PROOF COVER SHEET Journal acronym: CIRA Author(s): Basil Dalamagas Article title: A macroeconomic approach to the income-tax work-effort relationship Article no: 580269 Enclosures: 1) Query sheet 2) Article proofs Dear Author, 1. Please check these proofs carefully. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to check these and approve or amend them. A second proof is not normally provided. Taylor & Francis cannot be held responsible for uncorrected errors, even if introduced during the production process. Once your corrections have been added to the article, it will be considered ready for publication. For detailed guidance on how to check your proofs, please see 2. Please review the table of contributors below and confirm that the first and last names are structured correctly and that the authors are listed in the correct order of contribution. This check is to ensure that your name will appear correctly online and when the article is indexed. 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QA: MM International Review of Applied EconomicsAquatic Insects Vol. X, No. X, XXXX 2011, XXX–XXX A macroeconomic approach to the income-tax work-effort relationship Basil Dalamagas* and Stelios Kotsios University of Athens, Department of Economics, PO Box 8444, 10010, Athens, Greece (Received 26 January 2011; final version received 12 February 2011) 5 In this paper, we analyse the dynamic relationship between hours worked per employee (per self-employed) and marginal income tax-rate shocks in terms of both a comparative-dynamics model and a stochastic general equilibrium econometric model. The econometric model is estimated for Germany, UK and USA over the post-1960 period using the GMM estimation technique. Estimates in both models show that increases in the marginal income-tax rate exert negative effects on hours worked by both employees and the self-employed, but the response of the employees who are subject to tax withholding is stronger than the response of the self-employed. 10 Keywords: hours worked per employee and self-employed; tax withholding; 15 incentive to work; labour supply; marginal income tax rate. JEL Classifications: E1; E6 20 1. Introduction A classic challenge facing macroeconomists is to explain observed variations in employment attributable to tax-induced income changes. A number of research programmes have tried to explore the market forces that could potentially influence the income-tax work-effort relationship, with the majority of the relative studies lending support to the Hicksian theoretical framework of the income-substitution effects (upward or downward sloping labour supply curve). The picture that emerges from existing literature does not seem to be a coherent one (for a summary of the opposing views, see Myles 1995). A possible reason may be that differences in the response of working time to tax-induced income changes are likely to be linked not only to the size of the tax liability or to the characteristics of the labour market but also to other factors that have not been adequately explored so far. Some of these factors, on which the present study will focus, are described below. Tax withholding. Tax withholding provisions are likely to affect incentives to work, as the burden from the personal income tax withheld may not easily be felt and thus it may be less damaging to work effort than the burden from the same tax paid by direct assessment. *Corresponding author. Email: ISSN 0269-2171 print/ISSN 1465-3486 online Ó 2011 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/02692171.2011.580269 25 30 35 QA: MM 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 B. Dalamagas and S. Kotsios The distinction between short-run and long-run effects. A tax-induced decline in work effort tends to be smaller in the short run than in the long run. Since income commitments are more rigid than leisure commitments, work effort may even increase at first and decrease later. On the other hand, in the long run, aspiration levels in terms of goods and/or leisure may rise, as new consumption goods become available and households may be willing to surrender more leisure, unless the new goods are complementary to leisure. The secular rise in leisure. The observed long run increase in leisure may not have been a simple expression of individual choices. Instead, it may have been the product of a complex set of social forces, such as the rise of mass education and the strength of unionism. The proportion of workers to the total labour force which varies across countries and over time. The distinction between employees and the self-employed may be of crucial importance since employees are not free to adjust their supply of effort (working time);1 this may be a key factor in determining the response of hours worked to changes in personal income tax rates. Recipients of lower wages are typically subject to contracts and may have to choose between working a given number of hours or not at all. In this case, income tax leaves hours worked more or less unaffected. This is taken up in Section 4 by drawing a line between employees and overtime for an employee. On the other hand, households commanding high salaries tend to be selfemployed, employers or in supervisory positions and, hence, less subject to work discipline. However, they may be motivated by non-pecuniary factors, so that their supply of effort is relatively inelastic to income tax changes. Farmers form a specific category of self-employed with a working time schedule being determined largely irrespective of the income tax structure. Lastly, some income recipients (e.g. the executive, who sets his own wage rate) may be able to recover income tax by demanding an increased wage rate. In these cases, the response of hours worked to income tax changes is negligible.2 Since the present study will focus on exploring the validity of the above propositions, the aim will be to substantiate (or invalidate) the argument that tax withholding, the proportion of employees in the total labour force and the remaining factors play an important (and thus far largely neglected) role in determining the shape of the supply curve of labour. To this end, we modify the standard general equilibrium model to distinguish between two groups of labour. The first group encompasses all employees. The term ‘employees’ covers a wide range of working people (in manufacturing, retail and wholesale establishments, financial institutions, the public sector and so on) who bear two common features. First, they are subject to the provisions of labour legislation and to contracts that do not allow deviations from the prevailing working time pattern. In this case, changes in marginal tax rates may influence solely overwork and the working scheme of part-time employees, of (married) women, of newcomers to the labour force and so on. Second, a portion of their wage, corresponding to their personal income tax liability, is retained by their employers who refund it to the tax collection agency on a monthly basis (tax withholding). The second group of the labour force contains the remaining part, the so-called self-employed. In the present context, the term ‘self-employed’ denotes a large number of income recipients (e.g. employers, managers, farmers, freelancers, prop- QA: MM International Review of Applied Economics AQ1 3 erty owners) who are free to adjust their hours of work. They are also not subject to the tax withholding provisions, as their tax liability is assessed each year on income accrued in the previous year. Our analysis has two novel features. First, the labour force is not treated as a homogeneous group of workers subject to the same tax rules, as is the underlying assumption in all previous studies (see, for example, Yuan and Li 2000; Pisauro 1991; Barzel and McDonald 1973; Aronsson et al. 2002). Tax collection regulations differ between employees and the self-employed and the ratio of employees to the self-employed varies widely across countries and over time; as a result, the response of employees to changes in income tax rates may not be in the same direction or of the same magnitude as the response of the self-employed. Therefore, policy prescriptions for tax reform, in order to encourage incentives to work, may prove to be inefficient if they are based on the average response of the total labour force. Analogous reasoning applies to all of the previous studies (see, for example, Klevmarken 2000; Belfield and Heywood 2001; Blomquist 1983; Pencavel 1986) which divide the labour force into groups of workers (unionized or not, male or female, high- or low-skilled, white or other races, and so on), as no account is taken of whether each group contains employees and/or self-employed. Second, we extend our analysis beyond the limits set out by the micro econometric framework. There is a voluminous literature on labour supply based on micro data; a summary of this literature is given by Blubdell and MaCurdy (1999; Handbook of labor economics). It is argued that access to micro data is vital for our understanding of the economic incentives behind the decision to supply work hours. For instance, only micro data allow us to capture the (often complicated) influences that taxes and transfers may have on the choice sets and to use this information in the estimation. Notwithstanding the validity of these arguments, it seems equally defensible to examine the reaction of large working groups to tax rate changes by using a macroeconomic approach, which provides an interesting alternative to the micro econometric research. Different kinds of models have come under the heading of the income tax-working time relationship. However, existing literature leads to surprisingly different conclusions as to the effects of tax rate changes on working schedules. See, for example, Yellen (1984), Johnson and Layard (1986), Weiss (1980), Pisauro (1991), Fiorito and Padrini (2001), Aronsson et al. (2002). This paper extends the analysis of income taxation and working time patterns to a dynamic general equilibrium framework. In this context, two approaches are employed. The first approach is a comparative dynamics method of analysis that uses a simple Cobb-Douglas single-sector model with an equally simple government sector to provide numerical illustration of the effects of personal income taxation on work effort. In the second approach, the parameters of a more complex general equilibrium model with a CES production function are estimated econometrically for three industrialized countries (USA, the UK and Germany) and the relative coefficient values are used to carry out policy simulations and to evaluate the response of hours worked to changes in the marginal income tax-rate. In both approaches we find that tax withholding affects taxpayers’ labour supply decisions in the sense that incremental tax-rate increases reduce the working time of employees at a higher rate than hours worked by the self-employed. The paper is organized as follows. The essential features of the comparative dynamics model, accompanied by the numerical specification of the parameters, the 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 QA: MM 4 5 10 15 20 B. Dalamagas and S. Kotsios estimation results and inferences are presented in Section 2. Section 3 describes the theoretical foundation of the econometric model and specifies the propositions and hypotheses to be tested. Section 4 assesses the effect of marginal income tax rate changes on working hours, by utilizing standard simulation techniques. Conclusions and a critical view of the assumptions are undertaken in Section 5. 2. The comparative dynamics model Typical of most of the work on the response of working time to tax-rate changes is the adoption of a simple neo-classical single-sector growth model with an exogenously growing labour supply, fixed savings ratios and zero depreciation of capital. The government finances a given path of government expenditures using a combination of proportional taxes at different rates on the income of employees, on the earnings of the self-employed and on capital income. The crucial assumption is that employees – but not the self-employed – are subject to tax withholding. The exercise to be conducted is to estimate the response of hours worked both by employees and the self-employed to changes in the personal income tax rate. The economy is assumed to move along an arbitrary growth path indicated by the initial stocks of capital and labour, the savings behaviour and the government’s activities. The time path of per-capita government revenue, T, is given by T ¼ sWe he þ sf Wf hf þ sr rK 25 30 ð1Þ where s is the tax rate on employees’ income, sf is the effective tax rate on the earnings of the self-employed and sr is the tax rate on capital income; we ðwf ; rÞ is the hourly employee’s wage rate (hourly earnings of the self-employed, rental rate), he ðhf Þ is the annual hours of work per employee (self-employed) and k is the capital-labour ratio. All variables are time dependent but the time subscript will be suppressed except where needed for clarification. The statutory tax rate, s, is the same for both employees and the self-employed; however, s applies to the employee’s current income, whereas the current tax liability of the self-employed is calculated by applying the statutory tax rate to his previous-year income, given that the self-employed is not subject to tax withholding. The postponement of his tax payment is expected to generate an interest gain, with his effective or actual current tax obligation being defined as sf Wf hf ¼ ð1 iÞsWf ;t1 hf ;t1 ð2Þ 35 where i is the interest rate. Therefore, the effective tax rate for the self-employed is given by: ð1 iÞsWf ;t1hf ;t1 sf ¼ ð3Þ Wf hf 40 Per capita output is given by y ¼ Ak a h1a ¼ f ðk; hÞ 45 ð4Þ where h is the weighted average of the annual hours of work, h ¼ phe þ ð1 pÞhf , with p standing for the probability of being an employee. Given the savings ratios out of employees, se, of the self-employed, sf, and of capital, sr, and using the competitive rental and wage rates from the marginal QA: MM International Review of Applied Economics 5 productivity conditions, per capita accumulation can be represented by the differential equation: k ¼ ðse þ sf Þ½f ðk; hÞ sWe he sf Wf hf þ ½sr ðse þ sf Þð1 þ sr Þrk se Wf hf sf We he nk ¼ gðk; s; tÞ ð5Þ 5 where n is the rate of growth of the labour force. Equation (5) is a non-linear differential equation in k. For given paths of sr, of the savings ratios and of the annual per capita incomes of both employees and the self-employed, as well as for an initial value of k(0), equation (5) determines the path of accumulation of per capita capital for any arbitrary path of s the government might choose. To determine the path of k, ð~k ¼ @k @sÞ from equation (5) and to show how this path is influenced by changes in s, we follow a process similar to that described by Boadway (1979), who utilizes a proposition from the theory of differential equations to find that ~kðtÞ ¼ gs ðegkt 1Þ gk The derivatives of g with respect to s and k are calculated from equation (5). From the path of k, one can then determine the values of hours worked by employees and the self-employed over time (details on request). ~e h a 1 p k~ 1 1 p sf ð1 þ sÞ 1þ x 1þ x ¼ k 1þs p p sð1 þ sf Þ he rð1 aÞ 10 15 20 h where x ¼ hfe and r is the local elasticity of substitution. Following a similar process, we can derive the expression for the path of hours ~h worked by the self-employed, hff . To get an idea of the importance of the time dimension in the long-run response of working time to tax withholding, we will use the following numerical example. The economy is assumed to start in a steady state with the following parameter values: se ¼ 0:10; a ¼ 0:35; sf ¼ 0:20; p ¼ 0:40; sr ¼ 0:70; r ¼ 1; sr ¼ 0:25; s ¼ 0:15; 25 sf ¼ 0:12; x ¼ 1:20 30 The computations were done by employing a discrete time analogue of the model and using time periods of 0.05 years. The values of r and n used were 0.0015, which correspond to roughly 0.03 on an annual basis. ~ ~ ~ h Table 1 shows the time paths of the variables kk ; hhee and hff resulting from an increase in the tax rate, s, first on the employee’s income and then on the earnings of the self-employed. As becomes evident from Table 1, an incremental increase in the rate of personal income taxation reduces hours worked by both employees and the self-employed in the long-run. However, the working time of employees, who are subject to tax withholding, declines throughout the time period examined at a much higher rate than the working time of the self-employed, who are free of any tax 35 40 Time path of capital 0 0.0040 0.0080 0.0120 0.0159 0.0199 0.0238 0.0277 0.0316 0.0354 0.0393 0.0431 0.0469 0.0507 0.0545 0.0582 0.0620 0.0657 0.0694 0.0731 0.0768 0.3210 0.5218 0.7261 0.8498 Period 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 500 1000 2000 5000 Time path of the working pattern per self-employed 1.027 1.029 1.030 1.032 1.034 1.035 1.037 1.038 1.040 1.042 1.043 1.045 1.046 1.048 1.049 1.051 1.053 1.054 1.056 1.057 1.059 1.159 1.241 1.325 1.375 Time path of the working pattern per employee 2.482 2.485 2.487 2.490 2.493 2.495 2.498 2.500 2.502 2.505 2.507 2.510 2.512 2.515 2.517 2.519 2.522 2.524 2.527 2.529 2.531 2.687 2.815 2.945 3.024 6 Table 1. Time path of the working pattern per employee and per self-employed. QA: MM B. Dalamagas and S. Kotsios QA: MM International Review of Applied Economics 7 withholding constraints. This simulation was performed for a wide variety of realistic parameter values and the same order of magnitude resulted for the reduction of hours worked by employees and the self-employed. Thus, tax withholding appears to be of crucial importance in formulating individual choices, with the data providing evidence that this particular tax provision constitutes a major disincentive to work effort. Moreover, such a finding seems to be inconsistent with the prevailing view, according to which income taxes withheld are noticed less and hence they are less damaging to work effort than income taxes paid by direct assessment. However, the results of the present section should be interpreted with caution. It would be premature to derive policy prescriptions from inferences based on the analysis of the effects of income taxation on the growth path of an economy between two arbitrary points of time in a simplified model, the parameters of which have been selected to correspond to those used in the conventional steady-state numerical examples. To enhance understanding of the workings of the real-world economies in the presence of tax withholding provisions and to model the response of employees and the self-employed to income tax-rate changes, we will consider the case of obtaining empirical results based on a more sophisticated general equilibrium setting that describes taxpayers’ behaviour in three advanced countries (the USA, the UK, Germany). 3. The general equilibrium econometric model 3.1. Households Consider a two-group economy, in which the first group consists of employees and the second group is made of the self-employed. Households in both groups derive income from providing capital and labour services to firms. The fundamental uncertainty in the present analysis is, ex hypothesi, an exogenous shock to marginal income tax rates. The aim of the present study is to quantify the response of working time of both the average employee and the average self-employed to changes in the marginal rate of the personal income tax. The economy is assumed to be populated by a continuum of identical infinitely lived households. Each household is thought of as a very large extended family that contains a continuum of members. Members in each family perfectly insure each other against income variations, which are due either to the employment status (employees or self-employed) of the members or to changes in their employment status. The social planner evaluates streams of consumption services (ct) and employment (hours of work, ht), according to the objective function: E0 1 X bt U ðct ;ht Þ; 0<b<1 ð6aÞ t¼0 with preferences of the representative household specified as h1þr U ðct ; ht Þ ¼ U ðct Þ Gðht Þ ¼ log ct n t ; r P 0; n > 0 1þr ð6bÞ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 QA: MM 8 B. Dalamagas and S. Kotsios where b is the discount factor, r denotes the inverse of the inter-temporal elasticity of substitution for labour supply, and both U and G represent increasing and concave functions in their respective argument. The representative household can be thought of as consisting of a very large number of members who pool their income and, thus, provide each other with complete insurance against income losses or against changes in occupational status. Alternatively, the representative household’s consumption may be given by 5 10 C ¼ pce þ ð1 pÞcf ; AQ2 15 06p61 ð7Þ where ce is the average consumption per employee, cF is the average consumption per self-employed and p is the probability of being an employee. Substituting equation (7) into the utility function, equations (6a,b), permits the transformation of the so far exogenously treated occupational status, as indicated by p, into a choice variable for the household. The joint budget constraint faced by both types of households is: ct þ it ¼ pt we;t he;t ð1 sÞ þ ð1 pt Þ wf ;t hf ;t ð1 rt Þðst1 wf ;t1 hf ;t1 Þ þ rt kt þ ðnwÞt ð8Þ 20 25 where it is investment, we;t ðwf ;t Þ is the hourly wage rate (earnings) for employees (self-employed), st is the average (personal) income tax rate, rt is the interest rate, (nw)t is the non-wage income and kt is capital. The law of motion for the capital stock is given by Ktþ1 ¼ ð1 dÞkt þ it ; k0 ð9Þ givenwhere d2 (0,1) is the capital depreciation rate. 30 3.2. Firms There is a continuum of identical competitive firms in the economy, with the total number normalized to one. Each firm produces output yt according to a constant elasticity of substitution (CES) technology yt ¼ Akta ½pt ðebc t he;t Þq þ ð1 pt Þðebf t hf ;t Þq 35 40 1a q ð10Þ where q 6 1, pt is the share parameter (probability of being an employee), A is a neutral productivity term, and ebe t ðebf t Þ are factor augmenting productivity terms. Given the prices of output and factor rewards, the firm’s problem is to choose the amount of both capital and labour services that maximize the present value of profits, subject to constraint (10). From the maximization process, the wages of employees, the earnings of the self-employed and the return on capital are then derived. 3.3. Government The role of the public sector in our model is to collect taxes and spend the revenues on government purchases. Government spending, gt, is given by: QA: MM International Review of Applied Economics gt ¼ j0 þ j1gt1 þ j2yt 9 ð11Þ The government finances its expenditure by personal income taxes, Ty,t, and other direct and indirect taxes, Tt. The excess of government spending over tax revenue is financed by issuing government bonds, Bt ð¼ Bt Bt1 Þ with Bt standing for the public debt). Thus, the government budget constraint in period t is 5 10 _ gt ¼ Ty;t þ Tt þ Bt The progressive element of the personal income tax is captured by the following tax revenue function: Ty;t ¼ hðTBÞct 15 ð12Þ where (TB)t is the tax base which is given by 20 ðTBÞt ¼ pt We;t he;t þ ð1 pt Þwf ;t1 hf ;t1 In equation (12), the parameter c measures the elasticity of the income tax revenue with respect to the tax base, i.e. the degree of personal income-tax progressivity. The tax is progressive, regressive or proportional, depending on whether c > 1, c < 1, or c = 1, respectively. The average tax rate, st , is given by st ¼ 25 Ty;t hðTBÞct ¼ ¼ hðTBÞc1 t ðTBÞt ðTBÞt 30 whereas the marginal tax rate, st, is estimated as follows: st ¼ @Ty;t ¼ chðTBÞc1 ¼ cs t @ðTBÞt or st ¼ st c ð13Þ 35 Since the marginal tax rates are widely used in literature for tracing the sensitivity of hours worked to a tax reform (see, however, Fiorito and Pedrini 2001, for a different view), the average tax rate in the household budget constraint (8) will be replaced, in what follows, by its equivalent in equation (13). We close our model with the National Accounts identity 40 QA: MM 10 B. Dalamagas and S. Kotsios yt ¼ ct þ it þ gt 5 ð14Þ 3.4. Solving the household’s optimization problem The household, i.e. the average employee and the average self-employed, faces the problem of maximizing the expected discounted utility, equation (6a), subject to the budget constraint (8). From the first-order conditions we can then derive after appropriate manipulations (which are available on request) the employment equations for employers (he,t) and the self-employed (hf,t): 2 3a1 a2 st ð1 aÞy ð1 Þ t 1 pt 6 c 7 p 1 þ x ð15Þ he;t ¼ a0 4 5 t t wT pt ct ð1 þ wfT;t Þ c;t 10 where 1 1þr wTf;t wf ;t 1 1 r ; a2 ¼ and T ¼ ; a1 ¼ xt a0 ¼ n 1þr 1þr wc;t wc;t 15 hf ;t 3b1 2 b2 st pt 6ð1 aÞyt f1 ð1 rt Þcpt lt mt g7 1 ¼ b0 4 x 5 ð1 pt Þ 1 þ wT 1 pt t ct ð1 þ wTc;t Þ ð16Þ f ;t where 1 1þr wTc;t wc;t 1 1 1 r ; b2 ¼ and T ¼ ; b1 ¼ x b0 ¼ n 1þr 1þr wf ;t wf ;t t 20 pt ¼ 25 30 st wf ;t hf ;t ; lt ¼ ; mt ¼ st1 wf ;t1 hf ;t1 The coefficient values of the constrained estimation of the model (a0 = b0, a1 = b1, a2 = b2) will be used throughout the econometric analysis, as these values were found to be closely related to the coefficient values of the unconstrained estimation (a0 – b0, a1 – b1, a2 – b2). 4. Estimating the general equilibrium model In carrying out the estimation process, equations (9) to (16) have been used in the GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) to obtain the estimates of the parameters in the sample countries. To obtain GMM estimates, we have written the moment QA: MM International Review of Applied Economics 11 conditions as orthogonality conditions between the above nine expressions, including the corresponding parameters, and a set of instrumental variables (details available on request). Sources and definitions for all variables are reported in the Appendix. It should be stressed that data series on hours worked by employees had to be modified to account for the fact that employees are subject to contracts that do not permit deviations from the prevailing working time pattern. To this end, annual hours of work in the labour supply function for employees are redefined to represent the difference between the actual hours of work per worker in manufacturing – as given by the OECD Labor Force Statistics – and the statutory hours of work – as given by the Main Economic Indicators of OECD and the Data Stream. Such a difference may be considered to reflect the working time pattern over and beyond the official contracts (overtime, part-time work, occasional employment and so on). The application of the GMM requires that each equation includes only stationary variables. Thus, before estimating the model, the order of integration of the variables has to be established. To assess their time-series properties, we carried out the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) test. Table 2 reports the results from this test to determine the integrated processes of each individual series. The results suggest that, while the unit root hypothesis cannot be rejected for the levels of each of the variables (yt, kt, he,t, hf,t) in the production function, the corresponding first-differenced series are stationary. The same was shown to be true with respect to the equations for consumption, capital, government expenditure, tax revenue and employment. It was only with the interest rate equation that the test statistics for the interest rate and the output–capital ratio showed that the null hypothesis can be rejected in favour of the hypothesis that the series are I(0) at least at the 5% level. Investigation of the univariate stationary properties of the series is only necessary, but not sufficient, for adequately specifying the model. In addition, the number of common trends in the multivariate representations must be examined. Experimentation with the tests of Johansen and Juselius suggested the existence of at least one cointegrated vector in all countries at the 1% or 5% level. Table 2. KPSS test-results. Variable UK USA Capital–labour ratio, k Per capita output, y Ratio of employees to working population, p Annual hours of work per employee, he Annual hours of work per self-employed, hf Dk Dy Dhe Dhf 0.79 0.83 0.57⁄⁄ 0.80 0.94⁄⁄ 0.58⁄⁄ 0.51 0.67⁄⁄ 0.42⁄ 0.76 0.78 0.48⁄⁄ 0.89 0.82 0.70⁄⁄ 0.68⁄⁄ 0.56⁄⁄ 0.71⁄⁄ Germany 0.85 0.77 0.36⁄ 0.84 0.91 0.62⁄⁄ 0.49⁄⁄ 0.39⁄ 0.48⁄⁄ A-Note: ⁄and ⁄⁄indicate significance at the 95% and 99% critical levels, respectively. The null hypothesis is that the variable considered is stationary. The asymptotic critical values are 0.739 (1% level) and 0.463 (5% level). 5 10 15 20 25 30 Capital depreciation rate, d Capital share of output, a Discount factor, b Govern. spending equation (33) J0, constant term J1, coefficient on lagged g J2, coefficient on income Tax revenue function (34) log h, constant term c, tax-to-income elasticity Production function (29) log A, neutral productiv. term q, inverse of elastic. of subs t. be, employee’s productivity Employment equations (47),(48) a0 = b0, constant terms a1 = b1, coef. on income/ cons. a2 = b2, coef. on employees/self-employed Employment Dummy1 Dummy2 Capital utilisation rate Real unit labour cost Unionization rate 0.77 (0.06) 0.04 (0.01) 2.3 (0.62) 0.55 (0.06) 4.5 (2.1) 0.13 (0.05) 0.02 (0.003) 3.6 (0.83) 0.13 (0.06) 1.34 (0.28) – – – – – – 0.91 (0.16) 0.004 (0.03) 4.6 (1.67) 1.3 (0.07) 2.4 (0.45) 0.29 (0.12) 0.01 (0.007) 8.1 (1.68) 0.26 (0.14) 0.51 (0.14) – – – – – – 0.02 (0.006) 0.03 (0.003) 0.26 (0.08) 0.213 (0.02) 0.91 (0.32) 0.99 (0.43) 916.3 (934) 175 (86.6) UK – – – – – – 0.18 (0.07) 184.3(85.6) – – 14.2 (18.7) 64.3 (28.2) 63.5 (5.3) 0.54 (0.23) 0.23 (0.08) 0.016 (0.009) 6.7 (1.91) 0.002 (0.003) 7.7 (1.62) 0.81 (0.24) 0.39 (0.16) 1.5 (0.19) 2.7 (0.62) 0.85 (0.34) 0.014 (0.009) 5.2 (2.15) 0.02 (0.004) 0.27 (0.08) 0.93 (0.27) 865 (632) Germany 0.83 (0.27) 1.8 (0.83) 1.8 (0.28) 0.46 (0.13) 0.06 (0.02) 10.3 (16.7) 0.05 (0.002) 0.19 (0.02) 0.99 (0.33) 2592 (1238) USA USA – 1.8 (1.2) 3.9 (1.4) – – 230.1 (96.5) 0.87 (0.34) 0.15 (0.05) 0.031 (0.01) 4.7 (0.14) 0.28 (0.11) 0.64 (0.18) 3.9 (1.8) 0.79 (0.18) 0.05 (0.01) 2.9 (0.95) (Continued) – 3.9 (1.3) – – – – 0.25 (0.12) 0.53 (0.21) 0.012 (0.005) 6.87 (2.34) 0.68 (0.31) 1.6 (0.68) 2.3 (0.48) 0.54 (0.24) 0.08 (0.03) 12.4 (10.5) 0.03 (0.006) 0.04 (0.003) 0.257 (0.08) 0.27 (0.11) 0.99 (0.49) 0.98 (0.41) 189 (82.9) 2168 (1087) UK General equilibrium model with country-specific variables 12 Germany Standard general equilibrium model Table 3. Parameter estimates of the general equilibrium model. QA: MM B. Dalamagas and S. Kotsios UK – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – USA Standard general equilibrium model Germany Note: Standard errors in parentheses. Replacement ratio Unemployment growth Employment deviation ht–1 Reunification Table 3. (Continued) – – – – 0.65 (3.9) Germany 63.4 (42.7) – – – – UK – 304.5 (108.1) 14.1 (8.7) 0.58 (0.21) – USA General equilibrium model with country-specific variables QA: MM International Review of Applied Economics 13 QA: MM 14 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 B. Dalamagas and S. Kotsios In estimating the model, we applied the estimation technique adopted by Mankiw et al. (1985), who rely heavily on Hansen and Singleton’s (1982) method of manipulating the general case of non-linear rational expectations models. Model parameter estimates and standard errors for the sample countries are reported in Table 3. An objection that one might raise to the estimates of the standard general equilibrium model of Table 3 (first four columns) is that they are likely to warrant a limited degree of confidence if there are additional determinants of employment not accounted for by equations (9) to (16). This may be the case when one considers the possibility of expanding the initial data set along the lines suggested by OECD (OECD’s Economic Surveys, various issues). These surveys point to a number of institutional reforms and revisions in economic policy, which occurred during the period examined in the three countries (country-specific variables) and may have potentially influenced labour supply.3 The country-specific variables were added to the list of the RHS variables of equations (15) and (16), as additional explanatory factors of hours worked per employee and per self-employed. The augmented employment relationships, in conjunction with the remaining equations of the model, were again used in GMM to get new estimates of the parameters. The results are presented in Table 3 (last four columns). The revised estimates will be employed to examine the dynamic response of working time to marginal tax-rate changes. To this end, dynamic simulations of the model are carried out over the sample period. Using exogenous time series but only the starting values of the endogenous variables, the model generated historically simulated values for hours worked. We found that these values were close to average historical values, as indicated by the low values of the RMSE test (between 1.2% and 4.3%) for the equations considered. Thus, the model appears to track hours worked closely and provides as a basis run a good representation of the behaviour of the three economies in a disturbed sample period. Next, we carried out dynamic stochastic simulations to generate the time path of working time and conduct policy experiments in order to investigate how the model as a whole behaves in response to exogenous shocks to tax-rate adjustments. The dynamic simulations for each country were then compared with the control solution and the dynamic responses of each economy to tax-rate shocks were examined. In Table 4, we present average (over the sample period) estimates of the dynamic responses of hours worked to a permanent one standard-deviation shock to marginal tax rates. The general observation to be made from Table 4 is that the results are not at odds with those of the comparative dynamics analysis of the previous section, but they carry superior information. They provide us with numerical estimates of the effects of a one standard-deviation shock to tax rates on hours worked. In all of the sample countries, changes in working patterns move in the opposite direction to tax-rate changes. Thus, a persistent increase in the marginal tax-rate (from 29.6% to 36.6%) in the US leads to a 2.7% decrease in annual hours worked per self-employed. The corresponding reductions are roughly 2.1% in the UK and 1.9% in Germany. On the contrary, a one-standard-deviation rise in marginal tax rates results in an 8% decrease in annual hours worked per employee in the US (6% decrease in the UK, 7.2% decrease in Germany). 1987 2099 1951 1843 1973 1795 Dynamic simulations 2212 2302 2364 Control solution 2171 2253 2301 Dynamic simulations Hours worked per self-employed Note: All numbers represent average values of hours worked and tax rates over the sample period. Germany UK USA Control solution Hours worked per employee Table 4. Dynamic effects of marginal tax rate changes on work effort. 0.068 0.124 0.296 Control solution 0.080 0.154 0.366 Dynamic simulations Marginal (personal income) tax rate QA: MM International Review of Applied Economics 15 QA: MM 16 5 10 15 20 25 B. Dalamagas and S. Kotsios In general, inspection of Tables 3 and 4 indicates that: The tax-induced decline in work effort is smaller in the short run than in the long run, even though the rate of decline is not significantly high. The secular rise in leisure seems to be – at least in part – an expression of individual choices as a lot of institutional and legal factors, capable of affecting labour supply, have been taken into consideration in the econometric analysis. Even though in most cases employees are not free to adjust their working patterns, tax withholding – and hence directly observable cuts in take-home pay – make their supply of effort (especially overwork and part-time work) more elastic to income tax changes than is the case with hours worked by the self-employed. 5. Concluding remarks In this paper, we argue that an analytical approach to the tax–employment relationship that takes into account the distinction between employees and the selfemployed helps to generate important insights. To substantiate this argument, we constructed both a comparative dynamics model and a stochastic general equilibrium model in which employees and the self-employed enter as separate factors into the production process. The econometric model was estimated and tested for three industrialized countries over the period 1960–2007. The main points from these models can be summarized as follows. Increases in the marginal income tax rate exert negative effects on working hours either per employee or per self-employed, but the response of employees, who are subject to tax withholding, is stronger than the response of the self-employed, whose current-year tax will be paid in the course of the next year. Notes 30 35 40 45 1. For the sake of simplicity, the terms ‘work effort’ and ‘working time’ are used interchangeably in the present text to indicate weekly hours of work. In the real world, employees subject to contracts cannot vary working time, but they can vary effort, unless they are perfectly monitored. 2. As becomes evident from the above, our analysis will focus on the effects of an income tax on hours worked and no attempt will be made to examine the effects of the employee social security contributions. The underlying reasoning is that the response of working hours to increases in social security contributions is expected to be substantially milder than that of an income-tax increase, because of the redistributive or reciprocal nature of the former, as well as of the incometax progressivity. 3. In Germany: the unemployment rate – to account for the global reductions of working time in the 1980s and 1990s to reduce unemployment – together with unionization, capital utilization, real unit labour costs – which accompanied the reduction in official weekly working hours in the period 1984–1994 – and a dummy variable to control for the effects of reunification. Efforts to econometrically estimate relationships between variables such as employment rates and real wages for Germany over a period covering both the pre- and the post-unification years is expected to meet serious problems, because of the different experiences QA: MM International Review of Applied Economics AQ3 17 of the two parts of this country. To cope with this problem, we ran two separate regressions for the equations of our model. The first set of GMM estimates used data solely for West Germany over the period 1960–1990; the second set was based on combined data for both West Germany up to 1990 and the reunified Germany over the period 1991–2007, with a dummy variable to capture the effects of reunification. Both sets of GMM estimates gave parameter values of the same sign and the same order of magnitude for the crucial variables of the model. Table 3 displays the estimates of the second set, which refers to the entire period 1960–2007. In the UK: the ratio of unionized workers to their total number – to account for the strength of labour unions – the net replacement ratio – to catch the disincentive effects on hours worked – and two dummy variables: the first for the period 1999–2003 (to account for the effects of the Working Time Directive on hours worked) and the second for the period 1980–2004 (to account for the impact of all the reforms made to improve work incentives). In particular, the second dummy variable was introduced to account for the fact that the UK launched several initiatives in the period 1980–2004 to increase labour market attachment of the unemployed. A series of employment laws reduced employees’, and especially unions’ bargaining power. Wage Councils were largely abolished, welfare benefits reduced and eligibility tightened. The most important of these initiatives, which cannot be captured by the tax variable, are the following.In the early 1980s, marginal withdrawal rates could exceed 100%, creating strong disincentives to work. This anomaly was tackled in 1988 by calculating entitlement on net rather than gross income. The November 1994 budget introduced changes to employers’ national insurance contributions (NICs) to favour employment of the part time, the low paid and the long-term unemployed. The same budget introduced: (i) nationwide extension of the ‘workwise’ and ‘1-2-1’ schemes; (ii) extension of the ‘Community Action’ scheme; (iii) extension of the ‘Work Trials’ scheme; (iv) nationwide availability of the ‘Jobfinders Grant’. In 1995, Family Credit and the Disability Working Allowance offered an extra UK£10 a week to claimants working for more than 30 hours a week. In 1995, Invalidity Benefit was replaced by Incapacity Benefit, which applied a tougher medical test to assess incapacity and eligibility for benefit. In 1996, the means-tested component of the Jobseekers’s Allowance (JSA) replaced ‘Income Support’ as a safety-net benefit with a marginal withdrawal rate of 100%. To counter the disincentive to work, a ‘back-to-work bonus’ was introduced.In the period 1998–2001, the UK initiated important active labour market programmes to reduce unemployment and inactivity. They are welfare-towork programmes under the umbrella of the ‘New Deal’, which gives special attention to disadvantaged groups (young people, the long-term unemployed, lone parents, disabled people). The Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC) was introduced in 1999 to provide in-work financial support for families with children, in order to address the issue of workless households. 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Descriptions and sources The time series include Gross Domestic Product at market prices, private consumption expenditure, private capital stock, government consumption expenditure, personal income tax revenue, public debt, private investment, annual compensation of employees (excluding social security contributions) and the operating surplus of the private, unincorporated sector. All the above variables are deflated by the GDP deflator and expressed in per capita terms. Per capita values are obtained by dividing each of these variables by the population defined as the total number of employees and the self-employed. The remaining time-series used include the total number of the self-employed, the total number of employees, the lending rate and the weekly hours of work per worker in manufacturing. The annual hours of work of the self-employed are indirectly derived from the production function, as described in Section 3.4. The hourly wage rate is estimated as the ratio of the annual compensation of employees to the product of three arguments: weekly hours of work per worker in manufacturing, total number of employees and the number of working weeks per year (48). The hourly earnings of the self-employed are estimated as the ratio of the operating surplus of the private unincorporated sector to the product of two elements: annual hours of work of the self-employed and their total number. Non-wage income includes such elements as government transfer payments to households, interest payments on public debt to domestic government-bond holders and interest receipts from private deposits with domestic financial institutions. Most of the aforementioned annual data are provided by Data Stream. For some data, however, it was necessary to use additional sources: Flows and Stocks of OECD Countries, OECD, for the capital stock, National Income Accounts of OECD Countries, OECD, for the operating surplus of private unincorporated sector, and Labour Force Statistics, OECD, in conjunction with the Main Economic Indicators, OECD, for hours worked per worker in manufacturing. Missing observations in some of the years were approximated by using interpolation techniques. 20 25 30 35 40 45
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