SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DIRECTIONS: 1. Only write your name, student ID number, PirateMail, and contact number on the cover sheet page. Do not include your name on any other page of the application (except signature page). 2. If additional sheets of paper are needed, do not include your name on the pages. 3. Submit only one application for all scholarships available. 4. Read the eligibility requirements for each scholarship and determine which scholarships you would like to apply for. 5. Incomplete and/or inaccurate applications will not be considered. 6. Use blue or black ink. 7. Submit scholarship application by December 9, 2013 (3 PM) to: CTE Student Resources Bldg. 6, Room 641 Fax: 484-1388 (Do Not Turn into Financial Aid) 1 COVER SHEET FOR PENSACOLA STATE COLLEGE FOUNDATION DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Name: Student ID # PirateMail: Contact #: ______________________________________ A Scholarship Selection Committee will be judging your essay. CTE Student Resources Bldg. 6, Room 641 1 Floor Bldg. 6 on Pensacola Campus Phone: 484-2163 Fax: 484-1388 Email: Submit scholarship application by December 9, 2013 (3 PM) st 2 PENSACOLA STATE COLLEGE FOUNDATION DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (Please print in ink or type) Please return scholarship completed and signed scholarship application to Pensacola State College Career and Technical Education (CTE) office by the deadline date. CTE is located in Bldg. 6, Room 641 of the Pensacola Campus across from the Testing Center. Completed applications can also be faxed to 850-4841388 Check all that apply (Only selected the scholarships in which you meet the minimum requirements): □ Pensacola North Rotary Endowment Voc-Tech Scholarship □ Newcomers Club Endowed Scholarship □ Mary Jane Elizabeth C. McCort Endowed Scholarship □ Junior League “Women Helping Women” Endowed Scholarship □ Pensacola Women’s Alliance Endowed Scholarship □ Pensacola Senior Follies Scholarship PERSONAL DATA Gender: □ Male □ Female □ Single Parent □ Displaced Homemaker □ N/A Are you currently: □ Returning to school □ Retraining for a new career □ A woman in transition □ N/A □ US Citizen □ Resident Alien Resident of: □ Escambia County □ Santa Rosa County □ Other EDUCATIONAL STATUS How many credit hours are you/will you be enrolled in for Spring (2014.2)? How many credit hours have you completed? What is your cumulative (overall) grade point average (check Spyglass under Degree Audit)? What program of study are you pursuing at Pensacola State? What degree are you pursuing at Pensacola State? A.A. A.A.S. A.S. Certificate What is your date of expected graduation from Pensacola State? FINANCIAL STATUS Have you applied for financial aid (student loans, grants, work-study)? Yes Are you currently a recipient of financial assistance from other sources or agencies? No Yes No If Yes, name the source and amount(Spyglass under Financial Aid Summary) (Spring Term only) PELL Grant: $ All other sources:$ *All of the above scholarships require an economic need. Please supply documentation of economic need (if you are a recipient of Pell, no addition documentation necessary). 3 ESSAY Describe in your own words your educational and life goals and explain how you will use this education to further yourself and/or your family.(approximately 500 words) Use additional paper if needed I hereby declare that I meet all minimal eligibility requirements to be considered for this scholarship. The information provided on this scholarship application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also acknowledge that I am current student of the Career and Technical Education Department for the Spring term (2014.2) I hereby authorize and request the release of academic and financial information to scholarship review committee members. I understand that this information will be used for the purposes of determining eligibility for the stated scholarship. I also understand that this application is for departmental consideration only. Some scholarships have age requirements, for this reason Date of Birth information is necessary. All incomplete applications will not be consider. Signature: Date: Demographic information may be required for State and Federal Reports. Male Female White African American Hispanic American Indian Asian/Pacific Islander Multi-Racial Other Date of Birth: _______________ This application is for departmental use only. All other applications for Pensacola State College scholarships must be made through the Pensacola State College Financial Aid Office 4
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