9 Kentucky Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church The Eastern Kentucky United Methodist Health, Education & Welfare Fund Grant Application Cover Sheet United Methodist Church or Organization Name of Organization: Booneville United Methodist Church Date: 12/21/09 Contact Person: Rev J. Jamison Brunk Address: Booneville United Methodist Church P.O. Box 100 Booneville, KY 41314 Fax: N/A Phone: (606) 593-6561 (church) (606) 593-6126 (parsonage) E-mail: kybrunk@prtcnet.org Project Name: Booneville UMC Family Life Center Purpose of Grant: Construction of Booneville UMC Family Life Center (Will also house Quest For Recovery - Addiction Recovery Program) Amount Requested: $ 184,000 Total Cost of Project: $ 407,405 Geographic Area Served: Owsley County, KY (and surrounding counties) Sponsoring Church: Booneville United Methodist Church Signature ofPresidentlExecutive Director: Typed Name: J. Jamison Brunk ~ ~ Booneville United Methodist Church P.o. Box 100 Booneville, KY 41314 Rev J. Jamison Brunk, Pastor (606) 593-6561 (Ch) (606) 593-6126 (H) e-mail: kybrunk@prtcnet.org Grant Application Eastern Kentucky United Methodist Health, Education & Welfare Fund 1) Name: Booneville United Methodist Church 2) Purpose: Construction of the Booneville United Methodist Ch Family Life Center 3) Description: The Booneville UMC proposes to build a Family ife Center multi-purpose building. The FLC will have seve I rooms to be used for Sunday School and meeting space; a small gymnasium (which will double as a Fellowship 11); a kitchen; bathrooms; and office space. Perhap most important for the purposes ofthe grant is that the FLC will house Quest For Recovery - which is our churc outreach program to those persons with addictions in Ows ey and surrounding counties. Owsley County is the second smallest county in the state, w th some 4700 residents. It is also one of the 5 poorest counties in the natio by almost any measuring stick currently utilized. The largest employe in the county is the school system; followed by the combined governmen al agencies; and then the local nursing home. There is no industry. ere are no fast food outlets. There is one grocery store in the county. The e are no stoplights (we do have 2 blinker lights, however). There are three United Methodist Churches in Owsley County: Booneville, Clifty and Warrens Chapel. They are on a circuit served by the same pastor: Rev Jamie Brunk, who has been serving the Owsley County UMCs since 1988. The three churches are part of the Red Bird Missionary Conference, although they came out ofthe Kentucky Annual Conference to Red Bird in 1974. On a typical Sunday, about 130 persons will worship in those three UMCs, with Booneville accounting for some 85. Quest/or Recovery is a three-year-old outreach program ofthe Booneville UMC, which ministers to and with persons with addictions. This program (under the direction of Linda Cox) provides Support Groups, classes for persons with life-controlling issues, and personal counseling. Booneville UMC is one of only two churches in the entire county which has any kind of outreach ministry to drug and alcohol addicts. The proposed Family Life Center has been planned for, fund-raised for, and worked on for the last 8-9 years. Land has been bought and completely paid for. A floor plan has now been chosen by the Church Board of Trustees, and a General Contractor is in place. There is no church facility ofthis type in the entire county. Thus, the entire population ofthe county could readily be included in the vision of outreach for the FLC and its potential ministries. 5) Project Goals and Objectives: The specific goal of the this request is to help acquire funding to build the Booneville UMC Family Life Center. The vision of the FLC is to expand the outreach capabilities of the congregation in ways that are currently not possible: - To adequately house and expand Quest For Recovery. - To give space to the Christian Education Program of the church, which includes Sunday School, Children's Bible Club, and Youth Fellowship. The current building is wholly inadequate. - To enable the development of Christian Recreational Ministries, including basketball, volleyball - which do not exist in the county. - To enable the development of Work Camp programs, which can help meet real need thoughout Owsley County, particularly in the area of substandard housing. - To help provide for community meeting and recreation space. At present, the local grade school and high school have the only areas that are usable, and they are rapidly being closed to use by the public. The excellent location ofthe Booneville UMC and the Family Life Center in the county seat, can help in many ways: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Gideons and other religious organizations, give-away programs, community recreation, etc. 6) The construction of the Booneville Family Life Center is a NEW project. No construction has begun. It should be noted again that the church has been working toward construction for some 8-9 years, so this is not a "johnny-corne-lately" project. The Quest For Recovery program (mentioned above) has been in operation for three years. 7) Other organizations or partners: The Red Bird Missionary Conference has given its enthusiastic approval to this project, from both the Conference Board of Trustees, and the Conference Council on Finance and Administration. Conference Supt Chuck Jack was present when the successful bid was made on the land purchase, and has encouraged our efforts on the project in many ways. Red Bird Conference has authorized a $50,000 loan at 1% interest. This loan has already been made, and the church has been paying on the loan since September, 2009. In addition, Red Bird Conference has authorized a $50,000 grant, which will come to fruition when the funds are freed up. In addition, the Renfroe Foundation ofthe Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference has made a $4200 grant to the Family Life Center project. That grant has already been received. It is the intent of the General Contractor and the congregation to utilize local labor, local volunteer labor, and work teams to do the finish work on the inside ofthe building. There are skilled persons within the congregation and in the community who have declared their willingness to do that construction. 8) Timetable: Groundbreaking in the spring of 201 0. 9) Long-Term Funding: Please note ..... * Church purchased the land for the Family Life Center for $180,000. That debt is now completely paid off. * The church has in hand at this point $192,056. This includes the $50,000 lmm already received from the Red Bird Missionary Conference. It includes the $4200 grant from the Renfroe Foundation ofthe SEJ. It does NOT include the $50,000 grant from the Red Bird Conference, since that has not yet been received. * There are a number of church members who made pledges to the project 2 1/2 years ago, and who continue to make monthly gifts to the FLC construction according to their level ofpledging. There will be a second opportunity for church members to make pledges early in 2010, as the actual construction begins. * The church will continue to identify potential grant opportunities and to pursue those during the construction phase ofthe project. * Obviously, receiving the grant from the Eastern Kentucky United Methodist Health, Education and Welfare Fund will go a long way to provide the necessary funding for the completion ofthe construction of the facility. 10) Document progress and results: Since the request is for funding for construction purposes, it is our plan to evaluate and document the progress ofthe building in each of its major constituent phases: initial concrete pad, engineered structure, heating and cooling, fInished portions ofthe interior, etc. We anticipate that our General Contractor will have the lead role in that process. Attachments #1 Grant Budget. This page reflects the overall budget for the construction of the Family Life Center. It was compiled by our General Contractor. #2 - List ofFunders, potential funders, etc #3 - Church operating budget for 2010. Passed at Charge Conference in November, 2009. #4 - Fund Balance Report for 2007, most recent audit available. #5 - Booneville Family Life Center Building Plan - 1 0 J r- I Q , <j- Jl <-l \C'> ..9 U) <:1 <:) <'4. I ~I ~ V)", () (,:) t} -00 t;i :1 () '-.9 ~ () 00 () I e-' 0 1 ~; _1 '" -.;;."'>- ~ :.:r N) ,vj- N N) ~ u.. io !6' 13' c! ;::. ~ ;-C\ V) :;r l.C) ::r () - t:> () 4- ~ .... (j) c') n' '<:>0 ....g ...\f:;;;_~ ~ c- - "",cr _CIJ UJ @I ..:1 -:::::--- . '-n '-' .~ r- <lL <1 ?:r <: ~i . -+~ '-' II) -0 0'<l X 1lI <:G 0 O-J 0 V) ::::r a '",-,I Q l. J -\- c-i Y,J 0 0 <,) -<r' cr- Il<: -g )( \J\ u-. "i: t ;:t ~ l- v-<; I.J,) '--\., f0 <3 c:1 1"'( <:) - ,><1 ':1 1'(1 ! I ! -e 0)1 VJ! V) r---l ....,-v) (J 1--1 v- -+ c:J ,;p ::r c r- lI.j Iff'> ~ "( \/) i -0 .~ <J 'f' 0 -+:'J - '3 '-'I <:L t.;/i \.): .. ~ c...., ~ JJ ,.., C. 0 ---""I .,. J --S) lb "----' ,~ ~s ::r ....... G( -1vI Ui c.i /r--,.. cd. '", " ,~3 ) ('J '\J C ,\---- .r t_ .6 (\ ,e c:::: : \ " ~ C> () LL ..s '- ~ "-....J r----, "'--'".w" <OJ -~J £" .; .::;:::, () j / 0 -:..:.J :r, : : .-- l\ \.J ~ " _:t: I -_..G. " -+ W" d C) s- I (i < J'J -L.:: \ >( 5- ':::' :~ "1' -.Q;.i -T-. -\-, j '-.3) y 0 d .....<;;1 I _s' ' ,~ --t £ <. -: '-.! ~~ QL. - Qj,. --;- : \/). Cof, i <:5 .""j: '-J: \ I ~z· List of Funders, potential funders, etc 1) Land purchased and completely paid for $ 180,000 2) Building Fund donations - Individuals (Represents gifts made over last 4 years) $ 137,856 3) Loon received from Red Bird Missionary Conference (September, 2009) $ 50,000 4) Renfroe Grant (Southeastern Jurisdiction) (November, 2009) $4200 Anticipated 1) Grant from Red Bird Missionary Conference $ 50,000 Note: This grant has already been approved by the Red Bird Council on Finance and Administration. It awaits for the identification of the proper funding avenues so that the money can be released. ~ 800neviUe Budget for 2010 ..... 21ill2. mill Pastoral Ministry Salary . Pension Medical ._ . Travel Parsonage Utilites 18,219.67 17,497.39 (1518.31/mo) 2594.15 (216.18/mo) (1458.12 / mo) . 6955.20 (579.60) . 4200. (Max) Electric Water (combined) . Phone Parsonage Maintenance .. 2467.98 (205.67/ mo) (CPPICRSP) 5404.90 (450.41/ mo) 3000. 500. Church Operating Expenses 2000. 300. 325. 400. 800. 1300. (25/ wk) 100. Church Utilities: ElectriclWaterlHeat . Circuit Office Supplies .. Circuit Telephone .. Postage . Church Maintenance & Supplies . C1IStooial Services .................•..... Advertising .. ,. Insurance Church Insurance Parsonage Insurance Van Insurance .... (Total Package)... 4500. .", Van Expense Maintenance Gas 300. 1200. Program Expense N -Nurture: 0- Outreach: Sunday School . Vacation Bible School . Worship Children Youth Youth WorkerlResources .. Men Adult Missions Social Concerns W- Witness: Guest Speakers Evangelism . . .. . . . . . 1200. 500. 200. 500. 200. 1000. ** (83/ mo) 500. 100. 100. 100. 300. 100. (** Total amount paid to Jo 'e Lynn is actually $3600. BVpays $1000. TOlalfrom RBMC = $2600.) Fund Balance Report The Committte on Finance is required to make provision for an annual audit of the records of all the financial officers (including the financial secretary or church business manager and treasurers) of the church and ail its organizations and shall report to the Charge Conference. Guidelines for handling of an accountability for funds can be found in the Local Church Financial Records Handbook and in Guidelines/or Leading Your Congregation: FINANCE, and The Local Church Audit Guide, available at www.gcfa.org. ~- - - .' ()~-~!M:fi..,J...J_ -.(~ For the period beginning f~~ h _ - YJ . fI/I. fJ ~ Church Charge Ll?.J ~'. ./~~j ~ . '. . -.,.. '-d- '1Conference . District/~/\JUtL!1'''/L~ f ' ~D'1 ,and ending December 31, ;(1)0 1 I. RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS, AND BALANCES (Round to the nearest dollar.) Building or Improvement Fund Board of Trustees' Fund It S.'~ II ,~o 13 b.t{ 2.l.3hl ts,O'2..1-1!3 I i~ql2.d3, iff -. k ., United Methodist Women ·'-'-··'.l ..£:: -.:- :"' United Methodist Youth Ministries United Methodist Men '>k I Church School Other Organizations or Funds: Name: o l( )~ C\ ~.C(';t, \ Name: Name: - Name: : Name: .. ',\, ,j' "F Name: Name: Total amount of cash in all treasuries of the church 1'33}'l ~lSQ I\o,~\~~'1q I-~ \)Lt2'J·~1 .. , /S5,lCo<o.1J...J-, (' *Note: Column (c) must be entered as a negative number. Example: -50 Column (d) may be entered as either a positive or negative number, for all transfers out, please use a minus sign. .:/; W~ QOU,I\.{- Ou.("- SlU'I.ll.~ ScklJO { oP~t't"\~ wN-l-t t-4 e- C~l ~cC BOONEVILLE OWSLey '0, UNlTfD METHODIST J<t= N 'T I.ICI< '1' CHURCH PLAN ONE /20'0" --,--- I ~I .. r-----..,..,3b~...,I.---------- ------------~~~~-_t_~ 2. 0' W~\Ll (& "'iV\) DO - -- - 1'1'''''- 90"0" I~~l It' /<;1 T It~1 '- I 14' :: CLASS RM 14 I t I ==.~fJc ·5'· I'- MI-'f BE" ..-#' I I I - /4' • I I V) ~VAULT£D I i - CLA.55 RM, I <.LA.5,5 ~M , ,<::. ~ - 19'3"- ~'5i;;; ---I ~ALL - ' - - - - '-- A-A ~T()RI.( o;j-. -I I ,:>' .3 .L...L. -' " Sk~'{ C.£IL/Nc. 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