05/30/2014 08:15 00000000008577704004 FORT LI ARD COMMLJH ITY PAGE Fax Cover Sheet To: Regulatory Officer Company: MVLWB Fax No: 867 873 6610 From: Alan Harris Date: May 29, 2014 Number of pages: 7 (including cover) Please find attached Analytlcal Results from Caro Analytical Services of our Sewage Lagoon #3 test samples. I forwarded these results to Wendy Bidwell, Water Resource Officer with ENR with a request to begin immediate decant of this lagoon. If there are any questions or problems please contact me. Thank you, Alan Harris Manager Municipal Operations Hamlet of Fort Uard, NT 867 770 4104 ext. 103 mws@fortliard.com Hamlet of Fort Liard Fort liard Phone: (867) 770 - 4104 Northwest Territories Fax: (867) 770- 4004 General Delivery Fort Liard NT XOG OAO 01/07 05/30/2014 08:15 00000000008577704004 FORT LIARD COMMUHITY CARC) REPORTED TO 02/07 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Fort Liard, Hamlet of 174 Valley Main Street TEL (867) 77 0-4104 Fort Liard, NT XOG OAO FAX (867) 770-4004 Alan Harris WORK ORDER 4051408 PO NUMBER 3900 PROJECT PROJECT INFO Sewage Lagoon Sewage Lagoon 3 RECEIVED I TEMP REPORTED May-23-14 20:56 f 9°C May-29·14 COC NUMBER A02238 ATTENTION PAGE General Comments: CARO Analytical Services employs methods which are conducted according to procedures accepted by appropriate regulatory agencies, and/or are conducted In accordance with recognized professional standards using accepted testing methodologies and quality control efforts, except where otherwise agreed to oy the client The results In this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the Chain of Custody or Sample Requisition document This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. CARO Is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from error or omission In the conduct of testing. Liability is limited to the cost of analysis . Samples will be disposed of 30 days after the test report has been issued unless otherwise agreed to ln writing. c-;£t_~k-<" v/ Issued By: Jennifer Shanko, AScT For Ed Hoppe, BSc, PChem Business Manager Please contact CARO if more information is needed or to provide feedback on our services. Locations: #110 4011 Viking way #102 3677 Highway 97N 17225 109 Avenue Richmond, BC V6V 2K9 Kel01Nna, BC V1 X 5C3 Edmonton, AB T5S 1H7 Tel: 604-270-1489 rax: 604-279-1599 Tel: 250·765·9€i46 Fax: 250-765-3893 le1: 780-489-9100 Fax: 760-489-9700 www.caro.ca CARO Analytical Services Rov 04/29!14 05/30/2014 08:15 00000000008577704004 CARC) Ai"JA! FORT LIARD COMMUNITY PAGE 03/07 ANALYSIS INFORMATION iCAL S[RVICF'.-; REPORTED TO PROJECT Fort liard, Hamlet of WORK ORDER 4051408 Sewage lagoon REPORTED May-29·14 Method ReferGnce (*=modified from) Praparation Analysis Analysis Description AmmoniarN by ISE BOD, 5"dey BOD. 5-dey Carbonaceous Conductivity In Water Fecal Coliforms (Quanti-Tra.y) pH in Water Total Dissolved Solids (GRAV) Total Suspended Solids NfA NIA NIA NIA N/A NIA N/A NIA APHA4500·NH3 D APHA5210 B APHA5210 B APHA2510 B APHA9223 ~ APHA 4500-H+ B APHA2540 C * APHA2540 D * Location Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Note: The numbers In brackets represent the year that the method we$ published/approved Method Reference Descriptions: APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Pub Iic Health Association Glossary of Terms: MRL mg/L MPN/100mL pH units u$/cm CARO Analytloal Services Method Reporting Limit Less than the Reported Detection Limit (ROL) - the RDL may be higher than the MRL due to various factors such as dilutions, limited sample volume, high moisture, or Interferences Miiiigrams per litre Most Probable Number per 100 ml pH < 7 "' acidic, ph > 1 "' basic Microslemens per centimeter Page 2 of,6 05/30/2014 08:15 00000000008577704004 CAR() REPORTED TO PROJECT FORT LIARD COMMUf'lITY 04/07 SAMPLE ANALYTICAL DATA Fort Liard, Hamlet of Sewage Lagoon WORK ORDER 4051408 REPORTED Result l Recovery Analyte PAGE MRL/ Lim ft Units Prepared Analyzed May·28·14 Notes Sample ID: Lagoon #3 (4051408-01) [WaterJ Sampled: May-23-1410:30 Genor;r,I Psn;;meters 800. 5-day 23 2 mg/L May-26-14 BOD. 5--day Csrbon&ceous 25 2 mg/L May·26·14 May-28-14 May-25-14 0.05 pH units 10 mg/L NIA NIA NIA NIA 2 mg IL NIA May-2&-14 May-23-14 May-24-14 Conductivity (EC) Nitrogen. Ammonia as N, Total pH Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, Tot.al Suspended 528 6.54 8.16 301 28 1 uSlcm 0.05 mgIL May-28-14 May-25-14 HT May~21:l-14 HT Mrcrobfolog/c;al PBremeters Coliforms, Fecal {Q-Tray) 38.4 1.0 MPN/100ml Sample I Analysis Qualifiers: HT The sample was prepared I analyzed past the recommended holding time. CARO Analytical Services Rev 04129114 Page 3·bf 6 ' 05/30/2014 08:15 00000000008577704004 CARC) REPORTED TO Fort Liard, Hamlet of PROJECT Sewage FORT LIARD COMMIJl'lITV PAGE 05/07 QUALITY CONTROL DATA WORK ORDER REPORTED 4051406 May-29-14 The following section displays the qusli!y control (QC) data that is associated with your sample data. Groups of samples are prepared in "batches" and analyzed in conjunction wltt QC sarnples that orisure your data Is of the highe$t quality. Common QC types include: • • • • Method Blank (Blk:); Laboratory reagent watar Is carried through sample preparation and analysis steps. Method Blanks indicate that results are free from contamination, La. not biased high from sources such as the sample co11tainer or the laboratory environment Duplicate (Dup): Preparation and analysis of a replicate aliquot of a sample. Duplicates provide a measure of the analytical mcthod·s precision, i.e. how reproducible a result Is. Duplicates ate only reported if they are associated with your sample date, Blank Spike (BS): A known amount of stsndard Is carried through sample preparallon and analysis steps. Blank Spikes, also known as laboratory control samples (LCS), are prepared from a different source of standard than used for the calibration. They ensure that the calibration is acceptable (I.a, not biased high or low) ano also provide a measure of the analytical method's accuracy (i.e. closaness of the result toe target value). Standard Reference Matorl~I (SRM): A material of similsr matrix to the samples, externi>llY certlfllild for the parameter(s) listed. Standard Reference Materials ensure that the preparation steps In the method are adequate to achieve acceptable recoveries of the parameter(s) tested. Each QC type is analyzed at a 5·10% frequency, i.e. one blank/duplicate/spike for every 10 samples. For all types of QC, the speclfred recovery (% Rec) and relative percent difference (RPO) limits are derived from long-term method performance averages andfor prescribed by the reference method. Analyte Result MRL Units Spike Lev1itl Source R0sult %REC REC Limit RPO RPO Limit Notes General Parameters, Batch 84E0847 Prepared: May-23-14, Analyzed: May-28-14 Blan!< (B4E0847·BLK1} aoo, 5-day Bl~mk "'2 .2 mg/L ~2 2 'TiglL 17<1 Z mgll <2 l mglL .:;i 2 mgll. 111i 2 mg/L. (B4E0847·BLK2} BOO. 5-day Prepared; May-23-14. Analyzed: May-28-14 Prepared: May-23-14, Analyzed; May-28-14 LCS (04E0847-BS1) BOD, 6-oay 1aa 88 85·115 GMtmil Parameters, Batch B4E0848 Blank (B4E084S-Bt..K1) BOD, 5-day carbon~ceows Prepared: May-23-14, Analyzed: May-28-14 Prepared: May-23-14, Analyzed: May-28·14 Blank (B4E0848·BLK2) BOO, 5-d~y Carbonaceous Prepared: May-23·14, Analyzed: May-28-14 LCS (B4E084S·aS1) BOD. 5'-day Carbonaceous G~meral 89 198 85-115 Paramernrs, 8ati;/1 f34EfJ914 Duplicate (B4E0914-DUP1) Scuree: 4051408..01 pH a.14 0.05 pH ur'l!1S Refanmce (04E0914-SRM1} pH 7.97 0.05 pH Units "'1 • uSlcm Prepared; May-25-14, Analy<;;ed: May-25-14 8.16 <; 1 3 Prepared: May"25-14, Analyzed: May-25·14 7.80 102 100-103 General Parameters, Batch B4E091G Bl::ink (B4E0916·9LK1) Con~uctlvlty (E:C) CAR.O Analytical Services Rev 04129114 Prepi;1red: May-25-14, Anelyzgd: May"25-14 Page 4 of6, 05/30/2014 08:15 00000000008577704004 FORT LIARD COMMUNITY CARC) REPORTED TO PROJECT Gen&ral 06/07 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Fort Llard, Hamlet of Sewage Lagoon An.iilyte PAGE 4051408 WORK ORDER REPORTED Result Source MRL Units %REC Re.suit REC Limit RPO May-2:9-14 RPO Limit Param8t8rs, Batch EJ4EQ916, Continued Prepared'. May·25·14, Analyzed: May~25·14 LCS (B4E0916-BS1) Conductfvlty (EC} 1430 Duplicate (S4El)916-0UP1) ' '. uS/cm Sourr.:e: 4051406..01 Conductivity (EC) 534 1410 102 97-103 Prepared: May-25-14, Analyzed: May-25-14 1 uSlcm 52B Genenil Parameters, Batch S4S0951 Prepared; May-2(M4, Analyzed; May-26-14 Blank (B4E0951·BLK1) Sollda, Total DisSOl\lad < 10 Rr:ferrmce (B4E09S1.SRM1) $o11os, Total Prepared: May-26-14, Analyzed: May-26-14 Ol~solved 10 rng/L 1000 101 0-200 Genl!!ral Parameters, Batch B4E0952 Prepared: May-2!3-14, Analyzed; May-26-14 Blan!( (B4E0952·BLK1) Sol!ds, Total SIJSPended <2 2 mg/I. <; 2 2 rngll <( 2 2 rng/L 50 2 rng/l 49 2 mg/L 50 2 mg/L Prepared: May-25-14, Analyzed: May·26-14 Blank (B4E0952·BlK2) Solids. Tola! Suspended al<'lnk (B4E0952·BLK3) Prepared: May-26-14. Analyzed: May-26-14 Solids, Tote! 3uapandsd Prepared; May-26·14. Analyzed; May-26·14 Raferene9 (B41;;09!>N>RM1) Solida, Total Suspondod iOO 500 0-200 Prepared: May-26-14, AMlyzed: May-26-14 Reterenca (B4E0952..SRM2} Solids, Tolf;!I Suspended 98 50.Q 0·200 Prepared; May·26·14, Analyzed; May-26-14 Reference {134E0952-SRM3) Solids. Total Susrended 99 50,0 0-200 Generat Parameters, Satcfl S4E1044 Pre,:>ar<'!d: May-28-14, Analyzed: May-28-14 t:llank (B4E1044-BLK1) Nitrogen. Ammonia as N, Toter <0.05 0.05 rng/l 0.05 0.05 m9/L 0.21 0,05 mgll 2,()1 o.05 Prepared; Mey-28·14. Analyzed; May-28-14 Blank (84E1044-BLK2) Nitrogen, Ammonia as N, Total < F'repar@d: May-28-14, Analyzed: May-28-14 LCS (B4E1044-BS1) Nitrogen. Ammonia as N, Total 92-111 Prepared: May-28·14, Analyzed: May-28-14 lCS (S4E1044·BS2) Nitrogen, .t>.mmonla as N. Total Dupllcate (S4E1044·DUf'2:) Nitrogen. Ammonl(,1 as N, ma 0,21)() Total mg/~ source: 4051408..01 8.62 0.05 mgll 2.00 101 92·111 Prepared; May-28-14, Analyzed: May-28-14 6.54 10 Miarobfologlcal P;;mimtJters, ih1tc:h B4E089:l Prepared: May-23-14, Analyzed: May-24-14 Blank {B4E0893-SLK1) Coliforms,fec;;il . ((;l~Tray) CARO Analytical Services Rev 04/~9114 <: 1.0 1.0 MPN/100"'1L L Pi!ge 5 of6 05/30/2014 08:15 00000000008577704004 CARC) REPORTED TO PROJECT Fort FORT LIARD COMMUNITY 07/07 QUALITY CONTROL DATA WORK ORDER REPORTED Hamlet of Sewage Lagoon Analyte PAGE Result l\llRL Units Spike Source level R!ll!iult %REC REC Lim rt RPO 4051408 May-29-14 RPO Um it Notes Microbiological Pf!rameMrs:, Batch 64EQBY3, Contlnuftt:I SoUrc!!: 4051408-01 Coliforms. Fecal {O·Tray) CARO Analytical Services Rev 04129114 45.3 1.0 MPN/100rnL 38,4 16 Page 6 of 6
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