B A CL ERECTION BOLT 6 1/4" E ANDREWS ARCHITECTS 10'-0" 6 1/4" S101 AS REQ'D 2'-0" MIN. EL. 792'-8 1/2" (E)W16X31 1'-0" (E)W27X114 10'-0" MC6X12 MC6X12 (E)W21X50 EL. 792'-8 1/2" TYP. CL OF ARM 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 TYP. L3X3X3/16 ADJACENT TO CLIP PL'S @ EA. W16 2 1'-8" L3X3X3/16 HANGER TYP. TYP. F 3/16 3/16 (E)W27X114 10'-0" L3X3X3/16 L3X3X3/16 W6 (SEE PLAN) W6X9 W6X16 W6X9 W6X16 S101 (E)W21X50 6631 Commerce Parkway, Studio B Dublin, Ohio 43017 L3X3X3/16 HANGER TYP. 3/16 3/16 (E)W16X31 1'-8" 2'-10" L3 1/2X3 1/2X3/16 CONT. @ EA. W6 L3X3X3/16 HANGER TYP. CL 2'-10" (E) W16 (E) W16 (SEE PLAN) L3X3X3/16 @ EA. W16 Architecture Planning Interior Design ERECT. BOLT TYP. SHIM AS REQ'D Tel: 614 . 766 . 1117 Fax: 614 . 766 . 2023 www.AndrewsArchitects.com Seal: P1001 (SEE PLAN) CEILING 2'-10" 1'-8" 1'-8" P1001 (SEE PLAN) 2'-10" CEILING W6 (SEE PLAN) SHIM AS REQ'D (E)W16X31 F UNISTRUT P1001 TYP. B S101 6" SECTION C 3/4" = 1'-0" SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0" Key Plan: (E)W27X114 D 10'-0" W6X9 W6X16 W6X16 (E)W21X50 W6X9 S101 10'-0" (MAX.) 10'-0" (MAX.) 1'-0 19/32" 2'-0" (MIN.) 3" ERECTION BOLT T.O.STL. B (E)W16X31 S101 W6X15 L3X3X3/16 HANGER TYP. C S101 1/4X6X12 PL THUS: 3/16 3/16 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 1/2 1 1/2 5" 6 1/4" 3/16 3" 3" 5/16" EQUIPMENT SUPPORT PLAN A (E) CONCRETE ON MTL. DECK SLAB MC6X12 (2 THUS) EL. 792'-8 1/2" 7" L3X3X5/16 (ON ALL 4 SIDES) W6X15 3/16 3/16 L3 1/2X3 1/2X5/16X1' 4" OhioHealth TYP. 6.03" W/ 4" EMBED (TYP. OF 4) BOLT PER PHILIPS DRAWINGS 1. 2. 3. 3/16 3/16 MATERIALS: a. STRUCTURAL STEEL WIDE FLANGE: ASTM 992; STRUCTURAL STEEL CHANNEL, ANGLES, PLATES, ETC.: ASTM A36, FY = 36 KSI; HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS: ASTM A325 OR A490; ANCHOR BOLTS: ASTM A307 OR A36; ELECTRODES: SERIES E70; EXPANSION BOLTS: HILTI "KWIK-BOLT TZ," SIMPSON STRONG-TIE "STRONG-BOLT" OR APPROVED EQUAL. ADHESIVE ANCHORS: HILTI "HIT-ICE/HIT HY 150," SIMPSON STRONG-TIE "ACRYLIC-TIE," ITW RED-HEAD "A7 ACRYLIC." SPECIFICATION: WELDING PERSONNEL AND PROCEDURES ARE TO BE QUALIFIED PER AWS D1.1. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN OTHERWISE, DESIGN, FABRICATION AND ERECTION TO BE GOVERNED BY: a. AISC SPECIFICATION FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL BUILDINGS (MARCH 9, 2005). b. AISC CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES (MARCH 18, 2005). c. STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE, AWS D1.1/D1.1 M: 2012 OF THE AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY. d. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL JOINTS USING ASTM A325 OR A490 BOLTS (JUNE 30, 2004). EP POWER BOOM CEILING PL BY PHILIPS 2'-0" CEILING TYP. 1'-0" GENERAL NOTES: STRUCTURAL STEEL: L3X3X3/16 (ON ALL 4 SIDES) L3X3X1/4 HANGER (4 THUS) 1/2X4 PLATE (4 THUS) AS REQ'D 2'-0" MIN. 5/8" THICK PLATE D SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0" E SECTION PROVIDE OPENING & BOLT HOLES IN PLATE AS REQUIRED BY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER PROVIDE OPENING & BOLT HOLES IN PLATE AS REQUIRED BY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER 3/4" = 1'-0" 3/8" THICK PLATE AS REQ'D COORD. EL. W/EQUIP. SUPPLIER F EP Lab #1 Renovation Riverside Methodist Hospital 3535 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Ohio 43214 Project Number: Original Issue Date: Revised Date: SCHEMATIC DESIGN DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ZONING SUBMISSION CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS RECORD/ AS-BUILT'S SECTION SURGICAL LIGHT SUPPORT 3/4" = 1'-0" PAINT: a. PROVIDE ONE SHOP COAT TO ALL STEEL. BC REVISION HISTORY NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A - - B - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - CATH LAB EQUIPMENT SUPPORT PLAN AND DETAILS PBK BC S-101 The work contained within these instruments of service is the property of Andrews Architects, Inc. and is protected by U.S. Copyright Law. These drawings may not be modified, duplicated, sold or otherwise distributed except that these drawings may be used solely by the owner or contractors of the indicated project for the purpose of constructing the indicated project. No party may create derivative work based on information provided within these drawings in whole or in part. Any reproductions or modifications without the express written consent of Andrews Architects, Inc. is strictly prohibited. GENERAL NOTES: 1. FIELD VEIFY EXACT SIZE AND LOCATION OF EXISTING DUCTWORK, PIPING AND EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. 2. COORDINATE ALL UTILITY SHUTDOWNS WITH THE OWNER TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF SHUTDOWN. ANDREWS ARCHITECTS 3. EXISTING FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM TO REMAIN IN PLACE. ADJUST LOCATION OF SPRINKLER HEADS AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE NEW BOOMS AND CEILING MOUNTED EQUIPMENT. Architecture Planning Interior Design 4. EXISTING CEILING IS TO BE REMOVED AND REINSTALLED. REMOVE, PROTECT, AND REINSTALL ALL CEILING AIR DEVICES AND SPRINKLER HEAD ESCUTCHEONS. 2 2 STORZ AV RACK MB MA MP MG 3 3 6631 Commerce Parkway, Studio B Dublin, Ohio 43017 3 4" Tel: 614 . 766 . 1117 Fax: 614 . 766 . 2023 CODED NOTES: (R) 3/4" VAC 1. EXISTING MEDICAL GAS ZONE VALVE BOX TO REMAIN. 2. EXISTING WAGD, VAC, O2, AND MA INLETS/OUTLETS TO REMAIN. 3. EXISTING VAC, O2, AND MA INLETS/OUTLETS TO REMAIN. 4. BOOM CONTAINS (1) MA, (2) O2, (2) VAC, AND (1) WAGD INLETS/OUTLETS. PROVIDE 1/2" MA, 1/2" O2, 3/4" VAC, AND 3/4" WAGD PIPING TO BOOM. CONTRACTOR TO MAKE FINAL PIPING CONNECTIONS TO BOOM. COORDINATE WITH BOOM MANUFACTURER. 5. BOOM CONTAINS (2) VAC, (1) 02, AND (1) MA INLETS/OUTLETS. CONTRACTOR TO MAKE FINAL PIPING CONNECTIONS TO BOOM. COORDINATE WITH BOOM MANUFACTURER. (R) 1/2" O2 Head End (E)MA (E)O2 12" (E)WAGD (E)VAC (E)O2 (E)MA (E)VAC EP LAB #1 Seal: Key Plan: 12" 3 4" (E)O2 (E)WAGD (E)MA (E)VAC (E)O2 (E)WAGD (E)MA (E)WAGD (E)VAC 3 4" 1 12" 4 (R) 1/2" MA www.AndrewsArchitects.com EP LAB #1 5 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" OhioHealth A SECOND FLOOR 1/4 = 1' 0" DEMOLITION PLAN 0' 1' 2' 4' B SECOND FLOOR EP Lab #1 Renovation 1/4 = 1' 0" NEW WORK PLAN 0' 1' 2' 4' Riverside Methodist Hospital 3535 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Ohio 43214 Project Number: Original Issue Date: Revised Date: SCHEMATIC DESIGN DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ZONING SUBMISSION CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS RECORD/ AS-BUILT'S REVISION HISTORY NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A - - B - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - FLOOR PLAN PLUMBING WORK Ed Keener Jesse Whitehead P-101 The work contained within these instruments of service is the property of Andrews Architects, Inc. and is protected by U.S. Copyright Law. These drawings may not be modified, duplicated, sold or otherwise distributed except that these drawings may be used solely by the owner or contractors of the indicated project for the purpose of constructing the indicated project. No party may create derivative work based on information provided within these drawings in whole or in part. Any reproductions or modifications without the express written consent of Andrews Architects, Inc. is strictly prohibited. (E)26/14 (E)26/14 GENERAL NOTES: (E)26/12 (E)26/12 TB2 R1-24/10 940 2 7 2. COORDINATE ALL UTILITY SHUTDOWNS WITH THE OWNER TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF SHUTDOWN. ANDREWS ARCHITECTS 3. EXISTING CEILING IS TO BE REMOVED AND REINSTALLED. REMOVE, PROTECT, AND REINSTALL ALL CEILING AIR DEVICES. COORDINATE FINAL LOCATION OF CEILING AIR DEVICES WITH ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN. Architecture Planning Interior Design CODED NOTES: 6631 Commerce Parkway, Studio B Dublin, Ohio 43017 10 TB1 (E)22/12 MB MP MA MG R2-24/10 940 4 T FIELD VEIFY EXACT SIZE AND LOCATION OF EXISTING DUCTWORK, PIPING AND EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. 24/10 (1500) 8 2 STORZ AV RACK 1 1. 9 (750) T 5 (R)22/12 11 (E)14/10 (E)14/10 3 1. EXISTING TERMINAL BOX TO REMAIN. 2. REMOVE EXISTING TERMINAL BOX AND TURN OVER TO THE OWNER. 3. EXISTING TEMPERATURE SENSOR, HUMIDITY SENSOR, AND MOTION SENSOR TO REMAIN. www.AndrewsArchitects.com 4. EXISTING TEMPERATURE SENSOR TO REMAIN. Seal: 5. EXISTING DUCT DROPS IN CHASE TO SERVE LOW RETURN REGISTER. 6. EXISTING AIR DEVICE TO BE REUSED. 7. REMOVE EXISTING AIR DEVICES AND TURN OVER TO THE OWNER. 8. RE-BALANCE EXISTING AIR TERMINAL BOX FOR INDICATED AIR FLOW. 9. RE-BALANCE EXISTING AIR DEVICE FOR INDICATED AIR FLOW. 14/10 3 T T H 22/12 H S S 6 6 9 (400) Head End (400) 12 11 4 " 9 (400) 6 (E)30/12 (E)20/12 (E) HWS (E) HWR (E)14/10 (E)30/12 (E)20/12 (E) HWS (E)14/10 (E) HWR 11 4 " 10. CONNECT EXISTING HEATING HOT WATER SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING AND CONTROLS TO NEW TERMINAL BOX. REUSE EXISTING CONTROLS AND VALVES. Tel: 614 . 766 . 1117 Fax: 614 . 766 . 2023 Key Plan: 11. EXISTING TEMPERATURE SENSOR IS TO CONTROL NEW TERMINAL BOX. 6 12. RELOCATE AND RE-BALANCE EXISTING AIR DEVICE FOR INDICATED AIR FLOW. EP LAB #1 EP LAB #1 (400) 12 5 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT : 9 (750) 1 TB1 (1600) 8 PROVIDE TITUS MODEL DESV TERMINAL BOX OR INLET AND A 2-ROW HOT WATER HEATING COIL. BALANCE FOR 940 CFM. HEATING COIL TO BE BALANCED FOR 2.0 GPM AND HAVE A CAPACITY OF 30.5 MBH. TB2 PROVIDE TITUS MODEL DESV TERMINAL BOX OR OhioHealth INLET. BALANCE FOR 940 CFM. R1 PROVIDE TITUS MODEL 350RL REGISTER OR LOUVER. R2 A SECOND FLOOR 1/4 = 1' 0" DEMOLITION PLAN 0' 1' 2' 4' B PROVIDE TITUS MODEL 301RL REGISTER OR LOUVER. SECOND FLOOR 1/4 = 1' 0" NEW WORK PLAN 0' 1' 2' EP Lab #1 Renovation Riverside Methodist Hospital 3535 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Ohio 43214 4' Project Number: Original Issue Date: Revised Date: SCHEMATIC DESIGN DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ZONING SUBMISSION CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS RECORD/ AS-BUILT'S REVISION HISTORY NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A - - B - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - FLOOR PLAN HVAC WORK Ed Keener Jesse Whitehead H-101 The work contained within these instruments of service is the property of Andrews Architects, Inc. and is protected by U.S. Copyright Law. These drawings may not be modified, duplicated, sold or otherwise distributed except that these drawings may be used solely by the owner or contractors of the indicated project for the purpose of constructing the indicated project. No party may create derivative work based on information provided within these drawings in whole or in part. Any reproductions or modifications without the express written consent of Andrews Architects, Inc. is strictly prohibited. Final Site Preparation Support Document www.healthcare.philips.com B 12/11/2013 AL, A1, S2: Added Berchtold ceiling booms HN C 12/19/2013 A1/S1/S2/E1/E2: Revised room layout per updated CAD background. CP Section A - Equipment Plan General Notes ----------------------------------------- AN Equipment Legend ------------------------------------ AL Equipment Plan ---------------------------------------- A1 Transport Details ------------------------------------ AD1 Equipment Details -------------------------- AD2 - AD6 Section S - Support Plan Support Notes ------------------------------------------ SN Support Legend ---------------------------------------- SL Support Plan - Floor & Wall ------------------------- S1 Support Plan - Ceiling -------------------------------- S2 Support Details ------------------------------ SD1 - SD4 Drawn By: Christy Perez HN Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Created final site preparation support document Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 10/09/2013 Allura FD10 Ceiling A Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 By Date Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Revision Descriptions Rev. Project Table of Contents N-EAS131715 C Revision History Note for Architects and/or Contractors: If revisions are listed, these drawings must be thoroughly reviewed so that all changes can be incorporated into your project Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 The equipment components shown in this drawing package are based on the current proposed purchase and are subject to change if modifications are made to the configuration. Electrical Notes ---------------------------------------- EN Electrical Legend -------------------------------------- EL Electrical Plan ------------------------------------------- E1 Raceway & Conduit Information ------------- E2 - E3 Electrical Details ---------------------------- ED1 - ED3 Remote Service Network --------------------- N1 - N2 Check List -------------------------------------------- CHK Project Details Drawing Number Section E - Electrical Plan C1 THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Healthcare HVAC Requirement for General Equipment Locations Minimum Site Preparation Requirements Equipment's designed airflow is from bottom to top and front to back. Please design the air handling in the rack cabinet equipment area accordingly. (12.0) 2. Doors and windows, especially radiation protection barriers, installed and finished with locksets operational. 3. All electrical convenience, conduit, raceway, knockouts, cable openings, chase nipples, and junction boxes installed and operational. Supply Configuration: 3 phase, 3 wire power and ground, delta (preferred) or wye 3 phase, 4 wire power with neutral + ground, wye (without gssPDU) All contractor supplied cables pulled and terminated. Nominal Line Voltage: 480 VAC, 60 Hz 8. A dust-free environment in and around the procedure room. Branch Power Requirement: Circuit Breaker: 225 KVA 3 pole, 125 Amps 9. All HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) installed and operational as per specifications. (12.0) 10. Architectural features such as computer floor, wood floor, casework, bulkheads, installed and finished. When technical cabinets are installed in a closet with doors, it is suggested that the customer install a temperature alarm in the event of an air conditional failure. Remote Control of Room Lighting The control of customer lighting must incorporate an electrical isolation system such as demonstrated on Sheet ED2. Lighting scheme is the responsibility of the customer. 6. Schedule The general contractor should provide Philips with a schedule of work to assist in the coordination of delivery of Philips supplied products which are to be installed by the contractor and delivery of the primary equipment. 13. Clear door openings for moving equipment into the building must be 42" (1067mm) W x 82" (2083mm) H min. 48" (1219mm) W x 82" (2083mm) H rec., Or larger contingent on an 8'-0" (2438mm) corridor width. 12. Philips does not install or connect developing tanks, automatic processors or associated equipment, built in illuminators, cassette pass boxes, loading benches and cabinets, lead protective screens, panels or lead glass window and frame. This is to be done by the customer/contractor. 14. Countertop is 30" (765mm) for seated height and 36" (915mm) for standing height. Note Once Philips has moved equipment into the suite and started the installation, the contractor shall schedule his work around the Philips installation team on site. It is suggested that a telephone be provided in the room to receive telephone calls. This would alleviate facility staff from answering calls for Philips personnel. Remote Service Diagnostics Medical imaging equipment to be installed by Philips Medical is equipped with a service diagnostic feature which allows for remote and on site service diagnostics. To establish this feature, a RJ45 type ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbit network connector must be installed as shown on plan. Access to customer's network via their remote access server is needed for Remote Service Network (RSN) connectivity. All cost with this feature are the responsibility of the customer. (12.0) (12.0) Project Details Drawing Number (12.0) Drawn By: Christy Perez 7. 11. All plumbing installed and finished. 8. Infection Control and Interim Life Safety Measures Compliance with all Infection Control and Interim Life Safety Measures shall be the sole responsibility of the customer. The customer shall provide all means and methods necessary for compliance with Infection Control (IC) and Interim Life Safety Measures (ILSM) in connection with the construction and installation/operation of the products shown herein and shall bear any expenses related to same. 100KW 6. All support structure correctly installed. All channels, pipes, beams and/or other supporting devices should be level, parallel, and free of lateral or longitudinal movements. 5. Labor In the event local labor conditions make it impossible or undesirable to use Philips' regular employees for such installation and connection, such work shall be performed by laborers supplied by the customer, or by an independent contractor chosen by the customer at the customer's expense, and in such case, Philips agrees to furnish adequate engineering supervision for proper completion of the installation. 7. Extended Installation or Turnkey Work by Philips Any room preparation requirements for Philips equipment indicated on these drawings is the responsibility of the customer. If an extended installation or turnkey contract exists between Philips and the customer for room preparation work required by the equipment represented on these drawings, some of the responsibilities of the customer as depicted in these drawings may be assumed by Philips. In the event of a conflict between the work described in the turnkey contract workscope and these drawings, the turnkey contract workscope shall govern. Power Output: AN THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. 120V convenience outlets operational. Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 5. Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Incoming mains power operational and connected to room x-ray breaker. Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 4. Electrical Requirements Velara with gssPDU Allura FD10 Ceiling 4. Asbestos and Other Toxic Substances Philips assumes no hazardous waste (i.e., PCB's in existing transformers) exists at the site. If any hazardous material is found, it shall be the sole responsibility of the customer to properly remove and dispose of this material at its expense. Any delays caused in the project for this special handling shall result in Philips time period for completion being extended by like period of time. Philips assumes that no asbestos material is involved in this project in any ceilings, walls or floors. If any asbestos material is found anywhere on the site, it shall be the customer's sole responsibility to properly remove and/or make safe this condition, at the customer's sole expense. 1. Walls to be painted or covered, baseboards installed, floors to be tiled and/or covered, ceiling shall have grid tiles and lighting fixtures installed and operational. 20% - 80% with 10% max. variation. Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 3. Radiation Protection The customer or his contractor, at his own expense, shall obtain the service of a licensed radiation physicist to specify radiation protection. (X-Ray Tube output 150 KVp max.) Heating, ventilation, air conditioning requirement for general equipment locations must maintain N-EAS131715 C 2. Permits Customer shall obtain all permits and licenses required by federal, state/provincial or local authorities in connection with the construction, installation and operation of the products and related rules, regulations, shall bear any expense in obtaining same or in complying with any ordinances and statutes. A smooth efficient installation is vital to Philips and their customers. Understanding what the minimum site preparation requirements are will help achieve this goal. The following list clearly defines the requirements which must be fulfilled before the installation can begin. Project 1. Responsibility The customer shall be solely responsible, at its expense for preparation of site, including any required structural alterations. The site preparation shall be in accordance with plans and specifications provided by Philips. Compliance with all safety electrical and building codes relevant to the equipment and its installation is the sole responsibility of customer. The customer shall advise Philips of conditions at or near the site which could adversely affect the carrying out of the installation work and shall ensure that such conditions are corrected and that the site is fully prepared and available to Philips before the installation work is due to begin. The customer shall provide all necessary plumbing, carpentry work, or conduit wiring required to attach and install products ready for use. Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel General Specifications Equipment Legend Furnished and installed by Philips Furnished by customer/contractor and installed by customer/contractor Installed by customer/contractor Furnished by Philips and installed by contractor Existing Future Optional item furnished by Philips A MG Velara Generator 40E Cabinet 510 2971 AD3 A MP Peripheral 40E Cabinet 510 2049 AD3 A MA Mains 40E Cabinet 826 5464 AD3 220 1250 AD3 D PDU gssPDU A MB Image 40E Cabinet 826 5464 AD5 A CY Viewing/Control 126 567 AD3 A DB Documentation Box - Mounted on Wheels (Final location to be coordinated with customer and/or local Philips Service) 176 0 AD4 A ATY Exam Room Auxiliary Box 7 1.7 AD4 603 1020 AD4 167 350 AD5 11 34 AD4 11 34 AD4 73 2424 AD5 1082 - AD6 A TV 56" LCD Monitor Suspension with Exam Lamp A MAV Mavig Ceiling Track w/ Radiation Shield A VB1 Video Connection Box ~ A VB9 Video Connection Box A EPN EP Navigator A EPB EP Power Boom (Including Accessories) A Berchtold Boom A - - - B B Berchtold Boom B - - - B C Berchtold Boom C - - - Project Details Drawing Number B Drawn By: Christy Perez 205 AD2 AL THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. 1693 Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 1195 AD2 Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com A MSA Angio Diagnost 7 with Pivot 2387 Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 Poly G Stand (Ceiling Version) Allura FD10 Ceiling SP Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 A Weight Heat Load (lbs) (btu/hr) N-EAS131715 C Description Detail Sheet Project Equipment Designation Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel A B C D E F G 1" 12'-24 4'-05 8" STORZ AV RACK 1'-6" PDU Equipment closet doors to be hung from ceiling mounted track, no floor tracks allowed A 3 ! 3 ! C VB6 VB7 VB8 VB9 Exact location to be coordinated by Customer and local Philips service. General Notes 1 ! * Counters and cabinetry shown to be supplied and installed by contractor. EPB * Local Philips Service to consult with customer for final placement of control desk components. 11'-0" 2 ! Planning Issues and Considerations 1 ! Relocate endstops on the Monitor Suspension to avoid collision with the EP Power Boom. [Maximum overhang = 5 7/8" (150mm)] 14'-3" 2 ! Patient loading may be difficult. Verify with customer requirement. 3 ! Third Party Items - It is the region's responsibility to interface and coordinate customer's non-catalog item(s) with Philips' equipment. Verify feasibility and ensure full functionality and movement of Poly G Stand and Monitor Suspension. THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Poly G / Table 3" 23'-416 Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Drawn By: Christy Perez VB5 Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com VB4 Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 VB3 5'-6" Allura FD10 Ceiling DB 2'-0" Recommended Minimum 2'-8" Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 2m N-EAS131715 C 1m Keyboard tray supplied and installed by customer Project 8' Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel .5m 4' Project Details Drawing Number 0 2' 11" 31'-616 1' AD7 Table Floor Plate 0 ! B 11" 31'-616 3 Required Ceiling Height: 9' - 6 16 ", +38" / -0 (2900mm, +10mm / -0) Ceiling Height measured from finished floor to bottom of Unistrut. 3 7'-6" Equipment Layout A1 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. 2'-0" High Wall THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Pallet Kick Wheels Wide Kick Wheels Small Height 57.09" (1450mm) 54.80" (1392mm) 49.25" (1251mm) 49.25" (1251mm) Weight 2033 lbs (922 kg) 1911 lbs (867 kg) 1764 lbs (800 kg) 1764 lbs (800 kg) [1100mm] [1100mm] [1653mm] Transport Possibilities Crate Pallet Klick Wheels Height 77.95" (1980mm) 75.59" (1920mm) 70.08" (1780mm) Weight 2028 lbs (920 kg) 1907 lbs (865 kg) 1764 lbs (800 kg) (12.0) Transport Possibilities AD1 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Drawn By: Christy Perez Crate Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 [923mm] Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com [1568mm] Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 [928mm] Allura FD10 Ceiling [1000mm] Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 Detail - Poly Diagnost G (C-ARM) Transport Details Project 5" 3'-016 [2918mm] 5'-13 4" N-EAS131715 C 1" 5'-516 9'-67 8" 9" 3'-016 Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel 5" 3'-716 [2918mm] 9'-67 8" [2990mm] 9'-93 4" [3000mm] 1" 9'-108 3'-33 8" Project Details Drawing Number 5" 3'-716 [2357mm] 7'-83 4" [2500mm] 7" 8'-216 [2500mm] 7" 8'-216 Detail - Poly Diagnost G Ceiling (L-ARM) Transport Details Side SP [19mm] Min. 3" 4 THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Floor Plate 1" 8'-68 3" 1'-1116 [2594mm] [588mm] 11" 5'-1016 [1795mm] Weight Heat Dissipation 2387 lbs 1195 btu/hr Front Poly G Stand (Ceiling Version) MSA [290mm] Table Pivot is optional. This allows the table to rotate -90, +180 degrees about center of table base. (12.0) Angio Diagnost 7 (12.0) Weight Heat Dissipation 1693 lbs 205 btu/hr 9" 12'-916 [990mm] AD2 3.15.13 1" 1'-716 [484mm] [484mm] THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Allura FD10 Ceiling Indicates equipment movement Drawn By: Christy Perez Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com [290mm] Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 7" 1116 Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 7" 1116 Project [1350mm] N-EAS131715 C [650mm] Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel 1" 4'-58 Project Details Drawing Number 9" 2'-116 [117mm] 45 8" Top [2900mm, +10mm / -0] Required ceiling height [650mm] 3 ", +3/8" / -0 9'-616 [3900mm] Maximum Travel Max. 9" 2'-116 3'-3" 1" 1'-716 [1795mm] [1072mm] Hose Arm and Outlet on opposite side (Optional) 3" 3'-616 Parked position limited 300mm for shorter rooms 1'-0" [2330mm] [305mm] [990mm] 1'-0" 7'-73 4" [305mm] [1900mm] 6'-213 16" 3'-3" [792mm] 3" 2'-716 [1065mm] 3'-515 16" Minimum clearance required for installation of carriage into rails (either side) Hose Outlet Optional Table Pivot (-90, +180 degrees) 11" 5'-1016 [276mm] [520mm] 1'-0" [305mm] [260mm] 103 4" [273mm] 6" Top Front 11" 1'-716 [500mm] Acoustic noise level: without UPS: <= 45 dB(A) in any 1 meter (3.28') direction with UPS: <= 52 dB(A) in any 1 meter (3.28') direction 220 lbs 1250 btu/hr CRC Cover Front Side Side Top Top 1'-95 8" 67 8" 1" 1'-82 1'-95 8" 67 8" 1" 1'-82 [550mm] [175mm] [520mm] [550mm] [175mm] [520mm] Keyboard / Mouse LCD Monitor Side 126 lbs 567 btu/hr THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Side The CRC Cover must be attached to the 40E rack only, not to the wall. Acoustic noise level: <= 65 dB(A) @ 1 meter in front of the rack and 1 meter high (1 meter = 39.37") Acoustic noise level: <= 55 dB(A) @ 1 meter in front of the rack and 1 meter high (1 meter = 39.37") (12.0) Heat Dissipation Front The CRC Cover must be attached to the 40E rack only, not to the wall. (12.0) View/Control (All Components) Weight [1955mm] 6'-415 16" Front Front Side Connection Box (See SD3 for mounting options) CRC Cover [1955mm] 6'-415 16" [548mm] 9" 1'-916 [800mm] [143mm] Top 1" 2'-72 55 8" CRC Cover (12.0) Peripheral 40E Cabinet MP Weight Heat Dissipation 510 lbs 2049 btu/hr Velara Generator 40E Cabinet MG Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com [60mm] [35mm] 5" 1'-716 13 8" 23 8" Weight Heat Dissipation 510 lbs 2971 btu/hr Drawn By: Christy Perez Heat Dissipation Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 5464 btu/hr Weight Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 826 lbs PDU N-EAS131715 C Heat Dissipation Project [100mm] Weight Allura FD10 Ceiling gssPDU Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 (13.0) (12.0) Mains 40E Cabinet MA [490mm] CY Side Top [425mm] Front Back CRC Cover [485mm] 1" 1'-78 1'-43 4" [213mm] 83 8" [189mm] Top 2'-0" [610mm] Front The CRC Cover must be attached to the 40E rack only, not to the wall. Imaging Cardio T.S.O. (Optional) Review Module 2.50" dia. knockout plug (2x) Side Acoustic noise level: <= 55 dB(A) @ 1 meter in front of the rack and 1 meter high (1 meter = 39.37") Side 1'-85 8" [524mm] .87" dia. knockout plug Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Front [153mm] Project Details Drawing Number Side 315 16" Front 6" [153mm] [690mm] 3" 2'-316 [547mm] [260mm] [302mm] 7" 716 7" 416 1" 104 9" 1'-916 CRC Cover 6'-415 16" [178mm] 7" Top [98mm] 37 8" Top 117 8" Side Geometry T.S.O. (Optional) [1955mm] Front [112mm] Side XPER Module [250mm] 913 16" Front Service Clearance AD3 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. [160mm] 1'-81" 2 3'-0" 107 8" Seismic fixation shall be fixed maintaining functional isolation to building steel. This can be verified with a Megger or Ohm meter. The test voltage shall not exceed 500V. The minimum isolation impedance shall be >5MOhm at 0Hz, >100kOhm at 60Hz and >10kOhm at 1kHz. [915mm] [550mm] 5" 616 [524mm] [126mm] 1" 104 1'-95 8" Top 1'-85 8" [178mm] 415 16" 7" [125mm] Top [178mm] [313mm] [231mm] 1" 98 5" 1'-016 415 16" 7" [231mm] 1" 98 Top CRC Cover CRC Extension VB1 ~ VB8 Weight Heat Dissipation 176 lbs 0 btu/hr 7" 916 1" 92 [240mm] [242mm] Front Side Weight Heat Dissipation 11 lbs 34 btu/hr THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Top 5" 5'-016 Video Connection Box TV Front (12.0) [1531mm] Side (13.0) 56" LCD Monitor Suspension (12.0) Weight Heat Dissipation 603 lbs 1020 btu/hr Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Allura FD10 Ceiling Bearing Forces: (Tension) Tmax = 661 lbs/support (Shear) Vmax = 150 lbs/support [335mm] AD4 3.15.13 [1875mm] THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Drawn By: Christy Perez Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Documentation Box Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 For swing labs, 2700mm long ceiling rails are delivered. Maximum longitudinal column travel = 2100mm. Weight shown is total weight including monitors, suspension, cabling, and options. Project [2765mm] Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 [3900mm] N-EAS131715 C [3510mm] 9'-07 8" Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel 9" 12'-916 Project Details Drawing Number 3" 11'-616 [2014mm] Side Top [1694mm] 3" 1'-116 11" 5'-616 [550mm] [130mm] 1'-95 8" 6'-113 16" 1.7 btu/hr 1" 58 7 lbs [250mm] 913 16" Heat Dissipation 5" 6'-716 DB Weight Recommended viewing height from floor. [195mm] [1588mm] 1" 5'-22 Front [55mm] Front 3" 216 Top [335mm] ATY 3" 1'-116 [285mm] 1" 114 [65mm] 9" 216 Top [1120mm] 1" 3'-816 [1220mm] 4'-0" 11" 716 6'-43 4" [1950mm] Side Auxiliary Box (12.0) Examination Light (Optional) CRC Cover Top 1'-95 8" 67 8" 1" 1'-82 [550mm] [175mm] [520mm] 7" 8'-216 Front [2500mm] Detail - Cross Support (Not to scale) 1" 2'-72 [800mm] Max. Two, 1 2" Side The CRC Cover must be attached to the 40E rack only, not to the wall. Acoustic noise level: <= 48 dB(A) @ 1 meter in front of the rack and 1 meter high (1 meter = 39.37") (12mm) Dia. holes 826 lbs 5464 btu/hr 19" (480mm) Flat Panel Monitor [66mm] Side [50mm] 25 8" 115 16" 1" 42 [170mm] Top [115mm] CPU Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Side Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 Front Front Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 Side 11" 616 [83mm] 1" 34 Front N-EAS131715 C [336mm] Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel 1" 1'-14 [442mm] 1'-53 8" [516mm] [425mm] Top [750mm] 1" 1'-816 [510mm] 1'-43 4" 5" 1'-816 [336mm] Top 1'-67 8" 77" 16 1" 1'-14 [402mm] 1'-313 16" 2'-1113 16" [910mm] [2190mm] Maximum Travel 1" 2'-52 [189mm] 1" 7'-24 [479mm] Top Project Bearing Forces: (Tension) Tmax = 908 lbs/support (Shear) Vmax = 38 lbs/support 1'-6" [457mm] Note: For Integris Systems, the post of the Rad Shield post needs to be mounted on the head-end of the table in relation to the Monitor Suspension transverse carriage. Front Side Keyboard / Mouse Weight shown is for all components. (12.0) (12.0) EP Navigator Mavig Ceiling Track MAV C4 Weight Heat Dissipation 167 lbs 350 btu/hr THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. EPN Weight Heat Dissipation 73 lbs 2424 btu/hr Drawn By: Christy Perez Heat Dissipation Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Weight Allura FD10 Ceiling MB Project Details Drawing Number 1" 716 [180mm] Radiation Shield [336mm] Cross Support 1" 1'-14 (12.0) Image 40E Cabinet AD5 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. [1955mm] 6'-415 16" CRC Cover 1" 2'-72 [800mm] 1'-615 16" [481mm] [261mm] Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com MED-Gas 1. The EP Boom comes with option MED-Gas outlets for customer convenience. Connection and interfacing of the MED-Gas to the EP Power Boom is the customer/contractor's responsibility. 2. Outlet types must be selected by Sales during quoting phase from one of the following: Chemetron, DISS, Ohmeda, Puritan Bennett, No gas fitting. 3. All changes must be processed prior to start of system production. Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 Project [718mm] Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 Side N-EAS131715 C [540mm] Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Front 1" 2'-44 [361mm] 1" 1'-94 1" 1'-24 [600mm] [40mm] 9" 116 1'-115 8" 1" 104 [800mm] Project Details Drawing Number [2230mm] 7'-313 16" 1" 2'-72 Boom Brakes Compressed Air / Nitrogen (minimum 72.5 PSI, maximum 116 PSI @ 2.6 CFM) is needed to activate the brakes for the EP Power Boom. Connect to the 0.31" (8mm) copper inlet at EP Power Boom interface plate. Delivery in Crate 110" (2800mm) L x 31.5" (800mm) W x 55" (1400mm) H - Weight = 68 lbs (30.8 kg). Weight shown is for all components. (12.0) EP Power Boom EPB C5 Weight Heat Dissipation 1082 lbs - btu/hr THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Drawn By: Christy Perez [700mm] Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 9" 2'-316 Allura FD10 Ceiling 57" 8 [150mm] [700mm] [324mm] 1" 1'-118 9" 2'-316 1'-03 4" MED-Gas (if ordered) - Oxygen, Vacuum, Nitrous Oxide Equipment Grounding (Qty 6) Network Drops (Qty 2) [588mm] Top AD6 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. R7'-93 4" [R2382mm] Shelf height variable at installation. Weight 110 lbs (50 kg) per shelf. 110V Hospital Power Outlets (Qty 4*) 110V Emergency Power Outlets (Qty 4*) 3rd Party Equipment (powered by Hospital Equipment Support Information 1. General The customer shall be solely responsible, at its expense, for preparation of the site, including any required structural alterations. The site preparation shall be in accordance with this plan and specifications, the architectural/construction drawings and in compliance with all safety and building codes. The customer shall be solely responsible for obtaining all construction permits from jurisdictional authority. 2. Equipment Anchorage Philips provides, with this plan and specifications, information relative to equipment size, weight, shape, anchoring hole locations and forces which may be exerted on anchoring fasteners. The customer shall be solely responsible, through the engineer of record for the building, to provide on the architectural/construction drawings, information regarding the approved method of equipment anchoring to floors, wall and/or ceiling of the building. Any anchorage test required by local authority shall be the customer's responsibility. Stud type anchor bolts should not be specified as they hinder equipment removal for service. Consult with Philips service prior to specifying anchor methods. 4. Ceiling Support Apparatus a. Philips provides, with this plan and specifications, information relative to size, weight and shape of ceiling supported equipment. The customer shall be solely responsible, through the engineer of record for the building, to provide on the architectural/construction drawings, information regarding the approved method of structural support apparatus, fasteners and anchorage to which Philips will attach equipment. Any anchorage and/or load test required by local authority shall be the customer's responsibility. 8. Floor Obstructions/ Floor Coverings There shall be no obstructions on the floor (sliding door tracks, etc.) in front of the Philips technical cabinets. Floor must be clear to allow cabinets to be pulled away from the wall for service. Contractor to verify with Philips the preferred floor covering installation method. 9. Safety Factors In a worst case situation the dynamic bolt force of a floor or ceiling must be multiplied by factor 4. (static bolt force of the ceiling must be multiplied by factor 8). All safety factors are included in the bearing force values in sheet SD1. Project Details Drawing Number 10. Stiffness Requirements of Ceiling Stiffness: 10,000,000 Newton/meter - 57.1 klb/in Stiffness: 20,000,000 Newtonmeter/Rad - (177,014 klb in)/Rad The maximum deflection on the Philips rails must not exceed 0.04" (1mm) caused by the static load (weight) of the ceiling stand 11. Vibration The maximal allowed external frequency that will not destroy the image quality of our equipment is: a. b. 0 Hz till 20 Hz (frequency area of our equipment) - Displacement amplitude is smaller than 0.005mm Greater than 20 Hz - Displacement amplitude is smaller than 0.01mm (13.0) THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Drawn By: Christy Perez 7. Seismic Anchorage (For Seismic Zones Only) All seismic anchorage hardware, including brackets, backing plates, bolts, etc., shall be supplied and installed by the customer/contractor unless otherwise specified within the support legend on this sheet. Installation of electronic cabinets to meet seismic anchorage requirements must be accomplished using flush mounted expansion type anchor/bolt systems to facilitate the removal of a cabinet for maintenance. Do not use threaded rod/adhesive anchor systems. Consult with Philips regarding any anchor system issues. Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com 6. Ceiling Obstructions There shall be no obstructions that project below the finished ceiling in the area covered by ceiling suspended equipment travel. Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 5. Lighting Lighting fixtures shall be placed in such a position that they are not obscured by equipment or its movement, nor shall they interfere with Philips ceiling rails and equipment movement or otherwise adversely affect the equipment. Such lighting fixture locations shall be the sole responsibility of the customer. Project Fasteners/anchors (i.e., bolts, spring nuts, lock and flat washers) and strip closures shall be provided by the customer. Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel e. Allura FD10 Ceiling d. Any drilling and/or tapping of holes required to attach Philips equipment to the structural support apparatus shall be the responsibility of the customer. Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 c. The structural support apparatus surface to which Philips equipment is to be attached, shall have horizontal equipment attachment 1 surfaces parallel, square and level to within plus or minus 16 " (2mm) per entire span. Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Contractor to clearly mark Philips equipment longitudinal centerline on bottom of each structural support. N-EAS131715 C b. SN 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. 3. Floor Loading and Surface Philips provides, with this plan and specifications, information relative to size, weight and shape of floor mounted equipment. The customer shall be solely responsible, through the engineer of record for the building, to provide on the architectural/construction drawings confirmation of the structural adequacy of the floor upon which the equipment will be placed. Any load test required by local authority, shall be the customer's responsibility. 1 The floor surface upon which Philips equipment is to be placed/anchored shall be flat and level to within plus or minus 16 " (2mm) over a length of 39" (1m). Floor & Wall Support Legend See S1 for Floor & Wall Support Layout Furnished and installed/anchored by Philips (exceptions may exist, see Note 2) Furnished and installed by customer/contractor and installed/anchored by customer/contractor Installed/anchored by customer/contractor Furnished by Philips and installed/anchored by contractor Existing Future Optional Item Number Detail Sheet Support in wall for Control Room Connection Box (CY) SD3 A F2 Anchors in wall for Control Room Connection Box (CY) SD3 Ceiling Support Legend Furnished and installed by Philips Furnished by customer/contractor and installed by customer/contractor Installed by customer/contractor Furnished by Philips and installed by contractor Existing Future Optional Item Number Detail Sheet Description C1 2 - Philips Poly G Rails A C2 2 - Philips Monitor Equipment Rails SD1 SD2 SD2 B C3 Unistrut (P1001 or equal) - Bottom of Unistrut 41" (6mm) Below Finished Ceiling SD2 A C4 Mavig Ceiling Track AD5 D C5 EP Power Boom Ceiling Plate SD4 B C6 Additional Opening on Finished Ceiling - Required for Installation of the Boom (to be covered after EP Power Boom is installed) SD4 Project Details Drawing Number A Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel A B C D E F G Project See S2 for Ceiling Support Layout Drawn By: Christy Perez F2 SL THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. B Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com SD1 Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 AD7 Universal Floor Plate Allura FD10 Ceiling F1 Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 D Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Description N-EAS131715 C Notes: 1. Anchors for items that are installed/anchored by customer/contractor shall be provided by customer/contractor. 2. Anchors for items that are installed/anchored by Philips shall be provided by Philips. If customer's engineering documents specify anchors other than those listed in this document, the anchors shall be provided by customer/contractor and installed by Philips. 3. In all instances, the wall and/or floor support are the sole responsibility of the customer/contractor. The customer's architect/engineer of record shall specify wall and/or floor support sufficient for the bolt forces shown on the details. A B C D E F G Poly G / Table Refer to Floor/Wall Support Legend Sheet SL THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. 8' 2m S1 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Allura FD10 Ceiling 3 Required Ceiling Height: 9' - 6 16 ", +38" / -0 (2900mm, +10mm / -0) Ceiling Height measured from finished floor to bottom of Unistrut. Drawn By: Christy Perez Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com 14'-3" Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 1m Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 .5m 4' N-EAS131715 C 2' Project 0 1' Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel AD7 Table Floor Plate 0 Project Details Drawing Number 11'-0" Floor & Wall Support Layout 13'-1" THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. 3'-5 9 " 16 C5 C6 1" 2'-84 5'-0" 14'-3" Poly G / Table Refer to Ceiling Support Legend Sheet SL Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 S2 3.15.13 Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Allura FD10 Ceiling Project 2'-2" 2'-2" THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Drawn By: Christy Perez Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 5'-0" N-EAS131715 C Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel AD7 Table Floor Plate 2'-2" 6'-6" 1" 7'-102 2'-2" 2'-07" 8 2'-2" 57 8" 7'-6" Project Details Drawing Number 11'-0" 2m 2'-2" 1m 8' 7'-213 16" 1'-2" 11" 316 1'-65" 1'-65" 8 8 3'-2" .5m 4' 57 8" 2' 215" 16 215 16" 0 1' 11" 516 5" 3'-716 0 1" 4'-102 3 Required Ceiling Height: 9' - 6 16 ", +38" / -0 (2900mm, +10mm / -0) Ceiling Height measured from finished floor to bottom of Unistrut. 7'-11" Ceiling Support Layout 1" 14'-102 4'-6" Detail - Structural Allura FD10 (Ceiling) Detail - AD7 Table, Fixed/Pivot Base - Clearance Area (Not Site Specific) (Not to scale) 27 8" [1497mm] [73mm] [595mm] [1200mm] [697mm] 7" 2'-316 AD7 Universal Floor Plate [150mm] Max. 1'-13 4" 3" 1'-1116 [350mm] [588mm] 2'-2" 9" 12'-916 Floor Plate [660mm] Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Drawn By: Christy Perez Stand (Not to scale) Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com [38mm] Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 [450mm] 11" 1'-816 [150mm] 1" 12 11" 1'-516 Detail - Cable Hose Outlet 57 8" [170mm] 11" 616 [38mm] [525mm] 11" 1'-516 [450mm] 1" 12 [525mm] 11" 1'-816 Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 1. 1.18" (30mm) thick floor plate, flush mounted with top of slab. 1 2. Level within 16 " (1.5mm) across surface of plate. N-EAS131715 C Project (Not to scale) (12.0) Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Detail - AD7 Universal Floor Plate - Notes for Installation (Not to scale) Philips Flush Mounted Floor Plate Allura FD10 Ceiling [262mm] (12.0) Detail - Clip Rail Spacing 2'-113 8 [525mm] 5" 1016 Note: The bearing force shown for the Poly G is the maximum instantaneous equipment bearing load that can result from abusive use of the system. This force can occur at two locations simultaneously on the same Unistrut (or equal) rail. If seismic forces must be considered, please refer to the seismic calculation sheets provided by Philips for the specific system components. C1 11" 1'-816 AD7 Table Floor Plate to Floor Bolt Forces: (Tension) Tmax = 1950 lbs/bolt (Shear) Vmax = 776 lbs/bolt Project Details Drawing Number F1 1'-1015 16" Poly G Poly G Bearing Forces: (Tension) Tmax = 2639 lbs/support (Shear) Vmax = 561 lbs/support [582mm] [3900mm] 27" (685mm) maximum allowed distance between unistrut (seven unistrut required) Floor plate supplied by Philips / installed by Customer. Counterbored holes are sized for 21" (12mm) anchors per Seismic requirements. Six mounting holes, M6 1" 42 1" 42 [115mm] [115mm] Four holes, 0.74" (19mm) dia. Counterbored 1.57" (40mm) dia. x 0.83" (21mm) deep 57 8" [248mm] 11" 616 [170mm] Floor plate mounting to the building: In case threaded rods are used and the nut protrudes above the floor plate surface, DO NOT GRIND DOWN THE NUT, but follow the procedure stated below to ensure the nut is flush with the floor plate surface. [25mm] [25mm] 1" 93 4" 1" [138mm] 7" 516 [150mm] Offset border of floor covering (Vinyl) by 0.16" (4mm) outwards. Follow outline of raised portion of floor plate. F1 (12.0) 1. 2. 3. 4. Use Jam nuts M16 (h=8.0mm) or (h=9.5mm) Use only 1 washer. Use loctite 243 instead of a lock washer. Use fastening torque wrench between 40 and 50 Nm. THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. (12.0) SD1 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. 1'-2" 2'-2" 2'-2" 2'-2" 2'-2" 2'-2" [355mm] [660mm] [660mm] [660mm] [660mm] [660mm] 57 8" [10mm] [93mm] 1" 3'-114 Floor Plate (Scribe Mark) 3" 8 11" 316 7" 1'-1116 [1900mm] 4'-1015 16" [945mm] 3" 3'-116 6'-213 16" Hose Outlet Detail - Clip Rail Cross-Section Detail - Restricted Ceiling Area for Objects that Project Below Finished Ceiling (Not to scale) (Not site specific) Table Floor Plate 13'-3" [4039mm] 1" 64 Table 1" 6'-108 5'-27 8" [2086mm] [1597mm] 6'-3" [1905mm] Finished Ceiling Nothing shall be attached to the Unistrut with any fastener that protrudes into the Unistrut which would interfere with positioning of the fixing block. Fixing Block 1" 14 515 16" [32mm] [151mm] Fixing blocks for Philips ceiling rails (Clip rails) are designed to be installed in P1001 Unistrut. (12.0) Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 No objects that project more than 4.5" (115mm) below finished ceiling are allowed in this area (lights, smoke detectors, sprinkler heads, soffit, etc). [17mm] 5" 8 The inside of the Unistrut must be clear of obstructions (including paint). Unistrut elements must be rigid and comply with the ceiling structure requirements. See SN sheet, line #4 "Ceiling Support Apparatus". Welding Unistrut may warp Unistrut and deteriorate the structural integrity of the Unistrut. Consult the Structural Engineer of Record prior to welding any Unistrut. C1 C2 C3 (12.0) THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Drawn By: Christy Perez Finished ceiling must NOT be lower than the bottom of the Unistrut in order to prevent damage to the finished ceiling during the installation of clip rails. Finished ceiling height to be mounted 41" (6mm) above bottom of Unistrut. B SD2 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. [6mm] 1 4" P1001 (or equal) Unistrut No objects that project below finished ceiling are allowed in this area (lights, smoke detectors, sprinkler heads, etc). Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Philips does not specify the overhead equipment support structure. Unistrut (or equal) may or may not be used. If Unistrut are used, it is up to Unistrut and the structural engineer for the project to determine which of it's products are appropriate for each project. A Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 (Not to scale) Allura FD10 Ceiling Detail - Fixing Block for Philips Ceiling Rails (Clip Rails) Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 B N-EAS131715 C Clip Rail A Project 5'-0" Cover [1524mm] 315 16" Self-locking Bolt, M10x40 [100mm] A Clip Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Fixing Block Project Details Drawing Number [72mm] Stand/Table See S2 Sheet 6'-3" See S2 Sheet [1905mm] [101mm] 27 8" 5'-0" [151mm] 4" [1524mm] [159mm] 515 16" Detail - Wall Connection Box - Hole Pattern for Mounting (Not to scale) Pre-Evaluated and -Approved Anchor Reference List for Philips Installers Anchors for items that are installed/anchored by customer/contractor shall be provided by customer/contractor. Anchors for items that are installed/anchored by Philips shall be provided by Philips. If customer's engineering documents specify anchors other than those listed below, the anchors shall be provided by customer/contractor and installed by Philips. In all instances, the wall and/or floor support are the sole responsibility of the customer/contractor. The customer's architect/engineer of record shall specify wall and/or floor support sufficient for the bolt forces shown on the details. [120mm] [53mm] A Bolts, flat washer, lock washer, spring nuts A (provided & installed by customer/contractor) A307 Grade or ASME Grade 5 Bolts: 38" (10mm) x 2" (50mm) L Spring Nuts: 38" (10mm) 8 Unistrut Round Phillips Head Self Drilling Screws #10-16 x 1 21" (38mm) L 3 Drywall with minimum 20 gauge Steel backing B SPAX Multipurpose flat head screw #10 x 1 21" (38mm) L 3 Drywall with minimum 20 gauge Steel backing C Toggler Snaptoggle and (round head screws) #BA and (#10-24 x 2 21" (63.5mm) L) 87 8" Minimum 3 5 8" (16mm) Drywall [226mm] (13.0) (12.0) F2 (13.0) THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. [838mm] [30mm] Project [550mm] 1'-95 8" [590mm] [630mm] 1" 1'-114 Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com [50mm] Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 [250mm] Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 [760mm] N-EAS131715 C 115 16" Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel [548mm] 5" 1'-05 8" [50mm] Connection Box wall mounted under counter (Preferred) 913 16" [127mm] [320mm] 3" 2'-116 [640mm] [800mm] 2'-9" 115 16" 2'-515 16" Min. gap between wall raceway for Connection Box (13.0) Wall Raceway 6" Wall Raceway 1" 2'-72 When the extruded plate is removed, use caution to protect cables against sharp edges 9" 1'-916 1'-1113 16" [605mm] 1" 2'-22 [673mm] Closing Cover (Only one closing cover included) Cable Outlet (Rear) (6mm) [50mm] Front Cover Connection Box [5mm] 2'-013 16" 1 4" 3 16" Project Details Drawing Number To be made locally [15mm] 3" 116 [8mm] (5mm) Top Connection Box on table (Optional) Side [700mm] [5mm] 3 16" 1" Front Bolt Forces: (Tension) Tmax = 14 lbs/bolt (Shear) Vmax = 25 lbs/bolt [3mm] 5 16" 9" 2'-316 [25mm] 115 16" [190mm] [36mm] 7" 116 [46mm] 113 16" [30mm] 1 8" [65mm] 9 16" [350mm] 1 72" 3" 116 Bracket to be made locally. 3 16" Front Side (13.0) [152mm] Cable Outlet (Rear) Cable Outlet (Bottom) Notes: Connection Box needs to be electrically isolated from building steel. Locate box within 6.5' (2m) of the review module and monitors. [380mm] 1'-13 4" Cable Outlet (Top) (Not to scale) [700mm] Connection Box Detail - Connection Box - Bracket Mount Option (Not to scale) 9" 2'-316 1'-215 16" Detail - Connection Box Support Frame Option 9" 216 (Not to scale) [110mm] Detail - Connection Box - Wall Mount Template (Not to scale) 5" 416 Detail - Connection Box - Cable Outlets Drawn By: Christy Perez (provided by Philips) Connection Box (13.0) SD3 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. (provided by Philips) Qty. Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Anchor Size Allura FD10 Ceiling Control Room Connection Box (IXR) [53mm] [181mm] Mavig Ceiling Track 1" 216 Support Size & Material Anchor Style Option 43 4" 1" 78 Equipment 1" 216 Detail - Calculation of Bolt/Tube Length from Ceiling Frame Power Boom Detail - Exploded Ceiling Frame Power Boom (Not to scale) (Not to scale) Calculation of Threaded Bolt Length: BL = H - 3.30" (84mm) Structural Ceiling / Support Calculation of Tube Length: TL = H - 6.85" (174mm) Re fer e To structural ceiling (4X) nc eL ine Ceiling plate Power Boom Note: Align ceiling plate power boom properly to structural ceiling Note: Cut threaded bolt and tube to desired length and make sure the distance between the interface plate and the false ceiling is 5.25" (134mm) due to ceiling cover. To fixing disk (6X) Lock washer (6X) apply loctite 243 & nut M16 (6X) Bottom fixing disk (6X) Threaded bolt M16 x 13" (330mm) (6X) (12.0) Spring washer (6X) & nut M16 (6X) apply loctite 243 Detail - EP Power Boom Ceiling Plate [640mm] 11" 1'-716 [70mm] [500mm] 13" 16 23 4" [20mm] (Not to scale) 3" 2'-116 0.78" (20mm) thick ceiling plate, mounted to the parent ceiling. [540mm] Two holes, 4.72" (120mm) dia. [500mm] 1" 1'-94 11" 1'-716 Four holes, 1.10" (30mm) dia. Re Ceiling plate mounting to the building: Use heavy load anchors (4X) (not supplied), recommended: 1. HILTI HST M20 x 170 30 2. HSL M16 25 bolts (pull force 3800 lbs (1724 kg)) 3. HSL-TZ M16 50 fer e nc eL ine Pull force per bolt: 3215 lbs (1458 kg) Bolts to be installed by customer/contractor. C5 57 8" 57 8" [150mm] [150mm] C5 (12.0) THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. (12.0) Drawn By: Christy Perez C5 C6 Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Washer (6X) apply loctite 243, spring washer (6X), & nut M16 (6X) Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 Finished Floor Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 Interface Plate N-EAS131715 C Project [660mm] Power Boom Arm (To be installed by Philips) Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel 2'-2" Project Details Drawing Number ** Additional opening on the false ceiling must be covered/re-finished after the boom is installed to leave a 26" (660mm) square opening. 82.68" (2100mm) Tube (6X) Delivered length 31.5" (800mm) Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 * For installation, an additional 31" (790mm) x 26" (660mm) opening is required on the opposite side of the EPB (See E1 Sheet) electrical box. Allura FD10 Ceiling [785mm] Threaded bolt M16 (6X) apply loctite 243 Delivered length 39.37" (1000mm) [710mm] 2'-315 16" False Ceiling ** 2'-7" SD4 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. 1" 54 [134mm] Recommended Ceiling Frame (to be installed by customer/contractor per engineer of record) Reference Line TL = Tube Length BL = Threaded Bolt Length NOTE: H = Distance between ceiling plate and lower edge of false ceiling, Min. 11.81" (300mm) Max. 39.36" (1000mm) False Ceiling * To be installed by customer/contractor per engineer of record. Emergency Power General Electrical Information 1. General The customer shall be solely responsible, at its expense, for preparation of the site, including any required electrical alterations. The site preparation shall be in accordance with this plan and specifications, the architectural/construction drawings and in compliance with all safety and electrical codes, the customer shall be solely responsible for obtaining all electrical permits from jurisdictional authority. Philips does not require equipment to be on emergency power. If the customer deems it necessary for the equipment to be supplied with emergency power, the following specifications must be applied: The gssPDU feeding an Allura Xper system will have an absolute peak surge current of <380A. To reduce the emergency power generator load demand, Philips equipment can be put into a lower power mode (5.5kVA fluoroscopy + 4kVA geometry) of operation by the connection of a potential free closure from the transfer switch. This potential free, normally open contact, has to be rated for 24VDC/100mA. For Philips cardio/vascular Allura equipment, the two wires from this contact have to be routed to the equipment area and connected to the System Coordinator cabinet (MA). (13.0) Electrical Requirement Notes for Systems with PDU 2. Materials and Labor The customer shall be solely responsible, at its expense, to provide and install all electrical ducts, boxes, conduit, cables, wires, fittings, bushing, etc., As separately specified herein. 3. Electrical Ducts and Boxes Electrical ducts and boxes shall be accessible and have removable covers. Floor ducts and boxes shall have watertight covers. Ducts shall be divided into as many as four separate channels by metal dividers, separately specified herein, to separate wiring and/or cables into groups as follows: Group A: incoming power wiring with associated protective earth wiring (PE). Group B: Output power wiring with associated protective earth wiring (PE). Group C: signal and/or data wiring and/or cables. Group D: X-Ray high-voltage cables, the use of 90 deg. ells is not acceptable. On ceiling duct and wall duct use 45 deg. bends at all corners. All intersecting points in duct to have cross over tunnels supplied and installed by contractor to maintain separation of cables. 4. Conduit Conduit point - to - point runs shall be as direct as possible. Empty conduit runs used for cables may require pull boxes located along the run. Consult with Philips. A pull wire or cord shall be installed in each conduit run. All conduits which enter duct prior to their termination point must maintain separation from other cables via use of dividers, cross over tunnels, or conduit supplied and installed by contractor from entrance into duct to exit from duct. Do not use flex conduit unless approved by Philips Service. 5. Conductors Electrical power distribution at the facility shall comply with: 6. Disconnecting Means A disconnecting means shall be provided as separately specified. Power Quality Guidelines 3. All pre - terminated, cut to length cables, will be supplied and installed by Philips. All cables to the breakers, will be supplied and installed by the contractor, subject to local arrangements. 1. Power supplied to medical imaging equipment must be separate from power feeds to air conditioning, elevators, outdoor lighting, and other frequently switched or motorized loads. Such loads can cause waveform distortion and voltage fluctuations that can hinder high quality imaging. 4. 2. Equipment that utilizes the facility power system to transmit control signals (especially clock systems) may interfere with medical imaging equipment, thus requiring special filtering. Provide and install 50mm diameter. Chase nipples between adjacent wall boxes. 3. The following devices provide a high impedance, nonlinear voltage source, which may affect image quality: 5. Electrical raceway shall be installed with removable covers. The raceway should be accessible for the entire length. In case of non - accessible floors, walls and ceilings, an adequate number of access hatches should be supplied to enable installation of cabling. Approved conduits may be substituted. All raceways will be designed in a manner that will not allow cables to fall out of the raceway when the covers are removed. In most cases, this will require above - ceiling raceway to be installed with the covers removable from the top. Raceway system as illustrated on this drawing are based upon length of furnished cables. Any changes in routing of raceway system could exceed maximum allowable length of furnished cables. Conduit or raceway above - ceiling must be kept as near to finished ceiling as possible. 4. Static UPS systems, Series filters, Power conditioners, and Voltage regulators. 6. Conduit sizes shall be verified by the architect, electrical engineer or contractor, in accordance with local or National Electrical Codes, whichever govern. 7. Convenience outlets are not illustrated. Their number and location are to be specified by the customer/architect. 5. Do not install such devices at the mains supply to medical imaging equipment without consulting Philips installation or service personnel. 6. Line impedance is the combined resistance and inductance of the electrical system and includes the impedance of the power source, the facility distribution system, and all phase conductors between the source and the imaging equipment. Philips publishes recommended conductor sizes based on equipment power requirements, acceptable voltage drops, and assumptions about the facility source impedance. The minimum conductor size is based on the total line impedance and NEC requirements. Unless impedance calculations are performed by an electrical engineer, the recommended values must be used. (13.0) 8. Electrical contractor shall install ground bond wires at conduit openings within wall boxes as required by national and local electrical codes. Ground bond wires and lugs shall be installed in such a way to prevent the inadvertent contact with the installed Philips equipment to maintain Philips isolated ground scheme and maintain patient safety. Install an insulated stranded ground wire per feeder/conductor size from the Main Disconnect (CB) to the ERB and from the ERB to the PDU wall box (per NEC clause 250.146(D)). 9. Philips equipment must be electrically isolated from conduits, raceways, ducts, etc. Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Drawn By: Christy Perez 2. The contractor shall supply & install all pull boxes, raceways, conduit runs, stainless steel covers, etc. Conduit/raceways must be free from burrs and sharp edges over its entire length. A Greenlee pull string/measuring tape (part no. 435, or equivalent) shall be provided with conduit runs. Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel 1. The contractor will supply & install all breakers, shunt trip and incoming power to the breakers. The exact location of the breakers and shunt trips will be determined by the architect or contractor. Project Details Drawing Number Electrical Notes ANSI / NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code Article 250 - Grounding Article 517 - Healthcare Facilities ANSI / NFPA 99 - Healthcare Facilities NEMA standard XR9 - Power Supply Guideline for X-ray Machines Project (12.0) Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com The Philips system uses an isolated ground scheme supplying only the Allura system per clause 250.96B of the NEC. The raceway from the X-ray breaker to the gssPDU shall be supplemented by an internal insulated equipment grounding conductor installed in accordance with clause 250.146(D) of the NEC. All conduits that attach to the gssPDU shall have insulated bushing at their connection to the gssPDU rear panel. Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 8. Dimmer Switches X-ray room lights should be provided with dimmer switches. Metal conduit shall not be used as the equipment ground conductor. Allura FD10 Ceiling Phase conductors to be size for instantaneous voltage drop per NEC 517 - 73 and Philips recommendations. 7. Warning Lights and Door Switches "X-ray on" warning lights and x-ray termination door switches should be provided at all entrances to x-ray rooms as required by code. Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 Voltage to be supplied is 3 phase, delta or wye. N-EAS131715 C Utilization voltages per ANSI C84.1 - 1982 range A. (13.0) EN THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. The transfer switch must be double actuator type with a minimum time delay of 400 milliseconds in both directions (utility to emergency - emergency to utility). This time is required to allow filters to dissipate their stored energy before a different mains voltage is applied. Russelectric type RMTD, Asco Series 7000 delayed transition transfer switch or equivalent is recommended. Electrical Legend Furnished and installed by Philips Furnished by customer/contractor and installed by customer/contractor Installed by customer/contractor Furnished by Philips and installed by contractor Existing Future Optional A B C D E F G Item Number Detail Sheet Local building steel (i.e. I-beam, rebar, raceway steel). (Not shown on plan) B B ERB PBK D MP Equi-Potential Reference Bar mounted in a 12" (305mm) W x 12" (305mm) H x 4" (105mm) D pull box with hinged cover, surface mounted to the bottom of "WR2" when possible. ED2 18" (460mm) W x 18" (460mm) H x 8" (205mm) D flanged-edge terminal wall box with removable screw-type cover plate, surface mounted 12" (305mm) above finished floor to bottom of box, provide (1) 1/2" (15mm) and (2) 2" (55mm) conduits through "PBK" cover plate to PDU cabinet (Conduits shall have insulated bushing where connected to the gssPDU panel. The conduits themselves shall be bonded to the raceway and building steel). ED1 MG 19 1" (490mm) W x 67" (1705mm) H x 4" (105mm) D flanged-edge terminal wall box, surface mounted 75" 4 MA (1905mm) A.F.F. to top of box. General contractor to cut top and/or bottom of box as required. ED2 B N1 B N2 B 120V/20A dedicated duplex outlet EPN (EP Navigator). B 120V/20A dedicated duplex outlet for each of the Video Connection Boxes. Verify electrical requirements for customer provided equipment. B B Grommet opening on "WR3". Approximate location shown is recommended and may be changed - verify WM relocation with local Philips Service. VB1 VB2 EPN CY MSA B 10" (255mm) W x 10" (255mm) L x 6" (155mm) D floor box, flush mounted with underside of AD7 Universal Floor Plate. B B SP 18" (460mm) W x 18" (460mm) L x 6" (155mm) D ceiling box, flush mounted with removable screw-type cover plate. Provide one 3" (80mm) diameter knockout. B TV 18" (460mm) W x 18" (460mm) L x 6" (155mm) D ceiling box, flush mounted with removable screw-type cover plate. Provide a 2 21" (65mm) round cutout (Two 2 21" (65mm) round cutouts are required for systems with two monitor carriages - verify with local Philips Service). B 10" (255mm) W x 4" (105mm) D wall raceway, surface mounted with removable screw-type cover plate. "WR1" is WR1 WR2 at finished floor. "WR2" is at 75" (1905mm) A.F.F. to bottom of raceway. ED3 10" (255mm) W x 4" (105mm) D wall raceway, surface mounted with removable screw-type cover plate. "WR3" is at finished floor. "WR3" may need to be cut at the location of the "CY" connection box. ED3 ED3 B WR3 B R1 10" (255mm) W x 4" (105mm) D riser duct with removable screw-type cover plate, surface mounted from wall raceway to wall box. B PHY Stub up point for physiological monitoring cables. Run conduit to customer's physiological console location. Contact manufacturer for power requirements, etc. B ATY Auxiliary Box - 6" (155mm) W x 6" (155mm) H x 4" (105mm) D wall box, flush mounted 70" (1780mm) A.F.F. to the bottom of the box with removable screw-type cover plate. Height and location shown are recommended and may be changed - verify height and relocation with local Philips Service. 4" (105mm) W x 4" (105mm) H x 4" (105mm) D pull box with removable screw-type cover plate, flush mounted. VB3 Exact height to be determined. Location shown is recommended and may be changed - verify relocation with VB4 local Philips Service. VB5 VB6 VB7 VB8 VB9 18" (460 mm) W x 18" (460 mm) L x 6" (150 mm) D ceiling box, flush mounted with removable screw-type cover EPB plate. Provide minimum 72.5 PSI to maximum 116 PST @ 2.6 CFM of compressed air for boom movement AIR control; connect to the 8mm inlet attached at the bottom of the EP Boom Interface Plate. 1 Provide (2) 120V/20A power supply for the EP Power Boom convenience and emergency outlets. Customer/contractor to install power to the EP Boom. See E1 - E3 sheets for conduit and raceway requirements. THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. N1 120V/20A dedicated duplex outlet for service in the equipment room. (Not shown on plan) B MB B S ED2 Drawn By: Christy Perez GE DS ED2 EL 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. B B Warning Light - Provide a surface or flush mounted light fixture above door to indicate when X-ray is on, if required by local code or physicist of record. See Sheet "ED2" diagram for connection details. (Not shown on plan) Door Switch - 120V/5A switch limited to open when door is open. Mount in upper corner on strike side of main entry door(s) (Cooper no. 1665 or equivalent), if required by local code or physicist of record. See Sheet "ED2" diagram for connection details. (Not shown on plan) RJ45 type Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbit network connector with access to customer's network. Locate within 10' (3050mm) of network card. Network fiber optic and Ethernet cabling, connectors, wall boxes, patch panels, etc. are the responsibility of the purchaser. Philips assumes no responsibility for procurement, installation, or maintenance of these components. RJ45 type Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbit network connector. Access to customer's network via their remote access server is needed for Remote Service Network (RSN) connectivity. Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Shunt Trip (emergency off) - Large mushroom-head button on remote control station with contacts to operate feature of "CB" (if required by local code or owner, and mandatory for VA and D.O.D installations). (Not shown on plan) WL Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com ST B Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 B ED1 Allura FD10 Ceiling 480V, 3 phase 125 AMP circuit breaker with shunt trip. Run power from breaker to "PBK", leaving an 8' (2440mm) tail at "PBK", and from "PBK" to "MG", leaving an 8' (2440mm) tail at each end. See Sheet "ED1" for power quality requirements. Location per local code or owner requirements. (Not shown on plan) Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 CB N-EAS131715 C B Description Project Description Detail Sheet Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Item Number Furnished and installed by Philips Furnished by customer/contractor and installed by customer/contractor Installed by customer/contractor Furnished by Philips and installed by contractor Existing Future Optional Project Details Drawing Number A B C D E F G Electrical Legend VB4 VB5 VB6 VB7 VB8 VB9 THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. 1 1'-115 8" EPB AIR 14'-3" Poly G / Table Refer to Electrical Legend - Sheet EL and Raceway/Conduit - Sheet E2-E3 6'-3" 8' Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 WM E1 3.15.13 6'-0" THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Drawn By: Christy Perez Electrical Layout Allura FD10 Ceiling Project AD7 Table Floor Plate 6'-3" Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Exact location to be coordinated by Customer and local Philips service. Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 WR3 Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 2m N-EAS131715 C 1m 10'-1" 2'-0" Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel .5m 4' 2'-0" Project Details Drawing Number 0 2' 2'-0" 11'-0" VB3 1' 2'-0" 1" 1016 3'-0" 1'-5" 4'-11" 55" 16 0 3'-7 5 " 16 3 Required Ceiling Height: 9' - 6 16 ", +38" / -0 (2900mm, +10mm / -0) Ceiling Height measured from finished floor to bottom of Unistrut. 3'-0" WR2 WR1 2'-7" PBK R1 Equipment Closet (Site Specific) 10" 12'-0" 1'-5" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-7" MA MP MG 10" 6'-3" MB 9'-6" ERB 10" Finished Floor EPN WM CY WR3 N1 5'-2" THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. N2 PHY 2'-2" * Countertop Height Guide: 30" (765mm) for standard seated height. 36" (915mm) for standard standing height. * Ensure that the wall junction boxes are mounted perpendicular to the floor. * Verify exact ceiling height of Equipment and Control Room Area. * Local Philips Service to consult with customer for final placement of control desk components. Project Details Drawing Number 2'-6" N1 x2 WR3 Note: The use of 90 degree ells is not acceptable. Use 45 degree bends at all raceway corners. For conduit runs, use the minimum bending radius specific to the conduit diameter. The use of crossover tunnels at all applicable locations is required. The above mentioned recommendations will help to ensure the integrity of the cables and fiber optic runs. Drawn By: Christy Perez VB1 VB2 Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com 3'-0" Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 3'-0" 8'-0" 10'-1" Allura FD10 Ceiling (Site Specific) Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Project Control Room Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 Finished Floor R1 N-EAS131715 C WR1 Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 PBK E2 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. WR2 Conduit Required Conduit Required General Notes B 3 B 4 C 5 6 CB CB PBK ST ERB GE C 7 ERB Room Outlets C 8 MA WL Per N.E.C. Per N.E.C. 1 P 1 2" - 2 P 2" - 1 P 2" 50' P 3 4" 1 From To A 31 MA WM 1 S 1" 82' See sheet ED1 for functional insulation requirements. C 32 TV WR3 2 S 1 21" - See sheet ED1 for functional insulation requirements. C 33 MSA WR3 2 S 1 21" - C 34 MSA PHY 1 S 2 21" - 1 S 2" 33' 50' G 35 Physio PHY Monitor Third Third Party Party Third Party ERB P 3 4" 6' 1 P 3 4" - 1 P 3 4" 55' 55' A 39 VB2 MB 41' A 40 VB3 MB 1 C 9 ATY DS 1 S 3 4" A 10 ATY MA 1 S 2 21" 75' 41.5' A 11 ATY TV 1 S 3 4" A 12 SP MG 1 H 2 21" See Sheet "ED2" for details. H.T. Cables. G 36 G 37 A 38 VB1 MB - - - - - G - - 1 S 1 21" 68' 1 S 1 1 2" 68' 1 S 1 21" 68' 1 2" 68' A 41 VB4 MB 1 S 1 A 42 VB5 MB 1 S 1 21" 68' 1 2" 68' A 13 SP MG 1 P 1" 41.5' A 43 VB6 MB 1 S 1 A 14 SP MG 1 S 1 21" 41.5' A 44 VB7 MB 1 S 1 21" 68' 1 2" 1 2" 68' A 15 SP MP 1 S 2 A 16 SP MP 1 P 1" 33' A 45 VB8 MB 1 S 1 33' A 46 VB9 MB 1 S 1 21" 68' 68' A 17 SP MP 2 C 2" 33' Cooling fluid hoses for tube. A 47 VB3 CY 1 S 1 2" A 18 SP MP 2 C 2 21" 33' Cooling fluid hoses for detector. A 48 VB4 CY 1 S 1 2" 68' 1 2" 36' A 49 VB5 CY 1 S 1 2" 68' 42' A 50 VB6 CY 1 S 1 2" 68' 68' A 19 SP MA 1 S 2 A 20 MSA MP 1 S 2 21" A 21 MSA MP 1 P 1" 42' A 51 VB7 CY 1 S 1 2" A 22 MSA MA 1 S 2 21" 42' A 52 VB8 CY 1 S 1 2" 68' 42' A 53 VB9 CY 1 S 1 2" 68' Special Requirements For optional equipment (IE. Physio Monitor/ Slave Monitor). For future options (Patient Monitoring). Verify with local Philips Service if med gas pedestal should be used. For future options (Patient Monitoring). Verify with local Philips Service if med gas pedestal should be used. Optional for remote location. For Injector, Medical Gas Pedestal, Patient Monitoring, Video Networking, etc. For Injector, Medical Gas Pedestal, Patient Monitoring, Video Networking, etc. A 23 MSA MA 1 P 3 4" A 24 TV MB 1 P 2" 52' G 54 EPB WR3 1 S 2 21" - For 3rd party equipment. A 25 TV MB 1 S 2 21" 52' G 55 EPB WR3 1 P 2 21" - For 3rd party equipment. A 26 TV MP 1 S 2" 54' G 56 WR1 WR3 1 P 2 21" - For 3rd party equipment to control room. A 27 TV CY 1 S 3 4" 65' G 57 WR1 WR3 1 S 2 21" - For 3rd party equipment to control room. A 28 CY MP 1 S 2" 50' A 29 CY MA 1 P 2" 55' A 58 EPN MP 1 S 1 21" 55' A 30 CY MA 1 S 2 21" 55' A 59 EPN TV 1 S 1" 45' THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. For Intercom. * Verify with 3rd party vendor for conduit and power requirements of the components placed in the EP Power Boom (EPB). 57 Drawn By: Christy Perez 2 P Run No. E3 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. B 1 Minimum Maximum Conduit Conduit Length Size Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 CB PDU PBK Cabinet PDU PBK Cabinet Cable Type (*) Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Power Panel Conduit Quantity Power (AC) Power (DC) Ground Signal High Tension Cooling Hose Air Supply Hose Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 1 Conduit Special Requirements * P D G S H C A Allura FD10 Ceiling To Minimum Maximum Conduit Conduit Length Size Conduit supplied/installed by contractor - Philips cables installed by Philips Conduit supplied/installed by contractor - Philips cables installed by contractor Conduits and cables supplied and installed by contractor Conduit existing - cables supplied and installed by Philips Conduit existing - cables supplied by Philips and installed by contractor Conduit existing - cables supplied and installed by contractor Optional equipment, verify with local Philips Service Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 From Cable Type (*) A B C D E F G Power (AC) Power (DC) Ground Signal High Tension Cooling Hose Air Supply Hose N-EAS131715 C Run No. Conduit Quantity * P D G S H C A All conduit runs must take most direct route point to point. All conduit runs must have a pull string. Project Conduit supplied/installed by contractor - Philips cables installed by Philips Conduit supplied/installed by contractor - Philips cables installed by contractor Conduits and cables supplied and installed by contractor Conduit existing - cables supplied and installed by Philips Conduit existing - cables supplied by Philips and installed by contractor Conduit existing - cables supplied and installed by contractor Optional equipment, verify with local Philips Service Conduit C 1. 2. Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel A B C D E F G C General Notes All conduit runs must take most direct route point to point. All conduit runs must have a pull string. Project Details Drawing Number 1. 2. Detail - gssPDU Mounting Power Quality Requirements Velara 100KW with gssPDU [500mm] 11" 1'-716 One 78" (25mm) and two 2 21" (65mm) knock outs. Use one 21" (15mm) and two 2" (55mm) nipples mounted through J-box "PBK" cover plate. Conduit nipple connections shall have insulation verified using a Megger measurement with test voltage <=500V. In practice, the measurement can be carried out with an Ohm meter as well since the insulation is classified as functional insulation, not as a means of protection. The minimum insulation impedance shall be >5MOhm at 0Hz, >100kOhm at 60Hz, and >10kOhm at 1kHz. 18" (460mm) x 18" (460mm) x 8" (200mm) J-box "PBK" 100KW 3 phase, 3 wire power and Protective Earth (PE), delta (preferred) or wye 3 phase, 4 wire power w/ Neutral + ground, wye (without gssPDU) Nominal Line Voltage: Line Voltage Variation: 480 VAC, 60 Hz RMS values with a measurement window of 1 week. At least 95% of all measured 10 Line Voltage Balance: Frequency Variation: 2% maximum of nominal voltage between phases Voltage Surges: To 110% of steady-state voltage 100 msecs. Maximum duration, 6 per hour max. Voltage Sags: To 90% of steady-state voltage 100 msecs. Maximum duration, 6 per hour max. Line Impulses: 1000 VPK above phase-neutral RMS absolute maximum. No more than 1 impulse per hour to exceed 500 VPK. Neutral-Ground Voltage: Neutral-Ground Impulses: 2.0 volts maximum RMS value No more than 1 per hour that exceeds 25 volts and 1 Mjoule High Frequency Noise: 3.0 volts steady-state maximum. Over 3.0 volts permitted for 100 msec. maximum, 1 per hour max. Grounded Conductor Impedance: 0.1 Ohms @ 60 hz. maximum gssPDU with J-box "PBK" flush or surface mounted behind unit. 305 A Max. Phase-phase impedance @ CB Panel < Shunt Trip Max. Load Voltage Drop @ CB Panel 18.2 V Percent Regulation at Maximum Load @ CB Panel 3.8% Mains "MA" Rack X-ray Generator #6 AWG Output Voltage gssPDU: Max Inst. Current @ PDU output: Max Phase-Phase Impedance: Max Load Voltage Drop: Percent Regulation at Max. Load: "MG" Local Building Steel 305 Amps < 24.4 V @ PDU output 6.4% @ PDU output Emergency Power Note: Conductors, destinations, and number of conduit runs from PDU to J-box "PBK" and from J-box to equipment will vary from system to system. Consult individual site plans for detailed conduit schedules. Diagram - gssPDU Electrical Interface THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. (13.0) CB (12.0) Drawn By: Christy Perez Inst. Current @ CB Panel Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Out (X-ray Generator) Mains "MA" Rack Allura FD10 Ceiling Input gssPDU Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 (Pass-through) 3 Phase & Ground Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 Pull box for Ground Busbar "ERB" C.B. 480VAC 95 ft (29m) 120 ft (36.6m) 151 ft (46m) 193 ft (58.8m) 226 ft (68.9m) 271 ft (82.6m) 365 ft (111.3m) N-EAS131715 C 18" (460mm) x 18" (460mm) x 8" (200mm) J-box "PBK" 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 KCM 300 KCM 400 KCM Project ** Conductor Size Chart: Recommended conductor sizes for 1% impedance of supply conductors to circuit breaker (CB). Based on Two 2" (55mm) chase nipples with fittings (each input and output) Provided by Customer / Electrical Contractor. Refer to gssPDU mounting detail above for functional insulation requirements. Facility Source ( If required by facility or local code 225 KVA 8 Amps. @ 3 mA, 110 KVP continuous 3 pole, 125 amperes 201 KVA (1000 mA @ 100 KVP) Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Branch Power: Max Stand by Current: Circuit Breaker: Maximum Instantaneous Power: Wiring and circuit sizes from source supply must meet Philips regulation requirements and must be determined by contractor to meet building conditions and local codes. 3 Phase, + PE (Protective Earth). **Size per conductor size chart Size per equipment power requirements Velara 100KW with gssPDU Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Branch Circuit and Wire Gauge Requirements (13.0) Project Details Drawing Number PBK ED1 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. For Seismic: Seismic fixation shall be fixed maintaining galvanic insulation to building steel. This can be verified with a Megger or Ohm meter. The test voltage shall not exceed 500V. The minimum insulation impedance shall be >5MOhm at 0Hz, >100kOhm at 60Hz, and >10kOhm at 1kHz. J-box "PBK", nipples and other mounting hardware must be supplied by customer as required. Power Output: Supply Configuration: Detail - Wall Box Mounting Detail - Equi-Potential Reference Bar Application 1" 22 1" 22 [64mm] [64mm] (Not to scale) (Not to scale) Invasive Procedures Size per conductors To gssPDU [139mm] 43 4" Wall Duct 1" 52 1'- 1 7 4" 9m m] [48 [120mm] From Circuit Breaker To be installed in 12" (305mm) x 12" (305mm) x 4" (105mm) cut-out box or equivalent. Terminal Box General contractor to cut bottom of box as required 73 4" Full size grommeted opening in top/bottom of wall duct, with grommet material applied to all edges for protection of cables. Test performed by GSSNA service require that these specifications are met by the GSSNA equipment. It is the facility's responsibility to ensure that these specifications are met by the wall outlet, facility structure, and other equipment not installed by GSSNA. Xray On Light Only used if customer chooses to have the room lights switched off when X-ray is on #10 Pan Screw Supplied by Contractor. Contractor to locate relay box in ceiling space away from Philips equipment. To room lights circuit n.c. Only used if customer chooses to have the room lights switched on and off with the system's room light's foot switch. n.c. Com Com n.o. n.o. #6 AWG green stranded wire Pass Through Lug Supplied by Contractor. To be located in ceiling space away from Philips equipment. Raceway N N Philips X105:2 "MA" Rack (NC) 110V Relay* F24 X2:2 MA Box MB Box 24V Relay 24V Relay Philips ATY box Supplied by Contractor. To be located in ceiling space away from Philips equipment. PBK X106:2 (NC) X106:1 (NO) X105:3 (P) 1A Door Switch MP Box 110V Relay* X105:1 (NO) X2:1 MG Box This allows for the use of a three way switch on the wall of the exam room for additional control of lights. X106:3 (P) Philips "MA" Rack F25 20 A Hospital supplied 24 VAC Philips "MA" Rack * The 110V relay should have heavy-duty contacts to handle the room lights current. All items shown (except Philips items) to be supplied by Customer / Contractor. Raceway (13.0) THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. WL DS Diagram - Typical Connection of X-Ray On Light, Door Switch, & Room Lights Drawn By: Christy Perez *ERB - Busbar Hospital supplied 110 VAC N HOT Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 * ERB to be placed at a reachable height. (Recommended location is above "PBK") Use when customer wishes to control some of the room lights using the "X-ray On" signal. Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com To room lights circuit (13.0) Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 Detail - Grounding (Not to scale / Not site specific) To Philips' equipment insulated from accidental earthing (i.e. Philips Hemo, patient monitoring) Allura FD10 Ceiling ERB To other 3rd party equipment and room outlets Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 (12.0) #6 AWG to metallic structure within patient vicinity and local building steel Equi-Potential Reference Bar (ERB) A) Equip-Potential Conductor Bar (ECB) B) Protective Conductor Bar (PCB) C) Philips Protective Conductor Bar (PPCB) N-EAS131715 C MB Conductor sizes #14 - #4 AWG Project 3. Furnished and installed by Customer / Contractor Purchase from local Ferraz Shawmut distributor, http://www.ferrazshawmutsales.com/index.htm Catalog #69143. 62000 - 69000 Series Blocks http://www.ferrazshawmutsales.com/pdfs/PDB-LARGE.pdf Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Finished Floor The GSSNA specified "Equi-Potential Reference Bar (ERB)" serves as a ground reference for GSSNA equipment. It may also serve as the "Reference Grounding Point" of the room as defined in NFPA 99-3.3.140 for non-Philips Healthcare equipment. PPCB Project Details Drawing Number 1. 2. PCB [82mm] 6'-3" [1905mm] 1" 34 ECB (12.0) ED2 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. [197mm] Wall Duct MG MP MA This equipment may be used for invasive procedures; therefore, the area to be installed is classified as critical care area per NFPA-99 and NFPA-70 (NEC). These documents specify maximum touch voltages and ground impedance in these areas. Detail - Cable Trough Divisions (Not to scale) Input Power +PE It is important that all cables are placed in the appropriate trough and at not given point do any cables from one division cross cables from another. Trough separation must be continuous from the beginning. Trough or ducts: steel with steel dividers grounded to building ground. Contractor to provide cable restraints in all troughs. (12.0) Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com N-EAS131715 C Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 Drawn By: Christy Perez Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Project Details Drawing Number Project WR1 WR2 WR3 R1 Signal, Data and Video (if not in conduit) Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 6. 7. High-Voltage Allura FD10 Ceiling 5. Output Power +PE ED3 THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Troughs or ducts must be separated by metal barriers into four sections: 1. Input Power wires and associated PE. 2. Output Power wires and associated PE. 3. High-Voltage wires to X-Ray stands. 4. Signal, data and video cables. Philips Healthcare Remote Services Network (RSN) Secure broadband connection required for Philips remote technical support, diagnostics, and applications assistance Broadband Site-to-Site Connectivity (Preferred) This connectivity method is designed for customers who prefer a connection from the RSN Data Center to the Health Care Facility (HCF) utilizing their existing VPN equipment. Connectivity Details: - A Site-to-Site connection from the RSN data center's Cisco router will be established to the HCF's VPN concentrator. - The VPN Tunnel will be an IPSEC, 3DES encrypted Tunnel using IKE as standard, but alternative standards are also available, such as AES, MD5, SHA, Security Association lifetime and Encryption Mode. - Every system that we will be servicing remotely will have a static NAT IP that we configure on the RSN Data center side. Healthcare Facility HCF VPN Concentrator Philips Router General Network Nuc Med Overview Philips Philips (Not site specific) PACS MR Option 2: Back End Connected to the HCF Firewall Connectivity Method This connectivity method is designed for customers who prefer a Philips RSN Router installed on site by setting up an IP-Based policy allowing access thru existing HCF Firewall to Philips equipment. General Network Overview (Not site specific) Philips Router Healthcare Facility Philips Nuc Med Philips PACS Philips MR c Philips X-Ray Hospital Network Internet Philips VPN or Site-to-Site VPN Philips CT Patient Monitoring Ultrasound Philips Router Healthcare Facility Philips Philips Philips PACS Nuc Med MR Firewalls Hospital Network Internet Philips VPN or Site-to-Site VPN Ultrasound Patient Monitoring Philips X-Ray Philips CT Action Required by Hospital: - Assign a fixed public IP Address from the ISP to be configured on the Philips router. This is the DOTTED link on the picture connected to the firewall. - Assign a Back end IP for the Philips router on the Hospital Network. - Complete appropriate Site Checklist. - Route traffic from within the hospital network with destination addresses to internal Philips router Ethernet interface. This is the DASHED line connected to the firewall. THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Philips MR c Hospital Network Internet Philips VPN or Site-to-Site VPN Ultrasound Patient Monitoring Philips X-Ray Philips CT Action Required by Hospital: - Assign a fixed public IP Address from the ISP to be configured on the Philips router. This is the DOTTED link on the picture connected to the firewall. - Assign a Back end IP for the Philips router on the Hospital Network. - Complete appropriate Site Checklist. - Route traffic from within the hospital network with destination addresses to internal Philips router Ethernet interface. This is the DASHED line connected to the firewall. - Configure and allow on the firewall on the DASHED line interface IPSec protocol communication by opening protocol 500, 50, 51, 47 and port 23 + TACACS. Traffic should be between external IP Address located on the Philips router and the RSN Data center IP address 192.68.48/24 and IP address AOSN TACAS. - Configure and allow on the firewall on the DASHED line interface access between the IP address allocated by the hospital to the Philips internal Ethernet router interface and the target modality IP address. (12.0) Drawn By: Christy Perez General Network Overview (Not site specific) Philips Nuc Med Philips PACS N1 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Option 1: Parallel to HCF Firewall Connectivity Method This connectivity method is designed for customers who prefer a Philips RSN Router installed on site utilizing all the security features provided and managed by Philips. Healthcare Facility Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Connectivity Details: - An RSN Cisco 1711 or 1712 router will be preconfigured and installed at the HCF by Philips in conjunction with the HCF IT representative. - The VPN Tunnel will be an IPSEC, 3DES encrypted Tunnel using IKE and will be established from the RSN-DC and terminated at the RSN Router on-site. - One to One NAT is used to limit access to Philips equipment only. - Router Config and IP auditing is enabled for Customer IT to view via website 24/7. - Dedicated DSL connections are also supported. General Network Overview (Not site specific) Philips Router Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 Broadband Router Installed at Health Care Facility This connectivity method is designed for customers who have a dedicated high speed connection for Philips equipment. Option 3: Router Installed Inside the HCF's DZM This connectivity method is designed for customers who prefer the RSN Router installed inside and existing, or new DMZ, allowing access to Philips equipment. Allura FD10 Ceiling Action Required by Hospital: - Review and approve connection details. - Complete appropriate Site Checklist. - Configure and allow Site-to-Site access prior to setting up connectivity depending on the access criteria that the HCF decides to implement (ex: Source IP filtering, destination IP filtering, NAT assignment, etc.). - Route traffic from within the hospital network with destination addresses to the designed IP provided by Philips. Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 Philips CT N-EAS131715 C Patient Monitoring Project Ultrasound Action Required by Hospital: - Assign a fixed public IP Address from the ISP to be configured on the Philips router. This is the DOTTED link on the picture connected to the firewall. - Assign a Back end IP for the Philips router on the Hospital Network. - Complete appropriate Site Checklist. - Route traffic from within the hospital network with destination addresses to internal Philips router Ethernet interface. This is the DASHED line connected to the firewall. - Configure and allow on the firewall on the DASHED line interface access between the IP address allocated by the hospital to the Philips internal Ethernet router interface and the target modality IP address. Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Shared VPN Philips X-Ray Project Details Drawing Number Hospital Network Internet Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 c NOTE: It is the customer's responsibility to coordinate with the local Philips Engineer to provide ALL required network information and install ALL required network cabling System Network Information &IMPORTANT drops according to Philips specifications PRIOR to the scheduled installation start date. Failure to do so may delay system installation and jeopardize the customer hand over date. ]yes [ Time Synchronization ]no Location 1 Location 2 Location3 Physical Location: Hostname: Physical Location: Server Name: MAC Address: Hostname: RIS IP Address MAC Address: Netmask: IP Address Hostname: Gateway: Netmask: IP Address: AE Title: Gateway: Port Number (5101): AE Title: AE Title: Max PDU Size: Port Number (3010): Physical Location: Remote Software Installation (RPS) Hostname: Enable Distribution: [ ] yes [ ] no MAC Address: Enable Installation: [ ] yes [ ] no IP Address Dicom Printer Location 1 Location 2 Location3 Location 4 Secure Node: [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] yes [ ] no PPSM IHE Compatible: Hostname: IP Address AE Title: IP for X-Ray Modality: Allura Xper: 20/21(ftp), 80(http), 443(https), 5900(vnc), 9903(fsf.net) Allura CV20: 20/21(ftp), 80(http), 4440(fsf) XtraVision: 20/21(ftp), 80(http), 443(https), 5660(ist/ice), 5900(vnc), 9905(lots) EP Navigator (R3): 20/21(ftp), 443(https), 5660(ist/ice), 9055(lots) EP Cockpit (R1.2): 20/21(ftp), 80(http), 443(https), 5900(vnc), 9903(fsf.net) Port Number : IP Sec [ ]yes [ ]no PACS Physical Location: Physical Location: Store/ Import 1 Hostname: MAC Address: Hostname: IP Address IP Address Netmask: AE Title: Gateway: Port Number : AE Title: PACS IP Sec [ ]yes [ ]no Physical Location: Hostname: MAC Address: IP Address Store/ Import 2 Store/ Export Query/ Retrieve Storage/ Commit CX50: Xper IM: View Forum Physical Location: Store/ Import 1 Port Number: View Forum [ ] yes [ ] no Time Synchronization AE Title XtraVision: EP Navigator [ ] yes [ ] no Certificate Name: Physical Location: AE Title for X-Ray Mod: [ ] yes [ ] no Encryption: Gateway: Port Number (3110): Port Number: Store/ Import 2 Store/ Export Query/ Retrieve Storage/ Commit Hospital Network M2M Server (PRS) Hostname: IP Address AE Title: Port Number : Audit Trail Proxy ePO Server (PRS) Scheme (https): IP Address ( Portnumber (443): Use Proxy Server: [ ] yes [ ] no Physical Location: Netmask: Hostname: Gateway: AE Title: Port Number: IP Address IP Address Port Number: AE Title: User Name: Port Number : Password: (13.0) THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. Drawn By: Christy Perez Netmask: 16384 or N2 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. ]no MPPS Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 ]yes [ WLM Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com IP Sec [ Basic Local RIS Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel XtraVision Physical Location: Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 Physical Location: IP Sec [ Allura FD10 Ceiling XperIM Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 ]no N-EAS131715 C ]yes [ Project IP Sec [ Project Details Drawing Number Allura Instructions Items Specific for the Cardio/Vascular Modality This form is to be used by Project Manager, Contractor and Service Engineer. Unistrut installed and level according to Philips specifications. Information is used to develop and determine site ready date. Floor plates installed and level according to Philips specifications. Items listed are go/no go items for delivery unless noted as delay only items. All cover plates have holes punched and nipples required and bushings installed. Items identified with *** as delayed items must be completed after hours or on weekend. These items cannot be accomplished while installation is in progress. Also, these items must be completed within two days of installation start or they may stop installation. Emergency power requirements installed according to Philips specifications. Building steel ground installed to ECB section of ERB. Site Readiness Checklist Modality: Non-Philips provided room electrical equipment grounds installed to PCB middle section of ERB. Conduit lengths measured according to Philips specifications. Note: Specifications is from source box to destination box ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ (not just conduit run length). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Site Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Location: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number Routing of ductwork and conduits must be installed according to Philips specifications. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Customer site preparation verified in general against the Philips final planning drawings. Walls finished including painting. Floors are tiled/covered finished. Flooring is covered with protective covering (scratch protection). Ceiling lights installed. Project Cable conduit and ductwork installed and clean. Position checked. Duct covers in place but not finally closed. HVAC environmental equipment installed and working according to Philips specifications. X-Ray warning lights installed ***. Dedicated phone line for modem use***. Email: michael.whelchel@philips.com Lead glass installed ***. Date Drawn: 12/19/2013 Quote: None Order: 6600193168.010000 Pre-move survey completed - Delivery route identified. Contact Number: (304) 625-1612 All pre-cabling identified on Philips drawings has been installed. N-EAS131715 C All network cabling, drops installed according to Philips specifications (including hardcopy cameras). Philips Contacts Project Manager: Michael Whelchel Electrical preparation according to Philips specifications. Project Details Drawing Number Ceiling installation completed. Drawn By: Christy Perez Cable opening are clear, without sharp edges. Pull strings in conduit. Installation per Philips specifications. Allura FD10 Ceiling Floor leveled according to Philips drawings and specifications. Riverside Methodist Columbus, OH Room: EP 1 - R23051 Doors installed. Room has been cleaned ***. Cabinets and casework installed (with insulation and building steel) according Philips specifications***. RSN survey completed and submitted Philips RSN Champion contacted. Approved for Delivery Project Manager Date Service Engineer Date THIS SHEET IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT SET LISTED ON SHEET C1 AND SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED. CHK 3.15.13 THE INFORMATION IN THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED AS A CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE, AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Philips assumes no liability nor offers any warranty for the fitness or adequacy of the premises or the utilities available at the premises in which the equipment is to be installed, used, or stored. Order:
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