Chesapeake Conservation Corps Host Organization Cover Sheet 2010 – 2011 / 410-974-2941 1. Applicant Information Name of Organization/Legal Applicant: Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County Street Address: 908 W Isabella Street City/State/Zip: Salisbury, MD 21801 County: Wicomico Main Telephone: 410 546 1551 Web Page: Legal Applicant Federal I.D. Number: 52-1522421 State Legislative District: 37A U.S. Congressional District: 1st Executive Director: Joan Herbert Mulvanny Executive Director’s Telephone: 410 546 1551 Name of Application Writer/Initial Contact: Joan Herbert Mulvanny Contact’s Title: Executive Director Contact’s Telephone: 410 546 1551 Contact’s Email: Name of Corps Volunteer Mentor: Mike Taylor/Jim Phillips Mentor’s Title: Construction Manager/ReStore Manager Mentor’s Telephone: Same as above/410 749 6325 Mentor’s s Email: Number of Corps Volunteers Sought 1 2. Type of Organization (check one): Non-profit organization School Community associations Service, Youth, or Civic Groups Institutions of Higher Education Local government (county or municipality) Unit of State Government X 1 3. Organization Mission: Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. 4. Types of Activities in which a Volunteer Corps Member will be engaged (see “Corps Volunteer Eligible Activities” section above for description of each activity type. Check all that apply. Environment/Watershed Restoration Energy Conservation Agricultural/Forestry Infrastructure Education X X 5. General Liability Insurance: Does your agency currently have general liability insurance for its volunteers? Yes X No Partnership Application Electronic Signatures In submitting this partnership application to become a Chesapeake Conservation Corps host organization, we attest that all information provided is true to the best of our knowledge. Joan Herbert Mulvanny Signature of Legal Applicant Director March 13 2012 Date John Michael Taylor and Jim Phillips Signature of the Host Organization Supervisor March 13, 2012 Date Thank you for applying to be a Chesapeake Conservation Corps Host Organization! 2 3 Narrative: Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County 1) Activities: The Conservation Corps volunteer will be engaged in three activities: ReStore: Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County operates a ReStore whose purpose is to support Habitat’s mission of building homes, communities and hope. The ReStore sells mostly used appliances, furniture and construction equipment and supplies at greatly discounted prices. The ReStore keeps these items out of landfills and encourages individuals and busineses to donate these materials by offering free pick-ups as well as tax donations for eligible donations. The Store uses its profits to fund the construction of new homes, the remodeling of older homes and, in the future, the weatherization of older homes owned by low-income, elderly and disabled persons. With the decline of the construction and housing market in Wicomico County, the store has experienced a down turn in construction donations and in revenues. The store manager has been working diligently to increase donations to the ReStore since quality donations are key to the store’s success. The Conservation Corps volunteer will work with the ReStore Manager to generate donations of used furniture, appliances and construction materials by contacting potential donors and making the case for donating to the ReStore. The Conservation Corps volunteer will work with the ReStore manager to generate lists of potential donors, will develop a presentation, will call on donors and arrange for pick ups. In addition, the Conservation Corps volunteer will support the store by acting as an occasional sales person, warehouse manager, cashier and will work with the driver on donation pick ups. Green construction: Wicomico Habitat is working towards an Energy Star designation for all the homes we build and is committed to building sustainable houses. The Conservation Corps volunteer will work with the Construction Manager and Construction Supervisor on home construction and energy star certification. House preservation/Weatherization: Wicomico Habitat has just signed on as a Neighborhood Revitalization Partner with Habitat International. For the past six years, we have been building and renovating homes in a core city neighborhood in Salisbury. We were invited by the City to partner with them to revitalize the Church Street neighborhood and we now have built or renovated eleven homes in this area. Our presence stimulated other builders to construct new homes and landlords to renovate existing properties. According to statistics from the Salisbury Police Department, crime is down 38%. We are continuing our efforts at neighborhood revitalization by offering two new products to our building line, enabling us to reach more people at a lower cost and continue to improve the quality of life in this and another Habitat neighborhood. We will be doing house preservation, which focuses on improving the outside of a owner occupied home by painting, landscaping, and minor outside repairs. We will also be doing weatherization starting in the Kirkwood neighborhood, where Habitat has been building for 17 years and now has built 30 homes. This neighborhood revitalization project is just getting stated and involves marketing the program to prospective low income clients, assessing the home owners perception of the home’s problems, conducting an energy audit and weatherizing the house by focusing on making the house more air tight and increasing insulation. Home preservation projects focus on fixing up the home’s exterior. The Conservation Corps volunteer will work with the Executive Director and Construction Manager in starting the program and will be involved on-site with weatherization and preservation projects. 2) Outcomes: ReStore: The Conservation Corps volunteer will work in the Store 1-2 days per week and, in the course of a year, will contact 40 potential donors. Out of these 40 potential donors, 25% will donate to the ReStore during this year. (other will be expected to donate the following year) Green Build: The Conservation Corps volunteer will work on the construction site 1- 2 days per week, participating in the building of two Energy Star rated homes. The Conservation Corps volunteer will be the point person with the Energy Star rater and will coordinate activities with the Construction Supervisor. Home Preservation and Weatherization: The Conservation Corps volunteer will spend the rest of their time (up to five days per week, when necessary) working with the Executive Director and the Construction Supervisor on setting up a home preservation and weatherization program with the goal of completing six home preservations and four weatherizations during the year. 3) Advancement of mission: Describe how the service of the Corps Volunteer will advance the mission of the organization. The mission of Habitat is “Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.” The ReStore provides vital funding to support the mission and by increasing donations to the Store the volunteer will help increase overall profits which are used to fund home building, home preservation and weatherization projects. Habitat is committed to sustainable building to provide healthy and energy efficient homes to our Family Partners that will be less expensive for our homeowners to maintain, heat and cool. By working with the Construction Manager to achieve Energy Star certification, the volunteer will be supporting Habitat’s efforts of building green. By working with the Executive Director and the Construction Manager to design and implement a home preservation and weatherization program the volunteer will be helping Wicomico Habitat achieve its goals to serve more families by offering a wider range of services, as laid out in its strategic planning documents. 4) Key Staff: ReStore: The Conservation Corps volunteer will work with the ReStore manager, Jim Phillips, on ReStore related projects. Jim will provide training to the volunteer on key aspects of ReStore operations, will mentor him/her in donor solicitation and will introduce him/her to key personnel at area ReStores in Sussex and Talbot counties. They will meet weekly to set goals and to assess how the volunteer is performing in their position and what kind of supports can be brought in, if necessary, to better the experience. Green Build: The volunteer will report to Mike Taylor, construction manager, on areas relating to building and energy star. The volunteer will sit in on the weekly construction planning meetings with the Executive Director and construction manager. The Manager and Site Supervisor will provide on the job training and will assess on a weekly basis how this experience is going from both the perspective of the volunteer and the affiliate. Home Preservation and Weatherization: The volunteer will work with the Executive Director and the Construction Manager to design a home preservation and weatherization program and will work with the Construction Manager to implement the program. 5) Work Skills Training: Please describe any formal or informal work skills training your organization can provide to a Corps Volunteer. Informal training: The volunteer will receive informal, on the job training from both the ReStore manager and Construction manager. In addition, the volunteer can meet with relevant staff/volunteers in the near by Habitats to assess their donor solicitation, green building and neighborhood revitalization programs. Wicomico Habitat is also working with a consultant from Habitat International and the volunteer can meet with him when he is in Salisbury. My. Habitat, Habitat for Humanity International’s web site is a rich resource for anyone wanting to learn more about Habitat, its policies, procedures, programs and activities. The volunteer will have access to the web site. In addition, webinars are offered frequently from My. Habitat which the volunteer will be able to participate in. Formal training: Habitat Maryland offers a once a year training program on issues relevant to Habitat that the volunteer would attend. In addition, Habitat International offers Habitat on the Hill, a yearly conference with training activities that the volunteer will attend. Regional training conferences are also hosted by Habitat International and the volunteer would be eligible to attend any relevant conferences. In addition, The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore offers periodic training for not for profit staff as does the Maryland Association of Not for Profits. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF WICOMICO COUNTY, INC. STAFF Executive Director Joan Mulvanny Construction Manager Mike Taylor (Part-time) Operations ReStore Manager Manager Debbie Denson Jim Phillips Construction Supervisor James Williams Administrative Assistant Carol Kennedy (Part time) (Part-time) Lead Customer Service Rep. Temeka Richardson (Part-time) Driver Warehouse Ron Foreman Jim East (Part-time) (Part-time) Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County, Inc. Budget 11-12 Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County, Inc. Budget 11-12 Cash Affiliate Ex ,en! 5 )00 . 5100 . Basis ' Budget :- ol )rogram Services ;onstruction Costs 5102 . Cost of Gonstruction-Mortgaged Prop j9,€1 . _Lr9!{'ty_!9!t9!ce i91oe__ 9l1!Llogls__ flgqj. rgltafEqq'p _ 5100 Gonstruction Costs - Truck Total I 00 . Construction Costs 5220 5260 13,351 .00 . i5260 Salary & Wages Other - 1t2 Otfice :. & Wegqs-_g!h9 r lglali e9 i280 gplgyee_!ery!!ts . t310' t310 . i320. 9!Cry_ ayroll Taxes ccounting Fees egal Fees 1330 . upplies t340 elephone and Fax r350 ostag_e and Shipping ccupancy Expense ;360 T?x LlE quipment Costs rinting and Publications i366 Iolrry i370 ;380 390 . i400 Tr . ,nferences/Conventions/Mtgs. i490 ' her Expenses ;000 loram Sgrviges : ot!g! . taLt 00 . Program Servicei 1,000.00 5,794.00 3,000.00 199.350.00 tther Mission Specific Costs Igr]laqol1! r!!he Elpen ge alary & Wages Other r5261 . Salaries-Construction - 114 ED . 15263 Labor-Hourly .Gontract Labor 15262 5266 . Extended Volunteer - AmeriCorp 5200 - 3,557.00 5100-! . Gost of Construction from CIP 5150 . .and & Acquisition Costs I 7t1t11-o6tzot12 1,800.00 5,250.00 14,500.00 17,500.00 24,192.00 20,000.00 82,562.00 I 3,132.00 7,565.49 850.00 2,400.00 1,200.00 Occ. Exo 550.00 6,297.48 2,500.00 250.00 500.00 1.000.00 328,557.97 Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County, Inc. Budget 11-12 Cash Basis 7t1t't'l-06t30t't2 Affiliate ,17 )00 . Budget Vlanagement and General t250' )fficer Director 14,500.00 22.740.00 - 114 ED 7260. iafary, & Wages Other - 114 Oftice ]Totat Salaries & Wages M & G Em pl oyee Betl gtgts-M&G 7280 )ther 7290 fgvroll Ta1e9 \ccounting Fees-M&G iupplies-M&G 'elephone and Fax-M&G rostaqe and Shippinq-M&G 7310 7330 7340 7350 . 7360 . 37,240.0C 1,566.00 850.00 3.000.00 I 600.00 3,548.74 1,500.00 200.00 iquipment Costs-M&G trinting and Publications-M&G 7370 7380 -ravel 7390 7400 )onference, Convention & Mtg. 7430 nsurance 500.00 3.256.00 1,400.00 7440' )ues and Subscriptions 7490 ' )ther Expenses-M&G T r8 142.39 )tal 000 . Management and General lg0 Fundraising 8260 Total 8280 . 8290 ialary & Wages Other-FR 8261' Salaries-Fund Raising - 114 ED . 18260 Salary & Wages Dev. Director 260 ' Salary & Wages Other-FR 3mployee Benefits-FR ,ayroll Taxes-FR i Tol . 8400 . 500.00 8.040 . 8490 . Occ. Exp 2,000.00 3,548.74 6,000.00 500.00 ravel )onference, Convention & Mtg-FR )ues and Subscriptions )ther Expenses-FR ]nrnmo rtal 000'Fundraising lEr (Loss) 1,650.00 36,873.54 )ense Nel Incc ne 20,870.00 1,804.81 iupplies-FR -elephone 8340 and Fax-FR 8350 . tostage and Shipping-FR 8360 ' )ccupancy Expense 8380 . trintino and Publications-FR 8390 57,068. 14.500.00 6,370.00 8330 T Occ. Exp 422,500.00 . 0.00 Cash Basis \ 7t1t11-ofit3ot12 ReStore Profit &L )ss Budget nGome rs to ReStore 14015'Cash Contri Tota 500( 'Earned Revenue 5100 ' Other Incon e 5100 .Recy e Inc Vliscr llaneous Income lm9 4.000.00 2,000.00 I Totil Income l -Expense 6000 ' Payroll Exp )nse 6100 .Salar fSJ! te Manaqement 6200'Hour yPa loll 6300 6400 6600 6700 6800 200.000.00 . PR T rxes . Bene fits i,r 'Trail __t___l 62,000.00 54.194.48 1 0,763.13 1,566.00 200.00 I os*i,og9i Inq .Sala rt Ott .Volu rteer T tal 60 0 letension i , l0'Payroll Expenses 7000 .Operating osts 7100 . Reni Cost of Bldg 7120 .Builr ing F eparrs 7130 . lnsu ance 7140.Equi 7150 .Prop rrty'1 ax 7200 .Prop ue 7210 .Teler 7220.Elec' 7221'Gas i7222.Heat 17500 'Watt 206,000.00 128,723.61 19.184.84 4,500.00 3,223.00 300.00 'i 0 150.00 780.00 4,500.00 7,200.00 nc or Hr ngo r&S _l at )wer 7230 . lntet ret i7250' Dun p_Fe! 7300 .Mist ,9qP Iieqfq u iplo{ice{c-!ea 7400 .Tool t 'otali )00 ' Operating Costs l n i ns ) 300.00 720.00 2.000.00 1,322.55 50.00 44,230.39
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