J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 1 AquaFish Innovation Lab Proposal Cover Sheet Title of Proposal: Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda: Indigenous Species, Training, and Water Science Names, institutional affiliation, address, telephone, and email address of Lead US Principal Investigator submitting this proposal: Joseph J. Molnar Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Coordinator, Office of International Agriculture 108B Comer Hall Mornings 334.844.5518 FAX 2937 301 Comer Hall Afternoons 334.844.5615 FAX 5639 Cell 334.663.2375 Auburn University 181 Simmons Drive Auburn, AL 36849‑5406 Name and affiliation of all US and HC co‑PIs: Kevin Fitzsimmons Professor, Research Scientist and Extension Specialist, Department of Soil Water and Environmental Science Director, International Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences University of Arizona 1140 E. South Campus Drive Forbes 306 Tucson, AZ 85719 John K. Walakira, Aquaculture Scientist, Aquaculture Research and Development Center‑Kajjansi, National Fisheries Resources Research Institute‑NARO, P.O. Box 530,Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 777673696 Email: johnwalakira2003@yahoo.co.uk Claude Boyd, Professor of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture, Auburn University James O. Bukenya, Ph.D Professor of Resource Economics, Alabama A&M University P. O. Box 1042 Normal, AL 35762 Tel:(256) 372‑5729; Fax: 372‑5911 Theodora Huhya, Department of Agricultural Economics, Makerre University, Kampala Uganda Charles Ngugi, Ministry of Fisheries Development, P.O. Box 43844 Nairobi 00100 0723 55 77 60 ccngugi@gmail.com Julius Manyala, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,University of Eldoret, P. O. Box 1125 30100, Eldoret – Kenya, Email: manyalajo@yahoo.com or jmanyala@hotmail.com Tel.: +254 733 397 285 Total Federal Total US non‑ Funds Requested Federal Cost Share $ $ Total Cost Proposed Project Period: Start: 7/1/13 to End: 9/30/15 (27 months maximum, ending 30 September 2015) (insert Date) (insert Date) Required prior to award Animal Use Approval(attach approval) Human Subjects Approval(attach) Approved Pending Not necessary x x NICRA (Lead Institution’s Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement) Institutional and Agency Certifications and Assurances Development Theme A Improved Health and Nutrition, Food 1 x x C Environmental Management for J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 2 Quality, and Food Safety Sustainable Aquatic Resources Use x B Income Generation for Small‑Scale Fish D Enhanced Trade and Investment for Global x Farmers Fishery Markets Region Africa 100 % effort: Authorized US Institutional Representative Signature Date (Typed name and telephone number) Required prior to award 2 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 3 AQUAFISH INNOVATION LAB PROPOSAL SUMMARY PAGE FORM Title of Proposal: Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda: Indigenous Species, Training, and Water Science Development Theme (select only one) A Improved Health and Nutrition, Food C Environmental Management for x Quality, and Food Safety Sustainable Aquatic Resources Use B Income Generation for Small‑Scale Fish D Enhanced Trade and Investment for Global x Farmers Fishery Markets Names and institutional affiliations of Principal Investigator(s) and Co‑PIs submitting this proposal: Joseph J. Molnar Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Coordinator, Office of International Agriculture 108B Comer Hall Mornings 334.844.5518 FAX 2937 301 Comer Hall Afternoons 334.844.5615 FAX 5639 Cell 334.663.2375 Auburn University 181 Simmons Drive Auburn, AL 36849‑5406 Name and affiliation of all US and HC co‑PIs: Kevin Fitzsimmons Professor, Research Scientist and Extension Specialist, Department of Soil Water and Environmental Science Director, International Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences University of Arizona 1140 E. South Campus Drive Forbes 306 Tucson, AZ 85719 John K. Walakira, Aquaculture Scientist, Aquaculture Research and Development Center‑Kajjansi, National Fisheries Resources Research Institute‑NARO, P.O. Box 530,Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 777673696 Email: johnwalakira2003@yahoo.co.uk Claude Boyd, Professor of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture, Auburn University James O. Bukenya, Ph.D Professor of Resource Economics, Alabama A&M University P. O. Box 1042 Normal, AL 35762 Tel:(256) 372‑5729; Fax: 372‑5911 Theodora Huhya, Department of Agricultural Economics, Makerre University, Kampala Uganda Charles Ngugi, Ministry of Fisheries Development, P.O. Box 43844 Nairobi 00100 0723 55 77 60 ccngugi@gmail.com Seven investigations per proposal is recommended. Maximum of 10 investigations per proposal. Proposals must include at least one experiment or study. Proposals must also include at least one outreach activity that focuses on women and/or girls. See the RFP for details. Title of Topic Area Type: Experiment/ Total Cost 1 Host Investigation (RFP p. 3‑4) Study/ Activity (US $) Country (one per Institutions investigation) Involved 1. Development of low‑cost Climate Change captive breeding and Adaptation: NaFFIRRI hatching technologies for the Indigenous Species Study African Lungfish Development (Protopterus spp) to improve livelihoods, nutrition and income for vulnerable communities in Uganda 2. New Approaches to Inform, Production system Motivate, and Advance design and best Small and Medium‑scale management Outreach Makerre 3 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 4 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 Fish Farmers: Building alternatives Industry Networks through Cell Phone Networks, Training, and Market Participation Assessment of Market Marketing, Opportunities for Small‑Scale economic risk Fishers and Farmers in assessment, and Central Uganda trade Assessment of growth Production system performance of monosex Nile design and best tilapia (Oreochromis management niloticus) using low cost alternatives supplemental feeds in cages and training fish farmers on best management practices in Kenya Formulation and manufacture Production system of practical feeds for Western design and best Kenya management alternatives Development of low–cost Production system aquaponics systems for design and best Kenya management alternatives University Study Study Study Study Makererre University Sagana Research Station KMFD Eldoret University Eldoret University Sum: $ The sum of the costs of all investigations should equal the total cost of federal funds requested on the cover sheet. 032613 4 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 5 Executive Summary; The project features collaboration between three U.S. institutions with extensive experience in aquacultural development, research and training in Africa. Our four host country partner institutions reflect a key university in aquaculture and the central division of the government that is charged with overseeing fishery and aquacultural resources. Each of the lead investigators has a strong record of research accomplishments and practical impact on aquaculture development in Africa. In particular, each participant has had previous research involvement and has directed students whose theses focused on the problems of fish farming, species selection, or the management of aquatic resources. The project brings a strong supporting team of experienced colleagues in each African and U.S. institution who have experience and publications related to diverse aspects of aquacultural development, including agricultural engineering, economics, sociology, water chemistry, and the biology of aquatic organisms. Each of the component studies endeavors to solve or clarify some bottleneck or unknown dimension that limits the advance of fish culture in Uganda and Kenya. Whether it be the reproductive control and managed grow out of a new species such as lungfish, the established practice of tilapia culture under diverse and changing local circumstance, or new insights on how to reach and engage fish farmers with practical information through their cellphones, this project is committed to practical, tangible results. The Kenya context for the growth of aquaculture is particularly promising due to the policy environment that encourages fish culture in that country. A program of fingerling subsidy has induced a broad array of producrs to engage in fish culture in diverse ways. It is clear that only a small proportion will retain interest and commitment to fish farming, but this motivated and able subset will form the nucleus of a the industry that will be providing employment, income, and food security a decade from now. The graduate students that will conduct research and organize practical activities such as training events and guidance conferences will learn from these experience as well and contribute to the advance of the industry. The project seeks to support a small subset of individuals for U.S. training, but also supports graduate students at the host country institutions who will engage in studies, trials, and training events in ways that will advance their projects but also build each nation’s human capacity for aquacultural development. 5 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 6 Introduction. Ensuring the supply of quality seed for local farms is a fundamental task in both Uganda and Kenya. Training, research, and outreach focused on growing a spatially balanced distribution of seed stock producer clusters will foster the development of the tilapia industry. Readily available quality fingerlings will facilitate producer motivation for timely restocking for increased production and enhance availability of supply. Developing and stimulating the network of fingerling producers also will foster peer‑to‑ peer technical support, market development, and other forms of mutual support. Aquaculture development is building in Uganda as at least one large commercial farm is using cage culture to produce daily truckloads of tilapia destined for export to Congo. The medium and small scale sector is advancing through the endeavors of project‑ developed and supported Annual Fish Farmer Conference and Trade Show that has become a focal event for the industry. Project‑trained trainers continue to hold events and work with producers throughout the country. Tilapia remains a readily marketed and popular consumer item, particularly in locales away from Lake Victoria and other large water bodies. Yet serious deficiencies in production practice, value chain development, and species alternative remain. Research is needed to demonstrate and clarify optimal timing and strategies for producing tilapia and clarius for food and baitfish. New cell‑phone based systems for market development, management guidance, and seedstock coordination present real possibilities for augmenting the value captured by producers in the marketing chain. New species, particularly lungfish, offer the advantages of known consumer acceptability associated with a popular indigenous species, yet can only be expanded through research that unlocks the reproductive process to foster seedstock development for the species and identifies viable cage culture production regimes. Ensuring the supply of quality seed for local farms is a fundamental task in both Uganda and Kenya. Training, research, and outreach focused on growing a spatially balanced distribution of seed stock producer clusters will foster the development of the tilapia industry. Readily available quality fingerlings will facilitate producer motivation for timely restocking for increased production and enhance availability of supply. Developing and stimulating the network of fingerling producers also will foster peer‑to‑ peer technical support, market development, and other forms of mutual support. In Kenya, national polices have promoted fish culture through the subsidized distribution of fingerlings and the coordination of feed supplies. The government has also promoted creation of thousands of small farm ponds so that many new farmers have access to ponds and need technical guidance. We will contribute to capacity building of university and extension to train these new farmers. 6 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 7 Future directions Several different issues will require long term focus for aquacultural development in Kenya and Uganda. New species, such as the lungfish, have major scientific and technical issues to resolve before they can augment the food supply and livlihoods in Central Africa. Spawning lungfish is a reliable way that produces substantial quantities of viable fry is a fundamental problem that will not be solved in the short term. Predictable sets of fry will require a nutitional program that economically optimizes growth to market size. The project’s findings have established that a ready demand for lungfish exists, but we do no yet know how to advise farmers how to manage the species to realize the promise of farmed lungfish in the market. Exit strategy We leave each country with a trained cadre of farmers, government researchers, and active faculty capable of pushing the aquaculture industry forward in fundamental ways. The farmer‑led instiutions that have been established, trade shows, associations, and other mechanisms for joint action by the private sector will continue to bring expertise to a wider audience, speak the needs of fish farmers to the government, and otherwise serve as force to move fish culture forward as a source of income, livelihood, and food security in Kenya, Uganda, and surrounding nations. 7 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 8 Previous CRSP work (2‑page limit) (RFP website: Project Vission) With the annual Fish Farmers Symposium & Trade Fair, fish farmers in Uganda have a unique opportunity to network, learn new skills, and check out the latest in aquaculture equipment and products. Stakeholders all along the aquaculture value chain are invited to attend. In its 4th year, the event is sponsored by the Walimi Fish Farmers Cooperative Society (WAFICOS) with USAID support. AquaFish CRSP helped organize the 2010 and 2011 symposia and related study tours. The symposium serves as a forum for exchanging information, sharing experiences, and working out practical solutions to current production challenges. An array of technology demonstrations and product displays greet visitors at the concurrently running trade fair where inputs and farmed fish products are also for sale. One of several fish farmer associations in Uganda, WAFICOS is a successful service model for the Uganda aquaculture sector. Since its creation in 2004, the association has grown to over 300 members mostly from central Uganda. Its membership covers the spectrum of the aquaculture sector — grow‑out farmers, fish seed producers and breeders, feed manufacturers, suppliers, processors, extensionists, and researchers. Members have access to technical advisory services, affordable input supplies, and equipment rentals. A major thrust of the Societyʹs outreach services is the annual symposium/trade fair. Aquaculture in Uganda has been practiced largely at a subsistence level, with a poorly functioning marketing system. WAFICOS started during a critical transition period when Uganda was turning to aquaculture to fill the gap created by a declining wild fishery unable to keep up with growing supply demands. The need for a rapid scale‑up of farmed fish production along with an improved marketing infrastructure presented daunting challenges at all levels of the aquaculture sector. As WAFICOS has grown in size and services to meet these challenges, it has become a valuable partner in the governmentʹs efforts to build a competitive and profitable aquaculture economy. USAID initially offered development assistance to WAFICOS through its Fisheries Investment for Sustainable Harvest (FISH) Uganda program, which operated from May 2005 to November 2008. As the lead US partner institution under that program, Auburn University helped WAFICOS start the annual symposium/trade fair event, using it to showcase the FISH programʹs model fish farms and production technologies. Since 2009, Auburn University has continued in its organizational role under the AquaFish CRSP umbrella. Additional USAID funding in 2010 and 2011 was provided through the LEAD‑Uganda project (Livelihoods and Enterprises for Agricultural Development). With AquaFish CRSP and FISH guidance, the symposium/trade fair has developed into a self‑sustaining event. WAFICOS is expanding the symposiumʹs focus beyond central Uganda, attracting participants nationwide as well as from the neighboring countries of 8 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 9 Kenya and South Africa. By polling symposium attendees about their critical issues, WAFICOS customizes the next yearʹs agenda to address current needs. Among the popular topics that were requested for the 2011 symposium were feeds and feeding guidelines, enterprise budgets, farmer‑based value addition and marketing, input requirements, and financing. Along with these topics, the 2011 attendees found the farmer‑led discussion, ʺI sold my fish at a loss,ʺ a valuable practical exercise. This session, which moved between laughter and serious discussion, epitomizes the symposium model for networking and experience‑based information exchange. Participants shared stories of their mistakes, what they learned, and ideas for steps to take to avoid business failures from fish production to marketing. Farmers and service providers collectively acknowledge this type of dynamic, interactive focus as one of the symposiumʹs most beneficial features. In 2010, CRSP helped expand the demonstration component to include an optional one‑ day study tour. To meet a broader range of interests, WAFICOS added two additional tours in 2011. On the tours, participants visit farms, hatcheries, processors, suppliers, and research institutions for demonstrations of production technologies and farmer‑ based, post‑harvest handling and product value addition. Also new in 2011 was a three‑ day tour for 11 Kenyan farmers, two of whom had attended the symposium. The comments of one farmer illustrate how well the study tours fulfill the WAFICOS capacity building objectives: ʺI have learnt pond construction, designing and maintenance. I realize now how pond water depth, productivity and water quality are critical and these remain critical challenges for most upcoming farmers.ʺ The annual symposium events are a key element in the success of the USAID‑ WAFICOS partnership. Adoption rates of innovative technologies and best management practices presented at the symposia are on the rise as is the improved business status of farmers. Leveraging on the goodwill created by the symposiumʹs accomplishments, WAFICOS has been able to establish strong collaborative relationships with other institutions working to build a sustainable aquaculture sector in Uganda. For WAFICOS, the ʺWalimiʺ in its title (the Swahili word for ʺfarmersʺ) stresses the Societyʹs overall focus on strengthening the structure of the aquaculture sector through fish farmer members and other stakeholders along the value chain. This goal matches with those of AquaFish CRSP to enrich livelihoods by helping small‑holder farmers, processors, and other market players to raise fish for food and income. As captured in the words of one enthusiastic farmer participant, ʺOne can make money from fish farming if it is done right.ʺ 9 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 10 1/6 Title: Development of low‑cost captive breeding and hatching technologies for the African Lungfish (Protopterus spp) to improve livelihoods, nutrition and income for vulnerable communities in Uganda Topic Area: Income Generation for Small‑Scale Fishers and Farmers ‑ Study US‑PI: Joseph J. Molnar, Auburn University; Claude Boyd, Auburn University HC‑PI: John Walakira Objectives: 1. To determine the genetic diversity of the endemic African lungfish( Protopterus aethiopicus) fingerlings sourced from four Agro‑ecological Zones (East, North, South western and Central) of Uganda, and their reproductive performance in captivity. 2. To domesticate the African lungfish using simple, adoptable and productive captive breeding techniques that integrates indigenous knowledge. 3. To evaluate the culture performance, productivity and profitability of African lungfish produced in captivity. Significance: African lungfish is an endangered fish species in Uganda as its natural stocks are rapidly declining mainly due to overexploitation, environmental degradation and the large‑scale conversion of wetlands to agricultural land. Furthermore, the country has nine million people facing an acute food shortage while 38 % of its children are chronically malnourished especially the rural population, and aquaculture has been identified as one of the strategy to alleviate these challenges. However, climate change continues to influence the regional rainfall patterns and temperature regimes thus presenting new challenges of poor water quality (e.g low dissolved Oxygen) and water‑ availability to management of aquaculture systems in the sub‑Saharan Africa. Therefore, African lungfish (an air breather) would be a suitable candidate to culture in these changing environmental conditions. Lungfish is highly valued and demanded in Uganda but lacks appropriate culture technologies. Initiatives by fish farmers entails accessing seed from the wild and grow it in earthen ponds but usually results in low survival rates or yields since lungfish burrows through pond soils and disappears. Absence of breeding technologies for this fish makes it economically and environmentally unsustainable. Therefore, this proposal seeks to develop sustainable breeding and culture techniques for African Lungfish using commercially available fish feeds. The aquaculture of African lungfish will not only improve the national food security and livelihoods but also reduce pressure on its natural populations in Uganda. 10 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 11 Quantified Anticipated Benefits The following expected benefit are to be achieved by the project. - Basic guidance on management of lungfish expressed in a farmer-oriented leaflet. Basic nutrition profile of lungfish grow out expressed in a technical report for extension Basic fingerling supply and grow out information expressed in a journal article. Research Design or Activity Plan (1) Location of work (2) Methods Study 1: Determining the genetic diversity of the endemic African lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus) fingerlings sourced from four Agro‑ecological Zones (East, North, South western and Central) of Uganda, and their reproductive biology performance in captivity. Experiment 1.1: Genetic diversity of African lungfish in Uganda: relatedness based on SNPs and microsatellite markers. Recent approaches on genetic diversity within wild and farmed fish populations have underscored the use of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and microsatellite (MSs) markers. However, SNPs applications are considered novel and most powerful markers because of their flexibility to automation and high resolution to reveal hidden polymorphisms compared to other markers (Zhang, et al., 2012), and for sex determination in fish (Chen et al., 2013; Bradley et al., 2011; Kikuchi & Hamaguchi, 2013 ). Nevertheless, as a novel approach, it is important to compare the two methods when determining variation among African lungfish endemic in selected in aquatic systems of Uganda. Genetic variation amongst fish spearheads the understanding and development of its captive breeding programs (Liu & Cordes 2004). Hence, we can develop strategies to domesticate African lungfish in Uganda and the sub‑Saharan African region using advanced molecular approaches. Protocol will integrate those described by Ball et al., (2010), DeFaveri et al., (2013), Garner, et al., (2006) and Muwanika, et al., (2012). a) Sample collection, morphometrics and sex identification. African Lungfish measuring 60‑ 100 cm, total length, will be collected from four sources; Lakes George‑Edward, Kyoga‑ Nawampasa, Wamala and Bisina‑Opeta system. It is assumed that fish at this size range will be mature. Between 40‑60 fish per site will be collected using locally available harvesting gears. Site‑sources will be mapped using GIS technologies. This will be done with local fishing communities and district officials. Fish will be anesthetized with tricaine methanesulfonate (ms‑222) buffered with 0.2 mM NaHCO3, pH = 7. Morphometric parameters will be measured following the “Truss 11 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 12 Network System” (Strauss and Bookstein ,1982; Dwivedi & Dubey, 2012) basing on the geometric morphology of the African lungfish. Each fish will have n homologous anatomical landmarks and selected n inter‑landmark distances (modification of Cavalcanti et al., 1999) that will be measured using digital images to determine the differences among wild populations of different AEZs. Data captured will be subjected to statistical analysis as described by Mir et al., (2013) to evaluate significance differences among populations investigated. The above fish samples will be dissected to identify individual sex which will be correlated to phenotypic observations based on existing scientific and indigenous knowledge. Molecular markers will be identified to ascertain and explain sex differentiation and determination of African lungfish since this information is apparently un‑known. Hence, environmental parameters will be taken to determine effects on fish sex determination and differentiation following Baroiller et al., (2009) method. This information will enrich our knowledge on sexing the African lungfish which will be used in captive breeding programs. b) DNA extraction, SNPs and Microsatellite genotyping. Genomic DNA will be extracted from fin clips and/ or skeletal muscle tissue samples using standard procedures and a DNA isolation kit available on market. SNPs and MSs genotyping will follow methods described by Ball et al., (2010), with modifications, to show relatedness or diversity among African lungfish from different locations. Phylogenetic analysis will be applied to enrich our knowledge on genetic variability of this fish in Ugandan waters. Information generated will enhance strategies to improve future brood‑stocks of African lungfish. Experiment 1.2: Reproductive biology of African Lungfish in captivity. Maturity of African lungfish under captivity. To clearly understand the reproductive biology of African lungfish, wild collected fingerlings (± 20g) will be tagged and stocked in enclosed cages (2x 2x4 m2) staged in earthen ponds with an environment mimicking natural conditions (e.g adding aquatic weeds) in three replicates, representing populations (males and females) pooled from each AEZ. Fish will be fed on commercially available fish feed but also supplemented with natural food (e.g molluscs) to ensure quick acclimatisation. Monthly samples (N=10) will be taken and gonadal development (e.g gonadal‑somatic index) and survival rates will be evaluated and characterised to understand the maturity of this fish under captivity. Water quality parameters will be monitored, weekly to determine effect on environment on maturity. Best performing fish will be selected for future artificial breeding trials of the African lungfish.This study will be done in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture (FAA), Auburn University (USA) and College of Natural Science (CNS), Makerere University (Uganda). 12 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 13 Study 2: Domesticating the African lungfish using simple, adoptable and productive captive breeding techniques that integrates indigenous knowledge. To ensure an environmental sustainable supply of African lungfish seed to fish farmers, artificial breeding and hatching technologies will have to be developed. Transfer of simple and low‑cost breeding technologies will be ideal especially in rural communities that are dependent on this fish. Mature brood‑stock from study 1 and selected wild populations will be subjected to simple artificial reproduction techniques to determine fecundity, egg production, larval quality, hatchability and larval survival. Experiment 2.1: Artificial breeding of African lungfish in captivity. Modifying protocols used by Vijaykumar et al., (1998), mature broods stocked in concrete tanks at NaFIRRI will be subjected to two selected hormones (natural and synthetic), and their efficiencies to induce spawning , investigated. Fecundity, hatchability and survival of post‑hatchlings will be evaluated. Water quality parameters will be monitored, weekly, to understand environmental factors affecting artificial breeding. Best approaches will be selected based on statistical analysis. Experimental 2.2: Natural breeding of African lungfish in captivity. Selected mature brood‑fish (males and females) from study 1 and those fresh from wild waters will be stocked in concrete tanks/ happas suspended in earthen ponds, and covered with macrophytes e.g water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) that are usually present in the natural breeding habitats. Water levels will be manipulated to stimulate natural ovulation, spawning, and fertilization. Fecundity, hatchability and survival of post‑ hatchlings will be evaluated. Water quality parameters will be monitored, weekly, to understand environmental factors affecting artificial breeding. Best approaches will be selected based on statistical analysis. The two experiments will be compared for efficiency and cost‑effectiveness. Recommended approaches will be packaged and disseminated to end users (Private hatcheries, fish farmers, Advisors and district & national policy makers) for adoption. Study 3 Evaluating the performance, productivity and profitability of African lungfish produced in captivity. To assess the relevance and contribtuion of African lungfish aquaculture to communities dependent on this fish, on‑farm trials and the socio‑economics (i.e case – studies) that influence its prodcution will have to conducted. Artificially producced lungfish fingerlings will be raised in either tanks or cages‑in ponds at selected fish farmers establishements: preferably, two fish farmers per each AEZ. Three stocking densities (50, 100 and 150 fish per m3) will be tested for optimum stocking densites under different management practises and AEZs. Monthly samples will conducted for growth performance, feed effeciency and survival rates. 13 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 14 Using a whole farm budget analysis, profitability of culturing African lungfish in tanks and cages will be evaluated. Return to capital, return to management and labor and return to equity for this enterprise will be determined. For a least cost input combination, profit maximization will be determined: when marginal value product (MVP) of that input is equivalent to its marginal input cost (MIC): MVPx1 = MICx1 (Shang 1981). Under this condition, marginal physical product of a particular input (MPPxi) is equal to the ratio of price of output (Pq) to price of input (Px1). Feasibility of this project will be determined using the Net present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Returns (IRR) and Profitability Index= Total Net Cash flow/ Initial outlay. Socio‑economic data will also be collected from fish‑farmers selected to participate in culture trails of African lungfish. Through a rapid appraisal technique, information will be generated to cover the human capital, financial capital, social capital together with natural and physical capital. Semi‑structured interviews and discussions will be conducted to generate information on factors that affect farmers’ production at farm‑ level. Literature cited Ball, A. D., Stapley, J., Dawson, D. A., Birkhead, T. R., Burke, T., & Slate, J. (2010). A comparison of SNPs and microsatellites as linkage mapping markers: lessons from the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). BMC genomics, 11(1), 218. Baroiller, J. F., D’Cotta, H., & Saillant, E. (2009). Environmental effects on fish sex determination and differentiation. Sexual Development, 3(2‑3), 118‑135. Bradley, K. M., Breyer, J. P., Melville, D. B., Broman, K. W., Knapik, E. W., & Smith, J. R. (2011). An SNP‑based linkage map for zebrafish reveals sex determination loci. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 1(1), 3‑9. Cavalcanti, M. J., Monteiro, L. R., & Lopes, P. R. (1999). Landmark‑based morphometric analysis in selected species of serranid fishes (Perciformes: Teleostei). ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES‑TAIPEI‑, 38(3), 287‑294. Chen, J., Hu, W., & Zhu, Z. (2013). Progress in studies of fish reproductive development regulation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(1), 7‑16. DeFaveri, J., Viitaniemi, H., Leder, E. and Merilä, J. (2013), Characterizing genic and nongenic molecular markers: comparison of microsatellites and SNPs. Molecular Ecology Resources. Dwivedi, A. K., & Dubey, V. K. (2012). Advancements in morphometric differentiation: a review on stock identification among fish populations. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1‑17. 14 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 15 Garner, S., Birt, T. P., Mlewa, C. M., Green, J. M., Seifert, A., & Friesen, V. L. (2006). Genetic variation in the marbled lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus in Lake Victoria and introduction to Lake Baringo, Kenya. Journal of fish biology, 69(sb), 189‑199. Hossain, M. B., Rahman, M. M., Sarwer, M. G., Ali, M. Y., Ahamed, F., Rahman, S., ... & Hossain, M. Y. (2013). Comparative Study of Carp Pituitary Gland (PG) Extract and Synthetic Hormone Ovaprim Used in the Induced Breeding of Stinging Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Siluriformes: Heteropneustidae). Our Nature, 10(1), 89‑95 Kikuchi, K. and Hamaguchi, S. (2013), Novel sex‑determining genes in fish and sex chromosome evolution. Dev. Dyn., 242: 339–353. Liu, Z. J., & Cordes, J. F. (2004). DNA marker technologies and their applications in aquaculture genetics. Aquaculture, 238(1), 1‑37. Marshall, M. (2010). Almost a fifth of vertebrate species endangered. New Scientist, 208(2784), 6‑7. Mir, J. I., Sarkar, U. K., Dwivedi, A. K., Gusain, O. P. and Jena, J. K. (2013), Stock structure analysis of Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822) across the Ganga basin (India) using a truss network system. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. Muwanika, V. B., Nakamya, M. F., Rutaisire, J., Sivan, B., & Masembe, C. (2012). Low genetic differentiation among morphologically distinct Labeobarbus species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Lake Victoria and Albertine basins, Uganda: insights from mitochondrial DNA. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 37(2), 143‑ 153. Strauss RE and Bookstein FL (1982) The truss: body form reconstruction in morphometrics. Syst Zool 31(113–135):1982 Vijaykumar, S., Sridhar, S., & Haniffa, M. A. (1998). Low cost breeding and hatching techniques for the catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) for small‑scale farmers. Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly, 21(4), 15‑17. Zhang, J., Jiang, Y., Sun, F., Zhang, Y., Wang, R., Li, C., ... & Liu, Z. J. (2012). Genomic Resources for Functional Genomics in Aquaculture Species. Functional Genomics in Aquaculture, 41‑77. 15 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 16 2/6 Title: New Approaches to Inform, Motivate, and Advance Small and Medium‑scale Fish Farmers: Building Industry Networks through Cell Phone Networks, Training, and Market Participation Topic Area: Production System Design and Best Management US‑PI: Joseph J. Molnar, Auburn University; Claude Boyd, Auburn University; E. William Tollner, University of Georgia HC‑PI: Monica Beharo, Makererre University; Gertrude Atukunda, NaFirri, Theodora Hyuha, Makererre University; Objectives: 1. Assess fish farmer needs and expectations for cell phones as a source of information, technical guidance, and applications. 2. Develop a program of technical collaboration among researchers, government technical staff, and cellular providers to advance aquacultural development. 3. Build on existing farmer‑based institutions to use national trade shows, train‑the‑ trainer, symposia and other training events to stimulate value chain development and attention to proven production practices. Significance Improving agricultural productivity is one of the most pressing issues for developing regions. Although mobile phones are no silver bullet, their widespread availability and flexibility position the technology as a necessary component of sustainable improvements in aquaculture. Coupled with corresponding innovation in existing social and institutional arrangements, mobile phones have the potential to make significant contributions. As mobile phones converge with other mobile devices such as netbooks and tablets, the opportunities will proliferate. Mobile phones seem to influence the commercialization of farm products. Subsistence farming is notoriously tenuous, but smallholder farmers, lacking a social safety net, are often highly risk averse and therefore not very market oriented. A study from Uganda found that market participation rose with mobile phone access (Muto and Yamano 2009). Although better market access can be a powerful means of alleviating poverty, the study found that market participation still depended on what producers had to sell: Perishable bananas were more likely to be sold commercially than less‑perishable maize. The pressure for rapid and sustainable increases in farm level productivity is Africa is growing. Getting people to understand what we know will provide solid yields, and getting farmers to stay focused on using and maintaining proper practice seem to be 16 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 17 major barriers to advancing the productivity of African aquaculture. We need to use new tools to accomplish these things rapidly and in a widespread way. Old style extension approaches must be supplanted (or at least supplemented) by mechanisms that provide for widespread dissemination of technical information to stimulate and support the adoption of productivity increasing practices. Cell phones are already recognized as powerful tools in food production. Technical guidance, product assembly, and price discovery are but three of the many fundamental applications of communication advances in aquaculture. Fishers and farmers use cell phones to get market prices to know where to sell products. Fish farmers do however already use them for extension support and to arrange for feed and seed. Africa’s ICT status is generally poor by international standards. Most Africans do not have access to the basic ICT services needed for a simple telephone call, while many other regions are dominated by advanced digital telecommunication systems and the Internet.1 The conventional dichotomy, in which the digital divide as a “North–South” issue, does not apply to cell phones in Sub‑Saharan Africa. Although almost all Sub‑ Saharan countries are poor by international standards, they exhibit great disparities in coverage by cell telephone systems.2 Country‑level percentages of urban and rural populations within the range of cell phone towers vary from 0% to 100%. Rural coverage was negligible or non‑existent in 17 countries, 3 but was above 47% in the top quartile; urban coverage was below 56% in the lowest quartile, but was above 98% in the top quartile. Cell phones are quickly transforming markets in low‑income countries. The effect is particularly dramatic in rural areas of sub‑Saharan Africa, where cell phones often represent the first telecommunications infrastructure. One study assessed the impact of mobile phones on grain market performance. Aker finds that the introduction of mobile phones is associated with a 20‑percent reduction in grain price differences across markets, with a larger impact for markets that are farther apart and those that are linked by poor‑quality roads. Cell phones also have a larger impact over time: as more markets have cell phone coverage, the greater the reduction in price differences. This is primarily due to changes in grain tradersʹ marketing behavior: cell phones lead to reduced search costs, more market information and increased efficiency in moving goods across the country. In one system for coffee producers, SMS messages are sent to usersʹ mobile phones every morning with the offers and grades available for purchase on that day. At the end of the day, users receive a text message with details of what actually took place. The Kenya Marine Fisheries Service is developing a SMS system for sharing marketing data from fish landings and other marketing points. Other applications in aquaculture may 17 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 18 include sourcing the availability of fingerlings, placing orders for seedstock, and otherwise coordinating stocking and harvesting of fish. List serves for SMS to promote networking among fish farmers in East Africa. A recent BBC article indicated more cells than people in Ghana, suggesting the great prospect for developing cell phone applications for fish farmers. Each new generation of cell phones has greater capacity for information storage, calculation, and visual display. The study used regression techniques to identify drivers and extent of mobile phone use. In Malawi (Katengeza et al. 2013) found cell phone use positively affected by literacy, distance to local market, land size, current value of assets, crop income, and region variations but negatively influenced by access to electricity. Intensity of use is conditioned by gender, participation in agricultural projects, ownership of a mobile phone, current asset value, distance to nearest public phone services, and region variations. Asset endowment plays a critical role in enhancing adoption of mobile phone technology. Gender disparities significantly affect adoption as most women have limited access to assets. In Kenya, M‑Farm is a mobile service that connects farmers with one another, because peer‑to‑peer collaboration can improve market information and enhance learning opportunities (World Bank 2013). Based around farmers’ traditional needs, such as the need for market price and weather information, M‑Farm is subscription service that also works with larger institutions, such as NGOs and the government, to connect them with farmers. M‑Farm was created by AkiraChix (an all‑ female team of developers) to facilitate networking, technical information, and marketing transaction. Sustainable services to farmers depend on sustainable businesses based on mobile devices and the empowerment of women. These services are intended to generate improvements in agricultural marketing, particularly for women. Another approach called The Village Phone program provides microloans to rural entrepreneurs who purchase a mobile phone, long‑range antenna, solar charger, and airtime (World Bank 2013). The recipient earns a livelihood by operating a phone kiosk in areas underserved by mobile networks. As is typical in microfinance, the loan recipients tend to be women. Since the program’s inception, nearly 6,000 women have received loans and close to 10,000 have been trained in countries such as Madagascar, Malawi, and Nigeria. Martin and Abbott (2013) examined the diffusion and perceived impact of agricultural nased mobile phone use among small to medium size limited resource farm holders in Kamuli District, Uganda, where 42% of farm households now have a mobile phone. Interviews were conducted with 110 small to medium size farm holders 56 men and 54 women. Respondents were chosen according to farm group (n=91) or non farm group (n=19) membership status. Results showed more than half of the farmers were using their mobile phones for coordination for access to agricultural inputs, getting market 18 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 19 information, monitoring financial transactions and agriculture emergency situations. Slightly less than half were consulting with experts via mobile phones. Men tended to adopt mobile phones earlier than women and those with more education were more likely to use SMS (short message service) text features. Women were less likely to use the calculator function, perhaps due to a lack of numerical literacy training. Those who were members of agricultural groups were more likely to use their mobile phones for a variety of purposes.The study identified a number of unique uses being made of mobile phones, including taking photos of agricultural demonstrations, using the loudspeaker function to permit a group of farmers to consult with an expert, recording group members pledging when they will repay loans, and storing data such as the date hens should start laying eggs. Diffusion of mobile phones is now in a “take off” stage with rapid adoption. However, universal adoption would depend on both need and benefit(Martin and Abbott 2013). This study develop base information about the needs and interests of fish farmers in order to induce public agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and cellular service provides to facilitate the use of cell phone as a means to guide, coordinate, and instruct fish farmers. Although mobile phones continue to evolve quite rapidly, the evidence suggests that they can promote improved livelihoods through networking and informing previously unconnected portions of the population. The evidence comes from users’ own rapid grasp of the technology’s potential (Kerala’s fishers using phones to seek optimal markets for their catch) and from planned efforts originating from commercial information providers and development practitioners (as in market information and insurance programs).1 Price information is more complicated than it might seem. Bid, Asked versus actual strike prices where money and fish change hands are quite different things. The question is: can cell phone networks help provide some order, transparency, and certainty to aquaculture markets in Africa? Are there examples we can learn from? Advances throughout the mobile phone ecosystem tend to act as a positive feedback loop. This “virtuous circle” of innovation enables a number of benefits, even for smallholder farmers. Mobile wireless networks are expanding as technical and financial innovations widen coverage to more areas. Prepaid connectivity and inexpensive devices, often available second hand, make mobile phones far cheaper than alternatives. Mobile phones are constantly increasing in sophistication and ease of use. Innovations arrive through traditional trickle‑down effects from expensive models but have also been directed at the bottom of the pyramid. Applications and services using mobile 1 http://www.ictinagriculture.org/sourcebook/module-3-mobile-devices-and-their-impact 19 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 20 phones range from simple text messaging services to increasingly advanced software applications that provide both livelihood improvements and real‑time public services. Quantified Anticipated Benefits: - Availability of text‑based fish market and fingerling supply information - New extension mechanism for reaching fish farmers on broad‑scale - Augmented value chain for tilapia and other species resulting in added farm‑ level income Research Design and Activity Plan One study and two activities are planned. Study 1: Cell‑based Information Needs Assessment: (1) Location of work‑‑Objective 1 will be addressed through a series of six focused group interviews conducted in focal fish farming regions across Uganda. (2) Method‑‑We will work with area fisheries officers to assemble 8‑12 active fish farmers to participate in focused group interviews cell phone use in aquaculture. The most common purpose of a focus group interview is to provide an in depth exploration of a topic about which little is known. For such exploratory research, a simple descriptive narrative is quite appropriate and often all that is necessary. It is common for focus group interviews to be used for purposes of developing hypotheses that are then tested or validated with other types of research. For example, a focus group may yield hypotheses that are tested through a survey of the population of interest. The main deliverable for this study is a report summarizing the main themes and perceptions of the participants (Stewart 2013).2 Trained Ugandan graduate students will lead the interviews in local languages. Teams of interviewers will lead the discussion following a flexible format based on an interview guide of topics develop from the literature and previous experience in Uganda. The notes, observations, and verbatim quotations will be compiled in English with translation as appropriate. We envision at least one Makerre M.S. thesis will emanate from this work. Activity 2. Cell‑based Information Supply Development: Objective 2, the project will hold a series of three small conferences in selected locations where agricultural cell‑ based information systems are in operation or advanced stages of development. (1) Location of work—These day‑long conferences will be held in Gulu, Jinja and Kampala and will bring together NGO technicians, public agency personnel, and project participants in a series of presentations, dialogues, and convergent prediction exercises 2 http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/11007_Chapter_7.pdf 20 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 21 that will inform and guide subsequent efforts to design and deliver cell‑based information. (2) Methods—We will use focused group interview techniques to address an established list of topic, albeit in the order of the group’s interests, experiences and capabilities. The material will be transcribed by graduate students and the content organized as a database to be sorted and analyzed with AtlasTi or similar program. The report will summarize the perspective of knowledge information industry participants about the way forward for cell phone technology in Uganda. Activity 3. Advancing Aquaculture Industry Development: Location of work— Objective 3 will be addressed through training events to advance the development of the aquaculture industry in Uganda. (1) Location of work—The primary venue will be the Annual Fish Farmer Conference and Trade Show that is usually held in Kampala. (2) Methods—A central feature of underpinning the growth of aquaculture production and expertise in Uganda is the Annual Fish Farmer Conference and Trade Show. The project will continue to support the event through participation of project personnel and outside speakers. To complement this event, we will hold a training session for selected, invited trainers from other projects and organizations that will focus on water quality and environmental management issues in aquaculture. Auburn University Professor Dr. Claude Boyd will lead thise annual 1.5 day training event. We also will hold a technical symposium on new approaches to technical assistance in aquaculture to link representatives of cellular providers, projects, nongovernmental organizations, and public agencies in Kampala. This meeting will be held as an event immediately preceding the Annual Fish Farming Conference and Trade Show. The meeting will provide a venue to sharing experience and expertise in the broader context of agriculture with the intent of using the models and experiences as guidance for services for fish farmers. University of Georgia Engineering Professor Dr. E.W. Tollner will provide leading presentations and participate in the discussion. He also will provide lectures at Makerre University to faculty and students on pond construction, water management, and other engineering aspects of aquaculture. g. Schedule, indicating the start date (using current extension end dates) and completion date (not later than 30 September 2015) of the proposed work Task Focus groups 8/2013 11/2013 2/2014 5/2014 8/2014 11/2014 2/2015 5/2015 x x x x 21 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 22 Technical conference x x x Training x x x x Literature cited Aker, Jenny C., Does Digital Divide or Provide? The Impact of Cell Phones on Grain Markets in Niger (October 1, 2008). Center for Global Development Working Paper No. 154. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1093374 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1093374 Buys, Piet, Susmita Dasgupta, Timothy S. Thomas. 2009. Determinants of a Digital Divide in Sub‑Saharan Africa: A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Cell Phone Coverage. World Bank, Washington, DC, United States. World Development Volume 37, Issue 9, September, Pages 1494–1505 Katengeza, Samson P., Juma Okello and Noel Jambo. 2013 Use of Mobile Phone Technology in Agricultural Marketing: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Malawi. International Journal of ICT Research and Development in Africa (IJICTRDA) 2 (2). Available at: http://www.igi‑global.com/journal/international‑ journal‑ict‑research‑development/1172 DOI: 10.4018/jictrda.2011070102 Martin, Brandie and Eric Abbott. 2013. Development Calling: The Use of Mobile Phones in Agriculture Development in Uganda. Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, Iowa State University: Wheeler, David. 2009 Does Digital Divide or Provide? The Impact of Cell Phones on Grain Markets in Niger. Center for Global Development, Washington, DC, United States http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev..01.011 World Bank. 2013. Module 3: Mobile Devices and Their Impact. World Bank: ICT in Agriculture Sourcebook. Available at: http://www.ictinagriculture.org/sourcebook/module‑3‑mobile‑devices‑and‑their‑impact 22 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 23 3/6 Title: Assessment of Market Opportunities for Small‑Scale Fishers and Farmers in Central Uganda Topic Area: Income Generation for Small‑Scale Fishers and Farmers ‑ Study US‑PI: James O. Bukenya, Alabama A&M University HC‑PI: Theodora Hyuha, Makerere University, Uganda. Objectives: 1. Develop a marketing strategy and plan that identifies appropriate market segments and pricing mechanisms. 2. Describe actors, commodity flows and price formation in the marketing chain for Catfish and Tilapia for the reseller market. 3. Evaluate performance of the marketing system by calculating gross and net margins for the species studied. 4. Assess the critical factors affecting market performance and to propose policy recommendations for enhancing market performance Significance: Review of past Sub‑Saharan Africa research related to aquaculture reveals a strong production focus (Kareem et al., 2008; Ogundari & Akinbogun, 2010; Onumah et al., 2009; Onumah & Acquah, 2010; Asamoaha et al., 2012), leaving many marketing questions unanswered. The need to place special emphasis on marketing research derives from the strategic challenges that the aquaculture industry faces. Like producers in many commodity industries, aquaculture producers are faced with dramatic increases in global supply (most especially in China), mature demand in the developed world, and falling prices overall. Industry profitability has suffered as a result. Two broad strategies exist for responding to these forces. First, Ugandan aquaculture producers could focus their entire attention on becoming the low cost producers of their products and compete on the basis of price. Given some built‑in cost disadvantages (high land, labor and feed costs) versus some other producing areas in the world, this strategy is not likely to be effective. Second, Ugandan producers could become much more consumer responsive in their marketing strategies and compete on the high level of consumer benefits that they deliver. For this strategy to succeed, much additional research is needed into all aspects of product marketing to differentiate their aquaculture products. Given inherent problems with the first strategic options, the second strategy of being consumer responsive appears to be a critical one for helping aquaculture producers reach business and profit goals. Marketing research to support this strategic option is thus crucial for Ugandan aquaculture producers to pursue. Thus, in order to develop an effective marketing strategy for Ugandan aquaculture products, the market demand must be thoroughly researched and the results disseminated to area producers and policymakers. This research must address the specific market requirements of the various segments of the aquaculture market. In order to identify these segments, and in preparation for this study, the investigators have had a number of meetings and collaboration with aquaculture experts and advocates throughout the region. From these discussions several 23 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 24 distinct market segments were identified for targeting Ugandan aquaculture products. One of these segments is food fish market opportunities including value‑added processing market niches. Understanding the market needs and market demand of this segment will be especially beneficial for the small and medium size aquaculture producers operating in the study region. Included in the understanding of this market segment needs, is an understanding of the value the segment places on competitive products. The outcome will be the identification of a strategy and a subsequent marketing plan for this market segment. The subsequent marketing plan to be developed with the results of this research will provide a directional roadmap for producers as well as policymakers. Quantified Anticipated Benefits: Analysis of processed (food) markets for aquaculture (primarily African Catfish and Tilapia) products will identify alternative production and marketing strategies for producers and processors and lead to increased economic returns. Increase sales and incomes for fish farmers Fish production become more market oriented and reduces post‑harvest losses. Reduced marketing and other transaction costs for farmers. Improved market linkages and farm sales for farmed fish. Participating fish farmers will directly benefit from this work. They will be informed of the results of the study and will receive recommendations on the best strategy and subsequent marketing plan for the market segment identified here. The results of this research will be used by other investigators in this project by providing data for validating marketing channels of different aquaculture products. The outcome of successfully achieving this objective will be the identification of the regionʹs competitive marketing advantage and a vision for directing the future of aquaculture activities in the region. Study Design The goal of the marketing and economic impact segment of the proposed aquaculture program is to identify and assess market opportunities for aquaculture products produced in the defined region. Specifically, the market segment to be assessed is processed fish food products. Although African Catfish and Tilapia will be the primary focus, other species compatible to the region will also be included in the analysis. The study is designed to collect data from potential buyers of processed fish products and identify market opportunities for these products. The study will address specific issues including the identification of potential processed fish buyers, the location and needs of these buyers, determination of market size and potential demand, the potential for value‑added products as well as the identification of potential barriers and possible solutions for overcoming these barriers. Discussions with aquaculture experts indicate that the best opportunity for small‑ and medium‑sized operations in the region may be in niche markets. Thus, the value‑added aspect is critical in identifying and developing strategic niche 24 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 25 marketing opportunities. The following tasks will be undertaken to meet the objectives of the study. TASK 1: A constraint to the growth of the Ugandan aquaculture industry is a lack of an organized effort to assist small‑ and medium‑scale producers in developing marketing strategies and plans which lead to marketing programs designed to serve previously identified customer markets. Although a number of aquaculture studies have addressed some portions of this area, none have been found to be directly applicable to the market situation faced by Ugandan aquaculture producers (Chopak 1992: Pomeroy & Sheehan 1991; Frobish l991). More specifically, few have had as their objective the same scope of study as addressed here. The study will, therefore, provide information for the development of marketing strategies and a marketing plan for Ugandan aquaculturalists producing product for the reseller market. With this in mind, reseller organizations (wholesalers, retail buyers and restaurants), which buy and sell aquaculture products will comprise the sample selection for this task. Extensive use of the channels of distribution for the purchase of these products will be used to identify and select research participants. In this manner, the research will address value‑added product potential from current users as well as possible opportunities for aquaculture products from those who do not currently purchase these products. It should be noted that the market research focuses on organizational buyers rather than the ultimate end consumer. The reason for this is twofold: 1) our experience with other products in similar marketing situations has shown that it is extremely important to document the needs and behavior of the reseller market distributing to the region being targeted if producer success is to be realized; and 2) interviews of experienced aquaculturalists have indicated that successful niche marketing for Ugandan aquaculture products should begin with a thorough understanding of the reseller market if one is to thoroughly understand the barriers to the successful marketing of Ugandan aquaculture products. By analyzing resell buyers, barriers affecting the effective distribution of Ugandan aquaculture products can be identified and addressed. The specific activities to be undertaken, or already initiated, are: Secondary data have been obtained and reviewed to assist the investigators to better understand the aquaculture markets prior to conducting this particular marketing research study. The purpose is to use these prior studies to assist with the methodology. It is also the purpose to compare the findings of this research with those of prior published work and build on the basis of knowledge currently available. The investigators have worked with appropriate organizations involved in aquaculture production and sales (e.g., WAFICO, NaFFRI, etc.) and have also met with aquaculture experts in the region, gaining valuable anecdotal insight into the needs and perspectives of these aquaculturalists. The sample frame will focus on the organizational buyer and will be drawn from several sources including the WAFICO database. Wholesalers will be identified and selected from existing farm records, where possible. Restaurants and retail samples will also be selected from lists provided by farmers and several fish outlets in the region. Organizations selected for inclusion in this study will be drawn from the selected districts in the study region. 25 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 26 To meet the goal of this study, primary data will be collected. Although various forms of data collection are available to the researchers (i.e., personal interviews and mad surveys), it is proposed that the primary data be collected in a two‑step manner. Step one will include a limited number of personal interviews with current and potential aquaculture, organizational buyers. Step two will be a telephone survey of a representative sample of the aquaculture organizational buying population. Although other methods are available, the most cost‑effective research method for acquiring the necessary information and realizing the objectives of this study in the time frame allotted is a telephone interview method. The telephone survey method frequently provides the fastest turn around and does so with a minimum of interviewer bias. It is also less costly when the number of required responses is small or the sample is to be taken from a distinct population such as those reflected in this study. Moreover, it was recommended by those we have interviewed that a telephone survey is the preferred method of communicating the required information to the researchers. The sample goal for the survey will be to obtain completed interviews that represent a 95 percent confidence interval with a sampling error of + 5 percent. Three distinct, complementary, questionnaires will be designed for researching the fish food processing reseller market. The first questionnaire will be designed for wholesalers, the second for retail buyers, while the third will be designed for restaurants. All three questionnaires will be designed in such a manner that comparisons can be made between the three groups surveyed. The questionnaires will be designed after receiving input from personal interviews with organizational buyers operating in the market for processed fish products. These questionnaires will be designed to ascertain the respondentsʹ interest in purchasing Ugandan aquaculture products as well as potential for value‑added opportunities. The questionnaires will also seek to determine species and product specifications desired by the respondent if they are interested in buying these value‑added products. A section of the questionnaires will be used to gather marketing‑related information. These questions will ask the respondent to identify marketing issues and features that are important to meeting their product needs and market demand. Also questions to determine the volume and value of aquaculture products currently used by the respondents will be included as well as demographic questions about the organization itself. These questions will allow the researchers to both identify and determine the market potential for various products in the organizational reseller market. The results will allow the researchers to design a market‑driven marketing strategy for those suppliers wishing to meet the product and market needs of the reseller market. The completed questionnaires will be pre‑tested in their respective markets prior to the initial contact. A pre‑test sample of wholesalers, retail buyers, and restaurants will be selected and analyzed. Results will be analyzed to determine any shortcomings. Adjustments, if any, will then be made to the questionnaire. Following the pre‑test, the survey documents will be used to interview buyers in each of the respective markets identified including those firms who failed to respond to the pre‑test. The completed questionnaires will be maintained by the investigators at Alabama A&M University. The results gained from these questionnaires will then be coded, entered and 26 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 27 stored on an IBM‑compatible computer at Alabama A&M University. The data will be analyzed using the SAS software package. The data will be analyzed to determine the potential demand for Ugandan aquaculture products, buyer requirements for Ugandan products, and organizational buyer preferences for products and service. This will be done for all three reseller markets (wholesalers, retail buyers and restaurants) with comparisons made where appropriate. It is anticipated that both metric and non‑metric data will be collected. Therefore, data analysis will include both descriptive as well as inferential statistical analysis. Descriptive analysis will include means, frequencies and cross‑tabulations of the data so as to gain insight into the trends found in the results. Inferential statistical analysis will focus on parametric procedures, specifically tests of significance and analysis of variance. TASK 2: The purpose of Task 2 is to use the analysis of the survey results to (a) identify potential aquaculture product buyers, (b) the location of these buyers, (c) assess the potential demand for Ugandan aquaculture products, (d) determine customer requirements for aquaculture products, (e) customer preferences for products and service, and (f) the identification of and alternative solutions for overcoming barriers to Ugandan aquaculture production. Customer is defined to mean organizational buyers or users and not the end consumer. Under this task, we will identify marketing opportunities for Ugandan products in the food fish markets and to develop a marketing strategy and subsequent marketing plan to promote these opportunities. Market segmentation, product and strategy formulation for products with existing demand will be contrasted with those for new products and species. Commodity and niche markets will be contrasted. Pricing systems will be discussed, and policy implications inferred from these findings will be reported. The specific activities are: Aquaculture producer characteristics deemed to be most important to aquaculture organizational buyers will be determined. These data will be used to assist producers in modifying and adjusting their marketing approach in each organizational reseller market segment. The results will allow producers to better serve the needs and meet the expectations of these organizational buyers. Market strategies and implications for both product and supplier characteristics will be generated and provided in the final report. Marketing strategies will be provided for food fish markets. An overall marketing plan to promote the opportunities in the processed food fish market identified by this research process will be developed. TASK 3: The focus of Task 3 is reducing marketing constraints which include both high costs and risk. High marketing costs often stem from poor transportation networks, lack of market information, and sometimes from lack of competitiveness in the market. These factors in turn can lead to highly variable prices. If these constraints can be addressed, farmers will earn more by specializing in species for which they have a comparative advantage. Given the increased importance of fish in nutritionally balanced diets, it will be important to have efficient marketing systems that reduce risk and allow higher prices for farmers and lower prices for consumers. By collecting and disseminating essential up to date data on costs and returns 27 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 28 within the marketing systems, we can identify the most cost‑effective options for improving marketing system performance and propose improved policies and better institutional support throughout the marketing chain. More specifically, the following activities will be accomplished: Existing marketing chains: we will describe existing marketing chains, including the types and numbers of actors and the flow of commodities and how farms of different sizes (small, medium and large) are involved. Costs, margins and profitability: we will quantify costs, margins and profitability of different stakeholders in the chain through collection of primary survey data. The estimation of costs will be comprehensive, including, but not limited to, depreciation on investment capital (e.g. trucks), interest on working capital, fuel costs, land and office costs and losses due to spoilage. Account will also be taken of multiple uses of some inputs, e.g. traders using their trucks to transport items other than the specified fish products. Special attention will be given to wholesale to retail margins, including any restrictions on movement of products that affect costs from wholesale to retail and to identify any barriers to entry for potential traders. Seasonal factors and Coefficient of Variation: we will calculate seasonal factors for each of the products studied (as far as possible, given that data for some months may be missing), as well as the coefficient of variation (CV) of monthly prices in order to assess the importance of price risk. The seasonal factors and CV will be compared to those for other agricultural products in the region. Enhancing marketing system performance: we will identify implications and recommendation on policies to enhance marketing system performance in the region and countrywide. Student Involvement: We will involve two students in the proposed activities. The students will work under the guidance of the PIs and will assist in a number of support functions including, survey administration, collection of literature review, project set‑up, conducting listening sessions and overall economic analysis. The students will also be expected to be working on their dissertation at the same time. Regional and Global Integration Although the study area is limited to Uganda, there will be spillover effects. For instance, supply and demand information from surrounding Countries (including but not limited to Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, Sudan and Zambia) will be examined as a part of this analysis. In addition to providing a useful regional perspective for this study, implications can be derived from the results of the proposed study that, in turn, could benefit the aquaculture industry in surrounding countries. For example, the recommendations on the most cost‑effective options for improving marketing system performance from this project can and will be shared with farmers in the region through regional conference and workshops. Particularly, the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization is highly interested in several concepts of 28 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 29 the overall project and will provide the venue whereby member countries can benefit from information for this and other proposed activities. Impact Assessment a) Conducting baseline market studies to establish benchmark scenarios in the study areas b) A mid‑term evaluation of project activities will be conducted in the middle of the second year of project implementation c) An end of project evaluation will be conducted in the third quarter of year three and results disseminated before end of project In addition, the project implementation teams will develop a participatory monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plans to guide continuous assessment and review of progress of project activities. This will be guided by the log frame developed below. The M&E plans will be an output of: a one‑day M&E stakeholders’ workshop to review and fine tune the measurable indicators; developing of the M&E tools and guidelines on the basis of the indicators suggested by the stakeholders; and development of feedback mechanisms of the M&E information. Results of this project will be disseminated through several outlets. Results to aquaculture industry will be disseminated through channels that have been developed by Alabama A&M University and will be addressed, in part, by the outreach component. Dissemination to the research community will take place through presentations at technical and scientific meetings and through publication in appropriate scholarly journals, including journals in the field of aquaculture and in the field of business marketing. Schedule: 2013 4th YEAR Quarter Project Initiation Project set‑up/Stakeholder Meeting Recruit Students/Develop linkages with partners Task 1 Participant selection (wholesalers, retailers, restaurants) Develop three distinct, complementary survey questionnaires Pre‑tested questionnaires in their respective markets Collect primary data (both metric and non‑metric data) 2014 1 2 3r D d 2015 4 1 2 3r D d Data entry and analysis: Excel and SPSS software package Develop market‑driven marketing strategy for farmers Task 2 29 ST N th ST N 4th J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 30 Identify potential aquaculture product buyers & their location Identify opportunities for products in the food fish markets Develop marketing strategy & subsequent marketing plan Determine customer requirements for value added products Identify barriers and solutions to aquaculture production Examine pricing systems and draw policy implications Task 3 Describe existing marketing chains Estimate costs, margins and profitability Compute seasonal factors and Coefficient of Variation Recommendation to enhancing marketing system performance Evaluations Study 3 Tasks Workshops and outreach Activities Impact Assessment Progress Reports References Asamoah, E.K., F.K.K. Nunoo, Y.B. Osei‑Asare, S. Addo, & U.R. Sumaila (2012) A production function analysis of pond aquaculture in southern Ghana. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 16(3), 183–201. Chopak, Charles J. (1992). What Brokers, Wholesalers, Retailers, and Restaurants Want: Advice for Food Fish Growers, Michigan Agriculture Experiment Station and the Michigan Department of Agriculture. Frobish, Lowell T. (1991). A Retail Grocery Markets for Catfish, Bulletin 611, Alabama Agriculture Experiment Station. Kareem, R.O., A.O. Dipeolu, A.B. Aromolaran, & Akegbejo‑Samson (2008) Analysis of technical, allocative and economic efficiency of different pond systems in Ogun state, Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 3(4), 246–254. Ogundari, K. & O.O. Akinbogun (2010) Modeling technical efficiency with production risk: A study of fish farms in Nigeria. Marine Resource Economics, 25(3), 295–308. Onumah, E.E. & H.D. Acquah (2010) Frontier analysis of aquaculture farms in southern sector of Ghana. World Applied Sciences Journal, 9(7), 826–835. Onumah, E.E., G. Hoerstgen‑Schwark, & B. Brummer (2009) Productivity of hired and family labor and determinants of technical inefficiency in Ghana’s fish farms. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10419/29693 (accessed 16 September 2011). Pomeroy, Robert S. & Betsy P. Sheehan. (1991). The Market Potential in Selected Markets of the United States and Western Europe for Aquaculture Products from the Southeastern United States, South Carolina Agriculture Experiment Station. 30 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 31 4/6 Title: Assessment of growth performance of monosex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) using low cost supplemental feeds in cages and training fish farmers on best management practices in Kenya Topic Area: Income Generation for Small‑Scale Fishers and Farmers ‑ Study US‑PI: Kevin Fitzsimmons US Co‑Principal Investigator Arizona State University, Arizona, US HC‑PI: Charles C. Ngugi, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya; Julius Nyoro, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya; Mwangi Mbugua,Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya; Judy Amadiva, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya Objectives: 1. Develop low‑cost, improved quality feeds utilizing rice bran and freshwater shrimps (Caridina niloticus) as fish meal replacement prepared on commercial pelleting equipment fabricated and distibuted to cluster farmers by the Ministry of fisheries development. 2. Evaluate the growth perfomance of Monosex Nile tilapia using feeds developed in this study 3. Assess the costs and benefits of three different feeding regimes in cages 4. Transfer technologies on management of monosex tilapia in cages through training farmers and extension officers Significance: We develop and test low‑cost, improved quality feeds utilizing locally available ingredients and pelleting technology using monosex tilapia in cages. One of the main obstacles to Nile tilapia growth in ponds is the prolific breeding achieved through precocious maturity that occurs in fish ponds stocked with both sexes leading to the production of small fish of little market value. The technology needed to breed monosex, all male, fry has not been available, or too complicated for the average fish farmer. Making lower cost supplemental feeds would lead to increased the economic viability of cage culture in lagoons, ponds, lakes, rivers and irrigation systems in any aquaculture venture and contribute further increases in farmed fish yield. Cage culture system is known to require a larger capital investment but returns are much higher than static pond culture system. This project will contribute to increased production of fish in small systems and introduce most farmers to use of peletied low cost feeds. Improvements to the feed manufacturing ability of cluster farmers will facilitate development of cage culutre systems in the country. Complete formulation diets are available but are quite expensive. Introduction of low‑cost supplemental feeds would remove the constraint of access to these feeds and develop markets for freshwater shrimps and agriculture by‑products such as rice bran. Low cost, but good quality feeds are needed in ponds and cages when farmers wish to produce more fish than can be supported from fertilized systems and in instances where cages are 31 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 32 stocked with fish which do not have access to the entire water body for feeding. Many small farmers will be encouraged to build and utilize cages to increase their household income and nutrition. After construction of the cage, cost of feed becomes the major input cost for production of fish. Introducing pelleting technology will greatly improve feed stability and quality. Finding lower cost ingredients capable of supplying adequate protein Nutrition is a major goal of fish nutrition research. In many developing countries, fish meal, the most common protein source in prepared feeds, is more expensive. Additionally, certain organic materials which have been composted have also been shown to be a potential source of protein for aquaculture feeds. Sumagaysay (1991) demonstrated that composted rice straw could be used in milk‑fish diets and Ray (1992) reports that composted Salvinia cuculata, an aquatic weed, could be used in Indian carp diets. Experimental Design Diet formulations utilizing freshwater shrimps and rice bram will be prepared using a motor driven pelleting equipment. The experimental feeds will be tested for stability in water and proximate analysis at the University of Nairobi. Feeding trials will be conducted with Monosexed Oreochromis niloticus reared in cages at the farm. Initial stocking rates for the cage trials will be 50 fingerlings per m³, with an expected harvest size of 500g each over a period of six to eight months depending on temperature regimes. During the trials, twenty fish per replicate will be sampled on a monthly basis. Growth, survival, and cost of production will be determined for fish on experimental diets and the control ponds. Water quality parameters including dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrogen (ammonia, nitrates and nitrates) and Secchi disk will be examined on a weekly basis. The cage trials will receive the pelleted diet unde three formulated regimes. Four replicate (Twelve cages) of 2m³ will be used for each treatment and the control. They will be suspended in a pond whose water runs through so as to maintian high oxygen levels. The hypothesis that the fish will all have equal growth will be tested with ANOVA at 5% confidence limit. The tests will be performed with the assistance of Minitab Version 14 or a comparable software package. Anticipated Benefits The research described below addresses several constraints mentioned in the ACRSP Initiative Lab project. One major research priority is in the area of environmental impacts and effluent control. Other experiments attempt to further improve biological and technological knowledge of pond systems, specifically Best management practices and the use of technologies and practice in production systems. Supplementary activities concentrate on human capacity development, especially extension of aquaculture information to local farmers in the country. Increased tilapia and other warm water fish production from pond and cage systems would be applicable to most tropical and sub‑ tropical and sub‑tropical regions. Using low cost ingredients will allow small producers to rear more fish in a limited area without investing money in expensive nutritionally complete diets. Pelleting technology will provide a pellet which will have greater stability in the water and 32 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 33 allow the fish to get the full benefit of the feed ingredients. Pelleting also reduces the production of fines that are not available to the fish and can degrade water quality. Identification of Beneficiaries Tilapia producers in the Kenya would be the most immediate beneficiaries of the development of low cost feeds. Consumers of fish should be beneficiaries of larger volumes and lower cost farmed fish. Suppliers of freshwater shrimps and rice bran would benefit as new markets develop for their products. Impact Indicators and Targets The number of small‑scale farmers producing adopting use of monosex production practices The number of fish farmers adopting cage culutre system technology Number of farmers trained in use of lo cost feeds and monosex culture Number of extension officers trained in use of tehcnologies and pracitces develop Collaborative Arrangements Earthen ponds, round tanks and wetlab are available for this study. Cages are made by graduate students from materials source locally. Trained technicians and extension specialists will be available to support and extend the research. MweaAquafish Farm will provide pelleting equipment, lab facilities for water and feed analyses, stocks of monosex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, that will be used for production trials in cages. 33 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 34 Schedule September 2013: Signing MoU, Contract agreement and rest of paper work November 2013: Select graduate students, purchase pelleting machine and make cages December 2013: Select spawners for production of fry (HCPI will leverage cost) February – March 2014: Collect tilapia fry/fingerlings and begin hormone treatment April‑ 2014: Annual meeting to be determined May‑ October 2014: Feeding and sampling October 2014: Training cluster fish fsrmers and extension officers on BMPs November 2014: Harvest ponds and cages, collect data December 2014: Second farmers training February 2015: Annual meeting to be determined March 2015: Analyze data and prepare reports June 2015: Submit Final Reports and journal articles FinalReport Submittal: To be determined Literature cited Abdel‑Halim, A.M.M. 1992. Microbial protein in fish feeding. Effect of replacement of fish meal with active and inactive yeast (Saccharomyces cereviseae) on growth performance, carcass composition and feed utilization by tilapia and carps. 2nd Alex. Conf. On Feed Technology. Feb. 1992. Alexandria, Egypt. Boit, C. Victoria, Ngugi, C. Charles, Bowman James, Oyoo, E. Okoth, Rasowo, J., James, M. Bundi and L., Cherop. 2011. Growth performance, survival feed utilization and nutrient utilization of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) larvae co‑fed Artemia and micro‑diet containing freshwater atyid shrimp (Caridina nilotica) during weaning. Journal of Aquaculture Nutrition: Vol 17 Issue 2‑82‑89 April 2011 Ishak, M.M. 1986. Development of fish farming in Egypt (cage and pen culture). Rep.4 (phase 2) Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries and the International Development Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt. 101pp. Mokoro, Anne, Elijah Oyoo‑Okoth, Charles C. Ngugi, James Njiru, Joseph Rasowo, Victoria Chepkirui‑Boit and David Manguya –Lusega 2013. Effects of stocking density and feeding duration in cage‑cum‑pond‑intergrated system on growth performance, water quality and economic benefits of Labeo victorianus (Boulenger 1901) culture. Aquaculture Research 2013, 1‑13 Dol: 10.1111/are.12112 Ngugi, C. C., G. Kuria, K. Quagrainie, and S. Macharia. 2011. Effects of Stocking Density on the growth, survival and yield performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Linn.1858) in an integrated cage‑cum‑pond system. The 9th Asian 34 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 35 Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum April 21‑25, Shanghai Ocean University, China. Oral Presentation Ray, A. 1992. Utilization of diets containing composted aquatic weed (Salvinia cuculata) by the Indian major carp, rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings. Bioresource Technology 40(1):67‑72. 35 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 36 5/6 Title: Formulation and manufacture of practical feeds for Western Kenya Topic Area: Income Generation for Small‑Scale Fishers and Farmers ‑ Study US‑PI: Kevin Fitzsimmons, University of Arizona HC‑PI: Julius Manyala, Eldoret University: Charles C. Ngugi, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya; Objectives: 1. Develop a practical tilapia feed formulation from locally available ingredients 2. Obtain low cost grinding mill, mixer and pelletizer to form pelleted diets 3. Develop manufacturing practice using the mill and pelletizer to make pellets with reasonable stability in water 4. Test the pellets in ponds at Eldoret Significance Feeds represent more than 50% of the production cost for tilapia farming in Western Kenya. With the diverse agricultural base in Kenya, most typical ingredients for fish feeds are available. However, the costs can be high and the quality uneven (Liti et al. 2005, Maina et al. 2002). The particulate sizes for several of the typical ingredients are variable and unacceptably large for inclusion in a pellet. The uneven ingredient size will reduce both pellet stability in the water and digestibility by the fish. Task 1. Develop a practical tilapia feed formulation from locally available ingredients We will gather cost and availability data on soybean oil meal, soybean cake, wheat, wheat mids, wheat bran, broken rice, rice bran, sorghum, sunflower meal, safflower meal, sesame meal, corn, corn meal, vegetable oils, fishmeal and fish oils, binders, anti‑ oxidants, vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that might be utilized in a tilapia diet. We will use feed formulation software to develop a practical diet from a nutritional aspect. Then we will use a grinder / hammer mill to reduce particle sizes to a powder consistency if they are not delivered as such. There are several diet formulations that are currently used when mixing ingredients that are sold as a mix that is broadcast on the surface of ponds. These diets at best provide a 4 to 1 FCR. We expect that simple pelleting of these same ingredients should improve the FCR to 3:1. With better formulation and pelleting, we hope to improve FCR to 2:1. Task 2. Obtain low cost grinding mill, mixer and pelletizer to form pelleted diets We will consider purchase of used machines from the US or Kenya, or new machines from India or China. These items should be available in the range of a few hundred dollars each. Eldoret University will provide a location for the machines and space for safe storage of ingredients. The grinding mill will be used to reduce particle sizes to less than 0.5 millimeter. A bakery or paddle style mixer will be used to develop a 36 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 37 uniform mixture of the various ingredients. The mixer will also ensure that liquids (oils, water, anti‑oxidants) are evenly distributed and coating all the particles. The pellet machine will be hand fed and auger driven with a variety of dies to determine pellet diameter. Task 3. Develop manufacturing practice using the mill and pelletizer to make pellets with reasonable stability in water We will experiment with different flow rates through the mill to determine optimal throughput for the various ingredients. We will also experiment with levels of water to determine the moisture content that will facilitate material flow through the pellet mill. This will obviously also impact the moisture content of the pellet and require adjustment of the drying process. For the current time, we will focus on solar drying to prepare the pellets. If funds are available or equipment can be borrowed, we will develop a forced air drying system. Task 4. Test the pellets in pond at Eldoret The various pellets that are prepared on the pellet mill will be frozen and stored until we have developed 5 diets to be tested concurrently. The diets will first be tested for water stability using the standard method (Fagbenro and Jauncey, 1995) to determine if the pellet will maintain its form for at least 5 minutes. Assuming that the dietary pellets are not significantly different in stability, we will conduct a feeding trial. If a diet is significantly less stable, we will reformulate and prepare an additional diet that will meet the stability threshold. Fifteen hapas will used with three replicates for each diet to be tested. The diets will be randomly assigned to the hapas to reduce position effect of the hapas within the pond. Equal numbers of fish with equivalent biomass (approximately 40g each) will be fed the test diets for a period of 42 days. Growth rates and percent survival will be compared by ANOVA and Duncan’s multiple range tests to determine if there are any statistical differences at a 0.05 p level. Impact Assessment We expect that simple improvements in formulation, better grinding of ingredients and simple compression pelleting of feed will significantly improve FCR’s. We believe this can be achieved at minimal additional cost. If these techniques are proven successful in the lab, our expectation is that the private sector, especially Jewlet Farms will purchase similar equipment and commercial the procedures almost immediately. Schedule: July 2013 August 2013 ‑ Purchase formulation software and grinder ‑ Purchase mixer and pellet mill. 37 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 38 September 2013 October 2012 November 2013 January 2014 February 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 Literature Cited: ‑ Formulate and manufacture first diets ‑ Complete 5 diets and test stability ‑ Stock hapas and begin trial ‑ Complete harvest data collection ‑ Conduct second trial ‑ Complete harvest data collection ‑ Compile results and analyses ‑ Prepare and submit final reports Fagbenro, O. and Jauncey, K. 1995. Water stability, nutrient leaching and nutritional properties of moist fermented fish silage diets, Aquacultural Engineering, 14 (2), 143‑153. Liti, D., Cherop, L., Munguti, J., Chhorn, L. 2005. Growth and economic performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fed on two formulated diets and two locally available feeds in fertilized ponds. Aquaculture Research, 36 (8) 746–752. Maina, J G, Beames, R M, Higgs, D. Mbugua, P N, Iwama, G., and Kisia, S M. 2002 Digestibility and feeding value of some feed ingredients fed to tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Aquaculture Research 33 (11) 853‑862. 38 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 39 7/6 Title: Development of Aquaponics for Kenya Topic Area: Income Generation for Small‑Scale Fishers and Farmers ‑ Study US‑PI: Kevin Fitzsimmons, University of Arizona HC‑PI: Julius Manyala, Eldoret University; Charles Ngugi, Ministry of Agriculture Objectives: 1. Design a small‑scale aquaponic system for educational purposes and hobby production of fish and vegetables 2. Design a moderate‑scale aquaponic system for potential commercial application 3. Construct the small‑scale system to develop proof of concept and training purposes. 4. Construct a moderate‑scale system. Significance Aquaponic systems have become a primary tool for teaching agriculture and natural resources around the world (Graber and Junge, 2009; Rakocy, 2000). The systems have also become popular with small‑scale hydroponic producers in many locations. In Kenya, the large number of small pond systems, often less than 200 meter square, are not proving capable of producing enough fish to be of financial interest to farmers. One option to increase fish productivity and at the same provide an additional revenue stream is to integrate the fish culture more directly with vegetable production. The rapid cash flow with vegetables, especially lettuce, basil, parsley, and bac choi, provide a more direct return for the farmer. Task 1. Design a small‑scale aquaponic system for educational purposes and hobby production of fish and vegetables A small‑scale aquaponic system will be designed using ready available materials from the local area. The goal will be to design a physical system that is low cost, easy to replicate and will have the ability to maintain up to 50 kg of tilapia and irrigate and fertilize 250 heads of lettuce or other plants. We will focus on minimal electrical demand and the potential to operate with a single solar panel. The design will be shared with a couple of outside experts (Rakocy, Ebling, and Timmons) for evaluations and comments. Task 2. Design a moderate‑scale aquaponic system for potential commercial application We will utilize some basic design parameters from the University of the Virgin Islands (Rakocy et al. 2000; 2004) and the University of Arizona (Licamele 2009) to design an appropriate scale aquaponics system for farmers in Kenya. The goal will be a design a system that would utilize water from a pond to irrigate and fertilize up to 1000 square 39 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 40 meters of vegetables. We will consider two models, one a hydroponic system with water returned to the fish, and the other a one way model with water going only to the vegetables with none being returned. The designs will be shared with a couple of outside experts (Rakocy, Ebling, and Timmons) for evaluations and comments. Task 3. Construct the small‑scale system to develop proof of concept and training purposes. On campus we will construct a model small‑scale system based on the design that we have after input from outside colleagues. The operational system will be used to test the methods, the equipment, and subsequently train students and local farmers. Data on water quality, growth rate and yield of fish and plants, and energy demand will be collected. A simple enterprise budget will be prepared based on the capital costs, operational costs and revenue sales that would be generated from such a system. Task 4. Construct a moderate‑scale system. We will construct a system at the demonstration fish farm across the road from the main Eldoret Campus. Data on water quality, growth rate and yield of fish and plants, and energy demand will be collected for the moderate scale system. An enterprise budget will be prepared based on the capital costs, operational costs and revenue sales that would be generated from the moderate‑scale system. The operation will be utilized for training staff and students as the interest level in these systems continues to expand. Impact Assessment Several current fish farmers have expressed interest in aquaponics as a method to increase farm productivity. There is growing demand for food from “organic” farms across Kenya, especially from the tourist trade vendors and from the general public concerned with the misuse of chemical fertilizers. An aquaponic growing system would meet this demand. Commercial flower growers have also expressed interest in aquaponics to make better use of their greenhouse facilities and to diversify their product stream. Teachers are also likely to take the idea of integrated farming as a valuable teaching tool. At the end of the project, we will conduct a survey following up with the farmers who have expressed interest in the farming system to determine how many have adopted some of these practices or otherwise altered their production methods using aquaponics. Schedule: July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2012 November 2013 December 2013 ‑ Begin design of small‑scale system ‑ Begin design of moderate‑scale system ‑ Send designs for outside reviews and comments ‑ Begin construction of small‑scale system ‑ Begin collection of trial data ‑ Begin construction of small‑scale system 40 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 41 January 2014 February 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 Literature Cited: ‑ Collect data from each system. ‑ Continue data collection from each trial ‑ Harvest systems and determine growth and yield ‑ Compile results and analyses of both systems. ‑ Prepare and submit final reports Graber, A. and R. Junge, 2009. Aquaponic Systems: Nutrient recycling from fish wastewater by vegetable production, Desalination, 246 (1–3), 147‑156. Licamele, J. D. 2009. Biomass Production and Nutrient Dynamics in an Aquaponics System. Dissertation, University of Arizona. Rakocy, J., Shultz, R.C., Bailey, D.S. and Thoman, E.S. 2004. Aquaponic Production Of Tilapia And Basil: Comparing A Batch And Staggered Cropping System. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 648:63‑69. Rakocy, J.E., D.S. Bailey, J.M. Martin and R. C. Shultz. 2000. Tilapia production systems for the Lesser Antilles and other resource‑limited, tropical areas. Pages 651‑662 in K. Fitzsimmons and J. Carvalho F., Eds. Tilapia Aquaculture in the 21st Century: Proceedings from the Fifth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 41 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 42 c. Outreach and Dissemination Plan (1‑page limit) Dissemination strategies that are effective have the following characteristics: • They are oriented toward the needs of the user, incorporating the types and levels of information needed into the forms and language preferred by the user. • They use varied dissemination methods, including written information, electronic media, and personto-person contact. • They include both proactive and reactive dissemination channels - that is, they include information that users have identified as important, and they include information that users may not know to request but that they are likely to need. Clear channels are established for users to make their needs and priorities known to the disseminating agency. • They recognize and provide for the "natural flow" of the four levels of dissemination that have been identified as leading to utilization: spread, exchange, choice, and implementation. • They draw upon existing resources, relationships, and networks to the maximum extent possible while building new resources as needed by users. • They include effective quality control mechanisms to assure that information to be included in the system is accurate, relevant, and representative. • They include sufficient information so that the user can determine the basic principles underlying specific practices and the settings in which these practices may be used most productively. • They establish linkages to resources that may be needed to implement the information - usually referred to as technical assistance. Dissemination approaches that implement a mechanical, one-way flow of written information have not proven to be effective in encouraging widespread adoption and implementation of new programs, ideas, and strategies. Target audiences for AquaFish Innovation Lab research results and practical guidance include: Fish farmers, would-be fish farmers, government officials, NGO technicians, and others who will use the findings and perspectives of the project to promote sound fish culture practices, water quality management, and productive strategies for realizing the value of fish produced in the market place. The underlying reason to gain and then disseminate new research-based information, is to assure it is appropriately considered for use in reaching decisions, making changes, or taking other specific actions designed to improve fish farming outcomes. That is, the goal of dissemination is utilization. Facilitating the utilization of research-based information is a complex process. Many barriers exist, both in dealing with the steps necessary for implementation and in ensuring that recipients have the skills, attitudes, and awareness levels needed to benefit from the research outcomes. Several factors are related to achieving utilization in the dissemination process: • • • • • • • • Details of content, context, and resources needed before implementation can be planned in sufficient detail Levels of use and stages of personal concern demonstrated Information users will more effectively implement change if they understand the process and activities that will be involved. Programs and practices must be adapted to meet particular needs of each individual organization All parties involved must be able to contribute to planning Users will accept assistance, information, and ideas from sources they believe to be credible and trustworthy The utilization process requires time and support from beginning to end It also requires personal involvement; outside organizations must provide some level of in-person support including follow-up and ongoing feedback and exchange 42 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 43 d. Gender Inclusiveness Strategy (1‑page limit) The RFLP (2013) program recently summarized some key points for including gender in fisheries and aquaculture. The recommend: (1) identify if policies in the fisheries and aquaculture sector are gender blind, gender neutral or gender discriminatory. Can they be changed? We will address this in a project paper. (2)Think gender during the planning/formulation phase of projects, proposals and activities. Don’t let it become an afterthought. Learn to look at policies, project proposals, activities etc., through a gender lens. Assess whether gender issues have been considered and if not, try to ensure that they are. We will address this in a project paper. (3) Avoid using terms such as ‘fisherman’ or ‘middleman’. At times it may seem unnecessary or even silly to do so, but use of these terms reinforces the image of fisheries being a male only domain when usually this is incorrect. We will (4) Make sure activity proposals (such as for training) clearly specify the involvement of women in terms of numbers and if possible, suitability. Think about who will be using what, when buying equipment, and do not assume tools and technology are gender neutral. All are trainings by definition are structured to be gender‑balanced. In particular, women have a notable role in the value chain for lungfish, as gatherers of wild fry and as vendors of wild stock. We will target the role of women as managers of cage‑based grow out systems. We also will seek to empower women’s groups as sources of fry as the nascent industry for culture of lungfish may develop. For cell phones and other technologies to benefit women in aquaculture production and to challenge existing gender imbalances in rural livelihoods, it is necessary to understand women’s status and the gender roles and responsibilities in the society. It is also important to have an understanding of the multiple gender dimensions which impact on accessing and using ICTs. Rural women are less likely to prioritize ICTs in their daily lives as they have less time and less comfort in using ICT based services (e‑Agriculture 2013). The larger development community recognizes the importance of emphasizing equitable opportunities and benefits for both genders (for example, see the World Bank’s Gender and Agriculture Sourcebook)—a principle endorsed for the use of ICT in agriculture as well. Access to and use of ICTs are often unequal, with women suffering the consequences. In a number of cases, however, ICT has been used to benefit agriculture while empowering women. If gender is missed in rural ICT initiatives then an opportunity to improve the socio‑economic conditions of women, who are the largest and most active component of the rural population, is missed (World Bank 2013). Government support and promotion of rural infrastructure and equal access to and use of ICTs among women and men is critical. Policy makers need to include a gender lens on every policy that affects access to and use of ICTs in rural communities Literature cited. RFLP (2013). Gender mainstreaming in small‑scale fisheries: Lessons learned notes. The Regional Fisheries Livelihood Programme for South and Southeast Asia (RFLP). Available at: http://www.rflp.org/sites/default/files/RFLP_Gender_Lessons_learned_Final.pdf e‑Agriculture. 2013. Gender, ICTs and rural livelihoods. Available at: http://www.e‑agriculture.org/gender‑icts‑and‑rural‑livelihoods 43 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 44 e. Project Level M&E plan. 2 parts: It is important to establish an M&E approach that starts with tracking performance on processes and outputs at the beginning of the project’s life and then continues to track high‑level outcomes and impacts at the end to concretely assess how its activities have affected farm‑level practice and the development of an aquaculture industry. • Feed the Future employs monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tools • The Feed the Future Results Framework, which is the conceptual and analytic structure that establishes the goals and objectives of the Initiative; • Performance monitoring process and standard performance indicators track progress toward desired results; • Local human and institutional capacity building investments to improve the quality and frequency of data collection and use; • Impact evaluations to determine the measureable effects of Feed the Future investments; • Knowledge – sharing activities to foster learning and use of M&E findings. • FMS targets (1‑page) (RFP website: FTFMS Form) and; 2: Narrative (1‑page) (RFP website: Project Level M&E and IA Plan) A Ugandan M.S. thesis will provide an assessment of the M&E process in aquacultural development. 44 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 45 4. HC Research Location Considerations (2‑page limit) Kajjansi Aquaculture Research and Development Centre (KARDC) is the national centre responsible for aquaculture research and development. KARDC is a branch of the National Fisheries Resources Institute (NAFIRRI) which is a Public Agriculture Research Institute (PARI) under the National Agriculture Research Organization (NARO) responsible for Fisheries Research. The mandate of KARDC is to develop technologies and generate information through aquaculture research for improved aquaculture fish production, and to guide stakeholders in the planning, investment and development of aquaculture. The Centre is charged with the responsibility of carrying out demand driven aquaculture research for the country and beyond. The Centre has basic but key infrastructure to build on to elevate it to providing research services to other countries in the great lakes region. The entire region has great potential for aquaculture development (production and marketing) that has not been fully tapped. Kajjansi Aquaculture Research and Development centre has a well thought out research agenda and is also well positioned as a hub for aquaculture research at National and regional level. The Centre identified and designed the following research topics to be carried out between 2007 and 2014. The Sagana Fish Farm, situated immediately outside the small town of Sagana, covers an area of approximately 50 ha, of which 20 ha is in ponds. There were originally 60 ponds of various sizes, ranging from 5 m 2 to 2 ha in size. During 1997, three of the original 4,000‑m2 ponds were converted to twelve 800‑m2 ponds suitable for research. Additional ponds are being converted to this more practical size as time and funding allow. Site facilities include office buildings and a conference room, a storage building for supplies and equipment, a small wet‑lab/hatchery building, a water quality laboratory renovated with CRSP assistance, a library/computer room, staff housing, and two guest houses. Electricity, telephone service, and clean water are provided. A complete description is provided by the AFCRSP (2013). Makerre University is a major center of research and graduate education in Uganda. The site description can be found on the AFCRP web site (2011). Moi University is a major center for aquaculture research and eduction in Kenya. The site description can be found on the AFCRP web site (2011). FAO. 2013 Kajjansi Aquaculture Research and Development Centre (KARDC). ANAF Focal Point. Available at: http://www.anafaquaculture.org/index.php?id=929 45 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 46 AFCRSP. 2013. Sagana Site Description. Corvallis: Oregon State University Aquaculture and Fisheries CRSP. Available at: http://pdacrsp.oregonstate.edu/pubs/kenya.pdf AFCRSP. 2011. Site Descriptions: A Reference for Research Locations in the AquaFish CRSP. (AquaFish Collaborative Research Support Program). November. AquaFish CRSP, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 153 pp. http://aquafishcrsp.oregonstate.edu/Documents/Uploads/FileManager/Site%20de scriptions%20Nov11.pdf 46 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 47 Budget (3) single‑year budgets for Lead. Include budgets for subcontractors and HC institutions (1) combined‑year budget for Lead. Include the combined‑year budget for subcontractors and HC institutions Attached in a PDF file 6. Budget Justification for Lead, Subcontractors, and HC for each year Attached 7. Leveraging Statement and Pending Funds Form Attached 8. Letters of Commitment from all HC PIs and US and HC partners Attached 9. Lead Institution supporting information (required at time of award): To be supplied Animal Use Approval (or written waivers) Pending Human Subjects Approval (or written waivers) Pending NICRA for Lead Institution (Negotiated indirect cost rate agreement) Separate document file Institutional & Agency Certifications and Assurances. Separate document file 10. CVs of all US and HC PIs and Co‑PIs (2‑page limit per CV) Attached 11. Conflict of Interest Statement (RFP website: Conflict of Interest) Attached 47 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 48 48 J. Molnar Auburn University Aquaculture Development in Kenya and Uganda 49 12. List of Five Reviewers (name, contact info, and area of expertise) Ghulam Kibria Special Aquaculture Advisor to the Hon Minister Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR), The Government of Republic of Namibia Private Bag 13355, Uhland Street, 4th Floor, Room 403 WINDHOEK‑NAMIBIA Email: kibriamg@mfmr.gov.na, ghulam.kib@gmail.com, Dr. Brian Nerrie, Assistant Professor, Aquaculture Extension Specialist Virginia State University School of Agriculture and Human Ecology P.O. Box 9081 Petersburg, VA 23806 Phone: 804‑524‑5903 Fax: 804‑524‑5245 Email: bnerrie@vsu.edu Jason Licamele, Ph.D. Heliae Corp. Gilbert, Arizona, Cell 203‑814‑0174 jlicamele@heliae.com Aquaponics and algae production Dennis McIntosh, Ph.D. Extension Specialist Delaware State Univeristy dmcintosh@desu.edu Cell – 302‑233‑3117 Off ‑ 302‑857‑6456 Aquaponics and aquaculture extension Fred Conte, Ph.D. Extension Specialist UC Davis FSConte@UCDavis.Edu Office 530‑752‑7689 Aquaculture extension 49
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