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Page 2 of 2 A Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity: Building and Evaluating a Metadata-based Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Scientific Data Project Summary—Complexity is an inherent property of living systems that arises from direct and indirect interactions among the earth's physical, chemical, and biological components. Biocomplexity includes the structural and functional attributes of dynamic systems that arise at all levels of biological organization, including individuals, populations, and communities. Importantly, ecological components of biocomplexity (e.g., biodiversity, ecosystem services) are in crisis, and are undergoing potentially irreversible changes in the face of rapid human population growth and economic development. Wise stewardship, based on all available scientific knowledge concerning these natural systems, is essential. Data—Catalyzed by these societal concerns, and facilitated by technology advances, scientists focused on complex ecological systems have generated an explosion of ecological and environmental data. When integrated with data from other disciplines (e.g., meteorology), these data have the potential to greatly enhance understanding of biocomplexity. However, broadscale and synthetic research is stymied because these data are largely inaccessible due to their spatial dispersion, extreme structural and semantic heterogeneity, and complexity. Knowledge Networking—We propose to integrate the distributed and heterogeneous information sources required for the development and testing of theory in ecology and its sister fields into a standards-based, open architecture, knowledge network. The network will extend recent advances in metadata representation to provide conceptually sophisticated access to integrated data products drawn from distributed, autonomous data repositories. In addition, the knowledge network will include advanced tools for exploring complex data sets from which multiple formulations of hypotheses can be tested. The existence of such a network will lead to broadened understanding of biocomplexity and ecological systems, and allow the application of that understanding to societal issues. In developing this network, we will create a new community of environmental scientists who will be able to focus on complex, multi-scale problems that, to date, have proven to be intractable. We will perform foundational research in computer science and informatics to create new tools for discovering, retrieving, interpreting, integrating, and analyzing data from these diverse sources. Our prototype network will be useful across a variety of disciplines and will provide a basis for the growth of multidisciplinary research groups focused on biocomplexity. Collaboration—To accomplish these goals, we have created an intellectual consortium that comprises the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), the Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). Our partnership has a successful history and includes (1) advanced expertise in ecology, informatics, and computer science, (2) a comprehensive understanding of the critical obstacles that data heterogeneity and dispersion create for advancing synthesis and understanding, and (3) strong commitments to addressing those obstacles that deter broad-scale and synthetic analyses. Impact—The results of the proposed research will have broad implications for our ability to understand and manage sustainably the complex ecological systems and biological resources on which all humans depend. Information on biocomplexity is voluminous and complex, but currently is inaccessible to research scientists and policy makers. The intellectual advances in information science that we propose will, for the first time, provide an accessible infrastructure for identifying, integrating, managing, and, ultimately, synthesizing the nation’s ecological and biodiversity information resources. i TABLE OF CONTENTS For font size and page formatting specifications, see GPG section II.C. Section Total No. of Pages in Section Page No.* (Optional)* Cover Sheet (NSF Form 1207 - Submit Page 2 with original proposal only) A Project Summary (not to exceed 1 page) 1 B Table of Contents (NSF Form 1359) 1 C Project Description (including Results from Prior NSF Support) (not to exceed 15 pages) (Exceed only if allowed by a specific program announcement/solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) 39 D References Cited 4 E Biographical Sketches F Budget (Not to exceed 2 pages each) 19 24 (NSF Form 1030, including up to 3 pages of budget justification) G Current and Pending Support H Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources (NSF Form 1363) I Special Information/Supplementary Documentation J Appendix (List below. ) (Include only if allowed by a specific program announcement/ solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) (NSF Form 1239) 9 0 Appendix Items: *Proposers may select any numbering mechanism for the proposal, however, the entire proposal must be paginated. Complete both columns only if the proposal is numbered consecutively. NSF Form 1359 (10/98) Project Description “Biological information about biodiversity and ecosystems is among the most complex scientific data to manage electronically, yet it is vitally important that we do so. There are intellectual challenges in the area of biodiversity information analysis, synthesis, presentation, validation and long term storage that require considerable information science and computer science research and infrastructure “—Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystems, President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology [45] I. RATIONALE Complexity is an inherent property of living systems that arises from direct and indirect interactions among the earth's physical, chemical, and biological components, of which humans are an integral constituent. Biocomplexity includes the structural and functional attributes of dynamic systems that arise at all levels of biological organization, including individuals, populations, and communities. Importantly, ecological components of biocomplexity (e.g., biodiversity, ecosystem services) are in crisis, and are undergoing potentially irreversible changes in the face of rapid human population growth and economic development. Wise stewardship, based on all available information concerning these natural systems, is essential and requires a multidisciplinary approach based on understanding biocomplexity in all of its ecological manifestations. The last decade has witnessed a tremendous explosion of ecological and environmental data, catalyzed by societal concerns and facilitated by advancing technologies. These data have the potential to greatly enhance understanding of biocomplexity. However, broad-scale or synthetic research is stymied because data are largely unorganized and inaccessible as a consequence of their tremendous heterogeneity, complexity, and spatial dispersion in many separate repositories. In addition, information required to answer ecological questions derives from data in multiple disciplines, ranging from geochemistry to climatology, and including all branches of life sciences. Thus, a comprehensive effort to promote knowledge networking through the quantitative integration and synthesis of biocomplexity data will incorporate many of the issues surrounding complex adaptive systems (see special features “Complex Systems” and “Complex Adaptive Systems in Ecosystem Science”) [14-15] as well as new developments in computer science research. Among the most applicable of these areas of computer science is research on integrating distributed, heterogeneous, and autonomous databases. Although substantial progress has been made in schema integration for heterogeneous databases [55][4], new challenges have surfaced for information integration with the advent of data warehousing and the Web. Indeed, recent surveys dealing with information mediation for data warehouse creation have pointed out the difficult issues that still remain for integrating heterogeneous sets of distributed, autonomous data [56]. These issues apply directly to the types of multidisciplinary biocomplexity data that we have described above. Fortunately, extreme information heterogeneity is an active research area in the web and digital library communities. Recent advances in schema integration tools such as the Resource Description Framework Schema [8] and XML Schema specification [5-6] create exciting new opportunities for data integration and synthesis. By building on these opportunities in informatics research , we propose to develop a prototype knowledge network for understanding biocomplexity that will enable integration of data drawn from diverse disciplines such as ecology, meteorology, and geochemistry, and their subsequent synthesis into useful knowledge about biocomplexity. 1 II. MISSION The mission of this project is to enable scientists from a wide range of disciplines to address biocomplexity questions by providing for discovery, retrieval, interpretation, integration, and analysis of heterogeneous and distributed information about biodiversity and the earth’s ecosystems, and directly addresses the concerns detailed by PCAST [45]. We propose to accomplish this mission by achieving the goals of: A. Building the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity: Research and Prototype Development. Our approach includes development and research in three domains: data, information, and knowledge. The technological research within the data domain provides an integrated network infrastructure with access to distributed data sources. Research within the information domain involves using cutting-edge technologies for structuring metadata to enable powerful semantic querying, data integration, and analysis. The knowledge domain comprises development of a probability-based analytical tool with a natural language interface that formally models alternative formulations of hypotheses based on available data (see Section IIIA). B. Using and Evaluating the Knowledge Network: Biocomplexity Research. To demonstrate the ability of the network to substantially advance ecological understanding, we will explore an overarching question in ecology, the relationship between diversity and ecosystem function. Closely associating the development of the knowledge network with this ecological investigation will provide critical feedback into the nature and design of the biocomplexity network (see Section IIIB). C. Education, Outreach, and Training. We take advantage of existing partnerships with repositories of ecologically-relevant information (e.g., Organization of Biological Field Stations, California Nature Reserve System, Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network) to expand the domain of data searches and the scale of core ecological research. In addition, we will disseminate the computer science and informatics products of our research to potential users of our prototype network (scientists, graduate students, policy makers) in ecology and other disciplines (see Section IIIC). III. INTEGRATING RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND EDUCATION The knowledge network that we propose will result from a collaboration among informatics, computer, and ecological scientists. In addition to generating the first Knowledge Network to promote synthesis regarding ecological dimensions of biocomplexity (see Section III A), our efforts will catalyze the development of a new generation of multidisciplinary scientists through investigation of a profoundly important ecological question concerning the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function (see Section III B). Moreover, we will support and engage a large cohort of graduate students in the process of scientific discovery through a series of graduate seminars that utilize site-specific data to address scale-dependent questions concerning the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function, and then extend those analyses across multiple biomes through use of the Knowledge Network (see Section III C). Network development, research in computer science, ecological research concerning biocomplexity, and educational activities are purposefully linked in the proposal. The Knowledge Network will provide a testbed for integrating multidisciplinary, multi-scale data for addressing critical environmental questions. The efficient discovery of new ecological insights from this system will provide validation of the Network. Similarly, advances in computer science research involving probabilistic testing of hypotheses will guide ecological research and 2 accelerate progress in understanding complex phenomena in general. Finally, research products from a series of graduate student seminars will supplement the data within the Knowledge Network, while simultaneously training students in its use. A. Building the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity: Research and Prototype Development We will improve the ability to discover, retrieve, interpret, integrate, and analyze biocomplexity information in the Nation’s repositories of data by designing and implementing a distributed knowledge network that facilitates the transformation of data to usable information, and ultimately to scientific knowledge. To succeed, we must address several important technical challenges: • widely distributed ecological data sources; • extreme structural and semantic heterogeneity of ecologically relevant data; • lack of methods for automating scientific hypothesis testing. We will accomplish this research and development at three sites with Internet 2 connections, including the LTER, NCEAS, and SDSC. In addition, an Informatics Working Group will be recruited to provide expert contributions to the techniques and approaches proposed here. This working group will consist of 15 persons drawn from the fields of informatics, ecology, computer science, and earth science. In the remainder of this section, we discuss the technical strategies for addressing each of these three challenges. Section A.1 discusses the development of a data-oriented network that facilitates access to distributed data and data discovery via a standardized approach to metadata representation. Section A.2 proposes mechanisms that enable the interpretation and integration of heterogeneous scientific data sets through machine-mediated schema integration. Section A.3 discusses the extraction of knowledge from this information store through the semi-automated modeling of scientific hypotheses (figure 1). Services Client Interface Scientific Research H S L Hypothesis Modeling Engine R D I Metadata F n / Management t Client * e Q r L f a S Data c R Management e B Client Data Integration Engine Centralized Metadata Catalog Metadata Metadata Site 1 Data Metadata Site 2 Data Hypothesis Modeling U s Client e r Site n Data Knowledge Synthesis Information Validation Data Figure 1: Principal components of a knowledge network prototype: a set of distributed data repositories and their associated metadata catalogs; a centralized metadata search service that allows unified searching across multiple metadata types; a data integration engine that uses highlevel metadata to integrate heterogeneous data; and a hypothesis modeling engine that allows for formal evaluation of scientific hypotheses. Scientific activities such as Validation and Synthesis (Expansion, Amplification, and Extrapolation) are explained in section IIIB. 3 A.1. Data: Unified access to distributed biocomplexity data Challenge—The foundation of this prototype knowledge network will be the ability to access highly distributed ecological data through a unified network interface. We will accomplish this by extending current research on digital library collections to the domain of scientific data access [10-11]. The typical digital library partitions information into a set of information bearing objects (IBOs), each of which is described by metadata that provides for discovery of these resources (see [27]). These IBOs can sometimes be opaque in that the contents of the objects are not used by automated library systems—rather, only metadata about the IBOs is used— especially when complex objects such as scientific data are involved. Our proposed work will substantially extend the use of metadata for formally describing the content of scientific data objects, thereby enabling intelligent data processing in subsequent components of the prototype knowledge network. Specifically, we will develop a distributed data access system based on the Storage Resource Broker (SRB) and a unified metadata catalog for resource discovery. Solution—Access to data in heterogeneous storage infrastructures at each of the distributed sites will be mediated through a standardized application programming interface (API) that provides uniform access to filesystem, database, and offline storage resources. This interface will be provided through the Storage Resource Broker [1-3][48][53]. SRB technology is a critical research component of SDSC's Massive Data Archiving System and is being used in the nascent California Digital Library (see [42]) and for providing access to NPACI data caches [38]. The SRB will provide high level security, access, audit, and distribution features (e.g., mirroring) that are not easily achievable with other, simpler approaches (e.g., http). The SRB extensibly handles multiple types of storage systems including different file systems, mass storage systems such as UNITREE and HPSS, and binary large objects managed by databases such as Oracle and Illustra. To improve the open interoperability of the SRB, we will develop a Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) interface to the SRB API, thereby allowing the SRB to be integrated into distributed component systems and registered with a centralized Object Request Broker (ORB). By utilizing the SRB technology for integrating distributed, heterogeneous storage facilities, we will be able to quickly evaluate the effectiveness of a highly distributed storage architecture for knowledge networking within high-speed networks such as Internet 2. Moreover, by providing access to data stores at distributed research sites such as field stations, we will be able to determine how effectively researchers can access relevant data both within and outside their focused domains of interest without high bandwidth connections. Metadata provide the information necessary to discover and retrieve data of interest from the distributed environment. Metadata describing environmental data currently are developed at individual research sites using multiple, potentially overlapping, and inconsistent metadata conventions. Consequently, there is a simultaneous need for both content standardization and metadata interoperability, as well as metadata transformation facilities. Several research communities have recently advocated the use of structured markup languages such as eXtensible Markup Language (XML) [7] and Resource Description Framework (RDF) [29] as new and innovative mechanisms for metadata interoperability. XML provides a mechanism for syntactic interoperability that allows for standardized processing tools to be utilized on a variety of metadata types. RDF provides a generic way of representing metadata content so that different content standards can be independently developed but then commingled within a single conceptual framework. We will achieve metadata interoperability in the proposed knowledge network by extending current research at NCEAS on Ecological Metadata Language (EML), a prototype XML 4 application specifying the content and structure of ecological metadata based on the recommendations of the Ecological Society of America [16][36][41]. In particular, we will use RDF to make EML modular and interoperable with metadata content specifications currently under development by other disciplines. Relevant metadata content standards will come from other biocomplexity data domains (e.g., LTER Catalog of Core Datasets [35]; NBII metadata [13]) as well as non-ecological domains (e.g., geospatial metadata [12]; Dublin Core metadata [61]). RDF provides a framework for representation of metadata that reduces the redundancy in metadata content standards currently in use (e.g., most scientific metadata standards [e.g., CSDGM] duplicate information found in other standards [e.g., Dublin Core]) and facilitates the development of automated conversion tools for metadata that map from one content standard to another. Consequently, this work will simplify and automate the use, exchange, and conversion of metadata while providing for a uniform querying capability across metadata content types. By using RDF to provide this functionality we can evaluate the extent to which these cutting-edge technologies are effective for the knowledge networking of complex scientific data. Deliverables—For our prototype implementation, we will use the SRB to link a distributed set of data repositories from field stations at the LTER network, the OBFS network, and the California Natural Reserve System, for a total of 27 data sites. In addition, we will create a centralized metadata catalog that harvests metadata from each of these registered repository sites. The exchange format will be RDF serializations of Ecological Metadata Language (EML) and other metadata (e.g., Dublin Core) that can be incorporated into a unified metadata catalog. The structure of the catalog will accommodate these multiple metadata standards and will be based on the RDF metadata model but will be implemented in a relational database (e.g., Oracle). In addition to the metadata and data repository services described here, we will provide a user-oriented, cross-platform interface for interaction with the repository and metadata services, including: 1) metadata development, verification, query, and update, and 2) data object storage and retrieval. This metadata management client, extended from a Java metadata editor developed at NCEAS [41], will provide the capability to edit and update metadata and query the centralized metadata catalog via a standard CORBA interface. The data storage and retrieval client will communicate with the SRB servers via SRB client libraries, again mediated through a standardized CORBA interface. These combined functions will provide transparent access to the distributed network of ecological data repositories. Evaluation— This research will provide a test of rapidly advancing technological approaches to metadata specification and exchange in a scientific domain, while obviously advancing the kinds and amount of environmental science that can be accomplished through enhanced access to large stores of well-described data. We will validate the system's effectiveness (recall and precision of query) by utilizing the knowledge network to discover and access biodiversity and net primary productivity data that are known to exist across six LTER sites based on the results of a previous collaboration between NCEAS and LTER (see "Validation" in section IIIB) [59][62]. Once validation is performed, the query will be expanded to gather a comprehensive set of biodiversity and productivity data across the full, geographically dispersed network of 27 data repository sites. A.2. Information: Resolving structural and semantic heterogeneity via schema integration Challenge—The scientific utility of a knowledge network is ultimately measured by the extent to which it supports the generation of novel and synthetic insights, which requires transformation of structurally and semantically heterogeneous data into integrated and meaningful information. The facilities described in Section IIIA.1 provide the researcher with 5 simplified access to greater amounts of ecologically relevant data than previously have been available without extensive and potentially prohibitive amounts of human-assisted labor. Yet these data will not be comprehensible to the end-user unless relevant attributes describing the scientific content of the data are recorded within the accompanying metadata and are available for machine-processing within the Knowledge Network. Predefining a complete set of relevant metadata elements for all scientific uses is unlikely because we expect that the needs and interests of the end-users of our prototype will range widely and in unanticipated ways. Our system will thus need a mechanism for expressing the semantics of data content that is extensible and amenable to machine-based understanding [28]. In particular, we will develop the capability to express higher-order, conceptual statements within the metadata to unify or differentiate scientific concepts and associate these with specific components of data sets. A second critical challenge arises from the need to integrate data from heterogeneous sources before scientific analyses can be undertaken. Queries on this knowledge network will potentially return a large number of heterogeneous data sets containing relevant information. The integration of these data will be difficult because many if not all data sets will be unfamiliar to any particular end-user. Moreover, these data will derive from multidisciplinary sources which structure and label data differently due to historical and methodological reasons. We describe below how we address these needs by developing extensible facilities for the structural and conceptual integration of biocomplexity data. We refer to this effort as schema integration, a major research issue within the database community [55-56]. However, our approach will derive more from recent advances within the Web and digital library communities, where structured metadata are key to querying heterogeneous and autonomous collections of digital objects [34][39][44]. Solution—We will extend our structured approach to metadata to incorporate the expression of semantic relationships within and among the data sets comprising our knowledge network. In particular, we will research the use of newly developed schema specification languages, such as the RDF Schema Specification [8] and the XML Schema Specification [5-6], for developing metadata constructs that can describe relationships existing within the data of interest in an extensible way. The use of RDF Schema or XML Schema provides us with all the advantages of XML and RDF as described above, i.e., a metadata specification that is interoperable, extensible, and machine-readable. Both structural and conceptual integration of heterogeneous data sets will be primary areas of concern. Development of structural descriptors will enable automated transformation of referent data sets into formats suitable for integration with other similar data sets. For example, transformations might include simple conversions among units and measurement calibrations. These structural descriptors will include descriptions of data set format, data types (e.g., alphanumeric, floating point, integer, date), data units, and data constraints, such as permitted value ranges and cardinality. We will develop a schema for structural metadata that provides sufficient information for machine-automated parsing and validating of the referent data using only their structural metadata. Since most ecological data are tabular attribute sets, we will initially focus on ASCII structured tabular data files. For integration of more formally structured data formats, such as data in a relational database or NetCDF format, metadata conversion mediators will need to be developed. Another critical precursor for data integration is the ability to develop conceptual descriptors within the metadata, to enable the expression of scientifically relevant concepts and their association with specific elements of a data set. We will focus on developing schemata that 6 clarify conceptual relationships and dependencies among attributes within a data set, as well as allow for specifying higher order concepts that do not necessarily explicitly appear in the referent data sets. This research will require close collaboration with experts in the ecological science domain, who will inform the technology developers as to necessary or desirable semantic features to be developed, and the specific definitions of their properties. This work constitutes a major effort to develop a discipline-specific vocabulary that is highly relevant to querying and conceptualization of ecological data. For example, ecologists might generally have an interest in biodiversity or predation, but these concepts usually would not exist as a named attribute within a data set even if data relevant to the concepts were present. Rather, the relationship between a concept of interest (e.g., biodiversity) and a relevant measurement (e.g., species density) in a data set is generally not explicitly expressed in the data or metadata. Given the ability to express relevant scientific concepts, we will also need a mechanism for clarifying how these higher order concepts themselves might interrelate. We propose to explore the suitability of metadata as a means for knowledge representation. Indeed, the RDF Schema Specification has been proposed for this purpose within the Conceptual Knowledge Markup Language (CKML [26]), and its developers borrowed extensively from both database models and the field of knowledge representation in developing this methodology [8]. RDF Schema provides for inheritance via Class/Subclass propagation, which should enable the development of "concept ontologies" for rich expression of hierarchical relationships [28]. Ecology, like many scientific disciplines, employs a number of concepts that have great heuristic value, but multiple operational definitions when actualized within a quantitative analysis. Our mechanism for expressing semantics within metadata will enable development, refinement, and preservation of standardized definitions for key ecological concepts. For example, biodiversity can be quantified in a number of ways. Two examples include: richness β 1 = H ' = − ∑ pi ln pi where p is the proportionate abundance of species i, H' β2 = where S is the total number of species , ln S Both of these quantitative specifications of biodiversity are derived from a set of canonical variables that can be expressed using a controlled vocabulary. The canonical variables represent fundamental measurements within the data sets, including concepts such as ‘individual’ or mass in System Internationale (SI) units. When presented within the context of the hypothesis modeling system proposed below (see IIIA.3), this framework will enable the comparative evaluation of multiple formulations of hypotheses using multiple and ‘competing’ definitions of ecological concepts that are built from these canonical variables. Deliverables— First, to formalize key structural and conceptual relationships typically relevant to ecological data sets, we will develop and deploy metadata schemata, likely using the RDF Schema specification, that allow for the expression of higher order concepts relevant to the description of ecological data and their potential use. This will involve research into the ease and efficacy of using schema specification languages for developing metadata that provide for the integration of scientific data sets. This work represents our primary mechanism for achieving data integration, and will entail significant enhancements to the functionality of the metadata and data management client described in the preceding section (Figure 1; IIIA.1). Second, our development of canonical descriptors for ecology, and formalization of a number of key ecological concepts using these canonicals, constitutes another major product. RDF Schema evenness 7 provides a rich framework for formalizing these concepts, and a mechanism for expressing their alternative representations in an explicit and interoperable way. Finally, we will develop a prototype data integration engine for the semi-automated integration of heterogeneous ecological data sets. The data integration engine will utilize these structural and conceptual metadata descriptors in order to identify, retrieve, and combine raw data from the distributed sites. Evaluation— Evaluation of the metadata schema specifications that we develop will be conducted in concert with the biodiversity research project described below (IIIB). In particular, we will engage scientists to evaluate the effectiveness of the metadata schemata for expressing structural and conceptual aspects of ecological data. Scientists also will be asked to evaluate the efficacy of the data integration engine prototype in terms of its ability to transform data into formats suitable for further synthetic analysis. Finally, the expression of canonical variables will be tested through their use in the hypothesis modeling section described next (IIIA.3). A.3. Knowledge: Automated modeling of scientific hypotheses using data resources Challenge—As described above, many ecological concepts can legitimately be formulated in a number of ways, based on different functional combinations of canonical variables. Consequently, the problem remains as to how researchers can systematically and formally evaluate the multiple formulations of hypotheses that result from utilizing these alternative functional forms of concepts and all available data. Because hypothesis development and testing are fundamental features of science across all disciplines, we propose an approach facilitating the development and evaluation of candidate hypotheses that both exploits the available data resources and enables a more effective comparison of alternative formulations of hypotheses. Achievements of the past decade in machine learning provide new approaches to probabilistic modeling of learning and induction that can be applied to hypothesis modeling. Among these are belief networks [46], adaptive probabilistic networks (APN) [50-51] and work on learning in Bayesian networks [19][21-23]. Recent work utilizing belief networks has demonstrated the ability to estimate parameters in deterministic models [57]. We will exploit these advances to compare the performance of a set of hypothesis-variants generated from a set of ecological concepts expressed in terms of canonical variables for a given set of data. Solution—We propose to apply methods from machine learning to evaluate the relative merit of a priori hypotheses as a means of guiding the exploration and analysis of available data. We believe this is a novel approach to the use of machine learning. As data resources grow, it becomes increasingly difficult to evaluate the most promising direction to focus research efforts. Our research will investigate the extent to which the limitations in existing machine learning approaches can be overcome to take greater advantage of both the insight of the researcher(s) and available data. Although we focus on the ecological domain in this study, the approaches represent foundational research that is applicable to any area of science where the formulation of research questions is an important activity. In general, a hypothesis is defined using scientific terms that can be multiply defined. Thus, any particular hypothesis can be decomposed into many alternative formulations, each of which uses a different instance of the possible definitions of the concepts expressed in the original hypothesis. For example, the research hypothesis “Biodiversity varies as a function of Net Primary Productivity (NPP)” can be interpreted in multiple ways, depending on the definition of biodiversity, the nature of the functional relationship, and the definition of NPP. To the extent that there are multiple definitions for each of these, there are alternative possible formulations of the hypothesis. Our approach will provide a method to decompose a hypothesis into its components and then evaluate the relative merit of each of the resulting alternatives. To 8 continue our example, we can state the working null hypothesis as “H0: biodiversity does not vary with net primary production (NPP)”. We are given an initial set of data (δ1), a definition of biodiversity (in this case species density (β1) as number of species per unit area), and a definition of NPP (η1) as the above-ground dry biomass. The variation of biodiversity with NPP admits a variety of possible functional relationships, (e.g., linear, quadratic) and may extend to more advanced techniques such as semi-variance analysis. We can examine the nature of the functional relationship (i.e., “varies”) between β1 and η1 using conventional model-fitting and statistical hypothesis-testing methods such as regression. However, to choose between alternative formulations of the hypothesis prior to statistical hypothesis-testing we wish to consider the availability of data collected at various scales of measurement (δk) and also the implications of alternative univariate (ƒ(ηj)) or multivariate (ƒ(η1…ηλ,)) definitions of biodiversity or NPP. This also has to be done with appropriate consideration to the independence requirements of multiplehypothesis tests. So we add to the initial set of hypothesis modeling components the following: 1) additional data sampled at differing known scales (δ2, δ3, …); and, 2) additional definitions of biodiversity and net primary productivity. Effectively we are extending (in parameter space) and amplifying (in data space) the initial hypothesis across its neighborhood in the general form: ∀( i,j,k | H0: βi = ƒ(ηj) given δk) For the univariate estimators (βI ,η j) alone the number of possible alternatives is the product of the number of different biodiversity estimators (i), and NPP estimators (j), with the combinatorial expansion of the collection of datasets (i.e., N choose p, where N = total number of datasets, and p= 1…N datasets taken p at a time) accessible through the knowledge network. These alternatives represent a top-down specification of a potentially large number of hypotheses to be evaluated against a given knowledge base. This is significantly different than the usual application and interpretation of knowledge-networks organized to solve (i.e., discover hypotheses) from the bottom-up. Consequently, we propose to interpret the hypothesis-space not as the solution-space of a belief network but rather as a set of propositions to be evaluated against a belief network. In this context we treat the belief network as the current best description of a specific research domain (e.g., biodiversity). By computing the gradient of the likelihood of the alternatives with respect to the hypothesis model and the data, we will obtain a measure of the relative merit of the alternative formulations of the hypothesis. Deliverables—Specific functional components of our system will include: 1) a hypothesis specification language to provide a means of unambiguously defining a model (i.e., hypothesis) in terms of its canonical variables, 2) a knowledge representation using Bayesian network and graphical model approaches, and 3) methods of estimating conditional probabilities and their gradients. Hypothesis Specification Language—The hypothesis specification language will utilize ecological concepts and canonical variables as described earlier in Section IIIA.2. We do not propose to develop a complete, new language compiler. Rather, we require the ability to translate simple declarative statements into canonical variables, which can be satisfied by something as simple as the yacc compiler available on most Unix systems. This language will be used to define and control the relationship of the canonical variables (e.g., H’, p,) to the higherlevel concepts used in the hypothesis (e.g., biodiversity, net primary productivity). Knowledge Representation—There are numerous methods for the representation of knowledge [24][30][40], and this remains an active area of research. The method we propose to use will be a variant of the belief network representation of Pearl [46] and current graphical 9 model approaches [19][25]. Our final selection will depend on the trade-off between convenience of presentation and computational efficiency, but we will initially utilize a matrix or list-based representation until we choose a particular implementation approach. Considerable effort will be spent in year 1 exploring the most effective means of representing prior knowledge. One of the main difficulties in Bayesian systems is the incorporation of prior information from incomplete and multivariate data. The current approach is to make simplifying assumptions about the underlying distributions (e.g., Wishart, Gaussian) of the parameters in continuous models such as regression functions to obtain an estimate of the prior probability of a predictive model such as X → Y where X and Y may both be multivariate [22]. Experience from statistics tells us that these assumptions are usually unrealistic and/or unverifiable. This research proposal will provide an opportunity to examine the sensitivity of Bayesian networks to these assumptions and to their relaxation. Estimation of Conditional Probabilities and Gradient—The ability to compute the gradient of the likelihood of the alternatives, as referred to above, implies that we can discover relevant data resources and extract from them attributes (i.e., data parameters) in a form suitable for integration with existing data. Following [20] assume that the general form for the posterior estimate of the likelihood of a particular hypothesis, mi, given a set of empirical data, dj, can be formulated as: p ( m i| d j ) = p ( m i ) p ( d j| m i ) ∑ p ( m i ) p ( d j| m i ) j Where M = (m1,…,mk) is the set of hypothesis variants and D = (d1,…,dl) is the set of all data. The terms in the numerator correspond to a sub-tree of the full set of alternative combinations of hypotheses (i.e., models) and data. If, instead of computing the single value p(m|D) we compute the difference between the combinations of hypothesis variants (i.e., subtrees) and data relative to a given a priori hypothesis (i.e., p(m* | D*) ) as: ∂ ∂ p( mi | D) = p( m*| d *) + ∑ p(m*| d *) ∆dj + ∑ p(m*| d *) ∆mk + ε j ∂dj k ∂mk ∆p (m | D ) = p (m | D ) − p (m*| D*) we have an estimate of the relative strength of a hypothesis within a neighborhood of variants where the differences are computed relative to the nominated a priori hypothesis, p(m* | D*) . If the neighborhood is sufficiently small, in a manner analogous to the use of multivariate Taylor series for perturbation analysis in the continuously differentiable case, we can develop estimates ∆p (m | d ) ∆p (m | d ) , in the hypothesis model even if the components are suspicious with of ∆m ∆d respect to the requirement of differentiability. This method should be extensible to other potential components of an extended model of hypotheses. We then will have a summary description of the relative strengths of the competing hypotheses. This provides a sensitivity analysis of the proposed a priori hypothesis as a function of alternative formulations and the ∆p (m | d ) ∆p (m | d ) available data. The result can be displayed as a 2-dimensional matrix of x ∆m ∆d representing the response surface of the hypothesis space. Maxima will represent combinations of model and data that have the greatest positive effect on the predictive value of the hypothesis while minima represent the converse. This surface will provide insight into the relevance, 10 relative strength and weakness of alternative research approaches. This information can be used to guide the researcher to the most promising research effort given the best information at hand. The calculation of likelihood terms is an active area of research [22]. We expect to spend considerable effort in exploring the most effective means of computing the conditional and unconditional terms. Empirical data and estimates of parameter distributions will be used to compute the entries in the conditional probabilities from which the likelihood gradient is computed. These probabilities can be estimated from the p-values derived from the estimation of the parameters of a postulated functional relationship (e.g., linear, quadratic, etc.). Evaluation— Assessing the effectiveness of this semi-automated hypothesis modeling facility will require comparison of the results against a set of hypotheses with known characteristics. Given an initial hypothesis, we will need to verify that: 1) the decomposition of the hypothesis and representation of the multiple, alternative formulations in our hypothesis specification language are correct; 2) the data parameters that were used to calculate the likelihood for each of the hypothesis formulations are appropriate and properly integrated; and, 3) the gradient field analysis produced by the system will yield the same results that would be reached by a scientist manually analyzing the information at hand. We propose to do this evaluation by comparing results from this modeling system with those from the biodiversity and productivity analysis completed by Waide et al. [59] [see following section]. B. Using and Evaluating the Knowledge Network: Biocomplexity Research Thus far we have provided the rationale for a Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity, and described our approach to its technical design and implementation. It is widely recognized that successful extrapolation of scientific insights on environmental issues to broader spatiotemporal scales critically depends on access to greater data resources [45]. This need is the primary catalyst for our efforts to construct this Knowledge Network for biocomplexity information. We now describe how ecological researchers, in conjunction with expertise from other disciplines, will use and evaluate the Knowledge Network by addressing a research question of vital theoretical and practical importance—the relationship between biodiversity and organic productivity. This question has stymied researchers, and is largely intractable due to the lack of sufficient data resources to develop powerful statistical tests. The environmental research described in this section will not only test and inform the design and development of the Knowledge Network but also stands on its own as a pathbreaking attempt to synthesize all available information regarding the relationship between these two key aspects defining the richness and sustainability of the natural world. B.1. Rationale for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Case Study Understanding the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function is a challenge to contemporary science [9][54] because of the complexity of the patterns and mechanistic interconnections that underlie them [60]. Indeed, ecosystems arise from the interactions among living organisms, as well as from the interactions between the biota and non-living sources of energy and nutrients [31][43], making ecological understanding a multidisciplinary endeavor anchored in the biological, earth, and atmospheric sciences. The structure of the biotic community is defined by the identity and density of its constituent species (biodiversity), whereas the functional attributes pertaining to that organization include processes such as productivity, decomposition, and nitrogen mineralization. We have purposely chosen to address this complex and scale-dependent question, not only because of its intrinsic scientific merit, but because it typifies the kinds of overarching theoretical constructs and practical constraints that distinguish research in the ecological sciences from the reductionist approaches of chemistry, 11 physics, or molecular biology [47]. In addition, this multidisciplinary research question typifies the type of ecological research that requires broad integration of heterogeneous data from autonomous and distributed sources. Finally, this question is critical if applied sciences such as conservation, restoration, and management are to utilize science-based methods to minimize the negative consequences of environmental degradation to contemporary society [45]. B.2. Multi-scale research on biodiversity and ecosystem function Using the knowledge network developed as part of this proposal, we will execute research on the scale-dependent relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function in a series of stages. In addition to addressing ecological questions of inherent importance, the research will provide feedback, grounded in the realities of complex ecological data, to the development of technologies in support of a Knowledge Network for biocomplexity. Our hierarchical approach to research involves four interrelated phases: (1) Validation, (2) Expansion, (3) Amplification, and (4) Extrapolation. We anticipate that the knowledge network will provide rich sources of data for analysis of ecologically relevant questions concerning the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function, but at the same time, execution of the research will provide a vehicle for the improvement of technologies and serve as the “proof of concept” for the utility of the knowledge network. Validation—The ecological research proposed here emerges from collective experience gained during a cooperative study between the LTER Network and NCEAS. The results of that collaboration [15-16][32][37][52][58-59][62] provide an ideal starting point for evaluating and improving the technology that drives the integrated knowledge network for ecology. Four key issues for knowledge networking arise from that research. First, difficulties in discovering, retrieving, and standardizing data severely limited the scope of the previous investigation to include only net primary productivity (NPP) of grasslands and vascular plants from LTER data sets. Second, the collection and integration of the data on both NPP and species richness was extremely labor intensive, despite the full assistance of LTER data managers. Third, the relationship between biodiversity and productivity was scale-dependent. Fourth, better access to more data would have improved the results of the study through enhanced statistical power. We will test the utility of the Knowledge Network by assessing the degree to which it identifies, retrieves, standardizes and integrates data from the same LTER sites (Arctic, Cedar Creek, Kellogg, Konza, Short-grass Steppe, and Toolik Lake) that led to the biological conclusions derived from our previous, more conventional approach to the problem. Moreover, we anticipate that the Knowledge Network will provide additional useable data from those same sites, which we were unable to identify and incorporate in our initial assessment. This will increase the power of statistical analyses, enhancing confidence that non-significant results are the result of the absence of a relationship, and provide additional observations to enable the detection of associations that appear weak because of inherent environmental heterogeneity. Expansion—Once the knowledge network has the capability to identify and retrieve data comparable to that in our previous work as determined in the validation phase, we can expand the domain of analyses to include other LTER sites, especially those representative of other biomes. In addition, we can obtain data from sites outside the LTER network, such as those in the Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS) and the California Nature Reserve System. Such expansive data will allow us to take two important steps forward in understanding the relationship between diversity and productivity. First, we will be able to see if the relationship is scale-dependent in similar fashions within different biomes (e.g., grasslands, deserts, and forests). Second, using the combined data from all sites, we will be able to define the 12 relationship between productivity and diversity as the dominant life forms change, e.g. from annual grasses to perennial grasses and herbs, to shrubs, and to hardwood trees. This is important because factors controlling productivity or diversity within a biome may be different than those among biomes. Patterns in the relationship may change because the underlying mechanisms affecting one or both variables change. This expansion phase of the project will be critical in testing our ability to discover, interpret, and integrate heterogeneous data from a variety of distributed data sources (See Sections IIIA.1 and IIIA.2). Amplification—Once an effective, efficient, and validated knowledge network is in place, we can amplify perspectives from which we assess the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function. Species richness is not the only index of biodiversity, and productivity is not the only measure of ecosystem function. Moreover, the relationship between different aspects of biodiversity and each of a number of ecosystem functions need not be the same. We will obtain data from as many sites as possible, in order to estimate species richness, species evenness, and species dominance [33]. Similarly, from as many sites as possible, we will obtain measures of ecosystem function (e.g., decomposition rates, rates of nitrogen mineralization, turnover times for phosphorus). These data will allow us to answer two important questions. First, do different measures of biodiversity have similar associations (i.e., the form, parameters, and strength of the relationship) with a single measure of ecosystem function? Second, does the same measure of biodiversity respond to different measures of ecosystem function in the same way? This phase of the project will directly test the hypothesis modeling capabilities that were described in Section IIIA.3 because it deals with the expansion of the hypothesis into multiple alternative formulations that can be directly tied to data resources from the Knowledge Network. Extrapolation—To study the relationship at the broadest of spatial scales (i.e., continental or global), data on biodiversity and ecosystem function must represent salient environmental gradients occurring over broad ranges of latitude, longitude, and elevation. Data derived from the current confederation of sites that contribute to the knowledge network may not be sufficiently ample to generate site-specific data on both measures of ecosystem function and biodiversity. Nonetheless, a variety of sites may provide data on one measure of biodiversity (e.g., species richness) while aspects of ecological function (e.g., productivity) may be estimated from broad-scale climatic data (e.g., temperature and precipitation) in conjunction with information about soil characteristics. Hence, we will use the entire arsenal of knowledge networking tools to access a broad array of information from selected governmental and public databases, as well as from climatic and earth science computer models (WWW sites, see [59]), to estimate critical missing data. We can validate this approach for estimating parameters by comparing the estimated values from modeling algorithms to the values for sites at which empirical measurements have been made. B.3. Working Groups as Integrative Activities The NCEAS model for working group activities has proven to be highly effective at catalyzing synthetic research in ecology [49]. We will use this model of collaborative research to enhance multidisciplinary interactions and to diversify the expertise of scientists addressing questions concerning the relationship between ecosystem function and biodiversity. The Biocomplexity Working Group (P.I. Willig, Coordinator) will comprise representatives of the LTER and OBFS sites who contribute data to the knowledge network, as well as other ecologists, earth and atmospheric scientists, informatics specialists, and computer scientists. Because of the labor-intensive nature of data management for a large multi-site project, as well as the need to provide scientific linkages between biocomplexity research and the modeling 13 efforts required for the automated hypothesis testing, a post-doctoral fellow will assist the coordinator in executing these tasks and serve as liaison with the Informatics Working Group. Similarly, the expected site-specificity of scale-dependence in the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function will require considerable modeling efforts to develop appropriate transformations for biocomplexity information to be useable for cross-scale, crosssite analyses. These findings will then be incorporated into the knowledge representation format of the Knowledge Network. A second post-doctoral fellow will assist the coordinator in executing this task and serve as liaison with the Graduate Student Working Group, which will be confronting similar challenges in their seminar activities. C. Education, Outreach and Training To train young scientists in the use of biocomplexity information and its associated technology, we will initiate a series of integrated graduate training seminars at 5-10 universities during each year of the award. The goals of the seminars are threefold: 1) to train graduate students in organizing and synthesizing multi-scale data on biodiversity and productivity; 2) to provide an interactive environment in which students have the opportunity to use and provide input to the design of the software tools constituting the knowledge network; and 3) to demonstrate the power of a multi-scale, multidisciplinary approach to biocomplexity research. In this research training model, successfully employed at NCEAS for other studies, faculty at participating universities will conduct graduate seminars on the relationship between ecosystem function and biodiversity. The seminars will be highly interdisciplinary, including students in ecology, natural resource management, informatics, and statistics. The students will gather and integrate diverse information, using the tools developed in this project, and thereby test the efficacy of the tools. Each of the seminars will synthesize and analyze data from their local LTER or OBFS site on biodiversity and ecosystem function. After the local seminars are completed graduate students from each seminar will participate in an NCEAS working group that will compare results across the sites under consideration. In order to standardize and coordinate the collection and analysis of data we will develop a digital, web-based syllabus, webbased training materials and an electronic collaboratory. The net results of this distinctive training effort will be the generation of a cohort of young investigators well versed in ecological knowledge networking tools and approaches. To foster the adoption of the knowledge networking tools and approaches developed during this research project, we will collaborate with the Ecological Society of America (ESA) to conduct symposia at annual ESA meetings and develop a web-based training manual for the use of metadata and other knowledge networking tools. In addition, the LTER Network Office will develop a training module from the results of this project for individual LTER and OBFS sites. This module will demonstrate to data managers how to provide reciprocal access to data at multiple sites and field sites. Individuals receiving the training will be expected to make their data available through the knowledge network. When the prototype knowledge network is fully developed, we will extend training efforts to other sites through workshops at annual meetings of the ESA and the LTER All-Scientists meeting. IV. PROJECT SIGNIFICANCE Information is most valuable when it is easily accessible for the purpose of knowledge creation and decision making. In 1998, the President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology concluded that “We need [...] research to produce mechanisms that can […] efficiently search through [...] biodiversity and ecosystems data sets, make correlations among data from different sources, compile those data in new ways, analyze and synthesize them, and 14 present the resulting information in an understandable and usable manner.” [45]. The science of ecology urgently requires a concerted effort to develop an informatics and collaboratory framework to provide access to information from the many disciplines contributing to our understanding of biocomplexity in the context of global ecosystems. Moreover, the advances in informatics and computer science research that are accomplished in addressing this challenge will have direct application to related disciplines in earth and atmospheric sciences, as well as to other disciplines examining the phenomena related to complexity in general. Our research in using structured metadata for the development of higher-order statements and their application to hypothesis modeling has broad applicability to any domain dealing with complex data. Intellectual Merit The cornerstone of this proposal involves development of a comprehensive prototype knowledge network for biocomplexity informatics through a unique partnership of ecologists, computer scientists, software engineers, and informatics researchers. This partnership incorporates national leaders in ecological informatics (LTER), synthesis of ecological data (NCEAS), and development of computational infrastructure (SDSC), who collectively have access to extensive ecological data sets, closely-connected and extensive networks of scientists specializing in ecology and informatics, and state-of-the-art computational facilities. We propose to integrate the diffuse and heterogeneous information sources required for the development and testing of theory in ecology and its sister fields into a standards-based, open architecture, knowledge network. The existence of such a network will lead to broadened understanding of biocomplexity and ecological systems, and allow the application of that understanding to societal issues. In developing this network, we will create a new community of environmental scientists who will be able to focus on complex, multi-scale problems that, to date, have proven to be intractable. We will perform foundational research in computer science and informatics to create new tools for discovering, retrieving, interpreting, integrating, and analyzing data from these diverse sources. Our prototype network will be useful across a variety of disciplines and will provide a basis for the growth of multidisciplinary research groups focused on biocomplexity. Broader Impacts The results of the proposed research will have broad implications for our ability to understand and manage sustainably the complex ecological systems and biological resources on which all humans depend. Ecological and biodiversity information is voluminous and complex, but currently is inaccessible to research scientists and policy makers. The intellectual advances in information science that we propose will, for the first time, provide an accessible infrastructure for identifying, integrating, managing, and, ultimately, synthesizing the nation’s ecological and biodiversity information resources. Key components of the proposal address education (graduate seminars involving over 150 students per year), outreach (to OBFS facilities via the LTER Network Office), and training (at NCEAS, the annual meeting of ESA, and the LTER All Scientists Meeting). The University of New Mexico is a minority-serving institution, and NCEAS and SDSC actively pursue increased involvement of underrepresented groups in their programs. A plan for dissemination of the products created in this proposal (see below) will ensure broad distribution of the results throughout the suite of scientific disciplines that will be the beneficiaries of the proposed research. Ultimately, the existence of a knowledge network for ecological information will serve directly to provide information to scientists, students, policy planners, resource managers, and the public, and will allow them to make science-based decisions regarding the future of our society. 15 V. APPROPRIATENESS FOR KDI & ROLES OF PROJECT PERSONNEL This project directly addresses several of the research emphases of the Knowledge Networking focus of KDI. Overall, the proposed research is a foundational effort to build a system that enables researchers to locate , manage, and utilize heterogeneous, distributed, and complex data, and transform these into knowledge that can be shared within and among disciplines. The project involves specific research goals and products in two extremely broad fields, informatics and ecology, but the methods employed will be applicable to any disciplines needing access to large amounts of data in formats suitable for scientific analysis. The domainspecific research that we will use to test and validate the prototype knowledge network involves a multi-scale, multidisciplinary investigation of the vitally important and complex relationship between ecosystem processes and biodiversity. The informatics research explores the utility of recent advances in metadata languages for expressing key structural (syntax) and conceptual (semantics) aspects of scientific data, in order to facilitate data discovery, access, and integration. We use open standards in this work, thereby creating the potential for constructing complex and interoperable ontologies for describing domain-specific data. We will initially develop a vocabulary for ecological data that will be used by our proposed hypothesis modeling system. This application, based on adaptive probability networks, will provide a framework for the automated testing of formalized representations of hypothesized relationships, using data within the prototype knowledge network. This work will require foundational research in terms of modeling domain-specific knowledge and processes. Using these approaches, we will develop a network-accessible, prototype knowledge network that is intrinsically multidisciplinary, with data contributions from, e.g., ecologists, meteorologists, and earth system scientists. A team of scientists will then use the prototype to accomplish a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between ecosystem processes and biodiversity. Robust investigation of this issue is currently impossible due to severe limitations in access to relevant data, and subsequent difficulties in integrating these into a common framework. With regard to other goals of KDI, this project will enhance education by involving graduate students and knowledge networking specialists in the development of informatics tools; promote a culture shift within ecology and other disciplines toward comprehensive data access; enhance the ability of scientists to transform information into useful knowledge for use by society at large, and resource managers in particular; and advance scientists’ abilities to discover and retrieve vast stores of disparate data through knowledge networking tools. Roles of Senior Personnel • Reichman: PI, NCEAS Director; responsible for planning, coordination and implementation • Jones: co-PI, Information Specialist; lead on metadata and interoperability layer • Brunt: co-PI, Information Specialist; lead for distributed data network • Helly: co-PI, Computer Scientist; responsible for adaptive probability network research • Willig: co-PI, Ecologist; will lead ecological research and the ecology working group • Andelman: Ecologist; NCEAS Deputy; work with education, outreach, and training • Arzberger: Executive Director; responsible for coordination of activities at SDSC. • Rajasekar: Computer Scientist; SRB system support at SDSC • Schildhauer, Director of Computing; coordination of technology research between partners • Sutton, Developer; software engineering on hypothesis modeling engine • Waide: Executive Director, LTER Network Office; coordination of LTER activities 16 VI. RESULTS FROM PRIOR NSF SUPPORT O. J. Reichman and M. Jones, NCEAS, UCSB, Results of Prior Support National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (DEB-94-21535) May 01, 1995 - April 30, 2000: O. J. Reichman is Director of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), and Professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology at UC Santa Barbara. NCEAS provides the opportunity and facilities for intense collaborative research on major fundamental and applied problems in ecological and environmental science. Since May 1995 the Center has hosted over 1400 visiting scientists and sponsored 2 major symposia, 25 workshops, 24 working groups, 22 visiting scientists and sabbatical fellows, and 16 postdoctoral fellows. Details of these activities can be found under the Center’s web site at NCEAS’ scientific computing staff maintain a high-performance networked computing environment for these projects, many of which require the integration of large and diverse data sets. NCEAS' mission includes leadership in the development of new methods appropriate to advancing synthetic and integrative work in the ecological sciences. Through experience with our research groups, the scientific computing staff at NCEAS have identified a critical need for better tools and standards for the integration and preservation of disparate ecological data, and have become involved in a number of informatics initiatives to address these issues. NCEAS’ Database and Information Specialist and Director of Computing are responsible for planning and coordinating these data and informatics initiatives and strategies. NCEAS-sponsored Workshop on "Data Management for the Ecological Sciences": In recognition of the key element that data management plays in facilitating integrative and synthetic research within ecology, NCEAS convened a workshop consisting of executives and informatics specialists from a number of institutions that have similar commitments and concerns about data management. The intent was to foster communication among these institutions, to identify specific informatics needs, and to develop a plan for addressing these issues. NCEAS-sponsored meetings of the Ecological Society of America’s "Committee on Data Archiving and Sharing": NCEAS hosted meetings and maintains the Web site of this special Committee that was formed to address issues of preservation and access to ecological data. NCEAS provided technical consultation to the Committee through participation of its informatics staff. The Committee provided oversight for the Web-based data management project described below, and developed specific recommendations to the governing board of the Ecological Society of America that are leading to the foundation of a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the description and preservation of particularly noteworthy ecological data sets. Training and Outreach: NCEAS' scientific computing staff participated as invited instructors to a Data Management Training Workshop, jointly sponsored by the Organization for Biological Field Stations (OBFS) and the Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) in 1997. They have also contributed two chapters to a planned publication growing from this event. The technical staff have been invited speakers to a session on ‘Advances in Ecological Software’, at the 1997 Ecological Society of America’s annual meeting. NCEAS' scientific computing staff provide ad hoc training to dozens of visiting scientists and analysts associated with research efforts at NCEAS that require demanding informatics solutions in order to succeed. Automation of Ecological Data Management using Structured Metadata: Supplement to NCEAS (DEB-94-21535) August 1997-August 1999. This project has two goals: 1) to formalize the suggested ecological metadata content standard from Michener et al.(1997) using extensible markup language, XML; 2) to develop a platform-neutral software tool that enables 17 researchers to create XML documents that conform to the ecological metadata content standard developed under goal (1). See for a summary of progress and software developed to date, including the following milestones. • Completion of a comprehensive review of proposed metadata standards relevant to ecological sciences (NBII, FGDC, LTER, FLED). • Design and creation of a Ecological Metadata Language (EML), an XML document type declaration (DTD) for ecological metadata. • Implementation of the capability to automatically convert XML-structured metadata to HTML using style sheets, which is useful for automatic generation of web pages. Moreover, it illustrates the process of automatic conversion from one metadata standard to another. • Design and implementation of a metadata editor in Java that enables a scientist to create and modify a metadata document using valid XML-based Document Type Definitions (DTD). The editor provides validation of the resulting XML-based document with the DTD. The design of the editor is flexible in that it supports multiple, diverse, and evolving content standards for metadata that are represented by DTDs. Current focus is on the EML DTDs. • Creation of a prototype tool for automated quality assurance processing for heterogeneous data that is described using EML metadata. The implementation uses a perl-based XML parser to process XML metadata files and automatically generate analytical processing code for SAS analytical software. Results are formatted in HTML. Peer reviewed publications from this research include: Frondorf, A., M. B. Jones, and S. Stitt. 1999. Linking the FGDC geospatial metadata content standard to the biological/ecological sciences. Proceedings of the Third IEEE Computer Society Metadata Conference. Bethesda, MD. April 6-7, 1999. Nottrott, R., M. B. Jones, and M. Schildhauer. 1999. Using XML-structured metadata to automate quality assurance processing for ecological data. Proceedings of the Third IEEE Computer Society Metadata Conference. Bethesda, MD. April 6-7, 1999. Invited Presentations from this research include: Jones, Matthew B., M. P. Schildhauer, and R. Nottrott. 1998. The Role of Informatics in Ecological Synthesis. 1998 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland. Jones, Matthew B. 1997. Web-Database Integration. NSF Training Workshop for Ecological Data Management. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Jones, Matthew B. 1997. Data Management at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. NSF Training Workshop for Ecological Data Management. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Schildhauer, Mark P. and M. B. Jones. 1997. Software Choices for a High Performance Analytical Environment. 1997 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Web-based Data Management for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (DBI 9631091) September 01, 1996 - August 31, 1999. Frank Davis, past Deputy Director of NCEAS, was the PI for NCEAS on this grant. This grant supports the development of a web-based data management system following the recommendations of the FLED committee report. It addresses mechanisms for encouraging high-quality collections of ecological data, design and operation issues for the web-based data management system, and mechanisms being considered to manage intellectual property rights and provide long-term funding. NCEAS provided technical review of the Web-based front-end for this prototype archive of ecological data. 18 J. Brunt, LTER Network Office, University of New Mexico, Results of Prior Support The PI is currently Co-PI and Associate Director for Information Management at the LongTerm Ecological Research (LTER) Network Office (DEB – 9634135). This project supports the communication, data management, data dissemination, and technological advances of the LTER Network of research sites. The PI developed the design plan for the LTER network information system and has the responsibility of coordinating its development with the LTER Network Informatics group and LTER collaborators. The LTER network information system plan was developed out of a need for an information system that seamlessly facilitates and integrates both cross-site and intra-site data exchange, with the mission of meeting the research needs of LTER scientists. The strategy is to design and develop a distributed, LTER-wide information system using a modular approach while maintaining and building on present functionality. The system is currently composed of a variety of prototype modules that are being evaluated. The results of this evaluation will be developed into a framework, or set of specifications, that describe the interoperability of discrete units of the system, into which additional, future modules can be plugged. Other support relevant to this proposal falls into 2 categories: 1) Software Development, and 2) Computational Infrastructure Development. Software Development DBI-8905996 - The NMSU Science Workbench Project: An Integrated Approach to Research Data Management. The PI worked on the NMSU Science Workbench Project in graduate school at New Mexico State University producing a number of papers, technical reports, and this proposal which was funded after leaving for the University of New Mexico. The Science Workbench was a computational environment that supported a philosophy of data management and group research. The environment consisted of tools that broadly support data management and manipulation; statistics, graphics, and numerical analysis; and development and analysis of technical text. The Workbench supported both individual research and group demonstrations and workshops. This work was groundbreaking in its use of the internet and client/server technology to support scientific interaction among ecologists. BIR-9123090 – Collaboration Software for Ecological Scientists: In 1991, the PI received a grant w/ Dr. John Rasure of UNM Computer Engineering for development of collaboration software for ecological scientists. The objective of this multidisciplinary project was to develop software that provided the mechanisms and methods that enabled and encouraged scientists to exchange data, ideas, and results across geographically distributed research sites. The motivation was twofold: the need for better methods of processing and visualizing data in environmental research; and the need for collaboration across and within disciplines. The work extended the Khoros 1.0 software, which was later developed into a highly successful commercial software (K2), provided a working environment designed to motivate scientists from different locations to interact over a computer network. Computational Infrastructure Development The PI contributed to and/or served as PI on a number of supplement grants to develop a basic data management capability for the Sevilleta LTER project (BSR-8811906, DEB9411976), facility grants to develop a similar capability at the Sevilleta Research Field Station (BIR-9311867, BIR - 9512658), at the Mapimi Biosphere Reserve Station in Mexico (DEB9527083), and the Organization of Tropical Field Stations in Costa Rica (DBI-9601194). These proposals demonstrate a wide-ranging use of technology in solving data management and communication problems from T-1 WAN technology to Satellite data systems. 19 J. Helly, SDSC, Results of Prior Support San Diego Supercomputer Center. Cooperative Agreement 10/1/95-9/30/97 This support provided for the establishment of an ecological outreach program at SDSC. As a direct result of this funding: • San Diego Bay Project was established at SDSC (1), • First Workshop on Computational Ecology (2) was prepared and held, • Ecological Society of America's FLED (Future-of-Long Term Ecological Data) was enabled (3), (4), • numerous workshops and presentations including those at the NSF LTER (Long-Term Ecological Research) Coordinating committee, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, White House Conference on Marine Monitoring. Web-based Data Management for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis 10/1/969/30/97 This grant from BIR/DBA is supporting the development of a web-based data management system to support ecological analysis and synthesis following on the recommendations of the FLED committee report. We have also been investigating the means by which high-quality collections of ecological data can be encouraged and supported. We discuss the issues involved in design and operation of the web-based data management system and the mechanisms being considered to manage intellectual property rights and provide long-term funding (5). National Partnership for Advanced Computing Infrastructure (NPACI) 10/1/979/30/02 The Earth systems science area, led by Freeman Gilbert of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and John Helly of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UCSD, is advancing the study of the Earth's natural systems and the complex interactions between humans and those systems. To do so, NPACI partners will focus on earth systems modeling and orchestrating multiscale models across distributed computers; ecological and environmental modeling that incorporates remote-sensing data; and an Earth systems digital library that will create new opportunities for scientists, educators, students, and policy makers. In early efforts, NPACI is supporting climate researchers investigating the 1997-1998 El Niño phenomenon. To develop better predictions of conditions provoked by El Niño at global, regional, and watershed scales, NPACI researchers have assembled a set of compute- intensive multiscale, multiresolution models to be run on NPACI machines. One result will be a collection of global and regional climate and weather models residing within NPACI. The Earth systems science team will build on work at UCSD (including SIO and SDSC), the University of Texas at Austin, UCLA, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, the University of Maryland, the University of Kansas, the Long Term Ecological Research Network at the University of New Mexico, and partners from the technology thrust areas. LTER Network Office 2/1/98-1/30/02 Funding for this activity has just begun and will provide support for support of the LTER system by SDSC. Citations 1. San Diego Bay Project; 2. J. Helly, S. Levin, W. Michener, F. Davis, T. Case, The State of Computational Ecology. (1996) 3. K. Gross, et al, Report of the Committee on the Future of Long-term Ecological Data (FLED). (1995) 4. W.K. Michener, J.W. Brunt, J.J. Helly, T.B. Kirchner, S.G. Stafford, Nongeospatial Metadata for the Ecological Sciences. Ecological Applications (1997). 7: (1):330-242. 20 5. J. Helly, T. Elvins, D. Sutton, D. Martinez, Controlled Publication of Digital Scientific Data: An Example in Ecology. In preparation (1999). 21 Michael R. Willig—Texas Tech University, Results of Prior Support Long-Term Ecological Research in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico (DEB-9705814); 10/94-9/00—As co-PI, my responsibilities involve long-term monitoring of selected populations and communities of animals, including snails, walking sticks, and bats. I have documented their response to a variety of disturbances, including Hurricane Hugo, and have evaluated trajectories of recovery over the subsequent 9 years. Current efforts are continuing with respect to Hurricane Georges, for which the previous years of data provide the background context for assessment of immediate and short-term effects. Synthetic efforts involve 1) comparison of trajectories of recovery by populations, communities, and biogeochemical parameters, 2) development of a model to reflect the dynamics of recovery and interactions among elements of a disturbance regime, and 3) assessment of scale-dependence in the relationship between productivity and diversity. As a consequence, I have been an author on 14 abstracts at scientific meetings, and have 17 published or in press articles. In addition, I have been the major advisor of five graduate students working in the Luquillo Mountains: Secrest (MS, 1995), Alvarez (PhD, 1997), Yee (MS, 1999), Cox (PhD), and Bloch (PhD). PUBLICATIONS I. Gannon, M.R., and M.R. Willig. 1995. Ecology of ectoparasites from tropical bats. Environ. Entomology 24:1495-1503. II. Walker, L.R., J. K. Zimmerman, M.R. Willig, and W.L. Silver, Eds. 1996. Long-term responses of Caribbean ecosystems to disturbance. Biotropica 28:414-614. III. Walker, L.R., J. K. Zimmerman, M.R. Willig, and W.L. Silver, Eds. 1996. Long-term responses of Caribbean ecosystems to disturbance. Biotropica 28:414-614. IV. Garrison, R.W., and M.R. Willig. 1996. Arboreal invertebrates. Pp. 183-245, in: The Food Web of a Tropical Rain Forest (R.B. Waide and D.P. Reagan, Eds.). Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois , 616 pp. V. Willig, M.R., and M.R. Gannon. 1996. Mammals. Pp. 397-431, in: The Food Web of a Tropical Rain Forest (R.B. Waide and D.P. Reagan, Eds.). Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 616 pp. VI. Willig, M.R., D.L. Moorhead, S.B. Cox, and J.C. Zak. 1996. Functional diversity of soil bacterial communities in the tabonuco forest: Interaction of anthropogenic and natural disturbance. Biotropica 28:471-483. VII. Secrest, M.F., M.R. Willig, and L.L. Lind. 1996. The legacy of disturbance on habitat associations of terrestrial snails in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Biotropica 28:502-514. VIII. Zimmerman, J.K, M.R. Willig, L.R. Walker, W.L. Silver. 1996. Introduction: Disturbance and Caribbean ecosystems. Biotropica 28:756-765. IX. Gannon, M.R., and M.R. Willig. 1997. The effect of lunar illumination on movement and activity of the red fig-eating bat (Stenoderma rufum). Biotropica 29:525-529. X. Willig, M.R., E.A. Sandlin, and M.R. Gannon. 1998. Structural and taxonomic correlates of habitat selection by a Puerto Rican land snail. Southwest. Natur. 43:70-79. XI. Willig, M.R., M.F. Secrest, S.B. Cox, G.R. Camilo, J.F. Cary, J. Alvarez, and M.R. Gannon. 1998. Long-term monitoring of snails in the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico: Heterogeneity, scale, disturbance, and recovery. Pp. 293-322, in: Forest Biodiversity in North, Central, and South American and the Caribbean: Research and Monitoring (F. Dallmeier and J. 22 Comisky, eds.). Man and the Biosphere Series, Volume 21, UNESCO and The Parthenon Press, Carnforth, Lancashire, UK. XII. Gannon, M.R., and M.R. Willig. 1998. Long-term monitoring protocol for bats: Lessons from the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico. Pp. 271-291, in: Forest Biodiversity in North, Central, and South American and the Caribbean: Research and Monitoring (F. Dallmeier and J. Comisky, eds.). Man and the Biosphere Series, Volume 21, UNESCO and The Parthenon Press, Carnforth, Lancashire, UK. XIII. Willig, M.R., and M.A. McGinley. 1999. Animal responses to natural disturbance and roles as patch generating phenomena. Pp., 667-689, in: Ecology of Disturbed Ground, Elsevier Science, The Netherlands (In Press). XIV. Walker, L.R. and M.R. Willig. 1999. An introduction to terrestrial disturbance. Pp. 000000, in Ecology of Disturbed Ground, Elsevier Science, The Netherlands (In Press). XV. Willig, M.R. and L.R. Walker. 1999. Disturbance in terrestrial ecosystems: salient themes, synthesis, and future directions. Pp. 000-000, in Ecology of Disturbed Ground, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (In Press). XVI. Waide, R.B., M.R. Willig, G. Mittelbach, C. Steiner, L. Gough, S.I. Dodson, G.P. Juday, and R. Parmenter. 1999. The relationship between primary productivity and species richness. Ann. Rev. Ecol. & Syst. (In Press). Paraguayan Mammals and Their Ectoparasites (DEB-9400926); 7/94-6/99—I am one of two PIs on this project to conduct a biotic survey and inventory of small mammals and their ectoparasites. We have completed extensive surveys of bats, marsupials, and rodents at 25 sites distributed in a manner to parallel environmental gradients of temperature and precipitation, and to sample all major biomes and regions designated for protection. We have collected over 10,000 mammals and their associated biological objects (e.g., karyotypes, heart, kidney, and lung tissues, skeletons, ectoparasite assemblages). Sorting and identifying ectoparasites is a major focus of current efforts, in collaboration with systematic colleagues throughout the country. A detailed monograph on the bats of Paraguay is ready for submission, and research is in progress concerning a similar tome for rodents. We are working on systematic research concerning sexual dimorphism and intraspecific variation in two common bats, Sturnira lilium and Artibeus lituratus. In addition, we are finalizing research concerning species abundance distributions, body size distributions, and dominance-diversity relationships of bats at the 25 sites. As a consequence, I have been an author on 9 abstracts, and 6 others will be presented in June. Four graduate student projects will emerge from this research, including the work of Lopez-G (PhD, 1998), Presley (PhD), Stevens (PhD), and Gorresen (MS). Publications 1. Lopez-Gonzalez, C., S.J. Presley, R.D. Owen, and M.R. Willig. 1998. Noteworthy records of bats (Chiroptera) from Paraguay. Mastozoologia Neotropical 5:41-45. 2. Willig, M.R., S.J. Presley, R.D. Owen, and C. Lopez-Gonzalez. Composition and structure of bat assemblages in Paraguay: A subtropical – temperate interface. J. Mamm. (In Press). 23 VII. DISSEMINATION OF RESULTS AND INSTITUTIONAL COMMITMENT The proposed research will create multiple deliverables that will be disseminated to appropriate end users as indicated below. Project personnel have a strong and shared commitment to the widespread distribution and implementation of the products of their research. Informatics and Biocomplexity Working Groups - Peer-reviewed journals will be the principal means for publication of scientific results from the activities of the Working Groups. Project participants will give presentations at scientific meetings, especially targeting special symposia on ecological data management to be organized at the annual meetings of the Ecological Society of America. Graduate Seminar – Participation in graduate seminars on enabling biodiversity research through informatics will provide a major avenue for disseminating results to students throughout the nation. Over 100 students are projected to take part in these seminars. A special symposium dedicated to the integration and presentation of these results will take place at the LTER All Scientists meeting scheduled for August 2000. Multiple peer-reviewed publications are anticipated from this activity. Software implementing desktop, repository and network services; manuals and documentation for end-users and systems personnel; and tutorials – These will be distributed directly to researchers affiliated with the project and will be freely available through the Web. The availability of these tools will be made known through the Ecological Society of America, whose publications reach the majority of the ecologists in the United States. Operational knowledge network prototype - The network prototype, including the distributed data repository framework with advanced network level services, will be broadly available and easily accessible through the Internet. NCEAS facilities, located off-campus in downtown Santa Barbara, house a permanent staff of 11, including the Director and Deputy Director, four administrative support personnel, and five scientific computing personnel. The Center sponsors approximately 30 resident scientists and over 400 visiting scientists per year. NCEAS maintains a heterogeneous, networked computing environment for its resident and visiting scientists. The internal backbone consists of 10 and 100 Mbps switched ethernet. Internet connectivity is achieved via a dedicated T1 connection to the UCSB campus. NCEAS’ technical staff are participating in campus planning for the CalRen-II network, which will bring OC-3 (155 Mbps) and eventually OC-12 (622 Mbps) connectivity to UCSB as part of the NSFsponsored vBNS. NCEAS maintains two high-end database and analytical servers: a Silicon Graphics Origin 2000, with four R10K CPU’s, and 1.5 GB of RAM; and an SGI Power Challenge L, with four R10K CPU’s, and 1.5 GB of RAM. Storage includes over 45 GB online disk storage and a 75 GB robotic DLT tape backup system. All servers are archived nightly, and are on uninterruptible power supplies. High-end PCs, Macintoshes, and UNIX workstations are available to resident and visiting researchers. Planned upgrades with direct relevance to supporting an informatics venture include addition of a large, high-availability storage system, RAM upgrades for the servers, and an automated high-volume, high-speed tape backup system. NCEAS supports a number of scalable software packages, including SAS, MATLAB, Splus, CPLEX, ArcInfo and ArcView, and parallelizable compilers for Fortran 90, Fortran 77, C++, and C. Oracle, running on our SGI Power Challenge, is our primary database server. 24 The LTER Network Office occupies a suite of seven offices, two computer laboratories, and a conference room on the University of New Mexico South Campus. The Network Office houses staff and computer facilities for the LTER Network Information System Infrastructure. The backbone of the network information system is the network office data center. The center has recently installed new scalable servers and increased the network bandwidth to better serve the LTER and ecological community. Two Sun 450 Enterprise servers (4-300 MHz UltraSPARC cpu's, 1GB memory, 20 GB local disk, tape backup including DDS3- 12/24 GB, redundant power supplies and uninterruptible power) and two Dell Poweredge servers (2-300 MHz Pentium II, 256 MB memory, DDS3 tape backup, a 45 GB RAID5 disk, redundant power supplies and UPS) are the primary computers serving the lternet domain. Unix and NT 4.0 versions of Erdas/Imagine and Arc/Info are used for GIS support. MS SQL server is used for databases, with plans to implement Unix Oracle (UNM site license). The office is connected to the Internet and vBNS via ATM (155 Mbps) and 100 Mb/s UNM fiber backbone In 1999, the UNM fiber backbone will be upgraded to 1 Gb/s. The LTER Network Office server interfaces will be simultaneously upgraded to take advantage of this new connectivity. SDSC will provide resources via the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI). These include supercomputers, archival storage systems, data handling platforms, and advanced visualization systems. During the next five years, the capabilities of the center will be upgraded to include peak teraflops-capable systems, petabyte archives, and highperformance data-handling systems that provide a robust test bed for information management research. Major hardware resources currently at SDSC include a 14-processor CRAY T90, a 256-processor CRAY T3E, a 128-node IBM SP, over 2 TB of disk, and over 100 TB of tape storage. These are being augmented by a novel multithreaded supercomputer, a Tera MTA. During the next five years, we plan to upgrade an IBM SP system to provide a data-handling environment with a petabyte of storage, 10 TB of disk, and a sufficiently large number of nodes to sustain data movement rates in excess of 3 GB/s. A peak teraflops parallel compute engine will be connected to the data-handling environment using emerging Super HIPPI LAN technology. SDSC is located on several large networks that will be essential to moving data within our proposed data network. First, the NSF-sponsored very High Speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS) interconnects UCSD/SDSC with its national NPACI partners. It operates at 155 Mbps (OC-3) and parts of the backbone network run at 622 Mbps (OC-12). Connection to UCSB is provided through the CalREN-2 network. Associated data-intensive computing software includes a distributed data handling system developed at SDSC (Storage Resource Broker), digital library technology acquired through collaborations with IBM, University of California, Santa Barbara and University of California, Berkeley, parallel object-relational database technology acquired in collaboration with IBM, and the High Performance Storage System (HPSS) archival storage software that is being developed and tested with IBM and LLNL. The archival storage system at SDSC sustains over a terabyte of data movement per day, with peak access rates over 2000 transactions per hour. The NPACI program is creating scientific data collections for disciplines including Neuroscience, Molecular Science, Earth Systems Science, and Astronomy. Access to these data collections is provided through the SDSC Storage Resource Broker. The combination of information management technology, scientific data collections, and the data handling platforms that support rapid access to the data provides an excellent test bed for evaluating new infrastructure for managing scientific data and scientific algorithms. 25 VIII. PERFORMANCE GOALS Research and development activities that will lead to the construction of our knowledge network prototype have been modularized to allow our multiple institutions to work simultaneously on different components of the network. Although the components will be ultimately integrated, each will have well-specified APIs that allow relatively independent progress. This process will be facilitated by the use of component-oriented software design practices (e.g., use of CORBA interfaces). Table 1 describes the major performance goals for each phase of the project. TABLE 1: Performance Goals DATA—Unified Access to Distributed Data (LTERNet, NCEAS) Year 1: Install SRB on LTER, NCEAS systems, develop CORBA interface to SRB Extend SRB deployment to 6 core LTER sites Develop, deploy, and test metadata catalog based on Extended EML Year 2: Continue SRB deployment to extended set of field stations Develop query interface for metadata catalog Year 3: Develop metadata conversion tools (site-specific) Test and refine metadata and data client interfaces System integration with other components INFORMATION—Resolving Semantic Heterogeneity via Schema Integration (NCEAS, LTERNet) Year 1: Formalize extensible metadata structure in RDF Develop prototype metadata editor / query interface to catalog Develop metadata schemata for dataset structure Develop metadata schema for data set semantics Research technologies for concept representation Year 2: Continue research on concept representation Develop data integration engine Specification of concept ontologies for case study Year 3: Refine conceptual query capabilities and data integration engine System integration with other components KNOWLEDGE—Automated Modeling of Scientific Hypotheses (SDSC, NCEAS) Year 1: Develop Hypothesis Specification Language Year 2: Develop APN and Conditional Probability estimators Year 3: Test hypothesis modeling with biocomplexity case study System integration with other components BIOCOMPLEXITY RESEARCH—Multi-scale Research on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function (TTU, UNM, NCEAS) Year 1: Validation, test data discovery and access Year 2: Expansion and Amplification, test data integration and query Year 3: Amplification and Extrapolation, test hypothesis modeling EDUCATION, OUTREACH, and TRAINING—(NCEAS, LTERNet, ESA) Year 1: Conduct graduate training seminars, outreach via ESA Year 2: Conduct graduate training seminars, outreach via ESA Year 3: Conduct graduate training seminars, outreach via ESA 26 IX. MANAGEMENT PLAN This project is organized to provide leadership through vision, decision making, and accountability. The management structure reflects the strengths and commitments of the institutions to ensure success of the project, and is modeled on the successful management structure of the Protein Data Bank, led by Rutgers University and distributed over the National Institution for Standards and Technology and UCSD/SDSC. There are two levels of management: a Core Management Team and the Project Team. The Core Management Team, consisting of Jim Reichman, PI, Bob Waide, Peter Arzberger, and Mike Willig will be responsible for coordinating activities at their respective sites, ensuring the institutional commitments to this project, and allocating resources to ensure project success. The PI is responsible for developing and articulating the goals, implementing plans to meet goals, and ensuring success of the overall project. The Project Team will consist of the PI, all the co-PIs, and senior personnel. The project team is involved in all functions of management: maintaining project focus, integrating activities, allocating resources, continuously assessing the project, and planning for future activities. Monthly teleconferencing and at least semi-annual meetings of the project team, chaired by the PI, will ensure coordination of the research and development activities, meeting the deadlines for deliverables, and planning new activities. Table 2 indicates the principal research and development activities and the responsible lead. TABLE 2: Project Team and Activities (* Indicates Activity Lead) Institution Core Team Members Principal activities DATA Unified Access to Distributed Data INFORMATION Resolving Semantic Heterogeneity via Schema Integration KNOWLEDGE Automated Modeling of Scientific Hypotheses BIOCOMPLEXITY RESEARCH Multi-scale Research on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function LTERNet/ UNM NCEAS/ UCSB Waide Brunt* Reichman Jones*, Schildhauer SDSC/ UCSD Arzberger Helly*, Rajasekar, Sutton TTU, UNM, NCEAS Willig Willig*, Waide, Andelman Each of these individuals has a strong record in related work, and in many cases individuals have worked together on prior projects (see results from Prior Support). We will constitute an Advisory Committee of approximately 10 individuals to ensure that our efforts will impact the ecological sciences and beyond, to assist us in important strategic decisions, and to monitor our progress. This committee will have members from groups directly affected by the advances from this project: data providers and users (OBFS); community best practice promulgators (ESA); technological developers (Computer Science and bioinformatics community); and the broader biocomplexity researchers (Museum Collections, NBII). A number of individuals have agreed to serve on the Advisory committee, which will be formalized should an award be made. We plan to meet with the committee four times during the three years, the first meeting being held within six months of the start of the award. 27 X. LETTERS OF COOPERATION / COMMITMENT Archbold Biological Station – Swain Robert B. Waide Executive Director LTER Network Office Department of Biology University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131-1091 5/4/99 Dear Bob, Supporting letter from Archbold Biological Station, Florida for: A Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity: Building and Evaluating a Metadata-based Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Scientific Data Archbold Biological Station is interested in cooperating in this new venture to develop software tools for ecologists at field stations to simplify searches for ecological data. We would like to formally participate in this proposed program. Archbold Biological Station is a privately endowed research facility located in south-central Florida devoted to long-term ecological research and conservation, part of the global effort to understand, interpret, and preserve the earth’s natural diversity. Archbold Biological Station would contribute to this partnership access to extensive ecological data sets, and a network of scientists specializing in ecology and synthesis of ecological data. Station facilities incorporate a library, laboratories, reference collections, plus dining and housing. A state-of-the-art computational infrastructure includes Internet, Intranet, GIS and Local and Wide Area Networking technologies. Staff and visiting scientists conduct research on the unique scrub habitats of the Lake Wales Ridge and environs. The Station owns and manages a 2,000-ha natural preserve, a relict sand dune habitat with one of the highest concentrations of threatened and endangered species in the USA. Study and management of endemic, endangered species and communities form dominant research themes. Ecological research programs are also conducted in other scrub ecosystems regionally, and intensive conservation activities have been focused on the establishment of protected areas throughout the Lake Wales Ridge. Educational programs emphasize research opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students, providing facilities for teaching field ecology to visiting classes, and environmental instruction for schoolchildren. A major division of Archbold Biological Station is the MacArthur Agro-ecology Research Center (the Ranch), a 4,170-ha working cattle ranch and citrus grove managed at commercial production levels for research purposes. The Ranch provides staff and visiting scientists an opportunity to measure and monitor ecological effects of agricultural practices at real world scales of space and numbers. It serves as a working laboratory to explore the relationships among the ecological, economic, and socio-political functions of this agricultural ecosystem. 28 Archbold Biological station could play three important roles in this project: • • • First, we would make available Station data collected on species richness/biodiversity, ecosystem function, and climate - thus contributing to the validation of the data retrieval system proposed. Second we can provide feedback on the functionality of the knowledge network. Finally, we would like to participate in a scientific working group at NCEAS involved in a study of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function We would wish to cooperate with staff from the LTER Network Office to configure new software for data management and would be very interested in technical support for our data management activities under this proposal. We would be willing to send a representative from Archbold to participate in four workshops over a three-year period, with expenses covered by the project. In conclusion Archbold Biological Station is interested in this ambitious, worthwhile proposal and willing to support this project. Sincerely, Hilary Swain Hilary Swain, Ph.D. Executive Director Archbold Biological Station PO Box 2057 Lake Placid, FL 33862 telephone: 941-465-2571 voice mail: x251 for business, x241 for personal fax: 941-699-1927 email: 29 The University of New Mexico Department of Biology 167 Castetter Hall Albuquerque, NM 87131-1091 (505) 277-3411 May 11, 1999 Mr. Matt Jones National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis 735 State St., Suite 300 Santa Barbara, CA 93101-3351 Dear Matt: As Chair of the Coordinating Committee of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network, I am pleased to endorse your proposal titled: A Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity: Building and Evaluating a Metadata-based Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Scientific Data. The intellectual advances in information science that you propose will, for the first time, provide an accessible infrastructure for identifying, integrating, managing, and, ultimately, synthesizing the nations ecological and biodiversity information resources. Ultimately, the existence of a knowledge network for ecological information will serve directly to provide information to scientists, students, policy planners, resource managers, and the public, and will allow them to make science-based decisions regarding the future of our society. We believe that the LTER Network of 21 sites can play several important roles in this project. By making available data collected at LTER sites, we can contribute to the validation of the data retrieval system you will construct. By using beta versions of the software you will develop, we can provide important feedback on the functionality of the knowledge network. Finally, by participating in scientific working groups at NCEAS and the planned graduate seminars, we can contribute to the study of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function. We wish you the best of luck in your proposal and look forward to the resulting collaboration. Sincerely, James R. Gosz Department of Biology University of New Mexico participation in LTER proposal From: Jack Stanford <> Subject: participation in LTER proposal To: CC: "Robert Waide" <> 5/1/99 15:19 Dear Dr. Jones, I offer our full support for the proposal entitled "A Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity: Building and Evaluating a Metadata-based Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Scientific Data," which is being prepared for NSF under the KDI initiative. We at Flathead Lake Biological Station are pleased to be invited to participate and will make our expertise and long term data fully available to the project. Sincerely, Jack A. Stanford. Jack A. Stanford Jessie M. Bierman Professor of Ecology and Director Flathead Lake Biological Station The University of Montana 311 Bio Station Lane Polson, MT 59860-9659 Phone: 406/982-3301 FAX: 406/982-3201 Check out our Web Page: <> 1 of 1 5/11/99 12:08 PM Re: Joint project From: "Mark R. Stromberg" <> Subject:Re: Joint project To: <> CC: Dear Bob, I have been away from my e-mail for a few days. We at Hastings would be pleased to join in your project and participate and offer any assistance possible. It looks like a timely and useful effort. As you may know, Dr. Walter Koenig has been using large databases in ecological studies in relation to smaller data sets in California. Thank you for thinking of Hastings. Sincerely, Mark Mark R. Stromberg, Ph.D. Resident Director Hastings Natural History Reservation Museum of Vertebrate Zoology University of California, Berkeley 38601 E. Carmel Valley, CA 93924 Carmel Valley, CA 93924 Office: 831 659-2664 fax: 659-7208 Hastings Reserve Information: Organization of Biological Field Stations Thu 13:23 Joint project From: Michael Hamilton <> Subject: Joint project To: CC:, Fri 10:24 Dear Matt, I am writing you, at the request of Robert Waide, to initiate my collaboration in your proposal to the NSF KDI program. My UC-NRS field Station, the James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve , has databases and a data management infrastructure which I feel will lend itself nicely within the objective of your proposal. I will be willing to share data, post new data to our web sites, and participate in metadata protocol development that would be appropriate for our station's needs. My own research involves ecological metadata support systems, and so I would be willing to share my ideas as an exchange within your consotium. I have a somewhat old CV located at, and I encourage you to explore our web site to gain a sense of what resources and capabilities I can offer to your proposal. I am pasting into this email a short description of my recent work with regards to data management and field station applications which we submitted in a pending proposal. I hope it is helpful. Good luck with your proposal, Best regards, Michael Hamilton Director The James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve: The Biodiversity Visualization Laboratory (BVL) was established at the James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve in 1985 by Dr. Michael Hamilton to explore applications of remote sensing, digital media, and database technologies. For two decades, Dr. Hamilton, the James Reserve's manager and an internationally recognized expert in ecological monitoring, has directed biodiversity inventory projects in California, Venezuela, Russia, Mexico, South Africa, Namibia and Botswana, and has provided technical advice and training for more than 150 International conservation groups. He is a founding board member of the International Society for Conservation Geographic Information Systems For additional information about the activities of Dr. Hamilton and the James Reserve, please refer to the Reserve's web site: For the past decade, the BVL has focused on the most effective methods to: … Radically improve our ability to accurately quantify and analyze hundreds of species within complex, dynamic ecological systems without an enormous investment in human manpower … Increase global collaboration among conservation biologists, ecologists and other field scientists in an entirely new, yet cost effective manner … Accurately translate field research conducted within the framework of one discipline into appropriate parameters for use across disciplines. These challenges formed the basis for the Macroscope, a unique information management technology that enhances environmental research. The term "MACROSCOPE," is an acronym for MAChine Representations Of SCaleable Objects and Processes in Ecosystems. Early prototypes of the award-winning Macroscope demonstrated how digital hypermedia information structures could integrate multiple scales of organismal, ecological and environmental data. Applications from this system have been multi-disciplinary and global in context. For example, Macroscope projects conducted by Dr. Hamilton were developed to; a) quantify and predict the flow of radioactive nuclides through farmlands downwind from the Chernobyl reactor, b) model the interaction between vegetation, wildfire, and rare and endangered species in California and Mexico; c) teach conservation science in southern Africa; d) catalogue and integrate research collections at biological field stations in Venezuela. 1 of 2 5/11/99 12:10 PM Joint project Success with these projects demonstrated opportunities for providing rapid and efficient access to vast quantities of environmental information, for evaluating research on more complex systems, and for increasing our understanding of complex living systems. The Macroscope Ecological Observatory: The science of biodiversity is impressively complicated to define and categorize. It attempts understanding of living systems across extremes of spatial scale (molecular to global proportions), of temporal scale (physiological response times to evolutionary change), and of levels of biological organization spanning DNA to global biomes. Scientists who study biodiversity come from diverse academic fields that do not share a common scale to observe and describe biodiversity. A central activity of the Macroscope Ecological Observatory will address this problem by demonstrating how convergent digital information structures and technologies can unify a new range of biological scales and environmental phenomena. Our current research involves: … New tools for collecting ground-based remote sensing data, down to centimeter resolution, which automatically update the virtual ecosystem models, and provide quantitative measurements of change at multiple scales … New techniques to create web-based virtual ecosystems -- realistic, spatially explicit graphical representations of biodiversity which are accurate to the individual scale of objects in space and time … Simulation models driven by real-time automatic data acquisition, that are linked to virtual ecosystems for visualization and interpretation ----------------Michael P. Hamilton Director, James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve Adj. Asst. Professor, Department of Biology, UCR Mailing Address: UC JAMES RESERVE 54445 North Circle Drive PO BOX 1775 IDYLLWILD, CA 92549-1775 Phone: (909) 659-3811 Fax: (909) 659-2182 E-mail: WWW: "Not all who wander are lost" J. R. R. Tolkien 2 of 2 5/11/99 12:10 PM Joint Project From: "Jorge A. Jimenez" <> Subject:Joint Project To: CC: <>, "Robert Waide" <>, "" <>, "Gary S. Hartshorn" <> 5/3/99 16:52 Dear Dr. Jones This message is to indicate our desire to make La Selva Biological Station one of the participants in the project: "A Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity: Building and Evaluating a Metadata-based Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Scientific Data". We are in agreement to make available, for the purpose of this project, the available data on species richness/biodiversity, net primary productivity, and climate, from our data bases. We are very enthusiastic about our participation in this project and wish you the best luck on the proposal submission. Sincerely, Dr. Jorge A. Jimenez Director in Costa Rica Organization for Tropical Studies San José, Costa Rica P.O. Box 676-2050 San Pedro, Costa Rica Ph: (506) 240-6696 Fax: (506) 240-6783 1 of 1 5/11/99 12:09 PM Joint project From: Marjorie Holland <> Subject: Joint project To: CC: Mon 10:36 The University of Mississippi Field Station is interested in participating in significant activities that will improve the informational infrastructure of the biological sciences, particularly when those activities complement our own efforts to develop visualization and presentation systems for integrated ecological data. There is much work to be done, and cooperation across the OBFS, LTER, and greater ecological community is critical. We are interested in participating in the workshop you mention, and look forward to receiving details of the proposed project. Thank you for contacting us. M.M. Holland, director, The University of Mississippi Field Station Shoemaker Hall, The University of Mississippi University, MS 38677 USA phone= 662-232-5874 36 May 12, 1999 Dr. O. J. Reichman, Director NCEAS 735 State Street, Suite 300 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Dear Jim: The Ecological Society of America is pleased to write in support of your proposal entitled “A Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity: Building and Evaluating a Metadata-based Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Scientific Data”. This proposal is a natural complement to our previous collaboration related to the publication of ecological data which grew out of the ESA Future of Long-term Ecological Data (FLED) committee. If successful, this proposed effort will result in standards and methods which the ESA would be pleased to consider advocating under the Education, Outreach and Training component of the grant. In that regard, we appreciate the support you are requesting to ensure that this component of your project can be facilitated by the ESA. We look forward to a successful proposal and to a continued collaboration. Sincerely, Katherine Gross, President, ESA Kellogg Biological Station Michigan State University Hickory Corners, MI 49060 37 05/12/99 WED 14:24 FAX 918005726473 ALIASWAVEFRONT SiliconGraphics Computer Systems 0 0 2 614 Chapala Street Santa Barbara. California 93 101 Telephone (805) 884-7812 FAX (805) 963-0410 E-mail: May 12, 1999 Dr. Mark Schildhauer National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis 735 State Street Suite 300 Santa Barbara, CA 93 101 Dear Dr. Schildhauer, Thank you for the opportunity to partner with the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) on your proposal to the National Science Foundation’s “Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence in the Information Age” program, specifically “Ecological Informatics”. We at Silicon Graphics have a company wide commitment to environmental applications and we are intrigued with your idea. We have been working closely with the chemistry and biological sciences on solutions to bioinformatics to accelerate time to discovery. The notion that informatics can accelerate research projects in ecological research seems natural and technically appealing. We would welcome the opportunity to join you in this research. We envision our partnership as twofold: (1) access to technical resources and (2) contribution towards workstations and servers. The focal point for technical support will come from the Environmental Sciences Group (ESG), part of the Applications Division of Silicon Graphics. This is a multi-disciplinary group with expertise in weather forecasting, climate, ocean, air pollution, and groundwater analysis packages and visualization of model-produced environmental data. This would be an ideal opportunity to expand the scope of the ESG to tackle challenging data integration and modelling issues emerging from interactions of biotic and abiotic processes. The ESG is engaged in joint projects that help SGI improve application performance and understand the high performance computer market for environmental sciences. The ESG provides benchmarking, code porting and optimization, consultation and participation in commercial and academic forums. We have been long time advocates of integrating the power to manage and analyze very large datasets with leading visualization capabilities. For the innovative new user interfaces that you describe, Silicon Graphics offers these technologies today to save valuable software development time: OpenGL, Cosmo Worlds for VRML creation, OpenGL Optimizer, Imagevision, Performer, Mineset and Cosmo software for web development. Access to these product groups can be coordinated by a representative in the ESG or through a technical system engineer in our local office. We also have a close relationship with many independent software vendors (ISVs) that enable scientific visualization. We will encourage our ISVs to provide evaluation software and working 05/12/99 WED 14:25 FAX 918005726473 0 0 3 ALIASWAVEFRONT 614ChapalaStreet Santa Barbara California 93101 Telephone (805) 884-7812 FAX (805) 963-0410 E-mail: models from demos to accelerate your development efforts. Our award winning video streaming product, Mediabase, which is rapidly being embraced for distance learning in education may prove valuable for your education and outreach program. Silicon Graphics will initially provide 100 hours of access to our product and industry experts and specialists. The hourly rate for such consulting averages $200 per hour. This contribution represents $20,000 in consulting services. We will also offer the opportunity to enlarge this commitment through mutual consent of the participating parties. This offer will be open for a two year period. Finally, Silicon Graphics has much software and the high bandwidth workstations and servers ideally suited for this endeavor. Because of our interest in being part of this research, we would like to extend an additional contribution to the project in the form of an increased discount, beyond the educational discount, of 15% not to exceed a total 50% discount for our Unix based workstations and servers. This contribution is an indication of partnership and our desire to push the envelope of technology on the Silicon Graphics platform. We will extend this offer for a two year period. We wish to be a visible partner in this project which promises far-reaching benefits for ecological research. Sincerely, Debbie Janes Account Manager Silicon Graphics XI. REFERENCES CITED [1] Baru, C., R. Frost, R. Marciano, R. Moore, A. Rajasekar, and M. Wan. 1997. Metadata to Support Information-based Computing. IEEE Conference on Metadata, September 1997, Greenbelt, MD. [2] Baru, C., R. Moore, A. Rajasekar, W. Schroeder, M. Wan, R. Klobuchar, D. Wade, R. Sharpe, and J. Terstriep. 1998. 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Brown), University of Utah RECENT PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT: 1996Director, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis 1996Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara 1995-96 Assistant Director - Research, National Biological Service, Dept. of Interior (Senior Executive Service) 1993-95 Director, Konza Prairie Research Natural Area 1992 Professor, Kansas State University 1991-93 Associate Vice Provost for Research, Director of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (Interim), Kansas State University 1990-91 Director, Ecology Program, National Science Foundation OTHER RECENT PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: 1998 Editor, Ecological Applications 1997 President, American Society of Mammalogists 1997 - Advisory Board, Ecosystems 1993 - Editor, Special Features, Journal of Mammalogy 1992 - Board of Trustees, BIOSIS Corporation (Vice Chair; Chair) 1988 - Board of Directors, American Society of Mammalogists 1993-95 Council (Board of Directors), Ecological Society of America 1992-95 Board of Editors, Ecological Society of America (Ecology) 1991-92 Assistant Director - Kansas Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research 1989 - National Science Foundation Advisory Panels (Ecology, Dissertations, NCEAS, Field Stations and Marine Labs) 1989 Research Fellowship - Blandy Experimental Farm, University of Virginia RECENT RESEARCH GRANTS: 1982-85 N.S.F. - Resource management strategies involving desert rodents, stored seeds, and domesticated molds (with D. Wicklow) - $45,000 1985-89 N.S.F. - An analysis of the impact of a fossorial herbivore, the plains pocket gopher, on plant survival, growth, and reproduction using simulated and natural burrow $78,800 (Research Experience for Undergraduate Supplement for handicapped student - $3,800) 1986-87 National Geographic Society - Effects of competition and predation on the behavior and ecology of rodents on islands in the Sea of Cortez - $3,800 1992-95 N.S.F. - Collaborative research - Spatially explicit, animal-generated patterning of the environment and plant community structure (with D. Hartnett, N. Huntly, and R. Inouye) - $470,000 ($10,900 supplement for handicapped student) 1992-95 N.S.F. - Spatial distribution of microbes in desert rodent dens - $49,589 ($3,800 supplement for 2 minority high school students) 1993-95 N.S.F. - Development of Master Plan for Konza Prairie - $15,000 1994-97 The Nature Conservancy/Mellon Foundation - Relationship between landscape patterns, ecological processes, and biological diversity in native Great Plains grasslands (with several collaborators) - $285,000 1994-96 N.S.F. - Phase II development of Konza Prairie Research Natural Area - $192,000 ($507,000 including all matching support) 1996-01 N.S.F. - National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis - $12,500,000 (replaced original P.I. after becoming Director) 1998-99 N.S.F. - An Analysis of Biotic and Physical Factors in El Niño-Induced Landslides $29,854 1998-01 NSF - CRB: Dynamic interactions between plant distributions and animal-generated disturbance: Trajectories of restored communities. (with Eric Seabloom) - $191,000 FIVE PUBLICATIONS PERTINENT TO THIS PROPOSAL: Reichman, O.J. 1991. Desert mammal communities, In Desert Communities, G. Polis, ed. University Arizona pg. 311-347 Reichman, O.J., J.H. Benedix, Jr., and T.R. Seastedt. 1993. Animal generated disturbances and size hierarchies in a tallgrass plant community. Ecology 74:1281-1285 Reichman, O.J., and H. Ronald Pulliam. 1996. Ecosystem management research at the National Biological Service. Ecological Applications 6:694-696 Reichman, O.J., and E. Roberts. 1994. Computer simulation analysis of heteromyid rodent foraging in relation to seed distributions: Implications for coexistence. Aust. J. Ecol. 42:467-477 Gendron, R.P., and O.J. Reichman. 1995. Food perishability and inventory management: A comparison of three caching strategies. American Naturalist 145:948-968 FIVE ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS: Reichman, O.J. 1988. A comparison of the effects of crowding and pocket gopher disturbance on mortality, growth, and seed production of Berteroa incana. American Midland Naturalist 120:58-69 Reichman, O.J. 1988. Konza: A tallgrass natural history. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 226 pp. Huntly, N., and O.J. Reichman. 1994. Effects of subterranean herbivores on vegetation. J. Mammalogy 74:852-859 Post, D., O.J. Reichman, and D. Wooster. 1992. Characteristics and significance of the caches of eastern woodrats (Neotoma floridana) J. Mammalogy 74:688-692 Reichman, O.J. 1995. Living Landscapes of Kansas. University Press of Kansas 154 pp. JAMES W. BRUNT Associate Director for Information Management LTER Network Office Research Assistant Professor Department of Biology University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-1091 EDUCATION M.S. B.S. B.A. New Mexico State University 1988 Computational Ecology/Experimental Statistics New Mexico State University 1986 Botany/Chemistry New Mexico State University 1986 Biology RELEVANT EXPERIENCE November 1997 – Present: University of New Mexico. Title: Research Assistant Professor, Position: Associate Director for Information Management. Responsible for development of LTER Network information system and coordinating the information system development activities with LTER network partners. February 1997-October 1997: Photon Research Associates, Inc. Title: Staff Scientist, Position: Senior Systems Engineer. Responsible for setting direction, policies, and guidelines for all aspects communication and information technology for a company of 100+ with a budget of 1,000.000 + / year. Including, collaborating with 5 divisions management, users, and system administrators to insure timely implementation and maintenance of specified enterprise and desktop solutions. January 1989 – February 1997: University of New Mexico. Title: Analyst/Programmer II, Position: Director of Sevilleta Information Management System - Responsible for: the design, implementation and administration of the research information management computer system for the Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program - supervising technicians, training project students, technicians, and investigators, and providing liaison with information management groups from the LTER Network and other national and international agencies. 1986 - 1988: New Mexico State University - Computing Research Lab. Title: GRA Position: Science Workbench Project. Worked with programmers and scientists in the development of research data management and analysis tools. PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Brunt, James W. In Press. The LTER Network Information System:A Framework For Ecological Information Management. In: Proceedings of 1998 North American Symposium - Towards a Unified Framework for Forest Ecosystem Monitoring and Research. November 1-6, 1998 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Michener, William K., James W. Brunt, John Helly, Thomas B. Kirchner, and Susan G. Stafford. 1997. Non-GeoSpatial Metadata for the Ecological Sciences. Ecological Applications. 7(1):330-342. Michener, William K., James W. Brunt, and William H. Jefferson. 1995. New techniques for monitoring Crassostrea virginica (American Oyster) recruitment in the intertidal zone. ICES Mar. Sci. Symp. 199:267-273. 2 Brunt, James W. 1994. Research Data Management in Ecology: A Practical Approach for Long-term Projects. Pages 272-275 in Proceedings of the Seventh International Working Conference on Scientific and Statistical Databases. IEEE Computer Society Press. Su Wengui, Chang Yu, James W. Brunt, and Walt Conley. 1994. Archival and Exchange Files and Their Applications in Ecology. Advances in Resources and Eco-Environmental Research (Chinese). 5(3):37-39. Su Wengui, James W. Brunt, Jiang Hong, and Chang Yu. 1994. Data management and its significance in modern ecology. Advances in Resource and Eco-Environmental Research (Chinese). 5(2):27-30. Stafford, Susan G., James W. Brunt, and William K. Michener. 1994. Integration of Ecological Research and Scientific Information Management. Pages 3-19 in W. K. Michener, J. W. Brunt, and S. G. Stafford (Eds.), Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales. Taylor and Francis, New York. Conley, Walt, and James W. Brunt. 1991. An Institute for Theoretical Ecology? - Part V: Practical Data Management for Cross-Site Analysis and Synthesis of Ecological Information. Coenoses 6:173180. O'Neill, Robert V., Sandra J. Turner, Valerie I. Cullinan, Debra P. Coffin, Terry Cook, Walt Conley, James W. Brunt, John M. Thomas, Marsha R. Conley, James R. Gosz. 1991. Multiple Landscape Scales: An Intersite Comparison. Landscape Ecology 5:137-144. Brunt, James W. and Walt Conley. 1990. Behavior of a multivariate algorithm for ecological edge detection. Ecological Modelling 49: 179-203. Brunt, James W., Marsha R. Conley and Gary C. Cunningham. 1988. Sex in Ephedra trifurca (Ephedraceae) with relation to Chihuahuan Desert Habitats. American Midland Naturalist, 119:137142. BOOKS W. K. Michener, J. W. Brunt, and S. G. Stafford (Eds.). 1994. Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales. Taylor and Francis, London. 555 pages. Michener, William K. and James W. Brunt. In Press. Ecological Foundations: Managing and Transforming Data into Information and Knowledge. Blackwell Scientific, Ltd., London. JOHN J. HELLY University of California, San Diego San Diego Supercomputer Center 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0505 619-534-5060 619-534-5117 (fax) EDUCATION 1984 1978 1975 Ph.D. in Computer Science, UCLA M.S. in Biostatistics, UCLA M.A./B.A. in Biology, Occidental College, Los Angeles PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1998-present 1994-1998 1991-1994 1988-1991 1982-1988 1978 -1981 1976-1981 1977–1981 1976–1977 1974-1975 Specialist, San Diego Supercomputer Center, UCSD Senior/Principal Scientist, San Diego Supercomputer Center, General Atomics Director, Data Management and Scientific Computing, MEC Analytical Systems, Carlsbad, CA Senior Scientist and Manager, Database Technology, Hughes Space and Communications Group, El Segundo, CA Systems Director, Advanced Projects, Space Flight Operations, Shuttle and Ground Lecturer in Biochemistry, Department of Anesthesiology, UCLA Medical Center Senior Statistician, Department of Anesthesiology, UCLA Medical Center Statistical Consultant, Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, UCLA Medical Center Statistician, Child Trauma Intervention Project, Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA Medical Center Visiting Instructor in Biology, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA RELATED PUBLICATIONS Helly, J., Elvins, T. T., Sutton, D. and Martinez, D. A Method for Interoperable Digital Libraries and Data Repositories (1999) Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 1999 (to appear) Helly, J. , New Concept of Publication, (1998) Nature, 393, 107 Helly, J. J., Visualization of ecological and environmental data, in Data and Information Management in Ecological Sciences: A Resource Guide, eds. W. Michener, J. H. Porter, S. Stafford, Univ. of New Mexico Press, July 1998. Michener, W., J. Brunt, J. Helly, T. Kirchener, and S. Stafford, Non-geospatial metadata for ecology, Ecological Applications, February 1997. Helly, J., Levin, S., Michener, W., Davis, F. and Case, T. The State of Computational Ecology, (1996) University of California San Diego, San Diego Supercomputer Center, La Jolla, CA. OTHER RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS Helly, J., Elvins, T. T., Sutton, D, Martinez, D, Miller, S., Pickett, S., Davis, F. Controlled Publication of Digital Scientific Data (in preparation) TBD, Helly, J.J., D. Stow, and A. Eshragi, An ultra-low level remote sensing system (ULLRSS) for environmental monitoring and mapping, Proc. of Second Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, ERIM, pp. II-526, 1994. Helly, J.J., and A. Carpenter, Visualization of coastal marine water-quality data using parallel coordinates, SAS User Group Conference, SUGI '93 Conference paper, 1993. Helly, J. J. A A Representational Basis for the Development of a Distributed Expert System for Space Shuttle Flight Control (1984) , Vol. 58258 NASA Johnson Space Center Helly, J.J. and K. Herbinson, Visualization of a salinity plume from a coastal marine desalination plant, Water Environ. Res., Jul/August, 66(5) pp. 753-758, 1994. GRADUATE STUDENTS None POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS None GRADUATE ADVISOR Jaques Vidal, Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles Biographical Sketch MATTHEW B. JONES National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis 735 State St., Suite 300 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 E-mail: Tele: (805) 892-2508 EDUCATION 1994 1989 M.S., UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Zoology Department, Gainesville, FL Research: Co-evolutionary plant-animal interactions and community ecology, focusing on the role of secondary seed dispersal as it affects plant recruitment. Advisor: Dr. D. Levey B.A., DARTMOUTH COLLEGE, Hanover, NH PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1996 - present Database and Information Specialist (CNT III) National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, U. of California Santa Barbara 1994 - 1996 Programmer Analyst II Psychology, U. of California Santa Barbara 1995 - 1996 Software Developer, Tierra project 1994 Fiscal Computer Consultant Zoology, University of Florida 1992 Academic Computer Consultant Zoology, University of Florida 1990 Research Technician Zoology, Ohio State University 1989 Field Crew Supervisor Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES IEEE Computer Society Ecological Society of America PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Committe Member, Biological Data Working Group, Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). Contributing to development of Biological Data Profile of the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata. Advisory Board Member. Oz/Specify Biological Collections Management Software Project, University of Kansas. Research interests: Data Management, Web-database integration, Evolutionary and genetic programming, Simulation Modeling, Individual-based modeling, Structured language applications (XML) GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS 1997 NSF Grant to NCEAS on “Automation of Ecological Data Management”, ($50K), Database Activities Program in the Biological Sciences 1993 Smithsonian Institution Graduate Student Fellowship 1992 Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid of Research 1992 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Graduate Fellowship 1991-1993 NSF Predoctoral Fellowship 1991-1993 Grinter Fellowship, University of Florida 1989 Andrew Mellon Grant for Environmental Research HONORS AND AWARDS 1989 First Prize, Sigma Xi undergraduate science competition 1989 Rufus Choate Scholar (Top 5% of class) 1989 Academic Citation in Environmental Engineering 1987 Academic Citation in Education 1986 H.L. Rhode III Merit Scholar INVITED PRESENTATIONS Jones, Matthew B., M. P. Schildhauer, and R. Nottrott. 1998. The Role of Informatics in Ecological Synthesis. 1998 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland. Jones, Matthew B. 1997. Web-Database Integration. NSF Training Workshop for Ecological Data Management. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Jones, Matthew B. 1997. Data Management at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. NSF Training Workshop for Ecological Data Management. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Schildhauer, Mark P. and M. B. Jones. 1997. Software Choices for a High Performance Analytical Environment. 1997 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico. PUBLICATIONS MOST CLOSELY RELATED TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT Frondorf, A., M. B. Jones, and S. Stitt. 1999. Linking the FGDC geospatial metadata content standard to the biological/ecological sciences. Proceedings of the Third IEEE Computer Society Metadata Conference. Bethesda, MD. April 6-7, 1999. Nottrott, R., M. B. Jones, and M. Schildhauer. 1999. Using XML-structured metadata to automate quality assurance processing for ecological data. Proceedings of the Third IEEE Computer Society Metadata Conference. Bethesda, MD. April 6-7, 1999. Jones, M. B., R. Nottrott and M. P. Schildhauer. 1998. Metadata Editor to Support Ecological Data and Information Management. Prototype software under development at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. Details available at Jones, Matthew B. 1998. Web-based Data Management. In Data and Information Management in the Ecological Sciences: A Resource Guide. Edited by Michener, W.K., J.H. Porter and S.G. Stafford. LTER Network Office, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Jones, M.B. 1994. Secondary seed removal by ants, beetles, and rodents in a neotropical moist forest. Master's Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Peart, D.R., N.J. Poage and M.B. Jones. 1992. Winter injury to subalpine red spruce: influence of prior vigor and effects on subsequent growth. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 22: 888-892. Jones, M.B., C.L. Folt and S. Guarda. 1991. Characterizing individual, population and community effects of sublethal levels of aquatic toxicants: an experimental case study using Daphnia. Freshwater Biology 26: 35-44. Peart, D.R., M.B. Jones and P.A. Palmiotto. 1991. Winter injury to red spruce at Mt. Moosilauke, N.H. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21: 1380-1389. MICHAEL R. WILLIG Research Focus: My research program is broad, quantitative, and focuses on 6 themes: (1) macrogeographic patterns with regard to diversity, species range size, latitude, and productivity, (2) disturbance ecology, (3) functional diversity of microbial communities, (4) community structure, (5) landscape ecology, and (6) tropical ecology and conservation. Current Title and Affiliation: Professor, Program in Ecology and Conservation Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-3131 Sabbatical Fellow, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California at Santa Barbara, 735 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101-5504 Education: B.S. Biology, University of Pittsburgh, 1974 Ph.D. Biology, University of Pittsburgh, 1982 Professional Experience: 1993-present 1995-1997 1994-1996 1989-1993 1983-1989 1981-1983 Professor of Biological Science, Texas Tech University Chairperson, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University Director, The Institute for Environmental Sciences, Texas Tech University Associate Professor of Biology, Texas Tech University Assistant Professor of Biology, Texas Tech University Assistant Professor of Biology, Loyola University Graduate and Postgraduate Advisor: Doctoral Students—7 in last 5 years (9 total) Masters Students—12 in last 5 years (20 total) Post-doctoral Fellows—1 in last 5 years (3 total) Professional Organizations (Selected): American Association for the Advancement of Science; Ecological Society of America; The Association for Tropical Biology; American Society of Naturalists; American Society of Mammalogists; Animal Behavior Society; Society for the Study of Evolution; The Paleontological Society; The Mexican Society of Mammalogists; The Argentine Society of Mammalogists; Association of Systematic Zoologists; Entomological Society of America; The Society for Conservation Biology; The North American Benthological Society; Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Research Grants (Total > 8.0 million; last 5 years itemized): 1993-99 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, $79,332. 1994-99 N.S.F. Long-Term Ecological Projects (with R.D. Owen). $265,000. 1994-00 National Science Foundation LTER (with Co-PDs [R. Waide, A. Lugo, F. Scatena, and J. Zimmerman] & other Co-PIs). $4,080,000. 1995 U.S. Department of Defense (via USA-CERL). $29,779. 1996 National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (with R. Waide). 1982-96 Dept. of Energy, Oak Ridge Associated Universities. $45,000. 1997 N.S.F. Research Enhancement for Undergraduates (with R.D. Owen). $11,280. 1997 N.S.F. Long-Term Ecological Projects Supplement (with R.D. Owen). $20,826. 1997-99 U.S.D.A., Forest Service (with S. Cox). $34,368. 1998 National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. $99,100. Publications (> 100 published or in press): Five Most Relevant to Proposed Activity Lyons, S.K., & M.R. Willig. 1997. Latitudinal patterns of range size: Methodological concerns and empirical evaluations for New World bats and marsupials. Oikos 79:568-580. Willig, M.R., & S.K. Lyons. 1998. An analytical model of latitudinal gradients of species richness with an empirical test for marsupials and bats in the New World. Oikos, 81:93-98. Kaufman, D.M., & M.R. Willig. 1998. Latitudinal patterns of mammalian species richness in the New World: the effects of sampling method and faunal group. J. Biogeog. 25:236-246. Waide, R.B., M.R. Willig, G. Mittelbach, C. Steiner, L. Gough, S.I. Dodson, G.P. Juday, & R. Parmenter. 1999. The relationship between productivity and species richness. Ann. Rev. Ecol. & Syst. (In Press). Lyons, K.A., & M.R. Willig. A hemispheric assessment of scale-dependence in latitudinal gradients of species richness. Ecology (In Press). Other Significant Publications of Interest Zak, J.C., M.R. Willig, D.L. Moorhead, & H.G. Wildman. 1994. Functional diversity of microbial communities: A quantitative approach. Soil Biol. & Biochem. 26:1101-1108. Camilo, G.R., & M.R. Willig. 1995. Dynamics of a food chain model from an arthropoddominated lotic community. Ecol. Model. 79:121-129. Willig, M.R., D.L. Moorhead, S.B. Cox, & J.C. Zak. 1996. Functional diversity of soil bacterial communities in the tabonuco forest: Interaction of anthropogenic and natural disturbance. Biotropica 28:471-483. Willig, M.R. & L.R. Walker. 1999. Disturbance in terrestrial ecosystems: salient themes, synthesis, and future directions. Pp. 000-000, in Ecology of Disturbed Ground, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (In Press). Stevens, R.D., & M.R. Willig. 1999. Community structure, abundance, and morphology. Oikos (In Press). Waide, R.B., & M.R. Willig. 1999. Species diversity and productivity: an overview. Ecology (Submitted). Biographical Sketch: Sandy J. Andelman National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis University of California 735 State Street, Suite 300 Santa Barbara, California 93101 Tel 805-892-2505; Fax 805-892-2510 Email PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 1/99 – present: Deputy Director, National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Santa Barbara 7/98 – 12/98 Research Associate, National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara 9/97 - 6/98 Visiting Assistant Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Santa Barbara 9/94 – 9/97 Director of Conservation Science, The Nature Conservancy of Washington 9/90 – 9/994 Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Washington EDUCATION Ph.D., University of Washington, 1985; B.A., Lewis and Clark College, 1977. FIVE RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS Andelman, S.J. and E. Meir. 1999. Breadth is better than depth: Biodiversity data requirements for adequate reserve networks. In press, Conservation Biology. Davis, F.W., D.M. Stoms, and S.J. Andelman. 1999. Systematic reserve selection in the USA: An example from the Columbia Plateau ecoregion. In press, Parks. Andelman, S.J. and W. Fagan. The quest for umbrella species: efficient conservation surrogates or expensive mistakes. Ms., in revision, Conservation Biology. Possingham, H. and S. Andelman. 1999. An equity formula for fauna persistence: what happens when conservation biologists have to provide prescriptions for real problems – quickly? Ms., in review, Conservation Biology. Kareiva, P.M., Andelman, S.J., Doak, D.F., Eldard, B., Groom, M., Hoekstra, J., Hood, L., James, F., Lamoreux, J., McCullough, C., Regetz, J., Savage, L., Ruckelshaus, M., Skelly, D., Wilbur, H. and K. Zamudio. 1999. Using science in habitat conservation plans. NCEAS and AIBS. RECENT GRANTS AND AWARDS (PAST FIVE YEARS) 1998-1999. Analytical toolbox and decision support framework for selecting and prioritizing conservation sites at a regional scale. ($50,000) (PI, with Frank Davis). 1997-1999. Designing and assessing the viability of nature reserve systems at regional scales: integration of optimization, heuristic and dynamic models. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Working Group. PI. 1998. Models for siting nature reserves. The Nature Conservancy ($10,000) PI. 1998. National Science Foundation grant on behalf of the Society for Conservation Biology to fund graduate and postdoctoral student travel stipends ($15,000). 1997-1998. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecosystem Restoration Program. Restoration and monitoring prairie ecosystems and endangered species in w. Washington ($50,000) PI. 1997- 1998. U.S. Army, Fort Lewis. The application of matrix projection models to assess the effects vehicular disturbance on the rare plant Aster curtus ($25,000) PI. Andelman 2 1996-1997. The Foster Foundation, Pacific Gas & Transmission, and The Nature Conservancy. A pilot effort in ecoregional-scale conservation planning for biodiversity in the Columbia Plateau ($100,000) PI. 1996-1997. Conservation Technology Support Program. Conservation applications of geographic information systems ($89,000) PI 1991-1993. Center for Wildlife Conservation and Graduate School, University of Washington, ($44,000) PI. 1993. Bureau of Land Management. Research, conservation and management priorities for neotropical migratory songbirds in Oregon and Washington ($ 7,000) PI. 1992. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperative Agreement ($125,000) PI. 1991. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperative Agreement ($250,000) PI. 1991-1992. Institute of Museum Services, Conservation Grant ($17,500) PI. 1991. Odessa Economic Development Association ($10,000) PI 1990-1991. Washington Department of Wildlife ($22,700) PI. 1986-1989. Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Research Grant ($69,000) PI. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Elected Officer, Board of Governors (Secretary), Society for Conservation Biology, 1996-present. Review Panel, Conservation Technology Support Program, 1998,1999. Review Panel, The Nature Conservancy/Mellon Foundation Ecosystem Research Program, 1997. Steering Committee, Partners in Flight, Oregon-Washington, 1992-1997. RESEARCH INTERESTS Developing a theoretical foundation for nature reserve network design; sensitivity of reserve siting models to biases in biodiversity data; models for assessing ecological value; theory for optimal management of ecosystem services; use of stochastic population models for risk assessment and management of threatened populations; computer-aided decision support tools for environmental decision making in the context of uncertainty. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Society for Conservation Biology, Ecological Society of America, American Institute of Biological Sciences, Natural Areas Association PETER W. ARZBERGER Deputy Director University of California, San Diego San Diego Supercomputer Center, 0505 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0505 619-534-5079 619-534-5056 (fax) EDUCATION 1983 1979 1974 Ph.D. in Mathematics, Purdue University M.S. in Mathematical Statistics, Purdue University B.A. in Mathematics, University of Massachusetts PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1996-present 1995-1996 1993-1995 1988-1995 1985-1988 1983-1985 Executive Director, NPACI; Deputy Director, San Diego Supercomputer Center Executive Director, San Diego Supercomputer Center Deputy HPCC Coordinator, National Science Foundation Program Officer, National Science Foundation Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Rochester Institute of Technology COMMITTEES Member, Resource Advisory Committee for NIH Resource for Concurrent Biological Computing, 1995-present RELATED PUBLICATIONS Arzberger, P. (one of 15 co-authors), Position paper on molecular evolution, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 84-85, 1992. Arzberger, P., J. Sunley, N. Sedransk, and K. Crank, Readers' comments to the new researchers' committee report: Comments from the National Science Foundation, Statistical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 256-259, 1992. Arzberger, P., Mathematics and Biology: The Interface, Challenges and Opportunities, Simon Levin, editor, (NSF liaison to the committee writing the report) 1992. Arzberger, P., Results for generalized inbreeding systems, J. Mathematical Biology, 26:535-550, 1988. Arzberger, P., A probabilistic and algebraic treatment of regular inbreeding systems, J. Mathematical Biology, 22:175-197, 1985. GRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE ADVISOR: Stanley Sawyer, Department of Mathematics, Washington University Biographical Sketch MARK P. SCHILDHAUER National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis 735 State St., Suite 300 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 E-mail: Tele: (805) 892-2509 EDUCATION 1991 1976 Ph. D., Department of Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara CA Research: Dynamics of territorial acquisition in the polygynous reef fish, Thalassoma bifasciatum. Advisor: Dr. R. R. Warner B.A., HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1995 - present Director of Computing National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, U. of California Santa Barbara 1993 - 1995 Computer Resource Manager and Technical Coordinator, Division of Social Sciences, U. of California Santa Barbara 1990 – 1993 Progammer Analyst II Social Sciences Computing Facility, U. of California Santa Barbara 1986-1989 Ecological data analyst and laboratory computer coordinator Marine Review Committee and Marine Sciences Institute, U. of California Santa Barbara PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES IEEE Computer Society Ecological Society of America PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Data Advisory Panel Member, Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network group, coordinated by the Minerals Management Service of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Technical Advisor, National Index Site Committee Research interests: Scientific computing, Management of networked computing systems, Data visualization, Computer-supported collaborative work GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS 1997 NSF Grant to NCEAS on “Automation of Ecological Data Management using Structured Metadata” ($50K), Database Activities Program in the Biological Sciences HONORS AND AWARDS 1989 Regents’ Fellowship, UCSB 1972 National Merit, Merit Scholarship, Harvard College INVITED PRESENTATIONS Jones, Matthew B., M. P. Schildhauer, and R. Nottrott. 1998. The Role of Informatics in Ecological Synthesis. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland. Schildhauer, Mark P. 1997. Virtual Working Groups at NCEAS: Using the Web to Facilitate Scientific Collaboration. NSF Training Workshop for Ecological Data Management. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Schildhauer, Mark P. and M. B. Jones. 1997. Software Choices for a High Performance Analytical Environment. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Schildhauer, Mark P. 1993. Training people to use the SAS system under UNIX operating systems. Presentation at the First Regional Conference, Western Users of SAS Software PUBLICATIONS MOST CLOSELY RELATED TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT Nottrott, R., M. B. Jones, and M. Schildhauer. 1999. Using XML-structured metadata to automate quality assurance processing for ecological data. Proceedings of the Third IEEE Computer Society Metadata Conference. Bethesda, MD. April 6-7, 1999. Jones, M. B., R. Nottrott and M. P. Schildhauer. 1998. Metadata Editor to Support Ecological Data and Information Management. Prototype software under development at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. Details available at Schildhauer, Mark P. 1998. Virtual Working Groups at NCEAS: Using the Web to Facilitate Scientific Collaboration. In Data and Information Management in the Ecological Sciences: A Resource Guide. Edited by Michener, W.K., J.H. Porter and S.G. Stafford. LTER Network Office, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Schildhauer, Mark P. 1993. Training people to use the SAS system under UNIX operating systems. In Western Users of SAS Software, Proceedings of the First Regional Conference. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Schildhauer, M. P. 1991. Dynamics of territorial acquisition in a polygynous reef fish, Thalassoma bifasciatum. Ph. D. dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara.. Bence, J. R., and M. P. Schildhauer. 1989. Technical Report to the California Coastal Commission. (E). Metals and Radiation. Marine Review Committee, Inc. Hoffman, S. G., M. P. Schildhauer, and R. R. Warner. 1985. The costs of changing sex and the ontogeny of males under contest competition for mates. Evolution 39: 915-927. DON W. SUTTON University of California, San Diego San Diego Supercomputer Center 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0505 619-534-5085 619-534-5152 (fax) EDUCATION 1987 1983 1981 Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences (Bioengineering), UC San Diego M.S. in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences (Bioengineering), UC San Diego B.A. in Biophysics (College of Letters and Science), UC Berkeley PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1996-present 1992-1996 1991-1992 1989-1991 1987-1989 Research Scientist, San Diego Supercomputer Center Adjunct Professor, Physics Department, San Diego State University Lecturer, Mathematics Department, San Diego Community College Postdoctoral Fellow, Marine Physical Lab, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Postdoctoral Fellow, Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science, UC San Diego AFFILIATIONS, GRANTS, AND AWARDS Member, American Geophysical Union, American Society of Civil Engineers, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Co-investigator, DERA Project Grant (US Navy) “San Diego Risk Assessment/Technology Demonstration,” 1993-1995 Co-investigator, SERDP Applied Research Grant (US Navy) “Contaminant Dispersal Model for San Diego Bay,” 1993-1995 National Research Council Training Award, 1992-1993 National Research Service Award, 1988-1989 NIH Predoctoral Traineeship, 1983-1987 RELATED PUBLICATIONS Cheng, R.T., J.W. Gartner, E.S. Gross, K. Richter, D.W. Sutton, P.F. Wang, Modeling tidal hydrodynamics of San Diego Bay, California, Jour. of Am.Water Resources Association, 1997 (submitted). Sutton, D.W., B. Chadwick, and K. Richter, Mass loading and subsequent baywide transport of sediment resuspended during tug assisted ship movements at the Naval Station San Diego, California and the World Ocean ’97, Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers Conference Proceedings, 1997. Sutton, D.W., K. Richter, Resuspension of sediments during ship docking and berthing at Naval Station San Diego, CA, Am. Geophys. Union Fall Conference Proceedings, 1996. Sutton, D.W., B. Chadwick, K. Richter, Computer model predictions of baywide transport and fate of creek storm inputs to San Diego Bay, Navy Technical document, 1996. Sutton, D.W., K. Richter, Computer model study on changes in water currents and sediment transport rates due to proposed dredging of the shipping channel, Navy Technical document, 1995. Sutton, D.W., B. Chadwick, K. Richter, Computer model simulations of fuel spills at Ballast Point, San Diego Bay, CA, Conference Proceedings Oceans ‘95, vol. 3, pp. 1,714-1,721, 1995. Richter, K., D.W. Sutton, L. Reidy, R. Cheng, Comparison of water velocity field data and model predictions in San Diego Bay, Conference Proccedings Oceans ‘95, vol. 3, pp. 1,751-1,755, 1995. GRADUATE STUDENTS ADVISED None POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS ADVISED None GRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE ADVISORS Jules Jaffe, UC San Diego/SIO Geert Schmid-Schonbein, UC San Diego ROBERT B. WAIDE CURRENT POSITION Executive Director, Long-Term Ecological Research Network Office 801 University Blvd., Suite 104 Albuquerque, NM 87106 SS: 328-40-7640 Telephone: 505/272-7311 Fax: 505/277-7080 Electronic mail: EDUCATION 1978 Ph.D. in Zoology, University of Wisconsin – Madison Dissertation: Interactions between tropical resident and north temperate migrant birds in southern Campeche, Mexico. 1973 M.S. in Zoology, University of Wisconsin – Madison Thesis: Seasonal changes in the avifauna of a tropical wet forest. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Director of the Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies (University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras). 1982-97. Principal Investigator for the Luquillo Experimental Forest Long-Term Ecological Research site. 1987-97. Director of the Puerto Rico Minority Research Center of Excellence. 1995-97. Direction of a five-member research team studying mineral and energy cycling and transport in a subtropical wet forest, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Energy. 1982-88. RECENT RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Waide, R. B. M.R. Willig, C. F. Steiner, G. Mittelbach, L. Gough, S. I. Dodson, G.P. Juday, and R. Parmenter. 1999. The relationship between productivity and species richness. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics (in press). Waide, R.B., J.K. Zimmerman, and F.N. Scatena. 1998. Controls of primary productivity in a montane tropical forest: Lessons from the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico. Ecology 79:31-37. D. P. Reagan and R. B. Waide, eds. 1996. The Food Web of a Tropical Rain Forest, University of Chicago Press. Zou, X., C. Zucca, R. B. Waide, and W. H. McDowell. 1995. Long-term influence of deforestation on tree species composition and litter dynamics of a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico. Forest Ecology and Management 78:147-157. Taylor, C.M., S. Silander, R. B. Waide, and W. J. Pfeiffer. 1995. Recovery of a Tropical Forest after Gamma Irradiation: A 23-Year Chronicle. In Tropical Forests: Management and Ecology. A. E. Lugo and C. Lowe, eds. Ecological Studies, Volume 112. Springer Verlag. 1
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