Research Frontiers Programme 2006 Pre-Proposal Cover Sheet PROJECT TITLE (Max. 30 words) PICASSO: Program to Investigate Convective Alboran Sea System Overturn Primary Domain Geosciences Secondary Domain Physics PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR DETAILS AND CONTACT INFORMATION Title Professor Year Ph.D. (or equiv): 1977 Alan G Jones Name School of Cosmic Physics Department Gender: Male Institution Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 3rd level Address Year Faculty Appointment: 2003 01-662-1333 E-mail Telephone 01-662-1333 01-662-1477 Dept. Telephone No. Fax: Scientific Abstract (max 100 words) Competing models of lithospheric recycling are poorly distinguished based on extant geoscientific data. Within the plate tectonic paradigm lithospheric recycling is driven by subduction at active plate margins. However, evidence is mounting that non-plate processes, such as lithospheric delamination or convective mantle overturn, are significant. These models will be examined in arguably the world’s most appropriate natural laboratory, the western Mediterranean, by a consortium comprising of a multi-disciplinary team of scientists from Europe, the U.S. and Morocco. This proposal is for involvement by Irish-based scientists in this major geoscientific endeavour, accepted as a pilot project for EuroArray and Topo-Europe. Project Abstract (max 100 words, written for a lay audience) How does the Earth work? This question is at the heart of the project, which is to test hypotheses for how material is recycled from the surface back into the mantle. The plate tectonic model, a wonderful descriptor of our planet, incorporates recycling through subduction of rocks at active plate margins. However, there is growing evidence that material can be recycled into the mantle at locations away from plate margins, thus other processes must be operating. A large international team of scientists, from Europe, USA and Morocco, will tackle this geoscientific question through studying the western Mediterranean and surrounding landmasses. What is the question that this proposal addresses? A consortium of Earth scientists from Europe, the U.S., and Morocco, including the PI (Jones) at DIAS, is proposing a collaborative, international, multi-disciplinary project to various funding agencies for studying the ongoing lithospheric delamination event occurring in the western Mediterranean beneath the Betic-Rif-Alboran Sea-Atlas mountain system of southern Spain and northern Morocco. This project, organized by Spanish (R. Carbonnell, Barcelona) and U.S. (A. Levander, Rice) investigators, is named PICASSO for Program to Investigate Convective Alboran Sea System Overturn, and has been selected as a pilot program for the nascent EuroArray and Topo-Europe programs. A project web page gives more details of the PICASSO proposal, including information from the workshop held in June, 2005 ( Delamination, convective overturn, and lithospheric Rayleigh-Taylor instability are general terms describing a phenomenon of the orogenic cycle. The three terms refer to a process in which a substantial part of an orogenic lithosphere, often including the lowermost crust, is removed by negative buoyancy forces exposing the lower crust to asthenospheric mantle and injection of mantle derived basaltic melts. For the sake of simplicity the term “delamination” will be used to refer to all three processes. Delamination can cause widespread metamorphism and crustal anatexsis, complete remelting of parts of the existing crust, and often extreme uplift and crustal extension. The delaminated lithosphere is returned to the mantle in a non subduction process, making it part of Earth’s larger convective cycle, but one that is not directly part of the plate tectonic cycle. Delamination-like processes are attributed to have caused the western U.S. Basin and Range extensional province, to have caused the uplift of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and other localized uplifts in the western U.S. such as the Colorado Plateau and parts of the Rockies such as the Willawas, OR, and to be ongoing beneath parts of the Altiplano-Puna system and the Tibetan Plateau. Delamination events are thus associated with all of Earth’s great orogenic plateaus, and are possibly associated with most orogenic events, both ancient and modern. Figure 1: Tecronic map of western Mediterranean with survey area in box The orogenic belt of study (Fig. 1), consisting of the compressional belts of southern Spain and northern Morocco, and the extensional Alboran Sea, is thought to be the site of a modern, ongoing delamination event. Evidence supporting this comes from seismicity patterns that show seismic activity extending from the base of the crust to the mantle transition zone, limited teleseismic tomography which has outlined a high velocity lithospheric slab in part decoupled from the overlying mountain belt-extensional basin system, observation of low seismic velocities at the base of the crust beneath much of the region indicative of rising asthenosphere replacing the delaminating lithosphere, and basaltic and exotic volcanism in and around the Alboran Sea associated with decompression melting of the rising asthenospheric mantle. This system provides us with a geographically compact region in which to study a wide variety of the geophysical, geodynamic, and geochemical processes associated with delamination. Other major geoscientific questions will be addressed at the same time, such as the reason for the elevation of central Spain and for the lack of a mantle root beneath the Atlas mountains. Moreover, unlike the Tibetan or Altiplano-Puna systems, the region offers both a controlled experiment in that delamination is thought to be the principal process operative in the last 5 Myr, and a well developed infrastructure for fielding a sophisticated collaborative Earth science experiment. Why is this problem significant? Four competing models are proposed for the Alboran Sea anomaly; retreating subduction, slab break-off, delamination (sensu stricto), and convective removal. The first two describe plate tectonic processes, whereas the latter two are non-plate processes. Despite prior studies, the extant data are insufficient to discriminate between these models, thus even in this controlled natural laboratory we are unable to ascertain the nature of geodynamic processes that are shaping our Earth’s surface. The motivation is to study the lithospheric processes that are affecting the area: if there is a place in the world were delamination is an active process, this is probably it. The way to address the proposed topic with the highest probability of success is a large-scale, multidisciplinary research program that includes structural geology, geodynamic modelling, magnetotellurics, gravity and multi-scale, multi-seismic experiments. These acquisition experiments would be addressed to constrain the crustal and upper mantle structure. The broad interest in the main target of this research program makes it an excellent candidate for the EuroArray pilot experiment, and for a Topo-Europe pilot project. How will the question be addressed? (i.e. Briefly describe the experimental and/or theoretical methods that you plan to use.) The project will include an extensive array of portable broadband land and marine seismograph and magnetotelluric stations extending from central Spain to the Sahara desert, and from the Atlantic Ocean through the Alboran Sea into the Mediterranean Sea, complementing the permanent seismograph networks in the western Mediterranean countries. Other components of the project will include land and marine active seismic investigations, petrology/geochemistry, structural geology, GPS, and geodynamic modelling. The PICASSO consortium is seeking funding from a variety of sources, including the U.S. National Science Foundation, the European Science Foundation under the aegis of EuroArray/Topo-Europe, and the individual science foundations of Europe, including this proposal to Science Foundation Ireland for Irish participation. Seismological instrumentation will be provided by the IRIS/PASSCAL instrumentation facility, the European instrumentation facility at the GFZ, and from individual institutions and national governments, including DIAS. Magnetotelluric leadership and instrumentation will be provided principally by DIAS and the University of Barcelona, with other European and U.S. institutions taking part. An approximate experimental plan for the profiling component is shown in Fig. 2. This plan is subject to change depending on the successes of the proposals to the various funding agencies. In addition to these profiles, under the auspices of EuroArray there will be seismic and magnetotelluric acquisition on land, with a 50x50 km grid, within the whole area of study outlined in Fig. 1. Additional oceanbottom seismic and magnetotelluric measurements are expected to be proposed by appropriate groups in Europe and the U.S. To a large extend the magnetotelluric and seismic acquisition do not need to run concurrently, and indeed there are compelling logistical and scientific arguments for having the magnetotelluric acquisition in advance of the seismic work. The fieldwork for the magnetotelluric component funded by SFI would take place in 2007 and 2008, with the two (or three) DIAS-based students who would be supported by the project funding starting their studies in September 2006. Figure 2: PICASSO proposed profiles Although the acquisition methodologies for all of the geoscientific subdisciplines are wellestablished, this project will provide an opportunity for innovation through the integration of all of the data into a coherent, cogent, process description of the whole region. A partial list of the institutions, with key individuals, that have thus far indicated their desire to take part in PICASSO (for a more complete list, please see CSIC Earth Sci. Barcelona: DIAS: GFZ Potsdam: Rice University: UCSD/SDSC/GEON: U. Barcelona U. Copenhagen: U. Leeds U. Leicester: U. Oregon: Utrecht U. R. Carbonnell (PICASSO lead co-PI), J. Gallart A.G. Jones (EuroArray lead co-PI), X. Garcia R. Kind A. Levander (PICASSO lead co-PI), C-T.A. Lee, A. Lenardic, F. Niu D. Seber J. Ledo, A. Marcuello, J. Pous, P. Queralt H. Thybo (EuroArray lead co-PI) G. Houseman P. Maguire (EuroArray lead co-PI) G. Humphreys, D. Toomey W. Spakman Vrije U. Amsterdam S. Cloetingh (Topo-Europe lead PI) What is the recent record of accomplishment in research that argues for project success? The PI (Jones) has a well-established track record for leading large national and international multi-institutional magnetotelluric experiments, principally through his activities in Lithoprobe, INDEPTH, and most recently as project leader for SAMTEX (Southern African Magnetotelluric Experiment), and bringing them to fruition. He has over 100 papers published in the international literature, of which many relate to imaging crustal-scale orogenic processes and integrating magnetotelluric data with data from the other geosciences. Jones was a key figure in the internationally-renowned Lithoprobe programme under which multi-disciplinary geoscientific studies of Canada were conducted over the last 20 years. His experience at leading such projects will prove valuable for the PICASSO project. Since moving to DIAS in 2004 Jones instigated, and together with Professors H. Thybo (U. Copenhagen) and P. Maguire (U. Leicester) initiated, thinking within Europe about the necessity for a pan-European geoscience programme of study for understanding Europe’s formation and evolution. This project is named EuroArray (, and presentations have been given at European (EGU) and international (AGU, IGC) conferences. EuroArray is now a component of Topo-Europe (, led by Professor S. Cloetingh (Amsterdam), for the integrated study of Europe from outer space to the inner core with particular reference to topography and societal implications of short and long term climactic and geodynamic change. PICASSO has been accepted as a pilot project under EuroArray and Topo-Europe auspices, and Jones is on the PICASSO International Steering Committee. Also, since 2004 Jones has built an MT group that is the envy of many, with six scientists and four post-graduate Ph.D. students studying MT from theory through processing/analysis to modelling to interpretation. Through Jones, DIAS has a formal memorandum of understanding with the University of Barcelona, home to another significant and active MT group. Together, these two groups will form the nexus of the MT work on PICASSO. What is the value of this research to the people of Ireland? Understanding how the Earth works is fundamental to our very existence on our planet. One of the fundamental tectonic processes that shapes the Earth is recycling of material from the mantle to the surface and back into the mantle. Unless and until this process is fully understood where it can be actively observed in action, we have no hope of ever explaining the past tectonic history of the Earth. In particular, the tectonic history of Ireland, with its major orogenic episodes, especially the closure of the Iapetus Ocean, will only be correctly known when we are able to understand and explain current tectonism. Secondly, PICASSO is in itself a highly worthwhile international project that Ireland should be a part of. However, it is also the pilot project for EuroArray and Topo-Europe, both of which are major proposals for pan-European geoscience for the next decade. Ireland should not miss out on the opportunity to be part of, indeed to play a leading role, in both of these. Finally, under SFI funding for PICASSO at least two, and possibly three, Ph.D.-level graduate students will be supported and trained within a large project that offers broad scale opportunities for undertaking holistic geoscience to tackle a major geoscientific problem. SFI Short Curriculum Vitae (2006): Alan G. Jones (family name: Menzel-Jones) Education: B.Sc. 1969-1972 Physics University of Nottingham M.Sc. 1972-1973 Applied Geophysics University of Birmingham Ph.D. 1973-1977 Geophysics University of Edinburgh Employment – Permanent: University of Münster, Germany 1977 - 1981 Scientific Associate (BAT-IIa) University of Toronto, Canada 1982 - 1983 Research Associate Geological Survey of Canada 1984 - 2003 Res. Scientist, Senior Res. Scientist Dublin Inst. Advanced Studies 2003 - present Senior Professor, Head of Geophys. Employment – Honorary: Syracuse University, New York 1996 - present Adjunct Professor Queen’s University, Kingston 1996 - present Adjunct Professor Trinity College, Dublin 2004 - present Visiting Professor National University Ireland, Galway 2004 - present Adjunct Professor Geological Survey of Canada 2005 - present Visiting Scientist Training (last ten years) M.Sc.: G. McNeice (1997, Memorial U. Newfoundland. Now with Geosystem srl.), K. Solon (2001, Syracuse U. Now with Exxon), J. Spratt (2003, Syracuse U. Now at DIAS), S. Evans (2003, Queen’s U. Now with DeBeers) Ph.D: Max Moorkamp (current, DIAS), Mark Hamilton (current, DIAS), Anna Avdeeva (current, DIAS), Marion Miensopust (current, DIAS) Publications in international literature: 107 (as of 25 September, 2005) Full list can be viewed at: Relevant Publications (PICASSO pre-proposal) 1. Jones, A.G., 1998. Waves of the future: Superior inferences from collocated seismic and electromagnetic experiments. Tectonophys., 286, 273-298. (Invited review paper) 2. Jones, A.G., et al., 2002. Magnetotelluric and teleseismic study across the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, Canadian Shield: A Neoarchean mantle suture? Geophys. Res. Lett., 29 (17), doi: 10.1029/2002GL015359. 3. Jones, A.G., J. Ledo and I.J. Ferguson, 2005. Electromagnetic images of the TransHudson orogen: The North American Central Plains anomaly revealed. Can. J. Earth Sci., 42, 457-478. 4. Solon, K., A.G. Jones, et al., 2005. Structure of the crust in the vicinity of the Banggong-Nujiang suture central Tibet from INDEPTH magnetotelluric data. J. Geophys. Res., accepted, 11 April, 2005. 5. Jones, A.G., et al., 2005. The electrical resistivity structure of Archean to Tertiary lithosphere along 3,200 km of SNORCLE profiles, northwestern Canada. Can. J. Earth Sci., accepted, 13 July, 2005. Grants/awards/funding held (last five years): 1. SAMTEX: SFI, Ireland, 2005-2008. Award €172,000 (PI) 2. ISLE-MT: IRCSET, Ireland, 2003-2006. Award €171,645 (PI) 3. Slave2Bear: NWT Government, Canada, 2004. Total of C$250,000 (Co-PI. PI: V. Jackson). Subcontract award to A.G. Jones ~C$70,000. 4. Kaapvaal: Nat. Science Foundation, USA, 2003-2005. Total of US$522,411 (Co-PI). 5. INDEPTH4: Nat. Science Foundation, USA, 2004-2007. Total of US$522,411 (Co-PI). 6. Central Baffin: Internal GSC funding, 2001-2003. Total of C$2,540,000 (PI: M. StOnge). Amount controlled by A.G. Jones C$202,000. 7. Slave Lakes: Nat. Science Foundation, USA, 1999-2002. Total of US$384,643 (Co-PI). 8. SNORCLE: Lithoprobe, Canada, 1996-2000. Total for MT component in excess of C$500,000 (PI).
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