iSAS/IODP Proposal Cover Sheet New Revised Addendum Please fill out information in all gray boxes Above For Official Use Only Title: Global and local controls on continental margin depositional cyclicity: Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealand Proponent(s): Craig S. Fulthorpe, Paul Mann, Hongbo Lu, Robert M. Carter, Kenneth G. Miller, Lionel Carter, Gregory Browne Keywords: Sea level, seismic stratigraphy, sediment drifts, tectonics Area: New Zealand (5 or less) Contact Information: Contact Person: Department: Organization: Address Tel.: E-mail: Craig S. Fulthorpe University of Texas Institute for Geophysics 4412 Spicewood Springs Road, Bldg. 600, Austin, TX 78759-8500, USA (512) 471-0459 Fax.: (512) 471-8844 Permission to post abstract on iSAS Web site: Yes No Abstract: (400 words or less) This proposal focuses on understanding the relative importance of global sea level (eustasy) versus local tectonic and sedimentary processes in controlling continental-margin depositional cyclicity. The emphasis is on Oligocene to Recent period when global sea-level change was dominated by glacioeustasy. Drilling the Canterbury Basin, on the eastern margin of the South Island of New Zealand takes advantage of high rates of Neogene sediment supply, which preserved a high-frequency (0.5-1 m.y. periods) record of depositional cyclicity. The Canterbury Basin offers the opportunity for expanded study of the complex interactions between processes responsible for the preserved stratigraphic record of sequences, as well as providing information on the early history of the Alpine Fault plate boundary. In particular, currents have strongly influenced deposition in parts of the basin, locally building large sediment drifts, which aggraded to shelf depths, within the prograding Neogene section. Understanding the depositional history and sequence stratigraphic significance of these drifts are objectives of the propsosed drilling. The sequences to be drilled are correlative with those drilled on the New Jersey margin (Legs 150, 150X, 174A, and 174AX), Bahamas (Leg 166) and Marion Plateau (Leg 194) by ODP. Completion of at least one transect across a far-field siliciclastic margin, which has been subject to entirely different local forcing, is a necessary next step in deciphering continental margin stratigraphy. The Canterbury Basin, where both sequence stratigraphic geometries and seismic data base are of qualities comparable to those of New Jersey, is an ideal setting for such a drilling program. Scientific Objectives: (250 words or less) 1) Date clinoform seismic sequence boundaries for global correlation and sample associated facies to provide information for estimation of eustatic amplitudes. 2) Determine the depositional histories and sequence stratigraphic significance of the large sediment drifts integral to the shelf/slope system. 3) Confirm the regional distribution of the Marshall Paraconformity and investigate its relationship to the postulated mid-Oligocene eustatic fall. 4) Constrain the early erosion history of the Southern Alps by dating the earliest progradational units and linking sediments to onshore source areas. Proposed Sites: Site Name Position Water Depth (m) Penetration (m) Sed Bsm Total Brief Site-specific Objectives NZCB-01A 44o 53.55’S 171o 45.15’E 110 2180 2180 NZCB-02A 44o 56.40’S 171o 49.27’E 125 539 539 Breakpoint facies, SBs 5 and 6. Early Neogene sediments, Marshall Paraconformity. Breakpoint facies, SBs 9-12. NZCB-03A 44o 58.35’S 171o 52.08’E 138 1806 1806 Distal slope facies, SBs 3-6. NZCB-04A 45o 01.62’S 171o 56.85N 674 1942 1942 Distal slope facies, SBs 4-12. NZCB-05A 44o 39.22’S 172o 31.03’E 255 1335 1335 Drift, moat. NZCB-06A 44o 41.55’S 172o 33.95’E 405 2439 2439 Drift, main body. Global and local controls on continental margin depositional cyclicity: Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealand Craig S. Fulthorpe1, Paul Mann1, Hongbo Lu1,2, Robert M. Carter3, Kenneth G. Miller4, Lionel Carter5, Gregory Browne6 1 University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics; 2University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences; 3James Cook University, Townsville, Australia; 4Rutgers University; 5New Zealand Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research; 6New Zealand Institute for Geological and Nuclear Sciences INTRODUCTION The relative importance of global sea level (eustasy) versus local tectonic and sedimentary processes in controlling continental-margin depositional cyclicity is a fundamental question in sedimentary geology. We propose to address this question by drilling the Canterbury Basin, on the eastern margin of the South Island of New Zealand (Figure 1). High rates of Neogene sediment supply preserved a high-frequency (0.5-1 m.y. periods) record of depositional cyclicity in the offshore basin (Fulthorpe and Carter, 1989). Exploration wells indicate the presence of late Miocene to Recent sedimentary sequences, generally correlative with those drilled on the New Jersey margin by ODP. However, the Canterbury Basin differs in ways that allow expanded study of the complex processes of sequence formation in line with the global approach to sealevel change advocated by previous planning groups: 1) The basin is younger than the New Jersey margin (Cretaceous versus Jurassic rifting) and regional tectonic and geological histories have been intensively studied, allowing evaluation of the interplay of local factors and eustasy in sequence formation and the tectonic evolution of the Alpine Fault plate boundary. 2) Currents have strongly influenced deposition in parts of the basin, locally modifying sequence architecture and leading to the deposition of large sediment drifts, which aggraded to shelf depths, within the prograding Neogene section. SIGNIFICANCE TO IODP PLANNING The facies, paleoenvironments and depositional processes associated with the sequence stratigraphic model (SSM; Vail et al., 1991) on prograding continental margins, where sequences are best resolved seismically, have yet to be constrained by drilling. Furthermore, sequence stratigraphy highlights the cyclic nature of the continental-margin stratigraphic record and led to the theory of eustatic control of sequences and resultant eustatic cycle chart (Haq et al., 1987). 1 This global sea-level model (GSM; Carter et al., 1991) remains a focus of controversy (e.g., Cloetingh et al., 1985; Christie-Blick, 1991; Carter et al., 1991; Christie-Blick and Driscoll, 1995; Miall and Miall, 2001). Greatest disagreement centers on the roles of local geological and oceanographic processes (e.g., rates of subsidence and sediment supply, isostasy, compaction, inplane stress, current activity), which also influence sequence geometry and timing. The sea-level problem has long been a “first-order goal” for ODP (COSOD II, 1987; JOI, Inc., 1996) and continues to be a focus of the IODP Initial Science Plan under the “Environmental Change, Processes and Effects” theme (IWG, 2001). The passive margin approach integrates seismic profiles and a drilling transect to test both SSM and GSM, including investigation of local controls on sequence formation. ODP-related planning groups (Watkins and Mountain, 1990; JOIDES, 1992) have refined the strategy, proposing to focus on three time slices: the Neogene "Icehouse", Paleogene "Doubthouse" and Cretaceous "Hothouse" earth. The short-term strategy is to investigate stratigraphic events in the Neogene “Icehouse” period, further subdivided into late Oligocene to middle Miocene and late Miocene to Recent intervals. The late Miocene to Recent interval has the advantage that chronological control at Milankovitch orbital frequencies and a calibrated sea-level signature based on the oxygen isotope record enable highresolution study of sequences deposited during a period of known glacio-eustatic sea-level oscillations. ODP has initiated this global program by drilling the New Jersey/Mid-Atlantic Transect (MAT), the western slope of Great Bahama Bank (Leg 166) and the Marion Plateau (Leg 194). MAT represents the first application of the passive margin transect approach to a siliciclastic setting; it comprises integrated drill sites and seismic surveys on the New Jersey continental slope (ODP Leg 150), shelf (Leg 174A) and onshore coastal plain (Legs 150X and 174AX). The emphasis of offshore drilling is on the Oligocene - Recent ("Icehouse") timeframe. The full potential of the drilling transect approach will not be realized until it has been applied to other siliciclastic margins worldwide. The next step is to complete at least one transect across a far-field siliciclastic margin, which has been subject to entirely different local forcing. We believe that the Canterbury Basin is the ideal location. The Canterbury Basin contains the only southern hemisphere siliciclastic section where both sequence stratigraphic geometries and the seismic data base are of qualities comparable to those of New Jersey, and where different age of rifting and depositional conditions allow for expanded study of the range of controls on depositional cyclicity. We recently (January 2000, cruise EW00-01) collected high-resolution 2 multichannel seismic profiles that augment existing commercial low-resolution data and are yielding a revised sequence stratigraphy (Figures 1 and 2). The Canterbury Basin has been independently recognized as an excellent location for an ODP sea-level transect (Watkins and Mountain, 1990; JOIDES, 1992). This proposal supersedes JOIDES proposal 511, Testing the Sequence Stratigraphic and Global Sea-Level Models in the Southern Hemisphere: the Canterbury Basin Transect, New Zealand (C.S. Fulthorpe, R.M Carter, K.G. Miller and G.S. Mountain) and applies the passive margin approach, with emphasis on the "Icehouse" interval. CANTERBURY BASIN GEOLOGICAL SETTING The eastern margin of the South Island of New Zealand is part of a continental fragment that rifted from Antarctica beginning at ~80 Ma. The Canterbury Basin underlies the present-day onshore Canterbury Plains and offshore continental shelf. Banks and Otago peninsulas (Figure 1) are mid-late Miocene volcanic centers. Basin sediments thin toward these features and also westward, where they onlap basement rocks onshore that are involved in uplift and faulting linked to the latest Miocene (8-5 Ma) initiation of the current period of mountain building along the Southern Alps (Adams, 1979; Tippett and Kamp, 1993; Batt, et al., 2000). The post-rift, Cretaceous to Recent sedimentary history of the Canterbury Basin comprises a first-order (80 m.y.), tectonically-controlled, transgressive-regressive cycle. The sedimentary section can be divided into three distinct intervals, the Onekakara, Kekenodon and Otakou groups (Carter, 1988), during which contrasting, large-scale sedimentary processes operated. Oligocene local highstand. The post-rift transgressive phase produced ramp-like seismic geometries and terminated during the Oligocene, when flooding of the land mass was at a maximum (Fleming 1962). Reduced terrigenous influx resulted in deposition of pelagic limestone, the Amuri and Weka Pass formations (cf. Carter, 1988). In most outcrops, a bioturbated glauconitic sand, the Concord Greensand Formation, occurs between the limestones as a basal, condensed facies of the Weka Pass limestone. The base of the greensand is commonly a burrowed surface of non-deposition: the Marshall Paraconformity (Carter and Landis, 1972), marking the base of the Kekenodon Group (Carter, 1985). Exploration wells reveal that the paraconformity and probable equivalents of the Amuri and Weka Pass formations exist offshore (Wilding and Sweetman, 1971; Milne et al., 1975; Hawkes and Mound, 1984; Wilson, 1985). The paraconformity has been dated onshore using strontium isotopes as correlative with the midOligocene (~30 Ma) eustatic lowstand on the Haq et al. (1987) curve (Fulthorpe et al., 1996). 3 Miocene - Recent regression. Regression occurred in response to a late Oligocene to early Miocene increase in sediment supply associated with the initiation of the Alpine Fault (Carter and Norris, 1976; Kamp 1987). This early uplift is distinctive from the 5-6 Ma pulse of uplift that has culminated in the present-day Southern Alps because the early uplift is not recogized by fission track dating (e.g., Batt et al., 2000). Sediment supply increased further at ~10-8 Ma with an increase in convergence at the Alpine Fault (Carter and Norris, 1976; Norris et al., 1978; Adams, 1979; Tippett and Kamp, 1993). As in New Jersey, this sediment influx was deposited as prograding clinoforms (Otakou Group; Figure 2). Sediment drifts (Figure 3) provide evidence of locally strong current activity (Fulthorpe and Carter, 1991). Eustasy and Tectonism A key concern is whether a eustatic signal can be discerned near a plate boundary. Tectonism has clearly dominated low-frequency (80 m.y., or first order) cyclicity: uplift of the Southern Alps was responsible for the rapid influx of sediment that, coupled with local subsidence, created the progradation and aggradation necessary to record the observed high-frequency cyclicity. In the absence of faulting or folding, however, tectonic subsidence, rate of sediment supply, isostasy, compaction cannot be expected to generate sequence boundaries, but can act to modulate, within a limited range, the timing of sequences of dominantly eustatic origin (ChristieBlick, 1991; Reynolds et al., 1991). Furthermore, flexural deformation of extensional basins by in-plane force variations is difficult to recognize and is, by itself, unlikely to represent an alternative to eustasy for generation of third- and higher-order sequences (Karner et al., 1993). Vertical tectonism does, however, affect estimates of eustatic amplitudes. Detailed subsidence analysis is required to extract such amplitudes (e.g., Kominz et al., 1998). The geological history and tectonics of New Zealand have long been subjects of intensive study. The absence of folding and faulting in the offshore basin, together with geodesy (Walcott, 1979; Pearson et al., 1995), uplift history (Tippett and Kamp, 1993) and backstripping (Browne and Field, 1988), indicate that the adjacent plate boundary did not add undue complexity during the Neogene development of the offshore Canterbury Basin. We conclude, therefore, that it will be possible to identify and quantify the eustatic component among controls on sequence formation. 4 Sediments and Interregional Correlation Offshore exploration wells (Wilding and Sweetman, 1971; Milne et al., 1975; Hawkes and Mound, 1984; Wilson, 1985) reveal the Neogene progradational sediments to be predominantly terrigenous siltstone and silty mudstone with intermittent intervals of fine to very fine-grained sand and mud, a similar lithology to the onland Bluecliffs Silt. The Bluecliffs Silt ranges in age from early Miocene (~25 Ma) onshore through to Pliocene (~3 Ma) offshore. The dominant facies is terrigenous siltstone, muddier toward the base of any section, and sandy toward the top. Both microfauna and macrofauna are consistent with deposition in shelf and upper slope depths. Lower Miocene outcrops contain an excellent record of calcareous microfossils (H. Morgans, New Zealand Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, personal communication), and the faunas are well described and understood. An excellent local biostratigraphy recognizes eight Miocene and Pliocene stages that can be correlated countrywide with an accuracy of about 2 million years. Other tools that will assist in dating of the sections to be drilled include paleomagnetics, strontium isotopes, and (for the late Miocene and younger) possible occurrence of ash beds (cf. Carter et al., 1995). OBJECTIVES 1) Date clinoform seismic sequence boundaries and sample associated facies to provide information for estimation of eustatic amplitudes. This will involve drilling target sequences in at least two locations: A) Immediately landward of clinoform breakpoints to provide information on facies and paleodepths at the clinoform breakpoint, as well as sampling the underlying sequence where its thickness is greatest. Such paleo-water depth estimates are essential for determination of eustatic amplitudes (Moore et al., 1987; Kominz et al., 1998). B) In distal slope settings and/or near the clinoform toe for paleoenvironment and facies of the lowstand systems tract, also essential for eustatic amplitude estimation in the event that sea level fell below the clinoform breakpoint. Increased abundance of pelagic microfossils in such settings provides sequence boundary ages. Sites will contrast upper Miocene-Pliocene progradational sequences (preceding sequence boundary 7; Figure 2) and Plio-Pleistocene aggradational sequences. 2) Determine sediment drift depositional histories and paleoceanographic record. The shelfedge-parallel drifts are unusual features in such an inboard continental margin setting (Figure 5 3); their facies are unknown. They were probably deposited adjacent to a current flowing northward along the toe of the prograding clinoform slope; progradation in parts of the basin was by the accretion of successive sediment drifts (Fulthorpe and Carter, 1991). Pulses of enhanced current intensity may have been linked to the climatic changes responsible for glacioeustasy and the drifts may, therefore, constitute a type of sequence that is globally synchronous. Drilling will determine the age and growth duration of the target drift to test this hypothesis. Site 1119 (Leg 181) confirmed the drift origin of these features, but penetration was insufficient to sample the largest drifts (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999). 3) Drill the Marshall Paraconformity in the offshore basin, where subaerial exposure is least likely, to confirm its regional distribution and determine its origin (Figures 2 and 3). The paraconformity has been dated onshore using strontium isotopes as being correlative with the postulated mid-Oligocene (~30 Ma) eustatic lowstand (Fulthorpe et al., 1996). However, such a link is difficult to establish, because the condensed sediments (limestones) associated with the Marshall Paraconformity are interpreted as representing a regional highstand (Carter, 1985). Furthermore, the limited paleoenvironmental data available suggest that, even onshore, the Marshall Paraconformity was not widely subaerially exposed, though such exposure may have occurred on localized highs (Lewis, 1992). The paraconformity may represent a highstand omission surface within the regional condensed section. Alternatively, it could result from intensified current erosion, or non-deposition, associated with the climatic change responsible for the mid-Oligocene eustatic fall (Fulthorpe et al., 1996). It may, therefore, represent a southern hemisphere record of the mid-Oligocene event, a hypothesis that, if confirmed, would be strong evidence of that event's global significance. 4) Constrain the early erosion history of the Southern Alps. Site CBNZ-01A, drilled to the Marshall Paraconformity, passes through the earliest sediment in the post-Oligocene sediment prism. The late Oligocene to early Miocene increase in sediment supply to the offshore basin apparently predates the modern transpressional uplift of the Southern Alps whose main pulse begins at 5 Ma (e.g. Batt et al., 2000). The offshore sedimentary prism is the only record of erosion that may have preceded the current uplift phase. We wish to verify the ages and provenance of the earliest progradational units, for integration with calculations of sediment volumes from seismic data, to understand the early history of the plate boundary. As in Bengal Fan ODP drilling, mineralogic and isotopic analyses of sand grains, with Ar-Ar 6 1) dating of those grains, will allow matching of outcrop ages and source areas to the sequences offshore (Corrigan, and Crowley, 1990; Copeland et al., 1990; Galy et al., 1996). NOTE ON SITE LOCATIONS The EW00-01 grid is closely spaced (mainly 2 km or less) in a deliberate effort to document sequences and drifts in three dimensions. Interpretation is ongoing and we therefore expect that final site locations will differ from those proposed here. In particular, it is likely that a subsequent full proposal will feature arrays of sites designed to optimally sample target sequences and drifts, in contrast to the transects along dip profiles provisionally proposed here. This approach should also reduce required penetrations and drilling time estimates. 7 CBNZ - 01A CBNZ - 02A CBNZ - 04A CBNZ - 03A 0.0 NW SE 0 Two-Way Travel Time (second) 9 6 1.0 2 3 7 10 11 2 4 km 12 8 5 4 1 MP 2.0 EW00-01-74 Figure 2. EW00-01 dip profile 74 showing proposed sites CBNZ-01A to -04A. CBNZ-01A samples facies near breakpoints of progradational, late Miocene-Pliocene sequence boundaries 5 and 6, as well as early Neogene sediments and the Marshall Paraconformity (MP). CBNZ-02A samples facies near breakpoints of aggradational, Plio-Pleistocene sequence boundaries 9 through 12. Sites CBNZ-03A and -04A sample target sequences in distal slope settings. CBNZ - 06A CBNZ - 05A 0.0 NW SE Two-Way Travel Time (second) 0 2 4 km 1.0 Drift mound Moat MP 2.0 EW00-01-12 Figure 3. EW00-01 dip profile 12 showing proposed sites CBNZ-05A and -06A. These sites target one of the large (Pliocene?), shelf-edge-parallel sediment drifts. CBNZ-05A samples sediments in the moat, adjacent to the paleoslope, and the boundary with the underlying drift. CBNZ-06A samples the expanded section comprising the main body of the drift and the underlying Marshall Paraconformity (MP). REFERENCES Adams, C.J.D. (1979) Age and origin of the Southern Alps. In: Walcott, R.I., and Cresswell, M.M., (eds.), The Origin of the Southern Alps, Royal Society of New Zealand, Bulletin 18, 73-78. Batt, G. E., Braun, J., Kohn, B. P., and McDougall, I. (2000), Thermochronological analysis of the dynamics of the Southern Alps, New Zealand: Geol. Soc. America Bull., 112, 250-266. Browne, G.H. and Field, B.D. (1988) A review of Cretaceous-Cenozoic sedimentation and tectonics, east coast, South Island, New Zealand. In: Sequences, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology: Surface and Subsurface (Eds. D.P. James and D.A. Leckie), Can. Soc. Petrol. Geol. Memoir No. 15, pp. 37-48 Carter, R.M. 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Seilacher) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 617-659 Walcott, R.I. (1979) Plate motion and shear strain rates in the vicinity of the Southern Alps. In: Walcott, R.I., and Cresswell, M.M., (eds.), The Origin of the Southern Alps, Royal Society of New Zealand, Bulletin 18, 5-12. Watkins, J.S., and Mountain, G.S., eds., (1990) Role of ODP Drilling in the Investigation of Global Changes in Sea Level, Report of JOI/USSAC Workshop, El Paso, Texas, October 24-26, 1988, 70 pp Wilding, A. and Sweetman, I.A.D. (1971) Endeavour-1, for BP, Aquitaine and Todd Petroleum Development Limited N.Z. Inst.Geol. Nuclear Sci. unpubl. open-file Petroleum Report, No. 303 Wilson, I.R. (1985) Galleon-1 geological completion report, for BP, Shell, Todd (Canterbury) Services Limited N.Z. Inst.Geol. Nuclear Sci. unpubl. open-file Petroleum Report, No. 1146 10 iSAS/IODP Site Summary Forms: Form 1 - General Site Information (Submitted with Preliminary Proposal) New Please fill out information in all gray boxes Revised Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: Global and local controls on continental margin depositional cyclicity: Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealand Date Form Submitted: Site Specific Objectives with Priority (Must include general objectives in proposal) 1 October 2001 1) Sample facies landward of clinoform breakpoints of progradational upper Miocene – Pliocene sequence boundaries 5 and 6 to determine paleoenvironments. 2) Sample earliest Neogene sediments in shelf sediment prism to constrain erosion history of Southern Alps. 3) Sample sediments in proximity to the Marshall Paraconformity. List Previous ODP Site 1119 (Leg 181) Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: CBNZ-01A If site is a reoccupation Area or Location: Canterbury Bight, eastern (e.g. SWPAC-01A) of an old DSDP/ODP South Island, New Zealand Site, Please include former Site # Latitude: Longitude: Coordinates System: Priority of Site: Deg: 44 S Deg: 171 X Min: 53.55 E WGS 84, Primary: X Min: 45.15 Other ( Alt: Jurisdiction: New Zealand Distance to Land: 46 km ) Water Depth: 110 m Section C: Operational Information Sediments Proposed 2180 Penetration: (m) Basement ~3000 m What is the total sed. thickness? Total Penetration: 2180 m General Terrigenous siltstone and silty mudstone with Lithologies: intervals of very fine-grained sand and mud Coring Plan: 1-APC, XCB, RCB (Specify or Circle) 1-2-3-APC VPC* XCB MDCB* PCS RCB Re-entry Wireline Logging Plan: Standard Tools HRGB Special Tools Neutron-Porosity LWD Borehole Televiewer Formation Fluid Sampling Nuclear Magnetic Borehole Temperature & Resonance Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical Borehole Seismic Acoustic Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others ( Others ( Litho-Density Density-Neutron Resistivity-Gamma Ray Acoustic Formation Image Max.Borehole Expected value (For Riser Drilling) Temp. : ) ) °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m, m intervals from m to m, m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals: 5m Estimated days: Drilling/Coring: 11.7 Logging: 1.8 Future Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Total On-Site: Hazards/ Please check flowing List of Potential Hazards Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Geological Structures Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Irregular Seabed Methane Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Currents Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fractured Zone High Temperature H2S Fault Ice Conditions CO2 High Dip Angle 13.5 What is your Weather window? (Preferable period with the reasons) Minimum wave heights occur in January-February. This is important because of the relatively shallow water depths (as little as 110 m) at some drill sites. iSAS/IODP Site Summary Forms: Form 1 - General Site Information (Submitted with Preliminary Proposal) New Please fill out information in all gray boxes Revised Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: Global and local controls on continental margin depositional cyclicity: Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealand Date Form 1 October 2001 Submitted: Site Specific 1) Sample facies landward of clinoform breakpoints of aggradational Objectives with Plio-Pleistocene sequence boundaries 9 to 12 to determine paleoenvironments. Priority (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous ODP Site 1119 (Leg 181) Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: CBNZ-02A If site is a reoccupation Area or Location: Canterbury Bight, eastern (e.g. SWPAC-01A) of an old DSDP/ODP South Island, New Zealand Site, Please include former Site # Latitude: Longitude: Coordinates System: Priority of Site: Deg: 44 S Deg: 171 X Min: 56.40 E WGS 84, Primary: X Min: 49.27 Other ( Alt: Jurisdiction: New Zealand Distance to Land: 54 km ) Water Depth: 125 m Section C: Operational Information Sediments Proposed 539 Penetration: (m) Basement ~3000 m What is the total sed. thickness? Total Penetration: 539 m General Terrigenous siltstone and silty mudstone with Lithologies: intervals of very fine-grained sand and mud Coring Plan: 1-APC, XCB, RCB (Specify or Circle) 1-2-3-APC VPC* XCB MDCB* PCS RCB Re-entry Wireline Logging Plan: Standard Tools HRGB Special Tools Neutron-Porosity LWD Borehole Televiewer Formation Fluid Sampling Nuclear Magnetic Borehole Temperature & Resonance Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical Borehole Seismic Acoustic Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others ( Others ( Litho-Density Density-Neutron Resistivity-Gamma Ray Acoustic Formation Image Max.Borehole Expected value (For Riser Drilling) Temp. : ) ) °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m, m intervals from m to m, m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals: 5m Estimated days: Drilling/Coring: 2.1 Logging: 0.8 Future Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Total On-Site: Hazards/ Please check flowing List of Potential Hazards Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Geological Structures Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Irregular Seabed Methane Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Currents Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fractured Zone High Temperature H2S Fault Ice Conditions CO2 High Dip Angle 2.9 What is your Weather window? (Preferable period with the reasons) Minimum wave heights occur in January-February. This is important because of the relatively shallow water depths (as little as 110 m) at some drill sites. iSAS/IODP Site Summary Forms: Form 1 - General Site Information (Submitted with Preliminary Proposal) New Please fill out information in all gray boxes Revised Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: Global and local controls on continental margin depositional cyclicity: Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealand Date Form 1 October 2001 Submitted: Site Specific 1) Sample distal slope facies between sequence boundaries 3-6 for lowstand Objectives with sediments and age control. Priority (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous ODP Site 1119 (Leg 181) Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: CBNZ-03A If site is a reoccupation Area or Location: Canterbury Bight, eastern (e.g. SWPAC-01A) of an old DSDP/ODP South Island, New Zealand Site, Please include former Site # Latitude: Longitude: Coordinates System: Priority of Site: Deg: 44 S Deg: 171 X Min: 58.35 E WGS 84, Primary: X Min: 52.08 Other ( Alt: Jurisdiction: New Zealand Distance to Land: 55 km ) Water Depth: 138 m Section C: Operational Information Sediments Proposed 1806 Penetration: (m) Basement ~3000 m What is the total sed. thickness? Total Penetration: 1806 m General Terrigenous siltstone and silty mudstone with Lithologies: intervals of very fine-grained sand and mud Coring Plan: 1-APC, XCB, RCB (Specify or Circle) 1-2-3-APC VPC* XCB MDCB* PCS RCB Re-entry Wireline Logging Plan: Standard Tools HRGB Special Tools Neutron-Porosity LWD Borehole Televiewer Formation Fluid Sampling Nuclear Magnetic Borehole Temperature & Resonance Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical Borehole Seismic Acoustic Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others ( Others ( Litho-Density Density-Neutron Resistivity-Gamma Ray Acoustic Formation Image Max.Borehole Expected value (For Riser Drilling) Temp. : ) ) °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m, m intervals from m to m, m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals: 5m Estimated days: Drilling/Coring: 9.2 Logging: 1.6 Future Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Total On-Site: Hazards/ Please check flowing List of Potential Hazards Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Geological Structures Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Irregular Seabed Methane Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Currents Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fractured Zone High Temperature H2S Fault Ice Conditions CO2 High Dip Angle 10.8 What is your Weather window? (Preferable period with the reasons) Minimum wave heights occur in January-February. This is important because of the relatively shallow water depths (as little as 110 m) at some drill sites. iSAS/IODP Site Summary Forms: Form 1 - General Site Information (Submitted with Preliminary Proposal) New Please fill out information in all gray boxes Revised Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: Global and local controls on continental margin depositional cyclicity: Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealand Date Form 1 October 2001 Submitted: Site Specific 1) Sample distal slope facies between sequence boundaries 4-12 for lowstand Objectives with sediments and age control. Priority (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous ODP Site 1119 (Leg 181) Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: CBNZ-04A If site is a reoccupation Area or Location: Canterbury Bight, eastern (e.g. SWPAC-01A) of an old DSDP/ODP South Island, New Zealand Site, Please include former Site # Latitude: Longitude: Coordinates System: Priority of Site: Deg: 45 S Deg: 171 X Min: 01.62 E WGS 84, Primary: X Min: 56.85 Other ( Alt: Jurisdiction: New Zealand Distance to Land: 61 km ) Water Depth: 674 m Section C: Operational Information Sediments Proposed 1942 Penetration: (m) Basement ~3000 m What is the total sed. thickness? Total Penetration: 1942 m General Terrigenous siltstone and silty mudstone with Lithologies: intervals of very fine-grained sand and mud Coring Plan: 1-APC, XCB, RCB (Specify or Circle) 1-2-3-APC VPC* XCB MDCB* PCS RCB Re-entry Wireline Logging Plan: Standard Tools HRGB Special Tools Neutron-Porosity LWD Borehole Televiewer Formation Fluid Sampling Nuclear Magnetic Borehole Temperature & Resonance Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical Borehole Seismic Acoustic Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others ( Others ( Litho-Density Density-Neutron Resistivity-Gamma Ray Acoustic Formation Image Max.Borehole Expected value (For Riser Drilling) Temp. : ) ) °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m, m intervals from m to m, m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals: 5m Estimated days: Drilling/Coring: 10.4 Logging: 1.7 Future Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Total On-Site: Hazards/ Please check flowing List of Potential Hazards Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Geological Structures Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Irregular Seabed Methane Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Currents Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fractured Zone High Temperature H2S Fault Ice Conditions CO2 High Dip Angle 12.1 What is your Weather window? (Preferable period with the reasons) Minimum wave heights occur in January-February. This is important because of the relatively shallow water depths (as little as 110 m) at some drill sites. iSAS/IODP Site Summary Forms: Form 1 - General Site Information (Submitted with Preliminary Proposal) New Please fill out information in all gray boxes Revised Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: Global and local controls on continental margin depositional cyclicity: Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealand Date Form 1 October 2001 Submitted: Site Specific 1) Sediments in moat between shelf-edge-parallel sediment drift and paleoslope. Objectives with 2) Sample top of underlying drift and boundary between drifts. Priority (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous ODP Site 1119 (Leg 181) Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: CBNZ-05A If site is a reoccupation Area or Location: Canterbury Bight, eastern (e.g. SWPAC-01A) of an old DSDP/ODP South Island, New Zealand Site, Please include former Site # Latitude: Longitude: Coordinates System: Priority of Site: Deg: 44 S Deg: 172 X Min: 39.22 E WGS 84, Primary: X Min: 31.03 Other ( Alt: Jurisdiction: New Zealand Distance to Land: 83 km ) Water Depth: 255 m Section C: Operational Information Sediments Proposed 1335 Penetration: (m) Basement ~3000 m What is the total sed. thickness? Total Penetration: 1335 m General Terrigenous siltstone and silty mudstone with Lithologies: intervals of very fine-grained sand and mud Coring Plan: 1-APC, XCB, RCB (Specify or Circle) 1-2-3-APC VPC* XCB MDCB* PCS RCB Re-entry Wireline Logging Plan: Standard Tools HRGB Special Tools Neutron-Porosity LWD Borehole Televiewer Formation Fluid Sampling Nuclear Magnetic Borehole Temperature & Resonance Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical Borehole Seismic Acoustic Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others ( Others ( Litho-Density Density-Neutron Resistivity-Gamma Ray Acoustic Formation Image Max.Borehole Expected value (For Riser Drilling) Temp. : ) ) °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m, m intervals from m to m, m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals: 5m Estimated days: Drilling/Coring: 6.9 Logging: 1.3 Future Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Total On-Site: Hazards/ Please check flowing List of Potential Hazards Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Geological Structures Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Irregular Seabed Methane Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Currents Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fractured Zone High Temperature H2S Fault Ice Conditions CO2 High Dip Angle 8.2 What is your Weather window? (Preferable period with the reasons) Minimum wave heights occur in January-February. This is important because of the relatively shallow water depths (as little as 110 m) at some drill sites. iSAS/IODP Site Summary Forms: Form 1 - General Site Information (Submitted with Preliminary Proposal) New Please fill out information in all gray boxes Revised Section A: Proposal Information Title of Proposal: Global and local controls on continental margin depositional cyclicity: Canterbury Basin, eastern South Island, New Zealand Date Form 1 October 2001 Submitted: Site Specific 1) Sample expanded section, comprising main body of shelf-edge-parallel Objectives with sediment drift, since drift initiation. Priority 2) Sample sediments in vicinity of Marshall Paraconformity. (Must include general objectives in proposal) List Previous ODP Site 1119 (Leg 181) Drilling in Area: Section B: General Site Information Site Name: CBNZ-06A If site is a reoccupation Area or Location: Canterbury Bight, eastern (e.g. SWPAC-01A) of an old DSDP/ODP South Island, New Zealand Site, Please include former Site # Latitude: Longitude: Coordinates System: Priority of Site: Deg: 44 S Deg: 172 X Min: 41.55 E WGS 84, Primary: X Min: 33.95 Other ( Alt: Jurisdiction: New Zealand Distance to Land: 92 km ) Water Depth: 405 m Section C: Operational Information Sediments Proposed 2439 Penetration: (m) Basement ~3000 m What is the total sed. thickness? Total Penetration: 2439 m General Terrigenous siltstone and silty mudstone with Lithologies: intervals of very fine-grained sand and mud Coring Plan: 1-APC, XCB, RCB (Specify or Circle) 1-2-3-APC VPC* XCB MDCB* PCS RCB Re-entry Wireline Logging Plan: Standard Tools HRGB Special Tools Neutron-Porosity LWD Borehole Televiewer Formation Fluid Sampling Nuclear Magnetic Borehole Temperature & Resonance Pressure Gamma Ray Geochemical Borehole Seismic Acoustic Resistivity Side-Wall Core Sampling Others ( Others ( Litho-Density Density-Neutron Resistivity-Gamma Ray Acoustic Formation Image Max.Borehole Expected value (For Riser Drilling) Temp. : ) ) °C Mud Logging: Cuttings Sampling Intervals (Riser Holes Only) from m to m, m intervals from m to m, m intervals Basic Sampling Intervals: 5m Estimated days: Drilling/Coring: 13.1 Logging: 2.0 Future Plan: Longterm Borehole Observation Plan/Re-entry Plan Total On-Site: Hazards/ Please check flowing List of Potential Hazards Weather: Shallow Gas Complicated Geological Structures Hydrothermal Activity Hydrocarbon Soft Seabed Landslide and Turbidity Current Shallow Water Flow Irregular Seabed Methane Hydrate Abnormal Pressure Currents Diapir and Mud Volcano Man-made Objects Fractured Zone High Temperature H2S Fault Ice Conditions CO2 High Dip Angle 15.1 What is your Weather window? (Preferable period with the reasons) Minimum wave heights occur in January-February. This is important because of the relatively shallow water depths (as little as 110 m) at some drill sites.
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