specific program announcement/ solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) N/A N/A Appendix Items: *Proposers may select any numbering mechanism for the proposal. The entire proposal, however, must be paginated. Complete both columns only if the proposal is numbered consecutively. NSF Form 1359 (10/99) 46 2 Section C – Project Description Background Traditional Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) thus far has proven unable to detect trace levels of explosives. Although FT-IR is a very selective technique, it lacks sensitivity. Hypothetically, if the sensitivity could be significantly increased, IR spectroscopy would be a very powerful tool for not only trace explosives detection, but also trace gas detection in general. Cavity ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS) will be used in this proposal to construct an IR spectrometer capable of achieving high sensitivity. This system will also implement multiple broadband laser diodes as sources to scan windows of the IR spectrum to retain the selectivity of IR spectroscopy. Such a CRDS system has not yet been attempted. The capabilities of this system will be demonstrated on explosive compounds. These materials were chosen since they are traditionally difficult to detect in the vapor phase and there is currently and urgent need for an explosive detector that functions with both high sensitivity and selectivity. These experiments will demonstrate the system’s sensitivity by determining limits of detection. Additionally, the selectivity gained by using broadband laser sources will be shown through testing various mixtures of explosive compounds. Cavity ringdown spectroscopy has been previously suggested as a means to a high sensitivity technique in the mid-IR region[1]. CRDS deviates from classical absorption spectroscopy by measuring the time required for incident light to decay in a cavity rather than simply the absorption at a given wavelength[2]. The instrumentation can be custom fabricated to operate at any wavelength from the ultraviolet to far infrared[3]. The optical design for CRDS is relatively straightforward. In a simplified setup, as shown in Figure 1, the laser source injects monochromatic radiation into an optical cavity formed with two highly reflective end mirrors. Incident light reflects between the mirrors creating a large effective path length. Emerging radiation is detected and digitized with an oscilloscope and sent to a computer for analysis. With each successive pass, the detected light intensity diminishes exponentially. Laser Cavity & Mirrors Detector Oscilloscope Figure 1. Simplified block diagram of a cavity ringdown experiment. Adapted from Ref 4 The rate of change in intensity with time inside an empty cavity can be expressed the differential equation dI Tc (1 − R )c I= = I (1) dt L L where I is the intensity, T is the transmittance of the mirrors, c is the speed of light, L is the cavity length and t is time. The transmittance can be substituted with the reflectivity, R, of the mirrors. Here, the per pass intensity loss is given as TI, where the per pass time is L/c. 3 Solving equation 1 leads to the first order exponential decay − c (1− R )t I = Ioe L (2) where Io is the incident intensity outside the cavity. The time constant for this equation is defined as the time taken for the intensity to decay to e-1 of its original value. This time, called the ringdown time, is expressed as L τ= (3) c(1 − R ) By determining the ringdown time in an empty cavity, the reflectivity (or transmittance) of the mirrors can be obtained knowing only the length of the cavity. This self calibration feature is a large advantage for CRDS over other absorption methods. Equations 1-3 assume that no absorbing compounds were present and all intensity losses were due to the transmittance of the mirrors. Once absorbing species are introduced into the cavity, the intensity decays at a faster rate and the rindgown time is decreased. Since all cavity losses are additive, modification is straightforward. Equation 2, modified to account for the presence of absorbing molecules, can be written − c (1− R +αL )t L I = Ioe (4) where, α is the fractional absorption loss in cm-1. Consequently, the ringdown time can also be modified from equation 3. L τ= (5) c[(1 − R ) + αL ] Absolute concentrations can be determined from the absorption loss by examining Beer’s Law. The fractional absorption loss is the absorbance occurring per unit length inside the cavity. Therefore the absorbance, A, is simply this coefficient multiplied by the cavity length in cm. This quantity can then be set equal to the familiar Beer’s Law equation A = αL = εLc conc (6) where ε is the molar absorptivity, L is the path length and cconc is the concentration of the absorbing species. Substituting equation 6 into equation 5 results in an expression which allows the concentration to be determined directly from the ringdown time knowing the experimentally determined molar absorptivity beforehand. L τ= (7) c[(1 − R ) + εLc conc ] The largest advantage gained with the use of CRDS is its sensitivity. Equation 6 shows that the absorbance is linearly proportional to path length. Although the actual path length of the cavity is not exceptionally large, the effective path length is very large. For a given concentration, a large increase in the path length will result in a larger measured absorbance. Therefore, because of the long path effective path lengths observed with this technique (often exceeding several kilometers) very low absorptions can be detected[4]. This proposal will address the growing concern that current CRDS experiments involve conditions that do not allow the technique to be used to its fullest capabilities. The current literature is filled with reports of CRDS used to examine only a single absorption with very high sensitivity. Because this is the case, typical narrowband laser sources such as the Nd-YAG, which offers a tunable range as low as 20nm, poses no 4 problem[5]. Laser diodes which have a typical tunable range of several hundred wavenumbers, translates into a mere 25-30nm range in the visible where they are most often used[6]. It is the opinion of some in the spectroscopic community that CRDS offers much potential as a spectroscopic technique and confining it to such a small operational spectral window is limiting its progress. Attempts have been made to create broadband sources through optical parametric oscillator and amplifier assemblies (OPO/OPA), which alter the wavelength based on the angle of incident light to the OPO crystal, and other novel techniques[1,7-9]. Although larger spectral ranges were produced, the increase was not significant and applications were still restricted to monitoring a single peak. This proposal will diverge from these attempts and provide a true broadband CRDS system by using two tunable laser lead salt diodes each capable of covering 1µm in the mid-IR range. Such a wide optical range for CRDS in the mid-IR has not yet been reported in the literature. The proposed instrument would offer greater selectivity by having the capability to detect several absorption bands over a wide range rather than a simply a single absorption. The use of multiple diode sources has been accomplished previously. However, both diodes were nearly the same wavelength and had severely limited tunability[10]. CRDS was first developed in 1988 by O’Keefe and Deacon and rapidly found applications in trace gas detection[11-13]. Initially, CRDS was most widely used in the UV and visible regions of the spectrum since laser sources were widely available and most reliable in these wavelengths. CRDS in the mid-IR emerged soon after the technique was first developed[8]. Trace gas analysis in this region by CRDS produced a much wider array of analytes since most gases of small molecules absorb strongly at these wavelengths. Several low-molecular weight atmospheric and potentially toxic molecules have been detected at sub-part per billion (ppb) levels in the mid-IR[14-18]. However, the application of CRDS to the detection of explosives in the mid-IR has yet to be reported. Initially, CRDS implemented pulsed lasers as sources. However, the use of continuous wave (CW) lasers provides narrow linewidths which often results in lower detection limits over pulsed sources. Estimates of the minimal detected absorption loss are at least an order of magnitude less with CW lasers than with pulsed sources[19]. The use of CW lasers has also allowed the implementation of less expensive but quite reliable laser diodes as sources. Semiconductor diode lasers have been used widely in the field of spectroscopy since they have micrometer dimensions, provide high resolution and output power, and provide a relatively wide tunable range[20,21]. They have only recently been introduced to the mid-IR range with the advent of the lead-salt (Pb-salt) configuration. With this diode, the composition of an alloy of lead and other elements such as tin, selenium and sulfur determine the output wavelength of the laser[22]. IR laser diodes are advantageous sources since they produce highly monochromatic light at the center wavelength and are tunable over a 200cm-1 range. Although very versatile sources, these Pb-salt laser diodes only are able to produce ~0.25mW of output energy. Cryogenic cooling to liquid nitrogen temperatures is also required in order to reduce their conductivity. Despite these negative qualities, they have found widespread applications in the spectroscopic determination of trace gas analyses in non-CRDS spectroscopy [17,23,24]. This proposal will be the first to implement Pb-salt laser diodes as sources for a CRDS system. 5 In general, CW laser diodes have been used in the visible and near IR ranges for CRDS[25,26], but they have not yet been utilized in the mid-IR. Other laser sources have been used for this region. The use of the Nd-YAG pulsed laser source combined with OPO and OPA assemblies are often used to generate broadband mid-IR radiation sources[1,8]. Unfortunately, these assemblies are complex and require significant space for their operation. CO2 lasers have also been reported to be used[27], but their limited tunability makes them less attractive. Quantum cascade lasers have recently been introduced in the literature as high power laser sources for IR-CRDS often generating upwards of 15mW in the mid-IR[15,16,18]. However, they offer a small operation range (15-20nm), require cryogenic cooling for continuous wave operation, and are extraordinarily expensive since they are not yet widely commercialized. In comparison, Pb-salt diode lasers are highly tunable, occupy minimal space with cryogenic cooling and offer light intensities adequate for spectroscopy. Explosives Detection The chemistry behind the detection of explosive vapors has received much attention due to recent events around the globe. While several of the most widely used explosive compounds were discovered over a hundred years ago[28], their detection in trace amounts still poses a significant challenge to most current analytical equipment. Therefore, there is an urgent need for instrumentation that can detect commonly used explosives at trace levels, with a high degree of accuracy, within a small timeframe, and without significant cost. This proposal will address these issues through the modification of existing high resolution spectroscopic techniques. Explosive molecules, organic and inorganic, exist in many forms with most containing multiple nitro groups[29]. Additionally, they exhibit extremely low vapor pressures, creating a dilemma for vapor detection systems. Table 1 shows structures and vapor pressures of three common organic explosives used for this proposal. These three were chosen since they are currently used in the vast majority of military plastic explosives[30]. Their low vapor pressures create difficulties in sampling and detection by providing small vapor sample sizes[31-33]. Particle sampling is equally as difficult since these materials are likely to be concealed. It has been estimated that the simple wrapping of explosives will cause the vapor pressure to decrease by as many as three orders of magnitude[29]. The significant challenge in explosive sampling is realized by the fact that the saturated vapor pressure of RDX at room temperature is nearly equal to the detection limit of many commercially available devices[34]. However, since explosive compounds have strong adhesion properties, the likelihood of surface contamination is high[35]. It can also be seen from Table 1 that the vapor pressures increase dramatically with temperature in accord with previously determined vapor pressure equations[36]. Here, a 50°C increase results in a vapor pressures increase of two to three orders of magnitude. Therefore, sample sizes can be significantly increased from surface contamination and higher temperatures. The most common fragment technique available is ion mobility spectrometry (IMS)[37-41]. Despite high sensitivity, IMS has been shown to lack selectivity[31,42]. Mass spectrometry has also been widely and has produced excellent results in detection 6 sensitivity[43]. However, it also has been reported to have low selectivity since unique fragmentation patterns are not found with small nitrate ester explosives such as PETN[29]. In order to increase the selectivity of these techniques, gas chromatographic (GC) separation is used prior to fragment detection[44,45]. This adds cost and consumes significantly more space and power than the original instruments alone. Fragment techniques including IMS, MS as well as GC/IMS and GC/MS are capable of detecting low picogram quantities for commonly used explosives. GC may be used alone, though detection limits are often found to be one to two orders of magnitude higher[46]. Table I - Names, Structures, and vapor pressures for explosive compounds used in this proposal Vapor Pressure 298K (ppbv ) Vapor Pressure 348K (ppbv ) 2,4,6 Trinitrotoluene 9.5 4.2x103 Pentaerythritol tetranitrate 1.8x10-2 56 1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5triazacyclohexane 6.0x10-3 7.9 Acronym Name TNT PETN RDX Structure Vapor pressures calculated from ref 36. Other detection methods have been attempted with success such as surface acoustic wave devices[47,48], and fluorescence detection[49]. However, these methods have only detected higher vapor pressure explosives such as mono and dinitrotoluenes and are not relevant for comparisons to data regarding the explosives used in this study. Spectroscopic explosive detection has produced several attempts at trace detection[50-55]. Analysis in the mid-IR with surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy has resulted in picogram detection limits for TNT[56]. FT-IR, modified with an extended path length of 13m, has been used to detect TNT and other explosives in soil samples[57]. However, the detection limit for TNT was reported as 80µg – far too high for trace detection. Frequency modulation spectroscopy, a high sensitivity derivative of IR spectroscopy, has been used by Riris and coworkers to monitor the trace gases NO, N2O, and NO2 with three tunable Pb-salt diode lasers, each centered on one absorption peak[58]. Using this technique, 5 pg of RDX was detected. Similar to common CRDS experiments, only certain wavelengths were monitored each within a small range since the application was so specific. Since data was given for RDX only, it is assumed that no mixtures and hence, no tests dealing with selectivity were conducted. 7 Only once has CRDS been used to detect explosives. Usachev and coworkers used pulsed UV CRDS to detect TNT at a 1 ppbv, or 7.5ng/L, detection limit[59]. Additionally, since this experiment was performed in the UV region, certain fundamental flaws were encountered. First, the number of explosive analytes is limited in the UV range since only aromatic nitro compounds such as TNT experience sharp absorptions, whereas aliphatic compounds exhibit significantly weaker absorptions in the same region[36]. Generally, absorption features in the UV are featureless and broad, where IR absorptions are sharp, well defined and characteristic of molecular structure (not aromaticity), allowing for greater ease in identification. Secondly, the reflectivity values of the cavity mirrors are relatively poor in the UV region[2] with values rarely exceeding 99.5%. Mirrors intended for IR-CRDS achieve reflectivity values of 99.99% regularly[8]. Similar to the previous experiment involving explosives, no tests with mixtures or other interferents were undertaken. Although the absorption cross section of the nitro group is larger in the UV than in the IR (1x10-16 vs. 4x10-17 cm2[58]) resulting in greater sensitivity according to Beer’s Law, the relatively poor mirror reflectivity values contribute to an overall less sensitive instrument compared to the proposed design. This will be further discussed in the experimental section. Aside from these two experiments, spectroscopic measurements of explosives have not been studied in detail. Current experiments demonstrate instrument sensitivity and neglect to mention selectivity in detail, if at all. If spectroscopic determination of explosives will ever be conducted in real world applications, steps must be taken to try and improve upon current methodologies. This proposal will address this concern. This proposal will combine the selectivity from traditional IR spectroscopy with the sensitivity of CRDS to construct an instrument capable of trace explosives detection. This proposal will accomplish the following goals: 1. The construction of a cavity ringdown spectroscopy system more versatile than currently published instruments by providing a wide operational window 2. Detection of the explosives TNT, RDX, and PETN with the CRDS system at trace levels and subsequent selectivity tests with interfering compounds Experimental Optical Design The optical setup of the CRDS experiments to be used for detection limit tests is shown in Figure 2. Further tests demonstrating selectivity will be tested in a similar system using two diode laser sources. Pb-salt laser diodes produce continuous wave laser light over a range of 200cm-1, or 1µm in the mid-IR, at 0.25mW. Since these diodes require cryogenic cooling for semiconductor operation, a liquid nitrogen dewar with a software controlled temperature controller is required. The controller offers high precision temperature stabilization within 0.1mK; necessary since the diode wavelength output is proportional to temperature. The output beam of semiconductor laser diodes is 8 elliptical [22] due to the small dimensions of the active layer compared to the emission wavelength [60]. A gold coated parabolic mirror placed just outside the laser dewar corrects the divergence and produces a collimated beam approximately 14mm in diameter. At the center wavelength, the Pb-salt laser output beam is monochromatic. However, lasing may occur at other wavelengths. In order to avoid this multi-mode output, a miniature monochromator, situated directly after the laser dewar will ensure monochromatic output over the entire diode range. The monochromator is also software controlled and designed to operate in conjunction with the dewar, allowing synchronous operation. Mode Matching Optics MCT Detector Cavity Oscilloscope PZT 5x Telescope Focusing Lens Gas Inlet/Outlet PC Monochromator Trigger Circuit AOM Diode Laser LN2 Dewar Focusing Lens Figure 2. Optical Design to be used for this proposal. Setup includes a single Pb-salt diode source. Further experiments will employ a second source with accompanying hardware. A CaF2 plano convex lens then focuses the large beam diameter into the 1mm aperture of an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) which creates a pulse train, essentially transforming the CW laser to pulsed operation. The AOM also functions as a switch, capable of disrupting the laser beam periodically, preventing laser light from entering the cavity. The operating premise of CRDS requires the incident laser light be interrupted to allow the measurement of clean ringdown events[61]. The AOM causes this interruption by driving an acoustic wave through a high refractive index germanium crystal. The propagating wave causes the refractive index to sinusoidally change, diffracting the incident light and allowing periodic laser pulses to enter the cavity[62]. These devices have become standard components for CW CRDS instrumentation[63-65]. A 60MHz AOM will be used for this proposal, which will have 16nsec between deflections. Flat gold mirrors will redirect the beam from the AOM across the optical table. The laser light emanating from the AOM will be divergent since it was focused down to a small diameter relative to its incident size. In order to correct for this aberration, a Galilean 5x telescope composed of a plano-concave lens and a plano-convex lens will collimate the beam. This expander both enlarges the diameter and reduces the divergence angle of the beam by a factor of five. After collimation, an examination of the beam will reveal several cross sectional energy profiles or transverse modes[66]. It is beneficial to mode match the lowest order transverse electric mode (TEM00) for this application since 9 higher order modes have larger energy profiles which experience increased diffraction losses[67]. Mode matching is a process that isolates a given mode from others present. This will be accomplished with two 100mm focal length CaF2 plano-convex lenses, and a 100µm diameter pinhole. The incident light is focused though the pinhole by the first lens. Higher order modes do not pass through the pinhole since their high energies are found at larger diameters. Figure 3 indicates the TEM00 mode has higher energies at locations where higher order modes exhibit nodes. Once through, the laser beam will be expanded and re-collimated with the second lens. Since no further optical manipulation of the beam is required, the 5mm diameter beam then enters the laser cavity. Once mode matched, the beam enters the laser cavity through the rear of one of the cavity high reflectivity mirrors. These spherical mirrors are composed of as many as 20 layers of alternating high and low refractive index dielectric materials each one quarter of a target wavelength thick[67]. The rear of the first mirror will be coated with an antireflective layer of magnesium fluoride to prevent incident light from reflecting. Although these mirrors possess reflectivities higher than any metal Figure 3. Cross-sectional energy mirror in the IR range, the main disadvantage of these profiles of transverse modes. dielectric mirrors is that they have a limited range of 15% Taken from Ref 67 about the center wavelength[13]. The custom made mirrors will be one inch in diameter, possess a six meter radius of curvature, and will possess reflectivites ≥99.97%, thus resulting in a stable resonator cavity[68]. The laser cavity itself, or optical resonator, will be custom built with stainless steel capable of withstanding a vacuum in the milliTorr range. The cavity will have a 50cm length, an internal volume of 7L, and ports for gas inlets and outlets as well as for pressure measurement. Temperatures inside the cavity will be controlled with two large heating tapes ensuring that the majority the cavity surface will be covered and thus heated in a uniform manner. The cavity will have the capability to hold two sets of mirrors side by side. Each end mirror will be mounted on a piezoelectric transducer (PZT) which will continuously scan the mirror back and forth in order to acquire an axial mode or cavity resonance. These modes are obtained when the incident light travels an exact number of half wavelengths from one end of the cavity to the other, creating a standing wave inside the cavity[67]. When this occurs, a significant amplification of the light intensity is observed given by the reciprocal of the transmittance of the mirrors. A steady state is reached during a cavity resonance where the incident light into the cavity is the same intensity as the exiting light. Normally, the incident light is reduced by the transmittance of the first mirror and again by the second. For a cavity where both mirrors have a transmittance of 0.001, incident light is reduced by six orders of magnitude before reaching the detector. In the case where a cavity resonance is reached, no such decease is observed. Once the light exits the cavity through the end mirror, it is focused onto a liquid nitrogen cooled mercury-cadmium-telluride (MCT) photodiode detector with a 0.5mm2 active area. This detector is optimized for operation in the 6-8µm region and has a response time of 7nsec. Between the detector and the AOM is a trigger circuit which monitors the detector response due to the scanning of PZT. When an axial mode is found, 10 the detector response increases above a threshold limit and signals the AOM to shut off and stop the pulse train from entering into the cavity. This allows for a clean ringdown event to be observed[18,63]. The ringdown signal from the detector is digitized by a twochannel 500MHz oscilloscope and sent to a personal computer for analysis of ringdown times and subsequently absorption loss data. Cavity Characteristics For this optical design with a mirror reflectivity of 0.9997 (T = 0.0003) and a cavity length of 50cm, the anticipated ringdown time is calculated to be 5.6µsec using equation 3. Further, knowing that the round trip time for this cavity will be 3.3nsec (2L/c), 1667 round trips will be made during the ringdown time, producing an effective path length of 1.6km. The Pb-salt laser diodes will produce an intensity of 0.25mW. However, this intensity will not reach the cavity since the beam travels through the AOM. Assuming that 25% of the photons actually pass through the AOM toward the cavity, 62.5µW will impinge on the cavity. During a cavity resonance, 1/T of this energy will be observed, or 0.208W. Since a steady state is reached, 62.5µW will exit the cavity toward the detector. During the recording of a ringdown event, this value will be the initial detected energy. When the ringdown time ends, a value corresponding to e-1 of the initial energy will be observed, or 23µW. This value will be the smallest recorded for quantitative purposes, easily detected by the MCT detector which has a responsivity of 40Volts/mWatt. With this responsivity, 23µW corresponds to roughly a 1V detector response which is of no concern to any experiments conducted in this proposal. The operating procedure calls for a cavity resonance to be found in order to reach a steady state and record a ringdown event. A buildup of photons is required for this phenomenon and depending on the reflectivity of the mirrors; the time taken for this buildup may vary. The change in the number of photons with time can be written as dN = F (1 − R ) − N 1 − R 2 c (8) dt where F is the number of photons incident on the cavity, R is the reflectivity of the mirrors, N is the number of photons in the cavity and L is the cavity length. Setting this equation to zero (steady state involves no change) and solving this equation for N (assuming 25% of the laser power from the diode passed by the AOM) gives the number of photons in the cavity at steady state. A calculation of the time required to buildup the correct number of photons involved integrating both sides to result in a first order exponential growth equation. This results in a buildup time of roughly 1 millisecond. Therefore, hundreds of ringdown events can be run in less than a second to be averaged in order to improve the overall signal to noise ratio. Because detection limits for several compounds will be determined through this proposal and Beer’s Law will be observed, it is critical that the minimal absorption be determined prior to any experimentation. Because the ringdown time decreases with increasing absorber concentration in the cavity, (Figure 4) the minimal absorption would then correspond to the minimal change detected in the ringdown time and can be determined by the equation ( 11 ) αL = (1 − R ) ∆τ (9) τ where ∆τ is the minimal change in the ringdown time than can be quantified[69]. Since the response time of the MCT detector is 7nsec, the smallest change in the ringdown time will be this value. Substituting all previously established values and solving for the absorption loss, α, the value calculated is 8x10-9 cm-1. Converting this to an absorbance measurement yields 4x10-7 as the minimal detectable absorbance for this CRDS system. This value corresponds well to those found with other mid-IR CRDS systems [15,18,27]. 0.06 0.05 α=0 α = 1e-5 I (mWatt) 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.0 5.0e-6 1.0e-5 1.5e-5 2.0e-5 2.5e-5 3.0e-5 Time (sec) Figure 4. Theoretical ringdown curves for empty cavity (solid) and cavity with absorber with fractional absorption loss of 1x10-5 (dashed). Curves calculated from equation 2. Horizontal line indicates intensity at the ringdown time and vertical drop lines indicate the ringdown time value. FT-IR Investigations of Explosives Spectra While the IR spectra of explosives have been well studied in the condensed phases[50,55], such studies in the vapor phase are rare. Only a few accounts in the literature of low resolution gas phase spectra at ambient and elevated temperatures exist[70-72]. Additionally, even less information is available regarding the effects of temperature and pressure. Scans run at higher than optimal temperatures encounter decomposition of the target molecules, adding unwanted peaks to the spectra where lower than optimal temperatures result in lower peak heights[72]. Although not as critical as temperature, the correct pressure must be reached in order to obtain high resolution spectra. Vapor phase spectra commonly produce more peaks than found in condensed phase spectra due to the limited molecule interactions common in the gas phase[73]. Reduced pressure allows closely separated peaks that would otherwise be visible as one collective peak to be resolved. For small molecules, pressures of 0.25atm are routinely used. However, for heavier molecules, pressures lower than 1 torr are required to bring about sharper spectra[74]. Because high resolution FT-IR studies of explosive molecules are non-existent, the first undertaking of this proposal will be to create reference of IR spectra of these 12 molecules detailing all absorptions throughout the mid-IR region. This study will aid in the selection of wavelengths for both sensitivity and selectivity tests discussed later in this proposal. A stainless steel heated gas sample cell with a 10cm length and potassium bromide windows capable of operating under reduced pressures and at temperatures as high as 250°C will be used. Since the limits of detection are not the focus of these experiments, the amount of sample used for each compound is not critical but should be consistent and substantial enough to yield acceptable spectra. Samples several milligrams in mass will be adequate. Quantities of individual explosives dissolved in acetonitrile will be placed inside the cell. After solvent evaporation, the temperature will be raised to increase the vapor pressure of the explosive compound as seen in Table 1. Vapor pressures at a given temperature can be calculated for each of these species from predetermined equations. Although the CRDS experiments will not involve temperatures above 60-80°C for reasons to be discussed later, FT-IR spectra at temperatures in excess of 100°C will be collected in order to increase the vapor pressure to observe spectra. FT-IR spectra will be obtained at temperatures beginning at 60°C and progress to higher temperatures until decomposition is observed (~150°C). During these tests, the cell will be connected to a two stage rotary vane pump to observe the effect of lower pressures on the spectra. Since many vibrational states are predicted to be seen with these relatively large molecules, pressures lower than 1 torr will likely to be required to bring about these features. Previous work with IR spectra of high explosive compounds employed pressures as low as 10-4 torr[72]. It is also entirely likely that these features may present problems to future selectivity tests since too many absorptions may be observed per molecule. Pressures higher than 1 torr may be used to simplify the spectra when mixtures are run. The initial spectrometer resolution will be set at 1cm-1. However, this value may be lowered with the initial experimental results. A minimum of 32 scans of each sample will be attained to provide an average result for each scan. Characterization of the CRDS system Once the CRDS system is constructed, it will require characterization to confirm proper working order prior to tests with explosives. Optical alignment will be carried out with a 0.5mW HeNe laser with a wavelength output at 632nm. The CaF2 optics chosen for this proposal will be able to accommodate this wavelength without issue. Following proper alignment, the working range of each mirror will be determined as well as their reflectivities at each wavelength. Since the manufacturer quotes only the center wavelength reflectivity and a working range of ±6%, more accurate values are required for high sensitivity experiments. The reflectivity at a given wavelength can be found through equation 3. Initially, the ringdown times at each wavelength will be determined with a cavity filled only with high purity nitrogen by scanning the diode laser through its entire working range. Because the output of the laser diodes is temperature dependent, time is required for the liquid nitrogen dewar to reach the appropriate temperatures. Therefore, several minutes are required for a complete scan of the diode’s working range. Characterization of the laser diodes will not be required since the manufacturer provides detailed reports regarding the working range and performance at each wavelength. 13 All explosive molecules that will be tested in this proposal contain multiple nitro groups which exhibit very strong absorptions due to the symmetric and asymmetric nitro stretches occurring at roughly 1349 and 1559cm-1, or 7.4 and 6.4µm, respectively. These bands are typically the strongest bands in the spectrum of any explosives molecule, with the symmetric being the stronger of the two, because of the large NO2 absorption cross section. Previous IR experiments involving explosives detection have used these features for quantitative purposes[51,57]. However, before exposing explosive vapors to the cavity, preliminary tests of the CRDS system will be preformed using a relatively concentrated (part per million) nitrogen dioxide (NO2) standard in high purity nitrogen gas. Initially, spectra will be obtained using the NO2 to ensure that the CRDS system is fully operational and performing optimally. Measurements will be initially taken at ambient pressure with a nitrogen background. A calibration plot will be constructed with this mixture diluted with additional high purity nitrogen to obtain lower concentrations in the low part per billion range to gauge the linear range of the CRDS system. Flow rates for these experiments will be controlled with flowmeter regulators to ensure accurate partial pressures are used. Continuous gas flow through the laser cavity will be accomplished with the aid of a two stage rotary vane pump. The resulting spectra will be compared to the HITRAN molecular absorption database ( for nitrogen dioxide to confirm the CRDS system is producing accurate results. Following these results, lower pressures will be used to simulate the experimental conditions for explosives detection. Since nitrogen dioxide is a small molecule, pressures of ~190 torr (0.25atm) will be sufficient to observe high resolution vibrational spectra. With reduced pressure tests, the cavity will be filled with the target gases, pumped down to the appropriate pressure and measurements will be made. Similar to the FT-IR spectra, these experiments will also initially use a resolution of 1cm-1. The theoretical detection limit for NO2 can be calculated by first determining the minimal number density observed. This figure can be calculated from the equation N min = σα min (10) -3 where Nmin is the number density (molecules cm ), s is the absorption cross section of the measured molecule (cm2), and αmin is the minimal absorption loss as calculated from equation 9. Using a cross sectional value of 4x10-17cm2 [58], and an absorption loss of 8x10-9cm-1, Nmin is found to be 2x108 molecules cm-3. Once converted to the number of moles, the number density becomes 3.32x10-13 moles/L, or 0.015ng/L NO2. Accounting for the 7L volume of the cavity, 0.10ng can theoretically be detected. Due to this small detection level, it is doubtful that peaks corresponding to these concentrations will be directly observed largely due to inaccuracy in dispensing concentrations of such small magnitude. Therefore, the limit of detection will be calculated based on the value that corresponds to three times the standard deviation of the signal to noise ratio. However, the limit of detection will be approached as closely as accurately possible with dilutions of the nitrogen/nitrogen dioxide mixture. The linear range of NO2 will be calculated on the basis that the ringdown time decreases with increasing concentration. At a given concentration, the ringdown time is faster than the detector response time. Assuming a ringdown time of 10nsec (MCT detector response time is 7nsec), equation 3 shows the maximum fractional absorption that can be detected as 3.3x10-3 cm-1. Comparing this to the minimal value gives an expected linear range of approximately five orders of magnitude. 14 Initially, a blank ringdown time will be acquired. This will be performed through several repeat scans of a cavity filled only with nitrogen. A minimum of 64 scans (increasing the signal to noise ratio by a factor of 4) will be recorded and will be averaged together. According to the buildup time calculated in equation 8, 64 scans will take significantly less than one second to perform. With a symmetric peak width of ~100cm-1 and an initial resolution of 1cm-1, it will take roughly 7 seconds to record all ringdown times for the entire symmetric peak assuming the laser diode temperature ramping is negligible. However, this is not the case. Response times for the liquid nitrogen cooled dewar are likely to be 1-2 minutes for a 100cm-1 scan. The limiting factor in the data acquisition rate is the laser diode and not the spectroscopy. Likewise, when NO2 is introduced into the cavity, the same experimental timeframe will be applicable. Explosives Detection The sensitivity of this CRDS system will be tested by determining the minimal detectable limit of three low vapor pressure explosives shown in Table 1. Only one diode laser source will be required for this work since only the strongest absorption peak will be used for such experiments. Once the CRDS system is fully characterized and operation is deemed optimal, tests on explosive vapors will be conducted. The data concerning optimal sampling temperature and pressure obtained from the FT-IR experiments will be applied to each of the three species. Explosive vapors will be introduced directly into the resonator cavity through the use of an explosives vapor generator custom built by the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL). This system delivers precise vapor quantities of TNT, RDX and PETN within a range of 50pg to 1ng with a pulsed delivery method and has been used in previous experiments[58]. Since the output is simply a mass value, the concentration of the pulse is the pulse mass over the cavity volume. The duration of the pulse increases with the amount of vapor desired. Each of the three explosives has its own vapor head to avoid cross-contamination and only one explosive can be dispensed at a time. The vapor is generated from a reservoir of a known quantity of analyte in a stainless steel chamber. The chamber is heated or cooled according to a built-in CPU controller and has a maximum internal temperature of 60°C. In response to the chamber temperature change, a mass quantity of vapor is generated according to previously established vapor pressure equations. Although the transfer lines are not silanized, INEL maintains the continuous flow of carrier gas prevents adhesion. The cavity will be filled with high purity nitrogen gas and pumped down to the appropriate pressure. The maximum temperature inside the cavity will be 75°C. If the temperature were much lower, vapors inside the cavity would likely condense when emitted from the 60°C generator. Higher temperatures would impede the use of the PZT, which has a upper limit of 85°C. Prior to filling the cavity with analyte vapor, blank ringdown times will be obtained at each wavelength identical to the method employed with NO2. The INEL vapor generator will inject a pulse of vapor into the cavity for measurement. After a minimum of 64 ringdown events are recorded and averaged for each wavelength, the pressure will be increased to ambient levels with nitrogen while the pump simultaneously evacuates the chamber of explosive vapors. A dry ice/isopropanol 15 cold trap will condense explosive vapors to later be dissolved in solvent and disposed of in waste receptacles. During all measurements, the cavity will be purged of ambient air and high purity dry nitrogen will be used to avoid water and carbon dioxide absorption interferences[73]. Calibration curves will be constructed with peak height versus mass or versus concentration spanning the range of the vapor generator. Since the detection limit is expected to be below minimum generator output of 50pg for each species tested, detection limits will require calculation rather than spectroscopic confirmation according to the method used for nitrogen dioxide. Detection limit calculations similar to those performed on NO2 can be applied to these thee explosives. Although larger molecules are studied here, the nitro group is still the functional group of interest. Therefore, it is assumed that the nitro groups on these molecules would have the same cross section as if they were separate species. This results in the same minimal number density for all three explosive species (2x108 molecules cm-3). Conversion to mass per volume units results a theoretical detection limit of 0.075ng/L for TNT, 0.105ng/L for PETN and 0.074ng/L for RDX. Converting these three values to ppbv units results in a value of 0.009ppbv assuming a temperature of 75°C and a pressure of 1atm. This sensitivity value is nearly identical to the vapor pressure of RDX at these conditions (Table 1). These results compare very favorably with the two previous spectroscopic explosive detection experiments listed in the introduction section. Riris and coworkers published a detection limit of 5pg for their experiment. However, since a cell of only 1cm3 was used, this corresponds to a detection limit of 5ng/L. This value is over 60 times that value for RDX listed in Table 2. Usachev, using UV CRDS for TNT detection claimed a detection limit of 7.5ng/L. Because their minimal number density is two orders of magnitude larger than that calculated for this system, the overall detection limit is also larger by the same value. According to theoretical predictions, this CRDS system would offer the most sensitive spectroscopic detection of explosives in the current literature. In comparison to other detection methods, Zhao published a TNT detection limit with MS of 0.3ng/L[43]. The theoretical value for the mid-IR CRDS is a factor of four lower than that with MS. The selectivity of this system will be examined by taking steps toward real world sampling conditions. With these tests, a second laser diode will be added to the optical set-up pictured in Figure 2. For a device that is intended to detect explosive vapors, it will be a very rare occurrence that the sample will contain no interfering compounds in the wavelengths of interest. Since this is the case, any detection device should be capable of detecting target compounds even when several other compounds are present. To demonstrate the selectivity of the CRDS system, initial tests will be competed with simple tertiary mixtures of the three explosive compounds used for detection limit tests. Since the vapor generator can only supply vapor of one explosive at a time, it cannot be used for these experiments. Instead, explosives will be exposed to the system in a manner similar to the method employed by Janni et al[72]. The sample will be place in a sidearm of the laser cavity. In order to control the amount of sample tested, volumes of standard solutions will be pipetted onto a glass slide. Glass was chosen because explosive particles adhere very well to many materials including metals and glass[30,35]. Once the solvent has evaporated, only the explosive mixture will remain. The slide with the 16 explosive material will then be secured in the sampling arm. Heat will be applied to this area from a third heating tape allowing for thermal desorption of the explosive compounds. Because all three explosives exhibit strong absorptions in the 6.4 and 7.4 µm regions due to the presence of nitro substituents, both qualification and quantification at these wavelengths will be challenging. However, regions where each species absorbs without interference from the other two would aid in quantification. This technique has been previously used to determine mixture compositions of the three mononitrotoluene isomers[54]. Condensed phase spectra show that such a region exists for TNT, PETN and RDX between 9-10µm[50,55]. Although the available gas phase spectra in the literature indicate that these absorptions remain for RDX and TNT, no data is available for PETN. Although unconfirmed, it is likely this absorption occurs in the vapor phase. The feasibility of this technique will be determined by the results of the FT-IR experiments. However, these bands are far from the strongest in each spectra. This method would achieve selectivity at the cost of sensitivity. Further, this method would only give accurate results if no band overlap exists, which is unlikely. A multivariate chemometic approach will be more suitable to determine the presence and concentration of each component in the mixture. Classical least squares (CLS) and inverse least squares (ILS) are common multivariate approaches to quantitative spectroscopy[75]. CLS uses the entire spectrum for concentration calculations which allows for higher accuracy over other methods that only utilize portions of the spectrum. However, all compounds in a given mixture must be identified and included in calibration runs. This alone precludes CLS from real world sampling where samples contain unknown components. ILS is not a full spectrum technique, but can accurately construct models for mixtures without a concentration value for every mixture component. Partial least squares, or PLS, combines the full spectral analysis of CLS with the ILS benefit of describing mixtures without full compositional knowledge[76], hence, it is ideal for samples containing unknown components. Within PLS, there are two separate algorithms, PLS1 and 2. The PLS1 algorithm has a higher predictive accuracy than PLS2 since it calibrates each component individually, where PLS2 calibrates all components simultaneously. With PLS1, each component is assigned its own set of scores and loading vectors that are specific to that constituent. Due to its greater accuracy, the mixtures will be analyzed using the PLS1 algorithm from the MATLAB chemometrics toolbox. The PLS-1 algorithm has been explained in detail previously[77]. Briefly, during calibration, the absorbance and concentration data are each decomposed into two smaller matrices consisting of scores o weighting factors and loading vectors. Loading vectors correspond to a particular mixture component. When a sample is run, the process is essentially run in reverse where the loading factors and scores are used to determine concentrations. CLS has been used previously to determine CO2, CH4, N2O and CO in atmospheric samples with FT-IR[78]. In this work, there was little spectral overlap allowing for a more simplified analysis. CLS in conjunction with FT-IR has also been used to analyze tertiary mixtures of nitrotoluenes in standard soil samples where both nitro stretches were the portions of the spectrum used for analysis [57]. Although the soil samples were uncontaminated soils spiked with explosive molecules, the notion that CLS 17 can model three similar compounds based on a common absorption feature is key. In this experiment, high temperatures were used with a spectral resolution of 1cm-1. Also, ambient pressures were used, indicating that pressures of 1 torr, needed to observe rotovibrational features are not necessary for quantitative analysis. Experiments here will use the symmetric nitro stretch as one of the spectral windows. The second window will be either the asymmetric stretch as the other or another widow such as the 9-10µm window suggested above. All three may not be used since the wavelengths of these windows are far enough apart that three laser diodes would be required. The procedure for obtaining spectra will be identical to those used for the sensitivity experiments where 64 scans will be averaged together to obtain a higher signal to noise ratio. Once the tertiary mixtures have been modeled, further experiments with an “unknown” component will be attempted. Several options for an unknown are likely. Firstly, a higher vapor pressure explosive such as ethylene glycol dinitrate (EGDN) may be employed. Secondly, a side product from the synthesis of one of the three explosives in this study such as 2,4-dinitrotoluene, or one of the mononitrotoluene isomers may be used. Thirdly, a compound unlike any in the original mixture likely to be found in routine analysis such as nicotine or caffeine could be used. These experiments will test the usefulness of the PLS1 algorithm in quantifying explosives with additional compounds in the mixture. An initial concern regarding the use of explosive mixtures was the number of vibrational states would be far too large to discriminate between multiple nitro stretches. However, this is only foreseen as a problem if rotovibrational spectra are observed under vacuum. It has been shown that nitro explosives can be modeled accurately with CLS at atmospheric pressure. Therefore, it is expected that the same can be performed with PLS. When actual field samples are taken, however, it is doubtful that PLS will be able to discern nitro explosives over several interferents each at concentrations orders of magnitude greater than the target species. Timetable The first year of funding will be principally used for the construction, troubleshooting, and characterization of the CRDS system. Several required components for the CRDS optical system will be custom made including the cavity mirrors and the stainless steel cavity. It is estimated that the fabrication of these components will take roughly 2-3 months time. Additionally, the vapor generator was quoted to take 3-6 months for construction since this is not an off-the-shelf item. During the time required for custom fabrication, the experiments involving the optimal temperature and pressure sampling values will be completed with FT-IR. Since these are a series of simple repetitive tests, it is expected that this work will last no longer than the time required for the CRDS components to arrive. Upon arrival of all components, the CRDS optical components will be assembled and aligned. Assembly and troubleshooting is expected to take 2-3 months. Following construction, the system will be thoroughly characterized to ensure that all components function properly. Characterization of the components (mirror reflectivities and working ranges) is expected to take 1-2 month’s time. Preliminary tests of the functionality of the system will be acquired using the nitrogen dioxide gas. It is 18 estimated that the experiments for construction of calibration curves and the determination of detection limits will take the remainder of the first year of funding. The tests of sensitivity with three explosives will begin during the second year of funding. These experiments will be expedited by the FT-IR tests for optimal temperature and pressure sampling. During the tests for detection limits, the necessary equipment will be ordered to allow multiple laser diodes sources to be used simultaneously. The selectivity tests will require significantly more time to complete than the sensitivity tests due to the sample sizes and the modeling with the PLS algorithm. The remainder of the second year will be spent focused on this work. Publications and progress reports will be prepared throughout the proposal funding period. Impact This research required to achieve the goals in this proposal will function as an invaluable experience for graduate students and post doctoral researchers. The construction and operation of a cavity ringdown system is considerable and will function as a prime learning experience for students and supply them with problem solving skills through the troubleshooting of the system once constructed. Since any number of problems may arise during the time taken to bring the entire CRDS system to full operation, original thinking and problem solving skills will be fostered. Although the premise of the experimentation is essentially laid out beforehand, there remain many details that will require contemplation of new and innovative ideas to accomplish the goals set out in this proposal. In short, the work carried out for this project will allow students and researchers to be better equipped for future endeavors in either industry or academia. One original aim of this proposal was to increase the usefulness and utility of the field of CRDS by modifying the currently used instrumentation by essentially taking a step toward a high sensitivity FT-IR. Since CRDS is so versatile and modular, the applications of this CRDS system extend well beyond explosives detection. Atmospheric chemistry and trace gas analysis for atmospheric pollutants and toxic industrial gases will benefit from such a system. Regardless, the explosive detection and spectroscopic communities will undoubtedly benefit from this design, since it incorporates the necessary sensitivity and increased selectivity over other previously published CRDS systems. Future Directions The construction of a high sensitivity IR spectrometer allows several avenues of future experimentation to be pursued. The CRDS system could be applied to new analytes such as pollutant gas detection. However, the most likely choice would be to improve upon instrumentation. In particular, the future development of the quantum cascade laser is quite promising. One major drawback to the proposed system is the fact that the Pb-salt laser diodes require cryogenic cooling. The dewars take time to equilibrate at each wavelength and occupy significant space. Recently, Beck reported on 19 a CW quantum cascade laser able to operate in the mid-IR at room temperature with a limited wavelength range[79], thus removing all the size and power required for the cryogenic cooling devices. An ultra-broadband pulsed output quantum cascade laser covering the range from 6-8µm has also published[80]. Such a laser covering a large window would decrease the complexity introduced to instrumentation from to multiple sources. It is possible that within a number of years when these devices are optimized for use in CW-CRDS and widely available for spectroscopic use, that the size of CRDS instrumentation may decrease significantly. Conclusions The proposed mid-IR CRDS system, through theoretical calculations, is shown to be able to detect sub part per trillion levels of explosives. In comparison to other spectroscopic methods, this CRDS system is superior. When compared to a fragment detection technique such as mass spectrometry, the proposed design offers a detection limit slightly lower but for all intents and purposes, equivalent. The selectivity of the system using tertiary mixtures is hypothesized to be successful assuming large numbers of vibrational bands are not observed due to low pressures. The PLS1 algorithm is anticipated to successfully model the responses for these mixtures and for those containing an unknown compound. However, when applied to real world samples, it is thought that this proposal would not meet the necessary requirements for two main reasons. Firstly, numerous interferents with nitro substituents are possible in any environment. Secondly, these compounds will exhibit concentrations large enough to easily swamp out a signal from an explosive at a part per trillion level. 20 Section D - References 1. Steinfeld, J. I., Field, R. 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OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (1) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 0.00 2. (0) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 3. (1) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (0) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (0) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (0) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Explosives vapor generator Liquid nitrogen laser diode dewar and controller Miniature monochromator Custom high reflectivity mirror sets (2) $7,500 ea. $ (If Different) 3.00 0.00 3.00 13,000 12.00 0.00 32,000 0 20,000 0 0 0 65,000 6,400 71,400 13,000 $ $ 51,000 16,700 14,700 15,000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (0) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Proposer 0.00 97,400 3,000 0 0 TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 52,102 500 0 0 0 0 52,602 222,402 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Modified Total Direct Costs (55% of base = 127,002) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 69,581 294,253 0 294,253 Stefan Lukow $ $ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION 9/24/02 ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $0 PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG FOR NSF USE ONLY 54 SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET YEAR 2 ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Tufts University Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. Stefan Lukow A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates NSF-Funded Funds Funds List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Person-months CAL ACAD SUM Requested By Granted by NSF 1. Stefan Lukow 2. 3. 4. 5. (0) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 6. (1) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (1) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 2. (0) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 3. (1) GRADUATE STUDENTS $ (If Different) 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 13,390 0.00 12.00 0.00 32,960 0 20,600 0 0 0 66,950 6,592 73,542 4. (0) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (0) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (0) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Liquid nitrogen laser diode dewar and controller Miniature monochromator Custom high reflectivity mirror set (1) Proposer 0.00 13,390 $ $ 16,700 14,700 7,500 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (0) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) 38,900 3,000 0 TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 0 17,980 500 0 0 0 0 20,480 135,925 Modified Total Direct Costs (55% of base = 97,025) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 53,364 189,289 0 189,289 Stefan Lukow $ $ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION 9/24/02 ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $0 PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* 27 Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG FOR NSF USE ONLY 54 SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET TOTAL ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Tufts University Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. Stefan Lukow A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates NSF-Funded Funds Funds List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Person-months CAL ACAD SUM Requested By Granted by NSF 1. Stefan Lukow 0.00 2. 3. 4. 5. (0) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 6. (1) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 0.00 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (1) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 0.00 2. (0) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 3. (1) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (0) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (0) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (0) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Explosives vapor generator Liquid nitrogen laser diode dewar and controller (2) $16,700 ea. Miniature monochromator (2) @14,700 ea. Custom high reflectivity mirror sets (3) $7,500 ea. $ (If Different) 3.00 0.00 3.00 26,390 12.00 0.00 64,960 0 40,600 0 0 0 131,950 12,992 144,942 26,390 $ $ 51,000 33,400 29,400 22,500 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (0) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Proposer 0.00 136,300 6,000 0 0 TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 72,085 1000 0 0 0 0 73,085 360,327 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Modified Total Direct Costs (55% of base = 224,027) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 123,215 483,542 0 483,542 Stefan Lukow $ $ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION 9/24/02 ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $0 PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* 28 Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG Section F - Budget Justification A. Proposer requests summer funding to aid in the research for this proposal. Funding amount is based on three ninths of an average academic starting salary and adjusted for 3% increase the second year. B. Funding is requested for one post-doctoral researcher with knowledge in optical mechanics – preferably with previous cavity ringdown experience. One graduate student will also be funded. C. Fringe benefits were calculated as an 8% rate for both proposer and one graduate student for June through August only, and at a 15.5% rate for a post-doctoral researcher for the full calendar year. D. Several pieces of equipment are vital for this project. Multiple diode laser liquid nitrogen dewars with controllers and miniature monochromators are required. An explosives generator, custom built from the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, and three sets of ultra high reflectivity dielectric mirrors will also be needed. E. Funds for travel to conferences are requested. Yearly conferences such as the Pittsburgh Conference and the American Chemical Society National Meetings will be excellent opportunities to present research findings. G. To complete the optical setup listed in the proposal, funding is requested to purchase all optical components required for the CRDS system. Additionally, an optical table, sample materials, gasses, a heated FT-IR cell, and an explosionproof refrigerator will be required. 29 Updated - Some required corrections Sampling system – How to get selectivity and sensitivity This proposal addressed the identification of explosives based in the nitro stretches in infrared spectroscopy. However, one complaint was that the instrument proposed did not address selectivity issues. All colognes and perfumes contain nitro groups in undoubtedly higher concentrations than would be detected for explosives. How would this instrument be able to detect explosives in an airport screening situation when someone has on cologne? By using the physical properties of the interferents as an advantage the selectivity can be overcome. If there are going to be highly volatile aerosols in the mix with explosives (perfumes and colognes), bring in a sample of air into a sampling chamber prior to the cavity. Drop the temperature in the chamber or maintain a low temperature. This will lower the vapor pressure of all compounds inside. The explosives will solidify since their vapor pressures are so low. The perfume vapor pressure is so high that a drop in temperature will not change its state and it can be swept through or vacuumed out. Inside the box is also a substrate that will “catch” the explosives once the temperature is lowered. Once the perfumes are evacuated, thermally desorb the explosives into the gas phase and then enter them into the cavity for analysis. 30
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