OOI RFA Cover Sheet LOI Full Addendum Above For Office Use Only Please fill out requested information in all gray boxes A California Current Ecosystem Ocean Observing System Title: Proponent(s): Edward Dever (OSU), Francisco Chavez (MBARI), Uwe Send (SIO) Keywords: California Current, ecosystem, ocean observatories (5 or less) Area: NE Pacific Contact Information: Contact Person: Department: Organization: Address Tel.: E-mail: Edward Dever College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University 104 COAS Admin Bldg. (541) 737-2749 edever@coas.oregonstate.edu Fax: (541) 737-2064 Permission to post abstract on ORION Web site: Abstract: (400 words or less) X Yes No We propose a large-scale coastal observing system that will extend from the Southern California Bight to Washington and from the coast to several hundred km offshore. The objective of the system is to provide highly resolved observations of the California Current System (CCS) defined here to include physical and ecosystem components. The system will consist of 7 mooring lines, each with a shelf, slope and two deep locations. Gliders and AUVs will be used to resolve mesoscale structure and estimate property distributions and transports in the California Current system. Measurements at each fixed site will resolve the benthic boundary, the mid-water column structure, and the euphotic zone. Meteorological and oceanographic models will be used to synthesize data, refine observations, and formulate and test research questions. Geophysical measurements will also be made at and below the seafloor. Mooring line locations will be based on the recommendations of recent community reports (PaCOOS, CORA, Neptune and Orion Workshop). Large-scale arrays envisioned in the CORA report will populate three regions: the southern California Bight, central California, and the Pacific Northwest. The proposed system will take advantage of existing and planned regional cable observatories for oceanographic and geophysical sampling. Data collected by this system will be synthesized in conjunction with data from existing (CalCOFI, MBARI and Newport Lines) and planned (PaCOOS) ship-based observational programs to achieve synergy between these two types of observational strategies. Many oceanographic processes occurring along the Pacific coast are poorly resolved by existing observational systems which are either focused on one point in space or are sparse in time. Aside from a few buoys maintained on the continental margin, no high-frequency, long-term, in-situ measurements exist for properties including subsurface temperature, velocity, salinity, nutrients, and biooptical properties. As a result, neither the regional response to large-scale forcing events nor the extent and the mechanisms linking the different regions are well understood. Elucidating processes forcing phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass or community structure also require simultaneous, temporally and spatially resolved observations. These observations are also needed to improve processes parameterized in models (e.g. wind or bottom stress and mixing) or properties sensed remotely (phytoplankton through ocean color or acoustic sensing of zooplankton). Only a major infrastructure implementation and operation effort like ORION can provide the sustained, linked and integrated, multidisciplinary timeseries sampling needed for these studies. The proposed system would: - characterize the physical, chemical and ecological response of the CCS to physical forcing on scales ranging from the episodic to the interdecadal - allow analysis of the processes, and detection of changes and events, in the coupled physical-ecosystem regime - provide continuous high-frequency measurements to improve parameterizations used by satellite observations and numerical models - describe the along-coast continuity of the California Current system, poleward undercurrent, and inshore Davidson Current. Please describe below key non-standard measurement technology needed to achieve the proposed scientific objectives: (250 words or less) To understand the physical and ecosystem aspects of the California Current system, we need to be able to carry out multidisciplinary observations everywhere in the water column, near the surface and deep, with many, sometimes large, sensors. A profiling capability in the mixed-layer and euphotic zone all the way to the surface, as well as in the deep ocean, has many advantages, amoung them cost savings since the number of sensors can be reduced. Some parts of the profiling technologies are still under development. Data telemetry from all sensors will be required, e.g. for adaptive sampling with gliders and AUVs, and in some cases bi-directional sensor control would have benefits. For higher datarate systems, especially in the profiling platforms, this is not currently implemented. Easy integration of new sensors into the data stream (plug-and-play) would be desirable. Linking up moored systems with cable nodes will be useful in 2 locations. Some sensors also need continued development (e.g. for some carbon parameters) along with general improvements on moored sensors (e.g. biofouling control). The ability to carry out operational moored iron timeseries measurements also needs to become available. Proposed Sites: Site Name Monterey Bay, CA San Diego, CA Newport, Oregon Centr. Washington Pt. Conception, CA Crescent City, CA Pt. Arena, CA Position Water Depth (m) Start Date Proposed Duration Revisits Deploy during (months) deployment 100, Jan 2007 350, Jan 2007 1000+ Jan 2007 3000+ Jan 2008 for all Jan 2008 transect Jan 2009 s Jan 2009 60 60 60 48 48 36 36 Site-specific Comments twice per year for all List of Project Participants SIO/Southwest Fisheries Center: Russ Davis, Dave Demer, Ralf Goericke, Greg Mitchell, Mark Ohman, Dan Rudnick, Uwe Send, Arthur Miller, Bruce Cornuelle, Peter Franks, Eric Terrill UCSB: Grace Chang, Tommy Dickey Cal Poly: Mark Moline MBARI: James Bellingham, Francisco Chavez, Ken Johnson, John Ryan Moss Landing Marine Labs: Kenneth Cole Naval Postgraduate School: Curt Collins UCSC: Raphael Kudela OSU: Jack Barth, Ed Dever, Burke Hales, Mike Kosro, Ricardo Letelier, Bill Peterson, Pete Strutton, Pat Wheeler UW: Charlie Eriksen, Barbara Hickey, Parker MacCready Suggested Reviewers William Crawford (Institute of Ocean Sciences, DFO, Canada) Kenneth Denman (Institute of Ocean Sciences, DFO, Canada) Brad deYoung (Memorial University of Newfoundland) David Griffin (CSIRO, Hobart) John Huthnance (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory) Keith Thompson (Dalhousie University) Richard Thomson (Institute of Ocean Sciences, DFO, Canada) 2 ORION Project Summary A California Current Ecosystem Ocean Observing System We propose a large-scale coastal observing system that will extend from the Southern California Bight to Washington and from the coast to several hundred km offshore. The objective of the system is to provide highly resolved observations of the California Current System (CCS) defined here to include physical and ecosystem components. The system will consist of 7 mooring lines, each with a shelf, slope and two deep locations. Gliders and AUVs will be used to resolve mesoscale structure and estimate property distributions and transports in the California Current system. Measurements at each fixed site will resolve the benthic boundary, the mid-water column structure, and the euphotic zone. Meteorological and oceanographic models will be used to synthesize data, refine observations, and formulate and test research questions. Geophysical measurements will also be made at and below the seafloor. Mooring line locations will be based on the recommendations of recent community reports (PaCOOS, CORA, Neptune and Orion Workshop). Large-scale arrays envisioned in the CORA report will populate three regions: the southern California Bight, central California, and the Pacific Northwest. The proposed system will take advantage of existing and planned regional cable observatories for oceanographic and geophysical sampling. Data collected by this system will be synthesized in conjunction with data from existing (CalCOFI, MBARI and Newport Lines) and planned (PaCOOS) ship-based observational programs to achieve synergy between these two types of observational strategies. Many oceanographic processes occurring along the Pacific coast are poorly resolved by existing observational systems which are either focused on one point in space or are sparse in time. Aside from a few buoys maintained on the continental margin, no high-frequency, longterm, in-situ measurements exist for properties including subsurface temperature, velocity, salinity, nutrients, and biooptical properties. As a result, neither the regional response to largescale forcing events nor the extent and the mechanisms linking the different regions are well understood. Elucidating processes forcing phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass or community structure also require simultaneous, temporally and spatially resolved observations. These observations are also needed to improve processes parameterized in models (e.g. wind or bottom stress and mixing) or properties sensed remotely (phytoplankton through ocean color or acoustic sensing of zooplankton). Only a major infrastructure implementation and operation effort like ORION can provide the sustained, linked and integrated, multidisciplinary timeseries sampling needed for these studies. The proposed system would: • characterize the physical, chemical and ecological response of the CCS to physical forcing on scales ranging from the episodic to the interdecadal • allow analysis of the processes, and detection of changes and events, in the coupled physical-ecosystem regime • provide continuous high-frequency measurements to improve parameterizations used by satellite observations and numerical models • describe the along-coast continuity of the California Current system, poleward undercurrent, and inshore Davidson Current. 3 1. Program Rationale and Key Scientific Questions 1.1 The northeast Pacific system The observation system described in this proposal lies within the California Current System (CCS). The CCS is generally considered to extend from Baja California, Mexico to Vancouver Island, Canada and from the coast to several hundred km offshore (Mackas, 2005). Oceanographically, the region is linked by large-scale transports of heat, salt, nutrients and organisms. Alongshore transport occurs offshore in the southward California Current, over the continental slope in the poleward undercurrent, and over the shelf in the coastal waveguide and seasonal Davidson Current. Significant cross-shore and vertical transport also occurs throughout the system. Seasonal upwelling occurs along much of the coast with offshore transport by surface Ekman layers and by upwelling jets at prominent capes and compensating subsurface onshore transport. Remotely sensed estimates of altimetry, temperature and chlorophyll (Strub and James, 2000; Strub et al., 1990, Kahru and Mitchell, 2001) as well as in-situ data (Mantyla et al., 1995; Bray et al., 1999) show there is a strong seasonal cycle in the CCS. Strub and James (2000) use satellite altimetry and historical data to describe this cycle (Figure 1). In winter, the equatorward CC jet is farthest offshore and weakening, with an inshore countercurrent (some combination of the poleward undercurrent and the Davidson Current). In spring, as upwelling favorable winds develop, the CC jet reappears close to the coast and begins migrating offshore. As it migrates offshore and meanders, cyclonic eddies and dipole eddy pairs develop inshore of cyclonic meanders and anticyclonic eddies develop offshore between cyclonic meanders. These eddies are estimated to have wavelengths of about 300 km and periods of 100-150 days. As upwelling favorable winds persist in summer and fall the CC jet continues to move offshore with increasingly strong eddy variability. The jet and eddy variability weaken in step with the seasonal cycle of wind forcing (Halliwell and Allen, 1987). The mean structure and the seasonal cycle of the CC decisively influence regional ecosystems. Chlorophyll patterns show a strong seasonal cycle and latitudinal dependence (Strub et al., 1990, Kahru and Mitchell, 2001). The highest chlorophyll values are found within 10-20 km of the coast and are tied to local upwelling events. Further offshore there is a spring maximum in the northern CCS and a weak maximum in the southern CCS. Higher phytoplankton biomass in the northern CCS may be at least partially compensated by higher specific growth rates and irradiance further south (Mackas, 2005). System-wide descriptions of phytoplankton communities are rare. In the southern CCS phytoplankton communities have been tied to water mass type (Hayward and Venrick, 1998); distinct communities exist in the northern coastal, southern coastal, and offshore regimes of the southern California Bight. High biomass locations (shelves, offshore jets) and events (upwelling) are dominated by diatoms and large dinoflagellates in the nearshore zones, while smaller phytoplankton dominate offshore areas, characterized by low biomass (Mackas, 2005). The physical structure of the CCS also affects zooplankton community composition. Changes in zooplankton composition are associated with the shelfbreak and with the seaward margin of coastal upwelling. The structure of the zooplankton community in the Southern California Bight is significantly affected by changes in ocean climate on scales ranging from interannual to interdecadal (Lavaniegos et al., 1999, 2003). Unlike phytoplankton, zooplankton biomass and reproduction can be transported well offshore and southwards (Mackas, 2005). Retention and 4 onshore transport of zooplankton, especially meroplankton, in the face of active coastal upwelling remains a major research question with particular importance being ascribed to wind relaxation events (Wing et al., 1998) and interannual variability in upwelling wind strength (Botsford et al., 1994). Figure 1. Regional circulation of the California Current System (Strub and James, 2000) The northeast Pacific has long been recognized as having a coherent response to processes such as climate variability (McGowan et al., 1998), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) (Mantua and Hare, 2002), and the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (Chavez et al., 2002). It has been the subject of one the most successful long term oceanographic observational programs, the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI). The CalCOFI time series have been critical in identifying seasonal and interannual variability. CalCOFI observations have also been combined with longer shore-based time series to gain insights into climate variability and ecosystem change. These insights have given rise to a new suite of research questions that require new types of measurements, greater temporal and spatial resolution, real time access to data, and a coordinated modeling effort. These requirements were recently identified by a large community of oceanographers (Miller et al., 1999) as critical to advancing our understanding of the California Current System. The research needs outlined below are not meant to be inclusive, but to give a sampling of those requiring a large scale Pacific coast observatory system. 5 1.2 Limits of the present expeditionary approach 1.2.1 The difficulty and importance of long term time series While scientists continue to debate if observed changes in climate and ecosystems are human-induced or part of the natural environment, all agree that long-term records are required to accurately characterize and eventually understand year-to-year changes. And all agree that such records are severely lacking for the ocean. So why are these long time series so rare? It takes many years before a time series pays off by accumulating a long enough record so that signal can be extracted from noise. During those years before pay-off, substantial effort and investment must nevertheless be maintained, sometimes for decades. Such long-term commitment is difficult to sustain, both for scientists and funding agencies. Despite these obstacles several pioneering ocean time series continue to provide records of the ocean’s changing physical, chemical, and biological character. The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) program has provided observations of the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) since 1949 (Ohman and Venrick, 2003), supported for a long time by the State of California and more recently by NOAA. The CalCOFI time series have been critical in identifying seasonal and interannual variability of the CCE. CalCOFI observations have also been combined with longer shore-based time series to gain insights into climate variability and ecosystem change. Two others, the Hawaiian Ocean Time-Series (HOT) and the Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study (BATS) (Dickey et al., 1997), are supported by the National Science Foundation and focus on blue-water oceanography. A fourth time series, privately funded at MBARI by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, has been documenting daily-to-seasonalto-decadal variability for more than 16 years and focuses on the green, coastal ocean off central California. An important goal of these time-series programs has been to understand phytoplankton primary production in coastal upwelling and open-ocean oligotrophic systems in relation to changing ocean climate. Phytoplankton occupy a central role in oceanic ecosystems, as their nutrient uptake, growth, and sinking mediate the biogeochemical fluxes of carbon and other elements between the atmosphere, surface ocean, and deep ocean. Because the atmosphere and oceans are physically coupled, climate exerts strong effects on the marine biogeochemistry and food web mediated by phytoplankton. A secondary but equally important goal of the time-series efforts is to provide a basic physical, chemical, and biological context for a number of other studies conducted adjunct to the time series. These cover such diverse topics as response of the ecosystem to low frequency climate change, energy flow in midwater and benthic food webs, microbial recycling of nutrients, the formation of thin biological layers, natural iron fertilization of the ocean, and the development of harmful algal blooms. All these studies use the time-series data as the starting point for understanding the environmental background for experiments and observations. The data sets collected to date, augmented with information from satellites, now span many time and space scales and permit construction of climatologies against which change can be measured. In the early years, the seasonal and spatial pattern of the physics, nutrient chemistry, and primary production where the major focus. In the 1990s the time series documented the impacts of El Niño and La Niña, leading to the realization that global climate fluctuations cause dramatic changes in local ecosystems. And finally, following the 1997-98 El Niño, time series data indicate that the Pacific had cooled—only slightly—but still enough to significantly affect local ecosystem dynamics. This cooling may have been linked to longer term cycles associated 6 with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Recent studies, however, question either that patterns subsumed under PDO describe current patterns in the North Pacific (Bond et al., 2003) or question the existence of persistent patterns such as the PDO (Rudnick and Davis, 2003). These questions further point out the need for long-term ocean observing systems in the North Pacific. The proposed system of multidisciplinary fixed long-term observatories for improved stewardship of the coastal ocean is providing new challenges. First, it will be necessary to bring together the massive volumes of data produced by the different observing methods so that scientists can see the relationships between, for example, anomalous oceanographic conditions and simultaneous increases in toxic algae. Probably the only way do this is by development of data assimilation and modeling systems for visualization, interpretation and prediction of processes in real time. These challenges extend beyond sensor or platform development and will require significant improvements in our scientific concepts and more than likely the development of a new generation of Earth scientists. As described above one of the most pressing issues facing society today is the extent to which global change will influence local ocean climate and the oceanic ecosystem. The effects of global change include the acidification of the ocean resulting from absorption of anthropogenic CO2, eutrophication from coastal agricultural runoff, the excessive exploitation of natural resources, and large-scale climate changes driven by increasing atmospheric heat retention. The effects are already seen on local, regional and global scales. Predicting the effects of global climate change on oceanic systems is extremely difficult due to the many possible interactions between forcing functions and subcomponents of the system. Given these important social issues it is paramount that long-term observatories throughout the global ocean are established and that these observing stations include strong representation in biologically productive and thus economically important areas such as the CCS. 1.2.2 time series measurements of biogeochemical properties are needed for the CCS Existing synoptic and higher frequency time series are confined almost entirely to physical oceanographic measurements. The longest time series include coastal sea level and temperature. More recently long term velocity and subsurface temperature measurements have been made. Chemical and biological time series exist for a very limited number of sites. While there have been successful attempts to relate physical time series to ecosystem variability (e.g., Roemmich and McGowan, 1995), many research questions cannot be answered because the relevant time series are not acquired with sufficient frequency or duration. High-frequency simultaneous in situ time series of physical, chemical and biological properties are needed to better relate standing stocks of chlorophyll (estimated from satellite observations) to primary production over the shelf, slope and basin and to understand the relative roles of physical advection and biological variability in determining patterns of production and chlorophyll distribution (Abbott and Letelier, 1998). Macronutrient (nitrate, silicate, and phosphate) as well as iron time series are needed to distinguish micronutrient and macronutrient limitation in the system (Bruland et al., 2001). Bio-optical and bio-acoustic time series of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and sentinel fish species are needed to understand ecosystem community structure and its response to forcing at all time scales. These linked observations at high sampling rate over long time are only achievable with an observatory infrastructure as described and proposed here. We note that these types of measurements are likely to require larger data transmission rates and power consumption than available on current mooring designs. 7 1.2.3 Existing time series have insufficient temporal and spatial resolution. One of the most dramatic sources of interannual variability within the CCS is ENSO. Lowfrequency forcing due to ENSO strongly affects coastal ecosystems from Baja California to the Gulf of Alaska (e.g., Lavaniegos et al., 2002; Chavez et al., 2002; Whitney and Welch, 2002), but the manifestation of this forcing is often on relatively short time and length scales. A key question are the mechanisms responsible for changes in the physical and biological system associated with ENSO events. First, there is the possibility of atmospheric teleconnections; that is, ENSO is related to atmospheric anomalies of basin to global scale that themselves affect local coasts. The two mechanisms of wave propagation and advection are also at work. ENSO causes coastally trapped waves that propagate northward away from the equator. However, these waves seem not to propagate past the Gulf of California, so their effect further north remains questionable. Certain manifestations of ENSO (changes in water properties, arrival of different planktonic organisms) are likely to be caused by advection as ENSO modulates the boundary current systems. Given the environmental changes caused by ENSO, a number of biogeochemical questions arise. • What are the mechanisms driving observed changes in community structure and function (distribution and abundance of various taxa from all trophic levels)? • How does ENSO affect timing, magnitude, and spatial extent of spring blooms? • How does ENSO affect biogeochemical fluxes? The large-scale changes brought about by ENSO likely modulates effects on smaller scales, raising such questions as: • How does ENSO modulate the mesoscale (fronts, upwelling/downwelling, eddies)? • How does ENSO modulate storms (precipitation, wind, mixing, surface waves)? Even for physical time series, available measurements are hard pressed to distinguish between climate variability, the ENSO response and the PDO (Smith et al., 2001; Rudnick and Davis, 2003), let alone be used to study how these responses interact with one another. A distributed, integrated observing network composed of a variety of mobile and fixed platforms is the only way to resolve the wide range of relevant time and length scales. The challenge is to have in place, before the arrival of ENSO, an observational system covering the entire west coast that can resolve the requisite fine spatial and temporal scales. Such a system would pay scientific dividends as soon as the next ENSO occurs, as the data set would be unprecedented in coverage and resolution. Documenting and understanding the effects of ENSO on the CCS provides one clear rationale for a CCS observing system but there are many others: Existing ship-based surveys cover large spatial scales but have at best only seasonal resolution and miss episodic and synoptic variability. Thus such surveys must be completed by high-frequency observations. For example, variability in the timing and duration of the spring phytoplankton bloom is not characterized by quarterly sampling programs (Fig. 2). Other evidence indicates the timing of the spring transition to upwelling is coherent over the CCS but interannual variations in the timing of the spring transition are not resolved. The lack of high frequency continuous time series means that the relative importance of episodic versus periodic forcing is largely unknown as is the ecosystem response to interannual and interdecadal oceanatmospheric variability. 8 Existing time series also do not resolve the cross-shelf scales needed to characterize processes such as surface heat and momentum fluxes. In situ measurements (Dever and Lentz, 1994; Beardsley et al., 1998) show surface fluxes over the shelf differ greatly from ship based climatologies (e.g., Nelson and Husby, 1983) in the CCS. Even modern satellite-based wind stress estimates do not resolve scales evident in modeled coastal wind stress fields (Kora in et al., 2004). Within the ocean, the offshore transport of nutrients and carbon by eddies within the CCS is also unknown. Although models indicate eddies within the CCS are a major cross-shelf transport mechanism (Moisan et al., 1996), this transport cannot be resolved with present measurements. 12 10 Chl a (µ g/L) 8 6 4 2 0 Aug-96 Aug-97 Aug-98 Aug-99 Aug-00 Aug-01 Aug-02 Aug-03 Aug-04 Fig. 2. Remotely sensed Chl a in the surface layer of the Santa Barbara Basin derived from monthly ocean color composites for the time period Aug. 1996 to January 2005 (M. Kahru & G. Mitchell, pers. comm.). Monthly averages are plotted against time (blue line). Random subsamples of the time series corresponding to quarterly sampling are indicted with black squares. This subsampling of the time series illustrates potential bias as the subsampled time series no longer shows that the duration of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the SBB has been significantly longer in recent years, which has implications for the biogeochemistry of the basin. 1.2.4 Real time access to data is almost non existent. Although the 1997-1998 ENSO event was detected along the equator and predicted to have strong effects along the North American Pacific coast, there was little time to plan and carry out expeditionary type observations in time to capture the ENSO signal there (but see Hayward, 2000). As a result, the 1997-1998 ENSO, for the most part, could only be identified and studied in retrospect from existing long term observations and previously planned expeditions (Chavez et al., 2002). More recently, the 2002-2003 north Pacific salinity anomaly (Freeland et al., 2003) was identified using repeated survey lines and Argo float data. It was studied and understood largely in retrospect. More real time data would have been able to identify its timing and geographical extent and allowed better study of the ecosystem response. On smaller scales productive blooms of benign and harmful species exist, settling events happen, coastal river input of freshwater nutrients and sediments change, etc. This knowledge could be used to modify planned studies and respond rapidly with adaptive sampling. In particular, we plan to guide gliders and deploy AUV based on features and events detected in real-time in the mooring (plus remote sensing) data. 1.2.5 Measurements need to be coordinated with modeling efforts The need for coordinated modeling and measurements was recently identified as critical to advancing our understanding of the CCS by a large community of observational and modeling oceanographers (Miller et al., 1999). Modeling is needed to synthesize disparate data types. This synthesis will in turn necessitate quantitative tests of the model dynamics, resolution and sub9 grid scale parameterizations. One of the major data and model challenges is to track eddies in time between surveys and altimeter overflights and in space between fixed time series: can we track an eddy from the "cradle", where it is created by instability processes off of northern California, to the "grave" as it moves offshore and dissipates or changes its depth structure. Models indicate both surface (Moisan et al., 1996) and undercurrent eddies (Cornuelle et al., 2000) are important to the offshore transport of nutrients and new production from the upwelling region into the California Current System. Testing these model predictions will require a coordinated observing system and modeling effort. Models can also refine forcing fields by requiring them to be consistent with model dynamics and by combining multiple data types together. An important example of this from the meteorological field is the merging of different estimates of wind stress. Offshore remotely sensed (scatterometer) wind stress fields need to be combined with coastal point wind stress estimates from moorings to achieve a realistic forcing field for ocean models of the California Current System. Advanced modeling efforts also make possible optimum deployments of controllable assets, such as choosing trajectories for gliders and AUV’s and profiling protocols for moored instruments. Models can quantify the along-shore connectivity of the CCS. They can be used to track (and forecast) fast-moving waves propagating up the coast, and identify their structure in the water and their mode of propagation. Several important questions regarding wave propagation remain including: How closely are these waves trapped to the coast and where and how does wave scattering near coastal bathymetry changes occur? Models will also be needed to help infer sub-surface nutrient distributions by comparing the effects of upwelling (which should be calculable from windstress and flow fields) to the observations (of both nutrients and productivity). Not all upwelling will bring nutrients to the photic zone, and the distribution of the nutrients varies at very short scales, due to the chaotic advection and stretching and straining of nutrient-rich water. The immediate upwelling zones may be relatively simple, but satellite pictures reveal the filamentary nature of the temperature and chlorophyll, which is a huge challenge to observe or model. It has recently been demonstrated that models can be used to infer, based on in-situ and altimetry data, the ageostrophic and thus divergent flow field, leading to otherwise unobservable vertical velocities. 1.2.6 Regional scientific issues The above scientific needs pertain to the California Current System as a whole. Within the CCS, there are distinct sub-regions subject to quite different forcing and response at the synoptic level (Figure 3). Each region also has specific scientific questions that cannot be answered with existing observations. We propose observations for the Southern California Bight (region III), the southern California Current (region II), and the northern California Current and the terminus of the west wind drift (region I). Discussion of site specific science questions is deferred until section 3. 10 Figure 3. Reproduced from Mackas (2005) and adapted from GLOBEC (1994). 1.3 Key scientific questions to be tested with the proposed system The observing system will allow us to address the following scientific questions: 1. What are the physical links between parts of the CCS, and what are their characteristic time and space scales? For example do phenomena that originate in one part of the CCS propagate to others and by what mechanisms? 2. What are the relative roles of mesoscale versus basin-scale dynamics in forcing ecosystem variability and biogeochemical cycling? 3. By which processes does physical forcing regulate ecosystem dynamics and biogeochemical cycling at seasonal, interannual and multidecadal time-scales? 4. By which processes does physical forcing regulate ecosystem structure and bio-diversity? 5. How do ecosystem structure and biogeochemical cycling relate and does this coupling change on seasonal, interannual and multidecadal time scales? 6. How important is subtle multidecadal physical variability in regulating ecosystem structure and how is the physical dynamics transferred to ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling? 7. What is the quantitative impact of anthropogenic CO2 uptake by the oceans on ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling? 8. What additional human impacts on ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling are observable? 2. Scientific Objectives The proposed observing system would: characterize the physical, biogeochemical, and ecosystem response to large scale forcing events 11 allow analysis of the processes, and detection of changes and events, in the coupled physical-ecosystem regime provide continuous high-frequency measurements to improve parameterizations used by satellite observations and numerical models describe the along-coast continuity of the California Current system, poleward undercurrent, and inshore Davidson Current, and its influence on ecosystem conditions. 3. Experimental Design and Observing Requirements The basic design of the experiment is the deployment and maintenance of 7 cross-shelf transects (figure 4) of observations using moorings, cabled observatories, gliders and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV’s). These transects are based largely on the recommended “Endurance” lines envisioned in the recent CORA report (Jahnke et al., 2003). Transects would span the continental shelf to the California Current. Fixed site measurements would span the entire water column in depth with at least twice daily data acquisition. They would incorporate meteorological, physical, bio-optical and bio-acoustic, and chemical data. The fixed time series would be supplemented with glider lines linking moorings and by AUV’s at shelf mooring sites. The system would exploit developing technologies for sensors and hardware. Mooring improvements include high bandwidth reporting by satellite communications systems, telemetry of subsurface information by acoustic and inductive modems, and profiling systems. New or developing instrumentation includes acoustic anemometers, in-situ chemistry sensors (CO2 and macronutrients), flow cytometers, multi-spectral and counting bio-optical instruments, and bio-acoustic and turbulence sensors. The spatial scales covered by the proposed observing system are designed to complement regional observing systems such as the Northeast Pacific Continental Margin System proposed by Barth and Hickey, the Santa Barbara Channel system proposed by Chang et al, and global observing systems such as the global water column proposal of Send et al. Figure 4. A map of the North American continental margin with proposed observatory lines. 12 3.1 Siting The siting is based on recommendations of the CORA (and earlier) workshop for Endurance lines along the west coast of the United States. These workshops recommended long term transects across continental shelves and slopes of all United States coasts. 3.1.1 time series locations relative to the coast Fixed time series transects will range from the continental shelf and slope to the edge of the California Current. They will attempt to resolve crude cross-shelf scales of wind forcing and circulation and cover the different cross-shelf regimes. Outside the Southern California Bight, we regard one shelf, one slope, an inner California Current location, and an outer California Current location as minimal requirements for a CCS observing system. Within the Southern California Bight the offshore location of the California Current and the extremely narrow shelf suggest moving the slope mooring offshore for more even coverage. Shelf measurements are critical to addressing scientific questions regarding upwelling and associated new production, wind stress curl generated near coastal headlands, coastal inputs of sediments, pollution and freshwater, blooms (including harmful algal blooms), settlement of meroplankton, transport via the coastally trapped wave guide, seasonal transport in the Davidson Current (seasonal poleward transport), and the oceanic ENSO teleconnection (poleward propagation of Kelvin waves and advection). Here we propose one shelf time series at 100 m depth for all transects. Slope measurements are critical to addressing scientific questions including the continuity of the poleward California Undercurrent and generation of associated eddies and the export of upwelled production from the shelf in upwelling jets and filaments. Slope measurements are also expected to be affected by the oceanic ENSO teleconnection. We propose a slope measurement at 350 m for all transects except the Pt. Conception (CalCOFI line 80) and San Diego (CalCOFI line 90) as described below. Time series over the inner edge of the California Current are necessary to understand biological variation as seasonal upwelling jets join the California Current, the seasonal evolution of California Current structure, and eddy propagation and evolution. The location of the inner California Current varies as a function of latitude, becoming further offshore to the south and the proposed time series locations (described below) reflect that. Outer California Current time series are necessary to understand the interaction of biology and physics as nutrients upwelled near the coast become drawn down, the importance of southward transport of subarctic waters for physics and biology, and the atmospheric ENSO teleconnection (the role of changed stormtracks in forcing regional oceanic variability). The location of the outer California Current also varies as a function of latitude, as reflected in the proposed time series locations. 3.1.2 transect locations Proposed transects sample regions I, II, and III of the California Current system (Figure 3). The San Diego and Pt. Conception transects would be in the southern California Bight (region III), the Monterey Bay, Pt. Arena, and Crescent City transects are off central and northern California (region II) and the Newport and Juan de Fuca transects would be off central Oregon and central Washington respectively (region I). Transects would be spaced approximately 300 km apart. The proposed transects are discussed in light of regional scientific issues below. 13 Southern California Bight and Pt. Conception Locally weak wind forcing, a narrow shelf, and local recirculation within the southern California Bight (Fig. 5) distinguish it from other regions of the CCS. The southern California Bight is also a distinct biogeographic province (Californian), separated from the Oregonian by Point Conception (Dailey et al., 1993). Within the southern California Bight several distinct scientific questions exist: • How important is local coastal upwelling relative to other mechanisms for nutrient delivery and what are these other mechanisms? Because regional wind-driven coastal upwelling is weak, other nutrient delivery mechanisms must be important since areas of high productivity are often observed in the offshore areas (Mantyla et al., 1995). Possible alternate mechanisms include onshore transport of nutrient rich water by internal tides, poleward transport of water from region IV (where stronger upwelling is present) by coastally trapped waves, topographic upwelling, open ocean upwelling driving by the curl in the wind stress and, near Pt. Conception, advection of recently upwelled water from further north. • Is macronutrient or micronutrient limitation more important in the southern California Bight? Because local upwelling is weak, macronutrients are usually low in the southern California Bight. However, the shelf is also quite narrow in most of the Bight. The narrow shelf implies that iron limitation may also be important, an implication corroborated by recent iron-enrichment experiments (Barbour, pers. comm.). • What is the magnitude of recirculation in the southern California Bight and how does it influence the coastal ocean? Recirculation of waters from the offshore CCS has been inferred from seasonal climatologies of hydrographic properties. But direct evidence (e.g., drifter trajectories) for recirculation is lacking and the magnitudes of the recirculation as well as its synoptic and seasonal variability are unknown. • How does the southern California Bight communicate with other areas of the CCS? Coastally trapped waves are one mechanism, but surface and subsurface poleward flow at Pt. Conception is another. For example flow at Point Conception after the 1997-1998 El Niño has been shown to affect plankton and juvenile fish populations in the Santa Barbara Channel (Nishimoto and Washburn, 2002). How does seasonal and interannual variability impact poleward transport at Pt. Conception? Is the southern California Bight a significant source population for phytoplankton and zooplankton and vice versa? • What is the Southern California Bight scale wind stress curl and does it affect poleward transport throughout the CCS? Model evidence suggests the positive wind stress curl due to cross-shore variation in wind stress magnitude in the southern California Bight is an important forcing mechanism for poleward transport along the coast. San Diego line Measurements at the San Diego line will help determine recirculation within the bight, the cross-shore structure of wind forcing, and the importance of different nutrient delivery mechanisms to the shelf. The San Diego line will be along CalCOFI line 90, the line that has the best historical coverage in the CalCOFI data set. It will extend west from near San Diego to CalCOFI station 110 (620 km offshore). The inshore site of this line will be near the Pt. La Jolla SCCOOS pilot mooring funded by NOAA, and HF radar coverage exists over the nearshore region. To more evenly cover the offshore extent of the California Current in the southern 14 California Bight, the slope location is moved offshore to north of Cortes Bank. This will better allow wind stress and recirculation within the southern California Bight to be studied. This mooring line is accessible from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Generally benign weather conditions and the close proximity of shelf and slope locations to SIO are expected to facilitate operations, especially during development. Figure 5. Transect locations in the Southern California Bight. Proposed observatories are marked by triangles. The transects coincide with CalCOFI lines 80 and 90. Pt. Conception line Measurements at the Pt. Conception line will help determine the cross-shore structure of wind forcing, the importance of different nutrient delivery mechanisms to the shelf, and the communication of the southern California Bight with other areas of the CCS. The Pt. Conception line will be along CalCOFI line 80 extending southwest from Pt. Conception to CalCOFI station 80 (220 km offshore). The Point Conception line will span the boundary between the Oregonian and Californian biogeographic provinces. It will cover the area where strong wind forcing separates from the coast and the California Current moves even further offshore. The inshore site of the Pt. Conception line is near the Santa Barbara Channel SCCOOS NOAA pilot mooring and the proposed Santa Barbara Channel Orion site. HF radar coverage exists over the nearshore region. This mooring line is accessible from University of California Santa Barbara. The close proximity of shelf and slope locations to UCSB are expected to facilitate operations, especially during development. Here we have moved the slope location offshore due to the extreme narrowness of the shelf at Pt. Conception and a desire to better describe offshore variability of the wind field, circulation, and biogeochemistry. Central and northern California Persistent upwelling favorable winds, major coastal promontories, strong advection and an offshore California Current distinguish the central and northern California coasts (Fig. 6) from other regions of the CCS. The central California coast extends south to the boundary of the Oregonian and Californian biological provinces. Off the coast of central and northern California several distinct scientific questions exist: 15 • How important is micronutrient limitation relative to macronutrient limitation on new production? Strong upwelling leads to elevated levels of macronutrients along the coast here. Yet chlorophyll levels estimated from ocean color suggest productivity is higher further to the north. The narrow shelves along the California coast coupled with the relatively minor river input may lead to micronutrient limitation in this region. • How does communication with more southern areas of the CCS occur? Large changes in water properties, chlorophyll levels and zooplankton composition show poleward transport is important during ENSO events. Do less severe but qualitatively similar changes happen in other years? • How does wind forcing affect primary production over the shelf and export of phytoplankton and zooplankton to the California Current? Wind-driven upwelling brings nutrients crucial to primary production into the euphotic zone. However upwelling also exports this production from the shelf with the potential for upwelled waters to be exported before blooms occur. What levels of wind forcing maximize production over the shelf? • How important are different mechanisms of cross-shore transport? Transport mechanisms include offshore wind-driven Ekman transport, offshore movement of upwelling jets at coastal promontories, eddies generated within the California Current and California undercurrent eddies. The quantitative transport and relative importance of these mechanisms is not well described. Monterey Bay line Measurements at the Monterey Bay line will help determine advection of communities from the Californian province to the Oregonian province and the roles of micronutrient and macronutrient limitation. The contrast between the relatively large, sheltered Monterey Bay area and more open coastlines further north will provide insight into the question of wind-driven export and shelf productivity. The formation and offshore movement of California Current eddies as well as undercurrent eddies can also be studied here. The Monterey Bay line will extend west from Monterey Bay to 126W along CalCOFI line 67. The inshore sites of the Monterey Bay line will use the MARS observatory. HF radar coverage exists over the nearshore region. This mooring line is accessible from The Monterey Bay Aquarium Institute. Figure 6: Transect and observatory locations in Central/ Northern California. 16 Pt. Arena and Crescent City lines Measurements at the Pt. Arena line will also help determine the roles of micronutrient and macronutrient limitation. The contrast between the open coastline and extremely strong upwelling favorable winds here with Monterey Bay will provide insight into the question of wind-driven export and shelf productivity. The formation and offshore movement of California Current eddies as well as undercurrent eddies can also be studied here. Both of these lines are areas where upwelling jets form offshore filaments that extend into the California Current. The Pt. Arena line will extend west from Pt. Arena, California to 126.5 W, and the Crescent City line will extend west from Crescent City, California to 127 W. Despite being the focus of several large field efforts, the Point Arena and Crescent City lines are historically undersampled area due to weather conditions and the lack of local logistical support. HF radar coverage exists over the nearshore region near Bodega Marine Laboratory and some logistical support for shelf and slope lines may be possible from BML. At the Crescent City line, HF radar coverage extends from the nearshore region offshore into the California Current. Oregon and Washington Moderate and reversing winds, significant river input, proximity to the bifurcation of the west wind drift, and a nascent California Current distinguish the Oregon and Washington coasts (Fig. 7) from other regions of the CCS. The local coastline is relatively linear, but offshore banks can strongly influence shelf circulation. These conditions strongly frame regional scientific questions: • How does the delivery of micronutrients by rivers influence local production? Gradients in satellite based chlorophyll estimates show an increase with latitude. Chlorophyll levels on the Oregon coast are often higher than those off California and levels off Washington are higher still. This occurs despite weaker upwelling winds in northern locations. This in combination with enhanced river output further north suggests that micronutrients from river sources enhance productivity. Can higher micronutrient levels over the Oregon and Washington coasts lead to higher productivity? • How does the bifurcation of the west wind drift affect the region? The Oregon and Washington coasts are near the latitude of the bifurcation of the west wind drift. Recently variability in this bifurcation was associated with regional water mass changes. Higher nutrient levels may have lead to the hypoxia recently observed along the coast. How much does the bifurcation of the west wind drift vary? Can its dynamics be described and its influence on coastal ecosystems predicted? • What conditions lead to Harmful Algal Blooms? Recently harmful algal blooms (HAB’s) have shut down several fisheries on the Washington and Oregon coasts. What conditions lead to these blooms? • How do mesoscale features affect regional ecosystems? Relative to the California coast further south, relatively few mesoscale features exist. However, two large persistent mesoscale features occur, the Juan de Fuca eddy off northern Washington and over Heceta Bank off central Oregon. Both of these features have the potential to modify local nutrient supply, productivity and retention. 17 Newport line Measurements at the Newport line can be contrasted with the Juan de Fuca line to the north and with stronger wind forcing regions to the south to help determine the role of river input of micronutrients in shelf primary production. The Newport line, in combination with other proposed regional measurements will be used to examine the importance of Heceta Bank to local ecosystems. The Newport line will extend west along 46.5 N from Newport, Oregon to 126W. The Newport line will include the region where the southern bifurcation of the west wind drift in combination with wind driven upwelling jets combine to form the nascent California Current along the coast. The Newport line includes a strong historical data base of CTD transects. HF radar coverage exists over the nearshore region, and long range HF radar coverage extends offshore. Measurements along this line are also proposed for the northeast Pacific continental margin. Figure 7. Transect and observatory locations off Oregon and Washington. Juan de Fuca line The Juan de Fuca line, in combination with other proposed regional measurements will be used to examine the importance of the Juan de Fuca eddy to local ecosystems. The Juan de Fuca line will include the area south of the bifurcation of the West wind drift. It will be heavily influenced by the outflow of the Fraser River through the Straits of Juan de Fuca and the Columbia River to the south. The Juan de Fuca line will extend southwest from the straits of Juan de Fuca to 127 W. A line in this region is also proposed for the northeast Pacific continental margin. The Juan de Fuca line proposed here will be coordinated with the cabled observatory proposed under Orion and with the Canadian VENUS effort. 3.2 Measurement platforms and instrumentation Fixed position time series will consist of near bottom, subsurface profiling and near surface time series. It is anticipated that the near bottom and subsurface profiling elements will be coordinated with proposed or existing cabled observatories where practical. Where proposed cabled observatories do not exist, deep sea or coastal buoy systems would be used. Gliders and AUV’s will also be used to resolve spatial scales not resolved by fixed measurements. 18 3.2.1 surface measurements Surface buoys with atmospheric and near surface measurements of oceanographic parameters are proposed for a subset of the locations, but at least two per line. In locations where atmospheric measurements can be sacrificed, profiling systems (see below) that only occasionally reach the surface may be preferable. These measurements are especially important for a number of reasons. Surface fluxes of light, heat, momentum and even nutrients (e.g., Bishop et al., 2002) are paramount to ocean processes. Near surface measurements of oceanographic parameters are needed to understand physical processes in the oceanographic surface boundary layer and biological variability in the euphotic zone. The in situ measurements acquired would be used to validate remote sensing algorithms for surface fluxes, and ocean color. The buoys will transmit near surface data in near real time. They will also act as receiving stations for subsurface instruments where necessary (i.e., where cabled systems are unavailable) or as a backup where cabled systems are available. Surface buoys have the potential (via solar panels) to provide some power for near surface instruments. We anticipate at least 6 month deployment times for surface buoys. Two way communications with buoys will be needed to allow adaptive sampling of instruments limited by power requirements, on board reagents etc. Core near surface measurements will include: meteorological measurements to determine momentum and heat fluxes, physical oceanographic measurements to describe oceanic surface boundary layer variability, measurements of nutrients and other parameters that support primary production, bio-optical measurements needed to estimate primary production, CO2 measurements to estimate carbon fluxes, and bio-acoustic measurements to estimate zooplankton biomass. Supplemental measurements could include items such as aerosols (Sholkovitz et al., 1998), camera imaging of phytoplankton, cytometers, micronutrient time series, and moored zooplankton samplers. Meteorological measurements needed to estimate surface fluxes include wind speed and direction, air temperature and relative humidity, air pressure, incident shortwave and longwave radiation. Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) would also be measured. Sensor packages designed to measure these parameters have been deployed globally and in the coastal ocean. Proposed near-surface physical oceanographic measurements include sea surface temperature, surface gravity wave parameters, sea surface salinity and near surface velocity. Subsurface temperature measurements will also be made along with some subsurface measurements of other variables as practical. These measurements are also fairly standard and can be made using commercially-available instruments. High frequency oxygen time series using in situ sensors on moorings can be used to determine: (a) gross daily biological oxygen production via diurnal changes and (b) net annual biological oxygen production via the flux to the atmosphere and seasonal build up below the mixed layer. Evaluating the flux across the air-water interface requires determinations of the surface ocean concentrations and factors that influence gas exchange rates (wind speed, wave height, surface roughness). Modern oxygen sensors have been improved recently and are commercially available for deployment on moorings. Nitrate is an essential nutrient element that is required to support new primary production in the ocean. Measurement of nitrate would provide understanding of a key parameter that limits rates of primary production. It is now possible to measure nitrate concentrations directly in 19 seawater by measuring the UV absorption spectra, which contains a band due to light absorption by nitrate (Johnson and Coletti, 2002). ISUS (In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometers) nitrate sensors have been deployed on surface moorings for year-long time periods in the euphotic zone with only modest drift due to biofouling. Quantifying integrated water column primary productivity requires knowledge of phytoplankton biomass, physiological condition (growth rate), and light-dependent changes in production with depth. These three central parameters have distinct bio-optical signatures. Core measurements of beam attenuation, fluorescence and backscatter on moorings will enable the characterization of phytoplankton biomass, growth rates, and vertical light attenuation. This will facilitate the routine monitoring of variability in integrated water column productivity to an accuracy not possible using satellite-based data and models. These types of measurements are commercially available, but sensitive to biofouling. Some refinement of biofouling techniques (e.g., copper shutters, and pumped systems with antifouling sleeves) is necessary for long term routine deployments in coastal regions. Interpretation of primary production measurements as well as an improved understanding of the carbon cycle in the CCS requires measurements of surface ocean and atmospheric pCO2. These measurements can now routinely be made on moored platforms. Systems for moored platforms rely on a new low-power detector from (Li-Cor 820) and an in situ equilibrator system developed by G. Friederich (MBARI). The systems are calibrated with WMO traceable CO2 standards so their measurements are compatible with the global atmospheric CO2 monitoring network. Buoy systems have been shown to be accurate to ±2 ppm based on laboratory studies and in situ comparisons with shipboard systems. Systems currently deployed in the TOGA/TAO array are programmed to run every three hours and transmit a summary file each day. With the ORION moorings, a much more ambitious and flexible schedule can easily be developed. With two way communications, a system could be designed to recognize when pCO2 values are changing rapidly and adapt the sampling schedule to properly capture the temporal signal. The coastal pelagic species (CPS) component of the California Current ecosystem includes a broad range of species that share most of the following characteristics: relatively short-lived, high reproductive potential, responsive to climatic change, schooling or swarming behavior, inhabit the upper mixed layer and are considered prey for a wide range of vertebrate predators (piscivorous fish, marine mammals, seabirds, and turtles). CPS include a broad range of taxonomic groups, such as clupeoid fishes, small scombrid fishes, small squid, and large euphausiids, which collectively form a critical component in the natural economy of the California Current ecosystem. Multi-frequency, single-beam scientific echosounder systems will be used to monitor the temporal and spatial variations in CPS fish and euphausiids. 38 and 200 kHz transducers will be mounted at 50 m depth and transmit upwards towards the sea surface to measure the temporal variabilities of fish and zooplankton abundances in the upper mixed layer. Observations at these two frequencies will provide sufficient information to accurately apportion the volume backscattering to these two taxa for echo-integration estimation of their abundances versus time. The simplicity of these systems will allow for three installations (shelf, transition, and deep water zones) on each of the seven observation lines (21 systems). On the upper-ocean profiling systems, Laser Optical Plankton Counters (LOPC) will supplement the acoustic bulk zooplankton estimates. 20 3.2.2 profiling measurements We propose to use profiling moorings at all fixed time series sites. Profiling moorings have the advantage of producing high vertical-resolution measurements using just one sensor suite package as opposed to multiple copies in the vertical of sometime expensive instruments. Profilers can also “hide” on the ocean floor to help minimize bio-fouling which is greatest in the upper-ocean euphotic zone and to help avoid damage from fishing and other maritime activity. Much of our ecosystem research is concentrated in the euphotic zone, and thus requires an upper-ocean profiler. There are also scientific objectives only addressable with the ability to profile over greater depths over the continental slope and adjacent deep ocean. For this purpose, we require a deep-ocean profiler operating on a fixed mooring line and capable of profiling from (local) full-ocean depth (~3000 m) to within 100 m of the surface at which depth a stable platform will be provided for mounting other sensor packages, including an upper-ocean profiler The upper-ocean profiler will consist of: a completely self-contained, modularly-integrated sensor float, instrument controller, winch, power and telemetry system; a biofouling-resistant and hydrodynamic profiling platform; sensors to sample the physical (pressure, temperature, salinity, currents), biological (chlorophyll fluorescence), chemical (dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentrations), and optical (spectral downwelling irradiance, beam attenuation, backscattering) properties over the upper 150-200m of the water column. The design specifications of this system include: 6-12 month duration when operated autonomously; am ability to resolve diurnal variations; and a vertical resolution of less than 0.25 m. In addition, the built-in telemetry will allow for near real-time transmission (via radio, cell phone or Iridium phone) of the data to shoreside computers and remote programming/control of system operations. When hooked to a seafloor cable, data transmission and power will be supplied directly from the seafloor junction box. An estimated power budget for the upper-ocean profiling system, assuming a 180-day deployment, profiling 8 times per day in a 100-m water column, is as follows. All instruments and controllers are powered during the profiler’s ascent at 0.5 m/s to sample the undisturbed water column. The light sensor is only turned on during the daylight hours (4 profiles per day). For this estimate, the nitrate sensor (Satlantic ISUS) is only powered on for 2 profiles per day due to its large current draw (~1 A). It would be desirable to have the ISUS powered on for all profiles. One way to achieve this would be to have the ISUS sample at discrete depths. When the profiler reaches the surface, all instruments with the exception of the pressure sensor will be powered off. The profiler will then either maintain its position at the surface or begin its descent depending on surface wave conditions and remote telemetry scheduling. We assume that data will be telemetered from the profiler four times per day, with data telemetry lasting approximately 5 minutes. When data transmissions have been completed, the telemetry system will be powered off, and the package will descend at 1 m/s. With the above assumptions, the profiler travels about 408 km during the 180-d deployment. When hooked to a cable, the required power for the sensor suite is ~40W at 12VDC and for the winch is ~70W at 48VDC. So a total power requirement with some head room and to allow for voltage step down would be about 150W. For the proposed duty cycle (8 profiles per day) on an autonomous profiler, the 12V sensor power system requires 190 Amp-hours for a 180-d deployment, while the 48V winch power system requires 130 Amp-hours. On the off-shelf moorings we propose to use deep-ocean profilers. If available, they can be attached to a cabled observatory node, thereby removing power as the major constraining factor. 21 A profiler docking station with an inductive coupler will transfer power from the cabled node to a McLane moored profiler (MMP). This will permit near-continuous profiling (>95 % duty cycle), at 0.25 m s-1. Further, inductive communications will be used to offload profiler data at modest rates in real-time; this will enable true adaptive sampling capability. With sensors on the profiler and at dual sensors at fixed points top and bottom on the mooring, cross-calibration and overall robustness will be improved. The subsurface float has a secondary junction box on it and provision for ROV servicing of arbitrary instrument packages; for instance, on the subsurface float, acoustic instrumentation (e.g., an ADCP) can remotely sense the ocean to the surface, as well as a winched profiling system (the upper-ocean profiler described above) to carry in-situ point sensors through the mixed layer to the surface. A secondary junction box is also at the base of the mooring for additional sensors, again serviced with an ROV. These secondary junction boxes will provide nominally several hundred watts and 100 Mb/s Ethernet. For use in the cabled portion of the regional observatory, the following additional developments over the next ~5 years will be necessary: high-rate inductive communications at every docking; make all active components ROV serviceable, especially the profiler (replaceable); increase speed to 0.4 m s-1; increase the profiler payload capacity (weight, volume, power, communications); modify profiler so it can dock top and bottom, to provide more flexibility and robustness, or multiple ones on a mooring; interface shallow winch systems to sit on the subsurface float; develop energy storage capability on mooring/seafloor to accommodate high peak loads (or autonomous operation); interface many sensors, including: acoustic (hydrophones, ADCPs, acoustic lens, modems, etc), physical, bio-optic, chemical, biological, video, etc.; deal with biofouling issues; conduct extensive testing to improve survivability and reliability, while reducing cost; and work on more energy efficient profiler. 3.2.3 bottom measurements It is important that measurements be made near the ocean bottom for much of the research proposed here, i.e. within a few meters and without the observations being disturbed by the measurement platform. Near-bottom instrumentation should include an upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler to obtain high-resolution velocity profiles and sensors to measure nearbottom pressure, temperature, conductivity, chlorophyll concentration, dissolved oxygen and suspended particle load. Bottom-boundary layer measurements should be made on a stable platform hooked to a seafloor cable or powered autonomously with data communicated to the upper-ocean profiler (acoustically and/or inductively) for telemetry to shore. 3.2.4 glider and powered AUV measurements Recently gliders have been demonstrated to be an important tool for resolving the mesoscale structure of oceanographic properties (Eriksen et al., 2001; Davis et al., 2002). Several types of gliders have been developed: the Seaglider at University of Washington, the Spray at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the Slocum at Webb Research. All have endurances up to several months and several thousand km with dive depths of 1000 m or more. Standard sensors include conductivity temperature and depth, fluorescence, optical backscatter and acoustic Doppler velocity. Glider paths are proposed along transects and linking transects. Two gliders are proposed for each mooring line. Glider measurements will be critical for estimating mass, heat, salt and chlorophyll transports by mesoscale features across the open boundaries of the California Current system and in linking moorings on a given transect. 22 Powered AUV’s provide an additional capability for remote survey measurements. Compared to gliders, they have greater payload options, are faster and offer more control in higher current speeds. Currently available AUV’s have the capability to make measurements at 3.6 knots over a distance of 400 km for a deployment time of 60 hrs. Recharge time is 18 hrs. Maximum operating depths are 600 m. Two way subsurface acoustic communications are supported as are surface communications through Iridium. Here we propose to use AUV’s in shelf areas for adaptive sampling. They will be docked at the bottom where cabled systems exist. Where cabled systems do not exist, they will be stored onshore for rapid responses to events and for planned process studies. 3.3 Modelling An extensive modeling effort will be launched to interpret the observations. We will use the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), which has been used successfully in modeling variations of the California Current from monthly through decadal timescales. ROMS is a primitive equation model with a free surface, constructed in generalized sigma coordinates, which allow steeply sloping topography. It also includes an ecosystem component that can be very simple or complicated. The domain will extend from British Columbia to Baja California and from the coast to roughly 1500km offshore to cover the observing network. The resolution will be roughly 10km horizontally and 20 sigma layers vertically. It will be forced by observed wind stresses, surface heat fluxes and fresh-water fluxes as estimated from in situ products (COADS), atmospheric analyses (NCEP reanalysis) and satellite observations (QuickScat). A sample product of this model run coupled to an NPZD ecosystem model is shown in figure 8. Targeted numerical experiments will test the key scientific issues discussed earlier. One type of experiment will involve running the model through a chosen time interval of observations in order to interpret the dynamics of the observed response. First, the model will be run without data assimilation to determine how well the model can reproduce the observations. This run will be diagnosed to understand how local forcing, coastal trapped waves, radiated baroclinic Rossby waves and current advection control the physical variability. Next, ROMS data assimilation tools (4D variational assimilation in a strong constraints formulation) will be used to adjust the forcing, initial conditions and boundary conditions to bring the model run closer to the observations. This run will then be diagnosed and compared to the unconstrained run to determine if the dynamical controls are consistent for the two runs. This type of procedure will be used during key time intervals, typically extending for Fig 8: Chlorophyll-a surface concentration from a model 6 months up to 3 years, such as those run with ROMS coupled to an NPZD ecosystem model. associated with El Nino events, El 23 Nino to La Nina transitions, or PDO transitions. By this means we will be able to understand the local versus remote dynamics of climate forcing as it affects the coastal system. In the same way, the biological model will be run and diagnosed to determine the processes that control the largescale features of the observed ecosystem. A second type of numerical experiment will involve predictability issues. How well can we initialize a forecast model and predict subsequent ocean conditions, given the resolution and extent of the ORION array? Since much of the variability seen in the network will be dominated by mesoscale eddies, we expect that predictability timescales will range from weeks to months. The model will be fit to the observations over a one-month period of time using the 4Dvar strong constraints framework. Then the model will be used to run the dynamics forward in time into the time interval of independent data to determine if there is any forecast skill at leads of one week, one month, two month, etc., using the observed fields in ORION as validation. This process will be repeated for many time periods to build up the statistical reliability of predictions. By this means, models and observations will be used together to establish intrinsic predictive timescales in this coastal ocean domain. Likewise, nowcasts and forecasts of the ecosystem will be executed to determine if any forecast skill can be identified in the biological system. 4. Program Management Considerations 4.1 Scientific Management and Oversight Our consortium plans to exploit the bandwidth and two-way capabilities of the new observatories. Variability and episodic events will be analyzed and responded to via a link between the data management team and the science operators. Data users such as particiants in ongoing process studies, and those involved in the development, validation, and verification of models and remote sensing methods, will be supplied data in near real time. A science panel will be formed that includes all PIs for the consortium work and is open to colleagues who later propose additional studies using the CCS array. The panel will work with the array operators (those funded by ORION to build and deploy the elements of the west coast array) to organize the deployment of the sensors on moorings. It will maintain a dialog with their peer groups from the regional ORION and SCCOOS, CeNCOOS, NaNOOS consortia planning to propose projects using the CCS array infrastructure and will liaise with the ORION Project Office, the ORION Management structure, national science programs, to coordinate submission of collaborative proposals and selection and scheduling of sites to be occupied. The science panel will encourage the communication between investigators and the ORION project to ensure sensors and instruments will plug into the hardware and software provided by the ORION project. Some of the PI’s institutions have their own mooring design, fabrication, and deployment capacities; and it is anticipated that these resources would be offered, either in the form of a proposal to build and operate elements of the CCS array or as subcontractors to the CCS array operator(s). The science panel will coordinate the integration of the many sensors and technologies by bringing together technical staff from among the investigators. It is planned that through crosstraining and interaction, we can evolve a shared group of trained technical expertise that minimizes people committed to each cruise, spreads the work load, and makes the operation and maintenance of a global array practical and efficient. In the same way we would train a core group to monitor the telemetered data streams as part of the data management team and alert 24 specific investigators as issues arise; this will eliminate duplication of effort and make good use of the collection and distribution service to be provided by the DAC and the ORION project. The science panel will host an annual meeting of the water column investigators. This meeting will be a forum for program management and also provide both an opportunity for individual science progress reports and the growth of collaborative partnerships to further pursue science objectives. To minimize travel costs, these meetings should take place in conjunction with national scientific or ORION meetings where possible. In addition, we propose that one member from the CCS group serve on the ORION executive committee. 4.2 Time and work schedule The initial performance period for the proposed system is 5 years. Initial deployments, development, modeling and other research will begin in January 2007. If there is a regional cabled observatory funded for the Northeast Pacific continental margin, the Newport and Juan de Fuca lines would be added at when cabled infrastructure is finished. Regardless of cabled infrastructure, the Newport and San Diego lines, and the offshore part of the Monterey Bay line, would also be started in 2007. Surface buoys and standalone subsurface moorings/profilers can be deployed using existing technologies and hardware. We would start with San Diego, Monterey Bay, and Newport lines for logistical reasons. This would also give coverage in areas I, II and III identified in Figure 3. In 2008 we would add Pt. Conception and Juan de Fuca lines next. The Pt. Arena and Crescent City lines would be installed after the system is up and running for the other areas, i.e. in 2009. While glider lines can be acquired independent of moored/cabled time series measurements, the capacity to build and operate enough gliders needs to be ramped up over time. Thus a simultaneous implementation with the mooring lines seems reasonable. This means that in year 1 the first three lines would be started. Glider lines along CalCOFI lines 80 and 90 are already scheduled to begin in the near future under the recently funded California Current Ecosystem LTER. For powered AUV’s, development is necessary for real time reporting and powering systems that would communicate with subsurface nodes. Meteorological and oceanographic modeling work should start immediately. Adapting existing regional physical and ecosystem models and assimilation schemes to the CCS domain and to the ORION sampling is a priority. 4.3 Relationships to other programs 4.3.1 Other Orion RFA Responses The measurements and modeling proposed here have direct links to several other Orion RFA proposals. These links include overlaps in science questions, proposed measurements, and infrastructure locations. Strong, regionally linked science issues exist with the Northeast pacific margin proposal (Barth and Hickey) and the Santa Barbara Channel proposal (Chang et al). Links based on processes exist with the global water column (Send et al) and air-sea flux proposals (Weller et al). Logistical links exist with the Cascadia proposal (Trehu et al). 4.3.2 PaCOOS The area encompassed by this observing system directly overlaps the Pacific Coast Ocean Observing System (PaCOOS). While covering similar geographic areas, the aims of PaCOOS and the present proposal are complementary but not identical. The goal of PaCOOS is to provide 25 the ocean information needed for the sustained use of fishery resources and protection of marine species and their ecosystem under a changing climate (PaCOOS, 2004). That is, PaCOOS goals are oriented towards management of fisheries while the present proposal is oriented towards understanding physical and ecosystem dynamics on a more basic level. The measurements and modeling proposed here would directly contribute to several of the ecosystem-climate requirements identified by PaCOOS including statistically standardized environmental and ecological time series and assimilation of physical and ecological variables into numerical models. 4.3.3 Relationships with the CalCOFI and CCE LTER Programs The CalCOFI and CCE LTER programs sample six lines off Southern California on a quarterly basis (Fig. 8), work that is projected to continue for at least 12 years but likely decades. The proposed 2 mooring lines from the present proposal in the Southern California Bight will coincide with CalCOFI lines. Starting late this year, two of these lines (CalCOFI lines 80 and 90) will be sampled continuously using gliders. The objectives of the programs are to observe the physical, chemical and ecological system in order to better manage and understand populations of living resources in the CCS, in particular the effects of long-term climate change on these. Data collected by the two programs will be integrated into a bio-physical model of the region and the model will be used to test hypotheses on the mechanisms that drive the system. It is anticipated that both programs, the mooring program and the CalCOFI/LTER program, will greatly benefit from each other. The CalCOFI/LTER program will perform quarterly measurements in the vicinity of the moorings; these will be used to validate mooring measurement. This work will be of particular importance in the case of biooptical measurements, which are just proxies of the desired variables, that are measured from the ships. The CalCOFI/LTER modeling project will assimilate the mooring data to better constrain times when ship-based measurements are not available. Simply put, the two projects will complement each other perfectly, the ship-based project will provide broad spatial-scale observation of the whole Southern California Bight and the mooring program will provide high-resolution time series at a few points in the Bight. Figure 9. The CalCOFI/LTER station plan indicating the LTER Together these two programs will control volume stations, existing CalCOFI stations, NDBC buoys, greatly contribute to the further the S.B. kelp forest LTER moorings, the SIO pier time series understanding of the Southern location, and the Ocean Institute sampling location near Dana California Bight ecosystem. Point. Dashed lines indicate glider lines. 26 5. Data Management Considerations The prime paradigm for the data management and dissemination efforts is that all observatory data are publicly available without restrictions, both in real-time and in delayed-mode. Our data management plan will follow the broad outlines of the Data Management and Communications (DMAC) plan of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS; Hankin et al., 2005, http://dmac.ocean.us/dacsc/imp_plan.jsp). We will operate as a consortium of investigators making watercolumn timeseries observations from the California Current System array. Our goal, consistent with that of the overall IOOS, will be to acquire data from the CCS array, create a secure and accessible archive, and deliver real-time and delayed-mode observations to a variety of users (e.g., researchers, educators, students, modeling centers). Descriptive information about the data (metadata) will be integrated into the data stream and will stay with the data during archiving and distribution. The data management plan will make data and derived data products readily accessible via a web interface and provide tools, or be compliant with available tools, for locating and retrieving data and metadata. We will, wherever possible, follow the conventions and use the data management infrastructure of the international OceanSITES (http://www.OceanSITES.org) program (see below), which shares data from time series stations around the global ocean. This will allow users to complement ORION CCS Observatory data sets with time series from other long-term sites. The OceanSITES data sharing element is lead by Sylvie Pouliquen of IFREMER/CORIOLIS. OceanSITES is an action group of the JCOMM (WMO/IOC Joint Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology) DBCP (Data Buoy Cooperation Panel), and our partnering with OceanSITES data management will ensure full international exposure to diverse users. 5.1 Data Streams Real-time There will be two types of data flow from the CCS Array: Real-time and delayed mode. Realtime data will include complete data from some sources (e.g. slowly sampling chemical sensors) and partial or averaged data from other sources (acoustic or optical imaging data). These data will come directly to shore from surface or surfacing buoys, using satellite telemetry. Realtime data will be immediately archived and made available on a web site in its raw form, and simultaneously forwarded to a national or global timeseries data center (see below). Obviously, the appeal of the real-time data will be the short delay (~1hr), and we will ensure that these data are made available to regional observing centers, modeling centers, or any other groups that may be interested in derived products that depend on data from our array. The drawback of real-time data for the non-expert user will be the lack of quality control or value-added processing. As a result, these data are likely to be of the most interest to project researchers and technicians who are monitoring instrument performance, developing integrated data products, or implementing adaptive sampling strategies, or to operational modelling and forecasting centers which are aware of the data quality and the limitiations of automated real-time quality control. Delayed-mode Delayed-mode data will encompass a broad range of data that either could not be exported in real time due to bandwidth or to the need for analysis or processing. This means that instruments need to be recovered first and/or data (or samples) analyzed and quality controlled on land. Generally, the newer measurement methods used for the non-physical variables will require greater scrutiny, post-processing, and quality control to produce data products for sharing and archiving. Delayed-mode quality control can take 6-12 months. 27 Bi-directionality Two-way communication will allow a response to events, adaptive sampling, and triggering other sensors depending on events detected. For ease of incorporation of sensors into such sensor networks, a recent ORION workshop organized by A. Chave for moored buoy use scenarios and technological requirements, recommended to equip each sensor with an internet IP protocol interface for standardized addressing. There are also emerging efforts for advancing the standardization to a plug-and-play level. The exact infrastructure and logic behind such plans still needs to be developed within ORION. 5.2 Metadata In the case of both the physical and non-physical variables, an important aspect of the data management will be the desire to carry forward to the user the supporting data sets, metadata, and technical information that establishes the credibility of the CCS Array time series. In particular, we will collect the shipboard observations made at the times of deployments and recovery and the laboratory and field pre- and post-deployment calibration information that as a body establish the accuracy of the observatory data. This is a critical component of the total effort, and in-situ comparisons of shipboard and moored sensors need to be documented. We will provide metadata descriptions for our observatory components and their data products. We expect that the format, content, and vocabulary of such descriptions will be specified for each entire observatory, to assure consistency across all participants, and that it will follow established conventions in the US and international community. 5.3 Data Format A format for timeseries data has been drafted by the international OceanSites program (see above). It is in Netcdf format, and was built by adapting to mooring data the format developed for Argo and Gosud (Global Ocean Surface Underway data), and including elements of the US DMAC plan. The format is now being adopted by some of the global timeseries operators. Here is a quote from the chairman of the US DMAC program about the OceanSITES data format: “The OceanSITES standard is a very sensible standard to support. While it is not possible to make a strict promise that OceanSITES will be the last time series standard that you will ever be asked to address, I can say that it looks like the best prospect for a stable standard that is available today. Neither IOOS nor Orion/OOI are mature enough to have provided concrete guidance (though both have helped to raise awareness of how severely hampered the community is today by inadequate data standards). The lack of agreed-upon, modern standards for the data interchange is particularly acute for time series data. Time series have fallen through the cracks as standards have been developing in the GIS world and the modeling world alike. The new OceanSITES standard has the virtue that it is nearly a proper subset of the emerging 4d standards for model data (the netCDF "CF" conventions). As a result there is high promise that compatibility with both IOOS and Orion will come "for free" (assuming that you install freely available OPeNDAP data servers for your OceanSITES netCDF files and that one of the multiple concurrent efforts to harmonize CF and GIS bear fruit). In other words, if you have to choose a single time series standard to support, OceanSITES is the most promising choice today.” 5.4 Data Centers When some sites in the OceanSITES network have started to provide data in the new format, the the next step is to set up two international timeseries Global data centres (GDACs) as entry portals: CORIOLIS in France, COADS in USA. The GDACs will provide a unique access to the data from the OceanSites data providers. These institutions will put their data in the defined 28 format and either transfer them to one of the two GDACs or, where available, link to them in distributed manner using OPeNDAP technology. The GDACs will synchronize periodically to be sure to provide to users access to the same datasets. For the time being most of the OceanSites data are handled by individual PI' s. It would be probably better if at a national level data assembly centres (DACs) were set up, similar to ARGO, to handle a large part of the data management task necessary within the OceanSites network. The consortium of the current proposal, through ORION, would work toward setting up a US DAC. The adjacent figure sketches a possible organizational structure. 5.5 Data Distribution Data distribution methods will be developed to meet the needs of data users. The DAC will liaise with the user community (e.g., model, satellite, oceanography) and climate programs (e.g., CLIVAR, GOOS, GODAE) to determine which products are needed by each community. User needs are anticipated to differ among the research and operational communities and we plan to adjust our distribution systems accordingly. In addition, we will actively pursue new users. Distribution of the quality-assured meteorological data will primarily be achieved through on-line technology. The shortest possible delay from receipt of the data to release of a quality assured version will be developed. Data will also be made available on digital media (e.g., CD, DVD, exabyte tape) upon request from users. The DAC will work to expand user access through collaboration with ongoing national/international data infrastructures (e.g., Distributed Oceanographic Data System [DODS], Live Access Server [LAS]) and by feeding the global OceanSITES data centers. The DAC will also actively participate in the Ocean.US Integrated Ocean Observing System - Data Management and Communications System (IOOS-DMAC) initiatives. 5.6 Quality control Quality control is the most important process that can be applied to collected data. With good quality control, the data will be considerably more useful to other scientists. It is fairly well agreed that good quality control requires a visual review by a domain expert, so the emphasis of the data management effort is to support the domain experts needs. The typical observatory quality control scheme, to be run on every data stream or data set, in real-time and delayed-mode will include: - data existence, validity, and operational consistency checks (check for gross malfunction) - tailored bounds, spike, and variation checks - summary statistics and plots delivered to domain expert for review 29 - all points of concern are appropriately flagged, not removed (QC histories remain tied to data set) Common QC procedures both in real time and delayed mode at least for the core parameters will be developed, building on and being coherent with what has been/is being defined by other groups when the parameters are the same (i.e., with Argo for subsurface temperature and salinity measurements). Automated QC will be applied on the real-time data stream, while delayed-mode procedure usually need months to be applied and validated by experts or the PIs. 5.7. Merging and Integration In its simplest form, we need to be able to take data from a particular area and time, and merge it with other data from that area that has the exact same time base. At a slightly more complicated level, we must be prepared to interpolate some data so that a single result can be created with a common time base. There are many issues and challenges in this kind of merging, and the intent of this task is to focus on what is possible in the short term. While we can implement these features as one-off solutions, the results will not have the community support that is desired and beneficial, and we encourage an approach that will build on the tools and expertise of existing data centers. In particular the global GDACs have experience at this, and the QC procedures, formats, and metadata that will be implemented for OceanSITES will facilitate this since they are consistent with the same for many other in-situ oceanographic data that already exist at such centers. Future efforts will expand the types of data integration supported, in particular using distributed data systems and other elements of the US IOOS . 6. Education and Public Outreach In parallel to conceptualization of ocean science research experiments using the OOI, efforts are underway to design infrastructure to maximize the education and public outreach (EPO) potential of coastal, regional and global-scale observatories. The Education Working Group at the January 2004 ORION Workshop made six major recommendations regarding the infrastructural requirements of the ORION education program (ORION Workshop Report, Chapter 5), three of which were included in the ORION science plan as constituting the core goals of the ORION Education and Public Awareness Plan. • Form an education and communications coordination office. • Establish a data management and content translation facility. • Establish a community of educator leaders who coordinate, sustain, and support local education leadership in their science education improvement initiatives. The science plan asserts, “Educational programs designed for the OOI infrastructure will be ground-breaking in the way they… integrate the huge volume of real-time and near-real-time data and imagery, the diverse types of data and information products, and an ever-growing reservoir of archived data”. The key infrastructural component necessary to realize this vision is a data management and content translation facility focused on the educational applications of ORION data products. Such a facility is essential, for while the institutional infrastructure and personnel (in the form of established labs and data management facilities associated with large projects) exist to support scientific data management, no such entities or teams of personnel exist to create effective 30 mechanisms for using observatory data in an educational context. Recent articles in the ORION Newsletter have emphasized the value of scientist-educator collaboration, called for the development of mechanisms to identify and share “effective practices” concerning ocean observing system EPO (McDonnell, 2005), and discussed the design of educational portals to observatory data based on educators’ needs (Matsumoto and Bell, 2005). The data management and content translation facility will provide the essential infrastructural underpinnings for all E&O activities associated with OOI/OION. Without focused needsassessment, piloting and evaluation of how we can best use OOI data – the educational tools and products we generate will fall short of the transformation in ocean science education that we envision for this large project. This facility will have several key functions: 1) It will serve as the critical link between those coordinating scientific data management and the critically important education user groups; 2) It will provide the requisite guidance for the appropriate use of OOI data in a wide variety of contexts, including school curricula, undergraduate education, exhibits and programs created at science centers, museums and aquariums, educator professional development programs (K-16), multi media productions and public communications, including communicating with policy makers; 3) It will provide tools and services to support the other two core elements of the Education and Public Awareness Plan (i.e. the coordination office and the community of educator-leaders). The facility will truly serve as the keystone in the bridge between the research and education communities for ORION. We propose to contribute to such a facility with staff and infrastructure. 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Oceanogr., 43, 1710-1721, 1998. 34 Instrument number per site Unit cost size Weight (water) Power 1 5 1 2 2 $45K $10K $10K $5K $10K 1 1 2 2 2 1 $8K $8K $25K $20K under $40K 7x15cm 7x15cm 60x15cm 60x20cm development 49x25x10cm 0.5kg 0.5kg 1kg 4kg 40mA 40mA 0.5A, 12V 400mA, 12V 6kg 2 $50K 50x35cm 1 $60K 6’x22 " 5 1 $6K $70K internal n.a. 1 $130K 1 $45K Under development 130x50cm Data volume rate Service interval SENSORS ADCP longranger CTD sensor Acoustic current meter Dissolved oxygen sensor Fluorometer/backscatter/ attenuation “puck” Multi-spectral radiance Multi-spectral irradiance Nitrate sensor pCO2 sensor pH sensor Laser optical plankton counter (LOPC) Dual frequency zoo-plankton /fish echosounder Trace metal water sampler 100x40cm 55kg 50x15cm 3kg Included…. …..in…. 30x7cm 1kg 25x7cm 0.1kg 1.5W, 20-60VDC 50kB/day 50mA, 7-16V 20kB/day ……..deep……………. ….profiler…. 60mW, 7-14V 1kb/day 24mAh/day, 7-15VDC 2kb/day 2y 2y 2y 1y 1y Tbd 1kb/day 1kb/day <1kb/day <1kb/day 1kb/day Tbd 1y 1y 1y 15kg 35W 12MB/day 1y 0kg 50Wh per sample n.a. (sample collection) 1y n.a. 10mA, 9V n.a. 9600 baud n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Tbd n.a. 1y 0 kg. 200 mA, 8-11V (when profiling) 1 MB/day 1y 1y OTHER Inductive modems Underwater gliders /AUV PLATFORM/VEHICLE Upper ocean profiler (e.g. winch) Deep profiler (e.g. MMP) Only platform, no sensors Table A-1 : Instrument specifications 35 Table A-2 Instrumentation Costs (Note: costs inflated at 3%/yr for yrs 2-5) Instrument Year 1 (2007) Year 2 (2008) Year 3 (2009) Year 4 (2010) Year 5 (2011) New transects 3 2 2 0 0 Deep/shelf sites 9/3 6/2 6/2 Actual Total Deep/Shelf sites 9/3 15/5 21/7 21/7 21/7 New Swapouts/spares Deep/shelf 0 3/1 2/1 2/1 0 Total Deep/Shelf System available 9/3 18/6 26/9 28/10 28/10 Surface buoy, unit cost Meteorological sensors $20K Bio-optical sensors $27K Biochemical sensors $50K Bio-acoustic sensors $50K Temp/sal/velocity sensors $55K Total unit cost $202K $208K $214K $221K Units purchased 12 12 10 2 Upper ocean profiler Profiling package w/core $256K $264K $272K $280K subsurface sensors Units purchased 12 12 10 2 Deep profiler Profiling package w/core $150K $155K $159K $164K subsurface sensors Units purchased 9 9 8 2 Bottom package Bottom package w/core $75K $77K $80K $82K subsurface sensors Units purchased 12 12 10 2 Glider $70K $72K $74K Units purchased 9 5 6 0 AUV $643K $662K $682 Units purchased 3 2 2 0 Yearly Total Sensor cost $10,305K $9,667K $8,660K $1,494 0 Deep Sites highlighted in bold require both upper ocean and deep profilers per site. Shelf sites require an AUV. All sites require a surface buoy and bottom package and all transects require 3 gliders. Year total refers to sensor costs for all sensors acquired in that year. Bio-optical sensors include an irradiance meter, fluorometer, Scattering, and transmissometer plus integration costs. Biochemical sensors include UV nitrate, pCO2, O2, Bio-acoustic sensors consists of a dualfrequency (38/200 kHz) single-beam autonomous echosounder system. Core subsurface sensors are as on the surface buoy excluding meteorological, pCO2, and bio-acoustics packages. 36 Budget Item Table A-3 Budget Summary Table, observing system only (personnel costs inflated 5% per year for years 2-5) Approximate Person-Months Year 1 (2007) Year 2 (2008) Year 3 (2009) Year 4 (2010) Personnel (person-month) Sr. Scientist Sr. Engineer Jr Scientist Grad student/tuition Data manager Outreach Technician (lab) Technician (sea) Est. Total Salaries and Benefits Equipment (see Table A-2) Computing Expendable Supplies Batteries, antifouling, etc lab and cruise supplies Travel science Cruises Communication Total Direct Costs Indirect Costs (54.5%equipment/tuition) Total Ship time (da) (on site; transits not included) ROV time (da) (on site; transits not included) Year 5 (2011) 36 @ 14.3K 60 @ 11.2 K 72 @ 7.8K 120 @ 3.6K 12 @ 8.2K 12 @ 7.3K 60 @ 6.7K 24 @ 6.7K $2,929,200 48 60 96 180 18 12 90 36 $3,949,600 60 60 120 216 24 12 120 42 $4,894,400 72 60 144 216 24 12 120 42 $5,433,300 72 60 144 216 24 12 120 42 $5,596,300 $10,305K $200K $9,667K $200K $8,660K $200K $1,494 $200K 0 $200K $120K $90K $90K $42K $246K $14,022,200 $1,805,700 $200K $130K $90K $70K $406K $14,712,600 $2,474,100 $280K $170K $90K $98K $566K $14,958,400 $3,123,500 $280K $170K $90K $98K $566K $8,331,300 $3,417,200 $280K $170K $90K $98K $566K $7,000,300 $3,506,000 $18,081,900 $11,748,500 $10,506,300 $15,827,900 $17,186,700 24 da 40 da 56 da 56 da 56 da 2 da 6 da 6 da 6 da 6 da 37 Budget explanation : Salaries and instrument costs assume an appreciation of 3% per year. Indirect costs are assumed to be 54.5% of all items except equipment and student tuition. Salaries : We will be working in 6 regional and thematic teams representing the local expertises and local contributions to implementing and maintaining the proposed array: (1) Southern California mooring team, (2) Central and Northern California mooring team, (3) Oregon and Washington mooring team, (4) glider observations, (5) AUV observations, (6) modelling and assimilation. These teams are not necessarily located at a single institution - in general several consortium members will contribute to one such team and share the work/collaborate. Each team is multidisciplinary and multi-institutional and will thus require on average 1.0 FTE of senior researchers/PI’s for project and science supervision, 2.0 FTE of junior scientists (1/3 postdoc, 1/3 assistant, 1/3 associate level) for scientific analysis work. The 5 observational teams further each need on average 2.0 FTE for technical work on instrumentation, 1.0 FTE of senior development engineers for sensor adaptation into the observatory and telemetry. In addition, technical staff is needed for at-sea work during the deployment/service cruises: each year each of the 7 sections needs to be visited twice with an average cruise length of 2 weeks and 5 technicians need to participate (plus overtime), which gives approximately 0.5 FTE per section. Graduate students should be supported as 3 per team. Salaries are futher requested for development and maintenance of the data management effort described (2 FTE), including the contribution to a national timeseries DAC, and for outreach activities as proposed above (1 FTE EPO contributing the facility). Computing: This covers workstations, desktop PCs, and software (databases, visualization, analysis) for the data management ($50K per year), the education and outreach facility ($100K per year), and for the scientific analysis work ($50K per year). Expendable Supplies: Each site carries approximately 20 different sensors, plus the profiling systems. The supplies needed for servicing these, including batteries, antifouling systems, spare parts, are estimated at $10K per site on average. Lab supplies are estimated at $5K per team per year, cruise supplies at $10K per cruise. 38 Travel: ORION meetings domestic: 3 per team/year @ $2K = $36K/year. Scientific meetings and conferences: domestic 3 per team/year @ $2K = $36K/year , international 1 per team per year @ $3K = $18K/year. Field work (cruises, domestic) 14 per section/year (2 trips for 5 technical and 2 scientists) @ $1K = $14K/year /section Communication: This mainly includes satellite telemetry (e.g. Iridium) costs of $20K per site/year, plus $1K per team for telephone etc. 39 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year 1 ORGANIZATION _____ PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. _____ A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. Sr. Scientist __ 2. Sr. Engineer __ 3. Jr. Scientist __ 4. _____ __ 5. _____ __ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (___) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) __ B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (___) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) __ 3. (___) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $ 514,800 $ 672,000 $ 561,600 _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ _____ $ 748,800 $ 432,000 _____ _____ _____ $ 2,929,200 _____ $ 2,929,200 _____ _____ _____ Funds Requested By $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ $ 10,505,000 $ 72,000 $ 60,000 _____ _____ _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS _____ _____ $ 210,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 246,000 $ 456,000 $ 14,022,220 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 1,805,700 $ 15,827,900 _____ $ 15,827,900 _____ _____ _____ TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 6. OTHER (Communication) TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ FOR ORION USE ONLY DATE _____ _____ $_____ INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) _____ _____ 40 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year 2 ORGANIZATION _____ PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. _____ A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. Sr. Scientist __ 2. Sr. Engineer __ 3. Jr. Scientist __ 4. _____ __ 5. _____ __ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (___) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) __ B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (___) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) __ 3. (___) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) $ 707,000 $ 692,160 $ 771,270 _____ _____ _____ _____ $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ _____ $ 1,111,730 $ 667,440 _____ _____ _____ $ 3,949,600 _____ $ 3,949,600 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ 6. OTHER (Communication) TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Granted Proposer __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS $ 9,867,000 $ 72,000 $ 88,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 330,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 406,000 $ 736,000 $ 14,712,600 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 2,474,100 $ 17,186,700 _____ $ 17,186,700 _____ _____ _____ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ FOR ORION USE ONLY DATE _____ _____ Funds Requested By $_____ INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) _____ _____ 41 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year 3 ORGANIZATION _____ PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. _____ A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. Sr. Scientist __ 2. Sr. Engineer __ 3. Jr. Scientist __ 4. _____ __ 5. _____ __ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (___) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) __ B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (___) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) __ 3. (___) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) $ 910,260 $ 712,930 $ 993,010 _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ _____ $ 1,453,240 $ 824,960 _____ _____ _____ $ 4,894,400 _____ $ 4,894,400 TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 6. OTHER (Communication) TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Granted Proposer __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 8.860,000 $ 72,000 $ 116,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 450,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 566,000 $ 1,016,000 $ 14,958,400 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 3,123,500 $ 18,081,900 _____ $ 18,081,900 _____ _____ _____ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ FOR ORION USE ONLY DATE _____ Funds Requested By $_____ INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) _____ _____ 42 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year 4 ORGANIZATION _____ PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. _____ A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. Sr. Scientist __ 2. Sr. Engineer __ 3. Jr. Scientist __ 4. _____ __ 5. _____ __ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (___) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) __ B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (___) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) __ 3. (___) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) $ 1,125,080 $ 734,320 $ 1,227,360 _____ _____ _____ _____ $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ _____ $ 1,496,830 $ 849,710 _____ _____ _____ $ 5,433,300 _____ $ 5,433,300 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ 6. OTHER (Communication) TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Granted Proposer __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS $ 1,694,000 $ 72,000 $ 116,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 450,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 566,000 $ 1,016,000 $ 8,331,300 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 3,417,200 $ 11,748,500 _____ $ 11,748,500 _____ _____ _____ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ FOR ORION USE ONLY DATE _____ _____ Funds Requested By $_____ INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) _____ _____ 43 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year 5 ORGANIZATION _____ PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. _____ A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. Sr. Scientist __ 2. Sr. Engineer __ 3. Jr. Scientist __ 4. _____ __ 5. _____ __ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (___) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) __ B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (___) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) __ 3. (___) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) $ 1,158,830 $ 756,350 $ 1,264,180 _____ _____ _____ _____ $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ _____ $ 1,541,740 $ 875,200 _____ _____ _____ $ 5,596,300 _____ $ 5,596,300 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ 6. OTHER (Communication) TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Granted Proposer __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS $ 200,000 $ 72,000 $ 116,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 450,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 566,000 $ 1,016,000 $ 7,000,300 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 3,506,000 $ 10,506,300 _____ $ 10,506,300 _____ _____ _____ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ FOR ORION USE ONLY DATE _____ _____ Funds Requested By $_____ INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) _____ _____ 44 FOR ORION USE ONLY CUMULATIVE PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. _____ DURATION (MONTHS) Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. _____ A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. Sr. Scientist __ 2. Sr. Engineer __ 3. Jr. Scientist __ 4. _____ __ 5. _____ __ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (___) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) __ B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (___) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES __ 2. (___) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) __ 3. (___) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (___) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $ 4,415,970 $ 3,567,760 $ 4,817,420 _____ _____ _____ _____ $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ _____ $ 6,352,340 $ 3,649,310 _____ _____ _____ $ 22,802,800 _____ $ 22,802,800 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ $ 31,126,000 $ 360,000 $ 496,000 _____ _____ _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS _____ _____ $ 1,890,000 _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 2,350,000 $ 4,240,000 $ 59,024,820 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 14,326,500 $ 73,351,300 _____ $ 73,351,300 _____ _____ _____ TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 6. OTHER (Communication) TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) _____ _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $_____ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $_____ FOR ORION USE ONLY DATE _____ _____ $_____ INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) _____ _____ 45 Edward P. Dever Associate Professor College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University 104 COAS Admin Bldg Corvallis, OR 97331-5503 telephone: (541) 737-2749 fax: (541) 737-2064 internet: edever@coas.oregonstate.edu Professional Preparation B.S., physics, cum laude, Texas A&M University, 1987 M.S., oceanography, Texas A&M University, 1989 Ph.D., oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1995 Post Graduate Researcher, oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1995-98 Appointments Associate Professor, 2005, Oregon State University Associate Research Oceanographer, 2002-2005, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Assistant Research Oceanographer, 1998-2002, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Post Graduate Researcher, 1995-98, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Visiting Investigator, 1995, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Graduate Research Assistant, 1990-95, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Graduate Research Assistant, 1989-90, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Regents'Graduate Fellow, 1987-89, Texas A&M University Recent Related Publications Beardsley, R. C., E. P. Dever, S. J. Lentz, and J. P. Dean, 1998. Surface heat fluxes over the northern California shelf. J. Geophys. Res., 103(C10), pp. 21553-21586. Winant, C. D., D. J. Alden, E. P. Dever, K. A. Edwards, and M. C. Hendershott, 1999. Near-surface trajectories off central and southern California. J. Geophys. Res., 104(C7), pp. 15713-15726. Pawlowicz, R., B. Beardsley, S. Lentz, E. Dever, and A. Anis, 2001. Software simplifies air-sea data estimates. Eos, Trans. AGU., 82(1), p. 2. Dever, E. P., and C. D. Winant, 2002. The evolution and depth structure of shelf and slope temperatures and velocities during the 1997-1998 El Niño near Point Conception, California, Prog. Ocean., in press. Dever, E.P., 2004. Objective maps of near-surface flow states near Pt. Conception, California. J. Phys. Ocean., 34, pp. 444-461. Synergistic Activities Dever has shared responsibility with C.D. Winant (SIO) for maintaining and updating the Scripps Data Zoo since 1999. The Data Zoo is a web site of coastal oceanographic experiments stored in a common format and made available to academics and the public free of charge. Data from this site has been used in recent research theses by students at Oregon State Univ., Univ. California Santa Barbara, and Univ. California, San Diego. Dever recently (2000-2001) sat on a science panel convened by NOAA as part of a process to create a new Marine Reserve in the Channel Islands region of California. The science panel provided advice and feedback on reserve boundaries to a marine reserves working group consisting of stakeholders. He contributed his knowledge of the regional circulation and its likely effects on the transport of plankton, larvae and pollution. 46 Synergistic Activities (continued) Dever wrote and tested the radiative flux routines in the air-sea toolbox, a widely distributed set of Matlab programs for the estimation of surface heat fluxes (see Pawlowicz et al. 2001 above). Dever has reviewed numerous proposals to NSF and other agencies. He has also reviewed manuscripts submitted for publication to a number of journals and received the 2001 Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Refereeing from Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans. He recently started serving as an associate editor (2005) for Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans. Recent Scientific Collaborators A.Anis, Texas A&M University A. Baptista, Oregon Graduate Institute R.C. Beardsley, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution S. Bollens, San Francisco State University L.W. Botsford, University of California, Davis K. Bruland, University of California, Santa Cruz C. E. Dorman, Scripps Institution of Oceanography R. Dugdale, San Francisco State University N. Garfield, San Francisco State University A. Hastings, University of California, Davis M. C. Hendershott, Scripps Institution of Oceanography B. Hickey, University of Washington D. Jay, Oregon Graduate Institute N. Kachel, University of Washington D. Koracin, University of Nevada P.M. Kosro, Oregon State University R. Kudela, University of California, Santa Cruz J. L. Largier, Scripps Institution of Oceanography C. Lawrence, University of California, Davis S.J. Lentz, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution E. Lessard, University of Washington P. MacReady, University of Washington J. Moum, Oregon State University J. Nash, University of Washington L-Y. Oey, Princeton University W. Peterson, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration R. Pawlowicz, University of British Columbia D-P. Wang, State University of New York F. Wilkerson, San Francisco State University C. D. Winant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Graduate and Post Doctoral Advisors S. J. Lentz, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution C. D. Winant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography 47 CURRICULUM VITAE: Francisco P. Chavez Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) 7700 Sandholdt Road, Moss Landing, CA 95039-9644 Voice: 831-775-1709, FAX: 831-775-1620, Email: chfr@mbari.org Education: PhD Duke University BS Humboldt State University Botany Oceanography 1987 1977 Professional Background: 2000-present Senior Scientist, MBARI 2000-present Faculty (courtesy), Stanford University 1996-2000 Associate Scientist (III), MBARI 1992-1996 Associate Scientist (II), MBARI 1990-present Research Associate, University of California, Santa Cruz 1987-1992 Assistant Scientist, MBARI Selected Professional Activities Member JGOFS time series oversight committee Reviewer, Chilean Oceanographic Program, Peruvian Fisheries and Oceanography Program NSF Alan Waterman award committee (2003-2005) NSF Advisory Committee for the Geoscience Directorate (2003-2005) Board of Directors, Center for Integrated Marine Technologies (2002- ) Board of Govenors, Pacific Coastal Ocean Observing System Science Team for Global Eulerian Observations (2002- ) Current Research Interests: Biology and chemistry of the ocean in relation to natural climate variability and global change. Global carbon cycle. Instrumentation and systems for long-term ocean observing. Satellite remote sensing. Graduate Advisor: Richard T. Barber Graduate Students: Rafael A. Olivieri (UCSC), M. Celia Villac (Texas A&M), Jonathan Phinney (UCSC), Elena Mauri (MLML). Post-Doctoral Advisor for: Chris Scholin, Raphael Kudela, Peter Strutton, Russell Hopcroft, John Ryan, Carmen Castro, Brad Penta, Victor Kuwahara, Kevin Mahoney Collaborators: Fei Chai (University of Maine), Niki Gruber (UCLA), Richard Dugdale (SFSU), Don Croll (UC Santa Cruz), Adina Paytan (Stanford), Dennis Hansell (University of Miami), Curt Collins (NPS), Ken Johnson (MBARI). 48 Synergistic Activities: Served on a number of ORION/OOI and IOOS committees Moved MBARI development to moorings of the TAO array 5 Most Relevant Publications Chavez, F.P. and J.R. Toggweiler (1995). Physical estimates of global new production: the upwelling contribution, In Upwelling in the Ocean: Modern Processes and Ancient Records. Summerhayes, C.P., Emeis, K.C., Angel, M.V., Smith, R.L., and Zeitzschel, B., (eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester. Olivieri, R.O. and F.P. Chavez (2000) A model of plankton dynamics for the coastal upwelling system of Monterey Bay, California. Deep-Sea Research II, 47, 1077-1105. Friederich, G., P. Walz, M. Burczynski and F.P. Chavez (2002) Inorganic Carbon in the Central California Upwelling System During the 1997-1999 El Niño -La Nina Event. Progress in Oceanography, 54, 185-204. Chavez, F.P., J.T. Pennington, C.G. Castro, J.P. Ryan, R.M. Michisaki, B. Schlining, P. Walz, K.R. Buck, A. McFayden and C.A. Collins (2002) Biological and chemical consequences of the 1997-98 El Niño in central California waters. Progress in Oceanography, 54, 205-232. Collins, C.A. J.T. Pennington, C.G. Castro, T.A. Rago and F.P. Chavez (2003) The California Current system off Monterey, California: Physical and biological coupling. Deep-Sea Research II. doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(03)00134-6 5 Additional Publications Pilskaln, C.H., J.B. Paduan, F.P. Chavez, R.Y. Anderson, and W.M. Berelson (1996) Carbon export and regeneration in the coastal upwelling system of Monterey Bay, central California. Journal of Marine Research 54,1-31. Johnson, K.S., F.P. Chavez and G.E. Friederich (1999) Continental shelf sediment as a primary source of iron for coastal phytoplankton. Nature 398, 697-700. Pennington, J.T. and F.P. Chavez (2000) Seasonal fluctuations of temperature, salinity, nitrate, chlorophyll and primary production at station H3/M1 over 1989-1996 in Monterey Bay, California. Deep-Sea Research II, 47, 947-973. Johnson, K.S., C.K. Paull, J.P. Barry and F.P. Chavez (2001) A decadal record of underflows from a coastal river into the deep sea. Geology, 29, 1019-1022. Chavez, F.P., J.P. Ryan, S. Lluch-Cota and M. Ñiquen C. (2003) From anchovies to sardines and back-Multidecadal change in the Pacific Ocean. Science 299, 217-221. 49 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH NAME Uwe Send CONTACT Scripps Institution of Oceanography Mail Code 0230 University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093-0213 Email: usend@ucsd.edu Phone: 858-822-6710 PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION University of Sussex, Astronomy, M.Sc., 1980 University of Southampton, Oceanography, M.Sc., 1982 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, Oceanography, Ph.D., 1988 Universitaet Kiel, Institut fuer Meereskunde, Habilitation (German qualification for full professorship), 1995 APPOINTMENTS 2003Professor Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego 1998-2003 Professor (tenured C3) Institut fuer Meereskunde Universitaet Kiel 1995-1998 Associate Professor (C2) Institut fuer Meereskunde Universitaet Kiel 1989-1995 Assistant Professor (C1) Institut fuer Meereskunde Universitaet Kiel FIVE RELATED PUBLICATIONS Send, U., F. Schott, F. Gaillard and Y. Desaubies, 1995: Oberservation of a deep convection regime with acoustic tomography. J. Geophys. Res. , 100 (C4), 6927-6941. Send, U., C. Eden, and F. Schott, 2002: Atlantic Equatorial Deep Jets: Space/Time Structure and Cross-Equatorial Fluxes. J. Phys. Oc. 32 (3), 891-902. Send, U., T. Kanzow, W. Zenk and M. Rhein, 2002: Monitoring the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 16°N. Exchanges, 7 (3/4), 31-33. Send, U, P. F. Worcester, B. D. Cornuelle, C. O. Tiemann, and B. Baschek, 2002: Integral measurements of mass transport and heat content in straits from acoustic transmissions. Deep-Sea Res., 49 (19), 4069-4096. 50 Macrander, A., R.H. Kaese, U. Send, H. Valdimarsson, and S. Jonsson, 2005: Dynamic Relations in the Denmark Strait Overflow verified by velocity and hydrographic observations. Geophys. Res. Letters (in print) FIVE OTHER PUBLICATIONS Send, U. and J. Marshall, 1995: Integral effects of deep convection. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25 (5), 855-872. Send, U., G. Krahmann, D. Mauuary, Y. Desaubies, F. Gaillard, T. Terre, J. Papadakis, M. Taroudakis, E. Skarsoulis, and C. Millot, 1997: Acoustic observations of heat content across the Mediterranean Sea. Nature, 385, 615-617. Send, U., and R. Kaese, 1998: Parameterization of Processes in Deep Convection Regimes. In E.Chassignet and J.Verron (eds.): Ocean Modelling and Parameterization. Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.191-214. Send, U., and B. Baschek, 2001: Intensive ship-board observations of the flow through the Strait of Gibraltar. J. Geophys. Res., 106 (C12), 31,018-31,032. Schmidt, S., and U. Send, 2005: Timing, Origin and Composition of Seasonal Labrador Sea Freshwater., J. Phys. Oceanogr., in print. SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES - Session Convenor at various EGS assemblies and American Acoustical Society Conference - Member, ARGO International Science Team and ARGO Data Management Team - Member, Clivar Global Synthesis and Observations Panel - Co-Chair, OceanSITES Steering Team - Development of a data telemetry system for moorings - Initiation of a European collaboration and initiative for establishing multidisciplinary deep-ocean timeseries observatories COLLABORATORS WITHIN THE LAST 48 MONTHS (other than those above) W.Zenk, M.Rhein, M.Visbeck, A.Chave, R.Lampitt, D.Wallace, A.Clarke, J.Lilly ADVISORS M.Sc. advisor: I.Robinson ( Southampton) Ph.D. advisor: C.Winant (SIO), R.Beardsley (WHOI) GRADUATE STUDENTS ADVISED Diploma students: Michael Reich (2001), Daniela Weber (2001), Lutz Helmbrecht (2002), Lars Boehme (2003), Hauke Schmidt (current), Jochen Koenig (current), Christian Begler (current) Ph.D. students: Torsten Kanzow (2004), Andreas Macrander (2004), Tom Avsic (current), Matthias Lankhorst (current), Sunke Schmidt (current) 51
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