1 2 3 4 5 'o -,2 P/ Thomas Lumsden FTI Consulting Inc. 199 Fremont Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 498-5000 Telephone: (415) 498-6318 Facsimile: Accountants and Financial Advisors for Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors 6 7 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT 8 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 9 SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 10 11 In re -Case No. 01-30923 DM 12 PACIFIC GAS AND E,LECTRIC COMPANY, a Califorrlia corporation, Chapter 11 Case 13 [No Hearing Scheduled] Dc,btor. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Federal I.D. No. 94-0742640 FTI CONSULTING INC. COVER SHEET APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCE AND PAYMENT OF INTERIM COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES FOR FEBRUARY 1 2003 TO FEBRUARY 28. 2003 FTI Consulting, (the "Firm"), submits its Cover Sheet Application (the "Application") for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period February 1, 2003 to February 28,2003 (the "Application Period"). In support of the Application, the Firm respectfully represents as follows: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 1. - - - The Firm serves as Accountants and Financial Advisors to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors. The Firm submitted an Application for appointment as Accountants and Financial Advisors to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors on September 27, 2002. An Order for Appointment of the Firm as Accountants and Financial Advisors to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors was entered on October 31, 2002, nunc pro tunc to September 1,2002. The Firm hereby applies to the Court for WD 071701/1-1419903/4293 1767/v 1 osewHpl I 8 a. " \ *.m ')~t 9 ; ail'owance and payment of interim ,compensation fog services rendered and reimbursement of .2. expenses incurred during the Application Period. 2. The Firm billed a total of $157,132 in fees and expenses during the 4 Application Period. The Total fees represent 409.4 hours expended during the Application 5 Period. These fees and expenses break dowii as follows-: .. 'I , I 6 .7 Period '8 Februay 1, 2003- $155,595 'L3 9 Februar 28, 2Q03 ; _Fees 3. 31 101 Expenses ' " ' r -Total - : - ' 1 _,_ seeKS allowance of iiterimn comtpensation in the total Accordingly', feF hi amount of$133,793 atthii tiimie. TjL's total is comprised asfolI6Ws 121 $157,1-32 - -' - - $132,256 (85% of th fe'es for services rendered)' plus $1153'i (IG0%' of the expenses . , 13 incurred). 'i4 , , y"--_ , . i ". - - Forihe W 6s:-petitioii-periodthePie irmn, as successcr to the Business 15 Recovery Service'si'ictice' ofPreiccwaferhouseCoopefs, LLP, has been paid to date as 16- follows:- . -*-- - -, 17 18 19 20 I ........ ..: ' _!.- Application Period - - * A A- . t Descripton--- - . A'pplied For :-, $803,6 4 ).2 First (April I, 2001 - C May 31, 2001) >E - 22 Second (June r, 2001- 23 July31, 2001) -: 90% of fees and 0t,,f xperiess $87o,002 ' '06T 90% of fees and I ----- , ., 6 . $803P642 - : -, - $870,002 ... itiO0:fexpense's 9 * > - '; ,| .1 24 I Ž1IiI ., _ O ' ): . fI )] . !i .. I …__. _ _ _ __ --_ ' ;I _, , I 26 tai I " ;, , . I* I r . II I" . I i 27 28 - ', , _, , , ', , ' ?>' ' 'Payment of this amount would r,esult in a "holdback" of $23,339 t I WD 071701/1-1419903/42/931767/v I . -2- AI I I x - i ,, " tl , 7, - I,,I -I4, ) , -! ,.- ", ! ,I , . V ', .;, Ir I , I;re ,, * .I .Al ( 2 of Pricewate6!useCoopes UP Application . * | t t t; '- ' |" ' ($1di6iiJ''-t"*<*1 ~ ($176,604) - -August-30,-2001) 7 burit Adjusiments .Iand Third (August 1, 2001 6 - 4 - -c.,, . "95% offe'& and'; |-- -100% -- $358,024 of expenses- __-*_ _B._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~,, .;,,, -h 1 |$35§,4[ - ¶ 8 |Fourth (Setember 1, 2001- $293',871 9 |-September30,2001) 11 |October 31X0)~tal.{ttl^ 12- Sixth (November i,2001-<* 1 $15,5-9fj 13 November 30, 2001) 14 | Second InterimFee 15 Application o |% p|85% of feesandc .- p- u .: .| 3, 19 Eight (January 1, 2002- 20. January 31, 2002) : 19QQ°f expenses i $223,013 f o00,of fxpenses -os February28, 2002) ,'cl?*.JQ, 1Q0'pfexpensesc,- ',f3 26 Application - - - $114,300 WD 071701/1-1419903142/931767/vi -.-- .f ;- - 100% of expenses . . - $1897814 !'. - a - I - -- 15% fee holdback ($128,506) net $114,300 -- -- -write-offs adj u 28 $197,888 of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | 27 - - -- pi __'______'__ 85% of fees and $89,8&14j , Tenth (March 1, 2002--r,^t Third Interim Fee -.-- $223,0131 -IoC 15o~offeles and tJ1 ]# - - .- j-at 85% of fe'es and$97' 25 - $192,887 -$i.9.. March 31, 2002) i q, -ofPricewaterI}ouseCoopersLLP, 21 - Ninth (February 1, 20Q2, 24 $n |2115,596 -'- -85% of fees and $192,887 2001-December 31, 20Q1)0,13;, - ' |adjustments ($52,564) | .18 _-.-_-. w}*^gi feehioq,,dback.($,I98,105) net $145,541 | 15o% | [ .--- $307,809 100% of expenses - Seventh (December 1, 23 i $293,871 , ~ffep,,epq,-, 199t$|°%9fexpqnsepssr k 17 22: . epenses, Q -8,9 |Fi hjf;top 'aid . 85% off -100%of 10 16 _, 110% feeholdback ($179,012) net $2,408 |$2,408 First Intieri m Fee 3- -5 -*, -3- ($3,705) -and expense- Li-($10,500) I 1 I Eleventh (April 1, 2002- 2 $185,003 100% of exp April 30, 2002) 3 Twelfth (May 1, 2002 - 4 $183,784 May 31, 2002) 5 8 Julyt31, 2002) 19 2002 - July 31, 2002) 13 ; ! 2002) 16 - . * ;r<i 2002 18 2002) : ; , $84,985 -- :, ^October 31, 2002) -,-it t r; I.' : '$315;139' -. 2002--November-30, 20 - *;7 ,._ $1,13;478 -i 85% fees ard'iC,% expenses Eighteenth'(Ncvefnberi1,- 19 $106,253 85% fees and&100% expenses in n ... Seventeenth (Octbber!1, .- 17 ''_____. net voluntary write-off ($3,353) _ _ $127,849 F 15% holdbadkl-fees;($109I,666) $84,985 2002 - September 30, 15 expenses $106,253 Sixteenth (September 1, 14 . 100% of experses $127;849' IM &5%,, of fces-and 100%6of Foiirtflrihterim (Aprl 1, 122 $204,553 85% of fees and _ . - 7 August 31, 2002) 11 $81,860 100% of expenses $204,553 1FIfeeftth'^(August 1, 2002;: 10 $183,784 85% offees and 7 1 Fourteenth (July 1, 2002 - - 100% of expenses - June 30,2002) 7 85% of fees and - .Thirteenth (June.T, 2002 - -$81,860 6 l$185,003 85% 6f fees and : - :;- , Id--5fees g aid-K0'% e,:penses ' ., *\. .. $113,478 $315,139 - .. - '' , 21 Nineteenth (December 1, 22 $227,074 $227,074 .K ., 2002 ' Deceffiber31, 23 85% fees and 100 % expens6s 2002) ___.,_-_.___ -__ __ _ 24 Fifth Iiterini (Auigustlt'- 25 - $115J27d '' ; 2002-NoVehiber30,' .'.t t5°'holdbackfees . - 26 2002)' , 27 -r - -' - - I 28. I WD 071701/1-1419903/42/931767/y1 -4- - $115,270 , -S. ' -, . , 1 4,'t -I _- :Twentieth (January' , 20Q3' r$160,122 2 -January 3 1, 2003) e_, ,85% fees and 100% expenses-,-. ',, , i ! - l, .vi;, ' J. i .Total Paid to the 4 - , ,, - this Application). -, - . # . '" _ ; 4- - . - - -- _ . - - ; . c$38,845~' ' i Tyventieth (January-l;12,003.z-,J,,ar> .$26,669 2003) wed 13 6. 15 - 24 2- 25 26 - 27- 4 v ,, zl.,.r,,j. 3 65J5}4 ' - With regard to the cojies of this Ap licatiqh'served on couffsel for the statements for the Application Period thiat comply with all Nprthern Distritt oftCalifornia 20 -~ *.t ' protessional;:apd (b)Jatta'ched~as Exhibits 24? anid 2r2Iare the detailedtime.and expense 19 23 . X, fee holdbhck 5 po $ '-: - peeMsfld1ack this;case during the period covered by ihis Applicatioh and the hourly ratt'for each such 18- 22 olate , J5, f Exhibit 1'hereto is thlneame of6a t1prifessionabwhd performed'serves.in conlection with 17 21 _ , ~esritin Committee, counsel for the Debtor and the Office of ihe United States Trustee, Attached as 16 - ; ->\ Total Owed to.Firm to.Dte: 14 - .t e ci t o :;.;O '>i~'-U , : ^~ w~ ------. - ,'j 10 31 ' 2002) - ; -- Nineteenth (D'ce-inber 1 1,, 2.O27,Deembe 12 : Amount __.- j - '. Am un.i . Application Period, 11 $5820,065 ,, , ; : - .* 8 .;. * To date, ,4the Firmnis 6wed ,s-follovs (excludiprjgzamoutnts owed pursuant to 5. 6 r, r. I . . Firmnto Date . -5 ; I.. ,$160,122 Bankruptcy Local Rules and Compen&tion Guidelines and the Guidelines of the Office of _ 'the United ;StatesTr 7. ! tustee;-u- --I Ir ",&,I , - t.> . .... i.-: I - .--- i The Firm has served a~copy of this Ajpplication (twithout Exhibits) on the Special Notice List in this case. . , Purstt,sConrt's 'O1R 8. :,-- -. ERFiSTABLISANG INTIRIM;FEE APPLICATION AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT PROREEDURE',which-was :entered on or about July 26, 2001, the Debtor id authorized to make the payment requested herein without a firther hearing or order of this Court unless an objection to this Application is 28 WD 07170111-1419903/42/931767v1 --5 I 1 filed with the Court by the.Debtor, the Committee or the United States Trustee and served b3 2 the fifteenth day of the month following the service of this Application. If such an objection 3; is filed, Debtofis-authorized to pay-thefmouints if any, not subject to the objection. -The 4 Firm is informed and believes that this Cover Sheet Application was mailed by first class 5 mail, postage prepaid, onaor about March 3,1, 2003. 6 7 9. I The interim compensation and reimbursement of expenses sought in this Application is on account and is not final. Upon the conclusion of this case, the Firm will 8 seek fees and reimbursement of the expenses incised for the totality of the services. -9, ,rendered in the case. Any interim fees or reim cirsement of expenses approved by this Court 10, and received by the Firm. will be credited against such final fees and expenses as may be 11i allowed by this Court. t.: 12 v 10. - The Firm represents and warrants that its billing practices comply with all 13 Northern District of California Bankruptcy Local Rules and Compensation Guidelines and 14 the Guidelines of the Office of the United States Trustee. Neither the Firm nor any members 15 of the Firm has any agreement or understanding of any kind or nature to divide, pay over or 16 share any portion of the fees or expenses to be awarded to the Firm with any other person or 17 attorney except as among the members and associates of the Firm. 18 19 WHEREFORE, the Firm respectfully requests that the Debtor pay compensation to the Firm 20 as requested herein pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of the 'ORDER 21 ESTABLISHING INTERIM FEE APPLICATION AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 22 PROCEDURE." 23 Dated: March 31, 2003 24 FTI Consulting Inc. By:i Thomas E. Lumsden, Senior Managing Director 26 27 28 WD 071701/1-1419903/42/931767/vl -6- Exhibit 1 . r.nnSummary of Time By Professional >-*-- i-.i. .Forthe Period.February-1;',2003 Through February 28, 2003 . t}~~~~i '-'. .m : Bl ,. .1. r.';1. 'inletrv; , Billing Rate Time Total ;-f * Title - Professional Huang, Theodore 4 Paraprofessional Kim, Angela Kitclti, jA rennlfer b tLursdein', tom X Reiss,~eds lt'ranglg~g6Er 'Sin,Theresa."^'. f ' 425 $$978 '2.3 ci Assodate Totals. 2.3 ; -W - :lr .i' ', $37,191 ' -.- ' Qtl851 L- :k'5.53. Director Young, Allison .S'; -J 695;'rif;laS,1 :*rGst : i 3'4S 107;8 -A i Cs' I55!$42,602 7 -,' ' r 9. h t300 ;,2;0 * $1,23 $4,307 Z > $57,475 4.1L300 '5S 78.3 `;tS!Magniredtor~t" I I Neis,-airget'y . '. - . c iionsultant Fee Total 475 121.0 Managing lbirector Ho, Rocky .. Gas and Electric 5Pacific .. 425,:t" .. ,' '. .I L.'-; ;:':s '$1,018 $978 $155,595 - i '4 *A.V~ ''";( V. f4 . ,: .:, ~-, ; *'** -i- I? ;'*. f|. 4 - ',;-.ti. . *x *(- f~t8-,S ':u -)v.~',2~ 1- " t|, .- o 4fJ ¶ ' .( t - / { F.:'' * .. @' ?W C: '\ I '-~ '_ '" .+ V, -', (' ;,, -f ,,I , f_ @' ' L., if .Pa~ge Iofl Pacific Gas and Electric Summary of Time By Task Code February-i, 2003 through February 28, 2003 Exhibit 2 Task Code ' i Issuesj.i Asset SalesNaluation S - . ' Time Total . . Bankruptcy Reportinsg/Operations 4.8 $2,006 11.8 $5,420 6.2 Cash Flow Analysis Claims Analysis Fee Total $2,905 26.9 $12,809 31.0 $11,540D 0.2 $119 117.4 $59,674 DWR Contracts/Analy sis 42.0 $16,341 Fee Application 10.7' $2,005 4.5 $1,653 Financial Statement Mlodeling 33.6- $12,046 Financial Statements '18.0 $9,675 11.5 $6,187 0.3 $104 77.8 $5,653 12.7 $7,461 40S.4 $155,595 -4. CPUC- Review CPUCIOCC Plan of Re organization r- F .- Debtor Plan of Reorgainization FERC Review General Committee Maitters : Legislative Review Professional Compenis ;ationi Matters, ; ' 1, - . I , , Tr.ai ToalS ¼ ! . . - , -, ' , I- Subcommittee Matters , t I I I .. I . . Page I of I Exhibit 2-1 PacifciGas ahidE) tric Timq Reporting -Detail PX Februar1, i. Date Professjonal Hours Billing Rate Fees Description, , Asset Sales/Valuation Issues Task Code: ; Repoitingby Task Code O4 through February28,2003 -. , Lumsden, Tom 2/17/2003 4.. . 1.4 $595 $833.00 Review updates of utility transactions to assess impact on TEL testimony on PG&E valuation. $833.00 SubTotal:, Lumsden, Tom W . I,t I, ,1 eM Neis, Margery 2 2112/2003 Neis, Margery 2/14/2003 1 $345 $310.50 Update valuation analysis 2.5 $345 $862.50 Research multiples valuation .'iV S 4;,,, SubTotal: 0.9 Neis, Margery i.~ Total: Asset Sales/Valuatlon Issue Task Cqde: 3.4 $1,173.00 4.8 $2,006.00 I *,.- Bankruptcy Reporting/Operations 2/3/2003 Ho, Rocky, 2'1 $475 $997.50 2/512003 Ho, Rocky tp $475 $665.00 Review and analyze debtor's opposition to motion by city doAfascaddro for relief from automatic stay and supporting declarations/ exhibits. - $1,235.00 Review and analyze notice of motion and motion for authority to incur post-petition secured debt in coninectrin with natural gas transportation agreement with PG&E Gas Transmission and various supporting documents. ,. t . , . -_ . ,' I -- 2/10/2003 Review and analyze notice of motion for authority to Incur Lease Extension Fees and supporting documentation. `* ' ; . W.-... Ho. Rocky S:-., ; A, . - . -26 _ --_$475 _ Ho, Rocky 2114/2003 1.1 $475 $522.50 Review and analyze debtors 4th motion to incur misc implementation expenses. Ho, Rocky 2/18/2003 1.4 $475 $665.00 Review and analyze motion to the termination agreement between East Bay Municipal Utility District and PG&E memorandum of points and authorities In support thereof. Ho, Rocky 2/26/2003 1.3 $475 $617.50 Review and analyze PG&E 8-K disclosure statement on its amended plan. 9.9 SubTotal: Ho, Rocky Huang, Theodore SubTotal: 2/6/2003 Huang, Theodore Monday, March 31, 2003- 1.4 . 1 $4,702.50 $300 1.4 $420.00 PG&E - Review news releases regarding Gas Accord II filing to determine proceeding number and obtain copy of filing $420.00 Page I of 1 Date,v - Houts Billing Pate --Fees Professional Professional Lumsden, .,. Toni I I Date - Hours Billing Kate - 215/2003 i SubTotal: Lumsden, Toni $596 0.5 .:- '! r I', ' . H - I Total: Bankruptcy Reporting/Opera Task Code: .Description Descr4ition Fes $297.50 - Review PG&E motion re lease extension re POR transition costs, email comments to R. Ho 0.5 $297.50 11.8 $5,420.00 Cash Flow Analysis Ho, Rocky 2/6/2003 0.6 $475 $285.00 Review and analyze Potrero capital expenditure project. Ho, Rocky 2111/2003 1.1 $475 $522.50 Review and analyze Potrero-Hunters Point 115 kV capital expenditure project. Ho, Rocky 2/18/2003 1.6 $475 ' 760.00 Review supporting documents to Potrero-Hunters Point 115 kV capex project 212 12 2.. $47 2/20/2003 2.,I $997.50 Review and analyze supporting documentation for the Potrero-Hunters Point capex project I I Ho, Rocky Young, Allison 2/26/2003 SubTotal:' Young, Allison _o : Task Code: 0.8 @i: 2II10i03 Ho, Rockxy 2/3/2003 . . I , Ho, Rocky Ho, Rockv $425 *2 . - ____ $475 $570.00 Review and analyze Moss Landing stipulation. $475 $522.50 Review and analyze California Regional Water Quality claim - spoke with debtor (J Bustarude re:suppoit for settlement. $475 $855.0O Review and analyze notice of motion and motion for an order authorizing compromise of claims of California Regional Water Quality Control Board. ,. 213/2003 1.1 , - ,- 1-.8. Ho, Rocky 21412003 1.4 $475 $665.00 Ho, Rocky 214/2003, 1.1 $475 $522.50 Review and analyze United Rental's stip and supporting documentation. - 21512003 ,. Ho, Rocky Monday, March 31, 2O03P 2/512003 Update PG&E 2003 cash flow projections. $2,9I00 - Ho, Rocky . $340.00 6.2 1.2 . 2/3/2003 $340.00 6o 1.2 I $2,565.00 0.8 , Claims Analysis ' Ho, Rk 5.4 S.4 - , Cs* Total: Cash Flow Analysis . .,, . ., SubTotal: Ho, Rocky 475 - 16 _. 1.3 Review and analyze with OCC counsel (L Ball / M Sorochinsky) on various motions 2nd stips up for hearing. $475 $760 00 Review and analyze response of Patterson Pass Wind Farm LLC to debtor's objection to claim No. 8923 and supporting declarations / exhibits. $475 $617.50 Review and analyze reply of the debtor in support of the procedural objection to amended claim of Neo California Power LLC. , Page2 of 15 tX Date Professional lozq, Rocky , v ,2/5/2003 ,, - ,0 ' . .Ho'rs Billing R 2.5 £, 5'475 - ~>Description -teFees 51,187.50 '-T!t ' ; .1A 2/612003 Ho, Rocky 0.7 $475 $332.50 2121/2003 1.6 Ho, Rocky 2/26/2003 1.1 ' and omnibus objections to ISO and generator claims and various responses from objected parties (Mirant, Duke Energy, etc .).,,, Discussion with counsel on various motions objections;, ,. .L. b Ho. Rocky , Review and analyze notice of omnibus objections $475 $760.00 Review and analyze Diablo claim settlement with Dept of T6oidcSubstace Control. - $475 $522.50' Review' and analyze the Seerno Claims stipulation and supporting documents including a conference ,< ': .; 'liV -' i " 5 ... _1 - call with Debtor' Ho, Rocky 2/2612003 1.2 2126/2003 ---'212612003 Ho, Rocky H1 0.7 .2'27'2; 'R '3.- Ho, Rocky' ' ': - fO ',, ,, Review arqd $475 $332.50 Discuss status of various motions with OCC counsel. $475 $380.00 Review and analyze debtors motion to Incur additional fees on Plan Implementation Issues. $475 $807.50 Review and analyze various stips (ISO I RMR charges, Duke Moss Landing, Southem;,Cal gas, Ž.. 2127/2003 0.8 0U J' 1. '.; Ho, Rocky 212712003 -1e.3. Ho, Rocky 2127/2003 i. . .J 21 Ho, Rocky V/28J2003 Ho, Rocky 2/28/2003 SubTobt faol:boc9 I -, R ,a , Lumsden,,Tom".-, SubToial.' .. SubTotaih Lumkden, Tom 2127/203 Reiss,;Freddie _'.'. SubTotal: _, ' :: Nels,-Wia&,y¢. $617.50, Review and analyze FER~dockets in support of the Geyser Power stipulation. $475 $522.50. $475 '. - -$902.50 * Review and analyze ex parte application for order authorizing comprorpise-of claims of CAlifornia Department 6ofToxic Substances Control and supporting affidavits I documentation. $332.50 0.35 $595 Reiss, Freddie $178.50 0.5 $345 $172.50 $297.50 - , . Monday, March 31,2003 * , Review trial update on claims estimation updates. 'f $297.50 0.5 ,. -, Review Reliability Must Run CAISO tariff methodology for Geysers power plant claim. $172.50 $595 0,; Review details'of claims update and pass thru claims $178.50 0.3 ; 0.5 ., Review and analyze Des Michael Carey claim. $12 160.00 z; Fr . Review and analyze stipulation regarding allowance of claim of Des Michael Carey.' .' ',2f54093, r 'Rei ts - $475 ., F ;t 2/52003'.. Neis, Margery Review and analyze Geyser Power Co. stip. .2. IJ> ~ I 3s $380.00 ^-- S-475 - 0.7 * . . - #,_,-, 9t e $475 ,- , CV' -.- 475- . 1.9 , Z rialyzp Geyser Power stipulation. % others). Ho, Rocky - - 2127/Z0i03 -'17 ' tj - -1 $570.00 r$475 .:. Ho, Rocky s I \ r:. ,Page3 of .'S,:,> Dalte Professional tIHours Billing Riiet - - Total: ClaimsAnalysis -,Fees . " 26.9 Description S12,808 50 CPUC Review Task Code: Ho, Rocky * 2/6/2003 0.8 $475 $380 00 Review summary draft proceedirigs re:CPUC hearing on the Joint POR Plan. Ho, Rocky 2/14/2003 ' 0?/ $475 $332.50 Review and monitor recent CPUC activities. Ho, Rocky 211812003 .1.a $475 $855,00 Review and analyze the California Energy Commission - IOU Retail Electricity Price Outlook 2003 - 2013. Ho, Rocky 2124/2003 0.7 $475 ^!:332.5:' -- RZ AYACVi2.nd analyie :ecent CPUC pronouncements on various issues. subTotal: Ho,Rodoy -: .. - * - 4 t . I-, - 4 $1,900.00 -; Lumsden, Tom 211012003 0.2 $595 $119.00 Review email on CPUC matters re PG&E rate proceeding,.-, Lumsden, Tom 211112003 0.4 $595 $238.00 Review emails re CPUC activities affecting PG&E 7/2003 0.7 $595 $416.50 Review CPUC hearing summaries re DWR revenue requirements as It affects PG&E Lumsdcen, Tomni1 ,, .-. . .- t ,- SubTotal: Lumsden, 'ToI' Neis, Margery 2/412003 - - Neis, Margery . . .. 4 _ 21712003 SubTotal:- NVeis, .l4argery Monday, March 31, 2003 $828.00 Review CPUC filings 143 $345 $483 00 Look for information on Gas Accord 11filing by PG&E at the CPUC. -4.3 S345 $1,453.50 Review CPUC filings in several proceedings affecting PG&E, I.e., procurement, rate increase, departing load. Review relevant state legislation. Review California Energy Commission report on utility rates. 2/2512003 2.1 .$345 . $724.50 Recreate ORA'S allocation methodology (foi DWR long-term energy contract allocation) in Excel to understand and apply the methodology to FTI contract model. - 27. 0 . 212712003 - 2.6 2.6 $345 $897 00 Download and review CPUC filings. 212G12CC3- 2I . Nels;Margery . $345 Review CPUC filings/decisions 2/1112003 , Type of notes of previous day's evidentiary hearing. $345 00 Neis, Margery ,Neis, Margery $2,035 50 $345 2/1012003 -- $345 #, , t _ 2.4 1, 1 Neis, Margery Neis, Margery Attend CPUC hearing on implications of TURN pr3oposal on PG&E POR. - 5.9 - 2/02003 * Marger 4 $2,070.00 $345 * 2/5/2003 - N 6 ,.-? , Neis, Margery $773.50 1.3 - 34 0 , .I -25s7 $8,866.50 Prge4 of 15 - w ; .-, Date- ,,<,z/lou ;JIours Date Professional Professional Billbqg fflre. ,es Billing 1?a(e Fees ,.. -. . _ _ _ . *. 228/2093 *,-, 0.2 Lumsden, Tom ( ,: ,;- 1(,t, -I", Task Code::s .- DejbtorPlan of.ARerganiatiqn 2/612003 C Ho, Rocky i ctr, Ho, Rocky - - 'I, I Ho, Rocky -. Q'8 rI , . L ~, . . v $475 $380.00 Review and analyze CPVCniotion for discovery. $475 $522.50 $ . Review and analyze Harris testimony. aC rtI aennc at confimat ion h1earing 2/10/2003 f2- 03- 1.1 I -1. 2/11112003;i . $475 S570.00 Partial attendance at confirmation hearings. * ei,, 1A $475 $665.00 ,..G; -, I .!s. I% ,; r -L- , Review and analyze debtor's plan Issues re:NOP matters arnd varjoul assignment desIgnations, 'J, ' ; I . 1i \!J- )3r* I Ho, Rocky -2/11t/2603 Ho, Rocky 2/12/2003 , i.. )(, :1(J -. I, -' 'n 2/11112003 ! i I, $$119.00 1 . Ho, Rocky .. $119.00 ,. , . __ \ ., ,Review PG&E plan schedule, CPUC testimony schedule, disclosures In 10K and S&P conditions. .$119.00 (, , ;95 ',,, Cg- I , , r. SubTotal: -Lumsdon, Tomr JTotalC , . _ CPUC/OCC Plan of Reorganization Task Code: I. 11. . Description $11,540.00 31 , q Total: CPUCReview r,seDescription . jl 1.1 *, i-la; ? $475 i.';t4' - ; .S7 - -. ;t I $665.0 Revie an analyztesioyofJmsHarsI $66S.00 Review and analyze testimony of James Harris In , opposition to the PG&E-Plan. $522.50 Review and analyze Kuga report prior to hearing. \, Review and analyze - attend PGE Plan confirmation hearing - Roy Kuga testifying. $475 $3,087.50 1.6 $475 $760.00 C.. I 4.2 $475 $1,995.00 1.7 - $475 $807.50 .-w. Review and analyze Kuga Issues - PSA, master separation matters, etc. $475 $712.50 Review and analyze draft letter I terms provided by PG&E Corp toS&P re:revised financial structure of plan. $475 $1,187.50 2/18/2003; r-A-2V S475: $570.00 Review and analyie PG&E filed modifications to the Plan. _ Ho, Rocky 21812003iIc.i7 $475 $332.50 Review and analyze draft NRC order denying NCPA I TANC positions on antitrust concerns and operating matters re: tiansfer of assets to Gen. --. . - Ho, Rocky 2/19/2003 $475 $522.50' Ho, Rocky ' .. ); .. 2t1 2WO3.-' ; .' - . 2. ,8 :'o Ho, Rocky - 6-6,4 , S- 2/13t2003 r, a. Ho, Rocky 2/13/2003 Ho. Rocky 2114/2003 ;, r Ho, Rocky 1l1 * 2118/2003 Ho, Ho, Rocky .* OUf'* -Rc -. ,, 4 2/803*' ' HoRockyw -., - a-. ; i)* 1.5 ,' ; . r1.1 ' '7 .1 ,~ ' "y,, , , ,., Review and analyze debtors PSA / bilateral arrangements - re:dispatch issues. I I Partial attendance to review Kuga cross examination. Review and analyze PG&E's amended projected financials with revised capital structure. -tReview and analyze 2112/03 projections 1a- Reorganized debtor. Monday, March 31, 2003 Alk~e 5 of l 5 . . Professional Date Ho, Rocky Hours Billing Rate -Fees 2/1192033 - , ' 3.4 ,-. Ho, Rocky ' ;i $475 . .. Description $s,865 00 Review and analyze plan changes for PGE submitted as of 2112/03 to original filed Plan. $1,187.50 Review and analyze 2/12/03 version of PG&E plan projections for Gtrans, Gen and Etrans. 2119r2003- 2.5 Ho, Rocky 2/19/2003 - 1.7 $475 '$807.50 Review summary finandal analysis of revised PGE POR. Ho, Rocky 2,'20/2003 2.1 $475. $997.50 Review and analyze notice of fourth motion fo, authority to incur miscellaneous implementation expenses. Ho, Rocky *2/012003 -2.5 $47s $1,187.50 Ho, Rocky 2J20/2603 , *$475 $475 ' ., Ho, Rocky 1.2 - . Ho. Rocky Ho, Rocky . 1.4 0 2. 2/21/2003 2.1 2/2412003 Ho, Rocky .2/24P20133 . Review and analyze April POR changes - DWR allocations. $475 $475 $665.00 Review and analyze draft analysis of April POR to Feb 2003 FOR,, - $475 $997.50 $475 4.1 . $570.00 Review and analyze PG&E projections (as of 2/1,1303). Ho, Rocky . $475 , sT 2/21/2003 2/ ; ., Review and analyze credit report issued by S&P re.PGE Plan disaggregatlon. a, 2/21/2003 ; .4i,:00 Review and analyze draft of summary changes between PG&Es original POR to its revised version. 1.1 $1,947.50 $522.50 * - Review and organize Amended PGE POR dated 2/24103. Review and analyze draft market capitalization issues with revised POR. . ., Ho, Rocky. $475 $997.50 Review and analyze PG&E Corp Credit Agreement re.Lehman CP. $475-. U9250 R6view and arllyze term sheet of proposed securities of revised PG&E POR. Ho, Rocky 2/2512nC3: H-4o, Rocky, * 2/25/2003 Ho, Rocky 2/26/2003 1.4 £475, $665.00 Review and analyze PG&E amended POR. Ho, Rocky 2/26/2003 1.5 $475 $712.50 Review and analyze PG&E Corp's credit agreement. Ho, Rocky 2/27/2003 08 $475 $380 00 Review draft timetable ruling in the status hearing, disclosure issues. Ho, Rocky '212&/2003 1.1- $475 $522 50 Review and analyze gas supply issues. SubTotal: ho, Rocky Kitchin, Jennifer SubTotal: a1.1'< ; (18 ' - 212112003 2.3 Monday, March 31, 2003 2/6/2003 %P.0.00 59.9 0.6 Review and arnJyr0 PGE Corp cap structure. $28,45250 $425 $977.50 2.3 Kitchin, Jennifer Lumsden, Tom a Review financial structure analysis for new PG&E plan$977.50 $595 $357.00 Review status of POR confirmaton trial, PG&E reports and strategy. Page 6 of 15 - S. 1Pate~; ^.l.,ours Billing Ratf, Fees Professional , , LumsdenTon, 21712003 ,. I ^ LumsdenTom. s n .>Descriptiotn Review reports filed by PG&E financial experts re Debtor POR for confirmation trial. $.S952.00 $1 547.00 e'articipate.4n PG&E confirmation trial,.review financial expert reports. $1, 904.00 Ppirtlcipate in PG&E POR confirmation trial, review J. Harris report. Assist counsel. 3 I- $595 $1,785.00 - Attend confirmation hearing on PG&E POR, review Seneca report and provide comments and assessment to counsel. ca 3*-i'I..2 :.: Wj'.2, 0.3.45 2.1;, ,,2/1/200,3 $595 $2,023 00 Attend Court treal on PG&E POR confirmation, review Seneca expert report. r$5,9 5 $357.00 Review PGf trial summaries. $595 $416.50 Review PG&E documents re motions and 2/11/2003 , o Lusen Tom Lumsden, ,, , 2/183/2003.-..., ,1. _ Lumsden, Tom .2 .-..,2/1P/22003; , f .m l Lumsden, To , 2.4 *2/1012003 Lumsden, Tom, Z,$sqq .1.6 "I .. . 0.7 2/17/2003 Lumsden, Tom declaratoFis to req4uest additional plan; " evt.' *'. implementation expense. Summarize costs for Committee. - . J, J ' ta^s'9v' } -. f o-:,r.^ * *'2' Lumsden, Tom 2/18/2003 1.3 $595 $773.50 Lumsden, Tom 2/18/2003 ^-.7 '$595 $1,011.50 Review PG&E materials on Exhibit C update and S&P letters. Participate in PG&E confirmation hearing, Kosturas testimony on PG&E solvency and dividend payments.E: .l' S j .'* . . -2/19/2003'r Lumsden, Tom ':4t 'il; * R- ' -:i' i f -' :: Y3'2/19?2203'x.- Lumsdeo.,Torn"'.,. Lumsden' Torm : ~ ~t 'r" ', . la~ :j C;.' . Lumsden, Tom 2/20/2003 Lumsden, Tom 2/20/2003 Lumsden. Tom 2/21/2003 a 32 Monday, March 31, 2003. ..* t.- Lt.1 :-i $53.50 Review S&'etfer ard conditions, review exhibit C updates $595 $773.50 c *, Review exhibit C operating assumptions and compare to priortplan. and UBS models. $595 $1,011.50 0.7 $1,130.50 ',-$9 - - $595 $476.00 $595 $416.50 -! . , Prepare analysis of old vs new Exhibit C numbers and summarize for Committee conference call. -- - = 0.8- Review press reports from PG&E on POR changes. evaluate Parent financial position re same. - 1.7 . $S78.50 'b 1.3 2/19/2003 Lumsden, Tom Review email bh PG&E POR changes and on NRC decision re Genco. $59&. -~ -t, 2/19/2003 $410.50 . :$595 2 q9' '.) Lumsden, Tom _ 0.3 r 85t'['2ist0- i3| 1 .7 2'vt*A ' Participate In PG&E confirmation trial re disclosure of modificattohs§ td PG&E plan re Parent Equity contribution and shift to secured debt In newcos. C.*i e v~l.ft& *lus- .,' $892.50 $595 1.5 2/18/2003 Lumsden,.Tom ^- Perform detailed review of Exhibit C schedules "-' . Identifying POR cliinges. :. I..; ''vt .__Ii <,a $535.50 $595 0.9 2/18/2003 Lumsden. Tom n .. S&P measurement Review S&P letter, Exhibit -Cand criteria for investment grade fating, assess riskZ level and correlation of S&P letter comments with numeric scoring. Review and edit summary of Exhibit C changes for distribution to Committee. , Analyze PG&E Exhibit C projections for equity Investment by parent for market feasibility and n . -- dilution at parent level. Page 7oflS I Professional A Date - S ours BillingRate 2/24/2003 Lumsden, Tom A A Fees IIDescription - 0.4 $59 5 $238.00 Review PG&E parent analysis and disclosure terms of parent debt as they may affect POR funding. AI Aon Lumsden, Tom 2/25/2003 1.3 $59!5 $773.50 Perform additional review of Exhibit C materials for discussion with Committee. Lumsden, Tom 2126/2003 - ' 08 $59! 5 $476.00 Review classification of S&P letter for preparation for Committee conference call. Lumsden, Tom 2/2612003 1 $59! $595.00 Review comparison of S&P letter conditions for PG&E with that provided to UBS/CPUC. Summarize and assess differences. 2/2712003 - 03 $595 $178.50 Discuss trial schedule and discovery with objectors. 2/27/2003 3.1 $595 Lumstien, Torn - Lumsden, Tom . I I I-, S1g $1,844.50 . * IA SubTotal: Lumsden, ToM 1 . ~ Attend PG&E status conference on confirmation hearing trial scheduling, discovery, deposition schedules. $21,59a50 .~ . .3 3.3 Neis, Margery 2/14/2003 Nels, Margery Neis, Margery $172.50 0.5 5345 21 i 8/2003A 4.3 $345 ; $1,483 50 Review and analyze variances in PG&E's new POR. ?J19i20t31 5.6 $345 $1.972.00 Continue to review PG&E's new POR numbers. -- SubTotal: Nels, Margery 10.4 - Review Milbank memos on plan modifications $3,588.00 Reiss, Freddie I2119/2003 0.7 $595 $416.50 - Read pleadings regarding plan implementation expenses. Reiss, Freddie 22124/2003 1 $595 $595 00 Update regarding S&P rating and changes in plan. 2/25/2003 3.3 $595 $1,963.50 v2 Reiss, Freddie 22/26/2003 , Read new plan of reorganization. l595 0.5 $595 Review FTI summary of new plan. U297.50 A Reiss, Freddie 212712003 3 $595 SubTotal: Reiss; FredoiO Total: DebtorPlan ofReorganizatio Task Code - A . $1,785.00 A A. Court hearing regarding changing PG&E plan. 85 $SS,057.50 117.4 $59,674 00 DWR Cor tracts/Analysis Ho, Rocky 214/2003 Ho, Rocky Ho, Rocky Monday, March 31, 2003 08 $475 211112003 08 - $475 $380 00 2/24/2003 1.1 $475 $522.50 - S380.00 Review and analyze revised DWR model and allocation matters. A Review and analyze draft DWR allocation analysis, Review and analyze revised DWR projections and allocation issues. Page 8 of 15 -E . I- 1t I .%..Desc Ho,Rocky SubTotal: * ) ; - r- ~ -wre ~~- ~ - .- ; -- r Lumsden, Torm . .tF r - - * .,, ... Lumsdefi Totn - - . / \9': *':- / 0.5 $595 $297.50 Review DWR calculations and Impact on PG&E plan cash flows * $595 $952.00 Review and edit models of DWR revenue requirements and contract calculations prepared by M. Neis, analyze changes from prior analysis and impact on cash flow of Joint plan. $1,07-1.00 Review DWR rpodel and cost components of revenue requfIereents, correlate with CPUC hearing testimony and rulings, r., .J -... * , .4v- .A Vi . . _t - ; .:- 4,I * .' . .1." $3,570.00 6 Lumsden, Tom 1:- VI- . I Review updates to DWR models for additional settlements and contract modifications announced by DWR, assess impact an cash flow, Compare 20032007 numbers to P6&t plan.- ' $833.00 $595 1C *f.4 ',t-2/26/2003 . SubTotal: Review DWR materials on rework of estimated power purchase pEosts adjusted for settlements. i% 1_a ,': $416.50 - , , 3 ;., 24 20 2 $595 1.6 0 ,>D,escriprin... 0.7 I *- * <, $1,282.50 t 2117/2003 Lumsden. Tom ,w- o,_ C, -' & 2114/2003 Lumsden, Tom ees 2.7 2111/2003 Lumsden, Tom -~ BIing Rate, H Date Professional 3,45 $2,TA4.50 Update DWR Long-term energy contract model with renegotiated contracts. $346I. $1,207.50 Update DWR long-term energy contfact model -'do some scenario analysis with gas price forecasts. $345 $1,242.00 Review renegotiated Williams contracL Update DWR long-term energy contract model. 120 35 1 03 - $345 $1,207.50 Update DWR numbers and summarize for team. .Calculate effect of Allegheny contract Neis, Margery 2112/2003 - 333 $345 $1,138.50 Review renegotiated Williams conitract and gas contracts Neis, Margery 211312003 1.5 $345 $517.50 DWR contracts review Nels, Margery 2/2412003 0.5 $345 $172.50 Review DWR payment estimates. 3.5 $345 $1,207.50 Review DWR payment estimate assumptions compare to previous estimates in Join plan -and t PG&E plan. Reviewfootnotes. Research CPUC decisions and draft decisions, especially relating to , lbond revenue .reqire yent for CDWR. 5 $345 $1,725.00 DWR payment estimates - change presentation and edit fo6tn6tes -update'spot price 'assumptions, allocaton medthdodog . power charges as amended by recent CPUCdecisions. Nels, Margery Z Neis, Margery Nels, Margery, 2/12003 81 216/2003o 3.6-S' --- 2/020 2 Neis, Margery .6 .3.6 - 2110/2003 Neis, Margery , t,, ,1 ' ',! . ;, ) i, I . ,T, _1 _. - 71t _ I . , Marger Neis, Margery 2/25J2003 Neis, Margery 2126t2003 , - Neis, MargerySubTotal: - ; Neis;Mar9&ry ' :- ell, Monday, March 31, 2003g . i Ir .. If .' _ 33.3, n ., $276.0O S45' _" 6 2/2712003 - . , -,.' 6 Make"final edits andnotes to DWR paymcnt estimates. 5$11,488.50 -- ,,t.) * I L ., i Pag,? ofJS " " -,, -- '. Professional Iours Billing Rate Date- Fees Descriftioi -a- Total: D :ConractseApalysias Task Code: Fee Applicaticn'' Ho, Rocky 2/2812003 .. I SubTotal: 0.7 $475 0.7 Ho, Rocky Kim, Angela 2/27.'2003 SubTotal: 34 2/24/2003 Sin;Theiesa 212512003 Sin, Theresa 2/2612003 . $185 $166.50 0.5 $185 $92.50 4.1 $185 $758.50 ?I28/2003 1.1 Review time detail for Jan. 03 Jan cover letter review. Review time detail, create cover letter. $1,017.50 55 Young, Allison Work on January fee application. Edit cover sheet and time detaii and bring to court for filing. $187.00 0.9 Sin, Theresa SubTotal: $187.00 3.4 Sin, Theresa Review .lanuary cover letter application. $332.50 $55 Kim, Angela SubTotal: $332.50 $425 $467.50 Review January cover letter application. 1.1 $467.50 10.7 $Z 004.50 Young, Allison I Total: Fee Applicabton Task Code: FERC Re view Lumsden, Tom 2/28/2003 < C'4 SubTotal: Lumsden, Tom $595 $238.00 - 0.4 Review Westar ana FERC Sec 2C4 utility debt provi-ifons for PG&E $238.00 - Neis, Margery 211812003, 2 8 $345 $953.CO Review T06 transmission tariff filing - Part,NI, Neis, Margery 2/18200,3 I.0 .3 $3A5 $103 50 Review Milbankmemo on Nuclear Regulatory Commission proceeding in generation bilateral agreement Neis, Margery 2/2'/2203 1 $345 $345.00 Do a FERC FERRIS search engine search for order relating to new debt affiliate rules. SubTotal: Total: Neis, Margery FERCReview Task Code: 4.1 $1,414.50 4.5 $1,652.50 Finan4-ial Statemenit Modeling x Monday, March 31, 2003 Pange IO of 15 Professional Hours Billing Rate ,.Fees Date. Huang, Theodore 215/2003 2.7 - $300 $810.00 .' SubTotal: SubTotal: -2f25/2003 ' - - 2.1-- , Margery 2117200 '3l 2117/2003 $345 $1,380.00 -$345 $724.50 6.5 $345 6.5 $345 IC'. Neis, Margery -. , _ . 21201/2003 2 2121/2003 - r. $345 2:3 $690.00 S345 - ReviewGRC, Gas Accord II, T06 filings to model future rates. cc;.\," 24i2003 5.1 $345 $1,759.50 Neis, Margery 2/2812003 6.6 $345 $2,277.00 Total:'- 1ancialSt{ateiltModbGln .:- * ' _ .i ,, 1 r;'. - - ', Quality check of variance analysis, tic and tie. I , S. ; ., . . Plan of reorganization - tic and tie - set up variance analysis and credit rating Fnalysis. , -' POR variance analysis ...2124/03 version to 2/23/03 version. Exhibit C-i to Exhibit C-2; explain - variances. April version to February (2124/03) veiston'. $9,867.00 28.6 S PG&EPOR $793.50 Neis, Margery Neis. MargeY _.- Review GRC, Gas Accord II, and T06 filings to model future rates of PG&E. ts t SubTotal: , Model 2003 projected results - seek 2003 GRC filing ldocumen ts forIn!frmaion relat ing t o performance of bushness. Sta~rtto 'review T06 filing,({rariisrnission revenue requirement). . -. . : ,', . , Add credit rating analysis to variance analysis of ., Neis, Margery , Review terms of S&P conditions and application to financial models and measurements. S, $2,242.50 ve. t +-3 . * . . il- $1,368.50 4 u- 2/1412003 - - Neis, Margery $1;368.50 23 2/13/2003 . Neis, Margery $810.00-I.- S595 _ Lumsden, Tom Neis, Margery-. '-2.3 escription PG&E- Review General Rate Casemodelto. understand rate 'sructure and related assumptions for'revisions to model. . 2.7 Huang, Theodore LumsdenTomn ,. ' ; . $1ZO45.50 ?33.6,' t .1 ._ Task Code: Ho, Rocky Ho, Rocky,, ' - -. Ho, Rocky SubTotal: -j ! Financial Statements_ V- - ' HO, ho(4kj6 Lumsden, Tom 2/27/2003 J I4 * Monday, March 31, 2003P $665.i0 Review and ana1yze PGE 2002 - 10K. Review and onalyze 'Q4 financial results,'presented by debtor. '22712003-"- M-A - '$475' $665.00 2/2812003 2.7 $475 $1,282.50 ; : 212612003 07 212712003 2.4 Review and anp"yedebtors 1OK $2,612.50 5.5 T2 Lumsden, Tom .7A! $595 $416.50 $-; $595 ' $1,428.00 Review PG&E 8K filing on POR changes and Parent funding Issues. -. . " Review PG&E SEC form 1OK for 2002, and exhibits , andcredlitagreementsfiled wth same. -- , Page 11 of IS Prof.qssional Prfssoa Date -' D.l Hours Billing Ri7te I Fees Hor iln e Description Fe ecito Lumsden, Tom 2127/2003 0.9 $595 $535 50 Listen to PG&E earnings call with analysts on 4th quarter results, utility and NEG. Lumsden, Tom 2/2712003- 1.1 $595 $654 50 Review PG&E 4th quarter press release and summary financial figures. Lumsden, Tom 2/2812003 1.7 $595 $1,011.50 Lumsden, Tom 2i28/2003 0.7 $595 $416.50 Review PG&E form 10K MD&A and audit opinions Lumsden, Tom 212812003 0.5 $595 $297.50 Review PG&E SERP buyouts, accounting treatment and cash impact. SubTotal: Lumsden, Tom Neis, Margery 212712003 1.5 SubTotal: Neis, Margepy i Reiss, Freddie 212612003 1.2 Reiss, Freddie 2128/2003 1.8 $4,760.00 8 - $345 $517.50 PG&E earnings call $517.50 1.5 - Review PG&E form 10K audited financials. $595 $714 00 $595 $1,071.03 Review 8K. Initial review of 1OK. SubTotal: Reiss, Freddie 3 $,785 00 Total: FinancialStatements 18 $9,675.00 Task Code: General Committee Matters Ho. Rocky 211112003 1.3 $475 $617.50 Review various committee correspondence including court's decsion on exclusivity, plan re-solicitatifi and others. Ho, Rocky 22012003 0.3 $475 SO.6000 Respond to various committee correspondence re.PGE revised financial projections. Ho. Rocky 2125/2003 1.5 $475 $712 50 Review and analyze / comment on issues related to revised PG&E POR in preparation for tomorrow's committee call. Ho, Rock/ 2126/2003 1.3 $475 $617.50 Partial attendance on committee call re:updated POR financial projections. SubTotal: 49 Ho, Rocky :1612003 Lurnsden, Tom Lurnsden, Tom - Lumsden, Tom Monday, March 31, 2003 $2,327.50 1.7 $595 $1,011 50 2(25/2003 0.8 $595 $476.00 2/26/2003 2.2 $595 $1,309 00 - Review update and report for Committee on PG&E cash, POR costs and claim status. Draft outline of points to cover in scheduled conference call with Committee on changes to PG&E POR. I Participate in Committee Conference call re New PG&E Plan, S&P letter and 8K and impact on creditors and confirmation. Page12 of IS Date "Hours Professional .,'~ l.E . 'j SubTotal: Reiss, .reidie &) f7 . SubTotal: ,z $425 0.4 r $170.00 2/24/2003r' ; $170.00 11.5 $6,186.50 $345 t.'3 ~ ~:~f r r 'a.3 9't SubTotal: Ho, Rocky 2161 , Kim, Angela ¾ . - -- -- $760.00 * Review and analyze UST report on professional fees for the fifth interim fee application period... 4:760.00 -8 .*' ;. - $ Begin summary and analysis of other professionals fee application for OCC. 456 $34t.00 Work on summrnry and analysis of other professional fee applications for OCC. 20 8.2 $5 $407-00 Work on sumrmay and analysis of other professional fee application (5th Interim) 8.2 $*5 $451.00 Work on summary and analysis of other professionals,5thinterim fee application .S Kim, Angela . . $115.50 -3 ..*.2 at . . , -- 3$55 " '90 ' - $475 1.6 ng'el', \T . S $ 103.50 -: .6- , - $103.50 0.3 2t1 1t2003, - . Review energy legislailon'-ABtt7 $103.50 Professional Compensation Matters 19m. status updates on PG&E cases, ,'I e, Neis, Margery Ho, Rocky .Review 0.4 Legislative Reviewy Task Code: 5;t* I .: Total: Legislabve Review Kim, Angela $892.50 5 Total: GeneralCommittee Matters Neis, Margery rrv,, l.. ;, eM.-11'-4t . SubTotal: Young. Allison Task Code: . Conference call with committee. . $892.50 1.5 2/6t2003 Young, Allison $595 1.5 '$ - '-I .2 ___5 _____,,___ ' 1,- 212612003 Reiss, Freddie "-"'Description $2,796.50 . -*- ' Fees 4.7 SubTotal: Lumsden, Tom 0--, *>*-,+ __i_..a....... Billing Rate 216/2003 , - .. ,o- Kim, Angela 2/812003 3.7 $55 $236.50 " Work on summary and analysis of other professionals 5th internm fee applicationr Kim, Angela 219/2003 3.5 $55 $203.50 Work on summary and analysis of other professional ar fee applications (review of time detqil) Kim, Angela 21812003 3.5 S55 $192.50 Work on summary and analysis of other professional fee. applications (review and scrutiny of time detail) Kim, Angela 219/2003 $308.00 Work on summary and analysis of other professionals fifth interim fee application. _ 2, *00 , ,;S Monday, March 31, 2003 a . 53. . $55 ... J, i Page13 of 15 __ Professional Date Hours Billing Rate. Fees . _ _ Description Description Kim, Angela 2/11/2003 5.3 $55 $291 50 Review time detail for other professionals fifth interim fee application in preparation for summary and analysis. Kim, Angela 2113/2003 5.9 $55 $324.50 Work on summary and analysis of other professional fee applications (fifth interim). Go over time detail for Howard Rice. Kim, Angela 2114/2003 4.1 $55 $225 50 Work on summary and analysis of other professionals fifth intenm fee application, look over time detail for Howard Rice and write summary of tasks. Kim, Angela 2/17/2003 -45 $55 $247.50 Summary and analysis of other professional interim fee applications. Review time detail of Howard Rice. Kim,'Angela 2/2412003 27 $55 $148.50 Work on summary and analysis of other professionals Interim fee app. Summary of fees that relate to objectionable hours. King. Angela 2/25/2003- 3.6 $55 $198.00 Work on summary and analysis of other professional fee applications. Summanze objectionable hours for Howard Rice. * - Kim, Angela 2126/2003 4.7 $55 $258.50 Work on summary and analysis of other professional fee applications. Calculate objectionable fees for fifth interim fee app for Heller Erhman and Cooley Godward. Kim, Angela 2/27/2003 3.1 *,$55 $170.50 Finish up analysis of other professional fee application. Calculate objectionable fees for Cooley Godward and edit report and tables for summary. I, - SubTotal: - 1 Kim, Angela 74.9 $4,119.50 Lumsden, Tom 211012003 0.7 $595 $416.50 Review trustee report on fees for fifth interim applications, summarize comments for Committee. Lumsden, Tom 2/28/2003 0.6 $595 $357.00 Attend fifth interim compensation hearing and obtain signed order. SubTotal: Lumsden, Tom Total: ProfessionalCompensation Task Code: 1.3 $773.50 77.8 $5,653.00 Subcommittee Matters Ho, Rocky 2/2512003 0.8 SubTotal: Ho, Rocky $475 $380 00 08 Partial attendance of OCC professional's call re:PG&E Plan issues in preparation of 2126/03 full committee call $380.00 Lumsden, Tom 2111/2003 0.4 $595 $238 00 Telephone call with P. Aronzon re PG&E financial expert reports and confirmation hearing. Lumsden, Tom 2/18/2003 04 $595 $238.00 Telephone call with P.Aronzon re Parent equity issuance in modifications to PG&E Plan Afonday, March 31, 2003 Page 14 of IS -- I a:..th Lumsden Tom 2118/2003 Lumsden, Tom 2/18/2003 0.5 u, Lumrsden,To' - A>'; '2/21/.2003'- t,''n *;)i.f5 .l . :' 'urumsden,Tom $238.00 Telephone call with J. Wilson re PG&E plan changes and financial jmpact. $595 $1,904.00 Meet with J. Wilson to evaluate feasibility of Parent equity funding, impact on market price and dilution, Impact of parent debt outstanding and restrictions, calculation of implied Market value and price. $595 $535.50 Telephone call with P. Aronzon re PG&E strategy for plan confirmation, workplan for analysis. rqcommendptiops to Committee. ,, $595 $1,249.50 Review PG&E POR amendments and telephone call with J. Wilson to rpview comments and impact on / -4 ;analysis.- $595 $595.00 Participate In conference call with Milbank, Saybrook and FTi professLonals re assessment of PGE Plan .- . ^' 1. Z ',IC 4; ' ._M- I, dt5/20d3 *'- .1 *8- . - rs.o SubTotal: 21 2J24/2003' -q Lumsden, Tom r' . i ' ..:r.2 .r tDnv *-' Z/2 $5,295.50 8.9 c.. $' -.59 *3 @ ;' .:- - S595 f.ES ;_-2/1P/i2003* ''J, Reiss, Freddie Update with memo's from Milbank Tweed and call to P. Aronzon (Milbank) to discuss debtor's plan amendments. $1,071.00 Cab with committee professionals. $297.50 25/003 * 2/26/2003 ,0.2 $595 $119 00, , Reiss, Freddie 2127/2003 0.5 $595 S $297.50 . I Call with counsel for committee.8.4, Reiss, Freddie r`'J 2 , _ SubTotal: C_ 1) .14' ,I. Etj- r .tI..4* ~,Z ,_- . r -f T ' 4 ,&;>" ;f - ilf&Jdie , .-r .t r: .....t^ vs-jx s;.: h¢ 12.c. ,:4 1t2.7 2 . jil .1 - i,' 1 J ., - rrr ' -' I \ v I t . I _-,, f *_, ." ,;"*. -, . A,' I ,, I- .,, ". . . , I I . . .I J . t '. . . I : Monday, M'arch 31, 2003 ' I . :' . I J '>- _JJ, , ., . .' ''1 ', I I . I C :~ .f I' .1 - . .I - , '- - , % -w ;§,' 2} I . ... _. ., I ,' _ - ,'1. . z 1. ; -?-';5w I ;; , . . I' . ,,F, , I. . d. C, ,- ) E $1f5,594.50s 409.4 , I, .t Q. C.." Total Project: Update with counsel. .. £94 $1,785.00 $7,460.50 1,4.lvI Total: Subcommittee Matters '~pa changes.- g *l'; i- Lumlsdenl, Tom Reiss, ....... I Reiss, Freddie', .. $595 2n4i2003 'Tomr q .. Telephone call with P. Aronzon re PG&E plan changes and'S&P letter conditions. G: .- :9 Lumsden k < '' i: ; -t - ecilo $297.50 3.2 .- esc1 I A I e , $595 ' 16.u04 t, es,,'1 H~sBligRt pate Professional R Bln r . Page 75 of Sl ' . I. - Exhibit 2-2 Paciflc Gas and Electric DetailofExpenses I FebruaryI, 2003 thiirough February28, 2003 .- 'Date Name Category Amount Description Lumsden, Thomas 2/1112003 ,- Sundry $96.90 Cell phore charge for PG&E. Pitney Bowes 913/2002 Sundry $1,301.50 Postage - Pitney Bowes Management Services Young, Allison 2/19/2003 Sundry $128 07 Postage - PItney Bowes Management -Services January 2003 Fee Application. Young, Allison 2/23/2003 Sundry $11.70 January cell phone charges. ., .. . .1 , $1,537.27 I ., .. ,. , . . I 19>11W.X"-==--~ Munway, MnIUrc JI, ZUUJ PageI of I I PROOF OF SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,' COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO I am employed ini thelCouinty-of Sah fitancisco; Statfe f California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the Dvithin acqton; my business addresseis 199 Fremont Street, San Francisco, ,, :........ California .- AGs - _ _ *- * * . - * On March 31, 2003, I served on the parties listed~on the attached Service L]st, the ,foregoing document(s) described as: 5 FTI CONSULTING INC. COVEI8HEET APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCE AND PAYMENTOTF HI R* COMPENSATION AND REIMBU1JREMENT OF EXPENSES FOR FEBRUARY 1, 2003 ,TO FEBRUARY 28,2003 liy placing the' -original X a true copy thereof enclosed in sealed envelopes addressed as X stated on the attached servicplsWE (BY UPS OVERNIGffI)ELIVERY) X Following ordinary business practices at the San Francisco office of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, I placed the sealed envelope(s) for collection and mailing with Federal Express on that same day. I am readily familiar with the firm's practice for collection and processing of correspondence for mailing. Under that practice, such correspondence would be deposited with Federal Express on that same day, with postage thereon fully prepaid at San Francisco, California, in the ordinary course of business. (FEDERAL) I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this court at whose direction the service was made. Executed on March 31, 2003 San Francisco, California. / Angela Kim Type or Print Name 03131103 2:26 PM / /u Signature D - I Proof of Service by UPS Next Day Air James L. Lopes, Esq. Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Falk & Rabkin Three Embarcadero Center, 7" Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-4065 [Counsel to Debtor] Office of the U.S. Trustee I. Attn: Stephen Johnson 250 Montgomery Street, Suite 1000 * San Francisco, CA 94104-3401 ; Robert Jay Moore Paul S. Aronzon Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP 601 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 [Counsel 'or Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors] I , ". .' - .. . I xor I _ I - r as PROOF OF SERVICE . STATE OF CALIFORNIA-, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ; . * I ain employed in the tounty of San Francisco, State of California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 199 Fremont Street, San Francisco, California. On March 31, 2003, 1 served on the parties listed on the attached Service List, the foregoing document(s) without exhibits described as: FTI CONSULTING INC. COVER SHEET APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCIE AND PAYMENT OF INTERIM COMPENSATION AND REIMBUSMENT QF EXPENSES FOR, FEBRUARY 1, 2003 TO FEBRUARY 28, 2003 X by placing the _ original X a true copy thereof enclosed in sealed envelopes addressed as stated on the attached service list: (BY MAIL) X Following ordinary business practices at the San Francisco office of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, I placed the sealed envelope(s) for collection and mailing with the United States Postal Service on that same day. I am readily familiar with the firm's practice for collection and processing of correspondence for mailing. Under that practice, such correspondence would be deposited with the United States Postal Service on that same day, with postage thereon fully prepaid at San Francisco, California, in the ordinary course of business. (FEDERAL) I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this court at whose direction the service was made. Executed on March 31, 2003 San Francisco, California. Angela Kim Type or Print Name 03/31/03 2:26 PM Signature
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