Spring 2008 through Winter 2009 Greek Letter Organizations YEAR IN REVIEW Scholarship Scholarship Leadership Leadership Development Service/Philanthropy Service/Philanthropy Brotherhood/Sisterhood Brotherhood/Sisterhood Inclusivity Inclusivity Ac c o u n t a b i l i t y Ac c o u n t a b i l i t y Dartmouth Office of Table of Contents Greek Letter Organizations and Community 5 Organizations 8 Recognition of Excellence in the Greek Letter Community 15 Incidents & Outcomes 2008-2009 22 History 25 June 2009 Greetings, We are pleased to provide a copy of the “Year in Review” which illustrates the strength and vibrancy of the Greek Letter Organization (GLO) system at Dartmouth. This has been an exciting and productive year as we welcomed two new members into the GLO community, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Beta Alpha Omega Fraternity. Currently there are 29 Greek letter organizations active on campus; three coed groups, ten sororities and 16 fraternities. Significant achievements included: an expanded commitment to community service outreach especially through participation in “The Prouty” which benefits the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, individual members grade point averages are consistently higher than unaffiliated individual’s grade point averages, excellent leadership from Greek Leadership Council Executive Board resulting in increased cooperation between all organizations, and overall membership continues to grow. Last year, approximately 60% of the eligible undergraduate population (sophomore fall status and older) were members of Greek letter organizations. During the 2008-2009 academic year this number grew to approximately 65% of the eligible student population. We continue to emphasize the components that make a successful organization: *Anengagedstudentmembershipthatremainscommittedtotheorganization’svaluesand principles. *Activealumniwhocelebratetheirexperienceandformabridgeconnectingthepasttothe presentwhileworkingwiththeundergraduatememberstocreateafuture. *Ahostcollegethatiscommittedtoassistingorganizationstoachievesuccesswithinthe uniquecontextofthecollegeenvironment. *PartnershipswithNationalFraternityandSororityHeadquartersstaffandparents. We would like to thank Norma Hazelton for her dedication, support and devotion to Greek letter organizations for the past seven years. Norma retired in January and we will continue to miss her presence in the office and throughout the Dartmouth community. It is our hope that you will be impressed by the quality of leadership, programming and overall excellence of the Greek letter organization community and its individual members. We are proud of their accomplishments and enthusiastically look forward to an even brighter future. Sincerely Martin Redman Deborah Carney Fouad Saleet Dean of Residential Life Assistant Dean of Residential Life Director of Greek Letter Organizations and Societies Associate Director of Greek Letter Organizations and Societies Lauren Breach ‘09 a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority played a significant leadership role in the development of this publication and we offer her our heartfelt thanks. Lauren has worked with Greek letter organizations as an intern for three years overseeing various projects that included a new member education review, assisting organization advisors and student leaders with the creation of a job description for advisors and corporation officers, and collecting organizational data from the web based action plan for analysis of the six principles established for Greek letter organizations. 4 Greek Letter Organizations: Mission & Guiding Principles Unanimously agreed upon by the Greek Life Steering Committee and adopted October 2001 by the Dean of the College As participants in the Dartmouth College community, each Greek letter organization is responsible for seeking creative and innovative ways of engaging in campus life while simultaneously serving as stewards of a common set of values. The Dartmouth College Greek letter community exists to complement the educational mission of the institution, to enhance the quality of campus life, and to provide opportunities for social interaction that result in personal growth. As members of the Dartmouth community, members and their organizations agree to uphold the following commitments: Scholarship Being Inclusive To pursue the acquisition of knowledge, with individual academic excellence as the primary goal To build a community that embraces diversity and appreciates differences in thought and opinion Leadership Accountability To teach skill development for use within the Greek letter community and the broader community To act responsibly with regard to choices, decisions, and behaviors, and to maintain the integrity of these principles by insisting that all members live up to them both in spirit and action. It is understood that Greek letter organizations are accountable to Dartmouth College and the Dartmouth community, to the membership of each individual organization, and to their Greek peers Service/Philanthropy To foster an ethic of support and care through community involvement and outreach Brotherhood/Sisterhood To establish and nurture lifelong friendships among all members 5 The Office of Greek Letter Organizations and Societies provides financial, programming and advisory support to help organizations be the best they can be. Some highlights of the services provided to Greek letter organizations include: • Targetedprogrammingeachtermthataddress pertinentissuessuchas:officertransition,yearlong actionplanning,andcommunicatingwitheachother. • ParticipatingintheGroupInsurancePlanin collaborationwiththeOfficeofRiskandInternal ControlServices • Orientationmeetingsforpresidents,treasurers,house managers,servicechairs,scholarshipchairsandother officersasnecessarytocoverjobresponsibilitiesand planningfortheterm. • Distributing$5000annuallyforfacultyengagement programscoordinatedbyorganizations. • AdvisingthefivesubcouncilsofGreekletter organizations:InterfraternityCouncil,Panhellenic Council,CoedCouncil,NationalAssociationofLatino FraternalOrganizationsCouncil,andtheNational Pan-HellenicCouncil. • Hiringstudentsasofficeinternstohelpwithprojects. • Hostingquarterlymeetingswithorganizationadvisors toaddressissuesofimportancetothemandthe OfficeofGreekLetterOrganizationsandSocieties. • AdvisingtheGreekLeadershipCouncilasitprovides organizationforthefivesubcouncils,distributes fundingandrepresentstheGreekCommunityasa whole. • IncollaborationwiththeOrderofOmegaGreekletter HonorSocietyandtheGreekLeadershipCouncil, overseetheannualGreekletterorganizationAwards celebration. • AdvisingtheOrderofOmegaNationalLeadership HonorSociety. • ProductionoftheGreekLetterOrganizationsYear inReviewthatdescribesaccomplishmentstoward theadoptedguidingprinciplesofscholarship, leadership,service,brotherhood,beinginclusiveand accountability • CommunicatingandworkingwithNational RepresentativestoensureNationalsunderstandthe campusenvironmentandourstudentsunderstand whatisexpectedbytheNationaloffices. • Assistingwithsustainabilityeffortsinphysicalplants. • Advisingorganizationsinthedevelopmentoftheir yearlygoalsandstrategicActionPlans. • Assistingorganizationsastheyconductandexecute theirstrategicActionPlans. • Providingfundingandsupporttotakestudentstothe NortheastGreekLeadershipAssociationConference. • Offering10-year,advantageously-structured 4.25%loanstoassistorganizationsinmeeting theirFullerAuditrequirementsregardinglifesafety andaccessibility.Presently,theCollegehasgranted $2,695,410inloanstofiveorganizationsand hasagreedtomakeavailableuptoanadditional $4,500,000tosixmoreGreekletterorganizations. 6 • Issuing$3000annuallytodeservingorganizationsfor communityserviceprojects. • TheOfficeofResidentialLifeacquiredapropertyfrom theRealEstateOfficelocatedat17EastWheelock StreettobeusedbyAlphaXiDeltasororityastheir chapterfacility.Thethreestoryapartmentbuilding isbeingconvertedtomeettheresidentialand organizationalneedsofthisgroup.Thenewfacility willhousetwentytwowomenandprovidesalarge meeting/socialarea,smallersocialareaandkitchen. Theprojectmeetsallcurrentlifesafetycodesandis ADAaccessible.AlphaXiDeltawilloccupythefacility inSeptember2009. Office of Residential Life: Mission Statement The mission of the Office of Residential Life is to offer undergraduate student housing and promote personal growth, social responsibility and intellectual development through community-based interactions. The administration of Greek letter organizations is overseen by the Office of Residential Life, and therefore works with Greek letter organizations in ways that complement this mission. The work of the Office of Residential Life is guided by the following set of organizational values. We affirm these values as characteristic of the kinds of inclusive, residential communities we strive to build on campus. Service We value service that is of high quality, prompt and responsive. Safety and Security We value healthy levels of cleanliness, predictable building security and a culture of sound decision making. Communication We value communication that is meaningful, timely, clear and consistent. Diversity We value awareness of ourselves and those around us, and engagement in the complexities of a multicultural environment. Learning We value educational experiences that promote learning as an on-going process that occurs in a variety of settings. Collaboration We value partnerships with others and the positive outcomes that result. Accountability We value individuals and groups who hold themselves and others accountable for the choices they make. Fairness We value equitable and consistent actions that honor individual circumstances and recognize that all outcomes may not be identical.We strive to act with integrity in all our endeavors and encourage others to do the same. 7 Organizations: Dartmouth College Greek Letter Organizations Organization Name Letters “Nickname” Type of Group Members as of Winter 2009 Alpha Chi Alpha AXA Alpha Chi local fraternity 69 Alpha Delta AΔ AD local fraternity 86 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. AΦA The Alphas national fraternity 2 Alpha Phi AΦ Alpha Phi national sorority 120 Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. AΠΩ APiO national sorority 10 Alpha Theta AΘ Alpha Theta local coed 58 Alpha Xi Delta AΞΔ AZD national sorority 145 Bones Gate BG Bones Gate local fraternity 65 Chi Gamma Epsilon XΓE Chi Gam local fraternity 70 Chi Heorot XH Heorot local fraternity 83 Delta Delta Delta ΔΔΔ Tri Delt national sorority 150 Epsilon Kappa Theta EKΘ Theta local sorority 118 Gamma Delta Chi ΓΔX GDX local fraternity 44 Kappa Delta Epsilon KΔE KDE local sorority 145 Kappa Kappa Gamma KKΓ Kappa national sorority 151 Kappa Kappa Kappa KKK Tri Kap local fraternity 72 Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. ΛYΛ LUL national fraternity 6 Phi Delta Alpha ΦΔA Phi Delt local fraternity 57 Phi Tau ΦT Phi Tau local coed 17 Psi Upsilon ΨY Psi U national fraternity 75 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ΣAE SAE national fraternity 62 Sigma Delta ΣΔ Sigma Delt local sorority 149 Sigma Lambda Upsilon Sorority, Inc. ΣΛY SLU national sorority 3 Sigma Nu ΣN Sigma Nu national fraternity 51 Sigma Phi Epsilon ΣΦE Sig Ep national fraternity 105 The Tabard Tabard The Tabard local coed 56 Theta Delta Chi ΘΔX Theta Delt national fraternity 81 There are two groups working with the College in an effort to gain official recognition. Currently, as a “colony,” they have a provisional type of status. They are working closely with the College and are wholly accountable for all GLO policies and procedures. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. AKA AKA national sorority Beta Alpha Omega BAΩ Beta local fraternity Total Membership: Female: 1075 Male: 1031 Total: 2106 8 9 45 9 Governing Councils: • Greek Leadership Council: The Greek Leadership • Council is comprised of the presidents of each Greek letter organization. The GLC Executive Board is comprised of a moderator, secretary, treasurer, PR chair and social chair, and the presidents of each governing council. GLC is also a clearinghouse for many Greek initiatives. 2008-2009 Greek Leadership Council Executive Board • Moderator: Andrew Lane ‘09, Phi Delta Alpha • Public Relations Chair: Brendan Lynch-Salamon ’10, Phi Delta Alpha • Treasurer: Emily Eberle ’09, Alpha Theta Interfraternity Council: The Interfraternity Council at Dartmouth serves to advocate for the needs of its member fraternities through enrichment of the fraternity experience; advancement and growth of the fraternity community; and enhancement of the educational mission of the host institutions. Organizations represented: ΑΧΑ,ΑΔ,ΒΑΩ,ΒG,ΧΓΕ,ΧΗ,ΓΔΧ,ΚΚΚ,ΦΔΑ, ΨΥ,ΣΑΕ, ΣΝ,ΣΦΕ,ΘΔΧ 2008-2009 Interfraternity Council Executive Board • President: Anthony Arch ‘09,Theta Delta Chi • Vice President: Andy Reynolds ’09, Sigma Alpha Epsilon • Programming: Peter Kitlas ’09, Alpha Chi Alpha • Treasurer: Rich Cummings ’09, Gamma Delta Chi • Service: Taylor Holt ’09, Psi Upsilon • Secretary: Udit Banerjea ’09, Phi Delta Alpha Panhellenic Council: The Panhellenic Council at Dartmouth supports its women’s fraternities by promoting values, education, leadership, friendships, cooperation and citizenship, which is line with the National Panhellenic Conference. Organizations represented: ΑΦ,ΑXΔ,ΔΔΔ,ΕΚΘ,ΚΔΕ,ΚΚΓ,ΣΔ 2008-2009 Panhellenic Council Executive Board • President: Jessica Lane ‘09, Alpha Xi Delta • Vice President of Organization: Kate Harney ’09, Sigma Delta • Vice President of Recruitment: Melissa Lokensgard ‘09, Alpha Phi • Secretary: Lauren Ladolcetta ’10, Delta Delta Delta • Treasurer: Lisa Marchessault ’10, Epsilon Kappa Theta; Johanna Hauer ’09, Alpha Xi Delta • Programming: Sarah Leners ’09, Delta Delta Delta; Lynman Woo ’09, Alpha Phi; Eli Mitchell ’10, Sigma Delta • Recruitment Assistant: Michelle Chan ’10, Alpha Xi Delta Co-Ed Council: The Co-Ed Council at Dartmouth supports and coordinates its three co-educational fraternities. Organizations represented: ΑΘ,ΦT, Tabard 2008-2009 Co-Ed Council Executive Board • President: Brooks Smith ’08,Th ’09, Phi Tau 10 Vice President: Billy McCarthy ’09, Phi Tau; Reyna Ramirez ’10, Alpha Theta; Pat Schooley ’10, Alpha Theta Treasurer: Loren Sands-Ramshaw ’10, Alpha Theta National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): NPHC promotes interaction through forums, meetings and other mediums for the exchange of information and engages in cooperative programming and initiatives through various activities and functions. It also provides unanimity of thought and action as far as possible in the conduct of Greek letter organizations, and to consider problems of mutual interest to its member organizations. At Dartmouth, NPHC strives to better both the Afro-American and Dartmouth community through its dedication to brotherhood, sisterhood and service to all mankind. Organization Represented: ΑΦΑ,ΑΚΑ 2008-2009 National Pan-Hellenic Council Executive Board • President: Britni Stinson ’09, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. • Vice President and Secretary: Daina Stasiunas ’10, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. • Treasurer: David Johnson ’11, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. • Programming and Advertising:Tanisha Stowers ’10, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO): The purpose of NALFO is to promote and foster positive interfraternal relations, communication, and development of all Latino Fraternal organizations through mutual respect, leadership, honesty, professionalism and education. Organizations Represented: ΑΠΩ,LΥL,ΣLY 2008-2009 National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations • President:Terra Branson ’10, Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. • Treasurer: Cassandra Rendon ’09, Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. • Secretary: Amelia Alvarez ’08, Sigma Lambda Upsilon/ Senoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc., Order of Omega: The Order of Omega is a national honor society, which recognizes students’ achievements in academics, leadership and service. The Lambda Rho chapter of Order of Omega is composed of members of all Dartmouth College Greek letter organizations. The Order of Omega is limited to the top 3% of the Greek letter community. 2008-2009 Order of Omega Executive Committee • President: Lauren Hartz ’09, Alpha Xi Delta • VP Programming: Peter Kitlas ’09, Alpha Chi Alpha • VP Membership: Leila English ’09, Sigma Delta • VP Finance and Communications: Brenna Jenny ’09, Alpha Xi Delta • Publicity Coordinator: Natalie Berger ’09, Kappa Kappa Gamma Greetings from the Order of Omega, The Order of Omega is a national honor society that promotes the ideals of scholarship, leadership, and service within the Greek community. This past year represented a time of growth and learning for the Order of Omega. Our organization and its leaders took steps to make our presence on campus more meaningful and relevant to the Greek community. After welcoming our talented and diverse group of juniors this past summer, we designed and completed initiatives in leadership, scholarship, and service. The Order of Omega focused on two areas of leadership. First, we helped the Greek Letter Organizations and Societies (GLOS) staff design and implement a new curriculum for the leadership academy series. Omega’s participation allowed Greek leaders to convene and discuss important issues uninhibited by the presence of administrators. Second, we forged a relationship with the Greek Leadership Council (GLC) in order to strengthen both organizations’ efficiency and effectiveness. This partnership allowed our organizations to improve the annual Omega Awards through collaboration. The Order of Omega designed a lecture series to promote scholarship among Greeks. Each of the three lectures provided an opportunity for students to interact in an informal yet meaningful manner with distinguished faculty. Thanks to Professors Dean Lacy, Jere Daniell, and Paul Christesen for their informative and insightful lectures. The Order of Omega gave back to the community through diverse service projects. The year began with a bake sale and a dodge ball tournament, both designed to raise funds for the United Way. In the spring, our organization took steps to become involved at the Summer Enrichment at Dartmouth (SEAD) program. A very successful book drive during First Year Family Weekend collected college guides and test preparation materials. These books will provide valuable resources to students at SEAD partner schools in Claremont, NH and Bronx, NY. These accomplishments were made possible by the leadership of the Omega Executive Board and by the cooperation of Greek leaders. We thank the Greek community for its support and feedback during this year of growth, and we look forward to continuing to improve our community together in the coming year. Sincerely, Lauren J. Hartz ‘09, President Order of Omega 11 The Greek Letter Organizations experience is… The beliefs, the mottos, the creeds... “Fidelis et Suavis (Faithful and Agreeable).” “Freedom lies in being bold.” – Alpha Chi Alpha – Kappa Delta Epsilon “Many hands, one heart.” – Alpha Delta “Friendship, leadership, and scholarship… an opportunity and experience for a lifetime.” “By culture and by merit.” – Kappa Kappa Gamma – Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. “Unity hand in hand” “To protest against the shams of aristocracy.” – Alpha Phi – Kappa Kappa Kappa “Scholarship, Fellowship, Good Character, and the Uplifting of Humanity.” “La Unidad Para Siempre (The Unity/ Brotherhood will last forever).” – Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. – Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. “My sister as myself.” “Fraternity in every sense of the term.” – Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. – Phi Delta Alpha “Time and distance may come between us, but our home shall always be Alpha Theta.” “Unitas in diversitate (Unity in Diversity).” – Phi Tau – Alpha Theta “Unto us has befallen a mighty friendship.” “Honor, above all” – Psi Upsilon – Beta Alpha Omega “Refresh, Enjoy and Travel on.” “The True Gentleman…a man with whom honor is sacred and virtue safe.” – Bones Gate – Sigma Alpha Epsilon “Inspiring women to realize their potential.” “One hope of many people.” – Sigma Delta – Alpha Xi Delta “Hasta La Muerta (Until Death)” “Be a leader who exemplifies courage, integrity, and modesty while forever tempering one’s actions with wisdom.” – Sigma Lambda Upsilon Sorority, Inc – Chi Gamma Epsilon – Sigma Nu “Respect, passion, service.” “Virtue, Diligence, Brotherly Love.” – Chi Heorot – Sigma Phi Epsilon “Let us steadfastly love one another.” “Standing as a Testament to the ability of a community to shape its environment.” – Delta Delta Delta . “Love, Honor, Truth” – The Tabard “Strive for diversity, intellectual curiosity and outreach to the local community.” – Epsilon Kappa Theta “A friendship founded on mutual esteem and dependence.” – Theta Delta Chi “Live by the spirit of brotherhood and achieve growth in character.” – Gamma Delta Chi 12 Letters from the Presidents of our newest organizations Beta Alpha Omega This year marked the first year in 12 years that the trustees of Dartmouth Beta Theta Pi were able to bring back their fraternity to Dartmouth College. The incidents that occurred in the mid ‘90s placed great challenges to the Board of Trustees in attempting to establish a new house in their physical plant, and as a result the process was very challenging. However, at the end of the school year, Beta Alpha Omega has emerged as a successful house and the brotherhood has accomplished much over the past year. The hard work of the board is the true reason that we have been able to accomplish so much. CoChairman Scott Sipple ’84, Dimitri Gerakaris ’69, Jeff Sassorossi ’75, Star Johnson ’70, Paul Killebrew ‘67 and Bob Bartles ’64, with other members of the board, have been instrumental in working with the undergraduates to establish a long-standing tradition that re-emerged this year. Holding quarterly meetings with the undergraduates, year-end meetings with the executive committee and the Office of Residential Life, helping in maintenance of the physical plant, overseeing treasury responsibilities, and lending a hand in any time of need, these men have been the true backbone of the organization. The undergraduates represent a diverse group of leaders from all aspects of campus including sports, cultural organizations, the debate team, business groups, community service organizations, and hail from all corners of the world. We were very successful in our recruitment process, establishing a 52-brother house by the end of the spring term, after a successful recruitment term for our five brothers this spring. We have been fortunate enough to have the brotherhood of three Marines and their leadership and guidance have aided our process in establishing ourselves as a strong institution on campus. Over the course of the year Beta has established itself as a house that is welcoming to the greater campus through its Tuesday Night Lecture Series, which brings in professors, graduate students, local professionals, and advisors to speak about issues ranging from Native American Sovereignty in the U.S. to the history and current state of the Middle East. Beyond this, Beta has been involved in many community service opportunities such as serving food at the Edgerton House, working with the Special Olympics, and collecting books for a book drive to benefit education in Ghana. We have hosted numerous campus-wide events such as midnight breakfasts, forums on safety and comfort in the fraternity system, and singing groups. We have also been successful in hosting parties for the campus with a daylong barbecue, followed by a party over Green-Key bringing in hundreds of guests. One of the most rewarding parts of the year has been watching the house grow collectively. We have established a brotherhood that exceeds having a physical house that brothers can party in, and have brought together a diverse group of men on campus and created bonds that will last well beyond our years in Hanover. This can be seen through our alums, both involved with the board and not, that have come to all of our recruitment activities and lent support throughout the year. The experience that we have had as a house is one that has benefited all of our time at Dartmouth, and for that we are grateful. While these points all have been rewarding, there have been challenges along the way. From the start the fraternity met opposition when many groups and individuals on campus feared the return of a onedimensional house. Furthermore, the concerns over gender equality on campus in social spaces presented challenges as well. Working hand in hand with the Women’s and Gender Center on multiple issues, hosting talks on comfort in the Greek system as a Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender or Queer and taking a stance to never tolerate the mistreatment of women or any individuals on campus, we have overcome this stereotype and have been able to emerge as a campus-friendly space while still upholding a style of brotherhood that remains unique to the house. The challenge of having such a diverse house would usually create divides among people of different backgrounds, but we have successfully been able to create a house that welcomes men from all backgrounds, and more importantly brings these men together creating a bond that transcends any nationality, sexual orientation, race, religion and cultural identity. The past year has been exciting to watch, as we have created a house from scratch. But the journey does not end here. The upcoming years will be most challenging and I have faith that they will also be the most successful, as the house moves forward and continues to create an identity for itself on campus. Without the hard work of our alums, the Office of Residential Life, and undergraduates we would not be in the place we are today. Our good-standing and professional relationship with the Office of Residential Life has been instrumental in the process, and our leadership will continue to work with them on all issues. I thank everyone for the opportunity to reinstate our brotherhood and create the house that stands today. - Andrew von Kuhn ‘09 Beta Alpha Omega President 2008-2009 13 Letters from the Presidents of our newest organizations Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. As President of Xi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., I have had the blessing of working with my sisters, other organizations and a wide-range of students, faculty and staff to ensure the progression and strength of the Dartmouth community. The overwhelming support of students and other organizations to Xi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. has enriched our organization and has aided us in being able to be an asset to not only the Dartmouth community, but also the global community at large. As I leave Dartmouth College as an undergraduate I am aware that I will never be too far away for the legacy of Xi Lambda of which I am a part will continue to thrive at Dartmouth College. We look forward to the future as we concentrate on the present and remember the past. The Xi Lambda chapter wasted little time in continuing their traditions of dedication to the Dartmouth and local community by conducting dozens of programs and fundraisers. Here is just a sample of the programs that were put together: While formal service is at the core of Xi Lambda’s programming, we also participate in more entertainment based, campus activities such as the winter stroll show and the spring step show. Such activities allow us to highlight our pride as members of an illustrious organization and promote the unity that comes with membership in a sisterhood and the broader Greek Letter community. AKAknowledging Us Panel An opportunity for black students to hear the biographies, goals, and current issues facing the Black caucus as well as for students to voice their issues with faculty and staff. The discussion was centered on the uplift of the black community as a whole. The panel consisted of seven persons from the Black caucus (professors, administrators, and staff ) Rho Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. graciously serves as the graduate sponsoring chapter for Xi Lambda. The two chapters maintain close communication through the Graduate Advisor, Jean Robinson. Regularly scheduled joint meetings and frequent communication provide both chapters with an opportunity to stay abreast of each other’s activities of continued service to all mankind. AKAnight A program dedicated to remembering notable persons within Black/American history. The purpose of the program is to showcase the diversity of races involved in uplifting African-Americans and fundraise for the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth (CHAD) through an auction of gift certificates for local businesses. Dartmouth alumni who were former members of Xi Lambda continue to show their support for their undergraduate chapter through sisterly communications and lodging during mandatory leadership conferences. A regular “Note from Xi Lambda” is circulated via email to keep alumni up to date with chapter programming and personal lives of chapter members. The largest display of alumni support was during this past Homecoming weekend when Xi Lambda celebrated its 25th Anniversary on Dartmouth College’s campus. Several alumni traveled back to Hanover to attend a panel discussion, reconnection dinner and prayer service, in addition to attending traditional Homecoming events such as the bonfire and football game. Our alumni, though no longer involved in the business operations of Xi Lambda, continue to exemplify Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s continued legacy of sisterhood and service in their lifelong capacities as sisters of our illustrious organization. A Free Breakfast to commemorate the Black Panther Party’s Free Food Initiative (1962 to 1982) and fundraise for World Partners in Education (a non-profit organization that partners and raises funds for underresourced schools) through optional donations. AKAmplished: Highlighting African Americans in the Arts in order to illustrate and inform of African Americans, both well known and unfamiliar, in different artistic venues. Relationship Forum Purpose: a candid discussion on the pertinent issues plaguing Black male and Black female relationships, in relation to dating at Dartmouth. Additionally, Xi Lambda participated in the 2009 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Week events by putting on a Multimedia program that facilitated a campus wide discussion about what Dr. King would think about today’s society. The discussion focused on what, if any, progress we as a society still need to achieve as well as new issues that we could/ should collectively address. Xi Lambda partners with many other organizations through fundraisers and co-sponsorships. Most recently Xi Lambda has teamed with World Partners in Education to assist with an auction Fundraiser as well as put together a team for Relay for Life, a nightlong walk to raise funds for cancer research, and “Think Pink,” a college-wide BBQ fundraiser to help fight breast cancer. Sincerely -Britni Stinson Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. President 2009-2009 14 RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE IN THE GREEK LETTER COMMUNITY THEOFFICEOFRESIDENTIALLIFE,ORDEROFOMEGAAND GREEKLEADERSHIPCOUNCILAWARDS Greek letter organizations play an integral role in many aspects of the Dartmouth community and have a profound impact on campus. This year’s ceremony was a special occasion to recognize the outstanding achievements of the Greek letter community over the past year. We had many exceptional applications and nominations; many students and organizations were considered for these awards. First, the Office of Residential Life, the Greek Leadership Council and the Order of Omega collaborated to enhance the nomination and selection process to increase the accessibility of the awards. Second, the process was entirely student run. Every step leading to the Awards ceremony was directed by students. These two changes were implemented to strengthen the spirit of recognition and accomplishment amongst Greek organizations. The following are the award recipients for 2008-2009 15 Dartmouth College Order of Omega, Office of Residential Life and Greek Leadership Council Awards 2009 Robert Kaiser’39 in recognition of long standing service and commitment to Psi Upsilon fraternity Epsilon Kappa Theta for commitment to Accountability Alpha Xi Delta for commitment to Accountability Alpha Pi Omega, Inc. for commitment to Inclusivity Epsilon Kappa Theta for commitment to Inclusivity Clare Fortune-Agan, ΔΔΔ for commitment to Inclusivity The Tabard for commitment to Scholarship Amanda Gelman, The Tabard for commitment to Scholarship Alpha Phi for commitment to Service Alpha Xi Delta for commitment to Service Kappa Kappa Kappa for commitment to Service Joseph Pena, Kappa Kappa Kappa for commitment to Service Alpha Xi Delta 15 Webster Ave Award for the Haven Aspirations Project Delta Delta Delta 15 Webster Ave Award for the Codman Academy project Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 15 Webster Ave Award for the “I love my hair, I love my skin” project Sigma Phi Epsilon 15 Webster Ave Award for the Special Olympics bowling project Emily Eberle, ΑΘ for the Order of Omega Scholarship Lauren Hartz, ΑXΔ for the Order of Omega Scholarship Alpha Chi Alpha for commitment to Siblinghood Ashley Gleason ΔΔΔfor commitment to House Management Katie Behan, ΑΘfor commitment to Siblinghood Professor Paul Christesen for Faculty Member of the Year Amanda Watson,ΦTfor commitment to Siblinghood Epsilon Kappa Theta for the McEwen Award Brooks Smith , ΦT for commitment to Leadership Alpha Pi Omega, Inc. for the O’Connor Award Emily Eberle,ΑΘ for commitment to Leadership Amanda Jane Scull, ΑXΔ for commitment to Leadership Jessica Lane, ΑXΔ for commitment to Leadership Justin Kim, LΥL for commitment to Leadership Kappa Kappa Gamma for commitment to Innovation Beta Alpha Omega for commitment to Innovation 16 Epsilon Kappa Theta 15 Webster Avenue Award for the WISE gardening project North East Greek Leadership Association awards: Programming Excellence Award for Academic Achievement and Council Management – Panhellenic Council. Jess LaneΑXΔ , Panhellenic Council president, Greek Leader of Distinction award Andrew Lane ΦΔΑ, Greek leadership Council moderator, Greek Leader of Distinction award ACCOUNTABILITY SCHOLARSHIP Alpha Xi Delta, Honorable Mention – Alpha Xi Delta dealt Congratulation to the organizations with the highest cumulative grade point averages for spring term 08 through winter term 09: with the unique challenge of moving out of a physical plant, which was made slightly more difficult by not having somewhere to move too. Nevertheless, the organization moved out and managed to continue to hold events in different college spaces. They also updated and rewrote their bylaws, code of conduct, and risk management policy, and created a specific document addressing risk management at formals. Epsilon Kappa Theta - While many organizations are either blessed with active advisors, or put up with absent ones, Epsilon Kappa Theta decided to be proactive and find a new Chapter Advisor as well as beginning a search for a Recruitment Advisor. The chapter also revised its New Member Program, Recruitment Program, Housing Policy and Officer Structure to better suit the needs of the members. They increased transparency in all areas, especially in regards to the chapter finances, for which they held open forums about the budget and internal financial aid, and brainstormed ways to make members receiving aid feel more comfortable. The organization further assured success by creating new retreats and workshops for members and officers, and continually assessing progress and revising goals. INCLUSIVITY Kappa Delta Epsilon, Honorable Mention – Kappa Delta Epsilon strives to provide a welcoming space for all students with board game study breaks during finals and non-alcoholic movie nights. Members have opened up their house to candid discussions of mental health, eating disorder awareness, and sexual assault, so that all students can feel comfortable and included. Epsilon Kappa Theta – Epsilon Kappa Theta has ensured that its members do not feel the burden of paying dues by offering a financial aid program, and by protecting the privacy of those who do receive aid. Programs within the organization work on creating an open environment in the house, and welcoming those interested in joining. And finally, this organization co-sponsors diverse programs on campus, and has planned multiple events with minority Greeks, social groups, and other houses - truly extending their reach to the entire campus. Alpha Xi Delta Sorority 3.58 Epsilon Kappa Theta Sorority 3.56 Delta Delta Delta Sorority 3.56 Amanda Gelman ’09, Tabard – Amanda Gelman revitalized the once-neglected position of Scholarship Chair at Tabard. Last spring, she worked with all of the graduating seniors to make a list of recommended “Easy 3rds,” “Best Class Ever,” and “distribs”. Over the summer, she compiled the recommendations into a database for all of her organization’s members. In addition to the course guide, Amanda also started holding study sessions for new members in order to avoid the GPA drop that normally accompanies pledge term. She has tried to inspire a balance of work and play, reminding her brothers that we’re here in order to pursue academic excellence. Photo: Amanda Gelman SERVICE Alpha Phi – did outstanding work with the organizations it was involved with, including raising over $6500 for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and having 100% of its on-campus members participate in the Norris Cotton Cancer Center’s Prouty Century Bike Ride and Challenge Walk.These women also gave great support to other organizations such Diana Pinko, receiving an award from Lauren Hartz. as CHaD (Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth) and their own non-profit foundation, an organization dedicated to improving women’s heart health. Alpha Xi Delta – Alpha Xi Delta Clare Fortune-Agan ‘09, Delta Delta Delta – Clare Fortune-Agan has served as the inclusivity chair for her house. During her tenure, she hosted a dinner with the Gender Neutral Floor, a joint discussion with GSX about creating a more gay-friendly space, and dialogues about depression and socio-economic class. Her dedication to inclusivity is remarkable for the breadth of topics covered and for the genuine valuing of all of the organizations on campus that make Dartmouth what it is. Photo: Clare fortune Agan award Lauren De Natele, of Alpha Xi Delta receiving an award from Laren Hartz. Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. – Alpha Pi Omega consistently reaches out to other groups on campus, working with Programming Board on the popular Bingo Night, EKT on frequent “Eat Before You Drink” events, and with Amnesty International, SAPA, and the Native American Studies faculty to raise awareness of violence against Native American women. This organization has made itself known to the student body despite being one of the smallest on campus, and has remained open to cosponsorship with all groups. Michael Brasher, President of Tri-Kap showed its commitment through extensive involvement with the Haven Aspirations Project, a project to help kids and teens at the Upper Valley Haven become successful, academically and otherwise.This organization also showed an important commitment to cooperation among Greek houses for the sake of service, taking the initiative to contact many different Greek organizations for a variety of causes, both to host them and to help organize them. Kappa Kappa Kappa – Kappa Kappa Kappa had an impressive year, boasting the highest average number of service hours per brother and participating in and hosting a great number of different events, such as a Halloween party, video game tournaments with donations to charity for participating, and Summer Enrichment at Dartmouth dinners.The brothers of Tri Kap set the standard for service among the fraternities. 17 Joe Pena ’10, Kappa Kappa Kappa – Joe Pena, as the service chair for Tri Kap, gave hundreds of hours personally and single-handedly organized many of the organization’s activities, which most of his brothers then participated in. Along with spearheading many original and creative ideas and events for local causes, his service reaches into campus activities as well, being an active Sexpert and Drug and Alcohol Peer Advisor. BROTHERHOOD/SISTERHOOD Alpha Chi Alpha – Alpha Chi Alpha has a membership that characterizes the house, and in their words, “some might say we fail to leave the house.”They plan events every night of the week that bring the brotherhood together. For example, on Sundays they have “Uncle Teds” when a few brothers take turns cooking a family style dinner for the rest of the fraternity. It gives the brothers a chance to share stories from the week and weekend, and an opportunity to talk to faculty and administration, including Dean Crady. Katie Behan ‘10, Alpha Theta – Katie Behan organized weekly house dinners, a family dinner with members and their families, bonding trips to the Green, hikes and a trip to Montreal. She was also the pledge mom, making sure the new member term is as awesome as can be and even cooked the new members appetizers before they met the House Advisor. Jessica Lane ’09, Alpha Xi Delta – Jess Lane has provided leadership both within her sorority and within the community at large. She has served as House Manager, Social Chair, Secretary, Fraternity Heritage Chair, and New Member Educator in her sorority. In her role as president of Panhellenic Council, she implemented weekly meetings for Panhellenic presidents, submitted a social event proposal to the national Panhellenic Conference, and chaired the Extension Committee. Her commitment to Greek Life on the Dartmouth campus is extraordinary. Emily Eberle ’09, Alpha Theta – Emily Eberle has served Dartmouth’s Greek Community in many capacities. A member of Alpha Theta Fraternity, she acted as Vice President, President, and Service Chair. She also acted as Treasurer for both the Co-Ed council and the Greek Leadership Council. INNOVATION Amanda Watson ‘09, Phi Tau – Amanda Watson, in her capacity as new member educator and wanting to make a home for the new members, reinstated weekly pledge meetings, focusing on house history to make all members feel like they were really a part of their organization. She also organized trips to the Fort and Ben and Jerry’s and has tried hard to ensure that the pride and value she had for her organization would be passed down to future generations of members. LEADERSHIP Brooks Smith ’08, Phi Tau – Brooks Smith was recognized for his extensive, ongoing commitment to his fraternity and the Co-Ed council. As an undergrad and now as a graduate engineering student, this individual has served as house manager, was an integral part of the Phi Tau exec board, and also acted as President of the CoEd council. Janie Scull ’09, Alpha Xi Delta – Janie Scull was recognized for her leadership in moving Alpha Xi Delta and all of its belongings out of the physical plant. From creating inventories to emptying closets to selling furniture, this young woman coordinated the effort to move Alpha Xi Delta out of its former residence. Justin Kim ’10, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. - Through his involvement with Lambda Upsilon Lambda/ LUL fraternity, Inc., Justin Kim demonstrated great prowess as a leader both within his organization and to the entire Dartmouth campus, serving as the president and programming chair of LUL and spearheading the Language Retention Discussion for the Dartmouth community. 18 Kappa Kappa Gamma - Over the summer, one of Kappa Kappa Gamma’s sisters committed suicide. This organization responded to the problem in a decidedly active way by organizing a fundraiser for suicide prevention called the Out of Darkness Walk, raising $1400 for suicide prevention. In addition to the walk this organization is planning on holding future events to promote suicide awareness including an event with the rugby team. While this is unquestionably a grave tragedy the sisters of this organization have used the event as a way to raise campus awareness about suicide to prevent tragedies such as this from happening again. Beta Alpha Omega – Beta Alpha Omega established a great reputation for themselves very quickly by getting involved on campus and overcoming negative perceptions. The brothers participated as a house in community service projects with the Edgerton House and the Upper Valley Special Olympics. The organization has also been an outlet for academic events, inviting speakers to talk about a wide array of topics including American Indian tribes, Islam in Africa, and the importance of humanities in higher education. In addition, Beta has offered many great non-alcoholic social events for the entire campus including a midnight breakfast, homecoming dance, and a Superbowl party with a sorority. ORDER OF OMEGA SCHOLARSHIP Lauren Hartz ‘09, Alpha Xi Delta and Emily Eberle ‘09, Alpha Theta each received a $500 scholarship from the National Order of Omega Scholarship Fund. These scholarships were awarded to Lauren and Emily in recognition for their scholastic achievement, participation in campus organizations, leadership, citizenship, and service to the Order of Omega and the Greek letter community. HOUSE MANAGEMENT Ashley Gleason ’09, Delta Delta Delta As house manager her sophomore summer and over the past year, Ashley has done a wonderful job improving her house in any way possible. Improvements to Delta Delta Delta included safety measurements, as well as larger projects. One such larger project was sorting through many years of basement storage, collecting unclaimed articles for donation; a second project was, like other Greek letter organizations, to strive to be a more sustainable organization. Ashley was very helpful with the planning stages of the up coming house renovation. When asking house managers to show up for Housekeeping Inspections Ashley was always available to assist even if she had already done her 2 inspections for the term. Tri Delta never had a single fire safety violation while Ashley was house manager. FACULTY MEMBER OF THE YEAR Each year, the Order of Omega presents the Faculty Member of the Year Award to a professor who exemplifies Dartmouth’s commitment to an unparalleled undergraduate education. This year’s winner, Professor Paul Christesen of the Classics Department, stood out for his limitless dedication to his students and his intensive courses, which have come to define many of his students’ college experiences. His students feel inclined to push their academic and intellectual limits, achieve new levels of critical thinking, and work harder than they ever have, because they know their professor is working even harder to make sure his students are getting the most out of his teaching. A student in his “Method and Theory in Ancient History” class commented that “The projects the professor assigned were daunting, and the high levels of expectation at times seemed unreachable. During that term, I frequently worried whether I would be able to meet all of the deadlines. However, he was always available to work with me. Once, I sent a blitz to him at 2:30am, distressed and confused over my most recent assignment. To my surprise, he blitzed me back within minutes and I was chatting with him in his office at 3am to iron out all my problems.” Stories like this one are representative of the dedication and passion of this year’s winner. SPECIAL RECOGNITION FOR AN OUTSTANDING ADVISOR Special recognition was given to Robert Kaiser, Dartmouth Class of 1939, for his longstanding commitment and dedication to Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Bob Kaiser was the President and Treasurer of the Dartmouth Zeta chapter when he was an undergraduate. A Phi Beta Kappa, Senior Fellow, and Rufus Choate Scholar with a major in economics, he excelled in the classroom. He had a distinguished military career, the recipient of two Bronze stars in the Army, staying in the Active Reserve until 1963. He also had a successful 20 year career in the business world prior to coming back to Dartmouth in 1965. Then, he worked in the Bequests and Estate Planning Program, developing one of the most successful giving programs in the country. Long considered the tax-expert at Dartmouth, Bob is often called upon by alumni, colleagues and faculty for advice. He received the Class of 1939 Man of the Year award and the Dartmouth Alumni Award for the many years of contributing to Dartmouth through volunteer service for his class and fraternity along with his outstanding development work with Dartmouth. When he returned to Dartmouth in 1965, he became the House Advisor for Psi Upsilon. He, along with his wonderful wife Evelyn, has been the advisors to Psi Upsilon for 44 years and honorary members of the Order of Omega. The many alumni he and his wife worked with established the Robert and Evelyn Kaiser Education Fund in 2005 to honor their beloved advisors. Every week the Kaisers hold K-Jam for the brothers in their home. In addition there is a Kaiser room in the chapter house dedicated to them. On the National level, Bob is also an honorary life member of the Executive Council. You can only be elected to this position if you have served on the Executive Council as a term member for 10 years Additionally Bob (and Evelyn as well) received the Distinguished Alumni Service Award in 2002. This award is given out sporadically - only 10 alumni have received this distinction. For this award granted at the Psi Upsilon Grand Convention, one of the resolutions mentioned that the Kaisers have provided constant support and affection, endearing themselves in the hearts of the Zeta members as not only advisors, but as friends and guardian angels. MCEWEN AWARD The McEwen Award is named after the retired College Proctor Robert McEwen. This award is unique because the winning organization is determined exclusively by its peers. The award recipient is acknowledged for its sincere commitment to collaborating with other Greek letter organizations, lending a hand of friendship to others, and generally being extremely supportive and a positive member of the Greek letter community. In this year’s selection, many houses praised the winning house, Epsilon Kappa Theta, for its intense commitment to sisterhood and openness to interaction with other Greek houses, sponsoring and co-sponsoring service events and opening their house to campus for social functions. 19 O’CONNOR AWARD The O’Connor award is presented annually to one Greek letter organization that has been the most outstanding in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, being inclusive, brotherhood/sisterhood, and accountability. The award is named after the late Proctor John O’Connor who served Dartmouth College for eleven years. This year’s recipient, Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., has shown a commitment to enhancing the greater Dartmouth Community as well as improving their own organization. They have organized events such as study halls for members of the community, alternative options to drinking and partying on Homecoming Weekend, Graduate School Advising Programs for Underrepresented Students, and collaborating with other sororities to host “Eat Before you Drink”. They have also worked diligently and deliberately to improve the functioning of their organization. Through sisterhood seminars they have worked to improve communication, set guidelines, and strengthen the chapter’s bonds of sisterhood. In addition, chapter members have been involved on the national level, working on national committees aimed at improving the functioning and infrastructure of the entire organization. In conclusion, this organization, whose chapter was established at Dartmouth a short time ago, has shown that they are going to keep moving forward to improve their own organization at the local and national level and continue to contribute to the Dartmouth Community. 15 WEBSTER AVENUE AWARDS The 15 Webster Avenue Fund is an endowment established in April 1993 in order to support charity and community service projects by Greek letter organizations at Dartmouth. This endowment, which generates $3000 a year, was created by three organizations (Tau Epsilon Phi, Harold Parmington Foundation, and Delta Psi Delta) that resided in 15 Webster Avenue before the house was sold to the College in 1993. Currently, it is the home of Epsilon Kappa Theta. This year, there were five recipients who shared this endowment. Epsilon Kappa Theta Sorority was awarded $450 to support its’ partnership with Women’s Information Services (WISE). In the past, the organization has cooked and fundraised for the shelter. Since WISE has recently moved to a new building, the organization has decided to focus their efforts on helping out financially with a new garden to give the women a quiet and relaxing outdoor space to enjoy. The grant will go towards gardening equipment and planting materials. Alpha Xi Delta Sorority received a grant of $650 for the Haven Aspirations Project which seeks to encourage and assist students associated with the Upper Valley Haven to apply to college and was established by two of the sorority’s Philanthropy Chairs this past fall. The project assists students through tutoring and mentoring, holding workshops about college applications and financial aid, and helping students fundraise to cover the costs of testing or application fees. The grant will go towards covering some of the application or testing fee costs and putting on enrichment programs and workshops for the students. 20 Delta Delta Delta Sorority was awarded $700 to continue its partnership with the Codman Academy, a charter public school in Dorchester, MA. Throughout the year, members held various fundraisers in order to bring eleven seniors to visit Dartmouth for a three day college preparation program. The program allowed students to attend Application Workshops, learn about financial aid, and experience a college environment first-hand. Delta Delta Delta will use the grant, along with their own fundraising efforts, to host a similarly successful program in Fall 2009 with the help of Sigma Phi Epsilon and the Afro-American Society. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. received a grant of $850 for the “I love my hair, I love my skin” project which assists Upper Valley residents who adopt Black children in managing and maintaining the children’s hair and skin. They will work with the Dartmouth Alliance for Children of Color (DACC) and clinical psychologist Jane Schiener to put on workshops to teach about hair and skin care as well as emphasize on self identity and image from a psychological and social perspective. The organization will use the funding to create pamphlets and care packages as well as to purchase refreshments for the workshops. Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity was awarded $350 for its work with the Special Olympics Bowling project, an activity funded in part by the Tucker Foundation that brings student volunteers to weekly practices with a Special Olympics bowling team. With a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon serving as the Tucker Foundation’s Special Olympics Bowling Program chair and with the aid of other brothers, the organization will use the funding to continue supporting their committed volunteers. NORTHEAST GREEK LEADERSHIP ASSOCIATION AWARDS The Northeast Greek Leadership Association Conference was held In Hartford Connecticut in February 2009. Dartmouth received four awards including Programming Excellence Award for Academic Achievement and Council Management – Panhellenic Council. Jess Lane ‘09, former Panhellenic Council president and member of Alpha Xi Delta, and Andrew Lane ‘09, former Greek Leadership Council moderator and member of Phi Delta Alpha, both received Greek Leader of Distinction awards. Senior Class Gift 92.5% of the Class of 2008 made gifts in support of the Senior Class Gift Program (SCG), breaking the 2007 SCG record of 80%. 15 Greek Letter Organizations reached 100% participation: Alpha Chi Alpha Alpha Phi Alpha Bones Gate Chi Gamma Epsilon Epsilon Kappa Theta Kappa Delta Epsilon Kappa Kappa Gamma Lambda Upsilon Lambda Phi Delta Alpha Psi Upsilon Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Delta Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilon Theta Delta Chi 21 Incidents & Outcomes 2008-2009 Information provided by the Office of Undergraduate Judicial Affairs Spring Term 2008: SIGMA NU – found responsible for possessing an unregistered keg on or about June 4, 2008. The organization was placed on one (1) week Social Probation beginning on Sept. 24, 2008 and the organization must develop and implement an improved plan to insure that the organization complies with all SEMP procedures and that such information be transferred to incoming officers. __________________________________ SIGMA NU - found responsible for holding an unregistered social event and possessing an unregistered keg on or about June, 4, 2008. The organization was placed on Social Probation for one (1) week beginning September 24, 2008 and the organization must develop and implement an improved plan to insure that the organization complies with all SEMP procedures and that such information be transferred to all house members and incoming officers. __________________________________ KAPPA DELTA EPSILON - found responsible for possessing an unauthorized keg on or about June 5, 2008. The organization was placed on Social Probation for one (1) week beginning September 24, 2008 and the organization must develop and implement an improved plan to insure that the organization complies with all SEMP procedures and that such information be transferred to all house members and incoming officers. __________________________________ Summer Term 2008: SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON - found responsible for possessing an unregistered keg on or about August 25, 2008. The organization received a College Reprimand. __________________________________ Fall Term 2008: PHI DELTA ALPHA - found responsible for possessing an unauthorized alcoholic punch on or about September 21, 2008. The organization was placed on Social Probation for three (3) weeks beginning October 24, 2008 and the organization must develop and implement an improved plan to ensure effective event management that engages the entire membership in assuming responsibility for house compliance with all SEMP procedures and college policy and that such information be transferred to all house members and incoming officers each new term. __________________________________ BONES GATE - found responsible for possessing an unauthorized keg at a closed social event on or about October 14, 2008. The organization was placed on Social Probation for two (2) weeks beginning November 7, 2008 and the organization must review and rewrite, as necessary, the organization’s fire safety plan to address the current concerns. __________________________________ CHI HEOROT - found responsible for providing alcohol to separate underage individuals on various occasions or about November 2, 2008 and November 16, 2008. The organization was placed on Social Probation for four (4) weeks beginning January 23, 2009 and the organization must develop a detailed plan for educational activities to be conducted during the organization’s probationary period to improve alcohol service procedures and to educate members about individual and organizational accountability related to alcohol service and social hosting. CHI GAMMA EPSILON - found responsible for allowing an underage individual access to alcohol during a registered social event at the organization’s physical plant on or about November 15, 2008. The organization received a College Reprimand and the organization must review and revise as necessary its procedures for bar service, for managing other students who may provide alcoholic drinks to underage students on its premises, and for identifying and managing guests who may be at risk due to prior consumption. __________________________________ DELTA DELTA DELTA - found responsible for engaging in disruptive and disorderly conduct at an off-campus social event on or about November 12, 2008. The organization was placed on Social Probation for one (1) term beginning January 21, 2009 and the organization may not host, co-host, co-sponsor, or contribute any organizational funds, services, or labor to any offcampus formals, social events, or other social activities for the next three terms. The organization must provide all case materials to the organization’s national representative. The organization must lead an effort in conjunction with the Greek Leadership Council and GLOS to develop best practices for holding off-campus events. The organization must prepare appropriate letters of apology. __________________________________ 22 Incidents & Outcomes 2008-2009 Information provided by the Office of Undergraduate Judicial Affairs SIGMA PHI EPSILON - found responsible for engaging in disruptive and disorderly conduct and providing and consuming alcoholic beverages at a registered ‘alcohol free event’ during the organization’s fall formal on or about November 14, 2008. The organization was placed on Social Probation for four (4) weeks beginning January 22, 2009 and the organization may not host, co-host, co-sponsor, or contribute any organizational funds, services, or labor to any off-campus formals, social events, or other social activities for the next three terms. The organization must make restitution for the full cost of clean-up and damages caused. The organization must lead an effort in conjunction with the Greek Leadership Council and GLOS to develop best practices for holding off-campus events. The organization must prepare appropriate letters of apology. __________________________________ SIGMA DELTA - found responsible for engaging in disruptive and disorderly conduct during the organization’s fall formal on or about November 21, 2008. The organization was placed on Social Probation for four (4) weeks beginning January 22, 2009 and the organization may not host, co-host, co-sponsor, or contribute any organizational funds, services, or labor to any offcampus formals, social events, or other social activities for the next three terms. The organization must make restitution for the full cost of clean-up and damages caused. The organization must lead an effort in conjunction with the Greek Leadership Council and GLOS to develop best practices for holding off-campus events. The organization must prepare appropriate letters of apology. __________________________________ SIGMA NU - found responsible for possessing two unauthorized kegs on or about November 28, 2008. The organization was placed on Social Probation for three (3) weeks beginning January 5, 2009 and the organization must meet with their local advisor and review the organization’s social event procedures and develop new formal procedures to improve both planning and communication regarding social events. __________________________________ Winter Term 2009: KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA - found responsible for providing alcohol to underage students on or about October 17, 2008 and January 11, 2009 and possessing unauthorized kegs on or about January 12, 2009. The organization was found not responsible for providing alcohol to an intoxicated person on or about January 11, 2009. The organization was placed on three (3) weeks of Social Probation beginning February 2, 2009 and must develop a more effective and sustainable plan to educate new members and the general membership about individual and collective responsibility for insuring that the organization does not provide alcohol to underage or intoxicated students. The organization must conduct training sessions to insure that the organization is prepared to move forward after the probationary period without further violations and that insure effective leadership transitions. __________________________________ KAPPA DELTA EPSILON - found responsible for providing alcohol to an underage student and/or failing to properly manage a social event by allowing an underage student access to alcohol on or about February 12, 2009. The organization was placed on Social Probation for one (1) week beginning March 29, 2009 and the organization must develop more effective crowd-control and event monitoring strategies to reduce the risk that underage students will be served or provided alcohol in the organization’s facility. __________________________________ EPSILON KAPPA THETA - found responsible for interfering with the College’s responsibility to protect the safety and security of its members and/or misrepresented information to the Department of Safety and Security staff on or about February 21, 2009. The organization received a College Reprimand and the organization must develop a training module on the Good Samaritan policy and write letters of apology to the Department of Safety and Security. __________________________________ BONES GATE - found responsible for possessing an unauthorized keg on or about February 26, 2009. The organization was placed on Social Probation for four (4) weeks beginning March 29, 2009. 23 Alumni Council Ad-Hoc Committee to support Greek Letter Organizations Submitted by John Daukas Class of 1984, Alumni Council President In the fall of 2008, the Dartmouth College Alumni Council created an ad hoc Committee to Support Greek Letter Organizations (CSG). The CSG is intended to enhance and strengthen fraternities, sororities, and coed houses, and is composed of alumni councilors, alumni house advisors, deans, students, and faculty house advisors. The CSG is considering ways to improve GLO physical plants, alumni-GLO engagement, and faculty-GLO engagement. Among the issues under investigation are fund raising, capital improvements, ongoing maintenance and cleaning, additional sorority housing, and increasing alumni and faculty involvement with GLO. The CSG hopes to present a report and recommendations for best practices to the Alumni Council and the Dartmouth community in the spring of 2010. The Prouty 2008 The Prouty Ride is a statewide charitable fundraiser, where participants walk or bicycle to help raise funds for research at Dartmouth’s Norris Cotton Cancer Center. Dartmouth students, faculty and administration joined more than 4000 community members in participating in the 27th Annual Prouty Century Bike Ride & Challenge Walk. Of those 4000, there was great Greek letter membership involvement. Greek letter organization involvement began a little over three weeks before the Prouty took off. The GLOS office helped organize the Greek community’s involvement. More than 360 Greek letter students from 20 organizations participated in some form to ensure the success of the event. Countless students volunteered in the preparation during the days leading up to the Prouty. On the day of the event, a few hundred members turned out to volunteer their time and energy and to support participants. Overall the Greek Organizations raised more than $16,935 and a number of students found sponsorship to bike the entire route which is approximately 100 miles. Greek letter goals for member participation were surpassed as were the fundraising goals. Through the generosity of Wes Chapman ’77, Mike Choukas’77 and Cam Eldred Tu83, specific organizations were awarded for their outstanding support. Kappa Delta Epsilon won the fundraising category, Sigma Nu won the Cam Eldred “Iron Butt” award because their organization had the greatest number of resident members riding the 100 route. Alpha Phi and Phi Delta Alpha tied for the participation award. Each category award winner received $1000 to be used for social activities during the summer term. 24 1841 PsiUpsilon.Fraternity,National. 1901 DeltaTauDelta.Fraternity,NationalBecameBones 1842 KappaKappaKappa.Fraternity,Local.Became Gatein1960. 1847 AlphaDeltaPhi.Fraternity,National.Became 1907.BecameSigmaNuDeltain1960.Rejoined SigmaNuin1985. Phoenixin1965.Dissolvedin1971. KappaChiKappain1992.Changednamebackto KappaKappaKappain1995. AlphaDeltain1969. 1853 DeltaKappaEpsilon.Fraternity,National.Became StorrsHousein1970. 1853 ZetaPsi.Fraternity,National.Derecognizedbythe Collegein2001. 1857 PhiZetaMu.Fraternity,Local.BecameSigmaChi NationalFraternityin1893.BecameTheTabard Housein1960. 1858 SigmaDeltaPi.Fraternity.BecameVitruvianin 1871.BecameBetaThetaPiin1889.Derecognized bycollegein1996. 1869 ThetaDeltaChi.Fraternity,National. 1884 PhiDeltaTheta.Fraternity,National.BecamePhi DeltaAlphain1960. 1895 BetaPsi.Fraternity.Absorbedin1896byPhiKappa Psi.BecamePanarchyin1993. 1898 AlphaOmega,alocalsociety.BecameChiPhi Fraternity,Natonialin1902.BecameChiHeorotin 1968.RejoinedChiPhiin1981.BecameChiHeorot in1987. 1901 Pukwana.BecameSigmaNu,Fraternity,Nationalin 1901 PhiGammaDelta.Fraternity,National.Became 1903 ChiTauKappa.BecameSigmaAlphaEpsilon,National Fraternityin1908. 1905 PhiSigmaKappa.Fraternity,National. BecamePhiTauin1956. 1905 KappaSigma.Fraternity,National.BecameKappa SigmaGammain1981.BecameChiGammaEpsilon in1987. 1906 Acacia.Fraternity,National.Dissolvedin1908. 1908 GammaDeltaEpsilon.Fraternity,Local.BecamePhi KappaSigmain1928.MergedwithAlphaChiRho in1935tobecomeGammaDeltaChi. 1908 OmicronPiSigma.BecameSigmaPhiEpsilonin 1909.Fraternity,National.BecameSigmaTheta Epsilonin1967.RejoinedSigmaPhiEpsilon in1981. 1914 LambdaChiAlpha.Fraternity,National.Dissolved in1932. 1915 SigmaTauOmega.Fraternity.BecameAlphaTau Omegain1924.Dissolvedin1936. 25 1919 AlphaChiRho.Fraternity,National.MergedwithPhi KappaSigmain1935tobecomeGammaDeltaChi, butwasrebornin1956asAlphaChiRho.Became AlphaChiAlphain1963. 1920 EpsilonKappaPhi.BecameDeltaUpsilon,Fraternity, Nationalin1926.BecameFoleyHousein1966. Dissolvedin1981. 1921 ThetaChiFraternity.National.BrokewithThetaChi 1981 KappaAlphaTheta.Sorority,National.Became 1983 AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Inc.,National.Inactive since2003. 1983 Che-Aseinterestgroup.BecameDeltaSigmaTheta Sorority,Inc.Nationalin1985.Inactivesince2004. 1984 DeltaDeltaDelta.Sorority,National. andbecameAlphaThetain1953. 1924 PiLambdaPhi.Fraternity,National. SigmaPsianddissolvedsoonafterin1990. 1925 SigmaAlpha.BecameAlphaSigmaPhiin1928. ZetaBetaChiin1997.Sorority,Local.Dissolvedin 1998. in2001. DissolvedIn1972. Fraternity,National.DissolvedIn1936. 1930 SigmaAlphaMu.Fraternity,National.Dissolvedin1935. 1950 TauEpsilonPhi.Fraternity,National.BecameHarold ParmingtonFoundationin1969.BecameDeltaPsi Deltain1981.Coed,Local.Dissolvedin1991. 1972 AlphaPhiAlphaFraternity,Inc.,National. 1976 SigmaKappa.Sorority,National.BecameSigma Deltain1988. 1978 KappaKappaGamma.Sorority,National. 1980 AlphaChiOmega.Sorority,National.BecameXi KappaChiin1990.Sorority,Local.BecameKappa DeltaEpsilonin1994. 1984 DeltaPhiEpsilon.Sorority,National.BecamePi 1984 AlphaBeta.BecameDeltaGammain1986.Became 1987 KappaAlphaPsi,Inc.Fraternity,National.Dissolved 1997 DeltaPiOmegainterestgroupbecameAlphaXi DeltaSorority,National. 1998 LambdaUpsilonLambda/LaUnidadLatina Fraternity,Inc.,National. 2002 SigmaLambdaUpsilon/SenoritasLatinasUnidas Sorority,Inc.National. 2002 AlphaPiOmegaSorority,Inc.,National. 2006 AlphaPhi.Sorority,National. 2007 OmegaPsiPhiFraternity,Inc.,National. 26 EpsilonKappaThetainMay1992. Dissolvedin2009 Dartmouth Office of Dartmouth College 5 Rope Ferry Road #6112 Hanover, NH 03755 Phone: 603-646-2644 Fax: 603-646-1800 www.dartmouth.edu/~orl
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