RAMS VARIATIONS FAX COVER SHEET ORIGINATOR DETAILS (RHLC to complete all required fields) Total Number of pages faxed (including coversheet): Date: __________________________________________________ Contact Name (Loan Writer): RHLC Name: ____________________________________________ Office Ph No_______________________________________________ Mobile No: ______________________________________________ LOAN VARIATION DETAILS (RHLC to complete all required fields) Loan Number: Customer Surname: Given Names: VARIATION (Please indicate multiple variations) □ Substitution □ Product Conversion New Product If the customer currently has an Offset account attached to their loan and is converting to a product that is not eligible for Offset, the account will be delinked as part of the Conversion and will earn no interest. The customer will need to contact 13 RAMS (13 7267) to close the account. □ Increase Additional Funds required $ □ Loan Merger Date sent to Loan Variations □ Borrower Release □ Other Purpose ___________________ APPLICATION FEE PAYMENT OPTION □ Redraw □ Cheque (Receipt Attached, this option not available for Loan Increases) Date Posted: LOAN VARIATION / INCREASE CHECKLIST □ Credit Guide Provided to Customer (Increases Only). Date provided to customer: ____________________ □ CPDD Produced and Provided to Customer (Increases Only). Date provided to customer: ____________________ □ Email sent to variations@ramsservices.com.au □ Application for Loan Variation / Increase faxed to UCS – 1300 656 728 □ If Debt Consolidation, enclose 3 months transaction statements for each debt □ Construction Loan □ Other supporting documentation including a copy of completed CNR, Product Selector Matrix and CPDD. Please note: Additional documentation may be required to access the application Preferred Valuer Details: LOANS APPROVED IN RAMS ORIGINATION (Please complete if applicable) New loan being completed in RAMS Origination Unit □ YES □ NO If YES, please supply: New Loan Amount (includes Servicing Sheet & MI Approval) $ Application Number________________________________________ COMMENTS (Please provide comments where appropriate) RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited ABN 30 105 207 538 authorised representative 405465 Australian credit licence 388065 Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 1 of 16 RAMS VARIATIONS FAX COVER SHEET APPLICATION SUBMISSION CHECKLIST – LOAN VARAITIONS Return required documents to: RAMS Home Loans, Locked Bag 5001 CONCORD WEST NSW 2138 Fax: 1300 656 728 For further information: Phone 13 RAMS (13 72 67) Website: www.rams.com.au CHECKLIST Information RAMS requires to assess your application. Please tick relevant boxes as documents are attached - All documents to be returned to RAMS. Please allow 2 business days for your application to be assessed once all supporting documents have been received. Please note that we may need to contact all the loan applicants during the assessment process. Complete attached Application To Vary Your Existing Loan Application form in full Evidence of Income PAYG: most recent payslip or a letter from employer plus latest Payment Summary (Group Certificate) (for each borrower and guarantor) Evidence of Rental Income for ALL investment properties (if applicable - e.g. rent receipts, letter from real estate agent) ALL Borrowers and Guarantors to sign Applicant’s Declaration (increase and substitution of security) ALL REMAINING Borrowers and Guarantors to sign Applicant's Declaration (Release of Borrowers) If Self Employed – last 2 years’ financials and tax returns (Both Personal and Company / Partnership): PAYMENT AUTHORITY A non-refundable application fee of $295 may be payable. In addition, the actual cost of each valuation (if required), plus other costs including Mortgage Insurance and Stamp Duty will be processed to your loan at settlement. Enclosed is a Cheque for the amount of $____________ (This option is not available for Loan Increases) Debit the available redraw on my/our loan for the amount of $___________ Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 2 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN A Client Details PRIMARY BORROWER CO-BORROWER GUARANTOR or REMAINING BORROWER IF FOR A RELEASE OF BORROWER or REMAINING BORROWER/GUARANTOR IF FOR A RELEASE OF BORROWER Title __________ Surname _______________________________ Title __________ Surname _______________________________ Given Names __________________________________________ Given Names __________________________________________ Occupation ____________________________________________ Occupation ____________________________________________ Date of Birth _____ / _____ / _________ Date of Birth _____ / _____ / _________ Home Phone ( ) _____________________________________ Home Phone ( ) _____________________________________ Work Phone ( ) ______________________________________ Work Phone ( ) ______________________________________ Mobile ________________________________________________ Mobile ________________________________________________ Fax ( Fax ( ) ____________________________________________ ) ____________________________________________ Email address __________________________________________ Email address __________________________________________ Marital Status: Marital Status: Single Defacto Married Single Defacto Married Divorced Widowed Separated No. of Dependents (per application) _________________________ Divorced Widowed Separated No. of Dependents (per application) _________________________ Ages of Children ________________________________________ Ages of Children ________________________________________ Driver’s Licence No. _____________________________________ Driver’s Licence No. _____________________________________ Current Residential Address Current Residential Address Number & Street ________________________________________ Number & Street ________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ State ________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Postcode _______________ Time at this address ____________ Years ____________ Months Time at this address ____________ Years ____________ Months If you have lived at your current address for less than three years please complete below: If you have lived at your current address for less than three years please complete below: Previous Address Previous Address Number & Street ________________________________________ Number & Street ________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ State ________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Postcode _______________ Time at this address ____________ Years ____________ Months Time at this address ____________ Years ____________ Months Current Employer Current Employer Current Employer Name __________________________________ Current Employer Name __________________________________ Time with Employer ____________ Years ____________ Months Time with Employer ____________ Years ____________ Months Full Time Part Time Casual Self Employed Full Time Part Time Casual Self Employed Gross Annual Income $ __________________________________ Gross Annual Income $ __________________________________ If less than two years, please indicate previous employment below: If less than two years, please indicate previous employment below: Previous Employer Previous Employer Previous Employer Name _________________________________ Previous Employer Name _________________________________ Time Employed (or self employed) _______Years Time Employed (or self employed) _______Years Full Time Part Time Casual _______Months Self Employed Gross Annual Income $ __________________________________ Full Time Part Time Casual _______Months Self Employed Gross Annual Income $ __________________________________ Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 3 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN B Purpose for Increase PURPOSE AMOUNT Debt Consolidation _____________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________ Purchase Motor Vehicle _________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________ Renovations/ Improvements ______________________________________________________________ $ _______________________ Household Requirements ________________________________________________________________ Purchase Property _____________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________ $ _______________________ Other (details) _________________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________ Other (details) _________________________________________________________________________ Total Increase Required ________________________________________________________________ $ _______________________ $ _______________________ C Release of Loan Party DETAILS OF RELEASE LOAN REQUIRED Current Loan Amount $ ___________________________ Loan Party to be Released ________________________________ Increase Required (if any) $ ___________________________ Reason for Release (i.e. separation, tax purposes) ________________ New Total Loan Amount $ ___________________________ ______________________________________________________ Yes LMI Capitalisation D No Increase / Release of Borrower – Security Property Details CURRENT SECURITY Property 1 Property 2 Address ______________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ State ________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Estimated value $_______________________________________ Owner Occupied Investment Postcode _______________ Estimated value $_______________________________________ Owner Occupied Investment Contact for our valuer to gain access: Contact for our valuer to gain access: Name ________________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Property 3 Address ______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Solicitor / Conveyancer / Settlement Agent Details (if applicable) State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Firm __________________________________________________ Estimated value $_______________________________________ Person handling ________________________________________ Owner Occupied Investment Phone ______________________ Fax _____________________ Contact for our valuer to gain access: Address ______________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile E Substitution SUBSTITUTION DETAILS LOAN REQUIRED Current Loan Amount $ ___________________________ Increase Required (if any) $ ___________________________ Is property being purchased settling on the same day as property is being sold? Yes No New Total Loan Amount $ ___________________________ Has new property been located? Yes No LMI Capitalisation Yes No Expected Settlement Date _____ / _____ / ________ Purpose of Increase _____________________________________ Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 4 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN F Substitution – Security Property Details PROPERTY BEING SOLD PROPERTY BEING PURCHASED Address ______________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ State ________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Postcode _______________ Sale Price $_______________________________________ Purchase Price $________________________________________ Settlement Date _____ / _____ / ___________ Name(s) to be shown on Title ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Owner Occupied SECURITY PROPERTY REMAINING (if any) Investment Address ______________________________________________ Proposed rental per week $__________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Contact for our valuer to gain access ________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Estimated value $_______________________________________ Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Owner Occupied Investment Contact for our valuer to gain access ________________________ Solicitor / Conveyancer / Settlement Agent Details (if applicable) Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Firm __________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Person handling ________________________________________ Phone ______________________ Fax _____________________ Address ______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ G Statement of Assets & Liabilities CURRENT ASSETS (including properties mortgaged) CURRENT LIABILITIES (if being refinanced please indicate “To be repaid”) Property at: Weekly Rental Value _______________________ $__________ $______________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ _______________________ $__________ $______________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ _______________________ $__________ $______________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ Home contents (insured value): $___________________________ Rent (per) wk f/n m $___________________ Car Leases or Car Loans: Motor vehicles: Year Monthly Payment Amount Outstanding Mortgage to: Make & Model Value ___________ ________________________ $______________ ___________ ________________________ $______________ ___________ ________________________ $______________ Institution Monthly Payment Amount Outstanding ________________________ $__________ $_____________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ Credit Cards: Savings Accounts (institution held with): Current Balance _____________________________________ $______________ _____________________________________ $______________ _____________________________________ $______________ Superannuation (current value): $___________________________ Value Other Assets: Institution Limit Amount Outstanding ________________________ $__________ $_____________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ Taxation Amount Outstanding (if any): $___________________ Other Liabilities (Personal Loans, Maintenance Payments etc): _____________________________________ $______________ Institution _____________________________________ $______________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ Monthly Payment Amount Outstanding _____________________________________ $______________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ ________________________ $__________ $_____________ Total Assets Total Liabilities $_____________ $______________ Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 5 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN G Statement of Assets & Liabilities (cont) INCOME EXPENSES Gross Yearly Gross Monthly PAYG Income Amount Monthly $ ____________ Personal Applicant A $___________ $ ____________ Mobile Phone #2 $___________ Applicant B $___________ $ ____________ Pay TV $___________ $ ____________ Applicant C $___________ $ ____________ Internet $___________ $ ____________ Applicant D $___________ $ ____________ Reg & CTP Car #2 $___________ $ ____________ Petrol Car #2 $___________ $ ____________ $___________ $ ____________ Self Employed Applicant A $___________ $ ____________ Car Insurance #2 Applicant B $___________ $ ____________ Reg & CTP Car #3 $___________ $ ____________ Applicant C $___________ $ ____________ Petrol Car #3 $___________ $ ____________ Applicant D $___________ $ ____________ Car Insurance #3 $___________ $ ____________ $___________ $ ____________ $___________ $ ____________ ___________________$___________ $ ____________ Personal Insurance Rental Income Applicant A $___________ $ ____________ (health, income) Applicant B $___________ $ ____________ Maintenance for Applicant C $___________ $ ____________ Dependants Applicant D $___________ $ ____________ Other (insert details) centrelink Payments Applicant A $___________ $ ____________ Other (insert details) Applicant B $___________ $ ____________ ___________________$___________ Applicant C $___________ $ ____________ Other (insert details) Applicant D $___________ $ ____________ ___________________$___________ Other Income $ ____________ $ ____________ Other Loans Child support $___________ $ ____________ HELP Debt $___________ $ ____________ Other $___________ $ ____________ Tax Liability $___________ $ ____________ TOTAL Income $ ____________ TOTAL Expenses Income less Expense (Net Surplus) $ ____________ H $ ____________ Applicant’s Acknowledgement & Authority Each person signing this application:- • • • • • • • • • applies for the variation to the loan secured over the property, as specified in this application consents to RAMS seeking verification of any of the statements contained herein agrees to provide, at the persons expense, a valuation of the specified property to be conducted by a qualified valuer nominated by RAMS understands that general insurance cover must be obtained on the mortgaged property for an amount not less than the replacement value of the property including improvements, and from an insurer acceptable to RAMS authorises his or her solicitor or agent to accept notices on his/her behalf confirms that all statements made in this application are true and are made for the purpose of obtaining a loan authorises RAMS to give a copy of the Loan Agreement to any guarantor of the loan confirms that he/she is over the age of 18 Acknowledges that this form is not to be regarded as an offer or acceptance of credit under any legislation relating to the provision of credit. The information provided in this form will not become part of any contract for credit which may come into existence between the applicant and • RAMS. Understands that only the Credit provider can decide whether this application is approved and that any person who may have introduced me to RAMS (including a Broker) has no authority to give that approval or otherwise to act on behalf of RAMS in any capacity. Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 6 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN BUSINESS PURPOSE DECLARATION (if applicable) I /We declare that the credit to be provided to me/us by the credit provider is to be applied wholly or predominately for: business purpose; or investment purposes other than investment in residential property. IMPORTANT You should only sign this declaration if this loan is wholly or predominately for: business purposes; or Investment purposes other than investment in residential property. By signing this declaration you may lose your protection under the National Credit Code. Name Name Signature Signature Date _____/ _____/ ______ Date _____/ _____/ ______ Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 7 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN PRIVACY CONSENT AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENT At RAMS, information is the cornerstone of our ability to provide superior service and our most important asset is your trust. RAMS collects personal information that is necessary for us to process your application, maintain your home loan, allow us to identify you and deliver the benefits of the home loan to you and keep you informed about other products, services and special offers that may be of interest to you. Part of the information we have requested is required by the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006. If all or part of the information requested in the Application Form is not provided then we may not be able to process your application. RAMS Privacy Policy Statement sets out RAMS’ policies on management of personal information. A copy is available at www.rams.com.au or by contacting RAMS Customer Service on 13 72 67. PERSONAL INFORMATION I agree that Westpac Banking Corporation, RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited, any other member of the Westpac Group and franchisees of RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited (the ‘Parties’) may exchange with each other any information about me including: • any information provided by me in this document; • any other personal information I provide to any of them or which they otherwise lawfully obtain about me; and • transaction details or transaction history arising out of my arrangements with any Party or any existing RAMS loan. I agree that the Parties may access any information about me which was collected in relation to an existing RAMS loan. If the Parties engage anyone (a ‘Service Provider’) to do something on their behalf (for example a mailing house or a data processor) then I agree the Parties and the Service Provider may exchange with each other any information referred to above. A Party might give any information referred to above to entities other than another Party and the Service Providers where it is required or allowed by law or where I have otherwise consented (this includes the consents I have provided below). If I apply for a Debit Card for use in connection with my/our loan I/we acknowledge that my personal information will be shared with Indue Limited, the issuer of the card and First Data Resources Australia Ltd (to administer the card). I agree that any information referred to above can be used by the Parties and any Service Provider to assess my application for the products I have selected, and for account administration, planning, product development and research purposes. I understand that I can access most personal information that the Parties hold about me (sometimes there will be a reason why this is not possible, in which case I will be told why). I understand that if I fail to provide any information requested in this form, or do not agree to any of the possible exchanges or uses detailed above, my application may not be accepted. I acknowledge that I can find out what sort of personal information the Parties have about me, or make a request for access by calling 13 72 67. The Westpac Group means Westpac Banking Corporation and its related bodies corporate which include RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited. CREDIT INFORMATION The Lender means Westpac Banking Corporation, any manager, any servicing company or any authorised agent of the Lender who for the purposes of the Privacy Act is a credit provider. Notice that credit information may be given to a credit reporting agency The Privacy Act 1988 allows the Lender to give a credit reporting agency certain personal information about me which I authorise the Lender to do. This information includes: • certain identity details; • that credit has been applied for and the amount; • the fact that the Lender is a credit provider to me; • details of payments which become overdue for more than 60 days and for which collection action has commenced; • that payments are no longer overdue; • details of cheques drawn by me for more than $100 which have been dishonoured more than once; • that in the opinion of the Lender I have committed a serious credit infringement; and • that the credit provided to me by the Lender has been paid or discharged. Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 8 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN PRIVACY CONSENT AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Authority to obtain certain credit information To enable the Lender to assess my application for personal or commercial credit, I authorise the Lender to obtain: from a credit reporting agency, a credit report containing personal or commercial information about me in relation to personal or commercial credit provided to me; and from a business which provides information about the commercial credit worthiness of persons, information about my commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness Authority to exchange credit information with other credit providers I authorise the Lender to give to and obtain from credit providers named either in the accompanying credit application or in a credit report issued by a credit reporting agency any information about my credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity. This information may be used to: assess my application for credit and / or my credit worthiness; assist me to avoid defaulting on my credit obligations; and notify other credit providers of a default by me. Authority to disclose certain information to joint applicants I understand that if the Lender declines the credit application due to adverse information on my personal credit file, then each applicant may be notified that the application has been declined wholly or partly on information derived from a personal credit report relating to me. Authority to exchange credit information for securitisation purposes I authorise the Lender to give and obtain from persons involved in securitisation arrangements, any report or information about me in relation to personal or commercial credit provided to me, including any information about my credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity. Securitisation arrangements may include purchasing, funding, managing or processing credit. Bankers Opinions I authorise the Lender to give and receive a banker’s opinion for purposes connected with my business, trade or profession. Authority for Mortgage Insurers (if applicable). Mortgage insurance protects the Lender against any shortfall from a mortgagee sale of the security property. A claim paid under mortgage insurance will be recovered by the mortgage insurer directly from the borrower(s) and/or guarantor(s). I authorise a mortgage insurer to obtain my credit report containing personal or commercial information about me from a credit reporting agency and for the Lender to disclose a report or information to a mortgage insurer: to assess whether to insure; to assess the risk of insuring the Lender and the risk of default by me of the mortgage credit given to me; for any other purpose in connection with the contract of mortgage insurance between the Lender and the mortgage insurer. In connection with my application for mortgage insurance, I acknowledge that the Lender may provide personal information about me to mortgage insurance companies. Should I wish to obtain details of the identity of these organisations and how to contact them, the Lender will provide me with such details. I acknowledge that my personal information is collected by these organisations for the purposes set out above, as well as any variation or claim under the insurance policy and other risk, internal management and compliance purposes. In this respect, these organisations may disclose my personal information to their related companies, service providers and advisers, credit reporting agencies, reinsurers and government and regulatory bodies. If my personal information is not provided to these organisations, I acknowledge that the Lender may not be in a position to provide the mortgage finance requested. Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 9 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN PRIVACY CONSENT AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OTHER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND CONSENTS I acknowledge that the Lender has the right to confirm the details of the information provided in an application for credit made by me. I agree to any Party or Service Provider giving to a guarantor or proposed guarantor (for the purpose of considering whether to act as guarantor) personal information about me. I understand that the information disclosed can include anything about my credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity that credit providers are allowed to disclose under the Privacy Act, and includes copies of documents and a credit report. I consent to the Lender exchanging information concerning my financial affairs with any person acting on my behalf, including my agent, accountant and solicitor and with any person through whom I have been introduced to the Lender including a broker. I have read, understand and agree to the acknowledgements and consents relating to the protection of my privacy. MARKETING Members of the Westpac Group and franchisees of RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited would like to be able to contact you or send you information regarding other products and services. Your terms and conditions document will explain what action to take should you not wish to receive this information. If you do not wish to receive these communications please notify us by writing to: RAMS Privacy Officer Locked Bag 5001 Concord West NSW 2138. SIGNATURES This applies to all parts of the application not separately signed by each applicant (with the exception of the Business Purpose Declaration (if applicable)). Name ___________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________ Date ______ /______ /______ Date ______ /______ /______ Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 10 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN J Additional Details COMPANY BORROWER / GUARANTOR Company Name ______________________________________________________________ ABN __________________________________ Address ___________________________________ Suburb ___________________________ State _____________ Postcode ____________ Directors Name(s) _______________________________ CO-BORROWER ______________________________ GUARANTOR __________________________________ CO-BORROWER GUARANTOR Title __________ Surname _______________________________ Title __________ Surname _______________________________ Given Names __________________________________________ Given Names __________________________________________ Occupation ____________________________________________ Occupation ____________________________________________ Date of Birth _____ / _____ / _________ Date of Birth _____ / _____ / _________ Home Phone ( ) _____________________________________ Home Phone ( ) _____________________________________ Work Phone ( ) ______________________________________ Work Phone ( ) ______________________________________ Mobile ________________________________________________ Mobile ________________________________________________ Fax ( Fax ( ) ____________________________________________ ) ____________________________________________ Email address __________________________________________ Email address __________________________________________ Marital Status: Marital Status: Single Defacto Married Single Defacto Married Divorced Widowed Separated Divorced Widowed Separated No. of Dependents (per application) _________________________ No. of Dependents (per application) _________________________ Ages of Children ________________________________________ Ages of Children ________________________________________ Driver’s Licence No. _____________________________________ Driver’s Licence No. _____________________________________ Current Residential Address Current Residential Address Number & Street ________________________________________ Number & Street ________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ State ________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Postcode _______________ Time at this address ____________ Years ____________ Months Time at this address ____________ Years ____________ Months If you have lived at your current address for less than three years, please complete below: If you have lived at your current address for less than three years, please complete below: Previous Address Previous Address Number & Street ________________________________________ Number & Street ________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ State ________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Postcode _______________ Time at this address ____________ Years ____________ Months Time at this address ____________ Years ____________ Months Current Employer Current Employer Current Employer Name __________________________________ Current Employer Name __________________________________ Time with Employer ____________ Years ____________ Months Time with Employer ____________ Years ____________ Months Full Time Part Time Casual Self Employed Full Time Part Time Casual Self Employed Gross Annual Income $ __________________________________ Gross Annual Income $ __________________________________ If less than two years, please indicate previous employment below: If less than two years, please indicate previous employment below: Previous Employer Previous Employer Previous Employer Name _________________________________ Previous Employer Name _________________________________ Time Employed (or self employed) _______Years _______Months Time Employed (or self employed) _______Years _______Months Full Time Part Time Casual Self Employed Gross Annual Income $ __________________________________ Full Time Part Time Casual Self Employed Gross Annual Income $ __________________________________ Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 11 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN LOAN NUMBER _______________________ PRIMARY BORROWER CO-BORROWER GUARANTOR Title __________ Surname _______________________________ Title __________ Surname _______________________________ Given Names __________________________________________ Given Names __________________________________________ CO-BORROWER GUARANTOR CO-BORROWER GUARANTOR Title __________ Surname _______________________________ Title __________ Surname _______________________________ Given Names __________________________________________ Given Names __________________________________________ 1. ADDITIONAL SECURITY PROPERTY ONE 2. ADDITIONAL SECURITY PROPERTY TWO (if applicable) Address ______________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ State ________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Estimated value $_______________________________________ Owner Occupied Investment Postcode _______________ Estimated value $_______________________________________ Owner Occupied Investment Contact for our valuer to gain access ________________________ Contact for our valuer to gain access ________________________ Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile 3. ADDITIONAL SECURITY PROPERTY THREE (if applicable) 4. ADDITIONAL SECURITY PROPERTY FOUR (if applicable) Address ______________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ Suburb _______________________________________________ State ________________________ State ________________________ Postcode _______________ Estimated value $_______________________________________ Owner Occupied Investment Postcode _______________ Estimated value $_______________________________________ Owner Occupied Investment Contact for our valuer to gain access ________________________ Contact for our valuer to gain access ________________________ Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Phone ______________________________ Home / Work / Mobile Fees, conditions, limitations and lending criteria apply. RAMS Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065. Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 12 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN Applicant’s Declaration L Applicant’s Declaration (if more than two applicants, please attach another copy of this page with the applicant(s) details. Applicant 1 Applicant 2 • Have you or your spouse ever been declared bankrupt or insolvent, or had your estate assigned for the benefit of creditors? Yes • Have you or your spouse ever been declared bankrupt or insolvent, or had your estate assigned for the benefit of creditors? Yes No No • Have you or your spouse ever been a shareholder or the officer of a company of which a manager, receiver, and/or liquidator has been appointed? Yes No • Is there any unsatisfied judgement entered in any court against you, your spouse, or any company with which you or your spouse are or were a shareholder or officer? Yes No • Have you or your spouse ever been a shareholder or the officer of a company of which a manager, receiver, and/or liquidator has been appointed? Yes No • Is there any unsatisfied judgement entered in any court against you, your spouse, or any company with which you or your spouse are or were a shareholder or officer? Yes No • Have you or your spouse, or any company with which you or your spouse are or have been associated, had a property foreclosed upon or sold by a mortgagee exercising power of sale? Yes No • Have you or your spouse ever been in default on any loan agreements or had any defaults listed against you or your spouse on your credit reference? Yes No • Have you or your spouse, or any company with which you or your spouse are or have been associated, had a property foreclosed upon or sold by a mortgagee exercising power of sale? Yes No • Have you or your spouse ever been in default on any loan agreements or had any defaults listed against you or your spouse on your credit reference? Yes No • Are you known by any other name(s)? • Are you known by any other name(s)? Yes No If yes give details of other names below: If yes give details of other names below: Other name(s) Other name(s) Yes No Note: It is an offence under this Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 Requirements to give false and misleading information. Applicant one signature: _______________________________________ Date _____ / _____ / ________ Applicant two signature (if applicable): _______________________________________ Date _____ / _____ / ________ Please contact this office on 13 72 67 if there are further Borrowers/Guarantors involved, additional security properties, or if there is a Company associated with this transaction. Any supporting comments you wish to make regarding your application: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited ABN 30 105 207 538 authorised representative 405465 Australian credit licence 388065 Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 13 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN This part only applies to Low Doc loans SECTION 1 ___________________________________ ________________________________________ __________________________________ Applicant 1 (Full name) Trading name if applicable ___________________________________ ________________________________________ Applicant 2 (Full Name Trading name if applicable ABN __________________________________ ABN ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Company/ firm name (if company is a trustee add trust name) ABN For New Loans Loan Amount $_________________________________________ For Loan Increases Original Limit $ _________________________________________ OR Current Limit $ _______________________________ Increase Amount $ _______________________________ Total $ _________________ SECTION 2 Applicant 1 As stated in my completed RAMS loan application, I declare that I have been: (tick one) Self-employed for ______Years _____Months and my NET business income p.a. before tax is $____________________ PAYG employed in my current role for _________ years _________ months and my current gross salary p.a. is $ ____________________ Property Investor for ___ years ___ months and my Net Rental Income before tax/Gross Rental Income p.a. is $ ___________ (delete which ever is not applicable) Applicant 2 As stated in my completed RAMS loan application, I declare that I have been: (tick one) Self-employed for ______Years _____Months and my NET Business income p.a. before tax is $___________________ PAYG employed in my current role for _________ years _________ months and my current gross salary p.a. is $____________________ Property Investor for ___ years ___ months and my Net Rental Income before tax/Gross Rental Income p.a. is $ ___________ (delete which ever is not applicable) Company Applicant As stated in the completed RAMS loan application, I/We declare that: We have been trading for __________ years __________ months and our current net business income p.a. before tax is $ _________________ RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited ABN 30 105 207 538 authorised representative 405465 Australian credit licence 388065 Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 14 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN SECTION 3 Each applicant declares: The Information provided is true and correct. I understand that you have advised me to seek independent legal and financial advice prior to entering into the agreement with you and that I may choose whether or not to accept that advice. I also understand that RAMS is relying on the information above to make an offer of finance. Where the Applicant is a Company, I confirm that undersigned are the sole Directors. I confirm unless stated otherwise in my loan application, that all applicants/borrowers are self-employed. I have proper authority to commit to the repayments for the loan and have lodged and kept up to date Business Activity Statements. Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Signature _____________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________ Date _____/_____/_____ Date _____/_____/_____ Company Applicant (Signed by its Duly Authorised Officers) Company Applicant (Signed by its Duly Authorised Officers) Signature _____________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________ Director Name _________________________________________ Director/Secretary Name____________________________________ Date _____/_____/_____ Date _____/_____/_____ RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited ABN 30 105 207 538 authorised representative 405465 Australian credit licence 388065 Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 15 of 16 APPLICATION TO VARY YOUR LOAN SECTION 4 Accountant Details - Applicant 1 _______________________________________________ Accountant’s Name __________________________________________________________ Accounting Firm / Trading Name _______________________________________________ Member of: __________________________________________________________ Business Address _______________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________________ Email Address Accountant’s Declaration – Applicant 1 I am aware that my client__________________________________________________________________________(client name) ______________________________________________________________________________________________(client address) ______________________________________________________________________________________________(occupation) has declared a self employed annual net income (before tax) of __________________________(declared income) and PAYG income (if declared) of __________________________ for the purposes of obtaining finance. Noting that current financials are not available based on my knowledge of my client’s current circumstances the above figure is not an unreasonable estimate of their annual net income (before tax) and PAYG income. Accountant Disclaimer The accountant’s declaration above is provided in good faith taking into account the accountant’s knowledge of the client’s length of association with the accountant being ______ years and circumstances as at the specified date. The accountant makes no representations or warranties about any future income of the applicant. The accountant makes no warranty that the applicant will be able to make repayments under any loan provided based on this declaration. The accountant has not considered details of the terms of the proposed loan, including interest rates and repayment terms. The accountant is not responsible for keeping RAMS informed of any change to the information in this declaration occurring after the specified date. The information in this declaration may only be used by RAMS or the credit provider for the sole purpose of considering whether to provide credit for the amount set out in this form. Information in this declaration must not be used for any other purpose. This declaration is valid for 60 days from the specified date. Accountant’s Signature Signature _____________________________________________ Date _____/_____/_____ Accountant Details - Applicant 2 _________________________________________________ Accountant’s Name _________________________________________________________ Accounting Firm / Trading Name _________________________________________________ Member of: _________________________________________________________ Business Address _________________________________________________ Phone _______ __________________________________________________ Email Address Accountant’s Declaration – Applicant 2 I am aware that my client__________________________________________________________________________(client name) ______________________________________________________________________________________________(client address) ______________________________________________________________________________________________(occupation) has declared a self employed annual net income (before tax) of __________________________(declared income) and PAYG income (if declared) of __________________________ for the purposes of obtaining finance. Noting that current financials are not available based on my knowledge of my client’s current circumstances the above figure is not an unreasonable estimate of their annual net income (before tax) and PAYG income. Accountant Disclaimer The accountant’s declaration above is provided in good faith taking into account the accountant’s knowledge of the client’s length of association with the accountant being ______ years and circumstances as at the specified date. The accountant makes no representations or warranties about any future income of the applicant. The accountant makes no warranty that the applicant will be able to make repayments under any loan provided based on this declaration. The accountant has not considered details of the terms of the proposed loan, including interest rates and repayment terms. The accountant is not responsible for keeping RAMS informed of any change to the information in this declaration occurring after the specified date. The information in this declaration may only be used by RAMS or the credit provider for the sole purpose of considering whether to provide credit for the amount set out in this form. Information in this declaration must not be used for any other purpose. This declaration is valid for 60 days from the specified date. Accountant’s Signature Signature _____________________________________________ Date _____/_____/_____ RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited ABN 30 105 207 538 authorised representative 405465 Australian credit licence 388065 Credit Provider: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Updated 30 March 2012. Page 16 of 16
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