Submittal Cover sheet Project: Scottsdale Health – Global Rehab EMS 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 The following Bacnet points that are listed in the specifications are not available from the Trane provided controller for the Trane package roof top A/C units. BACNET POINT SUMMARY FOR THE TRANE RTU CONTOLLER. 5. 6. 13. 14. 19. 20. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 32. 33. 36. 37. 39. SUPPLY FAN AIRFLOW (AI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) RETURN FAN AIRFLOW (AI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) COOLING COIL CONTROL VALVE (AO NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) HEATING COIL CONTROL VALVE (AO NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) MAXIMUM OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER (AO NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) RETURN AIR DAMPER (AO NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) DISCHARGE AIR RELATIVE HUMIDITY (AI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) SUPPLY FAN SMOKE DETECTOR STATUS (DI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) RETURN FAN SMOKE DETECTOR STATUS (DI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) MINIMUM OUTSIDE AIR SMOKE DETECTOR STATUS (DI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) SUPPLY FAN VFD STATUS (DI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) RETURN FAN VFD STATUS (DI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) SUPPLY FAN AIRFLOW MONITORING STATION (AI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) RETURN FAN AIRFLOW MONITORING STATION (AI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) HIGH DUCT STATIC PRESSURE SWITCH (DI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) LOW DUCT STATIC PRESSURE SWITCH (DI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) HEATING COIL LEAVING TEMPERATURE (AI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) COOLING COIL FREEZESTAT (DI) FOR CHILLED WATER (NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) RETURN AIR RELATIVE HUMIDITY (AI NOT A TRANE BACNET POINT) Submittal Project: Scottsdale Health – Global Rehab EMS 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Product Submitted: Energy Management & Control System Date: August 31, 2012 Revision: Revision 1 Job Number: PC121105 Submitted by: 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. Phoenix, Arizona 85053 Phone Number: (602) 944 3330 Fax Number: (602) 906 4182 C11-ROC209134 • L11-ROC209133 • L39 ROC193418 Table of Contents TAB 1 Front End • Points List /BOM • Control Matrix • Control Drawings TAB 2 Roof Top AC Units • Points List • Control Drawings/ Sequence Of Operation TAB 3 VAV Boxes & Fire/Smoke Damper Monitoring • Points List /BOM • Control Drawings/ Sequence Of Operation TAB 4 Isolation Room Exhaust Fan and Pressure Monitoring • Points List • Control Drawings/ Sequence Of Operation TAB 5 General Exhaust Fans • Points List /BOM • Control Drawings/ Sequence Of Operation TAY 6 Smoke Damper Position Monitoring • Points List /BOM • Control Drawings/ Sequence Of Operation TAB 7 Lighting Control • Points List /BOM • Control Drawings/ Sequence of Operation TAB 8 Material Data Sheets • Bill of Materials • Data Sheets TAB 1 Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: Front End Typical Unit(s): 1 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-01.01 Bill of Materials Device Tag BCM-PWS BCM-ETH BCM-MSTP ABS-# OWS-# TX-# ENC-# Part Description BCM Power Sup Mod & Din Rail BCM Internet/MS-TP Module BCM MS-TP Module Alerton Building Suites - Large EMS Workstation 24V 100VA Power Supply Type 1 Enclosure (19.5x16.38x5.75) Part Number 715000000 715000100 715000300 ABS-3-LARGE OWS PSH100A 567-351 Manufacturer Alerton Alerton Alerton Alerton Dell Functional Devices Siemens Total Parts: Notes 1.) Shields to be grounded at panel. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 9 Total System Quanity 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Comments Ethernet Matrix Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Ethernet Network # : Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 100 Job #: PC121105 TAG # BCM-ETH BCM-MSTP BCM-MSTP BCM-MSTP Unit Type BCM BCM BCM BCM Sensor Location N/A N/A N/A N/A Area Served Global Contoller for RTU-3&4 VAV's Global Contoller for RTU-2 VAV's Global Contoller for RTU-1 VAV's Global Contoller for RTU's OWS-800 OWS N/A EMS Workstation Ethernet Controller Matrix Controller MS/TP Type MAC # BCM 101 BCM 102 BCM 103 BCM 104 OWS 810 Device Instance 101 102 103 104 VAV AHU-# N/A N/A N/A N/A Box Size (in.) N/A N/A N/A N/A Min CFM N/A N/A N/A N/A Max CFM N/A N/A N/A N/A "K" Factor N/A N/A N/A N/A Heating Type N/A N/A N/A N/A 810 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BCM 101 - Cont Matrix Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 BCM Module#: 101 MS/TP Network #: 101 Baud Rate: 78600 Job Number: PC121105 Unit Type Unit Location Description/Room# Room Sensor Location Description/Room# MS/TP Trunk MS/TP MAC# Device Instance B-1 A-28 A-7 A-6 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-29 A-5 A-31 A-4 A-8 A-11 A-9 A-12 A-10 A-14 A-13 A-16 A-15 A-18 A-20 A-17 A-19 B-3 B-2 B-5 B-6 B-4 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-7 B-8 B-12 B-14 B-15 VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV Entry Vestibule Admin Vestibule Admin Lobby HR Office Admin Conf Room CEO Office Admissions Office Corridor HIM Office Medical Record Marketing Office Quality Mgt Office Utilization Rev Office Comptroller Office Accts Payable office Consult Multipurpose Room Therapist Open Office Patient Library Private Treatment Dining & Rec Area Dining & Rec Area Dining & Rec Area Dining & Rec Area Dining Corridor Reception Patient Dining Patient Dining Servery Soiled Dish Kitchen Frozen Storage Maint. Repair Shop Equipment Storage General Storage Receiving MGR Service Corridor TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD RTU-3 RTU-4 EF-A1 EF-A2 EF-B1 EF-B2 SD-1 AHU AHU EF EF EF EF SD RTU-3 RTU-4 Toilet 1116 ADL Kitchen 1014 Dishwasher 1044A Corridor 1080 Consult N/A N/A Toilet 1116 ADL Kitchen 1014 Dishwasher/Staff Toilet Soiled Utility/Staff Toilet/Med Gas Smoke Damper Monitoring 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 101001 101002 101003 101004 101005 101006 101007 101008 101009 101010 101011 101012 101013 101014 101015 101016 101017 101018 101019 101020 101021 101022 101023 101024 101025 101026 101027 101028 101029 101030 101031 101032 101033 101034 101035 101036 101037 101038 101039 101040 101041 101042 101043 101044 101045 101046 101047 101048 101049 101050 Unit Tag 121105 Submittal Rev-1 Matrix.xls Controller Part # Heat Type Box Size Re-Heat CFM VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC N/A ELEC N/A ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC N/A ELEC 8 8 10 8 8 8 12 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 6 6 10 10 6 8 12 12 12 8 12 10 12 10 8 8 14 8 8 10 10 10 10 600 500 450 230 370 230 600 0 230 480 370 230 230 230 230 230 700 450 230 420 750 750 750 470 600 750 960 750 600 300 1200 230 370 500 750 0 950 600 500 450 230 370 230 600 0 230 480 370 230 230 230 230 230 700 450 230 420 750 750 750 470 600 750 960 750 600 300 1200 230 370 500 750 0 950 800 500 820 600 600 450 950 500 400 500 500 400 280 300 350 300 1000 1030 300 420 1200 1200 1490 500 800 930 1200 750 800 500 2000 460 570 960 1090 1000 1190 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-3 RTU-4 RTU-4 RTU-4 RTU-4 RTU-4 RTU-4 RTU-4 RTU-4 RTU-4 RTU-4 RTU-4 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD VLC-444 VLC-444 VLC-550 VLC-550 VLC-550 VLC-550 VLC-550 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Min CFM Max CFM AHU K. Factor Served Comments Clg Only. Powered from A-6 Clg Only. Powered from A-5 Clg Only. Powered from B-12 Powered from EF-A1. Powered from EF-A2. EF-B3. Powered from EF-B1. EF-B4,B5. Powered from EF-B2. SD-1-1,2,3. Powered from A-10. BCM 101 - Cont Matrix Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 BCM Module#: 101 MS/TP Network #: 101 Baud Rate: 78600 Job Number: PC121105 Unit Tag Unit Type Unit Location Description/Room# Room Sensor Location Description/Room# Legend SD=Single Duct DD=Dual Duct SF=Series Fan PF=Parallel Fan RH=Hot Water Reheat #EDH= # Stages of Electric Duct Heat AC=A/C Unit AHU=Air Handling Unit CV=Constant Volume Terminal Unit EF=Exhaust Fan HP=Heat Pump LC=Lighting Control MAU=Make Up Air Unit RTU=Roof Top Unit VAV=Variable Air Volume Terminal Unit N/A= Not Applicable 121105 Submittal Rev-1 Matrix.xls MS/TP Trunk MS/TP MAC# Device Instance 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 101051 101052 101053 101054 101055 101056 101057 101058 101059 101060 101061 101062 101063 101064 Controller Part # Controller Summary Controller Type Total VLX 0 VLX (EXP 10480) 0 VLX (EXP-22000) 0 VLC-550 5 VLC-853 0 VLC-1188 0 VLC-16160 0 VAV-SD 37 VLC-444 2 VLC-651R 0 VLC 32-2 D 0 VLC 6-1 DI 0 ABB 0 XPS 0 44 Heat Type Box Size Re-Heat CFM Min CFM Max CFM AHU K. Factor Served Comments BCM 102 - Cont Matrix Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 BCM Module#: 102 MS/TP Network #: 102 Baud Rate: 78600 Job Number: PC121105 Unit Tag D-23 C-13 C-32 C-12 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-20 C-22 C-21 C-23 C-24 C-25 C-27 C-33 C-26 C-28 C-29 C-31 C-30 C-1 B-20 B-22 B-21 B-19 B-18 B-16 B-17 B-23 C-3 B-24 B-13 B-25 C-2 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 RTU-2 EF-ISO-C2 RPM-1 Unit Type Unit Location Description/Room# Room Sensor Location Description/Room# MS/TP Trunk MS/TP MAC# Device Instance VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV Corridor 1201 Case Mgt. Office Nurse Mgr office Wheelchair Storage Patient Room C10 Patient Room C9 Patient Room C11 Patient Room C8 Patient Room C12 Patient Room C7 Patient Room C6 Nourishment Corridor 1202 Patient Room C5 Patient Room C4 Patient Room C13 Patient Room C14 Patient Room C3 Patient Room C3 Patient Room C2 Patient Room C15 Patient Room C16 Patient Room C1 Patient Room A17 Patient Room A18 X-RAY Corridor 1277 Corridor 1277 Corridor 1277 Lab RT Workroom RT Clean Supplies Corridor 1204 Dialysis Circulation Patient Rec Room 1034 Patient Rec Room 1035 Patient Rec Space Patient Room A16 Patient Room A15 Patient Isolation Room A14 Corridor 1033 Patient Room A13 Patient Room A12 Patient Room A11 Patient Room A10 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD AHU EF-ISO RPM RTU-2 Patient Isolation Room A14 Patient Isolation Room A14 N/A Patient Isolation Room A14 Patient Isolation Room A14 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 102001 102002 102003 102004 102005 102006 102007 102008 102009 102010 102011 102012 102013 102014 102015 102016 102017 102018 102019 102020 102021 102022 102023 102024 102025 102026 102027 102028 102029 102030 102031 102032 102033 102034 102035 102036 102037 102038 102039 102040 102041 102042 102043 102044 102045 102046 102047 102048 102049 102050 121105 Submittal Rev-1 Matrix.xls Controller Part # Heat Type Box Size Re-Heat CFM VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD ELEC ELEC N/A ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC N/A ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC N/A ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC 10 6 8 6 8 8 8 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 6 10 12 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 600 370 0 230 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 600 750 370 370 370 370 500 370 370 370 370 370 370 600 750 230 370 600 0 400 340 230 950 0 650 230 370 370 370 230 370 370 370 370 600 370 0 230 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 600 750 370 370 370 370 500 370 370 370 370 370 370 600 750 230 370 600 0 400 340 230 950 0 650 230 370 370 370 230 370 370 370 370 1000 370 800 240 570 370 620 370 470 370 370 630 750 370 370 470 470 500 620 370 470 470 470 370 600 750 250 450 600 1000 510 340 230 1100 1600 800 300 370 370 590 510 370 370 370 370 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 RTU-2 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD VLC-444 VLC-444 RPM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Min CFM Max CFM AHU K. Factor Served Comments Clg Only. Powered from C-12 Clg Only. Powered from C-26 Clg Only. Powered from B-25 Powered from EF-ISO-C2 Room Pressure Monitor BCM 102 - Cont Matrix Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 BCM Module#: 102 MS/TP Network #: 102 Baud Rate: 78600 Job Number: PC121105 Unit Tag EF-C1 SD-4 Unit Type Unit Location Description/Room# Room Sensor Location Description/Room# MS/TP Trunk MS/TP MAC# Device Instance EF SD Corridor 1250 Patient Rec Room 1034 Patient Toilet Smoke Damper Monitoring 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 102051 102052 102053 102054 102055 102056 102057 102058 102059 102060 102061 102062 102063 102064 Legend SD=Single Duct DD=Dual Duct SF=Series Fan PF=Parallel Fan RH=Hot Water Reheat #EDH= # Stages of Electric Duct Heat AC=A/C Unit AHU=Air Handling Unit CV=Constant Volume Terminal Unit EF=Exhaust Fan HP=Heat Pump LC=Lighting Control MAU=Make Up Air Unit RTU=Roof Top Unit VAV=Variable Air Volume Terminal Unit N/A= Not Applicable 121105 Submittal Rev-1 Matrix.xls Controller Part # Heat Type Box Size Re-Heat CFM VLC-550 VLC-1600 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Controller Summary Controller Type Total VLX 0 VLX (EXP 10480) 0 VLX (EXP-22000) 0 VLC-550 1 VLC-853 0 VLC-1188 0 VLC-16160 0 VAV-SD 45 VLC-444 2 VLC-651R 0 VLC 32-2 D 0 VLC 6-1 DI 0 ABB 0 RPM 1 49 Min CFM Max CFM N/A N/A N/A N/A AHU K. Factor Served N/A N/A N/A N/A Comments Powered from EF-C1 SD-4-1 thru 7. Powered from B-25 BCM 103 - Cont Matrix Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 BCM Module#: 103 MS/TP Network #: 103 Baud Rate: 78600 Job Number: PC121105 Unit Type Unit Location Description/Room# Room Sensor Location Description/Room# MS/TP Trunk MS/TP MAC# Device Instance D-14 D-16 D-12 D-15 D-17 D-18 D-19 D-20 D-29 D-21 D-22 D-24 D-25 D-26 D-27 D-1 A-22 A-21 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-30 A-26 A-27 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-6 D-5 D-7 D-8 D-9 D-10 D-11 D-28 D-13 VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV VAV Patient Room TBI 4 Clean Utility Nourishment (B) Patient Room TBI 6 Patient Room TBI 5 Patient Room TBI 7 Patient Room TBI 8 Patient Room TBI 10 Patient Room TBI 9 Patient Room TBI 13 Patient Room TBI 14 Patient Room A9 Patient Room A8 Patient Room A7 Patient Room A6 Corridor 1028 Central Nurse Station (A) Employee Breakroom Employee Breakroom ADL Circulation Pharmacy Pharmacy Director Patient Room A1 Patient Room A2 Patient Room A5 Patient Room A4 Patient Room B1 Patient Room B2 Patient Room B4 Patient Room B5 Patient Room B3 Patient Room TBI 1 Psychological Services Patient Room TBI 2 Equipment Alcove (B) Patient Room TBI 3 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD RTU-1 EF-D1 SD-2 SD-3 AHU EF SD SD RTU-1 Corridor 1303 Patient Room TBI 10 Employee Breakroom N/A Patient Toilet Smoke Damper Monitoring Smoke Damper Monitoring 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 103001 103002 103003 103004 103005 103006 103007 103008 103009 103010 103011 103012 103013 103014 103015 103016 103017 103018 103019 103020 103021 103022 103023 103024 103025 103026 103027 103028 103029 103030 103031 103032 103033 103034 103035 103036 103037 103038 103039 103040 103041 103042 103043 103044 103045 103046 103047 103048 103049 103050 Unit Tag 121105 Submittal Rev-1 Matrix.xls Controller Part # Heat Type Box Size Re-Heat CFM VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD VAV-SD ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC N/A ELEC 8 8 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 8 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 370 370 480 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 240 600 600 750 380 370 640 750 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 500 370 370 370 480 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 240 600 600 750 380 370 640 750 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 500 370 470 510 970 470 370 420 470 550 370 370 530 470 570 470 570 470 550 690 460 670 670 940 670 570 700 750 470 470 450 370 470 450 560 370 500 470 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 RTU-1 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD VLC-444 VLC-550 VLC-853 VLC-1600 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Min CFM Max CFM AHU K. Factor Served Comments Clg Only. Powered from D-11 Powered from EF-D1. SD-2-1 thru 6. Powered from D-20 SD-3-1 thru 8. Powered from A-23 BCM 103 - Cont Matrix Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 BCM Module#: 103 MS/TP Network #: 103 Baud Rate: 78600 Job Number: PC121105 Unit Tag Unit Type Unit Location Description/Room# Room Sensor Location Description/Room# Legend SD=Single Duct DD=Dual Duct SF=Series Fan PF=Parallel Fan RH=Hot Water Reheat #EDH= # Stages of Electric Duct Heat AC=A/C Unit AHU=Air Handling Unit CV=Constant Volume Terminal Unit EF=Exhaust Fan HP=Heat Pump LC=Lighting Control MAU=Make Up Air Unit RTU=Roof Top Unit VAV=Variable Air Volume Terminal Unit N/A= Not Applicable 121105 Submittal Rev-1 Matrix.xls MS/TP Trunk MS/TP MAC# Device Instance 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 103051 103052 103053 103054 103055 103056 103057 103058 103059 103060 103061 103062 103063 103064 Controller Part # Controller Summary Controller Type Total VLX 0 VLX (EXP 10480) 0 VLX (EXP-22000) 0 VLC-550 1 VLC-853 1 VLC-1188 0 VLC-16160 0 VAV-SD 36 VLC-444 1 VLC-651R 0 VLC 32-2 D 0 VLC 6-1 DI 0 ABB 0 XPS 0 39 Heat Type Box Size Re-Heat CFM Min CFM Max CFM AHU K. Factor Served Comments BCM 104 - Cont Matrix Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 BCM Module#: 104 MS/TP Network #: 104 Baud Rate: 78600 Job Number: PC121105 Unit Tag Unit Type Unit Location Description/Room# Room Sensor Location Description/Room# MS/TP Trunk MS/TP MAC# Device Instance RTU-1 RTU-2 RTU-3 RTU-4 AHU AHU AHU AHU RTU-1 RTU-2 RTU-3 RTU-4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 104001 104002 104003 104004 104005 104006 104007 104008 104009 104010 104011 104012 104013 104014 104015 104016 104017 104018 104019 104020 104021 104022 104023 104024 104025 104026 104027 104028 104029 104030 104031 104032 104033 104034 104035 104036 104037 104038 104039 104040 104041 104042 104043 104044 104045 104046 104047 104048 104049 104050 121105 Submittal Rev-1 Matrix.xls Controller Part # Heat Type Box Size Re-Heat CFM Provided With Unit Provided With Unit Provided With Unit Provided With Unit N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Min CFM Max CFM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A AHU K. Factor Served N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Comments Unit Provided BACNET Controller Unit Provided BACNET Controller Unit Provided BACNET Controller Unit Provided BACNET Controller BCM 104 - Cont Matrix Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 BCM Module#: 104 MS/TP Network #: 104 Baud Rate: 78600 Job Number: PC121105 Unit Tag Unit Type Unit Location Description/Room# Room Sensor Location Description/Room# Legend SD=Single Duct DD=Dual Duct SF=Series Fan PF=Parallel Fan RH=Hot Water Reheat #EDH= # Stages of Electric Duct Heat AC=A/C Unit AHU=Air Handling Unit CV=Constant Volume Terminal Unit EF=Exhaust Fan HP=Heat Pump LC=Lighting Control MAU=Make Up Air Unit RTU=Roof Top Unit VAV=Variable Air Volume Terminal Unit N/A= Not Applicable 121105 Submittal Rev-1 Matrix.xls MS/TP Trunk MS/TP MAC# Device Instance 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 104051 104052 104053 104054 104055 104056 104057 104058 104059 104060 104061 104062 104063 104064 Controller Part # Controller Summary Controller Type Total VLX 0 VLX (EXP 10480) 0 VLX (EXP-22000) 0 VLC-550 0 VLC-853 0 VLC-1188 0 VLC-16160 0 VAV-SD 0 VLC-444 0 VLC-651R 0 VLC 32-2 D 0 VLC 6-1 DI 0 ABB 0 XPS 0 0 Heat Type Box Size Re-Heat CFM Min CFM Max CFM AHU K. Factor Served Comments 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 TAB 2 Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-444 Tag: CO2-# Location: @ RTU Unit Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: CO2 Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: Return CO2 for RTU Units Typical Unit(s): 4 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-02.01 Device Point Description Tag Part Number CO2-1 Return Duct CO2 Sensor CO2D-A SIG-1 CO2 Concentration Signal to Trane Wired to RTU Terminals Manufacturer Senva Device Specification Eng. Range Units ppm 0-2000 ppm 0-2000 Typical Controller Quanity 1 Total System Quanity 4 4 0 0 0 Comments BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 AO-0 AO-1 AO-2 AO-3 Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# CO2-# Part Description Controller Duct CO2 Sensor Part Number VLC-444 CO2D-A Manufacturer Alerton Senva Total Parts: Notes 1.) VLC controller installed in RTU control panel and powered by RTU 24VAC control voltage. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 TAB 3 Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VAV-SD Tag: VAV-# Location: @ Unit Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: VZ0000 Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: Cooling Only VAV Boxes (A-29, A-31, B-13, B-14, C-32, C-33 & D-28) Typical Unit(s): 7 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-03.01 Device Point Description Tag TE-1 Space Temperature TE-1 Setpoint Adjust DA-1 DA-1 Damper Actuator Open Damper Actuator Close Part Number Manufacturer TS-1050-BT Same as Device Above Alerton Alerton LMB24-3 Same Device as Above Belimo Belimo Device Specification Eng. Range Units ºF Comments On/Off On/Off Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# TE-# DA-# Part Description Controller Micotouch Space Temp Sensor Damper Actuator Part Number Manufacturer Alerton Alerton Belimo VAV-SD TS-1050-BT LMB24-3 Total Parts: Notes 1.) Control power shared from nearest VAV box with electric re-heat. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Total System Quanity 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VAV-SD Tag: VAV-# Location: @ Unit Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: VZ0009 Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: VAV Boxes with Electric Reheat Typical Unit(s): 111 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 AutoCAD Drawing: Device Tag TE-1 TE-1 TE-2 EH-1 EH-1 DA-1 DA-1 121105-03.02 Point Description Part Number Space Temperature Setpoint Adjust Supply Air Temperature TS-1050-BT Same as Device Above TE-701-A-12-A Reheat "Open" Command Reheat "Close" Command Damper Actuator Open Damper Actuator Close Wired to Electric Re-Heat Wired to Electric Re-Heat LMB24-3 Same Device as Above Manufacturer Alerton Alerton Alerton Belimo Belimo Device Specification Eng. Range Units ºF Comments ºF On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# TE-# DA-# TE-# Part Description Controller Micotouch Space Temp Sensor Damper Actuator Duct Temp Sensor Part Number VAV-SD TS-1050-BT LMB24-3 TE-701-A-12-A Manufacturer Alerton Alerton Belimo Mamac Total Parts: Notes 1.) Control power shared with cooling only VAV box nearby (7 instances only). 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Total System Quanity 111 111 111 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 TAB 4 Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-444 Tag: EF-ISO-C2 Location: Airborne Infection Iso Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: EFISO Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: Isolation Room A14 Exhaust Fan & Pressure Monitor (EF-ISO-C2, RPM-1) Typical Unit(s): 1 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-04.01 Device Point Description Tag Part Number Manufacturer Device Specification Eng. Range Units CSR-1 EF-ISO-C2 Exhaust Fan Status H120 Veris On/Off RPM-1 Room Pressure Monitor SRCM-R25WB-A2-F-N-S Setra "WC CSR-1 EF-ISO-C2 Exhaust Fan Start/Stop Same Device as Above Veris On/Off Comments AO-0 AO-1 AO-2 AO-3 Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# RPM-# ENC-# CSR-# TX-# Part Description Controller Room Pressure Monitor Enclosure (19x16x6) Current Sensor-Relay Combo 24V Multi-tap 50VA Transformer Part Number VLC-444 SRCM-R25WB-A2-F-N-S 567-351 H120 X050COB Manufacturer Alerton Setra Siemens Veris Veris Total Parts: Notes 1.) Primary power for the VLC-444 Controller to be taken from the 120V power feeding the exhaust fan. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Total System Quanity 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 TAB 5 Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-550 Tag: EF-A# Location: Above Ceiling Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: EF Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: General Exhaust Fans (EF-A1, A2) Typical Unit(s): 2 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 IN-4 BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-05.01 Device Point Description Tag Part Number Manufacturer Device Specification Eng. Range Units CSR-1 EF-# Exhaust Fan Status H120 Veris On/Off CSR-1 EF-# Exhaust Fan Start/Stop Same Device as Above Veris On/Off Comments Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# ENC-# CSR-# TX-# Part Description Controller Enclosure (19x16x6) Current Sensor-Relay Combo 24V Multi-tap 50VA Transformer Part Number VLC-550 567-351 H120 X050COB Manufacturer Alerton Siemens Veris Veris Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Total Parts: Notes 1.) Primary power for the VLC-550 Controller to be taken from the 120V power feeding the exhaust fan. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Total System Quanity 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-550 Tag: EF-B1 Location: Above Ceiling Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: EF Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: General Exhaust Fans (EF-B1 & B3) Typical Unit(s): 1 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 IN-4 BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-05.02 Device Point Description Tag Part Number Manufacturer Device Specification Eng. Range Units CSR-1 CSR-2 EF-B1 Exhaust Fan Status EF-B3 Exhaust Fan Status H120 H120 Veris Veris On/Off On/Off CSR-1 CSR-2 EF-B1 Exhaust Fan Start/Stop EF-B3 Exhaust Fan Start/Stop Same Device as Above Same Device as Above Veris Veris On/Off On/Off Comments Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# ENC-# CSR-# TX-# Part Description Controller Enclosure (19x16x6) Current Sensor-Relay Combo 24V Multi-tap 50VA Transformer Part Number VLC-550 567-351 H120 X050COB Manufacturer Alerton Siemens Veris Veris Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 Total Parts: Notes 1.) Primary power for the VLC-550 Controller to be taken from the 120V power feeding the exhaust fan. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Total System Quanity 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-550 Tag: EF-# Location: Above Ceiling Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: EF Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: General Exhaust Fan (EF-B2, B4 & B5) Typical Unit(s): 1 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 IN-4 BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-05.03 Device Point Description Tag Part Number Manufacturer Device Specification Eng. Range Units CSR-1 CSR-2 CSR-3 EF-B2 Exhaust Fan Status EF-B4 Exhaust Fan Status EF-B5 Exhaust Fan Status H120 H120 H120 Veris Veris Veris On/Off On/Off On/Off CSR-1 CSR-2 CSR-3 EF-B2 Exhaust Fan Start/Stop EF-B4 Exhaust Fan Start/Stop EF-B5 Exhaust Fan Start/Stop Same Device as Above Same Device as Above Same Device as Above Veris Veris Veris On/Off On/Off On/Off Comments Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# ENC-# CSR-# TX-# Part Description Controller Enclosure (19x16x6) Current Sensor-Relay Combo 24V Multi-tap 50VA Transformer Part Number VLC-550 567-351 H120 X050COB Manufacturer Alerton Siemens Veris Veris Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 Total Parts: Notes 1.) Primary power for the VLC-550 Controller to be taken from the 120V power feeding the exhaust fan. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Total System Quanity 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-550 Tag: EF-# Location: Above Ceiling Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: EF Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: General Exhaust Fan (EF-C1 & D1) Typical Unit(s): 2 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 IN-4 BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-05.04 Device Point Description Tag CS-1 R-1 Part Number Manufacturer Device Specification Eng. Range Units EF-# Exhaust Fan Status C-2300 Senva On/Off EF-# Exhaust Fan Start/Stop CR3-24 Senva On/Off Comments Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# ENC-# CS-# R-# TX-# Part Description Controller Enclosure (19x16x6) Current Sensor Control Relay 24V Multi-tap 50VA Transformer Part Number VLC-550 567-351 C-2300 CR3-24 X050COB Manufacturer Alerton Siemens Senva Senva Veris Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Total Parts: Notes 1.) Primary power for the VLC-550 Controller to be taken from the power feeding the exhaust fan. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Total System Quanity 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 TAB 6 Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-550 Tag: SD-1 Location: Above Ceiling Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: SD Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: Smoke Damper Status Monitoring (SD-1) Typical Unit(s): 1 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 IN-4 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-06.01 Device Point Description Tag SD-1-1 SD-1-2 SD-1-3 SD-1-1 Smoke Damper Status SD-1-2 Smoke Damper Status SD-1-3 Smoke Damper Status Part Number Manufacturer Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Device Specification Eng. Range Units Comments On/Off On/Off On/Off BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# ENC-# Part Description Controller Enclosure (19x16x6) Part Number Manufacturer Alerton Siemens VLC-550 567-351 Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 0 0 0 Total Parts: Notes 1.) Control power shared from nearest VAV box with electric re-heat. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Total System Quanity 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-853 Tag: SD-2 Location: Above Ceiling Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: SD Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: Smoke Damper Status Monitoring (SD-2) Typical Unit(s): 1 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 IN-4 IN-5 IN-6 IN-7 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-06.02 Device Point Description Tag SD-2-1 SD-2-2 SD-2-3 SD-2-4 SD-2-5 SD-2-6 SD-2-1 Smoke Damper Status SD-2-2 Smoke Damper Status SD-2-3 Smoke Damper Status SD-2-4 Smoke Damper Status SD-2-5 Smoke Damper Status SD-2-6 Smoke Damper Status Part Number Manufacturer Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Device Specification Eng. Range Units Comments On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 AO-0 AO-1 AO-2 Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# ENC-# Part Description Controller Enclosure (19x16x6) Part Number Manufacturer Alerton Siemens VLC-853 567-351 Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 0 0 0 Total Parts: Notes 1.) Control power shared from nearest VAV box with electric re-heat. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Total System Quanity 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-1600 Tag: SD-3 Location: Above Ceiling Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: SD Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: Smoke Damper Status Monitoring (SD-3) Typical Unit(s): 1 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 IN-4 IN-5 IN-6 IN-7 IN-8 IN-9 IN-10 IN-11 IN-12 IN-13 IN-14 IN-15 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-06.03 Device Point Description Tag SD-3-1 SD-3-2 SD-3-3 SD-3-4 SD-3-5 SD-3-6 SD-3-7 SD-3-8 SD-3-1 Smoke Damper Status SD-3-2 Smoke Damper Status SD-3-3 Smoke Damper Status SD-3-4 Smoke Damper Status SD-3-5 Smoke Damper Status SD-3-6 Smoke Damper Status SD-3-7 Smoke Damper Status SD-3-8 Smoke Damper Status Part Number Manufacturer Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Device Specification Eng. Range Units Comments On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# ENC-# Part Description Controller Enclosure (19x16x6) Part Number Manufacturer Alerton Siemens VLC-1600 567-351 Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 0 0 0 Total Parts: Notes 1.) Control power shared from nearest VAV box with electric re-heat. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Total System Quanity 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-1600 Tag: SD-4 Location: Above Ceiling Dev. Inst.: See Control Matrix Legend: NNNXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: SD Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: Smoke Damper Status Monitoring (SD-4) Typical Unit(s): 1 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 IN-4 IN-5 IN-6 IN-7 IN-8 IN-9 IN-10 IN-11 IN-12 IN-13 IN-14 IN-15 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-06.04 Device Point Description Tag SD-4-1 SD-4-2 SD-4-3 SD-4-4 SD-4-5 SD-4-6 SD-4-7 SD-4-1 Smoke Damper Status SD-4-2 Smoke Damper Status SD-4-3 Smoke Damper Status SD-4-4 Smoke Damper Status SD-4-5 Smoke Damper Status SD-4-6 Smoke Damper Status SD-4-7 Smoke Damper Status Part Number Manufacturer Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Wired to Smoke Damper Contact Device Specification Eng. Range Units Comments On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# ENC-# Part Description Controller Enclosure (19x16x6) Part Number Manufacturer Alerton Siemens VLC-1600 567-351 Typical Controller Quanity 1 1 0 0 0 Total Parts: Notes 1.) Control power shared from nearest VAV box with electric re-heat. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Total System Quanity 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 TAB 7 Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS Location: 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Controller Information Type: VLC-550 Tag: LTG-1 Location: TBD Dev. Inst.: TBD Legend: NNXXXX NNN: MS/TP Network # C: N/A XXX: MAC Address Applicatn #: LTG Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Unit Served: Lighting Circuit Control Typical Unit(s): 1 Point No. IN-0 IN-1 IN-2 IN-3 IN-4 BO-0 BO-1 BO-2 BO-3 BO-4 AutoCAD Drawing: 121105-07.01 Device Point Description Tag R-1 R-2 R-3 Lobby Lighting Circuit Core Ligiting Circuit Outside Lighting Circuit Part Number Manufacturer RIB2401SB RIB2401SB RIB2401SB Functional Devices Functional Devices Functional Devices Device Specification Eng. Range Units On/Off On/Off On/Off Comments Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Bill of Materials (Controller Summary) Device Tag C-# R-# ENC-# TX-# Part Description VLC Controller 20 Amp control Relay Enclosure (19x16x6) 50 VA Transformer Part Number VLC-550 RIB2401SB 567-351 X050COB Manufacturer Alerton Functional Devices Siemens Veris Total Parts: Notes 1.) Actual circuit count and controller loaction to be determined. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 121105 Submittal Rev-1 Points and BOM.xlsx Typical Controller Quanity 1 3 1 1 6 Total System Quanity 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Comments Commissioning Install StartUp 2851 W. Kathleen Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85053 (602) 944-3330 FAX (602) 906-4182 TAB 8 Job Name: Scottsdale Health - Global Rehab EMS 8850 E Pima Center Pkwy, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Climatec Job#: PC121105 Date: 08/31/12 Revision: Submittal Rev-1 Submittal Bill of Materials (Totals) TABS Device Tag BCM-PWS BCM-ETH BCM-MSTP ABS-# TE-# C-# C-# C-# C-# C-# DA-# OWS-# TX-# R-# TE-# CS-# CO2-# R-# RPM-# ENC-# CSR-# TX-# Part Description BCM Power Sup Mod & Din Rail BCM Internet/MS-TP Module BCM MS-TP Module Alerton Building Suites - Large Micotouch Space Temp Sensor Controller Controller Controller Controller Controller Damper Actuator EMS Workstation 24V 100VA Power Supply 20 Amp control Relay Duct Temp Sensor Current Sensor Duct CO2 Sensor Control Relay Room Pressure Monitor Type 1 Enclosure (19.5x16.38x5.75) Current Sensor-Relay Combo 24V Multi-tap 50VA Transformer Part Number 715000000 715000100 715000300 ABS-3-LARGE TS-1050-BT VAV-SD VLC-1600 VLC-444 VLC-550 VLC-853 LMB24-3 OWS PSH100A RIB2401SB TE-701-A-12-A C-2300 CO2D-A CR3-24 SRCM-R25WB-A2-F-N-S 567-351 H120 X050COB Manufacturer Alerton Alerton Alerton Alerton Alerton Alerton Alerton Alerton Alerton Alerton Belimo Dell Functional Devices Functional Devices Mamac Senva Senva Senva Setra Siemens Veris Veris 1 FE 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 2 RTAC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 3 VAV 0 0 0 0 118 118 0 0 0 0 118 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 465 4 ISO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 5 EF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 6 7 6 0 0 0 29 6 SD 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 LTG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 Total 1 1 3 1 118 118 2 5 8 1 118 1 1 3 111 2 4 2 1 13 8 8 0 0 0 530 BCM-PWS Features and highlights • Scalable Each BCM-PWS supports up to seven BCMs, providing power through a simple ribbon-cable connection. • Reliable 7.2 volt NiCad battery provides power for orderly shutdown and data backup. The Alerton® BCM-PWS is the base device for Alerton BACtalk control modules (BCMs), providing power for up to seven BCMs. The BCM-PWS requires a 24 VAC power supply. It then conditions power and provides battery backup through a simple ribbon-cable connection to BCMs. The BCM-PWS uses a half-wave rectifier, which enables it to share a power supply with other half-wave devices. If the BCM-PWS loses operating power, it reverts to a 7.2 volt NiCad battery, which provides interim power to the interconnected BCMs for orderly shutdown and data backup. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • LTBT-BCMPWS Rev. 0001 1 of 2 ©Novar Controls Corporation. All rights reserved. Alerton, BACtalk, and VisualLogic are registered trademarks and Envision is a trademark of Novar Controls Corporation. BCM-PWS Technical data • Power 19–30 VAC @ 30 VA, 47–63 Hz. Uses a half-wave rectifier, which enables the BCM-PWS to share power with other half-wave devices. • Battery 7.2 volt NiCad battery provides interim power for orderly shutdown and data backup during power outages. • Max. Dimensions • Environmental • Ratings 6.5" (166mm) H x 1.5" (39mm) W x 5.0" (127mm) D 32-131 deg. F (0-55 deg. C). 0-95% RH, non condensing. Listed Underwriters Laboratories for Open Energy Management Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for Safety 916. EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark). FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A. 1 1/2" [39 mm] 5" [127 mm] 35mm DIN rail mount (not included) 6 1/2" [166 mm] Ribbon cable interconnect Ordering information Item number Description BCM-PWS BACtalk control module power supply Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-BCMPWS Rev. 0001 ©Novar Controls Corporation. All rights reserved. Alerton, BACtalk, and VisualLogic are registered trademarks and Envision is a trademark of Novar Controls Corporation. BCM-ETH Features and highlights • Scalable Combine BACtalk® control modules (BCMs) to fulfill unique processing and network integration requirements. • Interoperable BACnet-compliant controller supports 10Base-T or 100BaseTX connection to BACnet Ethernet and one BACnet MS/TP network. • Enterprise ready Supports BACnet/IP and can operate as BACnet broadcast managment device (BBMD) for integration on enterprise and wide area networks. • Powerful 32 MB RAM, 32-bit processor, and 8 MB of flash RAM provide a fast, reliable platform to run DDC programming and global automation routines. The Alerton® BCM-ETH is a high-performance BACnet-compliant router and global controller that supports both a BACnet Ethernet and a BACnet MS/TP network connection. The BCM-ETH has an onboard Ethernet network interface card (NIC) that supports 10Base-T (10 Mbps) or 100Base-TX (100 Mbps) Ethernet connections to the BACnet internetwork. For integration on enterprise and wide area networks, the BCM-ETH supports BACnet/IP and can function as a BBMD. The BCM-ETH hosts automation features such as schedules, trendlogs, alarms, optimum start, demand limiting, and tenant activity for up to 65 field controllers connected to its MS/TP LAN. MS/TP is a LAN standard designed specifically for BACnet applications using the EIA–485 signaling standard on twisted-pair cabling in a simple bus configuration. DIN-rail mounting and a ribbon-cable connection to other BCMs make expansion easy. You can add a network or integration option in minutes, which gives you unprecedented flexibility to adapt quickly as your connectivity, integration, processing, and control requirements change. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • LTBT- B C M E T H R e v. 0 0 0 1 1 of 2 ©Novar Controls Corporation. All rights reserved. Alerton, BACtalk, and VisualLogic are registered trademarks and Envision is a trademark of Novar Controls Corporation. BCM-ETH Technical data • Power No independent power supply required. Conditioned power is provided by the BCM-PWS through a ribbon-cable connection. • Data Backup 7.2V 700mA-h maintenance free battery in the BCM-PWS provides interim power for orderly shutdown and backup to flash memory in the event of power loss. Real-time clock retains date and time for up to 20 days without power. • DDC: VisualLogic® control algorithms execute locally every second. Supports a maximum of 1000 BACnet AVs and 1000 BACnet BVs. • Memory & CPU 8 MB flash RAM. 32 MB SDRAM for program execution. 32-bit, high-integration Motorola CPU. • Real-time Clock Onboard real-time clock supports schedule operations, trendlogs, and timed DDC functions. • BACnet Ethernet Integrated Ethernet adapter circuitry with RJ-45 jack for connection to 10Base-T or 100Base-TX Ethernet networks. • BACnet/IP IP support for interoperability on enterprise and wide area networks (WANs). Functions as a BACnet broadcast management device (BBMD) in accordance with Annex J BACnet/IP. • BACnet MS/TP Removable, header-style screw terminals for 1 BACnet MS/TP (shielded, twisted-pair bus) LAN. Supports a maximum of 65 field controllers. Configurable from 9.6 to 76.8 Kbps. • Max. Dimensions 6.5" (166mm ) H x 1.5" (39mm) W x 5.0" (127mm) D • Environmental • Ratings Software Programming interface: BACtalk operator workstation software over BACnet Ethernet. Schedules: Supports a maximum of 80 schedules and 80 calendars. Alarms: Supports a maximum of 320 alarm setups—system destination and actions individually configurable. Trendlogs: Supports a maximum of 320 trendlogs to store data point histories for analysis. Demand limiting: Supports two demand limiter objects, each with 100 loads defined. 32-131 deg. F (0-55 deg. C). 0-95% RH, non condensing. Zones and tenant activity logs: Supports 80 zones and 80 tenant activity logs to monitor afterhours energy usage. Listed Underwriters Laboratories for Open Energy Management Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for Safety 916. EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark). FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A. 1 1/2" [39 mm] 5" [127 mm] 35mm DIN rail mount (not included) 6 1/2" [166 mm] Ribbon cable interconnect Ordering information Item number Description BCM-ETH BACtalk control module with 1 Ethernet, 1 MS/TP Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT- B C M E T H R e v. 0 0 0 1 ©Novar Controls Corporation. All rights reserved. Alerton, BACtalk, and VisualLogic are registered trademarks and Envision is a trademark of Novar Controls Corporation. BCM-MS/TP Features and highlights • Scalable Combine BACtalk control modules (BCMs) to fulfill unique processing and network integration requirements. • Interoperable BACnet-compliant controller supports BACnet MS/TP network. • Powerful 32 MB RAM, 32-bit processor, and 8 MB of flash RAM provide a fast, reliable platform to run DDC programming and global automation routines. The Alerton® BCM-MS/TP is a high-performance global controller that supports up to 65 field controllers on a single BACnet MS/TP LAN. MS/TP is a LAN standard designed specifically for BACnet applications using the EIA–485 signaling standard on twisted-pair cabling in a simple bus configuration. The BCM-MS/TP runs DDC and hosts automation features such as schedules, trendlogs, alarms, optimum start, demand limiting, and tenant activity for the controllers on its MS/TP LAN. DIN-rail mounting and a ribbon-cable connection to other BCMs make expansion easy. You can add a network or integration option in minutes, which gives you unprecedented flexibility to adapt quickly as your connectivity, integration, processing, and control requirements change. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • LT B T- B C M M S T P R e v. 0 0 0 1 1 of 2 ©Novar Controls Corporation. All rights reserved. Alerton, BACtalk, and VisualLogic are registered trademarks and Envision is a trademark of Novar Controls Corporation. BCM-MS/TP Technical data • Power No independent power supply required. Conditioned power is provided by the BCM-PWS through a ribbon-cable connection. • Data Backup 7.2V 700mA-h battery in the BCM-PWS provides interim power for orderly shutdown and backup to flash memory in the event of power loss. Real-time clock retains date and time for up to 20 days without power. • Memory & CPU 8 MB flash RAM. 32 MB SDRAM for program execution. 32-bit, high-integration Motorola CPU. • Real-time Clock Onboard real-time clock supports schedule operations, trendlogs, and timed DDC functions. • BACnet MS/TP Removable, header-style screw terminals for 1 BACnet MS/TP (shielded, twisted-pair bus) LAN. Supports 65 VLCs. Configurable from 9.6 to 76.8 Kbps. • Max. Dimensions • Environmental • Ratings • DDC: VisualLogic® control algorithms execute locally every second. Supports a maximum of 1000 BACnet AVs and 1000 BACnet BVs. Schedules: Supports a maximum of 80 schedules and 80 calendars. Alarms: Supports a maximum of 320 alarm setups—system destination and actions individually configurable. 6.5" (166mm) H x 1.5" (39mm) W x 5.0" (127mm) D 32-131 deg. F (0-55 deg. C). 0-95% RH, non condensing. Listed Underwriters Laboratories for Open Energy Management Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for Safety 916. EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark). FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A. Software Programming interface: BACtalk operator workstation software over BACnet Ethernet. Trendlogs: Supports a maximum of 320 trendlogs to store data point histories for analysis. Demand limiting: Supports two demand limiter objects, each with 100 loads defined. Zones and tenant activity logs: Supports 80 zones and 80 tenant activity logs to monitor after-hours energy usage. 1 1/2" [39 mm] 5" [127 mm] 35mm DIN rail mount (not included) 6 1/2" [166 mm] Ribbon cable interconnect Ordering information Item number Description BCM-MS/TP BACtalk control module with 1 MS/TP Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LT B T- B C M M S T P R e v. 0 0 0 1 ©Novar Controls Corporation. All rights reserved. Alerton, BACtalk, and VisualLogic are registered trademarks and Envision is a trademark of Novar Controls Corporation. Data Sheet Alerton Building Suite Features and highlights • Real-Time Energy Management Energy logs, demand limiting, optimum start, tenant activity and billing provide valuable insight and control into energy planning and consumption. • Energy Dashboard (optional) Energy consumption and other vital building data displayed visually for sharing with tenants, visitors and other stakeholders; supports LEED and other sustainability initiatives. • Users and Groups Create custom start displays for individual users or groups of users; restrict access to an authorized role or devices on a campus without having to use multiple servers; quickly change group membership on the fly by adding and or removing users. • SQL Server Scalability Enables users to utilize third-party reporting software such as Crystal Reports 2008. • Comprehensive Graphics Library Three-dimensional animated graphics provide users with a window into the complete system, providing instantaneous access to large amounts of system data, providing immediate status. • Rich User Experience Web-based app features flexible options for viewing and sharing data. • 100% Native BACnet® Architecture Alerton is a BACnet pioneer, providing BACnet integration and guidance for more than 15 years. Alerton Building Suite is a comprehensive combination of proven Envision™ for BACtalk® and WEBtalk™ software as well as the engineering tool BACtalk Builder. Envision for BACtalk is powerful operator workstation software for BACnet ® systems. Use it to manage and control building equipment with flexibility and power. The WEBtalk system automatically reads building automation system (BAS) data from Alerton’s BACtalk system and translates the data to web pages. Alerton’s Building Suite allows Envision for BACtalk to act as a virtual computing environment that can host WEBtalk to economically provide web connectivity to any installation, regardless of job size. BACtalk Builder is Alerton’s setup, configuration, and field checkout tool set designed specifically for installation and commissioning engineers to mass-produce an entire BACtalk project setup and device databases with minimal editing. Alerton Building Suite provides displays that tell you at a glance how your building is performing. Actionable data supports your initiatives to reduce operating costs through continuous commissioning, and gives you access to utility demand notification. The optional Alerton Building Suite Energy Dashboard enables up to 450 concurrent users to view live, real-time building data at a glance. The innovative dashboard is an interactive learning center that will help you increase your building stakeholders’ awareness of their energy use. It encourages their participation and collaboration in understanding the impact of energy consumption trends by vividly comparing energy use over days, weeks and years. The Alerton Energy Dashboard hosts your data onsite and keeps it within your reach and control. You can use the energy dashboard as part of a LEED initiative or in concert with a comprehensive sustainability program. The economical multi-building dashboard option enables configuration and data displays from as many as 450 unique buildings. The web-based Enhanced Trendlog Viewer App for Alerton Building Suite 3 supplements current Envision for BACtalk features with flexible trendlog viewing options that enrich an end user’s experience in viewing and sharing trendlog data. Alerton Building Suite offers a rapid return on investment by enabling large reductions in operating costs and small investment in solution. Nearly limitless scalability addresses the smallest control job to the largest multi-site campus. Powerful, easy-to-use controls ensure occupant comfort while reducing operating costs. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 1 of 4 LTBT-BLDGSUITE Rev. 0004 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. Data Sheet Alerton Building Suite Key features Energy Dashboard (optional) • Powerful Enables up to 150 users to view live, real-time building data at a glance. • Flexible Define a variety of dashboard data including information from as many as 50 buildings, resources such as electricity, gas, oil and water, web-integrated weather, comparisons of current usage to historic data, educational messaging and more. • Security and control Hosts your own data onsite and keeps it within your reach and control; no need for third-party configuration and there are no subscription fees. • SQL Server support Migration to an Enterprise server improves system performance and offers a more robust, stable database, giving you better access to data; third-party custom reporting simplifies connectivity to an Alerton system. Recommended for jobs with more than 50,000 trendlog samples. • Active X Supports ActiveX interface to other Windows applications. Apps can be created to interact with building automation data. Management • Display capability Unlimited 3D, animated custom data displays and resolution can be customized to suit any requirement and easily updated for equipment additions, moves and changes—dependent only on hard disk space and graphics hardware. • Alarms Alarms display regardless of currently running application. Dial out alarms to remote sites or modems. Customize alarm handling based on alarm type. • Optimum start Self-tuning optimum start algorithm adjusts equipment start time based on environmental factors, achieving optimum space conditions for occupancy. Energy • Scheduling Schedule weekly, holiday, and event schedules with a graphical calendar editor. • Trendlogs View trendlogs in graph or text format with multiple points per log. Archived in database format for compatibility with .mdb and .csv files. • Energy logs Hourly or daily energy use and demand displayed in text format. Archived in database format for compatibility with office applications. • Demand limiting Flexible demand metering supports various load types. Shed and restore binary and analog loads according to load priority. Base strategies on time of day or season. Spread setpoints for softer impact on comfort and equipment. View results in real time. Connectivity • Network and connectivity BACnet Ethernet, PTP, Annex J BACnet/IP, modem, serial cable. Built-in Internet and wide area network (WAN) capabilities with BACnet/IP. Remote site and roaming access with modem and direct serial connections. • Integration and interoperability BACnet-compliant. Features BACnet object exploring tool and BACnet configuring tool. • Tenant activity Quickly set up and bill tenants for after-hours activity. Email or print tenant bills. View and adjust events before billing. • Zones Set up zones to schedule and control building operations intuitively. • Reporting and printing Extensive reporting capabilities enable you to generate recurring reports on virtually any aspect of system operation. • Auto archiving Automatically auto-archive trendlogs, energy logs, user activity and alarm history. • Job Merge Restore Utility automatically merges jobs when adding new devices, displays, buildings, etc. Enhanced Trendlog Viewer App • Flexible viewing and sharing Consume trendlog data in a variety of ways including a range of web browsers and the iPad. • Alarm relation Embed trendlog views in alarm notifications for quick, direct access to data, saving time during critical situations. Ratings BTL B-AWS certification 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 4 LTBT-BLDGSUITE Rev. 0004 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. Data Sheet Alerton Building Suite Typical Alerton Building Suite architecture Minimum and recommended system requirements Product and Key Size (Part Number) Supported features CPU Min. RAM Min. Free Disk Space Min. CPU Rec. RAM Rec. Free Disk Space Rec. Alerton Building Suite 3 – Small (ABS-3-SMALL) 50 devices + 1 WEBtalk VM 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo 2 GB 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo 2 GB 52 GB Alerton Building Suite 3 – Medium (ABS-3-MEDIUM) 150 devices + 1 WEBtalk VM 2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo 2.5 GB 54 GB 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo 4 GB 86 GB Alerton Building Suite 3 – Large (ABS-3-LARGE)* Unlimited devices + 1 WEBtalk VM Core i3-2100 4 GB 58 GB Core i7-860 6 GB 90 GB Alerton Building Suite 3 – Enterprise (ABS-3-ENTERPRISE)* Unlimited devices + SQL Server interface + Unlimited WEBtalk VMs Core i3-2100 4 GB 58 GB Core i7-860 6 GB 90 GB 37 GB * This recommended configuration for a Large or Enterprise job requires a 64-bit operating system. If you use a static IP address for your WEBtalk browser network, you will need the IP network address, the IP subnet mask and the default gateway IP address. If you do not know these values, please contact the network IT administrator. In addition to the IP address needed for the WEBtalk browser network (ETH0), you will need an IP address (on the same subnet) for the corresponding network interface card (NIC) on the host machine. If you are configuring the system to use BACnet/IP, you will also need an IP address for the WEBtalk BACnet interface (ETH1). Note See “Network scenario diagrams” in the Alerton Building Suite Getting Started Guide for more information. Number of IP address needed for Alerton Building Suite Network Setup BACnet/Ethernet with one physical NIC Number of IP Addresses Needed 2 BACnet/IP with one physical NIC 3 BACnet/Ethernet with two physical NICs 2 BACnet/IP with two physical NICs 4 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 3 of 4 LTBT-BLDGSUITE Rev. 0004 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. Data Sheet Alerton Building Suite Computer requirements Suggested Minimum • Enterprise Server (supports heavy trending and/or alarm handling at very large sites using SQL Server) Alerton Building Suite Server and Workstation minimum requirements • Windows 7 Professional, Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008 R2 • Standard Server or Client (supports small or medium jobs using one Alerton Building Suite server) • Visio 2010 • High-performance graphics adapter • Browser/client requirements: Internet Explorer v9.0 or later, Firefox v3.6 or later, Safari v2.0 or later (on Mac OS X). WEBtalk browsers: Internet Explorer 8.0, Firefox, Safari on Mac. WEBtalk mobile client support: Microsoft Mobile WAP browser, Blackberry • Network interface card (10/100 Mbps) • Windows 7 Professional, Vista Professional, Windows XP Professional SP3, Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 • Visio 2010 or 2007 • Browser/client requirements: Internet Explorer v7.0 or later, Firefox v2.0 or later, Safari v2.0 or later (on Mac OS X). WEBtalk browsers: Internet Explorer 6.x, 7.0, Firefox, Safari on Mac. WEBtalk PDA client support: Microsoft Mobile WAP browser, Blackberry Note For the Multi-Building Dashboard option, support tests demonstrated 150 unique building configurations with 450 concurrent users running on a server with 2 X 2.33GHz 64-bit CPUs, 16GB RAM and Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1). The process speed, memory available, operating system and other software running on the system will impact your results. The software does not place limits on users or buildings, so you may take advantage of bigger and fast hardware to support more buildings or users. Ordering information Item number Description ABS-3-Small Alerton Building Suite 3 Small ABS-3-Medium Alerton Building Suite 3 Medium ABS-3-D-Medium Alerton Building Suite 3 Medium with dashboard ABS-3-Large Alerton Building Suite 3 Large ABS-3-D-Large Alerton Building Suite 3 Large with dashboard ABS-3-Enterprise Alerton Building Suite 3 Enterprise ABS-3-D-Enterprise Alerton Building Suite 3 Enterprise with dashboard ABS-3-Tech Alerton Building Suite Tech License AL-APP-DB-MULTI Multi-building dashboard license for Alerton Building Suite 3 dashboard Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 4 of 4 LTBT-BLDGSUITE Rev. 0004 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. BACtalk® MICROTOUCHTM Wall Sensor Features and highlights • Reliable An interchangeable, industrialgrade thermistor provides consistent accuracy and interfaces with Alerton® field equipment. • Flexible Use the MicrosetTM Service Tool at the BACtalk® Microtouch™ to adjust setpoint ranges, afterhours override time, VAV box CFM setpoints, heat pump economizer setpoints, and more. • Energy-efficient Maintenance and energy costs are reduced with operator-established after-hours override time and temperature bias setpoints. • Attractive Discreet and stylish, the BACtalk Microtouch is the ideal companion to any building’s interior decor. The BACtalk® Microtouch™ is a fully BACnet-compliant wall sensor that complements any building’s interior decor. Beneath the stylish housing is an accurate thermistor temperature sensing element, an override pushbutton switch, adjustable setpoint bias, and service jack for servicing flexibility. Accuracy is assured with the BACtalk Microtouch’s interchangeable, industrial-grade thermistor that connects directly to Alerton ® field equipment. After-hours, the occupant pushes the cover to activate the override timer in the VisualLogic® controller (VLC) controlling the zone HVAC equipment. Energy costs are reduced when the facility operator establishes minimum occupied time periods and uses the after-hours override time outside these occupied time periods. The BACtalk Microtouch’s setpoint adjustment lever allows the occupant to bias the zone setpoint. The bias amount—typically ±2 deg. F—and center setpoint are set at the operator terminal or with the Microset™ Service Tool. The BACtalk Microtouch’s lever can be disabled by setting a 0 bias or physically removing the lever. The Microset Service Tool easily connects to the Microtouch’s service jack with a 5 ft. cable. The Microset Service Tool allows service personnel to configure the VLCs that are directly connected to the BACtalk Microtouch. Setpoint adjustment range, after-hours override time, VAV box CFM setpoints, heat pump economizer setpoints and more can be readily configured Together with Alerton’s complete BACtalk line of powerful Windowsbased operator terminal software and programmable VisualLogic controllers, the BACtalk Microtouch wall sensor offers a total BACnet solution. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-MTOUCH Rev. 0004 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. BACtalk® MICROTOUCHTM Wall Sensor Technical data • Thermistor Type Uni-curve Type II. Thermistor Resistance at Selected Temperatures Temperature Resistence Temperature Resistence 35 deg. F (1.7 deg. C) 29,997 Ohms 90 deg. F (32.2 deg. C) 7,333 Ohms 40 (4.4) 26,100 95 (35.0) 6,530 45 (7.2) 22,766 100 (37.8) 5,827 50 (10.0) 19,900 105 (40.6) 5,207 55 (12.8) 17,437 120 (48.9) 3,757 60 (15.6) 15,313 125 (51.7) 3,380 65 (18.3) 13,477 130 (54.4) 3,047 70 (21.1) 11,883 135 (57.2) 2,720 • Wiring 18–22 AWG, shielded. Low capacitance wire recommended. 75 (23.9) 10,500 140 (60.0) 2,488 80 (26.7) 9,297 145 (62.8) 2,250 • Max. Dimensions 85 (29.4) 8,250 150 (65.6) 2,040 Resistance 10K ohm at 77 deg. F (25 deg. C). See table below. Time Constant 10 seconds (to 66% of new temperature). Accuracy ± 0.36 deg. F (0.2 deg. C) over range of 32–158 deg. F (0–70 deg. C). Stability 0.036 deg. F (0.02 deg. C) drift per year. Interchangeability (0.2 deg. C). 0.36 deg. F • Environmental -20–180 deg. F (-29–82 deg. C). Unit 3.0” (77mm)H X 2.0” (51mm)W X 0.75” (20mm)D. Wallplate 4.5” (115mm) H X 2.75” (70mm) W X 0.2” (6mm) D. Ordering information Item number Description TS-1050-BT BACnet-compliant wall sensor Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-MTOUCH Rev. 0004 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. VAV-SD Features and highlights • Capable Four 10-bit inputs and five binary outputs. • Interoperable Fully BACnet-compliant on MS/TP LAN at up to 76.8 Kbps. � � BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA. • Versatile Downloadable operating code to allow for future software improvements. • Reliable Extensive on-board filtering, with all program data backed up in nonvolatile flash memory. • Accurate Factory calibrated at multiple velocity points and field-adjustable during balancing. The Alerton® BACtalk® VAV-SD controller is a versatile BACnet-compliant field controller that provides pressure-independent control of any singleduct variable air volume (VAV) box. As a native BACnet controller, the VAVSD integrates seamlessly with your BACnet system, communicating at up to 76.8 Kbps on a BACnet MS/TP LAN. The VAV-SD-F includes a filter to reduce dust contamination. The BACtalk VAV-SD contains an integral airflow sensor to provide pressure-independent operation of the VAV box. Each airflow sensor is factory-calibrated at multiple velocity points. Minimum, maximum, and reheat airflows can be entered either at an Alerton Microset™ wall unit or an operator workstation. A technician can adjust the calibration in the field during balancing to compensate for slight variations in box installation and type. All control algorithms are factory-loaded into nonvolatile flash memory and can be field-modified. The VAV-SD can execute control algorithms independently of other equipment. All calibration, programming, and operator-entered setup data is stored in flash memory for further assurance of stable, reliable, and independent operation. The BACtalk VAV-SD is your complete answer to control of all singleduct VAV boxes in a BACnet environment. With its integral airflow sensor and programming flexibility, the VAV-SD provides every option for precision VAV box control. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VAV-SD Rev. 0004 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. VAV-SD Technical Data • Power 24 VAC @ 5 VA min., plus binary output loads (65 VA max). Utilizes a half-wave rectifier, which allows a single transformer to power multiple VLCs. One leg of 24 VAC connects to earth (panel) ground. • Inputs 4 universal inputs with 10-bit resolution. Input 0 can be used for a BACtalk Microset. Inputs 1–3 support thermistor/dry contact. • Binary outputs 5 outputs, each rated at 24 VAC, 0.5 A. Three outputs utilize hot-switched triacs. Two outputs utilize ground switching triacs for damper motor control. All outputs have a common connection to the fused 24 VAC supply. • Pressure sensor • Processor & Memory Motorola AZ60 processor with on-board flash memory. Flash memory provides nonvolatile program and data storage and allows for encrypted updates to the program for future product enhancements. • Max. Dimensions (36mm)D. • Terminations Removable header-type screw terminals accept 14–24 AWG wire. An additional header is provided for easy connection to MS/TP for testing. • Environmental condensing. • Communications • BACnet conformance An application specific controller (ASC); tested and approved by BTL. See Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS). • 0–1.25 inches water column differential pressure sensor. 5.20” (132mm)H x 3.30” (84mm)W x 1.40” 0–158 deg. F (-17–70 deg. C). 0–95% RH, nonBACnet MS/TP LAN up to 76.8 Kbps. � � BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA. Ratings Listed Underwriters Laboratory for Open Energy Management Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for Safety 916; listing includes both U.S. and Canadian certification EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark) FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A Ordering information Item number Description VAV-SD Single-duct variable air volume controller VAV-SD-C VAV-SD field controller with available custom DDC Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VAV-SD Rev. 0004 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. VLC-1600 Features and highlights • Capable Sixteen 10-bit universal inputs. • Interoperable Fully BACnet-compliant on MS/TP LAN at up to 76.8 Kbps. � � BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA. • Versatile Fully programmable control logic can be field-modified. • Reliable AZ60 processor, with all program data backed up in nonvolatile flash memory. • Fast Internal logic loop of 100 msec. The Alerton® BACtalk® VLC-1600 is a high-performance, fully programmable input monitoring device. With 16 high-resolution inputs, it is perfectly suited for applications with high input density, where it can augment the input capabilities of other controllers. The VLC-1600 has no control outputs. As a native BACnet controller, it integrates seamlessly with your BACnet system, communicating on a BACnet MS/TP LAN at up to 76.8 Kbps. The VLC-1600 supports the Alerton Microtouch™ as well as the Microset™ and Microset™ II intelligent wall sensors, which offer convenient data display, setpoint adjustment, and technician access to equipment setup parameters. All VLC-1600 control logic is programmed with Alerton’s easy-to-learn graphical programming language, VisualLogic ®. An AZ60 processor provides powerful operation, and nonvolatile flash memory stores all program data. The VLC-1600 is built for high-speed processing, with an internal logical loop time of 100 msec. Programmable timers also maintain a resolution of 100 msec. The VLC-1600 supports pulse-type inputs, and high-resolution, 10-bit analog inputs are jumper-configurable to accept thermistor, dry contact, 0–5 VDC/4–20 mA signals and 0–10 VDC input signals. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VLC-1600 Rev. 0003 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. VLC-1600 Technical Data • Power 24 VAC @ 10 VA max. Utilizes a half-wave rectifier, which allows a single transformer to power multiple VLCs. One leg of 24 VAC connects to earth (panel) ground. • Inputs 16 inputs with 10-bit resolution. Input 0 can be used for a BACtalk Microset. Inputs 1–15 are jumper-configurable for thermistor/dry contact, 0–5 VDC/4–20 mA signals or 0–10 VDC signals. Inputs 1–3 accept pulse inputs. • 24VDC Output 3 terminals provide up to 100 mA (total) of 24 VDC to power transducers or other devices. • Processor & Memory Motorola AZ60 processor with on-board flash memory. Flash memory provides nonvolatile program and data storage, and allows for encrypted updates to the program for future product enhancements. • Max. Dimensions • Terminations • Environmental • Communications • BACnet Conformance An application specific controller (ASC) level device; tested and approved by BTL. See Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS). • 4.90” (125mm)H x 5.45” (138mm)W x 1.40” (36mm)D. Removable header-type screw terminals accept 14–24 AWG wire. 0–158 deg. F (-17–70 deg. C). 0–95% RH, non-condensing. BACnet MS/TP LAN up to 76.8 Kbps. � � Ratings BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA. Listed Underwriters Laboratory for Open Energy Management Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for Safety 916; listing includes both U.S. and Canadian certification EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark) FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A Ordering Information Item number Description VLC-1600 BACtalk field controller with 16 inputs VLC-1600-C VLC-1600 field controller with available custom DDC Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VLC-1600 Rev. 0003 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. VLC-444 Features and highlights • Capable Four universal inputs, four binary outputs and four analog outputs. • Interoperable BACnet-compliant on MS/TP LAN at up to 76.8 Kbps. • Versatile Fully programmable for fan-coil units, VFDs and small packaged air conditioning units, and any application requiring a group of four or less analog outputs, such as a group of VFDs or actuators (i.e., dampers and valves). • Reliable Extensive on-board filtering, with all program and configuration data backed up in nonvolatile flash memory. • Fast Internal logic loop of 100 msec. The Alerton® BACtalk® VLC-444 is a versatile, high-performance, BACnetcompliant field controller designed for fan-coil units. As a native BACnet controller, the VLC-444 integrates seamlessly with your BACnet system. It communicates at up to 76.8 Kbps on a BACnet MS/TP LAN or can operate as a stand-alone controller. All VLC-444 control logic is programmed with Alerton’s easy-to-learn graphical programming language, VisualLogic®. Programming and setup data is stored in nonvolatile flash memory, ensuring stable and reliable operation. The VLC-444 supports the Alerton Microset II intelligent wall sensor, which offers convenient data display, setpoint adjustment, and technician access to equipment setup parameters. The VLC-444 is built for high-speed processing, with an internal logical loop time of 100 msec. High-resolution, 12-bit universal auto-sensing inputs for thermistor/dry contact or 0–10 VDC/4–20 mA . For equipment monitoring, an on-board LED for each binary output indicates ON/OFF status, and a separate LED indicates communication activity on the MS/TP LAN. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VLC-444 Rev. 0001 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. VLC-444 Technical Data • Power 24 VAC at 5 VA miniumum, plus binary output loads (53 VA maximum). Utilizes a half-wave rectifier. 20 VDC supply at 100 mA is provided at the terminal block to power external 4–20 mA sensors. • Inputs 4 universal inputs with 12-bit resolution. Input 0 can be used for a BACtalk Microset II. Inputs 0–3 are auto-sensing for thermistor/ dry contact or 0–10 VDC/4–20 mA signals. • Binary Outputs 4 outputs, each rated at 24 VAC, 0.5 A. The outputs utilize hot-switched triacs, which have a common connection to the 24 VAC supply. • Analog Outputs 4 outputs with 12-bit resolution. Each is autosensing for 0–10 VDC or 4–20 mA. 4–20 mA outputs are sourced by the VLC. Connected loads must return to the VLC ground. 4–20 mA; max. load resistance is 550 ohms. 0–10 VDC; min. load resistance is 1,000 ohms. • Processor & Memory ARM7 processor with on-board flash memory. Flash memory provides nonvolatile program and data storage, and allows for firmware (ROC) updates to the program for future product enhancements. • Max. Dimensions 4.86” (125mm) H x 5.00” (127mm)W x 1.41” (36mm)D. • Environmental -40–150 deg. F (-40-65.5 deg. C). 5–95% RH, non-condensing. • Communications BACnet MS/TP LAN up to 76.8 Kbps. • Ratings Listed Underwriters Laboratory for Open Energy Management Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for Safety 916 EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark) FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A • Terminations Removable headertype screw terminals accept 14–24 AWG wire. Ordering information Item number Description VLC-444 Field controller with 4 universal inputs, 4 binary outputs and 4 analog outputs VLC-444-C VLC-444 field controller with available custom DDC Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VLC-444 Rev. 0001 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. VLC-550 Features and highlights • Capable Five 10-bit inputs and five binary outputs. • Interoperable BACnet-compliant on MS/TP LAN at up to 76.8 Kbps. � � BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA. • Versatile Fully programmable for heat pumps, air-conditioning units, and general purpose control applications • Reliable Extensive on-board filtering, with all program data backed up in nonvolatile flash memory. • Fast Internal logic loop of 100 msec. The Alerton ® BACtalk ® VLC-550 is a versatile, high-performance, BACnet-compliant field controller designed for heat pumps, AC units, and other terminal unit applications. As a native BACnet controller, the VLC-550 integrates seamlessly with your BACnet system. It communicates at up to 76.8 Kbps on a BACnet MS/TP LAN or can operate as a standalone controller. All VLC-550 control logic is programmed with Alerton’s easy-to-learn graphical programming language, VisualLogic®. Programming and setup data is stored in nonvolatile flash memory, ensuring stable and reliable operation. The VLC-550 supports the Alerton Microset™ and Microset II intelligent wall sensors, which offer convenient data display, setpoint adjustment, and technician access to equipment setup parameters. The VLC-550 is built for high-speed processing, with an internal logical loop time of 100 msec. Programmable timers also maintain a resolution of 100 msec. High-resolution, 10-bit analog inputs are field-adjustable for thermistor/ dry contact or 0–5 VDC/4–20 mA . For equipment monitoring, an on-board LED for each binary output indicates ON/OFF status, and a separate LED indicates communication activity on the MS/TP LAN. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VLC-550 Rev. 0003 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. VLC-550 Technical Data • Power 24 VAC @ 5 VA min., plus binary output loads (65 VA max.). Utilizes a half-wave rectifier, which enables a single transformer to power multiple VLCs. One leg of 24 VAC connects to earth (panel) ground. 5" 127 • Inputs 5 inputs with 10-bit resolution. Input 0 can be used for a BACtalk Microset. Inputs 1–4 are switch-selectable for thermistor/dry contact or 0–5 VDC/4–20 mA signals. 2 1/4" 57 3/16" 5 • Binary Outputs 5 outputs, each rated at 24 VAC, 0.5 A. The outputs utilize hot-switched triacs, which have a common connection to the fused 24 VAC supply. 4 15/32" • 24VDC Outputs Up to 250 mA of 24VDC power is provided to power transducers or other devices. • Processor & Memory Motorola AZ60 processor with on-board flash memory. Flash memory provides nonvolatile program and data storage, and allows for encrypted updates to the program for future product enhancements. 113 4 1/16" + G MS /TP 1/2" 13 • Max. Dimensions 4.9” (125mm)H x 5.00” (127mm)W x 1.4” (36mm)D. • Terminations Removable header-type screw terminals accept 14–24 AWG wire. • Environmental 32–158 deg. F (0–70 deg. C). 0–95% RH, non-condensing. • Communications BACnet MS/TP LAN up to 76.8 Kbps. • BACnet Conformance An application specific controller (ASC); tested and approved by BTL. See Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS). � � • Ratings BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA. Listed Underwriters Laboratory for Open Energy Management Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for Safety 916 EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark) FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A Ordering information Item number Description VLC-550 Field controller with 5 inputs and 5 binary outputs VLC-550-C VLC-550 field controller with available custom DDC Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VLC-550 Rev. 0003 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. 103 VLC-853 Features and highlights • Capable Eight 10-bit inputs, five binary outputs, and three 8-bit analog outputs. • Interoperable BACnet-compliant on MS/TP LAN at up to 76.8 Kbps. � � BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA. • Versatile Fully programmable for central plant systems, air handling units, other control and process equipment. • Reliable Extensive on-board filtering, with all program data backed up in nonvolatile flash memory. • Fast Internal logic loop of 100 msec. The Alerton® BACtalk® VLC-853 is a versatile, high-performance BACnetcompliant field controller designed for control of central plant systems, air handling units, large terminal units, and similar control and process equipment. As a native BACnet controller, the VLC-853 integrates seamlessly with your BACnet system. It communicates at up to 76.8 Kbps on a BACnet MS/TP LAN or can operate as a stand-alone controller. All VLC-853 control logic is programmed with Alerton’s easy-to-learn graphical programming language, VisualLogic®. Programming and setup data is stored in nonvolatile flash memory, ensuring stable and reliable operation. The VLC-853 supports the Alerton Microset ™ and Microset II intelligent wall sensors, which offer convenient data display, setpoint adjustment, and technician access to equipment setup parameters. The VLC-853 is built for high-speed processing, with an internal logical loop time of 100 msec. Programmable timers also maintain a resolution of 100 msec. High-resolution, 10-bit analog inputs are field-adjustable for thermistor/ dry contact, 0–5 VDC/4–20 mA or 0–10 VDC. Analog outputs are switchselectable for 4–20 mA or 0–10 VDC. For equipment monitoring, an on-board LED for each binary output indicates ON/OFF status, and a separate LED indicates communication activity on the MS/TP LAN. 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VLC-853 Rev. 0003 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. VLC-853 Technical Data • Power 24 VAC @ 10 VA min., plus binary output loads (80 VA max). Utilizes a half-wave rectifier, which allows a single transformer to power multiple VLCs. One leg of 24 VAC connects to earth (panel) ground. • Inputs 8 universal inputs with 10-bit resolution. Input 0 can be used for a BACtalk Microset. Inputs 1–7 are jumper-selectable for thermistor/dry contact, 0–5 VDC/4–20 mA or 0–10 VDC. • Binary Outputs 5 outputs, each rated at 24 VAC, 0.5 A. The outputs utilize hot-switched triacs, which have a common connection to the fused 24 VAC supply. • Analog Outputs 3 outputs with 8-bit resolution. Each is switch-selectable for 0–10 VDC or 4–20 mA. 4–20 mA outputs are sourced by the VLC. Connected loads must return to the VLC ground. 4–20 mA max. load resistance is 1,000 ohms. 0–10 VDC min. load resistance is 500 ohms. • 24VDC Outputs Two terminals provide up to 100 mA (total) of 24 VDC to power transducers or other devices. • Processor & memory Motorola AZ60 processor with on-board flash memory. Flash memory provides nonvolatile program and data storage, and allows for encrypted updates to the program for future product enhancements. • Ratings • Max. Dimensions • Terminations Removable header-type screw terminals accept 14–24 AWG wire. An additional header is provided for easy connection to MS/TP for testing. Listed Underwriters Laboratory for Open Energy Management Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for Safety 916; listing includes both U.S. and Canadian certification • Environmental condensing. EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark) • Communications • BACnet Conformance An application specific controller (ASC); tested and approved by BTL. See Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS). 4.9” (125mm)H x 5.4” (136mm)W x 1.4” (36mm)D. 0–158 deg. F (-17–70 deg. C). 0–95% RH, non- FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A BACnet MS/TP LAN up to 76.8 Kbps. � � BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of listed products to requirements of ASHRAE Standard 135 is the responsibility of the BACnet Manufacturers Association (BMA). BTL is a registered trademark of the BMA. Ordering information Item number Description VLC-853 8 inputs, 5 binary triac outputs, 3 analog outputs VLC-853-C VLC-853 field controller with available custom DDC Specifications subject to change without notice 6670 185th Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052 USA • Tel: 425.869.8400 • Fax: 425.869.8445 • 2 of 2 LTBT-VLC-853 Rev. 0003 © Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Alerton is a registered trademark of Honeywell. LMB24-3 (-S)(-T) ® On/Off-Floating Point Control, Non-Spring Return, Direct Coupled, 24 V Torque min. 45 in-lb for control of damper surfaces up to 11 sq ft. LMB24-3 LMB24-3-T LMB24-3-P5-T LMB24-3.1 (bulk) LMB24-3-T.1 (bulk) LMB24-3-P5-T.1 (bulk) LMB24-3-P10-T LMB24-3-S LOM A 184 Adj. 0° to 100°, SPDT 3 A (0.5A) @ 250 VAC 1.4lbs [0.6 Kg] The LMB24-3… actuators use a sensorless Brushless DC motor, which is controlled by an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). The ASIC monitors and controls the actuator’s rotation and provides a digital rotation sensing (DRS) function to prevent damage to the actuator in a stall condition. Power consumption is reduced in holding mode. The LMB24-3-S version is provided with 1 built-in auxiliary switch. This SPDT switch is provided for safety interfacing or signaling, for example, for fan start-up. The switching function is adjustable 0 to 95°. The auxiliary switch is double insulated so an electrical ground connection is not necessary. Add on auxiliary switches or feedback potentiometers are easily fastened directly onto the actuator body for signaling and switching functions. Dimensions (All numbers in brackets are in millimeters.) 1/4” to 3/4” [6 to 26] 5/16” to 3/4” [8 to 26] 4.57” [116] Screw terminal (for 26 to 14 GA wire) 10 kΩ, 1W potentiometer pack only) 5 kΩ, 1W potentiometer NEMA 1/IP20 Screw terminal (for 26 to 14 GA wire) NEMA 1/IP20 0.86” [22] 3.7” [94] 2” [50.8] I20618 - Subject to change. © Belimo Aircontrols (USA), Inc. Noise Level Servicing Quality Standard Weight LMB24-3-S Auxiliary switch Weight LMB24-3-P10-T Electrical connection Feedback LMB24-3-P5-T (bulk Feedback Housing LMB24-3-T Electrical connection Housing The LMB series provides 95° of rotation and a visual indicator which indicates position of the actuator. When reaching the damper or actuator end position, the actuator automatically stops. The gears can be disengaged with manual release on the actuator cover. D120 Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature Housing Housing Material Agency Listings Operation The actuator is not provided with and does not require any limit switches, but is electronically protected against overload. The anti-rotation strap supplied with the actuator will prevent lateral movement. 2.34” [59.4] Overload Protection Control Input Impedance Angle of Rotation Torque Direction of Rotation Position Indication Manual Override Running Time Humidity LMB24-3… on/off-floating 24 VAC ± 20% 50/60 Hz 24 VDC ± 10% 1.5 W (0.2 W) 3 VA (Class 2 power source) 3 ft, 18 GA plenum rated cable 3 ft, 18 GA appliance rated cable (-S) 1/2” conduit connector electronic throughout 0 to 95° rotation on/off, floating point 600Ω max. 95°, adjust. with mechanical stop 45 in-lb [5 Nm] reversible with switch reflective visual indicator (snap-on) external push button 95 seconds, constant independent of load 5 to 95% RH non condensing (EN 60730-1) -22°F to +122°F [-30°C to +50°C] -40°F to +176°F [-40°C to +80°C] NEMA 2/IP54 UL94-5VA cULus acc. to UL 60730-1/-2-14 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No.24, CE according to 73 / 23 / EEC <35dB(A) maintenance free ISO 9001 1.1lbs [0.5 Kg], The actuator is mounted directly to a damper shaft from 1/4” up to 5/8” in diameter by means of its standard universal clamp. Shafts up to 3/4” diameter can be accommodated by an accessory clamp. 2.6” [66] Power Consumption Transformer Sizing Electrical Connection ess DC M 1.85” [47] or s hl ot Bru Technical Data Power Supply © O H Application For on-off and floating point control of dampers in HVAC systems. Actuator sizing should be done in accordance with the damper manufacturer’s specifications. LMB24-3 (-S)(-T) ® On/Off-Floating Point Control, Non-Spring Return, Direct Coupled, 24 V LMB24-3 - Typical Specification: Floating point, on/off control damper actuators shall be electronic direct-coupled type, which require no crankarm and linkage and be capable of direct mounting to a shaft from 1/4” to 5/8”. Shafts up to 3/4” diameter can be accommodate with an accessory clamp. Actuators shall have Brushless DC motor technology and be protected from overload at all angles of rotation. Actuators shall have reversing switch and manual override on the cover. If required, actuator will be provided with screw terminal strip for electrical connections (LMB24-3-T). If required, actuators shall be provided with one adjustable SPDT auxiliary switch. Actuators with auxiliary switches must be constructed to meet the requirements for double insulation so an electrical ground is not required to meet agency listings. Run time shall be constant and independent of torque. Actuators shall be cULus listed, have a 5-year warranty, and be manufactured under ISO 9001 International Quality Control Standards. Actuators shall be as manufactured by Belimo. LM Accessories K-LM20 3/4” [20 mm] Shaft Clamp AV6-20 Shaft Extension ZG-LMSA Shaft Adaptor for 1/2” Diameter Shafts ZG-LMSA-1 Shaft Adaptor for 3/8” Diameter Shafts ZS-T Terminal Cover for NEMA 2 ZS-100 Weather Shield - Steel ZS-150 Weather Shield - Polycarbonate Tool-06 8 mm & 10 mm Wrench S1A, S2A Auxiliary Switch (es) P370 Shaft Mount Auxiliary Switch P…A Feedback Potentiometers Note: When using LMB24-3… actuators, only use accessories listed on this page. 4 2 Line Volts 2 4 Line Volts Red (2) + a open a closed 24 VAC Transformer 1 Blk (1) Common – W267 24 VAC Transformer Blk (1) Common – Red (2) + a Wht (3) + 1 The indication of direction is valid for switch position 1. Wht (3) + 0 The indication of direction is valid for switch position 1. On/Off 1 0 Floating Point or On/Off control Notes: W268 I20618 - Subject to change. © Belimo Aircontrols (USA), Inc. 1 W266 Wiring 3 Vlt (S1) 1 Provide overload protection and disconnect as required. 2 Actuators may also be powered by 24 VDC. NC Red (S2) 3 Wht (S3) NO 0° to 95° 4 4 For end position indication, interlock control, fan startup, etc., xMB24-3-S incorporates one built-in auxiliary switches: 1 x SPDT, 3A (0.5A) @250 VAC, UL listed, adjustable 0° to 95°. Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection. Auxiliary Switch of LMB24-3-S 185 OWS Dell Optiplex 790 ABS Bundle Operating System: - Genuine Windows® 7 Professional, 64-bit Case: - OptiPlex 790 Minitower for Standard Power Supply TM Processor: - Intel® Core i7 2600 Processor (3.4GHz, 8M) Hard Drive #1: - 500GB 7,200 RPM 3.5" SATA, 6.0Gb/s Hard Drive with 16MB Cache Memory: - 8GB DDR3 Non-ECC SDRAM, 1333MHz, (2 DIMM) Video Card: - 1GB AMD RADEON HD 6450 (1 DP/ DVI), Full Height Removable Media Storage Device: - 16X DVD+/-RW Speakers: - Internal Dell Business Audio Speakers Networking: - On-Board 10/100/1000 NIC Keyboard: - Dell KB212-B USB 104 Quiet Key Keyboard Mouse: - Dell MS111 USB Optical Mouse Software: - No Productivity Software, No Virus Protection Patch Cable: - CAT5E 7' Patch Cable x2 Surge Protector: - Belkin 8-Outlet Professional Surge Protector Monitor (LCD): Dell E Series E2211H 21.5-inch Widescreen Flat Panel LED Monitor, VGA/ DVI Warranty: 3 Year ProSupport with 3 Year NBD Limited Onsite Service After Remote Diagnosis BLANK PAGE Functional Devices, Inc. 310 South Union Street Russiaville, IN 46979 PSH100A power supply for BCM Panel (Tab 1). Office 765.883.5538 Sales 800.888.5538 Fax 765.883.7505 AC Power Supply Class 2 PSH100A Series Enclosed Single 100 VA Power Supplies, 120 to 24 Vac 120 Vac Convenience Outlet* 24 Vac Breaker 5.438˝ 5.150˝ SPECIFICATIONS Transformer: One 100 VA Split-Bobbin Over Current Protection: Circuit Breaker Made in USA Meets “Buy American” of ARRA 2009 ON OFF RESET Input Wires: “B10˝ Models Only Input Power Wires BLK: 120 Vac WHT: Neutral GRN: Ground All Other Models Primary Wires BLK: 120 Vac WHT: Common ON OFF RESET 4.250˝ 4.500˝ OFF OFF Com Outlet Wires BLK: 120 Vac WHT: Neutral GRN: Ground Output Wires: “B10˝ Models Only “W˝ Models Only Transformer Output Auxiliary Output WHT/YEL: 24 Vac BLU: 120 Vac WHT/BLU: Common Frequency: 50/60 Hz 24 Vac ON/OFF: On / Off Switch & Breaker Main Breaker ON/OFF: Switch / Breaker (10 Amp) (Kills power to entire unit: Outlets, Aux. Output, & Transformer)** Total Combined Output 9A Approvals: Class 2 UL Listed, UL916, UL508, C-UL, CE, RoHS Dimensions: 4.500˝ x 5.438˝ x 4.500˝ Weight: 4.600 lbs. Notes 24 Vac On/Off Switch LED Indicator 4.500˝ 24 Vac 5.150˝ 120 Vac Convenience Outlet* 10 Amp Main Breaker/Switch Notes: » *Move internal jumper to “HOT” position if you wish outlets to always be hot otherwise outlets will be switched by main breaker. » To order UL508, add “-IC” to end of model number. PSH100A Series Selection Guide MODEL # PSH100A PSH100AN PSH100ANW PSH100AW PSH100AB10** PSH100ANB10** PSH100ANWB10** PSH100AWB10** 120 VAC OUTLETS • • • • AUX OUTPUT WIRE MAIN BREAKER ON INPUT POWER • • • • 10 Amp Switch / Breaker 10 Amp Switch / Breaker 10 Amp Switch / Breaker 10 Amp Switch / Breaker SECONDARY CONFIGURATION External Terminal Strip External Terminal Strip Internal Wires Internal Wires External Terminal Strip External Terminal Strip Internal Wires Internal Wires BLANK PAGE Functional Devices, Inc. 310 South Union Street Russiaville, IN 46979 Office 765.883.5538 Sales 800.888.5538 Fax 765.883.7505 20 Amp Power Control Relays RIB2401SB Enclosed Relay 20 Amp SPST-N/O + Override with 24 Vac/dc/120 Vac Coil Wht/Blk 120 Vac Wht/Blu 24 Vac/dc Made in USA Meets “Buy American” of ARRA 2009 RIB2402SB Enclosed Relay 20 Amp SPST-N/O + Override with 24 Vac/dc/208-277 Vac Coil Wht/Brn 208-277 Vac Wht/Blu 24 Vac/dc CLOSED OPEN AUTO Wht/Yel Comm Org CLOSED OPEN AUTO Wht/Yel Comm Org Org Org SPECIFICATIONS # Relays & Contact Type: Expected Relay Life: Operating Temperature: Humidity Range: Operate Time: Relay Status: Dimensions: Wires: Approvals: One (1) SPST Continuous Duty Coil 10 million cycles minimum mechanical -30 to 140° F 5 to 95% (noncondensing) 18mS LED On = Activated 2.30˝ x 3.20˝ x 1.80˝ with .50˝ NPT Nipple 16˝, 600V Rated UL Listed, UL916, UL864, C-UL California State Fire Marshal, CE, RoHS Housing Rating: Plenum, NEMA 1 Gold Flash: No Override Switch: Yes Notes Contact Ratings: 20 Amp Resistive @ 277 Vac 20 Amp Ballast N/O @ 277 Vac 10 Amp Ballast N/C @ 277 Vac 10 Amp Tungsten N/O @ 120 Vac 770 VA Pilot Duty @ 120 Vac 1,110 VA Pilot Duty @ 277 Vac 2 HP @ 277 Vac 1 HP @ 120 Vac Coil Voltage Input: 24 Vac/dc ; 120 Vac ; 50-60 Hz (RIB2401SB) 24 Vac/dc ; 208-277 Vac ; 50-60 Hz (RIB2402SB) Drop Out = 2.1 Vac / 3.8 Vdc Pull In = 18 Vac / 22 Vdc Coil Current: 33 mA @ 22 Vdc 50 mA @ 18 Vac 35 mA @ 24 Vdc 83 mA @ 24 Vac 47 mA @ 30 Vdc 47 mA @ 120 Vac (RIB2401SB) 69 mA @ 208-277 Vac (RIB2402SB) Notes: » Order Normally Closed by adding “-NC” to end of model number » Order with Momentary Override Switch by adding “-MNO” to end of model number BLANK PAGE Duct Temperature Sensors Model TE-701 / 702 • Five installation options — probe with mounting flange or bulkhead fitting, plastic, galvanized steel, or NEMA-4 / IP65 steel enclosure offer the industry’s most extensive range to satisfy all HVAC, appliance and industrial applications. • 304 SS thin wall probe with a cold rolled hermitically sealed end forms a monolithic encapsulation cavity for the sensor and is immune to failures caused by high humidity, contamination, thermal shock and vibration. • The flat probe end provides a large thermally sensitive area and the sensor is in direct thermal contact to this surface. As a result, extremely fast response is achieved to changes in temperature. • More than 15 types of interchangeable NTC thermistors, precision platinum, nickel or balco RTD’s are available for universal compatibility. • Probe is attached to the enclosure or the flange using a patented process to provide a rugged, reliable and low profile attachment for ease of installation. TE-701/702 temperature sensors offer the industry’s most extensive range of enclosure, installation and sensor types to satisfy all HVAC, industrial and commercial applications. These revolutionary sensors incorporate more than twenty five years of product development and experience drawn from millions of installations world wide in all types of applications. This product and process design combined with automated manufacturing processes yields a rugged, reliable, repeatable and stable temperature sensor at a low cost. The only line of temperature sensors offering lifetime warranty against moisture migration related failures. For large volume OEM customers, TE-701/702 temperature sensors are available in many custom configurations. Wire type, length or gage, terminals, connectors, probe lengths, enclosure options or sensor types may be customized based on volume. 8189 Century Boulevard • Minneapolis, MN 55317-8002 • USA 800-843-5116 • 952-556-4900 • Fax 952-556-4997 • Baird House, Units 6&7 Pensnett Estate • Kingswinford West Midlands • DY6 7YA • United Kingdom 01384-271113 • Fax 01384-271114 4 Arminger Court, Unit 2 Holden Hill • S.A. 5088 • Australia 08-8395-4333 • Fax 08-8395-4433 155 McIntosh Drive, Units 5&6 • Markham Ontario • L3R ON6 • Canada 905-474-9215 • Fax 905-474-0876 ® Registered trademark MAMAC SYSTEMS, Inc. No. 22 Lorong 21A Geylang # 11-02 Prosper Industrial Building Singapore • 388421 656-3927273 • Fax 656-3927276 TE-701 / 702 TE-701-A/B Temperature Sensor Flange Mount Incorporate a hermitically sealed 304 SS probe, crimped on to a Steel flange providing a rugged assembly for duct temperature sensing. Two mounting holes are provided for #8 screws and the flange mating surface is fully gasketted to seal off the probe and screw holes. TE-701-A is available with 3 in/75mm wire leads and the TE-701-B has 6 ft/1.8 meter plenum rated cable. TE-701-A/B is an ideal product for a rugged, reliable, quick and easy installation in air handlers, fan coil units, ducts, furnaces, freezers, ovens or any other through the wall temperature sensing application. TE-701-C/D Temperature Sensor Bulkhead Mount Fast response 304 SS probe with a brass bulkhead fitting and a compression sleeve forms a strong assembly for duct temperature sensing if adjustable insertion depth is desired. The bulkhead fitting is installed in the duct, compression sleeve loosened, probe inserted to the desired length and the sleeve is tightened. Sensor is available with 3 in/75mm leads or 6 ft /1.8 meter plenum rated cable. TE-701-C/D sensors provide a low cost, rugged, quick and easy installation in air handlers, fan coil units, ducts, plenum, furnaces, freezers, ovens or any other through the wall temperature sensing application which requires adjustable insertion length. TE-702-A Temperature Sensor Polycarb Enclosure Corrosion free 30% glass filled polycarbonate enclosure designed to withstand temperature extremes, mechanical shock and vibration. 304 SS probe crimp attached to the enclosure flange for a low profile mating surface, external mounting bracket to conform to irregular surfaces, single screw cover attachment, are some of the features which improve reliability and lower installation cost. TE-702-A temperature sensors provide a cost effective and reliable solution for air handlers, fan coil units, ducts, plenums, furnaces or any other application which does not require conduit wiring. 2 TE-701 / 702 TE-702-B Temperature Sensor Galvanized Steel Enclosure Industry standard NEMA-1 / IP-30 galvanized sheet metal enclosure designed for all industrial and commercial duct temperature sensing applications. Hermitically sealed, fast response 304 SS probe crimp attached to the enclosure flange to provide a low profile mating surface, external mounting bracket to conform to uneven surfaces, keyed enclosure cover to swing open without removing the screws, 1/2” conduit opening, are some of the features which improve reliability and lower installation cost. TE-702-C Temperature Sensor Powder Coated Steel Enclosure Rugged steel enclosure with welded seams, gasketted cover and powder coated finish, rated NEMA-4 / IP-65 for harsh environments. TE-702-C has all the other features including a 304 SS probe, external mounting bracket, conduit opening similar to the TE-702-B series except designed for applications in unconditioned environments where the unit maybe subjected to dirt, condensation, oil vapor and other contaminants. SPECIFICATIONS: Platinum RTD sensors: Nickel RTD sensors: (#2) Nickel RTD sensors: (#4) Balco RTD sensors: Thermistor sensors: Probe Material: Flange Material: Bulkhead Fitting: Plastic Enclosure: Steel NEMA-1 / IP-30: Steel NEMA-4 / IP-65: Operating Temp: Ambient Temp: Warranty: +/- 0.1% @ 0 C, Alpha : 385 per DIN 43760 +/- 0.5 C @ 0 C, 5000 PPM/K T.C.R. +/- 0.5 F @ 70 F / 21.1 C, 6000 PPM/K T.C.R. +/- 0.5 F @ 70 F /21.1 C, 4300 PPM/K T.C.R. +/- 0.2 C interchangeability @ 77 F/ 0 C 1/4” / 6.3mm O.D, 0.020” / 0.5mm wall 304 Stainless Steel Galvanized Steel Brass with poly compression sleeve Polycarbonate 30% glass filled, rated UL 94V-5-0 18 Ga. Galvanized Steel 18 Ga. Cold Rolled Steel, Powder coated -40F/-40C to 210F/100C -40F/-40C to 160F/70C Five Years (Lifetime on Moisture Migration). U.S. PATENT NO. 6457857, 6555748, 7036224 3 TE-701-A/B TE-701-C/D 1/4” (6.3 mm) 1/4" (6.3 mm) 2.00" (50 mm) 1.50" (37 mm) 9/16” Hex TE-702-B/C TE-702-A 1/4" (6.3 mm) 1/4" (6.3 mm) O.D. 4.00" (100 mm) 3.25" (80 mm) 3.00" (75 mm) 2.50" (62 mm) 2.50" (62 mm) 2.00" (50 mm) 1.20" (30 mm) 2.00" (50 mm) 2.50" (62 mm) 4.00" (120 mm) 5.00" (125 mm) 4 TE-701-A-12-A ORDERING INFORMATION: TE-701 Installation A B C D Flange mount 3 in/175mm wire leads Flange mount 6 ft/1.8m plenum cable Bulkhead mount 3 in/175mm wire leads Bulkhead mount 6 ft/1.8m plenum cable Sensor* 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 21 100 ohm Platinum RTD 1,000 ohm Nickel RTD (5000 PPM) 1,000 ohm Platinum RTD 1,000 ohm Nickel RTD (6000 PPM) 1,000 ohm Balco RTD 10,000 ohm NTC thermistor (Type III) 10,000 ohm NTC thermistor (Carel) 3,000 ohm NTC thermistor 10,000 ohm NTC thermistor (Type II) 5,000 ohm NTC thermistor 1,035 ohm Silicon PTC 100,000 ohm NTC thermistor 20,000 ohm NTC thermistor 2,252 ohm NTC thermistor 1,800 ohm NTC thermistor Probe Length A B C D 4 inches/100mm 6 inches/150mm 8 inches/200mm 12 inches/300mm Example: TE-701-B-10-A: Flange mount with 6 ft cable, 3000 ohm thermistor and 4 inch probe length. ORDERING INFORMATION: TE-702 Installation A B C Polycarb Plastic Enclosure IP-54 Galvanized Steel Enclosure NEMA-1 / IP-30 Painted Steel Enclosure NEMA-4 / IP-65 Sensor* 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 21 100 ohm Platinum RTD 1,000 ohm Nickel RTD (5000 PPM) 1,000 ohm Platinum RTD 1,000 ohm Nickel RTD (6000 PPM) 1,000 ohm Balco RTD 10,000 ohm NTC thermistor (Type III) 10,000 ohm NTC thermistor (Carel) 3,000 ohm NTC thermistor 10,000 ohm NTC thermistor (Type II) 5,000 ohm NTC thermistor 1,035 ohm Silicon PTC 100,000 ohm NTC thermistor 20,000 ohm NTC thermistor 2,252 ohm NTC thermistor 1,800 ohm NTC thermistor Probe Length A B C D 4 inches/100mm 6 inches/150mm 8 inches/200mm 12 inches/300mm Example: TE-702-A-3-D: Polycarb plastic enclosure with1000ohm Platinum RTD and12 inch probe length. * For sensor compatibility, please refer to TI.700-10. ** For a complete Resistance vs. Temperature tables, please refer to TI.700-11. 5 8189 Century Boulevard • Minneapolis, MN 55317-8002 • USA 800-843-5116 • 952-556-4900 • Fax 952-556-4997 • Baird House, Units 6&7 Pensnett Estate • Kingswinford West Midlands • DY6 7YA • United Kingdom 01384-271113 • Fax 01384-271114 DN701/2.2 4 Arminger Court, Unit 2 Holden Hill • S.A. 5088 • Australia 08-8395-4333 • Fax 08-8395-4433 © Copyright 2007 155 McIntosh Drive, Units 5&6 • Markham Ontario • L3R ON6 • Canada 905-474-9215 • Fax 905-474-0876 ® Registered trademark MAMAC SYSTEMS, Inc. No. 22 Lorong 21A Geylang # 11-02 Prosper Industrial Building Singapore • 388421 656-3927273 • Fax 656-3927276 Printed in USA C-2300 Split Core GO/NO Series .15-200A range l Command relay option l Din-Rail Compatible O N / O G Compact package, plus add a command relay for start/stop/ status in one unit!! Split-core is ideal for retrofit and new construction applications J Fits easily in small starter enclosures J Great for fans, pumps, and small exhaust fans when detection of mechanical failures is not needed J Removable mounting base for easy mounting J DIN rail mount without additional components J Easy to wire--polarity insensitive output eliminates wiring errors Command relay option for start /stop! J Installation savings--get two devices installed for the price of one J Removable relay facilitates service and lowers replacement cost J Relay is long-life. Rated for 100,000 operations at full load J Eliminates unsightly external RIBsTM and associated wiring Cost-Effective J Reduced labor cost compared to differential pressure switches J Maintenance-free--no call-backs Reliable J 100% solid state, no moving parts to fail J Replace pressure switches and other electromechanical devices J Industry leading 7 year warranty Sensor Minimum Current 0.15A Monitored Load (0A) Sensor Output Energized The C-2300 series output changes state whenever current above 0.15A is present. This provides “go/no” status on loads that are not subject to mechanical failures. Typical on/off status applications include: • Lighting circuits • Heater elements • Direct drive fans (e.g. exhaust fans), fans, & pumps • Process motors C-2300 for 3-phase motor status. EF-C1 & D1 (Tab 5). Proudly Made in the U.S.A. 14 p. 866-660-8864 • f. 503-296-2529 C-2300 Split Core GO/NO Series .15-200A range l Command relay option l Din-Rail Compatible SPECIFICATIONS Sensor only C-2300 C-2301 0.15A (on)-200A NO, solid-state FET 1.0A@30VAC/DC C-2300HV 0.15A (on)-200A NC, solid-state (polarity sensitive) 1.0A@30VDC -15-60 ° C 0.15A (on)-200A NO, solid-state 0.5A@250VAC 40-75 ° C (0.75-50A), contacts to 0.25A@250VAC/DC 600V RMS. For use on insulated conductors only! Use minimum 75 ° C insulated conductor Insulation Class Sensor Power Frequency Range Dimensions ( LxWxH) Sensor Aperture AutoSet Amperage Range Sensor Output Type Sensor Output Rating Temperature Rating 600V RMS. For use on insulated conductors only! Use minimum 90 ° C insulated conductor Induced 50/60Hz 2.75” x 2.57” x 0.82” (1.49” H with optional command relay) 0.75” Snap on a command relay and get load control and status in a single compact device. Plus, it’s easy to service should the relay need replacement! No more costly unsightly external relays PreSet Dimensions for C-2300 GO/NO with Relay Add a command relay combo for installation savings! 2.23 1.49 2.57 2.12 2.50 O.18 .57 Go/No No N o One Makes Ma it Easier! Shown with optional command relay-start, stop, and status in single device Wiring for C-2300 GO/NO NOTE: Device is NOT polarity sensitive. CONTROLLER INSULATED PRIMARY AC CONDUCTOR 600VAC MAX V+ V+ Analog v DI DI Status Output 0.5A @ 30VAC/DC Normally Open ORDERING INFORMATION Model ALTERNATE CONTROLLER ARRANGEMENTS Sensor with Command Relay V+ N.O. relay N.C. relay N.O. 1.0A@30VAC/DC C-2300-CR1 C-2300-CR2 N.C. 1.0A@30VDC C-2301-CR1 C-2301-CR2 N.O. 0.5A@250VAC C-2300HV-CR1 C-2300HV-CR2 Command relay output Command relay input N.O. 10(5)@250VAC 24VAC/DC 10mA N.C. 10(5)@250VAC 24VAC/DC 10mA Other coil voltages available Consult factory DI DI DI DI VAC 24VAC GND (SOURCING) (AC) Proudly Additional Information C-2300 C-2301 C-2300HV Command CR1 CR2 Output (SINKING) Made in the U.S.A. 16418 SW 72nd Ave. • Portland, OR 97224 15 CO2 Sensors Duct Mount with LCD CO2 Transmitter/switch 0 -2000/0 -5000 ppm | 4-20mA; 0-5/10VDC Integrated setpoint relay| Temp options Duct mount CO2 with LCD for easy operation ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ Integrated display and pushbutton menus for field selectable scale, calibration, and operational modes Dual 4-20mA and 0-5v/0-10v output (jumper selectable) Integrated high-reliability solid-state set-point relay is ideal for direct control applications; easy to set up thanks to LCD Display simplifies install High reliability reduces call backs ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ Non-dispersive infrared sensing element (NDIR) Gold-plated optical chamber for high performance and endurance Field replaceable CO2 sensor Industry leading 7-year warranty on electronics; NDIR module 3 years High accuracy for improved system performance ▪▪ Selectable auto-calibration mode returns sensor to baseline values ▪▪ +/-2% full scale to 1400 ppm. (5000 ppm f.s.) Proudly Made in the U.S.A. 50 p. 866-660-8864 • f. 503-296-2529 CO2 Sensors SPECIFICATIONS Power Supply 12-30vdc/24vac(1), 100mA max. Dual Analog 3-wire 4-20mA and 0-5v/0-10v (2) (jumper) Analog Outputs Output scaling 0 - 2000 or 0 - 5000 ppm (selectable) Digital Setpoint Output Programmable Solid-state, 1A @ 30VAC/DC, N.O. Type Non-dispersive Infrared (NDIR) Accuracy +/-2% full scale to 1400 ppm. (5000 ppm f.s.) Sensor Performance Response time 60 seconds to 90% reading Output update rate 3 seconds SPH, Setpoint, Hi (On point) 500ppm to full-scale (700ppm default) SPL, Setpoint, Lo (Off point) 400ppm to full-scale-50 (600ppm default) LCD Menu Setup SCL, Scaling 0-2000ppm or 0-5000ppm (2000ppm default) Parameters ADJ, Adjustment Offset adjustment +/-250ppm (0 default) CAL, Calibration mode Automatic mode ON or OFF (default=ON) RUN, Run mode Displays CO2 in ppm Temperature 32 to 122F (0 to 50C) Operating Environment Humidity 0-95% non-condensing Enclosure Material Polycarbonate; aluminum tube Dimensions 3.7”h x 3.7”w x 2.24”d (+8” probe) (1) One side of transformer secondary is connected to signal common. Dedicated transformer is recommended. (2) 15vdc power supply voltage required for 10 volt output. CO2D-A ORDERING CO2DTemperature A = None C = 100Pt (385) D = 1000Pt (385) E = 10k type 2 F= 10k type 3 G = 10k type 3 w/11k shunt H = 3k I = 2k2 J = 1k8 K = 20k L = 100k Field replaceable gold-plated CO2 NDIR Replacement Sensor Elements CO2-5 Replacement NDIR element Unique X sampling probe picks up airflow regardless of direction mounted. 51 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CR3-24V Relay Module, 1 x N.O. Fits C23xx series INSTALLATION Disconnect, lock out and tag out all power supplies during installation 1. . Slide relay module onto any C23xx series mini split-core sensor. 2.. Wire relay module to control panel and to motor starter. Tighten terminals to 3.5 in-lb. 3. Observe polarity of relay coil terminals. WIRING EXAMPLES 3PZS CONTROLLER + COIL 24VAC/DC DANGER DO Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury. ! 3PZS Ind. Cont. Eq. Read instructions before installing GND COIL IS POLARITY SENSITIVE Hazard of electrical shock, explosion, and arc flash AC WARNING •Follow ALL requirements in NFPA 70E for safe work practices and for Personal Protective Equipment (USA) and other applicable local codes when installing this product OPERATION •Only qualified electrical personnel should install this product. •Read, understand, and follow all instructions thoroughly DANGER •Install only on insulated conductors •Lock out and tag out all power sources prior to installation. Use properly rated voltage sensing instrument to determine no voltage is present ! FORM A (N.O.) - DO CR3-24 CONTACT 10A@125VAC Status Output 0.5A @ 30VAC/DC Normally Open The CR3 command relay module slides onto any C23xx series sensor, providing a convenient means of controlling line-voltage devices such as motor starters from low-voltage control signals. DIMENSIONS WARNING 1.49 Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious injury. Automated equipment may start without warnng 2.57 •Equipment monitored/operated by this device may start without warning. Keep clear of apparatus at all times IMPORTANT WARNINGS •Only qualified trade installers should install this product •This product is not intended for life-safety applications •Do not install in hazardous or classified locations Troubleshooting Symptom LED not lit, relay not energized Causes Remedy Coil wiring incorrect Check polarity Coil voltage too low Check coil voltage •The installer is responsible for all applicable codes Maximum surrounding air ambient, 60 ° C. •This product must be installed in a suitable electrical enclosure For use in Pollution Degree 2 Environment. Part Number PRODUCT APPLICATION LIMITATION: Senva products are not designed for life or safety applications. Senva products are not intended for use in critical applications such as nuclear facilities, human implantable device or life support. Senva is not liable, in whole or in part, for any claims or damages arising from such uses. Coil Contact Arrangement Contact Rating Temperature Rating Dimensions ( LxWxH) 1-866-660-8864 1-503-296-2529 CR3-12 CR3-24 9-12VDC, 30mA nom. 24VAC/DC, 15mA nom. N.O. (1 form A) 10A@250VAC (UL C300 RATED) -15~60 ° C 2.94” x 2.23” x 0.82” (1.4” H with relay module) 16418 SW 72nd Avenue Portland Oregon 97224 BLANK PAGE SRCM Room Pressure Monitor w/BACnet® Option “2 in 1” Eliminates need for 2nd Monitor • Display both Pressure and Room Condition • On-Board and Remote Sensing Capability High Resolution Color Touch-Screen Display • Immediate Feedback on Room Status • Intuitive Graphic Interface Flush-Mount Design • Low Profile, Easy-Care Wipe Down • Snap-in Cover Plate - No Visible Fasteners Low Cost Installation • Clone Configuration Capability • Standard Off-The-Shelf Electrical Box The Solution with a SmarTTouch™ Display In a hospital, laboratory, or animal research facility, the integrity of the ventilation control system is at the heart of a contaminant free environment. Whether a room is to be maintained at a negative pressure to prevent contaminants from escaping into adjacent areas or positive pressure to protect patients with compromised immune systems, the proper pressurization of the room is essential. To assure proper pressurization is maintained in these critical environments, a room pressure monitor is employed to measure and alert staff and personnel of any change in pressure—no matter how small. A failsafe solution to monitoring these very low pressure changes is Setra’s Model SRCM room pressure monitor, which utilizes highly accurate capacitance sensing technology to measure and display true low pressure differential to a resolution of 0.0001 in. W.C. Setra’s “2 in 1” Solution The Environment is Critical, the Control is Easy Room Condition + SRCM Room Pressure = Attractive, Intuitive, and Configurable Design Room I.D. Customer Configurable Feature - Customize Room Name Room Pressure Mode Display Positive, Negative, or Neutral Mode of Room Room Pressure Status Visual Indication of Normal, Warning, and Alarm Condition Room Condition Banner User Configurable Status Display Green = “Clear to Enter” Yellow = “Caution” Red = “Do Not Enter” Displayed Pressure Displays Room Pressure in User Selectable Units Pressure Slide Bar Graphic Display of Pressure Reading Relative to Alarm Setpoints Setup Menu Password Protected Entry to Menu Structure Features & Benefits True Pressure Measurement Clone Configuration • High accuracy Setra low differential capacitance technology • Dead ended solution — no contamination or clogging • Standard on-board sensor and optional remote sensor — “2 measurements in 1” • Display rotates up for access to USB port • On-board USB port — cloning of configurations for multiple unit installation Flush Mount Design • Installed or field upgrade for in-situ installation • BACnet® MSTP/ASC • All setups configurable through touch screen display • No visible mounting fasteners • Snap-in flush bezel • Face is sealed for cleaning or wipe-down BACnet® Communications Alarm Capabilities Ease of Installation • Mounts in off-the-shelf electrical gang box • 4-screw “self leveling” mount • Labeled, removable termination strips — ease of wiring • Local Audible and Visual alarming • Remote annunciator alarming capability • Alarm delay feature — prevent nuisance alarms Fingertip Access for Easy Setup Setup Display Banner Setup Display Advanced Setup Unit Operation • User Defined Text: Free form data entry for room name • Room Status: Change room from Isolation to No Isolation • Display Contrast: Change brightness of display • Display Averaging: Improve display resolution in unstable ambient pressure environments • Displayed Pressure: Display primary and secondary or toggle between 2 rooms • Enable Password: Administrator and Supervisor • Setup primary and secondary room • Change analog output • Free form data entry for room name "BACnet" is a registered trademark of ASHRAE" Pharmaceutical Surgical Suites Intensive Care Isolation Rooms Research Laboratories Applications Organic Laboratory Animal Research Model SRCM Specifications Performance Data Accuracy RSS* (at constant temp) Non-Linearity (BFSL Based) Hysteresis Non-Repeatability Zero Setting Tolerance Span Setting Tolerance Thermal Effects** Compensated Range °F(°C) Overpressure Code F Code H ±0.25% ±0.24% ±0.05% ±0.05% ±0.5% FS ±0.5% FS ±0.5% ±0.49% ±0.05% ±0.05% ±0.5% FS ±0.5% FS ±0.03% FS(±0.05% FS) ±1 PSI (15” W.C. for ≤ 0.10” W.C. F.S.) *RSS of Non-Linearity, Non-Repeatability and Hysteresis. **Units calibrated at nominal 70°F. Maximum thermal error computed from this datum. Physical Description Electrical Data (Current) Case Dimensions Circuit Output External Load Excitation Electrical Connection Removable Terminal Block Pressure Fittings Barbed Fittings for 1/4" Tubing Weight (approx.) 1lb 3.2oz (554 grams) Mounting Mounts to triple gang double-deep electrical box. Communications Option BACnet® MS/TP ASC LCD 4.3” TFT, 480 x 272, Dimmable Electrical Data (Voltage) Circuit Output* Temperature Operating* °F (°C) Storage °F (°C) Operating Humidity Excitation *Operating temperature limits of the electronics only. 2-Wire 4 to 20 mA 0 to 510 ohms 18-32 VAC Inputs 1 Internal Pressure Sensor 2 A/D’s inputs for remote pressure sensors 1 Digital Input Display Environmental Data 32 to +120 (0 to +50) -20 to +160 (-30 to +70) 5 to 95% RH (Non-condensing) Fire Retardant Plastic UL94 V-0 5.84"H x 7.45"W x 0.38"D (14.84 x 18.92 x 0.95 cm) 3-Wire (Exc., Out, Com) 0 to 5 VDC 0 to 10 VDC 18-32 VAC, 50-60 HZ Power Consumption Alarm Output Specifications are subject to change without notice. 10 W max., 3 W typ. SPDT Relay: 0.6A @ 120 VAC 2A @ 30 VDC Pressure Media Air or Non-conductive, Non-explosive Gases. Certifications CE Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108 EC *Calibrated into a 50K ohm load, operable into a 5000 ohm load or greater. Outline Drawings 0.95 0.38 5.08 2.00 18.92 7.45 14.84 5.84 1.49 0.59 7.03 2.77 13.15 5.18 cm in. Example: Part No. SRCMR05WBA1HNS for a SRCM ±0.05” WC Range, 24VAC/4-20 MA, ±0.5% Full Scale Accuracy S R C M Model SRCM S Ranges Unidirectional/Bidirectional R05WB = ±0.05” W.C. 0R1WB = ±0.10” W.C. R25WB = ±0.25” W.C. 0R5WB = ±0.50” W.C. 001WB = ±1.00” W.C. 2R5WB = ±2.50” W.C. 005WB = ±5.00” W.C. 025LB = ±25 Pa 050LB = ±50 Pa 100LB = ±100 Pa 250LB = ±250 Pa 500LB = ±500 Pa 10CLB = ±1000 Pa Accessories Excitation/Output Accuracy Pressure Snubber A1 = 24 VAC/4-20 mA H = ±0.5% Full Scale N= 0 or 0-5 and 0-10 VDC F = ±0.25% Full Scale 1= 1 A2 = 24 VAC w/BACnet® 2= 2 While we provide application assistance on all Setra products, both personally and through our literature, it is the customer’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application. SRCM-R25WB-A2-F-N-S Please contact factory for versions not shown. "BACnet" is a registered trademark of ASHRAE" Model SRAN Remote Annunciator Green LED, Normal Indication Red LED, Alarm Indication Buzzer, Audio Alarm, ADJ. from SRPM Acknowledge Switch Order Part Number S 159 Swanson Road, Boxborough, MA 01719/Tel: 978-263-1400; Toll Free: 800-257-3872; Fax: 978-264-0292; email: R A N Table of Contents CP 567 Auxiliary Equipment Catalog Home Page Control Panels 567-351 Exposed Panel Assembly. Applications Designed to conveniently group control system components, the 567 Control Panels are available in two styles, exposed and flush mount. The 567 Control Panels provide a convenient central location for equipment mounting, termination of piping, wiring adjustment, and calibration. With the exposed panels, the control components can be mounted in the door or mounted within the enclosure using the perforated panel. The cabinet housing, door, and perforated mounting plate may be ordered as a unit or separately. Panels may be used with DDC and/or pneumatic systems using either copper or polyethylene tubing for transmission lines, with wired electric/electronic systems, or with a combination of both. Within the panel enclosure, use polyethylene pneumatic tubing for easy installation and arrangement and for a flexible connection to hinged door components. features • Panels are symmetrical, and can be mounted with door hinge on left or right-hand side The empty panel can be installed at the job to permit early rough-in of conduit. Since the door and subpanel can be separated from the cabinet, controls may be mounted to the door subpanel either at the job site or at the field office and connected to the cabinet at your convenience. After reassembly, final connections are then made. • Removable door with lock and keys • Removable perforated subpanel permits mounting controls without drilling holes • Attractive gray finish permits use in occupied areas • Doors are available with pre-punched cutouts for gauges and controls (special order with the exposed cabinets only) • Support kit is available for floor mounting (medium and large exposed cabinets only) • Variety of mounting methods available • Knockouts are provided for electrical or pneumatic piping • Panels listed under UL508 Industrial Control Panel Enclosures • CSA listed under LR 84214 • NEMA Type 1 F-17 Control Panels The flush mount panel is designed to recess the panel into a wall. The controls are mounted within the enclosures on a perforated panel. Order both the cabinet and the mounting kit. 567 Description Catalog Home Page Table of Contents Auxiliary Equipment Specifications/Product Ordering Exposed Panel Flush Mount Panel Dimensions Small ....................................................... 19.5” H x 16.38” W x 5.75” D (495 mm H x 416 mm W x 146 mm D) Medium .................................................. 24.94” H x 24.38” W x 9.38” D) (617 mm H x 619 mm W x 238 mm D) Large .......................................................... 36.5” H x 24.38” W x 9.38” D (927 mm H x 619 mm W x 238 mm D) Shipping Weights Small ............................................................................... 20.0 lb. (9 kg) Medium .......................................................................... 39.0 lb. (18 kg) Large ............................................................................. 72.0 lb. (33 kg) Dimensions ................................................... 19.5” H x 16.13” W x 5.13” D (495 mm H x 410 mm W x 130 mm D) Shipping Weight ................................................................. 20.0 lb. (9 kg) 567 Control Panels Large 567-353 567-353A Small 567-361 567-361A Medium 567-362 567-362A Large 567-363 567-363A Small 567-371 — Medium 567-372 — Large 567-373 — Small 567-381 — Medium 567-382 — Large 567-383 — Flush Mount Panel 567-391 — Flush Mount Kit contains escutcheon, hinged locking door and two keys 567-390 — Save time and money by having the factory make the cut outs. Call our customer service team with your dimensions and hole locations. Flush Mount Panel & Kit 567-351A 567-352A Mounting Plate Only 567-351 567-352 Panel Enclosure Small Panel Door Only F-18 Page 22 Part Nos. No Cutouts Cutouts in Door in Door Medium Shipping Weights Small .............................................................................. 8.0 lb. (3.6 kg) Medium ......................................................................... 13.0 lb. (5.9 kg) Large ............................................................................... 20.0 lb. (9 kg) Exposed Panel Assembly 567 Size Panel Door For assistance, contact Customer Care at: 1.888.593.7876 Field Mount Status Relay SPST Status Relay With Integral Current Switch APPLICATIONS Unit Ventilators Fan Coil Units Exhaust Fans Fan Terminal Units Fractional HP Motors Light Resistive Loads H120 FEATURES CURRENT MONITORING Sleek combination enclosed relay and current switch saves installation time and space The current switch and relay are in series...connect the contacts to the load and your current switch is automatically installed The nipple mount housing can be connected to any 1/2" conduit knockout for installation versatility Relay coil LED streamlines job commissioning and check out HP ratings make the H120 ideal for control and status of fractional HP motors 5-year limited warranty NEMA 1 rated housing may be used in plenum spaces Can be externally mounted to the electrical saver DESCRIPTION 5Year Warranty The H120/H120NC offer a fixed current switch and SPST relay in a single externally mounted housing. Combining the current sensor and relay in one easy-to-install package eliminates the need to fit multiple devices into small electrical enclosures and simplifies the installation. Eliminate the labor associated with installing a separate current sensor. Super-low turn-on for the smallest of loads 0.1A turn-on...easily monitors the smallest motors SPECIFICATIONS Sensor Power Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Expected Relay Life (mechanical) Relay Status Wire Specifications: Lead Length Gauge Induced from relay coil power -15° to 60°C (5° to 140°F) (13.8A max.), -15° to 50°C (5° to 122°F) (20A max.) 10-90% RH, non-condensing 10 million cycles LED ON=energized 14”(356mm) min. UL1015; Coil: 18AWG; Contacts: 12AWG; Status: 16AWG UL 508 open device listing Do not use the LED status indicators as evidence of applied voltage. 800.354.8556 +1 503.598.4564 ©2010 Veris Industries 07101 DIMENSIONAL DRAWING APPLICATION/WIRING DIAGRAMS 2.9" (74 mm) Nipple mount directly to a panel To Load CO R E LA NT Y AC T S 1.6" (41 mm) 2.8" (71 mm) To Controls 1.8" (46 mm) 1.7" (43 mm) 1/2" NPT Nipple DO (coil) DI (current switch) Nipple mount to 4x electrical box Relay Contacts Current Switch POWER SOURCE Fractional HP Motor CONTROL SYSTEM INPUT RELAY CONTACT RATINGS (N.O.) ORANGE e e White CONTACT OUTPUT blu blu VOLTAGE wht/blue Common 24VAC/DC * White w llo ye w llo ye COMM wht/yellow Common CURRENT MONITORING WIRE COLOR CODES Resistive........................ 20A(r)*@277VAC/28VDC (250,000 Cycles) Motor............................. 120VAC, 1HP 208VAC, 1HP 250VAC, 2HP 277VAC, 2HP Ballast........................... 277VAC, 20A Tungsten....................... 120VAC, 10A ORANGE N.O. *Isolation…600VAC H120 STATUS OUTPUT H120NC STATUS OUTPUT GREY TYPICAL COIL PERFORMANCE BROWN COMMON COMMON GREY Voltage Coil Current AC DC 24V.................................. 75mA 32mA BROWN N.O. *See operating temperature specification N.C. ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL AMPERAGE RANGE H120 H120NC 0.1A - 20A 800.354.8556 COIL RELAY 24VAC/DC SPST, N.O. STATUS OUTPUT N.O. 100mA@30VAC/DC N.C. 100mA@30VAC/DC +1 503.598.4564 TRIP POINT 0.1A or less HOUSING RELAY POWER LED UL n n n n Nipple Mount ©2010 Veris Industries 07101 X SERIES VERIS INDUSTRIES Control Transformers 1 Hub and Foot with Separate Secondary Wires 2 Hub and Foot Mount Foot Mount Plate Mount DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS Veris X Series Control Transformers are a convenient source of control power for HVAC control and building automation applications. A wide variety of UL-listed transformers are available with single and dual threaded hub mounting options. Multiple current limiting options are available, including a circuit breaker in some models. Save ordering time and purchase order costs when buying other Veris sensors by including transformers in your order. ● Controller power ● Switching relays and other digital I/O circuits ● Powering sensors FEATURES ● UL Listings for all models simplify panel building requirements ● Threaded hub options maximize installation flexibility ● One stop time by ordering along with other Veris products DIMENSIONAL DRAWING W L A POWER SOURCES H B Threaded for conduit nut * See ordering table for dimensions. WIRE COLORS PRIMARY WIRES* COMMON BLACK 120VAC WHITE 208VAC RED 240VAC ORANGE 277VAC YELLOW 480VAC GREY STANDARD SECONDARY WIRES CENTER TAP SECONDARY WIRES BLUE 24VAC BROWN 24VAC BLUE 24VAC BROWN 12VAC Blk/Wht 0VAC OR WHITE 120VAC Blk/Wht 120VAC *Primary of 24V isolation transformers= Red/Red SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Operating Temperature No Load Voltage Hub Style Wire Wire Length 50/60Hz -40° to 65°C (-40° to 149°F) 27-28VAC Fits 1/2" electrical k.o. UL 1015, 18 AWG* 8 inches *X085AAA, X375DAC have 14AWG, Secondary wires 800.354.8556 +1 503.598.4564 HQ0001823.A 01121 +1 503.598.4564 ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL X020AAA X020ACA X020ADA X020ADB X040AAA X040AAB X040ACA X040ADA X040AMB X040BNA X040BPC X050BAA X050BAB X050BCA X050BCB X050BGB X050CAA X050CBA X050CBB X050CCA X050CEB X050CEG X050CGG X050CHA X050CHB X050CNA X050CNB X050COA X050COB X050DLB X075CAA X075CAB X075CBA X075CCA X075CHA X085AAA X100CAA X100CAB X100CBA X100CBB X100CBE X100CHB X100CKB X100CLB X150CAA X175BAB X175BLB X175CAB X175CLB X175DGC X240DAA X375DAC X020APC X020AQC X040BPC X040BQC X050CIA X100CRC X100CSC VA 20 40 50 75 85 99 150 175 240 375 20 40 50 PRIMARY VOLTAGE (VAC) 120 277 24 24 120 120 277 24 120/208/240/277 120/208/240 24 120 120 277 277 208/240 120 120/240/277/480 120/240/277/480 277 208/240/277/480 208/240/277/480 208/240 120/208/240/480 120/208/240/480 120/208/240 120/208/240 120/208/240/277/480 120/208/240/277/480 220 120 120 120/240/277/480 277 120/208/240/480 120 120 120 120/240/277/480 120/240/277/480 120/208/277/480 120/208/240/480 480 220 120 120 220 120 220 208/240 120 120 24 120/208/240 24 120/208/240 120 100 120/240 HQ0001823.A 01121 ULLISTED 5085 44XJ IND:CONT E222742EQ SECONDARY CURRENT LIMITING METHOD CLASS VOLTAGE (VAC) STANDARD Inherent II, III Inherent II, III Inherent General Inherent General Inherent II, III 24 Inherent II, III Inherent II, III Inherent II, III Fuse II, III Fuse II, III 12/24 Fuse II, III Fuse II, III Fuse II, III Fuse II, III Fuse II, III 24 Fuse II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker General 120 Circuit Breaker General Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III None II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III 24 Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Inherent General Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III 120 Circuit Breaker General Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker General Fuse General Fuse General 24 Circuit Breaker General Circuit Breaker General None General None General None General CENTER TAP Inherent II, III Inherent II, III Fuse II, III 12/24 Fuse II, III Circuit Breaker II, III Circuit Breaker II, III 16/32 Circuit Breaker II, III DIMENSIONS (inches) MOUNTING 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT Foot 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT Plate, 90° Sec Elbow Plate, 90° Sec Elbow 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT Plate 2HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 2HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 2HUB+FT Foot 2HUB+FT Foot Foot 1HUB+FT Foot Foot Foot Foot Foot 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT 1HUB+FT SEPARATED UL CE L PRIMARY & SECONDARY WIRES n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.3 2.8 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.2 4.1 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.1 4.1 3.5 4.1 3.8 4.1 3.8 4.1 3.7 4.3 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 2.3 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.8 4.3 4.3 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n W H A B 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 4.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.0 4.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 4.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 4.5 4.5 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.06 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 3.38 3.38 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 2.70 2.06 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.2 2.51 2.51 2.70 2.70 3.38 2.70 2.51 2.51 2.08 3.19 3.05 3.19 3.05 3.19 3.24 3.83 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 3.38 3.38 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.00 1.81 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 3.14 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 3.38 2.03 2.03 2.03 3.26 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.18 3.18 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.1 1.59 1.59 1.98 1.98 2.06 2.70 2.70 1.69 1.69 1.81 1.81 1.81 2.03 2.00 POWER SOURCES 800.354.8556
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