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IF THIS IS A RENEWAL AN ACCOMPLISHMENT-BASED RENEWAL 916001537 NAME OF ORGANIZATION TO WHICH AWARD SHOULD BE MADE ADDRESS OF AWARDEE ORGANIZATION, INCLUDING 9 DIGIT ZIP CODE University of Washington 3935 University Way NE Seattle, WA. 981056613 University of Washington AWARDEE ORGANIZATION CODE (IF KNOWN) 0037986000 NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION, IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE ADDRESS OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION, IF DIFFERENT, INCLUDING 9 DIGIT ZIP CODE PERFORMING ORGANIZATION CODE (IF KNOWN) IS AWARDEE ORGANIZATION (Check All That Apply) (See GPG II.C For Definitions) FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT REQUESTED AMOUNT 217,411 $ SMALL BUSINESS MINORITY BUSINESS WOMAN-OWNED BUSINESS Erosion beneath the Laurentide ice sheet, and its role in Pleistocene ice age dynamics PROPOSED DURATION (1-60 MONTHS) 36 REQUESTED STARTING DATE SHOW RELATED PREPROPOSAL NO., IF APPLICABLE 07/01/02 months CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES) IF THIS PROPOSAL INCLUDES ANY OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW BEGINNING INVESTIGATOR (GPG I.A) VERTEBRATE ANIMALS (GPG II.C.11) IACUC App. Date DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES (GPG II.C) HUMAN SUBJECTS (GPG II.C.11) PROPRIETARY & PRIVILEGED INFORMATION (GPG I.B, II.C.6) Exemption Subsection NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (GPG II.C.9) INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE ACTIVITIES: COUNTRY/COUNTRIES INVOLVED or IRB App. Date HISTORIC PLACES (GPG II.C.9) SMALL GRANT FOR EXPLOR. RESEARCH (SGER) (GPG II.C.11) PI/PD DEPARTMENT Department of Earth and Space Sciences PI/PD FAX NUMBER 206-543-3836 NAMES (TYPED) HIGH RESOLUTION GRAPHICS/OTHER GRAPHICS WHERE EXACT COLOR REPRESENTATION IS REQUIRED FOR PROPER INTERPRETATION (GPG I.E.1) PI/PD POSTAL ADDRESS Box 351310 Seattle, WA 981951310 United States High Degree Yr of Degree Telephone Number PhD 1986 206-685-9514 Electronic Mail Address PI/PD NAME John O Stone CO-PI/PD CO-PI/PD CO-PI/PD CO-PI/PD NSF Form 1207 (10/00) Page 1 of 2 CERTIFICATION PAGE Certification for Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators: I certify to the best of my knowledge that: (1) the statements herein (excluding scientific hypotheses and scientific opinions) are true and complete, and (2) the text and graphics herein as well as any accompanying publications or other documents, unless otherwise indicated, are the original work of the signatories or individuals working under their supervision. 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Name (Typed) Signature Social Security No.* John O Stone Co-PI/PD Co-PI/PD Co-PI/PD Co-PI/PD Date SSNs are confidential and are not displayed *ON FASTLANE SUBMISSIONS* PI/PD Certification for Authorized Organizational Representative or Individual Applicant: By signing and submitting this proposal, the individual applicant or the authorized official of the applicant institution is: (1) certifying that statements made herein are true and complete to the best of his/her knowledge; and (2) agreeing to accept the obligation to comply with NSF award terms and conditions if an award is made as a result of this application. Further, the applicant is hereby providing certifications regarding debarment and suspension, drug-free workplace, and lobbying activities (see below), as set forth in Grant Proposal Guide (GPG), NSF 01-2. Willful provision of false information in this application and its supporting documents or in reports required under an ensuring award is a criminal offense (U. S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001). In addition, if the applicant institution employs more than fifty persons, the authorized official of the applicant institution is certifying that the institution has implemented a written and enforced conflict of interest policy that is consistent with the provisions of Grant Policy Manual Section 510; that to the best of his/her knowledge, all financial disclosures required by that conflict of interest policy have been made; and that all identified conflicts of interest will have been satisfactorily managed, reduced or eliminated prior to the institution’s expenditure of any funds under the award, in accordance with the institution’s conflict of interest policy. Conflict which cannot be satisfactorily managed, reduced or eliminated must be disclosed to NSF. Debarment Certification (If answer "yes", please provide explanation.) 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Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans and Cooperative Agreements The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (1) No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, ‘‘Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,’’ in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. AUTHORIZED ORGANIZATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE NAME/TITLE (TYPED) Carol Zuiches, Director Grant & Contract TELEPHONE NUMBER 206-543-4043 02/13/01 ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS FAX NUMBER 206-685-1732 *SUBMISSION OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS IS VOLUNTARY AND WILL NOT AFFECT THE ORGANIZATION’S ELIGIBILITY FOR AN AWARD. HOWEVER, THEY ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEM AND ASSIST IN PROCESSING THE PROPOSAL. SSN SOLICITED UNDER NSF ACT OF 1950, AS AMENDED. Page 2 of 2 A" P%&'(C* +,--A%." (%&+/&N 1(N(A*2 *2( LA,%(N*/4( /C( +2((*, AN4 /*+ %&L( /N PL(/+*&C(N( /C( A6( 4.NA-/C+ !u#$lacial erosion and sediment dynamics in3luence the si5e, sta#ility, and climatic sensiti7ity o3 lar$e ice sheets8 9hese :rocesses may re$ulate lar$e;scale sur$in$ #eha7ior, initiatin$ ra:id shi3ts in climate and sea le7el <=acAyeal, ?@@Aa,#B, and :erha:s dictate the :eriodicity o3 the Cuaternary ice a$es <ClarE and Pollard, ?@@GB8 He intuiti7ly associate the scoured landsca:es o3 the northern continents with su#$lacial erosion, yet estimates o3 the rates, timin$ and s:atial :attern o3 erosion #y the Pleistocene ice sheets are con3lictin$ or am#i$uous8 !u#$lacial erosion is di33icult to study #ecause: <iB 9he :rocesses in7ol7ed taEe :lace #eneath lar$e ice sheets8 <iiB As in all erodin$ landsca:es, the record o3 chan$e is continually e33aced as the sur3ace is remo7ed, and <iiiB Althou$h thicE de:osits o3 Pleistocene $lacial sediment, which contain in3ormation a#out erosional conditions, sur7i7e around the mar$ins o3 3ormer ice sheets, they are :atchily :reser7ed and di33icult to date8 He :ro:ose to study the history o3 erosion #y the Laurentide ice sheet, usin$ the cosmo$enic isoto:es ?LMe and NOAl8 Pirst, we will date $lacial sedimentary seQuences at the southern mar$in o3 the 3ormer ice sheet usin$ the techniQue o3 R#urial datin$R <Sran$er et al8, ?@@TB8 Cosmo$enic ?LMe and NOAl are :roduced within the crystal structure o3 sedimentary Quart5 $rains while the sediment is eU:osed to cosmic radiation near the VarthWs sur3ace8 Xnce the sediment is #uried, these isoto:es decay at di33erent rates and their ratio :ro7ides a measure o3 the #urial time8 He ha7e used this techniQue in trial measurements on $lacio3lu7ial sands inter#edded with till, :ro7idin$ strati$ra:hically consistent mid;Pleistocene #racEetin$ a$es on :re7iously undated $lacial de:osits8 !econd, we will use atmos:herically;:roduced ?LMe, which accumulates in soils and is hi$hly concentrated near the sur3ace o3 dee:ly weathered terrains, to in7esti$ate the contri#ution o3 :re;$lacial re$olith to Laurentide tills8 He :resume the dee: re$olith that co7ered the Canadian !hield :rior to the Cuaternary must ha7e contained an enormous in7entory o3 ?LMe, 3ar eUceedin$ what could ha7e accumulated on the craton durin$ Cuaternary inter$lacial :eriods8 My measurin$ the ?LMe content o3 sediments eroded and de:osited #y the Laurentide ice sheet throu$hout the Pleistocene, we will tracE the remo7al o3 :re;$lacial re$olith and e7aluate the ice sheetWs res:onse to the onset o3 hard;#ed conditions8 Xur initial measurements show that mid;Pleistocene tills contain enormous concentrations o3 WmeteoricW $%&'8 Concentrations in Hisconsin till are two orders o3 ma$nitude lower8 Yt a::ears that the Laurentide ice sheet was Wminin$W a co7er o3 hea7ily;weathered sur3icial material in the middle Pleistocene, #ut that this source has now #een lar$ely eUhausted8 He will a::ly these methods to well;studied seQuences o3 till and inter#edded $lacio3lu7ial sediments in southwestern =innesota, and early Pleistocene tills #racEeted #y well;dated ash layers in drill cores 3rom !outh ZaEota and Ne#rasEa8 9his com#ination will :ro7ide sam:les o3 material eroded #y the Laurentide Yce !heet throu$hout the Pleistocene8 9he 3ield area in southwestern =innesota :ro7ides access to at least nine se:arate till units in outcro: and drill core8 VUtensi7e :rior worE in the area, and easy access to #oth sur3ace and su#sur3ace sam:les maEe it ideal 3or this study8 "#$ TABLE OF CONTENTS For font size and page formatting specifications, see GPG section II.C. Section Total No. of Pages in Section Page No.* (Optional)* Cover Sheet (NSF Form 1207) (Submit Page 2 with original proposal only) A Project Summary (not to exceed 1 page) 1 B Table of Contents (NSF Form 1359) 1 C Project Description (plus Results from Prior NSF Support) (not to exceed 15 pages) (Exceed only if allowed by a specific program announcement/solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) 15 D References Cited 6 E Biographical Sketches F Budget (Not to exceed 2 pages each) 2 7 (NSF Form 1030, plus up to 3 pages of budget justification) 1 G Current and Pending Support H Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources (NSF Form 1363) 1 I Special Information/Supplementary Documentation 4 J Appendix (List below. ) (Include only if allowed by a specific program announcement/ solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) (NSF Form 1239) Appendix Items: *Proposers may select any numbering mechanism for the proposal. The entire proposal however, must be paginated. Complete both columns only if the proposal is numbered consecutively. NSF Form 1359 (10/99) 1" Lo&-level !"#e- and %&'l analyses: 2" Sub-sur6ace production o6 !"#e a+, %&'l and t;eir use in modeling sur6ace processes: Ice elevation changes Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica Height above ice surface (m) 600 400 200 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Exposure age (kyr) ε ε µ 3" Cosmogenic isotope systematics o6 deeply &eat;ered terrains: 4" Laboratory met;ods 6or cosmogenic nuclide eAtraction: δ δ δ δ λλ λ λλ 10 kyr exposure 20 30 40 50 kyr 1 Myr burial 2 Myr 12 m 4 Myr 8m 4m 3m 2 m burial depth 2.5 Myr burial σ ΔΔ Deeply weathered temperate and tropical soils Depth below surface (cm) 101 Merced R., California (Pavich et al. 1986) Total inventory: > 5.3 x 1011 (atoms/cm2) > 5.9 x 1011 102 Virginia Piedmont (Pavich et al. 1985) Total inventory: 8.8 x 1011 Australia (Stone, unpublished data) Total inventory: > 8.6 x 1010 > 2.3 x 1011 > 3.5 x 1011 > 3.3 x 1011 > 2.8 x 1011 103 106 107 108 [10Be] (atoms/g) Minnesota tills, this study 109 1010 Late Wisconsin, northern provenance } ~ 0.8 Myr, northern provenance 0.8 Myr, } ~northeastern } 106 107 108 provenance ~1.1 Myr, northern provenance 109 [10Be] (atoms/g) 1010 10Be 46¡ N UMRB - 2 UMRB - 1 LAURENTIDE 0 IG R A S T O IN NE E 25 M V UMRB-1 S D C O T Brookings core E UMRB-3 IN A L N L E E S O TA 45¡ R IV Y ER Yellow Medicine River outcrops A U D E M N S P R A SWRA-3 IR IE S SWRA-2 SWRA-1 44¡ Prior correlations (Patterson et al., 1995) UMRB-2 50 0.92 +/- 0.13 75 0.77 +/- 0.15 Glacial till depth (ft) Field area younger middle Pleistocene M O Glaciolacustrine 100 125 older middle Pleistocene SHEET Wisc. B ICE Fluvial / glaciofluvial ? ? 1.1 +/- 0.24 150 175 0.83 +/- 0.15 1.17 +/- 0.13 200 Hartford core 0.86 +/- 0.59 0.82 +/- 0.18 1.22 +/- 0.13 225 I A 97¡W 96¡ 43¡N 95¡W Figure 6. Map of proposed field area in Minnesota and South Dakota, showing deep boreholes and outcrop sites that we plan to study. The Minnesota River Valley, where the two boreholes shown at right are located, is underlain by several Wisconsinan tills of the Des Moines Lobe and then by two unconfomity-bounded packages of middle Pleistocene glacial sediment. The Coteau des Prairies highland to the south and west consists of thin Wisconsinan glacial deposits overlying several hundred feet of early and middle Pleistocene tills. Independent correlation of boreholes is by Patterson et al. (1995). Numerical ages are new burial dates described in this proposal. %a'g) *+) ,a-) "+) Pa/012) 3+ 4+) 5affee) 3+ 8+) a9: ;o=>2o9) 4+ ?+) 1@@A+ %e'B--0=C geo12eC0D>'B 09 Do0-E e/a-=a>0o9D of 1F%eG @%e 'a>0oD 09 a=>20ge901 C09e'a-D aD a HaD0D fo' age Co:e-D+ 1IF JK#IL) 2KA#2NO+ %e--) 3+ a9: ,a09e) *+P+) 1@ON+ *'oD0o9 of >2e ,a='e9>0:e ?eg0o9 of Po'>2 QCe'01a HB R-a10a- a9: R-a10of-=/0a- P'o1eDDeD+ 2K) 1NI#1AI+ %0e'Ca9) P+?+) 3a'De--a) S+Q+) Pa>>e'Do9) 5+) "a/0D) P+T+) a9: 5affee) 3+) 1@@@+ 30:# P-e0D>o1e9e 1oDCoge901 C090C=C#age -0C0>D fo' U'e#80D1o9D09a9 g-a10a- D='fa1eD 09 Do=>2VeD>e'9 3099eDo>a a9: Do=>2e'9 %aff09 WD-a9:E a C=->0U-e 9=1-0:e aUU'oa12+ 2A) 2N#K@+ %09:D12a:-e') ?+) %aCHe') 4+) a9: Q9a9:aX'0D29a9) ;+) 2FF1+ Y9De> of D>'eaC09g f-oV 09 >2e ;0U-e 5oaD> 'eg0o9) 8eD> Q9>a'1>01a+ Q--eB) ?+%+ a9: %09:D12a:-e') ?+) e:D+) T2e 8eD> Q9>a'1>01 W1e ;2ee>E %e2a/0o' a9: *9/0'o9Ce9>+ 8aD209g>o9) "5E QCe'01a9 ReoU2BD01a- Z90o9) U+ 12K+ %-a9Xe9D20U) "+"+) 3o'De) "+,+) [099) 5+Q+) %e--) ?+*+) 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DURATION (months) Proposed Granted AWARD NO. ORGANIZATION University of Washington PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR / PROJECT DIRECTOR John O Stone A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PI’s, Faculty and Other Senior Associates (List each separately with title, A.7. show number in brackets) NSF Funded Person-mos. CAL 1. John O Stone - Assistant Professor 0.00 0.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( 0 ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET JUSTIFICATION PAGE) 0.00 0.00 7. ( 1 ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1 - 6) 0.00 0.00 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. ( 0 ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 0.00 0.00 2. ( 0 ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 0.00 0.00 3. ( 1 ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. ( 1 ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. ( 0 ) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( 0 ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 0 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ( 0) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A)(SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Funds Requested By proposer ACAD SUMR TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 1.00 $ Funds granted by NSF (if different) 6,614 0.00 1.00 0 6,614 0.00 0.00 0 0 9,079 1,600 0 0 17,293 2,529 19,822 $ 0 6,200 0 0 3,150 0 0 0 0 25,744 28,894 54,916 MTDC (Rate: 51.6000, Base: 53093) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) 27,396 J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) 82,312 K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) 0 L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) $ 82,312 $ M. COST SHARING PROPOSED LEVEL $ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT $ 0 PI / PD TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION John O Stone Date Checked Date Of Rate Sheet Initials - ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes all previous editions 1 *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.B) SUMMARY YEAR 2 PROPOSAL BUDGET FOR NSF USE ONLY PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (months) Proposed Granted AWARD NO. ORGANIZATION University of Washington PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR / PROJECT DIRECTOR John O Stone A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PI’s, Faculty and Other Senior Associates (List each separately with title, A.7. show number in brackets) NSF Funded Person-mos. CAL 1. John O Stone - Assistant Professor 0.00 0.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( 0 ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET JUSTIFICATION PAGE) 0.00 0.00 7. ( 1 ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1 - 6) 0.00 0.00 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. ( 0 ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 0.00 0.00 2. ( 0 ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 0.00 0.00 3. ( 1 ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. ( 1 ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. ( 0 ) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( 0 ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 0 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ( 0) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A)(SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Funds Requested By proposer ACAD SUMR TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 1.00 $ Funds granted by NSF (if different) 6,879 0.00 1.00 0 6,879 0.00 0.00 0 0 9,442 1,600 0 0 17,921 2,624 20,545 $ 0 6,200 0 0 3,850 500 0 0 0 33,817 38,167 64,912 MTDC (Rate: 51.6000, Base: 63016) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) 32,516 J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) 97,428 K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) 0 L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) $ 97,428 $ M. COST SHARING PROPOSED LEVEL $ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT $ 0 PI / PD TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION John O Stone Date Checked Date Of Rate Sheet Initials - ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes all previous editions 2 *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.B) SUMMARY YEAR 3 PROPOSAL BUDGET FOR NSF USE ONLY PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (months) Proposed Granted AWARD NO. ORGANIZATION University of Washington PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR / PROJECT DIRECTOR John O Stone A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PI’s, Faculty and Other Senior Associates (List each separately with title, A.7. show number in brackets) NSF Funded Person-mos. CAL 1. John O Stone - Assistant Professor 0.00 0.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( 0 ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET JUSTIFICATION PAGE) 0.00 0.00 7. ( 1 ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1 - 6) 0.00 0.00 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. ( 0 ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 0.00 0.00 2. ( 0 ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 0.00 0.00 3. ( 1 ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. ( 0 ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. ( 0 ) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( 0 ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 0 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ( 0) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A)(SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Funds Requested By proposer ACAD SUMR TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 1.00 $ Funds granted by NSF (if different) 7,154 0.00 1.00 0 7,154 0.00 0.00 0 0 9,820 0 0 0 16,974 2,574 19,548 $ 0 2,400 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 2,572 3,572 25,520 MTDC (Rate: 51.6000, Base: 23548) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) 12,151 J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) 37,671 K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) 0 L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) $ 37,671 $ M. COST SHARING PROPOSED LEVEL $ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT $ 0 PI / PD TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION John O Stone Date Checked Date Of Rate Sheet Initials - ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes all previous editions 3 *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.B) SUMMARY Cumulative FOR NSF USE ONLY PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. University of Washington PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR / PROJECT DIRECTOR DURATION (months) Proposed Granted AWARD NO. John O Stone A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PI’s, Faculty and Other Senior Associates (List each separately with title, A.7. show number in brackets) NSF Funded Person-mos. CAL 1. John O Stone - Assistant Professor 0.00 0.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET JUSTIFICATION PAGE) 0.00 0.00 7. ( 1 ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1 - 6) 0.00 0.00 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. ( 0 ) POST DOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 0.00 0.00 2. ( 0 ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 0.00 0.00 3. ( 3 ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. ( 2 ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. ( 0 ) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( 0 ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 0 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ( 0) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A)(SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Funds Requested By proposer ACAD SUMR TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 3.00 $ Funds granted by NSF (if different) 20,647 0.00 3.00 0 20,647 0.00 0.00 0 0 28,341 3,200 0 0 52,188 7,727 59,915 $ 0 14,800 0 0 7,000 1,500 0 0 0 62,133 70,633 145,348 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) 72,063 J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) 217,411 K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECTS SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) 0 L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) $ 217,411 $ M. COST SHARING PROPOSED LEVEL $ AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT $ 0 PI / PD TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION John O Stone Date Checked Date Of Rate Sheet Initials - ORG ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes all previous editions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insitu0=:9GF;?G'YZ-J'7>G'1X!?U'&CDA'SDJJ'D>;JFG?':?;9>>7DAA7>;?'<?7AF:?<?>@A'9>'<9G?:>'AF:BD;D7J' A?GD<?>@' A7<=J?A' 7>G' YZ-J01X!?' <?7AF:?<?>@A' 9>' A7<=J?A' B:9<' S?JJ0;C7:7;@?:DA?G' 7>G' D>G?=?>G?>@JK' G7@?G' A@:7@DH:7=CD;' =:9BDJ?A' @9' @?A@' 9F:' =:9=9A?G' <?@C9G9J9HKU' 4C?:?' >?;?AA7:KP' S?'SDJJ'<?7AF:?'GF=JD;7@?'A7<=J?AP'7>G[9:'<FJ@D=J?';7@C9G?A'B:9<'AD>HJ?'A7<=J?A'@9'7;CD?Q?'@C?' 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The following information should be provided for each investigator and other senior personnel. Failure to provide this information may delay consideration of this proposal. Other agencies (including NSF) to which this proposal has been/will be submitted. Investigator: John Stone Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Retreat history of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, Marie Byrd Land NSF OPP-9909778 Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 119,814 Total Award Period Covered: 07/01/00 - 06/30/02 Location of Project: West Antarctica Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.18 Sumr: 1.50 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: A detailed postglacial retreat chronology for the Lambert Glacier, East Antarctica NSF OPP-9909776 Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 55,000 Total Award Period Covered: 03/01/00 - 12/31/01 Location of Project: Seattle Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.18 Sumr: 1.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Antiquity and evolution of cratonic surfaces NSF EAR-9805132 Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 249,676 Total Award Period Covered: 07/01/98 - 06/30/02 Location of Project: Seattle/Australia/Brazil Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 1.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Collaborative Research: Geodynamics of Indentor Corners NSF EAR 0003561 Continental Dynamics (one of 6 UW PIs) Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 490,335 Total Award Period Covered: 07/01/01 - 06/30/06 Location of Project: Tibet, Seattle Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.00 Sumr: 1.00 Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Erosion beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet, and its role in Pleistocene ice age dynamics NSF Geology and Paleontology Program Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ 217,411 Total Award Period Covered: 07/01/02 - 06/30/05 Location of Project: Seattle, Minnesota Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad: 0.27 Summ: 1.00 *If this project has previously been funded by another agency, please list and furnish information for immediately preceding funding period. NSF Form 1239 (10/99) Page G-1 USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY SECTION H: FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND OTHER RESOURCES 1 x 10 -15 8 x 10 -16 / 9 Be 6 x 10 -16 10 Be 1. Laboratory: 1.1 Sample preparation for cosmogenic isotope analysis will be carried out in dedicated chemistry labs at The University of Washington. These include space for 36Cl and 26Al-10Be preparation, from mineral separation through to cathode loading. 4 x 10 -16 2 x 10 -16 atoms 10 Be procedural blank 12000 9000 6000 3000 180 200 220 240 260 280 Full procedural blank measurements from the cosmogenic isotope chemistry labs at UW, since commissioning in May 2001. Amounts of Be carrier used in each measurement are shown on the x-axis; isotope ratio measurements made at LLNL-CAMS are plotted on the y-axis. Be-10 totals (ca. 3000 15,000 atoms) include those present in the carrier solution, plus those derived from reagents and environmental contamination. 300 micrograms Be 1.2 Analyses of meteoric !"#e in till will be performed at PRIME Lab. Low-level analyses of insitu-produced %&Al and !"#e will be performed at the Centre for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CAMS) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in collaboration with Dr Bob Finkel. The CAMS accelerator has provided ultra-low-level !"#e analyses of samples prepared at the University of Washington, including routine blank measurements at !"#e/9Be ratios below 1 x 1015 , and sample analyses as ratios as low as 8 x 10-15 (see above). We consider this high instrumental sensitivity essential to the success of the project. 2. Computer facilities: 2.1 Cosmogenic isotope data reduction and interpretation will be carried out using programs written by Stone (Mathematica) and Balco (MATLAB). Laboratory developments and results of the study will be made available electronically via the UW Cosmogenic Isotope Lab web site ( 3. Major Equipment: 3.1 FN tandem accelerators for 10Be and 26Al analyses - PRIME Lab, Purdue University, and CAMS, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. These instruments will provide the AMS performance necessary for the 10Be and 26Al analyses. 4. Other Resources: 4.1 UW Surface Processes Initiative and Quaternary Research Center. UW supports crossdisciplinary initiatives dedicated to the study of Earth surface systems and processes. These bring together a large number of researchers with interests in geomorphology, sediment transport, hydrology, isotope geochemistry, glacier and ice sheet studies and other fields related to the Earth surface system. This grouping of faculty and students guarantees an active environment of multidisciplinary expertise for conduct of this research. H-1 Supplementary Documents (#) The following supplementary document is a letter (by e"mail) from Derric Iles, State ?eologist of South Da@ota, eApressing his support and intention to collaborate in this study: South Da@ota Department of Environment and Natural Resources GEOLOGICAL SURVEY AHELEJ SCIENCE CENTER, USD M#M EAST CLARH STREET NERMILLION, SD QRSTUVWXUS TSQVTRRVQWWR FAZ TSQVTRRVQ[UQ INTERNET !!! November WT, WSS# Dr. ]ohn Stone Quaternary Research Center University of _ashington BoA XQ#XTS Seattle, _ashington U[#UQ"#XTS Dear Dr. Stone: Jour proposed research plans to address a number of fundamental questions concerning Pleistocene continental glaciation (e.-., number, timing and eAtent of past glacial advances, ice dynamics, and rate of climate changes) that researchers in the Midwest, including ourselves, have been puccling over for decades. Jour proposed wor@ has significant merit, and we believe is deserving of funding. The aspect of your wor@ that is of immediate interest to us at the South Da@ota ?eological Survey is the potential to establish a stratigraphic sequence of Pleistocene glacial sediments by measuring #SBe and WTAl cosmogenic isotopes in quartc within these sediments. Establishing a Pleistocene stratigraphy in eastern South Da@ota has been a difficult tas@ for us at the South Da@ota ?eological Survey, as there is very little material (organic or otherwise) that is preserved and can be dated in the glacial sediments. Measuring magnetic reversals in glacial sediments is unfortunately beyond our means. The few samples that have been dated are primarily late _isconsin in age (C"#M dates)d dated pre"_isconsin sediments are restricted to volcanic ash layers, the preservation of which is rare. By determining burial and eAposure ages in glacial sediments, this wor@ has the potential not only to help unravel the glacial stratigraphy in eastern South Da@ota, but to greatly facilitate correlations of till sheets beyond our statees borders into North Da@ota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebras@a. I"# Jour proposed wor@ is also attractive from an applied geoscience perspective. For eAample, a better understanding of Pleistocene stratigraphy in eastern South Da@ota will allow a more accurate correlation of glacial aquifer materials (sand and gravel bodies) in the region, an important step to establishing water reserves and areas of recharge. ?lacial aquifer mapping has been one of the main focuses of the South Da@ota ?eological Survey for many years, as local residents commonly use these aquifers for both irrigation and drin@ing water. The South Da@ota ?eological Survey is more than happy to provide you with continued access to our archived core. _e hope the samples your graduate student, ?reg Balco, collected this fall from our core archives will be useful in your research. _e have an additional sample collected just below the Pearlette gOh layer near Hartford, South Da@ota (a trench sample) that we will send to you shortly. Sincerely, Derric Iles State ?eologist DLI:co Sent by e"mail I"W (W) The following supplementary document is a letter (by e"mail) from Dr ]oseph Mason of the Nebras@a State Conservation and Survey Division, eApressing his intention to collaborate and offering access to core samples for this study: ]oseph A. Mason Conservation and Survey Division University of Nebras@a"Lincoln ##X Nebras@a Hall Lincoln, NE T[Q[["SQ#R November WT, WSS# Dr. ]ohn Stone Quaternary Research Center University of _ashington BoA XQ#XTS Seattle, _A U[#UQ"#XTS Dear Dr. Stone: I am writing to support your proposal to the National Science Foundation, gThe Terrestrial Record of ?laciation and Subglacial Erosion by the Laurentide Ice Sheet,h and to offer assistance in obtaining samples from Nebras@a for the proposed project. The project will address new and eAciting research questions that have emerged in recent years, regarding interpretation of the terrestrial record of glaciation pre"dating the last glacial maAimum. The proposal to combine gburial dating,h using in situ"produced cosmogenic isotopes, with the use of atmospheric #SBe accumulation to identify glacially rewor@ed regolith is a novel approach (to my @nowledge) and appears to be a highly appropriate test of the Clar@ and Pollard (#UU[) hypothesis. The proposed test of the gburial datingh technique also has broader significance for Quaternary geology in the North American midcontinent. The chronology of middle and early Pleistocene glaciation is the @ey evidence we will need to eventually resolve persistent questions about the role of glaciation in, for eAample, long"term drainage networ@ evolution, early and middle Pleistocene loess stratigraphy, and sediment supply to the Missouri"Mississippi basin. In Nebras@a, application of the gburial datingh technique to glacial deposits could complement an ongoing NSF"funded project (in which I am a PI), using cosmogenic isotope geochemistry and luminescence dating to establish a chronology for the loess sequence that post"dates the most recent mid"Pleistocene glaciation. Clarifying the chronology of glaciation in eastern Nebras@a could have more practical applications as well. ?lacial deposits in this area host some locally important aquifers and influence groundwater recharge and subsurface contaminant transport across the region, but it is presently very difficult to predict the lateral variation of glacial lithofacies. The ability to distinguish deposits of the multiple glaciations that have affected this area could potentially allow us to apply process"based models of glacial sedimentology to this problem. The Conservation and Survey Division (Nebras@aes state geology, water, and soils survey) has a large collection of cores from Pleistocene deposits of eastern Nebras@a, resulting from a project led by ]ohn Boellstorff in the late #URSes. These cores were the basis for Boellstorffes widely cited proposal that the I"X classical gfour"stageh glacial chronology be abandoned. They include sections in which glacial tills occur in stratigraphic conteAt with volcanic ash beds that have been fission"trac@ dated or geochemically correlated to eruptions from the Jellowstone area and other volcanic centers. In many cases there is sufficient core material left to provide samples for your analysis without destroying the archived stratigraphic record. _e are also continuing to collect new cores in eastern Nebras@a in the course of geologic mapping. _e will provide you with access to the archived cores, to study the stratigraphy and to collect samples (where sufficient material remains). I would also be happy to assist you in locating potential field sampling sites in Nebras@a. Than@ you for informing me of this important project. Sincerely, ]oseph A. Mason Research ?eologist cc: Mar@ Hucila, Conservation and Survey Division Director and Nebras@a State ?eologist I"M
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