FULL CURRICULUM VITAE I. NAME: Sara Giordano II. EDUCATION A. Institution Emory University Gettysburg College Years Attended 2001-2008 Degree Ph.D. Major Field Neuroscience 1997-2001 B.S. Mathematics, Physics B. Title of Dissertation “On the functional organization of plantarflexion muscles” III. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS AND RANKS HELD Institution San Diego State University Emory University Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Emory University Title/Rank Assistant Professor Date August 2011Present Postdoctoral Fellow August 2010June 2011 Consultant, Ethics May 2008July 2010 Teaching Assistant August 2002December 2002 Department/Division Women’s Studies Women’s Studies Office of Public Health Genomics Neuroscience IV. TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS Courses taught: Women’s Studies 382: Gender, Science and Technology, San Diego State University Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012 Women’s Studies 582: Feminist Science Studies, San Diego State University Spring 2012 Engineering Life and Ethical Practices, Graduate Seminar, Emory University Spring 2011 Guest Lectures: Methods of Inquiry in Women’s Studies (WMNST 602), San Diego State University March 20, 2012, “Feminist science studies” Special topic: Regenerative Medicine (BIOL 342), San Diego State Unviersity September 22, 2011, “Feminist bioethics and stem cells” Body Politics (WMNST 608), San Diego State University September 21, 2011, “Vole research on the monogamy gene” Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Science (WGST 231), Carleton College February 17, 2011, “Gay gene research” Lesbian/Gay/Queer Studies (WS365), Emory University April 9, 2008, “Eugenics and Gay Gene Research” Teaching Assistant: Emory University Cellular Neuroscience (Graduate level), Fall 2002 Graduate Student Committees: M.A. Thesis committees (Chair): Kari Szakal (in progress), Women’s Studies M.A. Thesis committees (2nd Reader): Kristine Palma (in progress), Women’s Studies M.A. Exam committees: Hillary Flocke (Spring 2012), Women’s Studies V. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH Articles in Refereed Journals Giordano, S. (under review). Scientific reforms, feminist interventions, and the politics of knowing: an auto-ethnography of a feminist neuroscientist. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. Giordano, S.B., Segal, R.L., Abelew, T.A. (2009). Differences in end-point force trajectories elicited by electrical stimulation of individual human calf muscles. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 25(4):330-9. Giordano, S.B., Segal, R.L. (2006). Leg muscles differ in spatial activation patterns with differing levels of voluntary plantarflexion activity in humans. Cells Tissues Organs. 184(1):42-51. Siviy, S.M., Love, N.J., DeCicco, B.M., Giordano, S.B., Seifert, T.L. (2003). The relative playfulness of juvenile Lewis and Fischer-344 rats. Physiology and Behavior. 80(2-3):385-94. Chapters in Books Willey, A. and Giordano, S.B. (2011). ‘Why Do Voles Fall in Love?’: Sexual Dimorphism and Monogamy Gene Research. Jill Fisher (ed.) Gender and the Science of Difference: Cultural Politics of Contemporary Science and Medicine. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ. Conferences Papers and Presentations Giordano, S.B. (November 2012). Exploring critical scientific literacy through active participation in the classroom. Oral presentation at the National Women’s Studies Association Conference, Oakland, California. Giordano, S.B. (May 2012). Building Community from the Bottom-up or Top-down: Definitions of Democracy in Synthetic Biology. Oral presentation at the Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics, and Science Studies 4th Conference, University Park, Pennsylvania. Giordano, S.B. (November 2011). Teaching emerging feminist practices in ethics and science. Oral presentation at the National Women’s Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Giordano, S.B. (June 2011). A novel approach to ethics: Building ethical approaches for synthetic biology through interdisciplinary classrooms. Poster presentation at the SB 5.0: The Fifth International Conference on Synthetic Biology, Stanford University, California. Giordano, S.B. (March 2011). Synthetic biology: Can we engineer a more democratic science? Oral presentation at the Southeastern Women’s Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Giordano, S.B., Rowell, J., Dowling, N., Gwinn, M., Barrett, D. (November 2010) Consent for genetic research at CDC: Storage and future use of specimens. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. Rowell, J., Giordano, S.B., Gwinn, M. , Dowling, N. (November 2010) Public health infrastructure: A valuable resource for human genetic epidemiology. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. Giordano, S.B., Rowell, J., Dowling, N., Gwinn, M. (November 2009) Returning genetic research results to participants: public health research in the age of personal genomics. Oral presentation at the National Society for Genetic Counselors 28th Conference, Atlanta, GA. Giordano, S.B., Rowell, J., Dowling, N., Gwinn, M. (July 2009) Returning genetic research results to participants: public health research in the age of personal genomics. Oral presentation at the 13th Genetics and Ethics in the 21st Century Meeting, Breckenridge, CO. Giordano, S.B. (March 2009). Automating difference: A feminist analysis of soft biometrics. Oral presentation at the Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics, and Science Studies 3rd Conference, Columbia, SC. Willey, A. and Schindelheim (Giordano), S. (February 2007). Addicted to Love: Science, Media and the Discourse of Attachment. Paper presented at the Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics, and Science Studies 2nd Conference, Tempe, AZ. Giordano, S.B., Abelew, T.A., Burgess, A.R., Segal, R.L. (November 2005). Comparing stimulation protocols to elicit fatigue in the lateral gastrocnemius muscle. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. Segal, R.L., Giordano, S.B., Grier, R.N. (November 2005). Relationship of leg muscle activity during eccentric versus concentric contractions. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. Giordano, S.B., Makar, M.S., Burgess, A.R., Abelew, T.A., Segal, R.L. (October 2005). End-Point force trajectories produced by selected calf muscles due to electrical stimulation. Poster presented at the Workshop on Investigation of Human Muscle Function In Vivo. Nashville, TN. Giordano, S.B., Marquardt, K., Nelson, N., Rush, S., Simoneaux, S., Song, A.W., Segal, R.L. (November 2003). Variance of magnetic resonance imaging T2 Times among tasks. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans. Segal, R.L., Poeppelman, A., Ward, M., Giordano, S.B. (November 2003). Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging T2 Times with electromyographic activity. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans. Funded Research Grants San Diego State University Grants Program (UGP) Award. “Decoding Race and Gender in Biometric Technologies.” January 2012 – May 2013, $9883. The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI) Grant. “Developing a Bench-side Ethics and Community-Based Participatory Research Training Program in Synthetic Biology.” PI: Deboleena Roy and Co-PIs: Ichiro Matsumura, Sara Giordano, Arri Eisen, Laura Dress. 2011-2012, $75,000. Funded Training Grants National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA), Pre-doctoral Grant awarded by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). “Adaptation of leg muscle activity in humans.” January 2005 – December 2007. Invited Lectures Carleton College, Social Justice and Science Colloquium. “Synthetic Biology: Can we engineer a more democratic science?” Feb 18, 2011. Participation in Professional Associations Member, National Women’s Studies Association, 2011-present. Member, Society for Neuroscience, 2002-2006. Additional Professional Training The Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University, Washington, DC Intensive Bioethics Course, June 2009 Ethics and Servant Leadership Internship, Emory University Summer 2008 Center for Teaching and Learning Programs, San Diego State University: How the University Grants Program Can Help You Plant the Seeds, Sept 21, 2011 Teaching, Learning, and Creating A More Sustainable Future, March 16, 2012 Connecting Your Course and Your Students to the 2012 Common Reading Rachael Carson’s Silent Spring, April 18, 2012 Other Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, member (inducted 2001) VI. SERVICE FOR THE UNIVERSITY AND THE COMMUNITY University Service Faculty-in-Residence, Maya and Olmeca Residence Halls, August 2012-present Common Experience faculty planning committee, 2012-present SafeZones, Trained ally, Fall 2011-present Department Service Member, Women’s Studies Department Colloquium Committee, 2012-present. Community Service Member, Racism and Health Workgroup, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 2008-2011 (Recording Secretary, 2009) Member, Public Health Ethics Committee, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2008-2011 Participant, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2009 Novel Influenza A (H1N1) response team, Spring 2009 Facilitator, Transforming Community Project, Community Dialogues on Racism, Emory University, Spring and Summer 2008 Invited panelist “Whose Vagina Monologues?: A Forum for Feminist Critiques of V-day”, February 6, 2008 Professional Service Reviewer, Public Health Genomics, 2009 Reviewer, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2007
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